Nexus 1804 - new times magazine



Nexus 1804 - new times magazine

Transcript of Nexus 1804 - new times magazine


VVoolluummee 1188,, NNuummbbeerr 44 JJUUNNEE——JJUULLYY 22001111PPOO BBooxx 3300,, MMaapplleettoonn QQlldd 44556600,, AAuussttrraalliiaa WWeebbssiittee:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoomm

CCOONNTTEENNTTSSCCOONNTTEENNTTSSLLEETTTTEERRSS TTOO TTHHEE EEDDIITTOORR..................................................................................................44Readers comment on such diverse subjects as blood–brainbarrier integrity, magnesium efficacy, vaccination risks,Morgellons disease denial, the placebo effect, therediscovered Irish kings chronology, and more.

GGLLOOBBAALL NNEEWWSS........................................................................................................................................66We report on the link between genetically modified foodand organ disruption in animals, the powers supportingthe Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel, the dangers of hydraulicfracturing (fracking), the CIA's FOIA release of JFK's UFOmemos, activist Dr Helen Caldicott's perspective on theFukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, and more.

AAMMEERRIICCAA''SS EEMMEERRGGIINNGG SSPPAACCEE WWEEAAPPOONNSS——PPaarrtt 22................1111By John Lasker. The Obama administration has increasedthe missile defence budget to ensure that "dual use" land-and space-based weaponry will continue to be developedfor the Pentagon by private defence contractors, despitethe president's promise to ban weapons in space.

MMIISSSSIINNGG PPIIEECCEESS OOFF TTHHEE WWEEIIGGHHTT--LLOOSSSS PPUUZZZZLLEE................1177By Dr Sherrill Sellman. Overweight and obesity haveserious consequences for health and ageing. The bestadvice for shedding kilograms includes keeping your brainin shape, maintaining optimal vitamin D levels, gettingplenty of sleep and managing your intestinal flora.

HHIIAATTAALL HHEERRNNIIAA && VVAAGGUUSS NNEERRVVEE IIMMBBAALLAANNCCEE..................2255By Dr Steven Rochlitz. By middle age, over 50 per cent ofpeople may have hidden hiatal hernia syndrome, togetherwith vagus nerve imbalance, which at least in part cancause or exacerbate asthma, reflux, ulcer, sleep apnoea,hypertension and various cardiac conditions.

TTHHEE MMIISSSSIINNGG IIMMPPLLAANNTTAABBLLEE MMIICCRROOCCHHIIPPSS..................................3355Interview with (the late) William J. Pawelec by Dr StevenM. Greer. A high-level American security systems designerreveals that in the late 1970s and early 1980s, unknownagents stole implantable microchip prototypes that weresoon developed, built by the billions and deployed.

PPAASSTT--LLIIFFEE--RREEGGRREESSSSIIOONN TTHHEERRAAPPYY................................................................4411By Charu Bahri. Ancient knowledge about reincarnationhas been rediscovered in the West, and techniques havebeen developed that allow individuals to explore and healdisorders or traumas resulting from past lives.

SSCCIIEENNCCEE NNEEWWSS..................................................................................................................................4499This edition, we reprint an extract from an article writtenby artificial intelligence expert Lewey Gilstrap for PureEnergy Systems News, on promising new technologiesincluding Morgado's MYT engine, Aviso's self-runningelectric car, Rossi and Focardi's nickel–hydrogen fusiondevice, and Turtur's zero-point energy model.

TTHHEE CCHHAANNII PPRROOJJEECCTT..............................................................................................................5555By "Acolyte". From 1994 to 1999, researchers at a secretcollider facility in Africa recorded their computer-interfaced question-and-answer sessions with an entityfrom a parallel universe, gleaning information andpredictions about an anticipated "Fuse Year".

TTHHEE TTWWIILLIIGGHHTT ZZOONNEE..........................................................................................................6655We feature ufologist Paul Stonehill's round-up of Soviet-era sightings of unidentified submarine and flying objectsand other strange phenomena in international waters.

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——BBooookkss..............................................................................................................................7711"Life As Energy" by Alexis Mari Pietak"World Wide Mind" by Michael Chorost"The Myth of the Great Ending" by Joseph M. Felser, PhD"Australian Big Cats" by Michael Williams and Rebecca Lang"The Original Great Pyramid and Future Science" by Noel Huntley"The Force: Living Safely in...EM Pollution" by Lyn McLean"Dirty Electricity and Electromagnetic Radiation" by Donna Fisher"Sex, Lies and Pharmaceuticals" by Ray Moynihan & Dr B. Mintzes"The Promise of hCG" by Sherrill Sellman, ND, and Frankie Boyer"Visions of the Multiverse" by Dr Steven Manly"FutureScience: Forbidden Science..." by Maurice Cotterell"Shakespeare's Secret Booke" by David Ovason"Radical Peace: People Refusing War" by William T. Hathaway"The Triumph of Consciousness" by Christopher James Clark

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——DDVVDDss..............................................................................................................................7788"GasLand" directed by Josh Fox"Symbols of an Alien Sky – Episode Two" by Thunderbolts Project"The Klaus Dona Chronicles – Secret World 1" by F. Jacob et al.

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——MMuussiicc..............................................................................................................................7799"The Rough Guide to African Guitar Legends" with various artists"The Veil of Whispers" by Thierry David"Peace Within" by Samjjana"Tande-La" by The Creole Choir of Cuba


JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 1

2 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011


The extraordinary events of 2011 just keep on coming. As this issue goes topress, hundreds of thousands of Americans are facing catastrophic flooding

from the Mississippi River as levees are being opened to reduce even worseflooding further downstream. Already, nearly 50 million Americans are on foodstamps, one in every seven homes stands empty, foreclosures andunemployment numbers are at all-time highs with no signs of easing, and houseprices continue to fall. The world's largest economy, which is also the world'slargest bully-boy, is fading fast—yet it continues to spend more money on warand spying than every other country combined.

But things are going to get worse. The Japanese earthquake/tsunami eventhas triggered a nuclear crisis of unimaginable proportions, and radioactiveparticles are already contaminating the USA and Europe, prompting all sorts ofconcerns, claims and counterclaims. Containment at the Fukushima reactors 1,2, and 3 is believed to have been breached, which means that a huge amount ofradiation is escaping into the air and the ocean. This will affect everyone on theplanet for thousands of years. And there is no end in sight for this disaster. Incase you didn't know, there are hundreds of other nuclear power stations builton earthquake faults, such as those found in Japan, California and New York.

The Japanese earthquake needs to be looked at as part of an ongoingtectonic event. This event actually started on 9 March when a 7.2-magnitudeearthquake struck out of the blue. It was followed by dozens of strongaftershock earthquakes and then the big one, the M9.0 on 11 March. Theaftershock quakes show no signs of quietening down, which is very unusual incomparison with other large-sized earthquakes. This tectonic event has seenover 1,300 strong quakes since 9 March—an average of over 19 per day, everyday. If this keeps going, one has to wonder whether parts of Japan will beliterally "shaken" into the ocean floor from this continuous movement. As forthe safety of the Japanese nuclear reactors in this scenario…

Given that the public cannot be told the truth about the nuclear crisis forfear of risking panic and total social breakdown, is it any surprise thatsuddenly the USA pulls a rabbit out of its hat and announces that it has killedOsama bin Laden? Like everything else, this is yet another lie. In my view andthat of many researchers, Osama bin Laden died from renal failure around13–16 December 2001. At that time, there was abundant media coverageabout his death, including from many Arab newspapers, and there were publiccomments made by various leaders. Of course, while the world is arguing overthe many versions of OBL's death, the media spotlight is not being shone onNATO's illegal atrocities in Libya or on how the West is fomenting uprisings inSyria, Yemen and other Arab nations.

Something else on people's minds at present, which I am often asked about,are the reports of incoming comets and comet-like objects. Once again, the"official experts" are saying little about what is happening, and, worse, theregular removal of data and evidence from website sources is only serving tofan the flames of wild speculation. I can't say for sure what is coming towardsus, but something is—and it seems that there's more than one of them.

There's a lot of mind-blowing information in this issue, but my particularfavourite is the article about the CHANI project. This is the true story of howscientists in a secret underground facility made contact via their equipmentwith an entity from somewhere else. Wait till you read the messages!

I hope to see you at the NEXUS Conference on 23–25 July. Duncan



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Steven Rochlitz, PhD; Steven M. Greer, MD; Charu Bahri;

"Acolyte"; Paul Stonehill


CCOOVVEERR GGRRAAPPHHIICCJeff Edis, [email protected]

PPRRIINNTTIINNGGBeaudesert Times, Queensland, Australia


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SSTTAATTEEMMEENNTT OOFF PPUURRPPOOSSEENEXUS recognises that humanity is undergoing amassive transformation. With this in mind, NEXUSseeks to provide 'hard-to-get' information so as toassist people through these changes. NEXUS is notlinked to any religious, philosophical or politicalideology or organisation.

PPEERRMMIISSSSIIOONN--TTOO--RREEPPRROODDUUCCEE PPOOLLIICCYYWhile reproduction and dissemination of theinformation in NEXUS is actively encouraged, anyonecaught making a buck out of it, without our expresspermission, will be in trouble when we catch them!

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JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 3

4 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

IInnssppiirriinngg BBBBBB AAwwaarreenneessssMany thanks to NEXUS

and Dr Steven Rochlitz forthe brilliant article on theBBB ("The Hole in theHeart and the Blood–BrainBarrier", April–May 2011,18/03). This kind ofresearch is vital for anyhealth practitioner to beaware of, and the level ofdetail is inspiring.

I am totally in awe of thehuman body—and the"endothelial cells [that]line the over 400 miles ofcerebral capillaries in thebrain"—and its ability towithstand the onslaught of21st-century living.

Keep them coming,please.

Helena P., UK[Thanks, Helena. There’s

another article from Dr Rochlitzin this issue. Ed.]

MMaaggnneessiiuumm EEffffiiccaaccyyHi Duncan: Regarding

the article in the April–May2011 issue by Dr StevenRochlitz about the associa-tion of hole in the heartwith a weaker and morepermeable blood–brainbarrier, I was mostintrigued by all the associa-tions.

However, there was a lotof speculation about whatcould be causing this asso-ciation, and I didn't seehow an operation to closethe hole in the heart couldrestore the integrity of theblood–brain barrier.

I would like to refer DrRochlitz to research by DrMildred Seelig, MD, whichis explained in her book TheMagnesium Factor. Shedescribes what happens atthe cellular level when weare deficient in magne-

sium, and I think this willjoin some of those dots.

When we are exposed totoxins and experience ahistamine reaction, orwhen we have stress of anykind (physical, emotional,pharmaceutical, too hot,too cold, sleep deprivation,etc.), the adrenal glandsproduce adrenaline for thefight or flight response. Asa result, the tissue cellsrelease stored magnesiuminto the bloodstream tocounteract the effects ofthe adrenaline, and thenthe kidneys excrete theexcess to return the bloodto homoeostasis. Thisresults in a net loss of mag-nesium from the tissuecells over time.

When too much magne-sium is lost from the cell,potassium is also lost.Consequently the cell wallloses its integrity andbecomes more permeable,thereby allowing in toomuch sodium and calciumwhich overstimulate andharden the cell.

There is a direct seesawrelationship with calciumand magnesium; and asmagnesium gets lower andlower, calcium gets higherand higher—potentiallyleading to hypercalcaemia.

As the epithelial cells ofthe linings of the tubes inour body—be they the arte-rial linings, the intestinallinings or the blood–brainbarrier— become harderwith calcification, thiscauses tiny splits or lesionsfor which the body thensends cholesterol ban-dages to plug the breaches.

Dr Mildred Seelig showsthat magnesium supple-mentation is much more

effective at thinning theblood and normalisingblood pressure than is war-farin—and without thedebilitating side effects…

Regards,Sandy Sanderson, Elektra

Life Pty Ltd, Qld, Australia,

VVaacccciinneess aanndd tthhee BBBBBBDuring the past half-cen-

tury, there seems to havebeen a significant (evendramatic) increase in theincidence of previously rarechildhood conditions suchas ADHD and life-threaten-ing allergies.

It may simply be coinci-dental that this increasehas coincided with theincrease in childhood vacci-nation since the 1950s, withchildren now routinely vac-cinated at birth and in veryearly infancy, but I havenever come across any evi-dence of anybody ever hav-ing investigated whetherthere might be a causalrelationship between thesenew childhood medicalconditions and infant vacci-nation.

Now it is reported thatthe blood–brain barrier isnot completely formeduntil the middle of the firstyear of life, and that it isknown to be implicated incertain allergy cases ("TheHole in the Heart and theBlood–Brain Barrier",NEXUS, April–May 2011).

Surely this should causemedical people, and med-ical scientists especially, toquestion whether vaccines(or the adjuvants they con-tain) injected at birth orduring the first six monthsof life may be crossing theblood–brain barrier and

adversely affecting thedeveloping brain, resultingin these childhood medicalconditions that were sel-dom, if ever, seen in earliertimes?

I have six children bornbetween 1967 and 2004.One of them (born in 2002)has a potentially life-threatening allergic condi-tion. To the best of myknowledge, he is the onlyone who was vaccinated inearly infancy.

I elected not to allow thechild born after him to bevaccinated in infancy, andshe has no apparent med-ical problem.

That rings alarm bellswith me. A sample popula-tion of six is not statistical-ly significant, but I believethis case does suggest thatthere should be researchinto possible unanticipatedconsequences of infant vac-cination, particularly whereit may result in allergies,ADHD, etc.

Peter S., Qld, Australia

MMoorrggeelllloonnss DDiisseeaassee DDeenniiaallMy partner recently start-

ed showing symptoms verysimilar to those beingdescribed on the Internetas Morgellons. We werenot sure whether this is infact the same as the infec-tion my partner has, so wedecided to seek medicaladvice.

On 21 April 2011, mypartner called the healthhotline as a start to gettingsome information. Theyadvised her to go to thehospital's Emergency unitand get the lesions on theskin looked at. So, on 22April, we paid a visit to thehospital. They advised us

Letters to the Editor ...

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 5

to go and see a GP and askfor a referral to see a der-matologist.

The next day, we visitedour GP who explained thatit was probably nothing toworry about, but as she hadlesions on the skin hewould arrange a biopsy.

On 26 April, we werephoned by the regionalmental health department(before the biopsy resultshad been confirmed), ask-ing for my partner to comein for an examination. Afterfour hours, she was admit-ted as an involuntarypatient and held for anassessment.

She has now been therefor some days, just for say-ing that her symptoms aresimilar to those of thou-sands of other people inover 10 countries.

I continued to do myresearch on Morgellonsand discovered that it hasbeen featured on televisionchannels in the USA suchas Fox, ABC, CBS, CNN andNBC as well as TV showsand even Dr. Phil, but nocoverage has yet been donein Australia.

In the past few days, Ihave exchanged emailswith many other peoplewho have had the sameexperience and who havebeen assessed by a mentalhealth department aftercomplaining of these symp-toms.

My concerns are that Iwould like my partner backat home with her familyand that I would like atten-tion to be drawn to the factthat this condition is real:it is not a mental disorder.

This story needs to bebrought to the public, and

funds need to be set asidefor the research and studyinto the reality and severityof Morgellons.

Matthew E., Qld,Australia

NNaattuurraall CCuurree ffoorr CCaattaarraaccttss Dear Duncan: I have

found out that there areeye drops that can meltaway cataracts: no need forops anymore—but the sys-tem won't let it be known.A homeopathic vet is usingthem on dogs with greatsuccess. Look up orGoogle N-acetylcarnosine.

Carmen C., Perth,Western Australia[Dear Carmen: Thanks; I’ll

be looking into this some more.Ed.]

PPoowweerr ooff HHoommooeeooppaatthhyy Dear Duncan: I have

been following the placeboeffect in many areas forsome years now.Astoundingly, such is thepower within us that evenfake knee operations canwork.

However, in yourApril–May issue [18/03,Global News] were twonews items on the subject,one of which, from NewScientist, referred to "place-bos such as vitamin pillsand homoeopathic reme-dies".

In spite of the casualmention of the dismissal ofhomoeopathic medicine byUK scientists, there aremany people who knowthat it can work and manyscientists whose researchshows it to work.

That there are manythings beyond scientists'understanding is beingshown to us every day.

Since they finally admit-ted that the Earth wentaround the Sun, thatthalidomide, asbestos andcigarettes might possiblybe dangerous after all, andthat they are now not surehow the Moon got there orhow planets form, theirludicrously expensive blun-derings and paid lies havebecome common knowl-edge.

If they are now producingresearch in which they cancall vitamin pills and alter-native medicine placebos,what value can we place onany of their research?

Greetings, Dick Barton, Dip.

Nutritional Medicine,County Wicklow, Ireland[Thanks, Dick. The fact that

homoeopathic treatments worksuccessfully with babies and withanimals should rule out anyclaims of a placebo effect. Ed.]

IIrriisshh KKiinnggss CChhrroonnoollooggyyDear Editor: I have just

completed a work on thegenealogy of Ireland'skings. I realise that this isnothing new, but I havecome across evidence thatpoints towards a differentchronology for the kings.

I was doing DNA studiesof haplogroup X and raninto the kings in Spain, notknowing at the time thatthey were Irish, and tracedthem back from Spain toGreece.

The Irish history andgenealogy I have found andreconstructed is muchdeeper and richer than wasthought. The reason thesefellows could not be foundin history is that thechronology was so far offthat looking for those

names in the timeframegiven in the annals offeredno help: they just cannotbe found. I'm sure that,just based on the data Ihave compiled, there ismuch more to be discov-ered.

George Arnold, Canada,

HHyyddrraattiioonn aanndd HHeeaalltthh Dear Duncan: Regarding

the two articles in GlobalNews in your last issue[18/03] about the efficacy ofplacebos in medical treat-ment, a likely reason forthis is given in the excel-lent book Your Body’s ManyCries For Water by Dr F.Batmanghelidj, in which hepoints out that a greatmany people in the worldare dehydrated to someextent, i.e., they don't drinkenough water.

When taking pills, mostpeople wash them downwith a glass of water, andit’s the water that improvestheir health.

Cheers,Marc A., London, UK

PPaarraacceettaammooll AAlltteerrnnaattiivveessDear Duncan: Most of

the emails that I received inresponse to my recentAlzheimer's article inNEXUS 18/02 asked what touse instead of paracetamol.

My short answer is thatoccasional use of paraceta-mol will not causeAlzheimer's disease.

For long-term pain, I rec-ommend finding and elimi-nating the cause—whichcan usually be done withnatural therapies.

Walter Last, Qld,Australia,

... more Letters to the Editor


Anew paper shows thatconsuming genetically

modified (GM) corn or soy-beans leads to significantorgan disruptions in rats andmice, particularly in liversand kidneys.

By reviewing data from 19animal studies, ProfessorGilles-Eric Séralini and oth-ers reveal that 9.0% of themeasured parameters,including blood and urinebiochemistry, organ weightsand microscopic analyses(histopathology) were signif-icantly disrupted in the GM-fed animals. The kidneys ofmales fared the worst, with 43.5% ofall the changes. The livers offemales followed, with 30.8%.

The report, published in the March1, 2011 issue of Environmental SciencesEurope, confirms that "[s]everal con-vergent data appear to indicate liverand kidney problems as end pointsof GMO [GM organism] diet effects".

The authors point out that theliver and kidneys "are the majorreactive organs" in cases of chronicfood toxicity. They state that "otherorgans may be affected too, such as

the heart and spleen, or blood cells".In fact, some of the animals fed GMfood had altered body weights in atleast one gender, which is "a verygood predictor of side effects in vari-ous organs".

The GM soybean and corn vari-eties used in trials "constitute 83%of the commercialized GMOs" thatare currently consumed by billionsof people. (Source: Institute for ResponsibleTechnology, 7 April 2011,


As early as January 2005,high-ranking officials

were discussing the bestway to sell the idea of NorthAmerican "integration" tothe public and policymakerswhile getting aroundnational constitutions. Theprospect of creating a mon-etary unit to replace nation-al currencies was a hot topicas well.

Some details of theschemes were exposed in asecret 2005 US embassycable from Ottawa signedby Paul Cellucci, the then

US Ambassador to Canada. The document, released by

WikiLeaks on 28 April, has barelyattracted any attention in the USA,Canada or Mexico. Numerous top-ics are discussed in the leaked docu-ment: borders, currency, labour, reg-ulation and more. How to push theintegration agenda features particu-larly prominently.(Source: The New American, 2 May 2011,; WikiLeaks,


Robotic limbs controlled solely bythe mind could be available to

paralysed people within a year.Enter the modular prosthetic limb

(MPL), a bionic limb that closelyapproximates the form and agility ofa human arm and hand. Born fromthe US Defense Advanced ResearchProjects Agency's RevolutionizingProsthetics Program, and designedby Michael McLoughlin's team atthe Johns Hopkins UniversityApplied Physics Laboratory inMaryland, the MPL is made from acombination of lightweight carbonfibre and high-strength alloys.

(Source: New Scientist, no. 2810, 28 April2011,

6 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011


China's permanent space station,the "Heavenly Palace", is to be

launched into orbit within a decade.According to Chinese media reports,the 60-ton craft will include a centralmodule and two laboratories for acrew of three.

China has three operationallaunching sites and a fourth oneunder construction. It has made sig-nificant advances in its satellite pro-gram—its fleet boasts remote-sens-ing, communications, navigationand positioning systems—andChina looks set to delve deeper intoouter space.

In parallel, China is pursuing acovert aerospace program to benefitits defence ministry. In 2007, offi-cials in Washington were deeplyshocked to learn about a successfulChinese test of an anti-satellite sys-tem. In that test, a ballistic missilewas used to destroy one of thecountry's own orbiting satellites.

Regardless of Washington’s con-cerns, China is pursuing an indepen-dent space policy and feels it can acthowever it sees fit. It does accept,though, that space should not bemilitarised—at least for the timebeing.(Source: RIA Novosti via,29 April 2011,



Recent testimony by captureddrug cartel leader Vicente

Zambada in the Federal Courtpoints to US Drug EnforcementAdministration (DEA) and FBI pro-tection and collaboration with oneof the most dangerous and powerfulcriminal organisations in the world:the Sinaloa Cartel.

In September 2007 in the state ofYucatán, the Mexican militarycaught and confiscated an aeroplaneloaded with almost four tons ofcocaine. A month later, there was a

plane crash in the same regioninvolving a similar aircraft—aGulfstream II jet with the registra-tion number N987SA, belonging to aUS company known as Donna BlueAircraft, Inc. When authoritiesarrived at the crash site, they discov-ered around four tons of cocaine onboard the aircraft. The drugs report-edly belonged to the Sinaloa Cartel,under the command of Joaquín "ElChapo" Guzmán, who according toForbes magazine is among one of thewealthiest men in the world.However, the aircraft did not belongto Guzmán: it was later discoveredby Mexican authorities and newssources that it was a CIA aircraft.

A year later, a member ofGuzmán's inner circle, VicenteZambada, was captured and laterextradited to the USA. In early April,at a Federal Court hearing inChicago, Zambada presented evi-dence stating that US governmentagencies such as the DEA and theFBI protected him and worked withhim.

In a recent interview with thenewspaper El Diario de Juárez, Mexicanjournalist Anabel Hernández, who isliving in exile in Italy, stated that inthe Mexican drug war the federalgovernment and the US DEA only goafter the Sinaloa Cartel’s

competitors. She indicated that theprotection that Sinaloa receives fromthe government is "systematic" andembedded in the drug war policy.

In her new book Los Señores del Narco("The Narco-Lords"), Hernándezprovides detailed information abouthow Guzmán is an Orwelliancreation of the Mexican government,almost a mythical and elusivecharacter, whose story about how hebroke out of prison in 2001 using alaundry truck is completely bogus.She finds it hard to believe thatForbes magazine listed Guzmánamong the richest people in theworld, given the fact that he'silliterate and cannot do basic maths.

Further in the interview,Hernández said that the real drugtrafficking is done by people otherthan the typical drug-dealers, whoare only figureheads in this so-calleddrug war.

The real drug lords are not wantedby police or federal authorities; theyare people well established in thepolitical and economic systems aswell as in many other areas ofgovernment, from where they haveestablished a wide network ofcomplicity to money laundering andprotection of the drug cartels. (Source:, 15 April 2011,


JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 7


Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing,involves blasting huge amounts

of water, mixed with sand and oftentoxic chemicals, to break up shaleformations thousands of feet underthe earth to release natural gas.

A breakthrough by Halliburton sawits use skyrocket since 2005 in theUnited States when the EnergyPolicy Act exempted fracking wellsfrom federal regulation under theSafe Drinking Water Act.Championed by Dick Cheney, thenVice President, this became knownas the "Halliburton loophole".

By the end of 2009, some 26,000wells were being fracked in 16American states. It's become bigbusiness, and huge momentum isnow behind the industry. Accordingto energy consultants Black &Veatch, almost half of all US electric-ity will come from burning naturalgas by 2034.

Supporters of fracking boast thatthe US has natural gas depositsequivalent to two Saudi Arabiasworth of oil. This could supply theUS with gas for heating, electricitygeneration and car fuel for up to 100years and wean it off its energydependence on the Middle East.

Some environmentalists say that

natural gas is a green option, sinceit produces fewer greenhouse gasemissions than coal and oil.Legislators say gas extraction gener-ates much-needed jobs.

Opponents point to thecatastrophic environmental coststhat fracking incurs, claiming itcauses mini-Fukushimas every day.The most visually dramatic impactcan be seen when methane leaksinto the water supply, causing tapwater to catch fire.

This methane has also been thesubject of recent studies that haveundermined the conventionalwisdom that natural gas is "cleaner"than coal or oil. In late 2010, the USEnvironmental Protection Agency(EPA) issued a report stating thatnatural gas extracted using frackingemits greater amounts of methane, apowerful greenhouse gas, thanconventionally mined gas. A studyemerging from Cornell Universityconcluded that the greenhouse gasfootprint of gas fracked out of shaleis far worse than that of coal or fueloil when analysed for the 20-yearperiod after emission.

Fracking has been most vigorouslycriticised for the damage caused byits waste water, which contains car-cinogens such as benzene and

radioactive elements such as radi-um. Some of these chemicals are inthe secret cocktail of liquids injectedinto the well; others come up natu-rally from underground. These tox-ins have regularly polluted rivers,streams and lakes. Some areendocrine disruptors, and have beenscientifically shown to stunt growthand human reproductive capacity.

Air pollution caused by natural-gas drilling has become a real prob-lem. In Wyoming, fumes containingbenzene and toluene spewed out byits 27,000 wells, most of themfracked in the past five years, led tothe state failing its federal require-ments for air quality.

Fracking has also been blamed fordamaging the bedrock of the Earthand causing seismic events. In the sixmonths to March 2011, Arkansas washit by 1,000 earthquakes, including adozen over 3.0 magnitude, and one of4.7—the highest in the state for 35years. This extraordinary level of seis-mic activity prompted the ArkansasOil and Gas Commission to shutdown two wells.

Confidential documents from theEPA and gas companies chronicledhow contaminated waste water isusually hauled to sewage plants notequipped to treat it, and is then dis-charged into rivers that supplydrinking water, containing exorbitantlevels of radioactivity.

As for the gas producers, the stateallows them to police themselves.Regulators do not perform unan-nounced inspections to check forsigns of spills. They do not demanddisclosure on what chemicals thecompanies use in the hundreds ofmillions of gallons of fracking fluidsthey spit underground, even thoughDow Chemical has admitted supply-ing biocides—antimicrobial poi-sons—to be included in this concoc-tion.

When spills happen, the compa-nies can write their own reports andlead their own clean-up efforts.(Source: The Telegraph, UK, 6 May 2011,

8 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011


JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 9



An uncovered memorandum writ-ten by US President John F.

Kennedy to the head of the CentralIntelligence Agency shows that hedemanded to be shown highly confi-dential documents about UFOs 10days before his assassination.

The secret memorandum is one oftwo letters written by JFK on 12November 1963, asking for informa-tion about the paranormal.

Author William Lester, Jr, PhD, saidthat the CIA released the documentsto him under the Freedom ofInformation Act (FOIA) after he madea request while doing research forhis new book, A Celebration of Freedom:JFK and the New Frontier. He said thatJFK's interest in UFOs could havebeen fuelled by concerns about rela-tions with the former USSR.

In one of the documents, PresidentKennedy writes to the Director, CIA,asking for the UFO files. In the sec-ond memo, sent to the NASAAdministrator, the Presidentexpresses a desire for co-operationwith the (former) Soviet Union onmutual outer-space activities.

Conspiracy theorists have said thatthe documents add interest to a dis-puted file, nicknamed the "burnedmemo". This document, which hasscorch marks, is claimed to havebeen posted to UFO-hunter TimothyCooper in 1999 by an unknown CIAleak, but it has never been verified.The undated memo to MJ-12 mem-bers makes a reference to "LANCER",JFK's Secret Service code name. Onthe first page, the Director of CentralIntelligence wrote:

"As you must know LANCER hasmade some inquiries regarding ouractivities which we cannot allow.Please submit your views no laterthan October. Your action to thismatter is critical to the continuanceof the group."(Source: The Daily Mail, UK, 19 April 2011,; also see DrMichael E. Salla's article "JFK and the UFOConnection" in NEXUS 16/06–17/01.)


The Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan is by orders of magnitude manytimes worse than the Chernobyl disaster. Never in my life did I think that

six nuclear reactors would be at risk. The reactors partially withstood the earthquake, but the external

electricity supply was cut off, and the electricity supplies the cooling water,a million gallons a minute, to each of those six reactors. Without thecooling water, the water [level] falls, and the rods become so hot they melt,like at Three Mile Island and at Chernobyl.

The emergency diesel generators, each as large as a house, got destroyedby the tsunami, so there is no way to keep the water circulating in thereactors. On the roofs of the reactors are cooling pools. Every year theyremove about 30 tons of the most radioactive rods that you can possiblyimagine. Each rod is 12 feet long and half an inch thick. It gives out somuch radiation that if you stand next to it for a couple of minutes, you'lldie. And [the spent fuel rods] are so thermally hot, they have to be put in abig pool and continually cooled.

There have been three hydrogen explosions, blowing off the roof of thebuilding…and exposing the cooling pool. Two of the cooling pools are dry.The nuclear fuel rods are covered with zirconium. When zirconium isexposed to air, it burns, it ignites. Two of the cooling pools at this momentare burning. In the cooling pools are 10 to 20 times more radiation than ineach reactor core. In each reactor core is as much long-lived radiation aswould be produced by a thousand Hiroshima-sized bombs.

Einstein said nuclear power is a hell of a way to boil water—because thatis all nuclear power is used for: to boil water through the massive heat, turnit into steam, and turn a turbine which generates electricity. Now when youfission uranium, 200 new elements are formed, all of which are much morepoisonous to the body than the original uranium. Some last seconds, somelast millions of years. Radioactive iodine lasts six weeks; it causes thyroidcancer. Strontium-90 will get out; it lasts for 600 years, and causes bonecancer or leukaemia. Caesium lasts for 600 years—it's all over Europe.

But that's nothing compared to what's happening now. One of the mostdeadly [nuclear by-products] is plutonium. One millionth of a gram, if youinhale it, would give you cancer. Each reactor has 250 kilograms ofplutonium in it. Plutonium is going to get out and spread all over thenorthern hemisphere. It's already heading towards North America now.

Radioactive iodine, plus strontium, plus caesium, plus tritium…I could goon and on and on. When it rains, down comes fallout and it concentrates infood. If it gets into the sea, the algae concentrate it, hundreds of times.And the crustaceans concentrate it, hundreds of times. And then the littlefish, then the big fish, then us.

You can't taste these radioactive food elements; you can't see them, youcan't smell them. They're silent. When you get them inside your body, youdon't suddenly drop dead of cancer. It takes five to 60 years to get yourcancer, and when you feel a lump in your breast it doesn't say, "I was madeby some strontium-90 in a piece of fish you ate 20 years ago".

