OLI Analysis - Internship write up

OLI Skills Map, Predictive Models, and Reports – Findings and Recommendations Kay Christensen, under the supervision of Dawn Zimmaro Summary The Open Learning Initiative (OLI) platform created at Carnegie Mellon University is a leader in predictive learning modeling and learning analytics. Regardless of its initiative on these fronts, it has many limitations and much room for human error that, if overcome, can contribute to more advanced learning analytics constructs. We examined course material and data from the OLI Statistics Spring 2011 course in particular when generating the following findings about OLI’s skills map, predictive modeling, and reports. Skills Map An integral start to the learning inference process is the creation of a skills map, or Q-matrix. The skills map is a spreadsheet authored by domain experts—CMU faculty in the

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OLI Skills Map, Predictive Models, and Reports – Findings and Recommendations

Kay Christensen,

under the supervision of Dawn Zimmaro


The Open Learning Initiative (OLI) platform created at Carnegie Mellon University is a leader in

predictive learning modeling and learning analytics. Regardless of its initiative on these fronts, it

has many limitations and much room for human error that, if overcome, can contribute to more

advanced learning analytics constructs. We examined course material and data from the OLI

Statistics Spring 2011 course in particular when generating the following findings about OLI’s

skills map, predictive modeling, and reports.

Skills Map

An integral start to the learning inference process is the creation of a skills map, or Q-matrix.

The skills map is a spreadsheet authored by domain experts—CMU faculty in the relevant

subject—that identifies students’ learning objectives, the skills that compose those objectives,

and the specific questions designed to test said skills.

OLI’s learning inference model is strongly linked to the skills map, as students’ transactions with

specific questions are linked back to the skills identified with those questions; those looking at

learning curves are examining data about skills that have been linked by human experts to the

questions that measure them.

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Authoring process

Authoring a skills map for OLI’s Statistics course required gathering multiple (precise number

unknown) faculty domain experts who would rely upon their experience, presumably in both

subject matter and statistics teaching, to create the map in sum. Faculty members working on the

map were given instructions that prescribe the following (also see instructions in Appendix A):

Generate the learning objectives associated with said statistics course.

Generate the skills required to meet these objectives.

Assign each learning objective at least one skill with which it is associated. Assign

multiple skills to a learning objective if that learning objective is associated with multiple

skills. Learning objectives that do not receive a skill will not be included in the map.

Match authored assessment questions—“Learn By Doing”, “Did I Get This?”, and

checkpoints—to the skills required to solve them. Assign multiple skills to the question if

it requires more than one skill to solve. Questions that cannot be matched to a skill will

not be included in the course.


Given that the skills map is the cornerstone of the learning inference process, it is critical to

achieve both consistency and accuracy when creating it. Unfortunately, human authoring—

especially by multiple redactors—leads to inconsistency; likewise, the instructions these authors

received may have contributed to problematic results.

Assuming that the domain experts followed the instructions, they created a list of learning

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objectives and a list of more fine-grained skills separately, then attempted to link them together.

A more systematic process would have them starting with a learning objective and working

downward to identify the skills the objective require demonstrating. Working in this manner

would provide more freedom for authors to declare that the same skill is needed in more than one

learning objective; thus, the learning inference model may be more accurate as a result.

Additionally, the vast majority (96.5%) of course questions in all Units 1-5 are mapped to just

one skill in the skills map, and only one question is linked to more than two skills. It is unlikely

that such a high percentage of the assessment questions in the course should measure a single

skill. Thus, there are potentially hundreds of questions that should contribute to the data sets for

particular skills that currently do not.

Similarly, it can be argued that the skills map entirely lacks skills that many questions require but

that are not specific to statistics. For instance, some questions appear in word problem format,

others in graphical format, and still others in simple equation form; the word problems require

reading comprehension and visual tracking skills that other kinds of problems do not (see

Appendix B for examples). Tracking reading comprehension skill progress in the learning

inference process provides few benefits in a statistics course, but including reading

comprehension as a skill on relevant question formats does more accurately describe the

student’s transaction with them. Perhaps a sudden dip in performance when we would expect an

increase is actually due to changes in assessment types rather than erosion of learning.

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Many of the possible obfuscators in the current skills map result from employing a manual,

subjective process. The following recommendations are designed to improve existing skills maps

and the process used on future courses.

