Project Foki editors are people. PART 1: MonkaS · Project Foki Prologue It was a chilly, spring...

Project Foki Prologue It was a chilly, spring day in Los Angeles, California. Among the league of legends community, a few content creators, destined for greatness, lived comfortably within a gamer house. Though this seemingly ordinary day had finally come to pass, a creative young fellow by the name of Fedmyster, had a different plan for today. A plan so cunning and witty, that you’d momentarily want to think that editors are people. PART 1: MonkaS Pokimane: "Thank you all for watching!!! Bye see you all next time!" *blows kisses*. Fedmyster: She's finally done.... it's now or never. The dark-haired boy smirked. The evil smirk she knew so well remained hidden by the darkness of the corridor. It was time for Fedmyster to make his move. With caution, Fed entered Poki’s room. Fed: "Are you ready or... do you need a few minutes?", he asked shyly. Poki: "I'm already dressed but there's a few things I have to get…. Where is it!?", her voice trailed off as she rummaged through her purse. Fed: "All right, take your time I'll just wait near the front door", replied Fed. He knew better than to bother Poki while she was searching through her stuff. Especially when he knew he needed to be on his best behavior tonight.

Transcript of Project Foki editors are people. PART 1: MonkaS · Project Foki Prologue It was a chilly, spring...

Page 1: Project Foki editors are people. PART 1: MonkaS · Project Foki Prologue It was a chilly, spring day in Los Angeles, California. Among the league of legends community, a few content

Project Foki


It was a chilly, spring day in Los Angeles, California. Among the league of legends community,

a few content creators, destined for greatness, lived comfortably within a gamer house. Though this

seemingly ordinary day had finally come to pass, a creative young fellow by the name of Fedmyster,

had a different plan for today. A plan so cunning and witty, that you’d momentarily want to think that

editors are people.

PART 1: MonkaS


"Thank you all for watching!!! Bye see you all next time!" *blows kisses*.


She's finally done.... it's now or never.

The dark-haired boy smirked. The evil smirk she knew so well remained hidden by the darkness of the

corridor. It was time for Fedmyster to make his move. With caution, Fed entered Poki’s room.


"Are you ready or... do you need a few minutes?", he asked shyly.


"I'm already dressed but there's a few things I have to get…. Where is it!?", her voice trailed off as she

rummaged through her purse.


"All right, take your time I'll just wait near the front door", replied Fed. He knew better than to bother

Poki while she was searching through her stuff. Especially when he knew he needed to be on his best

behavior tonight.

Page 2: Project Foki editors are people. PART 1: MonkaS · Project Foki Prologue It was a chilly, spring day in Los Angeles, California. Among the league of legends community, a few content

Smiling to himself, he stepped out of Poki's room, and proceeded down the staircase to the front door.

Poki, who had just finished a short stream, anxiously searched for her phone and wallet, unaware of

what her sneaky friend had in store for her.

Fed chuckled as he waited for the inevitable.


She'll never figure it out. I just gotta execute everything perfectly....

Ten minutes had passed, and it was starting to get late. It had only been three days since Fed had made

a reservation at "Amore Mio", one of LA's best Italian restaurants. It was a great way for him and his

best friend, Poki, to celebrate reaching one million followers on twitch.



"No seriously, don't worry about I already made the reservation and everything. Dinner's on me this



"I don't know, isn't this a little much...Fed? It's really pricey and-"


"-You deserve it, Imane", he grinned.


"Awww thanks Fed." She smiled, with her face tinted red. "I hope the food is worth it."

End flashback

Page 3: Project Foki editors are people. PART 1: MonkaS · Project Foki Prologue It was a chilly, spring day in Los Angeles, California. Among the league of legends community, a few content


"FED!", she yelled from across the house.

Fed, already knowing what came next, immediately returned to Poki's room.


"What's wrong?", he asked halfheartedly.


"Dude, I don't know where I put my phone, and my wallet's gone too! I swear I had them while I was

streaming... it's like they just got up and-. ... Fed ... did you take my phone!?" She sneered.


