Nexus 1706 - new times magazine

N N E E X X U U S S N N E E W W T T I I M M E E S S M M A A G G A A Z Z I I N N E E V V o o l l u u m m e e 1 1 7 7 , , N N u u m m b b e e r r 6 6 O O C C T T O O B B E E R R N N O O V V E E M MB B E E R R 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560, Australia Website: C C O O N N T T E E N N T T S S C C O O N N T T E E N N T T S S L LE ET TT TE ER RS S T TO O T TH HE E E ED DI IT TO OR R. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .4 4 Readers comment on such diverse subjects as mysterious deaths in England in late 1998, The Zeitgeist Movement, UFO sightings over Australia's Snowy Mountains, the rise of the scientific dictatorship, and more. G GL LO OB BA AL L N NE EW WS S. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .6 6 We report on the Earth's past magnetic pole shifts, IMF standover tactics against Pakistan, the "Top Secret America" investigation, miscarriages linked to the H1N1 vaccine, the "Satellitegate" cover-up, and more. T TH HE E I IM MP PE ER RI IA AL L A AN NA AT TO OM MY Y O OF F A AL L- -Q QA AE ED DA A. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .1 11 1 By Andrew Gavin Marshall. In response to the CIA's need for more discretion, the Safari Club international intelligence network was formed and went on to finance and organise a global conglomerate of terrorist groups. H HE EM MP P: : O OU UR R L LI IF FE EL LI IN NE E T TO O T TH HE E F FU UT TU UR RE E. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .1 17 7 By Dr Andrew Katelaris. The widespread legalisation of cannabis production for commercial and medical uses would have profound benefits for our economies and our health as well as our environment. H HO OM ME EO OP PA AT TH HY Y' ' S S S SU UC CC CE ES SS S I IN N E EU UR RO OP PE E. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .2 23 3 By Dana Ullman. Despite attempts to discredit it, homeopathy has widespread use and rising popularity in Europe. Its increasing acceptance among medical practitioners and the public is proof that it works. H HE EA AL LI IN NG G W WI IT TH H E EL LE EC CT TR RO OM ME ED DI IC CI IN NE EP Pa ar rt t 3 3. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .3 31 1 By Dr Nenah Sylver. Devices utilising lasers and LEDs as well as far-infrared heat and sound can target living cells with the precise frequency needed to restore cellular balance and return the body to good health. B BI IG G L LI IE ES S O OF F M MO ON NE EY Y, , M ME ED DI IC CI IN NE E A AN ND D S SC CI IE EN NC CE E. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .3 39 9 By Dr Denis G. Rancourt. The established orthodoxy in economics, medicine and science is intended as a web of lies to maintain power structures, says this tenured Canadian physics professor who was fired for dissidence. S SC CI IE EN NC CE E N NE EW WS S. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .4 45 5 This edition we include items on the Sun's role in changing the rate of decay of radioactive isotopes, and on electrically charged plasma bands that circle the Earth. E EA AR RT TH H P PR RE EC CE ES SS SI IO ON N A AN ND D M MI IC CR RO O B BL LA AC CK K H HO OL LE ES S. .. .. .. .. .. .4 49 9 By Olaf Thomas Raabe. There is a link between a series of unexplained explosions, the Earth's precessional orbit and the inadvertent creation of micro black holes at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland. C CR RO OP P C CI IR RC CL LE ES S 2 20 01 10 0: : T TW WE EN NT TY Y Y YE EA AR RS S O ON N. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .5 57 7 By Andy Thomas. This season's global tally of 110 crop glyphs featured artistic masterpieces including complex mandalas, optical illusions and binary codes. The year 2010 marked two decades of pictograms in the fields. T TH HE E T TW WI IL LI IG GH HT T Z ZO ON NE E. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .6 65 5 This edition we present prophecies and drawings by the little-known Argentinian clairvoyant and artist Benjamín Solari Parravicini, covering contact with ETs, atomic era warnings, the new space age and major social changes. R RE EV VI IE EW WS SB Bo oo ok ks s. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .7 71 1 "Twilight of the Gods" by Erich von Däniken "Lost Knowledge of the Ancients" edited by Glenn Kreisberg "Mass Contacts" by Stefano Breccia "Beyond the Heavens" by Maurizio Cavallo (Jhlos) "Have You Got the Guts to be Really Healthy?" by Don Chisholm "Healthy Sun" by Casey Adams, PhD "World Gnosis" by Mark Amaru Pinkham "Approaching Chaos" by Lucy Wyatt "Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps" by Robert W. Felix "Ancient Egypt 39,000 BCE" by Edward F. Malkowski "The Cross of Bethlehem: The Memoirs of a Refugee" by Ro'i Tov "The Energy Solution Revolution" by Brian O'Leary, PhD "The Untrained Environmentalist" by John Fenton "The Self-Sufficiency Bible" by Simon Dawson R RE EV VI IE EW WS SD DV VD Ds s. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .7 78 8 "The Friendship Case" from Studio3TV "Science Art Foundations for Human Survival" with Robert Pope "One Answer to Cancer" from Fair Go Productions R RE EV VI IE EW WS SM Mu us si ic c. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .7 79 9 "Music of the Honey Gatherers" by Paban Das Baul "Infinite Sky" by Wendy Grace "Eternity" by Deuter "A New Day" by Laya Project N NE EX XU US S B BO OO OK KS S, , D DV VD DS S, , A AD DS S, , S SU UB BS SC CR RI IP PT TI IO ON NS S. .. .. .. .. .. .. .8 87 79 96 6 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2010 NEXUS • 1


Nexus 1706 - new times magazine

Transcript of Nexus 1706 - new times magazine

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VVoolluummee 1177,, NNuummbbeerr 66 OOCCTTOOBBEERR——NNOOVVEEMMBBEERR 22001100PPOO BBooxx 3300,, MMaapplleettoonn QQlldd 44556600,, AAuussttrraalliiaa WWeebbssiittee:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoomm

CCOONNTTEENNTTSSCCOONNTTEENNTTSSLLEETTTTEERRSS TTOO TTHHEE EEDDIITTOORR..................................................................................................44Readers comment on such diverse subjects as mysteriousdeaths in England in late 1998, The Zeitgeist Movement,UFO sightings over Australia's Snowy Mountains, the riseof the scientific dictatorship, and more. GGLLOOBBAALL NNEEWWSS........................................................................................................................................66We report on the Earth's past magnetic pole shifts, IMFstandover tactics against Pakistan, the "Top SecretAmerica" investigation, miscarriages linked to the H1N1vaccine, the "Satellitegate" cover-up, and more. TTHHEE IIMMPPEERRIIAALL AANNAATTOOMMYY OOFF AALL--QQAAEEDDAA..........................................1111By Andrew Gavin Marshall. In response to the CIA's needfor more discretion, the Safari Club internationalintelligence network was formed and went on to financeand organise a global conglomerate of terrorist groups.HHEEMMPP:: OOUURR LLIIFFEELLIINNEE TTOO TTHHEE FFUUTTUURREE................................................1177By Dr Andrew Katelaris. The widespread legalisation ofcannabis production for commercial and medical useswould have profound benefits for our economies and ourhealth as well as our environment.

HHOOMMEEOOPPAATTHHYY''SS SSUUCCCCEESSSS IINN EEUURROOPPEE..................................................2233By Dana Ullman. Despite attempts to discredit it,homeopathy has widespread use and rising popularity inEurope. Its increasing acceptance among medicalpractitioners and the public is proof that it works.HHEEAALLIINNGG WWIITTHH EELLEECCTTRROOMMEEDDIICCIINNEE——PPaarrtt 33..............................3311By Dr Nenah Sylver. Devices utilising lasers and LEDs aswell as far-infrared heat and sound can target living cellswith the precise frequency needed to restore cellularbalance and return the body to good health.BBIIGG LLIIEESS OOFF MMOONNEEYY,, MMEEDDIICCIINNEE AANNDD SSCCIIEENNCCEE....................3399By Dr Denis G. Rancourt. The established orthodoxy ineconomics, medicine and science is intended as a web oflies to maintain power structures, says this tenuredCanadian physics professor who was fired for dissidence.SSCCIIEENNCCEE NNEEWWSS..................................................................................................................................4455This edition we include items on the Sun's role in changingthe rate of decay of radioactive isotopes, and onelectrically charged plasma bands that circle the Earth.

EEAARRTTHH PPRREECCEESSSSIIOONN AANNDD MMIICCRROO BBLLAACCKK HHOOLLEESS............4499By Olaf Thomas Raabe. There is a link between a seriesof unexplained explosions, the Earth's precessional orbitand the inadvertent creation of micro black holes at theLarge Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland.CCRROOPP CCIIRRCCLLEESS 22001100:: TTWWEENNTTYY YYEEAARRSS OONN..................................5577By Andy Thomas. This season's global tally of 110 cropglyphs featured artistic masterpieces including complexmandalas, optical illusions and binary codes. The year2010 marked two decades of pictograms in the fields.TTHHEE TTWWIILLIIGGHHTT ZZOONNEE..........................................................................................................6655This edition we present prophecies and drawings by thelittle-known Argentinian clairvoyant and artist BenjamínSolari Parravicini, covering contact with ETs, atomic erawarnings, the new space age and major social changes.RREEVVIIEEWWSS——BBooookkss..............................................................................................................................7711

"Twilight of the Gods" by Erich von Däniken"Lost Knowledge of the Ancients" edited by Glenn Kreisberg"Mass Contacts" by Stefano Breccia"Beyond the Heavens" by Maurizio Cavallo (Jhlos)"Have You Got the Guts to be Really Healthy?" by Don Chisholm"Healthy Sun" by Casey Adams, PhD"World Gnosis" by Mark Amaru Pinkham"Approaching Chaos" by Lucy Wyatt"Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps" by Robert W. Felix"Ancient Egypt 39,000 BCE" by Edward F. Malkowski"The Cross of Bethlehem: The Memoirs of a Refugee" by Ro'i Tov"The Energy Solution Revolution" by Brian O'Leary, PhD"The Untrained Environmentalist" by John Fenton"The Self-Sufficiency Bible" by Simon DawsonRREEVVIIEEWWSS——DDVVDDss..............................................................................................................................7788

"The Friendship Case" from Studio3TV"Science Art Foundations for Human Survival" with Robert Pope"One Answer to Cancer" from Fair Go ProductionsRREEVVIIEEWWSS——MMuussiicc..............................................................................................................................7799

"Music of the Honey Gatherers" by Paban Das Baul"Infinite Sky" by Wendy Grace"Eternity" by Deuter"A New Day" by Laya ProjectNNEEXXUUSS BBOOOOKKSS,, DDVVDDSS,, AADDSS,, SSUUBBSSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS..............8877––9966


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WWAARRRRAANNTTYY AANNDD IINNDDEEMMNNIITTYYAdvertisers upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INDEMNIFY thePublisher and its servants and agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publication and without limiting the generality of theforegoing to indemnify each of them in relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles,unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violation of rights or privacy AND WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and regulationsand that its publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities in the Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular that nothing therein is capable ofbeing misleading or deceptive or otherwise in breach of the Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974. All expressions of opinion are published on the basis that theyare not to be regarded as expressing the opinion of the Publisher or its servants or agents. Editorial advice is not specific and readers are advised to seek profes-sional help for individual problems. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising material for any reason. © NEXUS New Times 1987–2010










Andrew Katelaris, MD; Dana Ullman, MPH;Nenah Sylver, PhD; Denis G. Rancourt, PhD;

Olaf Thomas Raabe; Andy Thomas


CCOOVVEERR GGRRAAPPHHIICCJeff Edis, [email protected]

PPRRIINNTTIINNGGBeaudesert Times, Queensland, Australia


HHEEAADD OOFFFFIICCEE –– AAllll CCoorrrreessppoonnddeenncceePO Box 30, Mapleton, Qld 4560, Australia.Tel: (07) 5442 9280; Fax: (07) 5442 9381WWeebbssiittee:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoomm

NNZZ OOFFFFIICCEE:: RD 2, Kaeo, Northland. Tel: +64 (0)9405 1963; Email: [email protected]

UUKK OOFFFFIICCEE:: 55 Queens Rd, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1BG. [email protected]

EEUURROOPPEE OOFFFFIICCEE:: Postbus 10681, 1001 ERAmsterdam, The Netherlands. Email: [email protected]

SSTTAATTEEMMEENNTT OOFF PPUURRPPOOSSEENEXUS recognises that humanity is undergoing amassive transformation. With this in mind, NEXUSseeks to provide 'hard-to-get' information so as toassist people through these changes. NEXUS is notlinked to any religious, philosophical or politicalideology or organisation.

PPEERRMMIISSSSIIOONN--TTOO--RREEPPRROODDUUCCEE PPOOLLIICCYYWhile reproduction and dissemination of theinformation in NEXUS is actively encouraged, anyonecaught making a buck out of it, without our expresspermission, will be in trouble when we catch them!


Well, spring has sprung again in the land down under, and as I sit here,wondering what editorials can be found lurking in my brain, the warm

aromas of honeysuckle and jasmine in full bloom are evident in my office. The article in our last edition regarding strange events occurring in the

Gulf of Mexico triggered a lot of interest in both the story and the origin ofthe story found at a notorious website called Godlike Productions. I say"notorious" because it is literally a free-for-all of strange and unusualinformation—and equally strange and interesting people can be foundlurking there. As you may have guessed, the saga continued on from wherewe left off with the article—and it is still unfolding.

For those who came in late, the "Bezerk" thread, as it has come to beknown around the world, is based upon selectively leaked classifiedintelligence chatter being broadcast over an alleged French embassycommunications channel. It describes the working together of variousnational naval forces to observe—and combat—a new organism recentlyfound at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere. It is purportedthat the oil "leak" was a massive cover operation to mask the activities of somany submarines in the Gulf from April this year. My assessment is that theleakers are intelligence people who are genuinely freaked out at the globalsecurity threat posed by this organism, which they claim is originally not ofthis world. Throw in the idea that this organism shows intelligence, lookslike crude oil but can morph into other chemical elements at will, and isbeing activated/stimulated by incoming frequencies and wavelengths fromdeep space...and you have the reason why hundreds of thousands of peoplehave been reading this thread. Whatever the "thing" is down there, it has putmany global geopolitical agendas on standby while factions and nationsstruggle to deal with it and each other—all away from the public eye. Forthis edition, I have no article updating events—so interested people shouldvisit the Bezerk thread itself to stay informed.

Meanwhile, back at the office, this edition includes an article about howvarious agencies set out to create Al-Qaeda and terrorism in order to justifywars and vast military budgets, keep the supply of drugs and cheap oilflowing, ensure access to resources, and so on. Right now, the westernpropaganda machines are churning out anti-Muslim material as fast as theycan—a prelude to the outbreak of full-scale war. Read this article andcirculate it. Tell people that the powers-that-be are using terrorism as a toolto shackle innocent populations and steal resources the world over.

Homeopathy has been under a concerted attack lately, and as usual theignorant media only spout the spoon-fed negative reports fed into the wireservices by drug company lackeys and sceptics. Many readers in NorthAmerica and Australasia may be surprised to learn just how widely used,accepted and successful homeopathy is across Europe. In this day and agewhen science is becoming the new religion, homeopathy will be at the frontline in debates about matter, energy and consciousness. Homeopathyworks; it is inexpensive, very successful and has no adverse side effects. Theonly ones unhappy about it are the drug companies, which are using theirvast influence to have it eradicated as an alternative medicine of choice.

Finally, a big thank-you to everyone who came to the NEXUS Conference inAustralia recently. We’re already planning the next one. Till next time...



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Letters to the Editor ...FFaarreewweellll,, LLaauurreennccee GGaarrddnneerr

Dear Duncan: Sorry to bethe bringer of sad news toyour readers. Theresearcher and authorLaurence Gardner died on12 August 2010 in Exeter,England, after a long illness.

Laurence was well knownin the world of "alternativehistory", with eight publishedbooks which presented oftencontroversial revisionisttheories, challengingorthodox views of worldhistory.

My tribute to him in theIndependent can be found at:

Yours faithfully,Marcus Williamson, UK[Dear Marcus: We, too, are

very sad to learn of LaurenceGardner's passing. Laurencecontributed many times toNEXUS over the years and gavewell-received talks at ourconferences. He was a prodigioustalent (we've reviewed all his books)and an inspiration to so manypeople. He is deeply missed. Ed.]

MMyysstteerryy DDeeaatthhss iinn EEnnggllaannddDear Duncan: From 1996

to 1999, I worked as a craftdesign technician atRawthorpe High School,Huddersfield, WestYorkshire, in the UK.

Towards the middle ofNovember 1998, both theschool staff and pupils fellill due to some kind of superbug which was sweeping thenorth of England.

The main hospitals ofboth Leeds and Liverpooltried in vain to get theDepartment of Health todeclare a state of emergencydue to the high death rate.

The department stated atthe time that 447 personshad to die before any stateof emergency could be

declared! Both hospitalsand their outer districtswere seeing 5,000 bodiesbeing refrigerated each weekbecause the hospitals justcould not cope! And stillthe department would notbudge!

This epidemic lasted sixweeks, with 30,000 dead.The worst hit were the veryyoung and the aged. Someschool children fell ill to asecondary illness whichaffected their nervoussystems. The school Iworked at did not see a fullroll-call, even when I left inFebruary 1999.

The amazing thing wasthat I didn't get ill at all.Either it was due to the factthat I was the only person inthe school who was avegetarian or I'd had 32years of good Kiwi foods.

When I got back to NewZealand in 1999, I wasamazed to find that therehad been no news from theUK that there had been aninfluenza-type epidemic northat 30,000 people had diedfrom it.

This plague, whatever itwas, seemed to have beenconfined to a swath of 40 to50 miles wide across thenorth of England. It wasalmost as if the area hadbeen sprayed with somekind of chemical from EastYorkshire to Liverpool!

The Huddersfield DailyExaminer will have the storyin its archives because itshowed the containersbeing used to house thedead until the coroner couldget to them to determinethe cause of death.

My reading a little aboutchemtrails and otherexperiments upon thepublic has made me think

about the possibility thatthe British governmentkilled its own people in thename of science and aboutjust how powerful the mediaare at keeping news from theoutside world.

Yours faithfully,David S., New Zealand[Dear David: It makes you

wonder if vaccines were involved,too. I’d love to hear from anyreaders who could shed more lighton this event. Ed.]

UUFFOOss oovveerr tthhee SSnnoowwyy Duncan: It never ceases to

amaze me how many peopledon't believe that UFOs arereal—and what theirreaction is when they seeone.

I do a lot of night fishingin the Blowering Dam in theSnowy Mountains area ofNSW, and when you arefloating around a dam for sixor seven hours at night, youtend to look at the sky.

I usually fish with myyoungest son, J.J., who firstbrought my attention tothese UFOs when he askedme what one looked like andpointed one out—whichnearly made me fall off myperch!

On average, I will see twoto 10 per night scootingacross the sky, going fromhorizon to horizon in abouttwo to three minutes, and atthe altitude they are flying at(which is high) they arereally moving.

Sometimes they stop andthen start again; sometimesthey zigzag all over the placeor they turn at right anglesor with just smooth curves,two or three in the timewe're watching them. Theyare very bright lights movingat incredible speeds.

One night we pointed one

out to another bloke. Hisreaction before was to callus liars; his reaction after hesaw it was to start his motorup and go and hide in histent!

Amazingly enough, wewitnessed a UFO dogfightone night. I was with J.J. andone of my elder sons and wewere watching one UFOcoming from the south whenwe spotted one coming fromthe east. They met rightabove us and started circlingeach other when sparksstarted to fly between them.Then one of them blew up ina shower of sparks likefireworks over SydneyHarbour! When I lookedaround, my elder son was onthe floor of the boat in thefoetal position, rocking backand forth.

John F., NSW, Australia

TThhee ZZeeiittggeeiisstt MMoovveemmeennttDear Editor: If there are

any NEXUS readers who donot yet know of thismovement for radical socialchange, then they shouldimmediately look at thewebsite and spend a bit oftime watching the twovideos on YouTube. Theseare well put together tomake a powerful message,even shocking to some.

The Zeitgeist Movement isthe activist wing of TheVenus Project, which is aserious attempt to visualise,in practical terms, what abetter society could be like.

Local groups are springingup around both of these andseem to be attracting youngpeople eager for anequitable and peacefulalternative society, one inwhich individual innovationis no longer stymied by thedead hand of big business.


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... more Letters to the Editor NB: Please keep letters toapprox. 150 to 250 words in

length. Ed.

I feel it to be urgent tobring these projects to yourattention.

For more information,visit

Roger T., Guildford, UK[Thanks, Roger. I think

Zeitgeist has "gone viral" foranyone using the Internet or itsaccessories who is interested inconspiracies and the like. I amwatching with interest to see howThe Zeitgeist Movementprogresses. Ed.]

AAuussttrraalliiaann SSoovveerreeiiggnnttyy Hi Duncan: I've been a

massive fan of your mag formany years. I've studied theways of the world for longer,and got pissed off that Icould find no way to make achange other than grow myown food, be aware andteach my kids to questioneverything.

Upon doing someresearch last week, Istumbled across a politicalparty, established inFebruary this year, whichwants to bring back and liveby the Magna Carta, humanrights and common law. I'mnot a big fan of any pollie,but after reading their webpage I rang them the nextday and now await somepaperwork.

I was wondering if perhapsyou have heard of them (I'mguessing you have): theAustralian SovereigntyAssociation. I think many,many people would be veryinterested to hear aboutthese guys, and I wonderedif you would perhaps do astory on them if you deemedthem worthy.

All I ask is this: pleasehave a look at their webpage and decide foryourself. Their website is

ht tp : / /www.sovere

I love your magazine; thankyou for it.

Best wishes and regards,Tracey T., Australia[Thanks, Tracey: I took a look

at their website and found myselfquite impressed with many oftheir ideas and approaches toissues. I will be keeping abreast ofwhat their plans are in the future.Ed.]

NNEEXXUUSS CCoonnffeerreennccee PPrraaiisseeDear Duncan: NEXUS

does it again! Havingattended the full 2010NEXUS Conference, I amcertain I speak for all fellowguests: it was absolutelybrilliant! People madespontaneous comments like"so much more than Iexpected"...

The presenters were ofvery high quality, the stallswere amazing, the venuewas spot on, and a greattime was had by all.

Thanks, Duncan and co.Wolfgang F., Qld, Australia

TThhee SScciieennttiiffiicc DDiiccttaattoorrsshhiippDear Duncan: Thanks

again for a stimulating andinformative issue [17/05].

However, there were a fewthings which were self-contradictory—more sothan sometimes happens.

Andrew Marshall's oddessay on the scientificdictatorship is notconsistent with evidence.The story of humanity hasnever been between thefree-thinking individual (avariable description of thosewho have ideas differentfrom the prevailing statistones, of which there will beseveral mutually exclusiveand usually ignorable onesuntil one of them in their

turn becomes the newopposing power) andstructures of powers, etc.

It is between rival powers:states against states, civilwars between opposingarmies, nobles againstkings, palace coups, etc. Ofcourse, alternative ideashave to come from oneperson initially, but unlesstaken up by many and thenthese form a rival powergroup, such ideas arehidden in the noise ofeveryday discourse.

Marshall's assertions fromeither fiction or anti-establishment figures (evenas esteemed as BertrandRussell—who I have time forand corresponded with,demonstrated with andadmire) make his wholethesis laughable. If that'sthe best "evidence" he canconcoct, then he has noargument. Where is thescientific dictatorshipanywhere in any shape?

There are even fewerscientists in the new UKgovernment than previously,for example. In anygovernment I know of, theyform a minority if they arethere at all. Not that being ascientist can mean much:there are generally as manysuch qualified opposingthose in power.

"Sciences" cannot be, bytheir very nature, "directed".Scientists can. Science is aprocess of determining thetruth of the Universe bytestable, repeatableevidence; anyone can do it;and, in so doing it, they aredoing science; and manyn o n - e s t a b l i s h m e n tscientists do (you printsome of their stuff, rightlybrandishing theircredentials if they have

them, though this isincidental to the strength oftheir case).

Population control is nota science; it is a politicalprogram, as is eugenics (notto be confused withgenetics). Individualscientists can be as barmyas the next man: being ascientist doesn't makeanyone infallible. Allscience is tentative theories,only as good as the lastfailed attempt to falsifythem.

So Marshall sets up strawmen and attempts to knockthem down with assertionsinstead of facts. Quixotic.

Then he proposes that"we" create an alternative.Who does he mean by "we"?Does that include theTaliban?

Next, to Ramiel Nagel's"Living with Phytic Acid inour Diets". When Nagel saysthings like "[b]ut raw isdefinitely not nature's wayfor grains, nuts, seeds,legumes and even sometubers like yams; nor isquick cooking or rapid heatprocessing such asextrusion". So can Nageltell me: where do all theanimals, reptiles and birds(and even some plants) dotheir cooking? Not tomention humankind for thefirst million years or so. Itseems to me that evolutiongot by quite well. It seems itis very much nature's way toeat raw. Now, this isn't tosay phytic acid and phytatemay not be okay, but such alead-in undermines Nagel'sargument big time—whichis a shame, as I think therest of the article hassubstance.

Kind regards, Ian C.


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The Earth's magneticpoles swap every 300,000

years, a process thatnormally takes up to 5,000years.

In 1995, an ancient lavaflow with an unusualmagnetic pattern wasdiscovered in Oregon, USA.It suggested that the field atthe time was moving by sixdegrees a day—at least10,000 times faster thanusual.

"Not many people believedit," says Scott Bogue ofOccidental College in LosAngeles.

Such fast flips areimpossible, according to models ofthe Earth's core, but this is now thesecond time that evidence has beenfound.

Bogue and his colleague JonathanGlen of the United States GeologicalSurvey in Menlo Park, California, saythat they have found a secondexample in Nevada.

The lava rock suggests that in oneyear, Earth's magnetic field shiftedby 53 degrees (Geophysical ResearchLetters, DOI: 10.1029/2010GL044286).

At that rate, a full flip would takeless than four years, but there couldbe another interpretation.

"It may have been a burst of rapidacceleration that punctuated thesteady movement of the field," saysBogue.

Earth is overdue for a reversal, andrapid shifts would cause widespreadchaos—for navigation and migratorybirds, for instance.(Source:, 3 September2010,


The X-37B was launchedin April amid much

publicity but scant detailabout its true use.

The X-37B was built byBoeing's Phantom Worksdivision, but the programwas originally headed byNASA. It was later turnedover to the Pentagon'sresearch and developmentarm and then to a secretiveUS Air Force unit.

In May, avid skywatcherTed Molczan studied theX-37B's orbit from his homein Toronto and said that itsbehaviour suggested it was

testing sensors for a range of newspy satellites. Since then, the X-37Bhas been arguably the least-secretsecret project on the planet, asfellow backyard astronomers joinedin the scrutiny, aided by how-tovideo guides and applications suchas the Simple Satellite Tracker. Thatis, they did until 29 July when theshuttle disappeared, causing allkinds of consternation andconspiracy theories about its fate.

It was spotted two weeks later by askywatcher in South Africa, whonoticed that it was some 30kilometres higher and on a differenttrajectory, according to calculationsfrom other colleagues in Rome andOklahoma.

Mr Molczan believes this may beanother small piece of the puzzleabout what role the shuttle may playin US military operations. It coulddrop a spy satellite on one run, thenpick it up on the next without thesatellite ever having been detected.

The X-37B can theoretically stayairborne for up to 270 days.

Concerned arms control advocatessay this is clearly the beginning ofthe "weaponisation of space".(Source:, 25 August 2010,


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Cuban medical researcherssuccessfully prevented the

annual outbreak of leptospirosis inCuba among a population of fivemillion people across two regionsusing homeopathy in both 2007and 2008, a homeopathyconference in Havana, Cuba, heardrecently (read the full report at

Using homeoprophylaxis, theequivalent of a vaccine inhomeopathy, a nosode ofleptospirosis was prepared andadministered, along with two Bachflower essences to address thetypical mental and emotional effectsof the disease.

Two doses were given to apopulation of five million over amonth, bringing the incidence ofinfection to just under 10 peoplewith no fatalities.

Previously, conventional treatmentof the population with a vaccine stillresulted in thousands of infectionsand a number of fatalities, and at acost of US$2million. Thehomeopathic solution cost just 10per cent of that, at US$200,000.(Source:


The International Monetary Fund(IMF) and the World Bank are

spurning Pakistan’s pleas for therelease of funds under a 2008 loanagreement until Islamabadimplements radical economicpolicy changes demanded by them.

Earlier this summer, Pakistan wasdue to receive a US$1.3 billiontranche from an IMF loan of $11.3billion. But the IMF delayed releaseof the funds after Islamabad failed tomeet various IMF performancetargets. Since then, more than 20million people and 79 of Pakistan's124 administrative districts have beenaffected by the Indus Valley floods.

Maurizio Giuliano, of the UN

Office for the Coordination ofHumanitarian Affairs, described thefloods as "one of the worsthumanitarian disasters in UNhistory". According to Giuliano, atleast 10 million people are currentlywithout shelter. Much of thecountry's physical infrastructure—including an estimated 1,000bridges and 4,000 kilometres ofhighway—has been destroyed andat least 23 per cent of the country’slate summer–fall harvest ruined.

Talks with IMF leaders inWashington ended with IMFManaging Director DominiqueStrauss-Kahn publicly saying thatthe IMF will not release a penny ofthe $2.6 billion remaining from theloan negotiated in 2008 untilIslamabad makes good on its pledgeto implement the requisitereforms—including the eliminationof energy price subsidies and theimposition of a general sales tax.

Strauss-Kahn's stance wasseconded by World Bank PresidentRobert B. Zoellick, who emphasisedthe need for Islamabad toimplement pro-market reformsbefore all else. (Source: WSWS, 10 September 2010,


France and Germany, whilepublicly urging Greece to make

harsh public spending cuts, bulliedits government to confirm billionsof euros in arms deals, a leadingEuropean MP alleged recently.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a Franco-German lawmaker and the leader ofthe Green group in the EuropeanParliament, said that Paris andBerlin are seeking to force PrimeMinister George Papandreou tospend Greece's scarce cash onsubmarines, a fleet of warships,helicopters and war planes.

Cohn-Bendit accused France andGermany of making theircontributions to an IMF-led rescuepackage for the debt-ridden Greekeconomy contingent on Athenshonouring massive arms dealssigned by Papandreou's predecessor.

Despite its economic woes, whichrecently deepened spectacularlywhen its credit rating wasdowngraded, Greece is one ofEurope's biggest arms buyers,seeking to keep pace with itsregional rival Turkey.(Source:, 7 May 2010,



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In July, the Washington Postpublished its "Top Secret America"

investigation—a sweeping portraitof America's heavily privatisedmilitary–corporate–intelligenceestablishment.

"Top Secret America" (TSA) isbased on hundreds of interviewswith government officials,contractors and independentexperts as well as on satelliteimagery, government contracts,property records, promotionalmaterials from contractors, photoreconnaissance of suspectedintelligence facilities and more.

Here is a summary of the findings:At last count, the official US

intelligence budget stood at $75billion—more than 2.5 times what itwas on 10 September 2001.

The US has become utterlydependent on contractors for basicnational security and intelligencefunctions. The NationalReconnaissance Office literallycouldn't launch satellites withoutcontractors.

Contractors have permeated everysphere of intelligence from aircraftand satellite operations to humanintelligence and informationtechnology. Contractors do

everything from recruiting spies andinterrogating detainees toprocessing civil forfeitures in the waron drugs.

About 110 contractors do about 90per cent of the top-secret work. Thebiggest of the big are householdnames: Booz Allen Hamilton, L-3Communications, CSC, NorthropGrumman, General Dynamics andSAIC. Contractors make up nearly30 per cent of the workforce ofAmerica's intelligence agencies. Atthe Department of HomelandSecurity, the ratio of contractors tostaffers is 50:50. TSA estimates thatof the 854,000 people with top-secret clearances, 265,000 arecontractors.