1. To flesh out the skills associated with the current OLI Statistics course questions, run

frequencies of question keywords, such as “histogram” or “r-value.” Then associate these

keywords with the skills their questions are intended to demonstrate according to the

current skills map. Finally, have one domain expert check each question for agreement

with the results. This will likely result in a skills map in which a higher percentage of

questions are associated with multiple skills, thus providing the learning inference model

with a more accurate reference.

2. If using multiple domain experts, test inter-rater reliability in mapping questions to skills.

3. If using multiple domain experts, reserve one faculty member exclusively for editing

submitted portions. This person’s role is to ensure consistency in question labeling and

question-skill association.

4. Provide instructions that ask domain experts to create skills from the initial learning

objectives. Have faculty members congregate to justify skills that are associated with

multiple learning objectives.

5. Author course questions after creating the skills map, rather than mapping skills and then

matching them to already-authored questions.

6. In line with Ken Koedinger’s research associated with the PSLC DataShop, automate

skills map creation using a skill model algorithm.

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Assessment Types


There are multiple assessment types employed even within each question format (Learn By

Doing, Did I Get This?, and checkpoints). Some assessments consist of multiple similarly-

themed multiple choice questions in a row; others, particularly in checkpoints, put a question

testing one skill between questions testing disparate skills, which is arguably more difficult given

the necessary transitions between different subjects. Likewise, some assessments contain a series

of the same question and answer choices, associated with different graphs; here, since each

answer choice corresponds to one graph, the student gains a greater probability of correctness in

later questions because they have seen what answer choices have already been used. And even

questions that are multiple choice differ in number of possible answer choices: 3, 4, or 5. See

Appendix B for some examples of various types of assessment formats. Such variation in

assessment format is problematic when all types roll up into the same learning model, as many of

these types assess a different type of learning, and each one has a distinct probability of



1. Using the current OLI Statistics Spring 2011 course material, count only the higher stakes

and most uniform question formats in the learning model data. For instance, use only

checkpoint questions.

2. Alter course assessments to fit one standard model (i.e. five-choice multiple choice

questions). In particular, promote consistency in assessment formats among the three

major question types of Learn By Doing, Did I Get This?, and checkpoints.

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3. For future courses, and given the budget, use a consulting psychometrician to verify that

the assessment types are correlated to measurable learning outcomes according to the

domain. Or have the psychometrician author the assessment questions.

4. For future courses, and if faculty members create course assessments, promote consistent

assessment creation among the faculty with guidelines on allowable question formats and

sequences per question type.

Predictive Model

OLI employs a two-state Hidden Markov Model as its learning prediction model. An HMM uses

students’ transactions with assessment questions as evidence of either having learned or not

having learned skills in the course. Its basic assumptions are that

it is the statistician’s decision whether students likely enter with prior knowledge or with

no prior knowledge of course skills (hence the “two-state” nature of the model)

knowledge can be gained as a result of interactions with course material

knowledge, once learned, is not forgotten

correct answers are evidence of skill knowledge

incorrect answers are evidence of lack of knowledge

hints should be treated as incorrect answers

only the student’s first interaction with each question should be modeled, since they

usually have multiple chances to revise answers

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OLI’s Hidden Markov Model uses the following values:

p: probability that the student already possesses the skill being measured. The naïve

model begins with a p-value of .7 on a 0.0-1.0 scale.

gamma0: probability that the student “learns” the skill (i.e. can demonstrate it correctly

the next time it is presented) as a result of getting an assessment question correct. The

naïve model begins with a gamm0-value of .7 on a 0.0-1.0 scale.

gamma1: probability that the student, having not already possessed the skill, “learns”

skill as a result of getting an assessment question incorrect. The naïve model begins with

a gamm1-value of .7 on a 0.0-1.0 scale.

lambda0: probability that the HMM is in State 1--that is, the assumption that learner

does not possess prior knowledge of skills before interacting with any content or

activities. The naïve model begins with a lambda0-value of 1.