He hid his smirk. "Wait what? Why would I do that? I mean come on, not right before we have to


Poki glared at him. Normally, this would have Fed written all over it, but why would he do it right before-


"Oh, the uber's already here!", he exclaimed.


"Wait I thought we agreed that I’d pay for the ride since you're paying the food?", She replied



"Nah it's fine don't worry about it. I got tons of dinero.", he said while flashing several bills.

Poki rolled her eyes.

Page 4: Project Foki editors are people. PART 1: MonkaS · Project Foki Prologue It was a chilly, spring day in Los Angeles, California. Among the league of legends community, a few content


"Look, I know you gotta find your phone and wallet but, ... since I already made the reservations and the

uber's here, can we just like... go? You could use my phone if anything."

Poki bit her lip. Finally, the moment of truth. Would she take the bait? Fed held his breath.


"I mean...", she hesitated. Her warm chocolate eyes met with Feds. His heart fluttered a bit. He knew

she would say no. She would never agree to go out without her phone or wallet.

Poki sighed. "I guess we could. I mean it's not like I was planning to drink so it's not like I need my ID.

Also, you're paying so... I can look for them later... but this is only because we’re going to Amore Mio!"

Fed's eyes lit up. It worked! Baited and outsmarted, Pogchamp.


"Are you sure though?", he said with a concerned look.

It was risky, but he had to act natural. Under normal circumstances he'd never try to put Poki in an

awkward position without being worried. He hoped she'd still say yes.


"Yeah whatever let's just go. I'll just use your phone", she smiled.

Poki and Fed hurried down the stairs.

"Wait, where are you guys going?"

Page 5: Project Foki editors are people. PART 1: MonkaS · Project Foki Prologue It was a chilly, spring day in Los Angeles, California. Among the league of legends community, a few content

Exiting the kitchen, the man stared awkwardly at Poki. His large torso and friendly face made him a

difficult person to find strife with. His glasses gave him a seemingly calm and collective appearance.




"We were just about to head over to Amore Mio.", replied Fed with a stern voice.


"Wait what you guys are going to an Italian restaurant? Why didn't you say anything I thought we were

ordering Pizza toni-" he argued but was interrupted by a restless Fed.


"Sorry the uber's already here we gotta go. Just order without us.", Fed pressed on Poki's back in an

attempt to guide her out the front door.


"Honestly Fed I-"


"Sorry no time, text me if anything", he snickered as Poki made her way to the uber.

Poki laughed as he followed her into the backseat of the car. Her heels made it difficult to get into the

car at first, but the backseat was spacious enough to make them get comfortable.

Fed's eyes hovered between the window and Poki. Though she had taken his phone to look at memes,

he didn't want to stare directly on at her.

She’d definitely notice, he thought to himself.

Page 6: Project Foki editors are people. PART 1: MonkaS · Project Foki Prologue It was a chilly, spring day in Los Angeles, California. Among the league of legends community, a few content

As weird as it was, he couldn't stop himself from looking. The brown-haired beauty looked stunning with

her freshly straightened hair and casual navy-blue dress. Her eyes twinkled as the street lights from LA's

night life reflected off her pupils. Fed couldn't understand how she could have such a gorgeous look

while having such a loving personality.

...All right back to business, he told himself. His mind refocused once he remembered what he was

carrying in his jet-black Adidas coat. Though it was rare that he got to wear his Taiwanese coat, this

chilly L.A. night provided the perfect cover for what he was hiding from his dearest friend.

He gently brushed her wallet which was safely stowed away in his adequately large pocket. Though her

phone was back in his room at the OfflineTV house, his plan was still on track.


"Fed", said Poki in a small voice. He loved hearing the way her voice spiked when she called his name, it

was cute.

He moved closer to her so that she could lean in. With his phone in her hand she gave a big grin.


"Quote_me_if_merch_released" she sighed, "these memes are getting a lil old if you know what I'm

saying", she whispered. “We need fresh content for the kids”.


"Just wait 'till we go to Paris.”

PART 2: Dinner

Upon arrival, Poki’s jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe that a restaurant with such elegance existed.

Where had Fed taken her? Why such a fancy place? The photos on google maps looked nothing like this.

MonkaS. What the hell is going on?

