New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-05-08.XTHA ADVE \i T I S EMeN 1.. J NIBLO'S HARDEN....

THB NBW-YOHK DAIL¥ TKIBI'NB bFviUiata EVERY mornino a*n EVENING, Ißtxniv axtirrinj IT OIlV.lky h BtELRATH ¦ T.I Tllli ii lui'Di»«.». coa»ia or ¦*«»*« *«B *».»<.<.¦ . t«.if, err, HTI r*n tm^--m,im Mall gatd dckWd to City *t 14 t«.«* ' Jg" Bwbectibe.., t>6 per annum, id edvaooe. Fm au monlaa, «X TRK NttW-YOBM. ^KBK,lL^!wrp v * a vrnv uui paper roR th>. < oi ntry, Ml Teu C.*e-. f. r BIT .*.<. . l"P" "' "0 t*ee»..icliooed 2V id tfe & Sir wkfch ft - A"1" «U» In the wEly^rtt^ ONE BUZ** FEE line U aacA ^^VtlR BSaO-WKKKLT TKIBI NB ha fjttitu^i d every Tv««n*» « I FbIOAT Mogniec. Triff fj rreurwo Two Copie* for *>'.,>.. . i .»B log A 11 Ü5. kUe|A» paca, Bix ¦>¦»*- TUB NEW.VOKK TRIBUNE rot r u R r ¦ a n rifii i j L a t i o k .a ^Mleeed ontbe rl. *««..r» . f Ml I M. it) mm lo] Uv**faol ,1 f)^ per aaaum, «tag* tn< taaaA fcmj;.t O pin, s j ot-u- THK M w.uivh TKIIH'NE fOW cA lIe«tNi A QBEGOB, AND TBE SA MOW cH ISLANDS, a, pu»rl*r>*d an *A# ??»»*.ore <¦' . v h Ma.. Rt.-aimr f-r Arrdo- wall »'. Al SOp «i tmimi Him*- C'oj.ic», Six Ce,,te. ßpcuai Notices. Tkr- Ar mm Itfew-elrer Ik* AMERICAS tVOkJA* I » Iii C AI IUVAI. ASSOC 1 VI ion will I" ' .' Mr' u,'h et.fe. St.... M*>rwiuatoii-e-v. i. SA I l.'RDAV. :t- lo-n mat r. jj lock.a* W. L I-AKS' >v> i , ... Nrxf.awdTN. Hlunr*. Ti..~ i'. <¦¦«"¦". Toni«", ffeaaeeohic, jäaaOjefgfallli. AiUrawoe and de.i m i».y Thea .»». »rer.«fed wkth the greateit arc entire.} fr« m Vege Hoki, Mat-while Ihey bom*** llgtt** pr j.ert a en- ca*bt*BB*Bnae*eat la tAetr ctTi ta Hoiyear inv alueblc . Frevel/ n OT *./ I I -Fl -er and Bili-aia Oiieaaet. ami aboul.i aeed ly-i.-y . 11*1 | r trace laue hi a malarn. ¦ country Tlwjr«»»e an eftectiaal i'ire l..r I> »« M tJHNltlte, Oen< ral I». aMIity Ptiat .leucor. Lt*er ( oujp.aint. Judi" kC and are very aacf'datf a preventive and cure ol I).a: r:.« ¦ «o.e. S ibum r C nn- TVw- 'iiulain noeatbartir n.rr. din.ta whatever and wbu. they j»etnoaciciii ineuni.t they an ¦on« ..laxly lecommeuded aeaiw-^eiilWe uflliaeaae Tr.iai a teaapoonful to a ?aMeeprv uf .1 thiee r fur tiaieo a day. taken in water, ider. a., .w.u. I Mj but MBl aaadiuai For derbility er b aa of appetrte * r. t-. take:, frca-i tan to flttacn minnt.i l-. f i. eatir.(t. r*iepeied oiiIt by l m EEXFQEDef Bln»h»imt« u. and erdd tut by bin. and V « CU/zkns, 8u]« All Dt, n ts Warren .,»»,.» Tarl ( < Kim. Ulm« h. a. Hi-aUliaax*. «Vc. OSTAH'S" RAT EOACH, EXTZ&MINATOK, . UlS'AK'S" BKD-Bi (i EXTERMINATOR ..COB'-'AK'S'' ELECTRii I'oh |>EK f. An--. ¥. ..« Friuripal No. iwi Broadway, New-York, anH a old .a DBlKMMSjK aud DEALERS .»..-vwner. u Ike Ln.ted Stall». Canada* Wi *. liea,ai I itb America particuiai« by mail. _^mneerarnts. _ MADAME CORA DE WILHORST hai the I...i., i to ai.n- that her TWO BUBBCKIFTION CONtaBiirS will take place on the 16th and Slat ,n.t NIBLO'S SALOON. Pm e fci the two Concerto, with raearred anal¦ l>S. Tbe S iba. riptiou Ll*t i* opcu at lSULi- SlNOS Ml'SIC BTOBE, No. 701 Rroadway 1^1 Ii: N. Y. IIAKMONIC ><»( II'.TV u.;, mr- form Lo.we'. ORAND CABTATi THE BETEN SLEfJ'EHS. and Mr. Brl.tow1. TE DEI M and J I illLATE on FRIDA i EVENING, May 16 a! Ike < 11V ASSEMBLY BOOMS. Choruaaea an .tamed Lt Ike El LI* BTBENO TH «.f the S.-cletv. aided by a grand Old IIESTiiA from IM l'ii IL HARMONIC SOCIETY. par... lari iu Monday'* poper. NI BLÜ" Q A B If.. ITALIAN OPERA. l'i« r* open at 7. Opera n.u.i BCea It k. Ado.i*.). ii with re*erved aeata.t i 50 AdmiaiHin without r. aerved feat*. 1 f*J Family Ciinc (entrance in t rOBB] it ). 50 Boa.* Irom.BIO to .v 00 Box Ofln-e open from 8 a m. to 5 p m. I) A L A N I O H T AND POSITIVELY THE LAST. FBI DAY, MAY 8, Demi tta'f favorite Oj*m, LUOREZIA BORO I A. Tbe celebrated Seene fr..m Fiovuranti'* OOBak 0:«era, COLI MELLA, Third Act of Verdi'e MAX MARETZEE..'....MoalMlOta stor i IC odnctoi BATl'RDAY AFTEBNOON.TBE EAVEL8. i? XT H A ADV E \i T I S E M e N 1 .. J NIBLO'S HARDEN. 8ATCRDAY. May 9, I&i7 LAST ORAND Jl'VE.NILE AFTERNOON PERFORM \Ni E by THE WONDERFUL RAVELS And their DOUBLE COMPANY. Comm. k at 1 6*1 lock, hloi. Monplaiair. Mme. Mar/.-tti, LiiiaWinde!. L E'pla.'a, Autoiue and Jerome Ravel. Mar/.ttt.aa the. ...Ape Young Ameiica, Yc nc Hengler. TIGHTROPE. New ballet of THE CONTRAMANDIST. JOCKO, THE BRAZILIAN APE. Tbe Ape.M MacBottl Fija.Antonie. T. keta, 50 reute, t Inldr. n and Si in.hall Bit« DiHiroojien at 2: PbiBiiuimi f.. <.. mmer> .¦..: 1.. k. GRAN6 EVENING PEKFOKMANt e ..: > k WALL ACK" THEATER, . BENEFIT OF SIC. LA MANNA. Leader of the Hi Mr. LESTER, Mr. BKOl'oHAM, Mr. WALCOT. F It I DAY, M * v 8. AN AWKWARD ARRIVAL. Third night «,l ONE COAT FOR TWO Sl/lTs And tecend eight of THE REVIEW'. Tbe whole atrengtb ef tbe cmpauy will app. ir in the »bore «utartatanM ota TO-MORKOW-Ben. fit of MR BROt'OHAM THE DAME Of Lll And, firat tioie, A PRETTY PIECE OF B1 SIN CSf. Tbeae piece* with tbe original raete. 'i ha Managi u.« ut have much plea, ire In unn- uncing that MR WALLACE I* engaged for a .erica of performance* on M"CiUy, May li B. x book open three dayi in advance. L~~ÄVRA KLKaNE-" NEW THEATER X... t:..»¦! Broadway, near HoinCn *t..Dre*. Ciic], and Part] I M .eat., Belc.ny Seat., 75 out.. Fem. v ( ir, kg MaeaVaiOr- i be.tre Stalle. 01 \ Private Boa. *>5 end $7. PaBTg opatl ll CjoM... k. Th. performance will commence witn tie Uver I re at 7J-TI1IB EVI NIM. like and ENLIKE Harry Mow tray.. .Mr l.n «hain Licett._M... Lai.ra Keene BACH El. THE BJaAFBBl Or. c i. o v d > « mi Ivb a ¦ i b i Farmer Bathorn... .Mr. Burnett Redid... .M >a Lnnia Keeiie A IK A K E H N E - Til E A T E K. J Mr. BEO JORDAN s BENEFIT *. ill tak> place at thie on SAICRHVY EVEN- ISO neat, May 0. on which o- ca.ion will htf taigatldO'EoBtV* ateriing Comedy, eutitl« d WILD oats Rover.Mr. (Ii «. Jordan. And imbiadiig in lta c«.t Ihg it:, ngth of toe . al X* company. To conclude with one of tbe met lav. r t. j. .-* Le.-e In arhlah Mi.. LAURA KEENE II alao appe.r. H. x haah BOW ..pea. I) 1' R D V ' ' NATIONAL niKAl KR - Dr.a* Circle*. 25,- | Fit. I2j Orehe.tra Chain. '. . Pri¬ vate Boace, 2d circle, *>5 exdu.ive. or Bd for each i cr>« n.. lK,.i...m, at .:». eurtiin will n.e .t 71 -this FV EN I NU: cleopaYba aa the battle of ai hi m kl.ic Autonv. J H A: en -v ...Mi** Uathawai "THE SCHOOL IN AN 1 PRO Vit. Man.r Beibv.G 1. F. \ A >t tt.-....Miaa F. Herrini V\ AKLot K OF IUI. ULEN W.-h.a.f E. AiX. u A.'.eia...Mr. H f. N.choU 15 A KM'M " AMf.1! I C A N M!' > iTl Til.. The new. .Oicttve and immi lifc iy . :.-. «.| d Beetle «Jran.a et NEIOHBOR JtlKWimD. FRIDAY. May THIS AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, toe am..emg farce of THE BioiiTS AND WRONOd OF WOMAN and rUE I -11 LION. T11IB EVENING, a! 1{ o c.o. a NElolirJdK JAi K- \\ OOD. «...i with the wbei.- ttr.t.g'h .t the Comaany. Tu Living Setpeiito. Ilappv Family. W ,.x Work- Uafiery, inj a ii.i.a. u of U «r cuiioaitiee. to In- aeeu without extra char|e. Atimiaeiou 25 ota.; «kiidien under 10, 12g 11*. IM Klosi M.w rHEAl tOADWAY ¦B B Fifth EUw IN BOOTH 'lit great Sbakapeartan tiaaedv Ki.Nli LEAR *?* .t?!^ a." a.m''-/ V.k iwir. Booth .su.teiued by Meear.. «, M. «. ,.. I M 11 St. vena. Mia. A. Parker Pa* de Deux.Mile D... v Barre andOaa TWE.Nld MINI install v 1.,,;;k " Salurday-RU HAH III_ Ii ELLEVIJE GARDENS, f.n.t of Baai Mt Kiv.i open DAIL1 . Picnic* t tmpaiiiee. The moot deligblful Summer reaoit on thelaland _JOHN B VRI.QW Ma ,. CCRYSTAL PALACE..Tie Crjatai PaiAea J atill open t«. tbe pvblic. and con'aiu* man-.- loten ,._{, , %. i e -.. in thinga Tbe fiut.ary la aitxe arotta tbe price of ad- ACADEMY OF MI SIC t<> Lk T-l '»r »i "7~- l nt. :t. Bada. Lecture, and rrem vta'...e I « .. du ly to N. H. WOLFE, Nu. 9 s- .th .t. Xcro Dnbtifiiiioito. X 1 AN IAK1H |*>fV7.j ., ,., phe N?a',Aa^*' 7 K*T,;* " "l "*» ^ »>w Waaat ua «i i* a rml v 'vro1V» p "toTWB ÜBITBO BtaTC* Fl >M 110 i'..iA &r,,VV'/V" i,V' 'V7 hv E D natry tTcik, I net. nUu.a P. rt oi V * \ rk aw^aCS^ mJ"f °( Tarif] an j Mug f*f^X*>^*l iBlaain af harhu It corrari J, ?T ¦ v * 5 ri"*,f;'¦¦«."«. «*f ta* artiet. c - " he new law »».4w*c.,,.,i,.h..r.. .itb, ai.wuexpertei 'eaad np,.tationof the. on. . beMa T rt, ¦ ..mranty «f .Ueorri,,,,«. g . fti tU'-cef ffcw ig faei ra. For Bai* bv tV P \o a. JK H * Loi TRt- r. *y> BfMaajaa ... bbbi .\u,u I> Mr*. Oaaht.l'« M*mioir* tf« Jn.r *ML A J' P L K TON Co No. .'US at d 34« BROADWAY, I«. .u- *¦*>¦ ana L' un,.-, ptturiiuc BJIU geill'.l», UUl Wlliniui n .. ..>..** ii 'i .c taie of what inav hVa-hiove.l in »pit. of Ibüktlee, I,, lb* fa* t* ever M i baatfci .*, Id tii* pilgrim'e lot . ü ¦; .( < i. . vi r w»1 a to*,-', let h.a "up have l-een v, ..t «All'RDAY. * IHM LUE Of (JHAll L <> T T E I* R O N T E, A-(bor if" iMfm" "Shlrl.v." VUettc," It.;. By Mr* Qaahi... Author of Mary Ma," " R .th," - North aa.1 ?V ith " \. pi rVi t *d M.»* Br< :.:«. »mwif lL»f, .r n and Far*' Mf*i w*d Y*o atoll* of Hand Writing of M' Bronte. In Vw.. Volmac«, latino., «lotli. (1 Ii. From Th> I. nd< ii Atb-uc um. Ti. *-.ory < 1 . w..m*i.'. H ji.I. d. d in thia hook I* calru- let.d m*A>e tin- id f**i young, nod the young old. Perwm* who have kieeli roliveraant With »»>oii*l* and Müll r* aa they raictrd ifi th* i-n.iOv OOTBae* of*i.d witbi;. the century, ei f. t'.en.». .\. . *»rang«.ly recalled to the uarr-.w home* the grim pre; i,;.i e», the few p,.a*< re* end privilege* h. I- tiring to * P»i.M-4 l:e»vy tanatmn, co«tlv literature, and RaaJtedlote*' r.-i.r*.. try the picture of ¦ provincial |«i«ut> arid it* inmate* here *et heli re them. Some <f those, on the i Iber hand, who ate burning into life, ai d Ir.ann.irr with er.-ativ.- power, may feel pariit d (aa it were by eume et,id propbe. y) while they fol¬ low tie re. on of a car**r of aeJf denial ai.d atmggle. matoiued w Ith c. mage, pr.ncip.i ai.d geni i», but without hope. of di*- have ft**r) a roa i let bit cup have l,.-*n «-*>-r ao t if he « atert of bitterna .*. can tiardiv be f ..lowed to it* witr.i t .< me atr't.gth ba ing gained for the reader By all I'm* boot will be read wit* ii.t**re»t. Aa a work of art, we pot N ollert a lib' of a woman by a woman *o well executed. Th* UaHathalt Weft not larae. and the difficult.e. of «eleetion v . ri obvioaa, There Bray have lieen reaaona why the publication hil hi .graphy *hov.jd tut have hag u p--*tp<.n. .1. b .t theae rce- ao..a a itj« 11 t arriving relativea a.f tue fei eaaed to <|o*e defrip- lion und free comment aitce to write the lite of a woman an 1 10 Bail a lear development of the lircumataio . a Which I ruied le: aia. ti r ar d Itf uencerl her hi pea ia lmpoaaibl>\ P. o'racted life and *uore**. and in, reaaed eiperlence with What hi heat in amrte&y faot what ia moat convenient ,. ,,b*er vai.c« I might hare ripened, and mellowed, and smoothed the creation* I t..ia *i«ap..*r IioveJiat without danttwytng their- uar n of faff a and ladliHTiiaBlj But csmjectera aton* at the gr*v.~ ..,'»-. A' the time when 'the ailver lining of the cloud" began to ihi w 1'njf, worn daaie atu c/ieriahing and proaperity aeemc 1 loawatt '"i after at many hurd. dark, cruel ywara, the end chini A.i thi* ia gently ai»a BaaUj told by Afr*. Iia*kell. with wbOBi tin .-a .<>!. * labor of love (a little, al*o. of n,.. fei o j-ti.,1 wno, we repeat, haa produced one of the beat phiaa da woman by a woman wuichwecan recall to mind. Pr-in The N Y. Tribune. Rtn n| in its innen** individaality, h and ». f *uataiiiing in tin abaei ei f wide and tender *ympathie«. and of a deeply t:. r ;.*. fn in purely ini|»r»o*n»l cau*e*. the life, of Charlotte it Dta at poatrajrad in theae awhamaa by hot ooatKaaal biog- raphi r. ha* not a little < f lb- mOBbfC faai ination which throw* > n a patent apell amund tin- page* at* "Jana Kyre" and '.\n-tt. " Afra (Jatkeil, aa wi.l bo a* en on the peruaai at* the Iftai i.a. lad ha fore her a ta*k of aneoanmaa d'licacy. The telaof tittimea*. the picture* of hard and bare reality, the Want of «¦' pel .l glimi aca of tiie f iture. which mark the writ- IngtofCnirm Bell, bad tbeir f-imdation In her own axaarri- enca netothi rommne4 aaxadaeta of her ehatnatat and hat hi*- toty. Inv.-iviiif: the iniacoudi.ct of other", aathi v. , no i«, n after t-i d.' ide how far justice to the dead wa- * Hi BM llij to the lit lag On this pint Mrs. O hall baa aec Ittcd htraelf nrtth Bdadlty to the truth, with at rndabh Irankniss of atateun nt where p hlnity was allow- i.he, but with a aaanaal ri*i ui bj regard to Innldaiit* which he- k>ngea*ai '..any t< the domain of private life. Her narrative is Who ly nnagl < ted. perl.ap. slightly tinctured with the eevority ... itally growa out of the auktect, but often rolaasad by tan Met ireagtw defaUaof tin i al acem ry uid aaatonM in the <. t region which will In not f -rth haaaaoeiated w ith the name bailottc Bronte. ¦ . . . Let hat memory be left »neu .; ja i nimitted with tender eameatne-a by Inr admirable grapher, not with the rritkral, anaymaathitlt public, who mo inelim 1 to judge harahly because tley have only seen topi r'j- ia*lf an.! nut thought deeply but witfi that larger and mi Ii n'n pul Hi who know how kg 1-mk with t- DOOt hutnii- Ity at fault* and anon{ haw to admirt ganorniul] aatrnoedl- pt-iiiua, and how to ratfinnoa with warm, full heart* all ni M virtut." " DU mas' (j 11 i: A t e S 1' i{ uok. THE ( OUHT OF MONTE ( RISTO; I. of P' a.tiful lllmtrati'tia. New, Reviaed, and only nn- ahtklgad rdittoi aver filiilad to tMa day fuMlthad, and for sale I;, a.. B< (at- ,.i :a. price a>l. and at E V LONO'S, N, 3«. Be, kmau it.. N. Y. r^Ulahtdat T B. PETERSON'S, No. 102 ( heitnnt it. Philadelphia Coyitt MCt* p< r mail, free f poatage, on receipt of price. IOtTlSE REEDE R* n e w w u B k. J " A HlSTtJRY OP MY LIFE, ¦v LCt IST. REEDER W tl. i. r- rTra.t cf tht Author*la, MW uted on Stei 1, by one al the f,ret in this country, complete in one large volnme- hound ha Cloth. Price gl ii, or in two volume*, paper cover, price *>). Ho, k-ilcr» Newa Agut* and all other* will please aeud in tl., ir i-rdt ri at en. c. a* the Book will be publiahed aud fir aWA pg M' nday gelt, May 11. l\ pie* wiil be acut per mail, to any one, fr»c of pottage, on l- 11 lyt the price. Adatreai all atdatl to the Publiaher, T. B PKTEKSOV Nc IWCdtaatnal tt Philadelphia. 