QUESTION BANK STD II EVS I Semester Portions L 1 - About ... - EVS - (I SEM).pdf · QUESTION BANK...

QUESTION BANK STD II EVS I Semester Portions L 1 - About Me I. Match the Following: 1. Class II 2. Dish dosa 3. Toy ball II. Write true or false: 1. I throw the waste paper in the dustbin [ ] 2. I can play with my cycle. [ ] 3. I study in I STD. [ ] III. Answer the following: 1. What is your name?(1) 2. How old are you?(1) IV. Answer the following: 1. What is the name of your school and where is it situated?[3 marks] V. Complete this Invitation Card: 3m L2 - My Family I. Fill in the blanks: 1. We love our ______________ and care for them. 2. My father's parents are my __________________ II. Write true or False: 1. The nuclear family is a small family. ( ) 2. We do not live and enjoy playing together. [ 3. My father's parents are Grandparents[

Transcript of QUESTION BANK STD II EVS I Semester Portions L 1 - About ... - EVS - (I SEM).pdf · QUESTION BANK...



I Semester Portions

L 1 - About Me

I. Match the Following: 1. Class II

2. Dish dosa

3. Toy ball

II. Write true or false:

1. I throw the waste paper in the dustbin [ ]

2. I can play with my cycle. [ ]

3. I study in I STD. [ ]

III. Answer the following:

1. What is your name?(1)

2. How old are you?(1)

IV. Answer the following:

1. What is the name of your school and where is it situated?[3 marks]

V. Complete this Invitation Card: 3m

L2 - My Family

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. We love our ______________ and care for them.

2. My father's parents are my __________________

II. Write true or False:

1. The nuclear family is a small family. ( )

2. We do not live and enjoy playing together. [

3. My father's parents are Grandparents[

III. Match The Following:

1. Uncle Aunt

2. Father Mother

3. Grandmother Grand father

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. Besides vacations, when do all the family members meet? (2M)

2. What is a small family? (2m)

3. What do we write to remain in touch with our relatives?(3M)

V. Tick the correct answers.

1. A joint family is a _____________family.

(a) single (b) small (c) big

2. My father’s younger brother is my

(a) uncle (b) aunt (c) grandfather

3. My uncle’s children are my

(a) uncles (b) cousins (c) aunts

4. Nitika's family is a

(a) small family (b) big family (c) joint family

VI. Write the names of the following members of your family:

1. Father ________________ Mother _______________

Grandfather ___________________Grandmother________________

VII. Identify the members of family and write any three: 3m

L – 3 - Fun with the Family

I. Answer the following questions:

1. Where does Nitika's family go on a holiday? (1m)

2. What keeps us fresh and active? (2m)

3. What is recreation? (3m)

II. Fill in the blanks (1m)

1. We enjoy going to a........................

2. We see a number of old and wonderful things in the........................

3. The ......................... make us laugh in a circus.

4. We should not tease the animals in the.........................

III. Choose the correct word (1m)

1. We see clowns in a

a. Garden b. circus c. zoo

2. We should not ___________ the animals we see in the zoo.

a. Tease b. see c. know

3. Recreation makes us feel

a. Fresh b. sad c. tired

4. A place where we can see a number of animals is a

1. Garden b. Park c. zoo

IV. Write true or false:1m

1. The clowns makes us cry [ ]

2. Recreation helps us to relax our mind.[ ]

3. When it is hot ,we stay inside our home[ ]

4. We do not see old and wonderful things in the zoo[ ]

5. We should not tease animals in the zoo. [ ]

V. Write your favorite: 1m

1. Indoor game______________

2. Outdoor game_______________

3. T.V programme ______________

4. Cartoon character____________

5. Poem________________

VI. Match the following:1m

1. Recreation fresh

2. Cricket out door

3. Ludo indoor

4. Museum wonderful things

5. Circus acrobats

VII. Draw; 2m

A Television

L- 4 - Growing Up

I. Answer the following questions:

1. From where does a birdling come out?(1 mark)

2. Which things grow? (2 marks)

3. How do a baby grow? (3 marks

II. Fill in the blanks (1m)

1. Seedlings grow into fully grown......................................

2. A bird's egg hatches into a small......................................

3. When we are born, we are.........................................

4. Children grow up and become......................................

III. Choose the correct word: 1m

1. All living things __________ [grow, do not grow, remain the same]

2. The eldest member of the family is a____________ [child, grandfather, father]

3. The thing I wanted as a baby is_____________[a book, a bat, a milk bottle]

4. Small plant is also called a___________[birdling,baby,seedling]

IV. Write true or false: 1m

1. A bird grows from an egg. ( )

2. All living things do not grow. ( )

3. Young plant grow in to small plant. ( )

4. We all have changes as we grow older( )

V. Do as directed:

1. Seed, seedling, grandfather, plant. (Circle the odd one in each group)

2. Child, bus, father, mother. (Circle the odd one in each group)

VI. Match the following: 1m

1. Seed seedling

2. My parents care

3. Utsav teenager

4. Jatin boy

VII. Number them according to their ages: 2m

VIII. Draw a Seedling plant.2m

L - 5 - How Our Body Works I. Answer the following questions:

1. Name four internal organs of the body. (2 marks)

b.................., l ....................., s...................... , h......................,

2. Name the two internal organs found in the chest. (1 mark)

.............................., ..............................