The predictive model ends up producing numeric values on a scale from 0 to 3 for each student

in the course, with the following levels and color representation:

Gray: 0 - 1.4 – lacks enough data to make a decision

Red: 1.5 - 2.0 – skill is unlearned

Yellow: 2 - 2.40 – skill is somewhat mastered

Green: 2.5+ - skill is mastered

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It’s clear that the evaluation metrics for “mastery” on a specific skill are too easy, as the mastery

proportions don’t significantly change across populations (for instance, four-year university

degree versus two-year degree or community college) in the way that would be expected.

Additionally, the majority of skills display as “mastered” regardless of variation in students’

engagement with the course material. This is primarily because of the mastery metrics, which

since they depend on proportion of skill observations are easier to achieve when there are fewer

observations associated with the skill.

In addition, attrition during the course may contribute to impoverished data for the model to use

in later sections. Units 1 and 2 of the OLI Statistics Spring 2011 course data, for instance, show a

spate of observations in some skills, whereas Units 3 and 4 tend to show just two observations

for skills. This late dearth of data means that ends of learning curves may be operating on as few

as two students’ data.

Training the predictive model on student data also appears to be problematic. One would expect

the p-value, gamm0- and gamma1-values to change from the naïve model values once the model

is tuned to students’ actual transactions. However, only 22 of 114 (19.3%) skills in the Statistics

Spring 2011 course demonstrated changed values after tuning. Interestingly, nearly all of the

skills that showed changed values appeared in Units 1 and/or 2 of the course, whereas the

majority of skills showing no change appeared only in Units 3 and 4, where we also see far fewer

observations per skill. See Appendix B for examples of questions with changing and unchanging

gamma values.

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1. Lower the initial p-value of the naïve HMM. The p-value should taken into account that

learners are likely to have some exposure to statistics content, but that statistics is an

esoteric subject for many; the current p-value of .7 is surprisingly high. As a point of

reference, Ryan Baker’s “Big Data in Education” course at Coursera demonstrates p-

values of between .28 and .4 for example HMMs.

2. Require more than two observations of a subject to include data in learning curves. While

doing so will be problematic in cases of mass attrition, it will also increase the model’s


3. Train several types of naïve model (two-state HMM, BKT extension that accounts for

guesses and slips, IRT) on existing data to evaluate whether there are significant changes

in performance. This would allow some swapping of different models, perhaps depending

upon the course’s subject matter.

Post Hoc Reports


Though reports are the domain of data visualization experts, I have a few recommendations as a

result of working with the model data available.

1. Given the amount of information that is possible to show, teacher dashboard reports

should strongly emphasize graphical displays rather than text.

2. Likewise, as much data as possible should be hidden from users until they deliberately

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seek it.

3. Show common attrition points rather than attrition rates. It is more helpful for

interventions to know the common points at which learners attrite than simply the rate at

which they do so.

4. Show performance data by question format (e.g. Learn By Doing, Did I Get This?, and


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Learning objective: Something the learner should be able to demonstrate after using the course software;

a result of her learning. Also a part of the skills map, and defined by one or more specific skills.

Observation: The compilation of multiple transactions with a single opportunity. For example, if a

learner clicks on three answers before getting a question correct, the three transactions all roll up into one

observation of the skill.

Opportunity: An opportunity to demonstrate mastery of a skill through an assessment question; a single

appearance of a skill in an assessment question. For instance, “estimating the r-value” might be tested in

five questions, yielding five opportunities.

Q-matrix: see “Skills map”

Skill: A concept or ability required to answer an assessment question, and the smallest unit under a

learning objective.

Skills map (see also “Q-matrix): A map that delineates the learning objectives of a course, the skills

associated with each learning objective, and the course assessment questions that utilize those skills. Used

by the predictive model.

Transaction: A single interaction between the learner and the course software. Example: an incorrect

answer to an assessment question.

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Appendix A

Preparing for the Learning Dashboard

Tracking Skills

Capture learning outcomes and skills as you design and build new instruction.  This is part of good design.  Mapping learning objectives to activities helps you to check alignment (Do the practice and assessment opportunities align with the stated outcomes?) and coverage (Are there enough practice opportunities available for each outcome?).

Design Documents

As course authors and reviewers create activities and workbook pages freeform, label pages, sections and activities as we go and before this document is split for conversion.

When activities are taken out, formalize notation to standard <!--LO:LO_ID--> and <!--Skill: Skill_ID--> in the activity documents.