1)1 blic per80n8 who 1 HA\ E CHANGED Till 111 PLACES (if RESIDKM E ROM IN VOl'R NEW HÜLSE. IF YOI WISH Ti) HAVE LEFT AT YOUff. DOORS E\ EKY MORNING THE BEST FAMILY PAPER PUBLISHED IN THE WORLD, CON- IMNiNi. VLL THE NEWS OB THI DAY. INCIDaWTfl BY BLOOD AND FIELD, TELF.ORAPHIC INPOBMA* TION Fill SH FBOM Till! It IBEB, WITH a SERIES of .nil BEST BTOBIEB EVER PUBLISHED IN ANY LAN- s; BS4 RIKE TO THE NRW-TORI DAILY SI N ON] CENT PER COfT, SIX CENTS PER WEEK, AT TOUR iiorsK. liii T.ALi OF THE OREAT PLAOl'E IS NOW BEINO it-Ill I' IN ITS (Ol l MVS_ K~L\. J. b. walkek" new book AOAINST PABKER1BM. ruiLoaorHV or sk EPTIOI8M an I > ULTRAI8M. W en in tl., the Rev. Theodore Parker and other w: t- i ;.r- IhOWg to be in ¦oti*:aleiit with louiid reaaou and .'. Chrlitlai ¦. a- By Jamea B. Walker, author of "The fbili j L\ .1 the Plan el Salvation," Ac. i \ t i a The N i .: *e if Theodore Rational Expoalti-'n of Proba- raihei'i Theological Hdbaaa I ti-ii and Retribution, jlv Refutation of Common Ealla- Variationi and Incongrultlei In c.lea on the Subject of Future Itetr.bulion. Reformers and their Relation to ( hriatiauity. A Dwi*Wila*t*pbkaatwaaa the Oo«'d and EtU iu Modern Re former*. tVrlttea R'-velation a.Nece*alty in order to the Moral Dev. 1- opu.eut and Moral Progress of Mankind. Revelation the M-dive Power in Human Piogrt-aa. the Theological Opiuiom of M- Paihei md «Anei Itanav annanvt i*ta. Miaataten*ent* of (iithcdoa ()| iiona Th< l'ertonalitv of (o-d. .| \" 11 thai Divine M e H in si !'. >iav ty. Atonement! or. Reconciliation Flu i- R.-.:ib..tion. Oax at al v,.. Pi e. *1 1'hllBY A JACKSON Pnbliiher*. No Hi at.. N. Y. Ci pii . *. gl I v mail, po ' paid, on receipt of price. 1 o h n r. j i w e t t £ 577, (JWill Pnbltih a* follow!: On SAH RHAY April 18, G A 1 T Q U R Ii E Y : Or. THE TRAPPER! OK LAKE I'MBAOOO. B] thi A ¦! 14 otm Mountain B*y*.'' "Locke Ami- den." ko. Oat v.;. LBma, Price gl. On Monday April jo, liTNTKRS P A NOR A Mie Q V I I) E rro.M NIAC.ARA PALLB TO QUEBEC. gnlondMUy 111aatI atad With W Engraving*. Pnr* $1. On MONDAY, May t, Di kLLElTS AMERICAN BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. A f I }a lb roya. O vol .me of ».*> pagea, I ce gj. Oa TU1 SI-AY May 13. THE CONOREOATIONA1 flYMN-BOOK T . hoicot collection cl Sa.-r.d Lyric* iu the Engliah Lan- ft-nage. Trie- TS c.-nla and gl. .1 ÜDGE ib0mt60n'* new ROÄUNCE.-- oatjt QURIaEY: Oa. THE iK.vPH.RS Of LAKE CM BAOOO. |g Now- Ktanv. Tt- moat karlBkam Romane, of tb- lea* >n. TL, t thoi i 'Tbl bireea M .ntaiu Bajtf ba«ouidone hinixif. JOHN r. JEW ETT k Co.. Publiaher*. > Ii7 W'a*niugton->t., Beaton. pXAi i *.v i ti: BOOK FOB rHE <E.VSii.\' JCd SSJ I NEW Y1 >KK C1TY0L IDE, vnd THIRTY MILES AROCNP " i a- I l-a-.e and r-l to New-Y- rk, »bei ivery R In *tarta, all ahout the Oni -lia< R it*, citv R Iroadi F -- --. Tlyiaaata, T,legnpb OBi .¦». A khrl .. Ltd (Oxl TMOfataO Pt.*CC«. and bow l ' .... u, .. y,,t. »:'t bur thla Information anywhere ».'«.. . !*»... 1' la.'*-: ta. _ .v.-MORE b ( N IS; I>i.M« »Al.-!;!( H a LOUTaaEU STATION* % - to M-l'.s LlTHOClRAPHERB and ACCOUNT Bi'l K M AN UK ACTCRERB ban. lemored fioin WiilUui : N M N tBHAC sT near Mai.!. ¦ lat.-e. la lpt1 at w. kwanaoa » near Has We*«ern pa-t of (he City, we h<;- b r.'aii the p»-r nage . f .ro;., > r.< uda and C Jitonar:*. at'-i a *o obtain many new one*. W »o rd> i* lot any at-. .i lice, and pledge oar '..' ' ¦. *»'..' i RICH A I.iHTREL. - at ».. '* t. niui Acc. u n »,g Man iia.tarrr*. ngi NggJI It ii*. Umiuyk rr o }> ICS OP THE TIME8 H A R P E It s W E E KLY, Fi»«- Cnt* iNimber.*2 W it*u. HI MHi K NINETEEN READY THIS DAT C0\ vt*: THE POIrt< ¦ WAR. .JRIAI. OF II'KIKS. BOUSE SERVANTS. THE DALLAS TREATY IN ENGLAND. 1 HE STATE OK MAMUTTVN AN INVITATIO!! TO THE COUKTBT. Original P.e-tr* Ü\ W U i.u. Krv t ( BAT OntheM-v. ABal'V among th. H.-k* t'h ir. h'« Niagara, Tl* Mar. v Plate: A O rrtotion. FOREIGN RF.LIoiot S ITrlMS S kC :*.!¦ ii to *nd < IBIibIIiBII* ¦ of the Papal P..wer; Y»ni Sai a Released Roaaric« Sifn«; 1 be Je« .ita an i the Brorh-r«. THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. The Pamn and 'he Player*; ABiterB:t: Of the B ir.k urn H* ,*. Thet. D.'taCM. THE MAONVTIC BATTERY. 1»t. 1)1.1» 1:1; H K < Hl R( H AND IT* PASTOR. Iii lt» »ha.Gardn.-r Spring. DD.The Old Brink Cbur h. I FA BIS 0O8STF Ti t P«k " K- ru-cnit D.B.-gging Letter*. a Fernal-with a Turn for Byteahltaea, bb Exploive Proposition; Dramatic Au'obi.grapbv. OPBBJrit ScaxotL.Tie Price of an Actr-*t; Mario: Praeli a] Joke.. LITERART. New B<- k> and Literarv Goeaip DOMEBTICINTELLIOENC K Pol inr «1.Horn .red aVJ**r*Joa of tb* A nend»d Dallas Treatv Th* New Granada Imbr -ili-.: Ti..-Cabinet. Tae Pah- lie Pr.i.tinc. Eh* State I.efialature. The Near York City Aefa, Quarantine; p. r»"ual; Dr Belh.wa on the Stag-; Ainutrtr.nt a Privilege and a Dut r. The Theatre not nereaaa- IÜJ CorruptI Sir nld theTbeatr- bat Igantad1 tt cat the Church should do Auotuer Cb rryman in Iba Field The Teetotalers very I'lihaiipy; A Youna and B-autiiul Oir] Murdered: Yet Another: r ai t v Kemble puta a Judfe down Likewiae an I>hl Ltdy. The Dai.«. rot Wearing Hi p*. A Bi aillltkl Dark Bred M Raa i. '1 on an Ano'ber \ i. t.i., of the National Hof I Di. eate. FOREIGN NEWS. EboLAXD! Birth of a Prime-a: Lord Klzin'. Miaataa to Chinai Reault rf th-Eh . tinna The Speakorabip of the New Hon*«-; Lady Franklin1a. New P-.lar EiBedktaaai The Fr-e Li- brarr at Li'->rpo I: Condition of the London Poor: A"i »e inentt. FkSMI. AttoUipta t.i A"*a»«inatc ih«- Emperor Tri- umpha I Madame ( .-laiiglioue; General Todtl.-ben at Paria, le-ng> han.p. ir H.-lv Week, Diecovery id a New Saint: A Din- tor :i Hoiaa Fle-ti. Dumaa Cok rig again. ItaLV How the Kii i o| Naplet Support* hi* Police. St> ai\ Queen Isabella in an Ii Seriating Situate.!,. Al.Tgl* The Widiuii of Pe.-t. Pl asia A Cavalry ( harpe. c hina. A-laaa. the Bread Poi sontn Aeoaitted Nh iiii.ii The Siege ,.f Ria a*. CRL1 Si L IURISPRI DENCE. iLaVVaTBATtOa'ai The Chinee Garr-.te Exhib-tint a Male- fai tcr'a Hi ad to hia ( hildren , 1 h» Puiii.hmeut of th- Caugue; I hit. .e H omen ..( the Northern Fret in. 'I Chinese Legitlstioti; The Bamboo; The Chapter of Arci dent, in Chita; A C.le-tial Curt Room; Qllllia* Office Seek era; Uarbaroua Trent merit of W itueed-* and Suspected Pe.-auua Law*concv-raiagMarrlag**i Bobbemand P*m ides Tortured; A Crb atial Gatrote. THE STEAMSHIP OREAT EABTERR. Wttb an IBa* tThtion. THE DEAD SECRET Chapter th< Seventeenth. A.i Old Fiieud and a New Fl heme. r the Eighteenth. The Beginning of In- En 1. MEN AND THINGS IN ITALY. [Froaa O ir Own Cr get p< lideut I .-Uli ER P \ R IN RE \NEN. PRATTLE AND TATTLE. Tin- Bellowea Pulling; Immortal IM.-vt; Madam.- flaianita and Miaa Phillip.. SLEFP IS OF GOD. A KING REPROVED. LONOFELLOWS ART Ii LONG," TRIAL OF MRA CUNNINOHAM I OR MURDEI iLLVlTRATIOni John J. Eckel; Mr». CnnliiglMin, alia* Biird. II; The Opi iiins of the Uurd-ll Mirrdeil Trial; The Jurv THINGS WIRE A Nil OTHERWISE. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. WEERLY M ARKET SUMMARY. ( OMMICALPTIEB ll.LfTKSl i-.vs: S.ene. Stählet; Love in High and Low Life Scene, a Club; Th- Veil Kniptiou. *,. Per.nin living In the Citiet of New York or Brooklyn, and wi.hing " Hurp. r'« Weikly" n.pplied at their houae*. aTU aleaae to ai nd th. ir uamea and re-ld. n e to the Offiee ot Pub- li.uite n The Carrier* w ho d. liver the pap. r will e ile, t pa> for Iba aame. FuUUhtdby HARPER A BROTHERB, Franklin square, New Y-.rk. A R PEU~ WEEKLY, SUPPLIED TO DEALERS AND OTHERS eithei in the ( LTRRENT WEERLY RUMBERJ or lxt the , MONTHLY PARTS (each MONTHLY PART CONTAINING four e u*-. ittfa number* of the WEEKLY), by ROSS A TOt'SEV. Wbole.alt Acen'a, No. ISJ W**aBB *t ^ T L E N DID l'lCTOKIAL WOKK. HUNTER'S PANORAMIC GUIDE from NIAGARA FALLS TO Ql'EBF.C, Bi in* a p.rti 11 pietao tboai peraiaBI of the Cauada* through WbJcb the River St. Lawrence flow«. THIS SPLENDID PANORAMA Twelve Fei t in length, and rompri*e« mint beautiful and bJjtbl] Inlahed View* of the Palla of Niagara, The TbaonaBl lalanda, The Rapid*. \ ictona Bridge, the Citle* of Montreal, Too nto, K ii.gst- ii. bo., «jid iiuuien.ii* «inalleT place« f gether arith *n pa.ea nl III utrnted Letter Pr.a. Description, cf Canadian Scenery atmilaWto tie Kur peau Haud Book* of the Rhine, Ac. We can give employ meal t.. 1,000 TKAVK.I.IN'G AGENTS In w King thi. l-eautilul book. Price *> I at r. Uik JOHN P JEW ETT A Co Publishers Ratal -. HENRY P. B JEW'ETT, Cleveland. Ohio. To whom all application {or Agencies, and all order* fag lb* Book, inuat l* aififroai d Do YOU WANT A <;<><>l) FAMILY PAPER .Wi do not int« nd to aay wbiah i- the beat, bataaggjaal youthould buva.iugle'ot LIFE ILLt'STkATED, ex ainint it. and tLen »*y it it i'« nut at leaat equal to auy pap« vou have ever aeon. Thia week'i number baa an art.-., ou HOOBB, by Mra. George Waaatngti n Wyllva Sowing ..nd Reap ii «. y T'op»ey Adv. iiturea BBsng g the f oberg«, with t r u gravmga; V.b pliant Hunting. Sketch and Portrait of Save, the foot j \mfla at the Ita.. a t .xi a \ Slater Worth H iving Sprlai Dlutajig, lt*a*a| inforn.aiion. kva. xoaaaaboj it fr»m any M ava agent. K M Ö V X" L . In couaeqiienee of the unprecedi nted iiicrcaie of Meaara. fc\ ANS A Co.'* GREAT gift-hook SALS, from Nc 406 Broadway to more apacioug premises. No 677 Broadway,between Bleei kei and Aiuit> ata.,LaFatRi B»Hd ii «. N. w Y. rk. b(...ra EVANS A Co., grateful f.r the tinmen** pafrmag.; a bi. h thtj l.av- r .. \ d w- itM napei tfuRy laJJorai the public gt üt-rally that thev have gres'lv aid- d to their atocb of Bo..ka, and In« i* aaad the nuaaharaasad \al ie of their Oift.. until neither can I* aurp**at d by any eatal |ith:neut In the city. The buai- m *a ia c iidnctrd BBOB an baaed and liberal principle, and a gilt varying laTaluofjoaa$5eaat* to »iiai ainiiaapaul« each b.,k a. Id. Will beep, ii for rit a ttal. n TIURSÜAY M c 7 Ord. ra in n, the our.try promptly attended to. Catalogue* ol B.ok. and Gift. a. nt to any addn a. ou n ceipt of application. ^1E NKW-VdliK W EE KLY TKIUI'NE FOR MAY ». f irmlallon.17 *».00«. The Xr.w-York Wehma IbUBUXE i«r thin itk fWrlRaTH Ii;«' lollowing: I..LEADING ARTICLES; Li|.ur Rampart The Rinaa* diilriaa; ItalaR d Lawrence. Long Life; A Mm of Expl'-ded Iilra«; Later from Kan'a*; Re¬ ject in of the Treaty ; Ma«*athux.'U«, Wild Cate; Virginia P- liteneaa. II..BAYARD TAYLOR IN NORTHERN El'ROPF- XVllIi Kiiot-Ai iu.. A 1>:.\ witiiout a Suu.The Lapp*. ot The N. Y. Tribune. III. rf.mew of THE WEER: Oiring la a aiiaul and oaaaaBaawaa B*na the bataal and m-..t p 9 event, taat Iiave traii'pired La the City, i'uiled Stale*. Haytiand Eunp- IV. .P0ETBY. Spting YaAaai V..THE BIRDF.LL MIR DER TRIAL VI..HORRIBLE MURDER IN NEW'BI'RGH N Y M1..DOI BLE M''RDER: A Ksrmcr and hi* Siat- Killed aud Robbed VIII..CAPTURE OF AN AMERICAN SLA \ er IN THE W EST INDIES. IX..FARMERS- Jol\T-STOCK STORES: Cjrre«twud encr of the N. V. Tribune. X .PERSONAL LIBERTY IN MAINE XI..FENNSYL'- AN'IA. Mi. i Lvf.erol A Bgat- ance. XII..THE MANIFESTO oi FREE KANSAS: An Ad dreastothr People ol the i'nited Mate* and Kan- aa* by the Free-State Conve- . XIII..THE WITCHES OF NEW -YORK N XV Mr*. Groiiiuur Xiv. Maple SUGAR; rminnBliBM of TBt ¦ Y. 1 rihune. XV..LATEST NEWS RECEIVED BY TELEGRVPH Xvi..REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS: K b.u a B*l Palestine. XMI.-WHI AT PROSPECTS IN ILLINOIS X\ 111..AFFAIRS IN TCBKEY: From Our Own Corre- a pou dent, XIX..A JOt'RNEY IN CI BV TrmidaJ da Cuba. NX. AC.RICt I.TCRAL 1 NTKLLKiENCE. XXI. MISi ELLANEOI'S XXII..MARRIAGES AND DEATHS XX1II..C OMMEIU I it MATTER.» F D llBlltl of the Rtafb, Rtoa* y, Cttou. Graiu. Cattle and otic r Mar¬ ket«. *p> a.'y R. p-rtt d f.r Th- St7BKUrTWIa.Om opv for ojc y.-»r, Htii Three coaiag. «?.il r..- a* 5-M fell p| «14. r:¦ ..- pt.». it » 1*11-!.. van Ik , b"aiu. d at tae to uatil ib the T iMIcataOB Oft- . thl* bairuiut. Price, Sc. IFILI.-HEAI'S. UBaTk ; HILLS I* LADING, Nl i.i ES REt B1P1 and ilEi K BOOKS. ClRi L'LjULB, CARDS ai d ail «Uer k of JOB PRINT¬ ING dot. in th* f**t atyia cf tb* art. at *?**..nable tr ea by rUOUAJ S, tVXTON ..> .:-..». Printing. I^LECTKOTYPDIQ am] ELECTRO-PLAT- J )NC A *«f uturtiw-nt ,,f B ATT BRIM *N[) OTHER M-.TEH, I \ LS eted tn the ehe vc art. Alt... bOLLTIO.NS FOR DEPOS1TINO ALL TUB METAL3 AND THF.IR ALLOYS. For »ele by >.'. r kftt a SMITH c .emitta. No. 'j4l I'M "»¦> *) CANAL-ST., near (-. trc, N. Y. 1TOBUXE BnLDINf.S.-PRINTttG ... every deecnption, from i Card to a Bock, at Iba Lo»-< Data Fr.«-»». BAKER k GODWIN, Tntnine Bui.dia«». ßtnttoncrn anb /uncn C-ooös. BOWNE Ai HAsTiRoltK, ITtiKiajiiia' Hall. N .id PS P*-. til st., N Y. IMPORTERS and M.'M i At Tl'RKRS. oder for tale et low ,.h price, every TMKti't Arco«al B««k*. Paper, Fancy ar..| Iftipll S;» WriUag P»r»-t. Note«, Drift«. Meawy ud Mopping Re. .if.. lnk«t*T.«i«, M> aawaBaaai mH Time B<»k«, p-.,. p-u. :< Bitte. F. KaHaa, i new and Beckganim.., It raaeda, he. «t»i all .r.ulee u.ually kept by the trade. JOB PRINTING utd UTHooRAPHY ex.euted lat lam rate«. Cardg , ir. B'.l II...1«, ka> COUNTRl MLRl HANTS INVITED TO CALL. STATION EES WAKEIK USE. No TS John ar.. New-York. A NF.W ILLUSTRATED CATALi FOUE i f. : Ooedi laat p.ibliehed. and will k* f.