3. How are bones and muscles useful for us?(3marks)

II. Fill in the blanks: 1m

1. The __________ is inside our head.

2. There are _____________ lungs inside our chest.

3. Our body is made up of bones and ____________

4. The food we eat and swallow goes in to our___________

III. Write true or false: 1m

1. Our heart pumps blood to all parts of our body. ( )

2. The stomach digest the food we eat. ( )

3. We should take proper care of our body. ( )

4. External organs are those that cannot be seen. ( )

5. There are three lungs inside our chest. ( )

IV. Choose the correct word: 1m

1. Lungs help us to _______________(talk, eat ,breathe)

2. Which is not an internal organ?__________(nose, brain, kidney)

3. After we swallow our food ,it goes in to our_________(brain, stomach, lungs)

4. Our body is a ___________ machine.(living, nonliving , working)

V. Do as directed: 1m

1. Tiger, heart, brain, lungs. Circle the odd one in each group

2. Tongue, eyes, tree, ears. Circle the odd one in each group

3. Think and write: Which organ is used to?


4. Think and write: Which organ is used to?

Pump blood to all parts of the body________

5. Think and write: Which organ is used to?

Digest food______

6. Think and write: Which organ is used to?


7. Complete the words with the help of the given picture clues: 1m


8. Complete the words with the help of the given picture clues: 1m


V. Match the following: 1m

1. Internal organ stomach

2. External organ nose

3. Lungs air

4. Heart pumps blood

VII. Draw an Eye:2m

L – 6 - Food We Eat I. Answer the following questions:

1. What are energy-giving foods?[2M]

2. What are body-building foods?[2M]

3. What are protective foods?[2M]

4. Who are vegetarians?[3 M]

5. Name two cereals.[1M]

II. Fill in the blanks:[1m]

1. There are _____main kinds of food.

2. Body building foods builds up our __________and muscles.

3. We cannot live without__________.

III. Choose the correct word:[1m]

1. Plants gives us cereals like _____________[rice,apple,tomato]

2. The food that we do not eat raw__________[carrot, rice, radish]

3. People who eat fish eggs and meat are


4. Which of the following food is an energy-giving food_______[rice,milk,egg]

IV. Write true or false:[1m]

1. Food help us to grow. [ ]

2. Plants gives us egg and meat. [ ]

3. We should drink a lot of water. [ ]

4. We should eat food at regular interval. [ ]

5. Protective food prevents us from falling sick. [ ]

V. Do as directed:[1m]

1. Work, grow, play, star. (Circle the odd one in each group)

2. Milk, hockey, fish, egg. (Circle the odd one in each group)

VI. Match the following:[1m]

1. Food stay healthy

2. Pulses pea

3. Cereals wheat

4. Water digests food

5. Animal meat.

VII. Draw[ 2m]

a) A Fruit

b) A Vegetable


L – 7 - We All Need Water I. Answer the following questions:

1. List any four uses of water(.2 MARKS)

2. Name any two ways of cleaning water at home.(2Marks)

3. Why should we drink clean water?(3 Marks)

4. What is the main source of water on the earth?(1 mark)

5. How are streams and rivers formed?(3 Marks)

II. Fill in the blanks:[1m]

1. We need __________ for putting out a fire.

2. We use ______________- to draw underground water.

3. Boiling water kills the ____________in it.

III. Choose the correct word:[1m]

1. The main source of water on earth is__________(river, lake, rain)

2. Water from the mountains comes down in the form of ___________(snow, rivers,vapour)

3. To get underground water , we dig __________(wells ,lakes, ponds)

4. We can clean water by_____________(boiling, water filter, both)

IV. Write true or false:[1m]

1. Boiling water kills germs( )

2. Rain water fills rivers, lakes, ponds and streams. ( )

3. Water is very useful .We must not waste it. ( )

V. Match the following:[1m]

1. Bottle to store water.

2. Hand pump to draw water.

3. Water filter clean water.

VI. Do as directed:[1m]

a) Look at the picture and name the source of water:

a) b) c)

VII. Draw a bucket.[2m]

L – 8 - Houses We Live In I. Fill in the blanks:[1m]