Page 7: Project Foki editors are people. PART 1: MonkaS · Project Foki Prologue It was a chilly, spring day in Los Angeles, California. Among the league of legends community, a few content


“Fed, the walls are made of marble, … and the lights are so pretty, this place could be an art museum!

How did you find out about this place? I thought when you said Italian we were going to a pizza parlor or

something.”, she said in awe.


“Ah uh, a friend of mine recommended this place for … special occasions. He said it has good pasta, and

since you like spaghetti I figured it’d be a good time to check it out.”, he said nervously.

Fed approached the host while Poki trailed closely behind him.

“Reservation for Federico?”, he stated.

The host, a rather tall man with a slim figure wearing a black suit and bowtie, quickly scanned the list of



“AHHHH Yes, follow me signore [sir] Federico. You have-ah a reservation for two! Certo che parli italiano

[of course you speak Italian].”, said the Host in a cheerful tone.


“Uh, sorry I don’t know Italian, does Spanish work?”, laughed Fed. Poki playfully slapped his arm.


“Ahhhh no problemo my friend, I will make sure your waiter speaks good Spanish!”


“Well actually I-“

But before Fed could finish, the host began walking away and led them through a large dark-looking

room, filled with many candles. To Fed’s knowledge, this restaurant wasn’t supposed to be exclusively

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for couples, but to his surprise, only couples filled the room. Fed and Poki were seated near the back of

the room, not too far from the bathrooms. It was a quiet, but rather spacious place to be seated.


“I love the table cloths, they go so well with the ambience. The candles are a nice touch too… OH

LOOK!”, she exclaimed while pointing towards the host.


“YES Signora! Here are your menus! Please enjoy-ah your night!”.

The host handed Poki two large menus. A giant photo of spaghetti could be seen on the front cover.

Soon enough, the two were finally left alone.


“Were you looking at the photo?”, he smirked.


“LOOK AT THIS SPAGHETTI, LOOK AT THE QUALITY OF THE PHOTO. That’s some good shit right there.”


“How about trying something different? I mean, if you want to that is….”


“You bring me to a fancy place like this and then tell me not to eat my favorite food. BISH you- “, but Fed



“No, I can order spaghetti for you. Like, I wanted spaghetti anyways. You can try something else and I’ll

let you have some of my spaghetti.”, he offered.

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She paused for a moment. “Do you really want spaghetti or are you just trying to be nice? Don’t lie to

me Fed, you can’t lie.”


“No honestly, I want the spaghetti and meatballs with … [monkaS]… their homemade specialty tomato

sauce.”, he lied, but he didn’t care. As long as she was happy, he was happy. After all, he really needed

her to be happy for what comes next….


“Ok, … well if you’re having spaghetti then maybe I can have Lasagna? Or is that too cliché. How about

Rigatoni? Fettuccini? I don’t want to come to a place like this and order a pizza. Maybe I want Penne?”

Fed gave a huge smile


“Wait wait, what did you say you wanted?”


“Uh Penne?... Wait why are you laughing? Uh Fed?”


“AHAHAHA Pene, because Pene means… you know in Spanish… it means” he began laughing

uncontrollably. [Pene = Penis]


“Fed why you gotta be so nasty”, she frowned. “Anyways what pasta should I get?”


Page 10: Project Foki editors are people. PART 1: MonkaS · Project Foki Prologue It was a chilly, spring day in Los Angeles, California. Among the league of legends community, a few content

“Ok um, we could have garlic bread and bruschetta as an appetizer, then maybe you should get penne al

forno, since, knowing you like spaghetti you’ll probably like that too, and to finish off we’ll have



“MonkaS Fed. We’ve barely looked at the menu and you already got a whole meal plan?”


“Well, yeah, I mean Italian food is pretty straight forward. Simple yet … delicious right? Haha. Or actually

did you want Calamari? That’s the thing with the squid right?”


“Nah I think we’re good, … oh hello!”


“Forgive me for making you two wait, we had a little kitchen emergency. My name is Alfredo, and I’ll be

your waiter for this evening. If you have any questions about our food and services, please do not

hesitate to ask.”, Alfredo bowed his head.


