New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-08-26....j-rei-fnted, altnplj brlefa BOttlng forth the ciirae...

r-Dfero-itrrk ffirilwttt LXXni-.N* 24.390. ****-J£k_aJgSai^S_*» Ni:\V-YOUIv. TUESDAY. AUGUST 26. IIH.'I-II I'.U.KS. * * !>!>!/ I* /_*VI** /tPYT lotltyofNoar Vork. .I«*raa>y< Ita and Hoboka'a. Pursuer Expects Fugitive To Be Thrust Across Border and Thus Defeat All Plans of His Lawyers. STONE THINKS OTHERWISE His Client Will Be in Canada When Snow Falls, He Says. Prisoner Quarrels with Jailers.Tells of Mad- house Rescue. rfvata » BtaB Rarreapa-aaeaaat of The Tritn.n» «.*>. bat., Auu. _S^-*WlUlam Travcra ,i(rom°. under appolnUnenl v >) pt > leneraJ Carmody of K< * York put; Attorney eaenl thi atate in the way to get Harry k. b to Matteawan, arrived In gherbrooke thla fternoon. When the methoda u hlch Than a atl >r- nmyt wlll empl ) to block court appeala fln'l other plana foi d portatlon al idlan oHI< lala And hlm llabla 10 s tioi tllned to Mr Je¬ rome .That ka varj ingeniou thorltlea clap the bandcuffa in hlm and ahove bim thf border as suvn as they reach a whal hi ha golng to »i" aboul Hl ; ,\ru of habeaa corpua dota nol Ite when hi? arreat la <.rd'- b peopli and "Do you know wheth. immlgra- tiog d to aend him bai k to Verm »k< .. ".*.- .,, you think that maana ba wlll go bai k t" Matteawan" 1 kn'Av n. thinp «.!' what actlon they ed. i ara here ti, the facta ln tha 4a«f and t BB fl handy man en the i '.'an he be . xtrudited tci N<w "S "rk from Yirmont if ht- is sent there?" Aa: crune la eatradltabla from one. atati In th.- Unlted siates to another," he aald. it la up to ihe Oa>varn<>r >: thi s-.ate ta which h»* is s.-ni whetbi-r he Bhall be handed ov.r to New York. The law ia plaln. The 1 polnt 1 declded by lha Qovornttt *9 a/hather ihe Identity r.f the peraoa under .-.rr. .st whoaa oatradltloa la aaki mta*\ aa th_: of the perana wh" carann-j t... iliagatl ..rinie In the atate a for hla return. Stone Outlmes New Plan. "There la no arguaaent aa to facta j-rei-fnted, altnplj brlefa BOttlng forth the ciirae alleged and that the min Under arr»s-t la IhB man aranted, a tompanied by prooffl thal he bv Thnws lawyera wlll probably ila fa danylng the allegatlon, bul ba .st him will not be tried there, Hla Identlt) la tha maln thm*. Tha Governoi ma) then aci a.- ba aaea f.t" a nea naathod .... whi<h to Tha-.. was outlined tc- day Wllllam A. Stone. former of Pennaylvanla, who is her< a member of hla wunaeL if thla plan it wlll atta,k tba Btltul ( the Iznmlgratton lawg r which Thaw s deportatlon la «x pected ta bi ordered. it arUl aiso rnatlonal laaue "ri th'- right? grant' by the treaty ti.-twe. n the Unlted Btatea ar.d .'anada to tha either country in the couria of tha other. Has tha conatltutlonallty "f the Canadlan mimigratH-n laws e..r been ighly teated?" ha was aaked. "Not that 1 know "t," -Mr. BtOSM re- I kri"W ef ri" leaditig '-asa. or nta on tha matter." r»o you think Thaw will Le sent Bt Bl .m . arly date?" ne was ark'd. Well, ¦. ¦!»'!, you had c-11,-r * oniinued on third |>-a«<*. oi-vrnth rolumn. This Morning's Sews. X.OC-LX.. Page BOll in Fualon Polltlcal ''amp 1 ¦Igar Stora- Bandlta Ht Work AKriin.. 1 Tammany run.'.- Siatr. a ad b] Klnga lieraocrata.... a Polltlclana Awail Gaynor'a Mova a '.rn ln Bl ho"ls for OO.noo. 5 fcnrgtv.riB in H'-nlth and Mapplne I 7 ,. indlcted as Morse Polaoner 9 Bo-om f'T SuUfr. 14 n'onun Bequeathi J i.OBO to Secrataryld OENERAL Lind .n i.«..-, -,¦». Mexico. 1 frlteon'a Mexican MeaaaBe Ready..., l Th«w I'ku as lerome Arrlvea. l Two I'faii In Buicide 1'act. 1 of Phlltpplnea Blavea . 3 I'arniei-.-.. Currency Plan Adopted 4 MeAdoo f"»pir.s l*urrency Promlaea 4 Mulhall on ll Rampaga. 4 Tanff crea Llai Ratlned. 4 ..-. ..naTtfSh 6 Btevena Newpori Heateaa 7 BVOlt 1 'i-flant "f " »l'l Pai iv II Lawyera iiait al Murphy Proba.14 rOKEIOW Barl ''r»v t»i v Hoa lo Curb Truata 3 "Jack" Joknaon Baya He'a Mew Prench 3 Amhaaaador l_aaaea Lonalon Houae 7 kCJSCE lala A¦¦ OU 8. Newa for \\ oiner. . 5 I'-IHorlal . d aty . 7 '.l,Hiiar\ . 7 Theetrlral.7 and 9 Kf'irti.. 8 and 9 I'inan'ial and Markets... 10, 11 and 13 Raal Batate . M Iteather . ia Kl.ipplng . 13 Arnxv ajid Navy.13 LOSES HER LOVE FOR LIMP Wife Would Discard Husband Who Posed as Hero. Mrs Klt anor A. MrManue, who mar- rled .inni's McManua nine daya auo, filf-d a nuit in the Suprem<- Court >is- terday askmg an annulraenl of tha marrlage. Bhe alleged that she mar¬ rled MrManus under the bellcf that he waa a flreman with a record for brav- ery, She dMcoverad, she said, thal the Plre Departmenl had never baard of her husband. but that the i-oii.-e had. Mra. McManua la a Bten-ographa-r. She said that when sh>- met h'-r hus¬ band and asked about a slight !tmp that he had h.- told her he fell Off a :a.iiitr al a flre. To carry out the ai- legad daception, McManua wora a biue, shirt ami a badge of the Flre Depaurt- m.-nt. After she marrled her hero Mrs. Me- Manua learned thal ha had madf >io provlaion for thelr h"me. she wenl back to her own houa-B ami began BB Inveatlgation. Bhe leanwd, she nl- leged, that tho limp thal hi r husband ha,l wa> cauaed b, a sin.t tired at hlm b) a pollcanuan, who was actlng ,n bi t defenca SAVESTWO; 15 HIS RECORD Police Sergeant Rescues Father and Son in Hudson. Srrgeant M;, ha.! J. Mulhall, "f Harbor A Bquad, reearued a man and hia s"n from drownlng In th*> North i: ver yeaterda) afternoon The man. Thnma.a Roaa, forty-turo yeara old, who ii\e<i pi Nn. 278 Motl str.'.'t, waa al Work at ri.-r I, Hudaon River. Hla a j.,s.'j h, wi nt io the pler to go home wlth his fatharr, and while a ing. feii off the en.i "f the pler Into the w tlthi igb th. father could not awim i .. Jumped ifte) and manaced to rea.h him The frelghtor .' w Collina waa laaing il the tlmi .-it'.'i handa threw rupea to Roaa b . the tide an .. nd thi boy away. Bi rgeanl Mu oul in a launcli wuh another pollceman Aa the) near the man and bO) tha Bl without taklng off his coat, plungtd mto the watei and reached tht-m in a few Btrokea. Paaaengera on u Coney laland ateamboal ctoae bv watched the reecue and heered ihe aergeant Sergeant Mulhall hBB rcacued fifteen peraona from drownlng ein<*e Novam¬ ber, 1896 FRANK GUILTY OF MURDER Throng Cheers Conviction of Mary Phagan's Slayer. Atlanta. A ig 29 Le. M. l-'r.tnk waa found guilty late t. da) of the murder Iaat April of Mary Phagan, f,.ur- yeara old, an employe of the local fa t'T.v of the Kattonal PasacU Company, of «iii'ii Fr.-.nk waa Buperlntendent As the na-wn fl--ha»d lo tli< i.hacI urthouee thera was loud rrlng. Mounted poUcamen rotin ihroiigii the throng. bul the demonetra- tion contlnued. As he atepped Into the atreel Bolld- tor ii'igb Doraey, wb" conducted the proeecution, waa llfted to the ahouldera of Beveral men ami carrled more than ¦¦» hundred feel through the ahoutlng throng. .1 idga Roan waa alao cheered Mar* i" 4 * ,v- f'""''1 ..