The TSA report found 1,931intelligence contracting firms doingwork classified as "top secret" for1,271 government organisations atover 10,000 sites around the country,with 533 of the contracting firmsfounded after the 9/11 attacks.

The TSA investigation also found18 government organisationscontracting with 37 privatecompanies to conduct psychologicaloperations, 16 using 50 companiesfor "special military operations"(e.g., SWAT teams andunconventional warfare), and 14

contracting with 50 companies fortop-secret conventional militaryoperations.

Top-secret projects aren't theexclusive preserve of familiar playerslike the CIA, the Pentagon, the NSAand the FBI. You might be surprisedto learn that the Department ofHousing and Urban Development,the US Fish and Wildlife Service, theDepartment of Labor and the USPostal Inspection Service also dosome top-secret work.

The Washington Post reports that atleast 263 intelligence organisationshave been created or reorganised inresponse to 9/11. The Bushadministration created the Office ofthe Director of National Intelligence(ODNI) in 2004 to keep track of themassive undertaking. Unfortunately,ODNI hasn't been very successful, inpart because the agency has no legalor budgetary control over theagencies it is supposedly supervising.The CIA has been known to thwartODNI by simply classifying reports astoo secret for ODNI to see.(Source: by Lindsay Beyerstein, AlterNet,28 August 2010,


The Greenland and West Antarcticicecaps are melting at half the

speed previously predicted,according to analysis of recent datafrom the GRACE satellites, GPSmeasurements on land, and seafloor pressure measurements.

The research results, from a jointAmerican–Dutch team from the JetPropulsion Laboratory, DelftUniversity of Technology and theNetherlands Institute for SpaceResearch, are published in theSeptember issue of Nature Geoscience.

Previous estimates for theGreenland icecap had the icemelting at a rate of 230 gigatonnes(230,000 billion kilograms) a year.That would result in an average risein global sea levels of around 0.75



"I was forced into early retirement after the Bill Gates Foundation stepped up its anti-malaria campaign."

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US government scientists now admit that sensors on at least five satellitesused to provide climate data were "degraded" to the extent that

temperature data may be out by 10 to 15 degrees. In an escalating row dubbed "Satellitegate", further evidence shows that

the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) knew ofthese faults for years. The world's top climate scientists and even priorgovernmental reports cite underfunding and misallocation as the trigger forspiralling satellite data calamities.

NOAA-16 had been commissioned as a polar-orbiting satellite featuringAMSU, AVHRR and High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS)measuring instruments which were discovered by a member of the public tohave suffered catastrophic failure. The official summary shows no report ofany "sensor degradation" since its launch in September 2000, yet on theadvice of top climate scientists I'm reliably informed that such failures weremade known to NOAA years ago.

Nonetheless, the US agency continued to sell its flawed data products tonumerous international institutions without making it public that satellitesensors were "degraded" and unreliable for assessing climate change. Theautomatic readings had been contaminated by hundreds, if not thousands,of false and absurdly high temperature readings, some as high as 612degrees Fahrenheit. We now know that NOAA was aware of theseoutrageous anomalies at least in 2006 but did not remedy them.

NOAA has not revealed how many of its users (mostly internationalmeteorologists and climate researchers) were affected, but we know the datawas sold throughout the world and its readings of land and oceantemperatures have been used by climate scientists in their models since thesatellite's launch. As a consequence and without full disclosure by NOAA, itis feared that innumerable scientific studies about rising globaltemperatures are now entirely invalid.

It is open to speculation whether NOAA may have been hesitant to admitto longstanding faults for fear of a rash of lawsuits from its customers,mainly national governments and university research institutes.

Based on such data, most scientists agree that our planet may havewarmed by 0.6 degrees Centigrade during the 20th century (with a margin oferror of 0.5°C, but this error margin now looks way off).

From analysis of the bogus online temperature data before NOAAremoved it from view, it may be determined that almost all the falsetemperature readings were far in excess of expected averages, many by afactor of four or five, and almost none of the bogus temperatures was lowerthan average.

But it wasn't just a handful of sceptical climatologists sounding the alarm.The National Academy of Sciences, in its 455-page 2007 report, concludedthat because of degradation in the US satellite network the country's abilityto monitor the climate and severe weather was "at great risk".

Satellitegate points to yet another infuriating government cover-up offudged global warming numbers. Despite the clamour for years fromscientists from all sides of the global warming debate for more transparencyand better access to such data, zealous gatekeepers within NASA andBritain's Climatic Research Unit have refused such requests and unlawfullydefied Freedom of Information Act demands.(Sources:, 16 August 2010,; ClimateChange Dispatch, 11 August 2010,

millimetres a year. For WestAntarctica, the estimate was 132gigatonnes a year. However, it nowturns out that these results were notproperly corrected for glacialisostatic adjustment—where theEarth's crust rebounds as a result ofthe melting of the massive icecapsfrom the last major ice age c. 20,000years ago.

One of the researchers, Dr BertVermeersen (TU Delft), explains:"The corrections for deformations ofthe Earth's crust have a considerableeffect on the amount of ice that isestimated to be melting each year.We have concluded that theGreenland and West Antarcticaicecaps are melting at approximatelyhalf the speed originally predicted."

The average rise in sea levels as aresult of the melting icecaps is alsolower, according to their findings.(Source:, 7 September2010,


Ashocking report from theNational Coalition of Organized

Women (NCOW) presented US datafrom two different sourcesdemonstrating that the 2009–10H1N1 vaccinations contributed to anestimated 1,588 miscarriages andstillbirths. An upper-range estimatemay be as high as 3,587 cases.

NCOW also highlights thedisturbing fact that the US Centersfor Disease Control (CDC) failed toinform their vaccine providers aboutthe incoming data on suspected A-H1N1 vaccine-related foetal demise,let alone pregnant women.

Capture-recapture statisticalmethods were used to estimate thetrue number of miscarriages andstillbirths. Typically, even so-called"complete" studies conducted by theCDC have been shown to miss from10 to 90 per cent of the actual casesbecause of under-reporting.(Source:, 17September 2010)



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IInn rreessppoonnssee ttoo tthheeCCIIAA''ss nneeeedd ffoorr mmoorreeddiissccrreettiioonn,, tthhee SSaaffaarrii

CClluubb iinntteelllliiggeenncceenneettwwoorrkk wwaass ffoorrmmeedd

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iinncclluuddiinngg tthhee TTaalliibbaannaanndd AAll--QQaaeeddaa..



This is part one of a three-part series, "The Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda: The CIA'sDrug-Running Terrorists and the 'Arc of Crisis'", which examines the geopolitical historicalorigins and nature of what we today know as Al-Qaeda [Al-Qa'ida], which is in fact anAnglo–American intelligence network of terrorist assets used to advance American andNATO imperial objectives in various regions around the world.

TThhee SSaaffaarrii CClluubb

In 1976, a coalition of intelligence agencies was formed, called the SafariClub. This marked a discreet and highly covert coordination amongvarious intelligence agencies which would last for decades. It wasformed at a time when the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was

embroiled in domestic scrutiny over the Watergate scandal and acongressional investigation into its covert activities, forcing the CIA tobecome even more covert.

In 2002, the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Turki bin Faisal, gave a speechin which he stated that in response to the CIA's need for more discretion, "agroup of countries got together in the hope of fighting Communism andestablished what was called the Safari Club. The Safari Club includedFrance, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Iran [under the Shah]".1 However,"[t]he Safari Club needed a network of banks to finance its intelligenceoperations. With the official blessing of George H. W. Bush as the head ofthe CIA", Saudi intelligence chief Kamal Adham "transformed a smallPakistani merchant bank, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International(BCCI), into a world-wide money-laundering machine, buying banks aroundthe world to create the biggest clandestine money network in history".2

As CIA Director, George H. W. Bush "cemented strong relations with theintelligence services of both Saudi Arabia and the shah of Iran. He workedclosely with Kamal Adham, the head of Saudi intelligence, brother-in-law ofKing Faisal and an early BCCI insider". Adham had previously acted as a"channel between [Henry] Kissinger and [Egyptian President] Anwar Sadat"in 1972. In 1976, Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia formed the Safari Club "toconduct through their own intelligence agencies operations that were nowdifficult for the CIA". It was largely organised by the head of Frenchintelligence, Alexandre de Marenches.3

TThhee ""AArrcc ooff CCrriissiiss"" aanndd tthhee IIrraanniiaann RReevvoolluuttiioonnWhen Jimmy Carter became US President in 1977, he appointed over two

dozen members of the Trilateral Commission (TC) to his administration. TheTC is an international think-tank, formed in 1973 by Zbigniew Brzezinski andDavid Rockefeller.

In 1978, Brzezinski gave a speech in which he stated: "An arc of crisisstretches along the shores of the Indian Ocean, with fragile social andpolitical structures in a region of vital importance to us threatened with


bbyy AAnnddrreeww GGaavviinn MMaarrsshhaallll

© Global Research, Montreal,Canada, 5 September 2010

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fragmentation. The resulting political chaos could wellbe filled by elements hostile to our values andsympathetic to our adversaries." The "arc of crisis"stretched from Indochina to southern Africa, although,more specifically, the particular area of focus was "thenations that stretch across the southern flank of theSoviet Union from the Indian subcontinent to Turkey,and southward through the Arabian Peninsula to theHorn of Africa". "The center of gravity of this arc is Iran,the world's fourth largest oil producer and for more thantwo decades a citadel of US military and economicstrength in the Middle East. Now it appears that the 37-year reign of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi is almostover, ended by months of rising civil unrest andrevolution."5

With rising discontent in the region, "[t]here was thisidea that the Islamic forces could be used against theSoviet Union. The theory was, there was an arc of crisis,and so an arc of Islam could be mobilized to contain theSoviets. It was a Brzezinski concept".6

It is important to note thatRockefeller interests "haddirected US policy in Iran sincethe CIA coup of 1953".25

Following the Shah's flight fromIran, there were increasedpressures within the UnitedStates by a handful of powerfulpeople to have the Shahadmitted to the United States.These individuals wereZbigniew Brzezinski, formerSecretary of State HenryKissinger, John J. McCloy, formerstatesman and senior member of the Bilderberg Group,Trilateral Commission and the Council on ForeignRelations, who was also a lawyer for Chase Manhattan,and, of course, David Rockefeller.26

Chase Manhattan Bank had more interests in Iranthan any other US bank. In fact, the Shah had "orderedthat all his government's major operating accounts beheld at Chase and that letters of credit for the purchaseof oil be handled exclusively through Chase. The bankalso became the agent and lead manager for many ofthe loans to Iran. In short, Iran became the crown jewelof Chase's international banking portfolio".27

In February 1979, Iran had been taking "steps tomarket its oil independently of the Western oil majors.In 1979, as in 1953, a freeze of Iranian assets made thisaction more difficult".32 This was significant for ChaseManhattan not simply because of the close interlockingof the board with the boards of oil companies, and notto mention Rockefeller himself—patriarch of the familywhose name is synonymous with oil—but also becauseChase exclusively handled all the letters of credit for thepurchase of Iranian oil.33

The Shah being accepted into the United States,

under public pressure from Henry Kissinger, ZbigniewBrzezinski and David Rockefeller, precipitated thehostage crisis, which occurred on 4 November. Ten dayslater, Carter froze all Iranian assets in US banks on theadvice of his Treasury Secretary, William Miller. Millerjust happened to have ties to Chase Manhattan Bank.34

In 1979, "effectively restricting the access of Iran to theglobal oil market, the Iranian assets freeze became amajor factor in the huge oil price increases of 1979 and1981".35 Added to this, in 1979 British Petroleumcancelled major oil contracts for oil supply which, alongwith cancellations taken by Royal Dutch Shell, drove theprice of oil up higher.36 With the first major oil pricerises in 1973 (urged on by US Secretary of State HenryKissinger), the Third World was forced to borrow heavilyfrom US and European banks to finance development.With the second oil price shocks of 1979, the US FederalReserve, with Paul Volcker as its new Chairman (himselfhaving served a career under David Rockefeller at ChaseManhattan), dramatically raised interest rates from two

per cent in the late 1970s to 18per cent in the early 1980s.Developing nations could notafford to pay such interest ontheir loans, and thus the 1980sdebt crisis spread throughoutthe Third World, with the IMFand World Bank coming to the"rescue" with their structuraladjustment programs (SAPs),which ensured western controlover the developing world'seconomies.37

Covertly, the United Stateshelped a radical Islamist government come to power inIran, the centre of the "arc of crisis", and thenimmediately stirred up conflict and war in the region.Five months before Iraq invaded Iran, in April 1980Zbigniew Brzezinski openly declared the willingness ofthe US to work closely with Iraq. Two months before thewar, Brzezinski met with Saddam Hussein in Jordan,where he gave support for the destabilisation of Iran.38

While Saddam was in Jordan, he also met with threesenior CIA agents, the meeting arranged by KingHussein of Jordan. He then went to meet with KingFahd in Saudi Arabia, informing him of his plans toinvade Iran, and then met with the King of Kuwait toinform him of the same thing. He gained support fromAmerica and financial and arms support from the Araboil-producing countries. Arms to Iraq were funnelledthrough Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.39 The warlasted until 1988 and resulted in over a million deaths.

This was the emergence of the "strategy of tension" inthe "arc of crisis"; in particular, the covert support(whether in arming, training or financing) of radicalIslamic elements to foment violence and conflict in aregion. It was the old imperial tactic of "divide and

DDeevveellooppiinngg nnaattiioonnss ccoouulldd nnoott aaffffoorrdd ttoo ppaayy

ssuucchh iinntteerreesstt oonn tthheeiirr llooaannss,,aanndd tthhuuss tthhee 11998800ss ddeebbttccrriissiiss sspprreeaadd tthhrroouugghhoouutttthhee TThhiirrdd WWoorrlldd......

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conquer": pit the people against each other so that theycannot join forces against the imperial power. Thisviolence and radical Islamism would further provide thepretext for which the US and its imperial allies couldthen engage in war and occupation within the region, allthe while securing its vast economic and strategicinterests.

TThhee AArrcc ooff CCrriissiiss iinn AAffgghhaanniissttaannIn 1978, the progressive Taraki government in

Afghanistan managed to incur the anger of the UnitedStates due to "its egalitarian and collectivist economicpolicies".40 The Afghan government was widely portrayedin the West as "Communist", and thus athreat to US national security. Thegovernment did, however, undertakefriendly policies and engagement withthe Soviet Union, but it was not aCommunist government.

In 1978, as the new government cameto power, almost immediately the USbegan covertly funding rebel groupsthrough the CIA.41 In 1979, ZbigniewBrzezinski worked closely with his aidefrom the CIA, Robert Gates (who iscurrently Secretary of Defense), inshifting President Carter's Islamicpolicy. As Brzezinski said in a 1998interview with a Frenchpublication: "According to theofficial version of history, CIA aidto the Mujahadeen began during1980, that is to say, after the Sovietarmy invaded Afghanistan, 24December 1979. But the reality,secretly guarded until now, iscompletely otherwise: Indeed, itwas July 3, 1979 that PresidentCarter signed the first directive forsecret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime inKabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the presidentin which I explained to him that in my opinion this aidwas going to induce a Soviet military intervention."42

As author Peter Dale Scott pointed out in The Road to9/11:* "For generations in both Afghanistan and theSoviet Muslim Republics the dominant form of Islamhad been local and largely Sufi. The decision to workwith the Saudi and Pakistani secret services meant thatbillions of CIA and Saudi dollars would ultimately bespent in programs that would help enhance theglobalistic and Wahhabistic jihadism that areassociated today with al Qaeda."44

Hafizullah Amin, a top official in Taraki's government,who many believed to be a CIA asset, orchestrated acoup in September 1979 and "executed Taraki, haltedthe reforms, and murdered, jailed, or exiled thousandsof Taraki supporters as he moved toward establishing a

fundamentalist Islamic state. But within two months,he was overthrown by PDP remnants including elementswithin the military".45 The Soviets also intervened inorder to replace Amin, who was seen as "unpredictableand extremist", with "the more moderate BabrakKarmal".46

The Soviet invasion thus prompted the US nationalsecurity establishment to undertake the largest covertoperation in history. When Ronald Reagan replacedJimmy Carter in 1981, the covert assistance to theAfghan Mujahideen not only continued on the path setby Brzezinski but it rapidly accelerated, as did theoverall strategy in the "arc of crisis". When Reagan

became President, his Vice Presidentbecame George H. W. Bush, who, asCIA Director during the Fordadministration, had helped establishthe Safari Club intelligence networkand the Bank of Credit and CommerceInternational in Pakistan. In the"campaign to aid the Afghanrebels...BCCI clearly emerged as a USintelligence asset" and CIA Director"Casey began to use the outside—theSaudis, the Pakistanis, BCCI—to runwhat they couldn't get through

Congress. BCCI president Abedihad the money to help" and theCIA director had "met repeatedly"with the president of BCCI.47

Thus, in 1981, Director Casey ofthe CIA worked with Saudi PrinceTurki bin Faisal, who ran the Saudiintelligence agency GID, and thePakistani ISI "to create a foreignlegion of jihadi Muslims or so-called Arab Afghans". This ideahad "originated in the elite SafariClub that had been created by

French intelligence chief Alexandre de Marenches."48

In 1986, the CIA backed a plan by the Pakistani ISI "torecruit people from around the world to join the Afghanjihad".

Subsequently: "More than 100,000 Islamic militantswere trained in Pakistan between 1986 and 1992, incamps overseen by CIA and MI6, with the SAS BritishSpecial Forces training future al-Qaida and Talibanfighters in bomb-making and other black arts. Theirleaders were trained at a CIA camp in Virginia. This wascalled Operation Cyclone and continued long after theSoviets had withdrawn in 1989."49

CIA funding for the operations "was funneled throughGeneral Zia and the ISI in Pakistan".50 Interestingly,Robert Gates, who previously served as assistant toBrzezinski in the National Security Council, stayed on inthe Reagan–Bush administration as executive assistantto CIA Director Casey, currently Secretary of Defense.

TThhiiss wwaass tthheeeemmeerrggeennccee ooff tthhee ""ssttrraatteeggyy oofftteennssiioonn""...... IItt wwaass tthhee oollddiimmppeerriiaall ttaaccttiicc ooff ""ddiivviiddee aannddccoonnqquueerr"":: ppiitt tthheeppeeooppllee aaggaaiinnsstteeaacchh ootthheerr ssoo tthhaatttthheeyy ccaannnnoott jjooiinnffoorrcceess aaggaaiinnsstt tthheeiimmppeerriiaall ppoowweerr..

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TThhee GGlloobbaall DDrruugg TTrraaddee aanndd tthhee CCIIAAAs a central facet of the covert financing and training

of the Afghan Mujahideen, the role of the drug tradebecame invaluable. The global drug trade has longbeen used by empires for fuelling and financing conflictwith the aim of facilitating imperial domination.

It was during the 1980s that "the CIA's covert war inAfghanistan transformed Central Asia from a self-contained opium zone into a major supplier of heroinfor the world market". "Until the late 1970s, tribalfarmers in the highlands of Afghanistan and Pakistangrew limited quantities of opium and sold it tomerchant caravans bound west for Iran and east toIndia. In its decade of covert warfare against the Sovietoccupation of Afghanistan, the CIA[with its] operations provided thepolitical protection and logisticslinkages that joined Afghanistan'spoppy fields to heroin markets inEurope and America."55

In 1977, General Zia-ul-Haqlaunched a military coup in Pakistan,"imposed a harsh martial-law regime"and executed former PresidentZulfiqar Ali Bhutto (father to BenazirBhutto). When Zia came to power,the Pakistani ISI was a "minor militaryintelligence unit" but, under the"advice and assistance of theCIA", General Zia transformedthe ISI "into a powerful covertunit and made it the strong armof his martial-law regime".56

The CIA and Saudi moneyflowed not only to weapons andtraining for the Mujahideen butalso into the drug trade.Pakistani President Zia-ul-Haqappointed General Fazle Haq asthe military governor ofPakistan's North-West FrontierProvince (NWFP) who would"consult with Brzezinski on developing an Afghanresistance program" and who would become a CIA asset.When CIA Director Casey or Vice President George H. W.Bush reviewed the CIA Afghan operation, they went tosee Haq, who by 1982 was considered by Interpol to bean international narcotics trafficker. Haq moved muchof the narcotics money through the BCCI.57

In May 1979, prior to the December invasion of theSoviet Union into Afghanistan, a CIA envoy met withAfghan resistance leaders in a meeting organised by theISI. The ISI "offered the CIA envoy an alliance with itsown Afghan client, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar", who led asmall guerrilla group. The CIA accepted, and over thefollowing decade half of the CIA's aid went toHekmatyar's guerrillas.58

Hekmatyar became Afghanistan's leading Mujahideendrug lord and developed a "complex of six heroin labs inan ISI-controlled area of Baluchistan (Pakistan)".59

The US subsequently through the 1980s, inconjunction with Saudi Arabia, gave Hekmatyar morethan US$1 billion in armaments. Immediately, heroinbegan flowing from Afghanistan to America. By 1980,drug-related deaths in New York City rose 77 per centsince 1979.60

By 1981, the drug lords in Pakistan and Afghanistansupplied 60 per cent of America's heroin. Trucks goinginto Afghanistan with CIA arms from Pakistan wouldreturn with heroin "protected by ISI papers from policesearch".61

Haq, the CIA asset in Pakistan, "wasalso running the drug trade", of whichthe bank BCCI "was completelyinvolved". In the 1980s, the CIAinsisted that the ISI create "a specialcell for the use of heroin for covertactions". "This cell promoted thecultivation of opium and theextraction of heroin in Pakistaniterritory as well as in the Afghanterritory under Mujahideen control forbeing smuggled into Soviet controlledareas in order to make the Soviettroops heroin addicts."62 This plan

apparently originated at thesuggestion of French intelligencechief and Safari Club founderAlexandre de Marenches, whorecommended it to CIA DirectorCasey.63

In the 1980s, one programundertaken by the United Stateswas to finance Mujahideenpropaganda in textbooks forAfghan schools. The US gave theMujahideen $43 million in "non-lethal" aid for the textbook projectalone, which was given by USAID.

"The US Agency for International Development, USAID,coordinated its work with the CIA, which ran theweapons program" and "[t]he US government told theAID to let the Afghan war chiefs decide the schoolcurriculum and the content of the textbooks".64 Thetextbooks were "filled with violent images and militantIslamic teachings" and "filled with talk of jihad andfeatured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines".Since the covert war of the 1980s, the textbooks " the Afghan school system's core curriculum.Even the Taliban used the American-produced books".The books were developed through a USAID grant to the"University of Nebraska–Omaha and its Center forAfghanistan Studies" and, when the books weresmuggled into Afghanistan through regional military


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leaders, "[c]hildren were taught to count withillustrations showing tanks, missiles and land mines".USAID stopped this funding in 1994.65

TThhee RRiissee ooff tthhee TTaalliibbaannWhen the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989,

the fighting continued between the Afghan government,backed by the USSR, and the Mujahideen, backed by theUS, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. When the Soviet Unioncollapsed in 1991, so too did its aid to the Afghangovernment, which itself was overthrown in 1992.However, fighting almost immediately broke outbetween rival factions vying for power, includingHekmatyar.

In the early 1990s, an obscure group of "Pashtuncountry folk" had become a powerful military andpolitical force in Afghanistan, known as the Taliban.66

The Taliban "surfaced as a small militia force operatingnear Kandahar city during thespring and summer of 1994,carrying out vigilante attacksagainst minor warlords". Asgrowing discontent with thewarlords grew, so too did thereputation of the Taliban.67

The Taliban acquired analliance with the ISI in 1994, andthroughout 1995 the relationshipbetween the Taliban and the ISIaccelerated and "became moreand more of a direct militaryalliance". The Taliban ultimately became "an asset ofthe ISI" and "a client of the Pakistan army".68 Further,"[b]etween 1994 and 1996, the USA supported theTaliban politically through its allies Pakistan and SaudiArabia, essentially because Washington viewed theTaliban as anti-Iranian, anti-Shia, and pro-Western".69

Selig Harrison, a scholar with the Woodrow WilsonInternational Center for Scholars and "a leading USexpert on South Asia", said at a conference in India thatthe CIA worked with Pakistan to create the Taliban.Harrison has "extensive contact" with the CIA, as "hehad meetings with CIA leaders at the time when Islamicforces were being strengthened in Afghanistan" while hewas a senior associate of the Carnegie Endowment forInternational Peace.

As he further revealed in 2001, "[t]he CIA still hasclose links with the ISI".70 By 1996, the Taliban hadcontrol of Kandahar, but, still, fighting and instabilitycontinued in the country.

OOssaammaa bbiinn LLaaddeenn aanndd AAll--QQaaeeddaaBetween 1980 and 1989, roughly $600 million was

passed through Osama bin Laden's charity frontorganisations, specifically the Maktab al-Khidamat(MAK), also known as Al-Kifah. The money mostlyoriginated with wealthy donors in Saudi Arabia and

other areas in the Persian Gulf, and was funnelledthrough his charity fronts to arm and fund theMujahideen in Afghanistan.71

In the 1980s, the British Special Forces (SAS) weretraining Mujahideen in Afghanistan, as well as in secretcamps in Scotland, and the SAS was largely takingorders from the CIA. The CIA also indirectly began toarm Osama bin Laden.72 Osama bin Laden's frontcharity, the MAK, "was nurtured" by the Pakistani ISI.73

Osama bin Laden was reported to have beenpersonally recruited by the CIA in 1979 in Istanbul. Hehad the close support of Prince Turki bin Faisal, hisfriend and head of Saudi intelligence, and alsodeveloped ties with Hekmatyar in Afghanistan,74 both ofwhom were pivotal figures in the CIA–Safari Clubnetwork.

General Akhtar Abdur Rahman, the head of thePakistani ISI from 1980 to 1987, would meet regularly

with Osama bin Laden inPakistan, and they formed apartnership in demanding a taxon the opium trade fromwarlords so that, by 1985, binLaden and the ISI were splittingthe profits of over $100 millionper year.75 In 1985, Osama binLaden's brother, Salem, statedthat Osama was "the liaisonbetween the US, the Saudigovernment, and the Afghanrebels".76

In 1988, bin Laden discussed "the establishment of anew military group" which would come to be known asAl-Qaeda [Al-Qa'ida].77 Osama bin Laden's charity front,the MAK, (eventually to form Al-Qaeda) founded the Al-Kifah [Refugee] Center in Brooklyn, New York, to recruitMuslims for the jihad against the Soviets. Al-KifahCenter was founded in the late 1980s with the supportof the US government, which provided visas for knownterrorists associated with the organisation, including AliMohamed, the "blind sheikh" Omar Abdel-Rahman andpossibly the lead 9/11 hijacker, Mohamed Atta.78

This coincided with the creation of Al-Qaeda, for whichAl-Kifah Center was a recruiting front. Foot soldiers forAl-Qaeda were "admitted to the United States fortraining under a special visa program". The FBI had beensurveilling the training of terrorists; however, "itterminated this surveillance in the fall of 1989". In 1990,the CIA granted Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman a visa tocome and run Al-Kifah Center; he was considered an"untouchable" as he was "being protected by no fewerthan three agencies" including the State Department, theNational Security Agency (NSA) and the CIA.79

Robin Cook, a former British MP and ForeignSecretary, wrote that Al-Qaeda, "literally 'the database',

......tthhrroouugghhoouutt 11999955 tthheerreellaattiioonnsshhiipp bbeettwweeeenn tthhee TTaalliibbaann aanndd tthhee IISSIIaacccceelleerraatteedd aanndd ""bbeeccaammeemmoorree aanndd mmoorree ooff aa ddiirreecctt mmiilliittaarryy aalllliiaannccee""..


CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8800

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bbyy AAnnddrreeww KKaatteellaarriiss,, MMDD© 2010

Post Office Box 3261North Turramurra NSW 2074


Email: [email protected]

TThhee wwiiddeesspprreeaaddlleeggaalliissaattiioonn ooff

ccaannnnaabbiiss pprroodduuccttiioonnffoorr ccoommmmeerrcciiaall aannddmmeeddiiccaall uusseess wwoouulldd

hhaavvee pprrooffoouunnddbbeenneeffiittss ffoorr oouurr

eeccoonnoommiieess aanndd oouurrhheeaalltthh aass wweellll aass oouurr




TThhee CCoonnsseeqquueenncceess ooff HHeemmpp PPrroohhiibbiittiioonn

It is often said that in war the first casualty is truth. Nowhere is this moreaccurately seen than in the so-called War on Drugs. Beginning with anhysterical "reefer madness" media campaign by the Hearst press in theearly 1930s, the image of cannabis (Cannabis sativa), or hemp, was

transformed from a valuable fibre crop and important source of oil andmedicine to "a heathen devil weed with its roots in hell". Whether by designor circumstance, the suppression of cannabis paved the way for a dramatictransformation of the world's economy.

Prior to the late 19th century, the world operated on a carbohydrate-basedsystem, where all the fibre, fuel and medicine required to meet human needswas produced by photosynthesis, with the Sun's energy utilised to combinecarbon dioxide and water into cellulose, the basic building material of thenatural world. During the 20th century, much of this carbohydrate wasreplaced by hydrocarbons generated by the extractive coal and oil industries.In place of natural hemp fabrics came the petrochemical fabrics. Nylon,polyester and other synthetics were manufactured on a massive scale andpromoted by aggressive advertising. In place of the paper bags and boxescame the ubiquitous plastic bags.

Billions of these toxic, non-degradable items have been manufactured onlyto be used once and then discarded, to find their way into streams andwaterways and eventually to coalesce into massive submerged islands ofgarbage in the Pacific and other oceans, releasing a toxic time bomb ofhormone-disrupting chemicals into the marine and human ecosystems.Instead of paper being made from annual fibre crops, vast tracts of ancientforest have been felled and chipped, then cooked with chlorine and otherhazardous chemicals to produce an inferior product when compared to whatit replaced.

The destruction and contamination of the natural world is not the onlyadverse effect of the suppression of cannabis. Again, whether by design orcircumstance, the legislation put in place to enforce the prohibition hasserved as a template towards the establishment of a repressive police statewith an incremental curtailment of individual liberty. Under the guise ofpreventing damage from the "scourge of drugs", the population has beensubjected to phone-tapping and other methods of surveillance, intrusive andoften violent police raids and a range of chemical surveillance includingenforced testing of hair, urine and saliva. The majority of the current prisonpopulation comprises non-violent drug offenders, especially in the UnitedStates where the privatisation of the prison industry has created a repressivebut highly profitable industry for the Wackenhut Corporation and otherprison industry players.

The damaging consequences of the prohibition are not restricted toindividuals but are felt across the geopolitical sphere.

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Because much of the cannabis and the other plant-based drugs are grown in Third World countries, politicalintervention under the guise of drug interdiction hasbeen and continues to be manipulated for politicalpurposes by serving as a pretence for military action.The invasion of Panama and the political turmoil inAfghanistan, Mexico and Colombia, to name a fewcountries, are the results of the militarisation of the Waron Drugs. Despite the mass of evidence implicating theAmerican military in massive-scale drug-dealing,including the importation of many tonnes of cocainefrom South America to the USA to help fund covertactivities, the drug war warriors continue to claim themoral high ground.

TThhee GGrroowwtthh ooff HHeemmpp IInndduussttrriieessHowever, due to the tireless efforts of thousands of

hemp activists around the world, the tide is slowlystarting to turn. Cannabishemp can now be grown legallyin most countries, although theUnited States remains anotable exception. Whilsthemp industries are still aminor player on the worldscene, their scale and range ofproducts are steadily rising dueto the increasing acceptance ofthe concept of industrialagriculture. In order to producetrue sustainability, industrialagriculture seeks to use annualcrops as the starting point for factory production,replacing mined inputs such as iron ore and coal. Butcan hemp and other select crops really make an impacton the looming environmental catastrophe?

