€¦ · NIB L 0'« GARDEN.. TT'ESOAT t VFNINO, D*eawa>-.f SB, IMS. A...

NI B L 0'« GARDEN.. TT'ESOAT t VFNINO, D*eawa>-.f SB, IMS. A OR AN D CHRISTMAS K NT K H I NMRNT. THE «A'ONliPRPni, RaVEl. KaMILV, Mt'e THEBKSA ROBERT and Be BALI.KT TROUPE la Iba aew ud Bweii'ifsl Heilet cf THE ISLE OF NYMPHt. Tn* entert ainmt at* »o fonaiut" witk -be i e nlc Ttn'o-.. ne of THE MILLIN'H". Chaiarter* hy.Tbe Wcttdarf'il P.arel Fa-ni y Te be fol . wed by tr e c f 1HE ISLC OF NYMPHS. In which Mile. ROBERT M'liee. I'AU .1 N r' OKNET, MA TILDA M Ah/ETTI, LINA WINDLE, FLO'I 4 ani 'ULI *t LEHMANN. PAI L UKlLViANT ar.d KatlLE MAN >IN will >l j»er Ta eont.uUe with MEDINA. Doore opan at 6{ \ Perfonaaacai to MaMMtVlN ncEi.Tb.turn cants Tb* otvly aeata 'bat can be *acered In a^rei.r- a-e: PrWat* Bolt*..» *» aW.... "».»«¦ Bo* OfAea open- dal't « a. aa. to , to., for the «ae ..f TVkeu and eecartai Grataaaetra Beats and Pnrtte Boies ijkton^Fh a m b E r s-8it r e i r. .TUESDAY A MERH Y CHRI 4TM At* TO ALU TV- heat waj to at tor the Ha'.deyi ta to haTt A HEARTY LAI iri. TkraeComir Picoea Mr. Rutt-ai 'n two parts. TW laaarab I Faroe of ONLY A PENN Y. wttk Mr. Bradley. Mr. S«tchel Mini lh,roe. A.c. The great Comic Drama of THE DUTCrl GOVERNOR; with Mr. BURTON la hi* r pl'al eaaract« r ot \ on Dan la*. And an »otirely a«w and oi'giavl comic piete ca lad A TRI I' TO NIAGARA. With Mr. Burton, Mr*. Button. Mr* Hughe* .vc Broadway tbeater-i: a. maiwiiall, Hola Lasaee..Boxre and P»r<|net, at) cent*; Family C rale aad Cr per Tier Matwat) Piiaete rtcx**, .>"> ami B'L.Daor* opto at St 1 cotnrtietre M 7 o'clock -T -IIa EVcNINO : EINO CHARMING. rKarmtng lrt...Mtr. ta ate n Price* Fiorina. .Mia* Manner* Henpoct Hath..Mr. Whiting; Princeee Trontiaa... Mr* 1. . Tyrant.Mice i'nmr Tlnaei.Mr. Rin«ol4 MY NEI . iBOR'S \\ IKK. Mr. Sam at tot.Mr. Fetno Mit Somert.n... Mlai Harding Laura k EEi^^V^IETfEB. -In conae gjejaasea of tbe eu-clen an.) earare indisposition of M.*« LAUBA KEENE, the op- ulng ot Iba Theater it onavo it' y prutiraaed DE. CHF.ESEM AN's CERTIFICATE. I am* »awteat*d tt> tint Mm Keen* tbia morning, an<l find bar inhering «wer eat III y at body, winch h-i piea per'octnirg b'r or era at tlelnoator to oiala *n.l pribiVy f>r a tew deyito c me. JOHN C CHEESEMAN, .M D. New Vor» December tl. IW Seal* already tecot'd wilt be good for the op-ninx n't'it, ot which dee notice ¦ill be ttven, or tue inot.ey rclun^eu. t^ationäl^THEÄYlTl^ it ager and Proprietrr t ire'e 2"> eatttai Pit, |7J - lei OrebeetraCh .>!>*.'< e. nt- -I WO PEBFOR aTANLES..faiM AFf I RNOON. at 2 'clock, wll. ba pr rforwei: HahKY BURBBAtf. Ki L*B*.Mr J H A.>n; Mary .Mr* ft. «. Wilkln* Dai M.«* Rajen». After which MAGIC PILLS. Dandy Orit*'do..Mr O LF | C «<W«e.Mlat Haatra^ay TU IB) EVENING, at 7 o'eoek. BBI \W Hi IROIOMBj Dance y Mku noherti; THE MAGIC PILLS, aid EL HYPER. A1*i^kt«~^ht:at£b.