Raspberry Pi Camera Training - HI-TEC Conference

Raspberry Pi Training Presenters: Michael Davis, Ph.D. Jonathan Ashdown, Ph.D. Abraham Michelen, Ph.D. Hi-TEC Preconference Workshop July 27 th , 2015

Transcript of Raspberry Pi Camera Training - HI-TEC Conference

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Raspberry Pi Training Presenters:

Michael Davis, Ph.D. Jonathan Ashdown, Ph.D. Abraham Michelen, Ph.D.

Hi-TEC Preconference Workshop July 27th, 2015

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Raspberry Pi Training Presenters:

Michael Davis, Ph.D. Jonathan Ashdown, Ph.D. Abraham Michelen, Ph.D.

Hi-TEC Preconference Workshop July 27th, 2015

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• This training is fully sponsored by BATEC (Broadening Advanced Technological Education Connections) and NEATEC (Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center)

• You will leave with the equipment you are trained on today. • Before today is over, we will:

• Turn on and configure the Raspberry Pi. • Update its operating system. • Tinker with the GUI • Connect the camera • Take pictures with a Bash script • Use a Python program to take time lapse photos. • Connect a sensor to the Raspberry Pi to activate the camera based on movement.

• A similar training has been delivered to more than 100 middle/high school educators in Illinois.

• Our expectation is that you will use it in your classrooms and/or after school clubs to engage students in technology to solve problems

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Think back to an earlier computer

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What is the Raspberry Pi?

Description • Designed by Eben Upton with an

emphasis in computer programming. • Small computer, runs on Linux. • Very small power draw (1.21 Watts) • 40 GPIOs • 4 USB Ports • HDMI output • 3.5mm jack • Micro USB for power • Ethernet plug-in

Raspberry Pi B+

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Plug it in!


• Plug in the HDMI cable / Pi-View

• Plug in the USB Devices • Keyboard • Mouse Wireless dongle

• Plug in the Ethernet cable.

• Plug in the power (last)

Should Look a bit like this

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What you should see

What you are doing

• We have modified SD cards that have the Raspian Wheezy OS.

• It will load the Raspian image directly, and quickly.

• This is the operating system for the computer.

• Login = pi

• Password = raspberry

Look a little like this

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Access the Graphical User Interface (GUI)

What you are doing

• At the command line type


• This will start the graphical user interface for the RPi.

• Its like seeing the windows desktop.

Look a little like this

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Play Around in the GUI


• Find the web browser

• Open Scratch

• Open Minecraft

• Find the wireless configuration

• Find the terminal

Play around and see what you find

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Play Around in the Terminal

Terminal Commands Command Effect

pwd Shows you the present working directory

mkdir name Makes a directory

cd name Changes the directory

cd .. Moves back one level in the directory

cd ~ Moves to the home directory

ls Lists the contents of the directory.

sudo Super User Do Common Linux Commands

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Make a Directory to Put Pictures In


• Command

cd ~

mkdir camera


• We will plug in the camera and start taking pictures.

• We will have to tell the camera where those pictures should be stored.

• We will want to access those pictures from another computer.

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File management – Prepare to take pictures • You may want to set up a folder to store the pictures you are taking.

• The goal is to take a picture and put it in file, that goes in to the command.

Command Effect Example

pwd Present working directory, where you currently are.

mkdir Make a new folder mkdir camera

cd Change directory cd camera

cd .. Return to previous directory cd ..

cd /home/pi/camera Go to a specific directory cd /home/pi/camera

ls List contents ls

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Helpful Video for Plugging in the Camera

• Lift up the small black guide by the Ethernet port.

• The small electrical contacts on the ribbon face the end with the power cord.

• Avoid any kind of static or sparks.

• Plug in, turn on the Rasberry Pi after it is connected.

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Configure the Camera

• You may need to configure the camera.

sudo raspi-config Select Enable Camera and then Finish. • You will be asked to reboot. Go

ahead. • This only needs to be done once.

• Camera Specs • 5 M Pixel • Video Mode – 1080p30, 720p60, and

640x480p60/90 • Full Frame SLR Lens Eq. – 35mm • Fixed Focus – 1m to infinity • F-Stop – 2.9 • Focal length – 3.60mm • Can do up to 90 frames/second video at

640x480 resolution.

Full Specs

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Lets take a selfie.

• From the command line use this script

raspistill –o picture.jpg

• This tells the computer to use a program called raspistill and output (o) a file called picture.jpg

• With the default settings this will be a 2.4MB file.