>-ward-d FREE OF POSTAGE |. mj .le«!er» Who lie,ire. Seutl tow «d.lre«. and ordert :o AMES, HERRICK, BARNES k bhoadr No 75 Jobo at.. New York. E A D S , BEADS, BEADS, F \ FRY Dttii RIPTION, For aale be M P BROWN, N 1H*J Peer! New-York. «pOIRAID - ITALIAN MEDICATED SOAP VI -It i. w..l kr owi TAN. PIMPLF.s. FRECKLES FRI'PTIONS. SALT RHF.I'td. BARBER'S ITCH, THAPS, CHAFES, TENDER FLESH, A. being tke h..t.hev- Ire ,011.p. i.ud ever Invent-d. (MM BAUD'8 POL'DBA Sl'B- TII.E uproot, the hair from low f rchead«, upper lipa. or any part of the body, tafele and «t/ii. kly. warranted LIQUID hot HE, i. r pule Bft and he. k. LILY WHITE HAIR DYE inttantly cnnv.rtt red, (trty or black or browa without .taimrig the .kin. II » III RESTORA- ^Tl\ E for.e« the hair la BTBW, and make. «Ml »irr halr..ift, ,lo..y and .ilky. F.o.nd at Dr. iOf R W D S Till titakMrhH depot. No. K7 Wilk.r.t.. hr.t .tore troin Hr.alae, M-« RATES, Brooklyn-.4 AU.ENDER. PLla, BATES, So. Waakingtaa at, B. .'..u, fce. (Co Farmers anö 0tl)crs. A DVICE.TIM] FARM.THE GARDEN. - THE LAWN, kc.The PFPTylaerr. jrrarfi B , /«. «¦ m the li»c and «a.,rf« of performing all Operation« up .n the aoil kg giveninthe A11 F, It 11 IN AORICI LTDRIST. Term. «I a ORANGE Jl I'D. Fakllefcer, 191 W at. i -t New-York. GENTLEMEN HAYLNU will find the- 1M- p roved FOr- COCNTItY seats AND dRETTE af the rib «, rib.-rt oxe or thi gardens guTraaTicJiaaa.m well a. the CHKtrx«T tnbetltnte f< r man we where there It dtlfi. ulty in procuring «uf fii ient f. r Harden and Kann f try »Mg I*. blef n "tnwenda tiont are, that it it neat, luvtl.-ioeve, co-train* a<> SKKi>* og Wl rtis, i. very quirk »n.l powerful ia itt t*MatJoa ut>"ii ve/e tati. n, and at the .ami time it ga harmle.t that it an put in direct coatart with tie aaadl or plaut with-nt injury, who b it totally unlike other f. rtilu. r. It wdl brine earlr < r»p« of Faaa, Beaaa, P. tat. .-«, gw.-.-t C-.m, e..-., and for lawn, and grata plot. unrivaled. Hag «mall quantity u«e I and application rend, r it v. ry e. onomi. al. The price t..r barrel ii g>2; d harr« I., and g>l SO p. r bbl. for any quantity over t barrel., di liver, d Ire. in the. ity. A pamphlet w ill he lnrwardad by mail or fnrniahed rrifi« on applicatiou. Addregl THE LODI Mam fai TURINQ company. No so Qoarrhvaat it. N. Y af^ A EDEN ami MAY KAKES, SCYTHES, vl Baathi. Ora.« Hook«, Bertha Stance,, Ride., aa.; Hay. Spading and Manure Forka; Shovel., Hoaa, Spnde., Pteha, Hat. I,. t«, An. Pruning Sawa. Sb. art and Chiaela; Haud- Plowa, Oar-'. D Tr w. la, k. .--For aale by ( HAS. S. LITTLE k C ... Noa. II and «I f ilton-at A| APES * SlT'ER-l'HOSl'HATES ..f LIME. JUM Th. beet FertiBxera kjaowa Map. HBrofansiaed Sup. r l*h...nhate nf Liana, ? M (i--r laa Map. «*a Potaab Pbo.pbate tor Potatoea, Or««« ami (Ir.iu < lop« f-.k', per till, Map .'. ( iiid Tobacco Fertilizer.. *e< per t.,n In .acXa of |M pound. at h. FRED McCREAOV, No. F'nlton at, New York. \JO. 1 PEHCV1AN GUANO. A.. super phosphate OK LIME.RONE DMST AtLbeNOfiiXU RIVER AGBICULTURAL WARESOI SR GR1FF1NO. BROTHER k Co.. ^ No. «0 CaarllaaM ¦!, N. T. tOunts. ARESPECTABLE foaitg dirl want* m «itunfioti ai CHAMBERMAID an I WAITER, "r t a««i.t i.i a.,y oth.rwoik, ..r would TAKE CARE .1 CHILDREN Cau be ti er, where .be lived la«t, at No. 61 East Hal -t bataraaa Ith and Lexington ava. N ENtiLIMI WOMAN hii<1 h«*r Im-biind wi-h to TARE CARE afaGENTLEMAN I HOI BE while tha family ia away, or to look la one or two re.pectable teneae nt If . C'By reterri .. Apply a* No MB Weat Mth-at., log M ES PERKINS_'_I_ C1TUATI0N WANTED-By ¦ I'iot.-nt.n.t Uiri, kJ with go.*! .itv reiereute. for HOUSEWOEE or ("11AM- BERWoRK Doohjai ttaa to go . abortdittaacela th.rj Call tor two davt a' No .'17 Boh. ry nPEACHER.A Lailv d»*nir«*ei a Mitiiittioti h* J T.a.ler at the ENGLISH BRANCHES ...d MUSIC eitbt r in a achool or tamiiy. kite, graakd Bha « taeaatiaa a. TREBLE SINOEE fat chorck Beat eg* retVraaaee given Al- dr... E C W\, Box N », Syr* N \._ VL7"ANTED.Bj two ranptrtaNit OijIr tiDiAtiouo t II in one family or >-parat..0M a. GENERAL > H K- VANT. n.akea Bread, Wa.liea and Irone well. Da good, kind gill with children wajet «>b. H. r no re. a girl o| It, , «n read audwrit., MINDa BABY .r W AIT m a LADY wli, J., w ag. a t>3. Real itv reference Call at gM Ml Eait Mdat AVANTED.By a ui-:l,]\ r.-nrnTfufi!.' yotutj Enc- Tr bahladj a ¦itiiati.« COMPANION to gn invalid lady, otaa HOI SEKEEFER. in a private family. The beat rel.r.ti.e gtraato b.r preacnt and former in tbi.. ity. Aadreaa Ii B B. x Nu. EMR Pot offi.e. "IV ANTED.A SITI ATION 17» roäflg « m. TT ., CHAMBERMAID and WAITER, Retennc . from her | i. n iit p.are. where ahe tan be a.-eu at any ti-uc until auited, No MBTIi,.mp»oii-jt. W'AMKD.A SITUATION b> .1 woBBCtsble TT v. ... a W .n an: iV ia a g*>d C-.k. Irat-rate Waahag and Ir.'ner. and under.tand. ha»;:.« Bre d an I Pa-trv ll«- g.od atj r. leren. .. Cm b- grew Oag two d»v« at No TO Weil 21 tb tt.,*l>etween Kb aud7tli-avt ..gad t! I h* a room. BOOK Ai.ENTS. ATTEMIo.N..*'."") M. nth. Book Agent.. lo- j! or tfavatha| wanted in all parta of the Stat. i r.i wll a n> w Scnaation Story, wbi. b it la gn at demand, and by which tbey aaa make »>i»J anaaaOdy A rare chance. Addr.'.t immediately. A CLIFF lui .u Poet Ott:.. New York _ BOY WANTED.In ii Retell Dr. Q -I- - one who re.ide« »Ith hi- parent, and can gaaM well recorn- mend, d. Apply before HI a. m. at No. id Bowery._ ICELAND HOY WANTED. Emm 14 t<. IS JLj v. art ol .ge. Apply at Dry (iooda «tore, .N 111 A gjH 20VERNES6 U ANTED..AL:nL ..i iii,miii.-1 to t.irhing gad "t aioiajie MafMaalom competeu: to m atrm t ia the Eng i.b branch't. French and Mu.ic two girli of eight and teu year. ..! age. u jgh refereti. et a. to baracter and a. ;wr. ment.. mas h.-ar ot a tilnation with a f*uiily abjut Uaay- laalha By for the Summ.-r Addreaa, aito refer»u ea GO»- ti:M-- Box N IJSST it-QfBca- _ J I' R 8 E WANTED.Ar Ajikorieu VVkviaw W oman «. Nniae. one who free (">m i-cumbra:...e» d h. .Ith and a. euatomed to u. Ire.. T. a »|- N euj. Ha j. r-oii Kher wage', will be paid- Re r-n - r-, .1 A, i r .1 v. ¦. U at_ Will ATION WANTED.BfbmptN-tebk?yooiMj io Onaaan whwataafca Engitah ¦ad timmk, ka Qawal with a a tlcwaa or family, to Eriroaa. Appy «» »NDI SfiWAL As- BOI UTION :> n .......i. j M _ QTEA1IBOAT WANTED.WkRaVd toCHART- k3 ERaSTFAM FF'.rryboat f'.rrme grtwa m >nth« with :=-. i,.v-.. ':'' ^A^,1U:1, y; viLibertct. TT.Af HEB WANTED.Th.- n-wir «tw.z.»1 " B..»rd t Ed.:, atiou, Behead DkBrlct No. t. In New R f .'..-.' *%ut an a.-c n p!.«beu TEACHER [otakc the cat:.- Iheil a.-hool, ar» ut to be e.fablithed In I"»1"«!,«; 'i.1"/,**t? town Arf a i-n. ip.t be addr.-edto ALBF.BTsMJTH M. v .... \S ,t cj.C ) N 1 TV) PRINTERN..Watrted iMOBethal rood atcand-hand JOBKlNfi press; noe ot Ordo .'*. Rig cl- «'-. o.- Bawycr'g r*r.-*«e« would be oreferred Addj-ea, ED¬ ITOR BT.tTkN ISLAND CHRONICLE St.? .. >'«' It aad N i _ I^d ( i >>!!.( isn i »l{s _\\' ,r. .1. i Mil v i Bardt MAKE CP s tnation permanent Apply'.J _EDWARD IF..* K N- N -'¦ F-'-tnaf \\'ANTEI --A¦ AMHTJNT B'><»KKEEPER »T Ifoanm Ouewbok.* Mttw->l>". hoaakc. pnj, ij quitk at fig.iree. aguod peuman. aud au bnug aati.f- I .. maj l;)p|j ty jeiter to Box I OM p. o. VVANTED.In a privat.- f.nnily, * IkVBMt^BMl " " German WOMAN ae aVaatatraea. Ooi-I retVreocaa re¬ ft, Aj. :, \vr.; ;xa,tj ke>'«u Jtk ai.d <Hb gv«. \VANTED.A cook who tfcoroturslf ander- TT .und. h. r b .tine*, end who will ba willing t- a^i--wi\i lb. Wiihnr, AppJv. this dav. froto 1" t > II clock, at No Ikl Fa-t .1.1 .t._ Y1TANTED.A mmut, a. tive I.AD, t-> an T f Oheeei ieaa. run of errand.. and make Mm*elt geueml.e ¦jfU Applv this dav. with reference*, between the b- r* t 3 and 5. at the fice of the 'jc-ri.aa luatitut**, >M Broad* sy "IVAN 1 ED.A eifii.ttimi CLERK m a Wm*m> It *. . m I .».: Drua St. re tu * v.c.-g «peak* y ¦¦ -.»:.,' I.I..1..H A[;.. if'a H.-tel. Mr: . »" WANTED.A Ci. Ü for a St^me-r. « CfVri far TT . K.i i rv i.t Otaaa . Ch iktw u lanitwil pal *. two P rfer. (nr Store., tw.. Ceh red Mfaj for Whole¬ sale S:or>». four Otfll to travel. Apply to GILLEN A Co.. No. d East B.- adwav. YV ANTED.A rtytutg MAN a* Porter m a Grocery .tore. Apply at No. tl Taataj it. c' vi m i .WANTED, it twrwoll of li.vhite »J Ot It F, with tl... amount to TAKE CHARGE of a bo.iae.a air* adv-.tabli.hed To a reliable maa Baattndaee in.Lt. will be offered and tl.e u»-u*y .*.. -ir-d. WHEELER k So ay. R.-om Ka, It._ (Thiincco for Utioincoa iUcn. AHNE CHANCE IN BU8INE88,.Pot KALE, a PRINTINO-or'FICF*. la » hIfh v-f ariabtaa rountry town in the western part »f Maaaachuaetra. Counerted wirb the otb, e U a w. 11 d and pr'ti'able Week'. Pa per. and a large amount of Book and Job Printing. The Mil rials f the i fflre an-abundant, and in eierllrnt ccndlton. em bra. ing a!! the modem atyles of type, presses, kc. The profits of the offrf the past y. ar have h. en riaini *i '»*A The above aff. rda an excellent opportunity to a man of fair buainesa hah ¦ to embark in a perfei tiv safe and pleasant buainesa. It I. not necessary that he should be a pra. tical printer Price, At. tfki; on. had oa»h. the balance on time if desired. F-.afurth. r par- re f s M PETTENOTLL a * a No IIJ N»».au *r New Yoik. N INDIA SUBBEB SAFETY FLUID LAMP is the only CERTAINLY SAFE gad MOST ECONOMICAL LAMP ever before offered to the | AGENTS WANTED to «olieit orders and seli Righta on ;he n.o.t liberal teriua. F'.-r information luelo.*- .tamp, to IIA W'X- Hl RBT ItOTT A Co.,cvcluaive uianufa. tun rt. N". 69 Ful¬ ton at., New York. COUNTRY SIOKE. with STOCK, if «feeired. J lor SALE or LEASE .The owner 1 aviug cleared *A>.i>»il. ¦ Uhsa to retire A!*«. tw .. other Store, for «sie and two Cot tagea on Stateu latand to let. A Pbyaiciau'a Practice and Fa m f. r aale. S COCRCROFT, N--. 'lJ Merchant." Exchange, ts>en ent in At all at, (M>.\ I, YARD tor SALE.. Tin' ! tflaM ;tii-I Fit- /tuns, Hora. a, Cart-. Ban. of an old established C «1 Yard- Baa it baa *. Mod baaax a.. Saii.factory aaaacaaa given for «eil, Poaeea'it'll given Immediately. Adurvt. t OAL, Tribuue lag i Office. File establishment for sale..A I..i g eTslahllahmanl for MAKING FILES of every de .cription ia fieri a tor BALE h.-ap. iuclinling a Jo-hor.e p. wei Engine. Roilvra, Machinery, Forge., Tool, and all 'hingt BBreeaarj I*r preparing File, for market, together with the r. al . .tare ,-n which rhe «am.-1. h eated well rittod up to do an eaten.iye u-i: . Infill IIBst111 may be had of JOHN ROW Ft, M .*-e Pearl-at.. New-York, aud the entire property may he teen by calling upon the subscribers at Foughkeeptte. n. Y. John McLE vn, _E. R. PEASE. OR SALE.Iti e-ntern North Carolina, a STEAM SAW-MILL and Eifht hundred acret ,,f fiua t)preaa Timber. Apply to WRIGHT k RISSAM No 11» Front at New York. gTt RAND INVESTMENT'.MONEY WELL Vi LAID OUT!.«JUICE RETURNS -Parti.-a arUfatag la make Inrcgtaaaatl in a Patent Article, universally in demainl, -an man aaittgllllH by calling at No. Bnädway, frout room, up ataira. N. B .Will exihange for real estate, »toi ki, orotherie iri- tie.. Agentt wanted imme-liately. XEUSI'Al'ER hiuI JOB I'K'IMTNU OPPICE i.a lor SALE .Office 1.led in We.tern Miatai haiittl la a ii . .' f1, i.ri>l ing coudition. yielding an income ..f #1 ".«1 P.,| iftot. R, publican. Price. ?i.5'»>. For particular" adJre.« X X /. are I S. M Petfengill k Co., ll9N««.au at.. Bfew Tarh. PROPOSALS for BUILDING a CIirKCH I i'Ot BC1LDIN'. FIRST REFORMED DITCH I Ml RC1I EDIPICE. » ka rei e.v.d by the Building Committee until MONDAY May Z\ 1H67 Plana aud apecifieatious will be ready for examination aud deliver) to builder* on Mouday, 11th lu.t., by applying at - ff., f v ARICK a V.LDRIDOE.iu Market «t. The I'-.nut,it tee reserving the riaht to reject any ur.<p»aia where it ia thought they ar. n..t f..t II. '...>.¦-... ¦¦( .ia i l.,,,..i, II. J JEWETT. Chainnati of Committee. ryn hitlders.-sealed proposals Jl will be received by the Coinmiaaioiiera f.-r Removal of Quarantine at their offi. e, No Zl William at until the ruh ii-.t i.'..'. k m lot the on.tructl-ii of HOSPITALS, FENCES lad Dl» K up-n i r. n.iaes near S*gtiine'a Poiut, Rlrhmnml faaatj Plana and apecilicationt mty he teen at theofliie. The Comiiii*tiiuiera reaerre the right to reject or si cept snv proposals which may be made. Security will be reuuired for tb>- performance of the contract..t*ew-Tora, May b, Jr.? JOHN S. SNEDEKER. SecreUry ofComml.aionera Iiö printers ami editors..Fur sale. aPRINTINO OFFICE, from wMeh a wc-kly Pai*er it Igaw d. and alao haa agood run of lob Work. The aaeterial of the cft ii ia all nearly uew, and in good order. The loeatlon la a very pleasant one. For particulars, address PRINTER, Wal den, Lister Couuty, New York. Valuable patent-right for sale.. One of the bett patent« arver iaaued It lew, for the firat time, offered tat .ale upou term* to auit pur. has. ra. A lortuue may reniiaed fr .ui the sale of the manufactured article in any State in the I'uiun. Iti use will produce a aaving . I titt v [er <ei,t ,n fuel. he*idc« a va.t amount of labor aud trootle Ali I* ra. ua who uar coal hret an any firm are inter- rated It will be diapoted of entire, or by Statet and Caaatiaa, aa thai! bett ault mail lm*era For particular* addreaa tbe _GRIDIRON man, No tat Broadway, N. Y. fx ainn aches ..f land, with blast t M t\ l\ f FCRNACE and FLOCKING MILL, FIVE MILES from the CITY of BALTIMORE. The iinderaigned, agent for the Cur«« Creek Mining. Fur- nice and Manufacturing Company, otter* thit tract for «aje iu a .ingle b< dv or amall hi nut. ft ia aituattd oa Curtia Creek, hve mile« from Baltimore by land and nine milea by water. The LAND admirably adapted to MARKET GARDEN¬ ING, and it auT.ilar to the neighboring farms of Meaar*. Crom¬ well, Liutbicum, Stewart and othera, from win. b large MMRg * of and vegetable* are annually tent to Pbnadeipbaa and Nea \. ik and lar.e profit* r> allied therefrom. Parti of the tract are well wooded with PINE and CHEST- Nl T TIMBER, wbh h can be ablpfad from the F -rna- e wharf In vi eeela drawing ten feet water. The WATER-POWER unfailing, the fall 22 feet, capable f raaaina w Rh eaa*' aix pair* ..f B,.rr* and the Blast Fiini*. «. SToRE, STARLINO. KILNS, Ac, a-.» erected near the Pumace. Ore ran be delivered from neighboring-ire bank a by boata at the Furnace door. And Authrarite coal cau be landed there at Baltimore pre > * uff 1. a*. The quantity »f Wood m the vicinity, however, rrudera the lot at ion a most doirable one lor a charcoal furnace. Tbe Furnace, with water power and **J aoroa of laid at- tact, d, will, il required, be or |.