-b«»xe8 and Par . . qaat, .VI aerate, family Circle SScanta; Stall*. *>1; rri¬ val* Boxaa, BS and 4.7 .Doora op-n at o clock, perrmnanco« BOtBaaeaae at7.-THIS EVENING will be peiformed: X. Y. /. Neddr Gray....Mr O Hoi'and l Maria.Mr*. ( ,t., ' P i-CA-HON-TAt. CapL Smith.Mr. tVaJoott I P i-Ca-Hnn-Tae...MI** T ¦.. THE 8ECRFT, OR A HOLE IN 1ME WALL. Moni. Dt pin*.Mr. Stewart Mad Dapiu*.Mr*. WaJeott arnum'" AMERICAN MUSEUlTl CHRISTkfA8 DAY, TTESOAV. Dec 18S5. GRAND VAR.RTY Or? BNTBRTAlNM CM ft}, e«s*ei*.ly suited t > the Holiday Sctaoir. PERFORMaNC-B EVgRY HOUR, stmaai, during the MORNING ,aF f ER NOON «ml EVXMIMO, the m'c-m Fairy Piece of fBE Kl -G OF THE ALPS, alraaJy pretentad to admixing thousand*; the celebrated, Mela- drama t f AMBROSE GWINF. TT, the famous paa*r>mtm»of DON JUAN; the laoghable f.rc« of THE GOOD FOR NOTHING, hi addition to SOSG". DANCES. Ac . a* wV.I a* the- PERFORMANCES IS THE LION'S DEN, BBverai time* in tbe day and aven:i.g, win e THE LIVING WILD BKASfa MAY BE SEEM AT ALL TIMK8. Adeolrtaoce ta i»i> «II. 2S epni*. Ch'ldren tiodar tao, eesta Parqaet and Kim BalouT l.'J csa**er'rv (2jrand or&torio of the MESSIAH, X CHRISTMAS PiioHT, Dae. 2s, by the NE V-YOttR HARMONIC BOv.Is.lY, at the Church of the Dirine Unity. MiS Rar. E H. f btp'i.'* i Broadway, near Prince-et. Soloa by tke .oDawtng em't.ent tesidaat talent: Ml** M 8. BftAlNERD, Mr. J. B. BF.UTTER, Mat. JAMIE80N. Mr. F. H. NAlH. UrnU. E. UAWLEY, Mr D. B BELL, with rail Orthettr* atd thora* of THKtE HUNDRED PEO- FORMBJi.a. OattiDt'CTot.Mr. GEO. t. BRtSTOW. ^ H. B..Tbe ChQtcb wtti bo brU.i'-ntly lighted up for tha osca- Tieket* SO oetta-to be had at the priccipal Muitc 8tore* aad M Ibieasiaaroai tt-a ettniog of peiformaoca Pyjwa.**** P-tfc' araooa to eo nm»ooe at 7 orac'eale. Utarattoe cor.tainim ttaa «mit of the Oietjito aud Muaic of Ike priacipaJ airs fc-r ee'e at ü. door. york HARMONIC SOUIETY. THIRD ANNUAL PERPUJtMANCa or rmm MESSIAH, CHRIS'MA« NIOHT. At tba ol the ItiOne Dalty, (TLe R. r. r CktaWfa.) H r i S 1 mas n I G*1i"t7^ ORAfORIO o( TrtP HXBB1AB, by tbe NEW-YORE HARM >NIC RO< l«-.TT. At tke Ohcreh of the Dirine Unl'.r, (the Bet. E. fl. CH 1- FIN'S I Too CLmi.h will ba brtiltntly l'^hteu up for tin oc- catlaw w jjkw. o I A T 0 R I 0 OS THB m P a 8 1 a H . CRR'BTMAS NIGHT, BV TM* HEW-TO AR HARMOXlt: SOCIETY._ m. oottschalk'" second piano JBA. PORTE BO RF.E-M-. OOT"<1 Ual.K laswfMi aim 11 * fit r rd Soiree er Dodwoitb'r Uoami .u FRIDAY EVI NINO, tea Habitat O- w*l. en th!* .m-iuion ho ru < ad byMeeere. HOFfMAN, Bl'RKE aud WE LB. Partiou.»:. .n rataua aoavounr. iwi..*. Farewell conckrt and positively LAST APPEARANCE af the BROTHER4 MG'.LE V- HAUER I* NF W-Y ORK..Tha Bru tur* M )LLENMAOER ¦rill glee ik*At Fe-- wl C rcott previ.