Imagine your country one generation into the future,following the passage of a law requiring all industrialproduction to be completely non-toxic, biodegradableand sustainable. In this world, cars and many otherthings are now made of hemp bio-plastic. This materialis not new. It was developed in 1941 by Henry Ford, whomade a car body that was one-sixth the weight of steelbut had 10 times the impact resistance. Documentaryfootage of this remarkable achievement is available onthe Internet. Future generations will never know what apanel beater actually did, and the insurance industrywill be much downsized. Perhaps, in this future world,those responsible for suppressing such valuable greentechnology will finally be brought to task.

•• PPaappeerr aanndd tteexxttiilleessAustralia earns about $400 million a year by selling

chips from old growth forests, but we import finishedpaper products to the value of $1.4 billion.

In the future world, the use of trees and chlorine inpaper-making is now a receding memory.

Modern non-wood paper-making factories operatesurrounded by green fields of hemp. The billions ofdollars saved on imports are invested into massivereforestation programs, stabilising erosion andfacilitating the return of biodiversity. Synthetic fabricsare long gone, replaced by breathable natural textiles ofhemp, ramie and bamboo.

•• BBuuiillddiinngg aanndd ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonnHempcrete is a building material manufactured from

the chipped inner fibre of the hemp stalk. Mixed withlime, ground slag or other additives, it forms a cellulosecement lighter than conventional materials but withimproved thermal and acoustic insulation properties.The material is fireproof and completely resistant totermites.

Hempcrete revolutionises home building in the future.It sets like concrete but can be cut like timber. Any

unwanted structure can simplybe ground up and thrown intothe new mix. A more "organic"style of building can develop,because it is now astraightforward process torearrange internal walls andmake any other changes to ahome to suit changing familyneeds. In some Europeancountries, nearly half of alldwellings are owner built.

Furthermore, hempcretedramatically reduces the cost of

housing by simplifying construction; for example, a roofcast of hempcrete reinforced with bamboo can replace atiled roof, fascia and guttering. This roof will havebetter thermal and acoustic insulation than the tiles,will be resistant to hail and will greatly reduce the riskfrom bushfire.

In addition to its direct benefits in construction,hempcrete functions very efficiently to sequester carbondioxide. Bio-sequestration is the process by whichplants take up carbon dioxide and water and use theSun's light to synthesise glucose and then cellulose. Ifthe cellulose is used in long-lasting structures, then theatmospheric carbon dioxide is effectively removed or"sequestered", improving the weather health on Earth.The average Australian family generates about 10tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. One hectare ofhemp can sequester up to 20 tonnes of carbon dioxideannually. The average hempcrete house wouldsequester about 40 tonnes. When a house is made ofhempcrete, it is not only this direct carbon dioxidewhich is saved.

Using bricks, tiles and other fired ceramics, though,generates a huge amount of carbon dioxide inmanufacture. An average brick house generates up to500 tonnes of carbon dioxide in its total construction,

IInn aaddddiittiioonn ttoo iittss ddiirreeccttbbeenneeffiittss iinn ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn,,hheemmppccrreettee ffuunnccttiioonnss vveerryyeeffffiicciieennttllyy ttoo sseeqquueesstteerrccaarrbboonn ddiiooxxiiddee..

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and the housing industry generates a large proportionof the country's domestic carbon dioxide output. Alarge-scale change in building methods would facilitateour compliance with targets such as, or preferablyexceeding, Kyoto Protocol levels. The doomsayers mayclaim that compliance with the Protocol would harm theeconomy, but a large-scale transition to hemp-basedpaper, textiles and building industries would provide amassive economic stimulus, creating qualityemployment and export opportunities—unlike theshort-sighted consumer-based stimulus strategiescurrently in use.

HHeemmpp SSeeeedd iinn HHeeaalltthh aanndd MMeeddiicciinneeIn the areas of health and medicine,

the use of hemp could lead todramatic improvements in society.

Hemp seed is one of the richestsources of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid),the plant-based form of the essentialfatty acid omega-3. ALA has an 18-carbon backbone, which is elongatedin the body to a 22-carbon chain toform DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) andEPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). In thisform, omega-3 is incorporated into thebrain, forming a critical part of theneuronal membrane.

Omega-3 from marine sourcesoccurs as DHA and EPA, andtaking omega-3 in this formbypasses the need for theconversion. However, ALA hasbeneficial effects itself, and usingmarine-derived omega-3 places asevere strain on the aquaticenvironment. Further, omega-3 isa very reactive molecule, and theharsh industrial conditions usedin the extraction anddeodorisation of the oil leave itwith less than optimal activity, with detectable levels ofcontaminants including mercury and polychlorinatedbiphenyls (PCBs) found in many commercial samples.

Fortunately, most individuals can readily convert ALAto DHA and EPA in sufficient quantity for optimal braindevelopment. Luckily, two groups with particular needfor DHA and EPA—pregnant women and youngchildren—are particularly efficient at this conversion.The enzymes responsible for the conversion can beimpeded by an excess of saturated fats, so for optimalresults these must be reduced in the diet.

There are two essential fatty acids: omega-3 andomega-6. They are referred to as "essential" becausethey cannot be synthesised by the body but must beobtained from food. The ideal ratio for optimal healthbetween the intake of omega-3 and omega-6 is one part

omega-3 for each three parts of omega-6 (1:3). Theindustrialisation of the western diet and theconsumption of mass-marketed canola and otherinferior oils—which have little omega-3 content in anycase—have had the critical effect of seriously reducingthe omega-3 intake whilst at the same time dramaticallyincreasing the omega-6 intake.

The body maintains homoeostasis by a dynamicbalance between opposing forces; for example, themusculoskeletal system balances opposing flexion andextension muscles to maintain posture. Biochemically,the body maintains its interior homoeostasis bydelicately balancing pro-inflammatory and anti-

inflammatory effects. The body mustbe able to mount an effectiveinflammatory response to repelmicrobial invaders and as an adjunctin wound healing, but it must then beable to down-regulate thisinflammation to prevent unwantedcollateral damage to adjacent tissue.

In general terms, the omega-6 fattyacids and their derivatives are pro-inflammatory, whilst the omega-3sproduce mediators which down-regulate the inflammatory response.With a predominance of omega-6 and

a deficiency of omega-3, the bodyis in a permanent state of excessinflammation.

The release of inflammatorycytokines initiates the process oftissue damage which, if theprocess continues long enough,manifests as illness such asvascular disease, loss of visionand dementia. When thesynovial joints are affected,ostoeoarthritis results, causingmuch pain and suffering for alarge proportion of the

population. Like knights in shining armour, the pharmaceutical

corporations offered their response: the non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These chemicals arebased on aspirin but have been modified to exhibit amore rapid effect, better analgesic properties or someother characteristic to give their product a marketableedge over the competition. NSAIDs have generated anindustry with multibillion-dollar sales annually, despitethe fact that they are responsible for the deaths ofhundreds of thousands of people globally. As a spin-offadvantage for the corporations, the most frequent sideeffect of the NSAIDs is gastric irritation, often leading toulceration. To the NSAIDs billions were added thebillions of dollars from the sales of antacids likeZantac® and more recently the proton pump inhibitors.

TThheerree aarree ttwwooeesssseennttiiaall ffaattttyyaacciiddss:: oommeeggaa--33aanndd oommeeggaa--66..TThheeyy aarree rreeffeerrrreeddttoo aass ""eesssseennttiiaall""bbeeccaauussee tthheeyyccaannnnoott bbee

ssyynntthheessiisseedd bbyy tthhee bbooddyy bbuutt

mmuusstt bbee oobbttaaiinneedd ffrroomm ffoooodd..

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All this expensive medicine and the progression of thedisease is barely slowed, with the hapless patient thenrequiring complex surgery to manage the damagedjoint. Is any of this really necessary?

People who strive to maintain a reasonable omega-3to omega-6 balance and also keep their bodies free ofoxidative stress by regular intake of natural plant-basedantioxidants are generally not troubled byostoeoarthritis or other degenerative diseases. Also,they are rarely troubled by blood pressure problems andthey have no need for antidepressants—two majormoney-spinning drug groups for the globalpharmaceutical companies.

The modern pharmaceuticalindustry appears to be bent on acourse to medicalise the populationfor conditions which are often causedin the first place by their subsidiarycompanies in the food industry.

Over the last century, cane sugarhas gone from being a rare luxuryfood to a massively overconsumedhealth risk. Added in large quantitiesto soft drinks and most processedfoods, in the sedentary body it causeswild swings in blood sugar with mooddisturbances and widespreadoxidative stress as the excessglucose attaches to haemoglobinand tissue or is transported toadipose stores where it adds to aswelling girth.

The type II diabetes epidemiccontinues unabated, while keyculprits like McDonald's use PRgurus to re-invent itself as ahealth food restaurant whilst stillpeddling the same toxic mass ofsaturated and trans- fats andsugar that they call food. Thederangement of the diet leads todisturbances in blood chemistry, especially the lipidprofile, with increases in low-density lipoproteins andtotal cholesterol.

Based on pathological studies showing cholesterol inartery-narrowing atheroma, the medical andpharmaceutical establishment devised the cholesteroltheory of heart disease, claiming that high levels ofserum cholesterol impregnates itself into the arterialwall, thereby causing disease. With cholesterol as thenumber-one bogeyman, the pharmaceutical industrythen presented the frightened public with magicbullets—the statin drugs—certain to cure all theirproblems. These drugs cause serious side effects but,despite this, the statins have grown into a multibillion-dollar industry. Yet there are many weaknesses in thecholesterol theory, and the observed facts are better

described by considering oxidative stress as the keyinitiating event in atheroma formation.

Oxidative stress results from the action of oxygen freeradicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules withunbalanced electron clouds that can damage any tissuewith which they come into contact. These free radicalsare an inevitable result of biochemical respiration.However, oxidative stress is dramatically increased byexposure to toxic chemicals, additives, volatile fumesand electromagnetic radiation.

Like sparks flying from a campfire, free radicals cancause damage to the tissues in which they occur if theyare not quenched. In its well state, the body is

equipped with an impressiveendogenous antioxidant system, andexogenous antioxidants are foundabundantly in tree- and vine-ripenedfruits and berries as well asvegetables.

According to the oxidative stresstheory, disease results from aninflammatory reaction occurringaround sites of oxidative injury. Whenatheromatous plaques are subjectedto careful biochemical analysis, it isfound that the cholesterol in theplaques, ingested by immune cells

known as foamy macrophages, isactually rancid. Rancidity is thestate of an oil that has beensubjected to oxidative stress fromexcess light, heat or chemicalexposure, in the absence ofsufficient protective antioxidants.It is the rancidity of the oil thatinitiates the inflammatoryreaction to cause the plaque, notthe cholesterol itself. The propertreatment should be to addressthe oxidation, not to manipulatethe level of cholesterol artificially.

Additionally, oxidative stress on the membrane of theplatelets renders them overly "sticky", setting the stagefor a vascular event, whether a myocardial infarction, acerebrovascular accident or ischaemia of a limb. Whilstcertain genetic characteristics of an individual or agroup may render them susceptible to oxidative stressin a particular site or tissue, the underlying pathologyremains oxidative stress.

Without wholesale dietary and lifestyle changes, thehealth of the population will continue to deteriorate.People will fall victim to a range of chronic degenerativeillnesses until society is unable to afford the health carecosts involved. The current unbalanced, devitalised,demineralised and generally deficient national diet hasled to preventable conditions imposing a serious socialand economic cost on the community.


IItt iiss tthhee rraanncciiddiittyyooff tthhee ooiill tthhaattiinniittiiaatteess tthheeiinnffllaammmmaattoorryyrreeaaccttiioonn ttoo ccaauusseetthhee ppllaaqquuee,, nnoott tthheecchhoolleesstteerrooll iittsseellff..TThhee pprrooppeerr

ttrreeaattmmeenntt sshhoouullddbbee ttoo aaddddrreessss tthheeooxxiiddaattiioonn,, nnoott ttoommaanniippuullaattee tthheelleevveell ooff cchhoolleesstteerrooll


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It is estimated that up to 90 per cent of Australianschoolchildren are not getting optimal quantities ofomega-3, and this can be expected to impact on braindevelopment and intellectual functioning.

An ideal intake of omega-3 is also required for theoptimal functioning of the immune system.Deficiencies can manifest as allergies, autoimmunediseases and other expressions of immune dysfunction.

Hemp seed offers a unique combination of importantnutrients, including a balanced ratio of omega-3 andomega-6 and an impressive array of vitamins andminerals.

Hemp seed has a particularly high level of vitamin E,which is a potent antioxidant protecting the omega-3from rancidity. Vitamin E, so often deficient in a diet ofprocessed foods, is critical for vascular health bymaintaining the pliability of the blood vessel walls. Theprotein in hemp is balanced and easily absorbed.

TThhee PPoolliittiiccss ooff HHeemmpp FFooooddssAustralia is the only country

on Earth which still hasrestrictions on advertising thefood uses of hemp seed. It ispermissible to use the producttopically but not as food—suchas hemp seed butter, ice creamand health bars. (This is asimilar situation as with rawmilk, where overzealousregulators have restricted aproduct based on poor science,economic self-interest andpolitical bias.)

Hemp seed is currently not licensed as a human foodin Australia. In 2002, an application was made toinclude hemp foods, but it was rejected after politicalintervention by the previous conservative government.In 2009, Food Standards Australia New Zealandaccepted an application to have the code modified; thedecision on this application is pending.

However, in our future world, things are running moresmoothly. The legislation requiring all products to becompletely non-toxic has seen the end of the junk foodindustry. After only a few years of eating a wide range ofhemp seed–based foods and adopting other health-promoting practices, the benefits are being seen in thepopulation.

With the reversal of the diabetes epidemic, there arehuge savings in health care. The surplus is spent onexpanding the cycle networks around the cities andother public health amenities. Maternal and perinatalhealth improves, and there is a reduction in thecurrently alarmingly high level of asthma in children.

Optimised nutrition brings many advantages. Like afire that is brightly stoked instead of smouldering andsmoky, the metabolism becomes more efficient at

converting food to energy. The mental and physicalvigour of the population increases and we are usheredinto a renaissance of learning and creativity. Releasedfrom the shackles of junk food toxicity, the human mindis free to explore new ways of interacting and dealingwith formerly intractable problems and we are usheredinto a new era of peace and prosperity.

But how likely is it that we will ever see the passage oflegislation aimed at ensuring the health and prosperityof the Earth and all the people on it? The economic andpolitical systems at the present time appear to becontrolled by a cabal of crooks with the moral integrityof reptiles. In a world crying out for satisfaction of thebasic needs of food, clean water and shelter, over 70 percent of the world's scientists are employed by themilitary.

The financial stresses imposed by the currenteconomic situation make it a full-time occupation formost people just to feed, clothe, shelter and educate

their families. Having the timeand energy to engageconstructively in the politicalprocess is a luxury few canafford and, with the media'sfocus on one irrelevant issueafter another, it has become the21st-century version of breadand circuses.

The interpretation that allplants and animals have beencreated for the use of humanshas reinforced the message ofseparateness and paved the way

for the ruthless exploitation of the natural world that isnow a looming threat for the entire biosphere. Theindustrial use of hemp and other fibre plants on amassive scale can cure many of the globalenvironmental ills while generating significanteconomic benefits.

The use of hemp foods can heal and revitalise thepopulation. But can the juggernaut of avariciouscapitalism, with its indoctrination to mindlessconsumerism, be overcome in time to save whatprecious remnants we have of the natural world beforethey are obliterated?

What is required is a complete revolution. Noadjustments, amendments or other tinkering made tothe current economic system can begin to approach asolution. A revolution in humanity's relationship withthe natural world needs to be the starting point for thisprocess. Then we may have a chance to pass thatcritical piece of legislation that prohibits products thatare not completely safe and non-toxic, rather thancontinuing with the current situation of prohibiting thesolution. ∞


CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8811

TThhee iinndduussttrriiaall uussee ooff hheemmppaanndd ootthheerr ffiibbrree ppllaannttss oonn aammaassssiivvee ssccaallee ccaann ccuurreemmaannyy ooff tthhee gglloobbaall

eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall iillllss wwhhiilleeggeenneerraattiinngg ssiiggnniiffiiccaanntteeccoonnoommiicc bbeenneeffiittss..

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bbyy DDaannaa UUllllmmaann,, MMPPHH© February–September 2010

Homeopathic Educational Services2124B Kittredge StreetBerkeley, CA 94704, USA

Email: [email protected]


TThhee uussee ooffhhoommeeooppaatthhyy hhaassbbeeeenn oonn tthhee rriissee

ffoorr ddeeccaaddeess aaccrroossssEEuurrooppee,, wwhhiicchh

ssuuggggeessttss tthhaatt tthheemmooddaalliittyy iiss

iinnccrreeaassiinnggllyy bbeeiinnggrreeggaarrddeedd aass aann

eeffffeeccttiivvee aalltteerrnnaattiivveehheeaalltthh ttrreeaattmmeenntt..


TThhee GGrroowwiinngg TThhrreeaatt ttoo CCoonnvveennttiioonnaall MMeeddiicciinnee

Numerous surveys over the past 150-plus years have confirmed thatpeople who seek homeopathic treatment tend to be considerablymore educated than those who don't.1 What is not as well known isthe fact that homeopathic medicine is the leading "alternative"

treatment used by European physicians as well as by growing numbers ofthe citizenry.

And despite homeopathy's impressive popularity in Europe, it is actuallyeven more popular in India where over 100 million people depend solely (!)on this form of medical care.2 Further, according to an ACNielsen survey inIndia, 62% of current homeopathy users have never tried conventionalmedicines and 82% of homeopathy users would not switch to conventionaltreatments.3

Sceptics of homeopathy, who insist that homeopathic medicines do notwork, obviously cannot explain how so many people use and rely upon thissystem of medicine to treat themselves for so many acute and chronicdiseases…and why a very large number of these people do not have to useanything else. The fact that these sceptics assert that homeopathicmedicines are "placebos" is simply more indicative of their hyper-denialismof reality, and yet these sceptics maintain great arrogance and ignoranceabout homeopathy.

The entire field of "complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM) was sohot in Europe in the 1980s that, according to a respected market survey, itwas second only to the computer industry for growth during this decade.4

This explosion of interest in natural medicine has continued in the 21stcentury.

In 1998, homeopathy (also spelled "homoeopathy") was the mostfrequently used CAM therapy in five out of 14 surveyed countries in Europeand among the three most frequently used CAM therapies in 11 out of 14surveyed countries.5 Three out of four Europeans know about homeopathyand, of these people, 29% use it for their own health care. In other words,approximately 100 million Europeans use homeopathic medicines.6

The sales of homeopathic and anthroposophical medicines grew by 60%between 1995 and 2005, from 590 euros in 1995 to 775 euros in 2001 and to930 euros in 2005.7 Because of homeopathy's impressive and growingpopularity in Europe, this alternative treatment poses a significant threat toconventional medicine, which may explain why there are ongoing efforts toattack it (and homeopaths) using devious and questionably ethical means.

FFrraanncceeHomeopathy is particularly popular in France, where it is the leading

alternative therapy. In 1982, 16% of the population used homeopathicmedicine, rising to 29% in 1987 and to 36% in 1992.8 In 2004, 62% of French

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mothers used homeopathic medicines in the previous12 months.9 A survey of French pharmacists wasconducted in 2004 and found that an astounding 94.5%reported advising pregnant women to use homeopathicmedicines.10

A survey in November 2007 was carried out by aleading French insurance company in collaboration witha French market research business.11 They found thatthe largest group of users of natural medicine in Francetend to be people belonging to the socio-professionalcategories (50%), more so than employees (41%),pensioners (37%) and workmen (31%). More than oneout of two (55%) consider natural medicines effective inconjunction with the treatment of diseases such ascancer, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. One of the mostsurprising discoveries of the above survey is that it alsofound that 82% of the users of homeopathic and naturalmedicines think that their use of these treatmentscontributes to the economicsavings of the health system inFrance. And more surprisingly,60% of non-users were similarlyconvinced of these benefitsfrom the use of naturalmedicines.

Homeopathy is popular notonly among the French publicbut also among the Frenchmedical community. As manyas 70% of physicians arereceptive to homeopathy andconsider it effective, and atleast 25,000 physicians prescribe homeopathicmedicines for their patients. Homeopathy is taught inat least seven medical schools—Besançon, Bordeaux,Lille, Limoges, Marseille, Paris Nord and Poitiers—andthere are numerous postgraduate training programs.Courses in homeopathy are taught in 21 of France's 24schools of pharmacy, and also in two dental schools,two veterinary medical schools and three schools ofmidwifery.

UUnniitteedd KKiinnggddoommMembers of Britain's Royal Family have been among

homeopathy's strongest advocates, thereby confirmingthat this system of natural medicine is not some "newage" therapy. In the UK, there are five homeopathichospitals working within the National Health Service,some of them with a two-year waiting list for non-emergency visits to a homeopath.

According to the 2000 report of the House of LordsSelect Committee on Science and Technology, 17% ofthe British population use homeopathic medicines.12

The respect accorded homeopathy and homeopathicpractice by British physicians is evidenced by a 1986survey in the British Medical Journal which showed that42% of physicians referred patients to homeopathic

doctors. Other evidence of support from healthprofessionals is a 1990 survey of British pharmacistswhich found that 55% considered homeopathicmedicines "useful" while only 14% considered them"useless".14 The normally conservative Association ofthe British Pharmaceutical Industry held a debate in1992 to decide whether pharmacists should promotehomeopathic medicines. The conclusion by a largemajority was that they should.15

The field of complementary medicine gained muchsupport in the 1990s. In 1993, the British MedicalAssociation published a book entitled ComplementaryMedicine: New Approaches to Good Practice.16 In 1994, Britain'sthen Minister of State for Health Services, Dr BrianMawhinney, stated: "Complementary medicine hasgenerally proved popular with patients, and a recentsurvey found that 81 per cent of patients are satisfiedwith the treatment they received." Another health

minister stated that 80% ofgeneral practitioners wanttraining in complementarytherapies; 75% now referpatients to complementarytherapists.17

Despite the use andacceptance of homeopathythroughout the UK, there is avery active group of sceptics,with unknown sources offunding, who work incessantlyto attack this system of naturalmedicine. Even though there is

a wide variety of serious and significant pressing issuesin British medicine and science today, in October 2009an active group of homeopathy sceptics successfullyresurrected a governmental committee, the House ofCommons Science and Technology Committee, with theintention of having a report issued on homeopathy.

A leading sceptics organisation, Sense About Science,which was pushing for the re-creation of this committee,is led by a former public relations professional whoworked for a PR company that represents many BigPharma companies. Of additional interest is the factthat other directors of Sense About Science are amixture of former or present libertarians, Marxists andTrotskyists (ironically, libertarians normally advocate a"live and let live" philosophy, but in this instance itseems that they prefer to take choice in medicaltreatment away from British consumers). Sense AboutScience is a registered UK charity, despite being apolitical pressure group. As such, it has to divulge itssources of income, which it does on its website. Notsurprisingly, much of this income comes from namedpharmaceutical manufacturers.

One of the investigators for the Science andTechnology Committee was the now former LiberalDemocrat MP (Member of Parliament) Dr Evan Harris.


HHoommeeooppaatthhyy iiss ppooppuullaarr nnoott oonnllyy aammoonngg tthhee FFrreenncchh ppuubblliicc bbuutt aallssooaammoonngg tthhee FFrreenncchh mmeeddiiccaall ccoommmmuunniittyy..

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(At the UK general election in May, Harris lost his seatto a 20-something-year-old challenger who had noprevious elected position.) He is involved with SenseAbout Science, and he was also one of the scepticdemonstrators against the national pharmacy chainBoots, which sells homeopathic medicines. Thisadvocacy role does not make him an unprejudicedobserver, as is required for this type of investigation.

On 22 February, this kangaroo court issued a reportrecommending that the National Health Service stopfunding for homeopathy and homeopathic doctors,despite the support for homeopathy and for consumerchoice from Mike O'Brien, the then Minister of State forHealth Services. This report is only ofan advisory nature, and because theMinister had already expressed hissupport for the consumers' right tochoose their own health care, itseemed unlikely that the Britishgovernment would change itspolicies…and that is precisely whathappened. In July, Anne Milton, thenew health minister, welcomed theMPs' report but asserted thathomeopathy has a long andestablished tradition in their countryand should remain a choice forBritish doctors and patients. (Tosee the report, go

What is most surprising aboutthis initial report is that it verifiedthat when people repeat a liefrequently enough, such as "thereis no research on homeopathy",many people actually believe itdespite its transparent falsity.

Any rational person should andmust be very suspicious of this"report". The MPs who were part of the Science andTechnology Committee which voted for this anti-homeopathy report comprised 14 members and, believe itor not, only four members voted, with a majority of threevoting for the report. Of the three votes, two members didnot attend any of the investigational meetings and one ofthem was such a new member of the committee that hehadn't even been a member during the hearings; theremaining "yes" vote was from Evan Harris, a medicaldoctor and devout antagonist of homeopathy. This reportwas not exactly a vote of and for the people.

In Scotland, 12% of general practitioners usehomeopathic medicines and 49% of all generalpractitioner practices (at least one medical doctor in agroup practice) prescribe them.18

The use of homeopathic medicines is not simplypopular in the treatment of humans but also animals.Although there is little data presently available on this

subject, one survey discovered that 20% of Irish milkproducers have tried homeopathic medicines to treatmastitis or cows with high white-cell counts, and 43%believe that they work. In the herds surveyed, 50% ofproducers added homeopathic medicines to the cows'drinking water, 27% administered medicines viainjection, 6% gave oral doses, and 6% placed themedicines in the cows' vagina.19

A survey in Ireland was conducted at 13 paediatricsettings over a four-month period.20 The researchersfound that 57% of parents reported using CAM for theirchild. Use was significantly higher in the 2–4 years agegroup (34/105, 32%, p=0.005). The most common

medicinal CAMs used were vitamins(88%), fish oils (27%) and echinacea(26%). The most common non-medicinal CAMs used werehomeopathy (16%) and craniosacraltherapy (14%). Only 13% of parentshad informed their paediatrician oftheir child's CAM use.

GGeerrmmaannyyThe German people are so

supportive of natural medicine that theGerman government has mandated

that all medical school curriculainclude information about naturalmedicines. Approximately 10% ofGerman doctors specialise inhomeopathy, with approximately10% more prescribinghomeopathic remedies onoccasion. In 1993, there were1,993 medical doctors who hadformally qualified in homeopathy;by 2006, this number had jumpedover 100% to 6,073. In 1993, therewere 9,000 natural health

practitioners (called heilpraktikers); by 2007 this hadincreased to over 20,000. Approximately 20–30% ofheilpraktikers specialise in homeopathy.21

In November and December 2005, as part of a nationalhealthcare survey, a cross-sectional survey wasconducted of a large random sample of 516 Germanoutpatient care physicians with qualifications in 13medical fields, representative of a basic population of118,085 statutory health insurance physicians.According to this survey, 51% were in favour of CAM use(26% were very much in favour, 25% were in favour).This survey found that 38% of the medical doctorsprescribed homeopathic medicines.22

A survey of obstetrics departments at hospitals in thestate of North Rhine-Westphalia found that acupunctureand homeopathic medicine were the two mostcommonly used CAM practices. A total of 187 obstetricsdepartments were identified, and 138 (73.4%) responded

......AAnnnnee MMiillttoonn,, tthhee nneeww hheeaalltthhmmiinniisstteerr,,

wweellccoommeedd tthheeMMPPss'' rreeppoorrtt

bbuutt aasssseerrtteedd tthhaatthhoommeeooppaatthhyy hhaass aa lloonngg aannddeessttaabblliisshheeddttrraaddiittiioonn......aannddsshhoouulldd rreemmaaiinn aacchhooiiccee ffoorr BBrriittiisshhddooccttoorrss aannddppaattiieennttss..

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to a questionnaire. Almost 96% of the obstetricsdepartments offered homeopathic medicines forobstetric care, including 7.2% exclusively for prophylaxisand 4.8% for birth complications.23

The 2003–2006 German Health Interview andExamination Survey for Children and Adolescents(KiGGS) found a higher than expected use ofhomeopathic medicine amongst German children. Thesurvey found that paediatric homeopathy is quitepopular in Germany, particularly amongst children fromfamilies with a higher socio-economic status. Nearlyhalf of the homeopathic preparations were obtained byprescriptions from medical doctors or heilpraktikers (non-medical practitioners) and used most often to treatcertain self-limiting conditions. About 60% ofhomeopathy users concomitantlyreceived conventional medicines.Homeopathy use was closely relatedto socio-economic factors, with asignificantly higher prevalence ratefound in the 0–6-year age group(prevalence 6.2%, odds ratio 2.2, 95%confidence intervals [CI] 1.7–2.9),among children residing in the formerWest Germany (5.1%, 2.2, 1.5–3.2) orthe south of Germany [6.6%, 1.7,1.3–2.4), among children with a poorhealth status (6.8%, 3.0, 2.2–4.2), withno immigration background (5.3%,3.7, 2.2–6.1), who received breast-feeding for more than six months(7.6%, 2.1, 1.6–2.9), were fromupper social-class families (7.4%,1.8, 1.1–2.8), and whose motherswere university educated (7.2%,1.6, 1.2–2.2).24

In 2002, the British Medical Journal(BMJ) reported that 75% ofGermans have usedcomplementary or naturalmedicine. It also reported that, by1994, 5,700 doctors had received specialised training innatural medicine, with this number doubling to 10,800by 2000. Homeopathic medicine was practised by 4,500medical doctors in Germany as at 2002, almost twice asmany as in 1994. According to the report, the Germangovernment, which conducted this survey, discoveredthat there was a 33% reduction in sick days if peopleused natural therapies, especially homeopathy oracupuncture. It was also reported that women usednatural therapies more than men did, but when menused them they benefited more than women did.25

In 2009, a survey of Germans who used homeopathyor acupuncture was published. This survey found that7% of the population used homeopathy and 10% usedacupuncture. Of individuals who had a high educationlevel, 68% used homeopathy as compared with 53% who

used acupuncture.26 A survey of patients in Germanywith chronic lymphocytic leukaemia found that 44% hadused alternative treatments. No correlation was seenwith educational level, gender, or previous or currentchemotherapy. The most common alternative orcomplementary treatment modality was vitaminsupplementation (26%), followed by mineral (18%),homeopathic (14%) and mistletoe (9.2%) therapy.27

A 2008 survey of German children with cancer foundthat 35% of the responders had used CAM. The mostfrequently used methods were homeopathy, dietarysupplements and anthroposophical medicine includingmistletoe therapy. Factors which increased theprobability of using CAM were the previous use of CAM,higher social status and poor prognosis of a child's

disease. An impressively highpercentage (89%) of parents of thesepatients reported that they wouldrecommend CAM to other parents.28

The use of homeopathy and CAM inGermany by people with other chronicdiseases is also high, as was observedin a survey of Germans with multiplesclerosis. A 53-item survey was mailedto members of the Baden-Württembergchapter of the German MultipleSclerosis Society. Surveys of 1,573patients (48.5 ± 11.7 years, 74% women,

duration of illness 18.1 ± 10.5years) were analysed. Incomparison with conventionalmedicine, more patients displayeda positive attitude towardscomplementary and alternativemedicine (44% vs 38%, p<0.05),with 70% reporting lifetime use ofat least one method. Among awide variety of complementary andalternative medicine options, dietmodification (41%), omega-3 fattyacids (37%), vitamins E (28%), B

(36%) and C (28%), homeopathy (26%) and selenium(24%) were cited most frequently. Most respondents(69%) were satisfied with the effects of complementaryand alternative medicine.