-a*. d on favorable '.-r .... To parttet purcbating the whole tract, tbe charter of tbe Com¬ pany conid be transferred. It it oue of the molt liberal char¬ tert ever granted by the State. Thit large property, iu the vi. Inity of ao large a city, prom- la. a to b. rr.e e«. eedingly valuable In the oaatH of a v.-ry few yeara. and preaenta an eicellent opportunity for ap.-culati .ii to capltaiirti who may be able to bring it properly into market, ft ia offered now at a low price and on aati-tacb.rv terrae. Apply to J. A. WKSTON Baltimore, Ml IXfifk HORSES WANTED.In eXCRAflfe f..r . J a It ' im! NT Y RIGHTS for the'Beat and IThiapilt LAF-OR-SAt ING MACHINE .vr offered to tue Farmers. 2l*> per cent profit uo i.*k demand onl.mited Bkl.tAW will b* gala la one year. Tbl. is a chance « offered for a a*J.- paving l .*ine*i In every county, which will pay without fur- ti» r laveetitient from *>"!.i«»J t.. »> 1.000 per annum iu all farming counti. a. Liberal price* will be allowed fur florae., as they are a anted immediately. Full partioulara can be had by addressing the AMI BICAN t'QMl'ANY, B-.a \ ii Tribune gjfc ¦-, R. Y. .If you want UM sell TOOf Store, Hotel, Salotm. Manufactory, Pa- ktat't or if you wish a PARTNER, in any kind of business, you may accomplish it by calling on the Subscriber* HoaavXa, Lata Farmt. and all kinds of kUal Estate, sold and ax. hanged. Loan, effected, Ac N. B .No Commisaioa tnarged iinleaa tbe busineaa Is ac- OompuAed. W HEELER k Co., No. 1£>I Broadway, Beenn It (To iTJiiom it man Concern. \NY ROTSBR who wittireaetl the klTOtkiuif down and running over of an eblerly woman on th. J-l t Rai la*t, by one of the Am-tv-*? states at abont I p. m in Broad wiv lit ar Leonard at will confer a favor by ooin. lulcating tl.-'.r addreaa by not. to Mra McGL'CKIN, No. liaaJd-.r,, New i'.rk. DRoI>Y t l RED t w.n the womt ..»*..» >..a Phvsi. uii iaair .ii« to retire from a l"0g practice, and (till to do all tbe good in hl« power, ia anxiou« to make known thia mean, of Me and will *e:nl dree of barge) the full Pr.-eerin- tioa. with laatriM liaaa, 11 all Add/eas P O. BOYD. M D st a H N-w York._ fTRNACES {tit up SAEE from EIRE..Per- sons about to bund or alter holte« may f.-.d t to their in- kaaaatlaaaamkaa F L. HEDKNBEUO k SoNS assortment of H- t W'at. r and H t Air Faxnaces and Heaters, and tbo iu- perv-r mariLer m »kau they put them up. Their w ,rk has never canted a fire. No. St Walker at. near Broadway. aglEVEN PER ( l.nt( H'Y REVENUE i50nds KJ » .11 b< n.i.ed by tbe Controller in le.t that ?*.«>, psytl-le tr- in da months to one year, aa may be iL tiled. TL. ui« n. y n.aj be deposited with A. « STOl.T, fhamhrr hahj h Shalt ai d Leather Bank. Internet from dat< of depoait. IVM. eitzpatrick, florist, *>;ith^tTa7ad T Y Br^a^ «ay, will pertonaiiy atUnd M tiie LAYING OL'T of Gard. us, r auting Shade Tree., Ac lO.afM Verbena, A large aeamtiai nt of u> nthly and ranaing K ¦*. and all aorta of beddn.a .-.t PUala far aavea " : -.V» Vf B°R Fur tale. B'^ wt« (afpiabed for pat'tta. »10.000. (GOVERNMENT LANDS n MARK ET. m i.soo.fMMt a( »rs . t:mhvr aad prairik lanl>t> u) NuhTHFRN low A srli! weoyea fey private nitre . ?- t . »Ii». Tb.»eLaid. >, !'i:ri)..4i i .:. m»» k.e and Mie»i««ippi R, i VV> kam i»" c< mprtrnt rarYvjvr« iu the fe,d wak ag Uli c ticne aad are pr> t. d>. u- rat. i.r.vr bM.ii.eee. Prrone wiebing to have tbr Land* u,-at. d r4n tb. c ... av..ii.i.. |. r ii.« in mi f.vr.r.. . . tM,ui ,m. , .et.noto CATLIN WILLIAMSON a Bai. Mad.* :. W ... Vw k IS, ims Ctrr IntracTwa't Daaearwan? «¦ Nrw Yoaa, Nm 1, ittt j VOTICE..Haviruf. in ptrnuanot» of tbe proria- i.1 ici.* et tbe Am. r.ded Charter. tuLBrd tkc 4»t>. htpaOa. f. rr dev.dvuag upon the Bur.a.. f Street CUaalag and the Bureau f Marke*!'' in Ihr I»erart»ne«t of Btrea*. and Lanir*.' :' -'rrby gtvru that, ae ... gg lk- .ing- nsrste At the pnarpt "g»:hem:g ami laaaaaal .f *»¦.. - . i ga-reg* »o be euenpleted in tie ward«, notice* «<. r K:«hed. end «eerr ei>met: will he aal« be the oSS nof thia Department to ereure the en'. n crocnt of to* f. BO* .1 > el- ..« ..¦ u. CBfMtadaa Oidnnaaaaa ASHES AND GARBAGE NOTICE. r«ri»*N«r< «atario to a.-i.t» im ..<¦.. -r. Eitrect from Ordinance paewd Mar * 10» . .tcTioal prr«ow or p. rwi . «ha.: thr> w. a»t «-r ay «: v v.rerahiea, fvi¦¦¦ «. dr.... n.i -«. .... .«, rtraw »kaviaga. dirt, hltk. or rubtl.h «¦/ any kind tMiau an aar «trret ana. aller or paBE* pl.ce tu the Cly vi NewTock. Sic i TS T .-jt.oii f ei v .1 e pt' .i.i. « . t- fa¬ ced « .:. i. «i..i: he and la h.r lv declared »o b* a aai«de> Bewaag «i d »Lall be puniebahl* by fine .4 But U-«e than #1 <H n MMa Ol", or by imprleoiiri. 11 m tm City Pr^o. lora im of tx I lex tb'an oue er ¦< rr than See daya" (.'».:« . ¦" kl«. . ? > Src U N'o p»r». i: .ha'l a«t . r tkr w or . H. r to r a .tto atiT «tr>^t. at r or >..«y the l';ty f N. >. Y. rt. !r. a. l a, . ... r prrr aaM any «tcitina, mite^a, in ra i.ftgo«'. v* r.«.i«»uie »atrr. r any ...b«taia ... t ih.aa, ht . liu-.idor Ctaraaj «t«te. und« r the pei^.^ t t).1'-t. r-a. a affVaaa. Sic 1*. No pereon «hall c. aery r d. poeit, <w eaaae .a prr- mr. to br .on\»\«d knta ai y «tri et, aaarai I >.:» ¦ kl tba Cityo4 New-Teea aay iwM atakhat ,e rt d rr #ub- »la'.oe. in.trr the yroalty :-t* .)>' i I ra.-o «a. aaa l »it. wii: pa.« tbrt.ah the .Ire. . .1.« S t..:«t« ei- Ci ptrdi to cdlevt «>>d trmote all «'S«, leibaa«. a. fr n, .aa e«r»et.: and the penaitir« of the :.w «HB t - .. n . ..i.. .4 atauitt pt r»ou« vk latu.« the prv\l»o vt ihr taaagaba] ra- tuet. :iie t'otporatioi. OruiCai « Notice arfl be «lT. n of the appr> ack cf '.be a«b and tarhaaa car*« by nLcixy a brll. l'cnij.iauit of tieflect to pr« eide »i »JI« i> nt MTt*BM IBtjahviay to eilor! «» abuer »bou.d he li.adr to tS CltJ Iti.pecb I at 'Mm olt-ce No 1 t et.tre «t. Tb« itaaaakM 1 teePolie» ie called to the «N ye .^.lioai.. ea. ktany «kth-dlaaa «4 the atdaaaayaadkdly aarwt «i tkepr^ut -i h> p. r~. . pia> ii « ruH i.ii y i. :..e «,r-. t. Ir < yaid«. aud e«p<cialiy from baildin«. »lu h are re|^ir»d «t »'t«r>d It la laMhted tliat auch ruhbiJi .ha.! be nnu..iiat< y p.a.. d iu art* «ad removed, er vh !ati<«a ad tue oidmauoe ht alt iiaj »neb r.bbi.h in the »treet will he ath. t.y pr. « Ii d l> r tLe Mai aa the pei.altv ar..m« trora au.-h Yioüii.m. i.KOBtiE W. MURTON. City iu«pe :vr. DETER K. DEYO 1 I ADVKKTISISO AGENCY, RFMOVFIlTO No. N..«a Ba-ih B Ooatb anb ttoomo. \RARE CITY BUMMER RESIDENCE. Made to by de. p Yard« and aaataaai law fered by a private lamily to tetitiemeu wk<> dine dowu-lotrn. P. ihap« term, unlit agreed upon |< je ommodate a Oectle- man and bia Lady. Legation unu.uaüy avceeaible. luquire at M i We.t iltVat._ BOARD ein tx- hml :u I5r»H.kl\u. OB the* m IN a piona Family. A larte, y.iti.atej hunaa, nl*e> table, pl. a«aut na m». a few «efect Saider« only lie .r> s Mi COLBT r... in N. t, evtl Broadway Baak, m Park .««. 1joard WANTED. Hy throo vimhik (;. i,t ., J.F ii iraatwetahk private fundr. v. In r, tiler, .re S.arder», and vvheie »II the con fort« . f a home i »n K- «tajp "d. LoaatkaaOB tha aaatakataf tb< to\. n near Oraud »t. AdX'eaa H L Trih nr OOVe_ DOARD WANTED ituin.tlmtfly, la ever) do* D ¦ ''vi. Thi' leanv ot. ii w Kfiadated tor the coming .ca.. I n Maa ua lo > «gut to all wi*hin| peateel heard, r. the anaanaa y el « arl. t| j licaiioa. N B .Charge for boardera actually braived. SMITH k BOYD. Boarder. Kv i lagW, N'o. 346 Broadway. PRIVATE FAMILIES. HoARDlNTr-MOl'SE.^ I and HOTELS, wlahlng COUNTRY BOtItl>»'K>-' »b l . a aaedytog at tka BOABDEBkF EXCHdB Appleton-' Building. No .'Wd Broadway. W'e are dally bavin* in. re ail. for Country Board than BJa *ii "ipi S> M I a Circular. Full partn ulara of Bioat d> airable pla< "g,, i|y and ry g-'vti to Hoarder, SMITH k H:)f|i KooMS f.. LET in tbe ( «»I NTRY . A annil Private fi without children, and occupying a largo double Cottage, pl. a.autly »ituated in Morriaaida. haudy Ii IM Steamboat and Raiir .ad Pepota, .. .'d a.crrouoditc inhit- .1. v <ie ot two »iugle (leutl.inen, or a Oeutiemao anl n a Wife, with or without B. ard. K r par'i.ulara gall uraddraat, I. (fa, 47 W ggt JBth .t between Broadway and < h a. N. Y. th City._ OHMS t.' or uiif.irii.-h.Ml, .Ingle or iu aultc, iu a private family, at No. ü Ith»:, tith a. R rpwo VERY PLEASANT Rooms on thoj M. »ecoi d floor, with hot and c..!d water bath ro. ru. *>.' ad¬ joining, together with hall bedroom, if wanted. |. l.k. tWO or thr.e (I., with H wttäl ll («rtial Board, in tka Blraaintlj located hou«e N". el iv.. corner « I Ith .' :»» aa| larag mm Broadway. Family »tri. tly private. rpilE ISLAND HOUSE, at HKLLOWK FALLS, 1 Vt.The well ki.owu aud popular Suruiuer li .t. 1 w..l ha -g r-J »faa r..Mu hm .he mm, on tbe let of Jaga a c r. WHITE, Late of the W'arrln. r Home, Spring!.. u Maa«. IM) LET.One or two cuiiifurtabl.. ROOlSj with full <>r partial Board in a tint c!a«. hi «M hi «u, Apply at No. HTWh-.t., we.t eg aud near Bn-adway \\'ANTED.COENTRY HOARD fur a Cnn.!y, FT in a ho,i«e not tnithei than fifty mile. fr. m New-York, and where there will be no other Sa»rd« ra. Addrea. Bo No. ifa t .i i: . tjonsco lo ttt. ASUITE of 0ffice8 to let.In ti> B.l ks Home, A.tor place, with every couveuleBre and a leelr- able Iocetiuu. Apply at the Treeaurer'a OdSce, lUi ev. en¬ trance. 1rTRNIf»HED HOI SE and GROUNDS to BENT -The Farouked BaaHgaga of Edward Be. n *%n , alt'iated at S. ntb av P<, DatahaOiCoaaUy, win fa Reut. d for on. or tw,. yrar«, wloir the taiudy are ahv a Too Orounda gre taatefnlly laid out, and cutaia Lona. rvatory and II in.,,..' tilled with Planta. The Stablee are BaavwaaBBt, and tbe wh- b- aoitabl« £ir a country retidonaa for the HiinamiT or the whole year, at tbe optn^i ot the tenant Tenoe im derate. Apply tn Ft BF.CH a. Kl NHAKHT No U et., New- York or to THOMPSON k WEEKS, Poughkeepate. 0 EEICE TO LET.In the Eibl*» Hooss, Art :- Pla.e, very dealrable. Apply iu the Treaaur. r'a OA e. 4th av eutraio OFFICES to LET.In the fire-pro..f BuiMfak] ( the Seamen'* Bank for Saving*, No. 7H Wa.1 gi Laaj ifcag on the preu .... O r F I 0 I 8 to L ET . in ocr building. corner of pine and nas8a1 -8ts. _duncan. sherman k Co. Steady power ami light rwuh ^ü* ij store on Walker, and two cellars, at low rate«, by JOHM OAUPU, Ma. HE Wtlhrt rt Fl^O LET.The thrv?,-at<.ry hh<I ntti ROUSE I Nu .v.. Wa.t I4'n at mod. m mi pro v. meat« r,. w being aalalid Ihnaghaal hevi weald kg rantad f.r *>i>.i a..... .hr tnree »tory HOUSE with mod»-rn bwBTOT. am Bfa N 7 W eat94th at. rent BTOO, Alao, tha HOI SE Ra. MS Wi * at between Dtb and Vth ava., with i/.«.«l.m improv. mei.t. ,nd e»taaaa»ag all the way up. would be let for $U0 J. k W. DENHAM, 8th av comer 16tb «t Bice opeu freu, iuo.-i läfj ta ') in the evening. ) LET in BROOKLYN.A < OUTAGE, vCtb 3 i.^.u.« 5 lots, Stahle fruit,«, kc one m... fr. t City Hall, oppo.ite ( linton av in P. -ile at Rei .*>#«< AI» LOW EE part of a hoi SE adjoining, coua.tting I I roaaaa, tr.pia,. .. n,ent AC a o.untb. A., iu g.eid order. '.Vith.ii Lb.'ka I Fi.1t/.n t\ CtjaTB. If*'. '** oYt X- SI JvTm.* Mt -'*¦ TOO LET ia BROOKLYN.Tkai iDOoWB-baiH lod I ..uvenientiy arranged three ...rv mi »««em. r,t DWI LL 1NO No. to Dekalb at within *.br«c mmute.' walk of toe City Hail. Brooklyn. Oa. in every ne.m Fine yard an<l dry e.ia««. F. r per» « dar» apply V DINSMORE i. < o No. ') S(- . N> w York, or on fhs prraiiae« lietwe. n 10 a. in. and I p m rpo RENT.Om or two ten Mrable HOUSES A «,f moderate aice and rent, 0 BaBag fo in tue Ity La.f a mile fp to the Huden Hirer Depot at 152d-»t locate.u agre.a- hlg and prrfec'ly healthy. Apply to E. DELA FIELD BMITH. N » Naaeau .t., or Mr. FAYE. at ( ... at .1 depr.t._ ¦¦_ TO LET.SIATEN ISLAND- -PmmÖrT ri j. given convet .nt MANSION .i" r., w.tb Oronnd«. Oardeu* and Oa* haMlajt, aa the No tu Ig r«, about two mile. w> «l of Port R< .,, h loa t '.(.') BOWMAN No iS W. liam '.. P|'o RENT.A pleH-ant tw..t.-ry Ho(jgB .u tU I vil.age ..f Stratf. rd, C«.nn for the Simmer «,r f r '.he .etaom iBuuUeofCLANDINES B. CCETId. B-ralford or f _S M. PETTENi.M.L. N l"< N. «.; ».. rp3 RENT or FOR SALE.At Y.-uk.-r-. ft tv.m- 1 a odb.u« C OTTAOK nine r..,m.; in l>*-ii»l Urora, -,;.f « u,inntea'walk rrom the depot Applv to SCRIBNER DE LOW, No. Ä W ail at., or of O J. /ENNINGS, Gelte lice, y.-nkera. ' flonscs nnb farms iUantcb. IIOI SE WANTED.A obbbJ JIOCSH vr ur f, MM akraetrd br.ow 25th .t. o..ut have the avoaVrn :mpr.c.e meata. K> i t ?!"< t.,a>>.j p«r anmrn. Addr««a W J D , Bradway Fo.t-OfFce. ttcal>6lfJtTföT6fllf. Acountry SEaVTooha P*ARM Im SALE i I OVO isi AND .a Cooatry B.«t, alth acre, of Land, in a ,,^lH"wU.i,l,| in .,. .lag. of a . I adj* in"« the rendmce of <>o'ernor Kin*. Cpon the prtasieaa *. {be GrVcir Manama ".^«ff» K""'. VVmlT^ S.VT. -and Fruit Or- nerd*, w-^ aevera. -f the aaaot iSiS ?Va£, .Re. 0BOB the ialaod. Tbia o. at valuable p- t Wn Waola^wr» tZilimim.' toaaartr Kur"F*' y-T rtkwr par t uS&k NVjBGaN .v j r BEAITIFEL COFNTRY RESlDENl B tor saLE-Witn Fan ... CaggiaBA *<-.. Bad j< aiuui Und'near Nra Br kN' "im.- i !1. g » ai4»mi« rn! ri-. v « .pr, f t, e piaaa, uaiab wnl aa aoMkaajf, i«a Jfmt m m SI iL f. pmYiur,:«

Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-05-08.XTHA ADVE \i T I S EMeN 1.. J NIBLO'S HARDEN....



Ißtxniv axtirrinjIT OIlV.lky h BtELRATH

¦ T.I Tllli ii lui'Di»«.». coa»ia or ¦*«»*« *«B *».»<.<.¦

.t«.if, err, HTI r*n tm^--m,im Mallgatd dckWd to City *t 14 t«.«* I» 'Jg"Bwbectibe.., t>6 per annum, id edvaooe. Fm au monlaa, «X

TRK NttW-YOBM. ^KBK,lL^!wrp v*

a vrnv uui paper roR th>. < oi ntry,

Ml Teu C.*e-. f. r BIT .*.<. . l"P" "' "0 t*ee»..icliooed2V id tfe& Sir wkfch ft - A"1" «U» In the

wEly^rtt^ ONE BUZ** FEE line U aacA

^^VtlR BSaO-WKKKLT TKIBI NBha fjttitu^i d every Tv««n*» « I FbIOAT Mogniec. Triff fjrreurwo Two Copie* for *>'.,>.. . i .»B log A 11 Ü5. kUe|A»

paca, Bix ¦>¦»*-

TUB NEW.VOKK TRIBUNErot r u R <» r ¦ a n rifii i j L a t i o k

.a ^Mleeed ontbe rl. *««..r» . f Ml I M. it) mm lo] Uv**faol,1 f)^ per aaaum, p« «tag* tn< taaaA fcmj;.t O pin, sj ot-u-


SA MOW cH ISLANDS,a, pu»rl*r>*d an *A# ??»»*.ore <¦' . v h Ma.. Rt.-aimr f-r Arrdo-wall »'. Al SOp «i tmimi Him*- C'oj.ic», Six Ce,,te.

ßpcuai Notices.Tkr- Armm Itfew-elrer Ik* AMERICAS tVOkJA* I

» Iii C AI IUVAI. ASSOC 1 VI ion will I" ' .' Mr' u,'h

et.fe. St.... M*>rwiuatoii-e-v. i. SA I l.'RDAV. :t- lo-n mat r.

jj 0»lock.a* W. L I-AKS' >v> i , ...

Nrxf.awdTN. Hlunr*. Ti..~ i'. <¦¦«"¦".

Toni«", ffeaaeeohic, jäaaOjefgfallli. AiUrawoe and de.i m i».y

Thea .»». »rer.«fed wkth the greateit arc entire.} fr« m VegeHoki, Mat-while Ihey bom*** llgtt** pr j.ert a en-

ca*bt*BB*Bnae*eat la tAetr ctTi taHoiyear inv alueblc . Frevel/ n OT *./ I I -Fl -er and

Bili-aia Oiieaaet. ami aboul.i b« aeed ly-i.-y . 11*1 | r

trace laue hi a malarn. ¦ countryTlwjr«»»e an eftectiaal i'ire l..r I> »« M tJHNltlte, Oen< ral I».

aMIity Ptiat .leucor. Lt*er ( oujp.aint. Judi" kC and are veryaacf'datf a preventive and cure ol I).a: r:.« ¦ «o.e. S ibum r C nn-

TVw- 'iiulain noeatbartir n.rr. din.ta whatever and wbu. theyj»etnoaciciii ineuni.t they an ¦on« ..laxly lecommeudedaeaiw-^eiilWe uflliaeaae

Tr.iai a teaapoonful to a ?aMeeprv uf .1 thiee r furtiaieo a day. taken in water, ider. a., .w.u. I Mj but MBlaaadiuai For derbility er b aa of appetrte * r. t-. take:,frca-i tan to flttacn minnt.i l-. f i. eatir.(t.

r*iepeied oiiIt by l m EEXFQEDef Bln»h»imt« u. and erddtut by bin. and V « CU/zkns, 8u]« All Dt, n ts Warren.,»»,.» Tarl ( <

Kim. Ulm« h. a. Hi-aUliaax*. «Vc.OSTAH'S" RAT EOACH, EXTZ&MINATOK,


..COB'-'AK'S'' ELECTRii I'oh |>EK f. An--. ¥. ..«

Friuripal No. iwi Broadway, New-York, anH aold.a DBlKMMSjK aud DEALERS .»..-vwner. u Ike Ln.tedStall». Canada* Wi *. liea,ai I itb America

particuiai« by mail.

_^mneerarnts. _MADAME CORA DE WILHORST hai the

I...i., i to ai.n- that her TWO BUBBCKIFTIONCONtaBiirS will take place on the 16th and Slat ,n.t

NIBLO'S SALOON. Pm e fci the two Concerto, with raearredanal¦ l>S. Tbe S iba. riptiou Ll*t i* opcu at lSULi- SlNOSMl'SIC BTOBE, No. 701 Rroadway

1^1 Ii: N. Y. IIAKMONIC ><»( II'.TV u.;, mr-

form Lo.we'. ORAND CABTATi THE BETENSLEfJ'EHS. and Mr. Brl.tow1. TE DEI M and J I illLATEon FRIDA i EVENING, May 16 a! Ike < 11V ASSEMBLYBOOMS. Choruaaea an .tamed Lt Ike El LI* BTBENO TH «.fthe S.-cletv. aided by a grand Old IIESTiiA from IM l'ii ILHARMONIC SOCIETY. par... lari iu Monday'*poper.


l'i« r* open at 7. Opera n.u.i BCea It k.Ado.i*.). ii with re*erved aeata.t i 50AdmiaiHin without r. aerved feat*. 1 f*J

Family Ciinc (entrance in t rOBB] it ). 50Boa.*Irom.BIO to .v 00

Box Ofln-e open from 8 a m. to 5 p m.I) A L A N I O H T


Demi tta'f favorite Oj*m,LUOREZIA BORO I A.

Tbe celebrated Seene fr..m Fiovuranti'* OOBak 0:«era,COLI MELLA,

Third Act of Verdi'e


i? X T H A ADV E \i T I S E M e N 1 ..



And their DOUBLE COMPANY.Comm. k at 1 6*1 lock,

hloi. Monplaiair. Mme. Mar/.-tti, LiiiaWinde!. L E'pla.'a,Autoiue and Jerome Ravel.

Mar/.ttt.aa the....ApeYoung Ameiica, Yc nc Hengler.


JOCKO, THE BRAZILIAN APE.Tbe Ape.M MacBottlFija.Antonie.T. keta, 50 reute, t Inldr. n and Si in.hall Bit«

DiHiroojien at 2: PbiBiiuimi f.. <.. mmer> .¦..: 1.. k.GRAN6 EVENING PEKFOKMANt e ..: > k





Third night «,lONE COAT FOR TWO Sl/lTs

And tecend eight ofTHE REVIEW'.

Tbe whole atrengtb ef tbe cmpauy will app. ir in the »bore«utartatanM otaTO-MORKOW-Ben. fit of


And, firat tioie,A PRETTY PIECE OF B1 SIN CSf.

Tbeae piece* with tbe original raete.'i ha Managi u.« ut have much plea, ire In unn- uncing that

MR WALLACEI* engaged for a .erica of performance* on M"CiUy,May li

B. x book open three dayi in advance.

L~~ÄVRA KLKaNE-" NEW THEATER X... t:..»¦!Broadway, near HoinCn *t..Dre*. Ciic], and Part] I M

.eat., Belc.ny Seat., 75 out.. Fem. v ( ir, kg MaeaVaiOr-i be.tre Stalle. 01 \ Private Boa. *>5 end $7. PaBTg opatl llCjoM... k. Th. performance will commence witn tie UverI re at 7J-TI1IB EVI NIM.

like and ENLIKEHarry Mow tray.. .Mr l.n «hain Licett._M... Lai.ra Keene

BACH El. THE BJaAFBBlOr. c i. o v d > « mi Ivb a ¦ i b i

Farmer Bathorn... .Mr. Burnett Redid... .M >a Lnnia Keeiie


*. ill tak> place at thie on SAICRHVY EVEN-ISO neat, May 0. on which o- ca.ion will htftaigatldO'EoBtV*ateriing Comedy, eutitl« d

WILD oatsRover.Mr. (Ii «. Jordan.

And imbiadiig in lta c«.t Ihg it:, ngth of toe . al X* company.To conclude with one of tbe met lav. r t. j. .-* Le.-e In

arhlahMi.. LAURA KEENE

I» II alao appe.r. H. x haah BOW ..pea.

I) 1' R D V ' ' NATIONAL niKAl KR -

Dr.a* Circle*. 25,- | Fit. I2j Orehe.tra Chain. '. . Pri¬vate Boace, 2d circle, *>5 exdu.ive. or Bd for each i cr>« n..

lK,.i...m, at .:». eurtiin will n.e .t 71 -this FV EN I NU:cleopaYba aa the battle of ai hi m

kl.ic Autonv. J H A: en -v ...Mi** Uathawai"THE SCHOOL IN AN 1 PRO Vit.

Man.r Beibv.G 1. F. \ A >t tt.-....Miaa F. HerriniV\ AKLot K OF IUI. ULEN

W.-h.a.f E. AiX. u A.'.eia...Mr. H f. N.choU

15 A KM'M " AMf.1! I C A N M!' > iTl Til..The new. .Oicttve and immi lifc iy . :.-. «.| d Beetle

«Jran.a et NEIOHBOR JtlKWimD. FRIDAY. MayTHIS AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, toe am..emg farce of THEBioiiTS AND WRONOd OF WOMAN and rUE I -11LION. T11IB EVENING, a! 1{ o c.o. a NElolirJdK JAi K-\\ OOD. «...i with the wbei.- ttr.t.g'h .t the Comaany. TuLiving Setpeiito. Ilappv Family. W ,.x Work- Uafiery, inj a

ii.i.a. u of U «r cuiioaitiee. to In- aeeu without extra char|e.Atimiaeiou 25 ota.; «kiidien under 10, 12g 11*.

IM Klosi M.w rHEAl tOADWAY¦B B Fifth

EUw IN BOOTH'lit great Sbakapeartan tiaaedv

Ki.Nli LEAR*?* .t?!^ a." a.m''-/V.k iwir. by Meear.. «, M. «. ,.. I M 11

St. vena. Mia. A. ParkerPa* de Deux.Mile D... v Barre andOaa

TWE.Nld MINI install v 1.,,;;k"

Salurday-RU HAH 1» III_IiELLEVIJE GARDENS, f.n.t of BaaiMt Kiv.i open DAIL1 . Picnic*t tmpaiiiee. The moot deligblful Summer reaoit on thelaland


CCRYSTAL PALACE..Tie Crjatai PaiAea i«J atill open t«. tbe pvblic. and con'aiu* man-.- loten ,._{, , %. i

e -.. in thinga Tbe fiut.ary la aitxe arotta tbe price of ad-

ACADEMY OF MI SIC t<> LkT-l '»r »i "7~-X» l nt. :t. Bada. Lecture, and rrem vta'...e I « ..

du ly to N. H. WOLFE, Nu. 9 s- .th .t.

Xcro Dnbtifiiiioito.X 1 AN IAK1H |*>fV7.j ., ,., pheN?a',Aa^*' 7 K*T,;* " "l "*» ^ '¦ »>w Waaat ua«i i* a rml v 'vro1V» p "toTWB ÜBITBO BtaTC* Fl >M 110

i'..iA &r,,VV'/V" i,V' 'V7 hv E Dnatry tTcik, I net. nUu.a P. rt oi V * \ rk

aw^aCS^ mJ"f °( Tarif] an j Mugf*f^X*>^*l iBlaain af harhu It corrari J,?T ¦ v * 5 ri"*,f;'¦¦«."«. «*f ta* artiet. c -


he new law »».4w*c.,,.,i,.h..r.. .itb,

ai.wuexpertei 'eaad np,.tationof the. on. . beMa T rt,¦ ..mranty «f .Ueorri,,,,«. g . fti

tU'-cef ffcw ig faei ra. For Bai* bv tV P\o a. JK H * Loi TRt- r.*y> BfMaajaa ... bbbi .\u,u

I>Mr*. Oaaht.l'« M*mioir* tf« Jn.r *MLA J' P L K TON Co

No. .'US at d 34« BROADWAY,

I«. .u- *¦*>¦ ana L' un,.-, ptturiiuc BJIU geill'.l», UUl Wlliniui n

I¦ .. ..>..** ii 'i .c taie of what inav hVa-hiove.l in »pit. ofIbüktlee, I,, lb* fa* t* ever M i baatfci .*, Id tii* pilgrim'e lot

. ü ¦; .( < i. . vi r w»1 a to*,-', let h.a "up have l-een e»

v, ..t «All'RDAY.* IHM LUE Of

(JHAll L <> T T E I* R O N T E,A-(bor if" iMfm" "Shlrl.v." VUettc," It.;.

By Mr* Qaahi...Author of Mary Ma," " R .th," - North aa.1 ?V ith "

\. pi rVi t *d M.»* Br< :.:«. »mwif lL»f, .r n andFar*' Mf*i w*d Y*o atoll* of Hand Writing of M' -« Bronte.

In Vw.. Volmac«, latino., «lotli. (1 Ii.

From Th> I. nd< ii Atb-ucum.Ti. *-.ory < 1 . w..m*i.'. H ji.I. d. d in thia hook I* calru-

let.d m*A>e tin- id f**i young, nod the young old. Perwm*who have kieeli roliveraant With »»>oii*l* and Müll r* aa theyraictrd ifi th* i-n.iOv OOTBae* of*i.d witbi;. the century,ei f. t'.en.». .\. . *»rang«.ly recalled to the uarr-.w home* thegrim pre; i,;.i e», the few p,.a*< re* end privilege* h. I- tiring to *

P»i.M-4 l:e»vy tanatmn, co«tlv literature, and RaaJtedlote*'r.-i.r*.. try the picture of ¦ provincial |«i«ut> arid it* inmate*here *et heli re them. Some <f those, on the i Iber hand, whoate burning into life, ai d Ir.ann.irr with er.-ativ.- power, mayfeel pariit d (aa it were by eume et,id propbe. y) while they fol¬low tie re. on of a car**r of aeJf denial ai.d atmggle. matoiued

w Ith c. mage, pr.ncip.i ai.d geni i», but without hope.of di*-have

ft**r) a roa i let bit cup have l,.-*n «-*>-r aot if he « atert of bitterna .*. can tiardiv be f ..lowed to it*

witr.i t .< me atr't.gth ba ing gained for the reader Byall I'm* boot will be read wit* ii.t**re»t. Aa a work of art, we

pot N ollert a lib' of a woman by a woman *o well executed.Th* UaHathalt Weft not larae. and the difficult.e. of «eleetionv . ri obvioaa, There Bray have lieen reaaona why the publication

hil hi .graphy *hov.jd tut have hag u p--*tp<.n. .1. b .t theae rce-ao..a a itj« 11 t arriving relativea a.f tue fei eaaed to <|o*e defrip-lion und free comment aitce to write the lite of a woman an 110 Bail a lear development of the lircumataio . a Which I ruiedle: aia. ti r ar d Itf uencerl her hi pea ia lmpoaaibl>\

P. o'racted life and *uore**. and in, reaaed eiperlence withWhat hi heat in amrte&y faot what ia moat convenient ,. ,,b*ervai.c« I might hare ripened, and mellowed, and smoothed thecreation* I t..ia *i«ap..*r IioveJiat without danttwytng their- uar n

of faffa and ladliHTiiaBlj But csmjectera aton* at the gr*v.~..,'»-. A' the time when 'the ailver lining of the cloud" beganto ihi w 1'njf, worn daaie atu c/ieriahing and proaperity aeemc 1loawatt '"i after at many hurd. dark, cruel ywara, the endchini A.i thi* ia gently ai»a BaaUj told by Afr*. Iia*kell. withwbOBi tin .-a .<>!. * labor of love (a little, al*o. of n,..fei o j-ti.,1 wno, we repeat, haa produced one of the beat

phiaa da woman by a woman wuichwecan recall tomind.