>ar< to taeir departure I r Europa roTKl Hr DAY, Jan. S, 18 6, tl Dvds/artu'l .V-adoair, No. mm Bieaowat. A T u 1 N M V M. \\ A 00 K l Y n.- **. MIPS .A N MJ K IPINOLA, Hit. AMF.HICaN PRIM A DONNA, wilt riee he- *'f mt GRAND VOCAL AND INafRI MENTAL CON VRT Oa WRlsNESDik EVENING, Dec. 26 or wL.ctt j:: koi ehe «Iii e*-Ute t by tke fo ateyiag) amiueut arliaUi MaU. JAMESON, The Talented VajgwMatt MR A'TGMAJ, Harpist: HERR K kBli WEIsB. * ha Owieu- .tshel P,anl«t. SMajBll.f ¦ IIBaa To be hai at >N aLKi^II i MawM W -n. r*Jtea>-a*.; mars'* 8 B«v k-I r-, A iaitic* .; aad at tbedi^r aw tke raentt < o' the . oare>r'. Daote tpaa at " o'c oc» ; 'o comm i M a' a ("V~k E" a T p A n O R A 5 a M oi CtH/artlirtiT, ALTBain aid brcaior» | W-sfoTSB, BROAD.vat T/trif rh A"-AjE, CHRIaTMAS N'OktT BBCTMSEB .". Ana eoaftcie Even Nithf orl'ig hi IVaek. COL N I ' II f at I rn.- ta ereiy fe at expainedi tha old aid new uio'e of makia* uoentatfelt Bank-Nc-tea; tbe way tk« t»re* k.r. laot A e -i Bills are made; a So the manner to wrucu tbe '.lire* ku-d* of raieed Raak-Nil'* a - made LLCTURE DEL \KUDBVJOIN-. DTK. The Panorama coro-i an a-t a of i.nfap jr? f t o'iBtjvaa. Tt> at ale* tke ljat,i.:er ko ha- proc-.r. 1 a pr»r» aj;h as c.un- laarftitsrl oaa, and .j loaas biria w. I b- Btro.k un nvoia ilftaf. antbsnk*. wbid bj .> b . Je.. a ol 4 kaiateaatl a. fliRE'S OF » DMISSIU-«« «C caai a; lo ». t i a t ie .l^or. Dot'tOpen at 6", L c ure e. u.>ico> a'. ?| o . jCa. CONCERT t\tAJ ESTTV'AL will Leid Tu th#M. K.Caaucb.» a', on 0 4RI a r >! 44 NIG IT. Baa. JS, the bectb f iL-- aUnla> S A > L Cor- er tj cjrn- eawfaa U eWclock i 8upp r,7J Tickt'* cant-n o> uad at No. S.1 Gran* »t. at tno Paiiina,« '.- at 'So ioir. fc_J MAMMM.Sap.riLteaiaot. "ULCKLvy s 8EREÜADER8, No. tÜ9 Brairl. ^**y,MOHDAY EVENING. Tao M. Tha doiafoj Tray an-TartA* v}tLlK NR WD ni« DISAB. PERrOKMWirC *. Cknatma. Day. an AFTERN0 J ETKm?.:.^ b. brown DUfSSELDi >HE GAl.LEi: V. N.> Vj7 Brand^-T awntain. IM f lb. ten-m P l ( N I N. .s ~, ' aaklkaicn- Opa« DA Y aad EVPMX J. A LJt^J« REOPENING of tbe ort&tmtt* t^wriAK COLLECTGN, No. 6* Irovlwat, afth imp n»6t »!, waaa of Anti.ju'tl » now &n.ta.Be a, S ffwig ralaah!* Maa Battlallld o* ;.a Adrutsa.o., Sr^ITUALISM DI,moVSI'RATED..Mrs. CGAN.RappirgBBd W-,t'»g Teat Meuian. N> UM Gr et, a law dear* wea» of Broadway. Prita e »"Uiu|« daily fr a. a*. U I p at. atd 5 to < p. at PaWl« Otre'e* froti 3 fco i rauf tram I ADKMY OK MUSIC-Tht, OpBTB saaMe Jtithtatst of Hwoembar. af er .Can wica.pIine: .}f^^^l^^^^<^mfl ^ ree ° * »«"taatdaw«. Apjalcataou* to be tuaUe ta tha t At No. i East BroBdgfay (i^. U fckatti Tatv^.