Nexus 1605 - new times magazine

AUGUST – SEPTEMBER 2009 NEXUS • 1 N N E E X X U U S S N N E E W W T T I I M M E E S S M M A A G G A A Z Z I I N N E E V V o o l l u u m m e e 1 1 6 6 , , N N u u m mb b e e r r 5 5 A A U U G GU U S S T T S S E E P P T T E E M MB B E E R R 2 2 0 0 0 0 9 9 PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560, Australia Website: C C O O N N T T E E N N T T S S C C O O N N T T E E N N T T S S L LE ET TT TE ER RS S T TO O T TH HE E E ED DI IT TO OR R. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .4 4 Readers write about anomalies with Rh-negative blood, mysteries of the Solomon Islands, predictions for the next equinox based on the research of Ken Dickman and Clif High, and the alien abduction experience of Alec Newald. G GL LO OB BA AL L N NE EW WS S. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .6 6 We report on space rock movements now classified by the US military, NASA's mission to bomb the Moon, the Earth's magnetism charged by ocean currents, a New Zealand inquiry into swine flu vaccine, and more. A A S SH HO OR RT T C CH HR RO ON NI IC CL LE E O OF F N NO OV VE EL L E EP PI ID DE EM MI IC CS S. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .1 11 1 By Peter Arguriou. Pandemic threats make big profits for pharmaceutical companies, but the drug Tamiflu is being wrongly used against swine flu and is no longer effective against this season's dominant influenza strains. T TH HE E F FI IN NA AN NC CI IA AL L N NE EW W W WO OR RL LD D O OR RD DE ER RP Pa ar rt t 2 2. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .1 17 7 By Andrew G. Marshall. Moves towards establishing a world government, along with a global central bank and a single currency, will hasten a decline in democracy and bring in a new age of authoritarianism. T TH HE E C CO OM MM MU UN NI IT TY Y C CU UR RR RE EN NC CY Y M MO OV VE EM ME EN NT T. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .2 25 5 By Ellen Hodgson Brown, JD. Local currency and barter systems are on the rise in response to global economic forces and the need to unite communities, enhance skills, stimulate productivity, and sell goods and services. B BA AC CT TE ER RI IA A I IN N S ST TR RO OK KE E A AN ND D H HE EA AR RT T D DI IS SE EA AS SE E. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .3 31 1 By Alan Cantwell, MD. Evidence is growing that bacteria have a causative role in a range of chronic illnesses including cardiac and muscular diseases as well as stroke, yet most doctors are unaware of the connection. F FA AC CT TS S A AB BO OU UT T P PO OL LI IO O V VA AC CC CI IN NA AT TI IO ON NS SP Pa ar rt t 1 1. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .3 37 7 By Viera Scheibner, PhD. The history of poliovirus vaccination in developed and developing nations shows that a causal link between the administered vaccines and paralysis has been deliberately hidden by researchers who have twisted their statistics and observations. T TH HE E E EG GY YP PT TO OL LO OG GI IS ST T A AN ND D T TH HE E C CO OV VE ER R- -U UP P. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .4 43 3 By Philip Coppens. As Egypt's antiquities supremo, Dr Zahi Hawass is presiding over a clampdown on excavations at major archaeological sites, significantlly within the Giza Plateau and concerning the Sphinx. S SC CI IE EN NC CE E N NE EW WS S. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .5 51 1 In this edition, engineer Ted Roach reveals his hypothesis on graviton lenses and his experiments with a concave spinning disc that could be employed in a quest to understand the workings of galaxies and the universe. T TH HE E V VA AL LL LE EY Y O OF F T TH HE E I IM MM MO OR RT TA AL LS SP Pa ar rt t 1 1. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .5 55 5 By Tony Bushby. Legends of the mysterious Himalayan kingdom of Shambhala have permeated world history for possibly millennia, and the experiences of early-2oth- century explorers have only added to the mystique. T TH HE E T TW WI IL LI IG GH HT T Z ZO ON NE E. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .6 65 5 As reported by Fabio de Araujo, the Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci recorded his visions of future wars and killing machines, communications advances suggestive of the Internet, and drastic climate change events. R RE EV VI IE EW WS SB Bo oo ok ks s. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .6 69 9 "Glitter & Greed" by Janine Roberts "The Secrets of Masonic Washington" by James Wasserman "The Neanderthal Legacy" by Stan Gooch "Dr Shuker's Casebook" by Dr Karl P. N. Shuker "Witness to Roswell" by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt "Dark Matters" by Dr Percy Seymour "From Birth to Rebirth" by C. V. Tramont, MD "A New Science of Life" by Rupert Sheldrake "Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012..." by Gregg Braden "LSD: Doorway to the Numinous" by Stanislav Grof, MD "Edging Towards BioUtopia" by Richard Hindmarsh "Dr Mary's Monkey" by Edward T. Haslam "Chill: A Reassessment of Global Warming..." by Peter Taylor "Air Con: The Seriously Inconvenient Truth..." by Ian Wishart R RE EV VI IE EW WS SD DV VD Ds s. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .7 76 6 "In Phantasmagoria: The Awakening" produced by D. D. Foote "Ancient Technology in Central America" with David H. Childress "The Money Masters" produced by Patrick Carmack R RE EV VI IE EW WS SM Mu us si ic c. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .7 77 7 "Nagore Sessions" by various artists "Liquid Mind IX: Lullaby" by Chuck Wild "The Color of Sunshine" by Lawrence Blatt "Floodplain" by Kronos Quartet N NE EX XU US S B BO OO OK KS S, , V VI ID DE EO OS S, , A AD DS S, , S SU UB BS S. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .8 87 79 96 6


Nexus 1605 - new times magazine

Transcript of Nexus 1605 - new times magazine

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VVoolluummee 1166,, NNuummbbeerr 55 AAUUGGUUSSTT –– SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR 22000099PPOO BBooxx 3300,, MMaapplleettoonn QQlldd 44556600,, AAuussttrraalliiaa WWeebbssiittee:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoomm

CCOONNTTEENNTTSSCCOONNTTEENNTTSSLLEETTTTEERRSS TTOO TTHHEE EEDDIITTOORR..................................................................................................44Readers write about anomalies with Rh-negative blood,mysteries of the Solomon Islands, predictions for the nextequinox based on the research of Ken Dickman and ClifHigh, and the alien abduction experience of Alec Newald.

GGLLOOBBAALL NNEEWWSS........................................................................................................................................66We report on space rock movements now classified by theUS military, NASA's mission to bomb the Moon, theEarth's magnetism charged by ocean currents, a NewZealand inquiry into swine flu vaccine, and more.

AA SSHHOORRTT CCHHRROONNIICCLLEE OOFF NNOOVVEELL EEPPIIDDEEMMIICCSS............................1111By Peter Arguriou. Pandemic threats make big profits forpharmaceutical companies, but the drug Tamiflu is beingwrongly used against swine flu and is no longer effectiveagainst this season's dominant influenza strains.

TTHHEE FFIINNAANNCCIIAALL NNEEWW WWOORRLLDD OORRDDEERR——PPaarrtt 22......................1177By Andrew G. Marshall. Moves towards establishing aworld government, along with a global central bank anda single currency, will hasten a decline in democracy andbring in a new age of authoritarianism.

TTHHEE CCOOMMMMUUNNIITTYY CCUURRRREENNCCYY MMOOVVEEMMEENNTT............................2255By Ellen Hodgson Brown, JD. Local currency and bartersystems are on the rise in response to global economicforces and the need to unite communities, enhance skills,stimulate productivity, and sell goods and services.

BBAACCTTEERRIIAA IINN SSTTRROOKKEE AANNDD HHEEAARRTT DDIISSEEAASSEE................................3311By Alan Cantwell, MD. Evidence is growing that bacteriahave a causative role in a range of chronic illnessesincluding cardiac and muscular diseases as well as stroke,yet most doctors are unaware of the connection.

FFAACCTTSS AABBOOUUTT PPOOLLIIOO VVAACCCCIINNAATTIIOONNSS——PPaarrtt 11........................3377By Viera Scheibner, PhD. The history of poliovirusvaccination in developed and developing nations showsthat a causal link between the administered vaccines andparalysis has been deliberately hidden by researchers whohave twisted their statistics and observations.

TTHHEE EEGGYYPPTTOOLLOOGGIISSTT AANNDD TTHHEE CCOOVVEERR--UUPP................................4433By Philip Coppens. As Egypt's antiquities supremo, DrZahi Hawass is presiding over a clampdown onexcavations at major archaeological sites, significantllywithin the Giza Plateau and concerning the Sphinx.

SSCCIIEENNCCEE NNEEWWSS......................................................................................................................................5511In this edition, engineer Ted Roach reveals his hypothesison graviton lenses and his experiments with a concavespinning disc that could be employed in a quest tounderstand the workings of galaxies and the universe.

TTHHEE VVAALLLLEEYY OOFF TTHHEE IIMMMMOORRTTAALLSS——PPaarrtt 11......................................5555By Tony Bushby. Legends of the mysterious Himalayankingdom of Shambhala have permeated world history forpossibly millennia, and the experiences of early-2oth-century explorers have only added to the mystique.

TTHHEE TTWWIILLIIGGHHTT ZZOONNEE..........................................................................................................6655As reported by Fabio de Araujo, the Renaissance geniusLeonardo da Vinci recorded his visions of future wars andkilling machines, communications advances suggestive ofthe Internet, and drastic climate change events.

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——BBooookkss..............................................................................................................................6699"Glitter & Greed" by Janine Roberts"The Secrets of Masonic Washington" by James Wasserman"The Neanderthal Legacy" by Stan Gooch"Dr Shuker's Casebook" by Dr Karl P. N. Shuker"Witness to Roswell" by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt"Dark Matters" by Dr Percy Seymour"From Birth to Rebirth" by C. V. Tramont, MD"A New Science of Life" by Rupert Sheldrake"Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012..." by Gregg Braden"LSD: Doorway to the Numinous" by Stanislav Grof, MD"Edging Towards BioUtopia" by Richard Hindmarsh"Dr Mary's Monkey" by Edward T. Haslam"Chill: A Reassessment of Global Warming..." by Peter Taylor"Air Con: The Seriously Inconvenient Truth..." by Ian Wishart

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——DDVVDDss..............................................................................................................................7766"In Phantasmagoria: The Awakening" produced by D. D. Foote"Ancient Technology in Central America" with David H. Childress"The Money Masters" produced by Patrick Carmack

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——MMuussiicc..............................................................................................................................7777"Nagore Sessions" by various artists"Liquid Mind IX: Lullaby" by Chuck Wild"The Color of Sunshine" by Lawrence Blatt"Floodplain" by Kronos Quartet

NNEEXXUUSS BBOOOOKKSS,, VVIIDDEEOOSS,, AADDSS,, SSUUBBSS................................................8877––9966

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NNEEXXUUSS MMAAGGAAZZIINNEEVVoolluummee 1166,, NNuummbbeerr 55


NEXUS Magazine Pty Ltd, ABN 80 003 611 434







Ellen Hodgson Brown, JD; Alan Cantwell, MD; Viera Scheibner, PhD;

Philip Coppens; Ted Roach; Tony Bushby; Fabio R. de Araujo


CCOOVVEERR GGRRAAPPHHIICCJeff Edis, [email protected]

PPRRIINNTTIINNGGBeaudesert Times, Queensland, Australia


HHEEAADD OOFFFFIICCEE –– AAllll CCoorrrreessppoonnddeenncceePO Box 30, Mapleton, Qld 4560, Australia.Tel: (07) 5442 9280; Fax: (07) 5442 9381EEmmaaiill:: eeddiittoorr@@nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoommWWeebbssiittee:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoommNNEEWW ZZEEAALLAANNDD OOFFFFIICCEE:: RD 2, Kaeo, Northland.Tel: +64 (0)9 405 1963; Email: [email protected] OOFFFFIICCEE:: PO Box 1248, Walterboro, SC 29488.Email: [email protected] OOFFFFIICCEE:: 55 Queens Rd, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1BG. Tel: +44 (0)1342 322854.Email: [email protected]

SSTTAATTEEMMEENNTT OOFF PPUURRPPOOSSEENEXUS recognises that humanity is undergoing amassive transformation. With this in mind, NEXUSseeks to provide 'hard-to-get' information so as toassist people through these changes. NEXUS is notlinked to any religious, philosophical or politicalideology or organisation.

PPEERRMMIISSSSIIOONN--TTOO--RREEPPRROODDUUCCEE PPOOLLIICCYYWhile reproduction and dissemination of theinformation in NEXUS is actively encouraged,anyone caught making a buck out of it, without ourexpress permission, will be in trouble when we catchthem!

WWAARRRRAANNTTYY AANNDD IINNDDEEMMNNIITTYYAdvertisers upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INDEMNIFY thePublisher and its servants and agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publication and without limiting the generality of theforegoing to indemnify each of them in relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles,unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violation of rights or privacy AND WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and regulationsand that its publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities in the Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular that nothing therein is capable ofbeing misleading or deceptive or otherwise in breach of the Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974. All expressions of opinion are published on the basis that theyare not to be regarded as expressing the opinion of the Publisher or its servants or agents. Editorial advice is not specific and readers are advised to seek profes-sional help for individual problems. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising material for any reason. © NEXUS New Times 1987–2009


Welcome to the 121st issue of NEXUS Magazine. As I type this editorial,I'm listening to the latest propaganda warning us that swine flu is

spreading and is dangerous, and I'm hearing that more countries are nowconsidering introducing laws for compulsory vaccination and/or detention ofaffected citizens. After learning that the so-called "Spanish flu" resulted fromvaccines (it's still unclear whether this was deliberate or accidental), one canonly wonder what's in store for the masses. Notice that the death toll fromswine flu at present is only a fraction of the annual deaths from ordinary flu.What's the bet that as soon as we are "protected" from swine flu via thevaccines, people will start dropping like flies? It won't take much to scarethe population to the point that people will even inform the authorities ofthose who refuse the vaccine. Is this a population cull in the making, or justanother grab at putting in place legislation that further turns each countryinto a police state? If swine flu vaccination becomes compulsory in yourcountry, what will you do?

Taking advantage of our distractions over swine flu and climate change isthe slow and gradual march towards a global currency and a cashless systemwith its attendant global biometric ID technology. More and more nationssuch as China, Russia and the European Union are calling for a globalcurrency, and specifically not one directly controlled by the USA. Just as theswine flu needs many deaths to be a successful tool of social control, so theeconomy needs a big "fall" to trigger the next step towards a globaleconomic new world order. Problem, reaction, solution.

So what can an ordinary person do to stop all this? Well, you can't "stop"it, in my opinion, but you certainly have the power to change how youexperience the changes we are encountering. It all starts with how you live,what you consume, and how you treat yourself and others. If you really wantto change the world, change yourself first and then demonstrate a better wayof living to your immediate circle of family and friends.

One practical solution to regaining some sovereignity in your life is topromote the use of community currency. Yes, the community currencymovement is spreading, but don't wait to hear about it on the news. If youlive in a small town or community, read this article and get this currencysystem happening in your town. This simple piece of information has thepotential to change the world for the better, in my view.

Other articles of interest in this edition include an exposé that importantarchaeological findings in Egypt are being withheld, or "sanitised" for publicconsumption while officials claim the credit. Philip Coppens takes a closelook at the role of Dr Zahi Hawass in Egyptian archaeology, which probablymeans we're now both off his Christmas cards list.

Dr Viera Scheibner's article on polio vaccination contains ammunition forthose battling the health authorities, as does Dr Alan Cantwell's articleimplicating bacteria in a range of ill-health conditions. While most NEXUSreaders are already in the know, you can use this information to educateyour doctor or naturopath.

Our Science News article about gravitons and antigravity is by Ted Roach,who used to come to our "mad scientist" meetings about 20 years ago—so Ican vouch for his technology and his integrity. He is putting his researchinto the public domain for all to partake of—so use it wisely.

Till next time, Duncan

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SSuussttaaiinnaabbllee SSoolluuttiioonnssDear Editor: You will have

to excuse my ignorance ofyour magazine, as I firstbought it only today.

I just read who you guyssay you are, and it made mewonder if you have everheard of and/or ever visitedThe Venus Project website( not, I think you might findit of interest. Also,,which is the activist arm ofThe Venus Project, has aninteresting free moviedownload called Zeitgeist.

Toodles, Nathan :)[Thanks, Nathan, and I hope

you become a regular reader. Iwas not aware of the The VenusProject, and upon visiting thewebsite I was so impressed bywhat they are doing that I decidedto run your letter, just so I couldgive them a plug! Ed.]

RRhh--NNeeggaattiivvee BBlloooodd OOddddiittyyHi, Duncan: I just was

wondering if you couldexplain to me the ratherstartling statistic on theaverage population's bloodtype in China.

If you go to Wikipedia andlook up ABO and Rh blooddistribution by country, youwill find that China has ahuge deficit in the negativeblood types. I have neverbelieved in conspiracytheories, but this struck meas odd. Is there a logicalexplanation for this?

Ellie[Dear Ellie: I must confess to

being intrigued by the suggestionof a link between Rh-negativeblood (especially the A-negativetype, as suggested by AlecNewald) and people who claim tohave had experiences with UFOsor ETs. I'm running your letter

in the hope that more informationmay come my way as a result. Asfor the Chinese statistics, whoknows. If you look carefully at thesource of the research, you will seeit is derived from Red Cross blooddonations and is not apopulation-wide survey. Moreinformation would be neededbefore you could draw anyconclusions here. Ed.]

SSoolloommoonn IIssllaannddss MMyysstteerriieessDear Duncan: I read with

great interest MariusBoirayon's article on theGiants of Guadalcanal inthe Solomon Islands[NEXUS 16/04]. I'mdefinitely convinced thatlarge creatures such asSasquatch and the Yeti walkour Earth, but I mustconfess I'm a little scepticalabout Marius's claims.According to Marius, thesegiants "are all over the placeand are seen on a dailybasis", and are a part of thetribes' culture and history.In addition, Europeans havevisited the islands for over500 years.

Why no photos or films?Why no accounts by otherexplorers and travellers inthe period since Mariuswrote the article or, for thatmatter, even before? DavidHatcher Childress certainlymade no mention in hisbooks, and he has exploredthe region. There have beenmining companies on theisland, but no accounts orreports from them.

Marius implied that thelack of Japanese forces tomeet the Allied landingsmay have had something todo with the giants. If that'sso, surely there would beJapanese stories andaccounts.

If we are talking about a

widespread phenomenonthat's been on these islandsfor hundreds of years, thensurely we should have heardor should be hearing it frommore than one man. I findthis odd.

If there are any otherreaders out there who havetravelled to the Solomonsand experienced thesegiants, I would love to hearfrom them.

Anthony Z., Hurstville,NSW, Australia[Dear Anthony: Your letter

reflects the disbelief of several otherreaders, so I am addressing morethan just your comments with myanswer. First up, let me say thatbefore I published Marius'saccount, I had received severalother reports from separatesources which independentlycorroborated different aspects ofMarius's findings. So I knewsomething weird was going onthere already, but none of thesesources wanted the publicity fromspeaking out. Next, you have to appreciate

that there are vast, inaccessibleareas of the islands which arerarely, if ever, visited by non-locals, let alone even theindigenous people themselves.Visitors hardly ever penetrate theareas described by Marius, and,even if they did, the likelihood ofchance encounters is small. Sure,the locals in these areas will tellyou of the giants and the flyingdragon snakes (UFOs) if you askthem. But to the islanders, it isnot something to go talking aboutwith strangers. Further, Marius had a unique

upbringing in remote Papua NewGuinea, and his marriage to anative Solomon Islander grantedhim insights into culturalrelationships with the giants thatwesterners would never glean. Moreover, I personally know of

several privately funded

expeditions that have gone intosome of these areas, and all thepeople I have spoken to assure methat they now believe what Mariushas described. The evidence that Marius

accumulated before contactingNEXUS back in 2003 was"confiscated", and the TV networkhe was working with pulled outafter spending considerable timeand money on a documentary.Marius was basically beaten up,injected with a strange drug, hadhis only evidence stolen, and wasturned into an "unreliable" sourceof information in terms of furthermainstream media scrutiny. After we published Marius's

articles in NEXUS 10/05, Ireceived yet more "off-the-record"information that reinforces thepicture even more. I firmly standby the articles, and I believe whatMarius has described to be true.Ed.]

PPrreeddiiccttiioonnss ffoorr tthhee EEqquuiinnooxxDear Duncan: Over the

past year or so, I have beenpaying particularly closeattention to two previouscontributors to NEXUS.

The first is Ken Dickman,whose extreme weather–seismic–volcanic eventforecasting has beenfascinating to watchbecause time after time he'sbeen proved correct [see15/04]. Ken's system usesan harmonic analysis ofplanetary alignmentscombined with fourelectrically charged butstationary beamsemanating from the Sun toplot the likelihood of allkinds of severe weather.

Your second contributor isClif High from Half PastHuman, who applies a formof meta-language analysisto our present use oflanguage to give indications

Letters to the Editor ...

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of future events [see 16/01].This, too, was astonishing toreview as each temporalmarker has been reachedand fulfilled.

I am writing to NEXUS topoint out that both systemsof predicting extraordinaryevents come together with avery specific time-frame ofactivity this autumn(northern hemisphere). KenDickman's charts highlightthe Equinox in Septemberas a period of exceptionalinstability for both severeweather and seismic activity.At the same time, Half PastHuman is entirelyindependently flagging theexact same time-frame forsimilar extreme events.Ken's system is not place-specific, but Half PastHuman says that most ofthe linguistic clues seem topoint to the Pacific area asbeing the most severelyaffected. So, the Equinox ofSeptember 2009 is not atime to be found in areassubject to flooding, suddenseismic activity orgrumbling volcanoes.

Beth Frear, Scotland

NNEEXXUUSS EEddiittoorr oonn HHoolliiddaayy??Dear Editor: If the recent

issue of NEXUS [16/03]were a postage stamp, itwould be valuable becausethe right-hand column ofthe contents page does notmatch the articles andreviews actually in themagazine. Was the editoron vacation the day that wasapproved? Great magazine,nonetheless. I readeverything in each issue andsave the magazine for futurereference. Thanks for yourwork.

I wonder if there are anyplans to revisit the 9/11

event, given theoverwhelming evidence thatthe truth has not beenreported.

Nick[Thanks, Nick. The error you

cite was in the North Americanedition of NEXUS, and it didcause a bit of confusion. The faultis mine, and it was probablybecause I was not on vacationthat I made the error! As for morearticles on unreported evidenceabout 9/11 being an inside job,yes, I still monitor new material,as I do with the JFK assassination,and many other related issues.Ed.]

NNEEXXUUSS PPooeettrryy CCoorrnneerrHi, Duncan: I've been a

reader of your fantasticmagazine for a number ofyears now, and I'm a hugefan. My query is: would yoube interested in devoting apage of your magazine topoetry?

I, myself, am a poet andwould love to contribute.Also, I feel that it would be awonderful addition to youralready great publication.

Thank you for your time. Brett L.[Dear Brett: I can appreciate

that, considering your interest inthe magazine, you may well havea way of putting globalconspiracy issues into verse, butI'm afraid the answer is "no". Ialready receive a wealth ofunsolicited poems, most of which Isimply don't have the time to readbecause I'm too busy puttingglobal conspiracy issues into themagazine. Ed.]

CCooEEvvoolluuttiioonn NNeewwssDear Duncan: I read Co-

Evolution when it came outyears ago [see 16/04reprint]. Frankly, it'sprobably the most amazingstory I have ever read about

"alien" visitors to ourbeautiful planet. I havebeen wondering ever sincewhy there has been nosubsequent news of the lifeof Alec Newald. What heexperienced, if true, has aprofound bearing on ourfuture for all cultures on thisstrife-torn planet.

Duncan, have you everhad any further contact withAlec? If not, why not? Thestory somehow begs for anupdate, and I am sure youwould agree with me. Hasthis man disappeared intoobscurity, or what? To me, ifthere were a new lot of datacoming from him as to whathas transpired in his lifesince that book came out, itwould be so powerfullyimportant for all of us whoknow that sightings of off-world visitors and theirassociated ships and cropcircles, etc., are intensifying.

Please let me know if youhave any more information.I remember that he wasalready being harassed bydark forces, as wasmentioned in the book.

What has happened toAlec Newald?

Love, David, Katoomba, NSW,

Australia[Thanks, David. Your email

raises questions put by otherreaders. Alec's case is certainlyunique. When I first madecontact with Alec, he had only justheard of NEXUS. He'd had noprior exposure to anything evenremotely connected to anythingwe have ever published onconspiracies, ancient history,UFOs, frontier science, etc. Apartfrom being what I call "untainted"by information upon which tocolour or base his understandingof his abduction experience, Alecdid not require hypnosis to

remember what he'd beenthrough.The stitch-up that landed Alec

in prison for a short stint only justadded to his credibility, in myopinion, especially given thecircumstances and the visits hehad while incarcerated.After reading his account, I

sent Alec a boxful of NEXUSback issues plus some other booksand videos, all of which hedevoured. I felt so strongly abouthis story that I decided to publishhis book CoEvolution, which wedid in 1997. But it didn't takelong before Alec felt the need towrite a second book. His draftwas more an expression of hisfeelings resulting from hisprodigious "learning curve". Inother words, he was going throughthe usual "angry" phase atrealising more of the "big picture"of reality. I suggested that anysecond book should primarilyfocus on aspects of his experienceand on any further recollections orexperiences of a similar nature tothe first, instead of being merely ameans to vent his frustration atall the injustices in the world. I've remained in contact with

Alec over the years, and I havevery friendly relations with him.If anyone wishes to contact him,just send me an email and I'llforward it to him. The short spell Alec had in

prison in New Zealand wassufficient for him to be preventedfrom travelling overseas withouthaving to deal with masses ofpaperwork and permissions, andas a result he has had littleexposure by way of of appearancesat UFO conferences. As to why the "big names" of

ufology have not bothered toembrace his case, as others haveput to me, I have no idea, savethat it would be too controversial. I look forward to learning more

and to seeing what happens in thefuture. Ed.]

... more Letters to the Editor NB: Please keep letters toapprox. 150 to 250 words in

length. Ed.

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Arecent US military policydecision now explicitly

states that observations byhush-hush governmentspacecraft of incomingbolides and fireballs areclassified Secret and are notto be released.

The satellites' mainobjectives include detectingnuclear bomb tests, andtheir characterisations ofasteroids and lessermeteoroids as they crashthrough the atmosphere hasbeen a byproduct databonanza for scientists.

The upshot: space rocks thatexplode in the atmosphere are nowclassified.

"It's baffling to us why this wouldsuddenly change," said one scientistfamiliar with the work. "It'sunfortunate because there was thisgreat synergy...a very goodcooperative arrangement. Systemswere put into dual-use mode wherea lot of science was getting donethat couldn't be done any other way.It's a regrettable change in policy."

Scientists say not only willresearch into the threat from space

be hampered, but publicunderstanding of sometimesdramatic sky explosions will bediminished, perhaps leading to hypeand fear of the unknown.

"The fireball data from military orsurveillance assets have been ofcritical importance for assessing theimpact hazard," said David Morrison,a Near Earth Object (NEO) scientistat NASA's Ames Research Center.He noted that his views are his own,not as a NASA spokesperson. .(Source:, 10 June 2009,



The inactivated flu vaccinedoes not appear to be

effective in preventingi n f l u e n z a - r e l a t e dhospitalisations in children,especially ones withasthma. In fact, childrenwho get the flu vaccine aremore at risk forhospitalisation than theirpeers who do not get thevaccine, according to newresearch presented in Mayat the 105th InternationalConference of the AmericanThoracic Society in San

Diego.The research shows that children

who had received the flu vaccine hadthree times the risk ofhospitalisation, as compared tochildren who had not received thevaccine. In asthmatic children, therewas a significantly higher risk ofhospitalisation.(Source:, 20 May 2009,


After senior police officerssuggested a few years back that

CCTV had no substantial impact oncrime, a research group funded bythe UK Home Office has establishedthat vast spending on systems isalmost certainly unjustified.

The review of 44 research studieson CCTV (closed circuit television)found that it does have a modestimpact on crime in carparks, but theidea that CCTV has any specialpower to reduce crime generally isclearly flawed. It is now becomingclear that the £500 million spent bylocal councils on CCTV in thedecade up to 2006 has been onsurveillance of the innocent publicrather than on crime prevention. (Source:, 20 May 2009,

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NASA has launched a spectacularmission to bomb the Moon. Its

LCROSS mission blasted off fromCape Canaveral, Florida, on 18 June,carrying a missile that will blast ahole in the lunar surface at twice thespeed of a bullet.

The missile, a Centaur rocket, willbe steered by a shepherdingspacecraft that will guide it towardsits target: a crater close to theMoon's south pole. Scientistsexpect the blast to be so powerfulthat a huge plume of debris will beejected.

The attack on the Moon is not adeclaration of war or an act ofwanton vandalism. Space scientistswant to see if any water ice orvapour is revealed in the cloud ofdebris.

The spacecraft will not headstraight for the Moon. First it willorbit the Earth a number of timeswhile its precise target is identified.Finally, it will send the missile intothe Moon at twice the speed of abullet on 8 October.

The shepherding spacecraft willfollow close behind, taking picturesand analysing the ejected debris asit looks for evidence of water. It hasjust four minutes to do this before itcrashes into the Moon itself,producing a spectacular explosionthat should be visible in amateurastronomers' telescopes.(Source: Scientific American, 17 June 2009,



Reports are circulating in theKremlin that Russian Air Force

commanders have issued warningsto all of their aircraft to exercise"extreme caution" during flights “inand around” an area defined asLatitude 17° North [North AtlanticOcean], Latitude 3° South [South

Atlantic Ocean] to Latitude 8° North[Indian Ocean] Latitude 19° South[Indian Ocean] between thelongitudes of 46° West, 33° West,46° East and 33° East, and whichcovers the greater part of the Africantectonic plate.

The reason for this unprecedentedwarning, these reports state, are therapid formations of "geomagneticstorms" emanating from theboundaries of the African tectonicplate that, due to their intensity,have caused the loss of twopassenger aircraft during the pastmonth, leaving nearly 300 men,women and children dead.(Source: Macedonian International NewsAgency, 30 June 2009,


One in 10 deaths in Europe, andone in 25 deaths globally, are

caused by alcohol, according to arecent study.

Doctors writing in the Lancet saythat drinkers mostly die frominjuries, cancer, heart disease andliver cirrhosis.

People have drunk alcohol sincethe beginning of recorded history,the authors say, but it has become

more damaging. In Europe, 10 per cent of deaths

are caused by drinking alcohol, withthe peak in the former Soviet Union,at 15 per cent. But the death ratesare higher in developing countriesand especially in South East Asiarelative to the lower amount that isdrunk.

"Globally, the effect of alcohol onthe burden of disease is about thesame size as that of smoking in2000, but it is greatest in developingcountries," the authors write.

They point out that most of theadult population worldwide actuallyabstains from drinking alcohol.

Nonetheless, the cost of alcohol,in terms of healthcare and socialharm, reaches one per cent of GNPin high- and middle-incomecountries. (Source:, 26 June 2009,


In an about-face, the UnitedNations lavishly praised drug

decriminalisation in its annualreport on the state of global drugpolicy.

In previous years, the UN drug czar


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had expressed scepticism aboutPortugal's decriminalisation, whichremoved criminal penalties in 2001for personal drug possession andemphasised treatment overincarceration. The UN hadsuggested the policy was inviolation of international drugtreaties and would encourage "drugtourism".

But in its World Drug Report 2009,the UN had little but kind words forPortugal's radical (by US standards)approach.