All radiation is damaging. It's cumulative: each dose you get adds to yourrisk of getting cancer. Americium is more dangerous than plutonium…Icould go on and on. We are in a situation where we have harnessed theenergy of the Sun. It is totally out of control. And there's simply nothing wecan do about it.(Source: From Dr Helen Caldicott's public lecture in Montreal, Canada, 18 March 2011,

bbyy JJoohhnn LLaasskkeerr ©© 22001100––22001111

Email: [email protected]

Based on chapter three of his 2010 book Technoir

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 11

As mentioned in part one, the US military contends that in no way,shape or form is it developing space weapons. But what was soblatant at the beginning of the George W. Bush era was the call forcommencing the era of space combat. The US Air Force Transformation

Flight Plan, published in 2003, "assert[ed] more firmly than ever that [the AirForce] intends to weaponize space".14 Indeed, all sorts of high-profile USmilitary officers and their commission studies were pushing space weaponsduring the early days of the Bush administration. In 2003, Lt Gen. EdwardAnderson, who at the time was head of the US Northern Command, said thatin his view "it will not be long before space becomes a battleground".15

Others weren't willing to wait another second. "The time to weaponize andadminister space for the good of global commerce is now, when the UnitedStates could do so without fear of an arms race there," said Everett Dolman,Associate Professor of Comparative Military Studies at Maxwell Air ForceBase, Alabama, during a 2004 interview with "Spaceweaponization can work. It will be very expensive. But...the state thatweaponizes first—and establishes itself at the top of the Earth's gravity well,garnering all the many advantages that the high ground has always providedin war—will find the benefits worth the costs."16 Dolman also made thisstatement in his book Astropolitik: "Who controls low-Earth orbit controlsnear-Earth space. Who controls near-Earth space dominates Terra. Whodominates Terra determines the destiny of humankind."17

Even at the end of the Bush years, the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) wasstill pushing for weapons in space. A constellation of killer satellites would"add another defense layer", said MDA's leader Air Force Lt Gen. HenryObering in 2008.18 During the Bush administration, the Pentagon once evenplanned for a constellation of 50 to 100 killer satellites to begin productionin 2016. If such a plan were ever approved by Congress, it would meanbillions for Lockheed Martin and Boeing.

Full Spectrum Dominance in space is still being championed by manyfactions in the Air Force and the Pentagon but not by everyone, said TheresaHitchens of the Center for Defense Information (CDI). Yet because China hasclaimed it's developing anti-satellite capabilities and then shot down its ownsatellite in 2007, "these Space Hawks are emboldened now", said Hitchens.19

But the outcome of their space desires is nowhere close to being decidedbecause there are some factions within the Air Force and the Pentagon thatare against space domination, she said.

"There is a debate ongoing about the wisdom, the affordability and the do-ability about implementing a full-up space-war fighting strategy," Hitchenssaid.20 The cost to create, launch and maintain a Full Spectrum Dominanceprogram in space would run into the hundreds of billions of dollars, shesaid. First you would have to build hundreds of killer satellites; then youwould have to launch them, which is also an incredibly expensive endeavour.



BBaarraacckk OObbaammaaddeeccllaarreedd hhee wwoouulldd nnoott wweeaappoonniissee ssppaaccee,,bbuutt uunnddeerr pprreessssuurreeffrroomm mmiissssiillee ddeeffeenncceeccoonnttrraaccttoorrss hhiiss

aaddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn hhaassrraaiisseedd tthhee bbuuddggeett,,eennssuurriinngg tthhaatt

""dduuaall uussee"" wweeaappoonnrryywwiillll ccoonnttiinnuuee ttoo bbeeddeevveellooppeedd ffoorr tthhee UUSS mmiilliittaarryy..

PPaarrtt 22 ooff 22

At first, it appeared that there was a President in theWhite House who didn't believe in space dominance.President Obama declared during his 2008 campaignthat he "will cut investments in unproven missiledefense systems" and "will not weaponize space".21

Those keeping a close eye on the weaponisation ofspace rejoiced, like many peace activists did duringthose heady days. Again, the world's newest saviourwas going to keep the peace in Earth's lower orbits.

But there's a twist. Obama was Congress's toprecipient from missile defence contractors during the2008 election cycle, according to was given US$377,000, while Senator McCainwas a distant second with $221,000. And for the firsttime since 1994, Congressional Democrats in 2008 tookmore money from the missile defence industry than didRepublicans: the Democrats were handed $4.6 million,while the Republicans were given $4.5 million.22

In February 2008, Poland agreed in principle, but didnot commit, to allowing within its borders a US missiledefence battery loaded with kinetic interceptors that canshoot down satellites. Themove infuriated Russia andraised the spectre of the ColdWar. This prompted then-President Vladimir Putin to saythat US missile defenceoutposts so close to Russia willupset the nuclear balance. Thisis missile defence, so what didhe mean exactly by upsettingthe nuclear balance? Simple.The interceptors that areplanned to be based in Polandweigh 21,000 kilograms. Theyare also nearly as long as the Minute Man-III, whichmakes up a significant portion of the US's nucleararsenal. They also roughly share the same diameter asthe proposed interceptor. If the US were secretly to puta nuclear warhead within the interceptor—whichtechnically it could do—it would have a range of 6,000kilometres. The proposed interceptor base in Poland isjust a few hundred kilometres away from the Russianborder.

By 2009, however, the possibility of US missiledefence batteries in Poland was squashed by theObama administration. The heat with Russia cooled, forthe time being, but the planned European missiledefence shield re-emerged under NATO at the 2010Lisbon summit and Russia agreed to come on board.But, as Bruce Gagnon of the Global Network AgainstWeapons and Nuclear Power in Space said, don'tbelieve the unified hype that all of Europe will be safefrom Iran and North Korea.

In the meantime, US missile defence plans in generalremain foggy, as they have throughout the last 40 years.For FY (fiscal year) 2009, and for the first time since

1993, a small amount of money ($5 million) wasapproved by US Congress to study the prospect of"space-based interceptors" (SBIs), or killer satellites.Also for FY 2009, the Defense Advanced ResearchProjects Agency (DARPA), in its request for funding, saidthat it was seeking "the ability to neutralize man-madespace environments".23

"It is a bold declaration that DARPA will beresearching ways in which to affect other countries'efforts in space," said Victoria Samson, a space weaponsexpert with the Center for Defense Information. "Bydoing this sort of research under the radar, thePentagon obviously figures it's easier to ask forforgiveness rather than permission."24

Will President Obama keep his promise of cuttingmissile defence research and not weaponising space, orwill super-rich missile defence contractors have toomuch influence over the President and Congress andkeep the US on its current path towards puttingweapons into space? It sure appears as if missiledefence contractors such as Lockheed Martin have

Obama on their puppet strings.For FY 2010, the Obamaadministration cut only $1.2billion off the missile defencebudget, and the overall totalremained around $10 billion—roughly the same annualaverage total spent during theBush administration. Then, forFY 2011, Obama actually raisedthe missile defence budget byroughly $500 million. Indeed,missile defence advocatesbreathed a sigh of relief, one

high-ranking aerospace CEO saying that missile defenceis "an embedded core element of the defense of theUnited States" and is here to stay.25

On the flipside, peace activists such as Gagnon saythat if US missile defence continues as is, war in andfrom the Earth's orbits is on (and above) the horizon.Do you want more evidence that the US will some dayweaponise the heavens? The Obama administration hascalled for a "new missile defense architecture" thatrequires a greater emphasis on a "space engagementintercept layer of defense".26

As they say, promises are meant to be broken.

DDuuaall UUssee WWeeaappoonnssHere is a compilation listing several major missile

defence programs that some arms analysts and peaceactivists say could be "dual use" and thus become spaceweapons some day. The following details are used withpermission from the Center for Defense Information27

and the World Policy Institute's Arms Trade ResourceCenter.28

• The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)

12 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

TThhee OObbaammaa aaddmmiinniissttrraattiioonnhhaass ccaalllleedd ffoorr aa ""nneeww mmiissssiilleeddeeffeennssee aarrcchhiitteeccttuurree"" tthhaattrreeqquuiirreess aa ggrreeaatteerr eemmpphhaassiissoonn aa ""ssppaaccee--eennggaaggeemmeenntt

iinntteerrcceepptt llaayyeerr""..

system is a mobile unit (an oversized truck, actually)with launchers on its back end. THAAD fires"interceptors" into space that can destroy ballisticmissiles as well as atmospheric targets such as Scudmissiles. The interceptor has no munitions and simplystrikes a target with kinetic energy. The interceptor isroughly six metres long and about eight inches (~20.3centimetres) wide and weighs over 1,200 pounds (540kilograms). Its rocket booster is four metres long, andits "kill vehicle" (KV)—at the top of the interceptor—isabout two metres long. At the tip of the kill vehicle isan infrared sensor, and within its shell is a navigationalsystem. The THAAD's kill vehicle could be described asa huge spike that can fly at 15,000 mph with a range of200 kilometres and at a height of 150 kilometres. Inessence, it is the kinetic energy that is the most lethal.

Lockheed Martin is the main civilian contractor forTHAAD, and deployment began in 2009.

• For the Navy and the Missile Defense Agency, theAegis Ballistic Missile Defense System is their sea-based missile defence. Some space weapons expertscall the Aegis-equipped USS Lake Erie "mankind's firstspace battleship".

According to "At the heart ofAegis is the AN/SPY-1 radar system. AN/SPY-1 sendsout beams of electromagnetic energy in all directions,thus allowing Aegis ships to track up to 100 targetssimultaneously, while still retaining the ability tocounter other air, surface, and submarine threats.AN/SPY-1 will be able to detect ballistic missiles as theyrise above the horizon."29 Like THAAD, the Aegis fires aninterceptor, but from a launch pad system.

The Aegis interceptor, the SM-3, isalso different in that it has a three-stage booster with its kill states that theSM-3 has produced an impact duringtesting calculated at 125 megajoules,"[e]quivalent to the force releasedwhen a ten ton truck traveling at 600miles per hour hits a wall".30

• The Air Force and the MissileDefense Agency are close todeveloping microsatellites. Two ofthese have already been tested inspace.

There's the XSS-11, which is nolarger than the fridge in your kitchen.The Air Force claims it can dock withmalfunctioning US satellites andmake repairs. How aboutapproaching enemy satellites andsabotaging them? DARPA iscurrently developing a robotic armfor the XSS-11, called FREND (Front-end Robotics Enabling Near-termDemonstration).

Theoretically, FREND could blind enemy satellites byapplying some type of eye-patch onto cameras. FRENDalso some day might pick a satellite apart and let it driftlike a jigsaw puzzle forever and ever.

The other well-known microsatellite is the NFIRE(Near Field Infrared Experiment), which is also run bythe MDA. It is said to be able to track a ballistic missileby its rocket plume, and was designed to be "fitted" witha missile-like kill vehicle. NFIRE was launched intospace in 2007—but without its planned kill vehicle, theGeneration 2 KV. Arms-control experts had convincedthe Senate to kill it, apparently.

The MDA claimed that the Generation 2 KV would flydirectly near the plume of a ballistic missile and track it.This would be an incredible feat, to say the least; butthe kill vehicle, don't forget, could have a dual use: itcould also be used as a kinetic interceptor and wrecksatellites.

• The Missile Defense Agency's one-billon-dollar Sea-Based X-Band Radar—built primarily by Boeing—isperhaps the strangest-looking ship ever to have cruisedthe Pacific. The alien-looking vessel is actually arevamped oil-drilling platform, and centred on its top isits most striking feature: a tremendous white globe thatcould engulf the middle of a soccer field. From the topof this white globe to the water is an intimidating voidof roughly 20 floors.

Hidden inside the inflated white ball is the clue to thisship's ultimate mission: a radar dish so powerful that itcan decipher a real ballistic missile from a balloon thatlooks like a ballistic missile, claims the US military.

The vessel is actually a new and important piece in

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 13

The Missile Defense Agency's Sea-Based X-Band Radar during deployment.Image source:

14 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

the growing arsenal that is the US's missile defenceprogram. But it has a dual use, say space-weaponsexperts. It could also decipher space debris from anyfuture "killer microsatellite". There are several other X-Bands across the globe; if all are upgraded to maxiumcapacity, they could track over 300 targets, some lessthan a metre long, at the same time.

• One missile defence/space weapons program is theaptly named "Rods from God". The rods would bekinetic energy weapons—oversized metal spears onefoot (~0.3 metres) wide and twenty feet (~6.1 metres)long—fired by a battlesat and propelled by gravity asthey hurtled towards their Earthly targets. The systemwould be comprised of two satellites: one would housethe targeting hardware, and the otherthe rods. When they're rippingthrough the atmosphere, the rods willbe travelling at a speed of 11,000metres per second and with theapparent blast force of a nuclear-tipped ICBM—thus, no radioactiveflakes falling out of the sky.Preliminary tests of rods dropped froma high altitude over the New Mexicodesert resulted in a penetration ofover 50 feet (15.24 metres) into theEarth. Bunkers beware.

• President Reagan envisioned lasercannon on satellites with thepower to melt through the skin ofballistic missiles as they travelledthrough space, heading towardstheir rendezvous with a large USmetropolis. Space-based lasercannon, however, never made itout of the 1980s.

Nonetheless, the MDA isworking on a handful of high-profile laser projects such as theAirborne Laser (ABL) aircraft (seechapter 10 of my book Technoir).The ABL aircraft is a Boeing 747that has been gutted and turned into a literal flyinglaser cannon. In 2008, the aircraft test-fired its "primarybeam", a megawatt-class High Energy Laser (HEL),which is a weapons-grade laser—meaning that it cantake out missiles, artillery shells and mortars. In 2010,the primary beam actually destroyed a ballistic missileduring a test over central California.

The ABL has two other lasers on board, for trackingand for targeting. The "laser cannon" that fires theweapons-grade laser is actually an exotic circular mirror,1.5 metres in diameter, that can rotate nearly 360degrees. It is underneath a roundish protective conethat covers the aircraft's nose.

The lens directs the laser as it leaves the aircraft. The"cannon" also consists of a long mirrored tube that

extends to the back of the plane where the laser isgenerated.

There are several different kinds of US military lasers,and some work better in space than others. The ABL'slaser works both in space and in the atmosphere.Technically it is called the Chemical Oxygen IodineLaser, or COIL—a laser beam created from a chemicalreaction between chlorine, hydrogen peroxide andiodine, resulting in what the MDA calls a "killer laserbeam". It's a beam you can't see. The ABL conductsthis chemical reaction at the back of the aircraft in a setof six modules weighing, with chemicals added, a gut-busting, SUV-sized 6,500 pounds (2,925 kilograms) each.Part of the weight comprises a cooling system.

Initially, the reaction produces asteam-and-light explosion that isallegedly fatal if one is standing tooclose. This explosion of light createsa megawatt-class laser beam with atotal power believed to be roughlyover one million watts. It is funnelleddown the mirrored tube and out thefront-end lens, hitting any target atthe speed of light. If the laser canstay locked onto a ballistic missile,even for a few seconds, it should beable to melt through the metal skin ofthe hull, creating a hole that would

eventually lead to the missile'sdestruction in flight.

There is also research ongoingto develop floating mirrors or"relay mirrors"—in theatmosphere and space—thatcould redirect the ABL's laseracross the globe or into space,which would give it the capabilityof shooting down low-Earth-orbitsatellites. The program, run bythe MDA, is the Evolutionary Airand Space Global Engagement(EAGLE). The ABL has survived

the Obama administration, but barely. It has cost $4.3billion since 1994 and is said to be a long way fromdeployment. The ABL, however, reached a majormilestone in 2010 when it shot down a ballistic missilewithin Earth's atmosphere. The shoot-down once againsuggested that the US space weapons capability is fargreater than the Pentagon and the White House areletting on.

• In the heart of Alaska and just north of Los Angeles,the US has two missile defence installations that aresaid to be close to operational, which probably meansthat they could shoot down a constellation of satellitesif need be. The two installations are part of the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system. The GMD'sprime contractor is Boeing.

IIff tthhee llaasseerr ccaann ssttaayy lloocckkeedd oonnttoo aa bbaalllliissttiicc mmiissssiillee,,eevveenn ffoorr aa ffeeww

sseeccoonnddss,, iitt sshhoouulldd bbee aabbllee ttoo mmeelltt

tthhrroouugghh tthhee mmeettaallsskkiinn ooff tthhee hhuullll,,

ccrreeaattiinngg aa hhoollee tthhaattwwoouulldd eevveennttuuaallllyy

lleeaadd ttoo tthhee mmiissssiillee''ssddeessttrruuccttiioonn iinn fflliigghhtt..

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 15

Like Aegis and THAAD, the GMD is Earth based anduses kinetic interceptors—stored and fired fromunderground silos—to take out ICBMs in their mid-course phase when the missile is flying through spacetowards its target, a time of about 20 minutes. An ICBMgoes through two other phases: the boost phase, whichis right after lift-off and lasts no more than 300 seconds;and the terminal phase, lasting a short time at just 30seconds when the ICBM re-enters the atmosphere.However, during the mid-course phase, the ICBM couldrelease hundreds of decoys.

Many experts believe that the space decoy is afundamental downfall of any anti-missile shield. Nomatter how many layers or how powerful your radar,trying to discern hundreds oftargets in space and pick theright one or take out dozens at atime may prove some day to bean impossible task. Thus, this isone reason why the GMD canonly take out one or two ICBMs,fired, let's say, by a rogue state.

Why would a rogue state,unless it has a death wish, fireone or two ICBMs at the US oreven one of its allies? The returnaddress of any ICBM isundeniable. And if fired, the USwill come back with utter devastation—no matter wholaunched it. So what are the chances that a roguenation fires one or two ICBMs at the US or its allies?Very, very small.

GGeeaarriinngg uupp ffoorr SSppaaccee WWaarrssDiplomatic cables released to the London Daily

Telegraph by WikiLeaks and published in early February2011 confirm that the US and China have been engagedin a "Star Wars" arms race since January 2007 whenChina shot down one of its own satellites (see partone). According to the website, thedocuments confirm that the subsequent US shoot-downof one of its malfunctioning spy satellites in February2008 "was a direct response in kind (really, ademonstration of comparable capability) to the similardisplay of capability by China a little over a yearearlier".31

The leaked cable confirms that "[b]efore shooting

down its own satellite in 2008, the US notified Beijingthat any interference with space-based US assets couldresult in a wide range of responses, including the use ofmilitary force". adds: "The Chinese have cited thedevelopment of a US airborne laser as partial impetusfor the aggressive ASAT test. An airborne laser that canintercept missiles in their boost phase while they are inairspace over the country that launched them isconsidered to be an 'offensive' missile defense systemby the Chinese."32

The Daily Telegraph notes that the most recent cable inthis latest collection of leaks was sent in January 2010by the office of Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, and

claimed that China hadlaunched a fresh ASAT missiletest. "Crucially, Washingtonwanted to keep secret itsknowledge that the missile testwas linked to China’s previousspace strikes," it commented.33

"'This test is assessed to havefurthered both Chinese ASATand ballistic missile defensetechnologies,' stated the memoto the US embassy in Beijing."34

The cable stressed that theObama administration retains

the Bush-era concerns over Chinese plans for spaceweapons.

Watch this space... ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::John Lasker is a freelance journalist who was born andraised in Buffalo, New York, and now res ides inColumbus, Ohio, USA. His work has been publishedhundreds of times in 50 different newspapers andmagazines, including Wired, Christian Science Monitor,Toward Freedom and Fate. He covered the 2008 USpresidential election from central Ohio for Agence France-Presse. In 2010, he published his first non-fiction bookTechnoir (e-book avai lable from;this article is based on chapter three of this book. Hereceived a grant from the Knight Foundation in 2011 towrite about non-combat deaths of US female soldiers.John Lasker can be emailed at [email protected].

SSoo wwhhaatt aarree tthhee cchhaanncceesstthhaatt aa rroogguuee nnaattiioonn ffiirreessoonnee oorr ttwwoo IICCBBMMss aatt tthhee UUSS oorr iittss aalllliieess?? VVeerryy,, vveerryy ssmmaallll..

EEnnddnnootteess14. Dolman, Everett, Astropolitik:Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age, FrankCass Publishers, London and Portland,2002, p. 8 18.

19. Interview with Theresa Hitchens,2007 20. ibid. 21. Interview with Victoria Samson,200725.

27. http://www.cdi.org28. http://www.worldpolicy.org29. ibid.33. Daily Telegraph, 2 February 2011, ibid.

16 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 17

bbyy SShheerrrriillll SSeellllmmaann,, NNDD ©© 22001111

410 W. 7th Street #1922Tulsa, OK 74119, USA

Email: [email protected]


OOvveerrwweeiigghhtt aannddoobbeessiittyy hhaavvee sseerriioouussccoonnsseeqquueenncceess ffoorrhheeaalltthh aanndd aaggeeiinngg..TThhee bbeesstt aaddvviiccee ffoorrsshheeddddiinngg kkiillooggrraammssiinncclluuddeess kkeeeeppiinnggyyoouurr bbrraaiinn iinn

sshhaappee,, mmaaiinnttaaiinniinnggooppttiimmaall vviittaammiinn DDlleevveellss,, ggeettttiinngg

pplleennttyy ooff sslleeeepp aannddbbaallaanncciinngg yyoouurriinntteessttiinnaall fflloorraa..



OOvveerrwweeiigghhtt:: AA RRiisskk FFaaccttoorr iinn NNuummeerroouuss DDiisseeaasseess

Obesity has gone prime time. We see evidence of its presencewherever we look: in every neighbourhood, in every mall, in everyschool and in every workplace. Hardly a day goes by without newsreports on some aspect of the looming obesity crisis.1, 2

However, the epidemic is not confined to just the wealthy developedworld. Even desperately poor countries such as Nigeria and Uganda arewrestling with the dilemma of obesity. China, which was once one of theworld's leanest countries, is not immune: it has one of the fastest-growingobesity rates in the world, and one quarter of its urban youth is presentlyoverweight.3 It is projected that by 2015, 200 million Chinese will be not justobese but morbidly obese.4

The looming obesity epidemic is sending chills through the globalcommunity. Worldwide, more than 1.3 billion people are overweight,whereas only 800 million are underweight—and these statistics are divergingrapidly.5

The problem of expanding waistlines is more than merely a vanity concern.There are serious health consequences from sporting that beer belly. Beingoverweight can radically change the course of a person's life. Fat is toxic andpotentially lethal. Just carrying as few as an extra 4.5 kilograms (10 pounds)over your ideal weight is considered a serious risk factor for heart disease,diabetes, high blood pressure, dementia and Alzheimer's disease, liverdisease, hormonal imbalances, depression and cancer. In fact, at least 30different diseases are related to being overweight.

TThhee FFaaiilluurree ooff TTrraaddiittiioonnaall WWeeiigghhtt LLoossss AAddvviicceeSo, what's going on here? If people were to follow the advice offered by

medical professionals, public health officials and experts from the weightloss industry, the problem would be easily solved. The call to actionbasically involves turning your back on all those sugary, high-carbohydrate,processed junk foods and switching to a low-calorie diet fortified by plenty ofexercise. They say that it all boils down to a very simple equation: take infewer calories and burn more.

It sounds logical. The only problem is that this decades-old approach is adismal failure. For the vast majority of people, it doesn't work. In fact, long-term success for attaining permanent weight loss is only achieved by a meretwo to five per cent of those very determined and lucky dieters.

A definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again andexpecting a different outcome. It certainly appears that the traditionalapproach to winning the battle of the bulge does indeed seem insane.

If there are answers and successful strategies to stem the tide of thisserious health epidemic, they will need to be sought elsewhere.

It's time to discover some of the missing pieces of the weight loss puzzle.

18 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

SSeeccrreettss ooff tthhee BBrraaiinn––BBeellllyy CCoonnnneeccttiioonnDo you value your brain power? Certainly, the one

faculty that everyone wants to hold onto throughout alifetime is a fully functioning, intact brain.Unfortunately, belly fat can deliver a serious blow tothat aspiration. Overwhelming evidence now revealsthat your expanding waistline will put a serious crimpon your brain size as well as your brain power.

Researchers set out to discover if being overweightposed a danger to the brain. They scanned the brains of94 people over the age of seventy. They were looking tosee the differences in the brains of people who werenormal weight (BMI under 25), overweight (BMI 25–30)and obese (BMI over 30).6 (BMI stands for "body massindex", an approximation of body fat based on heightand weight.) Their results were quite shocking.Overweight people had four per cent less brain tissuethan people of normal weight. For obese people, thefindings were even worse:they had eight per cent less braintissue than people of normalweight.

The study showed thatcarrying extra weight not onlydegenerated the brain butalso accelerated its ageing.Researcher Paul Thompsonshared his observation: "Thebrains of overweight peoplelooked eight years older thanthe brains of those who werelean, and 16 years older inobese people. Type 2 diabetes,which is common in the overweight, is known toaccelerate the ageing of the brain and the onset ofdementia. But the relationship between brain size andweight still stood when the researchers accounted forthis, suggesting it is the fat itself that is causing theproblem. It is thought that high levels of fat raise theodds of the arteries clogging up, cutting the flow ofblood and oxygen to the brain. This could cause braincells to die and the organ to shrink."7 The high demandsput on these brain areas may make them more sensitiveto changes in oxygen levels.

Another study used magnetic resonance imaging tocompare the brains of 44 obese individuals with thoseof 19 lean people of similar age and background. Theobese individuals had more water in the amygdala, apart of the brain involved in eating behaviour. Theimaging also showed a smaller orbitofrontal cortex inthe obese—which is of concern, considering that thisarea of the brain is important for impulse control and isalso involved in eating behaviour. These findingsstrengthen the "slippery slope" theory of obesity. Theneural changes that occur when you are overweightaffect the parts of your brain that influence and controlso many behaviours necessary to make healthy choices.8

Further studies indicate that those with the most bellyfat (visceral fat mass) suffer the greatest mental declinesover time, and that central or abdominal obesity inparticular accounts for more than a threefold increase indementia risk.9, 10

What's even more worrying is that increased belly fatis linked to decreases in total brain volume,independent of BMI. This can cause changes in anotherarea of the brain, the hippocampus, which isresponsible for long-term memory, spatial memory andnavigation.11, 12 Finally, excess belly fat also appears tocontribute to lesions in the brain's white matter,especially in diabetic patients, linking it not just tomemory loss but also to increased risk of stroke.13

Obesity also causes changes to the immune systemwhich fan the flames of inflammation throughout thebody. This increased inflammation can have an impacton the brain and lead to a vicious cycle of gaining more

and more weight: obesityleads to inflammation, whichdamages certain parts of thebrain, which in turn leads tomore uncontrolled eating andmore obesity.

There are many areas of thebrain that are affected byoverweight:

• frontal and temporallobes, critical for planning,memory and impulse control;

• anterior cingulate gyrus,responsible for attention andexecutive functions;

• hippocampus, important for long-term memory,spatial memory and navigation;

• basal ganglia, essential for proper movement andcoordination.

Here is the catch 22: those extra kilograms impairbrain function and compromise the particular areas ofthe brain that have an impact on a person's ability tohave a keen memory, to control impulses and to followthrough on any kind of planning. It therefore becomesmore difficult to commit successfully to any kind ofprogram, especially a weight loss program. Since theimpulse-control part of the brain is affected, controllingthose urges to help you to another doughnut or asecond helping of mashed potatoes is an Herculeaneffort and generally doomed to fail.

VViittaammiinn DD:: AA KKeeyy ttoo aa HHeeaalltthhyy MMeettaabboolliissmmThere is one really important nutritional player when

it comes to our health. This superstar nutrient is thesunshine hormone, vitamin D. (Vitamin D is really asteroid hormone rather than an actual vitamin.)

Vitamin D truly deserves the title of "superstar". Eachyear, vitamin D researchers discover additional healthbenefits conferred by this sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D

OOvveerrwweeiigghhtt ppeeooppllee hhaadd ffoouurr ppeerr cceenntt lleessss

bbrraaiinn ttiissssuuee tthhaann ppeeooppllee ooffnnoorrmmaall wweeiigghhtt.. FFoorr oobbeessee

ppeeooppllee,, tthhee ffiinnddiinnggss wweerree eevveenn wwoorrssee……

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 19

receptors are found throughout the body, including inthe brain. Optimal levels are absolutely necessary toensure healthy bones and arteries, a robust immunesystem, balanced moods and optimal cognitive functionas well as protection from hypertension, allergies,multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, autoimmuneconditions, fertility problems and premenstrualsyndrome. Most significantly, vitamin D has beenproven to be protective against 13 different kinds ofcancer.14 Optimal levels of vitamin D are critical forgood health.

Here are some basic facts that you need to knowabout vitamin D. It is a fat-soluble steroid hormonethat is made by the body as well asfrom what we eat. In order for thebody to produce vitamin D(cholecalciferol), the skin must beexposed to ultraviolet light, primarilyfrom sunlight. Vitamin D is furthermetabolised in the liver and kidneysto create the fully active form ofvitamin D. Thus variations in sunlightexposure due to latitude, season, timeof day, sunscreen use, skinpigmentation and age will determinehow much vitamin D the body makes.

Although it is known that vitamin Dplays a vital role in the well-beingof infants, children, adults andthe elderly, we presently have aglobal pandemic of chronicallylow vitamin D levels. It'sestimated that 85 per cent of theAmerican public are deficient, asare as much as 95 per cent of allits senior citizens.15 Vitamin Ddeficiencies are also widespreadthroughout the UK, with 86 percent of the population deficient inthe winter and 57 per cent in thesummer.16

Even though Australia is described as a "sunburnt"country and is one of the sunniest countries in theworld, a surprising number of its citizens are severelylacking in vitamin D. A recent report stated that asmany as one in three Australians may have low vitaminD levels.17

For all those on a weight loss quest, vitamin D is one ofthose missing pieces that you've been searching for. Thereis overwhelming evidence that confirms the importance ofkeeping your vitamin D levels up to get your extra kilosdown. Not only does it help achieve weight loss, it alsoimproves other risk factors such as insulin resistance,metabolic syndrome and blood-sugar imbalances.

If you are feeling hungry all the time no matter howmuch you eat, you might want to have your vitamin Dlevels checked. What drives insatiable hunger is the

relationship between low vitamin D levels and ahormone called leptin. Leptin is a messenger molecule,made in fat cells, that communicates with thehypothalamus, letting it know how much fat is stored inthe body. It is the hormone that communicates thatyour stomach is full.

Low vitamin D levels interfere with the effectiveness ofleptin. Researchers at Aberdeen University, Scotland,found that obese people produced 10 per cent lessvitamin D than people of average weight. The studydiscovered that low levels of the vitamin in bloodinterfered with the function of leptin. The study alsofound that excess body fat absorbs vitamin D, stopping

it from entering the bloodstream. The2008 study's leader, Dr HelenMacdonald, of Aberdeen University'sDepartment of Medicine andTherapeutics, commented: "Obesepeople had less vitamin D and thelink between obesity and vitamin Ddeficiency was statisticallysignificant."18

Overweight people, shirkingsunlight or not taking adequatevitamin D supplementation, thwarttheir dieting efforts in another way.Low vitamin D levels have been

shown to increase fat storage. A2009 Canadian study found thatweight and body fat weresignificantly lower in women withnormal vitamin D levels than inwomen with insufficient levels.19

It seems that fat people may beless able to convert vitamin Dinto its hormonally active form.A Norwegian study found thatthe more that participantsweighed, the lower their vitaminD levels tended to be. The

researcher, Zoya Lagunova, MD, believes that obesity isassociated with lower vitamin D levels since vitamin D isa fat-soluble vitamin. "Much of the vitamin D producedin the skin or ingested is distributed in fat tissue, soobese people may take in as much vitamin D from thesun, food or supplements as people who are not obese,but their [blood] levels will tend to be lower. Obesepeople may need more vitamin D to end up with thesame levels as a person whose weight is normal," shestated.20

How much less vitamin D does an overweight personmake? As it turns out, increased fatty cells can decreasethe ability to make vitamin D by a factor of four. Thismeans that if you are carrying extra weight, you maymake only a quarter the amount of vitamin D comparedto a leaner person.

Vitamin D is also an important factor in diabetes. Low

OOvveerrwweeiigghhttppeeooppllee,, sshhiirrkkiinnggssuunnlliigghhtt oorr nnoottttaakkiinngg aaddeeqquuaattee

vviittaammiinn DDssuupppplleemmeennttaattiioonn,,

tthhwwaarrtt tthheeiirrddiieettiinngg eeffffoorrttss iinn aannootthheerr wwaayy.. LLooww vviittaammiinn DDlleevveellss hhaavvee bbeeeenn

sshhoowwnn ttoo iinnccrreeaasseeffaatt ssttoorraaggee..