* th baeemeal of the fai tor) on tha mornir.g of Aprll 27. Jamea Con negro sw -p* '"' bad Bto. '1 outatde the fa. tor) Hla e whlla Pranh waa alone wlth the Phagan Kiri an'' later helped Prank carry the body aseni'nt. SHOOTS TO SAVE MOTHER Boy Badly Wound9 Laborer Who Was Attacking Her. ln a da>eperate attempt te v'<w bla mother from beina heaten ro death Jo¬ aeph Perrl. Bfteen yeara old, ahol Thomaa Murphy, a youna mborer, m tbe broa nnd left arm early Iaat evenlna, around- ing hlm ao badly that he la not Blpectaad lo nve He i- Ib Bellevue and Perrl la under erreat al thr- ChlMren'a Boclety. The Penia llee on tl e tea hoor of a tenemanl rioaae et Vn. TN ieeond avenue and Murph) had an apartment oppaaalle, ha llved Wltb hin wlfe ur.'I two ehlldren. Beveral tlmea, acarxM-dlna '" I Parrl, Murphy bad bai ome Intoal- rated and bad attacked bla mother. bai police had not been notlfled owing ta Murphy'a rmmieea t" do better Perrl WhO !<- an errand boy, rfa, hfd home early Iaat nlaht nnd -.tartr-d up- m- 1*8 10 hla apartment When hnlf wa-- , ,j ,|. B, and as h* amt- ln BlBhl Of lha top landlne ht- mn his moth'-r ai-ramhle ta her feel and nin Into lha apartment arlth Murphy after her A* be entered, ibe bay aaya Murphy atruch hla mother, kr.o, king her down .II,r. ha s.lx.l baW b\ th- hair and dragged her toward tha hallwaj Joaeph ran to a tr mk, grahha-d a l^ada-d revolver and atarted for Murphv. who turned on hlm, Perrl flred tarlee and Murphy dropped Ambulance auraaona aj/ho took Murphy lo Bellerua raturned nnd attended Mr- Perrl who waa bi a atate ef coluipea Welghbera have <-or- roborated the boj/a atajry ...-a - NEWPORT BAN ON LIQUOR Senator Wetmore Requested to Stop Illegal Casino Sale. \\- Teleerrapr. ". Th" THbuae N>av,"rt. It I. Am*. .-'¦'.. -For tnanv durlng the natlonal lawn tonnlf emeol at the Wewporl Caalna 11 haa been poaalble lo buy llquor "n thr- plaaaa of th»> dreasmg room bullding. William H Tobiri. a number of Ihr U- eenea Commlaaaon of the clty, te^aU) en- tared a formal eomplalnt to the Chlef ot Pollra and Mayor Ma.-i^"d agalnsl nelllrig li.-iior illegalh. The Mavor ha«*» Wrlttea to the preeident of the (aelno, BenatOI P Wetmore. asklng hlm to ntop the unlawful trafTV- CANAL PARTLY OPEN SEPT. 1. Panama. Attg % **ontrarv 1o r-xpeota- tlone. the btowlng Bp of thr (Jamhoi dlke. whirh WOUM ram".' tho Iaat 0»> Btru. tion to the navigalion of the Pana¬ ma ..rai bv llgh. dra't Vatflaela, waia .v>- 'aril'-d out to-da\ The destruttion or thr d,kp na-, h.-en r»>t for ta*>ptern- lw- . NIITIL SCORNS HEARSTS LEAGUE Fusion Candidate for Mayor Refusesto Accept Nomination Tendered by the Indepen- dence Organization. READS LECTURE ON DUTY Says It Would Not Be Honor- able for Him to Accede When Editor and His Associates Turned Down Prender- gast and McAneny. John Puito* Illl )i*i. in ;i Icttar flflRl laal nlghl tn Wiiii.-im .r. Taylor, chair¬ man of the Independence Lcague Clty r*.mniitt< *¦. m ocnfullj reftifled » iwrnl- natlon f<*>r Mayor trom thr teagtM un* Iftfla 11 imi'.is.ii Controller Prflndar* aaal and Prealdenl McAneny, hta col* leagucfl on Ihe fualon .= i j. t». Ha ur**-*i thalr get eptance bj thfl league, in Bpltc ol thfl declaratlon by Willlam Randolph Hearal thal lh« or¬ ganlxatlon xx.mlil be lo lt* prlnclplcfl in bo doing, bj r***fl4*»n of ih** Btand of Ihe I'ontrollflr >nd Mc- An- nx nv Bllb ..' I lt arai ronaldfltred by politlrlant* to br th« < nl) fltflnd thal Mr Mltcl el ould rablj laka. Hoa ty tr, 11 araa won- der***! xx hfltht r "i nol thla latral n arould nol reaull In mrirfli lurmoll In thi rurdon amr If lh« k ag ¦.¦ fll turned doa n Pn nd< rgaal and lf< Am n .,. mh. hel refuaad the nomination. 11 araa auggeated thal Mr Hearal mlghl run Independently for M«y< i has done tarlce .' Th.- attltude of Mr. Mlti hel araa m »d« ublic flhoi tl) ¦>'¦¦.¦ n. dnlghi »ftfl r he hnd ronfflfTfld fll 'i fl Ith hta pol fldt taai >. Mitchel to Laagufl. Mr. Mitchi l'fl Ittt.-r folloa i "On Baturdai roui roounittea did me th** hooor if- make me tti** off; i.... nf th** Indepandance Leagu« for ihe of Mayor ln Ita primary etactlon. '" be hflld "'. akiptflmbflr M "foot -oiumit- u-r did not hoarflvar, deelgnalfl Mr. Mi Anem f*.r thfl offlee af Prealdenl ef the Boai l of Aldfl m Mr I**teti4ergaat for thfl Offlee <'i 'oiitioll-r. "afuch ..h .'i'i ra* latu the hoi or con* ferr.-'l bj n Ittee lo it" flkflfllgna* tion *.f me flfl Itfl ai dldate foi M much -..s valua and «**i-..iii< the port of tt.»* Independence Leagvte In mi eanvaaa for that om. t. it arlll t.** flbtio * to you thal I .'.'.I'I n.'t honnral.l. ..< ¦' nomination uaae* a n- k**t arhlch dflnlea nomlnfltlon t<. rai tara aflaeclatea '.ioi. th** fufllon rlt) t "Thfl ii..!*-i ndi n.. \a ague, arhl. Btood foi boneal gfl*/ernn»anl In lb and Im nad 11 f.italfllenl aaray from Tar man] Hall an-i Ita on i| trol and epttW 11 th<> ftral '«. taki a *-t< p li thi dlia tion <>t ...n.. Btofi aad dtorupttoii Murphy, Not Subwaya, the laaue. .[-. r tasuflof 1 eoi Ipal im paign doea nol ' irn ui on tbi dem« rltfl of 1 ... ontra ti ,.,, d< f- .t >.f M irphy nnd Tamman) Hall and the eat tha .lt;. hall of honeel and afflelenl gov* ernment aa an .11--n In th* l iT foi in "Every one knoarti aith regard to aubaa; ¦ i ... a.- no etti i aat- laflad thaa ¦>¦. lh< rm mbera o! |MgU, ., ni .. . ten of th« ontrai Ifl -,,, th( .; ara tion of th« dual »ul*i Thnt queatlon, hoararflr. ta a thlng of th« paal Th* caritractfl bairfl baaa fldoptad The) ><rr blndlng legal abllgatlona of th** it-. contractad bj rlt) \ote ..f thfl t oartl <<( eatlmat. The) parforee m;.iK nui the path flloni whlch rapld tranall davelopmanl mual procead In thla dt) foi al laaal thfl -*' i.n \ eara Th< >r adoptlon 1a an ac< om pllahed fai t; nol an i.*su<- Tbe only Bubera) laaue of lo-dai ta the expedltloufl enforcemflnl ol tbfl ron* tm<*tp ln tti** Interests of th<* paoplfl Of th.. elt) aa iiKi.::.*-' theli conatanl nMMll* ... -j ni ti.* Inten flta of thfl tranelt ompanlflfl "Alread) b diflpoflltlon haa beei ri by the Tammany candidate for Ma di abrogfltfl tht termi of thflflfl ontrai 11 and r*\ia** them In the latareetfl of the tra-- ..... i bfi McAi eny'B tlmel) ;,r..r¦ -1 agal .. thli attemplecl i-.«>tim* <.f lha «-11> fi uatratfld thal c «n ¦¦lt is t> ba bornfl In mind thal »v. modt- a-fatioi i of '.'.-¦¦ ot ";" tfl, i" bfl ' fllkl, muSl ba approvfld bj th* Board of rnate .No "lie *»*¦*¦ ,!n"n* ,,ia' .l"' "'" t. >raatfl *.t Btakfl in the atri.t enforcemeni of thflflfl contraetfl xxiH bi n.f*-r ln the handa of ati McAneny and Mr Prandar- «,.-.«. t flfl ln H "*.'' Tamw iny H«l Urge» Duty of Organization. Tf, rfljfld Mr MrAneny anrl Mr I'ren- (). rgaal "i"'" ""'" "¦('"r<J '" ¦*d*ocatlng theaa contraata nrouM ba lunlah them f. r one acl ln whlch )<->ur Jiidginaal an.l my judKtnent xxa» *.|.i)o.--e<J lo thelri*. flnd t.i dlaragard thalr raeorda on aii ather mattarfl bafarfl ti.<* h..**i*i of Katimat*- and in thelr rrsp.- t.x** d<-i>ixtmeatfl Th.. r-.'.ris of ti"- fualon Biambarfl > t the Board "t EfltloMUe wmtraatad arlth thfl racord of the laraaent Tammany Hall Mayor confltltutfl ih- baata "f the appeal to bfl BUdfl t.- Um i.pU m thta campaign f,,i a cofltinuance of flflaetant bufltneaa --overnmanl and "><- flfltfliifllon «.f >hal kin.i "f gaaarnflflflnt Ifl Ua dflpartaBaotfl under th** coatrol "f Ihe Mayoi aad for thfl eaclllfllOfl of Tammanx Mail. Itfl ptrfld atory Intflrflfltfl a'"1 ontra.-t-Jol.bera. fnun tbfl Clty .*..\-'"iir.**nt f..r the flflfll [fl n I * «rs ..t<. iirnv indor.meni lo Mr. MflAnflny anri Mr I'rnM.