Powerteenz Fact-Sheet

A MISSIONARY MOVEMENT AT THE SERVICE OF THE CHURCH Powerteenz An Adolescent Formation Program initiated by Jesus Youth 2009


Powerteenz! Fact sheet 2009. Here are the details of Powerteenz, a catholic movement to empower the teenagers

Transcript of Powerteenz Fact-Sheet


PowerteenzAn Adolescent Formation Program initiated by Jesus Youth


An Initiative of Jesus Youth2


The Executive Committee which was formed when thepowerteenz project was initiated in 2008

Rev. Fr.Shajan Thermadom : (Chairman K.S.T)

Rev. Fr. Jose Anchanickal : (Member K.S.T)

Rev. Fr. Abraham Pallivathukkal S.J : (Jesus Youth International Team)

Rev. Dr. Thomas Kallukalam C.M.I : (Animator K.Y.C.T)

Prof.George V.M : (Vice Chairman K.S.T)

Dr. Edward Edezhathu : (State president K.C.S.L)

Manoj Sunny : (Co-Ordinator Jesus Youth International Team)

Siljo Thomas : (Co-Ordinator Jesus Youth National Team)

Sr. Sergius C.M.C : (Elder K.Y.C.T)

P.P George : (Chairman, Marine Drive Bible Convention Committee)

Prof.P.C Thomas : ( Director, Entrance Coaching centreThrissur)

Adv. Raiju Varghese : (Jesus Youth International Team)

Bijo Joy : ( Co-Ordinator K.Y .C.T)

Denny K.D : (General Co-Ordinator , Powerteenz 08)

Dr. Chackochan Njavallil : (Elder, K.Y.C.T)


Cardinal Mar Varkey Vithayathil(President,C.B.C.I.,Major Archbishop,Syro Malabar Chruch)

Baselius Mar Clemis(Major Archbishop, Syro Malankara Church)

Rt.Rev.Dr.Daniel Acharuparambil(President,K.C.B.C.)

Mar. Andrews Thazhath(Secretary,K.C.B.C.,Archbishop, Thrissur Arch Diases)

Mar. Thomas Chakiath(Chairman,Charismatic Commission,K.C.B.C)

Rt.Rev. Dr.Stanley Roman(Chairman, Education Commission, K.C.B.C)

An Initiative of Jesus Youth3

Powerteenz is an adolescent formation program initiated by the

Kerala Jesus Youth with the support of

Kerala Service Team of the Catholic Charistmatic Renewal

and is encouraged and supported by the

Kerala Catholic Bishops' Council. The main objective of the

program is to reach out to the teenagers of Kerala,

with the everlasting message of faith, hope and love through Jesus.

An Initiative of Jesus Youth4

An evangelizer once sent a group of people to

share their faith with non believers.

One man came back and reported,

“Two and a half people had become Christians.”

“What do you mean…two and a half?”

asked the evangelizer.

“Oh, it is simple. There were two adults and a 13 year old boy – he is the half.”

“You have got it backwards,” replied the evangelizer.

“The half would be the adults, because half their lives are gone.

The boy has his whole life ahead of him to live for Jesus Christ.”

“Young people exert a very important influence in modern society. The

circumstances of their life, their habits of thought, their relations with their

families have been completely transformed….The growth of their social

importance demands from them a corresponding apostolic activity; and indeed

their natural character inclines them in this direction.”

(Vatican II; Lay People, 12)

An Initiative of Jesus Youth5

This is the Truth…….We live in an age which is for the youth and by the youth. The latest technology and the latest

goods, the media and the market – it’s all for them. It is no wonder when we consider that about three

billion of the world’s population is under the age of 25. Internet opens to them the gates of knowledge and

entertainment that knows no bounds. These well informed technology kids with surplus money and

depleting values are the prime target of global media and business. The media provides them with heroes

and role models, tells them what to wear and what to buy and immerses them in a fast moving world of


“For the first time in human history , children are hearing most of the stories,

most of the time, not from their parents or school or churches or neighbours, but

from a handful of global conglomerates that have something to sell. It is impossible

to over estimate the radical effects that this has on the way our children grow up,

the way they live and the way we conduct our af fairs.” - George Garbner.