-a, C^.C^^ LkKJfZ, ajjfag *oraa aatd uadwa, Caa.kBiM and Walters. .awawwt«. To^|LlaTj»a. fJJjrRtv AYOUNO i.tDY of RlMmoV.niMtta rJotires ». . nlnii eal'BaCHKR «4 the PK»NCrt end f«ERMAN aM.1 AUl h and I'»»WI M1. Can aieo teach Jatta tnd tat Muh«* I- « -a c :«j cb«t if detvrad. Aidtsuo. a. hL, W trce*l- er.Maa*-_ A-H:i-i:N'l dMtriog i r:prm eniPtit it Natural Srtaac*. »od Lat'ng >be mot'a of delraiiog bit «er .oat1 axpeijw* mat »ootte aa «c*ei taaeoai po.i Ijo aa ASAISTaN T, by additrteu* Bol No, S,AJI Now-fork Ouy._ ONE THING NT1D1M L"To~»?very faoiil/ ia a »ood SI 1% AM 11 «y can rBaad at The Prjteettnt fco ptoiBM nt t dice, No. 1 Carruiae, n»»- "icwke'ee JOHN YOUNG, Area*. 4jthäw hat thimm SR3 WAN TED .Nona O but thoea wtio bate experience arr-d apply. A l.KI.A.NU A Cj No 171 Petr! at THK Sl'BSCRII.ER, lately In the Wholeiile X Comma* on Ba»» la Ollt, Ac, *a C nci-oati. on at* ou a account, * .»he« aa at g etreairuit »» BALK «MAN, or to any (.pacitv Or wb'ck a hu-'narea exper oice of many year* woaid .tu«lif'» hiiu. Refetence gives. Addreae H A. BICRNELI., Boa No S III Pee Office. IT P. SCHOOL AGENCY and TEACHERS' ) a UNION (im7). by F. H. fTICiCOX V SON. No. J*J Bioauwaj.A PiuineL llTBSfJPCCR at OM Pia Cr»T, with a »arkity tf orrieri on htcd; 6 Una all or J»r*, rtctnciet ¦aid aklSfMf>T rnicKROLSiaa. C'6»<k» are r*nsw*5ia aad Uaaafa * ie, iunrirjg tuccee* Ii not firm Ttn ni in' Mi true aad CMRtaroaoBJici Dailt, 'to a in. 1 to I o'clock, »ttttini many at hut aatl. No charie to Pupli*. ^_ VVAN'lED.In a Law Offire, an intelligent TT LAD, of I* or M yeiriof »re, wbo errite« a good hind tod la doir. ot-tod-.iti! I»w. Ad lie* Box No 3 4.» Puit-Office. ia Iba bandwii Uf dt the app.lcant, f tii^g «g» Ac_ ff/ANTI >> LMMI DIATELY.A Lady compe- f I tent to 'eke t-e entire ohi'ko of an »it»b'l«bmtf.t where HDIKVand CBILDtlN'S t.AR O.M i are MaDB. Oaa poaerieei) ri mm t u ty and eicaiieae* may apply Or two Jay* iteOiei2o c!cck,M No 71 l'thtt ?" Smrirca fox LBneinm itUn. AFOUNDEEY, do'.og a good retail and wbiile- aale ksaktaaa, for HALE eheip. Order» for C-itingi pioa.ptly attendee to. Ar>p>y et the beieiu-ot of No. Mey ir New-Ytrik, or a the Fotmdery, No. dM Main i'. Pongi. koepe.e._L. M. ARNOLD. AGRICl'LTl'RAL IMPLEMENTS, SEEDS, HOUfcE-FURNlSHlNU OOODs. ant Ha RD VARE.. An eatabliiomont with a trade of »*j,tH' a ?ei .which may bt Inoennitely mrreseed.In one of too meet iloumbiug ioiaad dtiei ol tu« Btata. U »Od BALE. Stock on baod, il-oat *9.Ct'. will be »o!d for a dttcounL Ad l'«>ii AGRICULTURAL STORE, Trilruna Ofliea._ I^OR SALE.An old-eBtabÜHbtNl CONFtC- tlONERYano ICE-CKEAM IdLOON ion rttKrHY, hi. In ptt'eci p.-d- r aad ot ing a food t o.;i.'<i on one of the principil thoou«l.f»iei 1 Bonk tn I'ceee» i ra (tlv-n taitnscJ- atth. Applt to HOMK.R MOR »AI, FtBOOt,. No. 3 Matropo lt»n Hack Bui FOR SALE.A STEAMSHIP of about Ü)00 ton, bice Lever M&iine Engine; eapacl'y Or 2,500 bt. j. freight, and »eeomrneflatiriw for If 0 Milt c am ;-.