Use of CAM was associated with religiosity, functionalindependence, female sex, white-collar job and highereducation (p<0.05). Compared with conventionaltherapies, complementary and alternative medicine rarelyshowed unwanted side effects (9% vs 59%, p<0.00001).Sales of homeopathic medicines in Germany wereapproximately US$428 million in 1991, growing at a rateof about 10% per year. Evidence of the significantsupport from the German medical community is the factthat 85% of these sales are prescriptions fromphysicians. Surveys indicate that 98% of pharmaciessell homeopathic medicines.29

IInn ccoommppaarriissoonn wwiitthh ccoonnvveennttiioonnaallmmeeddiicciinnee,, mmoorreeppaattiieennttss ddiissppllaayyeedd aa ppoossiittiivvee aattttiittuuddee

ttoowwaarrddssccoommpplleemmeennttaarryyaanndd aalltteerrnnaattiivveemmeeddiicciinnee......,, wwiitthh7700%% rreeppoorrttiinngglliiffeettiimmee uussee ooff aattlleeaasstt oonnee mmeetthhoodd..

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SSwwiittzzeerrllaannddA Swiss government–sponsored survey evaluated

patient satisfaction and side effects in primary care andalso compared homeopathic treatment andconventional medical treatment.

A total of 3,126 adult patients responded to aquestionnaire, 1,363 of whom received conventionalmedical treatment and 1,702 of whom receivedhomeopathic treatment.

This survey found that a higher percentage of thehomeopathics patients had chronic and severeconditions than did the conventional medical patients,that homeopathics patients were more often"completely satisfied" with their treatment (53% vs 43%),that homeopathic patients experienced significantlyfewer side effects (7.3% vs 16.1%), and that theproportion of patients reporting complete resolution ofsymptoms was non-significantly higher in theconventional medical patients(28% vs 21%).

What is particularly importantabout this survey is theobservation that homeopathicpatients had a higherpercentage of seriously illpatients, but they expressed amuch higher amount ofsatisfaction with their treatmentthan the patients who receivedconventional medicaltreatment.

This survey also confirmed acommon observation about people who seekhomeopathic treatment: that they are much moreeducated than those who don't (32.4% vs 24.7% received"higher education").30

The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health issued areport to the government of Switzerland whichconcluded that "the effectiveness of homeopathy can besupported by clinical evidence, and professional andadequate application [can] be regarded as safe".31

In Switzerland, different surveys have suggested thatsomewhere between 11% and 27% of generalpractitioners and internists prescribe homeopathicmedicines.

Other European countries in which homeopathy has arelatively strong presence include Italy, where 9% ofmedical doctors sometimes prescribe homeopathicremedies; and The Netherlands, where 45% ofphysicians consider homeopathic medicines effectiveand 47% of medical doctors use one or morecomplementary therapies, with homeopathy being themost popular (40% among these select doctors).32

The prevalence of CAM use in a sample of Swisspatients undergoing kidney transplant was 11.8%. Themost frequently used alternative therapy among thesewas homeopathy (42.9%).33

IIttaallyyAccording to a 2004 survey, 7.5 million Italians use

homeopathic medicines—2.5 million more than in a2000 survey. Approximately 14% of Italian women and10% of men prefer homeopathic medicine toconventional medicine, and 9.6% of children betweenthree and five years of age are treated with homeopathicmedicines. Almost 90% of Italians who have used suchmedicines say that these treatments helped them, with30% saying that they used homeopathic medicines forpain syndromes and 24% for severe or chronic diseases.34

A 2005 survey on the use of CAM among cancerpatients in Europe reported that 73% of the Italiancancer patients had used CAM, a number well above theEuropean average of 36%. The most popular treatmentmodalities used by cancer patients in Italy were highuse of homeopathy, herbal medicine and spiritualtherapies.35 A 2008 survey in Tuscany, Italy, found that

the incidence of CAM use aftercancer diagnosis was 17%, withthe most widely used formsbeing herbal medicine (52%),homeopathy (30%) andacupuncture (13%). Use washigher in the urban area andamong women, breast cancerpatients and persons with ahigher education.36

A survey of Italian childrenwith cancer who were beingtreated at a conventionalpaediatric oncology unit found

that 12.4% of the children used at least one type ofCAM, with homeopathy being the most popular; 83% ofthe parents reported benefits in their children, includingimproved immune defences, regression of diplopia andimproved blood values.37 This study confirmed theobservation of many other surveys which found thatusers of CAM tended to be more educated than thosewho did not use CAM.38, 39, 40

Five hundred and fifty-two patients who hadinflammatory bowel disease and who were undertreatment at an Italian tertiary medical referral centrecompleted a questionnaire; 156 (28%) reported usingcomplementary and alternative therapies, which mainlyinvolved homeopathy (43.6%) followed by controlleddiets or dietary supplements (35.5%), herbs (28.2%),exercise (25.6%) and prayer (14.7%). Improvements inwell-being (45.5%) and inflammatory bowel diseasesymptoms (40.3%) were the most commonly reportedbenefits. A higher education, a more frequentlyrelapsing disease and dissatisfaction with the doctor'scommunication correlated with complementary andalternative therapy use. Non-compliance withconventional drugs, disease severity and curiosityregarding novel therapies were predictors ofcomplementary and alternative therapy use.41

TThhiiss ssuurrvveeyy ffoouunndd tthhaatt aahhiigghheerr ppeerrcceennttaaggee ooff tthheehhoommeeooppaatthhiiccss ppaattiieennttss hhaadd cchhrroonniicc aanndd sseevveerreeccoonnddiittiioonnss tthhaann ddiidd tthhee


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SSppaaiinnIn Spain, homeopathy has become so popular that

INE, the country's statistics institute, has addedexpenditures on homeopathic medicines to itscalculations for monthly inflation rates.42 Sales ofhomeopathic medicines in Spain are growing at 10–15%annually, with approximately 15% of the populationsaying that they have used a homeopathic medicine and25% that they would be happy to try one.43

EEaasstteerrnn EEuurrooppeeWhen the Iron Curtain was up, Hungary, Czechoslovakia

and East Germany banned homeopathy, but this medicaliron curtain fell with the fall of communism.

Homeopathy holds a unique place inRussia, where it has been widelyaccepted but is not sanctioned by thestate medical bureaucracy.

Thus, homeopathic care is not freeand has been a part of the new Russianeconomy where fees are paid for healthservices.

Demand for homeopathic care is sogreat that Russians prefer to pay forhomeopathic care than to receive freeconventional medical care.

Some sceptics have asserted thathomeopathy and naturalmedicines are becomingincreasingly popular in Russiabecause "real medicine" is eitherunavailable or too expensive.44

However, this assumption hasbeen disproven, because the trendtowards homeopathic and naturalmedicine is particularly popularamong those Russians who aremore educated and are in highereconomic classes.

Journalists and sceptics tend toassume that homeopathic medicines simply do notwork, and thus they create fanciful theories about whythe use of homeopathy is increasing.

A survey of Russian physicians in three academichospitals in St Petersburg was published in 2008. Thissurvey found that 100% of the respondents hadpractised CAM and/or referred patients to at least twoCAM therapies. Each physician had practised orreferred patients to an average of 12.7 different CAMtreatments.

Homeopathic medicine was the eighth most popular,with 58% using or referring for homeopathic treatment,31% using it on themselves, 29% using it on their ownpatients, and 38% referring for homeopathic care.45

In Hungary, homeopathic literature was banned for 40years until 1990.

Homeopathy has now been accepted and integrated

into regular medical education and is taught in twomedical schools. The Hungarian Homeopathic MedicalAssociation started with 11 members in 1990, grew to 75after 18 months, and grew further to 302 members in1994.

After the fall of communism in Czechoslovakia, ahomeopathic organisation in the Czech Republic wasestablished in November 1990, and it was immediatelyaccepted and integrated within the larger conventionalmedical society. Within a year, the Ministry of Healthofficially recognised homeopathy as a medicalspeciality.

CClloossiinngg TThhoouugghhttssBased on the above-described

impressive popularity of homeopathyamong physicians, healthprofessionals and the general public, itmay no longer be appropriate toconsider homeopathy to be a part of"alternative medicine". Homeopathyshould be considered to be an integralpart of a comprehensive health caresystem. Further, the fact that severalsurveys have confirmed that moreeducated people tend to choosehomeopathic care than do less

educated people suggests thathomeopathy is in fact the "smart"choice in health care. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Dana Ullman, MPH, is America'sleading spokesperson forhomeopathy and is the founder ofHomeopathic Educational Services, aleading resource centre forhomeopathic books, medicines,software, courses and research. He isthe author of 10 books, including the

bestseller Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines. Hismost recent book is The Homeopathic Revolution: WhyFamous People and Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy.Dana is a regular writer for The Huffington Post website,where comments on his articles average more than 1,000 perarticle. His archive of articles is at Dana Ullman lives, practises and writes inBerkeley, California. He can be contacted by email [email protected] or via his website

EEddiittoorr''ss NNoottee::This is an update of Dana Ullman's article that was first postedon The Huffington Post website on 3 March 2010( Due to space constraints, we areunable to publish the endnotes. To view the updated articleand endnotes, go to

......tthhee ttrreennddttoowwaarrddss

hhoommeeooppaatthhiicc aannddnnaattuurraall mmeeddiicciinneeiiss ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyyppooppuullaarr aammoonnggtthhoossee RRuussssiiaannsswwhhoo aarree mmoorreeeedduuccaatteedd......

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MMoonnoocchhrroommaattiicc VViissiibbllee LLiigghhtt:: LLaasseerr aanndd LLEEDD TThheerraappiieess

Safe laser therapy has been used by health practitioners all over the world foralmost 30 years. Most of the early research and published data, whichspanned the late 1970s to the early 1980s, was from Russia. As more medicalstudies were published, various medical organisations and government

agencies around the world (including the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration in the USA) also began using this modality.

Lasers and LEDs (light-emitting diodes) can be made to produce any colourwavelength. The emission of the light is due not to glass, paint or pigment; itis solely the wavelength of the light itself that gives the beam its characteristiccolour. Since the wavelength is always a single frequency, the colour is knownas monochromatic. For this discussion, we are interested in lasers and LEDsthat utilise, for phototherapy, single-wavelength (monochromatic) visible light inthe red spectrum.

Laser and LED therapies differ in some important ways, but they also sharesimilarities. Both are based on the energetic behaviour of electrons.Normally, electrons occupy a fixed place in one or more orbital rings thatsequentially surround the atom's nucleus. When excited, electrons movefaster and jump to higher orbits. When they relax and return to their originalposition, electrons release energy in the form of light (photons). A photon'swavelength—in other words, its colour—is determined by the amount ofenergy released when the electron drops to a lower orbit. It is this emitted lightthat is harnessed in visible-light laser and LED technology.

Lasers and LEDs are almost always identified by their wavelength ratherthan their frequency. In the band of visible light, wavelengths are measured innanometres (nm). One nanometre, the length of one complete wave, is onebillionth of a metre and roughly about the size of a human cell.

The lasers and LEDs that emit a red colour have a wavelength ranging fromabout 630 to 670 nm. Some clinicians prefer a 660-nm wavelength, assertingthat this is easiest overall for the tissues to absorb. Others prefer a ruby-red630- or 635-nm wave. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine& Surgery states that a 630-nm wavelength appears to be "most commonlyassociated with bacterial inhibition", or the retardation of growth andfunctioning of pathogens.20 "What is good for the body is usually bad forpathogens," says chiropractor and laser therapist Dr Gerry Graham. "The rightpH for the body is the wrong pH for pathogens. Similarly, 635 nm is the worstwavelength for most pathogens but is beneficial for human tissue."21

All wavelengths of red light work on the principle of bio-modulation—turning acell's function on or off through physiological means. Monochromatic redlight stimulates blood circulation, increases lymphatic drainage and promotescell metabolism by stimulating photoreceptors in the mitochondria within thecell. (Mitochondria are tiny living organelles that control many importantcellular processes including energy production.)

bbyy NNeennaahh SSyyllvveerr,, PPhhDD ©© 22000099

The Center for FrequencyPost Office Box 74324

Phoenix, AZ 85087-4324, USA

Email: [email protected]


DDeevviicceess uuttiilliissiinngg llaasseerrss aanndd LLEEDDss,,

ffaarr--iinnffrraarreedd hheeaatt aasswweellll aass ssoouunndd ccaann

ttaarrggeett lliivviinngg cceellllss wwiitthhtthhee pprreecciissee ffrreeqquueennccyy

nneeeeddeedd ttoo rreessttoorreecceelllluullaarr bbaallaannccee aannddaacchhiieevvee ggoooodd hheeaalltthh

iinn aa rreemmaarrkkaabbllyy sshhoorrtt ttiimmee..

PPaarrtt 33 ooff 33




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Except on the eyes in the case of a laser (explained in amoment), the light can be applied to every part of thebody: skin, soft tissue, muscle, bone, brain, organs,lymphatic fluid, glands and blood. Used over an artery,the light can improve the condition of immune cells—leukocytes, T-cells and B-cells within the bloodstream—so that they can more efficiently disable pathogens.

Dr Tiina Karu, of the Institute for Laser and InformaticTechnologies in Russia, reportedly discovered that:...there are photo-receptors at the molecular-cellular level which,when triggered, activate a number of biological reactions:DNA/RNA synthesis, increased cAMP levels [cyclic adenosinemonophosphate, a molecule involved in many biologicalprocesses], protein and collagen synthesis, and cellularproliferation. The result is rapid regeneration, normalizationand healing of damaged cellular tissue. In essence, light is atrigger for the rearrangement ofcellular metabolism.22

Single-wavelength lightmaintains its integrity whileradiating. Its ability to travelalong the body's meridianswithout being dispersed into thesurrounding tissues makes ituseful for Chinese medicinetreatments. Onlymonochromatic light affects thephotoreceptors. If differentwavelengths are simultaneouslyapplied to the tissue, the cell receives conflicting signalsand cannot respond properly.

•• LLaazzrrPPuullssrr™™ 44XX LLLLLLTT LLaasseerrLaser is an acronym for Light Amplification by

Stimulated Emission of Radiation. To produce light, alaser diode can contain argon, helium, neon or krypton.

The monochromatic light emitted by the lasers underdiscussion is coherent. This means, from a physicsstandpoint, that all the peaks and valleys of the wavesline up. The waves are high at the same time, and low atthe same time (figure 6). In practical terms, this meansthat the light is directional and focused—or collimated—instead of scattered. This optical arrangement providesthe intensity and precision of the beam.

Most people are familiar with the high-intensity, high-power "hard" lasers that are used by industry (to cut

through steel and other metals) and by doctors duringsurgery (to make clean cuts into the body, cauterisewounds and remove unwanted tissue). These high-intensity lasers are legally restricted devices because ofthe damage they can cause.

Genuine low-intensity, low-power lasers—also called"soft" or "cold" lasers—emit far less power than theirrestricted high-intensity counterparts. Their use inhealing is also known as low-intensity laser therapy (LILT) orlow-level laser therapy (LLLT). The legal standard for whatconstitutes a low-level laser (LLL) can be confusing,however, because in some countries a device legallyclassified as LLL has enough power to heat tissue.

Some laser therapists maintain that devices affectingcells through bio-modulation should not be categorisedwith devices that heat tissue. Australian laser experts

Kerry Tume and Sean Tumesuggest the following standard:"[T]he energy output is lowenough so that the treatedtissue does not riseabove...normal bodytemperature."23

Dr Graham concurs. "Mostpeople still fall for the idea thatif 10 milliwatts [mW] will do ajob in 10 minutes, then 100 mWwill do the same job in oneminute, and 1000 mW will dothe same job in one-tenth of a

minute. But this isn't true. The majority of lasers usedfor meridian therapy use [excessively high-powered,tissue-heating] infrared lasers ... [which] can damage themeridians and over-stimulate tissues."24 Here is aninstance where "less can be more".

Dr Graham developed the rechargeable hand-heldLazrPulsr™ 4X that emits a 635-nm antimicrobial beam( The LazrPulsr 4X contains 10channels that can be programmed by the user, inaddition to over 40 channels that emit pulses shown torestore different tissues and bodily functions.

Laser therapy works on all manner of conditions,including injuries to ligaments, tendons, nerves andother tissue, skin conditions, bone problems (such asostoeoarthritis), first-, second- and third-degree burns,dental problems, infections including herpes, and, ofcourse, chronic pain.

The laser beam can be applied without risk to almostany part of the body (including trigger points and fascia).However, due to the precision of the beam, care must betaken to avoid shining the device directly into the eyes oreven on the closed eyelid, because this can cause tissuedamage and even blindness. "It would take severalseconds of continuous direct exposure, shining directlyinto the eye, to cause significant permanent damage," DrGraham points out. "This is virtually impossible for anyadult to do accidentally."26

SSoommee llaasseerr tthheerraappiissttssmmaaiinnttaaiinn tthhaatt ddeevviicceessaaffffeeccttiinngg cceellllss tthhrroouugghh bbiioo--mmoodduullaattiioonn sshhoouulldd nnoott bbee ccaatteeggoorriisseedd wwiitthhddeevviicceess tthhaatt hheeaatt ttiissssuuee..


Figure 6: Coherent waves (in phase with each other), an alignment found in lasers.

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Safety features of the LazrPulsr 4X include a laser coverto protect the user from accidentally shining the unit intothe eyes, and a low power density (5.0 mW). There isalso a digital lock that ensures against accidental use bychildren and inexperienced users. The unit is designedso that the user can program and operate it with onehand while maintaining control of the direction ofillumination with the other.

Dr Graham's LazrPulsr is available for sale byprescription only. With a little practice and training, itcan be employed safely and effectively for healing bypractitioners and knowledgeable laypersons.

•• GGoooodd EEnneerrggyy PPrroodduuccttss LLEEDDssThe light-emitting diode is

sometimes erroneously called a softlaser or laser, but it is not. Themonochromatic light emitted by LEDsis incoherent. This means, from aphysics standpoint, that the waves areemitted at random intervals becausethe peaks and valleys of the waves donot line up (figure 7). In practicalterms, this means that the light ismultidirectional and diffuse, notdirectional and focused (collimated).

The lack of beam coherence andprecision makes LED therapy safeenough to be used even by children—and difficult toabuse. The advantage of LEDs over lasers is their abilityto be used directly on the eyelid to regenerate injuredeye tissue. Also, an LED array is much less expensivethan a soft laser. It, too, has widespread applications.

"In Israel," report Anna Cocilovo and Ron Rosen,"medical doctors utilize incoherent light transmitted bylight emitting diodes (LEDs) in the practice ofneurology, dentistry, dermatology, physiotherapy, and incosmetic applications to promote collagen and elastinformation."27

Until the 1980s, low-level lasers were used almostexclusively for phototherapy, and prior promisingresearch with incoherent light was nearly forgotten.Subsequently, some clinicians determined thatcoherency did not make a huge difference.

"Dr Karu," write Cocilovo and Rosen, "contends that

coherent light is not necessary, that incoherent light isequally effective at producing clinical results.Furthermore, she found that coherent light is convertedto incoherent light in the body. The exact effectdepends on the wavelength, dose and intensity."28

There is a question as to whether these conclusionswere based on in vitro or in vivo research: the effects oflight can be different in a culture than in a living body.Nevertheless, enough users report benefits with LEDs towarrant its further investigation as a serious therapy.There is one anecdotal report that cannot be contested:this author successfully treated a scratch on the cornea

with an LED after a piece of plasticfell into her eye. After one hour ofholding the light onto the closed,tearing eyelid, the pain and tearingwere gone, vision was unaffected andno more problems occurred.

Although LEDs are fairly commonand easy to obtain, some uniqueproducts were developed bynaturopath and biological dentist DrBill Wolfe ( Theyuse incoherent light, but for asecondary function: they are carriersof frequencies that are imprinted in

water. Slightly larger than afountain pen and smaller than aflashlight, both the Chi Pen® andthe Advanced Chi Stimulator®contain water cartridges throughwhich the light shines. Whenapplied to the body, the energyproduces different resultsdepending on which frequencieshave been programmed into thefluid.

The frequencies in both devicesare geared more towardsbalancing the body than they are

to destroying microbes: most of the energy in the wateris from either homoeopathic remedies or frequenciesthat researchers have established are emitted by healthytissue. Dr Wolfe has seen major positive changes occurwith his clients who use the devices. The 5½-inch [~14-centimetre] Chi Pen operates on two AAA batteries.Embedded in the casing is a vial of water that has beenimprinted with the frequencies emitted by healthyorgans, glands and bodily tissues. A 625-nm red light,at 900 mW power, passes through the water to the tip ofthe penlight, carrying regenerative frequencies designedto restore and balance the body's energy meridians.The implications are profound, as blockages in themeridians can cause unlimited symptoms andconditions ranging from inflammation and pain to organand gland malfunction. This easy-to-use instrument isintended for people to use at home for self-treatment.

TThhee ffrreeqquueenncciieess iinn bbootthh ddeevviicceess aarree ggeeaarreedd mmoorreettoowwaarrddss bbaallaanncciinnggtthhee bbooddyy tthhaann tthheeyyaarree ttoo ddeessttrrooyyiinnggmmiiccrroobbeess:: mmoosstt ooff tthhee eenneerrggyy iinn tthhee wwaatteerr iissffrroomm eeiitthheerrhhoommooeeooppaatthhiiccrreemmeeddiieess oorrffrreeqquueenncciieess......


Figure 7: Incoherent waves (out of phase with each other),an alignment found in LEDs.

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The Advanced Chi Stimulator, which is 10½ inches[~27 cm] long, operates on two AA batteries andcontains three light emitters. These lights are in theinfrared (IR) spectrum (950 nm at 450 mW power), whichpromotes deeper penetration into the tissue than doesvisible light. (When the instrument is turned on, itemits a blue colour, so the user can direct the wave tothe targeted area and avoid shining the invisible IR lightinto the eyes.) Instead of a permanent cartridge in thecasing that contains only one program, the AdvancedChi Stimulator is equipped with 11 interchangeable,programmed, water-filled lenses. These discs arescrewed onto the tip of the device, allowing the user toselect from a range of frequency formulas: Chi Energy,Detox, Infection, Inflammation, Lymphatic, Root Canal,Sinus, Stimulation, Toothache, Trauma and Relaxation.

The LEDs from Dr Wolfe's company, Good EnergyProducts, stimulate acupuncture and muscle trigger-points and assist with pain management, skinconditions, wound healing anddental problems. To stimulatepoints, the user places the laseragainst the skin for about oneminute per point. For localpain and swelling, the laser isplaced for three minutes on thearea with the most intensesymptoms, and then for aminute each on spotssurrounding the main area. Forskin conditions such as acne,burns, insect bites and coldsores, the light is held about ¼inch [~0.6 cm] above the target area and moved veryslowly back and forth for a few minutes, two or threetimes a day.

For tooth or gum pain, the user places the lightagainst the skin over the most painful region for threeminutes. Less painful areas are treated for only aminute each. If the subject experiences pain directlyafter applying the frequencies, this is a good sign: itsignifies a desirable improvement in blood flow andincreased waste removal. Relief is usually felt the nextday. These instruments can be used on animals as wellas humans.

Dr Wolfe has also produced an impressive line ofhighly effective, frequency-infused dental products andskin creams, including toothpaste, mouthwash and anti-ageing and analgesic preparations. The MSMsupplement crystals are infused with neurotransmitterfrequencies for mental clarity, to be taken during theday, and frequencies to help with sleep, to be takenbefore bedtime.

Although the personal care products are made withnatural (not synthetic) ingredients, Wolfe considers thatthe benefits from the botanicals, herbs, essential oilsand other materials are secondary compared to their

main purpose: as carriers of frequencies into the body.For those disinclined to use high-tech devices, the skinand dental health products are a wonderful way toadminister frequency healing. And those who likedevices find that these personal care products augmentthe effects of whatever else they're using.

FFaarr--IInnffrraarreedd HHeeaatt TThheerraappyy Sweat therapy using hot air, steam and hot water is

thousands of years old. The ancients understood thatwhen people perspire, they feel better. Sweating is oneof the body's chief methods of eliminating waste,whether exogenous (from outside the body) orendogenous (from inside the body).

Poisonous chemicals, heavy metals and metabolicwastes are often encapsulated by the fat cells to protectthe bloodstream. These toxins not only exacerbateillness; in many instances, they cause illness.

The chemical load we carry was dramaticallyillustrated during a Spring 2001Public Broadcasting Systemspecial about the chemicalindustry's suppression ofevidence that their ownproducts cause cancer. Whennewsman Bill Moyers had hisblood drawn and analysed, hissample contained over 80common industrial chemicalsincluding alcohols, solvents,pesticides, petroleum-basedsynthetics, polychlorinatedbiphenyls (PCBs) and persistent

organic pollutants (POPs). It's easy to see why so manypeople today are ill.

During sweating, the fatty tissue vibrates faster,dumping its toxic load into the interstitial fluid (outsideand between the cells). These interstitial wastes—which normally would have to be processed by thelymph system, urinary tract and/or liver—are releasedthrough the pores of the skin. This lightens theelimination burden of these other systems, giving thema chance to rest. Sweating also raises the pH of someportions of the body to a more alkaline state, becausemany chemical and metabolic wastes are acidic.

Although sweat therapy is not identical to having afever, there are similarities between the two. Wheninfected, the body produces a fever to "cook" microbes,most of which cannot survive in temperatures of over103°F or 104°F (39.4°C or 40°C). Sauna therapy can alsomake it too hot for microbes to survive if the coretemperature is raised enough. During fever and saunatherapy, the body produces more endorphins (naturalpain-killers) as well as more enzymes, which the whiteblood cells need to destroy pathogens. Body heatingalone helps to relax the nerves and tissue fibres.

Modern scientists have discovered that the source of

TThhee MMSSMM ssuupppplleemmeennttccrryyssttaallss aarree iinnffuusseedd wwiitthhnneeuurroottrraannssmmiitttteerr

ffrreeqquueenncciieess ffoorr mmeennttaallccllaarriittyy......aanndd ffrreeqquueenncciieess ttoo hheellpp wwiitthh sslleeeepp......


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heat can make a difference between highly effective andless satisfactory detoxification.

Dr John Harvey Kellogg, famous for developingbreakfast cereals, is less known for having invented theelectric light bath that preceded today's far-infrared(FIR) sauna cabinet. Early in the 20th century, Kelloggmeasured the toxins in the urine and sweat of healthyvolunteers who took Russian baths, Turkish baths andsessions in the doctor's own electric light cabinets. Thelight bath encouraged the release of more toxins thandid the steam. The test subjects also became hotter,faster, because the heat waves from the light bulbs in DrKellogg's sauna were in a particular far-infrared range. Far-infrared contains among the mostbeneficial EM frequencies that thebody requires for growth, repair andhealth.

The amount of FIR emitted by a bodyor object is part of its electromagneticsignature. The movements of atoms,their constituent particles and thechemical bonds between moleculeschange direction, rotation and orbitdepending on their frequency. Thesechanges also correspond to alterationsin the electrical and magnetic fieldsthat they emit.

Far-infrared wavelengths rangefrom about 5.6 to 1,000 microns.For healing purposes, we areinterested in only a tiny portion ofthe FIR spectrum that ranges fromabout 5.6 microns to 9.0 micronsin wavelength, radiating heatfrom, respectively, about 470°F to120°F (243.3°C to 48.9°C). (Theshorter wavelengths are hotter.) Aheat source that emits aparticular, narrow band of FIR isthe most effective for saunatherapy. Not surprisingly, a wavelength of about 9.35microns corresponds to a temperature of 98.6°F (37°C).

Water molecules are very efficient absorbers andemitters of far-infrared radiation that's about 9.0microns in length. This wavelength also causes waterclusters to become smaller, more motile and moreeasily absorbed into the tissues. Water intrinsicallyresonates within these particular wavelengths. Whereasother EM spectrum wavelengths (such as the muchlonger radio waves) pass through water, a 9.4-micronfar-infrared wavelength is absorbed by the water andcauses its temperature to rise. People's ability toabsorb and emit FIR is related to the water's ability toabsorb and emit FIR. The human body is comprised ofnearly 70 per cent water, which explains why peoplerespond so positively to FIR.

For the vast majority of people, FIR is the most

effective means of inducing a sweat. There are many FIRsaunas on the market today. One sauna cabinetmanufacturer, Saunex™, uses heaters that selectivelyemit only the most beneficial FIR wavelengths, and italso has almost completely eliminated the harmful EMfield that normally accompanies electrical wiring(

SSoouunndd TThheerraappiieessDuring the educational seminars I give on Rife therapy

and electromedicine, people often ask me if tones canbe substituted therapeutically for various EMfrequencies. The answer is: "Yes, under certain

conditions." Sound is commonly defined as

existing only if there is a medium(such as air or water) to carry thevibrations, as sound cannot be heardin a vacuum. But all frequencies in theelectromagnetic spectrum—whether in theform of visible light, radio waves, gammawaves, etc.—have a corresponding sound ortone, even if it does not transmit through airor water and even if we are not capable ofhearing it. (This is probably the originof the phrase, "the music of thespheres".) Since sound and EM

radiation are mathematicallyrelated, theoretically allelectromagnetic waves can betranslated into audible sound, andthe two modalities might beinterchangeable for healingpurposes.

•• VVooiicceeBBiioo©©™™We already know that every

organ, gland and tissue in thebody emits EM radiation, and thatthis radiation corresponds to

tones. A unique use of this principle via sound, calledVoiceBio©™, was first developed in 1995 by naturopathDr Kae Thompson-Liu ( VoiceBio isa non-invasive way of analysing the function of organs,glands and various body systems, based on the tones(EM radiation) they emit. If we could hear thesymphony expressed by a living body, we would hear theliver vibrating to the note of G, the heart vibrating to thenote of A#, and so on. Thompson-Liu discovered thatthe body's frequencies are reflected in the voice, nomatter which octave the person uses when speaking orsinging.

In an ideal world, each of the 12 notes of a scalewould be represented on a graph of the voice (called avoiceprint). But due to poor diet, trauma, injury,infection, chemical poisoning, faulty genetics or acombination of these conditions, most voiceprints show

TThhiiss wwaavveelleennggtthhaallssoo ccaauusseess wwaatteerrcclluusstteerrss ttoo

bbeeccoommee ssmmaalllleerr,,mmoorree mmoottiillee aannddmmoorree eeaassiillyy

aabbssoorrbbeedd iinnttoo tthheettiissssuueess.. WWaatteerr

iinnttrriinnssiiccaallllyyrreessoonnaatteess wwiitthhiinntthheessee ppaarrttiiccuullaarrwwaavveelleennggtthhss..


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unequally represented notes that have huge variationsbeyond the normal, expected, uneven "bell curve". Thenotes can all be present (thus falling within the range ofgood health) or be overemphasised, weak or missingentirely from the voice (thus falling within the range ofcompromised health). Assessing the heavy, normal andweak areas of a voiceprint can help pinpoint which bodyparts or systems are off-balance.

For the VoiceBio assessment, the client records avoice sample into a sensitive microphone connected toa small Walkman®-sized piece of proprietary equipmentcalled VIBE (an acronym for VisualImage of Body Energy). Then VIBEsorts, translates and graphs the tones(ignoring word content) onto avoiceprint that quantifies thefrequencies. The graph is displayed ona computer screen connected to theVIBE. Thompson-Liu developed VIBEbecause she found that the soundcards in computers are unreliable,sometimes varying as much as twotones in accuracy. The actual voicesampling takes five minutes or less.

There are several ways to supply thebody with the balancing frequencies.The client can listen, throughstereo headphones, to a palm-sized tone box (called a "sonicbalancer") encoded withpersonalised sound formulas.Derived by Thompson-Liu usingcomplex mathematicalcomputations, the sound formulasare different for every person—even those who need the samenotes—since they are based onhow the client's brain isfundamentally organised.