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Raspistill has a lot of customizable commands

Effect Command Default

Preview -p TRUE

No Preview -n FALSE

Sharpness -sh 0

Contrast -co 0

Brightness -br 0

Horizontal Flip -hf FALSE

Vertical Flip -vf FALSE

Shutter Speed -ss N/A Up to 6s

Sample commands

• Flips the image • raspistill –vf -hf –o picture.jpg

• Increase the contrast • raspistill –co 50 –o picture.jpg

Complete list

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Raspistill Image Effects

Effect Command

Negative -ifx negative

Solarise -ifx solarize

Sketch -ifx sketch

Oilpaint -ifx oilpaint

Watercolour -ifx watercolour

Film -ifx film

Try various image effects.

Save each image separately.

Save over individual images.

raspistill –ifx negative –o picture.jpg

Complete list

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How to do time lapse photos

1. Make sure you have a folder you want to save everything to.

2. Type the command

raspistill –o /home/pi/camera/picture%03d.jpg –tl 10000 –t 120000

Program Output

destination and file name.

3 digit number to appear after camera (001, 002, 003, etc)

Time lapse in milliseconds between pictures

Total time in milliseconds for all pictures

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The End Product

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Things to think about with time lapse projects

• What is something that will change slowly but dramatically? • Seedlings • Crystals • Bacterial growth • Decay

• How often will you need to take pictures? • How much space will you need for those pictures? • What can I control?

• Lights • Power

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A python program for doing time lapse

• Open your web browser and visit the site below. Scroll down to the portion on time lapse. • https://www.raspberrypi.org/learning/python-picamera-setup/worksheet.md • Copy the program. • Open terminal

• cd camera • sudo nano camera.py (Makes a file called camera.py) • Right click will paste the program. • Control O saves the program. Control X exits the program.

• Run the program • sudo apt-get update • sudo apt-get install python-pip • sudo pip install –U RPi.GPIO

• sudo python camera.py

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Make some changes to the program

• Video_Days = 1 • Frames_Per_Hour = • Frames = Frames_Per_Hour * 8 * Video_Days • Cam.capture(‘/home/pi/camera/frame%03d.jpg’ % frame)

• Run the program

• sudo python camera.py & • The & runs it in the background. You will see a job number.

• End the program • sudo kill job number

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Schedule the program to begin when you want • sudo crontab –e • Opens a table of repeatable events for crontab to run. • Format

• * * * * * python /home/pi/camera/python.py • (min) (hour) (day of month) (month) (day of week) • 30 10 * * * python /home/pi/camera/python.py

• Will run this program every day at 10:30 • 30 14 13 * * python /home/pi/camera/python.py

• Will run this program at 14:30 (2:30) on the 13th day of every month. • 30 8 * * 0 python /home/pi/camera/python.py

• Will run this program at 8:30 every Sunday. • @reboot python /home/pi/camera/python.py

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These pictures were taken with a Raspberry Pi using this Python program.

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Camera Takes Video Too


• The camera can also take video.

• Use it to take slow motion video with a high frame rate.

• Up to 90 frames per second depending on the resolution.

Video Made in my Lab

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How to do videos

1. Make sure you have a folder you want to save everything to.

2. Type the command

Raspivid –w 640 –h 480 –fps 90 –t 20000 –o /home/pi/camera/movie.h264

Program Width and height of the image

Length of video in milliseconds

Output location Frame speed

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Now lets get those pictures/files

On your Raspberry Pi

• Determine the IP address

sudo ifconfig

On your preferred computer

• Make sure you are on the same network as the Raspberry Pi.

• Download WinSCP • This is a program that will enable

File Transfer Protocol between your computer and the Pi.

• Very user friendly interface.

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Local computer on the left, remote computer (RPi) on the right.

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Got a lot of photos, how do I make a time lapse movie?

Download Movie Maker Light, free video editing • Import all photos.

• Since they are ordered sequentially, they will be in time order.

• Select all photos. • Change the time to something

like 0.16 seconds per frame. • Export as a AVI or MP4 or… • Enjoy your movie!

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Get clever

Use other things as lenses Other Hacks

• Loosen the lens to make a macro camera.

• Zoom in on things.

• Attach different lenses for panoramic pictures.

• Use the blue filter with the Pi NoIR camera to take infragram images.

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Macro Lens and Infragram

Infragram Image – Raspberry Pi NoIR Macro Lens

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Lots of ways to skin a cat.

Can I use Dropbox? • You can, and its pretty easy.