“Yes um, I’d like to know what pasta al forno is exactly? What does al forno mean? Is it anything like

spaghetti or…?”


“Of course, al forno means the pasta is prepared with the use of an oven. As you can see from reading

our menu, the sauce is prepared with a large variety of garden-based ingredients. The taste will differ

when compared to traditional spaghetti, but I can assure you that pasta al forno ‘e molto buona.”


Poki glanced at the Waiter. “English? Uh por favor?”, Fed shot her a strong look but Poki already began

laughing hysterically. “Sorry that was Spanish”.

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“Ahahaha I said the pasta will be very good. Yes, in Italian please is “per favore”, very similar to the

Spanish “por favor”.”


“Oh, wow so maybe you can teach me Italian then, you know… for the ladies”, said Fed jokingly.


“Well, I know French at least.”, Poki added.


Alfredo raised an eyebrow. “Oh, you know French? French is wonderful. In fact, I studied it alongside

Spanish. They’re all quite similar, its rather fascinating. Mademoiselle, vous êtes jolie! Oh my, I almost

forgot, I’ll be back in a moment with some water!”


Before Alfredo could leave, Poki gave him a warm smile. “Merci!”


“What? Jolly?”


“He said I’m pretty in French… well you ain’t so bad yourself Alfredo” Poki giggled.


Fed rolled his eyes. “We should tell him we’re ready to order”.

Alfredo quickly returned with a tray holding two fancy glasses filled to the top with water. The glasses

had a vineyard design; mostly with colors that not only gave them a great look but added to the

atmosphere of the restaurant as well.

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“Would you like to start off with anything to drink or…?”


“No thanks, water is fine for now. Uh can we get garlic bread and the bruschetta as appetizers”. He

pointed to photos on the menu.


“Of course, signore.”


“And for the main course, I’ll have the “House Spaghetti”, and for this … -he looked straight at Poki-

wonderful lady, I think she’ll have the “Pasta Al Forno”.”


Poki held her laughter. “Wonderful Pft? Really interesting choice of words.”


“Magnificent choices Sir! I’ll be back soon”, and with that Alfredo hurried along to the kitchen.


“I mean, yeah wonderful. Wait that’s a good thing, why are you laughing? I complimented you.”


“Yah but-”


“Would you have preferred beautiful? You’re beautiful … Imane.”

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Poki immediately blushed, “Thank you” she said softly.

Though she always felt comfortable around him, she quickly grabbed his phone and began scrolling

through whatever memes she could find in an attempt to relieve any tension.

Being with her best friend in such a high-end place, with couples surrounding them, was starting to

provoke something deep from within that she just wasn’t ready to admit to. Or was she?

Fed’s really sweet, she thought to herself. He’s always like this. I hope I can find my phone when we get

back home. Maybe I should ask Lily to look around. I mean it can’t just disappear someone must have

taken it. Maybe I left it in the bathroom? What about my wallet then?


“You ok?”, asked Fed, nonchalantly.


“Yeah, I just sort of wish I had my phone…”, she said, while scrolling through reddit.

Their conversation bounced back and forth between talking about memes, to discussing their future

plans with offlinetv. It was only a matter of time before Alfredo returned, graciously carrying several

plates upon a larger tray with one hand.


“Your food has arrived!”

PART 3: The Ploy

Later that night


“This tiramisu is so good! Here, try some Fed”, she gestured to her plate.

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“Thanks, but actually I’m pretty full, I think I’ll go to the bathroom.”, he said with a ragged voice.

The pocket of his jeans continued to vibrate as Fed hustled to the men’s washroom.

He picked up his phone. “Hey, is everything going according to plan? Hello? Lily?”, he hissed.


“He’s coming to our front door now. Are you sure about this Fed? I don’t even know who this guy is!?

We’re going to be in so much trouble if he-“, she panicked but Fed ignored her.


“Look just trust me. Just give him Poki’s phone. Skylar’s so chill. He won’t do anything to her phone, he’s

just … delivering it somewhere for me. Just get the door and say you’re Lily. He’ll take the phone and be

out of there in no time.”, Fed explained.