Pr-in The N Y. Tribune.Rtn n| in its innen** individaality, h and ». f *uataiiiing

in tin abaei ei f wide and tender *ympathie«. and of a deeplyt:. r ;.*. fn in purely ini|»r»o*n»l cau*e*. the life, of Charlotteit Dta at poatrajrad in theae awhamaa by hot ooatKaaal biog-raphi r. ha* not a little < f lb- mOBbfC faai ination which throw*> n a patent apell amund tin- page* at* "Jana Kyre" and'.\n-tt. " Afra (Jatkeil, aa wi.l bo a* en on the peruaai at* theIftai i.a. lad ha fore her a ta*k of aneoanmaa d'licacy. Thetelaof tittimea*. the picture* of hard and bare reality, theWant of «¦' pel .l glimi aca of tiie f iture. which mark the writ-IngtofCnirm Bell, bad tbeir f-imdation In herown axaarri-enca netothi rommne4 aaxadaeta of her ehatnatat and hat hi*-toty. Inv.-iviiif: the iniacoudi.ct of other", aathi , no i«, n after t-i d.' ide how far justice to the dead wa-

* Hi BM llij to the lit lag On this pint Mrs. Ohall baa aec Ittcd htraelf nrtth Bdadlty to the truth, with atrndabh Irankniss of atateun nt where p hlnity was allow-

i.he, but with a aaanaal ri*i ui bj regardto Innldaiit* which he-k>ngea*ai '..any t< the domain of private life. Her narrative isWho ly nnagl < ted. perl.ap. slightly tinctured with the eevority

... itally growa out of the auktect, but often rolaasad bytan Met ireagtw defaUaof tin i al acem ry uid aaatonM in the

<. t region which will In not f -rth haaaaoeiated w ith the namebailottc Bronte. ¦ . . . Let hat memory be left

»neu .; ja i nimitted with tender eameatne-a by Inr admirablegrapher, not with the rritkral, anaymaathitlt public,

who mo inelim 1 to judge harahly because tley have only seen

topi r'j- ia*lf an.! nut thought deeply but witfi that larger andmi Ii n'n pul Hi who know how kg 1-mk with t- DOOt hutnii-Ity at fault* and anon{ haw to admirt ganorniul] aatrnoedl-

pt-iiiua, and how to ratfinnoa with warm, full heart* allni M virtut." "

DU mas' (j 11 i: A t e S 1' i{ uok.THE

( OUHT OF MONTE ( RISTO;I. of P' a.tiful lllmtrati'tia. New, Reviaed, and only nn-

ahtklgad rdittoi aver filiilad to tMa day fuMlthad, and for saleI;, a.. B< (at- ,.i :a. price a>l. and at

E V LONO'S, N, 3«. Be, kmau it.. N. Y.r^Ulahtdat T B. PETERSON'S,

No. 102 ( heitnnt it. PhiladelphiaCoyitt MCt* p< r mail, free f poatage, on receipt of price.

IOtTlSE REEDE R* n e w w u B k.J




LCt IST. REEDERW tl. i. r- rTra.t cf tht Author*la, MW uted on Stei 1, by one althe f,ret in this country, complete in one large volnme-hound ha Cloth. Price gl ii, or in two volume*, paper cover,

price *>).Ho, k-ilcr» Newa Agut* and all other* will please aeud in

tl., ir i-rdt ri at en. c. a* the Book will be publiahed aud fir aWApg M' nday gelt, May 11.

l\ pie* wiil be acut per mail, to any one, fr»c of pottage, on

l- 11 lyt the price. Adatreai all atdatl to the Publiaher,T. B PKTEKSOV Nc IWCdtaatnal tt Philadelphia.





K~L\. J. b. walkek" new bookAOAINST PABKER1BM.

ruiLoaorHV or

sk EPTIOI8M an I > ULTRAI8M.W en in tl., the Rev. Theodore Parker and other

w: t- i ;.r- IhOWg to be in ¦oti*:aleiit with louiid reaaou and.'. Chrlitlai ¦. a- By Jamea B. Walker, author of "Thefbili j L\ .1 the Plan el Salvation," Ac.

i \ t i a

The N i .: *e if Theodore Rational Expoalti-'n of Proba-raihei'i Theological Hdbaaa I ti-ii and Retribution,

jlv Refutation of Common Ealla-Variationi and Incongrultlei In c.lea on the Subject of Future

Itetr.bulion.Reformers and their Relationto ( hriatiauity.

A Dwi*Wila*t*pbkaatwaaa theOo«'d and EtU iu Modern Reformer*.

tVrlttea R'-velation a.Nece*altyin order to the Moral Dev. 1-opu.eut and Moral Progress ofMankind.

Revelation the M-dive Powerin Human Piogrt-aa.

the Theological Opiuiom ofM- Paihei md «Anei Itanavannanvt i*ta.

Miaataten*ent* of (iithcdoa()| iiona

Th< l'ertonalitv of (o-d..| \" 11 thai DivineM e

H in si !'. >iav ty.Atonement! or. ReconciliationFlu i- R.-.:ib..tion.Oax at al v,.. Pi e. *1

1'hllBY A JACKSON Pnbliiher*.No Hi at.. N. Y.

Ci pii . *. gl I v mail, po ' paid, on receipt of price.

1 o h n r. j i w e t t £ 577,(JWill Pnbltih a* follow!:On SAH RHAY April 18,


B] thi A ¦! 14 otm Mountain B*y*.'' "Locke Ami-den." ko.

Oat v.;. LBma, Price gl.On Monday April jo,

liTNTKRSP A NOR A Mie Q V I I) Erro.M NIAC.ARA PALLB TO QUEBEC.gnlondMUy 111aatI atad With W Engraving*.

Pnr* $1.On MONDAY, May t,


A f I }a lb roya. O vol .me of ».*> pagea,I ce gj.


T . hoicot collection cl Sa.-r.d Lyric* iu the Engliah Lan-ft-nage.

Trie- TS c.-nla and gl.

.1 ÜDGE ib0mt60n'* new ROÄUNCE.--oatjt QURIaEY:

Oa. THE iK.vPH.RS Of LAKE CMBAOOO.|g Now- Ktanv.

Tt- moat karlBkam Romane, of tb- lea* >n.

TL, t thoi i 'Tbl bireea M .ntaiu Bajtf ba«ouidonehinixif.

JOHN r. JEW ETT k Co.. Publiaher*.> Ii7 W'a*niugton->t., Beaton.

pXAi i *.v i ti: BOOK FOB rHE <E.VSii.\'JCd SSJ I NEW Y1 >KK C1TY0L IDE,


i a- I l-a-.e and r-l to New-Y- rk,»bei ivery R In *tarta, all ahout the Oni -lia<R it*, citv R Iroadi F -- --. Tlyiaaata, T,legnpb OBi .¦».

A khrl .. Ltd (Oxl TMOfataO Pt.*CC«. andbow l ' .... u,

.. y,,t. »:'t bur thla Information anywhere».'«.. . !*»... 1' la.'*-: ta.

_.v.-MORE b ( N IS;

I>i.M« »Al.-!;!( H a LOUTaaEU STATION*% - to M-l'.s LlTHOClRAPHERB and ACCOUNT

Bi'l K MANUKACTCRERB ban. lemored fioin WiilUui: N M N tBHAC sT near Mai.!. ¦ lat.-e.

la lpt1 at w. kwanaoa » near Has We*«ern pa-t of (he City, weh<;- b r.'aii the p»-r nage . f .ro;., > r.< uda and C Jitonar:*.at'-i a *o obtain many new one*.W »o rd> i* lot any at-. .i lice, and pledge oar

'..' ' ¦. *»'..' i RICH A I.iHTREL.- at ».. '* t. niui Acc. u n »,g Man iia.tarrr*.

ngi NggJI It ii*. Umiuyk

rr o }> ICS OP THE TIME8H A R P E It s W E E KLY,

Fi»«- Cnt* iNimber.*2 W it*u.HI MHi K NINETEEN READY THIS DAT


Ü\ W U i.u. Krv t( BATOntheM-v. ABal'V among th. H.-k* t'h ir. h'« Niagara,

Tl* Mar. v Plate: A O rrtotion.FOREIGN RF.LIoiot S ITrlMSS kC :*.!¦ ii to *nd < IBIibIIiBII* ¦ of the Papal P..wer; Y»ni

Sai a Released Roaaric« Sifn«; 1 be Je« .ita an i the Brorh-r«.THE MAN ABOUT TOWN.The Pamn and 'he Player*; ABiterB:t: Of the B ir.k urn

H* ,*. Thet. D.'taCM.THE MAONVTIC BATTERY.1»t. 1)1.1» 1:1; H K < Hl R( H AND IT* PASTOR.

Iii lt» »ha.Gardn.-r Spring. DD.The Old BrinkCbur h.IFABIS 0O8STF

Ti t P«k " K- ru-cnit D.B.-gging Letter*. a Fernal-witha Turn for Byteahltaea, bb Exploive Proposition; DramaticAu'obi.grapbv. OPBBJrit ScaxotL.Tie Price of an Actr-*t;Mario: Praeli a] Joke..LITERART.

New B<- k> and Literarv GoeaipDOMEBTICINTELLIOENC KPol inr «1.Horn .red aVJ**r*Joa of tb* A nend»d Dallas

Treatv Th* New Granada Imbr -ili-.: Ti..-Cabinet. Tae Pah-lie Pr.i.tinc. Eh* State I.efialature. The Near York City Aefa,Quarantine; p. r»"ual; Dr Belh.wa on the Stag-;Ainutrtr.nt a Privilege and a Dut r. The Theatre not nereaaa-

IÜJ CorruptI Sir nld theTbeatr- bat Igantad1 tt cat the Churchshould do Auotuer Cb rryman in Iba Field The Teetotalersvery I'lihaiipy; A Youna and B-autiiul Oir] Murdered: YetAnother: r ai t v Kemble puta a Judfe down Likewiae an I>hlLtdy. The Dai.«. rot Wearing Hi p*. A Bi aillltkl Dark BredM Raa i. '1 on an Ano'ber \ i. t.i., of the National Hof I Di.eate.FOREIGN NEWS.EboLAXD! Birth of a Prime-a: Lord Klzin'. Miaataa to

Chinai Reault rf th-Eh . tinna The Speakorabip of the NewHon*«-; Lady Franklin1a. New P-.lar EiBedktaaai The Fr-e Li-brarr at Li'->rpo I: Condition of the London Poor: A"i »e

inentt. FkSMI. AttoUipta t.i A"*a»«inatc ih«- Emperor Tri-umpha I Madame ( .-laiiglioue; General Todtl.-ben at Paria,le-ng> han.p. ir H.-lv Week, Diecovery id a New Saint: A Din-tor :i Hoiaa Fle-ti. Dumaa Cok rig again. ItaLV How theKii i o| Naplet Support* hi* Police. St> ai\ Queen Isabella inan Ii Seriating Situate.!,. Al.Tgl* The Widiuii of Pe.-t.Pl asia A Cavalry ( harpe. c hina. A-laaa. the Bread Poisontn Aeoaitted Nh iiii.ii The Siege ,.f Ria a*.CRL1 Si I» L IURISPRI DENCE.iLaVVaTBATtOa'ai The Chinee Garr-.te Exhib-tint a Male-

fai tcr'a Hi ad to hia ( hildren , 1 h» Puiii.hmeut of th- Caugue;I hit. .e H omen ..( the Northern Fret in. 'I

Chinese Legitlstioti; The Bamboo; The Chapter of Arcident, in Chita; A C.le-tial Curt Room; Qllllia* Office Seekera; Uarbaroua Trent merit of W itueed-* and Suspected Pe.-auuaLaw*concv-raiagMarrlag**i Bobbemand P*m ides Tortured;A Crb atial Gatrote.THE STEAMSHIP OREAT EABTERR. Wttb an IBa*

tThtion.THE DEAD SECRETChapter th< Seventeenth. A.i Old Fiieud and a New

Fl r the Eighteenth. The Beginning of In- En 1.

MEN AND THINGS IN ITALY. [Froaa O ir Own Crget p< lideut I.-Uli ER P \ R IN RE \NEN.PRATTLE AND TATTLE.Tin- Bellowea Pulling; Immortal IM.-vt; Madam.- flaianita


Biird. II; The Opi iiins of the Uurd-ll Mirrdeil Trial; The JurvTHINGS WIRE A Nil OTHERWISE.FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL.WEERLY M ARKET SUMMARY.( OMMICALPTIEBll.LfTKSl i-.vs: S.ene. Stählet; Love in High and Low

Life Scene, a Club; Th- Veil Kniptiou.*,. Per.nin living In the Citiet of New York or Brooklyn,

and wi.hing " Hurp. r'« Weikly" n.pplied at their houae*. aTUaleaae to ai nd th. ir uamea and re-ld. n e to the Offiee ot Pub-li.uite n The Carrier* w ho d. liver the pap. r will e ile, t pa>for Iba aame.

FuUUhtdby HARPER A BROTHERB,Franklin square, New Y-.rk.



or lxt the ,


number* of the WEEKLY),by

ROSS A TOt'SEV. Wbole.alt Acen'a, No. ISJ W**aBB *t



NIAGARA FALLS TO Ql'EBF.C,Bi in* a p.rti 11 pietao tboai peraiaBI of the Cauada* throughWbJcb the River St. Lawrence flow«.

THIS SPLENDID PANORAMAI« Twelve Fei t in length, and rompri*e« mint beautiful andbJjtbl] Inlahed View* of the Palla of Niagara, The TbaonaBllalanda, The Rapid*. \ ictona Bridge, the Citle* of Montreal,Too nto, K ii.gst- ii. bo., «jid iiuuien.ii* «inalleT place«f gether arith *n pa.ea nl III utrnted Letter Pr.a. Description,cf Canadian Scenery atmilaWto tie Kur peau Haud Book* ofthe Rhine, Ac. We can give employmeal t..

1,000 TKAVK.I.IN'G AGENTSIn w King thi. l-eautilul book. Price *> I at r. Uik

JOHN P JEW ETT A Co Publishers Ratal -.

HENRY P. B JEW'ETT, Cleveland. Ohio.To whom all application {or Agencies, and all order* fag lb*

Book, inuat l* aififroai d

Do YOU WANT A <;<><>l) FAMILY PAPER.Wi do not int« nd to aay wbiah i- the beat, bataaggjaal

youthould buva.iugle'ot LIFE ILLt'STkATED, ex

ainint it. and tLen »*y it it i'« nut at leaat equal to auy pap«vou have ever aeon. Thia week'i number baa an art.-., ou

HOOBB, by Mra. George Waaatngti n Wyllva Sowing ..nd Reapii «. y T'op»ey Adv. iiturea BBsng g the f oberg«, with t r u

gravmga; V.b pliant Hunting. Sketch and Portrait of Save, thefoot j \mfla at the Ita.. a t .xi a \ Slater Worth H ivingSprlai Dlutajig, lt*a*a| inforn.aiion. kva. xoaaaaboj it fr»many M ava agent.

K M Ö V X" L .

In couaeqiienee of the unprecedi nted iiicrcaie ofMeaara. fc\ ANS A Co.'*

GREAT gift-hook SALS,from Nc 406 Broadway to more apacioug premises. No 677Broadway,between Bleei kei and Aiuit> ata.,LaFatRi B»Hdii «. N. w Y. rk.

b(...ra EVANS A Co., grateful f.r the tinmen** pafrmag.;a bi. h thtj l.av- r .. \ d w- itM napei tfuRy laJJorai the publicgt üt-rally that thev have gres'lv aid- d to their atocb of Bo..ka,and In« i* aaad the nuaaharaasad \al ie of their Oift.. until neithercan I* aurp**at d by any eatal |ith:neut In the city. The buai-m *a ia c iidnctrd BBOB an baaed and liberal principle, and a

gilt varying laTaluofjoaa$5eaat* to »iiai ainiiaapaul« eachb.,k a. Id. Will beep, ii for rit a ttal. n TIURSÜAY M c 7Ord. ra in n, the our.try promptly attended to. Catalogue* olB.ok. and Gift. a. nt to any addn a. ou n ceipt of application.^1E NKW-VdliK W EEKLY TKIUI'NE


f irmlallon.17 *».00«.

The Xr.w-York Wehma IbUBUXE i«r thinitk fWrlRaTH Ii;«' lollowing:

I..LEADING ARTICLES; Li|.ur Rampart TheRinaa* diilriaa; ItalaR d Lawrence. Long Life;A Mm of Expl'-ded Iilra«; Later from Kan'a*; Re¬jectin of the Treaty ; Ma«*athux.'U«, Wild Cate;Virginia P- liteneaa.

II..BAYARD TAYLOR IN NORTHERN El'ROPF-XVllIi Kiiot-Ai iu.. A 1>:.\ witiiout a Suu.TheLapp*. ot The N. Y. Tribune.

III. rf.mew of THE WEER: Oiring la a aiiauland oaaaaBaawaa B*na the bataal and m-..t p

9 event, taat Iiave traii'pired La the City, i'uiledStale*. Haytiand Eunp-




encr of the N. V. Tribune.X .PERSONAL LIBERTY IN MAINEXI..FENNSYL'- AN'IA. Mi. i Lvf.erol A Bgat-


XII..THE MANIFESTO oi FREE KANSAS: An Addreastothr People ol the i'nited Mate* and Kan-aa* by the Free-State Conve- .


Xiv. Maple SUGAR; rminnBliBM of TBt ¦ Y.1 rihune.




XX1II..C OMMEIU I it MATTER.» F D llBlltl of theRtafb, Rtoa* y, Cttou. Graiu. Cattle and otic r Mar¬ket«. *p> a.'y R. p-rtt d f.r Th-

St7BKUrTWIa.Om opv for ojc y.-»r, Htii Three coaiag.«?.il r..- a* 5-M fell p| «14.

r:¦ ..- pt.». it » 1*11-!.. van Ik , b"aiu. d at tae to uatil ibthe T iMIcataOB Oft- . thl* bairuiut. Price, Sc.

IFILI.-HEAI'S. UBaTk ; HILLSI* LADING, Nl i.i ES REt B1P1 and ilEi K BOOKS.ClRi L'LjULB, CARDS ai d ail «Uer k of JOB PRINT¬ING dot. in th* f**t atyia cf tb* art. at *?**..nable tr ea byrUOUAJ S, tVXTON ..> .:-..».


J )NC A *«f uturtiw-nt ,,fB ATTBRIM *N[) OTHER M-.TEH, I \ LS

eted tn the ehe vc art. Alt...bOLLTIO.NS FOR DEPOS1TINO ALL TUB METAL3

AND THF.IR ALLOYS.For »ele by >.'. r kftt a SMITH c .emitta.

No. 'j4l I'M "»¦> *) CANAL-ST., near (-. trc, N. Y.

1TOBUXE BnLDINf.S.-PRINTttG ... everydeecnption, from i Card to a Bock, at Iba Lo»-< Data

Fr.«-»». BAKER k GODWIN, Tntnine Bui.dia«».

ßtnttoncrn anb /uncn C-ooös.

BOWNE Ai HAsTiRoltK, ITtiKiajiiia' Hall.N .id PS P*-. til st., N Y. IMPORTERS and

M.'M i At Tl'RKRS. oder for tale et low ,.h price, everyTMKti't Arco«al B««k*. Paper, Fancy ar..| Iftipll S;» r»

WriUag P»r»-t. Note«, Drift«. Meawy ud Mopping Re. .if..lnk«t*T.«i«, M> aawaBaaai mH Time B<»k«, p-.,. p-u. :<

Bitte. F. KaHaa, i new and Beckganim.., It raaeda, he. «t»iall .r.ulee u.ually kept by the trade. JOB PRINTING utdUTHooRAPHY ex.euted lat lam rate«. Cardg , ir.



A NF.W ILLUSTRATED CATALi FOUEi f. : Ooedi laat p.ibliehed. and will k* f.>-ward-d

FREE OF POSTAGE|. mj .le«!er» Who lie,ire.

Seutl tow «d.lre«. and ordert :oAMES, HERRICK, BARNES k bhoadr

No 75 Jobo at.. New York.