The report, released in June at theNational Press Club in Washington,DC, also puts to rest concerns thatdecriminalisation doesn't complywith international treaties whichprevent countries from legalisingdrugs.

"The International NarcoticsControl Board was initiallyapprehensive when Portugalchanged its law in 2001, but after amission to Portugal in 2004 it "notedthat the acquisition, possession andabuse of drugs had remainedprohibited" and said that "thepractice of exempting smallquantities of drugs from criminalprosecution is consistent with theinternational drug control treaties",according to a footnote to thereport.

The UN report also dives head firstinto the debate over full druglegalisation, and makes a significant

concession to backers of legalisationwho have long argued that it isprohibition policies that lead toviolence and the growth of shadowy,underground networks.

Jack Cole, executive director ofLaw Enforcement AgainstProhibition (LEAP) and a retiredundercover narcotics detective,says: "We are demanding thatgovernments replace the failedpolicy of prohibition with a systemthat actually regulates and controlsdrugs, including their purity andprices, as well as who producesthem and who they can be sold to.You can't have effective controlunder prohibition, as we shouldhave learned from our failedexperiment with alcohol in the USbetween 1920 and 1933."(Source: World Drug Report 2009 ,; The HuffingtonPost, 24 June 2009,


Earth's magnetic field, longthought to be generated by

molten metals swirling around itscore, may instead be linked to oceancurrents, according to controversialnew research.

If proved, the research wouldrevolutionise geophysics, the studyof the Earth's physical propertiesand behaviour, in which the idea

that magnetism originates in amolten core is a central tenet.However, the origin of themagnetism was a mystery until earlylast century when Albert Einsteinsaid that to understand thephenomenon was one of science'smost important tasks. Thisprovoked a debate which concludedwith scientists agreeing thatmagnetism must originate in theEarth's core.

"Everyone accepted this, but inreality there has never been anyproof," said Gregory Ryskin,Associate Professor of Chemical andBiological Engineering atNorthwestern University in Illinois,USA. "It is just an idea we haveaccepted for a long time withoutquestioning it enough."

Ryskin's research suggests that theEarth’s magnetism is actually linkedto ocean movements. The salt insea water allows it to conductelectricity, meaning that the oceangenerates electric and magneticfields as it moves. (Source: The Sunday Times, UK, 14 June2009,


Hackers who commandeer yourcomputer are bad enough. Now

scientists worry that someday they’lltry to take over your brain.

In the past year, researchers havedeveloped technology that makes itpossible to use thoughts to operatea computer, manoeuvre a wheelchairor even use Twitter.

"Neural devices are innovating atan extremely rapid rate and holdtremendous promise for the future,"said computer security expertTadayoshi Kohno of the University ofWashington. "But if we don't startpaying attention to security, we’reworried that we might find ourselvesin five or 10 years saying we've madea big mistake."(Source:, 9 July, 2009.


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Manufacturers are creatingcombinations of fat, sugar and

salt which are so tasty that manypeople cannot stop eating them,even when full.

David Kessler, former head of theUS Food and Drug Administration,has warned that snacks, cereals andready meals are devised by foodscientists to act on the rewardcentres of the brain in the same wayas tobacco. He says manufacturersare seeking to trigger a "bliss point"when people eat certain products,leaving them hungry for more.

A study carried out by Kessler withresearchers at Yale University, usingfunctional magnetic resonanceimaging techniques, showed thatabout 50 per cent of obese peopleand 30 per cent of those who areoverweight were prone to so-called"excessive activation".

“The right combination of tastestriggers a greater number ofneurons, getting them to fire more,"said Kessler. "The message to eatbecomes stronger, motivating theeater to look for even more food."

In other research, scientists havefound that different combinations offat, sugar and salt trigger the releaseof neurotransmitters in the brain'spleasure centres. The most powerfulcombination involved sucrose (tablesugar) mixed with chocolate andalcohol—the same mixture found indesserts such as tiramisu.

Kessler said: "Many of us havewhat's called a 'bliss point'—thepoint at which we get the greatestpleasure from sugar, fat or salt. Asmore sugar is added, food becomesmore pleasurable until we reach thebliss point, after which it becomestoo sweet and the pleasure dropsoff. The same thing happens with fatand salt." At the optimum point,food stimulates many people'sappetites instead of suppressing it,according to Kessler. (Source: The Sunday Times, 28 June 2009,


The New Zealand Minister of Health, The Hon. Tony Ryall, has askedMinistry of Health officials to advise him urgently on issues raised

about a "swine flu" vaccine produced by Baxter International Inc. In an open letter dated 30 June to all members of the New Zealand

House of Parliament, Penny Bright, media spokesperson for the WaterPressure Group, a judicially recognised public watchdog for Metrowater,water and Auckland regional governance matters, raises a series ofquestions and concerns about the safety of the vaccine. She demands toknow whether Baxter vaccine products are currently being used in NewZealand for "swine flu", "bird flu" or any other type of flu.

Bright highlights the fact that Baxter is currently facing criminal chargesfor producing contaminated "bird flu" vaccine—charges that date back toFebruary when it became known that the company had sent out 72kilograms of live "bird flu" virus supplied by the World HealthOrganization in the northern winter of 2009 to 16 laboratories in fourcountries.

The charges, filed by journalist Jane Burgermeister of Austria, claim thatclear evidence exists that the pharmaceutical company and internationalgovernment agencies actively conspired in producing, developing,manufacturing and distributing biological agents classified as the mostdeadly bioweapons on Earth in order to trigger a pandemic and causemass death.

Last December, the Austrian branch of Baxter sent a batch of ordinaryhuman H3N2 flu, altered so it could not replicate, to AVIR Green HillsBiotechnology, also in Austria. In February, a lab in the Czech Republicworking for Avir alerted Baxter that, unexpectedly, ferrets inoculated witha sample from the shipment had died. It was discovered that the samplecontained live H5N1, which was to be used by Baxter to make vaccine.Baxter claimed that the two batches were mixed by error, and called theincident a simple "accident".

According to an article in the Times of India on 6 March, Markus Reinhardof Baxter said that no one had been infected because the H3N2 washandled at a high level of containment. But world-renowned virologist AbOsterhaus of Erasmus University in the Netherlands has statedemphatically that great lengths must be taken to make sure this kind ofthing does not happen again. In May, Osterhaus told participants atEurope's largest conference on infectious diseases that the outbreak ofinfluenza A H1N1 is without question the most important event of thepast 40 years in human influenza. He stressed that the current H1N1threat is serious.

Accidental release of the mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 virus sub-types could have resulted in extremely dire consequences. AlthoughH5N1 does not easily infect people, H3N2 does. Anyone exposed to amixture of the two strains and simultaneously infected with both couldserve as a human incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily toother people and their communities. This is the outcome feared by manyscientists in the USA for the autumn flu season, and is the stated reasonfor the push to get everyone vaccinated, even if by force.

In her open letter, Bright asks members of the New Zealand Parliamentto consider whether they would consent to being injected with a "swineflu" vaccine produced by Baxter while it is under investigation for chargesthat it produced contaminated "bird flu" vaccine.

(Source:, 8 July 2009,

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OOff ppiiggss aanndd mmeenn

We are desperately in need of a new scientific discipline which weshould name "prognosticology", the science that studies the wayin which predictions are made in science. For the last threedecades, there have been ample prognoses. Most of these have

been proven wrong or have constituted false alarms. Especially in the realmof medicine, there seems to be a consistent mechanism that not onlyinaccurately predicts but also invents pandemics and projects theirrealisation into the near future.

The swine flu "epidemic" is the latest product of this pandemicmechanism. And this mechanism that feeds on billions of dollars in grantsis just a part of an even greater mechanism. It is a device of the "feartron",this unfailing political machine that creates and manipulates fear.

In the public health domain, the mechanism pretty much started with theAIDS epidemic. Monstrously wrong prognoses and estimates were made,the world was seized with terror, and sexual behaviour was regulated by thestate. The AIDS theoreticians made panic-inducing estimates and overhypedprognoses about the AIDS threat while receiving overwhelming support fromcelebrities. It is typical that Oprah Winfrey herself stated on her show in1988 that "one out of five heterosexuals could be dead of AIDS by 1990". Asa matter of fact, these predictions failed to such an extent that in 2008 theWorld Health Organization (WHO), under the overwhelming evidence of theactual numbers and of previous statistical abuse, was forced to declare theheterosexual AIDS pandemic over.2

The mechanism continued to create imaginary apocalyptic visionsincriminating other viruses as terrifying killers. Hantaviruses, the West Nilevirus, the SARS coronavirus and, more recently, bird flu strains of viruseshave all been morphed by the pandemic industry into malevolent entitiesthat could bring modern civilisation to an end, or at least to its knees.Trillions of dollars has been spent on drug purchases and on drug andvaccine development. In the case of the West Nile Virus, the spraying of NewYork with pesticides to get rid of the virus carriers, mosquitoes, caused asubstantial ecological disaster.3 The SARS (severe acute respiratorysyndrome) ghost pandemic disappeared within a year, in mid-2003, never toreappear. And hardly anyone remembers hantaviruses any more. From 2003to 2009, fewer than 500 people were affected with bird flu, with fewer than300 deaths,4 while the annual common flu death toll ranges from 250,000 to500,000 worldwide.5 It is obvious that common sense, as well as humanity, isbeing targeted and victimised by "novel epidemics".

TThhee nneeww vviirruuss oonn tthhee bblloocckkThe pandemics industry was desperately seeking for a new product, a fresh

approach. It found this in Mexico with swine flu.



TThhrreeaattss ooff ppaannddeemmiiccssmmaakkee bbiigg pprrooffiittss ffoorr

pphhaarrmmaacceeuuttiiccaallccoommppaanniieess,, bbuutt tthhee

ddrruugg TTaammiifflluu,, wwhhiicchh iissnnoott ddeessiiggnneedd ttoo ttrreeaatt

sswwiinnee fflluu,, iiss bbeeiinnggwwrroonnggllyy uusseedd aanndd iissnnoo lloonnggeerr eeffffeeccttiivveeaaggaaiinnsstt tthhee sseeaassoonn''ssddoommiinnaanntt ssttrraaiinnss ooff


bbyy PPeetteerr AArrgguurriioouu ©© 22000099

Email: [email protected]

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And Mexico is neither the first nor the last station inthe pandemics prognostics train of thought.

So far, the reasoning behind the pandemicprognostics has been ridiculously poor. Scientists havebeen desperately trying to connect the causal agent ofthe "Spanish flu" pandemic, which back in 1918–20killed 50 to 100 million people, with present strains ofviruses. Two researchers, Taubenberger and Tumpey,attempted to connect the 1918–20 virus with avian fluvirus strains based solely on a permafrost sample.6 Aloose scientific connection created a very real tsunamiof fear that swept through the world and crippledreason. The connection between the Spanish fluuniversal tragedy and novel epidemics is not novel atall.

In 1976, 13 cases of swine flu appeared among FortDix recruits. One case was deadly. The then USPresident, Gerald Ford, perceived these swine flu casesto be an imminent national health threat that had to behandled immediately at allcosts. A mass vaccinationprogram was initiated,ambitious enough to target allthe US populace, but it was soincompetent that it had to behalted 11 months after it began.About one third of the USpopulation received theemergency vaccine.7

This vaccine that wassupposed to protect the peoplefrom a possible health risk fromswine flu was possiblyassociated with a very tangibleand undesirable health threat. A few weeks after thevaccination program commenced, the incidence ofGuillain-Barré syndrome rose sharply among those whowere vaccinated.8 Guillain-Barré is an acuteinflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, anautoimmune disease that involves a misfiring of theimmune system in response to foreign antigens. Therelationship between vaccines and the quality ofimmune response that is mounted is still in question.

The reasoning behind such imprudent and rushedreactions over the 1976 swine flu cases was once againthe possible connection between the presumed 1918–20killer virus and the swine flu strains of viruses. Andonce again the prognosis was unsubstantiated andcaused much more harm than good. The sameconnection is being attempted with the current swineflu situation.

The 1918–20 pandemic was without doubt a disaster.The word "disaster" literally means "bad star" in Greek.And it is no coincidence, because everything that mayresemble the 1918–20 "bad star" is instantly equatedwith pandemics. Pandemic predictions are likeastrological predictions.

Furthermore, they have systematically failed.So, one should ask: why is it that failed prognostics

and unsuccessful policies are consistently maintainedand reproduced as if they proved themselves in anyconceivable way?

TTaammiifflluu aass aa ppaannaaccaaeeaaNext, bird flu begets Tamiflu® (oseltamivir

phosphate), the commercially highly successful drug.And now, swine flu is being treated with Tamiflu, whichearns billions of dollars in profits for Roche, thepharmaceutical giant that manufactures and marketsthe drug. But Roche is not the only company thatbenefits from Tamiflu's sales going up. The drug's rightsare owned by Gilead. Former US Secretary of DefenseDonald Rumsfeld served as Gilead's chairman, and heremained a substantial Gilead stakeholder even after hejoined the Bush administration in 2001.9

It is surely not a crime to make some extra millionbucks from a drug that savesthe Earth from monster viruses.The only problem is that whileTamiflu may be a hugecommercial success, this doesnot necessarily make it asuccessful treatment against fluviruses.

Back in 2005, US Health andHuman Services Secretary MikeLeavitt was commenting onTamiflu's effectiveness againstbird flu: "Tamiflu is effective, orat least partially effective. Wedon't know how effective it is

against the virus."10

Some reports from health experts actually treatingbird flu patients with Tamiflu were rather discouraging.

Despite the considerations about Tamiflu'seffectiveness in dealing with bird flu, now we are usingTamiflu to deal with swine flu as if the drug were somekind of anti-flu panacaea.

DDrruugg--rreessiissttaanntt vviirruusseessIt gets worse. Dr Anne Moscona, a professor of

paediatrics, microbiology and immunology, has beenwarning us since 2005 about viral strains mutating andevading the drugs that target them—a phenomenonknown as drug resistance:11

"This scenario, however, is potentially dangerous.Misuse of the drug [Tamiflu] could rob us of theadvantages that neuraminidase inhibitors provide, byfavoring the emergence of oseltamivir-resistantinfluenza virus...

"It is therefore worrisome that personal stockpiling ofoseltamivir is likely to lead to the use of insufficientdoses or inadequate courses of therapy. Shortagesduring a pandemic would inspire sharing of personal


TThhee oonnllyy pprroobblleemm iiss tthhaattwwhhiillee TTaammiifflluu mmaayy bbee aa

hhuuggee ccoommmmeerrcciiaall ssuucccceessss,,tthhiiss ddooeess nnoott nneecceessssaarriillyy

mmaakkee iitt aa ssuucccceessssffuullttrreeaattmmeenntt aaggaaiinnsstt aa rraannggee ooff fflluu vviirruusseess..

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supplies, resulting in inadequate treatment. Suchundertreatment is of particular concern in children—themain source for the dissemination of influenza withinthe community, since they usually have higher viralloads than adults and excrete infectious virus for longerperiods. The habit of stopping treatment prematurelywhen symptoms resolve...could also lead to suboptimaltreatment of influenza and promote the development ofdrug resistance.

"Could drug-resistant viruses then spread?... "There have now been several reports that oseltamivir-

resistant influenza A (H5N1) viruses with the H274Ymutation have been isolated from humans with avianinfluenza infection who were treated with oseltamivir.The cases described by de Jong et al. raise theworrisome prospect that even with therapeutic doses,oseltamivir resistance may develop during the course ofillness and may affect clinical outcomes...

"Like any successful infectious agent, influenza viruswill most likely evolve to evadeany single drug. By targetingseveral points in the viral lifecycle simultaneously withdifferent drugs, we are morelikely to discourage theemergence of viruses that canresist all drugs at once. But wecurrently rely solely on theneuraminidase inhibitors—andsolely on oseltamivir [Tamiflu]in many situations..."

Dr Moscona, unlike thepandemic prognostics, hasbeen proved absolutely right.

But by now it may be too late.As reported in the New York Times (8 January 2009), 99 percent of this season's dominant flu strains are by nowresistant to Tamiflu. The astonishment of health expertDr Kent Sepkowitz (Director of Infection Control atMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York) atthe extent of the phenomenon was such that heexclaimed: "It's quite shocking. We've never lost anantimicrobial this fast. It blew me away."12

This is not the end of the story, but the beginning of anew, horrifying, public health chapter.

SSuuppeerrbbuugg ggyymmss The conditions of modern living make us highly

susceptible to the development and spread of apandemic. Dense urban populations and regular high-speed circulations between them are favourablepandemic factors.

However, these conditions are also met in the meatindustry. An extensive global trade and the crowding oflivestock so densely that we are never going to see itscounterpart in even the most crowded of human citiesare typical in this industry.

And it gets worse. Sixty to eighty per cent of theoverall US antibiotics production is absorbed by themeat industry for non-therapeutic use, namely forgrowth purposes.13 That is, antibiotics are overused tomake the animals grow bigger much faster, so theindustry can get more meat from one animal. Perhapsthat would be okay if bugs didn't have this nasty habit ofdeveloping drug resistance quickly and rendering theavailable antibiotics useless and us helpless.

It gets even worse. It has been shown that the meatindustry–trained superbugs spread through air, waterand soil.14 Before the WHO and the media proclaimedswine flu as a pandemic candidate, a peculiar outburstof respiratory disease troubled the Mexican village of LaGloria in mid-February 2009. Out of the 3,000 or sovillagers, more than half of them were affected. Twoinfants died. Eyes turned in suspicion to a SmithfieldFoods Inc. installation situated in Perote, 12 miles [~19kilometres] from the village. Smithfield is the leading

pork producer in the world, andits environmental record is farfrom flawless. According to theGuardian, the Supreme Court inOctober 2000 upheld a $12.6million fine levied on thecompany by the USEnvironmental ProtectionAgency for polluting the PaganRiver near Smithfield, Virginia.15

The Mexico City newspaper LaJornada fearlessly presented theMexican public with its ownexplanation of the the strangeLa Gloria disease: "Accordingto state agents of the Mexican

social security institute, the vector[s] of this outbreakare the clouds of flies that come out of the hog barns,and the waste lagoons into which the Mexican–UScompany spews tons of excrement."16

This possible connection is far from well representedin the mass media, which choose the natural-born killerviruses theory over industry-created threats andpollutants including resistant, mutated micro-organisms. After all, viruses, though microscopic, areeasier to target: they don't have lawyers to defend themor any political strings to pull.

The "industry is to blame" epidemic started to spreadoutside of Mexico. A Texas resident, Steven Trunnell,filed a wrongful-death petition on behalf of his late wife,Judy Rodriquez Trunnel, a teacher who was eightmonths' pregnant when admitted to hospital with swineflu on 19 April 2009 and who died on 5 May shortly afterher baby was delivered through Caesarean section.Trunnell holds Smithfield Foods responsible for hiswife's death, as he thinks that the conditions in itsinstallations are capable of generating a serious publichealth threat. In the petition, filed on 11 May 2009,


""......tthhee vveeccttoorr[[ss]] ooff tthhiissoouuttbbrreeaakk aarree tthhee cclloouuddss oofffflliieess tthhaatt ccoommee oouutt ooff tthheehhoogg bbaarrnnss,, aanndd tthhee wwaasstteellaaggoooonnss iinnttoo wwhhiicchh tthheeMMeexxiiccaann––UUSS ccoommppaannyy

ssppeewwss ttoonnss ooff eexxccrreemmeenntt..""

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Trunnell states that "there may be evidence which linksthe creation of the newest strain of the deadly swineflu...with Smithfield Foods' humongous pig farmoperation in Mexico, which, under the joint control ofSmithfield Foods, has been allowed to lapse into abreeding ground of immense unsanitary proportions fora deadly virus".17

There is sound scientific literature to support such anhypothesis. It has been there for quite some time, butno one until now has ever dared challenge the meatbarons. This is the first legal action of its kind, and itmay create a precedent capable of changing the face ofmodern civilisation and force us to face the real man-made threats instead of wasting billions of dollars in asenseless virus hunt. After all, small initiatives can bringabout big changes. This is an age in which values haveto be reinstituted. If life has value, then meat as a directproduct of life should also posses nutritional, aesthetic,financial and "moral" value. We can no longer affordprofit-mongering with what we eat. We can no longerafford cheap meat. In fact, we need pricey, valuablemeat. It is, after all, part of what we are made of.

And no one wants to be considered as made of "crap".

It is time for the world to begin the "no cheap meat"campaign. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Peter Arguriou studied medicine at the University ofAthens Medical School but left disappointed with themechanistic perceptions governing medicine. Later, hebriefly studied classical homoeopathy at the AegeanUniversity under Alternative Nobel Prize winner GeorgeVithoulkas. He is a member of Hellenic MENSA.Arguriou writes for the Greek press and is the author of10 books (fiction, science fiction, poetry—most of themstill unpublished). His book Bad Medicine: an eon ofmedical corruption is due for publication in Greece in 2010.He is working on a book project involving alternativehealth experts from around the world, which is intendedto be a practical survival guide in the modern medicalwilderness and provide a philosophical background to ascience that has become shallow. His article "ThePlacebo Effect: The Triumph of Mind Over Body" waspublished in NEXUS vol. 14, no. 4 in 2007.

Peter Arguriou can be contacted by email [email protected].


EEnnddnnootteess1. Tierney, John, "In '80s, Fear Spread Faster Than AIDS",The New York Times, June 15, 20012. Laurance, Jeremy, "Threat of world Aids pandemicamong heterosexuals is over, report admits", TheIndependent on Sunday, 8 June 2008 3. Nadel, Laurie, "With Lobsters Scarce, QuestionsAbound", The New York Times, December 9, 20014. WHO, "Cumulative Number of Confirmed HumanCases of Avian Influenza A (H5N1) reported to WHO", 1July 2009, WHO, "Influenza", Fact Sheet No. 211, April 2009 6. Taubenberger, J.K. et al., "Characterization of the 1918influenza virus polymerase genes", Nature 2005 Oct 6;437:889-893;Tumpey, T.M. et al., "Characterization of theReconstructed Spanish Influenza Pandemic Virus",Science 2005 Oct 7; 310:77-807. Gaydos, J.C. et al., "Swine Influenza A Outbreak, FortDix, New Jersey, 1976", Emerging Infectious Diseases 2006Jan; 12(1):23-8 8. Freedman, D.A. and Stark, P.B., "The Swine FluVaccine and Guillain-Barré Sundrome: A Case Study inRelative Risk and Specific Causation", 15 August 1999, Schwartz, Nelson D., "Rumsfeld's growing stake inTamiflu", Fortune, October 31, 200510. "Is the US Ready for an Avian Flu Pandemic?",interview with Mike Leavitt by Brit Hume on 1November 1, 2005, Fox News,

story/0,2933,174316,00.html11. Moscona, Anne, "Oseltamivir Resistance –Disabling Our Influenza Defenses [Perspective], NewEngland Journal of Medicine 2005; 353(25):2633-36, McNeil Jr, Donald G., "Major Flu Strain FoundResistant to Leading Drug, Puzzling Scientists", The NewYork Times, January 8, 2009, Mellon, M. et al., Hogging It!: Estimates of AntimicrobialAbuse in Livestock, Union of Concerned ScientistsPublications, Cambridge, MA, January 200114. Campagnolo, E.R. et al., "Antimicrobial residues inanimal waste and water resources proximal to large-scale swine and poultry feeding operations", Sci TotalEnviron 2002; 299:89-95; Zahn, J.A. et al., "Evidence for transfer of tylosin andtylosin-resistant bacteria in air from swine productionfacilities using sub-therapeutic concentrations of tylanin feed" [Abstract], J Anim Sci 2001; 79:189;Chapin, A., "Airborne multidrug-resistant bacteriaisolated from a concentrated swine feeding operation",Environmental Health Perspectives, February 1, 200515. Tuckman, J. and Booth, R., "Four-year-old could holdkey in search for source of swine flu outbreak", TheGuardian, 27 April 2009, ibid.17. Shlian, Deborah, "Swine flu related lawsuit andupdates",

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RReenneewweedd CCaallllss ffoorr aa GGlloobbaall CCuurrrreennccyy

On 16 March 2009, Itar-Tass reported that "Russia suggests the G20summit in London in April should start establishing a system ofmanaging the process of globalization and consider the possibilityof creating a supra-national reserve currency or a 'super-reserve

currency'...that will be issued by international financial institutions". Russiasaid that "[i]t looks expedient to reconsider the role of the IMF in thatprocess and also to determine the possibility and need for taking measuresthat would allow for the SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) to become a super-reserve currency recognized by the world community".40

On 23 March, the Financial Times reported that China's central bank"proposed replacing the US dollar as the international reserve currency witha new global system controlled by the International Monetary Fund". Thegoal would be for the world reserve currency to be "disconnected fromindividual nations" and be "able to remain stable in the long run, thusremoving the inherent deficiencies caused by using credit-based nationalcurrencies". The chief China economist for HSBC stated: "This is a clear signthat China, as the largest holder of US dollar financial assets, is concernedabout the potential inflationary risk of the US Federal Reserve printingmoney." According to the article, the Governor of the People's Bank ofChina, the central bank, "suggested expanding the role of special drawingrights, which were introduced by the IMF in 1969 to support the BrettonWoods fixed exchange rate regime but became less relevant once thatcollapsed in the 1970s". The report stated: "Today, the value of SDRs isbased on a basket of four currencies—the US dollar, yen, euro and sterling—and they are used largely as a unit of account by the IMF and some otherinternational organisations. China's proposal would expand the basket ofcurrencies forming the basis of SDR valuation to all major economies andset up a settlement system between SDRs and other currencies so they couldbe used in international trade and financial transactions. Countries wouldentrust a portion of their SDR reserves to the IMF to manage collectively ontheir behalf and SDRs would gradually replace existing reserve currencies."41

On 25 March, Timothy Geithner, Treasury Secretary and former President ofthe Federal Reserve Bank of New York, spoke at the Council on ForeignRelations. When asked a question about his thoughts on the Chineseproposal for the global reserve currency, Geithner replied: "...I haven't readthe governor's proposal. He's a remarkably—a very thoughtful, very careful,distinguished central banker. Generally [I] find him sensible on every issue.But as I understand his proposal, it's a proposal designed to increase theuse of the IMF's special drawing rights. And we're actually quite open to thatsuggestion. But you should think of it as rather evolutionary, building on thecurrent architectures, than...rather than moving us to global monetaryunion."42 (Emphasis added.)



MMoovveess ttoowwaarrdd tthheeeessttaabblliisshhmmeenntt ooff aawwoorrlldd ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt,,aalloonngg wwiitthh aa gglloobbaallcceennttrraall bbaannkk aanndd aa

ssiinnggllee ccuurrrreennccyy,, wwiillll rreessuulltt iinn aa ddeecclliinnee

iinn ddeemmooccrraaccyy aanndd aa rriissee iinn


PPaarrtt 22 ooff 22

bbyy AAnnddrreeww GG.. MMaarrsshhaallll

Research AssociateCentre for Research on

GlobalizationMontreal, Canada© 6 April 2009


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On 29 March, it was reported that "[a] United Nationspanel of economists has proposed a new globalcurrency reserve that would take over the US dollar-based system used for decades by international banks"and that "[a]n independently administered reservecurrency could operate without conflicts posed by theUS dollar and keep commodity prices more stable".43

An article in the Economic Times of 3 April stated: "Theworld is not yet ready for an international reservecurrency, but is ready to begin the process of shifting tosuch a currency. Otherwise, it would remain toovulnerable to the hegemonic nation [as in the UnitedStates]."44

Another article in the Economic Times of 3 April startedby proclaiming that "the world certainly needs aninternational currency". Further, it stated: "With anunwillingness to accept dollars and the absence of analternative, [the] internationalpayments system can go into afreeze beyond the control ofmonetary authorities, leadingthe world economy into a GreatDepression. In order to avoidsuch a calamity, theinternational community shouldimmediately revive the idea ofthe Substitution Accountmooted in 1971, under whichofficial holders of dollars candeposit their unwanted dollarsin a special account in the IMF with the values ofdeposits denominated in an international currency suchas the SDR of the IMF".45

Amidst fears of a falling dollar as a result of theincreased open discussion of a new global currency,Bloomberg reporters wrote on 3 April: "The dollar's roleas a reserve currency won't be threatened by a nine-foldexpansion in the International Monetary Fund's unit ofaccount, according to UBS AG, ING Groep NV andCitigroup Inc." This report followed the recent G20meeting in London: "Group of 20 leaders yesterday [2April] gave approval for the agency to raise $250 billionby issuing Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, the artificialcurrency that the IMF uses to settle accounts among itsmember nations. It also agreed to put another $500billion into the IMF's war chest."46 In other words, thelarge global financial institutions came to the rhetoricalrescue of the dollar so as not to precipitate a crisis in itscurrent standing, so that they can continue with quietlyforming a new global currency.

CCRREEAATTIINNGG AA WWOORRLLDD CCEENNTTRRAALL BBAANNKK In 1998, Jeffrey Garten wrote an article47 for the NewYork Times of 23 September, advocating a "global Fed".Garten is a former Dean of the Yale School ofManagement and former Undersecretary of Commercefor International Trade in the Clinton administration.

He served on the White House Council on InternationalEconomic Policy under the Nixon administration and onthe policy planning staffs of Secretaries of State HenryKissinger and Cyrus Vance of the Ford and Carteradministrations. He is a former Managing Director ofLehman Brothers and is a member of the Council onForeign Relations. In his article, he stated: "...over timethe United States set up crucial central institutions—the Securities and Exchange Commission (1933), theFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation (1934) and, mostimportant, the Federal Reserve (1913). In so doing,America became a managed national economy. Theseorganizations were created to make capitalism work, toprevent destructive business cycles and to moderate theharsh, invisible hand of Adam Smith."

He then explained: "This is what now must occur on aglobal scale. The world needs an institution that has a

hand on the economic rudderwhen the seas become stormy.It needs a global central bank."He continued: "Simply trying tocoordinate the world's powerfulcentral banks—the Fed and thenew European Central Bank, forinstance—wouldn't work...

"Effective collaborationamong finance ministries andtreasuries is also unlikely tomaterialize. These agencies areresponsible to elected

legislatures, and politics in the industrial countries ismore preoccupied with internal events than withinternational stability."

He then postulated: "An independent central bankwith responsibility for maintaining global financialstability is the only way out. No one else can do what isneeded: inject more money into the system to spurgrowth, reduce the sky-high debts of emerging markets,and oversee the operations of shaky financialinstitutions. A global central bank could provide moremoney to the world economy when it is rapidly losingsteam..." Further, he said: "Such a bank would play anoversight role for banks and other financial institutionseverywhere, providing some uniform standards forprudent lending in places like China and Mexico.[However,] [t]he regulation need not be heavy-handed..."

Garten continued: "There are two ways a globalcentral bank could be financed. It could have lines ofcredit from all central banks, drawing on them in badtimes and repaying when the markets turn up.Alternately—and admittedly more difficult to carryout—it could be financed by a very modest tariff on alltrade, collected at the point of importation, or by a taxon certain global financial transactions."

Interestingly, Garten stated: "One thing that wouldnot be acceptable would be for the bank to be at the

......tthhee llaarrggee gglloobbaall ffiinnaanncciiaalliinnssttiittuuttiioonnss ccaammee ttoo tthheerrhheettoorriiccaall rreessccuuee ooff tthheeddoollllaarr......ssoo tthhaatt tthheeyy ccaannccoonnttiinnuuee wwiitthh qquuiieettllyyffoorrmmiinngg aa nneeww gglloobbaall


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mercy of short-term-oriented legislatures." In essence,it is not to be accountable to the people of the world.So, he asked the question: "To whom would a globalcentral bank be accountable?" He then answered: "Itwould have too much power to be governed only bytechnocrats, although it must be led by the best ofthem. One possibility would be to link the new bank toan enlarged Group of Seven—perhaps a 'G-15' [or, intoday's context, the G20] that would include the G-7plus rotating members like Mexico, Brazil, South Africa,Poland, India, China and South Korea."