Nuclear consumer minded families, commercialized education, ritualized and institutionalized religion

and the mass media controlled by large business groups have failed to teach eternal values to the youth, without which,

the youth have become self-centered and unscrupulous.

Hence, the need of the time – to reach out to these dynamic, energetic and gifted youngsters – to

make them witnesses, evangelizers and heroes of Christ. To call them to Christ it is necessary to enter

their world, understand their culture, understand the stages in their development, proclaim the gospel to

them in their language and help them to become evangelizers to their own friends. We need to create a

teenage culture where Jesus becomes the teens’ best friend.

Powerteenz is an answer to this need of the time. It exploits the technology which captivates and

enslaves the teens to turn their attention to the one and only hero and their best friend – Jesus.

An Initiative of Jesus Youth6

Powerteenz is an adolescent formation program initiated

by Jesus Youth for teenage students. It was launched in June 2008

with three day initiation programs in 72 schools, and spreading

through seven months in the form of one day follow up programs

in schools (Power Series – VIBGYOR), leading to the Powerteenz


The program is specifically oriented towards teenagers,

keeping in view their requirements and interests. In the fast paced

world of today’s teenagers, the traditional modes of evangelization

have little impact. But it is not the Gospel that is outdated, but our

method of evangelization. So the need of the hour is to exploit the

technology of today to present the Eternal Truth before youngsters

in their own language. Jesus Youth Movement, a group of

committed and dynamic young people has taken up the challenge

of this evangelization through Powerteenz.

Powerteenz is a systematic program consisting of an initial

program, a follow up and a get together. Last year, 20826 teenagers

participated in the program across Kerala. This year, regional

summits are also encouraged to facilitate total participation.

Two wordsaboutpowerteenz

An Initiative of Jesus Youth7

Powerteenz is planned and executed so that teenagers get a life changing experience that

motivates them to strive for an integrated personality with a solid foundation of faith in Jesus.

Unlike the previous generations, today’s teens have the world, rich in information and experiences,

at their fingertips. They are provided with a multitude of choices – in education, in career and in

life. But it is a sad fact that very few of them are well – equipped to meet these challenges without

getting hurt spiritually, morally, mentally or even physically. This is the age of friendships and teens

are ever on the quest for the perfect friend whom they can trust.

Powerteenz sets out to assist them in this quest. It helps them to meet the perfect friend who

gave up His life for them. Their abundant energy is channelized through a life of commitment in

His service where they find satisfaction and an answer to all their hopes and yearnings.

Our beloved late Pope John Paul II, the champion of all youth, urged young people ‘to swim

against the current.’ It is a tough but worthwhile task. Powerteenz is meant to motivate teens to

begin a life of ‘swimming against the current.’ And it brings them into Jesus Youth, the movement

of Jesus’ youth where they meet with peers and elders and experience the joy of loving, of sharing

and of friendships that are Jesus-centered.

An Initiative of Jesus Youth8

Teenagers spend about 70 % of their waking hours at school and in school related activities.

As such, it is natural that any change that affects them will be reflected in the school milieu. A

small group of committed and ener getic teens can work marvel lous changes in their peers and

transform the entire school atmosphere.

Teenagers have a high sense of moral and social responsibility, a passion to achieve goals coupled

with enormous energy and dynamism. It is this combination of strengths that make them vulnerable to

political parties, various organizations, media as well as any idealist who cares to convince them. It is the

responsibility and the privilege of the schools to mould them for Christ. Such a Jesus- centered group in a

school creates a pool of skilled and innovative minds endowed with personal integrity, professional ingenuity

and social commitment. They become the foundation for a dedicated student community.

Benefit to the Schools

An Initiative of Jesus Youth9


Indigo - Red PowerteenzSummit




PowerteenzNet work



PowerteenzFilm Festival

One DayPowerteenz



An Initiative of Jesus Youth10

Powerteenz Vocabulary

Powerteenz It is an adolescent formation program initiated by the Kerala Jesus Youth in the

year 2008.

Violet It is the three day initiation program to be held in various schools. Separate sessions

are conducted for Christian and non-Christian students.

VIBGYOR It is monthly follow-up session s planned in connection with Powerteenz. It

starts with the three day initiation program in the month of June and ends with

Red in December/January.

