November 3, 2019 — 31st Sunday in Ordinary...

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Transcript of November 3, 2019 — 31st Sunday in Ordinary...

Page 1: November 3, 2019 — 31st Sunday in Ordinary 03, 2019  · pel. Only what is lived is proclaimed. And to live


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November 3, 2019 — 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Featured inside:

� Quotes of the Week” provides insight from clergy, religious, theologians, journalists, and others who are

dealing with some of the issues facing the worldwide Roman Catholic Church. Page 3

�� On November 3/4, we will take up a collection for the Archdiocese for Military Service. Page 4

�� Tickets for the annual CTK Concert on November 21/22 will be available next weekend. Page 4

Page 2: November 3, 2019 — 31st Sunday in Ordinary 03, 2019  · pel. Only what is lived is proclaimed. And to live


Saturday, November 2

5:00pm All deceased parishioners

Sunday, November 3

8:00am All deceased parishioners

9:15am: All deceased parishioners

11:30am: All deceased parishioners

Monday, November 4

8:00 a.m. Jane Frazier

Tuesday, November 5

8:00am Joseph Staszowski

Wednesday, November 6

8:00am Charles (Jack) Hamilton

Thursday, November 7

8:00am Mary Cinelli

Saturday, November 9

5:00pm Patrice Munson, Knute Schmidt,

Michael W. Marcantonio

Sunday, November 10

8:00am Ralph Groves

9:15am: Mary Nwokeji, Jeremiah Nwokeji

11:30am All deceased relatives and friends

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Classes for Grades 1 to 5: Sunday, November 3.

Grade 6 Class: Saturday, November 2, 2-6 p.m. which

includes 5:00 Mass.

Confirmation class: Sunday, November 3, 6:00 p.m.

Grade 7 Class: Wednesday, November 6 at St Fran-

cis de Sales Parish in North Kingstown: 7-8:30 p.m.

An email reminder went out to all families this week.

There is no class Veterans Weekend - November 10.


“The best way to teach is to do.”

We are very excited to announce that we are beginning

our Class - sponsored masses. This year each class from

grades 4 – 8 will sponsor a Mass. The students will as-

sume the duties assigned to adults in different ministries

that help at Mass. The students will be ministers of hos-

pitality, ushers and readers. On November 2/3, the 6


and 5


graders will be hosting the first grade sponsored

Masses at 5:00 p.m. and 11:30 a.m.



Grade Projects

Fleece Alert

We are collecting polar fleece ! This material can be

found at Walmart, Jo-Ann Fabric, and other fabric out-

lets. Yardage needed is 1¼ yards. Prints – solids – pat-

terns all make great blankets for those in transitional

housing, a child in the hospital, or an elder in a Nursing

Home. The 7


grade class will be making no-sew blan-

kets with all the material collected.

Please support this great project – boxes are located in

the parish hall or just drop off in back hall closet.

Hat and Mitten Collection

Attention all you knitters out there - Please consider

making hats and mittens for our collection.

For those of you who don’t – check out the deals at local

stores. Boxes will be in the Parish Hall throughout No-

vember to collect these items.

Halloween Treat Bags

Thank you to the parish for all the candy collected last

month. The 7


graders created more than 300 treat bags

that were sent to: a Navy unit getting ready to deploy

overseas, a woman’s auxiliary to give to veterans, stu-

dents at Assumption Parish and Clothes to Kids.

Page 3: November 3, 2019 — 31st Sunday in Ordinary 03, 2019  · pel. Only what is lived is proclaimed. And to live

“What was the Synod? It was, as the word says, a journey

undertaken together, comforted by the courage and con-

solations that come from the Lord. We walked, looking

each other in the eye and listening to each other, sin-

cerely, without concealing difficulties, experiencing the

beauty of moving forward together in order serve. The

Apostle Paul stimulates us in this, in today’s second read-

ing: in a dramatic moment for him, while he knows that

he is ‘already being poured out as a drink offering’ – that

is, executed – ‘and the time of my departure has come,’

he writes, at that moment: ‘But the Lord stood by me

and strengthened me, so that through me the message

might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear

it.’ This is Paul’s final wish: not something for himself or

for one of his own, but for the Gospel, that it may be

proclaimed to all nations. This comes first of all and

counts more than anything. Each of us must have asked

ourselves many times what good might be done in one’s

own life. Today is the time; let us ask ourselves: ‘Me,

what can I do that is good for the Gospel?’”

Pope Francis, speaking to pilgrims in St. Peter's Square

last Sunday, October 27, 2019.