He further stated that there would have to be "veryclose collaboration" between a global bank and the Fed.He added: "The global bank would not operate withinthe United States, and it would not be able to overridethe decisions of our central bank. Butit could supply the missinginternational ingredient—emergencyfinancing for cash-starved emergingmarkets. It wouldn't affect Americanmortgage rates, but it could help theprofitability of American multinationalcompanies by creating a healthierglobal environment for theirbusinesses."

In 2008, Jeffrey Garten wrote anarticle48, published in the Financial Timesof 25 September, in which he stated:"Even if the US's massive financialrescue operation succeeds, itshould be followed by somethingeven more far-reaching—theestablishment of a GlobalMonetary Authority [GMA] tooversee markets that have becomeborderless." He emphasised the"...need for a new Global MonetaryAuthority. It would set the tonefor capital markets in a way thatwould not be viscerally opposedto a strong public oversightfunction with rules forintervention, and would return to capital formation thegoal of economic growth and development rather thantrading for its own sake."

Further, he stated: "A GMA would be a reinsurer ordiscounter for certain obligations held by central banks.It would scrutinise the regulatory activities of nationalauthorities with more teeth than the IMF has andoversee the implementation of a limited number ofglobal regulations. It would monitor global risks andestablish an effective early warning system with moreclout to sound alarms than the BIS has." Moreover, hesaid: "The biggest global financial companies wouldhave to register with the GMA and be subject to itsmonitoring, or be blacklisted. That includes commercialcompanies and banks, but also sovereign wealth funds,

gigantic hedge funds and private equity firms." Herecommended: "The GMA's board would have toinclude central bankers not just from the US, UK, theeurozone and Japan, but also China, Saudi Arabia andBrazil. It would be financed by mandatory contributionsfrom every capable country and from insurance-typepremiums from global financial companies—publiclylisted, government owned, and privately held alike."

On 16 October 2008, Morgan Stanley CEO John Mackwas reported as stating that "it may take continuedinternational coordination to fully unlock the creditmarkets and resolve the financial crisis, perhaps even byforming a new global body to oversee the process".49

In a Newsweek article50 posted on 25 October 2008,Jeffrey Garten stated that "leaders should begin laying

the groundwork for establishing aglobal central bank". He added:"There was a time when the US FederalReserve played this role, as the primefinancial institution of the world'smost powerful economy, overseeingthe one global currency. But with thegrowth of capital markets, the rise ofcurrencies like the euro and theemergence of powerful players such asChina, the shift of wealth to Asia andthe Persian Gulf and, of course, thedeep-seated problems in the Americaneconomy itself, the Fed no longer has

the capability to leadsinglehandedly."

He explained the criteria andoperations of a world central bank,saying: "It could be the leadregulator of big global financialinstitutions, such as Citigroup orDeutsche Bank, whose activitiesspill across borders... It could actas a bankruptcy court when bigglobal banks that operate inmultiple countries need to berestructured. It could oversee not

just the big commercial banks, such as Mitsubishi UFJ,but also the 'alternative' financial system that hasdeveloped in recent years, consisting of hedge funds,private-equity groups and sovereign wealth funds—allof which are now substantially unregulated." Further, it"could have influence over key exchange rates, andmight lead a new monetary conference to realign thedollar and the yuan, for example, for one of its firstmissions would be to deal with the great financialimbalances that hang like a sword over the worldeconomy".

He postulated: "A global central bank would noteliminate the need for the Federal Reserve or othernational central banks, which will still have frontlineresponsibility for sound regulatory policies and

""EEvveenn iiff tthhee UUSS''ssmmaassssiivvee ffiinnaanncciiaallrreessccuuee ooppeerraattiioonn

ssuucccceeeeddss,, iittsshhoouulldd bbee

ffoolllloowweedd bbyyssoommeetthhiinngg eevveenn

mmoorree ffaarr--rreeaacchhiinngg——tthheeeessttaabblliisshhmmeenntt

ooff aa GGlloobbaallMMoonneettaarryy


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monetary stability in their respective countries. But itwould have heavy influence over them when it comes tofollowing policies that are compatible with globalgrowth and financial stability. For example, it wouldwork with key countries to better coordinate nationalstimulus programs when the world enters a recession,as is happening now, so that the cumulative impact ofthe various national efforts do not so dramaticallyovershoot that they plant the seeds for a crisis of globalinflation. This is a big threat as government spendingeverywhere goes into overdrive."

On 10 January 2009, it was reported51 that "one clearsolution to avoid a repeat of the problems would be theestablishment of a 'global central bank'—with the IMFand World Bank being unable to prevent the financialmeltdown". Dr William Overholt, a senior researchfellow at Harvard's Kennedy School and formerly withthe RAND Institute, said in aninterview following a speech hegave at the Dubai School ofGovernment: "To avoid anothercrisis, we need an ability tomanage global liquidity.Theoretically that could beachieved through some kind ofglobal central bank, or throughthe creation of a globalcurrency, or through globalacceptance of a set of rules withsanctions and a disputesettlement mechanism."

Guillermo Calvo, Professor of Economics,International and Public Affairs at Columbia University,wrote an article52 for VOX, published on 23 March 2009.Calvo is a former Chief Economist of the Inter-AmericanDevelopment Bank and a former Senior Advisor in theResearch Department of the IMF. He is currently aResearch Associate at the National Bureau of EconomicResearch (NBER) and President of the InternationalEconomic Association. Calvo wrote: "Credit availabilityis not ensured by stricter financial regulation. In fact, itcan be counterproductive unless it is accompanied bythe establishment of a lender of last resort (LOLR) thatradically softens the severity of financial crisis byproviding timely credit lines. With that aim in mind, the20th century saw the creation of national or regionalcentral banks in charge of a subset of the capital market.It has now become apparent that the realm of existingcentral banks is very limited and the world has noinstitution that fulfils the necessary global role. TheIMF is moving in that direction, but it is still too smalland too limited to adequately do so."

The first proposal Calvo would like to make is "thatthe topic of financial regulation should be discussedtogether with the issue of a global lender of last resort".Further, he proposed that "international financialinstitutions must be quickly endowed with considerably

more firepower to help emerging economies throughthe deleveraging period".

AA ""NNEEWW WWOORRLLDD OORRDDEERR"" IINN BBAANNKKIINNGG Following the collapse of Bear Stearns, a Reuters

report of 17 March 2008 commented on a documentreleased by research firm CreditSights, saying that"[f]inancial firms face a 'new world order'" and that"[m]ore industry consolidation and acquisitions mayfollow after JPMorgan Chase & Co. ... said it was buyingBear Stearns..." Further, Reuters reported: "In the eventof future consolidation, potential acquirers identified byCreditSights include JPMorganChase, Wells Fargo, USBancorp, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America..."53

On 9 June 2008, Timothy Geithner, as head of theFederal Reserve Bank of New York (before he wasappointed Treasury Secretary in the Obama

administration), wrote anarticle for the Financial Timesfollowing his attendance at the2008 Bilderberg Conference.Ahead of publication, it wasreported54 that he wrote that"[b]anks and investment bankswhose health is crucial to theglobal financial system shouldoperate under a unifiedregulatory framework". He alsowrote that the US FederalReserve should play a "central

role" in this new regulatory framework, working closelywith supervisors in the US and around the world.

On 6 November 2008, The National, a prominent UnitedArab Emirates newspaper, reported on Baron David deRothschild's travelling with UK Prime Minister GordonBrown on a visit to the Middle East, although not as"part of the official party" accompanying Brown. Thereport stated: "Baron Rothschild shares most people'sview that there is a new world order. In his opinion,banks will deleverage and there will be a new form ofglobal governance."55

On 24 February 2009, the Times Online ran an opinionpiece with the headline "New world order in bankingnecessary...". The article, by Michael Lafferty, chairmanof the International Retail Banking Council, stated that"[i]t is increasingly evident that the world needs a newbanking system and that it should not bear muchresemblance to the one that has failed sospectacularly".56

But, of course, the ones that are shaping this newbanking system are the champions of the previousbanking system. The solutions that will follow aresimply the extensions of the current system, only spedup through the necessity posed by the current crisis.

AANN EEMMEERRGGIINNGG GGLLOOBBAALL GGOOVVEERRNNMMEENNTT An article in the Financial Post of 2 April 2009 stated:


TThhee ssoolluuttiioonnss tthhaatt wwiillllffoollllooww aarree ssiimmppllyy tthhee

eexxtteennssiioonnss ooff tthhee ccuurrrreennttssyysstteemm,, oonnllyy ssppeedd uupptthhrroouugghh tthhee nneecceessssiittyy

ppoosseedd bbyy tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ccrriissiiss..

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"The danger in the present course is that if the worldmoves to a 'super sovereign' reserve currencyengineered by experts, such as the 'UN Commission ofExperts' led by Nobel laureate economist JosephStiglitz, we would give up the possibility of aspontaneous money order and financial harmony for acentrally planned order and the politicization of money.Such a regime change would endanger not only thefuture value of money but, more importantly, ourfreedom and prosperity."57

A columnist writing in the Toronto Star of 3 April stated:"An uncomfortable characteristic of the new world ordermay well turn out to be that global income gaps willwiden because the rising powers, such as China, Indiaand Brazil, regard those below them on the ladder aspotential rivals..." The author furtherstated: "The new world order thuswon't necessarily be any better thanthe old one... What is certain, though,is that global affairs are going to beconsiderably different from now on."58

On 1 April, Robert Zoellick, Presidentof the World Bank, was reported assaying: "If leaders are serious aboutcreating new global responsibilities orgovernance, let them start bymodernising multilateralism toempower the WTO, the IMF, and theWorld Bank Group to monitor nationalpolicies."59

David Rothkopf, a scholar at theCarnegie Endowment forInternational Peace, a member ofthe Council on Foreign Relations,former Deputy Undersecretary ofCommerce for International Tradein the Clinton administration anda former managing director ofKissinger Associates, Inc., recentlywrote a book titled Superclass: TheGlobal Power Elite and the World Theyare Making—of which he iscertainly a member. When discussing the role andagenda of the global "superclass", he stated that "[i]n aworld of global movements and threats that don'tpresent their passports at national borders, it is nolonger possible for a nation-state acting alone to fulfillits portion of the social contract".60

He continued: "...even the international organizationsand alliances we have today, flawed as they are, wouldhave seemed impossible until recently, notably thesuccess of the European Union—a unitary democraticstate the size of India. The evolution and achievementsof such entities against all odds suggest not isolatedinstances but an overall trend in the direction of whatTennyson called 'the Parliament of Man', or 'universallaw'." He stated that he is "optimistic that progress will

continue to be made", but it will be difficult because it"undercuts many national and local power structuresand cultural concepts that have foundations deep in thebedrock of human civilization, namely the notion ofsovereignty".61

He further wrote that "[m]echanisms of globalgovernance are more achievable in today'senvironment" and that these mechanisms "are oftencreative with temporary solutions to urgent problemsthat cannot wait for the world to embrace a bigger andmore controversial idea like real global government".62

On 8 December 2008, the Financial Times ran an article63

by Gideon Rachman, a past Bilderberg attendee. Hewrote: "[F]or the first time in my life, I think theformation of some sort of world government is

plausible." He continued: "A 'worldgovernment' would involve much morethan co-operation between nations. Itwould be an entity with state-likecharacteristics, backed by a body oflaws. The European Union has alreadyset up a continental government for 27countries, which could be a model.The EU has a supreme court, acurrency, thousands of pages of law, alarge civil service and the ability todeploy military force."

Rachman then asked if the Europeanmodel could "go global", and said

there are three reasons forthinking that may be the case.First, he stated that "it isincreasingly clear that the mostdifficult issues facing nationalgovernments are international innature: there is global warming, aglobal financial crisis and a 'globalwar on terror'". Second, he statedthat "[i]t could be done", largely asa result of the transport andcommunications revolutionshaving "shrunk the world". Third,

this is made possible through an awakening "change inthe political atmosphere" as "[t]he financial crisis andclimate change are pushing national governmentstowards global solutions, even in countries such asChina and the US that are traditionally fierce guardiansof national sovereignty".

He quoted Jacques Attali, an adviser to the Presidentof France, Nicolas Sarkozy, as saying that "[g]lobalgovernance is just a euphemism for global government"and that the "core of the international financial crisis isthat we have global financial markets and no global ruleof law". However, Rachman stated that "any push for'global governance'...will be a painful, slow process". Hethen stated that a key problem in this push can beexplained with an example from the European Union,


""AA ''wwoorrllddggoovveerrnnmmeenntt''wwoouulldd iinnvvoollvvee

mmuucchh mmoorree tthhaannccoo--ooppeerraattiioonn

bbeettwweeeenn nnaattiioonnss..IItt wwoouulldd bbee aann

eennttiittyy wwiitthh ssttaattee--lliikkee

cchhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss,,bbaacckkeedd bbyy aa

bbooddyy ooff llaawwss..""

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which "has suffered a series of humiliating defeats inreferendums, when plans for 'ever closer union' havebeen referred to the voters". He went on to say: "Ingeneral, the Union has progressed fastest when far-reaching deals have been agreed by technocrats andpoliticians—and then pushed through without directreference to the voters. International governance tendsto be effective, only when it is anti-democratic."(Emphasis added.)

In November 2008, the US National IntelligenceCouncil (NIC), the US intelligence community's "centerfor mid-term and long-term strategic thinking", releaseda report64 that it produced in collaboration withnumerous think-tanks, consulting firms, academicinstitutions and hundreds of other experts, among themthe Atlantic Council of the United States, the WilsonCenter, the RAND Corporation, the BrookingsInstitution, the American Enterprise Institute, TexasA&M University, the Council on Foreign Relations andChatham House in London. The report, titled "GlobalTrends 2025: A TransformedWorld", outlines the currentglobal political and economictrends that the world may begoing through by the year 2025.In terms of the financial crisis,it states that solving this "willrequire long-term efforts toestablish a new internationalsystem".65 It suggests that asthe "China model" fordevelopment becomesincreasingly attractive, theremay be a decline indemocratisation for emerging economies, "under-performing authoritarian regimes" and "weakdemocracies frustrated by years of economicunderperformance". Further, the dollar will cease to bethe global reserve currency, as there will likely be a"move away from the dollar".66

It states that the dollar will become "something of afirst among equals in a basket of currencies by 2025"and that "[t]his could occur suddenly in the wake of acrisis, or gradually with global rebalancing."67 The reportelaborates on the construction of a new internationalsystem, stating: "By 2025, nation-states will no longerbe the only—and often not the most important—actorson the world stage and the 'international system' willhave morphed to accommodate the new reality. But thetransformation will be incomplete and uneven." Further,"...we are unlikely to see an overarching, comprehensive,unitary approach to global governance. Current trendssuggest that global governance in 2025 will be apatchwork of overlapping, often ad hoc and fragmentedefforts, with shifting coalitions of member nations,international organizations, social movements, NGOs,philanthropic foundations, and companies." It also

notes: "Most of the pressing transnational problems—including climate change, regulation of globalizedfinancial markets, migration, failing states, crimenetworks, etc.—are unlikely to be effectively resolved bythe actions of individual nation-states. The need foreffective global governance will increase faster thanexisting mechanisms can respond."68

The report discusses the topic of regionalism, stating:"Greater Asian integration, if it occurs, could fill thevacuum left by a weakening multilaterally basedinternational order but could also further underminethat order. In the aftermath of the 1997 Asian financialcrisis, a remarkable series of pan-Asian ventures—themost significant being ASEAN + 3—began to take root.Although few would argue that an Asian counterpart tothe EU is a likely outcome even by 2025, if 1997 is takenas a starting point, Asia arguably has evolved morerapidly over the last decade than the Europeanintegration did in its first decade(s)." It further statesthat "movement over the next 15 years toward an Asian

basket of currencies—if not anAsian currency unit as a thirdreserve—is more than atheoretical possibility". Itelaborates that "Asianregionalism would have globalimplications, possibly sparkingor reinforcing a trend towardthree trade and financialclusters that could becomequasi-blocs (North America,Europe, and East Asia)". Theseblocs "would have implicationsfor the ability to achieve future

global World Trade Organization agreements andregional clusters could compete in the setting of trans-regional product standards for IT, biotech, nanotech,intellectual property rights, and other 'new economy'products".69

Of great importance to address, and reflecting similarassumptions made by Rachman in his article advocatingfor a world government, is the topic of democratisation.The report says that "advances are likely to slow andglobalization will subject many recently democratizedcountries to increasing social and economic pressuresthat could undermine liberal institutions". This islargely because "the better economic performance ofmany authoritarian governments could sow doubtsamong some about democracy as the best form ofgovernment". The report's authors state: "The surveyswe consulted indicated that many East Asians putgreater emphasis on good management, includingincreasing standards of livings [sic], than democracy."Further, the report says that "even in many well-established democracies, surveys show growing


CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 7799

""MMoosstt ooff tthhee pprreessssiinnggttrraannssnnaattiioonnaall pprroobblleemmss......

aarree uunnlliikkeellyy ttoo bbeeeeffffeeccttiivveellyy rreessoollvveedd bbyy tthhee aaccttiioonnss ooff iinnddiivviidduuaall


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SSIIDDEESSTTEEPPPPIINNGG TTHHEE DDEEBBTT WWEEBB WWIITTHH ""PPAARRAALLLLEELL"" CCUURRRREENNCCIIEESSIt is as ridiculous for a nation to say to its citizens, "You must consume lessbecause we are short of money," as it would be for an airline to say, "Ourplanes are flying, but we cannot take you because we are short of tickets."

– Sheldon Emry, Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People

Money is a token representing value. A monetary system is acontractual agreement among a group of people to accept thosetokens at an agreed-upon value in trade. The ideal group for this

contractual agreement is the larger community called a nation, but, if thatlarger group can't be brought to the task, any smaller group can enter into anagreement, get together and trade.

Historically, community currencies have arisen spontaneously whennational currencies were scarce or unobtainable. When the German markbecame worthless during the Weimar hyperinflation of the 1920s, manyGerman cities began issuing their own currencies. Hundreds ofcommunities in the United States, Canada and Europe did the same thingduring the Great Depression, when unemployment was so high that peoplehad trouble acquiring dollars. People lacked money but had skills, and therewas plenty of work to be done. Complementary local currencies quietlycoexisted along with official government money, increasing liquidity andfacilitating trade. Like the mediaeval tallies, these currencies were simplycredits attesting that goods or services had been received, entitling thebearer to trade the credit for an equivalent value in goods or services in thelocal market.

Community currencies now operate legally in more than 35 countries, andthere are over 4,000 local exchange programs worldwide. Local or privateexchange systems come in a variety of forms. Besides private gold and silverexchanges, they include local paper money, computerised systems of creditsand debits, systems for bartering labour, and systems for trading localagricultural products. What distinguishes them from most nationalcurrencies is that they are not created as a debt to private banks, and theydon't get siphoned off from the community to distant banks in the form ofinterest. They stay in town, stimulating local productivity.

Local currencies can "prime the pump" with new money, funding localprojects without adding to the community debt. Many governments activelysupport them, and others give unofficial support. Experience shows thatthese additions to the money supply strengthen rather than threatennational financial stability.

Besides their monetary functions, local exchange systems have served tobring communities together, funding cooperative businesses wheremembers can sell goods, new skills can be learned and public markets canbe held.



LLooccaall ccuurrrreennccyy aannddbbaarrtteerr ssyysstteemmss aarree oonntthhee rriissee aarroouunndd tthheewwoorrlldd iinn rreessppoonnssee ttoo

gglloobbaall eeccoonnoommiiccffoorrcceess aanndd tthhee ddeessiirreettoo bbrriinngg ccoommmmuunniittiieess

ttooggeetthheerr,, eennhhaanncceesskkiillllss,, sseellll ggooooddss aanndd

sseerrvviicceess aanndd ssttiimmuullaatteepprroodduuccttiivviittyy..

bbyy EElllleenn HHooddggssoonn BBrroowwnn,, JJDD© 2007–2009

from chapter 36 of her book The Web of Debt

(Third Millennium Press, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA,

2007, third edition 2008)


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CCrreeaattiivvee RReessppoonnsseess ttoo DDiissaasstteerr:: TThhee EExxaammppllee ooffAArrggeennttiinnaa

In 1995, Argentina went bankrupt. The governmenthad adopted all the policies mandated by theInternational Monetary Fund, including "privatisation"(the sale of public assets to private corporations) andpegging the Argentine peso to the US dollar. The resultwas an overvalued peso, massive economic contractionand collapse of the financial system. People rushed totheir banks to withdraw their life savings, only to be toldthat their banks had permanently closed.

Lawns soon turned into vegetable gardens, and localsystems sprang up for bartering goods. Oneenvironmental group held a massive yard sale, wherepeople brought what they had to sell and receivedtickets representing money in exchange. The ticketswere then used to barter the purchase of other goods.This system of paper receiptsfor goods and servicesdeveloped into the GlobalExchange Network (Red Global deTrueque or RGT), which went onto become the largest nationalcommunity currency network inthe world. The model spreadthroughout Central and SouthAmerica, growing to sevenmillion members and acirculation valued at millions ofUS dollars per year.

Other financial innovationswere devised in Argentina at the local provincialgovernment level. Provinces short of the nationalcurrency resorted to issuing their own. They paid theiremployees with paper receipts called "Debt-CancellingBonds" that were in currency units equivalent to theArgentine peso. These could be called "negotiablebonds" (bonds that are legally transferrable andnegotiable as currency), except that they did not payinterest. They were closer to the "non-interest-bearingbonds" proposed by Jacob Coxey in the 1890s forfunding state and local projects. The bonds cancelledthe provinces' debts to their employees and could bespent in the community. The Argentine provinces hadactually "monetised" their debts, turning their bonds orIOUs into legal tender.1

Studies showed that in provinces in which thenational money supply was supplemented with localcurrencies, prices not only did not rise but actuallydeclined compared to other Argentine provinces. Localexchange systems allowed goods and services to betraded that would not otherwise have been on themarket, causing supply and demand to increasetogether. The system had some flaws, including the lackof adequate controls against counterfeiting, whichallowed large amounts of inventory to be stolen with

counterfeit scrip. By the summer of 2002, the RGT hadshrunk to 70,000 members; but it still remains aremarkable testament to what can be done at agrassroots level when neighbours get together to tradewith their own locally grown currency.

AAlltteerrnnaattiivvee PPaappeerr CCuurrrreenncciieess iinn tthhee UUnniitteedd SSttaatteessMore than 30 local paper currencies are now available

in North America. One that has been particularlysuccessful is the "Ithaca HOUR", originated by PaulGlover in Ithaca, New York. The HOUR is paper scripthat reads on the back:This is money. This note entitles the bearer to receive one hourof labour or its negotiated value in goods and services. Pleaseaccept it, then spend it. Ithaca HOURS stimulate localbusiness by recycling our wealth locally, and they help fundnew job creation. Ithaca HOURS are backed by real capital:

our skills, our muscles, our tools,forests, fields and rivers.

One Ithaca HOUR isconsidered to be the equivalentof 10 dollars, the average hourlywage in the area. More highlyskilled services are negotiatedin multiples of HOURS. Adirectory is published everycouple of months that lists thegoods and services people inthe community are willing totrade for HOURS, and there is

an HOUR bank. People can use HOURS to pay rent,shop at the farmers' market or buy furniture. The localhospital accepts them for medical care. Several millionIthaca HOURS' worth of transactions have occurredsince 1991. A Hometown Money Starter Kit is availablefor US$25 or 21⁄2 HOURS from Ithaca MONEY, Box 6578,Ithaca, New York 14851, USA.

Another successful credit program was originated byEdgar Cahn, a professor of law at the University of theDistrict of Columbia, to help deal with inadequategovernment social programs. Like Glover, Cahn set outto create a new kind of money that was independent ofboth government and banks, one that could be createdby people themselves. The unit of exchange in hissystem, called a "Time Dollar", parallels the IthacaHOUR in being valued in man-hours. In a landmarkruling, the Internal Revenue Service held that Cahn'sservice plan was not "barter" in the commercial senseand was therefore tax-exempt. The ruling helped theprogram to spread quickly around the country. Cahnnotes that social as well as economic benefits haveresulted from this sort of program:[T]he very process of earning credits knits groups together...They begin having pot-luck lunches; and they begin formingneighbourhood crime watch things, and they begin looking

PPrroovviinncceess sshhoorrtt ooff tthheennaattiioonnaall ccuurrrreennccyy rreessoorrtteedd

ttoo iissssuuiinngg tthheeiirr oowwnn.. TThheeyy ppaaiidd tthheeiirr eemmppllooyyeeeesswwiitthh ppaappeerr rreecceeiippttss ccaalllleedd""DDeebbtt--CCaanncceelllliinngg BBoonnddss""......

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after each other and checking in; and they begin to set up foodbank coops. [The process] seems to act as a catalyst for thecreation of group cohesion in a society where that kind ofcatalyst is difficult to find.2

Local scrip has also been used to tide farmers overuntil harvest. "Berkshire Farm Preserve Notes" wereprinted by a farmer when a bank in rural Massachusettsrefused to lend him the money he needed to make itthrough the winter. Customers would buy the notes for$9 in the winter and could redeem them for $10 worth ofvegetables in the summer. With small family farmsrapidly disappearing, local currenciesof this type are a way for thecommunity to help farm families thathave been abandoned by thecentralised monetary system. Privatecurrencies provide the tools to bindcommunities together, support localfood growers and maintain foodsupplies.3

Bernard Lietaer, author of The Futureof Money, describes other privatecurrency innovations, including asystem devised in Japan for providingfor elderly care that isn't covered bynational health insurance. Peoplehelp out the elderly in return for"caring relationship tickets" thatare put into a savings account.They can then be used when theaccount holder becomes disabled,or can be sent electronically toelderly relatives living far away,where someone else willadminister care in return forcredits. Another interestingmodel is found in Bali, wherecommunities have a dual moneysystem. Besides the national currency, the Balinese usea local currency in which the unit of account is a blockof time of about three hours. The local currency is usedwhen the community launches a local project, such asputting on a festival or building a school. The villagersdon't have to compete with the outside world togenerate this currency, which can be used to accomplishthings for which they would not otherwise have had thefunds.4

TThhee FFrreeqquueenntt FFllyyeerr MMooddeell:: SSuupppplleemmeennttaall CCrreeddiittSSyysstteemmss

Another innovation that has served to expand themedium of exchange is the development of corporatecredits such as airline frequent flyer miles [or points],which can now be "earned" and "spent" in a variety ofways besides simply flying on the issuing airline. In

some places, frequent flyer miles can be spent forgroceries, telephone calls, taxis, restaurants and hotels.Lietaer proposes extending this model to localgovernments, to achieve community ends without theneed to tax or vote special appropriations. For example,a system of "carbon credits" could reward consumers fortaking measures that reduce carbon emissions. Thecredits would be accepted as partial payment for otherpurchases that serve to reduce carbon emissions,producing a snowball effect, and businesses acceptingthe credits could use them to pay local taxes.5

PPaarraalllleell EElleeccttrroonniicc CCuurrrreenncciieess:: LLooccaallEExxcchhaannggee TTrraaddiinngg SSyysstteemmss ((LLEETTSS))

Alternative currency systems got amajor boost with the advent ofcomputers. No longer must privatecoins be minted or private bills beprinted. Trades can now be doneelectronically.

The first electronic currency systemwas devised after IBM released its XTcomputer to the public in 1981.Canadian computer expert MichaelLinton built an accounting database,and in 1982 he introduced the Local

Exchange Trading System (LETS),a computerised system forrecording transactions andkeeping accounts.

Like Cotton Mather more thantwo centuries earlier, Linton hadredefined money. In his scheme, itwas merely "an information systemfor recording human effort". ALETS credit comes into existencewhen a member borrows thecommunity's credit to purchasegoods or services. The credit is

extinguished when the member gives goods or servicesback to the community in satisfaction of his obligationto repay the credits. The exchange operates without anyform of "backing" or "reserves".

Like the tally system of mediaeval England, it is justan accounting scheme tallying credits in and debits out.LETS credits cannot become scarce any more thaninches can become scarce. They are tax-free andinterest-free. They can be stored on a computer withouteven printing a paper copy. They are simplyinformation. There are now at least 800 Local ExchangeTrading Systems in Europe, New Zealand and Australia.They are less popular in the United States, butcommunity currency advocate Tom Greco feels they willbecome more popular as conventional economiescontinue to decline and more people become"marginalized".

LLiikkee tthhee ttaallllyyssyysstteemm ooffmmeeddiiaaeevvaall

EEnnggllaanndd,, iitt iiss jjuussttaann aaccccoouunnttiinngg

sscchheemmee ttaallllyyiinnggccrreeddiittss iinn aanndd

ddeebbiittss oouutt.. LLEETTSS ccrreeddiittss

ccaannnnoott bbeeccoommeessccaarrccee aannyy mmoorreetthhaann iinncchheess ccaannbbeeccoommee ssccaarrccee..

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On his website, "Travel Without Money", Australianenthusiast James Taris tells of his personal experienceswith LETS. At a time when he had quit his job and waswatching his money carefully, he attended a LETS groupmeeting in his local community, where he learned thathe could obtain a variety of services just for contributingan equivalent amount of his time. The result was thefirst and best professional massage he had ever had, aluxury for which he could not justify paying $60 cashwhen he was gainfully employed. He "paid" for this andother services by learning various Internet and desktoppublishing skills and contributing those skills to thegroup, something he quite enjoyed.He has been demonstrating thepotential of the system by travellingaround the world with very littleconventional money.6

Friendly Favors is a LETS-typecomputerised exchange system thathas grown beyond the localcommunity into a worldwide databaseof over 12,000 members. The systemtracks the exchange of "Thankyou's", aunit of measure considered to be theequivalent of one dollar saved due to afriendly discount or favour received.The database also stores thephotos, résumés, talents, interestsand community-building skills ofparticipants. Developed by SergioLub and Victor Grey of WalnutCreek, California, www.favors.orgis a non-commercial service "tointerconnect those envisioning aworld that works for all". Unlikemost LETS schemes, which haveevolved among people short ofmoney looking for alternative waysto trade, the Friendly Favorsmembership includes people who are financially well offand highly credentialled, people who are particularlyinterested in the human resources potential of thesystem. As of May 2004, the Friendly Favorsmembership was spread over more than 100 countriesand its database was shared by over 200 groups with acollective membership of over 42,000 [now 56,502participants in 189 countries; Ed.], making it potentiallythe largest source of human resources available on theInternet.

A number of good Internet sites are devoted to thecommunity currency concept, including,, Carol Brouillet's site, and the International Journal ofCommunity Currency Research at For ageneral discussion of alternative money proposals, seeTom Greco's Monetary Education Project at The definitive source for LETSinformation is Landsman Community Services Ltd, 1600Embleton Crescent, Courtenay, British Columbia, CanadaV9N 6N8, telephone +1 (250) 338 0213.

LLiimmiittaattiioonnss ooff LLooccaall CCuurrrreennccyy SSyysstteemmssLocal exchange systems demonstrate that "money"

need not be something that is scarce or for whichpeople have to compete. Money is simply credit. AsBenjamin Franklin observed, credit turns prosperitytomorrow into ready money today. Credit can be hadwithout gold, banks, governments or even printing

presses. It can all be done on acomputer.