Team Five –

Volunteers Five Jesus Youth volunteers are assigned to each school to support the Powerteenz

sessions. They comprise mainly students from regular and professional colleges

in Kerala. They are expected to work as mentors for the teenagers in their growing

up process.

Zones The state of Kerala is divided in to 23 zones starting from Kasargod in the North

to Neyyattinkara in the South.


Newsletter It is the newsletter which is published by the Powerteenz coordinating team to

update the members regarding the developments related to Powerteenz.

An Initiative of Jesus Youth11


Retreat This is a week-long initiation charismatic retreat arranged by the Powerteenz team

for the outgoing +2 students in the month of April/May. Sessions on career choices,

guidelines for those who will be studying outside Kerala etc. are some of the

highlights of the Powerteenz retreat.


Talent Week This is a special training program for those who have participated in the Powerteenz

school programs. Experts including people from film industry will be providing

training in the area of music both vocal and instrumental, literature, arts, drama

and leadership.


Festival It is a bunch of innovative competitions specially designed to cater to the tastes of

today’s teenagers. The plan is to organize it during the Onam holidays.


Course This is a specially designed course for the participants of Powerteenz programs to

be organized in specially selected schools for a small group of students.


Network Powerteenz is planning to make use of the power of the internet

in building the Kingdom of God. An elaborate friendship network has been designedas

as a new forum for the teenagers at www.powerteenz.com


Summit It is the one day get together of the participants of the Powerteenz programs in a



Intercession We consider Powerteenz as a spiritual endeavour. A large number of people are praying

to support the Powerteenz activities.

An Initiative of Jesus Youth12


The day st arts with a short introductory ceremony where the Head of the institution introduces theprogramme and the team. Then the team takes over and st arts with the theme song and the themeanimation after a short prayer. The school-in-charge explains what is going to happen in the series.

Day I10.00 am Introductory ceremony10.15 am Introduction & VAT (Value Added Tips. Each VAT is a package consisting of

songs, action songs, short video sessions, prayer sessions etc..)11.00 am Session I11.30 am Break11.45 am VAT12.15 pm Session II12.45 pm VAT01.00 pm Lunch Break01.30 pm VAT02.30 pm Session III03.00 pm VAT04.00 pm To Home


This VIBGYOR schedule contain s the time schedule, names of sessions and tips we used . Powerteenzcontains initiation program called Violet, six follow up programes and one summit. The initial program andall other follow up gatherings should be developed and conducted based on a theme. These themes are veryhelpful to the participants to grow in faith, patriotism and also very helpful to develop a good career futher.

Objectives. 1. To Develop self esteem2. To create consciousness about the sinful trends of today’ s world

DAY PROCESS> Short Introductory programme

> School In-charge introduces the team> Theme song and presentation> Short prayer

> Song (Every person is a gift of God)> Session -1.. I am precious

> Break> Presentation -1.1 The Bridge> Sharing in buzz groups> Song (Ente Daivom Enneyennum

Snehikkunnu..)> Session - II -I am gifted

> Presentation - 1.2 Nick

> Listing groups and share in buz z groups> Song (Every person in the gift...)> Lunch break> Song (Cast your burdens)> Presentation 1.3 Problems of today’s world> Session - III - My maze> Confession starts simultaneously> Presentation - 1.4 Crucifixion – 1> Song (Esuvinte Swanthamakuvan ...)> Tips to make a good confession> Adoration - Sin and repentance

An Initiative of Jesus Youth13


Day II10.00 am VAT11.00 am Session IV11.30 am Break11.45 am VAT12.30 pm Session V01.00 pm Lunch Break01.30 pm VAT02.30 pm Holy Eucharist03.20 pm VAT04.00 pm To homes


Objectives. 1. To develop a sense of worthy living2. Help them to study effectively

DAY PROCESS> Theme Song and presentation> Teaching a new song (I will fight the fight)> Short praise and worship

> Session - IV - my role and my purpose> Presentation - 2.1 Brazil

> Break> Action song (I will fight the fight)> Presentation - 2.2 My Role in my Family, School

and Society> Song (Daivom Enne Snehikkunnuu ....)> Presentation - 2.3 John Paul II

> Session V: Holiness is Possible

> Presentation 2.4 Maria Goretti

> Lunch Break

> Song (Swargasthanaya Thathaneppol ...)(Its me, It’s me, It’s me oh! Lord)

> Presentation 2.5 SMS and 2.6 St. Augustine> Holy Mass> Presentation 2.7 A box - Black to white

> Adoration (Inner healing)Songs : Change my heart oh!Lord In your darkness Sanctify me oh! lord

> A testimony

Objectives. 1. To be proud of being a catholic2.` To develop a need of sharing Jesus.