-.KiiM Cflfl Oul) tflfld to all Tammany ln i«« ***** ***** ,,s nwn ,,..mlr.e»*a Surely Ihe Indepfl-VflatJCfl I aflgoe whl.h has alwaxa fouajht Tam- rnany Hall -*p<l **> " ******** .'".'. wl" n-x.r defllra i" ¦¦"1 "r i,,,,., T,,"'"-,n-' Mail by opr.«aliiK thfl m"1 nomlnat«»<1 b\ all Othflf foHlnn fllflflnflfltfl JiK-fllniit Tam- -Oany Mail for th**-,-* Oflflflfll "Wlth all 'he Mnflfllity an-l -arnfatriega that 1 poeaeaa 1 urgfl UBflfll >ou the duty . rmtlnue-J 4M aecond pa»f». thlrfl column. JOHN LIND. (jt>* uMt*i4v-coa _ uaaBajaaBaa ¦ ll IN MOTOR BOAT AT SEA GET $70 BY GON PLAY Svveethcarts Who Were to Wed in the Fall Belicved to Have Entered Into Smcide Pact. Ho, u.ii.'i m. A | 28 a power | ' itjrj-iy a< award, a md .1 young grlra ¦: madi Han I i. ... rl W. Perry ind Ml graduatea ,.¦ .! Roa kland ii and membei f ta promlna nt faml ¦ thi boal oi on th. pei na to l of tl . t thi tion of tba hodlea and Ihe eni of thlng :..'¦ ': '" atrong n on r the b. Ilef th two deatha aii pa. t. a :> ... !. md Pen | lt w aa »Idi nl thal thla .. ., ,.,i i-.. ti ;. both Hvea w bt n Mr Dyer aighted tl e driftlng hoat n.-.T Ba lalanda tl la morning he ,ua*hl it '..'1 broken from n> mo \- t ,;.' near h. the foi ma of t wo peraoi n the boa. both appai rntl) .!. ".. ;" tion |«allld and blo -'. tain- d i* . ,i the iwo -. re dk ad H.. towed the Into Ra> iv.a:i where the i" r t»i and pOl a ithoi ¦I i The couple lefi thla port al IO-30 o'cloeb yeaterda mornlna wlth the appareni Inti ntlon ol iklnt ¦ pi< .'.s'lf irlp in the out< r hai bor, and thelr famlllea n ei espertlng Ihelr r. tui ti fl r the nooml.t' BM Bl There wera two wounda oa tha a ii, d\. . im- bullel had enten d her heaii lha other had penetrated hor lemple. The retrol. >'r waa h. Id ao clo-aa ta Mlee Bpeer thal her clothing ..¦.«.-a . t had Hti'i her fleah burned. Either hiiiiet wound would have proven fatal After Bhootlna hla companion, Perry evldenth plared ihe mussle of the plStol in bls month and pulled the tng- ger. Deatb raaulied Inatantly. i-/..i- aaa the aon of Benjamln C. Pern, a bualneaa man nf thla clty, He was promlnent ln interarholaatir atti- letirs and araa COnnected Wlth Ilie Malne Naval R<aai n Mlaa spt.u waa ihe daughter of Mm allce Bpear, a w Idoa. Pern end Mlaa Bpear had been ln- tlmata frlenala durlns thelr arhool days, and among thelr elaaamatea it \«.as genarally underatiiod thal thej were t" he m.irt i.-.t this fall HYDROPLANE SINKS WITH 5 Stephen Bonsal, Jr., and Four Others Have Narrow Escape. Watertown, M. T.. Aug 29, Stephen Hon-ai. Jr., aon «>f the war i-oriaapiind- ent. of New Vork, had fl BJUTOW .r...u.e from drownlng al Alagandria Ba) thia morning, when a hydrophina owned by l.. H. \'iia«. of Chleago, araa capelaed at Oawegatch, V*llaa*a Bummer boaaa. Vtlaa, hiH bruthtt Jack tha aviator; iton.-ai. Maa Ragarty, of Kansas Clty, and Bwlng PtaaTerty, of Plttaburgb, w.-rt in tba boat when lt waa i-ai»s:_ed. and all were thrown into the wat'-r. the boal sinking in fofty feet of water. All eacapl Bonaal could a*rwta, and be waa bfi'i abova tha aurfaca by Ja<*k Vilaa uptll a **M arrived and rcs'-ne.l the j^arty. Hold Up Clerk at 75th Street and Columbus Avenue and Rifle Till. w iti...a- taking the troublfl flaen Ifl im*. ri I watl ob cufl* t i terruptcd Ihem ai their .... held up .> loni i k»rk ln tl I'nited Cll Bton t No tti t'olumbut. avenue, earl) lail evenlng, -. r. nnd after laun i\ gli Ini as to ondui t folli w Ing thelr departura, i .\ ,.,| the tei " . Into a . ii.-.l Bquada ol de* frnm Hflfldq . ni from the lo al ollea, falle ll up the trall of th** i nbbfl Rtrlpped of all 1 imatlr f**itiir**s ..f tl .;.i:' .r last winter, nnd a*hli '.. rnded arlth the .,.: t- \. :. : Ihrflfl mi n. laro of \x-h m ..... ... .. ,,r, ri, | ln Plng Blng. laal nlght'n hold up have en- rounti red, 'I'!.* fltoi r I .-..r- i. r <<f Wtgi T.'.rii Btreet and ..n-- *.f ihe natri nlied in the uptoarn dtatrli :. Th.- place \. ..*. deaerted hoarflver, .. ¦¦ l .. alngl* I' rk Jol i. i'. He* noldfl fl - ;n harge ta hen II e rm n fll i- ir< '1 The flral lo enter w.iik>.l the length re i.r.ii Btoppad m ai I' >-'. regtatei \ ornp inloa, arho lungfld in .,ft* ppt .! Bboul half 'x.ix- *>f the long malri **ountei ;.n.t the thir.i halted al the door The man n*ar th.* rash regtater nrdered ¦ hoi of clgflr- -, .1 \{r noldfl iurm d to gel Ihem. ,\s he turned aboul n a*a« to Mn.i tho man nearer the door leanlng acroafl the i-nunter wlth ¦ rflvolvei ln fus hnnd. Reynolda droppcd thfl rlgar»tt«fl flnd t.i i er-, Btlll nrhlta thfl ri bht r ne ir the Aah reflfltatet arflnl behind thfl rounter and began exitmi-tini*; th<* mon- Bmall changa tncludcd overlooklng .nl) ta n nl< keta In th« procaafl Aa he puflbed th< empt) draarar bach In place , rtifltomer bruebed by lh« man at th*» door and .nt.-i-.i lo make ¦ pur* ;, i,, \ nod to Reynoldfl wrafl enough to Inaure flllem .-. flnd ' < lerk fll tended t*< the newcomer-fl tvants Ifl BUCh f.i -hlon thal ll*- ar.iiisi'il RO flltfl- [ .:. 111 Wlth the dlaapi e«**anee of the trlfl i;. oid ra nen ¦ el urned. Hfl .i".i^> d .ni t.f the fltore, running Into thfl armi of w llllam Dfltanej. ¦ prlvate vrati h man, to nrhora he rraaped the n«wa Dfllane) blea tus arhtstle and rapped (,,r hfllp. brlnglng Patrolman FVIt- houae, of ihe Weal fflflth atreal Btatlon, and thfl thr*"- Btfllted ..n the run through T.'.th str.-* t. Houaeholdflra .>n fronl fltoopfl dlracted them on toward Central Park, ln tahlch dlraetlon tha three men had k1""- a careful asarih brougnt ii" reflulf. TWO KILLED BY MEXICANS Englishman and German Vic- tims of Colima Outlaws. |l. Cablfl tn Thfl Trlhun** 1 Maslflfl Clty, Aug. ..'.'...Arthur LflUgh* lon, nn Bangltah dvll englnaar, thlrty-flrfl raara oid, an.l Brtc van Thaden, a c,er- inan. nlnotaen yeara Bld. bave b.-.-n mur* dared by outtttara In th*- Btata of Celtma- They arera engagad tn tha . .x.-axation of an irrlaatloo canaL l_UKhton xxii4 ii son-ln-law of Zella Nuttall a xx.ll known Ani**rl.*aii flTCh* reologlBl in Bpttfl of fllarmlflt rumorfl, fin> dty contlnuefl quiet ano* ordarly, though aaflltlng xxith kren Inter.-at «le- velopmenta In th** International drama. a A few dashe-4 ANGOSTURA BITTERS ln a glaas of waW-r i ouuleraot im|>uriliea. A-*' * LIND TO RETURN, HIS PLANS FAIL WilsorTs Special Representative Says Fare¬ well to Mexico's Foreign Minister, and Will Start Home To-day. CONGRESS WILL HEAR THE MESSAGE President Ready to Tell Legislators What He Has Done in the Mexican Situation and the Attitude He Will Maintain in View of Huerta's Re- fusal to Accept Suggestions. Ps Cabte m Th"» Trlhun*. 1 Mexico City. Aug. 25..John Lind. President Wilson's personal representative here, will leave for Vera Cruz to-morrow morning, and will probably sail for the United States on Thursday. The negotiations initiated by Mr. Lind have failed of their object. Mr. Lind called on Federico Gamboa, Minister of Foreign Relations. this afternoon to take leave. The retiring American said he would not return to the United States on a warship. but expected to sail on Thursday on the Ward liner Morro Castle. Mr Lind refused to discuss developments of the international situation and would not say whether he had been ordered by Presi¬ dent Wilson to return. It is understood that W. Bayard Hale. who has been here some time as a special agent for the State Department. will leave with Mr Lind, or follow him soon to the United States. Minister Gamboa did not take an alarming view of the departure of Mr. Lind. He sard to-night that negotiations on Mr. Lind's pro- posals had not been broken off._ WILSON'S MESSAGE READY TO BE DEL1VERED TO-DAY I Kr'.m 'i ha Trll »aa Baraaa 1 WaablrMfton, Aug. II. . Praatdent WUb read bla Mexican meeaage to tDc Foreign Retotlona carammltteea ol tb, two houaea ol Camgreaa this aven- The measage adm.ta frankly tbe fall* ura of the rmsa.on of e*-Governor Lind. but maWes no apecific recommen- dations and offers no solution of the problem. Thr- Prealdent expresped Ihe view 10 ,,.., il(lvl.,r,. owaver. that the public .