For the remaining Workbook page XML that will go through the Google Docs Converter, formalize the notations for learning objectives and skills so they will be converted correctly.

Google Docs

The Google Docs to XML converter is able to generate learning objective references.  Include a heading with the text “OBJECTIVE: “ followed by the ID of the learning objective you would like to reference.  For example OBJECTIVE: identify_median would generate <objref idref=”identify_median”/> in the resulting workbook page.  The converter is not able to check if learning objective you reference exists.  Build the learning objectives’ XML first and reference the objective IDs carefully in your Google document.

OLI Author

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Enter ID of the desired learning objective in the “Learning Objective” field.  Add free form text following the ID if helpful.  For example, “explain_relevance_ld: Explain the relevance of the Learning Dashboard to course design.”  The tool saves this information as a comment in the XML document.  Remember to update the skill model spreadsheet as you write questions.

Assessment XML

Record relevant learning objectives and skills as comments in the XML.  This will allow tools to read and process this information in the future.  The labels also serve as a reminder of the intended learning goal when you return to edit the questions again later.

Place the comment inside the XML element the learning objective or skill is associated with. The comment should identify the label as a learning objective or skill, include a reference to its ID, and optionally a text description.  Structure the information in the format below. The OLI Author tool adds learning objective comments in the same format.

<!--LO:lo_id: Free form Learning Object text.--><!--SKILL:skill_id: Free form Learning Objective text.-->

Remember to update the skill model spreadsheet as you write questions.

Example 1: Associate a learning objective with a question.

<question id="q1"><!--LO:label_circulatory_system: Locate the organs of the circulatory system and state

their function. --><body>

Example 2: Associating a skill with a question part.

<qustion id=”q2”><body>...</body><multiple_choice>...</multiple_choice><part id=”q2p1”>

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<!--SKILL:identify_heart: Identify the location of the heart. --><response>

Skill Models

A skill model maps learning objectives to skill and skills to practice.  It also defines the parameters used to estimate learning within the Learning Dashboard.

The learning objectives shown within the Learning Dashboard match those shown on the module page.  Both present all of the learning objectives appearing within the module in the order they first occur.

The model breaks high-level objectives down to their component skills.  The Learning Dashboard requires at least one skill per learning objective.  For fine grain objectives, create a skill which represents the objective in its entirety.  Learning objectives are visible to students; skills are not.

A practice opportunity is an opportunity for a student to demonstrate a skill.  To inform learning estimates, a practice opportunity must have correct and incorrect states and report outcomes to the Learning Dashboard.  Assessment questions, whether inline or as part of checkpoint or quiz, report to the Learning Dashboard.  Submit and compare questions do not because they are not evaluated by the system as correct or incorrect.  Instructor graded questions report to the Learning Dashboard once scored by the instructor.  

Complex lab environments (e.g. StatTutor, Proof Lab, Causality Lab) do not report outcomes to the Learning Dashboard by default.  These applications require special setup and often they must be specially instrumented to report the required data.

Mappings from learning objectives to skills to practice are many to many.  Each learning objective may involve one or more skills.  Each skill may relate to one or more learning objectives.  Each skill may be associated with zero or more practice opportunities.  Each practice opportunity may involve zero or more skills.  

A skill model is represented as a Google Spreadsheet.  The spreadsheet contains three worksheets.

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The first worksheet defines the skills present in the model.  Each skill must have a unique identifier and a title.  The title is used as the label in the Learning Dashboard.  The remaining columns contain parameters used to tune learning estimates and are data driven.  Omit these values as you build your model.

The second worksheet relates practice opportunities to skills.  Each practice opportunity is entered as a row.  Practice opportunities are identified by resource, problem, and step identifiers.  The resource identifier is ID of the learning activity which provides the practice.  For question pools, use the ID of the resource referencing the pool.  The problem identifier (optional) is the ID of a question or problem within the resource.  The step identifier (optional) is the ID of a question part or step within the problem.  When the step identifier is omitted, the skills in the mapping apply to all steps of the problem. When the problem identifier is omitted, the skills in the mapping apply to all problems and all steps of the learning activity. Enter skills by ID in the remaining columns.