“You owe me big time. If anything happens to her phone it’s all on you.”, she exclaimed. “Wait I think

Chris and Pecca are near the front door now … shit, shit, shit they’ll see me what do I tell them!? Skylar’s

about to ring!”


“Uh just tell them he’s your friend that … needs to fix your phone! Yah”, Fed yelled.


“Oh my god. Ok, ok.”.

Lily went silent for about two minutes. Fed anxiously waited in a bathroom stall, his cell phone was

glued to his ear. He hoped Lily would be able to-

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“Ok Fed he has it. Mission accomplished.”, said Lily, proudly.


“Thank you so much, we’ll talk later. I gotta go.”, and with that he hung up the phone and started typing

up a message.

-Sky, you know what to do you right? -

Less than ten seconds later his phone vibrated again.

-I got it bro, no worries. The room is set up, all you gotta do is play along and smash-

He chuckled. He’d have a lot of people to thank if this all worked out in the end.

Fed deleted his messages with Skylar and returned to Poki, who had a little piece of cake left in her



“That took long, are you feeling okay? I left this little piece for you.”, she tapped her plate.


“Yeah, I’m good, I just had to take a dump but there was a line up at the stall haha.”


“Really? I didn’t see anyone walk in for a while though…”


“Yah well it wasn’t really a line, its just that all the stalls were taken, and this one dude was vomiting or

something. … It was really gross, anyways let me try this.”.

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He picked up his fork and took the last piece of tiramisu.

“Wow it’s really good”, he grinned.


“You seem a little too happy. Did you enjoy the bathroom that much?”, Poki saw right through him.


“I’m fine. I just enjoy being here with you.”

Again, silence flooded the table for a moment. Poki tried her best not to react, after all he was being

way too kind. Fed, who now had his phone in his pocket, placed it back on the table.


“I think I’ve used your phone enough, it’s fine.”

But before Fed could speak, his phone began vibrating. He remained still.


“Unknown number? I’ll pick it up if you don’t.”, she said playfully. Little did she know, it was exactly

what he wanted.

A few more seconds passed and Poki grabbed the phone.


“Hello? You have reached Fedmyster!”, she laughed.


“It seems I dialed the right number then.”, said the deep and ominous voice. “Hello Pokimane.”

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“Excuse me? How did you get this number? How do you know me?”


“From your contact list of course. Isn’t it obvious? I’m a huge fan”, clearly the caller was using some kind

of voice changer.


“MY CONTACTS? Hold up you have my cell phone!? How did you get my phone and how did you manage

to crack the passcode?”, Poki grabbed Fed’s arm. “Fed, this crazy dude has my phone what the heck!?”,

She whispered, clearly in full panic mode.


“Wait what!? Put it on speaker…”, he took his phone and changed it to speaker mode. He lowered the

volume to prevent couples close by from hearing. Gently, he took Poki’s hand in his.


“I was right under your nose this whole time. I’ve been following you. I managed to swipe it from you

when you weren’t looking, and now that I’m in, I’m rather hurt you ignored all my past DM’s.”, the voice



Poki scratched her chin. “Fed I swear, this isn’t funny at all, if you have anything to do with this I’ll-


“No Imane its not me! Ok look, … just calm down.”, he looked towards the phone screen. “Listen man, I

don’t know who you are, but I’ll call the cops if you’re not planning to return that phone safely”, Fed

said in a menacing voice.


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“Though you’re in no position to say things like that, I plan on giving it back you anyways. See how kind I

am? I’m an honorary Poki Squad member after all.”, said the voice in a seemingly relaxed tone.

“Pay close attention. Do you know where Bonaventure Hotel is? The only one in Santa Monica. If you

want your phone back, show up at room K1 ASAP. Don’t bother calling the cops, If I see them, hear

them, or even smell them I’ll DM stupid shit to all your buddies and then smash your precious phone

into pieces. Understood? See you both soon.”, and just like that the call ended.


“What the actual fuck, is this guy insane. Why would he want us to go to a hotel room?”


“This makes no sense. I think we should call the police anyways”.