• Instructions • Requirements

• Dropbox account • Developer access

• Benefits • You can automatically upload files to

Dropbox. • You can have a Python program take

pictures and send them to Dropbox. • Check on your photos from


Can I use a Python program • You can, and build it to your

needs. • Instructions

• Requirements • A little programming experience,

but not much.

• Benefits • You can tell your computer to take

pictures in the way you want, when you want.

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Potential Projects / Asks

• Make a Photobooth that will take a picture when a button is pushed, and email it to the user.

• Example • Take a picture of something at the same time everyday. • Start taking time lapse photos at the same time everyday and upload them

to Dropbox or a remote server at the end of the day. • Take video with the Raspberry Pi Camera

• Example • Control the Raspberry Pi Camera from another computer.

• Example • Control the Raspberry Pi Camera from your phone.

• Example

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Raspberry Pi Training: Part II Make Your Own Security Camera Using the

Raspberry Pi Jonathan Ashdown, Ph.D. Abraham Michelen, Ph.D.

Michael Davis, Ph.D. Hi-TEC Preconference Workshop

July 27th, 2015

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What You Will Learn

• After completing this project, you will be able to: – Set up and configure a Raspberry Pi

– Take pictures with the Pi Camera

– Connect and configure a Passive Infrared (PIR) sensor

– Write a basic Python program to trigger the camera after detecting movement using the PIR sensor

– Store the recorded video files

– Play the recorded video files back from the command line

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What You Will Need

• Raspberry Pi, keyboard, mouse, and monitor:

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What You Will Need

• To implement security camera using the Raspberry Pi, you will need the following (in addition to keyboard, mouse, and monitor):

– Raspberry Pi Camera Module

– Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensor

– Three Female to Female Jumper wires

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Step 1: Connecting Camera To Pi

– Step-by-Step Instructions:

– Pull up on locking lever using thumb and index finger for the CSI Camera Connector (pictured above as a white tab to the right of HDMI port)

– Insert ribbon cable into slot with metal pins facing AWAY from ethernet port

– Press down on both sides of white locking lever to secure the connector in place

– Video Instructions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DosQ0V39WAA

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Step 2: Connecting PIR Sensor

– Connect VCC pin of PIR sensor to +5 V on Pi (use pin 2 pictured above)

– Connect GND pin of PIR sensor to GND on Pi (use pin 4 pictured above)

– Connect OUT pint of PIR sensor to GPIO 4 on Pi (Pin 7 pictured above) *Note: All three of the above connections use female-to-female jumper wire

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Step 3: Update Packages

• Before moving forward, we need to update the packages to ensure we all have the latest, most up-to-date versions. To do this, follow these steps: – Press startx if in command line mode to enter graphical user interface

– Open up LXterminal

– Type the following line in Lxterminal exactly as it appears below:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

– These commands will download the latest packages and update the old packages with new packages

– Wait...(7 – 10 minutes)

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Step 4: Enable Camera

– Open Lxterminal

– Type the following line in Lxterminal exactly as it appears below:

sudo raspi-config

– Use the down arrow on keyboard to choose setup option 5

– Press Enter

– Under “Enable Support for Raspberry Pi camera”?

– Select <Enable>

– Under setup options, Select <Finish>

– Under “Would you like to reboot now”? Select <Yes>

– Wait until Raspberry Pi reboots

• Next we need to make sure the camera is enabled. To do this, follow these steps:

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Step 5: Taking Pictures

– Open Lxterminal

– Type the following line in Lxterminal exactly as it appears below:

raspistill –o image.jpg –t 3000

– The –t 3000 portion above is optional but basically functions as a self timer and delays the taking of the photo by 3000 milliseconds (or 3 seconds). You can change this delay to match your preference.

– Image will be stored on desktop

– Click on image file to view it

• To take still photos using the Raspberry Pi, follow these steps:

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Step 6: Taking Videos

– Open Lxterminal

– Type the following line in Lxterminal exactly as it appears below:

raspivid –o video.h264 –t 10000

– The –t 10000 portion above will take a video for 10000 milliseconds (or 10 seconds). You can change the video length to match your preference.

– H264 is the video codec format

– Filename is video. You can change the filename to your preference.

– Ex: raspivid –o Jon.h264 –t 5000

– The above would make a 5 second video called Jon in the h264 video format

• To take videos using the Raspberry Pi, follow these steps:

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Step 7: Video Playback

– Open Lxterminal

– Navigate to appropriate directory where video is stored using cd and ls commands

– Type the following line in Lxterminal exactly as it appears below:

omxplayer yourvideoname.h264

– Example: To play back my video named Jon.h264, I would type:

omxplayer Jon.h264

– Did your video play back ok!? If so, GREAT! If not, feel free to call over an instructor for some help.