^.ninn created bv ¦ tftn* BtBtem«trt Of the facta WOttld prove suffl.'ietit 10 U]: Huerta to lenna His meaaage .... a! ,,..,, icngtb ihe noutrallty .., .utraesta thal be/reafter the> ,,. rtrfetly enforeed wltb reepe-t to ,.lth factlona ll U f*»rther top""2* ., drmw from ti,.* meeaage any infar- thcrthan thal Atwrtcana ahould atvmrt from Mexteo and leave the eom- baunt. to ttght it out for a~*"£ Tle Prealdent expecta thal Mr. Und . ,.,.,,, hlmaelf ln rea^lneaa to meel ^o^tnre.^hirnyhetor^tn-- .. . from Huerta, although -»¦ ¦£ ,,..,h:.h^ Hrrm.,1. Hnthe Clt, \fPxl(.,- even on Mexican eoll r«5^,~*«-j-r ..-,.., the formal raplj of PJ ^ luerta. which toalff* lay ...m- Huerta'. Mlntoter o^ra^Af- £ra Th. repl) leaddreaaed lo ih rjoimd'ntl.1 Ma* . " '*£,£ ..varalofthe leglaletorB aa a maeUrr ,,..,,. ,.f dipiomatlc uvnguage. Ona ..,arpri . ..> ba thr- "ableat Benator declar.'.i n i .tate paper be had read lor >-«" Tho .rr.-.'t of thla documenl was ro .trthina thal the -rutfeaUoai araa made totha Prealdenl by two.of thoae praa ,,,t thal Ita publlcatlon mlghl Haw tha ,.ff0l-, of Btrena^hanliwi Huerta'.-. poet- ,,un ,B th- popular mind, Inatead of th.* !¦.-...rl Proposals Made by Lind. Th(. propoaaia Bubmltted bj Mr. Und praceded bj the aaaertlon lhat lha ,...,,.,, states had B frlendly interest in Mexico and waa prepared to do Ita utmoat lo BBBlat ln brlnglna ebout ,,..... and order.wera that aa ar- miatlee be declarad; thal ao alecUon ha held ln accordance wlth tha provWone 0f the Mexiean ConJtltuUon. and that Huerta ahould oot be b candldata for lh. preaideno Under iheaa condltlona tha Unlted Btatea would exert Ita ta- Huence lo the utmoat lo aaBlat ta lha MUbliahmenl of a conatltutlonal pw rrntn.nt on a i" nnanenl baala ,;. I.. rai Hui rta, replylng to ihe aug- gaetlona "f an armlatlce, aaka on what ground the Unlted Btatea can ta Juattca demand th.' dlBcontlnuance olall opar- atlona agalnsl outlawa and bandlta, and, tadaed, meeta every other propo- ftitlon wlth argumanta dinlcult to ,i nawer. Jual after the confetrence was !-r>n- ciuded a meaaage araa re. eive.l from Mr. Und, tha contenta of arhlch '>°r<* not dlaclOOad, aJthOUffh when lt betfan t" eOBfta in Ofer the State Department wm the hope waa held oul thal Ita purpoii would be made publle it was plaln, howeear, lhal ih<' maaaaage araa ,,f a dlacouraglng natura, and tt was later aaaarted thal oothlng would ta- tarfere wlth the Presi.ient's dellTerlnf his meaaage to-iawrow. Th-- lapraaantatlraa "f the Benata committee preaenl wen- Messrs Bacon, . Iiaumnn; Slon.-. Shively, I'lark.-, ..f Arkansas. n'l'ortnan. W'illiams, r»'ne. Swansmi, Smith. «f Arl/ona, UxLaa, McCumbar and Borah. Mara- l.ers of the Houae committee preaenl «ere Meean. Flaod, chairaaan; CUttre, I.inthl.'uni, Difenderfer, Stedman, 'ar- n>,.ii. Walker. Coopar and Tempie. DaCllBtanr liryan waa also there. Unleflfl thera nre too many nltera- tlona, th**- t.-xt of the message flrtll b** yrnt to thfl «'ov.rr.ment Printing Offlcfl al ftn eariy hoor ln the morninK, and It «rtll ho read tn the taro housrs In .ioint leflalon at such hour as may bfl flxcd ln the rflflOlutioa prnvidlng for the meetlng, ahldl flrlU be Introduced the first thing after th** taro Iwoaflfl a>- sf-mbl** to-m.irroxx. Legialators Diaappointed. While to-nights conferenee was mnrked by entire harmor.y and expres- sions of purpOflfl loyally to swpport tho AdminMration. those who heard Tr- [dfl nt tFUaoii'fl racaflgflTfl flrfltai dtsap- polnted. many of '.h»-m pronouncing it neith.-r ¦ gr> fll fltatfl paper nor a force- Iful preeenUttoa .? the .-ase of the Unlted Btfltea, There arflj also flOBM Idiflappolntment beeause the adflfttols* tratlon had no pottcy to offer and no re.-ommendations to make, and that th.* situatlon "as. at Itaflflt, left *r- wherc II flrflfl when Mr. Lmd XX as BOnt tO Mexico. Whil- the (Jnltfld States max stop Bhlpmentfl Of arms to the Huerta for<-ea. lt Ifl pointed oul that. other natlons havlng r*>cogni**<->l thfl Huerta regime. n>. difBculty xviil be expctiflROfld in pf*fl)curlng them els.xvhere, unlflflfl an flgraamant among tbe natlona eould be reaehed t.. prevent any of them aupplytng the demand. It ia deelared by those who have heard the President's IDflflflflVgfl and Hufltta'fl reply that the sflfl >iu*'8tlon arhlch flrlll ba tafl on all Upa after the ir.--.-ag.* Ifl read to the Congreus to- morn.xx nnd ls made pubtte, flrUI bfl What next'.'" To that question there la no aflurwer. No pollcy of thfl ad- mlntatratlon clearly points to tha next stej. tO bfl taken. it is declfli-fld that under no rireom* Btancea arlll tha PrtflldeRt flflflamt to grmed Interventlon. and no otlvr courflfl Ifl flVflR fluggflgtfld so that no .,. |B poaflB.Itrn of tba facta .an fora* ¦ea flny hopa of a flaHtlemflnt of Mea** leo'fl dllBeultlflfli and a compoctRg of Um revolutlon untaaa it .an i>e brooght aboul by the complfltfl military BUCCflflg of Huerta and his etTflCtlva vAnqulah- Ing of hta flnemlefl fln <"it-¦.:.*.. arhlch la rapugmant a!.k<- to tha adminlstra¬ tlon and to manx of thoaa ^b<> took parl In tha wmfflTfl-nce tontght. OfBclalfl of the gdmlnlfltratlflf) as- aumed fln flttltudfl to-day artilch im- I lled that '.cneral Huerta had Just ahout txxeuty-four hours in xxhi.h to preeent aomfl daflnltfl propoaal whlch would reeuM In ¦ contlnuatlon of the negotlfltlonfl xxith Mr. Llnd In Mflgloo Clty. II .***¦ further lndlcated that there xx as erounti for fl belief tha' some su.-h think? xx.'iihl happen Wilaon'a Measaga Friendly. Thfl alternatixe of Huerta's a.-suming n satisfa.toiy attltu.le '.s the Presl- dctflt'fl dfl lix.ratue ..f his mflflflflgfl to Cuugicaa t'l-motroxv. The adinmistra- ti**n has heen playing the President s mflflaagfl prfltty hard, beii.-ving. *PP.*. ently. thal thfl linpending presentatlon «.f th** Mexican matter to ("ongress xxoiiM have | BfllutRTy flffflCt upon HUflffta, xx ho has, through some ohan- n.-l. bflflfi kept mfornied of xvhat haa bean g.-tng <.n In Wfaflhlngtofli. At the ¦aaifl time it has heen deflnitelx and authoritatlvely stated that the Presl- dent'fl rnflflflflaffl Ifl com-hed la kindly lorrns, and emphasises the sin>*ere friendflhlp flrhleh the T'nited States holdfl for tbe Mexican people That the President suggests drastlc a< tion in his me.-sage Is d<*nied The adminlstratlon hellexes, however, that the tnornl flffflCt of President Wllson'fl 10 th*> xxhole xvorld that Huerta is an undeslrable wlll have a great moral flffflCt on the Mexican executlve. The situation to-day is that Huerta'fl