20 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

levels of vitamin D have been linked to an increased risk ofdeveloping type 2 diabetes. After following more than5,000 people for five years, an Australian research teamfound that those with lower-than-average vitamin D levelshad a 57 per cent increased risk of developing diabetescompared to those within the recommended range.21

Low levels of vitamin D are also known to nearlydouble the risk of cardiovascular disease if you alreadyhave diabetes.22 Diabetics, who are deficient in vitaminD and cannot process cholesterol normally, tend to havecholesterol build up in their blood vessels, henceincreasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Vitamin D also helps keep blood-sugar levels undercontrol. With type 2 diabetes, the body can't efficientlyuse the insulin it produces to controlblood-sugar levels. Vitamin D plays arole by increasing the release ofinsulin. In one study, researchersevaluated vitamin D levels and thechance of developing unbalancedblood-sugar metabolism. In thisstudy, subjects were evaluated forserum vitamin D levels and werefollowed for seven years to determinethe effects on blood-sugarmetabolism. The study showed thatthe subjects with the highest vitaminD levels had a 40 per cent increase insupporting an optimal futureblood-sugar balance.23

If you want to lose weight andkeep it off, it is critical to checkyour vitamin D levels. The higheryour vitamin D levels, the higheryour leptin levels and the moreyour blood sugar will remainbalanced. Vitamin D helps yourbody respond to the correctmetabolic messages. Highvitamin D levels increase yourability to lose weight, and losingweight will increase your vitaminD levels—all of which will reduce your risk of metabolicsyndrome, insulin resistance, diabetes and cardiovasculardisease, not to mention most chronic illnesses.

While it is important for most people—especially theoverweight, children and elderly—to take vitamin Dsupplements, it is critically important to check yourvitamin D levels. Taking a vitamin D supplement maynot get you into optimal range, which is where you wantto be. It's optimal blood vitamin D levels that count.The proper blood test is called 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH vitamin D), which is included in the basic bloodwork-up. In Australia, optimal levels should be 150–200nmol/L. In the USA, optimal levels should be between70 and 100 ng/mL. Do not settle for less than optimallevels if your goal is the best health possible.

SSlleeeepp AAwwaayy TThhoossee KKiillooss!!We all know about beauty rest, but do you know about

thinness slumber? Getting those zzzzs is anotherimportant piece of the weight loss puzzle.

Your carbohydrate addiction may be more the resultof your sleeping patterns rather than your lack ofwillpower. Have you ever noticed that after a night withlittle sleep, you wake up ravenously hungry and want todevour everything in sight? Why? Because your lack ofsleep actually triggers food cravings.

An expanding body of scientific evidence shows thatthe less sleep you get, the more cravings you have; themore calories you eat, the more belly fat you have andthe higher your BMI.

One study found that sleep-deprivedpeople eat more carbohydrates thantheir more well-rested compatriots.Those with four hours of sleep weremore likely to choose candy, cakes andcookies over fruit, vegetables and dairyproducts. It was also found that theirability to process glucose (sugar) inthe blood had declined—in somecases, to the level of diabetics. Theresearchers looked at two hormones,leptin and ghrelin, that are regulatedby sleep and influence properappetite. Leptin lets the brain know

when your stomach is full, andghrelin sends the message ofhunger. When ghrelin wasmeasured in the group that sleptfor four hours a night, the ratio ofghrelin jumped 71 per centcompared to when they weresleeping a full 10 hours.24 Nowonder they felt hungry andcraved simple carbohydrates:their hunger hormone wasswitched on.

Since the psychologicalmanifestations of fatigue, sleep

and hunger are similar, adults sometimes confuse them.That's why people tend to eat when they're feeling reallytired. Fatigue is often misinterpreted as hunger.

The Nurses' Health Study followed more than 68,000women for 16 years, monitoring their weight, sleepinghabits and diet. At the start of the study, all of thewomen were healthy and none was obese. By the end ofthe study, women who slept five hours a night were 32per cent more likely to experience major weight gain—defined as an increase of 33 pounds [14.85 kg] ormore—and 15 per cent more likely to become obese,compared with women who slept seven hours. Andwomen who slept for six hours were 12 per cent morelikely to experience major weight gain and six per centmore likely to become obese over the study period,

AAnn eexxppaannddiinnggbbooddyy ooff sscciieennttiiffiicceevviiddeennccee sshhoowwss

tthhaatt tthhee lleessss sslleeeeppyyoouu ggeett,, tthhee mmoorreeccrraavviinnggss yyoouu hhaavvee;;tthhee mmoorree ccaalloorriieessyyoouu eeaatt,, tthhee mmoorreebbeellllyy ffaatt yyoouu hhaavveeaanndd tthhee hhiigghheerr

yyoouurr BBMMII..

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 21

compared with women who slept seven hours a night.25

These results have been reinforced by other studies.For example, researchers at the University of Warwickreviewed data from more than 28,000 children and morethan 15,000 adults and found that sleep deprivationalmost doubled the risk of obesity for children andadults.26

Brain scans of people who have fewer than sevenhours of sleep a night show lower activity in theprefrontal cortex, the area of the brain that is involvedin impulse control, planning, judgement and follow-though. Decreased activity in this part of the brainleads to greater impulsivity and more self-defeatingdecisions. It also means it's much more difficult to stickto any plan successfully, especially a weight lossprogram.

The relationship between obesity and sleep is not justan adult problem. Since 1992,13 studies of more than 45,000children have supported theinverse relationship betweenhours of sleep and risk ofobesity. If children sleep less,they are more at risk ofbecoming obese. Short sleepduration at age 30 months ispredictive of obesity at the ageof seven years.27

Less than seven hours of sleepper night may permanentlyimpair the part of the braincalled the hypothalamus, whichregulates both appetite and energy expenditure.

AA WWoorrdd aabboouutt tthhee HHyyppootthhaallaammuussThe hypothalamus is located at the centre of the brain

and is the interface between the central nervous systemand the endocrine system. It controls many automaticfunctions and coordinates metabolic activity throughoutthe 20 trillion cells that make up the human body. Inaddition, it organises and controls moods, cravings,sleep, endocrine function, hunger, appetite and foodintake. Most importantly, the hypothalamus is the partof the brain that controls fat-burning and energyexpenditure.

In the 1940s, the brilliant English endocrinologist DrA. T. W. Simeons developed a revolutionary protocol toaddress the cause of the obesity problem (see my articlein NEXUS 17/04). This new paradigm focused on re-establishing homoeostasis to the hypothalamus, whichhe believed was dysfunctional in all overweight people.He created a unique protocol that re-established aproperly functioning hypothalamus and also helpedpeople safely lose up to 0.5 kilograms a day of toxic fat.(To learn more about the Simeons protocol, visit thewebsites

To support deep and regenerative sleep, the followingsupplements and natural approaches are helpful:melatonin, chamomile, valerian, kava, passionflower,hops, L-theanine, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan), vitamin B complex,phosphatidylserine and magnesium.

If you're taking prescription sleep medications, becautious: all of them have serious side effects.

SSoommee GGuutt FFlloorraa CCaann MMaakkee YYoouu FFaattIt was once thought that we are what we eat. But, to

be more accurate, we are what we digest and assimilate.The latest research now tells us that, to be even morecorrect, we are what digests and assimilates our food. Itall has to do with the thriving population of the 100trillion life-promoting bacteria that take up residencewithin our digestive tract from the moment of birth.

More than 99 per cent ofmicrobes living in ourintestinal tract comprise a verydiverse group of bacteria,numbering between 500 to1,000 different species. In ahealthy person, these bacterialive in the gut in a balancedecosystem, with each speciesinhabiting its appropriateplace. However, with theintroduction of antibiotics,steroids and birth-control pills,that delicate balance isradically altered—and so is

one's health.And now, one more adverse health condition, caused

by an overgrowth of harmful gut flora, can be added tothe list: obesity. There is a distinctive change in theintestinal microbial populations found in obese andlean humans and mice. Obese mice have differentmicrobes in their gut than do lean mice. Obese humanshave different gut microbes than do lean (or evendieting) humans. There is a strong connection betweenwhat we eat, how much we eat, and the species ofbacteria that inhabit the intestinal tract.

The bacteria in the gut of obese mice are moreefficient in processing carbohydrates. Thus, obese miceget a bigger "bang for the chow", ingesting calories fromfood that in lean mice would normally go unprocessed.So, fat mice get even fatter.28

Obese people have a distinctive mix of bacteria intheir digestive system that also seem to make themprone to gaining weight. They have more digestivemicrobes that are especially efficient at extractingcalories from food. Also, the greater the proportion ofthese super-digesting organisms, the more that peoplegain weight. When scientists transplanted thesebacteria from obese mice into lean mice, the thinanimals started to get fatter.

TThheerree iiss aa ssttrroonnggccoonnnneeccttiioonn bbeettwweeeenn

wwhhaatt wwee eeaatt,, hhooww mmuucchhwwee eeaatt,, aanndd tthhee ssppeecciieess ooff bbaacctteerriiaa tthhaatt iinnhhaabbiitt

tthhee iinntteessttiinnaall ttrraacctt..

22 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

There appears to be a causal link between obesity andthe type of microflora that inhabit the intestines. Thedifference in the structure of the microbial ecology ofour digestive tract may create greater susceptibility toobesity. Our western diet, rich in fat and sugar, packs adouble whammy to people's expanding girth. As well asproviding more calories than we can burn throughexercise, junk food encourages the growth of the gutbacteria that process food more efficiently, addingfurther to this energy excess.

Scientists took mice raised in a germ-freeenvironment—mice which had no native gut bacteria oftheir own—and transplanted human intestinal bacteriainto their digestive tracts. When these "humanised"mice were placed on a high-fat, high-sugar dietdesigned to mimic those common in western societies,the contents of their gut bacteria changed drastically,literally overnight. Switching from a low-fat, plantpolysaccharide–rich diet to a high-fat, high-sugar,"western" diet shifted the structure of the gut microflorawithin a single day. The miceshowed an increase in types ofbacteria linked to obesity andalso increased their body fat.The researchers thentransplanted microbes from theintestines of these mice intoother germ-free mice. Theseanimals also put on weight,even when fed a low-fat diet.29

Another intriguing revelationhas been the obesity–gutconnection. When an organismis out of balance, the imbalanceis reflected everywhere. Obese people have alteredintestinal flora which predispose them to being obese.Junk food diets alter healthy gut flora, resulting in moreobese tendencies.

Your food choices have an instantaneous effect on thebalance of gut flora. Feed your digestive system healthy,nutritious food and you will be adding yet anothersuccessful piece to your weight loss puzzle. You canalso add probiotic supplements to help support andenhance healthy intestinal flora.

SSoollvviinngg tthhee PPuuzzzzlleeWith more than one billion overweight adults who are

part of the global community and at least 300 millionobese adults, the world is facing an unparalleled obesityepidemic. To help rescue a world drowning in fat, it isnecessary to embrace new paradigms. It is a problemthat requires many new perspectives and an integratedapproach. Maintaining a healthy brain, ensuringoptimal vitamin D levels, committing to regenerativesleep and supporting the growth of healthy intestinalflora are some of the new pieces that are helping tosolve the weight loss puzzle. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Sherrill Sellman, ND, is a naturopathic doctor (BoardCertified in Integrative Medicine), an educator, a women'snatural health expert and psychotherapist as well as aninternational lecturer, the host of two weekly radio shows,the senior editor and contributing writer to numeroushealth publications and a journalist in the field of women'shealth. She is a regular contributor to NEXUS, mostrecently with her article "An Effective Solution to theObesity Epidemic" (17/04). See the review of her new book,The Promise of hCG, in this edition. For more information,visit the websites http://www.whatwomenmustknow.comand http://www.fatlossaustralia. Dr Sellman can becontacted by email at [email protected].

EEnnddnnootteess1. Cai, Jinnan, "The world is fat", 23 December 2010, Popkin, Barry M., "The World is Fat", Scientific American,

September 2007, pp. 88-95 3. France 24, "Obesity: China'sgrowing epidemic", YouTube, Miller, J.F.K., "Fat China:Special Report", 6 January2010, Cai, op. cit. 6. Raji, C.A., P.M. Thompson etal., "Brain structure andobesity", Human Brain Mapping2010 Mar; 31(3):353-364,published online on 6 August2009

7. Alzheimer's Weekly, "Obesity Ages a Brain by 16Years", 30 August – 6 September 2009, Cazettes, V. et al., "Obesity-mediated inflammationmay damage the brain circuit that regulates foodintake", Brain Research 2011 Feb 10; 1373:101-109 9. Kanaya, A.M. et al., "Total and Regional Adiposityand Cognitive Change in Older Adults: The Health,Aging, and Body Composition study", Archives of Neurology2009 Mar; 66(3):329-35, Whitmer, R.A. et al., "Central obesity and increasedrisk of dementia more than three decades later",Neurology 2008 Sep 30; 71(14):1057-1064 11. Debette, S. et al., "Visceral fat is associated withlower brain volume in healthy middle-aged adults",Annals of Neurology 2010 Aug; 68(2):136-14412. Anan, F. et al., "Abdominal visceral fataccumulation is associated with hippocampus volumein non-dementia patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus",Neuroimage 2010 Jan 1; 49(1):57-6213. Anan, F. et al., "Visceral fat accumulation is a

TThhee ddiiffffeerreennccee iinn tthheessttrruuccttuurree ooff tthhee mmiiccrroobbiiaalleeccoollooggyy ooff oouurr ddiiggeessttiivveettrraacctt mmaayy ccrreeaattee ggrreeaatteerrssuusscceeppttiibbiilliittyy ttoo oobbeessiittyy..

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8811

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 23

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 25



BByy mmiiddddllee aaggee,, oovveerr 5500 ppeerr cceenntt ooffppeeooppllee mmaayy hhaavvee aahhiiddddeenn ccoonnddiittiioonntthhaatt,, aatt lleeaasstt iinnppaarrtt,, ccaann ccaauussee oorreexxaacceerrbbaattee aasstthhmmaa,,rreefflluuxx,, uullcceerr,, sslleeeepp aappnnooeeaa,, ppaanniicc aattttaacckk,,

hhyyppeerrtteennssiioonn,, PPFFOOaanndd ootthheerr ccaarrddiiaaccccoonnddiittiioonnss..

bbyy SStteevveenn RRoocchhlliittzz,, PPhhDD ©©April 2011

Post Office Box 2154Cottonwood, AZ 86326, USA

Email: [email protected]:

PPoossssiibbllyy tthhee MMoosstt CCoommmmoonn HHeeaalltthh PPrroobblleemm iinn MMaannkkiinnddiatal Hernia Syndrome (HHS), with Vagus Nerve Imbalance (VNI), maybe the most common set of complaints in our species. Probably mostpeople who are chronically unwell have this syndrome. This authorhas linked this syndrome to various heart and lung problems. Unlike

the percentages of people with the hidden health problems covered in myprevious two articles in NEXUS, the majority of humanity may have this one!Recall that up to 20 per cent of us may have a porphyric genetic tendency, andup to 35 per cent may have PFO (patent foramen ovale, or "hole in the heart");but, by middle age, over 50 per cent of mankind may have this hidden condition, accordingto holistic health experts. Hiatal hernia syndrome may be at least partiallyresponsible for causing or exacerbating asthma, reflux, ulcer, sleep apnoea,panic attack, hypertension, PFO and other cardiac conditions. This author hascome to this conclusion after nearly three decades of working on people withHHS/VNI.

The ancient Greeks knew that serious illness was associated with havingdiscomfort in the region below the ribs. Sadly, modern man has warped theterm that the Greeks used for this region into a term connoting mental illness.We will see that the ancient Greeks had wisdom regarding the physicality of thehypochondriac region—the area where the hiatal hernia exists.

Here we will see what the hiatal (or hiatus) hernia is, and then look at thepossible symptoms that can arise from this syndrome and its associated vagusnerve imbalance. Then things that can improve this syndrome will be revealed.Many people may have had this problem for much of their lives. I hypothesisethat it is deeply involved in many chronic conditions, in multiple chemicalsensitivity (MCS) and electromagnetic field sensitivity (EMFS), and in food"allergies".

Both mainstream and alternative medicine seem to be unaware orunappreciative of the serious illness or suffering that HHS commonly causes. Itcan cause any of the visceral organs to malfunction. This factor may even be apredictor of life expectancy.

The biochemist Carey Reams, PhD, said that "illness begins with the vagusnerve". Hiatal hernia syndrome, by pinching the vagus nerve, causes vagusnerve imbalance. However, one may have hidden, underlying illnesses thatalready have caused vagus nerve disorder. The vagus nerve could be imbalancedby heavy metal toxicity (mercury, lead, arsenic, other metals), or porphyria, orany malady that affects the nervous system. This imbalance is often ahyperexcitability.

In an hiatal hernia (HH), the upper portion of the stomach protrudes throughthe opening (hiatus) in the diaphragm (see figure 1). HHS involves fourcomponents initially: the stomach, the oesophagus, the diaphragm and thevagus nerve. Wellness can return if and when the stomach goes, and stays,below the diaphragmatic opening. This can take some doing in many cases.


26 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

Many things may be involved, as we shall see. It oftenrequires learning a set of techniques far beyond thesimple "pull down" that some perform.

I have seen many people with fatigue/fibromyalgiaand/or food, chemical and electromagnetic sensitivities.Over 90 per cent of these people had HHS. It's nocoincidence. I cannot blame the reader for any initialdisbelief, but 27 years of working on this problem inpeople from around the world has made the matter clearto me. Seemingly unrelated illnesses or symptoms canoften immediately be relieved when "the stomach goesdown" and/or the vagus nerve is rebalanced.

PPoossssiibbllee SSyymmppttoommss Below is a list of some of the many

possible symptoms of HHS and/orVNI. I am not saying that HHS/VNI isthe sole cause of each of thesecomplaints or conditions.Sometimes it exacerbates acondition, and other elements areinvolved. The symptoms include:panic attack; belching; bloating; gas;anxiety; tachycardia; bradycardia;other heart conditions; palpitations;hypertension or hypotension;asthma (may be the non-wheezingvariation); shortness of breath;hiccups; no deep breathing, orhyperventilation occurs; swallowingair; reflux; dental enamel erosion;ulcers; regurgitation, including dryheaves; waist sensitivity; nausea;diminished or excessive appetite;colic in infants; diarrhoea or constipation; fatigue;hoarseness; coughing; pain (diaphragm, lungs, ribs,throat, chest, abdomen, shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, spine,extremities or back); arthritis; fatigue; nervousness;insecurity feelings; facial flushing; depression; orthostatichypotension; food, chemical and electromagneticallergies; TMJ; bruxism; headaches; dizziness; poorbalance; numbness; paralysis; hypoglycaemia; shakiness;fainting; confusion; poor stress tolerance; visionweakness; learning/behaviour problems; premenstrualsyndrome; prostatitis; bladder weakness; weight gain orloss; intestinal disease; gallbladder disease; adrenalfatigue; hypothyroidism; hyperthyroidism; kidney disease;epilepsy; insomnia; sleep apnoea, obstructive or central;many pregnancy complaints; porphyria, acute attacks.

HHiiddddeenn HHeeaalltthh PPrroobblleemmssLet's look at how HHS/VNI can cause so many

complaints and organ problems. Many factors canprevent the stomach from "going back down" or "stayingdown". My own improved techniques may make thischange last longer, and thus the improvement in thesemany seemingly unrelated conditions is observable.

I have also found that the PFO, the hidden heart defectthat one out of three people have, is deeply linked toHHS/VNI. This may be one reason why only some peoplewith hiatal hernia suffer so much, and others with HH donot. I would advise anyone who is prone to suffer boutsof panic, breathlessness, arrhythmia, tachycardia,hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, orthostatichypotension or fainting to get tested for both the PFOand HHS. It is also possible that other underlying heartproblems are adversely affected by HHS/VNI. I haveobserved that angina, leaky valves, atrial fibrillation,supraventricular tachycardia, mitral valve prolapse,pulmonary hypertension and other heart problems canall become "active" due to the effects of HHS/VNI. So it

can be crucial for anyone with anyheart condition to find out if s/hehas HHS/VNI.

In many people, serious illnessbegins unfolding even if the amountof protrusion is small. In manysufferers, any such protrusion causesmajor hyperexcitability of the vagusnerve. Or, as this researcher hasfound, the vagus nerve may already bedamaged/imbalanced from numerouspossible underlying and hidden conditions.These hidden causative factors forvagus nerve imbalance must betested and corrected—if possible—individually for wellness to bemaintained. Allergies, heavy metalpoisoning, parasitosis, porphyriaand other factors could already beimbalancing the vagus nerve. That

the vagus nerve is a key factor is indicated when we seepeople with large hernias but who are asymptomatic.They may have a very balanced vagus nerve and perhapsa defect-free heart.

The extensive vagus nerve is so diverse, and sointerconnected to the visceral organs, that it has beennicknamed "the wanderer". The vagus nerve is the tenthcranial nerve, and is also called the pneumogastric nerve.It is the only nerve that starts in the brainstem—withinthe medulla—which contains the cardiac, respiratory,vomiting and vasomotor centres, and involves autonomicfunctions such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure,maintaining consciousness and regulating the sleepcycle. The vagus nerve innervates the crucial visceralorgans (heart, lungs, gastro-intestinal [GI] tract, pancreas,liver, kidneys, stomach) and also conveys sensoryinformation about the state of these visceral organs tothe central nervous system. The vagus nerve is part ofthe parasympathetic nervous system, which must be inbalance with the sympathetic nervous system. Both arepart of the autonomic nervous system, and are thusinvolved in cardiac muscle and smooth muscleregulation.

Figure 1: Hiatal hernia—above thediaphragm, where it doesn't belong!


hiatal hernia


upper stomach (or fundus)

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 27

The slightest upward displacement of the stomachthrough the diaphragm disorders the vagus nerve orworsens its already unbalanced nature, if that was thecase. Immediately, the stomach and diaphragmmalfunction. Overproduction or underproduction ofhydrochloric acid may result. The heart and lungs may nolonger function optimally. The entire digestive processmay be adversely affected.

From an imbalanced vagus nerve, other organs canbegin to malfunction depending on genetic weaknessesand other factors. Of course, the diaphragm itself will bedirectly affected, and normal breathing will no longeroccur. Other openings in thediaphragm—itself now stressed,stretched or torn—allow some majorblood vessels to and from the heart topass through it. Thus spasms in theabdominal aorta and inferior vena cavacan occur. The heart itself can becrowded and pressed upon by thestomach's being "where it doesn'tbelong". These last factors, and thedirect hyperexcitability of the vagusnerve's connection to the heart, lead tomany Emergency Room (ER) visits and"pseudo–heart attack" symptoms ofchest pain, breathing difficultyand arm numbness. If you'reexperiencing these complaints,you should not assume that theyare arising from HHS: you shouldseek emergency medical care.When French President NicolasSarkozy collapsed in July 2009, hespent the night in hospital andwas diagnosed with a vagus nerveproblem. The doctors said that itwas "minor". Translation: if it hadaffected his heart a little bit moreand he then suffered a heart attackor such, the problem would no longer be "minor"—butwould then not likely later be traceable back to his vagusnerve.

There is a similarity between HHS and angina. Bothcan cause similar symptoms, and both can occur aftersimilar events such as overeating, exercise and heavylifting. My hypothesis is that HHS, if uncorrected, maysometimes eventually lead to angina and/or other heartconditions. Also, I have noted that every person I haveseen with atrial fibrillation had hiatal hernia. It usuallytakes years before serious cardiac complaints result, butdealing with HHS/VNI and also muscle trigger-points maybe the best long-term solution if these are among theultimate causes of the heart rhythm disorders. Anydegenerative heart condition ultimately may result from,or be exacerbated by, HHS/VNI.

Pregnant women, for the obvious reason, need frequent

hiatal hernia corrections, as do obese people, body-builders and others whose exercise regimen or type ofwork causes stress to this area. The basic correctionsbelow can provide some relief for many complaints.

Note that this hernia can readily result from birthtrauma. It will be undetected unless a good kinesiologistis around to perform surrogate muscle-testing on theinfant. Some kinesiologists and chiropractors gently pulldown the stomach of newborns, possibly preventingmuch illness. I initially use various trigger-points and notthe "pull down", which usually allows for the dropping ofthe stomach. I can also imagine that HHS could arise

before birth, from weeks or months ofbeing somewhat "scrunched" in thewomb. Physical trauma to theabdomen—at any time—can alsocause hiatal hernia. Even emotionalstress can cause or exacerbate thiscondition.

HHHHSS,, EEmmoottiioonnss aanndd AAlllleerrggiieessThe involvement of HHS in

emotional stress is illustrated now. Aclient flew in to see me, and I balancedhis hiatal hernia and also did somephobia balancing. I saw that nothing

lasted when he merely thoughtabout being forced to takeantihypertension medication:just thinking about the issuemade his hernia reappear. So Idecided to hold down hisstomach directly, after the lasttime I re-set these imbalances,and asked him to think againabout taking those drugs orgetting his blood pressure taken.Despite my trying to hold it down,as soon as he thought of theissue I felt his stomach scoot back

up past my hands! (For an instant I thought of the movieAlien, when the hidden creature pops out of actor JohnHurt's abdomen and scoots past the crew.) This showshow stress can make things more problematic.

There is a strong allergy connection to HHS/VNI. It iswell known that allergic reactions can increase heart rate,but so can an active hiatal hernia. To get well, one oftenhas to learn to give up one's favourite foods as these areusually allergic/addictive. The HHS may be the earliestcause of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD orGERD), though the orthodox literature only denotes "anoccasional link".

HHeellppffuull RReeccoommmmeennddaattiioonnss ffoorr HHHHSSTo help deal with HHS, it's recommended that you eat

small meals, chew your food well 30 times, elevate thetop of your bed by 6–9 inches (~15–23 centimetres)

DDeessppiittee mmyy ttrryyiinnggttoo hhoolldd iitt ddoowwnn,, aass ssoooonn aass hhee

tthhoouugghhtt ooff tthheeiissssuuee II ffeelltt hhiissssttoommaacchh ssccoooottbbaacckk uupp ppaasstt mmyy hhaannddss!!

TThhiiss sshhoowwss hhoowwssttrreessss ccaann mmaakkee

tthhiinnggss mmoorreepprroobblleemmaattiicc..

28 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

and/or get a wedge to sleep on, and sleep on memoryfoam. Don't eat spicy foods. Lose weight if possible.Avoid alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and nightshades(tomato, potato, etc.), and avoid or get muscle-tested fordairy, wheat, gluten, vinegar and citrus. Avoid fried orgreasy foods, mints, nuts, soda, hot or cold food or drink,fats and oils including raw "nutritional" oils, and clothingthat's tight at the waist. Don't eat less than three hoursbefore going to sleep. Try a liquid diet, juicing or babyfood if you're suffering greatly. Don't eat too muchroughage or take many tablets or capsules at once.

Bed elevation is crucial for easing hiatal hernia. It maybe a shock to learn that until about 200 years ago, peopleslept in the seated position against awall (see The History Channel videoCities of the Underworld: FreemasonUnderground). Elevate the top of thebed by 6–9 inches by placing cinder(concrete) blocks, or anything sturdy,under the top posts/legs. You can alsobuy a wedge to sleep on, or you can doboth. Some wedges even havememory foam on top. Purchase a newmattress with memory-foam padding,or the less expensive 2–4 inch (~5–10cm) overlay for the whole bed, toprevent and to overcome triggerpoints. The new padding mayneed to be outgassed for severalweeks or months before use, forthose with MCS. Some sourcesrecommend sleeping on the backor on the left side, not on theright side. If you have certainheart conditions, you may have toavoid left-side sleeping as well.Lifting, bending, sneezing,coughing, stress and many otherfactors can immediately push thestomach back up through thediaphragm.

Diet constraints cannot be overemphasised in keepingHHS in check. Eating only small meals is key. Gettingcomplete food-allergy testing, via kinesiology, andpossibly rotating foods to avoid new food allergies can becrucial. Avoiding greasy and spicy foods is also essential.I have found that roughage may have disastrousconsequences for the HHS sufferer: the fibre mayimmediately push the stomach back up, or worsen thecondition itself. Likewise with nuts and seeds. So, onlysoft foods, cooked foods or juices should be consumed atfirst. A pure juice diet may have healing potential, atleast in part, because the liquid diet may allow HHS/VNIto heal!

Taking supplements may cause or exacerbate HHS. Thehard tablets and capsules (until they dissolve) may alsopush the stomach right back up through the diaphragm.

Some people take dozens of supplements at the same time.Not recommended! It may be necessary to pull capsulesapart and put the contents into a liquid, or cut down onsupplements until healing has occurred. Alwaysremember that any food or supplement that shocks thestomach or oesophagus can immediately bring back thehernia.

TThhee OOeessoopphhaagguuss CCoonnnneeccttiioonnLet us now take an important detour to the

oesophagus. Some of the complaints attributable tohiatal hernia may be caused by the so-called Schatzki'sring and not the hernia itself, or by both. Schatzki's ring

is a disorder of the lower oesophagealsphincter (LOS or LES). The LES actslike a valve between the oesophagusand the stomach. Schatzki's ring is ahardened, thickened, multifold, scar-type tissue. If this ring is present, theLES doesn't function properly. It maybe open when it should be closed,causing reflux, or it may be closedwhen it should be open. The lattercondition may trap food above thering. There may be constriction.Trapped food, or spasms of theoesophagus, can then cause breathing

difficulty (asthma, etc.),tachycardia or other arrhythmia.Schatzki's ring should show up onupper GI X-ray or endoscopy.

Breads and fibrous (tough)meats are more likely to gettrapped at the LES ring. Dry foods(like bread) can be a problem, butallergy may also be a factor."Steakhouse syndrome" is thenickname that ER personnel havegiven this syndrome. Peoplecome in with anxiety and

respiratory, cardiac or cardiac-like symptoms due totrapped food. Any hard food, tablet or capsule can getstuck. The person may have swallowing difficulty. Foodsmay need to be puréed in advanced cases, as peristalsismay be impaired. In the ER, sometimes an emergencyendoscopy is performed to remove trapped food ortablets. Endoscopic stretching of the ring—via aninserted tool—may be recommended for Schatzki's ring ifthere is narrowing and if the person has swallowingdifficulty. Some people report improvement in theirhealth after this. Others report that the procedure onlylasts for six months to a year, and have it done every year.

The cause of Schatzki's ring is "officially" unknown.Clinical radiologist O. Arthur Stiennon, MD, hypothesisedthat the entire LES/HHS is caused by a hypercontraction ofthe longitudinal muscle of the oesophagus. Stiennon speculatedthat the hiatal hernia, LES ring, hypo- or hyperacidity,

BBeedd eelleevvaattiioonn iissccrruucciiaall ffoorr eeaassiinngg

hhiiaattaall hheerrnniiaa.. IItt mmaayy bbee aa sshhoocckk

ttoo lleeaarrnn tthhaatt uunnttiill aabboouutt

220000 yyeeaarrss aaggoo,,ppeeooppllee sslleepptt iinn

tthhee sseeaatteedd ppoossiittiioonnaaggaaiinnsstt aa wwaallll..

GERD and swallowing difficulties all stem fromoesophageal longitudinal muscle contraction (OLMC orELMC). This contraction then forcibly pulls up the stomach.Stiennon speculated that fats entering the duodenumtrigger the contraction of the oesophageal longitudinalmuscle and the whole syndrome. Thus, avoiding all fats,oils, meats and dairy may help alleviate this syndrome.

Trigger points could also cause ELMC. The vagus nervemay be involved at the beginning or the end of thissyndrome, or both. Scars can cause trigger points.Tonsillectomy and the resultant throat scar can becausative here. Of course, the reason the person mayhave "needed" a tonsillectomy is that throat problemsalready existed. Any allergic reaction to any food mayplay a role. The throat itself may start a chain reaction.Some people have an excess of complement (an immunesystem component) in their throats. An adverse reactioncould start with chewing/swallowing a reactive food.Then the vagus nerve goeshyper, and the oesophagealmuscles spasm and pull thestomach up—and on thescenario goes. I have seenconsumption of chicken or itsfat do this with several people.