<.»ng.r» fba Ship Ii in pcrfrsc. order ard rea"y for ant vc>»«*e efOI KuRO, TiLUSTON i Co , No. Broadwiy, coiutr Moim at «W IIIIUII. -TO CAPITaLISTS-Want .iT .Il/iUUVi ad. a PAKTNER,ipe*r<al or artiin» with a cub. capital of *>40 '<(. to invo«t loan eitecilve I'M Minn faetuilog Butlneai. new n»\ ing a large peroeottg* on the capital biveittd, (fi.efto) ana capable of being Increieed wi'h us- dnubted ncur.ty to an el mo, t amitnitad eit»ut Partie» klftel the above amount in caah wiil iiod fee opportun!Uea In the reg- nlar chanral' ol lu.ineai that tier grealet luducemeou for ip«r- m'Dfnt it.voatu.ent. No propieitloo wiil ba emertained an.eaa eniinag irora thoee baaing ti e amount of caah req .lred, ani u doubtad leference. Com ranlcttuoa, ttiot y cor.baontll, raiy be addrtaaBdtoCAflTAL.Bcx No.4,l!f7 ftew-York Poit Offico. $U\ iUU\ .WANTED, two PARTNERS A " /"/" 'e with tag abrve a-nouti', to take Ii* in n- .geinmt'lan e.-a .. aed aro6t»bie MANl.'PACTURI *G BL'SINEe-S, nt w owoed aid carried on by leapoaatble p»' iti hi tili City A monopoly ercurtd by a ptteot. A aalary of ft:?.'i<Ouid a qtiOTter iat«re»t lecurtd to each by Invest Mat. Addreee MAM r AC1 URER. Box No. Poit Ofllja. to Wham it ftlay tvtuttn. ADVEhTlSEMENTS üiserted in the beat New*] paper* of city aed rcmntry (Ea«t, tVoat, North, and loacti, at V. B. PALMER'S Adveitiiirg Agency, T.-ibcne Building« OG for 8aLE.A superior WaTcH DOfiTf the St. Brtnard breed, ncaurp****d for ¦ oo'iatry raatdene* ot farm, lnquite at No. 3bo SUotoa-it. JOBN HtVRT, native of l ungorn, Cuunty CelV, Iielfud. wou'd tbatktu'ly rvce-.v* acoount. f kia m « MARY HART, at Rockaway. MaaUCoLity, New Jeracy. TO PHY*I< 1ANS.A youDK Lad> would like to atndy Mediciee with a we l-educated: prvrtloirg Pin ¦ieiar. Wcu c act ai Honieki eper 11 lmlr«d, being thor <ng .y qntiibed. A.'diea*. *ta log term*, STl DENT, Herald Orfjx> '1 in beit et n It k no « p.m. ÖnpHYSICIÄNS..'Ike Undtralnned oflevr* bia aarvieoa to ef "»ige practic;, who aaad their bLU i*arl*. for tbe L'oli.rti'n of the earae H.eeioii.m i anarf rtymi^im.-m .rate* «..¦»*!.«. HIAM I* hi, aNCIIBT, No. «?*)6,h av. OfBee kt a-a, bt fere 10 s. m. Atd »ftor < p. ra. 1THE AGENT Hrt tikt 8bJ« oftM Eikftiw. I^ImI kiaMl ol ARNELL> BBICh-MAKIN(j MACHINE Uo beit MatUif.o in ' ae, tt ay be (oeo. togetber «'.th tbe Modal, at Lovijoj'* Hotel. New-Yo'k. Promj* Attoofoa gi*er to »17 coDirouiiiiatioo audib*>ei to tb» Ate» t, 8. I*. MAT HE WS, Lovr.jc Hotoc. ma lam » ni.i ..iBMiM.r.iw.infi riarn ¦ im. Iii iii ia LL';UtU UU6 faOOUIw BOARDING. Either transient >r r^rmaaeot, f rr Fsmi'te* and alagie Oentlemen, at No*. 5j. *l ai.t 50 Ice ray-*t. Dumor at 1 at d 3 p m. EMGANTLY FURNlHdED ROOMS in a pri- n.'i II ute. A few Oentleaac or irrtii f'tmi i-t oan ke aectn tcoc tet wito an (legaiitit faxl-bad Kront Aoorn 'b» third Oooi it A4 ifl, aod aou Btbk Rom oa the *eeon4 flier at elpet k, Ii Ciii'uj ga*. bot tad otJrl w-ter n h»ro:mt Board,! any dei'im. te ted rrtt'^iy c*oo.