Although the VoiceBio soundformulas are subjectively experienced by the consciousear more as white noise than patterned pitches, theeffects are like healing music rather than disorganisednoise, in part because the notes are in the very lowrange of human hearing. Most importantly, the toneboxes can be programmed so that the brain learns toproduce the weak or missing notes on its own. Thisbrings VoiceBio therapy into the realm of holistic self-regulation rather than allopathic substitution. Theclient can also listen to the missing notes as eitherstraight musical tones or music in that key. In the caseof overemphasised notes, the VoiceBio practitionersuggests detoxification and cleansing of thecorresponding organs and systems.

The most powerful of all therapies, however, is for theclients themselves to generate the needed tones by

singing or humming. (This also makes the therapy morecost-effective.)

One might think that a highly depleted or stressedindividual cannot muster enough energy to hum, andthat the very ill need a "jump-start" from an externalsource, such as the sonic balancer. However, states DrThompson-Liu: "The very ill see the fastest results byeven humming the note for just a brief period a day. Ihave never found a client who could not humsomething. Trials conducted in the past year in fourstates show that having the clients do it themselves is

more effective than the sonicbalancers by over 200 percent."29

After a month, the client is re-tested to see what formula isneeded or if the client needs tocontinue at all.

Although results from soundtherapy can be felt within days oreven hours, the listening orhumming continues over a period ofweeks and even months, dependingon the severity of the condition andthe person's ability to respond.

Dr Thompson-Liu's discovery thatall notes correspond to specific

nutrients and drugs (as well asbody parts and systems) bringsanother level of specificity toVoiceBio. A voiceprint helpsthe practitioner pinpoint whichnutrients are most needed bythe client. (The nutrients mayhave an obvious relationship tothe organs or glands whosenotes they share, butsometimes they do not.Nevertheless, the systemworks.) Thus, nutritionalsupport in the form of vitamin,

mineral and herbal supplementation is integrated withthe VoiceBio therapy. The voiceprint can also showwhich pharmaceuticals might be useful. If the client istaking a drug whose frequency matches a note that isalready too high, continuing to take the drug can furtherstress the note. However, there may be another drugthat produces the same (desired) effect but resonateswith a note that's too low (or at least not as high).

There are many nutrients that resonate in any givennote (C, C#, D, etc.), because each note has a range ofcycles per second. However, the frequency of eachnutrient is extremely precise, which is why anytransmission device must be accurate to the seconddecimal point.

Thompson-Liu devoted many years of research (andexpensive laboratory testing) to finding the frequencies


......tthhee nnootteess aarree iinntthhee vveerryy llooww rraannggeeooff hhuummaann hheeaarriinngg..MMoosstt iimmppoorrttaannttllyy,, tthhee ttoonnee bbooxxeess ccaannbbee pprrooggrraammmmeedd ssootthhaatt tthhee bbrraaiinnlleeaarrnnss ttoo pprroodduucceetthhee wweeaakk oorrmmiissssiinngg nnootteess oonn iittss oowwnn..

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of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fattyacids, etc.) as well as toxins and drugs.

Some sound treatment systems have nutrientfrequencies posted on the Internet that are incorrectbecause they are based on the molecular weight of theelements that comprise the nutrients, rather than onthe wavelengths themselves. (Weight measures howheavy something is, and has nothing to do withoscillation or frequency.)Sound protocols obtain thebest results with the exactfrequencies.

Healing with sound willbecome imperative if globalgovernment restrictions onsupplements become moresevere. People could assimilatethe frequencies of their chosensupplements via headphones oreven sound recordings. Sincethis user-friendly modality doesnot make medical claims, it canbe implemented by laypeople as well as healthpractitioners.

SSuummmmaarryy The body emits EM and responds to EM waves. All

biological functions correspond to electromagneticphenomena. The electromagnetic energies that exist inliving tissue are extremely potent. When you target aliving cell with the precise frequency that it needs, it will

respond favourably and health can be restored in anamazingly short period of time.

Electromedicine covers a vast territory of differentenergies. The therapies reviewed here—EM radiation,electrical current, pulsed magnetic fields, visible redlight and FIR (perceived as heat)—are only a few. Otherfrequency therapies include radiowaves and microwaveson the benign portion of the EM spectrum, and bands of

visible light besides red. Conventional physics does

not regard sound as part of theEM spectrum per se. However,every frequency in the EMspectrum has a correspondingsound, even if we cannot hearit. Thus, audible sound has anintricate relationship to EMfrequencies and can also beutilised for healing.

The health restoration effectsof correctly applied energeticscannot be underestimated.

As with any modality, one must be careful when usingfrequencies, be they disseminated by electromedicalequipment or sound. However, the correct energies,properly used, can be an integral part of one's wellnessprotocol.

Electromedicine and sound are the healing of thefuture. Whether you are a health care professional or aseeker of health, these therapies are well worthexploring. ∞

CCoonnvveennttiioonnaall pphhyyssiiccss ddooeessnnoott rreeggaarrdd ssoouunndd aass ppaarrtt oofftthhee EEMM ssppeeccttrruumm ppeerr ssee..HHoowweevveerr,, eevveerryy ffrreeqquueennccyyiinn tthhee EEMM ssppeeccttrruumm hhaass aa ccoorrrreessppoonnddiinngg ssoouunndd,,eevveenn iiff wwee ccaannnnoott hheeaarr iitt..

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Nenah Sylver, PhD, is an internationallypublished author in the fields of holistichealth, electromedicine and psychology.She gives educational seminars onelectromedicine and frequency healing,and has been a featured speaker at Rifeconferences.Dr Sylver previously contributed to

NEXUS with her article "PoisonousProducts, Deceptive Labels" (7/02–03).She is the author of The HolisticHandbook of Sauna Therapy (The Centerfor Frequency, 2004, ISBN 978-0-9672491-7-1, 356pp, softcover book ande-book) and The Rife Handbook ofFrequency Therapy, with a Holistic HealthPrimer (Desert Gate Productions LLC,2009, ISBN 978-0-9818075-0-8, 760pp,hardcover book and e-book; reviewed inNEXUS 17/03; previous edition reviewedin 9/05). Both books can be orderedfrom Bibliotique/Barner Books, 3 ChurchStreet, New Paltz, New York 12561, USA,telephone +1 (845) 255 2635, web andwww.

A variation of this article originallyappeared in Townsend Letter,February–March 2008 and April–May2008 ( Thislatest version is Appendix C of The RifeHandbook of Frequency Therapy, with aHolistic Health Primer (appendix availableas a free download from Dr Nenah Sylver can be contacted at

The Center for Frequency, PO Box74324, Phoenix, AZ 85087-4324, USA,tel +1 (623) 249 4202, [email protected], website

EEddiittoorr''ss NNoottee::Due to space constraints, we haveomitted coverage of several therapeuticdevices from Dr Sylver's article. To seethese, including the accompanyingendnotes and resources, go to

EEnnddnnootteess20. Nussbaum, E. L. et al., "Effects of630-, 660-, 810-, and 905-nm Laser

Irradiation Delivering Radiant Exposureof 1-50 J/cm2 on Three Species ofBacteria in Vitro", Journal of Clinical LaserMedicine & Surgery 2002 Dec; 20(6):325-33(Abstract)21. Gerry Graham, personal interview, 7August 200622. Cocilovo, Anna and Ron Rosen,"New Developments in Color Therapy:Acupuncture Meridians Facilitate theBody's Absorption of Light", Explore1999; 9(2), available at 23. Tume, Kerry G. and Sean Tume, APractitioner's Guide to Laser Therapy andMusculo-Skeletal Injuries, 1994 (SouthernPain Control Centre, 24 Fremantle Road,Port Noarlunga South, South Australia,5165)24. Gerry Graham, personal interview, 7August 2006 26. ibid.27. Cocilovo and Rosen, op. cit. 28. ibid. 29. Kae Thompson-Liu, emailcorrespondence, 6 August 2006

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bbyy DDeenniiss GG.. RRaannccoouurrtt,, PPhhDD ©© JJuunnee 22001100


AA tteennuurreedd CCaannaaddiiaannpphhyyssiiccss pprrooffeessssoorr,,

ffiirreedd ffoorr hhiissddiissssiiddeennccee,, bbrreeaakkssrraannkkss bbyy aasssseerrttiinnggtthhaatt eessttaabblliisshheedd

oorrtthhooddooxxyy iinneeccoonnoommiiccss,, mmeeddiicciinnee

aanndd sscciieennccee iissiinntteennddeedd aass aa wweebb ooff

lliieess ttoo sshhiieelldd aannddmmaaiinnttaaiinn ppoowweerr



[T]he majority of politicians, on the evidence available to us, are interested not in truthbut in power and in the maintenance of that power. To maintain that power it isessential that people remain in ignorance, that they live in ignorance of the truth, eventhe truth of their own lives. What surrounds us therefore is a vast tapestry of lies, uponwhich we feed.

— Harold Pinter, Nobel Lecture (Literature), 2005

The maintenance of the hierarchical structures that control our livesdepends on Pinter's "vast tapestry of lies, upon which we feed".Therefore, the main institutions that embed us into the hierarchy,such as schools, universities and mass media and entertainment

corporations, have a primary function to create and maintain this tapestry.They include establishment scientists and all service intellectuals in chargeof "interpreting" reality.

In fact, the scientists and "experts" define reality in order to bring it intoconformity with the always-adapting dominant mental tapestry of themoment. They also invent and build new branches of the tapestry that servespecific power groups by providing new avenues of exploitation. These highpriests are rewarded with high class status.

TThhee MMoonneeyy LLiieeThe economists are a most significant example. It is probably not an

accident that in the United States at the end of the 19th century theeconomists were the first professional analysts to be "broken in" in a battlethat defined the limits of academic freedom in universities. The academicsystem from that point on would impose a strict operational separationbetween enquiry and theorising as acceptable, and social reform asunacceptable.1

Any academic wishing to preserve her position understood what thismeant. As a side product, academics became virtuosos at nurturing a self-image of importance, despite this fatal limitation on their societal relevance,with verbiage such as "the truth is our most powerful weapon", "the pen ismightier than the sword", "a good idea can change the world", "reason willtake us out of darkness", etc.

So the enterprise of economics became devoted to masking the lie aboutmoney. Bad lending practices, price fixing and monopolistic controls werethe main threats to the natural justice of a free market, and occurred only aserrors in a mostly self-regulating system that could be moderated viaadjustments of interest rates and other "safeguards".

Meanwhile, no mainstream economic theory makes any mention of thefact that money itself is created wholesale in a fractional reserve bankingsystem owned by secret private interests given a licence to fabricate anddeliver debt that must be paid back (with interest) from the real economy,


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thereby continuously concentrating ownership andpower over all local and regional economies.

The rest of us have to earn money rather than simplyfabricate it, and we never own more when we die. Themiddle class either pays rent or a mortgage. Wageslavery is perpetuated and further degraded in stableareas and installed in its most vicious varieties in allnewly conquered territories.

It is quite remarkable that the largest exploitationscam (private money creation as debt) ever enacted andapplied to the entire planet does not figure in economictheories. Economists are so busy modelling the ups anddowns of profits, returns, employment figures, stockvalues and the benefits of mergers formid-level exploiters that they don'tnotice their avoidance of thefoundational elements. They modelthe construction schedule whilerefusing to acknowledge that theterrain is an earthquake zone withvultures circling overhead.

Meanwhile, the financiers write andrewrite the rules themselves, andagain this process does not figure inmacroeconomic theories. The onlyhuman element that economistsconsider in their "predictive"mathematical models is low-levelconsumer behaviour, not high-level system manipulation.Corruption is the norm, yet itdoes not figure. The economies,cultures and infrastructures ofnations are wilfully destroyed inorder to enslave via new andlarger national debts forgenerations into the future whileeconomists forecast allegedcatastrophic consequences ofdefaulting on these debts...

Management tools for thebosses, and smoke and mirrors for the rest of us: thankyou, expert economists.

TThhee MMeeddiicciinnee--iiss--HHeeaalltthh LLiieeWe've all heard some medical doctor (MD), interviewed

on the radio, gratuitously make the bold proposal thatlife expectancy has increased thanks to modern medicine.Nothing could be further from the truth.

Life expectancy has increased in First World countriesthanks to an historical absence of civil and territorialwars, better and more accessible food, fewer work andnon-work accidents and better overall living and workingconditions. The single strongest indicator of personalhealth within and between countries is economic status,irrespective of access to medical technology andpharmaceuticals.

It's worse than that because medicine actually has anegative impact on health. Medical errors (not countingmisattributed deaths from correctly administered"treatments") are the third leading cause of death in theUS after heart disease and cancer, and there is a largegap between this conservative underestimate in thenumber of medical error deaths and the fourth leadingcause of death.2 Since medicine can do little for heartdisease and cancer, and since medicine has only a smallstatistically positive impact in the area of traumainterventions, we conclude that public health wouldincrease if all MDs simply disappeared. Think of all thetime and stress that sick people would save...

One of the most dangerous places insociety is the hospital. Medical errorsinclude misdiagnoses, badprescriptions, prescriptions formedications that should not becombined, unnecessary surgery andunnecessary or badly administeredtreatments including chemotherapy,radiotherapy and corrective surgeries.

The lie extends to the myth that MDsanywhere near understand the humanbody. This well-guarded lieencourages us to put our faith indoctors, thereby opening the door to awell-orchestrated profit bonanza for

Big Pharma.The first thing that Doctors

Without Borders (MSF) volunteersneed to do in order to contributesignificantly in disaster zones isto "forget their medical training"and get to work on the prioritytasks at hand: supplying water,food and shelter, and preventingdisease propagation—notvaccinating or operating orprescribing medication... Publichealth comes from safety,

stability, social justice and economic buying power, notMRI (magnetic resonance imaging) units andprescription drugs.

Bonehead MDs routinely apply unproven"recommended treatments" and prescribe dangerousdrugs for everything from high blood pressure from asedentary lifestyle and bad nutrition to apathy atschool, anxiety in public places, post-adolescenceerectile function, non-conventional sleep patterns andall the side effects from the latter drugs. In professionalyet nonetheless remarkable reversals of logic, doctorsprescribe drugs to remove symptoms that are riskindicators rather than address the causes of the risks,thereby only adding to the assault on the body.

It's unbelievable the number that medicine has doneon us: just one more way to keep us stupid (ignorant


TThhee oonnllyy hhuummaanneelleemmeenntt tthhaatteeccoonnoommiissttss

ccoonnssiiddeerr iinn tthheeiirr""pprreeddiiccttiivvee""mmaatthheemmaattiiccaall

mmooddeellss iiss llooww--lleevveellccoonnssuummeerr

bbeehhaavviioouurr,, nnootthhiigghh--lleevveell ssyysstteemmmmaanniippuullaattiioonn..CCoorrrruuppttiioonn iiss tthhee nnoorrmm......

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about our own bodies) and artificially dependent on thecontrol hierarchy. Economically disadvantaged peopledon't die from not having access to medical "care": theydie from the life constraints and liabilities directlyresulting from poverty. How many MDs have stated thisobvious truth on the radio?

EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall SScciieennccee LLiieessExploitation via resource extraction, land use

expropriation and wage slavery creation and maintenanceis devastating to indigenous populations and to theenvironment on continental scales. It is therefore vitalfor the exploiters to cover up their crimes under a veil ofexpert analysis and policy development diversion. Avalued class of service intellectuals here is composed ofenvironmental scientists and consultants.

Environmental scientists naively and knowingly workhand in hand with corporate and finance shysters,mainstream media, politicians,and state and internationalbureaucrats to mask realproblems and to create profitopportunities for select powerelites. Here are some notableexamples of specific cases.

•• FFrreeoonn aanndd OOzzoonneeDo you know of anyone who

has been killed by the hole inthe ozone layer? The 1987Montreal Protocol banningchlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) isconsidered a textbook case where science andresponsible governance led to a landmark treaty for thebenefit of the Earth and all its inhabitants. How oftendoes that happen?

At about the time that the DuPont patent onFreon™—the most widely used CFC refrigerant in theworld—was expiring, the mainstream media picked upon otherwise arcane scientific observations andhypotheses about ozone concentration in the upperatmosphere near the poles. There resulted aninternational mobilisation to criminalise CFCs, andDuPont developed and patented a replacementrefrigerant that was promptly certified for use.

A Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded in 1995 for alaboratory demonstration that CFCs could depleteozone in simulated atmospheric conditions. In 2007, itwas shown that the latter work may have been seriouslyflawed by its overestimating the depletion rate by anorder of magnitude, thereby invalidating the proposedmechanism for CFC-driven ozone depletion.3 Not tomention that any laboratory experiment is somewhatdifferent from the actual upper atmosphere... Is theNobel tainted by media and special-interest lobbying?

It gets better. It turns out that the DuPontreplacement refrigerant, not surprisingly, is not as inert

as was Freon. As a result, it corrodes refrigerator cyclecomponents at a much faster rate. Where homerefrigerators and freezers used to last forever, they nowburn out in eight years or so. This has causedcatastrophic increases in major appliance contributionsto landfill sites across North America, spurred on by thegreen propaganda for obscenely efficient electricalconsumptions of the new appliances under closed-door(zero-use) conditions.

In addition, we have been frenzied into avoiding thesun, the UV index keeps our fear of cancer and ourdependence on the medical establishment alive, and anew sunblock industry à là vampire protection leaguehas been spawned. Of course, star university chemistsare looking for that perfect sunblock molecule that canbe patented by Big Pharma. I predict that as soon as itis, there'll be a surge in media interviews with skincancer experts…

•• AAcciidd RRaaiinn oonn BBoorreeaall FFoorreessttIn the 1970s, it was acid rain.

Thousands of scientists fromaround the world (northernhemisphere) studied this "mostpressing environmental problemon the planet". The borealforest is the largest ecosystemon Earth, and its millions oflakes were reportedly beingkilled by acid from the sky.

Coal-burning plants spewedout sulphides into the

atmosphere, causing the rain to be acidic. The acid rainwas postulated to acidify the soils and lakes in theboreal forest, but the acidification was virtuallyimpossible to detect. Pristine lakes in the heart ofnational parks had to be studied for decades in attemptsto detect a statistically significant acidification.

Meanwhile, the lakes and their watersheds were beingdestroyed by the cottage-building industry, agriculture,forestry, mining, overfishing and tourism. None of thelocal and regional destruction was studied or exposed.Instead, scientists turned their gaze to distant coal-burning plants and atmospheric distribution, andpostulated chemical reactions occurring in raindroplets. One study found that the spawning inaquarium of one fish species was extremely sensitive toacidity. Long treatises about cation charge balance andtransport were written, and attention was diverted awayfrom the destruction on the ground towards a sanitisedproblem of atmospheric chemistry that was the result ofindustrialisation and progress rather than being causedby identifiable exploiters.

As a physicist and an Earth scientist turnedenvironmental scientist, I personally read virtually everysingle scientific paper written about acid rain and couldnot find an example of a demonstrated negative impact

IItt iiss tthheerreeffoorree vviittaall ffoorr tthheeeexxppllooiitteerrss ttoo ccoovveerr uupp tthheeiirrccrriimmeess uunnddeerr aa vveeiill ooffeexxppeerrtt aannaallyyssiiss aanndd ppoolliiccyyddeevveellooppmmeenntt ddiivveerrssiioonn..


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on lakes or forests from acid rain. In my opinion,contrary to the repeated claims of the scientist authors,the research on acid rain demonstrates that acid raincould not possibly have been the problem.

This model of elite-forces-coordinated exploiterwhitewashing was to play itself out on an even granderscale only decades later with man-made global warming.

•• GGlloobbaall WWaarrmmiinngg aass aa TThhrreeaatt ttoo HHuummaannkkiinnddIn February 2007, nearly three years before the

November 2009 Climategate scandal burst the mediabubble that buoyed public opinion towards acceptanceof carbon credits, cap and trade and the associatedtrillion-dollar finance bonanza which may still come topass, I exposed the global warming co-optation scam inan essay4 (as well as in an interview5 and in earlieressays4) that Alexander Cockburn, writing in The Nation,called "one of the best essays on greenhouse myth-making from a left perspective".6

My essay prompted David F.Noble to research the questionand write "The CorporateClimate Coup" to expose howthe media embrace followed thefinance sector's realisation ofthe unprecedented potential forrevenues that going green couldrepresent.7

Introductory paragraphs frommy essay "Global Warming:Truth or Dare?"4 are as follows:

"I also advance that there arestrong societal, institutionaland psychological motivations for having constructedand for continuing to maintain the myth of a globalwarming dominant threat (global warming myth, forshort). I describe these motivations in terms of theworkings of the scientific profession and of the globalcorporate and finance network and its governmentshadows.

"I argue that by far the most destructive force on theplanet is power-driven financiers and profit-drivencorporations and their cartels backed by military might;and that the global warming myth is a red herring thatcontributes to hiding this truth. In my opinion, activistswho, using any justification, feed the global warming mythhave effectively been co-opted, or at best neutralised."

Other passages in the essay read this way: "Environmental scientists and government agencies

get funding to study and monitor problems that do notthreaten corporate and financial interests. It istherefore no surprise that they would attackcontinental-scale devastation from resource extractionvia the CO2 back door. The main drawback with thisstrategy is that you cannot control a hungry monster byasking it not to shit as much."

"Global warming is strictly an imaginary problem of

the First World middle class. Nobody else cares aboutglobal warming. Exploited factory workers in the ThirdWorld don't care about global warming. Depleteduranium genetically mutilated children in Iraq don't careabout global warming. Devastated aboriginalpopulations the world over also can't relate to globalwarming, except maybe as representing the onlysolidarity that we might volunteer."

"It's not about limited resources. ["The amount ofmoney spent on pet food in the US and Europe each yearequals the additional amount needed to provide basicfood and health care for all the people in poor countries,with a sizeable amount left over." (UN Human DevelopmentReport 1999)] It's about exploitation, oppression, racism,power and greed. Economic, human and animal justicebrings economic sustainability which in turn is alwaysbased on renewable practices. Recognising the basicrights of native people automatically moderates resourceextraction and preserves natural habitats. Not permitting

imperialist wars and interventionsautomatically quenches nation-scale exploitation. Truedemocratic control overmonetary policy goes a long wayin removing debt-basedextortion."

The essay is a thoroughcritique of the science asbandwagon-trumpeting andinterested self-deception.4

Climategate only confirms whatshould be obvious to anypractising scientist: that

science is a mafia when it's not simply a sleeping pill.

CCoonncclluussiioonnIt just goes on and on. What is not a lie?Look at the recent H1N1 scam—another textbook

example. It's farcical how far these circuses go:antiseptic gels in every doorway at the blink of an eye;high school students getting high from drinking thealcohol in the gels; outdatedness of the viral strainbefore the pre-paid vaccine can be mass-produced;unproven effectiveness; no requirement to proveeffectiveness; government guarantees to corporatemanufacturers against client lawsuits; university safetyofficers teaching students how to cough; etc.

Pure madness. Has something triggered ourgenetically ingrained First World stupidity reflex? Is thispart of our march towards fascism?8

Here is another one. Educators promote the lie thatwe learn because we are taught. This lie of education issquarely denounced by radical educators.9, 10 Universityprofessors design curricula as though the studentsactually learn every element that is delivered, whereas the

""RReeccooggnniissiinngg tthhee bbaassiiccrriigghhttss ooff nnaattiivvee ppeeoopplleeaauuttoommaattiiccaallllyy mmooddeerraatteessrreessoouurrccee eexxttrraaccttiioonn aannddpprreesseerrvveess nnaattuurraall hhaabbiittaattss..""


CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8822

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The Sun is changing thesupposedly constant rates ofdecay of radioactive elements,

and we have absolutely no idea why—but an entirely unknown particle couldbe behind it. Plus, this discoverycould help us predict deadly solarflares.

It's one of the most basic conceptsin all of chemistry: radioactiveelements decay at a constant rate. Ifthat weren't the case, carbon-14dating wouldn't tell us anythingreliable about the age ofarchaeological materials. It's such afundamental assumption thatscientists don't even bother testing itany more. That's why researchershad to stumble upon this discoveryin the most unlikely of ways.

A team at Purdue Universityneeded to generate a string ofrandom numbers—a surprisinglytricky task, complicated by the factthat whatever method you use togenerate the numbers will have someinfluence on them. Physics professorEphraim Fischbach decided to usethe decay of radioactive isotopes as asource of randomness. Although theoverall decay is a known constant,the individual atoms would decay inunpredictable ways, providing arandom pattern.

That's when they discoveredsomething strange. The dataproduced gave random numbers forthe individual atoms, yes, but theoverall decay wasn't constant, flying inthe face of the accepted rules ofchemistry. Intrigued, they checkedout long-range observations of

silicon-32 and radium-226 decay,both of which showed a slight butdefinite variation over time.Intriguingly, the decay seemed tovary with the seasons, with the rate alittle faster in the winter and a littleslower in the summer.

At first, the researchers tried torationalise the seasonal fluctuationsas the result of instrument error,perhaps caused by changing heatand humidity. But that idea fell apartwhen nuclear engineer Jere Jenkinsnoticed that the decay rate of theshort-lived isotope manganese-54dropped slightly during a solar flare.In fact, the decrease began 36 hoursbefore the flare occurred.

That suggests two things: onethat's theoretically puzzling, andanother that's hugely exciting from apractical perspective. If decay ratesreally are affected by solar flaresbefore the flares even occur, thatcould provide the first truly reliableearly warning system for flares.Considering severe solar flares canwreak havoc on electrical grids andeven kill astronauts who aren'tproperly protected, that would be ahuge benefit for humanity.

But practical pluses aside, why isthis happening? The seasonalfluctuations suggested that the Suncould be involved somehow, and thesolar flare connection confirmed it.

The scientists speculated that solarneutrinos, the nearly masslessparticles created as by-products ofthe Sun's fusing of hydrogen atomsinto helium, might be causing thesevariations. The fact that theseneutrinos pass straight through theEarth with ease fits well with the factthat the decay rates were changingeven at night, when the entire planetwas between the radioactive isotopesand the Sun.

Once the researchers conclusivelyruled out environmental influences,they were left with the Sun as theonly possible cause of the decayvariations. They also found that theamount of change varied in time withthe Earth's orbit: the effect wasgreater when the orbit brought theEarth closer to the Sun and thus intocontact with more neutrinos.

That's where renowned Stanfordphysics professor Peter Sturrockentered the picture. Confronted withthis mystery, he advised the

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researchers to test how the decayfluctuations correlated with the Sun'sown rotation. They found that thedecay rates recurred every 33 days,which didn't quite fit with the Sun'sknown surface rotation length of 28days. But the neutrinos wouldn't becoming from the surface: they wouldbe coming from deep inside the core.Unlikely as it might seem, the Sun'score must be rotating a little slowerthan its surface, apparently onceevery 33 days.

All of this relies on some unlikelyassumptions and the occasional boldintuitive leap, but the model theypropose seems to hang together.

And yet one mystery remains: howare the neutrinos managing tointeract with the radioactive particlesin this way? It doesn't fit with theknown behaviour of neutrinos, and itopens up the very real possibilitythat some previously unknownsubatomic particle is actually behindthis bizarre effect.

As Peter Sturrock explains: "It's aneffect that no one yet understands.Theorists are starting to say, 'What'sgoing on?' But that's what theevidence points to. It's a challengefor the physicists and a challenge forthe solar people, too. [If it's notneutrinos,] it would have to besomething we don't know about, anunknown particle that is also emittedby the Sun and has this effect, andthat would be even moreremarkable."

If these new discoveries hold up,then we've discovered that the Sunchanges rates of radioactive decay,that we can predict solar flares beforethey happen, that the Sun's corerotates slower than its surface, andthat maybe even an entirely unknownparticle exists and is affecting ourworld in a tangible way.

Not a bad set of results for whatwas supposed to be a simple searchfor some random numbers. (Source: Symmetry Breaking,, via AlasdairWilkins,


Plasma is often described as thefourth state of matter. Since itmakes up more than 99 per

cent of the Universe, it should bereckoned to be the first state. TheSun is an example of plasma and itsnormal behaviour.

Although the general premise isprobably thousands of years old—that Earth is somehow an electricalentity—it has only been in the last100 years that scientists have givenserious credence to the possibilitythat we could be living in a dynamicsolar system where electricity playsan important role.

The Sun's electric field extends forbillions of kilometres, influencingthe planets in their motions as wellas in how they interact with eachother.In September 2002, a majorpremise of the Electric Universetheory was confirmed.

Weather systems on Earth areelectrically connected to the field ofcharged particles, the ionosphere.Dual bands of plasma shining inultraviolet light were detected by theIMAGE satellite.

The plasma streams circle theEarth in opposite directions alongthe equator, carrying positive andnegative electric charges.

Since plasma is a chargedsubstance, if it is in motion it willgenerate an electric current. Anelectric current flowing throughplasma creates a tube-like magneticsheath that "squeezes" the current toform one or more filaments.

If enough current passes throughthe circuit, the plasma currentfilaments will glow, sometimescreating one or more "double layers"of charge separation along thecurrent axis.

Double layers form when a currentflows in plasma, and positive andnegative charges build up inadjacent regions along the currentflow. A powerful electric fieldappears between the two regions,which accelerates charged particles.

Plasma physicist Hannes Alfvénconsidered double layers animportant cosmic circuit element. ∞

(Source:, 12 August2010,


Plasma bands in the ionosphere emitting ultraviolet light. (Source: NASA/University of California, Berkeley)

Page 47: Nexus   1706 - new times magazine


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TThhee EExxpplloossiioonnss

Since the late 1970s, a series of unexplained, very powerful explosionsin the atmosphere has concerned scientists and nuclear test bantreaty observers. Some were quite different to the normal meteoritestrikes and were so exotic that they have been given names as

"events". Some had the energy of small nuclear bombs. One explosion caused concern at the time when South Africa was

suspected of testing a nuclear device in the atmosphere, because a satellitehad detected a double nuclear flash at the explosion site. Another in Siberiaflattened thousands of trees, on a smaller scale but similar to a more famousexplosion almost 100 years earlier over Tunguska, also in Siberia. Meteoritefragments have never been found for these explosions.

The object of the Cando event in Spain crossed the sky very slowly beforecrashing into a hillside, displacing a large amount of soil and tossing trees100 metres through the air. Eyewitnesses travelling by car from Santiago deCompostela to La Coruña in the north stated that they "saw the objectappear in the right side window" as large as a full moon. They leisurelyparked their cars, got out and were able to witness the explosion in thedirection of south-southwest. Meteorites simply don't travel "slowly thoughthe sky", as this one did.

It has been speculated that such events may also have occurred in themore distant past, but have only been detected more recently with thedeployment of satellites.

It is now possible to link eight such atypical explosions with a singlesource via new and verifiable mathematical evidence. This evidence is a bitcomplicated because it relies on probability and on Earth orbits. I'mpresenting it in a form most easily understandable to the widest readership.