HHiiaattaall HHeerrnniiaa TTeessttiinngg aannddTTrreeaattmmeenntt

Getting back to the hernianow, avoiding caffeine and anyother neurotoxins and/orexcitotoxins, such as theubiquitous monosodiumglutamate (MSG) or aspartame, is important. Perhapsthe most nerve-damaging substance is mercury. Soda,with the extra gas it contains, should be avoided.Trapped gas makes this syndrome much worse. Indeed,the sufferer may have episodes of feeling as if s/he isdying, sometimes accompanied by a racing heart,hypertension and asthma or some breathing difficulty,only to be relieved by minutes or hours of belching orperhaps the gas passes down the other way. Proper foodcombining may help prevent gas. Avoid protein andcarbs at the same meal. When the stomach goes backdown, much gurgling is often audible. One hundredyears ago, medical schools taught Roemheld's syndrome,which described significant cardiac complaints arisingfrom stomach problems. Similarly, ancient medicalliterature described asthma as a stomach-originatingcomplaint.

Medical testing for HH may miss it. Less expensive isthe upper GI X-ray series, done after ingesting aradioactive "milkshake". To help find the HH—aftermissing many—some tilting of the patient was addedduring the procedure. The far more involved test is theendoscopy (EGD). This may sometimes miss the HHalso, if the anaesthetic/sedative relaxes the system

sufficiently and the stomach temporarily drops below thediaphragm. The HH may be found with either the upperGI X-rays or the endoscopy, or quickly via kinesiology.

It may not be possible to overcome HHS/VNI unless thesufferer becomes thin. This can be difficult due to otherconditions. Many forms of exercise will exacerbate thehernia. Finding some exercise regimen that doesn'tworsen the hernia is important, as is taking it slowly andsteadily. It may be very problematic to become thin, asone complaint for HHS/VNI is that eating when thestomach is up may immediately cause the sufferer to gethungrier (and not satiated) as s/he eats! Overeating—one of the worst things for this condition—often results.Many cases of "hypoglycaemia" may really be HHS/VNI,and not hypoglycaemia, or perhaps HHS/VNI is one of theexacerbating factors of hypoglycaemia—as are allergies,parasitosis and porphyria.

I've seen blood sugars normalise from 60 to 90 mg/dL[3.3 to 5.0 mmol/L], and low bodytemperatures also normalise from95° to 98° degrees F [~35–36.7°C],almost instantly after correctingHHS/VNI! This is probably due tocorrecting excess energy in thevagus nerve. Once I showed astudent how to correct my hiatalhernia, and I then felt my assumedlow blood sugar feelingimmediately go away, as myglucose meter went from 60 to 90mg/dL. And I have seen clientswith thyroid disorders have theirlow body temperatures rise by

several degrees instantly, also after HHS/VNI correction.(Blood sugar and body temperature will often not befixed by HH correction.)

HHS/VNI may be one of the hidden causes of obesity.But when the vagus nerve is even more imbalanced, a lossof appetite and emaciation may result. The sufferer is then inan even more dangerous condition, perhaps with adrenalfailure at that point.

HHHHSS//VVNNII:: TThhee CCaauussee ooff MMaannyy IIllllnneesssseessI assert that HHS/VNI is a large part of the cause of

various illnesses in children and of the asthma epidemicin adults and children. Asthma—often a non-wheezing,undiagnosed variation that includes locked-up chestmuscles—may be one of the most frequent "side effects"of HH. It is never "too early" to get the stomach down.

I have found that children with learning andbehavioural disorders such as dyslexia, ADD, ADHD,Asperger's syndrome, autism, asthma and allergiesalmost always have HHS/VNI. The hyperactive child'sinability to "sit still" could actually occur because theseated position often makes HHS/VNI much worse! Mostseats, including car seats, may be very unnatural and mayfurther stress the hernia.

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 29

II''vvee sseeeenn bblloooodd ssuuggaarrssnnoorrmmaalliissee ffrroomm 6600 ttoo

9900 mmgg//ddLL,, aanndd llooww bbooddyytteemmppeerraattuurreess aallssoo nnoorrmmaalliisseeffrroomm 9955°° ttoo 9988°° FF,, aallmmoossttiinnssttaannttllyy aafftteerr ccoorrrreeccttiinngg


Alleviating HH (in some people) has helped with all ofthe complaints or maladies listed above. HHS/VNI iseither a primary cause of, or an exacerbating factor in,these symptoms or illnesses. Some of these symptomsor organ disorders can arise from direct over-energy fromthe vagus nerve's connection to these organs, or bysecondary nerve imbalance, as these other nervesinteract with the vagus nerve, or from digestive disorderbegun in the stomach, or by systemic pH imbalance. Ofcourse, oriental knowledge has revealed that when wedon't breathe properly, any imbalance can then result.Likewise, when adrenal exhaustion sets in from thecontinual stress of HHS/VNI, all the other organs in thebody will weaken. Fixing, or attempting to fix, resultantproblems is of very limited value unless and until theearliest causative factors are found and dealt with, if possible.

The reason why HHS is considered to be "minor" by themedical orthodoxy is because most medical practitionershave not observed how so many seemingly unconnectedillnesses can often beimproved immediately bygetting the stomach downbelow the diaphragm. Ofcourse, decades—perhaps alifetime—can go by withoutmost people ever getting their"hidden" hiatal herniacorrected. The illnesses it hascaused—directly orindirectly—will then be evenharder to connect to HHS/VNI.A hyperexcited vagus nerve will

make the subject overreactive tofactors in his/her environment,including chemical substances andelectromagnetic fields (EMF). This overreactivity is furthermagnified if the subject has weak adrenal and/or thyroidglands, as these glands are needed to counter any stress.

Summing up, HHS/VNI can cause or exacerbateallergies and vice-versa. For those with environmentalillness, the vagus nerve is more out of balance and theywill be sicker, more anxiety-ridden and suffering fromallergy-like reactions to foods, chemicals and EMF as wellas more intolerant of emotional stress, temperature,light, sound and any stimulus. Likewise, I have foundthat if HHS/VNI exists, Buteyko breathing corrections maynot work until the hiatal hernia is corrected. If HHS iscorrected, breathing may normalise on its own.

Another factor that may relate to the vagus nerve is itsdiurnal cycle (high/low during 24 hours). Are you sicker,and more "allergic" to foods, chemicals or EMF at certaintimes of the day? This variation in your health, energylevel, reactivity, etc., may be related to variations in yourvagus nerve's energy level throughout the day. It couldalso be related to adrenal hormone variation or otherfactors. And all these could be interrelated. But makeuse of this knowledge to try to fix/balance things when

they are at their weakest, and/or to avoid any stressors—including foods, chemicals, EMF, etc.—when you are atyour weakest.

CCoorrrreeccttiinngg tthhee HHiiaattaall HHeerrnniiaa aanndd VVaagguuss NNeerrvveeBefore hopefully getting the stomach back below the

diaphragm, various techniques may be needed to correctan imbalanced or misshapen diaphragm. This correctionthen can normalise the diaphragm's movement. A stuckdiaphragm is likely if there is chest pain, rib pain,breathing difficulty and bloating. The abdominal aortaand inferior vena cava may suffer fewer spasms when thediaphragm is corrected. But often the first thing to do isto try to calm the vagus nerve. We can restore balance tothe vagus nerve by tapping the PC 6 acupuncture point,as it relates to the vagus nerve. This can relax the vagusnerve.

Instead of rushing to try to "pull the stomach down",which actually aggravates the problem in some people, I

try to re-set certain crucialtrigger-points, which oftenallows the stomach to dropdown on its own, thus haltingthe whole HHS/VNI affair, atleast temporarily.

If you know muscle-testing,you can touch and muscle-testa point one inch (2.54 cm)below the xiphoid process—which is the bottom of thesternum, in the centre, wherethe ribs come together. Thecorrection is to push a bit intothis area with both thumbs,and then continue pressing in

as you slowly move your thumbs down and to the left 4–6inches (~10–15 cm). Breathe out as you do this. Do it atleast twice. Rest and see how you feel. You can do thisseveral times per day. Before eating and before sleepingare good times to re-set your HH. Do it gently, at least atfirst; don't overdo it. Don't do it if you have muchtrapped gas. Don't do it if you think you might havesome serious medical condition, like appendicitis, or anyabdominal medical problem. Seek medical attention ifthat is the case.

There are many more advanced variations to the above"pull down" technique, and finding and fixing individualtrigger-points is what I do first, often obviating the needfor this. There are many more techniques for thediaphragm, the hernia and the vagus nerve.

Sometimes, after the stomach goes down, the subjectsmiles and feels like s/he is breathing properly for thefirst time in many years. The subject often reportsstanding taller and feeling stronger than s/he has in awhile! I have seen oxygen saturation go from 88 to 98 percent after HH correction! Sometimes, however, there isdiscomfort in the abdomen.

30 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

TThhee ssuubbjjeecctt oofftteenn rreeppoorrttssssttaannddiinngg ttaalllleerr aanndd ffeeeelliinngg

ssttrroonnggeerr tthhaann ss//hhee hhaass iinn aa wwhhiillee!! II hhaavvee sseeeenn

ooxxyyggeenn ssaattuurraattiioonn ggoo ffrroomm8888 ttoo 9988 ppeerr cceenntt aafftteerr

HHHH ccoorrrreeccttiioonn!!

The person can feel really bad after someone does the"pull down": the area was too sensitive to work on. I muscle-test for this possibility and do other things instead. The"correction" can last as long as many months or as shortas a few seconds, the latter case indicating that there aremany other things to ascertain and work on. Reflexologyfor the solar plexus, diaphragm, pyloric valve and braincan also help. Meditation techniques may also help youand your stomach to stay in better balance. GABA(gamma-aminobutyric acid) may be a big help. Ginger canhelp with stomach complaints, but you can react to itsstrong flavour. Everything must be tested individually!You can also become allergic to something after taking itevery day. Learning and practising proper breathingmethods can be a big help. Besidesginger, various herbal substances suchas comfrey, aloe vera, pau d'arco,celery and Swedish bitters may helpHHS, as may the enzyme pepsin.Useful homoeopathic remediesinclude lycopodium, nux vomica andnux moschata. These must all bemuscle-tested first. No nutraceuticalis a substitute for keeping the stomachdown and for making the diet andlifestyle changes needed.

What about surgery? Onegastroenterologist told me that it oftendoes not correct the problem andcan cause new ones. It wraps theupper third of the stomacharound the oesophagus. It doesnot pull the stomach down, andthe hole in the diaphragm is notsewn up, as you might think. Youwill not be able to throw upafterwards, even if you need to doso.

HHS may be at least partiallyresponsible for the near-epidemiclevel of sleep apnoea.Obstructive sleep apnoea refers to a collapse of theairway (throat) muscles, causing a blockage in the flow ofair. Central sleep apnoea occurs when the braintemporarily stops sending sufficient signals to themuscles that control breathing, including the diaphragm.Anyone who has trouble going to sleep and stayingasleep, or who snores, wakes up gasping, is unrefreshedin the morning or is tired throughout the day, shouldhave the polysomnography test. People who have died intheir sleep may have had sleep apnoea induce a heartattack. Elevate the top of your bed as a first helper here.

HHiiaattaall HHeerrnniiaa aanndd LLiiffee EExxppeeccttaannccyyFinally, the hiatal hernia may be a predictor of life

expectancy, I have hypothesised. A recent advance incardiology is the sub-field of heart rate variability (HRV).

HRV refers to statistical analyses of five-minuteelectrocardiograms. HRV analyses yielded the conclusionthat heart rate variability is perhaps the best predictor of lifeexpectancy. But HRV and even stress, "stress vulnerability"and "reactivity to stress" have been demonstrated to behighly dependent on the state of the vagus nerve. Thuswe have come full circle and verified Dr Carey Reams'sadvice quoted at the outset: that illness begins withproblems with the vagus nerve. HRV studies have nowfound that life expectancy may depend on an optimum or balancedvagus nerve—and the vagus nerve cannot be in balance unless thestomach is down and stays down. The logical conclusion I have proposed is that the hiatal hernia—

overlooked, in its totality, by nearly all of mainstream andalternative medicine—may indirectly be agreat predictor of life expectancy! Thoughthis may be the first time that thishiatal hernia/longevity hypothesis hasbeen explicitly stated, it should notcome as a surprise. Since this HHSproblem often arises from the traumaof birth, or other stress or traumashortly thereafter, it may well be thelongest-standing, undetected,misunderstood, yet dangerouscondition that the person hasexperienced since being born (notcounting genetic factors).

Perhaps one day the best toastsfor a friend's health and longevitywill be: "May your stomachalways be down!" and "May yourvagus nerve always be inbalance!" ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Steven Rochlitz, PhD, was originallya physics professor. For the past 30years he has researched chronic andenvironmental illnesses and taughthis seminars across the world. His

unique system incorporates kinesiology, nutrition and humanecology. He has written nine books. Further research is athis website Dr Rochlitz can beemailed at [email protected].

EEddiittoorr''ss NNoottee::This article is extracted from Dr Rochlitz's book HiatalHernia Syndrome/Vagus Nerve Imbalance: A Missing Link ToChronic Illness, Allergies and Longevity, with IllustratedCorrections. This book is also the last chapter in Dr Rochlitz'slarger, breakthrough book Porphyria: The Ultimate Cause ofChronic and Environmental Illnesses (reviewed in NEXUS18/02). See more at His articles"The Hole in the Heart and the Blood-Brain Barrier" and"Porphyria: A Cause of Chronic Illnesses" were published inNEXUS 18/03 and 18/01 respectively.

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 31

TThhee llooggiiccaallccoonncclluussiioonn II hhaavveepprrooppoosseedd iiss tthhaatt

tthhee hhiiaattaall hheerrnniiaa——oovveerrllooookkeedd,, iinn iittssttoottaalliittyy,, bbyy nneeaarrllyy aallll ooff mmaaiinnssttrreeaammaanndd aalltteerrnnaattiivveemmeeddiicciinnee——mmaayyiinnddiirreeccttllyy bbee aa

ggrreeaatt pprreeddiiccttoorr oofflliiffee eexxppeeccttaannccyy!!

32 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 33

Perth (Northbridge) - Saturday July 16; Alexander Library Theatre; 7pmTickets $30- from BOCS Ticketing, 08 9484 1133 or

Adelaide (Parkside) - Monday July 18; Tiffins on the Park, 176 Greenhill Road; 7pmTickets $20- Reservations and contact Keith Basterfield - 0422 278 103

Sydney (Paddington) - Wednesday July 20; Paddington RSL; 220-232 Oxford St, 7pmTickets $30- adm. $20- pensioners and booking online. Email: [email protected] for tickets, or purchase at the door

QLD: Sunshine Coast - July 23-24-25; NEXUS Conference. Tour enquiries: NEXUS Magazine - ph: 07 5442 9280

In the mid-1980s, scientists in a Palo Alto, California, top secret laboratory were allegedly working under military control tounderstand and back-engineer extraterrestrial, dark, glassy objects dotted with odd symbols. In certain fields and

frequencies, the dark, solid objects with no moving parts generate antigravity, invisibility and project 3-dimensionalholographic images with the self-activating software provided by the symbols only - no hardware. Some of the symbols arealso linked to a highly classified NASA program involving the moon.Further, several features of the self-activating symbol software are found in some worldwide crop formations andraise the question: are crop formations self-activating software that have long provided data for ETs, timetravellers or Other?In December 1980, mysterious aerial lights, thin beams and a solid black, 9-foot-long, triangular machine that feltlike glass were encountered in Rendlesham Forest near the RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge joint American and UKair base - largest NATO base in Europe at the time. Former USAF Staff Sgt. James Penniston even touched theblack, glassy object and odd symbols raised from the surface "like Braille." S/Sgt. Penniston's touch apparentlyactivated zeros and ones that flooded his mind with binary code while a bright white light blinded his eyes. Sgt. Penniston has been haunted with persistent impressions of time travellers on a mission to collect geneticmaterial from Earth to help a civilization survive 40,000 years in the future.

EETTss,, TTiimmee TTrraavveelllleerrss aannddSSeellff--AAccttiivvaattiinngg MMaacchhiinneess

LLIINNDDAA MMOOUULLTTOONN HHOOWWEEIInntteerrnnaattiioonnaallllyy aaccccllaaiimmeedd,, EEmmmmyy aawwaarrddwwiinnnniinngg TTVV pprroodduucceerr,, ddooccuummeennttaarryy ffiillmmmmaakkeerr,, aauutthhoorr,, iinnvveessttiiggaattiivvee jjoouurrnnaalliisstt,,

sscciieennccee rreeppoorrtteerr aanndd eeddiittoorr ooff tthhee aawwaarrddwwiinnnniinngg sscciieennccee,, eennvviirroonnmmeenntt aanndd rreeaall XX FFiilleess

nneewwss wweebbssiittee wwwwww..eeaarrtthhffiilleess..ccoomm

34 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

BBeeyyoonndd BBeelliieeffbbyy JJaammeess FF.. CCooyylleeTTHHEE UULLTTIIMMAATTEE MMIINNDD--PPOOWWEERR MMAANNUUAALLIIff yyoouu wweerree ttoolldd tthhaatt yyoouu ccoouulldd uussee yyoouurr mmiinndd ttoo iinnfflluueennccee aasslloott mmaacchhiinnee oorr ddiiccee ffaallll ......wwoouulldd yyoouu ffiinndd tthhiiss bbeeyyoonndd bbeelliieeff??

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JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 35

illiam Pawelec gave a video interview with The DisclosureProject's founder and director Steven M. Greer, MD, prior to the 9May 2001 disclosure conference at the National Press Club inWashington, DC. He asked that it not be released until after his

death. Mr Pawelec passed away on 22 May 2007, and in December 2010 TheDisclosure Project was given permission to release the interview. Following isan edited extract from our transcript of the interview, which can be viewed at – Editor

Dr Steven Greer (SG): Can you give your name and a short bio of yourmilitary and government consultant career?William Pawelec (WP): Okay. My name is William John Pawelec, and I'm

fifty-six years old. My background initially started in the Air Force in the mid-1960s, where I was a computer operations and programming specialist first atPope Air Force Base, after training, and then in Vietnam.

The first [UFO] event in my lifetime occurred then, that woke me to a newparadigm. That paradigm was that, late at night, a young lady and I were inthe woods, about 30 miles southeast of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and hadan unusual experience with a UFO at about 300-foot distance. The UFOprompted, before it showed up, to have all the frogs, the crickets and allthose noise-makers late at night shut off like a light switch. And it appeared20, 30 seconds later and passed by us at about 200 to 300 feet on a line only40 to 50 feet away from us, heading from a southeast to a northwest direction,about 11.25 at night. After it disappeared over the northwest end of a smalllake we were by, there was a continued period of silence for another 20 or 30seconds, and the frogs, crickets and all the other noise-makers at nightwound up turning back on, like somebody again had thrown a light switch.That event was rather dramatic in my mind, in that it prompted me to startquestioning what was really going on in the world. This was a late-night,clear-night sighting up close, and it could not be mistaken for a helicopter orany other plane that I was aware of that the Air Force had back in '66.

From that point on, I went to Vietnam. In my work, we became veryinvolved with processing and sending onto Washington intelligence data.This was in addition to our normal computer load of maintenance reports,payroll, etc. In that situation, it became quickly evident that we could havefought this war at a much higher level and much more efficiently than it wasintended. It became obvious to all of us that it was a political war, and not tobe won. After that experience, I left the military in spite of the fact thatalmost everybody in the computer science arena was asked to stay on. Infact, the Air Force encouraged us by promising us four-year college degrees,fully paid officer's salary while we were in, but none of us stayed.

Several years later, I got back into using my computer knowledge when myfirst wife passed away in '77 and I was asked to come and help get a firm to



AA hhiigghh--lleevveellAAmmeerriiccaann sseeccuurriittyyssyysstteemmss ddeessiiggnneerraanndd ccoonnssuullttaannttrreevveeaallss tthhaattaaddvvaanncceedd

iimmppllaannttaabbllee cchhiipptteecchhnnoollooggiieess wweerreesseeccrreettllyy ssttoolleenn bbyyuunnkknnoowwnn aaggeennttsswwoorrkkiinngg oonn bbeehhaallffooff ppoowweerrffuullssuupprraannaattiioonnaalliinntteerreessttss..

An interview withWWiilliiaamm JJ.. PPaawweelleecc

byDDrr SStteevveenn MM.. GGrreeeerr

conducted in May 2001

The Disclosure Project


grow, called Rusco Electronics. In the late '70s, RuscoElectronics was the largest manufacturer and installer ofaccess-control equipment in the world. A friend of minehad asked me to help him because he wanted to leavethe company and start his own company, and I said"Yeah, I'd love to". It quickly became apparent thateverybody in the security industry was back in the oldrelay days, philosophically and technologically, and thatthe industry did not have very many people withcomputer expertise. What quickly occurred, in just a yearor two, was I went from doing corporate-level work in theDenver area, which at the time was growing like amushroom, to doing military work, national work, andgetting my security clearance back and activated again.This led to doing a lot of work for the State Departmentand eventually, by 1980, realising that the firm I was withwas about ready to be left in the dust technologically.

I started my own firm with two other engineers inDenver: one from Hughes, who was based at the time atBuckley Air National GuardBase, which was actually aprimary site for reception ofsatellite data for nationalsecurity purposes, and anotherfriend from Lockheed. Well, it isLockheed Martin today, but itwas Martin Marietta back inthose days.

We started the firm anddeveloped within nine monthsthe most powerful electronicsecurity system available at thetime. In fact, we pridedourselves on having a form of Windows beforeMacintosh on our systems, without any commandcodes—you just punch and click and move windowsaround. We did a lot of work. We at one time were doing17, 18 major systems around the country. In fact, we didfive alone for Federal Express, and we linked thesesystems into a war-room-type environment back at theirheadquarters in Memphis at the time, called The PonyFarm, through a satellite link. We were one of the firstones to link security systems at separate sites backthrough satellite linkages. This led to a lot of otherprojects, and eventually, when I finally left my own firmthat we helped start in '84, I started working for "Beltwaybandit"–type consulting firms—this would be SIC, TradeCorp, EG&G, etc.—either as a contractor for them or asan employee for a period of time.

It was at this time, again, that I realised that there wassomething amiss, during this period of time while I wasdeveloping security systems out of a national securityinterest in addition to large corporate systems. I neededto find a security system in this marketplace that was ascomplex as any web network today, and the systemswould run from a half-million to 25 million dollars justfor the hardware.

These systems that we worked on were starting to beplaced in areas that surprised me. There was oneparticular project when I was at EG&G where we weretasked for designing a system for a base. It amused meat the time: nobody seemed to be aware of [a base] inNevada, called Tonopah base, east-southeast of the littleold mining town at Tonopah, and that this base wasactually where the F-117s were kept when they wentoperational. They were never kept at Groom Lake; thatwas only for testing purposes. The entire wing wasbased there at the time. What concerned me was thatthere was a decision we had to make on what was goingon at Tonopah. There were facilities deep undergroundthere that were secured. There were elevators that wouldgo up and down, very large elevators that could takecraft, much like the elevators on an aircraft carrier but ina land-based environment. These went very deepunderground. The equipment that we could seeunderground, around, was not that which would run a

normal aircraft: generators, airconditioners, etc. There was atotally different type ofequipment.

Now, one of the things thatinterested me after I left thatproject several years later wasthat they finally announced theF-117, and one of the concerns Iwould have is: what is beingdone with Tonopah now? They[the F-117s] were moved in arush, a very big rush, and if Iremember the number right it

was 75 million dollars spent in only a nine-month periodto prepare Holloman [Air Force Base] for the F-117s.Now, that's okay, but why the rush to get them out ofTonopah—with some of the facilities that are deepunderground becoming activated on a full-time basis,not just for testing purposes? They needed to removethose planes and those crews and support staff toHolloman and to prepare in a rather large rush for a newproject to be brought in there. But none of theindications we had, or my staff had that would actuallyinstall the security equipment, was that it was like anyother plane, even something as broad-ranging as theAurora that we have all heard about to one degree oranother.

IInnttrriigguuee wwiitthh IImmppllaannttaabbllee MMiiccrroocchhiippssBut I need to back up a bit. There is another subject I

need to broach, above and beyond the ufology subjectthat I got involved with, that relates to this when we talkabout alternative government control mechanisms. Oneof my favourite hobbies has always been tracking newtechnologies, and hopefully so it benefits in business. In'79, living and working in Denver, I came across thecompany—that if necessary I can provide documents

36 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

""……tthheerree wwaass aa ddeecciissiioonn wwee hhaadd ttoo mmaakkee oonn wwhhaattwwaass ggooiinngg oonn aatt TToonnooppaahh..

TThheerree wweerree ffaacciilliittiieess ddeeeepp uunnddeerrggrroouunndd tthheerree

tthhaatt wweerree sseeccuurreedd..""

for—in Northglenn, Colorado, which is a northernsuburb of Denver, that was developing an implantablechip, originally for horses, because there was a majorproblem then, and there may still be today, of shilling ofhorses. He [from the company] was attempting, throughgood faith, to develop a technology to give a uniquesignature to every single horse. That "pill", if you want tocall it that, intelligent pill, at the time was already smallenough to implant under the skin with a horse needle, alarge hypodermic needle. I was shown these, and theyworked. We could read them with a primitive hand-wand-type reader from about seven or eight feet away.And this was still primitive technology.

Now, at the time in the securityindustry, a lot of us had concernsabout tracking and locating peoplethat had been kidnapped—particularlywith what was going on in Europe,when we were having NATO officers,even the [former] Prime Minister ofItaly, kidnapped and these people weredrained or they were brutalised orboth—and one of the goals of theindustry was to develop technologythat would allow us to track thesepeople or locate them quickly,hopefully to save their lives, but on asecondary basis to keep them frombeing drained of sensitiveinformation.

I brought this technology to ameeting in a SCIF room in Virginiathat was arranged by a friend ofmine with the CIA and anotherfriend of mine with the StateDepartment at the time, tointroduce this technology to whatwe felt at the time were the rightparties to use this new technologyresponsibly. [SCIF is the acronymfor "sensitive compartmentedinformation facility"; Ed.]

Now, I hadn't heard about the Remnant or any otherreligious beliefs at the time that said that everybody wasgoing to be implanted with some sort of marking systemà la "the Beast" or 666, etc. I wasn't even aware of thatstuff at the time. And I was taking this as a serioussolution to a problem that would not go away.

Because of the type of meetings we were involved with,certain people would not introduce their…give you theirfull name or where they came from. I just had to trustthat my two contacts had contacted the right parties tobe there at the right time and that they would all beresponsible individuals. That was a mistake. After thatmeeting, I discovered that two of the people in themeeting had never been asked there, yet they knewabout the meeting, they knew what it was about, they

knew who was going to be there. Later research indicatedthat one of them actually worked for the Department ofAgriculture and one of them worked for the Departmentof the Treasury. What prompted our looking at these twomen was that the way they asked the questions, thequestions they asked, the attitude behind them, even thebody language indicated that they had reasons for theuse of this technology other than the one that wasintended at the meeting. In fact, their largest concernwas: how fast can we make a couple billion of them, andcould each one of those get a unique identity number?

Now, this particular pill-shaped device, very minute,had a lot of flexibility in its capabilities. It was basically

just a, almost a transponder. Youwould send a frequency to it and itwould respond back with its uniquenumber, which could not be changedonce the chip was made. Yet therewere a lot of capabilities that could beadded to this chip, such as monitoringtemperature, blood pressure, pulseand even waveforms out of the brain,but that was for research down theroad.

This gentleman never had to worryabout money again, and he quietlypassed on a lot of this technology tosomebody we never knew. This

concerned my contacts inWashington because it neverwent anywhere with them.Somebody else took it and ranwith it, and we never knew who itwas.

AAnnootthheerr IInnffiillttrraatteedd MMeeeettiinnggNow, in 1984, I found another

technology by sniffing theliterature of our industry and adozen other industries, and Ifound that there was a professorat the University of New South

Wales, whom I still have the files on, that had discovereda way to make a microscopic lithium niobate chip. Byaccident he had scratched it, and he had an RFtransmitter there and he had a receiver on by sheerchance, and he found that at a certain frequency hecould send an energy beam to the chip and it wouldrespond back with a number. He worked on thattechnology, and that technology eventually I found outabout.

We flew him into Denver, to our company, SystemsGroup of Colorado, and we did a test. He had someprimitive small chips he'd brought with him that aretotally passive and very small, 32ndth of an inch andonly a couple of thousandths thick, and by etching themyou could again create a unique signature, unique to

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 37

""……II ddiissccoovveerreedd tthhaattttwwoo ooff tthhee ppeeoopplleeiinn tthhee mmeeeettiinngg hhaaddnneevveerr bbeeeenn aasskkeeddtthheerree,, yyeett tthheeyykknneeww aabboouutt tthheemmeeeettiinngg,, tthheeyy

kknneeww wwhhaatt iitt wwaassaabboouutt,, tthheeyy kknneewwwwhhoo wwaass ggooiinngg ttoo

bbee tthheerree..""

each one. And this one theoretically, depending on thesize of it and the size of the etching, could have a uniquenumber in the billions and billions. In fact, the test wedid was amusing in that we set up a transmitter and areceiver based on removing an air grille from our dropceiling and plugging up our transceiver into that as ourantenna. And we were able to read that thing, glued to alittle piece of cardboard from a hundred feet away with apiece of grille out of a drop ceiling, which was a prettyprimitive antenna. We didn't know what frequency hewas dealing with, so we had to come up with some kindof instant generic antenna. We were so impressed withthe capabilities of this: it would read through thin layersof material like thin plywood. We were so impressedthat again I felt that this was atechnology that truly had some value,because we also discovered in sometesting and in the paperwork he hadwith him that, if we had a microscopiccoil antenna with this, we could readthis from a mile away.

A few weeks later he got back to meand said that if we had an antenna, acoil antenna two inches in diameterwith a chip in the middle…what theantenna's actually doing is acting asan amplifier to a great extent, andwhat it sends back out is an harmonicof the original frequency. Hisnumbers-crunching showed thathe could read this thing from 120kilometres in space. There wereother attributes to this chip thatcould be tied into it, especially ifit was powered in some minuteway.

Well, again I took this—and alot more care this time—to ameeting that we had in Virginia ata subcontractor's company that Iknew, that does a lot of work forthe intel community. This time Ihad the director of security for all of State Departmentthere, and again a good friend from CIA. Again we had, atthe last minute, people walk in the door with the rightcredentials and we didn't know who they were exactly. Itturns out, again, we had people, two this time again, whoafter the meeting we realised shouldn't have been there.And yet they had credentials that were awesome.Afterwards I found out they had never been called by mytwo contacts, yet they knew about our phone calls. Theyknew of exactly what time, what place, and what we weregoing to be talking about. And supposedly my phonecalls had been made over secure phone lines.

I have in my records, again, the name at the time of thehead of security at State Department—and I got to knowhim well because I designed the security system, at least

a major portion of it, for the headquarters in FoggyBottom in DC. So he and I knew each other very well.One of the things that Bob wanted to do was, before heretired he wanted to have his family, particularly his twoboys in high school, experience what it was like to liveout of the country, so he actually gave himself the job:he demoted himself to head of security for East Africa.He and his family, shortly after this event, this meeting,moved to Kenya, to Nairobi, and he and I quietly kept intouch through our other contact in Washington. He keptprobing who these two men were. What bothered mewas that the professor all of a sudden got a giant grant,the technology was transferred, he never had to workagain the rest of his life.

A friend of mine in San Francisco,whom I had quietly told about thistechnology, because he was involvedwith other aspects of national securityand tracking people, got a project todo a physical security system—accesscontrol, cameras, intrusionmonitoring, everything, the works—fora little company in Silicon Valley, andhe said it was eerie to him but whatthey were making there looked eerilylike what I had described to him. Hebuilt the security system in thismodern fab [a chip-fabricating lab],

building billions of these littlechips. He wound up a year laterbeing asked if he wanted to buythe security system back; theywere shutting the factory downafter they'd made billions andbillions of these little chips. Itwas a division of a rather majorEuropean electronics firm thathad the plant—Siemens. Whatconcerned me was that they hadbuilt these chips, and who knowswhat happened to them. Theybuilt them in the billions, in

volume, because they're so small that you could take asix-inch wafer and make hundreds of thousands of themon a wafer—and they disappeared somewhere.