“In recent years, Catholics have been embarrassed by the

crimes and sins of their church. While these issues con-

tinue to need the church’s attention, Catholics can be

proud that their church is also confronting critical global

issues like the environment, climate change and the rights

of indigenous peoples.”

Fr. Thomas Reese, “Bishops vote for married priests, call

developed world to repent for harming Amazon.” Religion

News Service. October 28, 2019.

“Asked if he personally had developed an opinion on

whether women could be ordained as deacons, the

bishop replied: ‘I'm in favor of it. My view on it is [that]

women should be invited into every ministry or activity

we have that's not doctrinally precluded.

I've talked with a couple of bishops I know who are very

careful on these questions, but have done some research

on it, who believe it's not precluded. I think if it's not

precluded, it would be good to do.”

San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy, “On Catholic

women deacons, San Diego's McElroy is 'in favor of it.’”

National Catholic Reporter. October 28, 2019.


“In the Synod we asked ourselves this question, wishing

to open up new paths for the proclamation of the Gos-

pel. Only what is lived is proclaimed. And to live by Je-

sus, to live by the Gospel, one must come out of oneself.

We felt spurred on to go out to sea, to leave the comfort-

able shores of our safe harbors to enter deep waters: not

into the marshy waters of ideologies, but the open sea in

which the Spirit invites us to cast our nets. “At the begin-

ning of the church there were women deacons. The

church was like that. One can talk about it today too.

Women do so very much for the church in Africa, and

for me what they do is part of a diaconate. One can or-

ganize it better and give more responsibility to these

women in the communities.”

Cardinal Friedolin Ambongo Besungu, O.F.M.,

Archbishop of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of

the Congo and Vice-President of the Congo National

Episcopal Conference. “Cardinal Ambongo: The Congo

faces similar problems to the ones we see in the Ama-

zon.” America. October 24, 2019.

“Outlets like EWTN, the Ethics and Public Policy

Center, First Things, the right-wing Federalist Society (a

kind of scouting organization for conservative jurists),

the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty and the libertarian

Acton Institute were beneficiaries of funding from the

Knights [of Columbus] and other wealthy Catholics who

have successfully constructed a Catholic story for public

consumption. The story is uncomplicated, sectarian, de-

fined by the binary choices of the ongoing culture wars

and a sanctified version of libertarian economics that

comes dressed in gaudy Catholic attire. It is a purely

American concoction. The attire is a tawdry knockoff of

the real thing. The narrative is an embarrassment when

viewed against our sacred texts and the richness of the

Catholic social justice tradition…

Our reporting, extensive as it is, only begins to map out

the deep funding streams that seep into the fabric of par-

ish life, that influence programs, such as FOCUS

(Fellowship of Catholic University Students), on college

campuses. The money feeds media outlets and the pro-

duction of catechetical materials; it purchases the pres-

ence of purple and red zucchettos to legitimize the

events of the Catholic right. Members of the hierarchy

are abundantly present for all the wining and dining and

not-so-subtle politicking…

The record is extensive and growing. And we'll keep

reporting on the phenomenon. The Catholic community

deserves to know what is driving and shaping so much of

the messaging about the church in the United States.”

“Editorial: Money shapes the US Catholic narrative.” Na-

tional Catholic Reporter. October 25, 2019.

Page 4: November 3, 2019 — 31st Sunday in Ordinary 03, 2019  · pel. Only what is lived is proclaimed. And to live


Have you traveled lately? Collected single use toilet-

ries? Time to clean out!

On November 8 & 29 Confirmation Students will be

ministering to the homeless at Breadline Ministries in

Providence. We will provide dinner and distribute per-

sonal care essentials to those in need. We are accepting

donations of travel size toiletries to package and distrib-

ute. Items may be left in the marked box in the parish



Vacation Bible School: July 27-31

The theme is Rocky Railway: Jesus’ Power Pulls Us



Thursday/Friday, November 21/22 at 7 p.m.

The concert will feature our choir, youth choir, instru-

mentalists, and guest artist David Haas. Tickets will be

available on November 9/10 and 16/17 after masses.

Please join us for this wonderful musical event!


There are so many reasons for someone to be home-

bound, be it for a short time or for an indefinite length

of time. When you know you cannot get around as you

once did, it can be very lonely and disheartening. A

Friendly Visitor would like to stop by for a visit from

time to time. But we need to know that you are out there.

Call Bonnie Feeney at 391-9460, and she can arrange for

a friendly visit and someone to share conversation.



