Print analysis 2


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‘Lungs’ is the official Florence and the Machine print advert which was released in 2009. Her music focuses on English indie rock and her target audience aims at young adults.

This print advert relies heavily on the main image of the artist. It’s main feature is the necklace that the artist is wearing around her neck. It visualises the name of the album, but is also used for showing another picture of Florence so she becomes more recognisable with the audience, this is supported by Goodwin's theory, as the record label requires a close up of the artist/. The necklace itself is very entropic as it is something visually striking an not what the audience would expect to see. The way they have shown it being warn around the artists neck transforms it into an iconic piece associated with the artist and her music.

The representation of the lungs symbolises her unique and quirky personality. As the lungs are a bright red, it could suggest that they are allowing her not only to breathe but to expand as an artist. The soft mellow colours surrounding the artist within the image resemble and mirror her feelings she emits throughout her music. Delicate flowers and green scenery seen surrounding the artist could be resembling the natural and organic feel that the artist wanted has been shown and not manufactured by the record label.

An entropic feature seen within this print advert is how the artists eyes are closed and her face is turned to the side. The lack of eye contact suggests the relaxed attitude the artist has towards her music and doesn’t want to come across as serious and emotionless.

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An redundant element is the font the artist uses as it a constant font that is commonly seen on her albums, adverts and products. By using the same font it creates a visual brand motif and allows to become a recognisable font for her target audience, relating to Goodwin’s theory. His theory indicates that record labels use visual motifs as a part of creating a brand image for the artist.

The style of the font consists of a decorative flare which suggests the artists individual and unique personality. The other texted used within the advert consist of a basic and simple font therefore resembling the simplicity of her music. ‘Lungs’ the title of the album has been displayed under the illustration of the lungs which again relates back to Goodwin’s theory. His theory indicates that there are links between the visuals and the text. I feel by including the word ‘Lungs’ I feel it emphasises the illustration.

To appeal to her indie target audience different formats the album is available on have been listed such as vinyl. By allowing vinyl to be a format her audience can purchase it on allows a vintage theme to be seen within her music. An advantage of having a variety of formats to buy the album doesn’t limit people to just a CD and can appeal to a wider audience.


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The print advert doesn’t include music reviews which could suggest the artist doesn’t want opinions from branded magazines instead she rather have the opinions from her fans. This could also be suggesting the artist wants to become recognised for her sense of individuality and guiding her own journey to fame.

An redundant feature is the website included at the bottom on the advert. By including the website it allows her audience to found out more about the release of the album and allows them to discover information about her gigs, blogs, videos and news.

Another redundant feature is the release date included in the print advert. This is a common element seen within print adverts as it allows her fans to be excited and aware of the release of her album.