Bob did not give up trying to find out who these guyswere and who they worked for, what their agendas were.He and I had had long talks—now by the mid-'80s—about what was really going on in government, who wascontrolling what, what concerns he had, because he hadcome to the realisation there were a lot of things goingon that weren't right. He had supposedly made somecontacts to find out more of what was going on, and hehad contacted our mutual friend at CIA, another long-term contractor—been involved since World War II in thevery founding of the CIA—who got in touch with me andsaid Bob's got something hot, and when he's back in the

38 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

""WWhhaatt ccoonncceerrnneeddmmee wwaass tthhaatt tthheeyyhhaadd bbuuiilltt tthheesseecchhiippss,, aanndd wwhhookknnoowwss wwhhaatt

hhaappppeenneedd ttoo tthheemm..TThheeyy bbuuiilltt tthheemm iinn tthhee bbiilllliioonnss,, iinnvvoolluummee……aanndd tthheeyy


country again on business we are going to get a meeting. A few days later, Bob was on his way to work, just after

dropping the two boys off at a private high school, Ibelieve, in Nairobi. He was on the way to the embassy,and he was broadsided at a stop-light at 60 mph by areinforced Land Rover. He was killed instantly. The Brit,that supposedly was drunk at six, seven in the morning,was taken to the hospital and immediately disappears,and all the evidence he had given in the way ofdocumentation was proven to be phony as to who hewas. Bob was killed. It was a hit. It has alwaysconcerned me that he had got a little too close to whohad been involved with this implantable chiptechnology. We'd been trying for a couple of years then,quietly trying to find out who had been doing it withoutour government realising it was going on. Whoever it ishas got total ability to penetrate anytime, anywhere, ourgovernment and locate what is going on—instantly.

SSeeccrreett PPoowweerr GGrroouuppssSG: Who do you think they

are?WP: Research since the early

1980s on my own and withsome friends indicates that wehave at least four power groupsin the world. They have wealthbeyond all imagination. Theyhave advanced technologies.They have taken over variousprograms, particularly blackprograms, within ourgovernment and probably even the Russian governmentand the Chinese. Politics to them as we know it is notthe same. They have agendas totally unlike what ourgovernment's, what we perceive our government's,agendas really are. They are able to track, unbelievably,what's going on around them at a minute level. And whothese people are…we just simply call them "the FourHorsemen". These Horsemen work together at times,and they work against each other at times. There's anongoing battle between them, at a low level, as to who'sgoing to be top dog in the world. The one commonalityto all four appears to be an absolute desire for control,of everything and everything. We believe this is whatwas causing a lot of strange things to happen in Nevadathat we were experiencing, and in a strange waycorrelates also with what happened with theseimplantable chip technologies that I personally brought,now I look at it, to the wrong people in the governmentbecause we never got to use that technology for what wereally intended it to be used for. SG: These two men that came to the meeting: what

credentials did they show to get in? Were they FBI?WP: Above and beyond that. They were NSA, NRO,

that sort of credential. But we would later check, andthey didn't exist. They did not exist. Yet their

credentials were spotless, even to the point where, if itwas an access-control requirement, the identificationsystems that they carried passed all the access-control-mechanism requirements we had, be it biometric, be itfingerprint, be it eyeball, be it anything, even to access-code numbers. They knew it all, they had it all, and it wasbetter quality than actually what the agencies had, whichis most enlightening. It means unlimited budgets.SG: Do you think these were, in a sense, privatised

operations, international corporate or institutional-backed entities?WP: If they are, it's at a level way beyond any of the

corporate security people I've ever worked with—and I'veworked with all the major oil companies, all the majorcomputer companies, on designing very-high-endsecurity systems. The one area that I will say that isstrange is the aerospace industry in this country. I did alot of work for several of the aerospace companies, either

in the way of physical design ofsystems or, in the least,consulting.

There's a lot of work going onin the aerospace industry thatwould indicate that we haveblack projects that have goneeven darker, and that there'swork being done onelectrogravitics, on scalartechnology, etc., that we don'teven think that those inCongress or even in the militarythat approve black budgets are

aware of. They've been taken offline. They're fundedthrough some other mechanism. SG: What do you think is being done with these

implants?WP: I think they've been distributed. I have

indications in the military that a lot of our Special Forcesunits have been implanted over the last ten years, if notlonger now, and that there are other people that havebeen implanted. SG: The group that is running a lot of covert projects:

what do you see as the agenda, and what agendas areoperating? WP: I believe, Steve, that my initial view on what the

agendas were behind various black projects—back in the'70s and early '80s when I first became really aware ofwhat was going on, above and beyond my own politicalattitudes on how the world really turned—was one ofstill of a good basis. They were looking to defend theUnited States. They were looking to protect the freeworld. But if you get into the situation, more and moreit becomes evident that they have agendas that areindependent of the goals of the United States. Theattitude seems to be one of control—power and control.I guess you could call that almost the second-oldestprofession in the world. ∞

""RReesseeaarrcchh……iinnddiiccaatteess tthhaatt wwee hhaavvee aatt lleeaasstt ffoouurrppoowweerr ggrroouuppss iinn tthhee wwoorrlldd..TThheeyy hhaavvee wweeaalltthh bbeeyyoonnddaallll iimmaaggiinnaattiioonn.. TThheeyy hhaavveeaaddvvaanncceedd tteecchhnnoollooggiieess..""

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 39

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JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 41


Past-life regression (PLR) is the practice of journeying into one's past livesduring a state of hypnosis. Though past-life regression has foundpopularity in western cultures only in the last five decades, techniques toregress an individual to his (or her) past lives have been around for

considerably longer in the East.

PPaasstt--LLiiffee WWiissddoomm iinn HHiinndduuiissmmIn India, past-life regression is widely accepted as a healing therapy

because it resonates with Hindu beliefs about death and rebirth. KondavetiNewton, MD, founder of the Life Research Academy1 and a past-life therapistbased in Hyderabad, quotes (Lord) Sri Krishna's words from the Hindu holytext, the Bhagavad Gita, to explain this better: "As a man, casting off worn-out garments, takes new ones, so the dweller in the body, casting off worn-outbodies, enters into others that are new." The Gita also reads: "The misdeedsof our past lives torment us in the form of illnesses or ailments."

Dr Newton points out that every ailment, whether of body or mind, has itsroot cause in the actions of past lives. That is why past-life regression makessense: it is a means to tap into the human psyche to unearth the reasons forits present discomfort. Bringing the cause and effect together withappreciation for the association between the two helps the soul nullify theeffects of past deeds (karma).

The practice of past-life regression is clearly mentioned in the Upanishads,a set of sacred Indian texts dating back 5,000 years. It is also discussed indetail in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a Hindu scholar of the second centuryBCE. Hinduism proposes that the soul takes rebirth again and again until itexperiences detachment from worldly ties and thus goes on to achievesalvation.2

Patanjali believed that the soul's journey through birth after birth becomesprogressively harder as it is burdened with the memories and the karma of itsprevious lives. He wrote about prati prasav, literally meaning "reversebirthing", as a means to be born again in the memory of past trauma in orderto understand and address problems in the current life.

Past-life-regression healing therapists in India understand that healinghappens when the individual goes back to the cause and understands thatproblems experienced in the present life stem from the unfinished businessof previous lives. They use prati prasav, or past-life regression, to helpindividuals resolve conflicts carried forth from past lifetimes and experiencehealing. Though this aspect is not practised so much in modern-day India,therapists believe that prati prasav could also be used to remember our pastlearnings and skills (sadhanas, in Hindustani) to pick up from where we left offin a previous life.


AAnncciieenntt IInnddiiaanntteeaacchhiinnggss rreeffeerr ttoorreeiinnccaarrnnaattiioonn aass wweellll aass ttoo

tteecchhnniiqquueess tthhaatt ccaannhheeaall ddiissoorrddeerrss oorrttrraauummaass rreessuullttiinnggffrroomm pprreevviioouuss lliivveess.. TThheessee ppaasstt--lliiffee

hheeaalliinngg tteecchhnniiqquueessaarree ggaaiinniinngg wwiiddeerraacccceeppttaannccee iinn tthhee WWeesstt..

bbyy CChhaarruu BBaahhrrii ©© 22001100

Email: [email protected]


42 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

RReeffeerreenncceess ttoo PPLLRR iinn BBuuddddhhiissmmAccording to Dr Newton, past-life regression also has

mention in other religions prevailing in ancient andmediaeval India because there was a greaterunderstanding then about the law of cause and effect (ofactions), also known as the law of karma. "Buddha'sJataka tales and [the founder of Jainism] Mahavir's JatiSmaran were not just teachings, they were practical toolsto relive the past causes and thereby relieve the presenteffects," he notes.3

After all, reincarnation is an integral part of Buddhism,which is why Buddhist priestssay that one of the mainobjectives of life is to be able todie well—that is, as consciouslyand as easily as is possible—toachieve eternal freedom fromthe material world or cycle ofrebirth. They tell of how theintensity of unfulfilled desiresand emotions can retard thesoul's afterlife passage to ahigher plane, like carrying toomuch baggage with you whenyou're journeying solo. Forthese reasons, they advisemeditating on the divine at the moment of death, and tomake this easier they have a tradition that involves alama or priest reading aloud from the Tibetan Book of theDead (Bardo Thodol), telling an individual who is on his orher deathbed not to fear death. The book describes howa soul just released from a body hungers for theexperiences of its last mortal life. This desire, as it were,leads the soul to return to the material world toexperience life once again. This also means that a dyingthought, such as "I can't leave so and so person", mayplay over and over again in the mind of the soul, after

death, and attract the newly departed soul to take rebirthand fulfil these last thoughts.

Sogyal Rinpoche wrote in The Tibetan Book of Living andDying4 that consciousness vibrates hundreds of timesfaster when it is free of the body (such as after death),meaning that thoughts arising in the conscious mindafter death manifest as though instantaneously. Thissuggests that we create our reality in the afterlife, just aswe do in life but only far more forcefully.

PPssyycchhiiaattrriicc PPrraaccttiicceess aakkiinn ttoo PPLLRR HHeeaalliinnggThe Hindu and Buddhist

belief that consciousnesssurvives death, and carriesimprints from its pastincarnations, forms the basis forpast-life regression therapy as itis practised in the West today.Tapping into these memorieshelps one understand andsurmount deep-rootedproblematic emotions. For allthat it may sound unscientific,the practice of past-liferegression finds resonance inthe psychological healing

approach known as psychoanalysis, pioneered by JosefBreuer and Sigmund Freud in Vienna, Austria, in the1890s. According to interdisciplinary cosmologist PaulVon Ward, Breuer and Freud:

"…learned that [emotional] symptoms could bereduced by exposing unrecognized emotional linksbetween a repressed memory of an actual past event andits current psychological and physical effects.

"Freud developed the concept of free association as atechnique to recover long-lost feelings associated with atraumatic incident. He used hypnosis to get past the

patient's resistance to recalling what hadbeen such a shock in the first place. Hewould then take people back to earlierevents, particularly things that happenedin childhood."5

These techniques are still being usedby psychiatrists and psychologists, albeitin modified versions, to help clientsrelive memories of traumatic events—memories which adversely affect theirphysical and mental health—and therebyrelease the blocked energies throughconscious resolution.

The success of these methods raises apertinent question: if the recovery ofsuppressed childhood memories helpspeople solve some psychological issues,should not recovery of memories from anearlier lifetime have a similar, if notdeeper, effect?

TThhiiss ssuuggggeessttss tthhaatt wwee ccrreeaattee oouurr rreeaalliittyy iinn tthhee aafftteerrlliiffee,, jjuusstt aass wwee ddoo iinn lliiffee bbuutt oonnllyy ffaarr mmoorree ffoorrcceeffuullllyy..

VVaalliiddaattiinngg PPLLRR HHeeaalliinnggDuring the 1970s, Roger Woolger, PhD, a graduate of

Oxford University and a certified Jungian analyst,critically reviewed the work of others on reincarnationand also experimented with a colleague's technique toregress himself to a possible past life. Interestingly,though Dr Woolger found himself experiencing"unexpected images and feelings" when he self-regressed, he remained sceptical about the theory ofreincarnation. Nevertheless, he practised regression onhis clients and found that some slipped into memoriesthat seemed to come from before their childhood.

As Paul Von Ward commented: "Those memories,once awakened, seemed to allow the patients to copewith their shadow sides of unsociable,violent, angry or brutal tendencies. Atime of 'reliving' memories oftraumatic events in a postulatedprevious life obviously facilitated therelease of psychological burdens inthis life."6

Convinced of the psychologicalhealing power of recovering allegedpast-life memories, Dr Woolger wenton to describe in his book Other Lives,Other Selves7 how some individuals gainpsychological relief through what theybelieve to be the remembering and re-experiencing of the events frompast lives.

What is noteworthy is that DrWoolger saw how patients whorelived trauma in their past livesexperienced the disappearance oftheir physical symptoms. In hisbook, as Von Ward explains, DrWoolger "...recounts the stories ofa man with a[n] hystericallyparalysed arm, a woman with aserious illness affecting her back,and an osteopath with incurablesinusitis. In each case, the alleged remembering ofspecific lives enabled physical as well as emotionalhealing. One learned of a past life involving an accidentresulting in a broken arm. Another recalled a past life ofa pioneer woman who broke her back in a wagon wreck.The osteopath became well after resurfacing the feelingshe had, suffering from a cold at camp while his motherlay dying at home."8

SScceeppttiicciissmm aabboouutt PPLLRR HHeeaalliinnggBrian L. Weiss, MD, a graduate of Columbia University

and Yale Medical School and Chairman Emeritus ofPsychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami,Florida, is a well-known voice in support of past-life-regression healing. In 2008, Dr Weiss was called upon toperform a past-life regression on a volunteer during a

segment on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Winfrey had MehmetOz, MD, Professor of Surgery at Columbia University,sitting in on the show to lend objectivity to theproceedings. After witnessing the past-life regression, DrOz opined that there are three ways in which peoplecould react after seeing what he just had. "The skeptic,"he said, "might explain it away, saying Jodi [thevolunteer] is a person with needs who merely wishes thepast-life regression can help her."9

Sceptics of hypnosis point out that patients beinghypnotised are nudged by the practitioner to recollectcertain memories. Practitioners ask the subject a seriesof questions to induce memories and identities ofprevious lives and also create linkages between present

problems and past-life experiences. Itis said that many subjects, in deephypnosis, are vulnerable and will acton the slightest hint given to them,seeking to supply the answer theysubconsciously believe the hypnotistwishes to hear. Such hypnosis islargely a matter of releasing relevantdetails from the brain's incrediblecapacity for fantasy as well as forstoring information. The conscious(hypnotised) mind, when fed theseanswers, wakes up from hypnosisfeeling refreshed and relieved of its

symptoms. Sceptics believe thatthe memories are at bestfabricated by the subconsciousmind.

Sceptics of the theory ofreincarnation abound, especiallyin the West where the practicehas emerged as a highlycontentious issue. In westerncultures that traditionally do nothave a belief in the concept ofrebirth of the human soul, past-life regression has been slammed

as fraudulent and the supposedly recalled memories asfictitious or false, being mere products of humanimagination run wild and sometimes, intentionally orunintentionally, based on cues given by the hypnotist.

NNoonnsseennssiiccaall RReeccaallllTo be fair to sceptics, individuals of sound mind would

waver before giving a few of the much-publicised casesof past-life regression dating back to the 1950s thebenefit of the doubt, so unfounded were the claims.

In one such example dating back to 1952, Coloradobusinessman and amateur hypnotist Morey Bernsteinput housewife Virginia Tighe of Pueblo, Colorado, into astate of trance that sparked off startling revelationsabout Tighe's alleged past life as a 19th-centuryIrishwoman. Bernstein hypnotically regressed Tighe to

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IInn wweesstteerrnn ccuullttuurreesstthhaatt ttrraaddiittiioonnaallllyyddoo nnoott hhaavvee aabbeelliieeff iinn tthhee

ccoonncceepptt ooff rreebbiirrtthhooff tthhee hhuummaann ssoouull,,ppaasstt--lliiffee rreeggrreessssiioonnhhaass bbeeeenn ssllaammmmeeddaass ffrraauudduulleenntt aannddtthhee ssuuppppoosseeddllyy

rreeccaalllleedd mmeemmoorriieessaass ffiiccttiittiioouuss oorr


her childhood and was then surprised to find that sheappeared to slip further back to a previous incarnation,as Irishwoman Bridey Murphy.10

To cut a long story short, Tighe described herself aseight-year-old Bridey living in a wooden house calledThe Meadows in Cork, Ireland. She said that she was thedaughter of Duncan Murphy, a barrister, and his wifeKathleen, and that she married lawyer Sean BrianMcCarthy at the age of seventeen and moved to Belfast.Bridey narrated the details of a fall that caused herdeath, and she described her own funeral as well as hertombstone and the state of being in life after death.Bernstein published a book11 on the case which went onto become a bestseller—and also drew the attention ofsceptics who believed that the casemerited investigation.

According to the book, VirginiaTighe, born in the Midwest in 1923(and referred to in the book as RuthSimmons), had never been to Irelandand did not speak with even theslightest hint of an Irish accent. Theinvestigating team found no recordscorresponding to Bridey's supposedbirth and death dates or to a woodenhouse called The Meadows, only of aplace by that name near Cork. Theypointed out that most houses inIreland were made of brick or stoneand not of wood, as Bridey haddescribed, and that she hadincorrectly pronounced herhusband's name. Only herdescriptions of the Antrimcoastline and her account of ajourney from Belfast to Cork wereaccurate. She claimed that shewent to a St Theresa's Church.There was indeed one where shesaid there was, but it was notbuilt until after the supposedBridey had died. The youngBridey shopped for provisions with a grocer named Farr,and it was discovered that such a grocer had existed.

Nevertheless, the inconsistencies in the story led theexperts finally to turn to Tighe's own childhood andparentage to ferret out any Irish connection. They foundthat her parents were both part-Irish and that she hadlived with them until the age of three (Bernstein had saidthat she was brought up by a Norwegian uncle and hisGerman-Scottish-Irish wife). More significantly, theyfound that an Irish immigrant named Bridie MurphyCorkell (1892–1957) lived across the street from Tighe'schildhood home in Chicago, Illinois.

Ask a scientist and the odds are that you will be toldthat Virginia Tighe's memories of her previous life can beexplained as coming from her long-forgotten childhood.

But then, scientists are only now coming around to theidea of consciousness, or life, surviving the death of thebody. As for consciousness taking on another mortalbody, scientists are still far from figuring out thatpossibility.

In 1957, Martin Gardner, considered one of the mostinfluential figures in scepticism, especially for hisquestioning of fringe science and New Age ideas, said:"Almost any hypnotic subject capable of going into adeep trance will babble about a previous incarnation ifthe hypnotist asks him to. He will babble just as freelyabout his future incarnations… In every case of this sortwhere there has been adequate checking on the subject'spast, it has been found that the subject was weaving

together long-forgotten bits ofinformation acquired during his earlyyears."12

EExxppeecctt HHeeaalliinngg,, aanndd YYoouu WWiillll RReecceeiivvee IIttIt cannot be said that the view of

sceptics has no scientific validation.The late Dr Nicholas Spanos, who wasthe director of the Laboratory forExperimental Hypnosis and aprofessor at Carleton University inOttawa, Canada, demonstrated thatthere are three important elements toa successful past-life regression. First,the subject must be hypnotisable.

Second, it helps if the subject isopen to belief in reincarnation.The third most important elementis that the hypnotist has toconvey the expectation that theclient really will remember a pastlife.13

The influence of the hypnotist'sexpectations was demonstratedby the late psychologist RobertBaker, PhD, one of the world's pre-eminent sceptical investigators ofghosts, alien abductions,

apparitions and other paranormal phenomena. Hedivided 60 students into three sections.

The first group was told that they were about toexperience the most amazing therapy that would involvetheir actually recalling memories from a past life.

The second group was told that they were going toexperience a therapy that may or may not be able to helpthem recall memories from a past life.

The third group was told that they were about toexperience a crazy therapy that some believed wassupposed to help them recall memories of a past life,even though it didn't really work on anyone who wasnormal. Then all three groups listened to the samehypnotic script. Eighty-five per cent of those in the firstgroup recalled a memory from a past life, compared to

44 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

DDrr BBaakkeerr ssuurrmmiisseeddtthhaatt hhyyppnnoossiiss

uusseedd iinn ppaasstt--lliiffee--rreeggrreessssiioonn hheeaalliinngghheellppss rreecciippiieennttssrreellaaxx aanndd aallssoo ggiivveess tthheemm

ssuuggggeessttiioonnss aannddtthhee iimmppeettuuss

ttoo iimmaaggiinnee aannddeevveenn ttoo ffaannttaassiissee..

only 60 per cent in the second group and 10 per cent inthe third.14 Dr Baker surmised that hypnosis used inpast-life-regression healing helps recipients relax andalso gives them suggestions and the impetus to imagineand even to fantasise.15

Hold this thought for a minute and consider Dr Oz'stwo remaining descriptions of a witness's possiblereaction to the past-life-regression healing seen on TheOprah Winfrey Show and reported on the show's website:

"Another explanation could be that past-life regressionis something much larger. 'They might say that this issomeone tapping into a collective unconsciousness,' DrOz says.

"Or it could be explained by new theories in physicsthat say there could potentially be 11 dimensionsinstead of the three—length, width and height—wenormally perceive. 'Imagine that existence is really aseries of shower curtains, each of which is a dimension,and sometimes those dimensions just ever so daintilytouch and when they touch,weird things happen,' Dr Ozsays. 'Is it a black hole? Is it aspiritual vision? Is it areincarnation?'

"Dr Oz says that he does notknow if what Dr Weiss does isactually helping people lookbackward to past lives. 'Mything is, what does it matterwhat you call it?' he says. ‘Doesit matter if you call it a masteror if you call it an angel?'"16

There lies the crux.Irrespective of whether hypnosisdoes no more than take a subject back to his or herearliest memories of his childhood or encourages thesubject to fantasise or actually regresses the subject to apast life, psychiatrists (think of the likes of Dr RogerWoolger and so many more) practising past-life-regression healing have observed actual personalitychanges in their clients. This is perhaps explained by thefact that hypnosis opens a doorway to an altered state ofconsciousness where we gain access to aspects of ourminds normally locked away because of social andmental control—thus, we are given "permission" tofantasise and imagine in ways not normally allowed. Isthere anything wrong with that, especially when theoutcome is positive?

Wilja Witcombe, clinical hypnotherapist and foundingpartner of the Aura Hypnotherapy Centre in Chennai, isGerman by origin but lives in India where she practiseshypnotherapy and past-life-regression therapy.According to Witcombe: "Most individuals are tornbetween inductive reasoning (intuition) and deductivereasoning (logic) in their daily lives. That is what makespast-life regression all the more invaluable as a healingtool. It bridges the healing of body and the healing of

the mind, so far considered separate disciplines."17 Asfor the belief that therapists nudge their client patientsinto making claims, she refutes this, saying: "Our role isto encourage regression through hypnosis. Once thepatient is hypnotised, it is not the role of the therapist tohint at what the client's past trauma may have been, justthe same as it is not for the therapist to question theclaims made during the regression session. It is not ourjob to alter memories; we restrict ourselves to changethe client's understanding of, and the emotions thatsurround, the memory. That is, our aim is healing. Andif healing is achieved, what difference does it makewhether the claims are wholly or partially true?"18

The insights of Carol Bowman's daughter Sarah, whochallenged a sceptical psychologist on The Oprah WinfreyShow in 1994, are noteworthy in this regard. In her bookChildren's Past Lives,19 Bowman recalls Sarah stating: "I sayit doesn't matter what it is. Maybe it's notreligious…whatever you said that was. What matters is

that I was afraid of fires and I'mnot anymore. And Chase[Sarah's brother] had problemswith his wrist and he had a fearand he's over that. Whatmatters is that it helped us."20

In a sense, Sarah's wordsrepresent the essence of thishealing phenomenon. Isn'thealing about helping peopleovercome personal issues?

HHaarrdd EEvviiddeenncceeIn Dr Newton's opinion: "The

availability of empirical datawould help establish the validity of past-life regressionand its therapeutic value. The larger the body ofevidence, the easier it is for people to accept past-liferegression as a therapy that has been verified for itsefficacy and accuracy."21

No mention of validation of past-life regression can bemade without referring to the late Ian Stevenson, MD,former head of the Department of Psychiatry, Universityof Virginia, and subsequent director of the Division ofPersonality Studies. Dr Stevenson dedicated much ofhis time and effort to reincarnation research. From themid-1960s, he documented over 3,000 case studies, mostof them involving children. His studies reveal convincingscientific evidence, if not "proof", of reincarnation. DrStevenson methodically documented statements madeby children, and subsequently proceeded to identify thedeceased person that the child remembers being andverify the facts of the deceased person's life that matchthe child's memory. He even matched birthmarks andbirth defects to wounds and scars on the deceased,verified by medical records. In cases where he was ableto identify the deceased person, he found that thedetails of the deceased person's life unmistakably

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 45

……hhyyppnnoossiiss ooppeennss aaddoooorrwwaayy ttoo aann aalltteerreedd ssttaattee

ooff ccoonnsscciioouussnneessss wwhheerree wwee ggaaiinn aacccceessss ttoo aassppeeccttssooff oouurr mmiinnddss nnoorrmmaallllyy

lloocckkeedd aawwaayy……

matched the child's statements and he also found aclose correspondence between birthmarks and/or birthdefects on the child and wounds on the deceasedperson.22

In India, Dr Satwant Pasricha, former professor andchair, Department of Clinical Psychology at the NationalInstitute of Mental Health and Neurosciences(NIMHANS), Bangalore, and current professor and chair,Department of Clinical Psychology, Himalayan Instituteof Medical Sciences, Dehradun, collaborated with DrStevenson for more than 30 years and has researchedover 500 such cases in India. Speaking about theirvalidity, she said: "In each case I recorded the testimonyof as many witnesses as were available. Also, Iconducted a second interview (or more). We did not giveprior notice of our arrival."23 Moreover, Dr Pasrichaopines that contrary to sceptics' claims that such casesgain from their fictitious memories, none of the casesshe studied in India gainedmonetarily or from the ensuingpublicity. More pointedly, shesaid: "You cannot teach a childto have birthmarks or birthdefects."24 Evidently, thesehappen for other reasons.

For diehard sceptics, DrPasricha points to reportedcases of xenoglossy; that is,individuals who suddenly startspeaking a language of whichthey have no prior knowledge.Uttara Huddar of Nagpur, incentral India, is one such case.When she was in her thirties, Uttara became aware of herprevious life as Sharada, a married Bengali woman. Thememories emerged when she spontaneously went intotrance and changed her personality, allowing her tospeak Bangla, a language that was previously unfamiliarto her. When she thought of herself as Sharada, Uttaracould not recognise her own relatives and the utility ofgadgets she had seen and used all her life, such as gasstoves, electrical appliances and fountain pens. Instead,she displayed knowledge of devotional songs, which shewould sing to herself, of places in Bengal, of Bengalifood and customs, and of the early-19th-centurygenealogy of the Chattopadhyay family of which Sharadaclaimed to have been a part.

RReeaall HHeeaalliinngg SSuuggggeessttss RReeaall MMeemmoorriieessPast-life regression research has come a long way

since Bridey's case in the 1950s. Today, qualified andexperienced medical professionals such as Dr Weisshave seen enough evidence to say, as he did on The OprahWinfrey Show: "When symptoms disappear, that's usuallynot from imagination or something like that. It's usuallyfrom the real memory, the experience… Imaginationdoesn't cure symptoms."25

In her book The Unquiet Dead, noted psychologist EdithFiore, PhD, wrote: "If someone's phobia is eliminatedinstantly and permanently by the remembrance of anevent from the past, it seems to make logical sense thatthat event must have happened."26

As Adrian Finkelstein, MD, another well-knownpsychiatrist and past-life regression practitioner,explains: "Our world…is formed of various levels ofenergy vibration. These vibrations rise from the grosslevel of our physical world to the highly refined plateauof thought—and ultimately spiritual consciousness. Wecannot deny the existence of these higher levels ofreality simply because ordinary methods fail to unlocktheir secrets. Exploration of the mind and spirit is oneof the hallmarks of this New Age; a refusal to examinenew approaches to scientific truth is clearlyunscientific—and slightly foolish."27

The ultimate viewpoint of sceptics is: if it's not all overwhen we die, then why do weforget our past lives? In The LifeDivine, Sri Aurobindo wrote:"The law that deprives us of thememory of the past lives is alaw of the cosmic wisdom andserves, not disserves, itsevolutionary purpose... A clearand detailed memory of thepast lives, hatred, rancor,attachments, connectionswould be a stupendousinconvenience; for it would bindthe reborn being to a uselessrepetition or a compulsory

continuation of his surface past and stand in the way ofhis bringing out new possibilities from the depths of thespirit."28

Certainly, it would be more than a tad difficult to leada normal life if we remembered all or a few of our pastlives. But fortunately, not all of us suffer from deep-rooted emotional issues that we need help to rememberour past incarnations. For those who do, however, whatcould be better than reliving the past and relievingthemselves of their suffering? ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Charu Bahri is an author and freelance writer living in India.She works part-time for a charity in the health sector, andstrongly advocates a simple, healthy lifestyle. Ms Bahri hascontributed several art icles to NEXUS: "GeneticManipulations: An Engineering Disaster?" (17/01),"Carbonated Drinks: Poison in Disguise" (14/02) and "TheUgly Truth about Beauty and Hygiene Products" (14/01).Read more about her work at her website Charu Bahri can becontacted by email at [email protected].

46 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

FFoorr ddiieehhaarrdd sscceeppttiiccss,, DDrr PPaassrriicchhaa ppooiinnttss ttoo

rreeppoorrtteedd ccaasseess ooff xxeennoogglloossssyy-- tthhaatt iiss,, iinnddiivviidduuaallss wwhhoossuuddddeennllyy ssttaarrtt ssppeeaakkiinngg aa

llaanngguuaaggee ooff wwhhiicchh tthheeyy hhaavveennoo pprriioorr kknnoowwlleeddggee..

EEnnddnnootteess oonn ppaaggee 8822

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 47

48 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011



SStteevveenn MM.. GGrreeeerr MMDD

For the first time ever, over five dozen top-secretmilitary, government, intelligence and corporate

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AA GGuuiiddee ttoo tthhee EEnndd ooff tthhee WWoorrlldd

bbyy AAlleexxaannddeerr PPrriiccee

Many people in the ancient world saw human life as deeplyconnected with the great cycles of nature: the rising and

setting of the sun, the changing of the seasons, the death andrebirth of vegetation. In the same way that other patterns innature repeat at regular intervals, they believed that humanhistory also goes through cycles in which significant events repeat,and are likely to happen again in the future at predictable times. Apenetrating study into the history of astrology, ancient religion,secret societies and the evolution of consciousness, 2012 and theShift of Ages: A Guide to the End of the World is sure to be aninvaluable resource in navigating a time of difficult transitions.


JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 49


for Pure Energy Systems News29 March 2011

An artificial intelligence expert explainsthe lag between scientific discovery and

explanation and specifies a few promisingtechnologies of note, including Brown's Gasor hydroxy, Rossi's cold fusion, Turtur'szero-point energy and Aviso's self-runningelectric car.

WWhhaatt iiss TTeecchhnnoollooggyy??Science is the study of the natural

world by observation andexperimentation. The end product ofscientific studies is knowledge of theproperties of physical things and ofthe behaviour of systems of objects.Science is also concerned with thedevelopment of overall principlesand generalisations that apply tomany different types of systems.Science is an activity; it is not theknowledge that is accumulated bythis activity, although the knowledgeis what enables others, notnecessarily scientists, to addressmore effectively problems such asproduction, transportation,communication and everyday living.

Engineering is the discipline forapplying scientific and practicalknowledge to problems in the realworld using techniques andtechnologies. Given a problem andresources and a clearly definedobjective to be accomplished,engineers apply existing technology,sometimes developing newtechniques and technologies orrefining old ones, to produce goodsor services to solve a problem.