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-08-26....j-rei-fnted, altnplj brlefa BOttlng forth the ciirae...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-08-26....j-rei-fnted, altnplj brlefa BOttlng forth the ciirae alleged and that the min Under arr»s-t la IhB man aranted, a tompanied by prooffl

r-Dfero-itrrk ffirilwtttV» LXXni-.N* 24.390. ****-J£k_aJgSai^S_*» Ni:\V-YOUIv. TUESDAY. AUGUST 26. IIH.'I-II I'.U.KS. * * !>!>!/ I* /_*VI** /tPYT lotltyofNoar Vork. .I«*raa>y< Ita and Hoboka'a.

Pursuer Expects Fugitive To BeThrust Across Border andThus Defeat All Plans

of His Lawyers.


His Client Will Be in CanadaWhen Snow Falls, He Says.Prisoner Quarrels withJailers.Tells of Mad-

house Rescue.

rfvata » BtaB Rarreapa-aaeaaat of The Tritn.n»

«.*>. bat., Auu. _S^-*WlUlamTravcra ,i(rom°. under appolnUnenl v >)

pt > leneraJ Carmody of K< *

York put; Attorneyeaenl thi atate in the

way to get Harry k.

b to Matteawan, arrived In

gherbrooke thla fternoon. When the

methoda u hlch Than a atl >r-

nmyt wlll empl ) to block court appealafln'l other plana foi d portatlon al

idlan oHI< lala And hlm llabla 10

s tioi tllned to Mr Je¬rome.That ka varj ingeniou

thorltlea clap thebandcuffa in hlm and ahove bimthf border as suvn as they reach a

whal hi ha golng to »i" aboulHl ; ,\ru of habeaacorpua dota nol Ite when hi? arreat la<.rd'- b peopli and

"Do you know wheth. immlgra-tiog d to aend him

bai k to Verm »k< .. ".*.-.,, you think that maana ba wlll go

bai k t" Matteawan"1 kn'Av n. thinp «.!' what actlon they

ed. i ara hereti, the facta ln tha

4a«f and t BB fl handy man en the

i'.'an he be . xtrudited tci N<w "S "rk

from Yirmont if ht- is sent there?"Aa: crune la eatradltabla from one.

atati In th.- Unlted siates to another,"he aald. it la up to ihe Oa>varn<>r >:

thi s-.ate ta which h»* is s.-ni whetbi-rhe Bhall be handed ov.r to New York.

The law ia plaln. The 1 polnt 1

declded by lha Qovornttt *9 a/hather ihe

Identity r.f the peraoa under .-.rr. .st

whoaa oatradltloa la aaki mta*\aa th_: of the perana wh" carann-jt... iliagatl ..rinie In the atate afor hla return.

Stone Outlmes New Plan.

"There la no arguaaent aa to factaj-rei-fnted, altnplj brlefa BOttlng forththe ciirae alleged and that the min

Under arr»s-t la IhB man aranted, a

tompanied by prooffl thal he bvThnws lawyera wlll probably ila

fa danylng the allegatlon, bul him will not be tried

there, Hla Identlt) la tha maln thm*.Tha Governoi ma) then aci a.- ba aaeaf.t"a nea naathod '¦.... whi<h to

Tha-.. was outlined tc-

day Wllllam A. Stone. formerof Pennaylvanla, who is her<

a member of hla wunaeL if thla planit wlll atta,k tba

Btltul ( the Iznmlgratton lawgr which Thaw s deportatlon la «x

pected ta bi ordered. it arUl aisornatlonal laaue "ri th'-

right? grant' by the treaty ti.-twe. n

the Unlted Btatea ar.d .'anada to thaeither country in the couria

of tha other.Has tha conatltutlonallty "f the

Canadlan mimigratH-n laws e..r beenighly teated?" ha was aaked.

"Not that 1 know "t," -Mr. BtOSM re-

I kri"W ef ri" leaditig '-asa. or

nta on tha matter."r»o you think Thaw will Le sent

Bt Bl .m . arly date?" ne

was ark'd.Well, ¦. ¦!»'!, you had I¦ c-11,-r

* oniinued on third |>-a«<*. oi-vrnth rolumn.

This Morning's Sews.X.OC-LX..

PageBOll in Fualon Polltlcal ''amp 1

¦Igar Stora- Bandlta Ht Work AKriin.. 1

Tammany run.'.- Siatr. aad b] Klnga lieraocrata.... a

Polltlclana Awail Gaynor'a Mova a'.rn ln Bl ho"ls for OO.noo. 5

fcnrgtv.riB in H'-nlth and Mapplne I 7,. indlcted as Morse Polaoner 9

Bo-om f'T SuUfr. 14n'onun Bequeathi J i.OBO to Secrataryld

OENERALLind .n i.«..-, -,¦». Mexico. 1frlteon'a Mexican MeaaaBe Ready..., lTh«w I'ku as lerome Arrlvea. lTwo I'faii In Buicide 1'act. 1

of Phlltpplnea Blavea . 3I'arniei-.-.. Currency Plan Adopted 4MeAdoo f"»pir.s l*urrency Promlaea 4Mulhall on ll Rampaga. 4Tanff crea Llai Ratlned. 4

..-. ..naTtfSh 6Btevena Newpori Heateaa 7

BVOlt 1 'i-flant "f " »l'l Pai iv IILawyera iiait al Murphy Proba.14

rOKEIOWBarl ''r»v t»i v Hoa lo Curb Truata 3"Jack" Joknaon Baya He'a Mew Prench 3Amhaaaador l_aaaea Lonalon Houae 7

kCJSCE lalaA¦¦OU 8.Newa for \\ oiner. . 5I'-IHorlal . d

aty . 7'.l,Hiiar\ . 7Theetrlral.7 and 9Kf'irti.. 8 and 9I'inan'ial and Markets... 10, 11 and 13Raal Batate . MIteather . iaKl.ipplng . 13Arnxv ajid Navy.13

LOSES HER LOVE FOR LIMPWife Would Discard Husband

Who Posed as Hero.Mrs Klt anor A. MrManue, who mar-

rled .inni's McManua nine daya auo,filf-d a nuit in the Suprem<- Court >is-terday askmg an annulraenl of thamarrlage. Bhe alleged that she mar¬rled MrManus under the bellcf that hewaa a flreman with a record for brav-ery, She dMcoverad, she said, thal thePlre Departmenl had never baard ofher husband. but that the i-oii.-e had.Mra. McManua la a Bten-ographa-r.

She said that when sh>- met h'-r hus¬band and asked about a slight !tmpthat he had h.- told her he fell Off a

:a.iiitr al a flre. To carry out the ai-legad daception, McManua wora a biue,shirt ami a badge of the Flre Depaurt-m.-nt.

After she marrled her hero Mrs. Me-Manua learned thal ha had madf >ioprovlaion for thelr h"me. she wenlback to her own houa-B ami began BBInveatlgation. Bhe leanwd, she nl-leged, that tho limp thal hi r husbandha,l wa> cauaed b, a sin.t tired at hlmb) a pollcanuan, who was actlng ,n

bi t defenca

SAVESTWO; 15 HIS RECORDPolice Sergeant Rescues Father

and Son in Hudson.Srrgeant M;, ha.! J. Mulhall, "f

Harbor A Bquad, reearued a man andhia s"n from drownlng In th*> Northi: ver yeaterda) afternoon The man.

Thnma.a Roaa, forty-turo yeara old,who ii\e<i pi Nn. 278 Motl str.'.'t, waaal Work at ri.-r I, Hudaon River. Hlaa j.,s.'j h, wi nt io the pler to gohome wlth his fatharr, and while a

ing. feii off the en.i "f the pler Intothe w

tlthi igb th. father could not awimi .. Jumped ifte) and manacedto rea.h him The frelghtor .' w

Collina waa laaing il the tlmi .-it'.'ihanda threw rupea to

Roaa b . the tide an .. nd thiboy away.

Bi rgeanl Mu oul in a launcliwuh another pollceman Aa the)near the man and bO) tha Bl rge.intwithout taklng off his coat, plungtdmto the watei and reached tht-m in a

few Btrokea. Paaaengera on u Coneylaland ateamboal ctoae bv watched thereecue and heered ihe aergeantSergeant Mulhall hBB rcacued fifteen

peraona from drownlng ein<*e Novam¬ber, 1896

FRANK GUILTY OF MURDERThrong Cheers Conviction of

Mary Phagan's Slayer.Atlanta. A ig 29 Le. M. l-'r.tnk waa

found guilty late t. da) of the murderIaat April of Mary Phagan, f,.ur-

yeara old, an employe of the local fat'T.v of the Kattonal PasacU Company,of «iii'ii Fr.-.nk waa BuperlntendentAs the na-wn fl--ha»d lo tli< i.hacI

urthouee thera was loudrrlng. Mounted poUcamen rotin

ihroiigii the throng. bul the demonetra-tion contlnued.As he atepped Into the atreel Bolld-

tor ii'igb Doraey, wb" conducted theproeecution, waa llfted to the ahoulderaof Beveral men ami carrled more than ¦¦»

hundred feel through the ahoutlngthrong. .1 idga Roan waa alao cheeredMar* i" 4 * ,v- f'""''1 ..*

th baeemeal of the fai tor) on thamornir.g of Aprll 27. Jamea Connegro sw -p* '"' bad Bto. '1

outatde the fa. tor) Hla e whllaPranh waa alone wlth the Phagan Kirian'' later helped Prank carry the body


SHOOTS TO SAVE MOTHERBoy Badly Wound9 LaborerWho Was Attacking Her.