DAY PROCESS> Theme song and presentation> Action song (Who gives the faith for the fa fa fa)> Presentation - 3.1 Pamela’s Prayer> Short praise and worship> Song (More love., more power) Session - VI - True

love> Break> Action song (Sinjanja hai ...)> Presentation - 3.2 False love

> Short prayer> Presentation - 3.3 St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare

> Holy Mass (1 cori. 13)

> Lunch break> Song (Munthiri chediyil shahakal Nammal ....)(Christ has no body ...)> Presentation -3.4 sufferings in the colosseum

> Session - VII - My Church Presentation -

3.5 No Compromise in Life

3.6 That’s why we are praise him mission

> Introduction to VIBGYOR> Adoration - Element of Holy Spirit

An Initiative of Jesus Youth14

Day III10.00 am VAT

11.00 am Session VI

11.30 am Break

11.45 am VAT

12.10 pm Holy Eucharist

01.00 pm Lunch Break

01.30 pm VAT

02.30 pm Session VII

03.20 pm VAT

04.00 pm To the field


Time Schedule09.00 am VAT

10.00 am Session- My Jesus

10.30 am Break

10.45 am VAT

11.15 am Bible Study

11.25 am Character study

11.40 am VAT

12.20 pm Adoration

Objectives.1. To develop a personal relationship with Jesus2. Help them to pray meaningfully in person3. Help them to Obedient

DAY PROCESS> Theme song and presentation

> Action song (I want to clap, clap, clap...)> Presentation - 4.1 Dancing Jesus> Song (Njanuranganay Tharattu padunna Daivom ...)> Short praise and worship> Presentation - Clipping from Passion of the Christ> Session I - My Jesus> Break> Song (What friend I have in Jesus...)

> Presentation - 4.2 Padre Pio

> Tips for personal prayer

> Song (Jesus Sweet Jesus ...)

> Bible study

> Presentation - 4.3 Obedience -

Role of Teacher > Adoration - Song

(1) My life is in you ....

(2) Yesuve Yesuve....

(3) Thank you Jesus ... YOUR CHOICE -

(1) 4.4 Jesus in Jeans

(2) 4.5 My King Jesus(3) A testimony

An Initiative of Jesus Youth15


Time Schedule09.00 am VAT10.00 am Session - My Nation10.30 am Break10.45 am VAT11.30 am Bible study11.40 am VAT11.55 am Saint study12.10 pm VAT12.20 pm Adoration

POWER GREEN Treasure Hunt

Objectives.1. To Develop true patriotism2. To develop commitment3. To inculcate the value of option for the poor

DAY PROCESS> Theme song and presentation> Action song (Jump for Jesus)> Presentation- 5.1 Vandemataram> Song (Bharathame nin raksha nin kaikalil...)

> Prayer> Session - My nation> Presentation- 5.2 Gandhi

> Break> Song (The lord is my tower...)> Presentation- 5.3 Francis Assisi and leprosy

patient and Mother Theresa> Song (Ellavarum Pankuvachum,parasnejathil


> Bible study

> Testimony - How do I help the poor ?

> Presentation- 5.4 Manhole

> Saint of the day> Adoration - standing on the outline map with

candle > songs

(1) It’s me, It’s me, It’s me Oh lord(2) Sing praise and bless the lord> Presentation- 5.5 Nature and 5.6 Janaganamana -

old man

Objectives.1. Help them to discover their talents2. Motivate them to use them for common good3. To develop a passion for the word of god.


> Theme song and presentation> Action song (If I were a butterfly...)> Praise and worship - song (Njanum

enikkullathellam) Manickakallaytheranjaduthenem Enicku venam nine> Presentation- 6.1

Five rules of a pencil

> Session - My Talents

> Break

> Song (Ethratholam Yehova sahayichu ...)