A technology is a set of techniques,methods, procedures, tools andmaterials that solve some specificproblem or class of problems. While

scientists make discoveries that canlead to new techniques and new waysof doing things, it is usuallyengineers and technicians thatdevelop the techniques andtechnology that exploit the scientificknowledge in the course of meetingsome specified goal. A technology isproblem-specific, and invariably isdeveloped as a means to produce agood or service wanted by the publicor needed to solve a problem.

The existence of a comprehensive,settled, scientific theory is not arequirement for the development of atechnology, however. It is not at alluncommon for technology to bedeveloped years before sciencearrives at a theory. As examples,James Watt's contributions to steamtechnology, and his improvements tothe Newcomen steam engine weremade long before Nicolas SadiCarnot developed the theory of heatengines, and Michael Faradayinvented the first electric motorabout 40 years before James ClerkMaxwell produced a comprehensive

theory of electricity. Indeed, it wasFaraday's work that guided Maxwelland enabled him to formulate thefamous Maxwell equations forelectromagnetism.

1199tthh && 2200tthh CCeennttuurryy TTeecchhnnoollooggiieessIn the 19th century, the idea of a

closed system, i.e., one that does notexchange matter or energy with itsenvironment, dominated science andtechnology. This idea led to theformulation of the great principles ofconservation of energy andconservation of mass in closedsystems. These principles wereinvaluable in enabling the expansionof science and technology in the 19thand 20th centuries.

The only problem with theseprinciples is that, while it is relativelyeasy to seal off a system so thatmatter cannot enter or leave, it canbe difficult to impossible to preventenergy fluxes of various kinds fromflowing through systems, possiblyadding to or removing energy fromthe system.




50 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

Special efforts must be taken toprevent magnetic flux from passingthrough systems, and there is no wayat this time to prevent neutrinofluxes or gravitational waves frompassing through systems. Becauseno suitable sensors exist for some ofthese energy fluxes, it is not possibleto be certain that a given system hasnot absorbed energy from one ofthese fluxes or given up energy to aflux.

In brief, it is difficult to establishthat a system is truly isolated and forwhich the conservation laws aredirectly applicable. The conservationlaws are still valid for all systems, butthe manner in which they are applieddepends on whether they are open ortruly closed.

TTeecchhnnoollooggyy ooff tthhee 2211sstt CCeennttuurryyPartly because of the difficulty in

closing systems, scientists have longbeen interested in the properties ofopen systems such as ones that arein contact with an energy reservoirand with the amount of energy thatmust be supplied to the system inorder to transfer or utilise the energyin the reservoir.

The first of the three newtechnologies described in this articleis just such a technology. The third

technology, intelligent robottechnology, is open to informationrather than energy. The threetechnologies are:

• Space Energy Conversion. So-called "empty space" is filled withelectromagnetic energy, oftenreferred to as "zero-point energy"because the energy would remaineven if the temperature of an objector particles in space were reduced toabsolute zero. Different types ofdevices have been built in an effort totap into and collect this energy. Theobvious attraction of these devices isthat, potentially, they could replaceall coal-burning and petroleumengines and completely eliminateman's contribution to globalwarming due to carbon dioxide.

• Brown's Gas. Brown's Gas isproduced by a special type ofelectrolysis of water in which thegases given off by the electrodes arecollected in a single container, ratherthan in separate containers for thehydrogen and oxygen. What isimportant about this gas is that it iscombustible, and that it is currentlybeing used to extend the mileage ofgasoline and diesel automotiveengines by 25 to 60 per cent.

• Intelligent Robots. These arerobots that build information and

control models of their environment,and use these models to makedecisions as to how to achieve aspecified goal situation, i.e., they areopen to information. Such robotscan be used to function effectively inenvironments that are hostile tohuman beings, but they can also beused to perform complex tasks nowperformed by humans. They couldlead to reindustrialisation on a largescale in the USA and to low-costproduction of all types of goods.

None of these three technologies isbased on settled science. The space-energy-conversion devicesconceivably could be analysed by aputative Theory of Everything (TOE)in physics. At present there is nomainstream TOE, but somemainstream physicists such as DrMichio Kaku believe that such atheory can be developed from stringtheory, perhaps in the next 25years—but the lack of an agreed-upon comprehensive theory has notstopped enthusiastic experimenters.While a settled theory may not beavailable, there are at least sixtheories, none of which satisfies DrKaku's definition of a TOE, that claimto explain space energy conversionand a lot more.

A theory of Brown's Gas wasrecently put forth by Chris Eckman, astudent at the University of Idaho.This theory, the plasma orbitalexpansion theory, accounts for thestrange properties of the gas in termsof the gas electrical conductivity, butit is not yet recognised bymainstream scientists.

At least one theory for intelligentmachines does exist, but it is notrecognised by mainstreamresearchers in artificial intelligence(possibly because it is a theory ofmachines and not a theory ofintelligence, artificial or human). Thetheory, which was developed by theauthor of this article, defines anintelligent machine as one thatmodels information patterns in the


Canadarm2 - the first ‘intelligent’ robot for the International Space Station.Image source:

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 51

environment of the machine andtransforms and analyses thosepatterns to identify the situationfaced by the machine. The differencebetween the machine's currentsituation and a desired goal situationis then used by the robot to select acourse of action to correct thesituation, subject to a number ofconstraints that prevent undesirableconsequences of the action.

The problem associated withtechnology that precedes science isthat totally novel results obtained byany new technology, accomplishingsomething quite outside theaccepted science and technology ofthe day, are almost invariably viewedas simply mistaken or often asoutright fraud. This has been thecase with many if not most of thetechnologies that were ahead of theavailable science, and it is the casewith the three new technologiesdescribed in this paper.

Aside from the normal scepticismof new things that slows acceptanceof new technology, 21st-centurytechnology is often judged bymainstream scientists as if thedevices of these new technologiesare closed systems. Energyconservation laws are only indirectlyapplicable to the task of identifyingand quantifying the properties ofthese open systems, and it is easy tocome to the wrong conclusion aboutthe properties of open systems bymisapplying the conservation laws orby viewing intelligent machines as acollection of (closed) algorithms.

OOtthheerr NNeeww TTeecchhnnoollooggiieessThe new technologies described

above are just three of many. Thereare dozens more, all in differentstages of development.

• Raphial Morgado has inventedthe next generation of internalcombustion engines, which he termsthe "MYT engine". The MYT engine ismore powerful but smaller, lighterand more fuel efficient than current

engines. It burns any kind of fuel—gasoline, alcohol, diesel orbiodiesel—and it is cheaper toproduce than present engines. Italso produces considerably lesspollution than conventional engines,and is ideal for the next generation ofautomobiles and trucks.

• Ismael Aviso , A Philippinesinventor, has developed an antennaand electronic system that extractselectromagnetic energy in aparticular frequency band andconverts it to direct current. He hasmounted the system on anautomotive frame along with anelectric motor and has driven thevehicle on numerous occasions. Atpresent, Aviso says that the coils inthe device overheat when he steps onthe accelerator, and he is workingwith a Chinese firm to supply himwith a hollow conductor so that hecan run a coolant through the coil toprevent overheating. According tothe Philippines Department ofEnergy, the system currently has aCOP [coefficient of performance] ofabout 1.3, meaning it is tapping intospace energy.

• Andrea Rossi and ProfessorSergio Focardi of the University ofBologna, Italy, recently conducted atest of a device that produces 15kilowatts of heat while onlyconsuming about 400 watts of

electrical energy. The device is saidto run on the fusion of nickel andhydrogen, producing copper. The twoscientists refer to the device as an"amplifier or catalyser", although it issimilar in effect to what is usuallycalled "cold fusion" or a "low-energynuclear reaction" (LENR). The deviceis presently at the commercial stage,and a one-megawatt system is beingproduced for use in Athens, Greece.

• Professor Claus W. Turtur, PhD,from the University of AppliedScience Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel,Germany, has long been interested inzero-point energy. In his early workon the subject, he showed how tomake devices that producemicroscale amounts of energy.Recently he published a theoreticalpaper describing a device thatproduces over a kilowatt of power.The device, about the size of a drill,measures 9 cm in diameter and is 6.8cm long. If actual models of thisdevice confirm predictedperformance, there are hundreds orthousands of immediateapplications, ranging from poweringhome computers to humanoidrobots.• Lawrenceville Plasma Physics,

Inc. has solved the problem ofmagnetic fusion using what is calleda Dense Plasma Focus FusionReactor. The device fuses boron and


Professor Claus Turtur. Image source:

52 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

hydrogen (both cheap, and for allpractical purposes inexhaustible) toproduce helium gas—none of whichis radioactive, so there is noradioactive waste to be disposed of.It produces much heat with very littleradiation that is easily shielded. Thedevice is economical and compact,and an environmentally safe sourceof energy. It is estimated to produceenergy for a tenth of current costs.One Focus Fusion Reactor the size ofa gasoline service station couldproduce enough electricity for 40,000homes.

TThhrreeee--DDiimmeennssiioonnaall TTeecchhnnoollooggiieessNew technologies are concerned

with more than just power in theform of heat, electricity ormechanical motion. One of the mostamazing new technologies is the 3D(three-dimensional) printer, a newway to manufacture items. Instead ofstarting with a chunk of material andwhittling away what you don't want(called "subtractive manufacturing"),a 3D printer starts with powders ofmaterials and fuses them to formcomplex items (called "additivemanufacturing").

Although most people have never

heard of the technology, it is welldeveloped. Critical titanium parts forthe Airbus are currentlymanufactured using a 3D printer, anddesktop 3D printers are available atan affordable price, although some ofthe desktop models are designedonly for plastic prototypes or scalemodels. One large industrial printercan print parts of titanium, stainlesssteel, glass, sandstone and plastic.Desktop machines are currentlylimited to only one or two materials.For short-run production, the 3Dprinter is the cost-effective way to go.

The concept of 3D printing hasexpanded far beyond manufacturing,however, and 3D printers for humanskin or other organs have been in usefor wounded military personnel.

Also, a food printer that producescomposite foods from canisters hasbeen prototyped. The RepRap, shortfor Replicating Rapid-prototyper, is apractical, self-copying, 3D printer.The machine is distributed under anopen-source licence (GNU GeneralPublic License). The second-generation model costs about $800,and it will copy its plastic partswhich make up about half of themachine.

EExxoottiicc DDeevviicceess ooff tthhee FFuuttuurree The above examples are things that

are foreseeable. Based on some of the observations

of new technology devices and thetheories that have been developed toaccount for the observations, itappears possible that there are somevery exotic devices that can bedeveloped, such as newcommunications devices and gravity-control devices, and new classes ofweapons such as interferenceweapons—low-energy devices thatstun or freeze people, automobiles ormachinery.

How long before these thingsmight be developed, we can onlyguess. ∞(Source: Pure Energy Systems News, 29March 2011,; fullarticle at

RReeffeerreenncceess ffoorr FFuurrtthheerr IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn• Space energy conversion energy systems available devices

• Brown’s Gas

• Intelligent robots

• Raphial Morgado – Massive Yet Tiny(MYT) Engine

• Ismael Aviso – Self-Charging ElectricCar

• Andrea A. Rossi – Cold FusionGenerator (E-Cat)

• Dr Claus W. Turtur – Zero-PointEnergy

• Lawrenceville Plasma

• 3D Technologies


The Vorodo - a product from one of the first consumer level web-based 3Dprinting services. Image source:

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 53

EExxcclluussiivvee ttoo NNEEXXUUSS MMaaggaazziinnee

54 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

IInn tthhee rreemmootteeSSoolloommoonn IIssllaannddss,,UUFFOOss rriissee ffrroomm tthheePPaacciiffiicc OOcceeaann,, oonnllyyttoo ddiissaappppeeaarr iinnttoollaakkeess ppeerrcchheedd iinn

tthhee jjuunnggllee..

MMyysstteerriioouussttuunnnneellss aanndd UUFFOObbaasseess hhaavvee bbeeeenn


LLeeggeennddss aabboouunndd ooffrruuiinneedd cciittiieess aannddggiiaanntt hhoommiinniiddss

eemmeerrggiinngg ffrroomm tthheemmoouunnttaaiinnss ttootteerrrroorriissee aannddkkiiddnnaapp llooccaallss..

RReeaadd mmoorree iinn tthhiissbbooookk aavvaaiillaabbllee oonnllyy

tthhrroouugghh NNEEXXUUSSMMaaggaazziinnee..


JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 55



IInn 11999944,,rreesseeaarrcchheerrss aatt aa sseeccrreett ccoolllliiddeerrffaacciilliittyy iinn AAffrriiccaa mmaaddee ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh aa ppaarraalllleell--uunniivveerrssee

eennttiittyy vviiaa aaccoommppuutteerr--aaiiddeeddddeevviiccee aanndd ffoorr ffiivveeyyeeaarrss rreecceeiivveeddmmeessssaaggeess aannddpprreeddiiccttiioonnss wwhhiicchh nnooww hhaavvee iimmmmiinneennttssiiggnniiffiiccaannccee ffoorrhhuummaanniittyy..

bbyy ""AAccoollyyttee"" ©© 22001111

Correspondence:c/- NEXUS Magazine

PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560Australia

AA NNeeww AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt

It was the last week in June 2006. It was a slow month, and most of myassignments were submitted for final analysis, completion and thenfiling. There were a few new ones, but they were the usual two-to-three-day-at-a-time monitoring types and surveillance over the next few weeks.

Nothing to get excited about. I had some leave due soon and wascontemplating how I would spend some quiet time. I stared out the window;not that I had much of a view anyway, but it was a habit. I wasn't a smokerback then. Little did I know, that would soon change.

My pager beeped "SC Oscar Now" ("Station Chief Office Now"). I wonderedwhy she'd beeped me. My office was just down the hall. She could have justpressed the intercom button for my office and called. I remembered to puton my jacket before I left my office. "Damn," I thought. "I should have pickedanother tie."

It was just me and her. I sat down."You familiar with Internet discussion forums?" she asked, knowing that it's

clearly in my TOP (Tasked Operator's Priorities) and profiling assignmentduties.

But, then again, she was new on this floor; she'd only started as SC inJanuary.

"Yes," I said, lifting a questioning eyebrow."I want you to clear all your assignments for the next few weeks," she said.I was worried. She slid a single file across her desk. I opened it and

thought: "Ah, just two pages; can't be too 'heavy' an assignment. Nothing toworry about here. This should only take a week."

"On page two you will find the signed FARR form," the Station Chief said.(FARR stands for File Authorization Release and Request.)

"Wow!" I thought. "She's already signed it without even asking me if Iaccept the assignment."

This only confirmed to me even more that she knew exactly what my TOPprofile was.

Then it hit me. The file must be highly classified (Echelon Access Only) ortoo large for her to carry around in her task pouch (briefcase). It was both.

The file was huge—a box of files, in fact—with over 20,000 transcriptpages, and it had Echelon stamps all over it. It also contained a fewthousand pages of research notes and copies of correspondence betweenresearchers, technicians and scientists from various fields. There were a fewdata discs but, from their dates, I could see they were only added recently.

To this day, I still think that if the filing clerk didn't know me personally hewould have asked for a second signature on the FARR form.

"A 'few weeks', she said? Damn, this will take months," I realised. This is how I became familiar with a project called CHANI, and why I took

up smoking that day.

56 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

TThhee CCHHAANNII PPrroojjeeccttDuring the years 1994 to 1999, a group of researchers

from an organisation/corporation, which I will call RANDand Associates, or RA, had access to an undergroundCERN-like collider facility in Africa (the location is stillclassified). A contingent of AFRICOM securitypersonnel was tasked with securing the base and, ofcourse, keeping its location secret. The AFRICOMstation commander made and supervised all the traveland accommodation arrangements for the team ofresearchers. They were closely watched 24/7.

Between those years, the researchers started receivingcommunications from an Entity who claimed to be froma parallel universe/dimension/timeline. A remarkableand groundbreaking interaction ensued. For a period offive years, researchers asked the Entity a series of over20,000 questions and received answers to more than 95per cent of questions asked.

There were other active projects running concurrently,like Space Time Fabricating,Simulation by AtomReplacement and Removal,Holographic Programming ofDark Matter, Manifestation ofQuantum Energies andAssociated String Programmingwith Ether/Etheric Interactionand a few more, but for thepurpose of this article I willkeep to the CHANI project only.(CHANI is an acronym forChannelled Holographic AccessNetwork Interface.)

In reviewing the research notes for this article, all theabove projects at one stage seemed to have had a turnin merging with the CHANI project and subject matter.One researcher commented: "This is an orgasmicinteraction between science, theory and spiritualawareness."

In October 1999, technicians began a series ofsoftware and hardware upgrades to all the colliderequipment and computer networks. The purpose was toget the system infrastructure Y2K compliant. It wassoon apparent that the Y2K-compliant upgrades had adirect effect on the CHANI research project.

On 14 November 1999, contact with the Entity, whichfor five years was continuous and constant on a dailybasis, was effectively lost. Months were spent trying tore-establish contact. It was not to be, and in April 2000the research part of project CHANI came to an end.

It must be noted here that I wasn't one of the originaland fortunate researchers on the project or one whoused the CHANI device.

But I am most grateful to have been introduced to thismind-boggling and powerful, perspective-changinginformation. It caused a paradigm shift in my way ofthinking, forever.

CCHHAANNII aanndd CCoommppuutteerr ""CChhaannnneelllliinngg""What made CHANI unique from any other channelling

method/technique is that the researchers never used ahuman "channeller". Thus they eliminated the emotion,feeling and interpretation of a human channeller. It wasa pure, directed and dedicated channel, not distorted oraffected/infected by human mood swings orinterferences from the subconscious mind of a humansubject with possible suppressed emotion, memory andpsychological trauma. The imaginative ability of humaninput was effectively removed from the calculations andresult.

The precise mechanics of how these words werecaptured, displayed and reproduced using the CHANIdevice is still classified. To my knowledge, it was thefirst documented case in which a machine/device/computer model was used successfully to make contactwith, over a prolonged period of time, and interact with,or "channel", another being or entity. The researchers

established contact with onlyone Entity. The Entity wasverified to them in ways andmethods that are still highlyclassified and which I can'telaborate on.

TThhee EEnnttiittyy aanndd HHuummaanniittyyThe Entity explained in some

detail to the researchers thatcontact was made because theEntity was our equivalent of a"student" and he had authorityfrom his Elders to interact with,

observe, study and learn from us. The Entity explainedthat his Elders "noticed" us (we here on Earth) and ourwhole solar system cross onto "their" parallel universe.The Entity also explained that we weren't the only racereaching this crossroads/ merge, but that they could seeother alien races from other planets in our solar systemas well. Our Entity was specifically tasked to study us(humans, Earth), while other students were tasked tostudy the other races and planets corresponding to theirplanet and solar system. It was not just a merging orcolliding of our Earth reality, but it was our completesolar system colliding with the reality of another"parallel" solar system. Although it was we humans (withsome alien assistance/technology) who were "playingwith dark and portal matters", the result was that ourwhole solar system traversed into "their" universe ofvisibility/perception.

So, to put the above into perspective, our researchersused the word "student" to explain the Entity’s actions.It was as if the Entity were part of a master's degree studygroup, similar to what we have in our world as Phd(doctorate) candidates. The Elders were able to see usand our whole solar system crossing into their reality.They therefore began a research program of their own to

......tthhee rreesseeaarrcchheerrss ssttaarrtteeddrreecceeiivviinngg ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss

ffrroomm aann EEnnttiittyy wwhhooccllaaiimmeedd ttoo bbee ffrroomm aa

ppaarraalllleell uunniivveerrssee//ddiimmeennssiioonn//ttiimmeelliinnee..

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 57

study us and our history so that the Elders could preparetheir civilisation for our arrival/merge. The Entity wasthus doing reconnaissance on us.

To help researchers get a timeframe for when thismerging or colliding of realities would occur, the Entitygave them "predictions" that served as indicators forwhen the time was close. The Entity's abilities andaccuracy were verified to researchers by predictions andindicators given during the five years of the CHANIproject (these are still classified).

The predictions didn't come all at once, but wereobtained/spread over the duration of the researchproject. Although the Entity was in the "now", he wasable to see, with frequent assistance from his Elders,events in our timeline that he shared with theresearchers. Some of these were acosmic sonic-boom event andchanges to our Sun and Jupiter. Allthese predictions were to be used as asequence of steps/indicators toidentify the time (Fuse Year) when thebig event (the Merge) would occur.

TThhee RRuubbiiccoonn RReevveeaalleerrssAround the end of 2005, the CHANI

project files were handed over to theRubicon Station for project Reveal.As the name suggests, Rubicon dealswith information that has beendeemed to have reached a pointof no return. The Rubicondivision was formed by a numberof "dissatisfied" Upper Echelonmembers within the RAcommunity, who decided thatcertain information should bereleased and that seeds shouldbe planted to measure andresearch public reaction—clearing the way and setting afoundation for whenever "they"decide to flood the wires with fulldisclosure on any specific topic.When public interaction becomes a necessity, theinformation is to be released.

Rubicon was and is tasked with the sanctioned releaseof classified information for "public consumption", in acontrolled fashion, through various platforms andoutlets. One of these platforms is Internet discussionforums. Another is sending anonymous letters ormaking anonymous phone calls or using fakecredentials and call-routing to write to or call selectedindividuals and groups. Once the information and intelare released, public responses or those of the individualor group are recorded, monitored and analysed.Depending on their reaction, further information is thenreleased using a phased and synchronised methodology

based on public behaviour, perception and responses.Whenever public/individual/group reaction is deemed"unfavourable", the project is suspended and set forrelease at a later date or totally terminated. It issometimes necessary for the information to bepulled/unrouted/denied and to let it grow and sprout abit more, behind the scenes, before another attempt ismade to replant/reintroduce or to renew contact if it wasan individual/group.

WWhhoo AAmm II??I was a Rubicon Revealer. Depending on the

assignment, I would be required to take up the role ofan observer, a monitor, a reporter, an investigator, aninstructor, an analyst, and in most instances an initiator

and even an instigator in some.One part of my duties was to

frequent Internet discussion forums,observing, reporting, profiling andidentifying possible outlets whereRubicon Reveal information could beintroduced. This usually took on theform of my posting a "thread" on adesignated or chosen forum which wedecided would be the most suitable toget the info/intel out to our targetaudience.

The second part involved thephysical (in the field) and digital

(satellite and high-tech)monitoring, surveillance andgathering of information ongroups or profiled persons andevents around the globe that mayhave bearing on specific Rubiconprojects.

Rubicon has this credo: "Ourwhistle is blowing softly; if weblow too hard, some eardrumsmight pop, then everyone wouldbe deaf."

In the final analysis, Rubiconoperatives are sanctioned

whistleblowers, albeit in a limited and controlled form.

LLaauunncchhiinngg CCHHAANNII oonn tthhee IInntteerrnneettThus, on a cold wintry day in June 2006, I flipped the

electronic switch to lock my office door, which isstandard operating procedure for Echelon "subjectmatter", and I unpacked those filing boxes all over mydesk. My love affair with this project and the Entity hadbegun.

As expected, it took me months to shift, study andread through the CHANI material. At first, it was adaunting task to get my mind to comprehend fully whatI was dealing with. I already had an idea about whichInternet forums I wanted to begin the "release/reveal"

RRuubbiiccoonn wwaass aanndd iissttaasskkeedd wwiitthh tthhee

ssaannccttiioonneedd rreelleeaasseeooff ccllaassssiiffiieedd

iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ffoorr""ppuubblliicc

ccoonnssuummppttiioonn"",, iinn aaccoonnttrroolllleedd ffaasshhiioonn,,tthhrroouugghh vvaarriioouussppllaattffoorrmmss aanndd


58 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

on, due to past research and active monitoring, butnonetheless I spent a few more months on researchingothers and identifying the most appropriate forum onwhich to launch the CHANI project.

I would only have the time and resources to focus onone forum for this specific project. This project was ofgreat importance to my superiors at the time, and I hadno intention of rushing in. I had to "thread" (forum lingo)carefully and be absolutely sure that the right forum waschosen. (I have since initiated a variety of other Rubiconprojects on the same forum over the past few years, themost recent being the BEZERK project withaccompanying Reveal and intel burst threads.) It is alsowell worth noting that intelligence agencies frequentlyuse forums to communicate and relayinformation and updates to theiroperators in the field. Since theInternet came along, the practice ofposting and placing/using classifiedads in newspapers as acommunication medium has become afossil. In contrast, the use of Internetdiscussion forums, online gameplatforms and their associated chatfeatures has become quite the norm.

During initial research, I beganposting a few threads on a popularforum, Godlike Productions, to "testthe water" and to start creating apersona. As the forum is widelyknown to be a conspiracy andlunatic-fringe site, I created apersona to suit: somewhat crazy,even hoaxing, but an enigma onspiritual and global strategicinsider issues nevertheless. Thispersona provided an efficientcover to get information outthere without lifting too manyeyebrows. I often had to playboth protagonist and antagonist.

I decided to test the reaction toa few topics by starting threads and releasing limited,but real, intel on topics of a political-insider andspiritual nature. And yes, I said "spiritual". Some mightbe pleasantly surprised if they knew how "spirituallyoriented" the decision-makers in Upper Echelon andother intelligence-gathering organisations are. They arefully aware of the spiritual impact that the comingchanges will bring to mankind. The influence andnecessity of spiritual interaction and awareness are wellcalculated and correlated within their think-tanks and inmaking future decisions on what to advise those whodepend on their analysis.

For us operators, think-tanks like Rubicon (RAND)sometimes have the annoying habit of analysing thingsto death before a decision is made and the direction of

a future cause of action is drafted/set.Now, all that remained was to wait patiently for the

appropriate time to release the CHANI information tothe public. That time finally came in March 2008.

BBiirrtthh ooff tthhee ""mmee tteell uu nnooww"" TThhrreeaaddIt was from the CHANI transcripts of over 20,000

questions and answers that the thread known as the"me tel u now so u belive me after 15 may" thread wasstarted on the Godlike Productions forum. Apart fromamazing information and discourses on varioussubjects, the transcripts also contained a large numberof "predictions" or "calculations" (a term that the Entityused). We had the dates, but not the year. The Entity

never specified an exact year, butmentioned only months and days.

On various occasions, the Entitywould also ask the researchersquestions, which led to even moreintrigue, insight and contemplation.To put it frankly, on some days theresearchers were quite literallystunned.

When, in 2007, those studying theCHANI project (Rubicon superiors andmy group) identified names andscenarios, trigger events andpredictions described by the Entityback in 1994–1999 as coming up or

becoming likely, it was assumedthat the year 2008 would be theEvent or "Fuse" Year. Thus it wasdeemed necessary for the publicto know and for me to begin therelease/reveal.

On 15 March 2008, the threadwas started. Depending on howwell it was received, I was tocontinue. It was a hit from theoutset. Reaction and interactionfrom people posting wasimmediate and interest grew

exponentially. Today it is still ranked in the top 10threads on the forum.

Questions from forum members and posters wereanswered by cross-referencing the actual answers givenby the Entity and using the exact same format of writtendialect used by the Entity. For coherence and to ensurebetter interaction, answers were personalised anddiscretional ad libs were used by me. A commonmisassumption on the thread was that the Entity madespecific contact with us to warn us. This is not how orwhy it happened.

Both 2008 and 2009 came and went withoutsignificant correlation, and by the end of 2009 my activeparticipation/reveal on the thread was halted. Rubiconofficially pulled the plug. However, with certain events

AAppaarrtt ffrroomm aammaazziinnggiinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aanndd

ddiissccoouurrsseess oonn vvaarriioouussssuubbjjeeccttss,, tthhee

ttrraannssccrriippttss aallssooccoonnttaaiinneedd aa llaarrggee

nnuummbbeerr ooff""pprreeddiiccttiioonnss"" oorr

""ccaallccuullaattiioonnss"" ((aa tteerrmmtthhaatt tthhee EEnnttiittyy uusseedd))..

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 59

transpiring in 2010, it's been suggested that 2011 maybe the Fuse Year. With the official Rubicon release ofthe BEZERK information (another thread, launched inJune 2010), there exists a strong case that the "oilsickness" and the problems in Japan mentioned by theEntity could relate to events in the BEZERK thread (e.g.,the Deepwater Horizon oil-well disaster, and the Japanearthquake, tsunami and radiation contamination).Hence my renewed yet "unofficial" interest in the CHANIproject and information.

This article is meant to serve only as an introductionto CHANI and to provide some background. If there isenough interest or demand, I hope to expand on topicscovered by the Entity in further articles, even if it turnsout that 2011 is not the Fuse Year.

At first, the words and spellings that the Entity usedmay strike you as odd, silly and even childlike. But Iassure you that even our top neurolinguists wereawestruck by how this simple flow of words, structure,spelling and positioning spoke so directly to thereader's being. It was instructive, guiding andinformative, but most noteworthy was its pleasantlygentle and soothing manner on your ear, heart andmind. It was baby talk for adults. The simplicity and

ease with which the Entity managed to explain and getdifficult and controversial subjects across had a definitelingering quality. I experienced this on a number ofoccasions when some thoughts would linger for days,my subconscious actively contemplating theinformation somewhere in the back of my mind. I'msure that all the researchers on CHANI shared thisexperience. It is my hope that you, the reader of thisarticle, will have the same experiences when readingsome quotes of the transcripts provided.

What follows below are selected quotes from theEntity in no particular order or importance. Many haveasked me what are my favourites or most significant. Ireally can't answer that. They are all up there; everysingle quote ranks top. I invite you to visit the thread atGodlike Productions and you'll soon understand why(go to

I'm giving you the quotes as they were given, withsome personal comments where necessary [in boldtype; the Entity's "wordings" are left unedited forpublication here; Ed.] I've purposefully kept thecomments and explanations to a minimum. You, thereader, must contemplate them yourself and decide.