“No, wait. I don’t think we need to. I think we could just go to this place and see what he wants. We’ll

tell someone who works at the hotel that we got this strange call, that way we’ll have back up if

anything crazy goes down. He said K1?”


“Fed, we literally have no idea who this guy is. He could have a weapon for all we know. I’m calling

Pecca, give me your phone-”


“No don’t bother! Look, we’ll just uber to the hotel and let the staff help us out. If you call home they’ll

just worry for no reason, and if they worry, Pecca will definitely call the cops. Let’s at least try to get the

phone back in one piece”, explained Fed.


“… Get an uber. Let’s make this fast. I can’t believe this is actually happening… monkaS.”.

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Fed called Alfredo over. Alfredo, who had just finished serving another table close by, jolted to where

Fed was sitting.


“Here’s a bunch of cash man, keep the change”, he handed Alfredo a rather large sum on money.


“Grazie Signore, perche? Cosa è successo? [Thank you, sir, but why? What happened?] All this money…

1, 2, 3,… sir this is a rather generous tip!”


“What? Gracias? Porque? Look, we have a little emergency going on here, don’t worry about it just keep

the change, thank you so much for the great service, but we gotta run.”, and with that Fed took Poki’s

arm and sped through the dining hall towards the front door. “Uber will be here in a minute”, he added.


“Fed… are you sure about th-“, he placed a finger on her lips.


“Shush, we’ll get your phone back don’t think too much.”

And with that the two gamers hurried off to Bonaventure Hotel.

PART 4: Cucked

Hotel Entrance

The Bonaventure Hotel was one of Santa Monica’s most popular sights, known for its large displays of

postmodernist art and fountain of Zeus. Fed and Poki sprinted across through the main entrance, but

soon found themselves in an awkward spot.

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“This place is so…”


“Magical? It’s like we just stepped into like, a temple or some shit. Isn’t that the Greek lightning guy?”


“You mean Zeus?”


“Yeah I heard he fucked a swan or something. Or was that-“


“Never mind that! Let’s go to the front desk!”

Fed approached the front counter where he made eye contact with a rather Hispanic looking man. His

tanned skin and long dark hair, alongside his dark brown eyes, made him a possible candidate for being

mistaken as someone from out of town.


“Welcome to Hotel Bonaventure. I am Skylar Martinez, one of the assistant managers here at Hotel

Bonaventure. It would be my pleasure to help you book your stay.”, he said with a strong accent.

To Poki’s dismay, Fed turned away from the manager. Smooth Fed, he thought to himself.


“Hello Skylar, I know this is going to sound completely random, but I received a phone call from

someone residing in room K1? Not to alarm anyone, but this someone is apparently a thief who

somehow managed to steal my phone. I know this sounds strange, but I would really like to get my

phone back.”, explained Poki, with sweat starting to form on her forehead.

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The manager scowled. “Miss, this sounds like it could be a threat. Or at the minimum some form of

bait.”, he typed a bunch of words into a hotel computer. “It seems we have no one booked for room K1.

Furthermore, room K1 is on the floor right above basement level, meaning that we only tend to assign

those rooms when all the others are completely booked.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Skylar grabbed a pair of keys from under the desk and handed it to

Fed. “I’ll inform security and join you in just a few moments. In the meantime, feel free to head down to

room K1. Since it’s above the basement, you’ll need to get off at floor F-0.”, he then handed Poki a

device with a big red button.

“If you run into trouble, please miss I urge you to press this button, normally only authorized personnel

are entrusted with this panic button, but as an assistant manager I have the power to lend you this

considering the rather bizarre circumstances. I’ll be right back!”, and with that Skyler walked through a

door labelled “Security Only”.


Poki frowned. “He actually wants us to go down there alone?”


“Well he did give you this panic thingy, let’s just go check it out. The longer we take the worse this

gets.”, Fed rushed over to the elevator. Poki, despite feeling uncomfortable, instinctively followed Fed.


“Floor F-0, room K1. So F0 K1, is that right?”



Five seconds later, the elevator door shot open.


“Looks like the manager still isn’t done talking to security, let’s go…”.

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They entered the elevator and Fed quickly hit the F0 button. Elevator music played in the background.