> Presentation- 6.2 Tony Malendez

> Short prayer

> Bible study

> Presentation- 6.3 Thy word

> Song (God has spoken to his people)

> Saint study

> Presentation- 6.4 Copying

> Song (Christ has no body but your’s)> Adoration

An Initiative of Jesus Youth16

Time Schedule

09.00 am Vat

10.00 am Session – Treasure Hunt

10.30 am Break

10.45 am VAT

11.15 am Bible Study

11.25 am VAT

11.50 am Saint Study

12.00 pm VAT

12.15 pm Adoration


Time Schedule

09.00 am VAT

10.00 am Session I – My Business

10.30 am VAT

10.45 am Break

11.00 am VAT

11.30 am Bible Study

11.40 am VAT

11.55 am Session II – Time management, systematic study

12.05 pm Saint Study

12.15 pm Adoration

Objectives.1. To develop proper study habits2. Motivate them to take up civil service jobs3. To create a need for evangelization.

DAY PROCESS> Theme song and presentation> Song (Every single cell in my body...)

> Praise and worship – song (Njanum enikkullathellam)

Psalms of students NadhaSamarppikkunnu> Presentation- 7.1 Motivation> Session - My Business Study> 7.2 Tips to study effectively> Break

> Song (Suvisheshamakan Vilicha Nathan ...)

> Presentation- 7.3

Testimony - Calicut university> Bible study

> Presentation- 7.4Rexband Vision and Mission> Session - Time Management> Song (I will call upon the lord)> Saint Study

> Adoration Songs(1) Velicham pakaranane Angel’s Army - Way of the

cross Bringing study materials

An Initiative of Jesus Youth17


Time Schedule09.00 am VAT10.00 am Session I - My church10.30 am VAT10.45 am Break11.00 am VAT11.20 am Bible Study11.30 am VAT11.40 am Saint Study (St. Dominic)11.50 am Session II – Evangelization12.00 am VAT12.30 am Adoration

POWER RED Today’s Heroes/Heroines

Time Schedule09.00 am VAT10.00 am Session I – Today’s heroes10.30 am VAT10.45 am Break11.00 am VAT11.30 am Bible study11. 40 am VAT12.10 pm Testimony12.20 pm Adoration

Objectives.1. To create love and commitment towards church2. To feel the richness of the church3. Help them to be steady in receiving sacraments.

DAY PROCESS> Theme song and presentation> Action song (Righteousness, peace )> Presentation - 8.1 Why am I a Catholic?> Song (Munthiri chediyil shakhakal nammal.)> Praise and worship - songs -Here I am Lord

Raise up an army Oh! Lord Daivathmavalabhishechitharay

> Session - My church> Testimony - Sacrament> Presentation- 8.2 Miracles of the blessed

sacrament> Break> Song (If you want your dream to be)

> Presentation - 8.3 Francis Assisi and 8.4Uncorrupted bodies

> Bible study> Presentation - 8.5 Scenes from the world youth

day> Presentation - 8.6 Bishop Romareo> Song – Onnayiha Onnayihanammal> Session - Life of Praise> Adoration - standing on the outline map with

candle> songs

(1) Unarthaname Enne unarthaname(2) We are one in the spirit

DAY PROCESS> Theme song and presentation> Action song (on whose side am I leaning on )> Presentation - 9.1 cross section of saints> Praise and worship - songs - Swargasthanaya

thathaneppol Yesuvinte swanthamakuvan Holyyou are holy

> Session - Holiness is possible > Presentation -9.2 Joseph Old > Break

> Song (Open the eyes )

> Presentation - 9,3 Prayer meeting, Prayergroup, cell etc

> Bible Study> Song - Sanctify Oh! Lord> Presentation - 9.4 Maria Goretti & Bl. Kunjachan> Session - Holy spirit the helper> Testimony> Adoration - Sudheekarikkum Agni galayam

parisudhathmave You are my hiding place

Objectives. 1. To create a feeling that sainthood is achievable2. Be a disciple and make disciples.