For aale beM P BROWN,

N 1H*J Peer! New-York.

«pOIRAID - ITALIAN MEDICATED SOAPVI -It i. w..l kr owi TAN. PIMPLF.s. FRECKLESFRI'PTIONS. SALT RHF.I'td. BARBER'S ITCH, THAPS,CHAFES, TENDER FLESH, A. being tke h..t.hev-Ire ,011.p. i.ud ever Invent-d. (MM BAUD'8 POL'DBA Sl'B-TII.E uproot, the hair from low f rchead«, upper lipa. or anypart of the body, tafele and «t/ii. kly. warranted LIQUIDhot HE, i. r pule Bft and he. k. LILY WHITE HAIRDYE inttantly cnnv.rtt red, (trty or lighthairt.iabeautif.ilblack or browa without .taimrig the .kin. II » III RESTORA-^Tl\ E for.e« the hair la BTBW, and make. «Ml »irr halr..ift,,lo..y and .ilky. F.o.nd at Dr. iOf R W D S Till titakMrhHdepot. No. K7 Wilk.r.t.. hr.t .tore troin Hr.alae, M-«RATES, Brooklyn-.4 AU.ENDER. PLla, BATES, So. 1»Waakingtaa at, B. .'..u, fce.

(Co Farmers anö 0tl)crs.A DVICE.TIM] FARM.THE GARDEN.

- THE LAWN, kc.The PFPTylaerr. jrrarfi B , /«. «¦ mthe li»c and «a.,rf« of performing all Operation« up .n the aoil kggiveninthe A11 F, It 11 IN AORICI LTDRIST. Term. «I a ORANGE Jl I'D. Fakllefcer, 191 W at. i -t New-York.

GENTLEMEN HAYLNU will find the- 1M-p roved FOr-

COCNTItY seats AND dRETTE af the rib«, rib.-rt oxe or thi

gardens guTraaTicJiaaa.mwell a. the CHKtrx«T

tnbetltnte f< r man we where there It dtlfi. ulty in procuring «uffii ient f. r Harden and Kann f try »Mg I*. blef n "tnwendationt are, that it it neat, luvtl.-ioeve, co-train* a<> SKKi>* ogWl rtis, i. very quirk »n.l powerful ia itt t*MatJoa ut>"ii ve/etati. n, and at the .ami time it ga harmle.t that it an I» put indirect coatart with tie aaadl or plaut with-nt injury, who b it

totally unlike other f. rtilu. r. It wdl brine earlr < r»p« ofFaaa, Beaaa, P. tat. .-«, gw.-.-t C-.m, e..-., and for lawn, andgrata plot. i« unrivaled. Hag «mall quantity u«e I andapplication rend, r it v. ry e. onomi. al. The price t..r barrel iig>2; d harr« I., and g>l SO p. r bbl. for any quantity over tbarrel., di liver, d Ire. in the. ity. A pamphlet w ill he lnrwardadby mail or fnrniahed rrifi« on applicatiou. Addregl THE LODIMam fai TURINQ company. No so Qoarrhvaat it. N. Y

af^ AEDEN ami MAY KAKES, SCYTHES,vl Baathi. Ora.« Hook«, Bertha Stance,, Ride., aa.; Hay.Spading and Manure Forka; Shovel., Hoaa, Spnde., Pteha,Hat. I,. t«, An. Pruning Sawa. Sb. art and Chiaela; Haud-Plowa, Oar-'. D Tr w. la, k. .--For aale by

( HAS. S. LITTLE k C ... Noa. II and «I f ilton-at

A| APES * SlT'ER-l'HOSl'HATES ..f LIME.JUM Th. beet FertiBxera kjaowaMap. HBrofansiaed Sup. r l*h...nhate nf Liana, ? M (i--r laaMap. «*a Potaab Pbo.pbate tor Potatoea, Or««« ami (Ir.iu

< lop« f-.k', per till,

Map .'. ( iiid Tobacco Fertilizer.. *e< per t.,n In .acXaof |M pound. ath. FRED McCREAOV,

No. I« F'nlton at, New York.


GR1FF1NO. BROTHER k Co..^ No. «0 CaarllaaM ¦!, N. T.


ARESPECTABLE foaitg dirl want* m «itunfiotiai CHAMBERMAID an I WAITER, "r t a««i.t i.i a.,y

oth.rwoik, ..r would TAKE CARE .1 CHILDREN Cau beti er, where .be lived la«t, at No. 61 East Hal -t bataraaa Ithand Lexington ava.

N ENtiLIMI WOMAN hii<1 h«*r Im-biind wi-hto TARECAREafaGENTLEMAN I HOI BE while tha

family ia away, or to look la one or two re.pectable teneae ntIf -¦ . C'By reterri .. Apply a* No MB Weat Mth-at., logM ES PERKINS_'_I_C1TUATI0N WANTED-By ¦ I'iot.-nt.n.t Uiri,kJ with go.*! .itv reiereute. for HOUSEWOEE or ("11AM-BERWoRK Doohjai ttaa to go . abortdittaacela th.rjCall tor two davt a' No .'17 Boh. ry

nPEACHER.A Lailv d»*nir«*ei a Mitiiittioti h*

J T.a.ler at the ENGLISH BRANCHES ...d MUSICeitbt r in a achool or tamiiy. kite, graakd Bha « taeaatiaa a.

TREBLE SINOEE fat chorck Beat eg* retVraaaee given Al-dr... E C W\, Box N », Syr* .» N \._VL7"ANTED.Bj two ranptrtaNit OijIr tiDiAtiouo tII in one family or >-parat..0M a. GENERAL > H K-VANT. n.akea Bread, Wa.liea and Irone well. Da good, kindgill with children wajet «>b. H. r no re. a girl o| It, , «n readaudwrit., MINDa BABY .r W AIT m a LADY wli, b« J.,w ag. a t>3. Real itv reference Call at gM Ml Eait Mdat

AVANTED.By a ui-:l,]\ r.-nrnTfufi!.' yotutj Enc-Tr bahladj a ¦itiiati.« COMPANION to gn invalid

lady, otaa HOI SEKEEFER. in a private family. The beatrel.r.ti.e gtraato b.r preacnt and former in tbi.. ity.Aadreaa Ii B B. x Nu. EMR Pot offi.e.

"IV ANTED.A SITI ATION 17» roäflg « m.TT ., CHAMBERMAID and WAITER, Retennc .

from her | i. n iit p.are. where ahe tan be a.-eu at any ti-uc untilauited, No MBTIi,.mp»oii-jt.

W'AMKD.A SITUATION b> .1 woBBCtsbleTT v. ... a W .n an: iV ia a g*>d C-.k. Irat-rate Waahag

and Ir.'ner. and under.tand. ha»;:.« Bre d an I Pa-trv ll«-g.od atj r. leren. .. Cm b- grew Oag two d»v« at No TO Weil21 tb tt.,*l>etween Kb aud7tli-avt ..gad t! I h* a room.

BOOK Ai.ENTS. ATTEMIo.N..*'."") p«M. nth. Book Agent.. lo- j! or tfavatha| wanted in all

parta of the Stat. i r.i wll a n> w Scnaation Story, wbi. b it lagn at demand, and by which tbey aaa make »>i»J anaaaOdy Arare chance. Addr.'.t immediately. A CLIFF lui .u PoetOtt:.. New York


BOY WANTED.In ii Retell Dr. Q -I- -

one who re.ide« »Ith hi- parent, and can gaaM well recorn-mend, d. Apply before HI a. m. at No. id Bowery._ICELAND HOY WANTED.Emm 14 t<. ISJLj v. art ol .ge. Apply at Dry (iooda «tore, .N 111 A gjH

20VERNES6 U ANTED..AL:nL ..i iii,miii.-1to t.irhing gad "t aioiajie MafMaalom competeu: to m

atrm t ia the Eng i.b branch't. French and Mu.ic two girli ofeight and teu year. ..! age. u jgh refereti. et a. to baracter anda. ;wr. ment.. mas h.-ar ot a tilnation with a f*uiily abjut Uaay-laalha By for the Summ.-r Addreaa, aito refer»u ea GO»-ti:M-- Box N IJSST it-QfBca- _

J I' R 8 E WANTED.Ar Ajikorieu VVkviawW oman «. Nniae. one who I« free (">m i-cumbra:...e»

d h. .Ith and .« a. euatomed to u. Ire.. T. a »|-Neuj.Ha j. r-oii Kher wage', will be paid- Re r-n - r-, .1

A, i r .1 v. ¦. U at_Will ATION WANTED.BfbmptN-tebk?yooiMjio Onaaan whwataafca Engitah ¦ad timmk, ka Qawal with a

a tlcwaa or family, to Eriroaa. Appy «» »NDI SfiWAL As-BOI UTION :> n .......i. j M


QTEA1IBOAT WANTED.WkRaVd toCHART-k3 ERaSTFAM FF'.rryboat f'.rrme grtwa m >nth« with:=-. i,.v-.. ':'' ^A^,1U:1, y; viLibertct.

TT.Af HEB WANTED.Th.- n-wir «tw.z.»1" B..»rd t Ed.:, atiou, Behead DkBrlct No. t. In New R f

.'..-.' *%ut an a.-c n p!.«beu TEACHER [otakc the cat:.-

Iheil a.-hool, ar» ut to be e.fablithed In I"»1"«!,«; 'i.1"/,**t?town Arf a i-n. ip.t be addr.-edto ALBF.BTsMJTH M.

I»v .... \S ,t cj.C ) N1

TV) PRINTERN..Watrted iMOBethal roodatcand-hand JOBKlNfi press; noe ot Ordo .'*. Rig

cl- «'-. o.- Bawycr'g r*r.-*«e« would be oreferred Addj-ea, ED¬ITOR BT.tTkN ISLAND CHRONICLE St.? .. >'«'

It aad N i_

I^d ( i >>!!.( isn i »l{s _\\' ,r. .1. i Mil v

i Bardt MAKE CP s tnation permanent Apply'.J_EDWARD IF..* K N- N -'¦ F-'-tnaf

\\'ANTEI --A¦ AMHTJNT B'><»KKEEPER»T Ifoanm Ouewbok.* Mttw->l>".

hoaakc. pnj, ij quitk at fig.iree. aguod peuman. aud au bnugaati.f- I .. maj l;)p|j ty jeiter to Box I OM p. o.

VVANTED.In a privat.- f.nnily, * IkVBMt^BMl" " German WOMAN ae aVaatatraea. Ooi-I retVreocaa re¬

ft, Aj. :, \vr.; ;xa,tj ke>'«u Jtk ai.d <Hb gv«.

\VANTED.A cook who tfcoroturslf ander-TT .und. h. r b .tine*, end who will ba willing t- a^i--wi\i

lb. Wiihnr, AppJv. this dav. froto 1" t > II clock, at No IklFa-t .1.1 .t._Y1TANTED.A mmut, a. tive I.AD, t-> an

T f Oheeei ieaa. run of errand.. and make Mm*elt geueml.e¦jfU Applv this dav. with reference*, between the b- r* t

3 and 5. at the fice of the 'jc-ri.aa luatitut**, >M Broad* sy

"IVAN 1 ED.A eifii.ttimi a« CLERK m a Wm*m>It *. . m I .».: Drua St. re tu * v.c.-g «peak*

y ¦¦ -.»:.,' I.I..1..H A[;.. if'a H.-tel. Mr: . »"

WANTED.A Ci. Ü for a St^me-r. « CfVri farTT . K.i i rv i.t Otaaa . Ch iktw u lanitwil

pal *. two P rfer. (nr Store., tw.. Ceh red Mfaj for Whole¬sale S:or>». four Otfll to travel. Apply to

GILLEN A Co.. No. d East B.- adwav.

YV ANTED.A rtytutg MAN a* Porter m aGrocery .tore. Apply at No. tl Taataj it.

c' vi m i .WANTED, it twrwoll of li.vhite»J Ot It F, with tl... amount to TAKE CHARGE of abo.iae.a air* adv-.tabli.hed To a reliable maa Baattndaeein.Lt. will be offered and tl.e u»-u*y .*.. -ir-d. WHEELER k

So ay. R.-om Ka, It._

(Thiincco for Utioincoa iUcn.

AHNE CHANCE IN BU8INE88,.PotKALE, a PRINTINO-or'FICF*. la » hIfh v-f ariabtaa

rountry town in the western part »f Maaaachuaetra. Counertedwirb the otb, e U a w. 11 d and pr'ti'able Week'. Paper. and a large amount of Book and Job Printing. The Milrials f the i fflre an-abundant, and in eierllrnt ccndlton. embra. ing a!! the modem atyles of type, presses, kc. The profitsof the offrf the past y. ar have h. en riaini *i '»*A The aboveaff. rda an excellent opportunity to a man of fair buainesa hah ¦

to embark in a perfei tiv safe and pleasant buainesa. It I. not

necessary that he should be a pra. tical printer Price, At. tfki;on. had oa»h. the balance on time if desired. F-.afurth. r par-

re f s M PETTENOTLL a * aNo IIJ N»».au *r New Yoik.


ECONOMICAL LAMP ever before offered to the |AGENTS WANTED to «olieit orders and seli Righta on ;hen.o.t liberal teriua. F'.-r information luelo.*- .tamp, to IIA W'X-Hl RBT ItOTT A Co.,cvcluaive uianufa. tun rt. N". 69 Ful¬ton at., New York.

COUNTRY SIOKE. with STOCK, if «feeired.J lor SALE or LEASE .The owner 1 aviug cleared *A>.i>»il.

¦Uhsa to retire A!*«. tw .. other Store, for «sie and two Cottagea on Stateu latand to let. A Pbyaiciau'a Practice and Fa mf. r aale. S COCRCROFT, N--. 'lJ Merchant." Exchange,ts>en ent in At all at,

(M>.\ I, YARD tor SALE.. Tin' ! tflaM ;tii-I Fit-/tuns, Hora. a, Cart-. Ban. of an old established C «1 Yard-

Baa it baa *. Mod baaax a.. Saii.factory aaaacaaa given for «eil,Poaeea'it'll given Immediately. Adurvt. t OAL, Tribuuelag i


File establishment for sale..AI.. i geTslahllahmanl for MAKING FILES of every de

.cription ia fieri a tor BALE h.-ap. iuclinling a Jo-hor.e p. wei

Engine. Roilvra, Machinery, Forge., Tool, and all 'hingtBBreeaarj I*r preparing File, for market, together with ther. al . .tare ,-n which rhe «am.-1. h eated well rittod up to do aneaten.iye u-i: . Infill IIBst111 may be had of JOHN ROW Ft,M .*-e Pearl-at.. New-York, aud the entire property may heteen by calling upon the subscribers at Foughkeeptte. n. Y.

John McLE vn,_E. R. PEASE.

OR SALE.Iti e-ntern North Carolina, aSTEAM SAW-MILL and Eifht hundred acret ,,f fiua

t)preaa Timber. Apply to WRIGHT k RISSAMNo 11» Front at New York.

gTtRAND INVESTMENT'.MONEY WELLVi LAID OUT!.«JUICE RETURNS -Parti.-a arUfatag lamake Inrcgtaaaatl in a Patent Article, universally in demainl,-an man aaittgllllH by calling at No. Bnädway, froutroom, up ataira.N. B .Will exihange for real estate, »toi ki, orotherie iri-

tie.. Agentt wanted imme-liately.

XEUSI'Al'ER hiuI JOB I'K'IMTNU OPPICEi.a lor SALE .Office 1.led in We.tern Miatai haiittl laa ii . .' f1, i.ri>l ing coudition. yielding an income ..f #1 ".«1 P.,|iftot. R, publican. Price. ?i.5'»>. For particular" adJre.« XX /. are I S. M Petfengill k Co., ll9N««.au at.. Bfew Tarh.

PROPOSALS for BUILDING a CIirKCH i»I i'Ot BC1LDIN'.FIRST REFORMED DITCH I Ml RC1I EDIPICE. » karei e.v.d by the Building Committee until MONDAY May Z\1H67 Plana aud apecifieatious will be ready for examination auddeliver) to builder* on Mouday, 11th lu.t., by applying at -

ff., f v ARICK a V.LDRIDOE.iu Market «t. TheI'-.nut,it tee reserving the riaht to reject any ur.<p»aia where itia thought they ar. n..t f..t II. '...>.¦-... ¦¦( .ia i l.,,,..i,

II. J JEWETT. Chainnati of Committee.

ryn hitlders.-sealed proposalsJl will be received by the Coinmiaaioiiera f.-r Removal ofQuarantine at their offi. e, No Zl William at until the ruhii-.t i.'..'. k m lot the on.tructl-ii of HOSPITALS,FENCES lad Dl» K up-n i r. n.iaes near S*gtiine'a Poiut,Rlrhmnml faaatj Plana and apecilicationt mty he teen attheofliie. The Comiiii*tiiuiera reaerre the right to reject orsi cept snv proposals which may be made. Security will bereuuired for tb>- performance of the contract..t*ew-Tora, Mayb, Jr.? JOHN S. SNEDEKER. SecreUry ofComml.aionera

Iiö printers ami editors..Fur sale.aPRINTINO OFFICE, from wMeh a wc-kly Pai*er it

Igaw d. and alao haa agood run of lob Work. The aaeterial of thecft ii ia all nearly uew, and in good order. The loeatlon la a

very pleasant one. For particulars, address PRINTER, Walden, Lister Couuty, New York.

Valuable patent-right for sale..One of the bett patent« arver iaaued It lew, for the firat

time, offered tat .ale upou term* to auit pur. has. ra.A lortuue may I» reniiaed fr .ui the sale of the manufactured

article in any State in the I'uiun. Iti use will produce a aaving. I titt v [er <ei,t ,n fuel. he*idc« a va.t amount of labor audtrootle Ali I* ra. ua who uar coal hret an any firm are inter-rated It will be diapoted of entire, or by Statet and Caaatiaa,aa thai! bett ault mail lm*era For particular* addreaa tbe

_GRIDIRON man, No tat Broadway, N. Y.

fx ainn aches ..f land, with blasttM t\ l\ f FCRNACE and FLOCKING MILL, FIVEMILES from the CITY of BALTIMORE.The iinderaigned, agent for the Cur«« Creek Mining. Fur-

nice and Manufacturing Company, otter* thit tract for «aje iu a

.ingle b< dv or amall hinut. ft ia aituattd oa Curtia Creek, hvemile« from Baltimore by land and nine milea by water.The LAND 1« admirably adapted to MARKET GARDEN¬

ING, and it auT.ilar to the neighboring farms of Meaar*. Crom¬well, Liutbicum, Stewart and othera, from win. b large MMRg *

of and vegetable* are annually tent to Pbnadeipbaa andNea \. ik and lar.e profit* r> allied therefrom.Parti of the tract are well wooded with PINE and CHEST-

Nl T TIMBER, wbh h can be ablpfad from the F -rna- e wharfIn vi eeela drawing ten feet water.The WATER-POWER i» unfailing, the fall 22 feet, capable

f raaaina w Rh eaa*' aix pair* ..f B,.rr* and the Blast Fiini*. «.SToRE, STARLINO. KILNS, Ac, a-.» erected near the

Pumace. Ore ran be delivered from neighboring-ire bank a byboata at the Furnace door. And Authrarite coal cau be landedthere at Baltimore pre > * uff 1. a*.