Moments later the door suddenly opened.


“Over there!”, she yelled. Though the floor was below the main entrance, it was decorated with many

colorful paintings. Poki approached K1.

It was time. Their perfect night was just about to start.

PART 5: Foki

Fed knocked on the door.

No answer.

He reached for the keys. Poki nervously held the panic button.


“Wait, Fed! What if there’s someone in there!?”


“Trust me.”, he smiled. Poki shot him a confused look.

He opened the door, and Poki almost fell down from shock.

A giant bouquet of red roses was placed in the center of a table made entirely out of an amaranth-

looking crystal glass. The table was round and came with two enormous leather seats equipped with red

arm rests. Behind the table, was a queen-sized bed, and in the center of the bed…

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“My phone!”, she ran over to the bed and checked her phone. Strangely enough, she couldn’t turn it on.


“I think it died…. So…. Damn this thief sure knows how to pick a room.”, he said, with a large smile

plastered on his face.


“What if he’s hiding??? What if he- … … …. Fed. No. Fed no you didn’t.”, Poki backed away from Fed

slowly. She didn’t want to believe it.


Fed raised his hands defensively. “You got me. There is no thief.”, he stated, firmly. “Surprise?”


“Then… why? How? What? Who had my phone? How did they call your phone then? Why are we in this

room? Fed?”.

Fed slowly walked over to where Poki was. There faces were now inches apart. Without any sudden

movement, he moved his hand towards her and he gently brushed her hair.


“The assistant manager Skylar, well … actually he’s an old friend of mine. Got him to help me set this up,

…just for one night though.”, he chuckled.


Poki took a step back. “I knew it. In the back of my mind, I knew it had to be you all along. That explains

why you were acting so weird. So why? The roses? A hotel room? What?”, she tried to process where

Fed was going with this, but her mind rejected the gestures. An isolated room? Solely for them two? For

just one night? A fancy dinner? It was obvious what Fed was trying to do, but although Poki’s heart was

fluttering, her mind was lost.

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Fed continued to play with her hair. He finally broke eye contact with her.


“Do you like the flowers?”, he asked.


“They’re pretty.”, she replied, without thinking.


“I needed to do this…”, he explained while bringing his hand to her cheek.


“Fed. We’ve spoken about this before. Don’t…”, she tried to stop it, but deep inside she was starting to



“Maybe I’m stupid for doing this, but you need to hear it at least one more time, Imane.”, he caressed

her cheek. Suddenly Poki moved a little closer. She didn’t say anything, in fact, she couldn’t.


“Imane. I’ve had these feelings for a while now, you’re beautiful, both on the inside and out. The truth

is, I can’t remember a time where I’ve really felt happy, without you being there and-”




“Listen, please. Imane. Let me have this one night.”, and with that he finally managed to close the gap

between them. Her body pressed against his, and he could feel her warmth radiating through his entire

body. Without letting go of her cheek, he slowly pressed his lips against the other one, and brought his

mouth back up to her ear.

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“Fed… I don’t know if-“, she started but she somehow stopped herself. Her face turned bright red.


“Imane, I love you.”


“FED-”, she gave a little squeal, but again was interrupted.


“Yes, even if you miss your Ori ults sometimes…”, he pulled her face in and his lips met hers.

Poki surrendered herself to his will. She wasn’t sure about anything anymore, but she didn’t care. All she

knew was that this somehow felt right. She trusted Fed with all her heart, he wouldn’t hurt her.

Thirty seconds had passed, and they broke apart for air. A huge smile was left on Fed’s face. Poki herself

was flustered, though she wouldn’t admit to it.


“My wallet?”, she whimpered.


“-Is in my jacket pocket”. Fed reached for her wallet and handed it to her.

Poki slowly opened the wallet


“Why did you need to take- FED! MY GOD!”, she slapped his arm.

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Fed giggled. “Stop with the abuse!”.


“YOU PUT THIS!”, she lifted a square shaped plastic wrapped … item … from her wallet, “IN MY WALLET!



“Let’s put it to use.”, he looked over to the bed. “After you, sweetheart”, he laughed.



he pressed his thumb against her mouth.