An Initiative of Jesus Youth18

The basic facilities to be pr ovided in the schools for the effective conduct of the pr ogramme

1. 2 separate halls with public address system

2. L.C.D projector and a computer system with speaker.

3. Arrangements for the confession and Holy Mass.

4. Presence of teachers in program hall.

5. Travelling allowance and Lunch.

6. Assign a teacher-in-charge for further contact.

An Initiative of Jesus Youth19

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An Initiative of Jesus Youth20

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\-Øn\v {]tNm-Z-\-ta-IpI F∂ e£y-tØm-sS-bmWv c≠m-asØ L´w {Iao-I-cn-®n-cp-∂-Xv. \ΩpsS

D≈n-ep≈ \∑-Iƒ a‰p-≈-h-cn-te°v ]I-cp-hm≥ t{]cn-∏n-°p-∂-Xm-bn-cp∂p aq∂m-asØ L´w. Ah-

km\ L -́Øn¬ {]Xym-i-bpsS Inc-W-߃ Iuam-c-°m-cn¬ FØn-°p-hm-\p≈ {ia-am-bn-cp-∂p. A\p-

-̀h-km-£y-ßfpw hoUntbm ¢n∏p-Ifpw, kvIn‰pw, ]m´p-I-fp-sa√mw \mev L -́sØbpw at\m-l-c-am°n

Ah-X-cn-∏n-°p-hm≥ klm-bn-®p. k`bv°v Pokkv bqØn-s\-°p-dn-®p≈ kz]v\w sI.-ssh.-kn.-‰n. B\n-

ta-‰-dmb tSman-b-®≥ ]¶p-h-®p. sI.-F-kv.‰n. sNb¿am≥ dh. ̂ m. jmP≥ tX¿a-T-Øns‚ apJy-Im¿Ωn-

I-Xz-Øn¬ \S∂ Znhy-_-en-bn¬ F√m-hcpw Bflm¿∞-ambn ]¶ptN¿∂p. Cu h¿jw ]h¿So≥kv

t{]m{Km-ap-Ifn¬ ]s¶-Sp-Ø-hcn¬ ]Ip-Xn-tbmfw t]¿ hcpw h¿j-ß-fn¬ sdKp-e¿ s{]m^-j-W¬

tImtfPv {]m¿∞\m {Kq∏p-Isf i‡-am-°pw. ]h¿So≥kv A\p-`-h-ap≈ \qdv IW-°n\v hnZym¿∞n-

Iƒ tIc-f-Øn\v ]pd-Øp≈ hnZym-`ymk ÿm]-\-ß-fn-te°v IS∂p sN∂v ]pXn-sbmcp hk-¥-

Øn\v XpS°w Ipdn-°p-sa∂v {]Xym-in-°mw.

]h¿So≥kv {]h¿Ø-\-ß-fpsS Hmtcm L´-Ønepw ssZh-Ir-]-bpsS Icp-Xepw XWepw A\p-

`-hn-®-dn-bm-\m-Ip-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. k`m hnizm-kn-I-sfbpw ]pXp-X-e-ap-d-sbbpw k`-bn¬ \n∂-I-‰p-hm-

\p≈ \nco-izc {]Xybimkv{X {]ÿm-\-ß-fpsS Du¿÷nX {ia-ß-fpsS ]›m-Ø-e-Øn-¬

]h¿So≥kns‚ Bi-b-hp-ambn tIcfØnse lb¿ sk°-≠dn kvIqfp-I-fn¬ IS∂v sN√m-\p≈

A\p-hmZw sI.-kn.-_n.-kn. \¬In. sa{Xm≥ kanXn Pokkv bqØn-e¿∏n® hnizmkw Gsd {]tNm-Z-

\-I-c-am-bn-cp-∂p. tIcf k` C°m-eØv t\cn-Sp∂ sh√p-hn-fn-Iƒ ssZh-kvt\-l-Øns‚ ssNX-\y-

Øn¬ t\cnSp-hm≥ \nc-h[n sNdp-∏-°m¿ cwKØph∂p.

]h¿So≥kv c£m-[n-Im-cn-I-fmbn Rßsf t{]m’m-ln-∏n-°p-Ibpw {]m¿∞n-°p-Ibpw sNbvX

I¿±n-\mƒ am¿ h¿°n hnX-b-Øn¬ (kn.-_n.-kn.-sF. {]kn-U‚ v, taP¿ B¿®v _nj-∏v, kotdm ae-

_m¿ k`) _tk-en-tbmkv am¿ ¢oankv (ta-P¿ B¿®v_n-j-∏v, kotdm ae-¶c k`) ssd‰v dh. tUm.