ln a da>eperate attempt te v'<w blamother from beina heaten ro death Jo¬

aeph Perrl. Bfteen yeara old, ahol ThomaaMurphy, a youna mborer, m tbe broannd left arm early Iaat evenlna, around-ing hlm ao badly that he la not Blpectaadlo nve He i- Ib Bellevue and Perrl launder erreat al thr- ChlMren'a Boclety.The Penia llee on tl e tea hoor of a

tenemanl rioaae et Vn. TN ieeond avenueand Murph) had an apartment oppaaalle,

ha llved Wltb hin wlfe ur.'I two

ehlldren. Beveral tlmea, acarxM-dlna '"

I Parrl, Murphy bad bai ome Intoal-rated and bad attacked bla mother. bai

police had not been notlfled owing taMurphy'a rmmieea t" do betterPerrl WhO !<- an errand boy, rfa, hfd

home early Iaat nlaht nnd -.tartr-d up-

m- 1*8 10 hla apartment When hnlf wa--

, ,j ,|. B, and as h* amt- ln

BlBhl Of lha top landlne ht- mn his

moth'-r ai-ramhle ta her feel and nin Into

lha apartment arlth Murphy after her

A* be entered, ibe bay aaya Murphyatruch hla mother, kr.o, king her down.II,r. ha s.lx.l baW b\ th- hair and

dragged her toward tha hallwajJoaeph ran to a tr mk, grahha-d a l^ada-d

revolver and atarted for Murphv. who

turned on hlm, Perrl flred tarlee andMurphy dropped Ambulance auraaonaaj/ho took Murphy lo Bellerua raturnednnd attended Mr- Perrl who waa bi a

atate ef coluipea Welghbera have <-or-

roborated the boj/a atajry...-a -

NEWPORT BAN ON LIQUORSenator Wetmore Requested to

Stop Illegal Casino Sale.\\- Teleerrapr. ". Th" THbuae

N>av,"rt. It I. Am*. .-'¦'.. -For tnanv

durlng the natlonal lawn tonnlf

emeol at the Wewporl Caalna 11 haabeen poaalble lo buy llquor "n thr- plaaaaof th»> dreasmg room bullding.William H Tobiri. a number of Ihr U-

eenea Commlaaaon of the clty, te^aU) en-

tared a formal eomplalnt to the Chlef ot

Pollra and Mayor Ma.-i^"d agalnslnelllrig li.-iior illegalh. The Mavor ha«*»

Wrlttea to the preeident of the (aelno,BenatOI <» P Wetmore. asklng hlm to

ntop the unlawful trafTV-

CANAL PARTLY OPEN SEPT. 1.Panama. Attg % **ontrarv 1o r-xpeota-

tlone. the btowlng Bp of thr (Jamhoidlke. whirh WOUM ram".' tho Iaat 0»>Btru. tion to the navigalion of the Pana¬ma ..rai bv llgh. dra't Vatflaela, waia .v>-'aril'-d out to-da\ The destruttion orthr d,kp na-, h.-en r»>t for ta*>ptern-lw- .


Fusion Candidate for MayorRefusesto Accept NominationTendered by the Indepen-

dence Organization.


Says It Would Not Be Honor-able for Him to Accede WhenEditor and His AssociatesTurned Down Prender-

gast and McAneny.John Puito* Illl )i*i. in ;i Icttar flflRl

laal nlghl tn Wiiii.-im .r. Taylor, chair¬man of the Independence Lcague Cltyr*.mniitt< *¦. m ocnfullj reftifled » iwrnl-natlon f<*>r Mayor trom thr teagtM un*

Iftfla 11 imi'.is.ii Controller Prflndar*aaal and Prealdenl McAneny, hta col*leagucfl on Ihe fualon .= i j. t».

Ha ur**-*i thalr get eptance bj thflleague, in Bpltc ol thfl declaratlon byWilllam Randolph Hearal thal lh« or¬

ganlxatlon xx.mlil be lo lt*prlnclplcfl in bo doing, bj r***fl4*»n ofih** Btand of Ihe I'ontrollflr >nd Mc-An- nx nv Bllb ..' I

lt arai ronaldfltred by politlrlant* to brth« < nl) fltflnd thal Mr Mltcl el ould

rablj laka. Hoa ty tr, 11 araa won-

der***! xx hfltht r "i nol thla latral n

arould nol reaull In mrirfli lurmoll In thirurdon amr If lh« k ag ¦.¦ fllturned doa n Pn nd< rgaal and lf< Am n

.,. mh. hel refuaad the nomination. 11araa auggeated thal Mr Hearal mlghlrun Independently for M«y< i

has done tarlce .'

Th.- attltude of Mr. Mlti hel araa m »d«ublic flhoi tl) ¦>'¦¦.¦ n. dnlghi »ftfl r he

hnd ronfflfTfld fll 'i fl Ith hta polfldt taai >.

Mitchel to Laagufl.Mr. Mitchi l'fl Ittt.-r folloa i

"On Baturdai roui roounittea did me

th** hooor if- make me tti** off;

i.... nf th** Indepandance Leagu« for of Mayor ln Ita primary etactlon. '"

be hflld "'. akiptflmbflr M "foot -oiumit-

u-r did not hoarflvar, deelgnalfl Mr. MiAnem f*.r thfl offlee af Prealdenl ef the

Boai l of Aldfl m Mr I**teti4ergaatfor thfl Offlee <'i 'oiitioll-r."afuch ..h .'i'i ra* latu the hoi or con*

ferr.-'l bj n Ittee lo it" flkflfllgna*tion *.f me flfl Itfl ai dldate foi Mmuch -..s valua and «**i-..iii< theport of tt.»* Independence Leagvte In mi

eanvaaa for that om. t. it arlll t.** flbtio *

to you thal I .'.'.I'I n.'t honnral.l. ..< ¦'

nomination uaae* a n- k**t arhlch dflnleanomlnfltlon t<. rai tara aflaeclatea '.ioi.

th** fufllon rlt) t

"Thfl ii..!*-i ndi n.. \a ague, arhl.Btood foi boneal gfl*/ernn»anl In lband Im nad 11 f.italfllenl aarayfrom Tar man] Hall an-i Ita on i|trol and epttW 11th<> ftral '«. taki a *-t< p li thi dlia tion <>t...n.. Btofi aad dtorupttoii

Murphy, Not Subwaya, the laaue.

.[-. r tasuflof 1 eoi Ipal im

paign doea nol ' irn ui on tbidem« rltfl of 1 ...

ontra ti,.,, d< f- .t >.f M irphy nnd

Tamman) Hall and the eattha .lt;. hall of honeel and afflelenl gov*ernment aa an .11--n In th* l iT

foi in

"Every one knoarti aithregard to aubaa; ¦ i ... a.- no etti i aat-laflad thaa ¦>¦. lh< rm mbera o!|MgU, ., ni .. . ten of th« ontrai Ifl-,,, th( .; aration of th« dual »*i Thnt queatlon, hoararflr. ta a

thlng of th« paal Th* caritractfl bairflbaaa fldoptad The) ><rr blndlng legalabllgatlona of th** it-. contractad bj

rlt) \ote ..f thfl t oartl <<( eatlmat.The) parforee m;.iK nui the path flloniwhlch rapld tranall davelopmanl mualprocead In thla dt) foi al laaal thfl -*'

i.n \ eara Th< >r adoptlon 1a an ac< om

pllahed fai t; nol an i.*su<-

Tbe only Bubera) laaue of lo-dai tathe expedltloufl enforcemflnl ol tbfl ron*

tm<*tp ln tti** Interests of th<* paoplfl Ofth.. elt) aa iiKi.::.*-' theli conatanl nMMll*

... -j ni ti.* Inten flta of thfl traneltompanlflfl"Alread) b diflpoflltlon haa beei ri

by the Tammany candidate for Ma di

abrogfltfl tht termi of thflflfl ontrai 11 andr*\ia** them In the latareetfl of the tra--

..... i bfi McAi eny'B tlmel);,r..r¦ -1 agal .. thli attemplecl i-.«>tim* <.f

lha «-11> fi uatratfld thal c «n

¦¦lt is t> ba bornfl In mind thal »v. modt-a-fatioi i of '.'.-¦¦ ot ";" tfl, i" bfl ' fllkl,muSl ba approvfld bj th* Board ofrnate .No "lie *»*¦*¦ ,!n"n* ,,ia' .l"' "'"

t. >raatfl *.t Btakfl in the atri.t enforcemeniof thflflfl contraetfl xxiH bi n.f*-r ln the

handa of ati McAneny and Mr Prandar-«,.-.«. t flfl ln H "*.'' "¦ Tamw iny H«l

Urge» Duty of Organization.Tf, rfljfld Mr MrAneny anrl Mr I'ren-

(). rgaal "i"'" ""'" "¦('"r<J '" ¦*d*ocatlngtheaa contraata nrouM ba t« lunlah themf. r one acl ln whlch )<->ur Jiidginaal an.l

my judKtnent xxa» *.|.i)o.--e<J lo thelri*. flndt.i dlaragard thalr raeorda on aii athermattarfl bafarfl ti.<* h..**i*i of Katimat*- andin thelr rrsp.- t.x** d<-i>ixtmeatfl

Th.. r-.'.ris of ti"- fualon Biambarfl > t

the Board "t EfltloMUe wmtraatad arlththfl racord of the laraaent Tammany Hall

Mayor confltltutfl ih- baata "f the appealto bfl BUdfl t.- Um i.pU m thta campaignf,,i a cofltinuance of flflaetant bufltneaa--overnmanl and "><- flfltfliifllon «.f >halkin.i "f gaaarnflflflnt Ifl Ua dflpartaBaotflunder th** coatrol "f Ihe Mayoi aad for

thfl eaclllfllOfl of Tammanx Mail. Itfl ptrfldatory Intflrflfltfl a'"1 ontra.-t-Jol.bera. fnun

tbfl Clty .*..\-'"iir.**nt f..r the flflfll [fl n

I * «rs

..t<. iirnv indor.meni lo Mr. MflAnflnyanri Mr I'rnM.-.KiiM Cflfl Oul) tflfld to all

Tammany ln i«« ***** "» ***** ,,s nwn

,,..mlr.e»*a Surely Ihe Indepfl-VflatJCflI aflgoe whl.h has alwaxa fouajht Tam-

rnany Hall -*p<l **> " ******** .'".'. wl"

n-x.r defllra i" ¦¦"1 "r i,,,,., T,,"'"-,n-'Mail by opr.«aliiK thfl m"1 nomlnat«»<1 b\

all Othflf foHlnn fllflflnflfltfl JiK-fllniit Tam-

-Oany Mail for th**-,-* Oflflflfll"Wlth all 'he Mnflfllity an-l -arnfatriega

that 1 poeaeaa 1 urgfl UBflfll >ou the duty

. rmtlnue-J 4M aecond pa»f». thlrfl column.