The third worksheet relates learning objectives to skills.  Learning objectives are defined in a separate XML file and referenced in the model by ID.  A low opportunity objective is one for which there is not enough practice to generate a reliable learning estimate.  The minimum practice, low cutoff, and high cutoff define the thresholds between gray/red, red/orange, and orange/green learning estimates. Omit these values as you build your model.  Enter skills by ID in the remaining columns.

Map practice opportunities at the time they are created.  Do not wait until later.  It is much easier to create the skill model as you go along.  

The skill model references many different identifiers.  It is important to enter these values correctly.  Take a moment to double check each ID as you enter it.  This will save time later. Likewise, if you rename a resource, problem or step in the content update the skill model immediately.  The core software team can assist you in checking your model for errors.  When the model is imported the system provides a list of errors.

At least two practice opportunities (i.e. tagged questions or steps) are required to create a learning estimate at the learning objective level.  If there are fewer than two practice opportunities, students will not be able to work past the “gray” state.  Target at least three or more practice opportunities per learning objective and two or more per skill or sub-objective.  If insufficient practice is available, mark the LO as a low opportunity LO in the spreadsheet.

Creating a New Skill Model

1. Make a copy of the skill model in Google Docs.  Rename the document to match the content package ID and version.

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2. Enter the content package ID and version in cells A1 and B1 of the Problems and LOs worksheets

3. Share the document with John, Renee, and Marsha.

Adding Learning Objectives1. Open the skill model spreadsheet to the LOs worksheet.2. Open the learning objectives XML file.3. For each learning objective, create a new entry in the spreadsheet.  Copy and paste its

identifier into column A.4. If you have identified skills related to the objective, add corresponding entries to the

Skills worksheet.  Reference the skills in columns F through J.  Enter the ID of one skill in each column.  Add more columns if needed.

Remember, each learning objective must have at least one skill.

Adding Skills to the Model1. Open the skill model spreadsheet to the Skills worksheet.2. For each skill, provide a unique identifier in column A and a title in column B.3. Map the skill to one or more learning objectives in the LOs worksheet.  References skills

by ID in columns F through J.

In order to appear in the Learning Dashboard, each skill must be mapped to at least one learning objective.

Mapping a Practice Opportunity1. Open the skill model spreadsheet to the Skills worksheet.2. Enter the resource ID of the learning activity in column A.  The resource ID is identifier

of the XML file.  If the XML file is named andrew_printing_practice1.xml then its ID is “andrew_printing_practice1”.

3. Unless the same set of skills applies to all questions, enter a problem identifier in column B.  For assessments, the problem identifier is the question ID.  For example, the problem identifier for <question id=”q1”> is “q1”.

4. If the problem or question has multiple steps or parts with different sets of skills, enter the applicable step identifier in column C.  For assessments, use the part ID.  For example, the step identifier for <part id=”q3p1”> is “q3p1”.

5. In the remaining columns, reference applicable skills by their ID.  Enter one skill ID per cell.  Skill identifiers must match those defined in the Skills worksheet.

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Appendix B

Example Questions for Skills with Changed vs. Unchanged Gamma Values

Kay Christensen

Gamma Values Changed

The following questions from OLI Statistics Spring 2011 course material exemplify skills (listed in bold) for which gamma0 and/or gamma1 values changed from those in the naïve model after model tuning.

Estimating r (estimater)gamma0 = 0.85, gamma1 = 1.00

One “Learn By Doing” question, 3 answer choices.

Unit 1, Mod 2, Linear Relationships 1, Q1

5 consecutive “Did I Get This” questions, then 6 additional “Did I Get This” questions. Answer choices remain the same, so chance of estimating correct r-value on first attempt should increase as student progresses through questions and receives feedback.

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Unit 1, Mod 2, Linear Relationships 3, Q1

Unit 1, Mod 2, Linear Relationships 3, Q2

Unit 1, Mod 2, Linear Relationships 3, Q3

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Unit 1, Mod 2, Linear Relationships 3, Q4

Unit 1, Mod 2, Linear Relationships 3, Q5

Unit 1, Mod 2, Linear Relationships 3, Extra Problems Q1

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Unit2, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q2

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Unit2, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q3

Unit2, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q4

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Unit2, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q5

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Unit2, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q6

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Interpreting boxplot (interpboxplot)gamma0 = 0.35, gamma1 = 0.50

3 “Did I Get This” questions associated with same boxplot, followed by 3 extra “Did I Get This” questions associated with same boxplot.