BBeellooww iiss tthhee ooppeenniinngg ppoosstt oonn tthhee ""mmee tteell uu nnooww"" tthhrreeaadd..AAfftteerr rreevviieewwiinngg mmoorree tthhaann 110000 pprreeddiiccttiioonnss,, II ddeecciiddeedd oonntthhiiss ccoolllleeccttiioonn ttoo ssttaarrtt tthhee tthhrreeaadd::"many things go wrong 15 may because door opens withportal to dark matters not undestanding earth beingssharon will dimise be4 15 maymandela will dimise be4 15 maythatcher will stroke be4 15 mayjapan warring thing will commenceing before 15 maysecretlyoil gets very big sicknes no use anymore after 15 mayold bush will very sick be4 15 maycheney will dimise be4 15 juneobama accident before 27 aperilbig sicknes be4 15 mayvery moving earth on 17 aperilsoceon not sleeping when heaven things beware manywaters to come drownbrown cheat be4 15 mayputin missing after 15 may many worry people do crazythings"

This is one of the first statements made by the Entity, andit was repeated at various times: "u ask me many question me first answer u by xplain to unerstan u and u in the univers u must unerstan thesethings first u must unerstan the ilusion of infinti then u must unerstan the infinty of ilusion this mean noting but xplain everythings so first u lern the u then u lern the univers then this xplain al and mean something"

More references to oil sickness and to the Japanearthquake and radiation:"me post probabilitys okme cee crash plane on deck of us war ship 55 dimiseme cee us bomer crash seame cee many dolfin and whale go suicideme cee 250 plus more demise acident and crash of planeeurope peopleme cee very moving earth again people of same shape eyejapanme cee sicknes go people of india and people of koreame cee very oil sicknes people of america grow biger notaford buy oil anymoresme cee america people very angry go damage monumentthere capitol okme cee very big and final earth war this line time but u canstop stilplease forget oil yor oil become enemy after september yorline timeoil get radiation as me tel u be4 why u not belive meme cry 4 u"

On how we think, read and interpret:"write lanuage cause bad things 4 yor human history hold ubackbeter draw pictures like sumarbeter write image like egyptianwrite lanuage tel u what to think not how to think not goodthing 4 mindpicture tel u how to think must use mind to read picturegood thing 4 mindpicture u remember 4 ever write lanuage u forget soon notthink anymore"

"the reason sumaria write in picture is they want lastgeneration u to unerstan 2000 years later okif they rite data on disk u not able deciferings disk 4 u nothave same reading device 2 read their data 2000 year latersumaria write on stone to survive al yor teknology ok andalow u to stil unerstan 2000 years later simple ok"

The Entity explains free will:"me ask elders about explain frewil beterelders say me explain like thisgod give u egeg is there eg already created eg existu use frewil decide what do about egu can make choice boil eg eat egu can make choice bake eg eat egu can make choice u leve eg but eg get roten but eg stilthereu can make choice u not eat other animal so u throw egaway eg get roten somewere else but eg stil exist u wil smeleg eventualyeventualy u must decide and deal with egtime colide is like eggod make time colidetime colide is there time colide already created time colideexisteventualy u must decide what u want do with time colideand deal with itu can not change what god created but with frewil u mustdecide what u do with time colide okme say eat eg because eg good for u b4 get roten then egvery bad 4 u"

The researchers asked the Entity to explain the conceptof trinity:"first me try xplain mind body spiritme xplain true trinitytrinity is mind body and spirittrinity is farther child and motheryor sumerian symbol of sumeria queen is doveyor religion leaders long ago decide not use female 4 churchleaders and leadingso they remove female esence from child and removemother esence from spiritthey then say trinity is father son and spirit al male esencethis was to distract deceive to change church and religion 4male control only and dominatingthat where al yor religion go wrong in historyfarther is the mindson daughter or child is the bodymother is the spirit okthe mother spirit esence is the balance is the harmony is thegluethe mother is between the farther and son or childthe spirit is between mind and bodyreligion without mother spirit esence is not spiritual butfalse teachings 4 controltrinity is the family of lifetrinity is sum experince of mind body and spirit ok

now me try xplain how get ready mind body spiritmake ready yor mind understaning whatever hapensmake ready yor spirit aceptance whatever hapensmake ready body not 2 fear 4 death body not real u onlyvehicle ume unerstan many u more scare pain of death than deathitself this only body scared not real uif death was painles then many more would partake ok yesnodimising is not ending but new begining progresdeath is progres is grow"

On the law of attraction:"me try xplain this beteru r god in yor universebut u not god in gods universeu need unerstan this u can only be god in yor own universeu can not be god in gods universe oku not in yor own universe yet oku keep on belive u get yor own universe this take many line times lived then u get yor own universeyou play godnow u just belive u part god universe onlyeventual u create yor universe by belivebut 4 now u r god in training ok"

"what u think u createwhat u create by thinkings play very big role yes ok"

The Entity referred to dolphins and mentioned theirimportance on a number of occasions. Dolphinssomehow balance certain vibrations on Earth. Specificswere given, but that part was not cleared by Echelon forrelease. We should keep an eye on dolphin behaviourand events involving dolphins. Their behaviour heraldsevents and Earth changes:"this planet first al waterthen ground comesdolfin decideing to walk ground your planetmany wars happenthen dolfin evolv remember water glorydolfin then go back and swim water glorydolfin most clever on this planet line time ""seawater has residu from dolfin comunicationdolfin sqeek cause vibration of seawater to becom beconand balance energydolfin more advanse than human this planet line timeu must study dolfin"

"dolfin always love al creature with god esense even humandolfin unerstan freedom of god esense many life time thisline timedolfin keep your earth balancedolfin protect al planet and al creature on earth with godesensenow human kil 2 many dolfin be4 time we want rescu dolfinbring them our planet share

60 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

dolfin agree come our line time 15 may we prepare place"

"many dolfin already sacrifice for keep harmonics balanceyor planet and make yor suferings lesvery very big sufering coming and dolfin can not stop thiseven they try be brave but not enoughu must lern harmonics yor planet soon or u demise notknowing anything and begin 0000 again"

"yes sound dolfin make heal brainwave of al creature earthdolfin sound cause synaps make beter contact in brain makemiracel hapendolfin balanse harmonics of earth vortex ok"

"many being live deep oceon and holow earth can give uhuman answer and helpingswhen u unerstand oceon u wil unerstan how cosmictravelings work easy okoceon have same compositing than space same element oku unerstan salt and water and magnet u wil unerstan lifeand everything living"

"helome tel u watch sunme tel u watch dolfinme tel u watch cernme tel u watch popeme tel u watch moving earthcee wat yor sun is doingcee wat yor dolfin is doingcee wat cern is doingcee wat pope is doing and sayingcee wat moving is doing and whyask yor leadersyor leaders prepareu stil not prepare why0000 is here make ready yor mind soul body now"

Comments by the Entity on the spiritual evolution ofaliens/extraterrestrials and ascension (some specificsremains classified): "they r many evolved fisical but not many evolve spiritulu human have evolve more spritual then thembut they want hold on their wise teknologytheir god is their teknology"

"me unerstan yor acension asking wordingsme tel u now your acension is nothing more then masabuction thing ok"

"we won war with reptile our line time long ago we evolvethenreptile yor line time keep u back u can not grow"

"we kil many dragons many line times 1 long agostil dragons left in holow ground yor line time 1 yes"

"earth not solid

me not know al theory thingsdragon like beings live holow ground stilthey good nowthey very wise nowthey peaceful like dolphin now"

"me not know al these thingseven stranger beings exist other line timesbeings evolving al line times always never stop"

"we can speek to al creature who have mind 2 understan ok"

Some questions asked by the Entity to the researchers:"ok me first question askwat purpose yor moonme line time moon demise long agaolife become better witn no moonwhy u sil have moonwat purpose yor moon have umoon not natural heaven bodymoon put there by other being to control earth moodwithout moon big calm comes over peoples no big stormanymore only litel stormwithout moon peace among peopleelders say old race capture moon from space then put nextearthelders say moon forces work like time mashine keep controltimemoon aslo control mood of beings on planet in this linetime"

"me have questionme ask question nowme cee u xplore mars planet with many mony andresourcingswhy u not xplore deep oceon yor own planet with samemany mony and rerourcingsdeep oceon give al aswers yor existencing and futuredeep oceon have much knowledges u stil need lernme tel u some secretsome places deep oceon water presures so big that air ubreeth can not buble to surfacethis air traping cause big caverns where humans can live anddo breathings of good air and plant and live very weldeep oceons have many crystal solves al yor energisingneeds no polutionu ignore yor best lifeline by not seekings answerings fromyor own deep oceongod provide deep oceon why u not use what is givenearth is a water planet yet u leaders look answers in spacewhydeep oceon have al answer for cosmic travelings this linetime why u ignore this in your historywhen u solve mysteries of deep oceon u wil solve mysteriesof space ask dolfin they tel u this ok"

"me have more questionme ask question now

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 61

62 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

what purpos religion when leaders not godlike not real godswhat purpos building tempel when no gods therewhat purpos building church when no gods therewhat purpos building mosk when no gods therewhat purpos pray big wall when god not a wallwhat purpos pray statue when god not a statuewhat purpos pray river when god not a riverwhy cow holy when cow not even know godwhy monkey sacred when monkey not even know godonly holy animals this line time is dolphinnot need pray dolfin like a god but must respect dolfin verymuch"

"me ask question nowwhy u adult stil drink milkwhy u drink mother milk from other speci not human"

"me ask elders about goldelders say eye must askeye ask nowwhere is this goldyor leaders not keep goldyor leaders not have many gold anymoreleaders always give yor gold to other planet beingswhy u not know thisu not wory goldgold not keep place safe 4 yor family u not eet goldbiger wory when oil gets sickness"

"me have questionme ask question nowme cee ground sufer not water very dry people hungrybut oceon ful waterwhy u not take salt away from cea water and use on landoceon enough water to make al ground even desert intoforest al people can eat nice enoughwhy u not pump oceon water everywereu can make big bom but u can not make big fresh waterfrom oceonbig boms very badbig fresh water always good"

SSoommee CClloossiinngg NNootteess::(a) English was the primary language used by the

Entity. Another language was perfect Latin. Thecontrast/contradiction between the childlike use ofEnglish and that of the Latin is apparently explained inthe master copy of the Echelon files, as are other topics.This file was never made available to me and stillremains Centrally Classified to this day. "CentrallyClassified" indicates an intel grouping where even theclassification is classified. This intel falls under variousNational and International Intelligence Directives (NIID;pronounced "need" in intelligence lingo).(b) The CHANI project was a natural outflow of the

research done at the collider facility. Among otherthings, the time-space fabric was tested andexperimented on. When protons collide, then what

about time? Can times collide? This was the irony ofthe research done at the collider. They were looking atthe possibility of times colliding—and the researcherswere not disappointed. The CHANI project was proofthereof. Other aspects of the timeline phenomenonwere also researched and tested, e.g., timemachines/devices, conscious projection of awareness of"human subject" forward or backward in time, andprojection of "objects" (mostly sub-nano quantumrecording devices) forward and backward in time. (c) I will comment briefly on aspects of the concept of

time as it was covered in the CHANI research. Time islinear and moves in a circle, i.e., a single line drawn in acircle: 0 to 0000, then back again to 0 (beginning to endto beginning). There are many of these circular timelinesand sometimes they interchange or cross each other,similar to the gravitational waves and orbits of solarbodies. When they intersect some beings, or theirdeveloped awareness, they can jump from one to anotherand don't have to repeat the (time) line they werefollowing previously. Others don't jump but can see theother timeline and interact with beings on that timelinewhile the crossing takes place. Sometimes beings cancross our line and see us coming to the crossing beforewe even get there. This last instance describes "our"meeting/colliding with the Entity. (By "our", I'm referringto the R&A researchers.)

Time is also elastic and can be stretched, resulting in atime-stretch phenomenon. Some researcherscommented on how déjà vu can fit into this paradigm, aswell as on how the "time is elastic" model seems to be theonly workable model to describe and define time travel.The "time is elastic" model also explains the colliding ofrealities at the same time. As far as the CHANI projectwas concerned, the elastic properties of time helped toexplain why no year was given, only dates.

A further "help" was how the Entity described the directand "planned" influence of the Moon on the humanperception of time. Because the Entity didn't have amoon in his parallel/time universe (they destroyed or"killed" it), giving a year date was impossible and turnedtheir calculation of our time into "probabilities" ratherthan "possibilities". The Entity explained that his Eldersoriginally had calculated our dates using a 28-day, 13-month mathematical model, but that they themselvescouldn't decide on the appropriate maths and startingdates to use with our current timeline on Earth. Theprocession of time and our awareness of time are directlycontrolled by our Moon.

The Moon has an effect on the body, mind and spirit ofevery living organism on this planet. This is why theEntity's Elders destroyed their moon. They wanted to getrid of the moon's influence. They received the advice todo so from inner-planet beings. Without the moon, therewere five immediately observable changes:

(1) The most notable changes were in the mood andtemperament of the beings/civilisations living there.

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8833

64 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

TTHHEE HHAARRMMOONNIICC CCOODDEE::TTHHEE HHAARRMMOONNIICC CCOODDEE::UFOs, Antigravity & the Energy GridIn this documentary DVD, UFO/antigravityresearcher and author Bruce L. Cathie explainsthe unknown secrets of our reality in thisexclusive documentary into his life and research.

Discover the truth about matter and antimatter;time travel; UFO sightings; Earth's energy grid;harmonic mathematics; and the connectionbetween atomic bomb tests and volcanicactivity.

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JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 65


by Paul Stonehill © 2011

The secret files of the Russian(formerly Soviet) Navy containmuch valuable information

about sightings of UFOs and USOs(unidentified submarine objects).Soviet military researchers had beenquite thorough and professional.The files have been largelyinaccessible, even after the fall of theUSSR. But through years of researchand with help from colleagues in theformer Soviet Union, modern Russia,Ukraine and other newlyindependent countries, I have beenable to collect some interestinginformation, some of which ispresented in this article.

In August 1965, the crew of thesteamship Raduga, while navigatingin the Red Sea, observed an unusualphenomenon. At about two milesaway from their vessel, a fiery spheredashed out from under the water andhovered over the surface of the sea,illuminating it. The sphere was 60metres in diameter, and it hoveredabove the sea at an altitude of 150

metres. A gigantic pillar of waterascended as the sphere emergedfrom the sea, and collapsed somemoments later. This observation wasmentioned in a number of Russianpublications.

In the summer of 1972, there was afascinating sighting. The shape-shifting UFO was observed byseamen aboard the Musson, a Sovietscientific ship. The vessel wasapproximately 300 miles fromBermuda. Early in the morning, theelectrician (named Vagin), the radiooperator and one of the navigatorsclearly observed an elliptical bodymoving through the cloudless sky.The body moved slowly, at a greataltitude, from northwest tosoutheast. Reaching the zenith, theUFO changed its shape to that of awheel, and then, distancing itselffrom the vessel, it again became anelongated elliptical body of silvery-white colour. All three observerslooked at the object until itdisappeared from view. This sightingwas mentioned in an article byValentin Psalomschikov, a Russianscientist, journalist and author,

which was published in 2001 in NLOmagazine.

In 1976, the crew of the Sovietscientific research vessel VladimirVorobyov observed eight revolvingwhite radial rays around 200 metreslong. The rays emanated from amassive object, found by acousticdepth-finder at 20 metres below theship. The depth of the Bay of Bengalin that area was 170 metres. Thisphenomenon lasted for 30 minutes.When the rays initially appeared, thesailors who were asleep woke upfeeling frightened. This incident wasreported in several Russianpublications.

MMaarriinnee LLiigghhttwwhheeeell PPhheennoommeennoonn??On 28 February 1977, the Soviet

newspaper Vechernyaya Odessapublished an interview with YevgenyLisenko, the captain of the motorship Anton Makarenko. He said thatwhile sailing the Strait of Malacca inIndonesian waters, five members ofthe crew witnessed a luminescenceof gigantic proportions. It was at2.00 am when they observed aluminescent wheel with "spokes".

The centre of the revolutions wasbehind the ship, and the radius ofthe revolutions was around 12 miles.The "wheel" was underwater, andthey observed the phenomenon forabout 50 hours.

Initially, there were luminescentspots among the waves. Then theirnumbers increased and theystretched out into lines, some six toeight metres wide, as far as thehorizon. The distance between thedistinct lines was about 40 metres.Everything became bright, as if theMoon had appeared in the sky. Theluminescence was cold, silvery andsufficiently bright.

The lines began moving as ifspokes of a gigantic wheel,recalled the captain. Therevolution was not rapid; it waseven, and went up to the veryhorizon. Seasoned Sovietsailors felt dizzy and becamenauseous, as if they were on amerry-go-round. The revolutionaccelerated, and the ends of the"rays" became bent. Finally,they broke into separate spotsand disappeared.

AAttllaannttiicc OOcceeaann SSiigghhttiinnggssSome fascinating reports have

come from the area of South GeorgiaIsland in the remote South AtlanticOcean. Several are presented here.

Captains of Soviet ships reportedthat a cone-shaped, obscure cloudconstantly hovered above the island.There was a photograph, attached tothe reports, showing an upwardflight of a "saucer" from below theocean’s surface. The objectresembled neither a missile nor atorpedo. Right after it ascended, theobject became invisible to theirradars, as if they'd gone blind.

In December 1977, not far fromSouth Georgia Island, the crew of thefishing trawler Vasily Kiselev alsoobserved something extraordinary.Rising vertically from under thewater was a doughnut-shaped

object, its diameter between 300 and500 metres. It hovered at an altitudeof four to five kilometres. Thetrawler's radar station wasimmediately rendered inoperative.The object hovered over the area forthree hours, and then disappearedinstantly.

The report came from Dr Zakharov,the ship’s medic, who described theobject as a mushroom-shaped bodyascending from the water, leaving atrail of smoke behind. The objectchanged its angle of inclination tothe horizon as it hovered above andthen abruptly disappeared, leavingno traces behind. As the crew

observed the UFO, they also noticedthat the onboard radio station anddirection-finder had malfunctioned.

This report was later sent to theVSNTO (All-Union Council ofScientific Technical Societies)Central Commission for AnomalousPhenomena in the Environment.

Siberian engineer Yerokhin recallsan article published in Soviet Nedelyanewspaper in 1977 (issue 18).

The article mentioned thatscientists aboard the ship VladimirVorobyev reported a bright white spotrevolving around the ship at a depthof 170 metres. Its radius wasapproximately 150 to 200 metres.

It rotated anticlockwise andseparated into eight portions. Thesonic depth-finder registered thepresence of something at a depth of20 metres below the keel.

The light moved in a wavelikemanner, in the shape of eightrotating and bending rays(something like turbine blades).

Soviet publishing houseSudostroyeniye published a book byMikhail Igorevich Girs in 1977. Girs,the commander of the experimentalvessel Tinro-2, a manned scientificsubmersible, wrote about theconstruction of the apparatus and itsmissions. The book is still availablein Russia (mostly in regionallibraries). He described an incidentthat took place in the early 1970s, asobserved from aboard the Tinro-2while in the Atlantic Ocean.

One evening, as darknesswas descending upon theocean, the seamen watched agigantic luminescent cloud. Itwas slightly over the horizonand its shape was almostperfectly round. They observedin the middle of the cloud achaotically moving dot with a"tail". The cloud grew in size,while the "tail" of the dotconstantly moved about.When the first clouddissipated, another one grew in

its place, and then a third one. Atone point, they covered each other.The clouds were luminescent andresembled the Moon, but weren'tnearly as bright. The radiotransmission was not affected, andmagnetic compasses aboard thevessel were fine, too.

In 1958, Felix Ziegel, assistantprofessor at the Moscow AviationInstitute, and a group of enthusiastsstarted their research into the UFOphenomenon. His contributionswere immense, and he wrote anumber of books about UFOs in theUSSR (disseminated as manuscripts,which, for the most part, in view ofcensorship, could not be published).Ziegel passed away in 1988, one yearbefore the censorship chains werebroken and the UFO phenomenonceased to be a taboo subject.

66 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011


TThhee cceennttrree ooff tthhee rreevvoolluuttiioonnsswwaass bbeehhiinndd tthhee sshhiipp,, aanndd tthheerraaddiiuuss ooff tthhee rreevvoolluuttiioonnss wwaass

aarroouunndd 1122 mmiilleess.. TThhee ""wwhheeeell"" wwaass uunnddeerrwwaatteerr,,

aanndd tthheeyy oobbsseerrvveedd tthheepphheennoommeennoonn ffoorr aabboouutt

5500 hhoouurrss..

He mentioned the following eventsin several of his manuscripts andbooks.

In 1978, sailors of the Soviet motorship Novokuznetsk observed a UFO astheir vessel was departing from theGulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Aradiogram was sent from the ship on15 June, reporting that, at night, fourrapidly departing bright white trails,about 20 metres in length, wereobserved from the bow. At the sametime, two other trails, 10 metreslong, approached the vessel. Soonthereafter, at 3.00 am, straight aheadof the ship, a white luminescentoblate sphere ascended from thewater. It flew around the ship,hovered for a few seconds overthe vessel at an altitude of 20metres, ascended higher,zigzagged, and then descendedinto the water.

In 1978, the Soviet cruiseship Shota Rustaveli (sincescrapped) was sailing in theAtlantic Ocean when a largesphere flew over it. Thepassengers reported that theirwatches stopped working at thetime. This incident wasreported in Felix Ziegel's 1979manuscript "Nablyudeniya NLO vSSSR" ("UFO Observations in theUSSR").

On 21 September 1980, a strangeflying object was sighted from theViktor Bugayev in the Atlantic Ocean.Its shape was unusual. The objectresembled a cone-shaped cigar, andmoved slowly from southwest tonortheast. Its foremost part wasluminescent due to a large fiery shaftof light, which was more than halfthe length of the object. This fierylight shaft created the impressionthat the light was directed to the aftpart of the ship. After flying a certaindistance, the object, having rolled abit, hovered motionlessly. It wouldrotate once in a while. Then,another identical object separateditself from the first object and,

rapidly gaining speed, disappearedto the northwest. Its foremost partwas also luminescent due to a largefiery shaft of light. The first object,still hovering, turned off the shaft oflight and assumed the colour ofaluminium. It started moving to thenortheast, increasing its speed. Theclear outlines of its body becameblurry as the distance increased.Right in the middle of both objectswas a dark stripe, about one-sixththe length of the body. The altitudeof the flying objects was about threeto four kilometres. No sound washeard, and the objects left no trails.Thirty crew members observed theobjects.

The report was published in anumber of Russian UFO books, andoriginally was included in AleksandrSergeyevich Kuzovkin’s 1981manuscript about statistical UFOdata in the USSR. Kuzovkin, whopassed away on 5 May 2001, was awell-known Soviet and Russianresearcher of the UFO phenomenon.He graduated from the MoscowChemical Machine-Building Institutein 1980 at the age of forty. From1977 through 1988, he worked withFelix Ziegel. In 1989–90 Kuzovkin, asa leading expert in UFO photography(and photography of "invisible"beings), conducted a seminar,"Ecology of the Unknown", withresearcher Aleksandr Semyonov. By1990, Kuzovkin had collected over10,000 reports of UFO sightings.

He believed that the Earth is aliving organism, maimed and injuredby mankind's poorly-thought-through grandiose projects. He wasafraid that our hullabaloo aroundanomalous phenomena and UFOs,as well as our tactlessness andinterference with their world, couldhave unpredictable consequences.

Kuzovkin mentioned in hisinterviews that Russian science stillrefused to consider the UFOphenomenon as anything serious,while research centres in the UnitedStates knew the seriousness of thephenomenon. Ufological researchwas conducted in Europe, andspecial UFO research departments

functioned in China. In 1993, Kuzovkin officially

rejected any further research inthe study of anomalousphenomena and burned most ofhis UFO archives andphotographs.

MMeeddii tteerrrraanneeaann && AAddrriiaatt iiccRReeppoorrttss

The testimony of Alexander G.Globa, a seaman from the Soviettanker Gori, was published inZagadki Sfinksa magazine (no. 3,

1992) from Odessa, Ukraine. In June1984, the Gori was in theMediterranean Sea, 20 nautical milesfrom the Strait of Gibraltar. At 16:00hours, Globa was on duty; with himwas second-in-command S. Bolotov.They were standing watch at the leftbridge extension wing when bothmen observed a strange,polychromatic object. When theobject was astern, it stoppedsuddenly. Bolotov was agog, shakinghis binoculars and shouting, "It is aflying saucer, a real saucer; my God,hurry, hurry, look!" Globa lookedthrough his binoculars and saw, at adistance over the stern, a flattened-out-looking object which remindedhim of an upside-down frying pan.The UFO was gleaming with a greyishmetallic shine.


JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 67

...... aa wwhhiittee lluummiinneesscceenntt oobbllaatteesspphheerree aasscceennddeedd ffrroomm tthhee wwaatteerr..IItt fflleeww aarroouunndd tthhee sshhiipp,, hhoovveerreeddffoorr aa ffeeww sseeccoonnddss oovveerr tthhee vveesssseell

aatt aann aallttiittuuddee ooff 2200 mmeettrreess,,aasscceennddeedd hhiigghheerr,, zziiggzzaaggggeedd,, aannddtthheenn ddeesscceennddeedd iinnttoo tthhee wwaatteerr..

68 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

TTHHEE TTWWIILLIIGGHHTT ZZOONNEEThe lower portion of the craft had a

precise round shape, its diameter nomore than 20 metres.

Globa observed "waves" ofprotuberances on the outside platingaround the lower portion of theobject. The base of the object's bodyconsisted of two semi-discs, thesmaller being on top, which slowlyrevolved in opposing directions. Healso saw numerous shining, bright,bead-like lights at the circumferenceof the lower disc. The seaman'sattention was centred on the bottomportion of the UFO. It looked as if itwas completely even and smooth, itscolour that of an egg yolk, and Globadiscerned a round, nucleus-likestain in the middle of it. At theedge of the UFO's bottom,which was easily visible, wassomething that looked like apipe. It glowed with anunnaturally bright rosy colour,like a neon lamp. The top ofthe middle disc was crowned bya triangle-shaped "something".It seemed that it moved in thesame direction as the lowerdisc, but at a much slower pace.

Suddenly the UFO jumped upseveral times, as if moved by aninvisible wave. Numerous lightsilluminated its bottom portion. Thecrew of Gori tried to attract theobject's attention using a signalsearchlight.

By that time, Captain Sokolovskywas on the deck with his men. Heand his second-in-command werewatching the object intensely.However, the UFO's attention wasdistracted by another ship,approaching at the port side. It wasan Arab dry cargo ship on its way toGreece. The crew of the Arab vesselconfirmed that the object washovering over their ship. A minuteand a half later, the object changedits flight trajectory, listed to theright, gained speed and ascendedrapidly. Soviet seamen observedthat when it rose through the clouds,

appearing and disappearing again, itwould occasionally shine in theSun's rays. The craft then flared up,like a spark, and was gone instantly.

Also in June 1984, another Sovietship reported an interestingphenomenon. The Professor Pavlenkowas sailing in the Adriatic Sea, nearNeretva Bay (Bay of Zaton). Thecrew observed a bright spot thatappeared on the surface, and theradiant circles with distinct bordersthat spread over the water from it.The circles spread around at thevelocity of about 100 metres an hour.This was reported in issue 6, 1987, ofVokrug Sveta magazine.

MMoorree SSttrraannggee CCaasseessMikhail Soroka, a well-known

researcher of paranormalphenomena, based in Kiyiv, Ukraine(according to the newspaper Fakty,published in the same city), revealedto reporters in December 2007 thatSoviet seamen had numerousencounters with unidentifiedobjects.

For example, such objects wouldappear unexpectedly and would flyover the ships and descend underthe water without splashing. Suchobjects broke through the ice in theArctic Ocean and would emitluminescence from the depths of thewater.

Soroka mentioned encounters withplunging USOs that followed asimilar scenario: gigantic cylinders

appeared in the sky, and small UFOsflew out from their bodies andplunged underwater. Some timelater they returned to the surface andflew back inside the cylinder, whichthen disappeared beyond thehorizon.

After such objects appeared in acertain area, it was registered thatthe electromagnetic field there hadexperienced fluctuations. He alsomentioned an incident that tookplace in the Kuril Islands. In one ofthe lakes there, an unfrozen patch ofwater was discovered; its shape wasthat of a circle, with melted edges.The electromagnetic field was

unusually high. However, nowitnesses were found to revealwhat really had taken placethere.

Soroka described an episodefrom 1968 that took place in theSouth East Pacific region, nearSouth America. Sovietscientists aboard the AkademikKurchatov, a scientific researchship, tried to lower somespecial equipment into theocean depths. The measuringinstruments they submergedwere attached to steel cables.

At a depth of 500 metres, one of thecables gave way and the equipmentthat was attached to it broke off.

The same thing happened with twoother cables. When the cables wereexamined, they looked as if they hadbeen filed through. But who or whatwould use underwater files tosabotage Soviet science? Theresearch into this case continues:others in the former USSR arelooking into it, and more fascinatingdetails have been collected.

RReeppoorrttss iinn OOffffiicciiaall FFiilleessAn interesting article titled

"Sovetskiye moryaki y leaysuchiye tarelki"("Soviet seamen and flying saucers")was published years ago (alas, the

...... oobbjjeeccttss wwoouulldd aappppeeaarruunneexxppeecctteeddllyy aanndd wwoouulldd ffllyy oovveerrtthhee sshhiippss aanndd ddeesscceenndd uunnddeerr tthheewwaatteerr wwiitthhoouutt ssppllaasshhiinngg.. SSuucchhoobbjjeeccttss bbrrookkee tthhrroouugghh tthhee iiccee iinn

tthhee AArrccttiicc OOcceeaann aanndd wwoouulldd eemmiitt lluummiinneesscceennccee ffrroomm

tthhee ddeepptthhss ooff tthhee wwaatteerr..

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8844

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 69

To order,



byBruce L. Cathie

Chapters include: Mathematics of the World Grid; theHarmonics of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Harmonic

Transmission and Receiving; the Link Between Human BrainWaves; the Cavity Resonance between the Earth; the Ionosphereand Gravity; Edgar Cayce; the Harmonics of the Subconscious;Stonehenge; the Harmonics of the Moon; the Pyramids of Mars;Nikola Tesla's Electric Car; the Robert Adams Pulsed ElectricMotor Generator; Harmonic Clues to the Unified Field; and more.

BBrruuccee CCaatthhiiee rreesseeaarrcchhBBrruuccee CCaatthhiiee rreesseeaarrcchh

70 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

RADIO OUT THEREInternet radio for the mind.

Covering everything from the spiritualand alternative to the paranormal.

Presented by Barry Eaton, author of“Afterlife - Uncovering The Secrets of

Life After Death”.

Listen on or download

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 71

LLIIFFEE AASS EENNEERRGGYYbbyy AAlleexxiiss MMaarrii PPiieettaakkFloris Books, Edinburgh, UK, 2011ISBN 978-086315-797-4 (280pp tpb)Available:

The materialistic scientificparadigm rarely considers the life

aspect of a living organism becauseof its focus on basic parts like genesand molecules. Fortunately this ischanging, helped by visionaries suchas biophysicist/biomedical scientistAlexis Pietak, PhD, who regards lifeas a unique form of energy.

The idea of "life as energy" isancient: it's the qi of the Chinese andthe prana of the Ayurvedic systems ofIndia, but it's also the "vitalism" of17th-century western science. DrPietak explains how this holistic-based notion was subsumed by laterscientific rationalism but has neverreally gone away: it's been embracedin alternative medicine such ashomoeopathy and has an interestingfit with quantum physics.

Dr Pietak gives us a renewedappreciation for the awe-inspiring,perplexing features of living systemsand demonstrates how we can utilise"imaginative rationality" in their

scientific comprehension. She alsosuggests how these alternativeperspectives can be applied in thefields of ecology, agriculture andhealthcare. Dr Pietak gifts us with away to make a powerful difference inhow we live and how we relate withecosystems and the entire planet.

WWOORRLLDD WWIIDDEE MMIINNDDbbyy MMiicchhaaeell CChhoorroossttFree Press, London & NY, 2011ISBN 978-1-4391-1914-3 (242pp hc)Available:

Our next evolutionary step couldbe the development of a World

Wide Mind, a computer technologythat may connect us in a collectiveconsciousness. This scenario isproposed by Michael Chorost,himself a sort of bionic man in thathe has two cochlear implants—"aliving example of the integration ofhumans and computers".

Chorost perceives a time whenhuman minds may work directly withthe Internet, resulting in ourbecoming more closely connectedwith each other and able to senseeach other's presence, moods andneeds, as well as creating a singleorganism with powerful newcapabilities. An adherent of the"push-pull dynamic" that drivessystems to increasing levels of order

and complexity, Chorost says thatmany existing technologies fordetecting and interpreting brainactivity, as well as mechanisms(nanowires, optogenetics) for readingand writing brain activity, could beapplied to the task. He describes acommunications protocol for sendingperceptions and memories from onebrain to another, and unveilsexamples of new kinds of collectivecommunication that would bepossible if humans were interlinkedwith the Internet—"telempathy",synthetic perception and dreambrainstorming among them.

A "hive mind" could emerge fromthese interactions, Chorost proposes,and could be used to enhancehuman-to-human contact and sustaincommunity on many levels.


RReevviieewweedd bbyy RRuutthh PPaarrnneellll

72 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

TTHHEE MMYYTTHH OOFF TTHHEE GGRREEAATT EENNDDIINNGGbbyy JJoosseepphh MM.. FFeellsseerr,, PPhhDDHampton Roads Publishing,Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, 2011ISBN 978-1-57174-645-0 (255pp tpb)Available:;

There's nothing new aboutapocalyptic forecasts. In every

culture from the ancient to themodern there have been beliefsabout a Great Ending, and some ofthem have been right in that perhapstheir adherents did foresee the end oftheir own civilisation. In other cases,Doomsday cults have fulfilled theirown fanatical beliefs in mass suicideor murder. Curiously, some beliefsystems can persist despite thepredicted scenarios not coming topass; the particulars aren'tnecessarily important. Joseph Felser,PhD, philosopher and associateprofessor at CUNY, New York,wonders, then, whether the "Myth ofthe Great Ending" is "hardwired" intothe human imagination.

Inspiring and informing him on hisjourney is the work of psychologistCarl Jung, mythologist JosephCampbell, quantum physicist DavidBohm, the Sioux sage Black Elk, andout-of-body explorer Robert Monroe.So, too, is the world of dreaming,

where visions, intuitions andpromptings can help us create afuture that we want to live in.