The concept is good, but there aresome practical limitations to the LETSmodel and other community currencysystems as currently practised. One isthat the usual incentives for repaymentare lacking. Interest is not charged,and there may be no time limit forrepayment. If you have ever lentmoney to a relative, you know theproblem. Debts can go unpaidindefinitely. You can lean on yourrelatives because you know where to

find them; but in the anonymity ofa city or a nation, borrowers on thehonour system can just disappearinto the night. Some alternativesfor keeping community membershonest have been suggested byTom Greco, who writes:[T]here is always the possibility thata participant may choose to nothonor his/her commitment, optingout of the system and refusing todeliver value equivalent to thatreceived. There are three possible

ways, which occur to me, of handling that risk.The first possibility is to use a "funded" exchange in whicheach participant surrenders or pledges particular assets assecurity against his/her commitment... A second possibility isto maintain an "insurance" pool, funded by fees levied on alltransactions, to cover any possible losses. A reliance upon group co-responsibility, i.e.,having each participant within an affinity group bearresponsibility for the debits of the others.7

Those are possibilities, but they are not so practical orefficient as the contractual agreements used today, withinterest charges and late penalties enforceable in court.Contracts to repay can be legally enforced by foreclosingon collateral, garnishing wages and applying otherremedies for breach of contract, with or without interestprovisions. But interest penalties make borrowers more


AA mmoorree sseerriioouusslliimmiittaattiioonn ooff


ccuurrrreenncciieess iiss tthhaatttthheeyy ffaaiill ttoo ddeeaall

wwiitthh tthheemmaammmmootthh ddeebbtt

ssppiiddeerr tthhaatt iissssuucckkiinngg tthhee

lliiffeebblloooodd ffrroommtthhee nnaattiioonnaalleeccoonnoommyy..

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inclined to be prudent in their borrowing and to pay theirdebts promptly. Eliminating interest from the moneysystem would eliminate the incentive for private lendersto lend and would encourage speculation. If credit weremade available without time limits or interest charges,people might simply borrow all the free money they couldget, then compete to purchase bonds, stocks and otherincome-producing assets with it, generating speculativeasset bubbles. Imposing a significant cost on borrowingdeters this sort of rampant speculation.

In Moslem communities, interest is avoided becauseusury is forbidden in the Koran. To avoid infringingreligious law, Islamic lawyers have gone to great lengthsto design contracts that avoid interest charges. Themost common alternative is acontract in which the banker buysthe property and sells it to theclient at a higher price, to be paidin instalments over time. Theeffect, however, is the same ascharging interest: more money isowed back if the sum is paid overtime than if it had been paidimmediately.

In large western metropolises,where mobility is high andreligion is not a pervasive factor, interest is considered areasonable charge acknowledging the time value ofmoney. The objection of Greco and others to charginginterest turns on the "impossible contract" problem—finding principal and interest to pay back loans in amonetary scheme in which only the principal is put intothe money supply—but that problem can be resolved inother ways. A proposal for retaining the benefits of theinterest system while avoiding the "impossible contract"problem is explored in chapter 42 of my book. Aproposal for interest-free lending that might work is alsodescribed in that chapter.

A more serious limitation of private "supplemental"currencies is that they fail to deal with the mammothdebt spider that is sucking the lifeblood from thenational economy. "Supplemental" currencies allassume a national currency that is being supplemented.

Taxes must still be paid in the national currency, and somust bills for telephone service, energy, gasoline andanything else that isn't made by someone in the localcurrency group. That means community members muststill belong to the national money system. As StephenZarlenga observes in The Lost Science of Money:[S]uch local currencies do not stop the continuedmismanagement of the money system at the nationallevel—they can't stop the continued dispensation of monetaryinjustice from above through the privately owned andcontrolled Federal Reserve money system. Ending thatinjustice should be our monetary priority [emphasisadded].8

The national money problem canbe solved only by reforming thenational currency. And that bringsus back to the "money question" ofthe 1890s: greenbacks or gold? ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr:: Ellen Hodgson Brown, JD,developed her research skills as anattorney practising civil litigationin Los Angeles. Her interest in thedeveloping world and its problems

was sparked while living abroad for 11 years in Kenya,Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua. She returned topractising law when she joined the legal team of apopular Tijuana healer with an innovative cancer therapywho was targeted by the chemotherapy industry in the1990s. That experience resulted in her book ForbiddenMedicine (1998), which traces the suppression of naturalhealth treatments to the same corrupting influences thathave captured the money system. Her book The Web ofDebt: The Shocking Truth About Our Money System and How WeCan Break Free (Third Millennium Press, Baton Rouge,2007; expanded and updated third edition, 2008; ISBN978-0-9795608-2-8) was reviewed in NEXUS, vol. 14, no. 6.She is the author or co-author of 10 other books andnumerous articles.

Ellen Brown can be contacted via email [email protected] and via the following website


EEnnddnnootteess1. DeMeulenaere, Stephen, "A Pictorial History ofCommunity Currency Systems", 2000, available at Greco, Jr, Thomas, New Money for Healthy Communities,Tucson, Arizona, 1994, pp. 17-21, quoting "A PublicService Economy: An Interview with Edgar S. Cahn",Multinational Monitor, April 1989, available at ibid.4. Dykema, Ravi, "Complementary Currencies for Social

Change: An Interview with Bernard Lietaer", Nexus(Colorado's Holistic Journal), July/August 2003, availableat Johnston, David and Bernard Lietaer, "ECO2 CarbonCredit Card Project" (Draft Proposal), 31 January 20076. Taris, James, "Travel Without Money",http://www.TravelWithoutMoney.com7. Greco, Jr, Thomas, Money and Debt: A Solution to theGlobal Debt Crisis, Tucson, Arizona, 1990, p. 428. Zarlenga, Stephen, The Lost Science of Money, AmericanMonetary Institute, Valatie, New York, 2002, p. 660

IInn MMoosslleemm ccoommmmuunniittiieess,,iinntteerreesstt iiss aavvooiiddeedd bbeeccaauussee uussuurryy iiss

ffoorrbbiiddddeenn iinn tthhee KKoorraann..

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RReefflleeccttiioonnss oonn tthhee ""ccuurree"" ooff aa ppaarraallyysseedd ssttrrookkee vviiccttiimm

On 5 June 2009, the UK Times Online reported the details of themiraculous "cure" of Russell McPhee, a 49-year-old Australian manwho had a devastating stroke and was paralysed for more than twodecades. After multiple injections of Botox into his spastic

muscles, he was able to walk again. Before its well-known use on wrinkles, Botox was used for stroke victims to

counteract their muscles spasms. However, it is most unusual to get such apositive response after so many years, as in McPhee's case. Interestingly,Botox is botulinum toxin, a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacteriumClostridium botulinum. It is the most toxic protein known. The intense forcedrelaxation of McPhee's contracted muscles (along with physical therapy) wasthe key to initiating his "cure".

Professor John Olver, one of Australia's top stroke experts, was quoted inthe report: "We use botulinum toxin routinely for patients with spasticitywhich has been caused by stroke, brain damage or heart disease. But we useit very early on, usually within weeks of a stroke, to prevent the spasticityfrom becoming a problem. Sometimes the spasticity is so severe we injectthose muscles with botulinum toxin which relaxes the muscles enough toallow a physiotherapist to strengthen and stretch them. It is unfortunatethat this patient had to wait for 20 years and extremely unusual that histreatment was so successful after being immobile for so long. But he's veryfortunate that his muscles are strong enough to allow him to be able towalk."

During my many years of research investigating the role of bacteria aspossible agents in certain chronic diseases and in cancer, I was curious as towhether similar bacteria might play a role in heart disease and stroke or inchronic muscle disease.

There are a few reasons to suspect bacteria in these conditions. First,there is increasing evidence that bacteria (and viruses) may play a heretoforeunrecognised role in chronic illness. Second, there is evidence that theblood of both healthy and ill people contain bacteria. And third, there is anintimate connection between stroke, heart disease and chronic hypertension(high blood pressure).

BBaacctteerriiaa aanndd cchhrroonniicc mmuussccllee ddiisseeaasseeBy Googling "bacteria + muscle disease", one can easily review the

evidence for bacteria (particularly pleomorphic cell-wall-deficient bacteriaand mycoplasma) in certain chronic diseases in which muscular weaknesses,arthritic symptoms and fibrotic changes take place over time. Thesediseases include rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme disease, chronic fatiguesyndrome and others. Some patients with chronic diseases appear to behelped by long-term antibiotic therapy.



IInnccrreeaassiinnggllyy tthheeeevviiddeennccee iiss eemmeerrggiinngg

tthhaatt uubbiiqquuiittoouussbbaacctteerriiaa hhaavvee aa

ccaauussaattiivvee aaccttiioonn iinn aarraannggee ooff cchhrroonniicciillllnneesssseess iinncclluuddiinngg

hheeaarrtt aanndd mmuussccuullaarrddiisseeaasseess aass wweellll aassssttrrookkee,, yyeett mmoosstt

pphhyyssiicciiaannss hhaavvee nnoottyyeett mmaaddee tthhiissccoonnnneeccttiioonn..

bbyy AAllaann CCaannttwweellll,, MMDD ©© JJuunnee 22000099

Email:[email protected]


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Years ago, my autopsy research into the "acid-fastbacteria" discovered in systemic scleroderma convincedme that these microbes are implicated in the muscle,cardiac and kidney abnormalities that accompany thehardening and thickening of the skin in fatal cases.Figure 1 shows tiny, round, granular, coccoid-appearingbacteria in the deep portion of the skin in scleroderma.(For more details, Google "Alan Cantwell + scleroderma".)

BBaacctteerriiaa aanndd tthhee bbllooooddRecent research, based on molecular biology,

indicates that 90 per cent of thecells of the human body arebacteria cells! Despite thisamazing new discovery, mostphysicians do not believe thatbacteria are involved in any waywith the major diseases (heartdisease, stroke, cancer) that killmost of us. In addition, mostphysicians still believe thathealthy blood is sterile; that is,free of bacteria.

During the 1970s, GuidoTedeschi and his colleagues atthe University of Camerino in Italy showed that humanblood is universally infected with staphylococcus-likeand streptococcus-like bacteria.

In 1977, Domingue and Schlegel confirmed "theexistence of a novel bacteriologic system" in the blood.They cultured staphylococcus-like bacteria andfilamentous cocco-bacillary forms from 71 per cent ofthe blood specimens of ill patients and from seven percent of supposedly healthy people. These pleomorphic(varying in size and shape) bacteria grew out of round

complex "dense bodies" and developed into "ordinarybacteria". The authors concluded: "These organismsmay represent an adaptation of certain bacteria to life inthe blood." (Their full report, which contains full-screenpictures of the bacteria grown from human blood, isonline at

In the 1990s, microbiologists Phyllis E. Pease andJanice Tallak termed these blood bacteria as "the humanbacterial endoparasite". Finnish researcher Kajanderand colleagues described them as "novel bacteria-likeparticles" which are staphylococcus-like. These tiny

bacterial forms, like viruses, areable to pass through bacterialfilters and are exceedinglydifficult to culture. The Finnishteam called them"nanobacteria" and proposed atentative name for the novelagent: Nanobacteriumsanguineum.

In 2002, McLaughlin andcolleagues presented a studyentitled "Are there naturallyoccurring pleomorphic bacteriain the blood of healthy

humans?" The researchers were surprised to discoverbacteria in the blood, "since it is generallyacknowledged that the blood stream in healthy humansis a sterile environment, except when there is a breachin the integrity of the tissue membranes". (More detailson blood bacteria can be found in my article "All HumanBlood is Infected with Bacteria", posted on the Internet.)

In addition, these blood bacteria studies confirm thefindings of Günther Enderlein (1872–1968), WilhelmReich (1897–1957), Royal Raymond Rife (1888–1971),

Virginia Livingston (1906–1990),Gaston Naessens (1924–) and others,whose research can be easilyGoogled.

BBaacctteerriiaa aanndd hhyyppeerrtteennssiioonn Because cryptic bacterial infection

of the blood is not accepted by mostscientists, there have been nostudies correlating infection withhypertension. However, a recentlypublished report (16 May 2009)suggests that high blood pressurecould be caused by infection with acommon virus, known ascytomegalovirus (CMV), affectingbetween 60 and 99 per cent of adultsworldwide (see This new study broughttogether a team of researchers froma variety of disciplines—infectious

DDeessppiittee tthhiiss aammaazziinngg nneewwddiissccoovveerryy,, mmoosstt pphhyyssiicciiaannssddoo nnoott bbeelliieevvee tthhaatt bbaacctteerriiaa

aarree iinnvvoollvveedd iinn aannyy wwaayywwiitthh tthhee mmaajjoorr ddiisseeaasseess......

tthhaatt kkiillll mmoosstt ooff uuss..

Figure 1: Tiny, round, granular, coccoid-appearing bacteria in the deep portion of the skin in scleroderma

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diseases, cardiology, allergy and pathology—to lookmore closely at the issue.

Previous controversial studies linked CMV infection tohardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which leadsto hypertension, heart and kidney disease, and stroke.

BBaacctteerriiaa aanndd tthhee hheeaarrttIn an autopsy study entitled "Mycobacterial forms in

myocardial vascular disease," published in 1965, mymentors Virginia (Wuerthele-Caspe) Livingston and EleanorAlexander-Jackson first showedacid-fast bacteria in the heartmuscle, the coronary bloodvessels and the aorta. Later,they proposed a vaccine tocombat the bacteria that theyobserved not only in heartdisease but in cancer anddegenerative disease as well.(A summary of their researchcan be read by Googling USPatent 4692412.)

Figure 2 shows bacteria in the heart muscle at autopsyin a fatal case of AIDS.

Figure 3 shows bacteria in the heart muscle from anautopsied case of lymphoma cancer (mycosisfungoides).

Most recently, according to a BBC news report of 25May 2009, a scientific team headed by Arne Schaefer atthe University of Kiel found a common gene mutation inpatients with periodontitis (gum disease) and in heartattack patients (see Theteam also found similarities between the bacteria foundin the oral cavity and those incoronary plaques.

One theory is that the bacteriainvolved in gum disease trigger alow-grade inflammatory responsethroughout the body, resulting inchanges in the arteries which canlead to strokes and heart attacks.Another possibility is that thebacteria disturb the way bloodvessels dilate directly, since somebacteria can enter the bloodstream.

BBaacctteerriiaa aanndd ssttrrookkeeOnly recently has there been mild

interest in investigating the role ofbacteria in strokes. A Google searchusing key words such as "bacteria +strokes" leads to numerous webarticles, such as "Ulcer bacterialinked to stroke", "Bacteria in mouthcould predict strokes", "Antibiotics

help prevent strokes", etc. A stroke in the form of a haemorrhage pours blood

into the affected areas of the brain and damages thebrain cells and nerve connections. A stroke in the formof a clot does not allow blood to get to the cells.Obviously, much more research needs to be done in thisarea. If bacteria are universally present in the blood,they may play a role in stroke formation.

BBaacctteerriiaa iinn kkiiddnneeyy ddiisseeaasseeIt is well known that chronic

high blood pressure can lead tokidney disease. The role ofbacteria (particularlypleomorphic cell-wall-deficientbacteria) in renal and urinarydiseases has been studiedextensively by pioneeringmicrobiologist GeraldDomingue, author of Cell WallDeficient Bacteria (1982). (ThePubMed website posts hismany publications concerning

cryptic bacterial infection of the blood, kidneys andurinary tract. There is also an extensive biography onDomingue on Wikipedia.)

Tragically, there is little interest in studying the role ofbacteria in kidney disease. Figure 4 shows bacteriadetected in the kidney in a fatal case of systemicscleroderma. Note the similarity of these roundbacterial forms to the bacterial forms depicted in theskin of scleroderma cases (figure 1) and in the heartmuscles of patients who died of AIDS and cancer(figures 2, 3).

IIff bbaacctteerriiaa aarreeuunniivveerrssaallllyy pprreesseenntt iinn tthhee bblloooodd,, tthheeyy mmaayyppllaayy aa rroollee iinn ssttrrookkee


Figure 2: Bacteria in the heart muscle at autopsy in a fatal case of AIDS

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CCoonncclluussiioonnPerhaps the biggest reason why

bacteria are ignored in humandisease is that these microbes are soubiquitous. Everyone carries them,both in sickness and in health.Physicians are reluctant to acceptthat the same type of bacteriapresent in a healthy individual couldcause a variety of diseases in sickpeople.

However, almost all healthy peopleeventually die of diseases, such ascancer, heart or kidney disease orstroke. Livingston was fond ofsaying that "the microbe" is both thegiver and the taker of life. I think it isfair to say that we still know verylittle about the bacteria we carry inour bodies and the trouble they cancause as we age.

Regarding McPhee, why did abacteria-produced Botox productstart a healing? The paralyticproduct forced a "breaking up" of thetight, constricted muscle. This,along with the massage therapy,allowed better blood flow to themuscle.

Could bacteria be involved in somechronic muscular disease states? Iam reminded of an autopsy study ofa fatal case of AIDS in which Idiscovered tiny round bacterial formsin the skeletal muscle (figure 5).Fatal cases of AIDS are frequentlyassociated with muscle weaknessand "wasting".

Despite the heretical aspects ofthis report, I trust it will stimulateother researchers to search forsimilar bacteria in an attempt toelucidate their precise role in themost common chronic illnesses ofman. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Alan Cantwell, MD, is a retireddermatologist. His books The CancerMicrobe: The Hidden Killer in Cancer,AIDS, and Other Immune Diseases andFour Women Against Cancer areavailable from Aries Rising Press(,

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8811

Figure 3: Bacteria in the heart muscle from an autopsied case of lymphoma cancer(mycosis fungoides)

Figure 4: Bacteria in the kidney in a fatal case of systemic scleroderma

Figure 5: Tiny round bacterial forms in the skeletal muscle

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NNiikkoollaa TTeessllaaNNiikkoollaa TTeessllaa

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Pro-vaccinators claim eradication success with vaccines against twodiseases: smallpox and poliomyelitis. The problem is that boththese claims are not true, but many people believe them. In thisarticle, I deal with outbreaks of paralytic poliomyelitis straight after

mass vaccination programs in both developed and developing countries, aspublished in orthodox medical journals.

When the first, injectable, Salk polio vaccine was tested on some 1.8million children in the USA in 1954–55, cases of paralysis in the vaccinatedand some of their contacts started occurring within days (Francis et al., 1955;Peterson et al., 1955). It became known as the Cutter Incident. CutterLaboratories was accused of distributing vaccines which contained livepolioviruses. Even though paralysis also occurred after injections of otherpolio vaccines produced by different manufacturers, Cutter Laboratoriesbecame the scapegoat and was asked to withdraw all batches of its vaccines.

The disasters with the injectable polio vaccines causing paralysis seem tohave been one of the main motivations behind developing an oral poliovirusvaccine (OPV), which was believed to simulate the natural infection. Thereality proved such expectations wrong.

Henderson et al. (1964) wrote that since 1961, when oral poliomyelitisvaccines were first made available for general use in the USA, scatteredcases of paralytic disease have occurred in association with these vaccines.Many of these cases have been clinically indistinguishable from paralyticpoliomyelitis. Epidemiologically, the pattern of their occurrence has raisedthe possibility that some cases may have been caused by the vaccines. In1962, when the existence of this problem was first appreciated, the SurgeonGeneral of the US Public Health Service convened a Special AdvisoryCommittee which met on a number of occasions between August andDecember. The committee reviewed in detail the reported cases of paralyticdisease occurring within a period of 30 days following ingestion of the oralpolio vaccine. Of these, 11 followed "type III vaccine" and seven followed"type I vaccine". The committee concluded that "the maximum potential riskfor types I and III vaccine is in the order of one per million or less overall; buthigher for those over 30 years of age".

Now we know how the much-quoted rate of these vaccine-caused cases as"one per million or less overall" was born: it was created as a typical desk-top statistic by a committee and not achieved by a proper statistical study.(A proverbial camel: a horse created by a committee. Sorry, camels; onlyjoking!)

Importantly, poliovirus type III was the one most implicated. Thecommittee also made this allegation: "The total number of such reports[meaning paralysis after the administration of OPV] received by the PublicHealth Service through June 1964, is 123. This number includes those casesreviewed by the Committee in 1962. Of this total, 36 cases occurred in



TThhee hhiissttoorryy ooffppoolliioovviirruuss vvaacccciinnaattiioonnsshhoowwss tthhaatt aann oobbvviioouuss

ddiirreecctt ccaauussaall lliinnkkbbeettwweeeenn tthhee

aaddmmiinniisstteerreedd vvaacccciinneessaanndd ppaarraallyyssiiss wwaass

ddeelliibbeerraatteellyyccaammoouuffllaaggeedd bbyyrreesseeaarrcchheerrss wwhhoo

ttwwiisstteedd tthhee ffiigguurreessaanndd oobbsseerrvvaattiioonnss..

PPaarrtt 11 ooff 22

bbyy VViieerraa SScchheeiibbnneerr,, PPhhDD ©© 22000099

Scheibner Publications178 Govetts Leap RoadBlackheath, NSW 2785


Email: [email protected]

Page 38: Nexus   1605 - new times magazine

epidemic areas where mass immunization programswere undertaken as emergency control measures. Theremaining 87 cases were widely scattered and occurredin nonepidemic areas usually following community-wideoral poliomyelitis programs."

I find it hard to believe that, in a country with some220 million people and 2.5 million live births per year,there would only be some 200 cases of paralysis. Evenif it were true, then the number certainly would be morethan the much-quoted "one case in a million".

Because of the continued incidence of vaccine-associated cases, a committee was again convened bythe Surgeon General to re-assess the problem and todevelop recommendations for the future use of oralpoliomyelitis vaccines. The committee met on 17 and18 July 1965. Its recommendations, as far as thediagnosis of poliomyelitis is concerned, were as follows:

"1. Onset of illness between four and 30 daysfollowing feeding of the specificvaccine in question, with onsetof paralysis not sooner than sixdays after the feeding;

"2. Significant residual-lower-motor-neuron paralysis;

"3. Laboratory data notinconsistent with respect tomultiplication of the vaccinevirus fed;

"4. No evidence of upper-motor-neuron disease, definitesensory loss or progression orrecurrence of paralytic illnessone month or more after onset."

Of the 87 cases considered, 57 were judged"compatible" and 21 were excluded after carefulconsideration. In nine of the cases, the data wereconsidered insufficient upon which to make ajudgement. The "compatible" cases occurred largelyamong adults, 44 being 15 years of age or older andeight over 50 years of age. The onset of illness fellbetween four and 28 days, with the majority of casesoccurring within eight to 21 days following vaccineadministration. There was no apparent association ofcases with specific lots of vaccine or vaccine producedby a particular manufacturer.

It is obvious to me that this committee's mainmotivation was to exclude as many paralysis casesassociated with vaccination as possible. There was noconcern for the affected recipients of the polio vaccines;they were discarded and left to fend for themselves. Atruly mediaeval, feudalistic and, to say the least,unscientific attitude!

Under "Evaluation of the risk", the committee wrotethat it "recognizes that it is not possible to prove thatany individual case was caused by the vaccine and thatno laboratory tests available can provide a definitiveanswer".

The committee went further and stated the following:"1. The extent of the associated risk is sufficiently low

relative to the risk of naturally occurring illness inchildren to warrant continuation and intensification ofthe poliomyelitis immunization program throughout thenation, although with some changes in emphasis;

"2. Primary emphasis should be given in allcommunities to the immunization of all infants duringtheir first year of life. All communities which have notalready organized continuing programs for the effectiveimmunization of their infants and preschool children inall socioeconomic groups are urged to do so. (Thesuccess of such programs is requisite for attaining thegoal of the elimination of paralytic poliomyelitis since itis primarily these younger children who serve totransmit the natural infection within the community.)

"3. Communities which have not yet embarked uponmass immunization programs are encouraged to do so

during the coming fall andwinter (1964–65). (Suchprograms will be of value only ifthey succeed in reachingunimmunized persons,particularly preschool children,in lower socioeconomic areas.Before embarking on massprograms, all communitiesshould develop definite plansfor continuing immunizationprograms to care for newsusceptibles born into ormoving into the community)."

The statements and conclusions in the aboveparagraphs are important in that they started theavalanche of denials of the causal link between thedocumented administration of the offending vaccinesand the resultant symptoms (paralysis)—which, in myopinion, defies common sense. While it may bepartially true that the contemporary methods in the1960s may have been insufficient to prove the causallink, the obviously flawed methods and criteria foraccepting causality developed soon afterwards.Moreover, the repetition in innumerable countries ofdocumented outbreaks of polio within 30 days aftervaccination drives is sufficient to see that polio vaccinesof all kinds (OPV, IPV) do cause major outbreaks ofparalytic poliomyelitis, following vaccination drives, inareas that have not had any polio cases for a number ofyears.

The most important development was the publicationof Bradford Hill's 1965 paper, in which he defined ninepoints to be fulfilled for accepting causality. Alldocumented outbreaks of polio after vaccination drivesfulfill these nine points. Outbreaks of other infectiousdiseases in the vaccinated follow suit.

It is interesting that the pro-vaccinators frown uponthose, including myself, who study relevant medical


......ppoolliioo vvaacccciinneess......ddoo ccaauusseemmaajjoorr oouuttbbrreeaakkss ooff

ppaarraallyyttiicc ppoolliioommyyeelliittiiss,,ffoolllloowwiinngg vvaacccciinnaattiioonn

ddrriivveess,, iinn aarreeaass tthhaatt hhaavveennoott hhaadd aannyy ppoolliioo ccaasseess ffoorr

aa nnuummbbeerr ooff yyeeaarrss..

Page 39: Nexus   1605 - new times magazine

papers published before the 1990s, yet they try to writeoff such articles as automatically obsolete. As theabove published information shows, they are veryrelevant to the present situation in vaccination. Pro-vaccinators themselves still act upon obsoleteinformation such as outlined above (notwithstandingpractising Jennerian vaccination) and keep denying thatit is possible to prove causality and/or that seriousvaccine reactions are in the order of one in a million.Surely, modern medicine's diagnostic methods haveprogressed since the 1960s—or haven't they? Withmodern statistical methods, it is possible to calculatethe rates more precisely.

Similar "reasoning" applies to the pro-vaccinators'constant assertions that there are no known treatmentmethods to effectively manageinfectious diseases of childhood andtherefore that's why we have tocontinue preventing them byvaccination. They totally overlook thevaccines' obvious and documentedineffectiveness in preventing anydiseases, and the never-ending trail ofdisasters and very serious immune,autoimmune and degenerativediseases created in the process bymodern medicine which earns billionsof dollars from the vaccines.

Here, I agree with one thing, though:it is only orthodox modernmedicine that does not know howto effectively and correctly treat—or, rather, handle—infectiousdiseases, or any other diseases forthat matter. They "treat"everything with antibiotics, feversuppressants and painkillers,despite the obvious uselessness,inappropriateness and dangers ofthese drugs and without anyregard for individuality.

OOuuttbbrreeaakkss ooff ppaarraallyyssiiss dduurriinnggmmaassss vvaacccciinnaattiioonn pprrooggrraammss iinn tthhee UUSSAA

Besides the infamous Cutter Incident describedabove, outbreaks of paralysis after vaccinationcontinued occurring in the USA.

Nathanson (1984) presented epidemiological aspectsof poliomyelitis eradication. He wrote that massvaccination with oral polio vaccine was begun in theUSA in 1963, and the last outbreak of naturalpoliomyelitis occurred in 1972. Then he alleged thatthere was only one more outbreak, in 1979, due to theintroduction of wild poliovirus to an undervaccinatedAmish population. "Paradoxically, eradication occurredeven though 5%–10% of the population zero to 1 year ofage was unvaccinated and susceptible". First, this

statement is inaccurate, because not even 5%–10% ofthe Amish population are vaccinated (they claimreligious exemption to vaccination). Second, the firstcase of paralytic polio occurred in a nine-month-oldAmish baby who became paralysed five days after beinggiven a dose of OPV. Even though the US healthauthorities opened a vaccination clinic, the Amishresidents shunned it. They eradicated the outbreak bygiving it free rein and letting it eradicate itself. That'sexactly what happened. After all, all outbreaks are self-limiting.MMWR (1993) reported on the outbreak of 68 cases of

poliomyelitis among members of religious communitiesin The Netherlands. Because members of an affiliatedreligious community in Alberta, Canada, had direct

contact (i.e., travel to and from TheNetherlands) with members of theaffected community, health authoritiesin Alberta conducted an investigationduring January–February 1993 todetermine whether the poliovirus hadbeen imported. The investigationfocused on a small rural community insouthern Alberta that reported theonly cases of poliomyelitis from theprovince during the last poliomyelitisoutbreak in Canada in 1978 (11 cases).The author of this report wrote: "Thecommunity comprises members of [a]

religious group that generallyopposes vaccination."

Interestingly, according to theMMWR report: "...wild poliovirustype 3 (PV3) was isolated fromstool specimens obtained from 21(47%) of 45 persons (primarilychildren). Laboratoryinvestigations conducted by theNational Center for Enterovirusesin Halifax, including applicationof molecular technique incollaboration with laboratories atthe CDC [Centers for Disease

Control], determined that this PV3 was virtuallyidentical to the strain that caused the outbreak in TheNetherlands."

Perhaps the most revealing information wasunwittingly presented in an article by Schonberger et al.(1984). Their figure 1 shows the annual reportedparalytic poliomyelitis case rates for the USA during theperiod 1951–1982. The graph shows a steady fall in theincidence of paralytic poliomyelitis until 1974–75, whenit shot up threefold and remained high (with slight upand down fluctuations) until 1979; then the incidenceseemingly fell down again to the 1974 level.

This graph is practically identical to the graphs ofwhooping cough incidence published by Hutchins et al.


TThheeyy ttoottaallllyyoovveerrllooookk tthhee

vvaacccciinneess'' oobbvviioouussaanndd ddooccuummeenntteeddiinneeffffeeccttiivveenneessss iinnpprreevveennttiinngg aannyy

ddiisseeaasseess,, aanndd tthheenneevveerr--eennddiinngg

ttrraaiill ooff ddiissaasstteerrssaanndd vveerryy sseerriioouuss

iimmmmuunnee,,aauuttooiimmmmuunnee aanndd


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(1988). Their graphs show a steady downward trend inthe incidence of (and mortality from) whooping coughuntil 1976, when the incidence shot up threefold. Thiscoincided with the "nationwide childhood immunizationinitiative", when individual states were graduallypassing legislation requiring three doses of DTP(diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis) vaccine and OPV forschool entry, no doubt preceded by an advertisingcampaign for some time beforehand and accompaniedby intensified vaccination activity. The incidence ofboth whooping cough and polio quite obviously wentup threefold when vaccination became virtuallymandatory. I see it as clear evidence that thevaccinations caused the recipients to contract thediseases which the vaccines were supposed to prevent.

PPaarraallyyttiicc ppoolliioommyyeelliittiiss oouuttbbrreeaakk iinn TTaaiiwwaannKim-Farley et al. (1984) described an epidemic of

poliomyelitis cases (1,031) which occurred between 29May and 31 October 1982, after seven years of freedomfrom major outbreaks. Already by 1 September, theoutbreak had become one of the largest reported inTaiwan's history. Importantly, before this outbreak,approximately 80 per cent of infants had received at

least two doses of trivalent oral polio vaccine beforetheir first birthday. Because the outbreak occurred inthe face of high community-wide vaccination levels, theCDC (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) was invited to helpdetermine the extent of the outbreak, why it hadoccurred and whether OPV was an effective protectiveagent. (I have no doubt that the outbreak sent shockwaves through the vaccinators' camp—particularly so,since it was freely admitted and publicised and couldhave not been swept under the carpet.)