On average, one such explosion occurs every year or two. In addition tothese, there are the normal meteorite strikes. I was able to finddocumentation on the Internet regarding 11 such explosions since 1979.After eliminating those for which meteorite remnants have been found, Idiscovered that the following eight remain (listed according to sequentialplacement on a Standard Earth Orbit diagram):

• 18 January 1994, near the village of Cando in northern Spain; energyestimated at 2,000 tons of TNT.1

• 19 January 1993, near the town of Lugo, near Ravenna in northern Italy;no energy estimate available.2

• 1 February 1994, Marshall Islands, Pacific Ocean; energy estimated at 11kilotons (11,000 tons) of TNT.3

• 6 June 2002, Eastern Mediterranean Sea, from Libya to Greece; energyestimated at 26 kilotons (26,000 tons) of TNT.4

• 10 September 2005, near the island of Ischia off Naples, Italy; no energyestimate available.5



AA ccoonnnneeccttiioonn hhaassbbeeeenn mmaaddee

bbeettwweeeenn aa sseerriieess ooff uunneexxppllaaiinneeddeexxpplloossiioonnss,, tthhee

EEaarrtthh''ss pprreecceessssiioonnaalloorrbbiitt iinn rreellaattiioonn ttootthhee SSuunn,, aanndd tthhee

iinnaaddvveerrtteennttccrreeaattiioonn ooff mmiiccrroobbllaacckk hhoolleess aatt tthhee

LLaarrggee HHaaddrroonnCCoolllliiddeerr iinn GGeenneevvaa..

bbyy OOllaaff TThhoommaass RRaaaabbee © August–September 2010

Email: [email protected]

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• 12 September 2006, Canterbury Province, NewZealand; no energy estimate available.6

• 22 September 1979, southern Indian Ocean; energyestimated at 3,000 tons of TNT.7

• 25 September 2002, Vitim River, near the town ofChita, Eastern Siberia; energy estimated by somesources at approximately 2,000 tons of TNT.8

A connection becomes clear when these explosionsare plotted on a Standard Earth Orbit chart (diagram 1).For astronomers, one clue isimmediately evident: there arepairs in January and inSeptember, one or two days anda year apart. They appear toindicate precession. For non-astronomers, precession is thegradual shift of Earth's orbit dueto the 23.5-degree axial tilt inrelation to the orbital plane, theunequal distribution of massand the slightly elliptical orbitaround the Sun (giving a slightvariation in Earth–Sun distance offive per cent). The result is that Earth's orbit progressesby about 30,000 kilometres every year, resulting in a"rosette window" pattern of orbit intersection points.The intersection points themselves, however, have neverbeen seen as having any meaning at all—until now.

Here lies the evidence. Plotting the locations of theintersection points on a Standard Earth Orbit results ina trapezium pattern. It is mathematically defined by theEarth's slightly elliptical orbit and the position of the

Sun, slightly off centre. Every year, the intersectionpoints wander ~30,000 km further along. With anaverage radius of ~150,000,000 km between the Earthand the Sun, this difference would not be noticeable onany diagram without great exaggeration. For pointsoutside the intersection areas, the Earth is never in thesame location in relation to the Sun within severalhours; that is, in relation to a fixed event in an earlieryear. For periods further back in time, such as 1979,

1993 and 1994, leap yearsbetween the present and theyear of the explosion must beconsidered, as these also movethe intersection points along.

I have compared the orbits formany years and searched themfor intersection points (diagram2). There are only 25,771.5possible orbits; after thisamount of time, the eclipticreturns to the original position.There is only one sequentialorbital period in these ~25,780

years in which all eight explosions have points at whichthe Earth intersects the exact same position on the sameday within a few hours. It is the orbit of Earth from 9September 2009 to 2 February 2011 (diagram 3). Onesuch almost exact intersection point, or perhaps even twosuch points, in any given year could be coincidence. Forall eight, however, to be occurring in one year, theprobability is close to a staggering two billion to one,even with the most conservative calculations.

TThheerree iiss oonnllyy oonneesseeqquueennttiiaall oorrbbiittaall ppeerriioodd iinn tthheessee ~~2255,,778800 yyeeaarrss iinnwwhhiicchh aallll eeiigghhtt eexxpplloossiioonnsshhaavvee ppooiinnttss aatt wwhhiicchh tthheeEEaarrtthh iinntteerrsseeccttss tthhee eexxaacctt

ssaammee ppoossiittiioonn......

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If not only the days of explosions but also the exact timesin relation to intersection points are considered, thelikelihood of any coincidence is impossibly small.

It is evident that there is a connection between eventson Earth during the orbit from 9 September 2009 to 2February 2011 and all eight explosions. With readilyavailable 3D-imaging astronomy software, whichcalculates the Earth's rotation and the position of pointson the Earth's surface, it is also possible to establish thegeographical area of the sourceof all these explosions.

TThhee IInntteerrsseeccttiioonn PPooiinnttss• Cando, Spain. On 18 January

1994, the Cando event occurrednear La Coruña in northernSpain "just before 07:15" GMT.The Earth was exactly the samedistance from the Sun on 18January 2010 at 09:52:16 GMT.In 3D simulations, the directionof Geneva, Switzerland, in orbitat the time coincides exactlywith the observed direction of the object from north-northeast to south-southwest.

The axis of La Coruña (the software cannot plot theposition of the village of Cando, so this approximation isthe closest possible) in 1994 and Geneva in 2010coincides with the observed direction of the object.Because there is very little difference between orbitalspeeds due to an extended intersection phase (typical

for January intersections), a slow entry velocity of asingularity would result.

There is a partial overlap with the points of Cando andGeneva near the necessary time for creation of asingularity, with the required points being well within theEarth's gravitational field.

• Lugo, Italy. On 19 January 1993, an object explodednear the town of Lugo near Ravenna in northern Italy at00:33 GMT. On 19 January 2010 at 09:13:21 GMT, the Earth

was exactly the same distance inrelation to the Sun as at the timeof the 1993 explosion. Again, inthe orbital simulation, there is apartial overlap with the points ofLugo and Geneva near thenecessary time for creation of asingularity, with the requiredpoints being well within theEarth's gravitational field.However, the simulation doesnot place Lugo in a direct linewith Geneva.

• Marshall Islands, PacificOcean. On 1 February 1994 at 22:38 GMT, the explosionoccurred approximately 300 kilometres south of KosraeIsland in Micronesia. At this time, the explosion sitewas almost equidistant with Geneva at 07:21:42 GMT on2 February 2011, during partial intersection, with adifference of 3,593 kilometres, and the 1994 blast siteheading directly for the position of Geneva in February2011. The locations match exactly.

......tthheerree iiss aa ccoonnnneeccttiioonnbbeettwweeeenn eevveennttss oonn EEaarrtthhdduurriinngg tthhee oorrbbiitt ffrroomm 99 SSeepptteemmbbeerr 22000099 ttoo 22 FFeebbrruuaarryy 22001111 aanndd aallll eeiigghhtt eexxpplloossiioonnss..

Page 52: Nexus   1706 - new times magazine


• Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Nowhere on theInternet could I find reference to the time of thisexplosion, which is strange because the so-calledEastern Mediterranean event of 6 June 2002 raised top-level concern around the world. It was detected by a USmilitary satellite, which may explain the apparentabsence of information regarding the exact time of theevent. It was so powerful, with energy estimated at26,000 tons of TNT, that US General Simon Wordenstated that if it had occurred over India or Pakistaninstead of over the Mediterranean Sea, it could easilyhave triggered a nuclear war because of the crisisbetween these two countries.

I have calculated that at 05:49 GMT on the morning of6 June 2002 and at 04:32:02 GMT on 6 June 2010, thedistance of Earth from the Sun was almost exactly thesame during a short precession intersection (thevariation was only seven kilometres). In simulations, on6 June 2002 the location of eastern Libya, the knownentry point of the object into the atmosphere, is movingtowards the greater area of Switzerland on 6 June 2010.

The object exploded on 6 June 2002 near Greece, withthe force of a small nuclear warhead. This is withoutdoubt an orbit intersection point with a steep angle ofintersection which resulted in the object having a higherentry velocity into the atmosphere.

This caused the greater explosion due to the ability ofthe singularity to accumulate more accretion discmatter from the atmosphere in a shorter time. Thegreater the distance travelled, the bigger the explosion.This is explained in my hypothesis on the cause of allthe explosions.

• Ischia, Bay of Naples, Italy. On 10 September 2005 at15:11 GMT, a huge explosion was heard and registeredover the island of Ischia in the Bay of Naples.Eyewitnesses have not come forward, but the event wasvery well documented. It is assumed, as is often the case,that the cause was a meteorite; but between 13:43:27 and13:43:30 GMT on 10 September 2009, the Earth positionwas almost equidistant from the Sun compared with atthe same time in 2005, with a complete orbit intersectionoverlap occurring later on 10 September 2009. In 3D orbitsimulations, the point of the 2005 Ischia explosion ismoving directly towards Geneva on 10 September 2009.

• Canterbury Province, New Zealand. On 12September 2009 at 09:23:50 GMT, the Earth's distancefrom the Sun was exactly the same as at 14:59 GMT on12 September 2006. In 3D orbit simulations, the pointof the 2006 explosion over Canterbury Province on theSouth Island of New Zealand is moving directly towardsSwitzerland. This 2006 explosion is not usually referredto in the context of the other more exotic explosions,but the cause becomes just as clear in the simulations.In the local New Zealand media, there were reports of ahuge explosion which shook windows over manykilometres and caused concern among residents.

• Southern Indian Ocean. On 21 September 2010[after we go to press; Ed.] at 22:31 GMT, the Earth willbe at the same distance relative to the Sun as at thetime of the so-called Vela event—the explosion over thesouthern Indian Ocean on 22 September 1979 at 00:53GMT. In simulations, the Prince Edward Islands north ofAntarctica, near South Africa, the site of the 1979explosion, is moving directly towards Switzerland on 21

The Earth in the orbit of an earier year can intersect with the 9 September 2009 into February 2011orbit only on given intersection points. The intersections can last for a few hours or up to morethan a full day, e.g., in January. This is what happens: a singularity is created in the LHC inGeneva, disappears immediately at the time of creation and appears again in exactly the sameposition relative to the Sun in a previous year, in empty space. If this happens at a time justbefore the Earth comes along in that year, the Earth in that year will collide with the object. Itenters the atmosphere, begins to accumulate an accretion disc and explodes. If the particle iscreated at a time outside the intersection areas and sent to a year where the Earth does not

collide with it, it simply evaporates in empty space and we are none the wiser that it existed. This is why all these explosionsoccur only in the orbital intersection areas shown in the previous diagrams. Many more singularities are created, but nevernoticed. There are also, however, many possible complex gravitational relationships that may occur, such as close encounters,which could even draw a singularity in from the side of the Earth not facing the direction of orbit. This example of a head-oncollision has been chosen for easier understanding. It may also be possible for a singularity to be created at a point inside theEarth in a previous year, even triggering earthquakes.

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September 2010. The Vela event was the first of thisseries of unexplained explosions. The satellite Vela6911 registered a "double nuclear flash", which causedmuch debate for years and was attributed to possibleequipment failure or an illegal South Africanatmospheric nuclear weapons test. The true cause hasnever been found—until now.

• Vitim River, Eastern Siberia. On 25 September 2010at exactly 17:57:22 GMT, the Earth will be at the samedistance to the Sun as it was on 25 September 2002 at16:49 GMT. At this time in 2002, a US satellite registeredthe explosion over the Vitim River in Eastern Siberia,near the village of Bodaybo. In 3Dorbit simulations, it is possible to seethat, considering Earth rotation andmovement along the orbit, the areawest of the Vitim River area where theobject exploded in September 2002 ismoving directly towards the greaterarea of Switzerland in September 2010.The time transfer of a singularity justbefore 17:57 GMT on 25 September2010 would propel it towards the VitimRiver area, causing the explosion on 25September 2002 at 16:49 GMT. Howcould this be so?

TThhee LLiinnkk ttoo tthhee LLHHCCAll eight explosions occupy all

four possible intersection areas.A connection is thereforeobvious. The exact times of alleight explosions—having beenshown to have occurred at timeswhen Earth positions were in therare overlap periods—and theequal solar distances are alleasily verifiable.

The 3D orbit simulations,showing a link between theexplosion sites and either Switzerland or, in some cases,the exact location of Geneva, provide a direct causal linkbetween the times of the explosions and events from 9September 2009 to 2 February 2011 (anticipated at thetime of writing).

There is a link, but what is this link—and what couldpossibly be the cause of the explosions? According toEinstein's theory of relativity, even time itself is subjectto the same relativity as energy and mass. Experimentswith the most accurate clocks have proven that timeruns more slowly when these clocks are carried aboardplanes flying at supersonic speeds. The differences intimes are minimal, but the evidence is proof enoughthat time is relative. Scientists have calculated that tomove even a small space probe back in time, the energyrequired would be more than the total energy output ofour Sun. Time travel is therefore impossible in reality.

However, this is not the case for subatomic particles oflittle or no mass. For such particles, including microblack holes, time transfer is possible with energiessubstantially under the seven million electronvolts (7TeV) which the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) nearGeneva, Switzerland, is reputedly aiming to achieve.

It must also be explained that there is one more keydifference between the time travel of science fiction andtime transfer according to Einstein's relativity. Themajor factor in relation to time-space in our area of theUniverse is the Sun, because it has 300,000 times themass of the Earth. If an object were transferred back in

time, it would not, as in sciencefiction, remain on the surface of theEarth while everything around it grewolder or younger. A subatomicparticle, transferred in time, wouldsimply disappear at the point oftransfer, only to reappear in exactlythe same position relative to the Sunbut in empty space. This is because ofthe Sun's dominant mass: Earth'sposition is not the determining factorregarding the point to which a particleis transferred. However, if that sameorbit position happened to be an orbitintersection point, the Earth in an

earlier year would collide withthat particle at the time of orbitintersection.

The intersection points of alleight explosions with one singleEarth orbit—the orbit from 9September 2009 to 2 February2011—are in exactly the timeframe during which "the greatestexperiment in human history" isbeing conducted at the LHC, wheresubatomic particles are beingsubjected to energies in an

attempt to recreate the conditions of the first seconds ofthe Big Bang. Scientists are hoping to discover new andtotally unexpected effects in this experiment—and maywell do.

Could it be that micro black holes—which have beenpredicted by physicist Stephen Hawking and others andwhich, according to Hawking, would simply "evaporate"or disappear—actually disappear, only to reappear inexactly the same position in another time? Theevidence could indicate this. If the Earth in earlier yearshas already collided with these micro black holes andcaused these eight explosions, then why do these microblack holes explode? I have a full hypothesis predictingand explaining this, but space does not permitelaboration here. Whether or not the hypothesis iscorrect, the evidence stands as it is. The link is proven.I am only at the beginning of this research; perhaps

TThhee iinntteerrsseeccttiioonnppooiinnttss ooff aallll

eeiigghhtt eexxpplloossiioonnsswwiitthh oonnee ssiinngglleeEEaarrtthh oorrbbiitt......aarree iinn eexxaaccttllyy tthhee ttiimmee ffrraammee dduurriinngg wwhhiicchh ""tthhee ggrreeaatteesstteexxppeerriimmeenntt iinnhhuummaann hhiissttoorryy"" iissbbeeiinngg ccoonndduucctteedd aatt tthhee LLHHCC......

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others will complete it. But it has to be understoodbecause, if these objects are stable for periods of a yearor more, in all probability there will be more such"bombs in the orbital path" waiting for the Earth tocollide with. However, luckily for us, it appears that theymay not be stable, because the explosions all occur onintersection points on which the time-transferredsingularities only need to exist for a few hours.

As I write this in August 2010, I'm concerned about thenext intersection points in September 2010 and January toFebruary 2011. I also need to explain regarding the Candoand Lugo events that the LHC supposedly was notoperational in January 2010, but recommenced operationsin March 2010 after the initial problems. The data,however, clearly suggest a connection with 18 and 19January 2010. Was the LHC being tested on these dates?

Since completing this article, I've discovered thatanother explosion—on 24 January 2007 over Richmond,Virginia, USA, at around 8.00pm—exactly fits with anintersection point on 24 January2010, with Richmond headingstraight for Geneva at 17:32:35GMT, the time of equidistancebeing 23:00 GMT. This wouldmean that the LHC would havebeen in operation on that dayas well, before the officialrecommencement in March2010. More connectedexplosions may yet be found.This is a work in progress.

MMoorree TTeemmppoorraall TTrraannssffeerrss EExxppeecctteedd If my theory regarding the unstable nature of time-

displaced singularities is not correct and furthersingularities have been created along the 9 September2009 to 2 February 2011 orbit, we will have begun tocollide with them any time from 9 September 2010. Wecan only hope that this will not be the case, because itis a matter of life and death for us all...

Even if the time-displaced singularities are unstableand further explosions caused by singularities sent tothe orbits of 2007 and 2008 did not occur, the possibilitythat the LHC is creating explosions along the time lineis reason enough to stop this experiment and to preventany attempt to build a new and even more dangerouslinear collider. Time transfer caused by colliders mayoccur in both directions along the time line, whichmeans that we may yet encounter explosions similar tothose on the list. The frightening thing is, we simplydon't know—but we can't wait decades for the scientificcommunity to reassess the risks.

I understand how difficult this may be for manyreaders to understand. Temporal transfer? Explodingmicro black holes? But the evidence is too strong for itall to be coincidence. One explosion, sure; maybe even

two; but all eight, or nine, considering the Virginiaexplosion? Most convincing are the 3D orbitsimulations which show just how rare orbitintersections are, and also show links between the sitesof the explosions and Geneva and/or Switzerland. Bythe time you read this, I hope to have uploaded videosonto YouTube of various simulations so you can judgefor yourself (with the keyword "NEXUS" in the titles foreasier searching). I may also have to explain howtemporal transfer occurs in colliders as a natural resultof the Contracting Matter theory. I'll keep you posted.

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Born in West Germany in 1954, Olaf Thomas Raabe hasworked in public service in Germany and Australia for manyyears. With a lifelong interest in astronomy, cosmology andphysics, he became suspicious of assurances by physicists

about the safety of the LHCexperiments as these are based onthe unproven Big Bang theory. In his opinion, the only theorywhich fits al l the scientificevidence and can explain whymicro black holes can betemporally displaced isContracting Matter theory. TheOrbital Precession Intersectionevidence is indirect proof of thistheory. Tom Raabe can becontacted by email [email protected].

EEnnddnnootteess1. Docobo, J.A. et al., "Investigation of a bright flying objectover northwest Spain, 1994 January 18", Meteoritics & PlanetaryScience 1998 Jan; 33(1):57-642. Cevolani, G. et al., "The Spectacular Airburst over Lugo(Italy) on January 19, 1993", Astronomical Institute of the SlovakAcademy of Sciences (submitted 1994); Cevolani, G., "TheExplosion of the Bolide over Lugo di Romagna on 19 January1993", Planetary and Space Science 1994; 42(9):767-7753. Tagliaferri, E. et al., 1995, "Analysis of the Marshall IslandsFireball of February 1, 1994", Earth, Moon and Planets 1995 Jan;68(1-3):563-5724.; 5. D'Auria, L. et al., "10 September 2005: A Bolide Airblast inthe Gulf of Naples (Southern Italy)", Istituto Nazionale diGeofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Vesuviano, 13 March 20066. "Meteorite most likely cause of boom, observatory says",New Zealand Herald (online), 12 September 20067. Richelson, Jeffrey T., "The Vela Incident: Nuclear Test orMeteoroid?", The National Security Archive, Electronic BriefingBook No. 190, 5 May 20068. Kasatkina, E.A. and O.I. Shumilov, Geophysical ResearchAbstracts, vol. 7, 2005, SRef-ID: EGU05-A-00257

TTiimmee ttrraannssffeerr ccaauusseedd bbyyccoolllliiddeerrss mmaayy ooccccuurr iinn bbootthhddiirreeccttiioonnss aalloonngg tthhee ttiimmeelliinnee,, wwhhiicchh mmeeaannss tthhaatt wwee mmaayy yyeett eennccoouunntteerreexxpplloossiioonnss ssiimmiillaarr ttoo tthhoossee oonn tthhee lliisstt..

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TTwwoo DDeeccaaddeess ooff PPiiccttooggrraammss

This summer, a large annual event known as the GlastonburySymposium celebrated its 20th anniversary (or 21st, if a smallerprototype event of 1990 is included) in the ancient heartland ofArthurian legends. Perhaps 20 years is slight on some scales, but as

something that began as a celebration of the crop circle mystery it was asignificant marker, making it the longest-running gathering of its kind.

For something that has been subject to so much dismissal andmisrepresentation, the circular puzzle has had an extraordinarily tenaciouspresence. Although it has roots going much further back, as archive recordsof circles dating from the 1600s onwards (and photos from the 1930s) clearlydemonstrate, it was the early 1990s that saw a surge of new complexity inthe fields with "pictograms", after what had once just been circles and rings.With them came all the attendant interest that such a seemingly new andbizarre public novelty was guaranteed to generate, hence the creation of theGlastonbury Symposium and other circle-focused conventions.

Of the early events, the Symposium alone has survived, developing andadapting to other concerns and related phenomena in the years since, andwe will return to it later, but the fact that, even after 20 years, paintedbanners still hang from its venue walls depicting glyphs that originated asanonymous shapes in the fields is an illustration that we were alwaysdealing with something special—and resilient.

For all the debunking since the sobering hit of the first major hoaxingclaims in 1991, interest has remained at a relatively steady level amongst acertain demographic of open-minded souls, while the progression of theastonishing shapes themselves has continued to push back the boundariesyear upon year. Cerealogical personalities come and go, ideas and conceptsare proposed and retracted, and forums fill with heated exchanges, yet,somehow, the air of mystery wreathed around the enigma never quite blowsaway. For every new claim (and there are many) that human artistry explainsit all, along comes another jarring physical feature or anomalous sightingthat doesn't quite seem to fit such easy generalisation.

So here we are, two decades on since British newspapers and televisionswere momentarily full of the new wonders in the countryside before cruelcynicism set in to reinforce the dull status quo to the masses. But still, newand mysterious works of art are offered from nowhere each summer to thosewith eyes to see, and still an audience is found, drawn despite all.

AA LLaatteerr SSttaarrtt iinn tthhee UUKKThe crop formations of 2010, then, as with all seasons before, had their own

quirks, astonishments and disappointments. Indeed, an unusual lack ofpunctuality dented the expectations of some who are used to mid-Aprilappearances for the first UK events, traditionally seen as the key entries in the


TThhiiss sseeaassoonn''ss gglloobbaallttaallllyy ooff 111100 ccrroopp ggllyypphhssffeeaattuurreedd aann aarrrraayy ooffaarrttiissttiicc mmaasstteerrppiieecceessiinncclluuddiinngg ccoommpplleexxmmaannddaallaass,, ooppttiiccaall

iilllluussiioonnss aanndd bbiinnaarryy--ccooddeedd iimmaaggeess,,

aanndd,, aass uussuuaall,, ffuueelllleeddccoonnttrroovveerrssiiaall ddeebbaatteeaammoonngg ccrrooppwwaattcchheerrss..


bbyy AAnnddyy TThhoommaass © August 2010

Email: [email protected]

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Old Sarum, near Salisbury, Wiltshire. Reported 5 May.Image: Olivier Morel © 2010

Silbury Hill, near Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 31 May.Image: Lucy Pringle © 2010,

Wilton Windmill, near Wilton, Wiltshire. Reported 22 May.Image: Lucy Pringle © 2010,

Stonehenge, near Amesbury, Wiltshire. Reported 9 May.Image: Frank Laumen © 2010,

Liddington Castle, near Swindon, Wiltshire. Reported 2 June.Image: Janet Ossebaard © 2010,

Stoney Littleton Long Barrow, near Wellow, Somerset. Reported 7 June. Image: Olivier Morel © 2010

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global tally. (In fact, New Zealandand then Italy jumped in with the firstarrivals on 1 February and 30 Marchrespectively, though the Kiwi entrywas publicised as a known hoax.)This year, British cropwatchers had towait until 5 May, when a complexmandala of the orthodox varietyfinally graced the fields at Old Sarum,near Salisbury, a little further outfrom the usual Wiltshire epicentre ofAlton Barnes and Avebury.

The trend for lesser-known regionsof the core county to be visited byglyphs would continue for severalweeks before the phenomenon gavein and finally offered activity in themore expected places, with only aformation of wide swirls oppositeStonehenge on 9 May and a six-foldflower design at Silbury Hill on 31May constituting earlier but isolatednods to geographical tradition.Outside of Wiltshire, a number ofother areas benefited from theseason's slight redistribution, withpatterns being reported in places lessknown for circles and in countieswhich have been quieter in recentyears, such as Buckinghamshire,Dorset, Essex, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Lincolnshire,Nottinghamshire, Somerset, Warwickshire and Yorkshire,as well as on the island of Guernsey.

HHiigghhlliigghhttss ooff tthhee SSeeaassoonnThe first crop formation of the year to raise

mathematical eyebrows appeared on 22 May as a wheelof binary coding at Wilton in Wiltshire (near the famouswindmill, which, curiously, the design also echoed),incorporating plays on pi and elements of "Euler'sidentity" (an equation which contains three basicarithmetic operations that occur once each—addition,multiplication and exponentiation—and also links fivefundamental mathematical constants [source:Wikipedia]). The wheel also referenced ASCII coding,which can generate text on a computer, though hopesthat it would translate directly, as with the uniquelyworded warning in the famous 2002 "alien and disc"emblem, were dashed by its either deliberately obscureor inaccurate rendering, in itself a subject of much"croppie" debate.

A striking eye-bender of radiating stripes and inlaidcircles at Liddington Castle, Wiltshire, on 2 June wasone of the earlier highlights of the season, while amultiple-bubbled, two-armed design on 7 June near thelong barrow (ancient burial mound) of Stoney Littletonin Somerset distinguished itself by being in peas—an

unusual crop for the mystery to work in. As June woreon and gave way to July, an array of clever masterpiecestoo numerous and complex to describe individually (theaccompanying images here say more than words canattempt) kept the faithful entranced.

Roundway Hill, near Devizes, Wiltshire. Reported 25 July.Image: Olivier Morel © 2010

Cley Hill, near Warminster, Wiltshire. Reported 9 July.Image: John Montgomery © 2010

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Most striking of the peak entries was the fantasticoptical illusion of a three-dimensional multi-faced blockof crosses, which arrived on 9 July at Cley Hill nearWarminster, Wiltshire—site of the UFO "flap" of the1960s to early 1970s. Most impressive was the way inwhich light and shade were suggested by texturingcertain parts of the laid crop with "cross-hatching",making for one of the more original and ambitiousdesigns in recent years.

Less traditional in style, but equally bold in ambition,were the two most unusual formations of the season,found two fields away from each other on either side ofthe M4 motorway at Wickham Green, near Hungerford,

Buckinghamshire, on 30 July. At firstthey appeared to be obscure abacus-like lines and "beads", but the act ofsquinting or blurring the imagessuggested the vague presence ofhumanoid faces. Superimposing onedesign on top of the other, however—seemingly the task being set—revealed an incontrovertible visage.Which visage has opened up greatdebate. Some see the face of JesusChrist, while others see the MonaLisa or even "the face on Mars".Whichever way, this wassophistication of an impressive kind.

With the fields being harvestedrapidly by August and the canvasdiminishing, there was still time for afew more high-quality events inWiltshire, such as the design thatbrilliantly but oddly resembled anegg-slicer at Woodsend on 3 August,

sophisticated mandalas at Pewsey on 8 August andHorton on 9 August, as well as a longer pictogram atBeckhampton on 13 August, resembling some kind ofsun-disc or Roman Catholic monstrance (host-holder).There were also some strange "splodges" throughoutthe summer, such as the curious radial ring at StantonSt Bernard on 8 August, surely too rough even for theworst land-artist yet too delineated in its basic form tohave been caused by the weather, which stimulated yetfurther debate about the nature of this fascinatinglyinconsistent phenomenon.

IInn tthhee TThhiicckk ooff IIttAs the summer progressed, there was an inevitable

active return of the phenomenon to the more familiarhaunts of Alton Barnes and Avebury, though not all werehappy with the quality of some of the designs there.Claims of people being seen making formations and ageneral air of paranoia from certain hard-core croppiesspoiled the atmosphere for the sensitive. Internet rantsfrom newly self-elected "experts", voicing unfoundedaccusations that a string of long-time circle researcherswere now, in fact, the ones creating most of the patternsand that there should be a ban on their work and wares,were as ill-considered as they were laughable—andcertainly evidence-free. But the ego-bound have alwaysfound little platforms from which to pronounce theirfantasies in the cerealogical world (something abettedfurther by the new ubiquity of Facebook), andcandidates will doubtless continue to come and go asquickly as others have before them.

Indeed, some of today's enthusiasts would do well toread up on the previous 20 years' research (somethingthat many clearly haven't done), for in so doing theywould realise that the very same challenges and lessons

Wickham Green (north of M4), near Hungerford, Berkshire. Reported 30 July.Image: Madelien Scholten © 2010

Wickham Green (south of M4), near Hungerford, Berkshire.Reported 30 July. Image: John Montgomery © 2010

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that are being met now, as belief-envelopes arestretched and sometimes burst, are nothing new: it hasall happened before. It seems a shame that the lessonsof the past are rarely built on in the circle world, butthen the turnaround of incoming people on the curve oftheir own personal journeys with the crop formationshas become so fast that the soul-searching that oncetook people decades now seems to complete itselfwithin a couple of seasons or so. Perhaps time really isspeeding up. Candidates are either spat out the otherend, disillusioned and confused, or emerge matured,embracing the joyfulness of uncertainty. Either way, noone is ever quite the same after crop circles.

But there seems to be no shortage of willing studentsup for the challenge, and the seemingly indestructiblecerealogy-themed Silent Circle Café, now reincarnatedin its third home, at Yatesbury, near Avebury, washeaving with visitors from all over the world throughoutthe summer. New faces mingled, spellbound, with theold familiars, both believers and sceptics, unable to stayaway despite themselves. Standing with tea and cake,surrounded by circle imagery and memorabilia,everyone seemed levelled, whether discussing theunusually warm, dry season or arguing over whichresearchers might have been mind-controlled by theblack helicopters or evil psychic entities this year.

From a distance, this little world could be seen as theepitome of "fringe". But on the inside, it all seems totick over effortlessly with its own internal logic,hermetically sealed yet somehow rather charming for allits storm-in-a-teacupcontroversies. And thereseemed to be no lessexcitement at news of yetanother masterpiece inthe fields than ever therewas.

GGlloobbaall AAccttiivviittyyAround the world, the

phenomenon did have alife outside of England'sground zero—just. Bylate August, the UK hadbeen visited by a notunreasonable, if notrecord-setting, 57formations; but of 53global formations outsideof English borders, 22 ofthese were in Italy.

Italy has often been theclosest runner, in terms ofnumbers, to the mystery'sepicentre but slippedback in 2009 to just sevenevents, so this figure of 22

was something of a recovery. Though some of the latestItalian efforts admittedly seemed little more than ratherunruly doodles, two or three stood out as being in ahigher league. One in particular challenged even the bestof the UK models, with a huge six-armed floral designarriving at Poirino, in the Torino area, on 13 June. Withits outer edge delineated by small beads of circles and itsinner parts marked with delicate petals, this ranked formany as one of the best of this year's formations.

Windmill Hill, near Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire. Reported 27 July.Image: John Montgomery © 2010

Whitefield Hill, nr Woodsend, Wiltshire. Reported 3 August.Image: Lucy Pringle © 2010,

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Germany managed to produce 13 crop glyphs in 2010,with a thin spiral at Schneen in Lower Saxony on 30 Juneand a nine-fold mandala at Oberschleissheim, nearMunich in Bavaria, on 16 July providing the best examples.

Overall, world numbers were much as they have beenfor the past couple of years. Other countries visitedincluded Belgium, The Netherlands and the USA, eachwith four events of one kind or another, however modest.The Czech Republic, France and Norway had two apiece,while countries such as Croatia, Russia and Switzerlandreceived single visitations. Thus it remains clear that themain attention for these strange designs, for whateverreason, is still being focused primarily on England.

TThhoouugghhttss oonn tthhee PPaasstt TTwwoo DDeeccaaddeessLet us go back to the aforementioned Glastonbury

Symposium for a moment. What this report makes clearis that while the circle phenomenon itself has spun intoever more detailed and complex permutations in thefields, some things have stayed the same: the debates,the confusion and the delusions and delights in theminds of those pulled in like moths continue on. But inconsidering the anniversary celebrations and lookingback on the evolution of the Symposium (which, it mustbe declared here, on a personal level has been animportant part of my life for many years), something newhas emerged in both a significant proportion of its long-time attendees and in the shape of its annual program:an awareness of the need for self-responsibility.