“Imane…”, he said in a seductive voice. Poki, who was already flustered from their kiss, and upset about

her wallet, stood completely still, lost in a delirious state. Her heart wouldn’t deny him. Deep inside, she

wanted him. And Fed continued to poke her heart with a stick.

He reached for his pants and slowly began to undress. As long as she didn’t refuse, he knew it was

acceptable. Whether or not she’d openly admit her deepest feelings to him however, was a different


He reached for her again, and they slowly backed up towards the bed.

Without using words, he caressed her arms and legs, and she began to remove her attire. He tried to

catch her lips again, and this time she kissed him back. As the couple made their way under the sheets,

Fed let out a tear of joy.


“Fed…”, she said with a cute tone.

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“I’ve been holding it in for a long time …”, he sobbed for a few seconds, but managed to recompose


“Let’s do this. For the content?”


“Uh yah, haha, that’s why you we’re doing this. For the content!’, she smiled sarcastically.


“Looks like FOKI is a thing after all.”, but before she could say anything he embraced her and with that

their very exciting night at the Bonaventure hotel had begun.

PART 6: Aftermath


“So let me get this straight, you somehow managed to sneak into my room, grab my phone and wallet

while I was in the bathroom during my stream, not get snitched on by twitch chat, stick a condom in my

wallet, get lily to give my phone to a stranger, get that stranger to bait me into coming to a hotel room,

have that stranger set up the hotel room, all for free, without being caught?”, she questioned.


“First of all, he’s an old friend not a stranger, second of all he’s an assistant manager, I trust the dude.

Third of all, I wouldn’t exactly call this free, I owe Skylar and Lily a lot.”, he fell silent for a moment.

“But it was all worth it … you’re worth it, Imane”, he said as they cuddled on their queen-sized bed.


“Aw … you’re so sweet Fed …, but wait how did he change his voice, also what’s with the panic button is

that even a real thing?”

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“All he had to do was use a voice changing app. Uh ye… about that panic button. Maybe you should’ve

pressed it sooner haha…”, his voice trailed off.


“Why? What does it-“, Poki pressed the button, and before she knew it, a large pop sound came from

behind the bed. Followed by a gust of air, the two lovebirds were soon covered in confetti.


“Yeah see it would’ve been great for the surprise, right?”


Poki sighed. “I mean if you were trying to kill the mood, then yes”, she laughed.


“So…, what do we do now? Would you rather we spend the night here…?”, Fed said while wiggling his



“I mean… what time is it? Holy! It’s like 3 AM Fed! Hasn’t anyone tried calling you?”


“Uh not that I know of”, he hesitated while pulling out his phone. “Oh, well I did get a call from Chris but

other than that nothing”.


“Let’s just go home now”, Poki stated.

Fed’s eyes dropped to the floor. Disappointment flooded his eyes as he made his way to the door. All

this had just gone down all she had to say was let’s go home!?

Page 29: Project Foki editors are people. PART 1: MonkaS · Project Foki Prologue It was a chilly, spring day in Los Angeles, California. Among the league of legends community, a few content

“Wait … Fed”, she said lightly. “This was really, really nice. You have no idea how much appreciation I

have for you, and-”


“And what?”


Poki bit her lip. “And I- … I need more time”.




“No, I mean…, I need more time to reflect upon what we are. Whatever just happened … really did

happen. I … I feel strongly about you, Fed, but this is all too much, too soon!”, she explained.


“It’s ok Imane, I get it.”

Poki ran over to Fed and opened her arms. She embraced him for about a minute. Though she had every

right to feel confused, he still couldn’t help himself from feeling inadequate.


“All right let’s get going. Smile Fed, please. For me….”, she said while looking into his eyes.

Fed turned away from her, but a smile soon formed again on his face.


On the plus side, at least this was way better than any Nalgada I’ve ever given her!

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Authors Note:

As a huge OfflineTV fan, I was inspired to write this fanfiction story as a start for a series of short stories

/ light novels I plan to write in the near future. This story in particular was written for Fedmyster, who I

adore with all my heart (Scarra and Poki are close seconds, by the way). Keep up the content guys.

Feel free to share the story.


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