Kim-Farley and colleagues wrote that Taiwan's totalpopulation at the end of 1980 was 18 million, withapproximately 400,000 births per year. Persons underthe age of five comprised 11 per cent of the population.

Polio was first reported in Taiwan in 1913 and becameofficially notifiable in 1955. Inactivated polio vaccine(IPV) was introduced in 1958 and OPV in 1963. At thetime of the 1982 outbreak, routine vaccination in Taipeiand Kao-Hsiung (the two largest cities in Taiwan)consisted of a three-dose OPV schedule before the firstbirthday. An additional dose at about 18 months wasalso recommended.

From 1975 to 1981, no fewer than nine cases ofparalytic poliomyelitis were reported to the Taiwan

health authorities each year. Nopolio deaths were recorded after1978.

Cases of polio were defined asphysician-diagnosed paralyticpoliomyelitis. The vaccination statusof cases was determined frominformation supplied on case reportsand, importantly, "[v]accinationsreceived in the 28 days before theonset were not counted because theymight have been given afterexposure". These represented 65 percent of the cases. So, most caseswere excluded as vaccine-caused.

It is well established that mostcases of vaccine-derived paralysisoccur after the first dose of any poliovaccine. Marking the cases ofparalysis in the recipients of the firstdose within 28 days of thevaccination date as "unvaccinated" isnot only a major fraud—no doubtdesigned to "improve" theeffectiveness of the vaccine—but italso contravenes the definition ofvaccine-associated paralysis asdetermined by the US SpecialAdvisory Committee (a case whichoccurred within 30 days of thevaccine dose; Henderson et al., 1964,as above).

The indisputable reality of what


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happened in Taiwan is that 65 per cent of vaccineesdeveloped paralysis within 28 days of the first vaccinedose, thus confirming observations of others that themajority of vaccine-caused paralysis occurs after thefirst dose of any vaccine, the polio vaccine being noexception. The case fatality rate was nine per cent.However, this rate was calculated as per totalpopulation, even though the definition of polio is"infantile paralysis". It should have been calculated onthe numbers of children in the relevant age groups.

Moreover, because before this 1982 outbreak therehad been no outbreaks of polio in Taiwan for sevenyears, it is not likely that all those who developedparalysis within 28 days of the first vaccine dose werealready incubating the disease. In addition, less thanseven per cent of the surveyedpopulation had not received any OPV.

Equally flawed is the conclusion ofthe authors that failure to vaccinate,rather than vaccine failure, was themost important risk factor for the polioepidemic in Taiwan.

What sends shivers down my spineis the ease with which the pro-vaccinators got away with an obviouslyfraudulent analysis of the vaccine-caused outbreak of paralysis. At thesame, I praise both the authors andthe Lancet for publishing it in a waythat enables any intelligent readerto see through the smokescreenand mirrors. John (1985) wrote:"The proposed explanation—namely, pockets of lowvaccination coverage sustainingpoliovirus transmission andseeding an outbreak (5.8 cases per100,000—was unconvincing.Cases did not cluster in pocketsand, since the mean coverage ratewas very high, pockets of lowcoverage could have beeninfrequent...Taipei and Kao-Hsiung cities had high incidence despite bettervaccination efforts."

OOuuttbbrreeaakk iinn OOmmaannVirtually the same thing as described in Taiwan

happened in Oman. Sutter et al. (1991) and Sutter et al.(1992) described an outbreak of paralytic poliomyelitistype I (118 cases) between January 1988 and March1989. They wrote: "Incidence of poliomyelitis washighest in children younger than 2 years (87/100 000)despite an immunisation programme that recently hadraised coverage with 3 doses of oral poliovirus vaccine(OPV) among 12-months-old children from 67% to 87%."Despite?

Eighty-seven per cent of case patients in Omanreceived at least one dose of OPV, and 50 per centreceived at least three doses. The authors wrote:"Accumulation of enough children to sustain theoutbreak seems to have been due to previous success ofthe immunisation program in reducing spread ofendemic strains, suboptimum efficacy of OPV, and delayin completing the primary immunisation series until 7months of age. Additionally, the estimated attack rateof infection among children aged 9–23 months exceeded25% in some regions, suggesting that a substantialproportion of fully vaccinated children had beeninvolved in the chain of transmission."

Their statement that "3 doses of OPV reduced the riskof paralysis by 91%" is facetious: if most cases occur

after the first dose, there will be fewervaccinees left to develop paralysisafter the second dose and even fewerafter the third.

While alleging that "[w]idespreaduse of oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV)has led to the virtual elimination ofparalytic poliomyelitis inindustrialised countries, in addition tosubstantial reduction in the incidenceof the disease in the developingworld", the authors also stated:"However, the efficacy of OPV ininducing humoral immunity against

poliovirus type 1 and 3 in somecountries has been lower thanexpected. Recent outbreaks inThe Gambia, Brazil, and Taiwanhave also raised concern thatprimary reliance on routineimmunisation may be inadequateto achieve the goal of eradicatingwild poliovirus infection globallyby the year 2000."

The authors also wrote:"...vaccination coverage with 3doses of OPV at the time of theoutbreak was 87% for children

aged 12 months. Based on the number of reportedcases, the overall attack rate of paralytic disease inchildren 9–23 months was 57/100 000. There was nocorrelation between vaccination coverage and attackrates by region; the region with [the] then highest attackrate (Batinah, 117/100 000) had one of the highestcoverage rates (88%), whereas the region with thelowest coverage (Capital, 71%) had a low attack rate."

No correlation? In fact, there was a perfect correlationshowing that the vaccines caused the outbreak, thehighest incidence of paralysis occurring with the highestcompliance.

NNoo ccoorrrreellaattiioonn?? IInn ffaacctt,, tthheerree wwaass

aa ppeerrffeeccttccoorrrreellaattiioonn

sshhoowwiinngg tthhaatt tthheevvaacccciinneess ccaauusseedd

tthhee oouuttbbrreeaakk,, tthheehhiigghheesstt iinncciiddeennccee

ooff ppaarraallyyssiissooccccuurrrriinngg wwiitthh

tthhee hhiigghheessttccoommpplliiaannccee..

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8822

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TThhee ccllaammppddoowwnn oonneexxccaavvaattiioonnss aatt mmaannyyaarrcchhaaeeoollooggiiccaall ssiitteess iinn

EEggyypptt aanndd tthheeiinnccoonnssiisstteenntt aattttiittuuddeessooff aannttiiqquuiittiieess ssuupprreemmoo

DDrr ZZaahhii HHaawwaassss oonntthhee eexxiisstteennccee ooff

ttuunnnneellss aanndd ccaavviittiieesswwiitthhiinn tthhee GGiizzaa

PPllaatteeaauu ssuuggggeesstt aahhiiddddeenn aaggeennddaa iissbbeeiinngg ppllaayyeedd oouutt..

bbyy PPhhiilliipp CCooppppeennss ©© JJuunnee 22000099

PO Box 13722North Berwick EH39 4WB

United Kingdom

Email:[email protected]


Ten years ago, three books, Giza: The Truth (by Chris Ogilvie-Herald andIan Lawton), The Stargate Conspiracy (by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince)and Secret Chamber (by Robert Bauval), provided an overview of thecontroversy that was believed to surround the Giza Plateau and the

pyramids. The key question was whether it held any undiscovered, orpurposefully kept hidden, chambers, whether inside the pyramids or underor near the Sphinx.

The previous decade had seen a renewed interest in the plateau, partly dueto the theories of Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock and the discovery of adoor in an inaccessible part of the Great Pyramid. It was found on 22 March1993 by German robotics engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink during theinstallation of an air conditioning system. The discovery resulted in severalclaims, allegations and diatribes which, with the dawn of the newmillennium, slowly disappeared.

Today, interest in the mysteries of ancient Egypt seems to have waned andpeace seems to have been restored. But speak to people in the field and onthe ground, and a different picture emerges.

It is one of widespread condemnation of the Supreme Council ofAntiquities (SCA) and specifically of Dr Zahi Hawass, who has been itsSecretary General since 2002. Remarkably, many Egyptian archaeologistsargue that the organisation rules with dictatorial control, and that this is butthe tip of an iceberg of cover-ups, slander, embezzlement and perhaps more.Ten years on, no one seems to be writing about it but the situation is at leastas bad as back in 1999.

The Supreme Council of Antiquities is part of the Egyptian Ministry ofCulture and is responsible for the conservation, protection and regulation ofall antiquities and archaeological excavations in Egypt. Over the pastdecade, a television viewer might be forgiven for believing that there is onlyone Egyptologist, and that man is Hawass.

In truth, Hawass is more of an administrator than an archaeologist; onemight even argue that if the man had enough time to lead excavations, hewould not be fulfilling his task as administrator. But a television camera hasthe same attraction as light to a moth. Hawass is a controversial figure. Hewas at the centre of contention in the 1990s, and remains so today—now,more so in Egypt than abroad.

In the 1990s, Hugh Lynn Cayce reportedly said, according to Edgar Caycebiographer A. Robert Smith: "I got him [Zahi Hawass] a scholarship at theUniversity of Pennsylvania in Egyptology, to get his PhD. I got thescholarship through an ARE person who happened to be on the Fulbrightscholarship board."1 Hawass strongly denies this, though it is a fact that hewas admitted to the University of Pennsylvania through this scholarship.(Note: ARE is the Association for Research and Enlightenment, anorganisation set up to promote the work of the American "sleeping prophet"Edgar Cayce.)

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The ARE is interested in the Giza Plateau because, inthe 1920s, Edgar Cayce proclaimed that a "Hall ofRecords", containing information about the lostcivilisation of Atlantis, was hidden underneath the GizaPlateau near the Sphinx.

FFoorreeiiggnn AAffffaaiirrssYet while most have been looking at the ARE, it is

another organisation, the ARCE (American ResearchCenter in Egypt), that has been missed and whichseems to be the veritable puppet master.

One source contacted for this article said: "I am afrequent visitor to Egypt and when I speak togovernment officials, most don't like Hawass. There aremany archaeologists in Egypt that do excellent work.Anyone who visits Egypt and follows Egyptology seesthis first-hand. The only problem is Hawass and theSCA. Why? Because Hawass has been imposed uponEgypt by certain foreigners, andthis for a very long time. Theyhave chosen an ignoramus,have flattered him, given him aPhD through the ARCE. He's apuppet." Pressed as to whythat is, the source added: "Sothat the secrets will not get outand that they have the bestarchaeological concessions. IfHawass is still there, it's onlybecause he knows how to playwith nationalism. I hear himsay every day how foreignerswant to steal from the Egyptians and that theantiquities are Egyptian. It's clever, because it makes itappear as if he is fighting the Egyptian cause and hewon't be pushed aside." The source also noted: "TheSCA follows the orders of foreigners from whom it hasreceived help in guarding their interests." Indeed,though one might think that the Egyptians are incontrol of their own country, archaeologically speaking,that appearance can be deceptive.

The "puppet master" organisation is the AmericanResearch Center in Egypt. The ARCE's website states:"Among ARCE's many great achievements is ourrelationship with the Supreme Council of Antiquities(SCA) within the Egyptian Ministry of Culture, withoutwhom our work would not be possible. ARCE is viewedas making important contributions that serve to helpEgypt directly in its pursuit of cultural heritagepreservation."2

ARCE was founded in 1948 by "a consortium ofeducational and cultural institutions", and theorganisation underlines that it is also there to"strengthen American–Egyptian cultural ties" andespecially to "establish an official 'presence' for NorthAmerican scholars in Egypt". Interestingly, ARCE'swebsite adds: "Encouraged and aided by the USDepartment of State, in 1962 ARCE entered into an

expanded and more structured consortium, and wascharged with managing and distributing over $500,000yearly in Public Law 480 (Food for Peace) funds."3 Thismeans that ARCE fulfils both scientific and socialfunctions. However, seeing it works with the USDepartment of State, one could ask whether at onepoint ARCE was used or abused for other politicalpurposes, seeing Egypt has had an intriguing politicalpast in the battle between East and West.

Interestingly, during the writing of this article, onesource contacted me, claiming that frequently the SCAreceives from the US National Security Agency (NSA)satellite imagery containing information as to whetheror not there may be subterranean structures at certainsites. A few days later, on 11 May, the Egyptiangovernment announced via Culture Minister FaroukHosni (Hawass's boss) that "the researches conductedvia satellites have confirmed the existence of 132

archaeological sites in Egyptthat witnessed no excavationsuntil now".4 While Egypt hassome satellites in orbit, Hosnidid not specifically identify thesource of these images, thoughhe said that the project tophotograph monuments viasatellite was beingimplemented in collaborationwith the Egyptian NationalAuthority for Remote Sensingand Space Sciences (NARSS)and Mubarak City for Scientific

Research for the aerial photography and ground-basedlaser surveys.

KKeeeeppiinngg tthhee SSpphhiinnxx''ss PPaawwss DDrryyBut back to Hawass and the Sphinx. The above

operational framework was in evidence in April 2009,when Hawass reported: "Under my direction, theSupreme Council of Antiquities is working to reduce thegroundwater level around antiquities sites throughoutEgypt. We have completed a USAID-funded effort to de-water Karnak and Luxor temples, and work is underwayin many other places. One of our greatest recentsuccesses has been the development of a system toprevent the Great Sphinx at Giza from getting its pawswet!"5

Rather intriguingly, he added in his report titled "TheStory of the Sphinx": "Perhaps the most importantresult of the groundwater project was that it enabled usto put to rest speculation about mysteriousunderground tunnels and chambers carved below theSphinx by 'ancient civilizations'.

For years, I have debated people like John AnthonyWest, Robert Bauval, and Graham Hancock, who saythat survivors of a lost civilization 10,000 years ago leftsecrets buried beneath the Sphinx. These people alsoclaim that the erosion of the Sphinx was caused by

""TThhee oonnllyy pprroobblleemm iissHHaawwaassss aanndd tthhee SSCCAA..

WWhhyy?? BBeeccaauussee HHaawwaassss hhaassbbeeeenn iimmppoosseedd uuppoonn EEggyyppttbbyy cceerrttaaiinn ffoorreeiiggnneerrss,, aannddtthhiiss ffoorr aa vveerryy lloonngg ttiimmee..""

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water, and that this necessarily means that it dates backto long before the Old Kingdom. None of their theorieshas any basis in fact, but their supporters have insistedthat we should drill holes to try and find these hiddenchambers. I have always refused to permit such aproject in the past, because there was no scientific basisfor it. Because such drilling was a necessary part of ourwork to protect the Sphinx from groundwater, however,we did finally drill in the vicinity of the statue, and wefound that there were no hidden passages or chambersthere."6

Despite all the usual hype that Hawass uses tounderline his most mundane accomplishments, this isan unfortunate—and totally unscientific—conclusion.There are several studies, such asseismic work from 1992 and the Schorradar survey from 1996, which clearlyshow geological anomalies (readcavities), most of which are natural,but that is somewhat beside thepoint. In fact, one might argue—andsome have—that Hawass specificallytested for groundwater in thoseparticular locations where he was surethat no such cavities, natural or"hidden passages or chambers", wouldbe found. It would make sense to testfor groundwater, but Hawass's glibstatement, "that there were no hiddenpassages or chambers", cannot bereached from the limited researchthis test carried out. Withoutdoubt, there are cavities. Fullstop.

In fact, Hawass himselfannounced to the Egyptian presson 14 April 1996 that there aresecret tunnels under the Sphinxand around the pyramids. Hestated his belief that thesetunnels would prove to "carrymany secrets of the building ofthe Pyramids".7 Although peopleare allowed to change their minds, they should perhaps,13 years to the month, highlight their new position. NotDr Hawass.

However, Hawass's "Story of the Sphinx" report is alsocontrary to findings from scans carried out by Dr Abbasand team, published by NRIAG (National ResearchInstitute of Astronomy and Geophysics) in 2007. Butrather than comment on a fellow academic who has hadhis results published in a scientific publication,Hawass—for reasons that have nothing to do withscience, but are likely to do with grandstanding if notmore sinister motives—has a go at the likes of West,Bauval and Hancock.

And why the age of the Sphinx determined throughwater erosion has anything to do with the presence of

chambers beneath the monument it is not altogetherclear, either. But considering the other unscientificjumps Hawass makes, nothing should come as asurprise.

When one looks at Hawass's reports rather than at hisstatements to the press, an even more interestingpicture emerges. We learn that in early 2008, theSupreme Council of Antiquities co-operated with CairoUniversity's Engineering Center for Archaeology andEnvironment to drill four boreholes, each four inches indiameter and about 20 metres deep, into the bedrock atthe base of the Sphinx. A camera was lowered into eachborehole to allow examination of the plateau's geology.8

The "Story of the Sphinx" report contains severalgems, some of which Hawass shouldaddress, but instead he creates asmoke-and-mirrors show. One mightalmost wonder whether he does notwant this material to be noted; andjudging from what happened uponpublication, the few who reported onthe announcement indeed focused onthe "West–Bauval–Hancock sidebar"and not on the main show.

A separate scientific update statesthat 260 cubic metres of water arebeing pumped out every hour throughdrainage tubes. That's 6,240 cubicmetres or 6,240,000 litres of water per

day. An Olympic swimming poolhas 2,500,000 litres. In short,water of a quantity equal toalmost three Olympic swimmingpools is pumped away on a dailybasis from underneath theSphinx! Indeed, the Sphinx itselfcould roughly fit inside anOlympic swimming pool. Thereport continues that, as such,the water in front of the Sphinxhas been reduced to 70 per centof its original volume. But wait:no fewer than 33 monitoring

points were established to inspect the movement of thebody of the Sphinx and the surrounding bedrock, thisover a period of a month, and this monitoring provedthat they are steady.9

Now, unless I am seriously mistaken, for such seriousamounts of water to be moved hourly there would needto be at least one cavity, roughly the size of a smallswimming pool, which could fill up continuously withwater. In short, an underground lake. So the reportstrongly suggests the fallacy of Hawass's ownconclusions!

Which brings us to the next question: why are theyemptying an underground lake? For stability, or forsomething else? One might argue that removing thewater will reduce the stability of the Sphinx, which was

......oonn 1144 AApprriill 11999966,,HHaawwaassss hhiimmsseellff

aannnnoouunncceedd......tthhaatttthheerree aarree sseeccrreett

ttuunnnneellss uunnddeerr tthheeSSpphhiinnxx aanndd aarroouunndd

tthhee ppyyrraammiiddss.. HHee ssttaatteedd hhiiss bbeelliieefftthhaatt tthheessee ttuunnnneellsswwoouulldd pprroovvee ttoo

""ccaarrrryy mmaannyysseeccrreettss ooff tthheebbuuiillddiinngg ooff tthhee


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an obvious concern since this is why the stability of theSphinx area was being monitored. But apparently,based on a month-long observation, emptying thisunderground cavity does not endanger the stability ofthe surface structures. But why empty it in the firstplace? To keep the Sphinx's paws dry?

One source, when confronted with Hawass's reportsand my observation, has gone so far as to argue thatHawass—accompanied by Egyptologist Mark Lehner—had actually found this lake several years ago. The lakeis under the entire plateau, the area contained withinthe concrete wall (construction of which began in 2002).He added that, in his opinion, these projects werepreparation for an exploration of the Giza underworld.

SSccaannddaall aatt tthhee SSuupprreemmee CCoouunncciillSo, how should we interpret Hawass's actions? It is

clear that he likes the limelight and that he often makescontradictory statements. Butis there more going on? Someobservers have commented thatHawass's tight grip on allarchaeological works in Egypt isthe logical result of adeveloping nation that hassought desperately to put astop to the shameful looting ofits historical heritage.

The fact of the matter,however, is that recentdevelopments within the SCAhave brought to light wide-scale corruption, with leadinggovernment officials imprisoned for embezzlement. On8 October 2008, the former Head of Restoration inIslamic Cairo and two other Egyptian Culture Ministryofficials were jailed for 10 years for receiving bribes fromcontractors. The Cairo court ordered Ayman AbdelMonem, Hussein Ahmed Hussein and Abdel HamidQutb to pay fines of between LE 200,000 and LE550,000.10

Abdel Hamid Qutb was actually the head of thetechnical department at the SCA and reported toHawass. The contracts under suspicion were worthmillions of dollars and involved the restoration of someof Egypt's most famous monuments. Hawass was quickto defend Qutb at the time of his arrest in September2007, claiming that the accused was not in a position togive out contracts.

Hawass told the BBC's Arabic Service that contractsare only handed out after a "rigorous procedure", andQutb had no decision-making power.11, 12 The courtobviously ruled differently; and if Hawass made acomment at this point, I at least could not find areference to it.

In the interview at the time of Qutb's arrest, Hawassalso told the BBC that he takes "immediate actionagainst any employee with the slightest shadow of

suspicion hanging over them, even if the person turnsout to be innocent".13 Guilty until proven innocent, itseems, is the modus operandi within the SCA. Nowonder there are reports that Hawass is unpopularwithin Egypt.

RRoobboottss aanndd SSllaavveessThis is not the first time that Hawass has found

himself in murky waters. In fact, at the same time thatGantenbrink's robot uncovered the hidden door insidethe Great Pyramid on 22 March 1993, Hawass wassuspended from his then position as Chief Inspector ofthe Giza Pyramid Plateau. Synchronicity, or didGantenbrink make use of the power vacuum toannounce his finding in April 1993, knowing thatotherwise it might be suppressed?

What happened next is also interesting, and revealing.Upon the announcement, Gantenbrink was banned from

resuming his work. The EgyptianAntiquities Organization (EAO),the predecessor of the SCA,claimed that Gantenbrink hadbroken a "rule" of archaeologyby speaking for himself ratherthan through the "properchannels"—which are obviouslythere, by its own admission, tocontrol what gets out and whatdoesn't. What happened next isalso interesting, and revealing.Graham Hancock writes: "The[then] Director of the GermanArchaeological Institute in

Cairo, Dr Rainer Stadelmann, sided with the Egyptiansand condemned Gantenbrink for his press action. DrStadelmann was adamant about the non-importance ofthe find. 'This is not a door; there is nothing behindit.'"14 The President of the EAO, Dr Muhamad Bakr, wentso far as to claim the announcement a "hoax". Hestated: "The orifice of the shaft is too small for therobot to go through."15 History has shown Bakr to bewrong on both counts.

It was Bakr who removed Hawass from his position,claiming that a valuable ancient statue had been stolenfrom Giza under Hawass's watch.

To quote again from Hancock: "Three months later, inJune 1993, Dr Bakr himself was fired and replaced by DrNur El Din. Amid accusations of malpractice and fraud,Dr Bakr spoke of a 'mafia' which had been involved withthe Pyramids for 'the last twenty years'. Refusing to givenames, Dr Bakr said, 'I wanted the whole matterinvestigated by the prosecution authorities, but myrequest was refused.'"16

In early 1994, Hawass was reinstated to his position.Though Bakr is clearly not the most credible source,there are nevertheless clear echoes of the ARCE.Hawass's reinstatement was "said to have been broughtabout by American intervention", according to Chris

TThhee llaakkee iiss uunnddeerr tthhee eennttiirreeppllaatteeaauu...... HHee aaddddeedd tthhaatt,,

iinn hhiiss ooppiinniioonn,, tthheesseepprroojjeeccttss wweerree pprreeppaarraattiioonnffoorr aann eexxpplloorraattiioonn ooff tthhee

GGiizzaa uunnddeerrwwoorrlldd..

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Ogilvie-Herald, writing in the British magazine Quest forKnowledge.17 At the very least, Hawass seems to be quitefortunate in that no matter what, whether it involvestolen statues or his technical department head beingfined and imprisoned, he remains immune to it all.

Gantenbrink never returned to work inside the GreatPyramid. He even offered the Egyptian authorities theuse of his robot—because only a robot can penetratethe air shaft—and volunteered to train an Egyptiantechnician to operate it, but his suggestions were nottaken up.

However, Hawass eventually argued that the discoveryof the door was extremely interesting and would befurther explored. In March 1996, he stated that the doorwould be opened in September that year.

The month was right, but it was on17 September 2002 that the door wasfinally opened. The event wasbroadcast "live" on Fox TV in Americaand transmitted to 140 countries viathe National Geographic Channel.The end result was the discoveryof...another door, which Hawassclaimed would be opened soon.Seven years later, the world stillwaits...

During the 2002 live broadcast,Hawass made some intriguing throw-away remarks. For instance, he arguedthat "'it was not 'slaves' who builtthe pyramids, but 'greatEgyptians'". Afterwards, he toldthe Arabic newspaper AlGomhoreya that "[t]he results ofthe robot's exploration refute theallegations reiterated by Jews andsome western countries that theJews built the pyramids".18

Of course, the exploration of anair shaft does no such thing. Butan equally serious scientific fauxpas is that no one actually claimsthat the Jews, as slaves, ever builtthe pyramids. Roughly speaking, if this were anhistorical event, it would have occurred c. 1,000 yearsafter the building of the pyramids. Practically anyone ofsome education in the western world is aware of this.But one of the leading archaeologists and the protectorof Egypt's heritage is not, it seems.

The claim of one journalist contacted for this article,that Hawass frequently abuses nationalism, is thereforequite pointedly illustrated by the above example. Otherjournalists and observers have gone further, though,positing that in their opinion Hawass is anti-Semitic. Inmy opinion, Hawass suffers from a severe case of verbaldiarrhoea whenever a camera or a microphone is placedin front of him, leading him to make various"interesting" statements.

SSuupppprreessssiioonn aanndd DDiissiinnffoorrmmaattiioonnOn a more serious note, the SCA—read Hawass—has

a stranglehold on most of the research occurring inEgypt and whether and how it gets reported. This is inevidence in the case of Gantenbrink, who broke the"rule", and also in the case of Dr Abbas, whose officialGiza report has been stopped from publication for a verylong time. Sources contacted for this article say thatthey, too, have several reports waiting to be published,but there is always one delay or another. This kind oftreatment, of course, is not science but control, if not agag order. Some might argue that there is a seriousbacklog, while others might shout cover-up.

Indeed, why does the SCA place such stringentpenalties on the publication of scientific reports without

its consent, the penalty often beingthe denial of access to Egyptianarchaeological sites? These are themeasures of a dictatorship at best,and are far removed from anyscientific approach.

No one will argue that Egypt aloneis in charge of deciding who digswhen, where and to what extent, eventhough it is clear, in light of the SCA'sconnection with ARCE, that this is nottruly the case. But once permissionhas been given, the participatingscientists and organisers surely

should have the power to decidewhen and where to publish theresults, rather than being literallygagged by the SCA until it—ifever—deems it appropriate torelease the results, and eventhen sometimes demandingeditorial changes. And all of thisoccurring without any externaloverview.

One source went so far as toargue that Hawass's approach isone of disinformation: thatHawass carefully twists scientific

results that do not conform to the standard history ofancient Egypt; and that as he exercises sole control andmakes himself the medium, he can almostsinglehandedly maintain the status quo of Egyptianhistory. This "Hawass touch" is clearly in evidence in thespin in his 2009 Sphinx groundwater report. But thenthe important question is: why?

The answer has already been given: Hawass tries tomaintain the consensus view of ancient Egyptianhistory. This is why he often singles out Hancock,Bauval and West. Hawass realises that these are themost vociferous and dangerous parties that can goagainst him, but they are not alone in feeling his wrath.Hawass denies findings when they don't fit with hisagenda, and defames any individual for daring to have a

OOnnee ssoouurrccee wweennttssoo ffaarr aass ttoo aarrgguuee

tthhaatt HHaawwaassss''ssaapppprrooaacchh iiss oonnee ooffddiissiinnffoorrmmaattiioonn——

tthhaatt HHaawwaassssccaarreeffuullllyy ttwwiissttsssscciieennttiiffiicc rreessuullttss

tthhaatt ddoo nnoottccoonnffoorrmm ttoo tthhee

ssttaannddaarrdd hhiissttoorryy ooffaanncciieenntt EEggyypptt......

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different idea and not releasing it through his office. In 2008, Professor Barry Kemp reported on his

research at the city of Amarna, created by the rebelpharaoh Akhenaten. The pharaoh was obviouslydespised and, in the decades following his death, theancient Egyptians tried to remove any mention of hisexistence. It was reported that Kemp and his teamfound skeletal remains at Amarna that show "signs ofmalnutrition, extreme labour, and the lowest age ofmortality witnessed at excavations of Pharaonic sites".19

This evidence goes a long wayto confirm that Akhenatencreated a brutal regime, one ofwhich few were proud.

However, the findings wereimmediately subjected tocriticism from Hawass, whoused the Egyptian state newsservice to accuse the excavatorsof "distorting history". Heclaimed that their findings were"not based on any admissiblescientific proofs" and addedthat "[b]uilding Akhenaten citywas an obsession for ancientEgyptians like the Giza Pyramids and workers wanted torealise a national achievement to be proud of". Hawass,by his comments, was later described as "indulging inempty chauvinism".20

Hawass is also proud that he "worked to strengthenEgypt's antiquities law" and that in 2002 he "worked tohave a new law enacted forbidding excavation in encourage documentation and preservationrather than excavation".21 Indeed, Hawass is proud ofthe fact that he has stopped all excavations in UpperEgypt! One can only wonder why. No one will arguethat documentation and preservation are important, butto the exclusion of everything else—and to make it alaw, rather than just an internal guideline?

Finally, when interviewed about geologist RobertSchoch's theory that the Sphinx is much older than thethe pyramids, Hawass stated: "If geologists prove whatSchoch is saying, still in my opinion, as an Egyptologist,the date of the Sphinx is clear to us."22 In short, nomatter what the evidence, Hawass claims it is all "clear"to him. It is clear that for Hawass, Egyptology is areligion, not a science. Many would agree that this isindeed the case for "Egyptology under Hawass", andthey desperately want change.

EEggyyppttoollooggyy uunnddeerr CChhaalllleennggeeThough Hawass can and

should be blamed for manythings, it is equally a matter ofrecord that Egyptology as ascience is seriously in need ofspring-cleaning. It mightperhaps come as a surprise tolearn that since c. 1840 theparadigm of Egyptian historyhas remained firmly in place.Serious scientific evidence hasoften been put aside tomaintain a dogma, and Hawass

and many other "scientists" are religiously sticking to it. In 1984, 85 samples were taken from the Giza Plateau,

including five from the Sphinx, which were submitted forcarbon-dating. The results showed dates from 3809 to2869 BC. It meant that the accepted Egyptianchronology for the building of the Giza pyramids wasout by 200 to 1,200 years. Bauval quotes Mark Lehner:"The Giza pyramid is 400 years earlier thanEgyptologists believe."23

Equally, in the 1950s, Zakaria Goneim, then ChiefInspector of Egyptian Antiquities, found the inviolatesarcophagus of Third Dynasty pharaoh Sekhemkhetinside his pyramid. When the sarcophagus was opened,there was no mummy inside. It was an empty

sarcophagus. In this case, "graverobbers" could definitely not beblamed. In fact, in many instances,including with the Great Pyramid,Egyptologists have identified graverobbery as the reason for an emptysarcophagus. If it were a crime sceneinvestigation, few detectives wouldreach a similar conclusion basedupon the available evidence.

Egyptology, in fact, looks withdisdain upon ancient records such asthose of the first century BChistorian Diodorus Siculus, whowrote that not a single pharaoh wasburied in a pyramid which he hadconstructed for himself, but that thepharaohs were buried instead in asecret place.