On November 2/3, we will take up a collection for the

Archdiocese for Military Service. This is the only U.S.

diocese responsible for providing pastoral care to men

and women serving in the Armed Forces, enrolled at a

military academy, patients at Veterans Affairs medical

centers, or working for the government beyond US bor-

ders. The AMS does not receive any funding from the

government or military for program costs. Thank you for

your support in helping to care for our dedicated service



For the Feast of All Souls, November 2, we remem-

ber our dearly departed, especially those who have died

this past year. Those whose funerals we celebrated this

past year will be especially remembered on our parish All

Souls banner, and their names will be inscribed in the

Book of the Dead. Candles lit in their memory will burn

throughout all the Masses this weekend. We invite you to

add your own deceased loved ones names to the Book of

the Dead, and to join us for a brief reception to celebrate

their memory after all the Masses.


Our next Baptism preparation class is Monday, Novem-

ber 4 at 7 p.m. in the parish hall. This class is offered

four times a year, and is required if you wish to have a

child Baptized. Please call the office, 783-7459 to register.



Our Lady of Calvary Retreat Center of Farmington

CT is offering a variety of sessions for spiritual reflection

and discussion:

Wednesday Series 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

November 6: Autumn Inspiration: Prayer, Music, and


November 20: Spirituality of Women for the Future of

the Church

For additional workshops and information:

960.677.8519 / /

[email protected]


Imagine God coming to you at this very moment say-

ing, “Today I must stay at your house!” How do you re-

act when you hear those words? God must stay at your

house. There is no time to clean or organize things or

make any preparations. There is no time to backtrack and

catch up on things that may have slipped by during the

week. God is coming and doesn’t care how things look!

God just wants to spend time with you. God’s mercy is

very wide. It is so wide that we sometimes have a diffi-

culty accepting just how unconditional and free it really

is. We may find ourselves thinking that there must be

some folks who don’t deserve it or aren’t worthy. All are

worthy. The book of Wisdom tells us, “But you have

mercy on all and you overlook people’s sins that they

may repent.” There is no way around it: God must offer

mercy. We are lost and we desperately need it.

Page 5: November 3, 2019 — 31st Sunday in Ordinary 03, 2019  · pel. Only what is lived is proclaimed. And to live

OPEN HOUSE: The Prout School Nov. 5: 6-8 p.m.

Discover the Prout advantage! Prout is the only high

school in Rhode Island to offer the prestigious Interna-

tional Baccalaureate (IB) Program. We offer rigorous aca-

demics, a strong Catholic identity, amazing theatre, music

and dance programs, competitive athletic teams, and nu-

merous clubs and extracurricular activities.

For more information, please call Admissions Director

Sharon DeLuca at 789-9262, Ext 514 or visit


at Msgr. Clarke

We are looking for individuals who would enjoy this

highly energized after school program for 3 and 4 year

old children. Monday - Friday, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Selected

days are also possible.

Candidates must be 18 years of age and are required to

passing all background checks.

Call the office at 789-0860 or email Mrs. Tougas at

[email protected] for more informa-



27 people turned out to give blood, and 24 were able

to donate!

As a result, up to 72 lives will be saved!

Thank you all for making a difference!


The Gospel story of Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus

makes for an ideal stewardship reflection. So does today’s

first reading from the Book of Wisdom. Good stewards

have faith in, and give thanks for, an almighty and pow-

erful God who transcends the universe, but who gives

personal attention to every human being. God loves his

creation, his people. He lives in them, and through his

Holy Spirit, instills a fundamental goodness in them.

Good stewards recognize this movement of the Spirit as

a gift, and make efforts to cultivate this gift and grow in

their faith. Take time this week to stop and look around

you, be aware of God’s awe-inspiring creation, and give

thanks for God’s loving care and concern for each of us.


Christ loves us first. So much of the Christian life is as

simple as that. Today’s Gospel is a prime example! “Now

a man there named Zacchaeus, who was a chief tax collector and

also a wealthy man … was seeking to see who Jesus was.” We

may have gotten used to the story of Zacchaeus, this

short, seemingly innocent man who climbs a sycamore

tree in his desperate desire to see Jesus. But this colorful,

children’s Bible illustration isn’t what the gathering

crowd would have seen. They would have seen the white

collar criminal. Tax collectors were notorious for extor-

tion. They were collaborators with the oppressive Roman

overlords, overcharging for taxes and skimming a cut off

the top. And how does Jesus respond to this man?