(jt>* uMt*i4v-coa _ uaaBajaaBaa ¦


Svveethcarts Who Were to Wedin the Fall Belicved to HaveEntered Into Smcide Pact.

Ho, u.ii.'i m. A | 28 a power| ' itjrj-iy a< award, a

md .1 young

grlra ¦: madi Han I i.

... rl W. Perryind Ml graduatea

,.¦ .! Roa kland ii

and membei f tapromlna nt faml '¦ ¦

thi boal oi on th. pei nato l

of tl . t thi tion of tbahodlea and Ihe eni ofthlng :..'¦ ': '"

atrong n on r the b. Ilef thtwo deatha aii

pa. t.a :> ... !. md

Pen | lt w aa »Idi nl thal thla.. ., ,.,i i-.. ti ;. bothHveaw bt n Mr Dyer aighted tl e driftlng

hoat n.-.T Ba lalanda tl la morning he,ua*hl it '..'1 broken from n>

mo \- t ,;.' near h.the foi ma of t wo peraoi n the boa.both appai rntl) .!. ;¦ ".. ;" P«tion |«allld and blo -'. tain- d

i* . ,i the iwo -. re dk adH.. towed the Into Ra> iv.a:i

where the i" r t»i and pOl a ithoi¦I i

The couple lefi thla port al IO-30o'cloeb yeaterda mornlna wlth theappareni Inti ntlon ol iklnt ¦

pi< .'.s'lf irlp in the out< r hai bor, andthelr famlllea n ei espertlng Ihelr r.

tui ti fl r the nooml.t' BM BlThere wera two wounda oa tha a

ii, d\. . im- bullel had enten d herheaii lha other had penetrated hor

lemple. The retrol. >'r waa h. Id ao clo-aata Mlee Bpeer thal her clothing ..¦.«.-a

. t had Hti'i her fleah burned. Eitherhiiiiet wound would have proven fatalAfter Bhootlna hla companion, Perry

evldenth plared ihe mussle of theplStol in bls month and pulled the tng-ger. Deatb raaulied Inatantly.

i-/..i- aaa the aon of Benjamln C.Pern, a bualneaa man nf thla clty, Hewas promlnent ln interarholaatir atti-letirs and araa COnnected Wlth Ilie

Malne Naval R<aai nMlaa spt.u waa ihe daughter of Mm

allce Bpear, a w Idoa.Pern end Mlaa Bpear had been ln-

tlmata frlenala durlns thelr arhool days,and among thelr elaaamatea it \«.as

genarally underatiiod thal thej were t"he m.irt i.-.t this fall


Stephen Bonsal, Jr., and FourOthers Have Narrow Escape.Watertown, M. T.. Aug 29, Stephen

Hon-ai. Jr., aon «>f the war i-oriaapiind-ent. of New Vork, had fl BJUTOW .r...u.e

from drownlng al Alagandria Ba) thiamorning, when a hydrophina owned byl.. H. \'iia«. of Chleago, araa capelaed at

Oawegatch, V*llaa*a Bummer boaaa.Vtlaa, hiH bruthtt Jack tha aviator;

iton.-ai. Maa Ragarty, of Kansas Clty,and Bwlng PtaaTerty, of Plttaburgb,w.-rt in tba boat when lt waa i-ai»s:_ed.and all were thrown into the wat'-r. the

boal sinking in fofty feet of water.All eacapl Bonaal could a*rwta, and be

waa bfi'i abova tha aurfaca by Ja<*kVilaa uptll a **M arrived and rcs'-ne.lthe j^arty.

Hold Up Clerk at 75th Streetand Columbus Avenue

and Rifle Till.w iti...a- taking the troublfl flaen Ifl

im*. ri I watl ob cufl*t .¦ i terruptcd Ihem ai their

.... held up .> loni i k»rkln tl I'nited Cll Bton t No ttit'olumbut. avenue, earl) lail evenlng,

-. r. nndafter l« laun i\ gli Ini as to

ondui t folli w Ing thelr departura,i .\ ,.,| the tei ". Into a

. ii.-.l Bquada ol de*frnm Hflfldq

. ni from the lo al ollea,falle ll up the trall of th**i nbbflRtrlpped of all 1 imatlr f**itiir**s

..f tl .;.i:'.rlastwinter, nnd a*hli '.. rnded arlth the .,.: t-

\. :. : Ihrflfl mi n. laro of \x-h m..... ... .. ,,r, ri, |

ln Plng Blng. laal nlght'n hold up

have en-

rounti red, 'I'!.* fltoi r I .-..r-

i. r <<f Wtgi T.'.rii Btreet and ..n-- *.f ihenatri nlied in the uptoarn dtatrli :.

Th.- place \. ..*. deaerted hoarflver, .. ¦¦ l ..

alngl* I' rk Jol i. i'. He* noldfl fl - ;n

harge ta hen II e rm n fll i- ir< '1The flral lo enter w.iik>.l the length

re i.r.ii Btoppad m ai I' >-'.

regtatei \ ornp inloa, arho lungfld in

.,ft* ppt .! Bboul half 'x.ix- *>fthe long malri **ountei ;.n.t the thir.ihalted al the door The man n*ar th.*rash regtater nrdered ¦ hoi of clgflr-

-, .1 \{r noldfl iurm d to gel Ihem.,\s he turned aboul n a*a« to Mn.i thoman nearer the door leanlng acroafl thei-nunter wlth ¦ rflvolvei ln fus hnnd.

Reynolda droppcd thfl rlgar»tt«fl flndt.i i er-, Btlll nrhlta thfl ri bht r ne ir

the Aah reflfltatet arflnl behind thflrounter and began exitmi-tini*; th<* mon-

Bmall changa tncludcd ta n nl< keta In th« procaafl Aa hepuflbed th< empt) draarar bach In place, rtifltomer bruebed by lh« man at

th*» door and .nt.-i-.i lo make ¦ pur*;, i,, \ nod to Reynoldfl wrafl enoughto Inaure flllem .-. flnd ' h« < lerk flltended t*< the newcomer-fl tvants IflBUCh f.i -hlon thal ll*- ar.iiisi'il RO flltfl-

[ .:. 111

Wlth the dlaapi e«**anee of the trlfli;. oid ra nen ¦ el urned. Hfl .i".i^> t.f the fltore, running Into thfl armi

of w llllam Dfltanej. ¦ prlvate vrati hman, to nrhora he rraaped the n«wa

Dfllane) blea tus arhtstle and rapped(,,r hfllp. brlnglng Patrolman FVIt-houae, of ihe Weal fflflth atreal Btatlon,and thfl thr*"- Btfllted ..n the run

through T.'.th str.-* t. Houaeholdflra .>n

fronl fltoopfl dlracted them on towardCentral Park, ln tahlch dlraetlon thathree men had k1""- a careful asarihbrougnt ii" reflulf.

TWO KILLED BY MEXICANSEnglishman and German Vic-

tims of Colima Outlaws.|l. Cablfl tn Thfl Trlhun** 1

Maslflfl Clty, Aug. ..'.'...Arthur LflUgh*lon, nn Bangltah dvll englnaar, thlrty-flrflraara oid, an.l Brtc van Thaden, a c,er-

inan. nlnotaen yeara Bld. bave b.-.-n mur*dared by outtttara In th*- Btata of Celtma-They arera engagad tn tha . .x.-axation ofan irrlaatloo canaLl_UKhton xxii4 ii son-ln-law of Zella

Nuttall a xx.ll known Ani**rl.*aii flTCh*reologlBl in Bpttfl of fllarmlflt rumorfl,fin> dty contlnuefl quiet ano* ordarly,though aaflltlng xxith kren Inter.-at «le-velopmenta In th** International drama.


ln a glaas of waW-r i ouuleraot im|>uriliea.A-*' *


WilsorTs Special Representative Says Fare¬well to Mexico's Foreign Minister, and


President Ready to Tell Legislators What He Has Done

in the Mexican Situation and the Attitude He

Will Maintain in View of Huerta's Re-fusal to Accept Suggestions.

Ps Cabte m Th"» Trlhun*. 1

Mexico City. Aug. 25..John Lind. President Wilson's personalrepresentative here, will leave for Vera Cruz to-morrow morning,and will probably sail for the United States on Thursday.

The negotiations initiated by Mr. Lind have failed of their

object.Mr. Lind called on Federico Gamboa, Minister of Foreign

Relations. this afternoon to take leave.The retiring American said he would not return to the United

States on a warship. but expected to sail on Thursday on the

Ward liner Morro Castle.Mr Lind refused to discuss developments of the international

situation and would not say whether he had been ordered by Presi¬

dent Wilson to return.