EEggyyppttoollooggiissttss pprreeffeerr ttooaarrgguuee——ddeessppiittee eevviiddeenncceetthhaatt pprroovveess ootthheerrwwiissee——

tthhaatt tthhee ppyyrraammiiddss aarree bbuuttttoommbbss..

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Egyptologists prefer to argue—despite evidence thatproves otherwise—that the pyramids are but tombs.

Dutch author Willem Zitman ponders why today'sscientists do not want to admit that the ancient Greekswere all schooled in ancient Egypt, as they themselvesclaimed. Instead, he says, they prefer to pretend as ifthe Greeks discovered everything by themselves andthus they can make claims that the Egyptians didnothing whatsoever to further science or knew nothingof astronomy. Zitman adds that although archaeo-astronomy has been taught as a scientific disciplinesince 1983, Egypt has hardly been discussed—a notableexception. And it is precisely when such a vacuum iscreated that it will be filled by theories of the likes ofRobert Bauval. If Egyptologists do not like that fact,they should not blame Bauval...

Zitman, a qualified building engineer, also notes thatthe pyramids themselves are the greatest victim of thecurrent state of Egyptology. He argues that whenEgyptologists are confronted with problems to do withbuilding techniques, their shortcomings are easilyexposed. This is evident in the treatment of Frenchmaterials scientist Professor Joseph Davidovits, one ofthe most respected scientists in his field in the worldbut who has been labelled an idiot and the like byEgyptologists—and by Hawass in particular. Hawassand others among his colleagues clearly fail tounderstand anything of what Davidovits is trying toexplain to them.

As a consequence of this absence of knowledge andunwillingness on the part of Hawass and colleagues toinvite experts to help them in this regard, there is littlework done on the pyramid era, which has becomeknown as a "lost era". I. E. S. Edwards, a former Keeperof Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum, oncenoted that Egyptologists do not like pyramids.

In the end, Hawass does stand for, and sums up, thecurrent state of Egyptology. He blames the likes ofWest, Bauval and Hancock for making ridiculousstatements, but in August 1996—unsurprisingly, whilein front of a camera—Hawass was scrambling through atunnel leading under the Sphinx, stating: "No one reallyknows what's inside this tunnel. But we are going toopen it for the first time."24 This is further evidence thathis 2009 statement is a complete and utter distortion—if not of the truth, then at least of what he said before.

So, in 1996, there were tunnels. But in April 1999,Hawass appeared on Fox TV—which, as we know fromits coverage of President Bush's antics, is not renownedfor its neutral or scientific approach—and denied theexistence of tunnels going out from the Tomb of Osiris,an underground structure near the Sphinx. In April2009, he repeated this story, as if he needed to do soonce per decade. But, as mentioned, in August 1996 hewas actually filmed walking inside a tunnel under theSphinx!

As Bauval points out in Secret Chamber, the controversyinvolving Hawass and the Giza Plateau dates back manydecades: "Meanwhile something unusual happenedinvolving Zahi Hawass. For reasons that are not clear hestarted a dig in front of the Sphinx temple, apparently inconnection with the Institute of Underground Water ofthe Egyptian Ministry of Irrigation. A drilling throughsome fifty feet [15 metres] of debris struck red graniteinstead of the natural limestone of the area."25

Red granite is not native to the Giza Plateau; the onlysource is Aswan, hundreds of miles to the south. Thevery presence of red granite, discovered in 1980 in thevicinity of the Sphinx, proves that there is somethingunderneath the Giza Plateau. And if Hawass saysanything different, it should first be seen as a case of"methinketh he protesteth too much". ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Based in the UK, Philip Coppens has contributed 15articles to NEXUS, most recently "Göbekli Tepe: TheWorld's Oldest Temple" (see 16/04).

He is the author of several books, including The NewPyramid Age (2007; reviewed in NEXUS 14/06). He was aspeaker at the 2007 NEXUS Conference in Queensland,Australia.

Philip Coppens can be contacted by email [email protected] and via his website

EEnnddnnootteess1. Bauval, Robert, Secret Chamber: The Quest for the Hall of Records,Century, London, 1999, p. 195; also see ibid.4. 5.’s-paws-dry6.

7.’s-paws-dry9. ibid. 14. ibid.16. ibid.17. Picknett, Lynn and Clive Prince, The Stargate Conspiracy, Little,Brown & Co., 1999, p. 7718. ibid.21. Milson, Peter (ed.), "Age of the Sphinx" (transcript of programtransmitted on 27 November 1994), Broadcasting SupportServices, London, 1994, p. 2023. Bauval, op. cit., p. 19824. Bauval, op. cit., p. 194

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A24 per cent weight loss hasbeen achieved on a spinningdisc, claims Australian

engineer Ted Roach. "This will change the way we live,

and our understanding of physicsand the universe itself," Roach said.

The experiment involved rotating aslightly concave disc, charged with ahigh positive voltage, and measuringits weight loss.

The first results were achieved inSydney, Australia, in 2007, and werefurther developed this year.

DDeessccrriippttiioonn ooff EExxppeerriimmeennttThe equipment involved a 45-

centimetre-diameter disc made froma slightly concave dielectric ofplastic (or fibreglass). The concavityof the base was equivalent to asection from the surface of a sphereof a radius of 200 metres.

The underside of the disc wascovered with a foil composed of 97per cent silver and three per centcopper. The disc was then immersedin a mercury bath and the amalgamsurface polished. Aluminium foilwas then placed on the top side ofthe disc. The disc was then weighed.

An insulated stand was thenplaced on scales capable of readingto an accuracy of one gram. Theinsulated stand had an attachmentcapable of spinning the disc. Thedisc was then spun, with noobservable weight loss beingrecorded.

A 400,000-volt Van de Graaffgenerator was then used topositively charge the underside ofthe disc. When the disc was spun,its weight loss was recorded as

varying between 11.24 per cent and24.00 per cent, as compared to theweight of the spinning unchargeddisc. The weight loss only occurredwhen the disc was charged andspinning.

TThhee GGrraavviittoonn LLeennssTed Roach describes the rotating

disc as a "graviton lens". "I describe gravitons as like

photons (light), except photons aregiven off by electrons in the outershell of atoms, whereas I believegravitons emanate from the nucleusof the atom under very strong fieldsand pass through all matter formingthe gravitational field," he said.

"A graviton lens is a rotating discthat bends gravitons and focuses thegravitational field at a point abovethe disc. Masses then fall towardsthe new focal point."

Graviton lenses essentially explainthe phenomenon that the universe isexpanding exponentially, and whyflying saucers can control gravity.

"There are billions of stars in theMilky Way galaxy and billions ofgalaxies in the known universe which

have survived for billions of years.This fact demonstrates that absolutecontrol over the laws of nature isincorporated in their structure," saidMr Roach.

"My hypothesis is that galaxies,solar systems and flying saucers areall graviton lenses and that theyhave the capacity to bend gravitonsand therefore change the structure ofthe gravitational field.

"My years of experiments havecentred around the development offunctioning scale models that depictand duplicate the 'magnetic wind'that encompasses both galaxies andsolar systems. With reference to thephysics developed in my book ThePhysics of a Flying Saucer, and inparticular by harnessing the higherorder of intensity in the magneticfield, it became possible to replicatenature and change the gravitationalfield.

"After my earlier research intogravity, and after my provisionalpatents were confiscated by theAustralian Defence Department andthe Australian Safeguards Office, Icontinued to work in a private




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capacity and in a secludedenvironment.

"This technology is considered as apotential threat to national securityin the USA and many othercountries, so it is a complete wasteof time going down the patentroute," Mr Roach commented.

"I am revealing this technologynow so that it is not secreted awayinto military projects and thus keptfrom being of benefit to mankind.This technology will allow the worldto move into a new level ofinnovation. It will replace motorvehicles, aeroplanes and rockets,and that is only the beginning," MrRoach said.



Physicists are currentlyconcerned that the universe isexpanding at an increasing rate,

and that this is not explained byGeneral Relativity (GR).

Under General Relativity, theuniverse should expand at areducing rate, then reach a point and

begin to collapse in on itself.Either there is an explanation for

the expanding universe withinGeneral Relativity, or GR itself needsmodification—or there is a morecomplete theory.

HHyyppootthheessiiss Gravitons exist. Galaxies and solar

systems are graviton lenses whichrefocus the gravitational field,resulting in an expanding universe.

The universe is made up ofgalaxies and, within them, solarsystems. Our solar system, forexample, is a flat disc and the Sungives out a solar wind made ofpositive ions travelling at 450kilometres per second. The planets(except tiny Pluto) are all in a planewithin the solar wind.

Under Special Relativity, thevelocity of a particle relative to astationary observer creates a timechange on the particle proportionalto the velocity squared. The solarwind therefore creates a magneticfield or time field in the shape of adisc, surrounding the solar system.

The hypothesis is that the solarwind is a graviton lens and thatgravitons from the centre of the

Milky Way galaxy are bent as theyenter the Sun's solar wind. Thisresults in the solar system'sexpansion away from the galacticcentre at an ever-increasing speed.

The changed graviton field causedby the graviton lens creates avariable time field and acts like thesail on a sailing boat, which movesthe boat forward although it istravelling into the wind. Thedirection of the gravitons isirrelevant. It is the intensity of thetime field that determines thedirection of the gravitational forceon a mass. For example, gravitonsfrom the Earth radiate outwardsforming the gravitational field, yetthe intensity is towards the Earthand that is the direction of thegravitational force.

On a spinning disc, a variable timefield is also formed. The direction ofthe motion of a mass on a spinningdisc is at right angles to the motionof the disc and in the direction of theintensity of the time field. The sameapplies to the sail on a boat. Thedirection of the force driving theboat forward is in the direction ofthe more intense time field createdby the air mass passing over both

sides of the sail.Graviton lenses are

c o n c a v e - s h a p e dmagnetic fields thatare strong enough tobend gravitons and re-focus the gravitonsfrom the galacticcentre. The increasedintensity as thegravitons changedirection on enteringthe solar wind causesincreased motion inthe direction of thenew focal point.

Galaxies, like solarsystems, are alsoshaped as discs. Theircentral cores radiatepositive ions to also


The Sombrero Galaxy (M104), an example of a graviton lens (Photo:

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NNEEWWSSCCIIEENNCCEENNEEWWSSCCIIEENNCCEENNEEWWSSCCIIEENNCCEEform graviton lenses around eachgalaxy. Gravitons from the centralcore of the universe are bent as theyenter these graviton lenses.

Galaxies are graviton lenses, andthese lenses change the gravitationalfield and cause the universe toexpand at an ever-increasing rate notexplained by General Relativity.

Furthermore, the hypothesis thatgalaxies are graviton lensesresulting in a radial acceleration isconsistent with the Milky Way andAndromeda galaxies, located in asimilar neighbourhood, being pulledcloser due to their own gravitationalfields.

PPrroovviinngg tthhee HHyyppootthheessiiss:: MMaakkiinngg aaGGrraavviittoonn LLeennss

Gravitational, electric andmagnetic forces are "apparentforces", and are more accuratelydescribed as one-, two- and three-dimensional time fields. UsingSpecial and General Relativity,formulae for the rate of change oftime in these dimensional timefields, as well as the time intensity ineach field, can be derived.

(A paper showing the formulae asderived was submitted to PhysicalReview Letters some years ago, and alecture was given to over 200attendees at a meeting of thePhysics Society at the University ofSydney.)

If the solar wind is a magneticfield, or three-dimensional time fieldcapable of bending gravitons, thesame effect can be achieved with anintense magnetic field (Tm).

From the formulae, the timeintensity on a particle in a magneticfield "Tm" is proportional to thecharge "q" on the particle, its velocity"v" and its acceleration "a". Acharged rotating disc satisfies theformulae. To produce a gravitonlens, the charge "q" needs to bepositive and the base of the discneeds to be a very shallow concaveshape.

An experiment was conductedusing a circular plastic disc, 1.2metres in diameter and slightlyconcave. The protective paper onthe disc was quickly removed tocreate a positive charge and the discwas spun. The spinning disc rosefour metres and hovered, then fell tothe floor. The experiment wasrepeated with a discharged disc. Noupward motion occurred.

Confirmation of this experiment,especially in a vacuum, needs to beconducted by other independentparties.

Further experiments have beenconducted using a plastic disc with ashallow concave base. The base ofthe disc was then covered with a thinlayer of silver amalgam. Analuminium plate was fixed on top ofthe disc to form a capacitor. The topwas charged and the base of the discwas discharged. This resulted in thebase of the disc having positivelycharged metal ions of Hg and Ag.When the disc was spun, its weightnoticeably reduced.

These experiments need to beverified under controlled conditions.

CCoonncclluussiioonnGraviton lenses prove the

existence of gravitons. Gravitonlenses can bend the path ofgravitons. The expanding universe iscaused by galaxies and solar systemsbeing graviton lenses.

With these exciting results,controlled experiments and furtherresearch and development arejustified in order to commercialisethe graviton lens.

Commercial applications for theuse of the graviton lens areunlimited in their potential torevolutionise methods of travel(including space travel),communication, lifting of heavyloads, clean energy systems,replacement of fossil fuels, medicaltechnologies and more. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Ted Roach is an engineer and theauthor of The Physics of a Flying Saucer(1997; reviewed in NEXUS, vol. 4, no.5). An e-book version can bepurchased from article "The Physics of Space,Time and Flying Saucers" waspublished in NEXUS, vol. 5, no. 2.

Ted Roach can be contacted at POBox 697, Wahroonga NSW 2076,Australia, and by email [email protected].

Engineer Ted Roach with one of his experimental discs

Page 54: Nexus   1605 - new times magazine


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bbyy SStteevveenn MM.. GGrreeeerr MMDD

From his sighting of a UFO at an early age, to his amazing near-death experience at age 17, to his unraveling of the secret cabal

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AA MMuusstt RReeaadd!!!!AA MMuusstt RReeaadd!!!!

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TThhee JJaaddee TToowweerr

In Tibetan scriptures and in Far Eastern tradition, there is an ancient andwidespread belief in a Secret Kingdom of Wise Men living in seclusion ininaccessible mountainous parts of Asia. Orientalists call this mysterious

place Chang Shambhala, or Northern Shambhala (sometimes spelledShamballa). Tibetan monks insist that there is an enigmatic valley of greatbeauty, surrounded by a circle of snowy mountains extending from northernTibet into Mongolia, that is inaccessible to travellers without experienced ormystical guidance.

It is said in tradition that this hidden land is unreachable except toinitiates or persons dedicated to the spiritual resurrection of mankind. Itscentre is highlighted by the famous Jade Tower that stands in an ancient citywhich monks claim is heated by warm water rising from undergroundstreams, and the steam generated rises into the atmosphere to form anatural temperature inversion. This valley is not seen from the air becausethe phenomenon produces a high, light, misty cover that conceals theunderlying landscape. Various exploratory teams journeying in theHimalayas claimed to have camped by hot thermal springs that nourishedrich vegetation in areas outside of which there was nothing but desolation,rock and ice. Like the Tibetans, Russians and Chinese, the people of Indiaalso believe in the reality of an abode of perfect men and women which theycall the Kalapa (sometimes Katapa) of Shambhala, who live in the constantpresence of other-worldly energies.

Professor Nicholas K. Roerich, an eminent Russian author, painter andexplorer (1874–1947), spent five years, from 1923 to 1928, trekking throughall seven Tibetan prefectures. He wrote in his book Himalayas – Abode of Light(N. K. Roerich, Nalanda Publications, Bombay, 1947) that this secret valley isbeyond great lakes and the snow-covered peaks of the highest mountains inthe world. It seems that Professor Roerich actually reached Shambhala, andfor this reason his books and paintings were thoroughly analysed for thisarticle, as were the works of his son, Dr George Roerich (1902–1960), anoutstanding orientalist, philologist, art critic and ethnographer with degreesfrom Harvard and the Sorbonne. The Roerich family lived in the Kulu Valleyof northern India, in close proximity to the border of western Tibet, and fromthere organised several major expeditions into unexplored areas of theTibetan Plateau, the highest land on Earth. These expeditions were mannedby dozens of Norwegian, Sherpa, Tibetan, Mongol and Chinese assistants,and at times their missions endured for many months.

Another renowned researcher, Andrew Tomas, author of Shambhala: Oasis ofLight (Sphere Books, London, 1977), spent many years in Tibet, where helearned that the realm of Shambhala is situated in a valley sheltered onevery side by mighty snowy ranges and that its residents retreat into hugesubterranean catacombs.


LLeeggeennddss ooff tthheemmyysstteerriioouuss

HHiimmaallaayyaann kkiinnggddoommooff SShhaammbbhhaallaa hhaavveeppeerrmmeeaatteedd wwoorrlldd

hhiissttoorryy ffoorr cceennttuurriieess,,aanndd sseevveerraall

eexxttrraaoorrddiinnaarryyiinncciiddeennttss aadddd ttoo tthhee

mmyyssttiiqquuee ssuurrrroouunnddiinnggtthhiiss eexxoottiicc rreeaallmm..

PPaarrtt 11 ooff 22

by Tony Bushby © June 2009


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These and other explorers of Asia have written aboutunsuspected valleys lost amidst colossal snowymountains on the Tibetan Plateau, said to lie hiddensomewhere in the vast reaches of the Himalayas.

The Bhagavata Purana and the Sanskrit encyclopaediaVachaspattya locate Shambhala on the northern side ofthe Himalayas at the foot of Mount Meru, where manybelieve that the temporal and the eternal meet. A moredefined location is shown on a 17th-century mappublished in 1830 in Antwerp by Csoma de Körös, anHungarian philologist who had spent four years in aBuddhist monastery in Tibet.

He gave Shambhala's geographical bearings asbetween 45 and 50 degrees north latitude beyond LakeManus Hu, approx. 100 kilometres east of the village ofKaramay. Remarkably, another old monastic document,sighted by Russian explorerNikolai M. Prjevalsky(1839–1888), defines thelongitude of Shambhala as at88 degrees (N. M. Prjevalsky,Mongolia, London, 1876,translated by Boris Fereng, p.63). These two coordinateslocate the domain ofShambhala as slightly east ofthe Altai Mountains, a majormountain system in CentralAsia, peaking at 4,506 metres(14,783 feet), and preciselywhere the Roerich expeditionstrekked on several occasions.

TThhee SSeeccrreett EEnnttrraannccee ttoo tthhee ""VVaalllleeyy ooff tthhee IImmmmoorrttaallss""For millennia, the peoples of Asia have believed this

forbidden territory to be well guarded, accessible onlyto the pure of heart. But the questions to be addressedare: who are the people that live in this secludedarea...and what is their nature? Tibetan legend insiststhat this secret place is inhabited by "SilentSentinels"—formerly ordinary men and women whoreceived a "passport" to Shambhala because of theirspiritual progression.

Andrew Tomas presents impressive evidence fromTibetan sources in ancient monastic libraries that hewas privileged to access, and his findings help us learnmore about this enlightened colony:The Brotherhood of Shambhala is presided over by a smallhierarchy of superior beings sometimes alluded to asMahatmas, which in Sanskrit means "the great-souled ones".They are superhuman beings with preternatural powers whohave completed their evolution on this planet but remain withhumanity in order to facilitate its spiritual progress ... the life-span of their bodies is almost indefinite because the Wheel ofRebirth has stopped for them.

(Andrew Tomas, Shambhala: Oasis of Light, op. cit.,pp. 43-44, passim)

In other words, they are Immortal Beings—and fromwhat is known about this galaxy of illumined peoples,the concept of reincarnation is an essential part of theirphilosophy. Tibetan manuscripts add that "from timeimmemorial, a dynasty of wise rulers of celestial originhas ruled the Kingdom of Shambhala and preserved thepriceless legacy of Kalachakra, the mystic science ofEsoteric Buddhism" (Giuseppe Tucci, Tibetan PaintedScrolls, Rome, 1949, vol. 1).

After seven years in Tibet and China, German authorHartwig Hausdorf wrote in his book Die weisse Pyramide("The White Pyramid") that the Elders of Shambhala "arenot entirely of this world; they smack more of an AlienMind...a species that the Universal Mind has placed onour Earth" (Hartwig Hausdorf, Die Weisse Pyramide,republished in English by New Paradigm Books, Florida,

1998, pp. 92, 102, passim). Since time immemorial,

Tibetans and other Asian raceshave believed that in theirmidst lived sages who hadliberated themselves fromdeath and wandered the Earthand the Universe at will in aphysical body. Ancients calledthem "holy immortals" andclaimed that they haddeveloped a series ofalchemical "elixirs ofdeathlessness", includingpowdered jade mixed with

cinnabar that they drank to help prepare their bodies forthe state of hsien—material immortality in anetherealised body.

The now-called Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett werewritten between 1880 and 1885 by Mahatmas who weresaid to have actually inhabited Shambhala itself, andthus they represent a first-hand source about the realmfrom within the closed circle of the Sages of the Eastthemselves. (Alfred Percy Sinnett [1840–1921] was theBritish editor of the English daily newspaper, the Pioneer,in Allahabad, India, where he lived from 1879 to 1889,and who was privileged to be admitted into theHimalayan Brotherhood of High Yogis.) From thiscorrespondence, Sinnett wrote The Occult World (1881)and Esoteric Buddhism (1883), both of which had a majorinfluence in generating public interest in Theosophy.The replies and explanations given by the ShambhalanMahatmas to Sinnett's questions were embodied intheir letters and published in 1923 as The Mahatma Lettersto A. P. Sinnett. (The original letters from the Mahatmasare preserved in the British Library and can be viewedby special permission in the Department of RareManuscripts.)

The picture of this mysterious kingdom comes furtherinto focus after a study of the writings of the Mahatmas,who were believed to be a class of people with


FFoorr mmiilllleennnniiaa,, tthhee ppeeoopplleessooff AAssiiaa hhaavvee bbeelliieevveedd tthhiissffoorrbbiiddddeenn tteerrrriittoorryy ttoo bbeewweellll gguuaarrddeedd,, aacccceessssiibbllee

oonnllyy ttoo tthhee ppuurree ooff hheeaarrtt..

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prophetic abilities. In one letter to Sinnett in 1881, theauthor, the venerable Mahatma Morya, an easterninitiate of Rajput birth, describes the imposing secretentrance into the Valley of the Immortals:At a certain spot not to be mentioned to outsiders, there is achasm spanned by a frail bridge of woven grasses and with araging torrent beneath. The bravest member of your Alpineclubs would scarcely dare to venture the passage, for it hangslike a spider's web and seems to be rotten and impassable. Yetit is not; and he who dares the trail and he will ifit is right that he should be permitted...comes into a gorge ofsurpassing beauty of scenery, to one of our places and to someof our people, of which and whom there isno note or minute among Europeangeographers. At a stone's throw fromthe old lamasery stands the old Towerwithin whose bosom have gestatedgenerations of Bodhisattvas[compassionate persons whoseessence is perfect knowledge].

(Passport to Shambhala, publishedby the West Siberia Geographical

Society, 1923, Letter 18, p. 31,English translation by Professor

Vladimir Andrei Vasiliu, 1933[includes a complete collection of

The Mahatma Letters to A. P.Sinnett])

The dwellers of various villagesin Tibet have claimed that nonecan pass certain areas without apermit: Mahatma Morya addedto the intrigue:You have already heard fromreliable travellers how guides refuseto lead them in certain directions.They would rather let themselves bekilled than lead you forward. So, ifa reckless traveller nevertheless goesforward, a mountain landslide begins to rumble before him. Ifthe traveller surmounts this obstacle, then a shower of stoneswill carry him away, for the unwelcome one shall not attain hisdestination.

(op. cit., Letter 18, p. 32)

People and animals are known to have unnaturallytrembled on approaching certain localities in that area,as if bombarded by invisible rays. An unnamed 19th-century Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, "...atone stage travelled the long journey from Lhasa toMongolia and at one place on the route people andanimals in his caravan began to quiver for no apparentreason. The Dalai Lama explained the phenomena bysaying that the party was crossing part of the forbiddenzone of Shambhala whose psychic vibration was toohigh for the travellers" (N. K. Roerich, Heart of Asia,

Roerich Museum Press, New York, 1930; also AndrewTomas, Shambhala, op. cit., p. 54).

The Russian explorer N. M. Prjevalsky and the Germanlinguist and historian A. H. Francke record in their booksthe strange behaviour of natives who could not beforced under any condition to enter certain districts innorthern Tibet (N. M. Prjevalsky, Mongolia, op cit., p. 101;A. H. Francke, A History of Western Tibet, Partridge and Co.,London, 1907). A Russian member of one of Roerich'sexpeditions personally told Andrew Tomas that theirgroup had the same experience in the depths of Asia,where, for no apparent reason, assistants in the

expedition refused to proceed furtherat one spot in northern Tibet. TheRussian himself admitted that hecould not understand why he did notfeel like riding any further, saying thatit was "weird and inexplicable", afeeling that he did not wish toexperience again (Andrew Tomas,Shambhala, op. cit., p. 58).

MMyysstteerriioouuss MMoouunnttaaiinn PPeeoopplleeIn Turfan, Sinkiang, western China,

Roerich expedition members listenedto an intriguing story of a tall, dark-

haired woman wearing an earnestexpression on her face whoregularly came out of the deepcaverns to help the needy, herdeeds instilling great respectamong the populace throughoutthe entire Asiatic region.

"Riders vanishing with torchesinto subterranean passages werealso mentioned" (Andrew Tomas,Shambhala, op. cit., p. 59), as wereeyewitness reports of brightlyclad, crowned lamas (supposedlyfrom Shambhala) seen seated in

palanquins, each carried by four men. Roerich indicates that tall, slim, white-skinned people

had been seen disappearing into rock galleries upon theapproach of strangers. Later, when his expedition wascrossing the Karakoram Pass, Roerich relates that hewas informed by a native guide that tall, white-clad menand women had been seen on occasions appearing fromsecret entrances in that area, and sometimes travellerswere helped by these mysterious mountain people. Inthe early 1900s, the Statesman newspaper in Indiapublished a story about a British major who had seen atall, lightly clad man with long hair leaning on a highbow and scanning the valley.

Noticing the major, the man jumped down a verticalslope and disappeared. The natives calmly said toRoerich, "He had seen one of the snowmen who guardthe sacred land" (N. K. Roerich, Heart of Asia, op. cit.).


""TThhee DDaallaaii LLaammaaeexxppllaaiinneedd tthhee

pphheennoommeennoonn bbyyssaayyiinngg tthhaatt tthhee

ppaarrttyy wwaass ccrroossssiinnggppaarrtt ooff tthhee

ffoorrbbiiddddeenn zzoonnee ooffSShhaammbbhhaallaa wwhhoosseeppssyycchhiicc vviibbrraattiioonnwwaass ttoooo hhiigghh ffoorrtthhee ttrraavveelllleerrss......""

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In one of his paintings, Roerich portrays a SnowMaiden amidst rocks and snow, also holding a bow. Inspite of the glaciers and the apparent cold conditions,she is lightly clad as if protected from the cold by awarm aura. Roerich adds:In the foothills of the Himalayas are many caves, and it is saidthat from these caves subterranean passages proceed far belowKinchinjunga. Some have even seen the stone door which hasnever been opened because the date has not arrived. The deeppassages proceed to the splendid valley.(N. K. Roerich, Himalayas – Abode of Light, op. cit., cited

in Andrew Tomas, Shambhala, op. cit., p. 39)

Professor Roerich's reference defines the "splendidvalley" of the "Immortals". Early in his long journey,Roerich came across pilgrims who told him: "Behindthose mountains live holy menand women who are savinghumanity through Wisdom;many have tried to see thembut failed ... somehow as soonas they go over the ridge, theylose their way" (N. K. Roerich,Heart of Asia, op. cit.; also AndrewTomas, Shambhala, p. 59, passim)."Yet Nicholas Roerich went intothat territory on a pony.

He remained absent for a fewdays and, when he returned,Asiatics prostrated themselvesat his feet, exclaiming that hewas a 'god', for no man couldhave penetrated the frontier of Shambhala withoutdivine credential" (Andrew Tomas, Shambhala, op. cit., p.58).

Maybe there was a reason for Roerich's unrestrictedentry into the forbidden enclave, for the Mahatmasassured Sinnett: "...[those whom we] desire to know will find us at thevery frontiers" (Passport to Shambhala, op. cit., Letter 15, p.131). Roerich's remarks to a lama (religious teacher) inTibet suggest first-hand knowledge of his reachingShambhala: "We ourselves have seen a white frontierpost of one of the three posts of Shambhala" (N. K.Roerich, Himalayas, op. cit.).

Apart from searching for the home of the Mahatmas,the purpose of one of Roerich's expeditions across Tibetand Xinjiang to Altai in 1928 is not made entirely clearin his diary, but it appears to have been related to thereturn of a small section of a sacred Cosmic Stone to itsrightful home in the Jade Tower in the centre ofShambhala.

"This fragment was last sent to Europe to aid in theestablishment of the League of Nations which, thoughending in failure, was so desirable after the First WorldWar" (J. Saint-Hilaire, On Eastern Crossroads, New York,1930, cited by Andrew Tomas, Shambhala, op. cit., p. 63).

This fragment was said to be part of a much largerCosmic Stone, and it seems that Roerich was apredestined carrier to return it to Shambhala.

AA LLoosstt OOaassiiss ooff AAddvvaanncceedd SSppiirriittuuaall CCuullttuurreeThe folklore of old Russia also points to the reality of

a community of inspired men and women at a place inthe heart of Asia, called Belovodye, in Russian—theLand of the Living Gods. In the annual Journal of theRussian Geographical Society for 1903, there is an articletitled "The Journey of Ural Cossacks into the BelovodyeKingdom", written by an explorer named Korolenko.Likewise, in October 1916 the West Siberia GeographicalSociety published an account by Belosliudov, a Russianhistorian, titled "To the History of Belovodye".

Published as they were by scientific bodies, both ofthese articles are of greatinterest because they reveal astrong tradition that stillcirculates among "old believers"in Russia, one that maintainsthat Belovodye is a secretearthly paradise existingsomewhere in the area of farsouthwestern Siberia.

These two articles lendsupport to our basic theme of ahidden, sacred kingdomsomewhere around thenorthernmost regions of Tibet, akingdom of ancient highwisdom.

The traditional tale about the extraordinary, reclusivepeople of an ancient civilisation in this hidden land wasrelayed by a mysterious native sage to Russianpsychiatrist and author Dr Olga Kharitidi during her stayin remote Siberia:Their main achievements had been in developing the innerdimensions of the mind; their entire society possessed abeautiful spiritual intensity that in modern materialist cultureis experienced only by a few. They possessed incrediblepsychological wisdom. They were able to control their personalexperience of time, and they had learnt to communicatetelepathically over great distances. They had great skills inprojecting the future, and their social structure was the mosteffective that ever existed.

(Dr Olga Kharitidi, Entering the Circle,HarperSanFrancisco, 1996)

But one law of the Valley of the Immortals foreverremains in force, that being that "the unwanted shallnot reach" it (Road to Shambhala, a rare 18th-centuryTibetan book written by the third Panchen Lama or"Great Scholar" (1738–1780), translation by Cheng Yuan,1901).

Only those who have heard "Kalagiya, the call toShambhala sent on the wind" (ibid.) or by telepathic


TThhiiss ffrraaggmmeenntt wwaass ssaaiidd ttoobbee ppaarrtt ooff aa mmuucchh llaarrggeerr

CCoossmmiicc SSttoonnee,, aanndd iitt sseeeemmss tthhaatt RRooeerriicchh wwaass aa

pprreeddeessttiinneedd ccaarrrriieerr ttoorreettuurrnn iitt ttoo SShhaammbbhhaallaa..

