Proposal 1

PROPOSAL 1 Nasrin Choudhory Courtney McDonough Nicole Gandy

Transcript of Proposal 1

PROPOSAL 1 Nasrin ChoudhoryCourtney McDonoughNicole Gandy


The trailer shall start of with a voiceover from Willow's teacher, explaining a history project. Meanwhile it will be shown, that Willow is searching the library for a book. Within the scene, Willow then finds a diary, belonging to Judith (a girl similar to her age, from the 1940's) explaining her love story, between herself and Walter. As the trailer continues, there are similarities within Judith and Willows love life, Willows being with Jasper.

Judith's Story: She meets Walter in a restaurant, whilst out with her two friends. John (3rd party in love triangle) grabs Judith as she is about to walk away, seeing her struggle Walter steps in helping her. This is how they meet for the first time. The relationship between Judith and Walter develops, then Walter is called to leave for war again. The two stay in contact through letters, however this stops overtime. Judith left in her sorrows with no contact with Walter, decides to move on. She reconsiders John, and decides to move on in life by marrying him. The marriage between Judith and John is one of appearance. Suddenly Walter returns, ready to sweep Judith off her feet, and the love triangle begins.


Close Ups - Show the characters emotions and facial expressions.

Two Shots - The 1940's couple in the restaurant and also the modern couple in the library.

Medium Shot - See the interactions between characters, and also the fashion of the time.

Long Shot - Show the setting of the 1940's and the modern day being 2014.

High/ Low angle - Class & status differences between 1940's characters.

Establishing Shots - Detail of Locations.

Tracking Shots


The differences between 2014 tracks and the 1940 tracks which are more traditional.

Bringing 1940s music in to the present times.

The use of diegetic sounds such as: background noise, people conversing etc.

Vocals/ Classical

Voice overs - which explain the narrative.


Split screen - To show the similarities between the two main characters. (synchronization)

Graphic match of the two main characters.

Montage - The journey of the 1940d couple.

Parallel editing to show the action in different areas. (comparison)

Fade - Throughout the trailer representing the change from past and present.

Flashbacks - to show the 1940's, as if were seeing the book relive its story.


The Present: 2014

Bringing the 1940’s fashion into the present e.g. gingham print and mid length skirts

Hair styled similar with a modern twist

Location idea – Library where she finds the diary

The Past: 1940’s

Tea dresses

Fedora hats

Long fur coats

Kitten heels

Styled hair

Location idea – Restaurant

White gloves