< refarsaaa« lolitl Inqnii* at No k8> bth av hetwecs 17.b aad IMAatf KTlOMtS and ROAKD..An exteoaion ROOM on theflr»t floor, or a PARLOk at I » fcl)K'JO M oa tke aeo- Deo (tc-ry tray n'w b* cbtalaed, aith BO A til, at Not. si tad kl l all Ü it. A to, a fewRo tu< for Sicg'e O murinen. HE GLOBE HOTEL, corner of Frankfort and X WTTIIgail *U htvlcg e-r, eora; ateiy renovated It now p.ej »ib.i to fuj. lab au.t.t Rot ratat J*- ace i*«a «f per dtyj at g.u d Pociina or ratuilie*. Porter* up to tux the nigtt. Meala a. n'e.l tt all k.Dr*. tjoU^t'3 tO iUt. STtAM-rc-WER to LET..Several #niar. iigbtod BOciMS, wi'Ji . eady p wer. Ir tie tai dtij ooroot *f tie. -1 aao Bl talotO-eta A at tc bal «, N c.:.* .l üid-aC aod Lt-at. R-o» »i-ry raodtnat* » p*Ta»2«at t*a».'ta. Ap p'y at Nu. 21 ä Pear -»t, (cp tWJu )_T ttOHTOM. QIBADT STEAM POWER to LET.-Latg« 0 Ro weil lg"*d ir 'ha b iok b»> lieg N.v ,1« \. a:»r at , be'we Pike a: d Rutg ¦» tape. It quo, iiorr. TO LEI .The large o itory briek STORE cor 1 er cf Hii«*r« and Ct»H »alt Ortatrly xcvplt.1 a* » Oi- nltote »t ire. App". at No 3e vYoeti&fiti* ttt ijoutco anb far me ÖJimteb. I.'Al.M WANTED..The :f..le.r^'t£'-)f.d IfafM tf La***,*kththe piivoeg* of pu cl»i* tt k*tatala*io*, » I*rrai l yt) to M> *rr>*. with iroa bou*« aad out-tiul J rga, lor tbe pu'p ae of e-ttb'ieh'ng a Farm bcboci. It tbocU b- withi* t ne or two hcutt cd Htw-Vo k with at'.y acte*, by '»I road or .: 1.11 ootl app tca'ioa^mty be a;»de by lettett to -i'h«: of th* . et c ibtll at The W rtlo* Pvrct.- ÜB00 No. ltd K^ltor. a. HhtiRY C. VAIL { n«,r l r. A.,i.a - 1.1. HB AJ.COTT, I *>aB)Jauthtf AdriBJUBiUU Real CtHat« toi 6«iJ.«. ACt .MFOKTABLE COTTAGM for $^..0.Con tii'. ng 'oor crfi.s rtoonur A'iib 'A'e aew.y wadt plat t ot'ege etn be c nt at a: d t-kro Joer wi b 11 jorj tJ tt* mt'-rta't, »itb .ittle t.ocM* or 'ipe *e> «ad trttaper td «, ettlh **r betaaaT »ood* tu »otive mac trtio c-niy a cratll sept 1 can w th tMa u etc'. »^d -tch w». fed tcrestlon. 9»«ily cloaj firm *."10 to »? '.<d per aaanta. AdAre** j. ftTi (iERaLD, Hex No 3^»: Peet <JH ce, Hew Vor«. (^Hr'-VPI^T H(ilM >in iNew-Yu:kor ßro-tk- J lyn fort'ASHor HaLP CAS'J-A gcol 1 ttary Vick Hoo*o, p!«*e«jiL eil a tee 1 BAtJ tb* fer-v in 8r oajvn »S Vf woitheV4" A ,rifk f-uba*t* vCUot, f,ec f)4o*. Ic- ijotre of J P. TOeAN.^END. No » Nt-na at. FWRM Ft «R >ALE.For $l!,i.X)0 C»kh.. .0 ex old.etiLd FARM of It* aoret with I at lit ft, Orrthard, Ac iVtni H mtlea fr i* Naw-Tork. ta tkit State If ab ll* Ocim a rai: "a* r-ni vi..tgt, tad liv* in lie* fco-n * Hu'.otHRi.. - Airy to CHARLYS W FüRDHAM. No 7 \\ M. t, 'l O:o N pOR SALE- One 0/ those rerv (kairtbleniafcS- I 0*V 15*3 aa».'caTar-»e*, Watt 31 at .totes Kory *.! Mitt, furtxer, ga*, Ra, Itqt"i co tt* preadaaa, No. ;i Loadta rr»cc. PcaKaaoc .