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communication from the Great Masters can ever hopeto arrive safely in the "Valley of the Wisest People onEarth" (L. C. Hamamoto, The Soul Doctrine, Lhasa,translation by C. Chan, 1916, p. 67).

EEyyeewwiittnneessss RReeppoorrttss ooff SShhaammbbhhaallaaDuring the first century CE, Apollonius, a highly

regarded and charismatic Greek sage, received "the call"and travelled to Shambhala. He had earlier received"directions" and knew exactly where to find what wasthen called the "Abode of the Sages" (A. P. Sinnett,Esoteric Buddhism, London, 1903 reprint from the 1883original).

Apollonius was born at Tyana in Cappadocia in thethird year of this era and died in 98CE. He was named after the Greekgod Apollo, and the populace fondlycalled him "the son of God"(Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th ed., vol.10, "Apollonius"). He taught thedoctrine of the "Inner Life" (ibid.), wentbarefoot, wore his hair long,cultivated a beard and clothedhimself in white linen garments. Onhis travels he took an Assyrian scribecalled Damis, who documentedApollonius' sayings and deeds in adaily diary. It was from Damis'collection of 97 codices that theremarkable stories of Apollonius'life experiences were preserved.

Around 200 CE, Empress JuliaDomna, second wife of theBritish-born Roman EmperorSeptimus Severus (emperor from193 to 211 CE), exhibited such aninterest in the momentousevents in Apollonius' life that shecommissioned the Greek scribeand sophist, Flavius Philostratus(c. 170 – c. 245 CE), to write thebiography, which he called TheLife of Apollonius of Tyana.

From these records, we learn that Apollonius stayed inthe Trans-Himalayan country for many months(Philostratus, The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Loeb ClassicalLibrary, London, 1912, eight books in two volumes,translated by F. C. Conybeare; note that the upcomingApollonius quotes are drawn from Book 3, which isalmost entirely devoted to his journey to northernTibet). Upon Apollonius' arrival in "a city under themountain called Paraca" (ibid.), he presented a letter tothe then king, Hiarchas (Iarchas in some translations,meaning "Holy Ruler"), and was surprised to learn thatits contents were already known to the king.

Apollonius turned to Damis and said, "We havereached men who are unfeignedly wise, for they seem to

have the gift of foreknowledge" (ibid.). During his timethere, he witnessed incredible things such as wells inthe ground projecting vertical beams of brilliant bluishlight. He also talked with amazement about what hecalled pantarbes, or luminous stones, that could beactivated to radiate so much light that night could beturned into day at will. The scientific and mentalachievements of the inhabitants of this lost cityimpressed Apollonius so much that he only nodded hishead when King Hiarchas said to him, "Ask us whateveryou like, for you find yourself among people who knoweverything" (ibid.). Apollonius enquired as to who theythought themselves to be, and King Hiarchas replied,"We consider ourselves to be gods" (ibid.). Not only did

Apollonius see the people ofShambhala utilise the power of theSun, but......he saw them levitating themselves twocubits [approx. one metre] high fromthe ground, not for the sake ofmiraculous display, for they disdain anysuch ambition; but they regard any ritesthey perform, in thus quitting earth andwalking with the Sun, as acts of homageacceptable to the God.(Philostratus, The Life of Apollonius of

Tyana, op. cit., Book 3)

Parallel phenomena were reportedin the 20th century by renownedorientalist, author and the firstwestern female lama, MadameAlexandra David-Néel(1868–1969), thus supporting theancient records of Philostratus.She describes Shambhala as arealm "not moored in time orspace as we are; Shambhala ishere today and gone tomorrow"(Alexandra David-Néel, Magic andMystery in Tibet, DoverPublications, New York, 1971, first

published in 1929).Of the inhabitants of Shambhala, Apollonius said they

were "living upon the earth and yet not on it, andfortified without fortifications, and possessing nothing,yet having the riches of all men" (Philostratus, The Life ofApollonius of Tyana, op. cit., Book 3).

As for the ideology of the inhabitants, King Hiarchasprofessed a cosmic philosophy according to which "theUniverse is a living thing" (ibid.). The Mahatma Lettersstresses the fact that they are not atheists or agnosticsbut pantheists in the widest sense of the word, believingthat God and the Universe are ultimately identical.Their concept of cosmic evolution is the basis of whythe idea of reincarnation is a major part of thephilosophy of the Guardians of Mankind.


......hhee wwiittnneesssseeddiinnccrreeddiibbllee tthhiinnggss

ssuucchh aass wweellllss iinn tthhee ggrroouunndd

pprroojjeeccttiinngg vveerrttiiccaallbbeeaammss ooff bbrriilllliiaanntt

bblluuiisshh lliigghhtt.. HHee aallssoo ttaallkkeedd

wwiitthh aammaazzeemmeennttaabboouutt wwhhaatt hhee

ccaalllleedd ppaannttaarrbbeess oorrlluummiinnoouuss ssttoonneess......

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TTrraannss--HHiimmaallaayyaann SSttoonneehheennggeeIn 1928, and at an altitude of 4,572 metres (15,000

feet) in his Trans-Himalayan journey, Roerich wasstunned to see three long straight rows of tall, verticallystanding, inscribed stones distinguished from thesurrounding environment by their peculiar shape anddesign. This huge stone complex ended with a largecircle of standing stones with three menhirs in itscentre. He described the structure as a combination ofStonehenge in England andCarnac in the ancient Celticworld of Brittany, sites that hehad visited previously. Hiscaravan was destined to stopovernight near this stoneenigma, but he stayed for threedays and discovered fouradditional rows of vertical stoneformations in surroundingareas.

Amazed by what he waswitnessing, Roerich asked hisTibetan guides, "Pray tell me, whoset these stones?" He was told: "Nobody knows ... butthis district from ancient times has been called Doring... the place of the sacred standing stones. Our Ancientssay that an unknown people passed here a long timeago; they stopped for several generations but it did notbecome their permanent abode" (N. K. Roerich,Himalayas, op cit., passim). Roerich marvelled at the factthat travelling through the heights of the Trans-Himalayas he came across "the embodiments ofStonehenge and Carnac" (ibid.).

MMoorree SSttrraannggee PPhheennoommeennaa iinn TTiibbeettPeculiar happenings have occurred in this vast

territory, and some of those events reveal the presenceof superior spiritual beings.

Madame Alexandra David-Néel, in her book TheSuperhuman Life of Gesar of Ling (published by ClaudeKendall, New York, translation by Violet Sydney, 1934,first published in 1931), relates a personal and curiousepisode that took place in the small town of Jyekundo,

located in a desolate district innortheastern Tibet. Whilethere, she met a Tibetan lamawho had the reputation ofoccasionally disappearing intoa snowcapped mountain regionwhere no villages existed andwhere a person could easilystarve or quickly freeze to death.Inevitably he would return tocivilisation after some time, andin reply to curious questions hewould only say that he hadbeen with "gods in the

mountains" (ibid.). One day, Madame David-Néel half-seriously asked the

lama if, on his next trip, he would present a small gift ofa bunch of Chinese paper flowers to "the Ruler of theMountains" (ibid.).

Some months later, returning from his journey intothat mysterious domain, he handed the French savant asouvenir given to him by that very person. It was abeautiful blue flower that blooms in southern Tibet inJuly. David-Néel was stunned, saying that in Jyekundo at

that time the temperature was 20degrees below zero, the river wascovered with a layer of ice twometres deep and the ground wasfrozen solid.

"Where did you get this from?" sheasked in amazement. The lamaanswered, "Maybe from a warmvalley in the north" (ibid.).

Roerich also recorded a series ofextraordinary supernaturalhappenings, one being the suddenappearance of Rigden Jyope (orDjapo), the Ruler of Shambhala. It issaid that when he entered aparticular lamaist temple, thecandles all suddenly lit themselves.Roerich relayed this story: There was a case of a suddenappearance of an exquisite perfume, asif from temple incense, right in theheart of the Gobi with the stony desertextending for hundreds of kilometres inall directions.


RRooeerriicchh wwaass ssttuunnnneedd ttoo sseeee tthhrreeeelloonngg ssttrraaiigghhtt rroowwss ooff ttaallll,,

vveerrttiiccaallllyy ssttaannddiinngg,, iinnssccrriibbeeddssttoonneess ddiissttiinngguuiisshheedd ffrroomm tthheessuurrrroouunnddiinngg eennvviirroonnmmeenntt bbyy

tthheeiirr ppeeccuulliiaarr sshhaappee aanndd ddeessiiggnn..

This painting by Roerich, titled The Black Gobi, shows a few of hundreds of ancientinscribed vertical standing stones on the barren heights of the Himalayas near theGobi Desert. © Nicholas Roerich, 1928; private collection (Note: Beautifulreproductions of many of Roerich's paintings can be purchased from the NicholasRoerich Museum, New York; visit

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Not a single temple or hut was in sight and yet allthe members of the expedition experienced the scentin their nostrils at the same time. This hadhappened on several occasions and there wasabsolutely nothing to explain it.

(Quoted in Andrew Tomas, Shambhala, op.cit., p. 57)

In the dark of numerous nights, Roerich sawvivid flashes of vertical pillars of white lightstreaking into the sky. "What is happening?" heasked his lama guides. They answered, "Theseare the rays from the Tower of Shambhala" (N.K. Roerich, Himalayas, op. cit.), explaining thatthe beams were purposely directed upwardsfrom a large, triangular-shaped, glowingstone—the so-called Chintamani Stone—thatsat atop the Jade Tower. They told him itpossessed occult properties capable of givingtelepathic inner guidance and effecting atransformation of consciousness in those incontact with it.

The astonishing thing about this tradition is that theChintamani Stone is said to have been brought to Earth"on a winged horse [a lung-ta] by messengers of the godsfrom a solar system in the constellation of Orion" (DrWalter Y. Evans-Wentz, The Tibetan Book of the GreatLiberation, Oxford University Press, 1954).

It seems that there was more than one of thesestrange and "Precious Stones" (ibid.), for, according toancient lamaist lore, three of these pyramidal capstoneswere brought to Earth and set up in various locationswherever a spiritual mission vital to humanity wasestablished. A suggestion is that one was on thesummit of the Great Pyramid at Giza, another on theJade Tower of Shambhala, and the third may now be

under the sea in a place we know as Atlantis.

TThhee MMyysstteerryy ooff tthhee MMaaggiiccaall SScceeppttrreeIn Tibet, it is traditionally held that in the year 331 CE

a chest "came from the sky" (Andrew Tomas, Shambhala,op. cit., caption in photographs section), in which werefound four sacred objects. Among them was a magicalgolden rod called a dorge, said to have extraordinarysupernatural capabilities. Fabulous accounts of this rodhave been circulating in Tibet for centuries, and silver,brass and iron replicas are found in most Tibetanlamaseries today. It is believed that it emanated abrilliant radiance during special religious ceremonies,and in the hands of the King of Shambhala it was

capable of focusing andmanipulating potent cosmic forces.It is said that it also had the power ofcasting thunderbolts and burningholes in clouds.

Many years after the discovery ofthe casket, five strangers suddenlyappeared before the then King ofShambhala, Tho-tho-ri Nytan-tsan,and instructed him on the proper useof the objects in the casket.

PPeeccuulliiaarr CCrraafftt oovveerr tthhee HHiimmaallaayyaassMahatma Morya called Shambhala

"the City of Science" (Passport toShambhala, op. cit., Letter 62, p. 101),and that makes it appropriate toexamine the possibility that thiscolony (or colonies) of a superiorculture possesses an advancedtechnology.


This is a replica of a magical sceptre with strange powers that Tibetanlamas said "came from the sky" for the use of the kings of Shambhala.© British Museum, London (Department of Asia)

This painting, titled Command of Rigden Djapo, like many of Roerich's workscontains concealed messages. Note the darkened fuselage of a sleek aircraftangled upwards, complete with a vertical tail section (left of picture). In the topleft corner, he subtly depicts pyramidal structures, maybe references to the 100 orso pyramids now known to exist in northern Asia. © Nicholas Roerich, 1926–27;private collection, Moscow

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That the inhabitants of this enigmatic settlement arescience-conscious can be established from a storyrelayed by Roerich about a lama who was returning tohis lamasery after a long trip from an outlyingcommunity. In a narrow secret subterranean passage,the lama met two men carrying a thoroughbred sheep,and they told him the animal was for scientific breedingin the Valley of the Immortals (N. K. Roerich, Altai-Himalaya: A Travel Diary, Arun Press, Brookfield, CT, 1983,first published in 1929).

In another account of Central Asia, titled Beasts, Menand Gods, researcher and author Dr FerdinandOssendowski records some fascinating facts, and hisdocumentation is as intriguing to readas that of Nicholas Roerich, AlexandraDavid-Néel and Andrew Tomas. AMongol lama told Dr Ossendowski notonly about an extensive tunnel systemunder the Himalayas but of "strangevehicles that rushed through them atextremely high speed" (FerdinandOssendowski, Beasts, Men and Gods, E. P.Dutton & Co., New York, 1922).

To speak of machines moving rapidlyunderground is to suggest atechnological achievement of a highcalibre in a time that appears toprecede our currentunderstanding of complexmachinery by centuries. Thistradition originated long beforethe western world developed anysort of technology. There is asimilar rumour that subterraneanvehicles once operated under theGiza Plateau (10th-century Arabictraditions). We should considerthe possibility that maybeShambhala and the GreatPyramid are connected by atunnel system.

In his travels through Tibet, Roerich read old lamaisttexts that spoke of "iron serpents which devour spacewith fire and smoke" and "inhabitants of the distantstars" (N. K. Roerich, Heart of Asia, op. cit.). Also,incredible sightings of fast-moving airships in the zoneof Shambhala are numerous. This report from Roerich'sdiary describes what happened as his expedition wasadvancing in the vicinity of the Karakoram Mountains:On August fifth—something remarkable! We were in ourcamp in the Kukunor district not far from the HumboldtChain. In the morning about half-past nine some of ourcaravaneers noticed a remarkably big black eagle flying overus. Seven of us began to watch this unusual bird. At thissame moment another of our caravaneers remarked, 'There issomething far above the bird.' And he shouted in hisastonishment. We all saw, in a direction from north to south,

something big and shiny reflecting like the sun, like a hugeoval moving at great speed. Crossing our camp this thingchanged in its direction from south to southwest. And we sawhow it disappeared in the intense blue sky. We even had timeto take our field glasses and saw quite distinctly an oval formwith shiny surface, one side of which was brilliant from thesun.

(N. K. Roerich, Altai-Himalaya, op. cit.)

Roerich's sighting was some two decades before pilotKenneth Arnold filed his famous report of a formation ofsilver, circular, metallic craft skipping across the sky nearMount Rainier in Washington, USA, which resulted in the

coining of the term "flying saucers".Only an aircraft of unknown type couldhave performed the abrupt aerialmanoeuvres recorded in Roerich'sdiary. At the sight of the disc in thesky, one of the lamas with theexpedition calmly said to Roerich:"This is the sign of Shambhala ... youare guarded by the Immortals ofShambhala ... did you notice thedirection in which this spheremoved[?] ... you must follow the samedirection" (N. K. Roerich, Heart of Asia,op. cit., passim).

TThhee SShhaammbbhhaallaa TTrriiaanngglleeIn our search for the mysterious

"Valley of the Immortals", thesecond part of our story identifiesthe location of Roerich's "threeposts of Shambhala" which forma "Shambhala Triangle", an areaof captivating events that includethe recent discovery ofinterstellar tragedy records andsightings of clusters of pyramidsin Tibet.

TToo bbee ccoonnttiinnuueedd nneexxtt eeddiittiioonn......AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Tony Bushby has contributed many articles to NEXUS,most recently "Celestial Prophecies and the GreatPyramid", published in vol. 15, nos 5 and 6. He is theauthor of several books: The Bible Fraud (JoshuaBooks, 2001; reviewed in NEXUS 8/06 with extracts inNEXUS 9/01–03), The Secret in the Bible (JoshuaBooks, 2003; reviewed 11/02; extract, "Ancient Citiesunder the Sands of Giza", in 11/03); The Crucifixion ofTruth (Joshua Books, 2005; reviewed in 12/02); TheTwin Deception (Joshua Books, 2007; reviewed in14/03); and The Christ Scandal (Stanford House, 2008;reviewed in 15/05). Tony Bushby can be contacted via his website,

TToo ssppeeaakk ooff mmaacchhiinneess mmoovviinngg

rraappiiddllyy uunnddeerrggrroouunndd iiss ttoo ssuuggggeesstt aatteecchhnnoollooggiiccaall

aacchhiieevveemmeenntt ooff aa hhiigghh ccaalliibbrree iinn aa ttiimmee

tthhaatt aappppeeaarrss ttoopprreecceeddee oouurr ccuurrrreenntt

uunnddeerrssttaannddiinngg ooffccoommpplleexx mmaacchhiinneerryy

bbyy cceennttuurriieess..

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JUNE – JULY 2009 NEXUS • 63

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Although The Da Vinci Code noveland film begin with a prophecywritten by Leonardo da Vinci, didyou know that the European geniuspredicted wars, killing machines,huge global natural changes,advances in communication andmuch more?

Leonardo was born in 1452 in thesmall village called Vinci, nearFlorence, and for this reason he is

known today as Leonardo da Vinci. Heis seen today as a genius in the arts, oneof the greatest painters of all time, andsomeone extremely intelligent andtalented. Some people consider him tobe the most intelligent person who everlived. While Leonardo produced themost famous painting in the world, theMona Lisa or La Gioconda, he alsocreated drawings of future machinesthat reveal an incredible imagination,intelligence and maybe the ability topredict the future. He conceptualiseda flying machine, a helicopter, theparachute, the tank, solar power, the

calculator, the automated bobbinwinder, a spring-powered car, themachine gun, the scaling ladder, etc.

It is said that when Leonardo leftItaly and went to France, he carriednothing with him except 10,000sheets of paper, which was a hugenumber if we take into account thatthe largest European libraries at thattime had just a few hundred

manuscripts and, in rare cases, littlemore than one thousand. Leonardodied in 1519 and left behind themanuscripts, which today are held inthe National Library of France.

The real da Vinci prophecies,scattered in a manuscript codex, werepublished for the first time in Italy in1899 in a book titled Frammenti letterarie filosofici ("Literary and Philosophical

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TTHHEE TTWWIILLIIGGHHTT ZZOONNEEFragments"), compiled by EdmondoSolmi. This book was probably basedon The Literary Works of Leonardo da Vinci(London, 1883), by Jean Paul Richter,and on the 1881 publication as afacsimile of Leonardo's Codex.

Leonardo da Vinci regainedworldwide fame suddenly when hebecame the centre of Dan Brown'sbestselling The Da Vinci Code mysterydetective novel and later the film,read and watched by millions ofpeople. In fact, the story begins whenProfessor Langdon uncovers anancient parchment which historiansbelieved to be the work of Leonardoda Vinci. The encoded parchment,bearing the name La Profezia ("TheProphecy"), raised eyebrows whenscholars discovered it was signed

LSPDV: Leonardo's full name wasLeonardo Ser Pieri da Vinci.

Although it is clear that theprophecy in The Da Vinci Code novel isnot authentic, the da Vinciprophecies included below are thereal ones: they had lain forgotten inthe National Library of France forabout 400 years.

The prophecies presented herewere translated from Italian fromSolmi's book, but the 1925 edition.Da Vinci's text, written in 16th-centuryItalian (not modernised, and differentfrom the Solmi edition), was checkedfor comparison purposes. Some ofthese prophecies are extremelycurious, but others were left outbecause they don't seem to makesense.

• Prophecies about strange animals(possibly tanks and aeroplanes, butmaybe also genetically engineeredcreatures):

From the land, animals dressed indarkness will come out, which inwonderful assaults will attack thehuman generation and, throughterrible bites and bloodshed, willdevour them.

Through the air the flyingspecimens will go, which will attackmen and animals, from which theywill feed voraciously: full will be theirintestines with red blood.

Many men will be seen in animalsmoving very quickly towards the endof their lives and in a very quickdeath.

Through the air and over the land,animals will be seen in many colourscarrying ferociously the men to thedestruction of their lives.

Huge bodies without life will beseen carrying ferociously many mento the destruction of their lives.

• Prophecies about what seem tobe the consequence of weapons ofwar, and perhaps chemicalweapons used in a future war:

A terrible illness will come tomankind, so that they will laceratethemselves with their own nails.

Plants will be seen without leaves.Many people will die and there will

be many holes over the earth.Men will throw away their own

food.Many people will die with the head

broken, and their eyes will be out oftheir head, because of frighteninganimals that will come from thedarkness.

Many peoples will hide themselveswith their families and food insidedark caves; and there, in the darkplaces, they will eat with theirfamilies during many months,without any other natural or artificiallight.

The manuscript in The Da Vinci Code film

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• Prophecies about a pole shiftthat will cause a global change or anatural catastrophe concerning theseas:

The sea water will rise over the peakof the hills towards the sky and willfall over the people's homes.

And many animals from the landand the sea will rise to the stars.

Darkness will come from the Eastwith so much obscurity that it willcover the sky over Italy.

The land that is under will be overagain, and concerning the oppositehemispheres... The sky over a big partof Africa will change, and this sky willgo towards Europe, and the Europeansky will go towards Africa; the skyfrom the provinces will mixthemselves with a big revolution.

At the end, the land will be red dueto the warming of many days, and thestones will turn into ashes.

The water animals will die in theboiling waters.

The mud will be so great that menwill walk over trees in their lands.

There will be a strong wind, andthrough this the Eastern things willbecome Western...

All elements will be mixed togetherin a big revolution, going in one timetowards the centre of the world,another time towards the sky; andwhen the Southern parts will gofiercely against the Northern cold, theEast will go to the West, and thishemisphere will go to the otherhemisphere.

All men will change hemispheresimmediately.

All of the animals will move fromthe East to the West, and those fromthe South will go to the North.

• Prophecies about a future (orpresent) communication system inthe world, computersinterconnected via the Internet, ora kind of mental communication tobe used in the future:

Men will move without walking;

they will speak to people who are notpresent; they will listen to the onewho is not speaking.

Men will talk one to another in verydistant lands and they will answer.

Men will talk and touch and hugthemselves, being far, each one ineach hemisphere, and understandeach other's language.

• Prophecy about civil war in Africa:In you, oh cities of Africa, your

children will be seen quartered intheir own houses by most cruel andrapacious beasts of your own country.

• Prophecy about large numbers ofTurks who migrate to Germany:

There will be a human generationthat will not understand themselveswhen speaking, that is, a German to aTurk.

• Prophecies about other subjects,which I couldn't understand:

To the men it will seem to see newdestructions in the sky. It will seemto fly and flee. They will hear everykind of animal speak in humanlanguage.

They will instantaneously be

transported in person in various partsof the world, without moving. Theywill see great splendour in thedarkness.

Oh, wonder of the human species,what frenzy conducts you! You willtalk to animals of every species, andthey will speak to you in humanlanguage. You will be able to fallfrom the heights without damage toyou.

The trees and shrubs in the greatforests will be converted into ashes.

Using stone and iron, people will beable to see things that they could notsee before.

The dead will be seen carrying thealive ones, in cars and boats in manyplaces. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Historian Fabio Ribeiro de Araujo isthe author of many works includingSelected Prophecies and Prophets (inEnglish, US ed.), Global Warming,Global Flood (in English, US ed.),

Prophezeiungen u?ber das Ende der Welt (inGerman, published by Kopp Verlag),O Futuro do Mundo (in Portuguese).For more details, visit the website


The Codex Leicester

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TTwwoo DDVVDDss ffrroomm DDrr LLeeoonniidd SShhaarraasshhkkiinn,, tthhee eeddiittoorr ooff AAnnaassttaassiiaa,, aanndd tthheeRRiinnggiinngg CCeeddaarrss sseerriieess ooff bbooookkssANCIENT ROOTS, MODERN SHOOTSSeeing Your Natural Environment as an Extensionof Your SelfAncient wisdom holds that the body and psyche are

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RREECCOONNNNEECCTTIINNGG TTOO NNAATTUURREE TTHHRROOUUGGHH SSPPIIRRIITTUUAALL PPEERRMMAACCUULLTTUURREEDespite a millennium of harsh oppression, Russian families have preserved a unique and traditional lifestyle, grounded inself-sufficiency and self-reliance. They now show a path to a more fulfilling, independent and mortgage-free existence.

As millions of people worldwide start to embrace these ideas, there's great hope that humanity may now be entering a newage of harmony and peace. In this insightful conference presentation (met with a standing ovation by a grateful audience), DrSharashkin (editor of Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars book series) discusses the potential of Russia's permaculturegardening movement to bring positive change to the nation and the world.


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Make a machine which gives out more work than the energyyou put into it and you have perpetual motion. The

deceptively simple task of making a mechanism which wouldturn forever fascinated many an inventor and a number offamous men and physicists applied themselves to the task. Theirquest for perpetual motion in some cases became an obsession.In this book, a present-day engineer looks back over centuries ofeffort and frustration, and finds that the perpetual motionseekers played an important part in the history of engineering—without their early experiments the science of mechanics wouldnot have developed so rapidly. He also finds that the fascinationof the subject is not quite dead.

PPeerrppeettuuaall MMoottiioonnPPeerrppeettuuaall MMoottiioonn

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GGLLIITTTTEERR && GGRREEEEDDbbyy JJaanniinnee RRoobbeerrttssThe Disinformation Co. Ltd, NY, 2007ISBN 978-1-932857-60-3 (374pp tpb)Available: Aust—[email protected]; UK—[email protected];USA—

Seeing we've just come across theinvestigative writing of Janine

Roberts (see review of Fear of theInvisible in 16/04), we thought we'dreview her earlier book Glitter & Greed,about the secret world of thediamond cartel. Far from beingrarities, diamonds are quite plentifulbut their availability and price arecontrolled by certain vestedinterests—the South African-basedcompany De Beers in particular.

As well as revealing details of the"secret diamond wars", Robertshighlights the plight of the victims ofthe diamond industry: the SouthAfrican miners who are stricken withsilicosis or asbestosis due to the highlevels of dangerous particulate dustwithin the mines; the traditionallandowners in Australia who've beenup against diamond explorationcompanies hellbent on exploitation;the young people who endure slave

labour conditions in cuttingdiamonds; and more besides.

Roberts has done much intrepidfield investigation as well asextensive research into the last 100years or so of diamond mining andtrading. Her engaging enquiry opensup a whole new area of disquiet whenconsidering the big picture.

TTHHEE SSEECCRREETTSS OOFF MMAASSOONNIICCWWAASSHHIINNGGTTOONNbbyy JJaammeess WWaasssseerrmmaannDestiny Books, Rochester, VT, 2008ISBN 978-1-59477-266-5 (190pp tpb)Available:

The establishment of the Americanrepublic in both philosophy and

design was inspired by the Age ofEnlightenment that was rooted inFreemasonic ideals and skills, butwithout the binds of monarchy andaristocracy of the Old World. Asoccult science researcher JamesWasserman describes, the nation'scapital, Washington, DC, displays awealth of Masonic symbols, art,sculpture and monuments, "hiddenin plain view", that are in harmonywith the spiritual ideals and visionsof the Founding Fathers (not all ofwhom, it turns out, were Masons).

Wasserman presents the Masonicdesign of the capital as a showcase ofAmerican freedom, and a bastion of

the Masonic virtues of tolerance andreligious liberty beyond dogma. Allthis provides rich context forWasserman's "walking tour" of thecapital, divided into eight sectionssurrounding the National Mall area,starting at the Capitol, proceeding toUnion Square, Judiciary Square, theFederal Triangle, the White House,the National Academy of Sciencesand then on to the Lincoln Memorial,Washington Monument, JeffersonMemorial and back to the Mall. Histext, illustrated with colour and b&wphotographs as well as maps, shineslight on the Masonic symbolism,meanings and purposes hiddenwithin the layout, architecture or artof each location. This valuableguidebook will appeal to students ofUS history and esotericism alike.


RReevviieewweedd bbyy RRuutthh PPaarrnneellll

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TTHHEE NNEEAANNDDEERRTTHHAALL LLEEGGAACCYY bbyy SSttaann GGoooocchhInner Traditions, Rochester, VT, 2008 ISBN 978-1-59477-185-9 (182pp tpb)Available:

Humanity as we know it is theresult of crossbreeding between

male Cro-Magnons and femaleNeanderthals, says psychologist andparanormal researcher Stan Gooch.The hybrid species had abilitiesbeyond which either genetic parentpossessed. Recent findings fromgenetics tend to support this idea,but Gooch believes that the originallysmall input of Neanderthal genes hassteadily increased over tens ofthousands of years.

A key difference between the twospecies, Gooch claims, is that theNeanderthals had a much largercerebellum—indeed, a separate brainconnected with the unconscious Selfand with dreaming and psychicstates, but barely given seriousattention by scientists. Gooch givesmany examples of Neanderthal-typecustoms and behaviours that Cro-Magnon types across all cultureshave tried to outlaw. He suggests, forinstance, that the taboo on havingcontact with menstruating girls andwomen was meant to negate theinfluence of the Moon-worshipping,female-led Neanderthal culture.

The dichotomies seen in ourthoughts, feelings and even politics(e.g., left vs right) are founded in ourhybrid genetics, says Gooch. Heurges us to embrace our diametricallyopposed genetic traits if we want tolive in harmony.

DDRR SSHHUUKKEERR''SS CCAASSEEBBOOOOKKbbyy DDrr KKaarrll PP.. NN.. SShhuukkeerrCFZ Press, North Devon, UK, 2008ISBN 978-1-905723-33-1 (309pp tpb)Available:

For this compilation, Englishcryptozoologist Dr Karl Shuker

explores not just weird and wonderfulanimals but ancient mysteries andstrange phenomena from around theworld. To start, Dr Shuker looks atcats with "wings", a physical anomalythat he thinks is related to aninherited skin condition, felinecutaneous asthenia. Sightings ofother anomalous creatures that hementions herein are not so easilyexplained: mermen, a bat-wingedmonkey-bird, reptilian entities fromouter and inner space, lake monsters,serpent-headed panthers, unicorns,the Aboriginal Dreamtime beast themirrii, and more.

Widely travelled, Dr Shuker hasinspected numerous artefacts of theancient world, including the moaistatues of Easter Island, a dinosaur

featured on the Ishtar Gate ofBabylon, a stegosaur glyph at AngkorWat in Cambodia, the formerlysinging Colossus of Memnon inEgypt, and the Kukulkan pyramid atChichén Itzá, Mexico, which creates aquetzal-like chirping echo. He alsodocuments strange lights, from balllightning and orbs to the Australianmin-min, as well as curious airbornephenomena such as falling fish andstones. Dr Shuker describes "skybeasts", somewhat like organic UFOs,the most famous examples being the"critters" photographed in infrared byscientist Trevor Constable since 1958.He also considers our solar system'sallegedly missing planets plus thecrop circle mystery in hisextraordinary casebook. A must forfans of Forteana in all its forms.



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WWIITTNNEESSSS TTOO RROOSSWWEELLLLbbyy TThhoommaass JJ.. CCaarreeyy aanndd DDoonnaalldd RR..SScchhmmiittttNew Page Books, Franklin Lakes, NJ,2009 (revised & expanded edition)ISBN 978-1-60163-066-7 (315pp tpb)Available:

Since the 2007 release of this bookby the collaborative team of Tom

Carey and Don Schmitt, enough freshinformation has come out that arevised, expanded edition waswarranted. The authors tackle "theultimate cold case": the mystery ofwhat happened in 1947 near Roswell,New Mexico. Over 62 years later,time is of the essence because manywitnesses to the Roswell incident—involving an allegedly downed alienspacecraft and the capture of aliencrew members—are getting old.