It is fascinating to note that in the early 1990s, at anycroppie gathering, there was a tangible and widespreadbelief from many aficionados that what we were beingoffered in crop circles was a salvation of some kind. Tothem it was a clear sign that something was coming torescue us: instant enlightenment being offered to adelinquent planet from a benevolent outside force. Theglyphs were working subliminally in the backs of ourminds, it was thought, triggering processes that wouldlift us from three-dimensional mundanity to eventuallyblossom as a new state of consciousness. A cosmicparental authority was here to pull us out of the mire,and all we had to do was wait for the final landing orextra-dimensional revelation and gaze in wonder.

There may be elements of truth in this scenario, ofcourse. Yet something has definitely changed aroundthe wide acceptance of some of the lazier presumptions.Looking around the faces in the 2010 Symposiumauditorium and hearing the very different tone of thespeakers to what was being routinely offered circa 1992,it seems that a fresh realisation has clearly dawned:that if a message of hope gleaned from inspiration inthe fields is to become something real, then we are allourselves going to have to get up and do somethingdirectly about uncomfortable situations in the world.Waiting to be saved is no longer enough.

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8833

Stanton Bridge, near Honey Street, Wiltshire. Reported 8 August. Image: Olivier Morel © 2010

Horton, near Devizes, Wiltshire. Reported 9 August.Image: Olivier Morel © 2010

Northdowns, near Beckhampton, Wiltshire. Reported 13August. Image: Frank Laumen © 2010,

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Non-autographed copies are available directly from NEXUS at $55.00 each including GST and postage:NEXUS Magazine, PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560. Tel: 07 5442 9280 ** GGrreeaatt CChhrriissttmmaass ggiifftt iiddeeaa!!

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Benjamín Solari Parravicini,born in Buenos Aires,Argentina, on 8 August 1898,

was an artist specialising in plastics.He was a professor at the Liceo deEspaña, manager of the Departmentof Arts at the Banco Municipal ofBuenos Aires, Director of theExhibition Gallery of theMunicipality of Buenos Aires and in1948 was Secretary of theAssociation for the Development ofArts. In his time, Parravicinipromoted several arts-relatedprojects in Buenos Aires.

It was in the 1930s when Benjamín,also known in his family circle as"Pelón", started to show hisextraordinary capabilities. Hishands, without any apparent controlfrom him, drew and wrote things thateven with the passing of the yearswould not make sense for him. Hehad begun to receive his firstpsychographies.

His most active period wasbetween 1936 and 1940, although hisability stayed with him for life. He

produced more than 700psychographies composed of adrawing (in most cases)accompanied by a short message asan explanation, and so far most ofthem have stood out because oftheir high accuracy.

The prophecies cover the entirefields of human activity—political,social, cultural, spiritual,metaphysical, scientific andtechnological—and were advancedby this notable clairvoyant, unfairlyforgotten in his own country andscarcely known in the rest of theworld.

One of the most enigmatic aspectsin the life of Pelón was his contactwith extraterrestrial beings. Many ofhis prophecies refer to contact withthese ET beings whom he called"astronavigators" (astronavegos), the"Blue Beings" from the planet Ki-en-ki, who had already been to theEarth thousands of years ago andwill be back "in their enormous fish-shaped red ships".

Because of space constraints, wehave omitted many other propheciesof the natural order such as

catastrophes, earthquakes,seaquakes, polar caps thawing,volcanic eruptions, changes in theEarth's rotational axis, floods, etc.

Although many of Parravicini'sprophecies concern political order,his vision of the third millennium isencouraging—following the "GreatPurification" that humanity will startto suffer at the beginning of the 21stcentury. The third millennium isabout to arrive, he wrote in 1972,and with it the rebirth of the Truththat was.

Shortly before his death in 1974,Benjamín Parravicini handed downto Norberto Pakula, one of hiscollaborators and friends, his lastpsychographies, most of themcorresponding to 1972 and aimed atthe future generations, some ofwhich are shown in this work. Thepsychographies were published in1988 in the book The PropheticTestament of Benjamín Solari Parravicini.(Source: Edited from a posting byTomás Latino, Grupo Sol, Santa Fe,Argentina, January 2002,; additionaldetails from Wikipedia)

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SSoommee ooff tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg mmeessssaaggeess hhaavveebbeeeenn ssll iigghhttllyy eeddiitteedd ffrroomm TToommáássLLaattiinnoo''ss SSppaanniisshh ttrraannssllaattiioonnss ffoorrppuubblliiccaattiioonn hheerree.. MMaannyy ooff tthheettrraannssllaattiioonnss aarree uunncclleeaarr iinn EEnngglliisshh,, bbuuttmmoosstt ooff tthhee mmeessssaaggeess aarree ccrryyppttiicc iinn aannyyccaassee.. EEddiittoorr..

"The big firefish-shaped starshipsfrom the Ki-en-ki will travel to theEarth in a high mission forassistance. They will travel overtheir already familiar South Pole.They will dwell in the ice until thehour of the hour. Then they will be."(1960)

"Interplanetary ships, invisible tothe human eye, are coming right nowto the Earth. These beings, invisibleto the human eye, have alwayscoexisted on our planet, and theydwell in temples and conventsbecause they are mystics and theytry to impose the faith." (1939)

"The amphibious inter-planetary ship will provethe existence of habitablechannels inside theEarth. It will submerge inthe South Pole and willreappear in the NorthPole, just soonafterwards!" (1960)

"In the presence of theconstant visits of thee x t r a t e r r e s t r i a lnavigators, science willdeny; after that, it willdoubt; and at last it willsay...true it is! And ourwisdom has fallenbehind. They have beenlooking at and lookingafter us for centuries!" (1940)

"The atomic era is near. Russiaalready plays with it withoutknowing. After the wars will arrive

and will make war,and the war of thewars. Fire of fires willbe!" (1937)

"The atom will goso far as to tyrannisethe world. The worldwill be atomised andwill go blind. It willfall storms caused bythe incursions ofman in theatmosphere, newdiseases, sexchanges, collectivemadness, generalabsurdity. The worldwill go dark." (1934)

"Power duelbetween Yankees andRussians. Duel forspace and terrainconquest. Althoughit doesn't seem,America will ascendthe throne." (1941)

"Goodness will disappear from theworld. Theft and crime will seize theenvironment. The creatures' chastitywill be corrupted by the bad exampleof denaturalised homes. Weddingswill be reduced; even so, the loverswill be admired. Man will always lethimself be seduced. They (women)will be the seductive." (1934)

"The papacy will have new rules.What was bad yesterday will be nolonger. It will be Protestant in itself,without being. The Protestants willbe Catholics, without being. ThePope will go on journeys far from theVatican, and will arrive in America.Meanwhile, humanity will fall down."(1938)

"The beginning of the end willsoon arrive! Man will annihilate hisown being. Biology will exclaim thatit has discovered how to create lifewithout the necessity of the malebeing, but with the use of glycerintaken out of the cells. He will startto make beings without a future, butwith lives of unknown ways.

"Arriving in that time will be theatomic explosions, and they willcause the destruction of every being;the radiation will kill, and will cause



"The atom will arrive, and it will reign." (1938)

"The moon crater of the seven circular stairswill disclose its secret to the man." (no date)

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monsters to be born from everymother, whether animal orvegetable; the mineral willdisintegrate. From '66, man will beborn with his bones crystallisedbecause of the presence ofstrontium, and the strontium willcause disaster in his life, willannihilate his brain, will change hisgenetic sperm, will kill his redcorpuscles, will increase thecancerology up to the extreme levelthat will be a general cancer. Thenucleonic power will dominate, andthe yellows with the Russians willquestion power profits in that sense.The 666 will already have arrivedwith its hands full of nuclear powerof mysterious and paralysing beams.With new microbes from electroniccentrifuges in artificial comets..."(1936)

"Races which hate each other willjoin together. The Earth will go intowar. India, China, Japan, Russia.Africa will give the world an example.America will be witness, help,palliative and light. North Americawill be despised. Even so, the worldin the moment of the afflictions willcry out for it—but it had sufferedand will be no longer." (1937)

"Circles of lights will appear flyinghigh, bringing alien beings fromother planets. Yes, they were whocame to settle the Earth, it will besaid, and it will be well said. Yes,those who were called angels in theOld Testament, or the voice ofJehovah, they will be and they will beseen again, and they will be seenand heard." (1938)

"The seas will be invaded by beingsfrom other worlds who will arrive intheir amphibious ships. They willtake seaweeds from the Earth toGanymede and Europa, its twin;there, they are necessary as food.There are no great seas there. Theywill arrive." (1938)

"Darwin's theory will be nolonger, because it will beknown that man descendedfrom the planets." (no date)

TThhee ffoolllloowwiinngg tteexxttss ffrroommppssyycchhooggrraapphhiieess aarree wwiitthhoouuttaavvaaiillaabbllee iimmaaggeess::

"Man gets ready to visitnearby planets. He is alreadythe owner of still non-definedships, even in projects. He willarrive, yes, but he will arrivewithout arriving. He will seewithout seeing. He will tellwithout telling. He will returnwithout returning. He will beand will not be, is not time." (1960)

"Men will arrive at the Moon.They will be there withoutbeing. They will see withoutseeing. They will hear withouthearing. They will returnwithout returning. Take care!"(1940)

"The terraqueous astronautwill find a being who withoutbeing will be, and even so hewill receive help from thebeing. The terraqueousastronaut will mistake paths and hewill come back to the Earth withoutthe mission, but with a new mission.The Cosmos will speak! After thegreat proof!" (1967)

"The theatre will be distheatre; itwill be psychic, material, irreverent,dirty. The naked will be imposed,the sexual aberration,homosexuality, lesbianism anddrugged in crimes. The crowd willapplaud, corrupted withoutknowing." (1939)

"Human cosmonauts who stayedaway above will give the guideline ofa 'certain invisible hand', ruler of theastral universe." (1969)

"The terraqueous navigator willsuffer nervous and intestinaldisorders after space flights. Thegenetics will suffer alterations inorder to fertilise. Gigantism will beone of them; mind darkness will beanother." (1960)

"In the end of the proof. Theterraqueous navigator will fly to theMoon. He will carry easy argumentsfor observation, but even so he willforget the dawn roosters for thelunar awakening. They will be asleepwithout any remedy, and they willdream at times." (1967)

"The wise men in Russia learned toconstruct astral ships." (1938)



"The earthly civilisation has a lostcivilisation. It was higher than thefollowing. Man of that time was'adaptable' to the intense Earth heat aswell as to the hard cold of his origin. Hewas electromagnetic; he knew how tofollow the high mathematics and astralsciences. This man still dwells on icy Pluto,since as it was said 'he is adaptable'." (1960)

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"The world will be denaturalised bythe power of the domestic screen. Allthe bad influence will be rudelyspread over every home and will beimposed by the advertiser commercewhich aims at the crowd. The crowdwill become dull, dominated by thedisguised orders of easy and betterparadises; they will contemplatestupidity and immorality withenjoyment. It will come the day whenthe bulk crowd will be manipulatedlike a flock of sheep." (1938)

"Enigmatic religions and lodges,impossible of being, will appear withexotic theories. False holy men willspeak about new heaven and newrules to save the soul. They willstruggle for the inexistence of goodand evil." (1940)

"In the end of time, atheism willimpose on man in his materialtriumph. Good will be moved away.Leisure will run with man. Man willrun with crime. Crime will run withthe lie, and the lie will carry the warof the nations. Then, the atheistsmoke will be plunged into thesmoke of the dark darkness and willroll down to the end of the...Without end!" (1960)

"Man always hadhis price, and he hidthat price. In thenew consciousness,when man willarrive, he willproclaim his priceand he will bebought like shoes orshirts." (1939)

"You ponder whatpasses... It will bethe theft a naturalhabit in the worldand the swindle willbe a natural habit.The assault to theneighbour will be ameans of life andpolitical sustenanceand political assaultand...even death!"(1937)

"A country's unfolding. The worldwill suffer thefts and assaults fromorganised gangs coming from onecountry, and they will live on themillions collected from their crimes."(1938)

"Humanity will be embraced byviolence. Two brothers will not livetogether in a room. Not even twofriends. Men will kill their wives.Women will kill their husbands andsons, and sons will kill theirparents." (1937)

"Invisible war! Without world warbeing declared, the world will live itwithout seeing it, and it will becomeaccustomed to it. Labyrinth ofhabits will blind the world until thebig thunder." (1939)

"Extraterrestrial beings watch themanned spires that humans willsend into sidereal voyage, and theywill kidnap them and frighten them.They, on their return...will keepsilent!" (1960)

"Extraterrestrial women will arrivein the world to be inseminated andthey will go back. Men will bekidnapped to be inseminated andthey won't come back." (1960)

"Interplanetary navigators,messengers of God, angelsyesterday, will arrive in the world,every time in bigger numbers. Theywill show themselves in differentways with the intention to warn theunconscious man about the dangerof the atom. Older and superiorcivilisations than the actualdisappeared as victims of the samepower. It will be known!" (1959)

"The interplanetary navigators,invisible to the human eye,messengers of God, will arrive, moreand more every time, to avoid theatomic explosion. They will try toimpose brotherhood and love forneighbour, and they will eveninfiltrate mystic meditation andwithdrawal from evil amongdisoriented youth." (1939) ∞



"Extraterrestrial laboratory satellite, where worksfor humanity are in progress. Harmful cultures fromthe Earth are being developed in order to find theway to exterminate them. There is a search for theway to finish off the diseases that ravage, to cleanup the toxins that inhabit our atmosphere and thewaters. Different kinds of artificial blood anddifferent aids are being produced to help after...thefinal chaos!" (1940)

"Interplanetary ships come to theEarth in PAX.” (year 1960)

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TTWWIILLIIGGHHTT OOFF TTHHEE GGOODDSSbbyy EErriicchh vvoonn DDäänniikkeennNew Page Books, NJ, USA, 2010ISBN 978-1-60163-141-1 (222pp tpb)Available:

In his 24th work of non-fiction sincethe release of his best-selling 1968

book Chariots of the Gods?, Erich vonDäniken focuses on ruins in theBolivian Andes, 4,000 metres abovesea level: the ancient stone citiesTiwanaku and the nearby, betterpreserved, Puma Punku.

With reference to late 19th to early20th century findings (includingthose of engineer Arthur Posnansky),most of which were pilloried in theirday, von Däniken contends that theoriginal Stone Age inhabitants of theregion did not have the technologicalmeans to extract and tool giganticstones made of hard igneous diorite.These monolithic structures couldonly have been created by visitingextraterrestrials ("the gods") (as vonDäniken has claimed over the years)way back in antiquity, if the elaboratecalendars that arguably track back17,000 years are any guide. Theancient astronauts are returning tocomplete their missions and retrieve

artefacts, von Däniken reckons, andhe interprets one of the Mayancalendars as saying that December2012 is the expected arrival date.

With side trips into astrophysics,anthropology as well as genes andmemes, von Däniken concludes thatwe're soon in for "a 'god shock' ofmajor proportions". Time will tell!

LLOOSSTT KKNNOOWWLLEEDDGGEE OOFF TTHHEEAANNCCIIEENNTTSSeeddiitteedd bbyy GGlleennnn KKrreeiissbbeerrggBear & Company, USA, 2010ISBN 978-1-59143-117-6 (241pp tpb)Available:

This collection of essays reflects theparadigm shifts that have been

taking place in science and academiafor some years now. The essays havebeen selected by Graham Hancock(Fingerprints of the Gods; see 3/04) andedited by engineer and antiquitiesresearcher Glenn Kreisberg, whoedits the Author of the Month pageat

Kreisberg provides a thought-provoking introduction on the searchfor the lost knowledge, and alsocontributes an essay on electro-magnetism and the ancients.Hancock himself examines newfindings about the first Americans,and another dozen contributors arerepresented. Among the offerings are

musings on paranormal phenomenaby geologist Dr Robert Schoch,reflections on the Egypt Code byRobert Bauval, a challenge to theeditors of the journal Archaeology byEgyptology researcher John AnthonyWest, and thoughts on the possibilitythat cosmic rays have affected humanevolution by Andrew Collins. Othercontributors include EdwardMalkowski, Mark Booth, RichardHoagland, Walter Cruttenden, ScottCreighton, Badrinaryan Badrinaryan,Gary David and Flavio Barbiero.

Altogether, the reflections of thesefrontier investigators provide a big-picture perspective on the cycle ofhuman existence which challengesorthodox knowledge. If you've notread their works before, thisanthology is an ideal place to start.

RREEVVIIEEWWSSBB OO OO KK SSBB OO OO KK SSRReevviieewweedd bbyy RRuutthh PPaarrnneellll

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MMAASSSS CCOONNTTAACCTTSSbbyy SStteeffaannoo BBrreecccciiaaAuthor House, UK, 2009ISBN 978-1-4389-0678-2 (383pp tpb)Available:

UFO contact has been ongoing fordecades in Italy and parts of

Europe, yet we hear little about it inthe English-speaking world.Australian researcher Warren Astondrew attention to the extraordinaryItalian contacts—Amicizia—lastedition (17/05), as well as to StefanoBreccia's book Mass Contacts.

Breccia, an engineer and a UFOresearcher, was entrusted by BrunoSammaciccia, a key contactee withthe Akrij or W56, with his story, andconsequently by a German engineer,Hans, with his reminiscences. Manypillars of society—professors,doctors, judges, politicians—hadinteractions with these advancedalien beings from the mid-1950sonwards. The key component of thiscontact was friendship, and therewere spiritual teachings as well asdemonstrations of advanced sci-techcapabilities, e.g., teleportation ofobjects. Another alien groupdeclared war on the W56, and pressreports from late 1978, for example,suggest that there really were battlesbeneath the Adriatic Sea.

Breccia covers other multinational

contact events such as the UmmoAffair, including the Italian Ummites,and discussion of social interaction,astrophysical calculations andtechnical drawings of UFOs. While byno means definitive, his book takesUFO researchers into new territory.

BBEEYYOONNDD TTHHEE HHEEAAVVEENNSSbbyy MMaauurriizziioo CCaavvaalllloo ((JJhhllooss))Author House, USA, and VerdechiaroEdizioni, Italy, 2008ISBN 978-1-4343-7665-7 (137pp tpb)Available:;;

It wasn't until 1981, when he wasabducted by visiting ETs from the

planet Clarion 150,000 light yearsfrom Earth, that Maurizio Cavallorealised he'd been a contactee in1959 as a seven-year-old but haderased all memory of the event. Hiscontacts with these ETs continue tothis day, but over the years they'vecaused him great physical, emotionaland psychic torment. Beyond the Heavens is largely a record

of a descent into despair, and yetCavallo has learned incredibleinformation from these very human-looking aliens (some amazing photosare included); for example, on theorigin of the Universe (the Clarionsdon't give much credence to the BigBang theory), on humanity's genetic

history, and on advanced science andtechnology. The Clarions told himthey use holographic transmitters tocast geometric figures on the fieldsvia plasma vortexes which make theground resonate; these are archetypalpictures of single genes. Anothertheory for the origin of crop circles!

In the mid-1980s, Cavallodiscovered his extraordinary talent asa visionary painter and sculptor,writer and musician. Based inVercelli, Italy, he is also a journalist,university lecturer, speaker and thefounder of a research centre (

Through Cavallo, the Clarionsconvey messages of personalempowerment and vibration-raisingas our planet is on the verge ofpossibly cataclysmic changes.



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HHAAVVEE YYOOUU GGOOTT TTHHEE GGUUTTSS TTOO BBEERREEAALLLLYY HHEEAALLTTHHYY??bbyy DDoonn CChhiisshhoollmmBook Pal, Australia, 2010ISBN 978-1-921681-56-1 (210pp tpb)Available:

We are not what we eat but whatwe absorb, says Don Chisholm,

who has travelled the world in searchof answers as to why we're not ashealthy as we could be. We need tobe critical about dietary information,he says, and here he counters 15health myths on subjects includingmilk, sugar, coffee, saturated fats andsun exposure. His arguments arecogent and well-sourced.

Next, he looks at water as a healingagent and at probiotics, which keepthe internal ecosystem thriving.Adopting nutritious diets, drinkingadequate amounts of water andminimising stress are key ways toachieve the goal of real health.Chisholm also examines what we canlearn about our bodies from visualmedicine, e.g., iridology, live bloodmicroscopy and thermal imaging.

Having been "to Hell and back",Chisholm has advice on how toidentify patterns that lead to illnessand how to overcome them. Beinghealthy is really not so far out ofreach, he says, and he encourages usto have the guts to do what it takes.

HHEEAALLTTHHYY SSUUNNbbyy CCaasseeyy AAddaammss,, PPhhDDSacred Earth Publishing, Wilmington,Delaware, USA, 2009ISBN 978-0-9816045-8-9 (251pp tpb)Available:;

The doomsayers would have usbelieve that sunlight is dangerous

for us, but that's far from the truth.In fact, it's essential for good health.In this comprehensive study,naturalist and health educator CaseyAdams, PhD, revisits the centralimportance that the Sun held forancient peoples all over the world.Not only did it provide a template formarking the seasons, it also wascentral to the oldest form ofmedicine. The ancient Greeks andRomans, for example, used Sun curesto treat infectious diseases like TB.

With reference to a multitude ofresearch studies, Dr Adams explainshow solar rhythms, magnetism, lightwaves and coloured frequenciesinfluence our hormonal and rhythmiccycles. He provides strategies onhow we can realign and re-entrainour daily and seasonal rhythms. Healso suggests how we can overcometoday's synthetic version of theSun—electromagnetically drivenlights and appliances—andstrengthen the body's internal

metabolism and its resonance withnature. The advice can be as simpleas gazing at the Sun at sunrise andsunset or eating foods of certaincolours. Citing many scientificstudies, Dr Adams disputes thenotion that Sun exposure causes skincancer and highlights findings thatincreased vitamin D intake fromsunbathing reduces cancer incidence.He analyses the evidence forchemical-laden sunscreens beingresponsible for increased cancer cellproliferation, and recommendshealthy sunbathing strategies withoutcreams and lotions that can becomeoxidised by the Sun's rays, creatingdangerous free radicals. Healthy Sun is a refreshing take on

how we can utilise precious sunlightwith care, respect and wisdom.



RadioOutThere.comstimulating news and views

streamed direct on the internetPresented by Barry Eaton, the hostof RadioNexus, each show presentsa unique look at a wide range ofstories embracing mind, body andspirit the paranormal and themetaphysical.

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WWOORRLLDD GGNNOOSSIISSbbyy MMaarrkk AAmmaarruu PPiinnkkhhaammAUP, Kempton, IL, USA, 2010ISBN 978-1-935487-08-1 (408pp tpb)Avail:

The essential principle of gnosis is"know thyself", but it's always been

a dangerous idea to adherents of thepatriarchal Right Hand Path. Here,Mark Amaru Pinkham traces theorigin of the Left Hand Path ofgnosticism from Adam and Eve in theGarden of Eden (in Sri Lanka) to thedispersal via the children of Seth andSophia, the Johannite gnostics andthen the Templars and secretsocieties such as the Rosicrucians.

Pinkham (Guardians of the Holy Grail,11/06) also enlightens us on ETmissionaries from Sirius, the Pleiadesand Orion, on previous gnosticcivilisations such as Lemuria andShambhala, and on gnostic streamsnurtured by the Druids, the Yezidi ofIraq, the Cathars and other sects.

The time is coming, he says, for theRight and Left paths to be reconciledin a new Third Era of a World GnosticCivilisation. Key to this unification isthe establishment of the gnosticalchemical path, where institutionsand society encourage individuals tocomplete the spiritual evolution thatis their birthright. Pinkham givespractical tips on practices such asyoga, meditation and correct eatingand living that can assist in self-knowledge and transcendence.

This is a powerful book that gets usin touch with the omnipresent Spirit.

AAPPPPRROOAACCHHIINNGG CCHHAAOOSSbbyy LLuuccyy WWyyaattttO Books, Ropley, UK, 2010ISBN 978-1-84694-255-6 (340pp tpb)Available:

As our modern civilisationapproaches a tipping point, we'd

be well advised to look to our ancientpast for lessons on how to survivethe coming climatic, ecological andeconomic crises. In this intriguingand well-researched work, Lucy Wyatt(who lives on an eco-farm in Suffolk,England) examines how civilisationgot started in the first place and howit was re-established following aseries of natural catastrophes. Onesuch event, c. 3195 BC, may haveinvolved a comet strike that causedthe Earth's axis to wobble andresulted in a Great Flood, which thenled to a diaspora and the re-seedingof civilisation in new locations.

Back in these ancient times, peoplehad a more unified physical andmetaphysical awareness, Wyatt says,and their priests and rulers utilised aknowledge of spiritual alchemy drawnfrom earlier shamanic practices.They built mounds and pyramids totap into the Earth's resonance forritual and even practical purposessuch as electricity provision. Theancient Egyptians, Wyatt concludes,discovered ultrasound and how touse it to fashion and raise stoneblocks. Possibly at the juncturebetween the Bronze and Iron ages,this knowledge was lost andcivilisation took a backwards step.Tribal wars, culminating in the era ofthe Roman Empire, ruled the timesand monotheistic religion eventuallywon out. However, various gnosticsects and later the Knights Templartried to recover and protect thespiritual alchemical formula.

Wyatt suggests that in order torediscover the ancient science andsurvive into the future, we need toapply quantum mechanics principles,create a world that's in harmony withnature and adopt Hermetic wisdombased on the idea of unification. Wecan bring in a new age if we so wish.



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MMAAGGNNEETTIICC RREEVVEERRSSAALLSS AANNDD EEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONNAARRYY LLEEAAPPSSbbyy RRoobbeerrtt WW.. FFeelliixxSugarhouse Publishing, USA, 2009ISBN 978-0-9648746-7-1 (190pp tpb)Available:

Carbon falls from the sky, the resultof interaction between the Earth's

magnetic field and the solar wind.But so do radiogenic elements suchas iridium and strontium, and evenoil and bitumen. These elementalrains are most prolific duringmagnetic field reversals whichhappen about every 11,500 years, orhalf a precessional cycle. RobertFelix (Not by Fire but by Ice, 7/02) hasanalysed the best evidence from arange of fields to conclude that iceages, extinction events and creationbursts coincide with, if not are causedby, magnetic field reversals—and notjust of the Earth, but of the Sun.

Felix also cites evidence for majorelectromagnetic disruptions thathave hit the planet with the force ofhundreds of thousands of Tunguskablasts, in line with the ElectricUniverse theory. Not all planetarymagnetic reversals are that drastic:the intensity may depend on wherethe Earth is in its orbit, and on theSun's position in its galactic orbit.

Evolution is not orderly, says Felix,but takes giant leaps when radiationkick-starts mutations in survivingspecies and sparks new life-formsinto existence. The next reversalcould be imminent, considering thatthe rate of decline of the Earth'sgeomagnetic field strength is

speeding up. Felix's book is crucialin providing missing links in ourunderstanding of natural cycles.Read it before it's too late!

AANNCCIIEENNTT EEGGYYPPTT 3399,,000000 BBCCEEbbyy EEddwwaarrdd FF.. MMaallkkoowwsskkiiBear & Company, USA, 2010ISBN 978-1-59143-109-1 (299pp tpb)Available:

Highly sophisticated technologybeyond mere copper and stone

tools was used to craft the Gizamonuments and tunnels as well asthe temples along the Nile's westbank, yet no evidence of it has beenfound. That absence of evidence istelling, says researcher EdwardMalkowski (Before the Pharaohs; 13/06).The hardest of stones, granite, wasused for the monuments because itwould endure for the longest time.But what if those high-tech tools hadperished ages ago, having alreadycreated their masterpieces?

The advanced culture possessingthese tools could have existed asmuch as 40,000 years ago, but wasbuffeted by cataclysms includingthose that coincided with the end ofthe last ice age and caused dramaticclimate changes. Malkowski refers tothe Geminga supernova event of41,000 BCE that affected Earth for thenext 30,000 years, and a galacticcentre explosion, as proposed by DrPaul LaViolette, that began c. 16,150years ago and took thousands ofyears to play out, as recalled in theso-called Turin Papyrus. Thesurvivors in Egypt regrouped as theShemsu-Hor, the followers of Horus,carrying on something of theirheritage but not the technology.

The Giza pyramids and the Niletemples existed before these events,Malkowski says, and the predynasticand dynastic Egyptian cultures werebuilt up around this much moreancient culture. Other Nile pyramidswere a poor attempt to emulate themajestic heights of a long-lost age—that of Civilisation X, as Malkowskirefers to it in his controversial book.



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TTHHEE CCRROOSSSS OOFF BBEETTHHLLEEHHEEMMbbyy RRoo''ii TToovvRo'i Tov, 2009 ( 978-1-4392-5770-8 (336pp tpb)Avail:;

Ro'i Tov, a Christian-Israeli refugeeand an anti-Zionist, is seeking

resettlement under the 1967 GenevaProtocol in a nation with nodiplomatic ties with Israel. His bookis a gripping read, but is hard toobtain: certain vested interests areattempting to see to this.

Tov charts an extraordinary journeyof isolation on a kibbutz, awakeningto Christianity, being conscripted intothe Israeli Defence Force (becoming alieutenant), having a career inscience and business, and attractingthe undue attention of Israel's secretservices.

His sense of moral outrage overIsraeli intransigence towards thePalestinians has made him an enemyof the state. It didn't help that hewouldn't cooperate in illegal militarytechnology transfers to Israel, or thathe let it slip to a Mossad agent—theson of the Jewish terrorist who blewup the King David Hotel in Jerusalemin 1946—that he intended writing abook to expose Israel's lies.

Following attempts on his life, in2002 Tov left Israel and became astateless refugee, travelling throughSoutheast Asia, the USA and SouthAmerica with the Mossad and CIA inpursuit. His intelligence and wisdomshine through in his dramatic real-lifestory that aims to have freedom,justice and peace come to the fore.

TTHHEE EENNEERRGGYY SSOOLLUUTTIIOONN RREEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONNbbyy BBrriiaann OO''LLeeaarryy,, PPhhDD Bridger House USA, 2009 (2ed)ISBN 978-0-9799176-4-6 (270pp tpb)Avail:

We could be living in a world ofclean, free energy, but it will take

radical social, political and economicchange to achieve this, says scientist-philosopher and former NASA Apolloastronaut Dr Brian O'Leary. His newbook includes extracts from hisprevious essays and books on ourenergy future as well as engaging newmaterial. For starters, he outlinesdecades of suppression in free energyresearch, where proof of concept hasbeen shown but so many scientists/engineers/tinkerers have been forcedto stop their work, have beendenigrated, ostracised, bought outand even assassinated on ordersfrom "the powers that be", intent onretaining the dirty energy paradigm.

Next, Dr O'Leary examines what thenew energy revolution can offer, evenat the local level, in the face of ourclimate crisis and our dependence onhydrocarbons. These unconventionalenergy options may include coldfusion, vacuum or zero-point energy,advanced hydrogen chemistries andthermal extraction—and could beadded to existing renewable energychoices such as solar electric andtidal power. Transformation of ourenergy culture to one based on newenergy is essential for our survival, heurges, and it's imperative that societybecome informed enough to want toimplement R&D programs urgently.This is a wake-up call to scientists,environmentalists and politicians.

Finally, Dr O'Leary confronts thetyranny that would keep us enslavedin capitalistic self-interest, wars,ecocide and dirty energy—a tyrannythat has stepped up a few notchesover the past few years. A peacefultransformation with a clean energysolution is what we need to restoresustainability and sensibility, he saysin his pressing call to action.