*.-() ta a* Sprig. F~OR SALE, or EXCHANGE for WESTERN LANDS.Ab Citgant robaewit.wly be t Ht'UsK la of Brooklyn It qtilra of L. A HO tCU RISB, Zlr Knud way. EH>fi SALE or I XOHANGE for CITY PROP- 1 >RTY-A oaVa FARM, ot a aaaottfc' c**»fy Hn DtNCfc, io tLa Vlllaaa af Jarxaiet, okea ta the rat*«, tret- .»t* isn'-tiuunu. abatdaoee ef Fruit at* W arei. ltd . with tioai if to HO acrM of Lud. aaaiy to <»F'» COO. IN » c* "»Irrruiia.ui yt'M. w MC* LS B*. T Naatan at pOR 8&LE or TO LET-Ths ^ ITT HOTEL. cut 5Wg**> ««. eorear A BroU aal WLaaaaaek*.. fa* ta.) .aailiaat aaU^-. H k»a Urg* ape ¦¦laapart eai «aatapl«. « tJLOM««A»t>sjj Fw ttrer.1 taap'g- rT\EE DlJIOa CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 coMPAirr it iov riirtuo ro BB1A »raa two rtftJMi <>* teat* .r ititcraa PKaIAUK, FARM and WOOD luAKDta. it. tracts or ab a< Krs a <i> cp*aro, Tu «all pu '>»»»ri. ...» . a> i rata» '.r ^K«f am Tbef war« arajaied kf thi Go>». w> anraaraaa the reading of tkvs Railroad, w'rmn rasa ft <= th* aittwce »Orth to ibe emtrene aoatn of th* Hut. of 1,' it peaae* frc a> «a<* to ana, '.broug1-. tb» ticker t,d m.»* fr».,,. »T«ir«a» of toe Uta a totted b>i» and thai a wi t r.egr4e~Mi <»a* Geoeee T * te- eett eaeniir of nearly f*r mi.»e of teX i )*4 tarier» opa* tin taaeU for eaJtieaticc lltey tr» eee/te-ed drccn oaa to*l'Uaa tiliee tm 'f' »1 it- of H. '»-.-"legh. feg et 'u« ewgtk- Tt>e toll la a dark, rich rrmg, free» on*, to 8»e **»' Ir aawjta, ¦ leaf a roiling end peaajtkarjp 5- rT (or grutzg tattle ar I abeep ana the euitrrttion of waeat, ltd'an tort, ke The ftrat crop of Itdita eort p tatea at "** new:y inta .-*r-» canal.7 p»ya the are* A p!aaing ar.4 toaatua* Wheat aoart otnew tarred ac-t m eure t, y . c rert large prod-a One d an w!tb t piow raad twi y >*e IM m* mm t t.alM j two acie* par day. CoeaaeU car. made f a break, tax, ready for com or wa'*r, at Ai tr. p2 ft per acre. By yn .1 aioo* c aragrmeot farm* may b. btotrr «i fwtef the n-*t aad otidei sloth **** of oultlratJ.-r the- *«ccc4 .**> . The lartar ylalion lb* eoeitlattv.* af Ui n.n.o"* hl/a pnted laoJele the faetero avud ktiaote Stet** 'j In.« Ii w mi^ab store than »riflioir.m to pay the difference of tractportuica u. the t art-wr. market. Toe rapid ii.s.»*ae am! growth of flotrUh- lag tr wn» and *iHa<** a'ang it* Lea of thai ijtd aaVi a grow- tut bome r. fair t.rj. 1 It, ¦_. CJoai and wocx" are delivered along the raed tt iiferaxt P'dafJ, at f-oiu $1 & to mi the cord or taa- Perttre hat*o| in »>w Iowa. Kar»**, Nebr*»**. <* Manse** .or torb roture rion>eeeiv.u!