It is understood that W. Bayard Hale. who has been here

some time as a special agent for the State Department. will leave

with Mr Lind, or follow him soon to the United States.

Minister Gamboa did not take an alarming view of the departureof Mr. Lind. He sard to-night that negotiations on Mr. Lind's pro-

posals had not been broken off._WILSON'S MESSAGE READY

TO BE DEL1VERED TO-DAYI Kr'.m 'i ha Trll »aa Baraaa 1

WaablrMfton, Aug. II.. PraatdentWUb read bla Mexican meeaage to

tDc Foreign Retotlona carammltteea ol

tb, two houaea ol Camgreaa this aven-

The measage adm.ta frankly tbe fall*ura of the rmsa.on of e*-GovernorLind. but maWes no apecific recommen-

dations and offers no solution of the

problem.Thr- Prealdent expresped Ihe view 10

,,.., il(lvl.,r,. owaver. that the public

.^.ninn created bv ¦ tftn* BtBtem«trtOf the facta WOttld prove suffl.'ietit 10

U]: Huerta to lenna His meaaage.... a! ,,..,, icngtb ihe noutrallty.., .utraesta thal be/reafter the>

,,. rtrfetly enforeed wltb reepe-t to

,.lth factlona ll U f*»rther top""2*., drmw from ti,.* meeaage any infar-

thcrthan thal Atwrtcana ahould

atvmrt from Mexteo and leave the eom-

baunt. to ttght it out for a~*"£Tle Prealdent expecta thal Mr. Und

. ,.,.,,, hlmaelf ln rea^lneaa to meel

^o^tnre.^hirnyhetor^tn--.. . from Huerta, although -»¦ ¦£,,..,h:.h^ Hrrm.,1.Hnthe Clt,

\fPxl(.,- even on Mexican eoll

r«5^,~*«-j-r..-,.., the formal raplj of PJ^ luerta. which toalff* lay ...m-

Huerta'. Mlntoter o^ra^Af-£ra Th. repl) leaddreaaed lo ih

rjoimd'ntl.1 Ma* . " '*£,£..varalofthe leglaletorB aa a maeUrr

,,..,,. ,.f dipiomatlc uvnguage. Ona..,arpri . ..> ba thr- "ableat

Benator declar.'.i n i

.tate paper be had read lor >-«"

Tho .rr.-.'t of thla documenl was ro

.trthina thal the -rutfeaUoai araa made

totha Prealdenl by two.of thoae praa

,,,t thal Ita publlcatlon mlghl Haw tha

,.ff0l-, of Btrena^hanliwi Huerta'.-. poet-,,un ,B th- popular mind, Inatead of th.*

!¦.-...rlProposals Made by Lind.

Th(. propoaaia Bubmltted bj Mr. Undpraceded bj the aaaertlon lhat lha

,...,,.,, states had B frlendly interest

in Mexico and waa prepared to do Ita

utmoat lo BBBlat ln brlnglna ebout

,,..... and order.wera that aa ar-

miatlee be declarad; thal ao alecUon ha

held ln accordance wlth tha provWone0f the Mexiean ConJtltuUon. and that

Huerta ahould oot be b candldata for

lh. preaideno Under iheaa condltlonatha Unlted Btatea would exert Ita ta-

Huence lo the utmoat lo aaBlat ta lha

MUbliahmenl of a conatltutlonal pwrrntn.nt on a i" nnanenl baala

,;. I.. rai Hui rta, replylng to ihe aug-

gaetlona "f an armlatlce, aaka on what

ground the Unlted Btatea can ta Juattcademand th.' dlBcontlnuance olall opar-atlona agalnsl outlawa and bandlta,and, tadaed, meeta every other propo-ftitlon wlth argumanta dinlcult to

,i nawer.Jual after the confetrence was !-r>n-

ciuded a meaaage araa re. eive.l from

Mr. Und, tha contenta of arhlch '>°r<*

not dlaclOOad, aJthOUffh when lt betfan

t" eOBfta in Ofer the State Departmentwm the hope waa held oul thal Ita

purpoii would be made publle it was

plaln, howeear, lhal ih<' maaaaage araa

,,f a dlacouraglng natura, and tt was

later aaaarted thal oothlng would ta-

tarfere wlth the Presi.ient's dellTerlnfhis meaaage to-iawrow.Th-- lapraaantatlraa "f the Benata

committee preaenl wen- Messrs Bacon,. Iiaumnn; Slon.-. Shively, I'lark.-, ..f

Arkansas. n'l'ortnan. W'illiams,

r»'ne. Swansmi, Smith. «f Arl/ona,UxLaa, McCumbar and Borah. Mara-l.ers of the Houae committee preaenl«ere Meean. Flaod, chairaaan; CUttre,I.inthl.'uni, Difenderfer, Stedman, 'ar-

n>,.ii. Walker. Coopar and Tempie.DaCllBtanr liryan waa also there.

Unleflfl thera nre too many nltera-

tlona, th**- t.-xt of the message flrtll b**

yrnt to thfl «'ov.rr.ment Printing Offlcflal ftn eariy hoor ln the morninK, andIt «rtll ho read tn the taro housrs In

.ioint leflalon at such hour as may bflflxcd ln the rflflOlutioa prnvidlng for the

meetlng, ahldl flrlU be Introduced the

first thing after th** taro Iwoaflfl a>-

sf-mbl** to-m.irroxx.

Legialators Diaappointed.While to-nights conferenee was

mnrked by entire harmor.y and expres-sions of purpOflfl loyally to swpport tho

AdminMration. those who heard Tr-

[dfl nt tFUaoii'fl racaflgflTfl flrfltai dtsap-polnted. many of '.h»-m pronouncing it

neith.-r ¦ gr> fll fltatfl paper nor a force-

Iful preeenUttoa .? the .-ase of the

Unlted Btfltea, There arflj also flOBM

Idiflappolntment beeause the adflfttols*tratlon had no pottcy to offer and no

re.-ommendations to make, and that

th.* situatlon "as. at Itaflflt, left *r-

wherc II flrflfl when Mr. LmdXX as BOnt tO Mexico.Whil- the (Jnltfld States max stop

Bhlpmentfl Of arms to the Huerta for< Ifl pointed oul that. other natlons

havlng r*>cogni**<->l thfl Huerta regime.n>. difBculty xviil be expctiflROfld in

pf*fl)curlng them els.xvhere, unlflflfl an

flgraamant among tbe natlona eouldbe reaehed t.. prevent any of them

aupplytng the demand.It ia deelared by those who have

heard the President's IDflflflflVgfl and

Hufltta'fl reply that the sflfl >iu*'8tlonarhlch flrlll ba tafl on all Upa after the

ir.--.-ag.* Ifl read to the Congreus to-

morn.xx nnd ls made pubtte, flrUI bflWhat next'.'" To that question there

la no aflurwer. No pollcy of thfl ad-

mlntatratlon clearly points to tha next

stej. tO bfl is declfli-fld that under no rireom*

Btancea arlll tha PrtflldeRt flflflamt to

grmed Interventlon. and no otlvr

courflfl Ifl flVflR fluggflgtfld so that no

.,. |B poaflB.Itrn of tba facta .an fora*¦ea flny hopa of a flaHtlemflnt of Mea**leo'fl dllBeultlflfli and a compoctRg of Umrevolutlon untaaa it .an i>e brooghtaboul by the complfltfl military BUCCflflgof Huerta and his etTflCtlva vAnqulah-Ing of hta flnemlefl fln <"it-¦.:.*.. arhlchla rapugmant a!.k<- to tha adminlstra¬tlon and to manx of thoaa ^b<> took

parl In tha wmfflTfl-nce tontght.OfBclalfl of the gdmlnlfltratlflf) as-

aumed fln flttltudfl to-day artilch im-

I lled that '.cneral Huerta had Justahout txxeuty-four hours in xxhi.h to

preeent aomfl daflnltfl propoaal whlchwould reeuM In ¦ contlnuatlon of the

negotlfltlonfl xxith Mr. Llnd In MflglooClty. II .***¦ further lndlcated that

there xx as erounti for fl belief tha' some

su.-h think? xx.'iihl happenWilaon'a Measaga Friendly.

Thfl alternatixe of Huerta's a.-sumingn satisfa.toiy attltu.le '.s the Presl-dctflt'fl dfl lix.ratue ..f his mflflflflgfl to

Cuugicaa t'l-motroxv. The adinmistra-ti**n has heen playing the President s

mflflaagfl prfltty hard, beii.-ving. *PP.*.ently. thal thfl linpending presentatlon«.f th** Mexican matter to ("ongressxxoiiM have | BfllutRTy flffflCt uponHUflffta, xx ho has, through some ohan-n.-l. bflflfi kept mfornied of xvhat haa

bean g.-tng <.n In Wfaflhlngtofli. At the

¦aaifl time it has heen deflnitelx and

authoritatlvely stated that the Presl-

dent'fl rnflflflflaffl Ifl com-hed la kindlylorrns, and emphasises the sin>*ere

friendflhlp flrhleh the T'nited Statesholdfl for tbe Mexican peopleThat the President suggests drastlc

a< tion in his me.-sage Is d<*nied Theadminlstratlon hellexes, however, thatthe tnornl flffflCt of President Wllson' 10 th*> xxhole xvorld that Huertais an undeslrable wlll have a greatmoral flffflCt on the Mexican executlve.The situation to-day is that Huerta'fl