Unit 1, Mod 1, Boxplot 2, Q1-3

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Unit 1, Mod 1, Boxplot 2, Extra Problems Q1-3

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Interpreting Categorical Display (interpcatchart)gamma0 = 0.20, gamma1 = 0.50

Two “Learn By Doing” questions with various answer choice structures: 4-option multiple choice, 4 drop downs, and 3-option multiple choice.

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Unit 1, Mod 1, One Categorical Variable2, Q1

Unit 1, Mod 1, One Categorical Variable2, Q2

Unit 1, Mod1, One Categorical Variable3, Q1

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Unit 1, Mod1, Checkpoint2, Q5

Unit 1, Mod1, Checkpoint2, Q6

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Mean v. Median (meanvsmedian)gamma0 = 0.50, gamma1 = 0.50

Three consecutive 3-option multiple-choice questions.

Unit1, Mod1, Measures of Center2, Q1

Unit1, Mod1, Measures of Center2, Q2

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Unit1, Mod1, Measures of Center2, Q3

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Unit2, Mod1, Checkpoint2, Q3

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Unit2, Mod1, Checkpoint2, Q4

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Survey Design (surveydesign)gamma0 = 0.30, gamma1 = 0.50

Four consecutive “Did I Get This” questions with 3-option multiple-choice answers.

Unit2, Mod2, Sample Surveys2, Q1

Unit2, Mod2, Sample Surveys2, Q2

Unit2, Mod2, Sample Surveys2, Q3

Unit2, Mod2, Sample Surveys2, Q4

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Unit3, Mod1, Checkpoint1, Q1

Unit3, Mod1, Checkpoint1, Q5

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Unit3, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q1

Unit3, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q2

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Unit3, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q3

Unit3, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q4

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Gamma Values Unchanged

The following questions from OLI Statistics Spring 2011 course material exemplify skills (listed in bold) for which gamma0 and gamma1 values did not change from those in the naïve model after model tuning.

Binomial Parameters (binparams)

Only 2 questions, one of which is checkpoint.

Unit3, Mod3, Binomial Random Variables1, Q5

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Definition of Conditional Probability (condprobdef)

Four- and three-option multiple-choice questions, all regarding same few graphs.

Unit3, Mod7, Conditional Probability2, Q1-4

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Unit3, Mod7, Independence1, Q1-3

Unit3, Mod7, Independence2, Q2-3

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Unit4, Mod2, Checkpoint1, Q1Unit4, Mod2, Checkpoint1, Q2

Unit4, Mod2, Checkpoint1, Q3

Unit4, Mod2, Checkpoint1, Q4

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Unit4, Mod2, Checkpoint1, Q5

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Unit4, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q2

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Unit4, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q3

Unit4, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q4

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Unit4, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q5

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Using distribution to find probability (disttofindprob)

Unit3, Mod8, Probability Distribution5, LBD Q1

Unit3, Mod8, Probability Distribution5, DIGT Q1-3

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Unit4, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q1

Unit4, Mod2, Checkpoint2, Q1

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Interpreting t-test

Unit4, Mod12, Hypothesis Testing for the Population Proportion4, Q1-4

Unit4, Mod13, Two Independent Samples3, Q1

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Unit5, Mod2, ANOVA Checkpoint1, Q4

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Unit5, Mod2, Checkpoint1, Q2

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Unit5, Mod2, Checkpoint1, Q3

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Unit5, Mod2, Checkpoint1, Q4

Unit5, Mod2, Checkpoint1, Q5

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Unit5, Mod2, Checkpoint1, Q6

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Unit5, Mod2, Checkpoint1, Q7

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Unit5, Mod2, Checkpoint1, Q8

Unit5, Mod2, Checkpoint1, Q9

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Computing z-score (zscorecompute)

Unit3, Mod8, Introduction to Normal Random Variables3, LBD Q1

Unit3, Mod8, Introduction to Normal Random Variables3, DIGT Q1

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Unit4, Mod12, Hypothesis Testing for the Population Mean2, DIGT4 Q1

Unit4, Mod3, Checkpoint4, Q3