Um\n-tb¬ A®m-cp-]-d-ºn¬ (sI.-kn.-_n.-kn. {]kn-U‚ v), am¿ tXmakv NIyØv (sI.-kn.-_n.-kn.

Icn-kvam-‰nIv IΩo-j≥ sNb¿am≥), ssd‰v dh. tUm. Ãm≥en tdma≥ (sI.-kn.-_n.-kn. hnZym-`ymk

IΩo-j≥ sNb¿am≥) F∂n-h¿°v Pokkv bqØns‚ t]cn¬ kvt\l-]q¿Δw \μnbpw {]m¿∞\bpw


sI.-Fkv.-Sn-sbbpw, sI.-ssh.--kn.-Snsbbpw ]h¿So≥kns‚ FIvkn-Iyq-́ ohv IΩn‰n AwK-ß-sfbpw

Hm¿K-ss\-knwKv IΩn‰n AwK-ß-sfbpw \μn-tbmsS kvacn-°p-∂p. {]m¿∞-\-bn-eq-sSbpw t{]m’m-

l-\-ß-fn-eq-sSbpw t\cn´pw A√m-sXbpw kl-I-cn® F√m-h¿°pw Hcm-bncw \μn. Iuam-c-°m-sc

tbip-hn-\mbn t\Sp∂ apt∂-‰-Øn¬ XpS¿∂pw \ap°v {]m¿∞-\m-]q¿Δw ]¶ptN-cmw.

An Initiative of Jesus Youth21

1 Carmel Academy HSS, Pazhavanangady Alappuzha2 Holy Family HSS,Kalavoor Alappuzha3 St. Joseph’s Girls HSS, Chengal Angamaly4 St. Joseph HSS, Kidangoor Angamaly5 Little Flower HSS, Koratty Angamaly6 Naipunya Public school, Angamaly Angamaly7 DepaulHSS, Angamalay Angamaly8 St. George college, Kalady Angamaly9 Anitha Vidyalaya, Thanippuzha Angamaly10 Viswajyothi Public HSS, Angamaly Angamaly11 Christhujyothi,Thiruvalla Changanassery12 St. Francis HSS, Arthungal Cherthala13 St. Joseph HSS, Pattanakkad Cherthala14 St. Joseph HSS Koonammavu Ernakulam15 St. Joseph HSS, Thrippunithura Ernakulam16 St. Francis Xavier HSS Aluva Ernakulam17 Holy Ghost HSS, Aluva Ernakulam18 St. Mary’s HSS, Ernakulam Ernakulam19 St.Anns HSS, Eloor Ernakulam20 Mary Matha HSS, Thrikkakkara Ernakulam21 LMCC Girls HSS, Chathiyath Ernakulam22 Infant Jesus HSS, Alangad Ernakulam23 Rajagiri Public school, Kalamassery Ernakulam24 St. Thomas HSS, Thankamani Idukki25 St.George HSS, Vazhathoppe Idukki26 Viswadeepthi CMI Public HSS, Adimaly Idukki27 Socorsso Girls HSS, Mala Irinjalakkuda28 SH G irls HSS, Chalakkudy Irinjalakkuda29 Holy Cross High Sschool, Mapranam Irinjalakkuda30 St.Mary’s HSS, Kuzhikkattussery Irinjalakkuda31 Holy cross HSS, Nedumkandam Kattappana32 St. Augustine HSS Muvattupuzha Kothamanglam33 St. Ephrem HSS, Mannanam Kottayam34 Fathima Matha, Thirur Kozhikode

Powerteenz 2008

Name Zone

Following is the list of schools where powerteenz program were conducted between May andSeptember 2008.