“Come down quickly,” Jesus says, “for today I must stay at your

house.” If you had been there, would you have believed it?

No doubt there were other disciples in the city or, at the

very least, kind, generous, and just people. “Good” peo-

ple. But those aren’t the people Jesus chooses to share a

meal with. Christ loves us first. He chooses Zacchaeus

even before the man makes a public profession of his


“The Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost.”

We may not be tax collectors and extortionists — I hope

not! — but we all have elements of our lives that are lost.

We have wounds from childhood, unresolved anxieties

or attachments, daily fears. No matter how “put to-

gether” we are, we all have our lost moments. Some days,

it may feel like we can’t see over the ways they crowd our

inner life. Today’s Gospel invites us to do something a

little strange. Don’t let your flaws, failures, or hang-ups

prevent you from seeing Jesus. Take a deep breath. Go

climb a tree, because Jesus is passing by. And he wants to

stay in your heart today.


The Veterans & Social Action Committees are sup-

porting Operation Chillout RI’s winter backpack drive in

an effort to help homeless Veterans and other homeless

in RI. You can help by picking up a free empty backpack

along with a list of new items to put in it after mass this


Purchase the items on the list and put them into the

backpack. Return the filled backpack to the church by

November 17.

The Veterans Committee will distribute the backpacks

to the needy with the help of several local RI agencies,

such as Trailer 37 at the VA Hospital, Gateway to Inde-

pendence for Vets, Veterans Center in Warwick, Veter-

ans Center in Middletown, McAuley House, Emanuel

House, Welcome House in Wakefield, and WARM in


Being homeless hurts, especially in the cold winter

months, but we can help.

Dave Vissoe: CTK Veterans Committee Chair

Page 6: November 3, 2019 — 31st Sunday in Ordinary 03, 2019  · pel. Only what is lived is proclaimed. And to live

Parish Directory

Parish Office Hours

Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Phone: (401) 783-7459

Fax: (401) 789-3671

Religious Formation Office: (401) 789-0417

Rev. Jared Costanza ([email protected])


Rev. Joseph Creedon ([email protected])

Parish Priest Emeritus

Jennifer Marran ([email protected])

Pastoral Associate

Tom Kendzia ([email protected])

Director of Music Ministry

Heather Skidds ([email protected])

Associate Director of Music Ministry

Georgann Lardaro ([email protected])

Director of Religious Formation

Eva Mancuso ([email protected])

Director of Confirmation & Youth Ministry

Beth Hogan ([email protected])

Parish Office Manager

Ron Bernier ([email protected])

Fiscal Manager

Doug Paquin ([email protected])


Mike Mitchell

Website Administrator (

Trustees: Mark Noble & Phil Tracy

Auditors: Richard Gervais & Carol Hartley

Parish Council

([email protected])

Prayer Chain

([email protected])


URI Catholic Center

Rev. Carl Fisette ([email protected])


90 Chapel Way, Kingston, RI 02881

Office: (401) 874-2324 ([email protected])

Doug Carr

Facilities Director


Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.

Saturday: 5 p.m. Sunday: 8, 9:15, 11:30 a.m.


The celebration of baptism takes place either during a

weekend Mass or a Sunday afternoon liturgy. Parents

should speak to Jennifer Marran to make arrangements.


Adults wishing to receive the sacraments of Baptism,

Eucharist, and/or Confirmation should speak to Jennifer



Eighth graders receive Confirmation in the spring. Please

speak to Eva Mancuso for more information.


Engaged couples should speak to Fr. Jared at least nine

months prior to the wedding.


Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. or by appointment.


Please call the parish office to make arrangements.


If you or someone you know is unable to attend Mass

and would like to receive Holy Communion regularly,

please speak to Jennifer Marran to make arrangements.

On the third Tuesday of each month, Mass is celebrated

at South Kingstown Nursing & Rehabilitation Center at

10:30 a.m., and at Brookdale South Bay Assisted Living

at 1:30 p.m.

BIBLE STUDY—Romans (Fr. Jared) 1 & 7 p.m.

Nov. 6, 20; Dec 4, 18

BIBLE STUDY (Shared/Group) 7:00 p.m.

Nov. 7, 14


Please see one of the priests for a sponsor form, or visit


Welcome to our growing family of faith! Call the parish

office or visit for more information.

ALL weather cancellations will be posted on our

website: and on local TV/radio stations.

Page 7: November 3, 2019 — 31st Sunday in Ordinary 03, 2019  · pel. Only what is lived is proclaimed. And to live

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