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TTHHEE UUNNTTRRAAIINNEEDD EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTTAALLIISSTT bbyy JJoohhnn FFeennttoonnAllen & Unwin, Australia, 2010ISBN 978-1-74237-019-4 (320pp tpb)Available:

In 1957, at twenty-one, John Fentontook over his family's degraded

grazing property in southwesternVictoria. Over the decades, John, hiswife Cicely and family transformed itinto a lush, productive, ecologicallysustainable farm by planting trees forwindbreaks and shade, creating lakesand forest stands, restoring wetlandsand establishing wildlife reserves.The photographs documenting thetransformation over the years showstunning comparisons.

Initially the Fentons were deridedby their neighbours, but it didn't taketoo long for their property, "Lanark",to show positive signs of recovery. Intime, the huge enterprise took its tollon John and Cicely: many times theyasked if they were sacrificing theireconomic livelihoods for the sake ofsaving the environment.

John Fenton admits to being anuntrained, even accidentalenvironmentalist, but he's learned somuch over the years that he's passedon to his children as well as to fellowgraziers, students, agriculturalists,scientists and academics. To him,farmers are custodians of the land theytend, and he thinks there's a case forgovernments to provide incentivesand funds for farmers to restore theirland when costs might be prohibitive.

Fenton's experience, recountedwith anecdotes and grounded,practical advice, is an inspiration forthose who want to work the land inharmony with nature.

TTHHEE SSEELLFF--SSUUFFFFIICCIIEENNCCYY BBIIBBLLEEbbyy SSiimmoonn DDaawwssoonnWatkins Publishing, London, 2010ISBN 978-1-906787-68-4 (323pp hc)Avail:

Whether you're aiming to becomemore self-reliant in the city or in

the country, there's something herefor you whatever your needs orcircumstances. The Self-Sufficiency Bibleis written by Simon Dawson, a formerLondon real estate agent who in 2000left the fast lane and, with his wifeDebbie, bought eight hectares onExmoor, Devon. They grow their ownfruit and vegetables, raise livestockand teach courses on self-sufficiency,smallholding and basic butchery. In2008 they received an award in a"Local Food Hero" campaign—areward on a long learning curve.

Sure, knowing how to look afterfarm animals and prepare cuts ofmeat may not be for everyone, butthe information is here, spelled outwith easily understandable text andillustrations. For the green of thumb,there's advice on planning, plantingand harvesting a kitchen garden oreven a window box if you're a citydweller with limited space.

Simon Dawson has a down-to-Earth waste-not, want-notphilosophy, so he has plenty ofhandy hints on recycling andharnessing renewable energy as wellas on curing and preserving foodsand foraging in the countryside foredible greens. There's advice onbaking, brewing and dairying, naturalhealth/beauty solutions, arty-craftypursuits including basket-weavingand clothes-making, and creatingnutritious home-cooked meals. Plus,there are tips on how to involve thekids. Simon Dawson writes with aninfectious joy and passion in thispractical, modern approach to self-sufficiency and sustainable living.



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TTHHEE FFRRIIEENNDDSSHHIIPP CCAASSEETThhee eexxttrraaoorrddiinnaarryy eexxppeerriieennccee ooffaalliieenn ccoonnttaacctt iinn IIttaallyy iinn tthhee 11996600ssAvailable:

An extraordinary Italian case of aliencontact with humans, kept secret

for half a century, hasfinally come to light. InPescara, from the mid-1950s to the late 1970s,a group of human-looking extraterrestrialsmade direct contactwith a large number ofpeople. The projectwas called "Friendship"or Amicizia (see articlein 17/05). The peoplewere taken onto theETs' bases and even on board theircraft. Most of the people involvedbelonged to Italian high society—among them, the famous ItalianConsul Dr Alberto Perego. Witnessesof these incredible experiences are atlast ready to go public. The exclusivefootage and photos that they'vecollected are simply amazing. The Friendship Case will change your

mind about the interaction betweenhumans and extraterrestrials.

SSCCIIEENNCCEE AARRTT FFOOUUNNDDAATTIIOONNSSFFOORR HHUUMMAANN SSUURRVVIIVVAALLAA LLeeccttuurree bbyy RRoobbeerrtt PPooppeeGaia Films © 2010Available: Science-Art ResearchCentre, 90 Bonny Doon Road, UkiNSW 2484, AustraliaAvailable:

This forum explores the relationshipbetween science and art, and

proposes a way forward for humanityby re-examining and upgrading ourbasic scientific beliefs and practices.

Professor Robert Pope, from theScience-Art Research Centre based atUki in northern NSW, has publishednew fundamental physics principlesbased on the ancient Greek Sciencefor Ethical Ends to balance thefundamental physics principles of SirIsaac Newton's mechanicaldescription of the Universe.

OONNEE AANNSSWWEERR TTOO CCAANNCCEERRFair Go Productions © 2010Available: Fair Go Productions, PO Box1400, Mudgeeraba Qld 4213, Australia,tel (07) 5530 2939, website

This film, One Answer to Cancer, isabout two cancer salves. One,

known as Aldara®, doesn't cure andhas even killed people, yet it is still

enthusiasticallyprescribed by doctors.

The other cancersalve—a herbal pastecalled Black Salve— issafe and effective andhas never harmedanyone in thousands ofyears of use. Yet it isillegal and is suppressedby governments.

This film is packed fullof amazing testimonials

from people who have reclaimedtheir good health. They haveeliminated invasive breast cancers,deadly Ewing sarcoma, terminalthyroid cancer, bowel cancer and anarray of skin cancers, even largemelanomas. In their interviews, menand woman describe exactly how theyused this natural salve.

This film shows you precisely howto make this life-saving salve foryourself and your loved ones.

DDVVDDssDDVVDDssCCoommppiilleedd bbyy DDuunnccaann RRooaaddss



Page 79: Nexus   1706 - new times magazine

MMUUSSIICC OOFF TTHHEE HHOONNEEYY GGAATTHHEERREERRSS bbyy PPaabbaann DDaass BBaauull Riverboat Records/World MusicNetwork, UK, 2010 (54mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——The PlanetCompany, tel (02) 9283 8250; UUKK——World Music Network, tel (0)20 74985252,

Born in 1961 in West Bengal, India,Paban Das Baul is well known for

the inspired lyrical beauty of hissongs and his genius in improvisationon the dubki (a small tambourine),creating trance-like states in hislisteners. There are some beautifullymelancholic, enigmatic songs here.Music of the Honey Gatherers conjures upan intense world of song, andsensuality as wild and unpredictableas India. Paban's compositions aresubversive, devotional and mystical.My favourite track is "Guru To Dayal",lasting eight minutes. Beautiful,wandering Baul songs of adventure.

IINNFFIINNIITTEE SSKKYY bbyy WWeennddyy GGrraaccee Coorabell Music, Australia (45mins)Distributor: AAuussttrraalliiaa——CoorabellMusic;

Wendy Grace is a pioneer in newAustralian music and was

companion to Chris James in theirmusical journey workshops. This CDof her original songs was recorded atthe Music Farm in the hinterland ofByron Bay, NSW. It features MaryDoumany on concert harp and RileyLee on shakuhachi (Japanese bambooflute). Her style is expressive of herharmonious approach to music.Songs like "Eyes of Love", "Uluru" and"Whale Dreaming" convey herconnection to nature and theinvolvement in the journey home thatwe all make to our place of love. Thealbum is gentle and involving,inspiring you to relax and bring outyour creativity. Wendy currently holdsworkshops on the Joy of Singing.

EETTEERRNNIITTYY bbyy DDeeuutteerr New Earth Records, 2009 (74mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——Brumby Booksand Music;

Deuter is one of the greatmusicians of the last 15 years in

the New Age field. The flute is one ofhis favourite instruments, and on thisalbum he has Chinese erhu andJapanese shakuhachi as well as cello,singing bowls, twinkling chimes, andlayers of absorbing synthesisedatmospherics. On each track, Deuterweaves his magic spell. "East of theFull Moon" features soft moods withthe emotive beauty of the flute andsmooth keyboard sounds flutteringbehind. A total relaxation album.

AA NNEEWW DDAAYY bbyy LLaayyaa PPrroojjeecctt EarthSync, 2010 (2CDs, 60&66mins) Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——The PlanetCompany, tel (02) 9283 8250; IInnddiiaa——EarthSync,

Earthsync, based in Chennai, India,again documents music from

regions affected by the 2004 Asiantsunami in the Laya Project (see16/03). Included here are global hitsfrom earlier albums and remixes ofclassic pieces. The musicians includeBhakti Brothers, Shaman's Dream,Desert Dwellers, Bombay DubOrchestra, MIDIval PunditZ, KarshKale, Kaya Project, Cheb i Sabbah andmore. A New Day is a diverse, cross-cultural mix of creative, sensitive,traditional and post-modern. A buzz-along electronica treat on two CDs.

MM UU SS II CCMM UU SS II CCRReevviieewweedd bbyy RRiicchhaarrdd GGiilleess



Page 80: Nexus   1706 - new times magazine

was originally the computer file ofthe thousands of mujahideen whowere recruited and trained with helpfrom the CIA to defeat theRussians".80 Thus, "Al-Qaeda" wasborn as an instrument of westernintelligence agencies.

This account of Al-Qaeda wasfurther corroborated by a formerFrench military intelligence agent,who stated that "[i]n the mid-1980s,Al Qaida was a database" and itremained as such into the 1990s. Hecontended that "Al Qaida wasneither a terrorist group nor Osamabin Laden's personal property". Hefurther stated: "The truth is, there isno Islamic army or terrorist groupcalled Al Qaida. And any informedintelligence officer knows this. Butthere is a propaganda campaign tomake the public believe in thepresence of an identified entityrepresenting the 'devil' only in orderto drive the 'TV watcher' to accept a

unified international leadership for awar against terrorism. The countrybehind this propaganda is the USand the lobbyists for the US war onterrorism are only interested inmaking money."81

The creation of Al-Qaeda was thusfacilitated by the CIA and alliedintelligence networks, the purpose ofwhich was to maintain this"database" of Mujahideen to be usedas intelligence assets to achieve USforeign policy objectives throughoutboth the Cold War and into thepost–Cold War era of the "new worldorder". ∞

AAuutthhoorr''ss NNoottee::** For a comprehensive analysis of thehistory, origins and nature of Al-Qaeda, see Peter Dale Scott's TheRoad to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and theFuture of America (Univers ity ofCal ifornia Press, 2007), whichprovided much of the research in theabove article.

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Andrew Gavin Marshal l i s a

Research Associate with the Centrefor Research on Globalization (CRG)in Montreal, Canada. He is co-editor,with Michel Chossudovsky, of therecent book The Global EconomicCrisis: The Great Depression of the XXICentury (available at the website His previous articles in NEXUS are

"The Rise of the Global ScientificDictatorship" (17/05), "A New WorldWar for a New World Order" (17/02)and "The Financial New World Order"(16/04–05).

EEddiittoorr''ss NNoottee::This article is edited from part one

of a three-part series "The ImperialAnatomy of Al-Qaeda: The CIA'sDrug-Running Terrorists and the 'Arcof Crisis'". Due to space constraints, we cannot

include the endnotes. To view theseand the complete art ic le, go to

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 1155

TThhee IImmppeerriiaall AAnnaattoommyy ooff AAll--QQaaeeddaa




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Page 81: Nexus   1706 - new times magazine


AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Dr Andrew Katelaris graduated witha Bachelor of Medicine from theUniversity of Sydney in 1985 and in1992 was awarded a doctorate bythe University of New South Walesfor a research thes i s inimmunopathology. He has over 20years' experience in hospital-basedmedicine and surgical and forensicpathology. Dr Katelaris became involved with

industrial hemp during the 1980s,with research aimed at preservingAustra l i an natura l forest s . Hediscovered the suppressed history ofindustrial hemp and began to link upwith hemp act ivists around theworld. In 1988, Dr Katelaris visitedWagen ingen Un ivers i ty in TheNetherlands, where he learned ofprogress wi th non-wood paperproduct ion, and he a l so vi s i tedhemp producers in France. On h i s return , he and other

act iv i st s began a campa ign toestablish hemp in Austral ia. Heteamed up wi th documentaryfi lmmaker Barbara Chobocky toproduce Billion Dollar Crop, the firstmass-circulation television exposé ofcannab i s proh ib i t ion , whichgenerated significant public support. As a result, a research l icence

system was established, allowingagronomic hemp trials. Diversegrowing s i tes were tested andexper ience was ga ined, e .g . , inincreas ing f ibre y ie ld bymanipu lat ing p lant ing s i tes atdifferent latitudes. In collaboration with Southern

Cross University (Lismore, NSW,campus), Dr Katelaris obtained al i cence to cu l t ivate h igh-THCcannabis for phytochemical analysisand stability testing on extracts, inpreparation for a compassionatecannab i s access scheme. Th i sprogram was terminated for politicalreasons, and Australia has yet toestablish any compassionate access

scheme, as operates in manycountries around the world. Dr Katelaris 's current research

interests include improved methodsof hemp agronomy, better seed-harvest ing methods and thedeve lopment of hemp bu i ld ingmater ia ls (hempcrete) suited toAustra l i an cond i t ions . He i scommitted to developing greaterpublic awareness of the benefits ofhemp seed nutrition. Of special interest is the place for

hemp seed nutr i t ion dur ingpregnancy and childhood and thetherapeut ic use in manag inginf lammatory cond i t ions ,behavioura l d i sorders anddepression. NEXUS published Dr Katelaris's

a r t i c le "F ibre Hemp: A NewIndustry for Australia?" in 1995 (vol.2, no. 15). Dr Katelaris can be contacted by

mai l at PO Box 3261 , NorthTurramurra, NSW 2074, Australia, orby email at [email protected].

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 2211

HHeemmpp:: OOuurr LLiiffeelliinnee TToo TThhee FFuuttuurree

Page 82: Nexus   1706 - new times magazine

truth is that students don't learn thedelivered material and everyone onlylearns what they learn.

One could dramatically change theorder in which courses are deliveredand it would make no measurabledifference in how much studentslearn. Students deliver nonsense, andprofessors don't care.

Obedience and indoctrination areall that matter, so the only requiredskill is bluffing. Students know thisand those who do not don't knowwhat they know, don't knowthemselves.8, 9, 10

Pick any expert opinion ordominant paradigm: it's part of aracket. We can't know the truthbecause the truth is brutal. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Denis G. Rancourt, PhD, was a tenuredand full professor at the University ofOttawa in Canada. He was trained as aphysicist and practised physics, Earth

sciences and environmental science—areas in which he was funded by anational agency and ran aninternationally recognised laboratory.Dr Rancourt has had over 100 articlespublished in leading scientific journals.He developed popular activism coursesand was an outspoken critic of theuniversity administration and a defenderof student and Palestinian rights. Hewas fired for his dissidence in 2009 (seehttp://www.academic Dr Rancourt can be contacted via his

blogsite, http://act iv

EEddiittoorr''ss NNoottee::Dr Rancourt's article was first publishedas "Some Big Lies of Science" at

EEnnddnnootteess1. Schrecker, Ellen, No Ivory Tower:McCarthyism and the Universities, OxfordUniversity Press, 19862. Radio interview with Dr BarbaraStarfield, CHUO FM 89.1, Ottawa, 21January 2010,

united-states.html3. Nature 2007; 449:382-383, 4.; Jay, D.O., "Questioning ClimatePolitics: Denis Rancourt says the‘global warming myth' is part of theproblem", interview in The Dominion, 11April 2007,;http://climateguy.blogspot.com7. Freire, Paulo, Pedagogy of theOppressed, Continuum, New York,London, 1970, 1993, 200010. Rancière, Jacques, The IgnorantSchoolmaster, Stanford University Press,Palo Alto, 1991

SSoommee BBiigg LLiieess ooff MMoonneeyy,, MMeeddiicciinnee aanndd SScciieennccee

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 4422


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TThhee ttrruuee ssttoorryy ooff aammaann ttaakkeenn ffoorr tteenn

ddaayyss ttoo aanneexxttrraatteerrrreessttrriiaall

cciivviilliissaattiioonnby Alec Newald

Alec Newald set off on what should have been a 3-hour drivefrom Rotorua to Auckland in New Zealand. He arrived in

Auckland feeling tired and confused, but was even moreconfused to learn that Monday was now Thursday ten dayslater, and that he had no idea of what had happened in themeantime! When Alec did retrieve his memories of thosemissing ten days, he realised his life had changed forever.

AA ttrruuee ssttoorryy!!AA ttrruuee ssttoorryy!!

Page 83: Nexus   1706 - new times magazine

This didn't seem so clear in theexcited haze sparked by the arrival ofthe first pictograms, yet now itseems obvious. The evolvingcontent and tone at the Symposiumover the last two decades reflects thecurve clearly when one observes thestages traversed: the "stamp-collecting" phase which beganthings, and the mulling of evidence;the speculation as to the hiddenhand behind many of the formations,and the inherent hope for somethingcoming to help us; thedisillusionment at the lack ofrevelation or official disclosure asthe years went by; the insight thatperhaps the message all along wassimply to "wake up" and look aroundus with new eyes at all the othermysteries and concerns around theworld and ponder our responsibilitytowards exposing or healing them;the new embracing of both light anddark subjects as two sides of the

same coin, from Earth energies to9/11 truth issues; the consequentgrowth of a new self-awareconsciousness and the realisation ofthe collective power that could bewielded with a critical-massawakening; the consideration of 2012and beyond; and the growingawareness that global change mightbe a self-fulfilling prophecy, whetherthe ancient cycles and entwinedpredictions carry weight or not.

This 20-year curve demonstrates,both in the glyphs and in the mindsof those monitoring them, that wehave been offered a kind of salvationafter all—one inspired from thejourney that each of us must takewithin ourselves to understand andembrace this still enigmatic andcompelling phenomenon. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Andy Thomas is one of the world'sleading mysteries researchers and is theauthor of The Truth Agenda: MakingSense of Unexplained Mysteries, Global

Cover-Ups and 2012 Prophecies (Vital SignsPublishing, 2009), one of the bestoverviews and analyses of alternativeviews on the current global situation.Andy is also the author of five books onthe crop circle phenomenon, includingVital Signs, considered by many to be thedefinitive guide. A chapter on Andy'scircle work is featured in Patricia Cori'snew book, Beyond The Matrix: DaringConversations with the Brilliant Minds ofour Times (North Atlantic Books, 2010).Andy lectures widely around Britain andthe world, and he has often been a gueston mainstream TV and radio.For more information about Andy

Thomas and his work, visit his websites and can be contacted by email [email protected]. For more details about the Glastonbury

Symposium, visit To view the 2010season's crop circle images, including theones featured in this article, go to

CCrroopp CCiirrcclleess 22001100:: TThhee TTwweennttyy--YYeeaarr CCuurrvvee


CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 6622






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RReeccoonnnneeccttiinngg ttoo NNaattuurreeTThhrroouugghh SSppiirriittuuaallPPeerrmmaaccuullttuurree

bbyy LLeeoonniidd SShhaarraasshhkkiinn

TThhee SScchhooooll::HHuummaanniittyy’’ss NNeeww


CCrreeaattiinngg YYoouurr SSppaacceeooff LLoovvee:: TThhee RRooaadd


AAnncciieenntt RRoooottss,,MMooddeerrnn SShhoooottss

RReeccrreeaattiinngg AA GGaarrddeennPPllaanneett TThhee EEtteerrnnaall CCyyccllee

TThhee RReettuurrnn ooffAAnnaassttaassiiaa

TThhee HHaarrmmoonniicc CCooddeebbyy BBrruuccee CCaatthhiiee

VVaacccciinnaattiioonn:: TThheeHHiiddddeenn TTrruutthh

NNEEXXUUSS CCoonnffeerreenncceeDDVVDDss -- 22000077

NNEEXXUUSS CCoonnffeerreenncceeDDVVDDss -- 22000088

This DVD contains thecomplete back issues ofNEXUS from 1987-2010

in pdf format.

The Ringing Cedars editor reveals worldwide poten-tial for Russia’s permacul-ture garden movement.

At this Russian school, thechildren have designed,built and decorated their

own campus.

Family domain andeco-village planning,presented by Leonid

Sharashkin in Byron Bay.

“Seeing Your NaturalEnvironment as an

Extension of Your Self” byLeonid Sharashkin.

Psychology ofHumanity-Earth

Co-evolution. Presentedby Leonid Sharashkin.

Fertility and Birth inNature and Human

Experience. Presented byLeonid Sharashkin.

Leo Sharashkin explainsthe significance of theRussian dacha gardening


“UFOs, Antigravity and theEnergy Grid”. Matter,antimatter, time travel,harmonic mathematics etc.

Their ineffectiveness, themanipulated statistics andwhat vaccines contain exposed in this DVD.

Harry Oldfield, GeorgeWiseman, Sherrill Sellman,Meryl Dorey, Dr Ted Loder

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TThhee GGiizzaa DDeeaatthh SSttaarr22001122 aanndd tthhee SShhiifftt

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LLoosstt CCiittiieess && AAnncciieennttMMyysstteerriieess ooff tthheeSSoouutthhwweesstt

AAxxiiss ooff tthhee WWoorrllddbbyy IIggoorr WWiittkkoowwsskkii TThhee HHoollllooww EEaarrtthh

TThhee LLoosstt CCoonnttiinneenntt ooff MMuu

IInn SSeeccrreett TTiibbeettbbyy TThheeooddoorree IIlllliioonn

DDaannggeerr MMyy AAllllyy LLaanndd ooff tthhee GGooddssTThhee LLoosstt SScciieennccee ooffMMeeaassuurriinngg tthhee EEaarrtthh

MMaappss ooff tthhee AAnncciieennttSSeeaa KKiinnggss

This is physicist Joseph Farrell’s amazing book onthe secrets of the GreatPyramid of Giza.

A Guide to the End of theWorld by Alexander Price.Investigates the cycles ofhuman history and nature.

A Survey of UnderwaterRuins From Around theWorld. Includes discussionon causes of sunken cities.

David Hatcher Childresstraverses the AmericanSouthwest investigating archaeological mysteries.

A Multi-disciplinary approach across the

Americas in search of theoldest American civilisation.

Dr Raymond Bernard’sbizarre 60s classic is backin print! New intro byDavid Hatcher Childress.

James Churchward’s clas-sic on the theory of a lost continent in the Pacific.First published in 1931.

Reprint of a rare 1930stravel book by a Germantraveller who travelledthrough forbidden Tibet.

The true life adventure ofF.A. Mitchell-Hedges

including his discovery ofthe famous Crystal Skull.

How a Scottish Landscapewas Sanctified to BecomeArthur's Camelot by Philip


Discovering the SacredGeometry of the Ancientsby Robin Heath and John


Charles Hapgood's classic1966 book on ancient

maps and world civilisationbefore Ancient Egypt.

Books available via NEXUS on Ancient Mysteries and Travel Archaeology/Mysteries

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HHiittlleerr''ss SSuupppprreesssseedd,,SSttiillll--SSeeccrreett WWeeaappoonnss,,SScciieennccee && TTeecchhnnoollooggyybbyy HHeennrryy SStteevveennss

WWeeaatthheerr WWaarrffaarreebbyy JJeerrrryy EE.. SSmmiitthh

PPaarraaPPoolliittiiccss::CCoonnssppiirraaccyy iinnCCoonntteemmppoorraarryy


FFrroomm MMaajjoorr JJoorrddaann’’ssDDiiaarriieess

bbyy GGeeoorrggee RRaacceeyy

TThhee SSeeccrreett VVaauullttbbyy AAnnddrréé DDoouuzzeett aanndd

PPhhiilliipp CCooppppeennss

MMiinndd CCoonnttrrooll,, WWoorrllddCCoonnttrrooll

bbyy JJiimm KKeeiitthhTThhee SShhaaddoowwGGoovveerrnnmmeenntt

SSeeccrreettss ooff tthhee HHoollyyLLaannccee

MMaarryy MMaaggddeelleenneeTThhee IIlllluummiinnaattoorr

TThheeyy LLiieedd ttoo UUss iinnSSuunnddaayy SScchhooooll

TThhee PPaappaall BBiilllliioonnssbbyy TToonnyy BBuusshhbbyy

TThhee TTwwiinn DDeecceeppttiioonnbbyy TToonnyy BBuusshhbbyy

Intelligence reports of supermetals, electric guns,& ray weapons, x-ray and

laser weaponry.

The Military's Plan To DraftMother Nature. HAARP,environmental & weather-modifying technologies.

Collection of Kenn Thomas'lecture remarks, interviewsand articles from the

world’s underground press.

Diary account of high-levelcooperation between Russia and the USA since

World War II.

The Secret Societies' Manipulation of Sauniere& the Secret Sanctuary ofNotre-Dame-de-Marceille.

Veteran conspiracy researcher’s overview ofmind control as a tool ofthe New World Order.

9-11 and State Terror, byLen Bracken, with introduction by Kenn


The Spear of Destiny inHistory & Legend by JerryE. Smith and George


The Woman Who Enlightened The Christ by

William Henry.

Ian Ross Vayro takes usthrough ancient biblicaltexts leading one to ques-tion traditional teachings.

Damning facts about theVatican's accumulation ofwealth over the centuries.

Reading like a suspensenovel, this book unlocksthe concealed evidence ofJesus’ twin brother.

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RRiinnggiinngg CCeeddaarrss SSeerriieessbbyy VVllaaddiimmiirr MMeeggrréé

1133--MMoooonn DDiiaarryy ooffNNaattuurraall TTiimmee22001100--22001111

SSttoonnee AAggee FFaarrmmiinnggbbyy AAllaannnnaa MMoooorree HHooww ttoo SSuurrvviivvee 22001122

LLiivviinngg EEnneerrggiieessbbyy CCaalllluumm CCooaattss

HHiiddddeenn NNaattuurreebbyy AAlliicckk BBaarrtthhoolloommeeww

VVooyyaaggeess IInnttoo tthheeUUnnkknnoowwnn

LLeeyy LLiinneess aanndd EEaarrtthhEEnneerrggiieess

bbyy DD CCoowwaann && CC AArrnnoolldd

SSiilleenntt FFiieellddssbbyy DDoonnnnaa FFiisshheerr

EEvveerryy BBrreeaatthh YYoouuTTaakkee TThhee GGoollddeenn FFoouunnttaaiinn

BBeehhaavviioouurraall PPrroobblleemmssiinn CChhiillddhhoooodd

The author’s fascinatingexperience of Anastasiaand the ringing cedars of


Red Overtone Moon Year.Contains Mayan 13-Mooncalendar, horoscope, planner & short guide

Eco-Agriculture for the 21stCentury—a holistic,

practical approach to farm& ecosystem management.

Tactics and Survival Placesfor the Coming Pole Shift

by Patrick Geryl.

Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) & his brilliant ideas &inventions harnessing natural energy explained.

Describes Schauberger’swork with water as a livingorganism. Foreword by

David Bellamy.

Bruce Moen's forays intothe afterlife, including hisexperience in helping 'retrieve' individuals.

A groundbreaking exploration of the Earth'snatural energy and how itaffects our health.

The Growing Cancer Cluster Story—an exposéon the power industry &“dirty” electricity.

Help for asthma suffererswith information on theButeyko Method by Dr

Paul Ameisen.

The Complete Guide toUrine Therapy by Coen

van der Kroon.Code TGF $44

Neurological & behaviour-al disorders and the link to

vaccines by Viera Scheibner PhD.

Books available through NEXUS—Environment/Spirituality and Alternative Health

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TThhee EEnneerrggyy MMaacchhiinneeooff TT.. HHeennrryy MMoorraayybbyy MMoorraayy BB.. KKiinngg

PPrrooddiiggaall GGeenniiuussbbyy JJoohhnn JJ.. OO''NNeeiillll

TThhee FFaannttaassttiiccIInnvveennttiioonnss ooff NNiikkoollaa

TTeessllaaCCoommppiilleedd bbyy CChhiillddrreessss

HHaarrnneessssiinngg tthheeWWhheeeellwwoorrkk ooff NNaattuurreeeedd TThhoommaass VVaalloonnee

AAddaammss’’ PPuullsseeddEElleeccttrriicc MMoottoorr

GGeenneerraattoorr MMaannuuaallTThhee AAddaammss MMaannuuaall --

AAddddeenndduumm PPeerrppeettuuaall MMoottiioonn

bbyy AArrtthhuurr OOrrdd--HHuummeeTThhee FFrreeee--EEnneerrggyyDDeevviiccee HHaannddbbooookk

GGrraavviittaattiioonnaallMMaanniippuullaattiioonn ooffDDoommeedd CCrraafftt

TThhee AAnnttii--GGrraavviittyyHHaannddbbooookk

TThhee EEnneerrggyy GGrriiddbbyy BBrruuccee CCaatthhiiee

TThhee TTeessllaa PPaappeerrssbbyy DDaavviidd HH.. CChhiillddrreessss

Zero-Point Energy &Pulsed Plasma Physics.1920s energy device ex-plained by modern science.

Nikola Tesla is revealed asa figure of genius whose influence on the world

reaches into the far future.

Compendium of the inven-tions of the originator ofelectrification. Includespatents, diagrams, photos.

Essays, papers, technicalbriefings and press clip-pings dedicated to Tesla'swork and memory.

This is the manual whichfurther describes the

details on how to build theRobert Adams motor.

This addendum further updates the research andtheory surrounding the

Adams' Motor.

A present-day engineerfinds perpetual motionseekers were important inengineering’s history.

A compilation of patents,diagrams, descriptions andreports, edited by DavidHatcher Childress

UFO Propulsion Dynamicsby Paul Potter. Researchbased on crashed UFOsfrom Russia and America.

Edited by David HatcherChildress. Free Energy, Flying Saucer Propulsion,UFOs, NASA Cover-ups.

Breakthrough book thatexplores the incredible

potential of the Energy Gridand Earth's Unified Field.

Tesla's vision of the future,including wireless power,anti-gravity, free energy &advanced solar power.

Suppressed/Frontier Science & Free EnergyA selection of books available from NEXUS

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bbyy MMaarriiuuss BBooiirraayyoonnCCOOEEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONNbbyy AAlleecc NNeewwaalldd

CCOONNTTAACCTT::CCoouunnttddoowwnn ttooTTrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn

bbyy SStteevveenn MM GGrreeeerr

HHIIDDDDEENN TTRRUUTTHH::FFoorrbbiiddddeenn KKnnoowwlleeddggeebbyy SStteevveenn MM GGrreeeerr








Giants of the Solomon Islands; UFO underwater& underground bases deep

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ten days to an extraterestrial civilisation.

Chronicle of the CSETIteam’s experience of

contact from 1992-2009.Includes bonus DVD.

From UFO sightings tomeetings with CIA direc-tors, join Greer on his dis-covery of secret agendas.

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Investigation intoShapeshifters, Skinwalkers,Dark Adepts and 2012 byChristopher O'Brien.

Nazi Secret Weapons &The Cold War AlliedLegend by historian andphysicist Joseph P. Farrell

A Provocative look at theMost Mysterious AviationEvent in History by J. Allan


Scientist Leonard G.Cramp's 1966 classic onflying saucer propulsion &suppressed technology.

A Journey Through theEvolution of InterstellarTravel by ChristopherHumphrey PhD.

The Nazi's Postwar Plan toControl Finance, Conflict,Physics and Space byJoseph P. Farrell.

Investigations into Occultism, Ufology andParanoid Awareness by

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A selection of books on UFOs and the Unexplained available through NEXUS.

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Vol. 18 #01 Dec 2010–Jan 2011 22nd Oct 2010 29th Oct 2010Vol. 18 #02 Feb-Mar 2011 20th Dec 2010 5th Jan 2011Vol. 18 #03 Apr-May 2011 20th Feb 2011 27th Feb 2011Vol. 18 #04 June-July 2011 23rd April 2011 30th April 2011Vol. 18 #05 Aug-Sept 2011 23rd June 2011 30th June 2011Vol. 18 #06 Oct-Nov 2011 20th Aug 2011 27th Aug 2011


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