Perhaps, Dr Felser suggests, theseEnd of Times expressions are reallyrepressed yearnings to reconcile ourinner and outer worlds in harmonywith nature and spirit. He concludesthat the Great Ending myth is notabout the future, but is a distortedecho of the distant past when we losttouch with nature. It's up to uswhether we realign ourselves.

AAUUSSTTRRAALLIIAANN BBIIGG CCAATTSSbbyy MMiicchhaaeell WWiilllliiaammss && RReebbeeccccaa LLaannggStrange Nation Publishing, Hazelbrook,NSW, Australia, 2010ISBN 978-0-646-53007-9 (434pp tpb)Available:

There is compelling evidence tosuggest that big cats are roaming

free in isolated parts of Australia andNew Zealand. Sydney-basedresearcher/writer Michael Williamsand journalist Rebecca Lang havebeen studying eyewitness reports andliaising with sympathetic scientistsfor a decade, and they've pooled theirresources on their website, Fortheir book, they've pieced togetherarchival reports and accounts fromcolonial times up to the present in anattempt to find the truth behind the

phenomenon, which also involveslivestock being killed in particularways. While Australia has no nativebig cats, the authors suggest thatpart of the answer may lie in theexistence of an animal thought to belong extinct: the Thylacoleo carnifex, or"flesh-eating pouched lion". Butother parts of the picture, withsightings of black panthers andbrown pumas, had to be addressed—sightings that began in the 1880s,possibly of escaped circus animalsand US military mascots respectively.

The big cat problem has become apolitical issue in the Hawkesbury/upper Blue Mountains region, andlocals are fearful of a tragedy if theerrant animals aren't caught. Agripping yarn with intriguing photos.


JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 73


The Great Pyramid of Giza was builtby a highly advanced civilisation

with big-picture knowledge that ourold-paradigm science can't fathom.But if we're to try to understand thePyramid's mathematical complexityand purpose, we need to access thisbig picture—and we must do this byexpanding our consciousness, saysNoel Huntley, PhD, who has abackground in physics, experimentalpsychology and parapsychology andaspires to bring together science andreligion in a spiritual science.

Dr Huntley agrees with researchers,such as Egyptologist John AnthonyWest, who propose that the Egyptiancivilisation was a legacy from anearlier, lost civilisation and that theGreat Pyramid is thousands of yearsolder than is generally thought.However, Dr Huntley argues for anextraterrestrial source: the SirianCouncil Anunnaki, which helped theprogress of the legendary Atlanteanand Lemurian cultures—but whoseefforts were stymied by theResistance Anunnaki and the Dracocirca 55,000 and 52,000 years ago.

The resultant cataclysm then forcedthe transfer of culture and technologyfrom Atlantis to Egypt.

The Great Pyramid was used as ateleportation centre, Dr Huntleyclaims. It served as fortification for"the Arc of the Covenant", a portalbridge technology incorporatingscalar standing waves and vortexoscillation. Thus he asks that we putaside our programming and open ourminds to higher frequencies in thepursuit of knowledge and growth.

TTHHEE FFOORRCCEEbbyy LLyynn MMccLLeeaannScribe Publications, Victoria, Australia,2011, revised and updated (first pub. asWatt's the Buzz?, Scribe, 2002) ISBN 978-1-921640-29-2 (380pp pb)Available:

Since Lyn McLean's book was firstpublished in 2002 as Watt's the

Buzz? (reviewed in 9/04), we havenoted considerable additional impactaround the globe from theincreasingly widespread use ofmobile phones and WiFi-enabledtechnologies, despite the mountingscientific and medical evidence forthe adverse health effects ofelectromagnetic radiation (EMR).

In this revised and updated edition,McLean expands her coverage ofappliances and computers, with their

relationship to so-called dirtyelectricity, as well as base stations,broadcast towers and power lines.She has more evidence linking EMhypersensitivity symptoms to EMR aswell as household and environmentalchemicals, and McLean expressessympathy for the sufferers who areignored or derided by healthauthorities, politicians and society.

There's more spin in the officialstory than in electrons, but McLeanhas some hope that scientists maymove beyond the outdated belief thatonly the heating effects of radiationcan cause health problems. Her A–Zguide to reducing EM exposure isinformation that's now even morecritical to take on board, the moreelectropollution we have to contendwith in our environment.


74 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011


We thought we had enoughtrouble with electromagnetic

fields (EMFs) pervading ourenvironments, and then came along"dirty electricity". It's a plague that's"bigger than all of us", says DonnaFisher in her new book, a follow-upto Silent Fields and More Silent Fields(reviewed in 15/06 and 17/0; article in16/06). The latest scientific studiessuggest that dirty electricity is notonly causing cancer, it's speeding upthe progress of cancer in theworkplace, in the classroom and inthe home. So it's good to know thatthis dirty electricity plague can bekept in check by technologies such asplug-in filters that draw "transients"(caused by an interrupted electricalcurrent flow) out of appliances andwiring and transfers them to ground.

Fisher maintains that electricalequipment today could easily befitted with filters to reduce the levelof dangerous EMR emissions. Fornow, we add to the plague wheneverwe buy non-filtered equipment, evenenergy-efficient appliances andlighting. Fisher presents amazingcase studies of people whose healthproblems, such as debilitating MS,were greatly improved by adoptingprotective measures against EMF anddirty electricity. And with the

increasing prevalence of wirelesstechnology today, we need Fisher'sadvice now more than ever before.

SSEEXX,, LLIIEESS AANNDD PPHHAARRMMAACCEEUUTTIICCAALLSS bbyy RRaayy MMooyynniihhaann aanndd DDrr BBaarrbbaarraa MMiinnttzzeessGreystone Books, Vancouver, 2010(first pub. by Allen & Unwin, Australia,2010, ISBN 978-1-7423701-8-7)ISBN 978-1-553655084 (257pp tpb)Available:;;

Pharmaceutical corporations likePfizer, Procter & Gamble and

Boehringer, in league with medicalresearchers and psychiatrists, havecreated a new "disease"—"femalesexual dysfunction"—in their bid todevelop new drugs and new marketsfor them. By identifying four suchdisorders—to do with libido, arousal,orgasm and pain—they can expandtheir treatment reach. For Sex, Liesand Pharmaceuticals Ray Moynihan, anaward-winning health journalist andauthor (Selling Sickness, 12/06; Too MuchMedicine?, 6/01), has teamed up withDr Barbara Mintzes, an assistantprofessor at the University of BritishColumbia's Department ofPharmacology and Therapeutics, whohas expertise in clinical trials anddrug marketing, efficacy and safety.

They expose how the pharmcosutilise statistics—based on skewedsurveys and invented by researcherswith financial ties to those samecompanies—and adopt marketingstrategies to raise awareness aboutthe target condition that mostwomen didn't know they had. Whatused to be regarded as normalfluctuations in women's sexuality arenow labelled as disorders that needto be treated with pills and patches.

The authors quote the work of NewYork University's Dr Leonore Tiefer,who has started a grassrootscampaign against the medicalisationof female sexuality. This isempowering information in the faceof a false epidemic, manufactured bythe global drug giants for profit.


JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 75

TTHHEE PPRROOMMIISSEE OOFF hhCCGGbbyy DDrr SShheerrrriillll SSeellllmmaann,, NNDD,, aanndd FFrraannkkiiee BBooyyeerrBridger House Publishers, ID, USA, 2011ISBN 978-0-9844733-3-5 (187pp tpb)Available: or;

If the experiences of many medicaldoctors, health professionals and

their clients are any guide, thenhCG—the human chorionicgonadotrophin hormone—and thedietary protocols developed byEnglish doctor A. T. W. Simeons half acentury ago provide the answer toproblems of overweight and obesity.

Sherrill Sellman, ND, introducedNEXUS readers to hCG and theprotocols in 17/04 ("An EffectiveSolution to the Obesity Epidemic"),and in her new book she restates thefundamentals of how and why hCG(especially the homoeopathic form)works by unlocking the abnormalstored fat, or adipose fat, whichaccumulates in the abdomen, legs,arms, neck and elsewhere. Thiswonder "hormone" helps rebalancethe hypothalamus gland and then themetabolism, eliminating abnormalfat, resculpting the body, improvingmuscle tone and resolving chronichealth disorders. Dr Sellman, whohas had great success herself withthe hcG program, cautions that thereare some contraindications to hCGuse. Importantly, she outlines thethree phases of Dr Simeons's dietaryprotocols and why they should befollowed to the letter.

Supporting Dr Sellman's text is the

stunning weight-loss story of MayerEisenstein, MD (who also contributesthe introduction), and glowingtestimonials from other healthprofessionals and the public. There'salso an interview with a formercolleague of Dr Simeons. DrSellman's colleague Frankie Boyer, anholistic living expert, presents tastyrecipes based on the protocols—something else to look forward to onthis quest to end all diets!

VVIISSIIOONNSS OOFF TTHHEE MMUULLTTIIVVEERRSSEEbbyy DDrr SStteevveenn MMaannllyyNew Page Books, NJ, USA, 2011ISBN 978-1-60163-129-9 (270pp tpb)Available:

New-paradigm physics describesworlds that were once the

domain of shamanic, faith-based andspiritual experience. Now, ideasderived from cosmology, stringtheory, quantum mechanics andmathematics are the key to multiple-universe concepts. Dr Steven Manly,who has a PhD in high-energy physicsand is a physics professor at theUniversity of Rochester, USA, bringshis demystifying and entertainingapproach to exploring theories aboutmany types of "multiverses".

He revisits the history of relativisticand quantum concepts, and explainshow physicist Hugh Everett in the1950s developed his idea of infinitedimensions and parallel universesfrom quantum mechanical processes.Dr Manly acknowledges the richconnection between quantummechanics and consciousness thathas been made by new-paradigmthinkers, but he's no New Age fan.

Some multiverse concepts stemfrom the inflationary Big Bang model,and Dr Manly describes the related"beyond-the-horizon" and "bubble"multiverses. Others, like theekpyrotic model of at least twomultiverses in one, do not involveinflation. Even the religious belief ina heaven beyond Earth is amultiverse concept! Meantime, DrManly is searching for a quantumtheory of gravity that really works...


76 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

FFUUTTUURREESSCCIIEENNCCEE:: FFoorrbbiiddddeennSScciieennccee ooff tthhee 2211sstt CCeennttuurryybbyy MMaauurriiccee CCootttteerreellllCeltic Press, West Cork, Ireland, 2011ISBN 978-0-9567722-0-6 (246pp hc)Available:

Over two decades ago, engineer-scientist Maurice Cotterell

discovered how to calculate the long-term magnetic reversals of the Sunand he then proceeded to crack thecodes of ancient Sun-worshippingcultures such as the Mayans, theEgyptians of Tutankhamun's time andthe Viracochas of South America (seereviews in 3/02, 7/04, 8/03). He wenton to propose how the Sun affectsfertility, determines the duration ofhuman gestation and affects the riseand fall of civilisations. He revisitsthis work, with his amazing graphicalsuperimpositions, in "The Science ofthe Sun" and "The Science of God"chapters of his book FutureScience.

But first up, Cotterell addresses the12 unsolved mysteries of physics,e.g., what stops the positive charges(protons) in the middle of atomsfrom springing apart. Next, heexplains how electricity andmagnetism work at the atomic levelto produce the force of gravity. Theelectron must be coil-shaped, heproposes, because, as it slicesthrough the electric field between thehydrogen proton and electron, amagnetic field is induced. He appliesthis principle to explaining theEarth's magnetic field. Cotterell goeson to show how gravity waves can be

generated to produce unlimitedquantities of free energy, and howantigravity waves can be used tobreak hydrogen bonds in water toprovide unlimited, free hydrogen fuelto power the cars of the future.

In addition, he discusses the Sun'srole in causing global warming andcooling: the Earth's magma issubjected to tilting forces from theSun's "neutral sheet" (an area ofneutral magnetic activity around theSun's equator) which modulate the187-year sunspot cycle, causingheating or cooling of the Earth fromwithin. A fascinating study.

SSHHAAKKEESSPPEEAARREE''SS SSEECCRREETT BBOOOOKKEEbbyy DDaavviidd OOvvaassoonnClairview Books, East Sussex, UK, 2010ISBN 978-1-905570-26-3 (237pp tpb)Available:

In his play King Henry IV, Part I,Shakespeare alluded to a "Secret

booke" that was "deepe anddangerous". As David Ovason writes,it encompassed a sophisticatedsystem of codes that, once accessed,revealed esoteric and ancientknowledge. Ovason specialises inhistorical and occult subjects (see TheSecret Zodiacs of Washington, DC, in6/04), and here his focus is on theElizabethan and Jacobean periodsand the underground movement,especially the Rosicrucians, thatnurtured these magical codes. Othernotables such as Nostradamus, JohnDee, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir FrancisBacon, Ben Jonson, Edmund Spencer,Robert Fludd and Jacob Boehm usedthe codes for covert communication.

The code itself is numerical, andhere Ovason concentrates on thenumber 33, which has allusions tothe mystery of the Ego—the higher,invisible Self. That number wasencoded in illustrations and text viasymbols, lines and letters, on titlepages and in stained glass windowsand sculptures. The codes were therein plain sight, but could only be seenand interpreted by those in the know.

Ovason does a fine job in decodingthis enigmatic body of knowledge.


JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 77

RRAADDIICCAALL PPEEAACCEEbbyy WWiilllliiaamm TT.. HHaatthhaawwaayyTrine Day, Oregon, USA, 2010ISBN 978-0-9799886-9-1 (170pp tpb)Available:

The positive change promised byUS President Barack Obama has

not come to pass, if rising militarybudgets and ongoing wars are anyguide. Many peace activists are nowditching demonstrations for directaction, designed to impede America'sability to wage war and maintaincontrol over economic resources andstrategic interests in far-off lands.

In Radical Peace, former US SpecialForces soldier turned politicaljournalist William Hathaway, now aprofessor of American Studies at theUniversity of Oldenburg, Germany,presents his own stories as well asthose of others including deserters,resisters and saboteurs from theUSA, Europe, Afghanistan and Iraq,all of them expressing their desire forpeace in different ways. These peaceactivists are part of a loose globalnetwork that holds that violentgovernments shouldn't have to beobeyed, even if it means performingacts of defiance or sabotage thatviolate the so-called US Patriot Actand their foreign equivalents. Someof them have turned to meditation tofind clarity, but others who've beeninvolved in war have had to confrontand heal the pain from havinginflicted violence on innocent people.

Hathaway believes that anenlightened consciousness needs to

be nurtured in mass society if non-violent positive change is to beachieved, and global massmeditation may well be key to abreakout of peace. A compellingbook from a dedicated peace activist.

TTHHEE TTRRIIUUMMPPHH OOFF CCOONNSSCCIIOOUUSSNNEESSSSbbyy CChhrriissttoopphheerr JJaammeess CCllaarrkkProgressive Press, USA, 2010ISBN 978-1-61577-370-1 (347pp l/f tpb)Available:

Who will win the epic battle oftyranny and deception versus

liberty and truth? Whoever becomesmore conscious, states ChristopherClark, a freelance researcher/writer,former business analyst and studentof psychology and sociology ( Inopening his analysis, Clark reviewsthe holes in the official 9/11 storythat point to an inside job, a false-flag operation perpetrated byglobalists intent on implementing aNew World Order. Who'd havethought that what the powers-that-behave in store for us is neo-feudalism?

Let us not be taken over bymanufactured banking panics andrecessions, or be subsumed by globalwarming worries: let us fearlesslyaddress and try to understand theproblems confronting us, not give into a manipulative agenda designed toprey upon the potential of humanconsciousness, says an adamantClark. He addresses pressing issuesto do with tyrannical globalgovernment, false environmentalismwith its "UN ringleaders" andduplicitous cheerleaders, and covertgovernment propaganda supportedby big media. He takes a swipe atsome of the most powerful andinfluential figures in the environmentmovement whom he regards as"congenital liars, control freaks,psychopaths and globalists".

Clark tells it like it is in his well-researched polemic that ultimatelyaims at our embracing freedom andlove in furthering humanity and ourplanet. We have to wise up!



Released in 2010, this award-winning documentary is about a

devastating environmental disasteron an horrific scale. Itillustrates the effects ofthe natural gasextraction processcalled hydraulicfracturing, or "fracking",which boomed in theUSA after 2005 whenmining companieswere exempted by lawfrom the Safe DrinkingWater Act. Now they'relooking to do this in many new areasacross Australia, Europe and NorthAfrica.GasLand follows filmmaker Josh Fox

on his journey across America, wherehe discovers that the chemicals usedin the fracking water and the methaneproduced become mixed in with thewater supply and also permanentlycontaminate the aquifers, affectingmillions of people.

This is a MUST SEE film!

SSYYMMBBOOLLSS OOFF AANN AALLIIEENN SSKKYYEEppiissooddee TTwwoo:: TThhee LLiigghhttnniinngg--SSccaarrrreeddPPllaanneett MMaarrssThe Thunderbolts Project © 2011 Available:

In this second episode of Symbols ofan Alien Sky, David Talbott takes the

viewer on an odyssey across thesurface of Mars. Exploring featureafter feature of the planet, he finds

that only electric arcs could producethe observed patterns. The high-resolution images reveal massivechannels and gouges, great mounds,and crater chains, none with anexplanation in traditional geology butall matching the scars from electricdischarge experiments in the lab.

This is a documentary that couldchange everything you thought youknew about planetary science, ancienttimes and symbolism.

TTHHEE KKLLAAUUSS DDOONNAA CCHHRROONNIICCLLEESS::SSeeccrreett WWoorrlldd 11produced by Frank Jacob and ToniaMadenford © 2011 (75mins)Available:

Indiana Jones, the fictionaladventurer and treasure-seeker

introduced in Raiders of the Lost Ark, litthe world on fire with ideas of ancientmystical legends. But little is known

about our true ancientpast. Klaus Dona, anadept researcher on aquest for unusualartefacts, held his firstUnsolved Mysteriesexhibition in 2001 inVienna. The 400 originalartefacts he displayedpoint to the existence oflost civilisations whoseacceptance would rewritehistory.

These forbidden artefacts includecrystal skulls, ancient world maps ofmysterious continents, Atlanteanrelics, golden spacecraft, tools thatdefy modern technology, magneticpyramids that glow under UV light,and evidence of giants 25 feet tall!

Join Klaus Dona as he details hisfindings in Secret World 1, the first in aseries of educational DVDs thatchronicle his adventures anddiscoveries. Highly recommended!

78 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011


CCoommppiilleedd bbyy DDuunnccaann RRooaaddss

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 79

TTHHEE RROOUUGGHH GGUUIIDDEE TTOO AAFFRRIICCAANNGGUUIITTAARR LLEEGGEENNDDSS bbyy vvaarriioouuss aarrttiissttss Rough Guides/World Music Network,UK, 2010 (2CDs, 129mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——The PlanetCompany, tel (02) 9283 8250; UUKK——World Music Network, tel (0)20 74985252,

This new release is a brilliantcollection of music from acclaimed

African guitar players. The line-upincludes Oliver Mtukudzi, Ali FarkaTouré, Tinariwen, Henry Makobi, KingSunny Adé, Kanté Manfila and manymore. These musicians are some ofthe best of the best from modernAfrica. The bonus CD is from SyranMbenza & Ensemble Rumba Kongoand other stars paying tribute to themusic of the Congolese guitar legendFranco who died over 20 years ago.

TTHHEE VVEEIILL OOFF WWHHIISSPPEERRSS bbyy TThhiieerrrryy DDaavviidd Real Music Records, 2011 (66mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——Brumby Books& Music, tel (03) 9761 5535; EEuurrooppee——MCC, tel +49 (4102) 898202; UUSSAA——Real Music, tel (415) 331 8273,

Thierry David is a French musicianwho has spent a large amount of

his time in remote locations with theindigenous people and their music.For much of it, he's been in Peru

where he played with and learnedfrom the locals. He trained at theBerklee College of Music, Boston, andhas had success with his previousReal Music releases, Zen Pause and ZenWorld. This is relaxing lounge musicwith a touch of jazz and classical. It'sgreat as background sound for yourcreative and artistic work.

PPEEAACCEE WWIITTHHIINN bbyy SSaammjjjjaannaa Samjjana Music, Australia, 2011 (2CDs, 76mins)Distributor: AAuussttrraalliiaa——SamjjanaMusic,

Here is a beautiful CD from twoAustralian performers, Maia and

Sahayak, who amongst their otherskills play the hang. The hang wasdeveloped in Switzerland, the resultof years of research on the steel panand a diverse array of instrumentssuch as the ghatam, gongs, drums andbells. The instrument, played withthe hands, produces udu-like soundswith air resonance and looks UFO-like. The albums also feature harp,flutes and crystal bowls, and thebonus disc is a harp performance insix parts. Exquisitely quietening.

TTAANNDDEE--LLAA bbyy TThhee CCrreeoollee CChhooiirr ooff CCuubbaa Real World Records, 2010 (43mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——The PlanetCompany, tel (02) 9283 8250; UUKK——Real World Records, tel 0870 720 2127,

The Creole Choir of Cuba hasmembers from the region around

the city of Camegüeay. Of Haitianbackground, they came together in1994 to promote their own culture.Their songs are in the Creolelanguage of the slaves brought toCuba in the 18th century and of themany Haitians who moved to Cuba inthe 19th and 20th centuries. Theyexpress their strong Haitian originsthrough their songs of humour,survival, poverty and freedom, andwith passionate, irresistible andexcitingly rich world rhythms. "Listento us", they say in their music.


RReevviieewweedd bbyy RRiicchhaarrdd GGiilleess

80 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

To order,


bbyy WWeennddyy LLyyddaallll

A well-referenced book which dispells many myths aboutvaccinations, including that the benefits are worth the risks,that without vaccinations there would be epidemics, and thatvaccines are scientifically and clinically tested for their safetyand effectiveness. Lydall exposes the sham studies designedto cover up the vaccine connection to SIDS (cot death); andshows that homoeopathic vaccines are bringing an alienvibration into the body, and are not necessarily safe.

Lydall also has information about the denial and/ordishonesty of some health care providers, medicalbureaucrats, vaccine manufacturers and high-level officials onvaccine safety issues. Highly recommended!


To order, visit

Gnostic Templar Grand Prior Mark AmaruPinkham presents the amazing history andteachings of the Left Hand Path—whichincludes the world’s gnostics, alchemists, secretsocieties, and mystery school initiates—and itscontinual battle with the patriarchal adherentsof the Right Hand Path.

World Gnosis:The ComingGnostic


The Mystery of U-33:

Hitler's SecretEnvoy

World War II historian Nigel Graddon chronicles a number of mysterious U-Boat

missions—including trips to Antarctica—thattook place both during and after the war. He details the strange landing of U-33 in

Scotland in 1940, which involved the top-secret Enigma encoding device.


JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 81

significant risk factor for whitematter lesions in Japanese type 2diabetic patients", European Journal ofClinical Investigation 2009 May;39(5):368-37414. Grant, W.B. and C.F. Garland, "Acritical review of studies on vitamin Din relation to colorectal cancer",Nutrition and Cancer 2004; 48(2):115-12315. Mercola, J. (Dr), "The AmazingNutrient that Lowers Your BloodPressure", 30 April 2011, Holick, M.F. and T.C. Chen,"Vitamin D deficiency: a worldwideproblem with health consequences",American Journal of Clinical Nutrition2008 Apr; 87(4):1080S-1086S 18. Dr Helen Macdonald quoted at; Macdonald,Helen M. et al., "Vitamin D status inpostmenopausal women living athigher latitudes in the UK in relation tobone health, overweight, sunlight

exposure and dietary vitamin D", Bone2008 May; 42(5):996-100319. Orpana, H.M. et al., "BMI andMortality: Results From a NationalLongitudinal Study of CanadianAdults", Obesity 2010; 18(1):214-21820. Zoya Lagunova quoted at; Lagunova, Z. et al., "Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Is a Predictor ofSerum 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D inOverweight an Obese Patients", J.Nutrition 2011 Jan; 141(1):112-11721. Reuters, "Low vitamin D levelslinked to diabetes risk", 27 April2011, Al Mheid, Ibhar et al., "Vitamin Dlevels linked with health of bloodvessels", American College ofCardiology Annual Meeting, NewOrleans, April 2011, reported at Oh, J. et al., "1,25(OH)2 VitaminD Inhibits Foam Cell Formation andSuppresses Macrophage CholesterolUptake in Patients With Type 2Diabetes Mellitus", Circulation 2009

Aug; 120:687-69824. WebMD, "The Dream Diet:Losing Weight While You Sleep",2005, 25. Patel, S.R. et al., "Associationbetween reduced sleep and weightgain in women", Am. J. Epidemiology2006 Nov 15; 164(10):947-95426. Innovations Report, "Sleepdeprivation doubles risks of obesityin both children and adults", 13 July2006, Vorona, R. et al., "Overweightand Obese Patients in a Primary CarePopulation Report Less Sleep thanPatients with a Normal Body MassIndex", Arch. Int. Med. 2005 Jan 10;165:25-30, Phillips, M.L., "Gut Reaction:Environmental Effects on the HumanMicrobiota", Environmental HealthPerspectives 2009;117(5):A198-A205 29. Henderson, Mark, "Sugar andfat-rich diets cause obesity byaltering gut bacteria", Sunday Times,12 November 2009,

TThhee MMiissssiinngg PPiieecceess ooff tthhee WWeeiigghhtt LLoossss PPuuzzzzllee

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 2222

82 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011


1. Life Research Academy, 2. Osho, The Alchemy of Yoga:Commentaries on the Yoga Sutras ofPatanjali, Diamond Pocket Books Ltd,2005, pp 129-1523. Author's interview with Dr Newton,July 20104. Rinpoche, Sogyal, The Tibetan Book ofLiving and Dying, HarperOne, SanFrancisco, 1992, revised and updatededition 20025. Von Ward, Paul, The Soul Genome:Science and Reincarnation, FenestraBooks, Tucson, 2008, chapter 4, "Past-Life Healing", p. 34, Von Ward, op. cit., pp. 34-357. Woolger, Roger, Other Lives, OtherSelves, Doubleday, New York, 19878. Von Ward, op. cit., p. 35 9. The Oprah Winfrey Show, "Does Past-Life Regression Work?", 24 June 2008,

10. "The Press: Found: BrideyMurphy", TIME, 19 March 1956, Bernstein, Morey, The Search forBridey Murphy, Doubleday, Garden City,New York, 195612. The Skeptic's Dictionary, "BrideyMurphy",,quoting from: Martin Gardner, Fadsand Fallacies in the Name of Science, DoverPublications, Inc., New York, 1957 (firstpublished by G. Putnam's Sons in1952 as In the Name of Science), at Spanos, Nicholas, "Past-lifeHypnotic Regression: A Critical View",Skeptical Inquirer 1987–88 Winter;12(2)174-18014. The Skeptic's Dictionary, "Past LifeRegression",,quoting from Robert A. Baker, HiddenMemories: Voices and Visions From Within,Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY, 1992 15. Nickell, Joe, "Robert A. Baker(1921–2005)", Skeptical Inquirer 2005Nov–Dec; 29(6), The Oprah Winfrey Show, 24 June

2008, Author's interview with WiljaWitcombe, July 201018. ibid.19. Bowman, Carol, Children's PastLives: How Past Life Memories Affect YourChild, Bantam Books, New York, 199720. Von Ward, op. cit., p. 3621. Author's interview with DrNewton, July 201022. "Reincarnation Research", Author's interview with DrSatwant Pasricha, July 201024. ibid. 25. The Oprah Winfrey Show, 24 June2008, Dr Edith Fiore quoted at; The UnquietDead: A Psychologist Treats SpiritPossession, Doubleday Books, New York,198727. Finkelstein, Adrian, MD,"Hypnosis, Past Life Regression,Spiritual Healing", 28. Sri Aurobindo quoted at

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 4466

PPaasstt--LLiiffee RReeggrreessssiioonn:: AAnn AAnncciieenntt HHeeaalliinngg TTooooll

JUNE – JULY 2011 NEXUS • 83

Without the moon, they became more calm andpeaceful. Anxiety and emotional fear had a dramaticdecline among the population and even the animals. Allliving beings were affected.

(2) There were weather and climate changes. Theoceans became much calmer. Heavy thunderstorms andlightning became a rarity. The climate became balancedall over their planet. Extreme cold or heat becamesomething of the past.

(3) They developed an enhanced new colour spectrum.They could see and differentiate between new colours ina way that they couldn't do before.

(4) A great majority of the population became aware oftheir telepathic communication abilities, especiallybetween parents and children and among siblings.Children born after the "demise" of the moon were ableto communicate with inner-plane beings without theneed of training, Elder guidance or instruments.

(5) There were major changes to their respiratorysystem. Their blood and breathing chemistry changed oradapted. Children born after the moon's demise wereable to hold their breath under water for hours at a time.(d) I have to point out to the reader that there were

certain topics that the Entity was very reluctant to addressor to provide more detail on, other than what was already

covered. Some topics were refused outright (these topicsare classified). One of these "reluctant" topics was thenaming and description of inner-Earth beings, their rolein our development as well as the appointed hierarchyand who appointed such a hierarchy. (e) During the period when technicians tried to re-

establish contact with the Entity, the research notesmake mention of the introduction of a quantumantidote/virus with artificial-intelligence string gatheringproperties and an estimated dormant period of 10 years.Technicians came to the conclusion that once the codewas introduced into the collider network, it would liedormant while gathering artificial intelligence on how tore-establish contact. Simply put, they thought it wouldfix itself, given enough time.

However, I'm quite certain that the CHANI project didend in 2000, so I don't know if this project was re-opened under another science or if it flowed or mergedinto another. I mention this because, with the recentoutbreak of the Stuxnet virus and the comments madeby technicians, I can't help but feel uncomfortable withthe similarities between the current Stuxnet outbreakand the "code" properties that the technicians discussedat the time of the CHANI–Y2K issue. That was in 2000;Stuxnet surfaced in 2010. A 10-year dormant period? Iwonder, but that's a whole new conspiracy for anotherday. ∞

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 6622

TThhee CCHHAANNII PPrroojjeecctt

84 • NEXUS JUNE – JULY 2011

author’s name and the date aremissing), and referred to UFOsightings reports that were collectedand sent to VSNTO.

In 1984, VSNTO set up the CentralCommission for AnomalousPhenomena in the Environment.The chairman was a correspondingmember of the USSR Academy ofSciences, V. S. Troitsky, and one ofhis deputies was General-Major ofAviation and Pilot-Cosmonaut PavelPopovich.

The first Ukrainian cosmonaut,Popovich received a large file of UFOreports from the KGB in 1991—unprecedented in UFO research. Healso gave several fascinatinginterviews a few years before hisdeath in 2009, one of them revealinghis knowledge of USOs andunderwater bases.

The Central Commission hascollected reports of UFO and USO

sightings from the general public.One such report came from aLeningrad mechanic, A. Golitikin.On 24 January 1980, he was aboardthe refrigerated fishing trawlerBrilliant, some 20 to 30 miles fromthe coast of West Africa.

At 13:00 hours, Golitikin went tothe deck and, along with other crewmembers, observed a black cigar-shaped object flying towards theship.

The object moved much moreslowly than an aeroplane would, atan altitude of 1.5 to 2.0 kilometres,and it made no sound.

They observed the object for aboutseven minutes through binoculars.They were most amazed when theobject approached the trawler andthen immediately disappeared.

Certainly there is much moreamazing information in the secretarchives of Russia's Navy, but theRussian government and its Navyguard their secrets very well. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Paul Stonehill is a researcher, authorand lecturer specialising in anomalousphenomena, especially Soviet andRussian military research into thesubject. Born in Kiyiv in the formerUSSR, since 1973 he has lived in theUSA where he graduated with a BA inpolitical science from California StateUniversity. In 1991, he founded theRussian Ufology Research Center inEncino, California, which facilitatesUFO information-sharing. He is theauthor of numerous articles for UFO-related magazines and several booksincluding (with Philip Mantle) UFOCase Files of Russia (11th DimensionPublishing/Healings of Atlantis, UK,2010; see review in NEXUS 17/05),The Soviet UFO Files: ParanormalEncounters Behind the Iron Curtain(Quadrillion Publishing, UK, 1998) andParanormal Mysteries of Eurasia (GaldePress, 2011, USA).

Paul Stonehill can be contacted viaemail at [email protected].

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 6688




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