An Initiative of Jesus Youth22

35 Holy Family HSS, Rajapuram Kasargod36 St. Thomas HSS, Thomapuram Kasargod37 KristRaj HSS,Kollam Kollam38 St.Alosius HSS, Kollam Kollam39 St.Joseph HSS, Vayattattuparambu Kannur40 Mary Queen HSS, Kudiyanmala Kannur41 Nirmala HSS, Chembery,Kannur Kannur42 St. Joseph HSS, Peruvanthanam Kanjirappilly43 AKJM Higher Secondary School. Kanjirappilly44 St.Dominic Higher Secondary School. Kanjirappilly45 Achamma Memorial HSS ,Kalakatty Kanjirappilly46 St. Thomas HSS, Erumely Kanjirappilly47 St. Mary’s HSS,Kanjirappilly Kanjirappilly48 St.Joseph HSS,Kallody,Mananthavady Mananthavady49 St. Catherine HSS, Payyampilly Mananthavady50 St. Crysostham Girls HSS Neyyattinkara51 St. Helena’s GHSS, Lourdpuram Neyyattinkara52 St. Mary’s High School, Kamukinkode Neyyattinkara53 St. Mary’s HSS, Bharananganam Pala54 St.Peter & Paul HSS, Pala Pala55 Bathani HSS, Na ngiarkulangara Punalur56 Infant Jesus HSS, Mavelikkara Punalur57 St. Raphel HSS,Ollur Thrissur58 St. Pauls CEHSS, Kuriachira Thrissur59 St. Joseph HSS, Kuriachira Thrissur60 Santhome HSS, Kolakade Thalassery61 St. Mary’s HSS, Edoor Thalassery62 St. Sebastian HSS, Velimanam Thalassery63 Marian Villa HSS, Kumarapuram Trivandrum64 St.Joseph HSS Palayam, TVM Trivandrum65 Carmel Girl’s HSS, Vazhuthakkad Trivandrum66 St.Goretti’s Girls HSS, Nalanchira Trivandrum67 St. John’s HSS, Nalanchira, TVM Trivandrum68 Viswaprakasham Centre of excellence Trivandrum69 H.S.S.Pallithura Trivandrum70 Our Lady of Mercy HSS,Puthukuruchy Trivandrum71 St. Joseph HSS, Anjuthengu Trivandrum72 St. Alosius HSS, Marthandomthura Trivandrum

Name Zone

An Initiative of Jesus Youth23

Prayerful Wishes.

“That you are young is enough for me to love you.” Let

the words of St. John Bosco be the meditation of our

hearts as we take up the challenge to r eap this harvest

for the Kingdom of God. None but the Holy Spirit can

aid us and empower us to bring these beloved flowers

of Christ to bloom in the ear thly garden, spreading the

sweet fragrance of Jesus to every corner of the earth.

“I write to you, young people, because you ar e strong

and the Word of God abides in you, and you hav e

overcome the evil one” {1 John : 2 :17}.

An Initiative of Jesus Youth24


Jesus Youth is an International Catholic Youth movement

recognized by Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI).

Jesus Youth has a Charismatic spirituality and a focus on youth

evangelization. The strength of the movement is its special focus

on a Jesus centered life, beginning with an experience of God,

nourished by prayer, the Word of God, the Sacraments and

fellowship and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with

others. Though not an actual community, Jesus Youth is a

network of small but vibrant groups of young people. In their

own life situations, they strive to give time to the Lord,

responding to the challenges of today’s world in the power of

Holy Spirit.JE







Powerteenz, Jesus youthEmmaus, HMT Colony P.O., Ernakulam – 683 503

Mail to : [email protected]. : 9995406760 (Joish), 9961045903 (S tephen), 9496323454 (Binu)

a missionary movement at the service of the Church

An Initiative of Jesus Youth25

School Data Sheet

School Code:-

1) Name of the school :

2) Manager (Name and ph No.) :

3) Head Master/ Mistress/ Principal :(Name and Ph.No.):

4) Teacher in charge (Name and Ph. No.) :

5) Zone : Diocese : District:

6) No of teachers :

7) Students Details

8) Address :

Route :

Phone : Email:

9) Jesus Youth School in- charge(Name and Ph.No.) :

Type of School ICSE CBSE STATE Aided Unaided Govt.Mgt. Category Diocese Congregation Others (Specify)

10) VIOLET Possibilities :- Proposed Dates:- 1) 2)

11) How often were retreats conducted in the school:

12) Any retreat conducted last year:

13) How was the retreat? Any suggestion:

14) Remarks:








Class Christian Hindu Muslim Boys Girls Total