1. A___________ is a floating house.

2. Mountaineers and campers put up___________

3. We should keep our house___________

4. A house made of bricks, cement and steel is a ____________

II. Choose the correct answer:[1m]

1. A house made of canvas is called a__________ (tent, house boat, bungalow)

2. A house protect us from ___________(heat, cold, both)

3. Nomads live in ___________(flats, igloos, wheel caravans)

III. Write true or false:[1m]

1. House protect us from heat, cold and rain – [ ]

2. House that can be moved from one place to another is a permanent house –[ ]

3. Houses made of canvas are called tent – [ ]

IV. Match the following:[1m]

1. Igloo snow

2. Tent canvas

3. Nomads caravans

4. House boat floating

V. Do as directed:[1m]

1. Circle the odd one

(a) Heat paper cold rain

(b) Tent caravan table houseboat

2. Write the names of the houses shown in the pictures:[1m]

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do we need a house? [1m]

2. What is a temporary house?[3m]

3. What is an igloo?[1m]

4. Why do some houses have slanting roofs?[2 m]

VII. Draw an igloo:[2m]

L – 9 - Sweet Home I. Answer the following questions:

1. Name any four rooms of a home[2m]

2. How should we keep our house?[1m]

3. Name two animals that spread disease?2m]

4. What are the things used to clean our house?[3m]

II. Match the following:[1m]

1. Mosquitoes diseases

2. Mop clean

3. Rangoli festival.

III. Write true or false:[1m]

1. Living together teaches us to love one another, share work or things.[ ]

2. We should keep our house dirty.[ ]

3. We enjoy helping our parents.[ ]

IV. Choose the correct word:[1m]

1. A kitchen is a room in which we____________[ cook ,take a bath]

2. The animal that can make us sick in our home is a __________[cow, mosquito]

3. What do we remove from every corner of the rooms in our home?________[cobwebs,


V. Fill in the blanks:[1m]

1. The houses in which we live with our family is called a__________

2. Mosquitoes spread __________ and make us sick.

3. We can help our parent’s by____________ the floor.

4. We use a ____________ to clean our home.

5. We should share _________ and things.

VI. Do as directed:[1m]

1. Name the picture of the rooms: __________________

2. Name the picture of the rooms: ______________________

3. Name the picture of the rooms: ______________________

4. Name the picture of the rooms: __________________

5. Name the picture of the rooms: ___________________

6. Name the picture of the rooms: ______________________

7. Name the picture of the rooms: ______________________

8. Name the picture of the rooms: ________________________

VII. Draw a house and colour it:1[2m]

L – 10 - Useful Animals I. Answer the following questions:

1. Name any two animals that carry load for us.(2m)

2. Name any two animals that are used to carry people. (2m).

3. Name any two things that we get from milk.(2m)

4. Name any two woolen clothes that we get from wool.(2 m)

5. How is honey useful for us?(2 marks)

6. Which animal plough our field? (1 mark)

7. How is milk useful for us?(3 marks)

Do as directed

II. Name the picture [1m]

1. ______________________

2. _______________________

3. _______________________

III. Fill in the blanks:[1m]

1. We gets eggs from_____________

2. We get wool from ___________

3. We get silk from ________________

4. A________________ carries load for us.

IV. Choose the correct answer:[1m]

1. We get honey from __________[ trees, honeybees]

2. Which of the following is a pet?___________[cheetah, dog]

3. The animal which doesn’t give us milk is the_________[elephant, cow]

4. We get butter from ____________[water, milk]

V. Match the following:[`m]

a) Dog guard homes

b) Cat keeps mice away

c) Honey bees give honey

VI. Write true or false:[1m]

1. We get egg from sheep.[ ]

2. Cow dung cakes are used as fuel in villages[ ]

3. We should kill animals for leather.[ ]

VII. Draw a silk worm:[2m]

L – 11 - Plant Kingdom I. Answer the following questions:

1. Name any four shrubs[2.m]

2. Name any four herbs.[2m]

3. Name any two climbers [2m].

4. Why are leaves important for a plant?[3m]

5. Write one use of thorns for plants?[1m]

6. What is a trunk?[2m]

Do as directed;.

II. Name the picture; [1m]

1. __________________

2. _________________


III. Write true or false:[1m]

1. Tall and weak plants are called trees [ ]

2. Some trees live for hundreds of years. [ ]

3. Thorns are sharp and pointed and can hurt you if you touch them.[ ]

IV. Match the following:[1m]

1. Money plant climber

2. Rice herb

3. Lemon shrub

V. Fill in the blanks:[1m]

1. Most leaves are _____________ in colour.

2. Flowers grow in to _______________

3. ___________ cannot stand on their own.

4. ___________ leaves are big in size.

5. Some trees live ___________________ of years.

6. Peas, grapevine and money plant are__________.

VI. Choose the correct word:[1m]

1. Tall and strong plants are called____________ [creepers, trees]

2. The jasmine is a _____________[shrub, climber]

3. Green stem is found in _________[trees ,herb]

4. A ____________ plant has thorns. [apple, rose]

DO as directed

VII. Circle the odd word:[1m]

1. Mango, leaf, banyan, peepal.

2. Tomato, mint, rice, root.

VIII. Draw coconut tree:[2m]