• To play back videos using the Raspberry Pi, follow these steps:

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Step 8: Testing the PIR Motion Sensor

– Note: This python program will be extended to include the camera later

– When PIR motion sensor detects movement, the sensor applies power to its OUT pin

– (recall from step 2 that OUT is connected to GPIO pin 4 on the Pi)

– Program breakdown

– Set up Raspberry Pi GPIO pins to allow us to use pin 4 as an input

– It can then detect when the PIR module sends power

– We need to monitor the status of this pin constantly for any changes and so will use a while True loop for this.

– This is an infinite loop so the program will run forever unless we stop it manually by typing Ctrl + C.

• We will use the Python programming language to write some basic code that will detect movement and print out some text.

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Step 8: Testing the PIR Motion Sensor (Cont’d)

– Open up Lxterminal, and type the following line exactly as it appears below to create a new python (.py) file named pirtest:

nano pirtest.py

– Enter or copy and paste the following code exactly as it appears below:

– Press Ctrl + O to save and Ctrl + X to quit

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Step 8: Testing the PIR Motion Sensor (Cont’d)

– Now run the Python file by entering the following line in LXterminal:

sudo python3 pirtest.py

– Wave hand in front of PIR sensor. What do you see?

– If you see something like the following then your PIR sensor and our program are working properly:

GPIO pin 4 is HIGH

GPIO pin 4 is LOW

GPIO pin 4 is HIGH

GPIO pin 4 is HIGH

– Press Ctrl + C when you want to exit

– Note: You can adjust the sensitivity and detection time of the PIR sensor using the two orange potentiometers and a phillips head screwdriver.

– Begin by setting the sesitivity to max and the time to min (feel free to vary this later).

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Step 9: Program Camera to Trigger on Movement

– Make a copy of the preview program and we’ll use that for this step:

– Within Lxterminal, type the line below exactly:

cp pirtest.py pirCamera.py

– Now use the following command to edit the file:

nano pirCamera.py

– We need to add some lines of code to make the camera and sensor work together:

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Step 9: Program Camera to Trigger on Movement (Cont’d)

– We need to add some lines of code to make the camera and sensor work together.

– Enter or copy and paste the lines of code below into your new file named pirCamera.py

3 new additions

(note: the hashtag symbol (#) is used for writing comments in Python)

– Press Ctrl + O to save and Ctrl + X to quit

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Step 10: Recording to a File and Playing Back

– We need to add some more lines of code to make the camera and sensor work together to actually record video to the SD card of your Raspberry Pi.

– Within Lxterminal, type the following to edit your pirCamera.py file:

nano pirCamera.py

– Add the new lines of code shown

– Press Ctrl + O to save and Ctrl + X to quit

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Step 10: Recording to a File and Playing Back(Cont’d)

– We are now ready to run our security camera program!

– Within Lxterminal, type the following line exactly:

sudo python3 pirCamera.py

– Wave your hand in front of your PIR sensor

– What happens?

– If you are hooked up to your monitor, you should see a short video record whenever your sensor detects motion!

– Press Ctrl + C to exit

– These files are stored on your desktop and are saved in the following format: MONTH-DAY_HOUR.MINUTE.SECOND.h264

– h264 is the format the video will be recorded in (Note: it’s the same format used by YouTube).

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Step 10: Recording to a File and Playing Back(Cont’d)

Looks like somebody found the cookie jar… With some help from dad, of course!

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Step 10: Recording to a File and Playing Back(Cont’d)

Filling up her pool on a hot day. Caught on camera!

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Step 10: Recording to a File and Playing Back(Cont’d)

– To playback video, we will use omxplayer.

– Within Lxterminal, type the following line exactly:

omxplayer <file> -o hdmi

– For example,

omxplayer 2015-03-11_10.24.18.h264 –o hdmi

– Tip: Use the ls command to see what files have been recorded and are available for playback

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• In this workshop, you learned how to: – Set up and configure a Raspberry Pi – Take pictures with the Pi Camera – Connect and configure a Passive Infrared (PIR) sensor – Write basic Python programs to trigger the camera after detecting

movement using the PIR sensor – Store the recorded video files – Play the recorded video files back from the command line

• Question: How might you integrate this knowledge gleaned into the classroom or into your daily life?

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Required Evaluation

• http://conta.cc/1LNVjD6

• Required to leave with the equipment.

• Complete before leaving.