The quantity »f Wood m the vicinity, however, rrudera thelot at ion a most doirable one lor a charcoal furnace.Tbe Furnace, with water power and **J aoroa of laid at-

tact, d, will, il required, be -¦ or |.-a*. d on favorable '.-r ....

To parttet purcbating the whole tract, tbe charter of tbe Com¬pany conid be transferred. It it oue of the molt liberal char¬tert ever granted by the State.Thit large property, iu the vi. Inity of ao large a city, prom-

la. a to b. rr.e e«. eedingly valuable In the oaatH of a v.-ry fewyeara. and preaenta an eicellent opportunity for ap.-culati .ii tocapltaiirti who may be able to bring it properly into market,

ft ia offered now at a low price and on aati-tacb.rv terrae.Applyto J. A. WKSTON

Baltimore, Ml

IXfifk HORSES WANTED.In eXCRAflfe f..r.J a It '

im! NT Y RIGHTS for the'Beat and IThiapiltLAF-OR-SAt ING MACHINE .vr offered to tue Farmers.2l*> per cent profit uo i.*k demand onl.mited Bkl.tAW will b*gala la one year. Tbl. is a chance « offered for a a*J.-paving l .*ine*i In every county, which will pay without fur-ti» r laveetitient from *>"!.i«»J t.. »> 1.000 per annum iu all farmingcounti. a. Liberal price* will be allowed fur florae., as they area anted immediately. Full partioulara can be had by addressingthe AMI BICAN t'QMl'ANY, B-.a \ ii Tribune gjfc ¦-, R. Y.

.If you want UM sell TOOfStore, Hotel, Salotm. Manufactory, Pa-

ktat't or if you wish a PARTNER, in any kind ofbusiness, you may accomplish it by calling on the Subscriber*HoaavXa, Lata Farmt. and all kinds of kUal Estate, sold andax. hanged. Loan, effected, Ac

N. B .No Commisaioa tnarged iinleaa tbe busineaa Is ac-

OompuAed. W HEELER k Co.,No. 1£>I Broadway, Beenn It

(To iTJiiom it man Concern.

\NY ROTSBR who wittireaetl the klTOtkiuif downand running over of an eblerly woman on th. J-l t Rai

la*t, by one of the Am-tv-*? states at abont I p. m in Broadwiv lit ar Leonard at will confer a favor by ooin. lulcatingtl.-'.r addreaa by not. to Mra McGL'CKIN, No. liaaJd-.r,,New i'.rk.

DRoI>Y t l RED t w.n the womt ..»*..» >..aPhvsi. uii iaair .ii« to retire from a l"0g practice, and (till

to do all tbe good in hl« power, ia anxiou« to make known thiamean, of Me and will *e:nl dree of barge) the full Pr.-eerin-tioa. with laatriM liaaa, 11 all Add/eas P O. BOYD.M D st a H N-w York._fTRNACES {tit up SAEE from EIRE..Per-

sons about to bund or alter holte« may f.-.d t to their in-kaaaatlaaaamkaa F L. HEDKNBEUO k SoNS assortmentof H- t W'at. r and H t Air Faxnaces and Heaters, and tbo iu-

perv-r mariLer m »kau they put them up. Their w ,rk hasnever canted a fire. No. St Walker at. near Broadway.aglEVEN PER ( l.nt( H'Y REVENUE i50ndsKJ » .11 b< n.i.ed by tbe Controller in le.t that ?*.«>,psytl-le tr- in da months to one year, aa may be iL tiled.TL. ui« n. y n.aj be deposited with A. « STOl.T, fhamhrr

hahj h Shalt ai d Leather Bank. Internet from dat< of depoait.IVM. eitzpatrick, florist, *>;ith^tTa7adT Y Br^a^ «ay, will pertonaiiy atUnd M tiie LAYING OL'T

of Gard. us, r auting Shade Tree., Ac lO.afM Verbena, A large aeamtiai nt of u> nthly and ranaing K ¦*.

and all aorta of beddn.a .-.t PUala far aavea" : -.V» Vf B°R Fur tale. B'^ wt« (afpiabed for pat'tta.


(GOVERNMENT LANDS n MARKET.m i.soo.fMMt a( »rs . t:mhvr aad prairik

lanl>t> u) NuhTHFRN low A srli! weoyea fey private nitre. ?- t . »Ii». Tb.»eLaid. >, !'i:ri)..4i

i .:. m»» k.e and Mie»i««ippi R, iVV> kam i»" c< mprtrnt rarYvjvr« iu the fe,d wak ag Uli c

ticne aad are pr> t. d>. u- rat. i.r.vr bM.ii.eee.Prrone wiebing to have tbr Land* u,-at. d r4n tb. c ...

av..ii.i.. |. r ii.« in mi f.vr.r.. . . tM,ui ,m. ,.et.noto CATLIN WILLIAMSON a Bai.Mad.* :. W ... Vw k IS, ims

Ctrr IntracTwa't Daaearwan? «¦Nrw Yoaa, Nm 1, ittt jVOTICE..Haviruf. in ptrnuanot» of tbe proria-i.1 ici.* et tbe Am. r.ded Charter. tuLBrd tkc 4»t>. htpaOa.f. rr dev.dvuag upon the Bur.a.. f Street CUaalag and theBureau f Marke*!'' in Ihr I»erart»ne«t of Btrea*. and

Lanir*.' :' -'rrby gtvru that, ae ... gg lk- .ing-nsrste At the pnarpt "g»:hem:g ami laaaaaal .f *»¦.. - . iga-reg* »o be euenpleted in tie ward«, notice* «<.

r K:«hed. end «eerr ei>met: will he aal« be the oSS nofthia Department to ereure the en'. n crocnt of to* f. BO* .1 > el-

..« t» ..¦ u. CBfMtadaa OidnnaaaaaASHES AND GARBAGE NOTICE.

r«ri»*N«r< i» «atario to a.-i.t» im ..<¦.. -r.

Eitrect from Ordinance paewd Mar * 10». .tcTioal N« prr«ow or p. rwi . «ha.: thr> w. a»t «-r ay

«: v f» v.rerahiea, fvi¦¦¦ «. dr.... n.i -«. .... .«,

rtraw »kaviag a. dirt, hltk. or rubtl.h «¦/ any kind tMiau an

aar «trret ana. aller or paBE* pl.ce tu the Cly vi NewTock.Sic i TS T .-jt.oii f ei v .1 e pt' .i.i. « . t- fa¬

ced « .:. i. «i..i: he and la h.r lv declared »o b* a aai«de>Bewaag «i d »Lall be puniebahl* by fine .4 But U-«e than #1 <H

n MMa Ol", or by imprleoiiri. 11 m tm City Pr^o. lorat« im of tx I lex tb'an oue er ¦< rr than See daya"

(.'».:« . ¦" kl«. . ? >

Src U N'o p»r». i: .ha'l a«t . r tkr w or . H. r to r a .ttoatiT «tr>^t. at r or >..«y the l';ty f N. >. Y. rt. !r. a. l a,

. .¦ ... r prrr aaM any «tcitina, mite^a,in ra i.ftgo«'. v* r.«.i«»uie »atrr. r any ...b«taia ... t ih.aa,ht . liu-.idor Ctaraaj «t«te. und« r the pei^.^ t t).1'-t. r-a. a

affVaaa.Sic 1*. No pereon «hall c. aery r d. poeit, <w eaaae .a prr-

mr. to br .on\»\«d knta ai y «tri et, aaarai I >.:» ¦ kl tbaCityo4 New-Teea aay iwM atakhat ,e rt d rr #ub-»la'.oe. in.trr the yroalty :-t* .)>' i I ra.-o «a. aaa

l »it. wii: pa.« tbrt.ah the .Ire. . .1.« S t..:«t« ei-Ci ptrdi to cdlevt «>>d trmote all «'S«, leibaa«. a. fr n, .aa

e«r»et.: and the penaitir« of the :.w «HB t - .. n . ..i.. .4atauitt pt r»ou« vk latu.« the prv\l»o l« vt ihr taaagaba] ra-

tuet. :iie t'otporatioi. OruiCai «

Notice arfl be «lT. n of the appr> ack cf '.be a«b and tarhaaacar*« by nLcixy a brll.

l'cnij.iauit of tieflect to pr« eide »i »JI« i> nt MTt*BM IBtjahviayto eilor! «» abuer »bou.d he li.adr to tS CltJ Iti.pecb I at 'Mmolt-ce No 1 t et.tre «t.Tb« itaaaakM 1 teePolie» ie called to the «N ye .^.lioai.. ea.

ktany «kth-dlaaa «4 the atdaaaayaadkdly aarwt «i tkepr^ut-i h> p. r~. . pia> ii « ruH i.ii y i. :..e «,r-. t. Ir <

yaid«. aud e«p<cialiy from baildin«. »lu h are re|^ir»d «t»'t«r>d It la laMhted tliat auch ruhbiJi .ha.! be nnu..iiat< yp.a.. d iu art* «ad removed, er vh !ati<«a ad tue oidmauoe htalt iiaj »neb r.bbi.h in the »treet will he ath. t.y pr. « Ii dl> r tLe Mai aa the pei.altv ar..m« trora au.-h Yioüii.m.

i.KOBtiE W. MURTON. City iu«pe :vr.


Ooatb anb ttoomo.

\RARE CITY BUMMER RESIDENCE.Made to by de. p Yard« and aaataaai law

fered by a private lamily to tetitiemeu wk<> dine dowu-lotrn.P. ihap« term, unlit t« agreed upon |< je ommodate a Oectle-man and bia Lady. Legation unu.uaüy avceeaible. luquire atM i We.t iltVat._BOARD ein tx- hml :u I5r»H.kl\u. OB the* m IN

a piona Family. A larte, y.iti.atej hunaa, nl*e>table, pl. a«aut na m». a few «efect Saider« only lie .r> s

Mi COLBT r... in N. t, evtl Broadway Baak, m Park .««.

1joard WANTED.Hy throo vimhik (;. i,t .,

J.F ii iraatwetahk private fundr. v. In r, tiler, .re

S.arder», and vvheie »II the con fort« . f a home i »n K- «tajp "d.LoaatkaaOB tha aaatakataf tb< to\. n near Oraud »t. AdX'eaaH L Trih nr OOVe_DOARD WANTED ituin.tlmtfly, la ever) do*

D ¦ ''vi. Thi' leanv ot. ii w

Kfiadated tor the coming .ca.. I n Maa ua lo > «gut to allwi*hin| peateel heard, r. the anaanaa y el « arl. t| j licaiioa.N B .Charge for boardera actually braived.SMITH k BOYD. Boarder. Kv i lagW, N'o. 346 Broadway.


. a aaedytog at tka BOABDEBkF EXCHdBAppleton-' Building. No .'Wd Broadway. W'e are dally bavin*in. re ail. for Country Board than BJa *ii "ipi S> M I a

Circular. Full partn ulara of Bioat d> airable pla< "g,, i|y andry g-'vti to Hoarder, SMITH k H:)f|i

KooMS f.. LET in tbe ( «»I NTRY .A annilPrivate fi without children, and occupying a largo

double Cottage, pl. a.autly »ituated in Morriaaida. haudy Ii IMSteamboat and Raiir .ad Pepota, .. .'d a.crrouoditc inhit-.1. v <ie ot two »iugle (leutl.inen, or a Oeutiemao anl n aWife, with or without B. ard. K r par'i.ulara gall uraddraat,I. (fa, 47 W ggt JBth .t between Broadway and < h a. N.Y. th City._OHMS t.' or uiif.irii.-h.Ml,.Ingle or iu aultc, iu a private family, at No. ü Ith»:,tith a.

Rrpwo VERY PLEASANT Rooms on thojM. »ecoi d floor, with hot and c..!d water bath ro. ru. *>.' ad¬

joining, together with hall bedroom, if wanted. |. l.k. I« tWOor thr.e (I., with H wttäl ll («rtial Board, in tkaBlraaintlj located hou«e N". el iv.. corner « I Ith .' :»»

aa| larag mm Broadway. Family »tri. tly private.

rpilE ISLAND HOUSE, at HKLLOWK FALLS,1 Vt.The well ki.owu aud popular Suruiuer li .t. 1 w..l ha

-g r-J .» »faa r..Mu hm .he mm, on tbe let of Jaga ac r. WHITE,

Late of the W'arrln. r Home, Spring!.. u Maa«.

IM) LET.One or two cuiiifurtabl.. ROOlSjwith full <>r partial Board in a tint c!a«. hi «M hi '¦ «u,

Apply at No. HTWh-.t., we.t eg aud near Bn-adway

\\'ANTED.COENTRY HOARD fur a Cnn.!y,FT in a ho,i«e not tnithei than fifty mile. fr. m New-York,

and where there will be no other Sa»rd« ra. Addrea. Bo No.ifa t .i i: .

tjonsco lo ttt.ASUITE of 0ffice8 to let.In ti> B.l ks

Home, A.tor place, with every couveuleBre and a leelr-able Iocetiuu. Apply at the Treeaurer'a OdSce, lUi ev. en¬trance.

1rTRNIf»HED HOI SE and GROUNDS toBENT -The Farouked BaaHgaga of Edward Be. n *%n ,

alt'iated at S. ntb av P<, DatahaOiCoaaUy, win faReut. d for on. or tw,. yrar«, wloir the taiudy are ahv a TooOrounda gre taatefnlly laid out, and cutaia Lona. rvatory andII in.,,..' tilled with Planta. The Stablee are BaavwaaBBt,and tbe wh- b- aoitabl« £ir a country retidonaa for the HiinamiTor the whole year, at tbe optn^i ot the tenant Tenoe im derate.Apply tn Ft BF.CH a. Kl NHAKHT No U et., New-

York or to THOMPSON k WEEKS, Poughkeepate.

0EEICE TO LET.In the Eibl*» Hooss, Art :-Pla.e, very dealrable. Apply iu the Treaaur. r'a OA e.

4th av eutraio

OFFICES to LET.In the fire-pro..f BuiMfak] (the Seamen'* Bank for Saving*, No. 7H Wa.1 gi Laaj ifcag

on the preu ....

O r F I 0 I 8 to L E T .

in ocr building. corner ofpine and nas8a1 -8ts.

_duncan. sherman k Co.

Steady power ami light rwuh ^ü*ij store on Walker, and two cellars, at low rate«,

by JOHM OAUPU, Ma. HE Wtlhrt rtFl^O LET.The thrv?,-at<.ry hh<I ntti ROUSEI Nu .v.. Wa.t I4'n at mod. m mi pro v. meat« r,. w being

aalalid Ihnaghaal hevi weald kg rantad f.r *>i>.i tnree »tory HOUSE with mod»-rn bwBTOT. am Bfa N 7W eat94th at. rent BTOO, Alao, tha HOI SE Ra. MS Wi *at between Dtb and Vth ava., with i/.«.«l.m improv. mei.t. ,nde»taaaa»ag all the way up. would be let for $U0 J. k W.DENHAM, 8th av comer 16tb «t Bice opeu freu, iuo.-i läfjta ') in the evening.

) LET in BROOKLYN.A < OUTAGE, vCtb 3i.^.u.« 5 lots, Stahle fruit,«, kc one m... fr. t

City Hall, oppo.ite ( linton av in P. -ile at Rei .*>#«< AI»LOW EE part of a hoi SE adjoining, coua.tting I I roaaaa,

tr.pia,. .. n,ent AC a o.untb. A., iu g.eid order. '.Vith.iiLb.'ka I Fi.1t/.n t\ CtjaTB. If*'. '** oYt X- SI JvTm.* Mt -'*¦

TOO LET ia BROOKLYN.Tkai iDOoWB-baiH lodI ..uvenientiy arranged three ...rv mi »««em. r,t DWI LL1NO No. to Dekalb at within *.br«c mmute.' walk of toe CityHail. Brooklyn. Oa. in every ne.m Fine yard an<l dry e.ia««.F. r per» « dar» apply V DINSMORE i. < o No. ') S(- .

N> w York, or on fhs prraiiae« lietwe. n 10 a. in. and I p m

rpo RENT.Om or two ten Mrable HOUSESA «,f moderate aice and rent, 0 BaBag fo in tue Ity La.f a

mile fp to the Huden Hirer Depot at 152d-»t locate.u agre.a-hlg and prrfec'ly healthy. Apply to E. DELAFIELD BMITH.N » Naaeau .t., or Mr. FAYE. at ( ... at .1depr.t._ ¦¦_TO LET.SIATEN ISLAND- -PmmÖrT rij. given convet .nt MANSION .i" r.,w.tb Oronnd«. Oardeu* and Oa* haMlajt, aa the No tu Ig r«,about two mile. w> «l of Port R< .,, h loa t

'.(.') BOWMAN No iS W. liam '..

P|'o RENT.A pleH-ant tw..t.-ry Ho(jgB .u tUI vil.age ..f Stratf. rd, C«.nn for the Simmer «,r f r '.he.etaom iBuuUeofCLANDINES B. CCETId. B-ralford or f

_S M. PETTENi.M.L. N l"< N. «.; »..

rp3 RENT or FOR SALE.At Y.-uk.-r-. ft tv.m-1 a odb.u« C OTTAOK nine r..,m.; in l>*-ii»l Urora, -,;.f «u,inntea'walk rrom the depot Applv to SCRIBNER DELOW, No. Ä W ail at., or of O J. /ENNINGS, Gelte lice,y.-nkera.


flonscs nnb farms iUantcb.IIOI SE WANTED.A obbbJ JIOCSH vr ur f,MM akraetrd br.ow 25th .t. o..ut have the avoaVrn :mpr.c.emeata. K> i t ?!"< t.,a>>.j p«r anmrn. Addr««a W J D ,

Bradway Fo.t-OfFce.

ttcal>6lfJtTföT6fllf.Acountry SEaVTooha P*ARM Im SALE i

I OVO isi AND .a Cooatry B.«t, alth 9» acre, of Land,in a ,,^lH"wU.i,l,| in .,. .lag. of a . I

adj* in"« the rendmce of <>o'ernor Kin*. Cpon the prtasieaa*. {be GrVcir Manama ".^«ff» K""'. VVmlT^S.VT. -and Fruit Or- nerd*, w-^ aevera. -f the aaaotiSiS ?Va£, .Re. 0BOB the ialaod. Tbia o. at valuable p-

t Wn Waola^wr»tZilimim.' toaaartr Kur"F*' y-T rtkwr part uS&k NVjBGaN .v j r

BEAITIFEL COFNTRY RESlDENl B torsaLE-Witn Fan ... CaggiaBA *<-.. Bad j< aiuui

Und'near Nra Br .« kN' "im.- i !1. g » ai4»mi« rn!ri-. v « .pr, f t, e piaaa, uaiab wnl aa aoMkaajf, i«a

Jfmt m m SI iL f. pmYiur,:«