The reports gathered by Cary andSchmitt as well as other researchershave so much in common that theymake the official Roswell incidentexplanations—all four of them—looklame. They confirm that there's beena massive government/military cover-up. The testimony compiled includesstatements from first-, second- andthird-hand witnesses to what islargely considered to be an ET-typeevent; many of them were reluctantto come forward, having been told byofficials to keep quiet. The accounts

cover the complete timeline from thediscovery and recovery of the UFOand its crew at the crash sites(including Corona, NM), transport tothe Roswell base where a preliminaryautopsy was conducted, the flight toFort Worth and then to Wright Field.From their analysis of the facts todate, Carey and Schmitt have createda coherent case that rejects the USAir Force's explanations as lies.

DDAARRKK MMAATTTTEERRSSbbyy DDrr PPeerrccyy SSeeyymmoouurrNew Page Books, NJ, USA, 2008ISBN 978-1-60163-006-3 (220pp tpb)Available:

The universe is a tapestry whosethreads are magnetic andelectric lines of force that

originate from planets and stars, saysretired UK astronomer andastrophysicist Dr Percy Seymour.According to his theory, what weregard as particles are compactedbundles of these lines of force; andthe electrical energy in these bundlesgives rise to mass, in accordance withEinstein's E = mc2 equation.

Dr Seymour says that in ordinaryspace these force lines move fromproton to electron, but in plasmaspace they move from electron toproton in very thin, braided ropesencased in sheaths of insulating

space. These sheaths behave likeelastic tubes or spiral springs, andthe fact that they can stretch meansthat they have energy stored withinthem. When combined in vastnumbers, these encased lines of forcecreate a criss-crossing web thatproduces the "quantum noise" of theuniverse. The tension in thesesheaths produces an additionalattraction between vast masses of"particles", and this added attractionis really what "dark matter" is allabout. Dr Seymour posits that thetension or negative pressure in thesheaths increases as the universeexpands, thus promoting theaccelerating expansion of theuniverse—what is called "darkenergy". His fascinating thesis fitswell with the electric universe theory.


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FFRROOMM BBIIRRTTHH TTOO RREEBBIIRRTTHHbbyy CC.. VV.. TTrraammoonntt,, MMDDSwan Raven & Co., NC, USA, 2009ISBN 978-1-893183-42-1 (247pp tpb)Available:

Past-life therapy utilising hypnoticregression added a new, higher

dimension to obstetrician Dr CharlesTramont's practice because of itsability to heal at a very deep level.With some disdain for themedicalised health system andmoving into retirement, Dr Tramontwas able explore the benefits ofhypnosis in much greater detail andcame to see a link between past-lifetherapy and the Gnostic approach tohealing, which draws on the self-knowledge that can be accessedthrough intuition and contemplation.He now holds the idea of "cellularmemory", where past-life events cancreate an imprint in a present life andshow up as physical, emotional andmental problems.

Dr Tramont has found a way toassist numerous people make their"transition to transcendance", helpedtoo by higher spiritual guides. Hepresents some breathtaking casestudies from his clinic that overturnconventional views of reality and alsosuggest that the key to healing lieswithin every one of us via thesubconscious mind. Dr Tramont

regards hypnotic past-life regressionas a transformative medicaltreatment for the 21st century, and asa means to achieve Gnosis.

AA NNEEWW SSCCIIEENNCCEE OOFF LLIIFFEEbbyy RRuuppeerrtt SShheellddrraakkeeIcon Books, London, 2009 (3rd ed.,revised and updated) (1st ed. pub. byBlond and Briggs, London, 1981)ISBN 978-184831-042-1 (370pp pb)Available:;

It's extraordinary to think that thethen editor of Nature, John Maddox,

wrote on the release of A New Scienceof Life in 1981 that it was "the bestcandidate for burning there has beenfor many years". Biologist andbiochemist Dr Rupert Sheldrake hasthe last laugh, as his classic tome isnow in its third edition withconsiderable updates, an extensivenew preface and an appendixsummarising his proposed 10 newtests for morphic resonance in areasof physics, chemistry, biology,psychology and computer sciences.There's also a dialogue with quantumphysicist Dr David Bohm on theconnections between his implicateorder theory and Sheldrake'sformative causation hypothesis, thatnature is habitual and that life-formsdraw upon and contribute to a

collective memory of their species. Dr Sheldrake states that biology in

the last quarter-century has seenremarkable developments, but alsoones that show up the limitations ofthe conventional mechanisticapproach and add to the plausibilityof his hypothesis. The focus ongenetics and biotechnology has notyielded information on howdeveloping organisms adopt theirforms and inherit their instincts. Norhas molecular biology been able toexplain morphogenesis; this seemsto depend on "morphogenetic fields".

Dr Sheldrake puts out a call fordemocratising science and allowingimagination to flourish. His newedition is a must for any participantin the paradigm shift, but alsodeserving of a wide readership.


RadioOutThere.comstimulating news andviews streamed direct

on the internetPresented by BarryEaton, the host ofRadioNexus, each showpresents a unique look ata wide range of storiesembracing mind, bodyand spirit the paranormaland the

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RREEVVIIEEWWSSFFRRAACCTTAALL TTIIMMEE:: TThhee SSeeccrreett ooff22001122 aanndd aa NNeeww WWoorrlldd AAggeebbyy GGrreegggg BBrraaddeennHay House, UK, 2009ISBN 978-1-84850-075-4 (252pp tpb)Available:

Scientist and visionary GreggBraden, author of Awakening to Zero

Point and The Divine Matrix (see 14/05),continues his adventures beyond theboundaries of science and spiritualityin Fractal Time. He says that modern-day physicists are rediscovering whatthe ancients knew: that great wavesof energy pulse through the universe,linking past and future, thus spaceand time merge to become space-time; also that time's waves and thehistory carried within them repeat ascycles within cycles, something hecalls "fractal time" that becomes theevents of the universe and life.

As for the ancients, Braden focuseson the Maya and their cosmicviewpoint on time cycles with theirendings and beginnings. The Mayaunderstood the 5,125-year cyclic pathof Earth through the galaxy, andBraden says we're already in the"zone of shift" that will culminate onthe solstice of 20 December 2012when our solar system crosses theMilky Way's equator. In order toprepare, we need to think differentlyabout space-time, and Bradenproposes a series of time codes;number 17 says that "there is nothingin the geological record to suggestthat Earth's magnetic fields willreverse before or immediatelyfollowing the 2012 cycle end date".

That's a relief! A new age of our ownmaking is upon us, he insists.

LLSSDD:: DDOOOORRWWAAYY TTOO TTHHEE NNUUMMIINNOOUUSSbbyy SSttaanniissllaavv GGrrooff,, MMDDPark Street Press, Rochester, VT, 2009(originally pub. in 1975 by Viking Press) ISBN 978-1-59477-282-5 (271pp tpb)Available:

It's been 35 years since Dr StanislavGrof stopped his official research

into psychedelics and the non-ordinary states of consciousness theyinduce. Before he arrived in the USAin 1967, he had done years ofpioneering research into LSD andconducted hundreds of psycho-therapy sessions in Czechoslovakia.Over the last 50 years, he'sconducted over 4,000 sessions andthus has a keen perspective onpsychopharmacology's enormouspotential, both positive and negative.

In the preface to this second USedition of his book (first published in1975 as Realms of the HumanUnconscious), Dr Grof reflects on thepast and looks into the future ofpsychedelics research. He had todevelop new theoretical concepts andpractical clinical strategies in LSDtherapy, but also he was aware thattraditional frameworks of psychiatryand psychology were being radicallyrevised by what was becoming a newscientific paradigm.

Great minds like David Bohm, KarlPribram, Ilya Prigogine, RupertSheldrake, Ervin Laszlo, Ken Wilberand others have added to theparadigm shift with findings that arecompatible with those frompsychedelics research andtranspersonal psychology.

Dr Grof has helped to give us newways of seeing the world throughpersonal psychodynamic experience,revelations on birth, prenatal andpast-life memories, encounters witharchetypal beings, religious andmystical experiences, enhancedsexuality, telepathy and artisticperception. He has opened a linkbetween the psyche and the spirit.

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EEDDGGIINNGG TTOOWWAARRDDSS BBiiooUUTTOOPPIIAAbbyy RRiicchhaarrdd HHiinnddmmaarrsshhUniversity of Western Australia Press,Crawley, WA, 2008ISBN 978-0-9802965-8-7 (327pp tpb)Available:

The Australian public has beenduped by the "biotechnocrats" on

the issue of gene technology, withboth regulation and scientificcommunication controlled from thetop down and the environmental andhealth dangers downplayed if notdismissed. Richard Hindmarsh, aninternationally acclaimed researcherand author based at the GriffithSchool of Environment, Queensland,is well qualified to question justwhere this "BioUtopia" is headingand whose interests it is serving.

Hindmarsh contends that theagenda behind the development andregulation of genetic engineering(GE) has been deliberately shaped toexclude public knowledge, debateand involvement and to sidestep anydissenting voices, even within thesystem. For 30 years, biotech policyand regulation have been skewed tofavour vested interests in science,industry and bureaucracy, and thesituation has only worsened with thego-ahead in Australia on GE foodcrop trials and, soon, large-scalecommercialisation. The public goodis not being served when little to notesting for environmental safety isconducted, when so-called expertshave no idea of the long-term risks ofingesting GE foods, and when eventhe food safety authority is

intransigent on issues to do withlabelling and consumers' rights toknow what they're eating and fromwhere it's sourced. This is animportant public-interest study.

DDRR.. MMAARRYY''SS MMOONNKKEEYYbbyy EEddwwaarrdd TT.. HHaassllaammTrine Day, Walterville, OR, 2007ISBN 978-0-9777953-0-6 (374pp tpb) Available:

The conspirators grilled by NewOrleans District Attorney Jim

Garrison in connection with the JFKassassination may well have beeninvolved in a completely separatecovert plot that had more to do withcontaminated polio vaccines and afateful biological weaponsexperiment that may have resulted inan epidemic of cancers in later years.

According to New Orleans-born,Florida-based author EdwardHaslam, characters like Lee HarveyOswald, David Ferrie, Guy Banisterand Clay Shaw were involved inofficially sanctioned undercoverresearch to produce cancer-causingviruses derived from contaminatedmonkey glands. Indeed, Ferrie, whohad links with the Mafia and the CIA,performed medical experiments inhis own home. What got Haslam onthe scent was his investigation of thebizarre murder in 1964 of TulaneUniversity medical professor andleading cancer expert Dr MarySherman, which may have hadsomething to do with a linear particleaccelerator used in cancer studies.Her work also involved research intomonkey viruses.

Haslam's book Dr Mary's Monkey is afollow-up to his 1995 book Mary,Ferrie & the Monkey Virus, and includestestimony from a new witness, JudythVary Baker, who apparently workedalongside Ferrie to create a cancer-causing virus to kill Cuban presidentFidel Castro. The foreword is bylong-time JFK plot investigator JimMarrs, who agrees that Haslam'swork puts a whole new layer ofmeaning on the presidential murder.A gripping and disturbing exposé.





DeWayne Johnson completed his thesis,"Flying Saucers—Fact or Fiction?", in

August 1950 as a student in the GraduateDepartment of Journalism at UCLA, but neverpublished it. Kenn Thomas, of SteamshovelPress fame, teamed up with AUP's DavidHatcher Childress to publish it—the twoadding commentary and introduction to whathas become Flying Saucers Over Los Angeles.Interspersed through the newspaper reportsand eyewitness accounts, text and featuredwithin a special colour section are images froma variety of UFO zines of the era.


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RREEVVIIEEWWSSCCHHIILLLL:: AA rreeaasssseessssmmeenntt ooff gglloobbaallwwaarrmmiinngg tthheeoorryybbyy PPeetteerr TTaayylloorrClairview Books, UK, 2009ISBN 978-1-905570-19-5 (404pp tpb)Available:

Instead of planning for theconsequences of a predicted rise in

global warming in 50–100 years' time,we should be preparing for theimminent threat presented by acurrent cooling period, says Britishenvironmental scientist Peter Taylor.A policy directed towards reducinggreenhouse gas emissions by 60 percent by 2050 will have a huge,negative impact on our environment,biodiversity and community. With nopolicy aimed at tackling globalcooling, we can expect a decline infood production and major famines.

Taylor concludes that the IPCCassessments on global warming arewrong and that the consensus is afalse construct from the summarymaterial aimed at policymakers. Hesays that future projections of globalwarming are flawed for many reasons,including that they don't consider theimpact of long- and short-termnatural cycles of the Sun and Earth.

In his section on the science, Taylorexplains the pattern of naturalcauses, the satellite data thatcontradict global warming theory,evidence for changing cloud coverand the role of oscillating oceancycles. He discusses Arctic andAntarctic climate variations,variabilities in solar radiation, andcosmic rays as a possible missinglink in our scientific understanding.

Regarding the politics of globalwarming, Taylor shows how theconsensus developed and overruleddissent among other scientists andhow media and environmentalgroups have colluded in generating a"dangerously naive message that nowdrives government action worldwide".He proposes a remedy based oncreating human support systems thatare resilient to whatever climatechange the future may bring. Ameasured, thought-provoking study.

AAIIRR CCOONNbbyy IIaann WWiisshhaarrttHowling At The Moon Publishing Ltd,North Harbour, New Zealand, 2009ISBN 978-0-9582401-4-7 (285pp tpb)Available:

The "consensus" that human-caused carbon dioxide emissions

are causing global warming is firmlyrejected by New Zealandindependent investigative journalistIan Wishart in his engaging andheavily referenced book. While not ascientist, he set out to see for himselfwhether the science is really "settled"on anthropogenic global warming.Armed with evidence that the "globalwarming industry" is conning thepeople, he queries the logic behindtrying to enforce harsh measures toreduce CO2 emissions that are goingto cost taxpayers thousands ofdollars a year and cause the collapseof western civilisation. Yet he alsofavours reducing pollution andprotecting the environment.

Among the reports Wishart cites isevidence that the Sun in an activephase warms the Earth, but it cantake 800–1,000 years for CO2 levels torise in response (thus any warmingthat started with industrialisationmight be from the lag following theMediaeval Warm Period).

Wishart slams political andscientific agendas and the quasi-religious fervour of global warmingbelievers in vilifying "climate changedeniers". He also suggests what wecan do to try to restore commonsense to this very hot topic.

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IINN PPHHAANNTTAASSMMAAGGOORRIIAA:: TTHHEE AAWWAAKKEENNIINNGGProduced by D. D. FooteVolage Films © 2008 (93mins; DVD &PAL/NTSC, all regions)Available:

This newly releasedAustralian

documentary featurefilm about UFO andalien abductionphenomena won anaward at the recent2009 InternationalUFO Convention andFilm Festival inNevada, USA.

It includes in-depthinterviews withordinary Australians who describetheir profound experiences. The filmis not an investigative documentary;it contains a human element whichtouches and engages the viewer.

I found the introductory bits quiteconfusing, but once the interviewsstarted I was totally engrossed inthese amazing accounts. I hopemore experiencers contact theproducer so that we can see more ofsuch interviews.


This third instalment in the AncientTechnology series sees David

Hatcher Childress in Costa Rica,Nicaragua and Mexico as he searchesfor evidence of high technology in the

distant past. Going to ancient citiesand megalithic sites, David andfriends examine evidence foradvanced technology that is simplymind-blowing! David and his teamcheck out the giant stone balls inCosta Rica, and move on to examinethe mysterious megalithic statues ona remote island of Nicaragua. Thenthey travel to Mexico to examine thecolossal basalt heads of the Olmecs.Did the Olmecs have power tools?

TTHHEE MMOONNEEYY MMAASSTTEERRSSProduced by Patrick Carmack forRoyalty Production Company © 2008(3.5hrs)Available:

This historical documentary, TheMoney Masters, traces the origins of

the political and financial powerstructure in the USA. This structurehas its roots in the hidden

manipulation andaccumulation of goldand other forms ofcurrency. Thedevelopment offractional reservebanking practices in the17th century brought toa cunningsophistication thesecret techniquesinitially used tofraudulently

accumulate wealth. With theformation of the privately ownedBank of England in 1694, the yoke ofeconomic slavery to a private"central" bank was first forced uponthe back of an entire nation, and theburden has only been made heavierwith the passing of three centuries.Nation after nation has fallen prey tothis cabal of international bankers.

The documentary also gives insightsinto today's global financial crisis.


SSeelleecctteedd bbyy DDuunnccaann RRooaaddss

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There are moreunderground bases thanyou think, and there'smore going on than justplanning to keep theGovernment alive duringa nuclear war. Workingfrom public documentsand corporate records,this book digs below thesurface of thegovernment's super-secret underground!

UUnnddeerrwwaatteerr BBaasseessUUnnddeerrwwaatteerr BBaasseess

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RREEVVIIEEWWSSNNAAGGOORREE SSEESSSSIIOONNSS bbyy vvaarriioouuss aarrttiissttss EarthSync Music, Aust, 2008 (52mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——The PlanetCompany, tel (02) 9283 8250; IInnddiiaa——EarthSync Music,

The Laya Project, launched at thePerth Arts Festival in February

2009 (see 16/03), led to an outpouringof Asian musicians under the bannerof EarthSync Music, based in India.This CD features players and singersof the Sufi dargah tradition from TamilNadu. Sufi-style chants are blendedwith Middle Eastern and westerninstruments to create a fusion ofmusic and faith. Guest artists includeTashi Lhunpo monks, Murad Ali Khanon saranagi, Palakkad Sreeram onharmonium and Zohar Fresco onpercussion. Harmonising andinspiring music.

LLIIQQUUIIDD MMIINNDD IIXX:: LLUULLLLAABBYYbbyy CChhuucckk WWiillddReal Music, USA, 2009 (60mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——BrumbyBooks & Music, tel (03) 97615535; UUSSAA——Real Music, tel (415) 3318273,

The Liquid Mind albums have beenused successfully to help relax

patients in alternative health clinicsand exercise classes. The musicseries has been used in treatingaddiction, anger and sleepdifficulties. This album from ChuckWild, of the American Music TherapyAssociation, is aimed at children butis perfect for grown-ups, too. Itprovides a beautifully calming andrelaxed musical peace.

TTHHEE CCOOLLOORR OOFF SSUUNNSSHHIINNEE bbyy LLaawwrreennccee BBllaattttLMB Music, USA, 2009 (50mins)Distributor: UUSSAA——LMB Music,

Albums using music to stimulatecolour frequencies are much

needed today. Acoustic guitarist

Lawrence Blatt has written songspresented in the order of the light/colour spectrum. He says that "bothlight/color and sound/pitch are afunction of vibrating waves that aresimilar". He begins with white lightand works through the full colourspectrum to finish with white light.Blatt began his career with classicalstudies, moved to folk guitar and thento music influenced strongly byfinger-style acoustic playing. Hebrings this skill to The Color of Sunshine.A fascinating experiential album,coloured with many moods.

FFLLOOOODDPPLLAAIINN bbyy KKrroonnooss QQuuaarrtteettNonesuch, USA, 2009 (79mins)Distributors: AAuusstt——Fuse Music, tel(02) 9699 7555; UUKK——Warner Music;UUSSAA——Nonesuch Records/WarnerMusic,;

Over three decades, SanFrancisco's Kronos Quartet has

performed thousands of concertsworldwide, releasing over 40 albumsand collaborating with dozens ofartists and composers. Kronos hascreated new directions for the stringquartet. This outstanding new albumFloodplain explores music from theMiddle East, Iran, India, EasternEurope, Africa and more, withtraditional and new compositions.With folk from Azerbaijan and Egypt,electronica from a Palestinian musiccollective and an ambitious Serbianpiece, this is more groundbreakingwork from the quartet. The CD is anexploration of modern and ancient,with stunning pieces of music.

MM UU SS II CCMM UU SS II CCRReevviieewweedd bbyy RRiicchhaarrdd GGiilleess

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TThhee LLoosstt SScciieennccee ooffTThhee LLoosstt SScciieennccee ooffMMeeaassuurriinngg tthhee EEaarrtthhMMeeaassuurriinngg tthhee EEaarrtthh

bbyy RRoobbiinn HHeeaatthh aanndd JJoohhnn MMiicchheellll

Precision Geodetic Science -- from the Stone Age!! Two of themost experienced researchers into prehistoric culture have madea remarkable breakthrough in understanding the system bywhich prehistoric monuments were designed and placed on thelandscape. This system, a precision geodetic science, enabled themegalith builders to mark out vast geometric shapes across thelandscape. At key points, they erected their magnificent stonetemples and markers, whose dimensions and locations encodedtheir knowledge of the Earth and sky. Long trackways, stonerows, stone circles, standing stones and huge earthworks--mon-uments dating back well over four thousand years--have held onto their secrets despite centuries of investigation.

AAnncciieenntt SSaaccrreedd GGeeoommeettrryyAAnncciieenntt SSaaccrreedd GGeeoommeettrryy

To order go to:

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frustration with the current workingsof democratic government andquestioning among elites over theability of democratic governments totake the bold actions necessary todeal rapidly and effectively with thegrowing number of transnationalchallenges".70

CCOONNCCLLUUSSIIOONN Ultimately, what this implies is

that the future of the global politicaleconomy is one of increasing movestoward a global system ofgovernance, or a world government,with a world central bank and globalcurrency; and that, concurrently,these developments are likely tomaterialise in the face of and as aresult of a decline in democracyaround the world and, thus, a rise inauthoritarianism.

What we are witnessing is thecreation of a New World Order,

composed of a totalitarian globalgovernment structure.

In fact, the very concept of a globalcurrency and a global central bank isauthoritarian in its very nature, as itremoves any vestiges of oversightand accountability away from thepeople of the world and toward asmall, increasingly interconnectedgroup of international elites.

As Carroll Quigley explained in hismonumental book Tragedy and Hope:"The powers of financial capitalismhad another far-reaching aim, nothingless than to create a world system offinancial control in private hands ableto dominate the political system ofeach country and the economy of theworld as a whole.

This system was to be controlled ina feudalist fashion by the centralbanks of the world acting in concert,by secret agreements arrived at infrequent private meetings andconferences.

The apex of the system was to be

the Bank for InternationalSettlements in Basle, Switzerland, aprivate bank owned and controlled bythe world's central banks which werethemselves private corporations."71

Indeed, the current "solutions"being proposed to the globalfinancial crisis benefit those whocaused the crisis over those who arepoised to suffer the most as a resultof the crisis: the disappearingmiddle classes; the world'sdispossessed, poor, indebtedpeople.

The proposed solutions to thiscrisis represent the manifestationsand actualisation of the ultimategenerational goals of the global eliteand thus represent the leastfavourable conditions for the vastmajority of the world's people.

It is imperative that the world'speople throw their weight againstthese "solutions" and usher in a new

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 2222

TThhee FFiinnaanncciiaall NNeeww WWoorrlldd OOrrddeerr

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8800

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era of world order, one of thePeople's World Order; with thesolution lying in local governanceand local economies so that thepeople have greater roles indetermining the future and structureof their own political economy andthus their own society.

With this alternative of localisedpolitical economies, in conjunctionwith an unprecedented globalpopulation and internationaldemocratisation of communicationthrough the Internet, we have themeans and possibility before us toforge the most diverse manifestationof cultures and societies thathumanity has ever known.

The answer lies in the individual'sinternalisation of human power anddestiny, and a rejection of theexternalisation of power and humandestiny to a global authority towhich all but a select few people

have access. To internalise human power and

destiny is to realise the gift of thehuman mind, which has the abilityto engage in thought beyond thematerial, such as food and shelter,and venture into the realm of theconceptual.

Each individual possesses—withinthemselves—the ability to thinkcritically about themselves and theirown life. Now is the time to utilisethis ability, with the aim ofinternalising the concepts andquestions of human power anddestiny.

Why are we here? Where are wegoing? Where should we be going?How do we get there?

The supposed answers to thesequestions are offered to us by a tinyglobal elite who fears therepercussions of what would takeplace if the people of the world wereto begin to answer these questionsthemselves.

I do not know the answers to thesequestions, but I do know that theanswers lie in the human mind andspirit which have overcome and willcontinue to overcome the greatest ofchallenges to humanity, and will,without doubt, triumph over the NewWorld Order. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Andrew G. Marshall is a ResearchAssociate of the Centre for Research onGlobalization (CRG), based in Montreal( He iscurrently studying political economyand history at Simon Fraser University,British Columbia, Canada.

EEddiittoorr''ss NNoottee::Due to space constraints, we areunable to publish the endnotesaccompanying our publication ofAndrew Marshall's article. To viewthese, go to the Global Research webpage

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 7799

TThhee FFiinnaanncciiaall NNeeww WWoorrlldd OOrrddeerr

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SSeeccrreettss ooff tthheeMMyysstteerriioouuss


No other region in North America features the variety andintensity of unusual phenomena found in the world's largestalpine valley, the San Luis Valley of Colorado and NewMexico. Since 1989, Christopher O'Brien has documentedthousands of high-strange accounts that report UFOs,ghosts, crypto-creatures, cattle mutilations, skinwalkers andsorcerers, along with portal areas, secret underground basesand covert military activity.

...... rreecceenntt rreelleeaassee ............ rreecceenntt rreelleeaassee ......

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TTHHEE CCOOSSMMIICC WWAARRIInntteerrppllaanneettaarryy WWaarrffaarree,,

MMooddeerrnn PPhhyyssiiccss aannddAAnncciieenntt TTeexxttss

by Joseph P. Farrell

Physicist Joseph Farrell's amazing book on ancient interplanetarywarfare! There is ample evidence across our solar system of

cataclysmic and catastrophic destruction events. The asteroid belt,for example, may be the remains of an exploded planet! Theknown planets are scarred from incredible impacts, and teeter intheir orbits due to causes heretofore inadequately explained.Rejecting the naturalist and materialist assumptions ofcatastrophism forwarded by other researchers, Farrell asserts thatit is time to take the ancient myths of a Cosmic War in the heavensseriously. Farrell maintains that an ancient interplanetary war wasfought in our own solar system with weapons of extraordinarypower and sophistication.

TThhee CCoossmmiicc WWaarrTThhee CCoossmmiicc WWaarr

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AUGUST – SEPTEMBER 2009 NEXUS • 81 and Book ClearingHouse (tel 1800 431 1579) in theUSA. His previous articlespublished in NEXUS are "TheProstate Cancer BacterialConnection (vol. 16, no. 3) and "DoTuberculosis-type Bacteria CauseAIDS?" (vol. 15, no. 5). Dr Cantwellcan be contacted by email [email protected].

RReeffeerreenncceess • Cantwell AR, Kelso DW. Autopsyfindings of nonacid-fast bacteria inscleroderma. Dermatologica 1980;160(2):90-9.• Cantwell AR. Necroscopic findingsof variably acid-fast bacteria in a fatalcase of acquired immunodeficiencysyndrome and Kaposi's sarcoma.Growth 1983 Summer; 47(2):129-34.• Cantwell AR Jr. Variably acid-fastpleomorphic bacteria as a possiblecause of mycosis fungoides. A report

of a necropsied case and two livingpatients. J Dermatol Surg Oncol 1982Mar; 8(3):203-13.• Domingue GJ, Schlegel JU. NovelBacterial Structures in Human Blood:Cultural Isolation. Infect Immun 1977Feb; 15(2):621-27.• Kajander EO, Tahvanainen E,Kuronen I, Ciftcioglu N. Comparisonof Staphylococci and Novel Bacteria-likeParticles from Blood. Zbl Bakt 1994;Supplement 26.• McLaughlin RW, Vali H, Lau PC,Palfree RG, De Ciccio A, Sirois M,Ahmad D, Villemur R, Desrosiers M,Chan EC. Are there naturally occurringpleomorphic bacteria in the blood ofhealthy humans? J Clin Microbiol 2002Dec; 40(12):4771-75.• Pease PE, Tallack JE. A permanentendoparasite of man. 1. The silentzoogleal/symplasm/L-form phase.Microbios 1990; 64(260-261):173-80.• Tedeschi GG, Di Iorio EE.Penetration and interaction withhaemoglobin of corynebacteria-like

microorganisms into erythrocytes invitro. Experientia 1979 Mar 15; 35(3):330-32.• Tedeschi GG, Bondi A, Paparelli M,Sprovieri G. Electron microscopicalevidence of the evolution ofcorynebacteria-like microorganismswithin human erythrocytes. Experientia1978 Apr 15; 34(4):458-60.• Tedeschi GG, Amici D, Sprovieri G,Vecchi A. Staphylococcus epidermidis inthe circulating blood of normal andthrombocytopenic human subjects:immunological data. Experientia 1976Dec 15; 32(12):1600-02.• Tedeschi GG, Amici D. Mycoplasma-like microorganisms probably relatedto L forms of bacteria in the blood ofhealthy persons. Cultural,morphological and histochemicaldata. Ann Sclavo 1972 Jul-Aug;14(4):430-42.• Wuerthele-Caspe (Livingston) V,Alexander-Jackson E. Mycobacterialforms in myocardial vascular disease.J Amer Med Wom Assoc 1965; (20):449-52.

BBaacctteerriiaa iinn SSttrrookkee aanndd HHeeaarrtt DDiisseeaassee

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 3344

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by Patrick Geryl

Geryl urges mankind to prepare and endure. Theoutlook is bleak, but the obstacles are notinsurmountable. In this book, Geryl provides theblueprint for those wishing to survive the disaster toprepare themselves and prevail. He explains in detailthe myriad problems survivors will encounter, and theprecautions that need to be taken to overcome them.

HHooww ttoo SSuurrvviivvee 22001122HHooww ttoo SSuurrvviivvee 22001122

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AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Viera Scheibner, PhD, is a retired principalresearch scientist with a doctorate innatural sciences. She has been researchingvaccines and vaccinations since the late1980s and is the author of numerouspapers and several books includingVaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox ResearchShows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assaulton the System (1993; reviewed in NEXUS vol.2, no. 16). Her most recent article inNEXUS, "Vaccinations and the Dynamics ofCritical Days", was published in vol. 12, no.6. Dr Scheibner can be contacted by emailat [email protected].

RReeffeerreenncceess• Francis T, Korns RF, Voigt RB, Boisen M,Hemphill FM, Napier, JA, Tolchinski A(1955). Evaluation of the 1954poliomyelitis vaccine trials. PoliomyelitisVaccine Evaluation Center, University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 12 April1955 (500 pp).

• Peterson LJ, Benson WW, Graeber FO(1955). Vaccination-induced poliomyelitisin Idaho. Preliminary report of experiencewith Salk poliomyelitis vaccine. JAMA159(4):241-244. • Henderson DA, Witte JJ, Morris L.Langmuir AD (1984). Paralytic diseaseassociated with oral polio vaccines. JAMA190(1):41-48. • Nathanson N (1984). EpidemiologicAspects of Poliomyelitis Eradication. Rev ofInfect Dis 1984 May-June; 6(Suppl2):S308-S312.• Special Advisory Committee on OralPoliomyelitis Vaccine to the SurgeonGeneral of the Public Health Service. OralPoliomyelitis Vaccines. JAMA 190(1):49-1.• Bradford Hill A (1965). Environment anddisease: Association or causation? ProcRoy Soc Med 1965:295-300.• Schonberger LB, Kaplan J, Kim-Farley R,Moore M, Eddins DL, Hatch M (1984).Control of paralytic poliomyelitis in theUnited States. Rev Infect Dis 6 (Suppl2):S4240-S426. • Hutchins SS, Cochi SL, Brink EW,

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