-i .at* into c- deraiioti thtl th* aoostrr w*M o< tie Vunie«ippl tt daeti'ai* of rulroartJ, ttat the eooreru'ceea e'tretwro.titie gi>M ezd praioaa fr m farm* 00 thelma of the 11 ir.oU ( rntral Re>>o*d. dlTect toth- graal Eaaterr. market Ueumcieat of Has f to p*y the m»eey/i»»l et rnar. *)!. ta *I6 p«i aere bighet thtn in gir?mmen« "uiJj it Iowa, la attear wiade. that it eoeta ac onck more u> *** prod aae froen f*e Oberlar of t»ie ec-ini*7 wet: of the Ml*^«dpp- U the t».»»t-m rnerket that th- fa.-, er en bed tt natS mire pro- ertahte Ir loaate on the :tr.a of trite ra'lroad ri'cc tao t»«.«s or tArmtwr. The pnoe wil' aary frarr g>5 to act aMiay to loaatkte, gnairry aa. Crcrrteti for dieai traj ka made daring tno year (aW. *dpn>attiii tha parthaa« mom>y ti be paid inO»e annual tt*tel.raatr*.tbe ftifrt to oejetc» cne .t tw-> y»t« fron, dai* of MtiUut the otber* irjnal' 'herriirlar fee taat paynceoi wffl bee me dot at the and of the, gUtt year from date oi ooiitr»u. Ryli.a*Maacti9noft>.(> Ac* of** Leraattare. eporored vt» febroa-t, lSftl. thee* le^dj are free from ttxatian until tha* are paid far and a deed of gTtn^l '0 the parc'aat»r. tarrcttT wit-t >a catanto *t j*i.t two ».» c««t *i» antat. At a taaarity for the petaaraaatiee 'A tba eantiaat. r*e flrat two year** In threat mart be paid it adranca l«t it mitt an- 4erefH/l thai one-tanLb of the itnt pi^cbeaa'*aal'y-arly »» brought cuter ealdratlou. Looter ere»'lt* at tit paieeat per annum mt) be nagoot'el hy *pef<«i appheatvoB Twenty taa: tart fron. U> credit pric* wt' be dedariad *af eaah, In waiok ease he «"00 pany** f.onat.ut ion V.nlt arl be re«el»»d aacaaa. It ie be leeed tb»t the p iee lora rre at e-<> low rttaaof in- enaw ebarr>d for Lbeee lande, wU< acacia a isan with a '*« hnn-imci c. yilara en eaah, and oro'^i-y 'rd^afy, to make himee'' inoepeirfirtit btforeail tb* pvebaaa m.t.e; raa-^iie*due Mean mm* the rente eeUleenan' t inec3t.-.;f a il'p hare lp ereaaet' treir raiua four m fir* r j 1 v'fc.n retrnirod an eti e- rierce"" pcr*->r w.ii aceoirpaca ap3^:tLt« to g:ra InfonnVi^* anal ft ui ae.acting laiica. ..< PtBta.thoanng tdta :¦...» ijcatlaa sf (ha ianlt t irongk xu iti etat* tr ay be aaei. at :ba jif.t 8a>ai) pocket Plat*, at a guide to any part of the. aoxpvy** I an it, tad Pampb'at, toi.ti.ti'tig intnrartirig ttf <-r,»tto'., tec mptr.ud by aacneroot lefRert tUJM tt»p'.cu%o.-> firmer* thrjugfijut the dt*u>. maj he haV en app'ka.ijc a1 th* i th^a of the Cotupaay, No 5? ktlujJ get-*-.. Chrtfc. CBA&LKS M DU PUY, Ja., T and Ageut I l >!» Ceaeraa,' Rallr .ad Ctuaatii W'EST 1 i TH-BT ,Dt>ar5 FH-AV . EOR SALE, Tt a URO AN STONE PR NT KOrR-aPfiRY fl.JDiE, OQ b let lee»f d fr a 'ha " So r ^ler E»'*» .' for i.1 j»a'i, with two renew* . of .1 year* steh et * groted rett of oa j »41 par BBMB3. Ir t ba K3 3 , baeae £5 bj 6»; firat ft -ot 2> by 71. Tbl» bona» wM bant lec-Lt1» la tre but uianofr, wl .h a'l uiid- e*t in p'etement* »ii : marble mantiea b^aca-walnat «tti t, >>a ta. water r oiet*. »peakieg taue, i j a-ei't b-at 'aroaca, mar- b e tHeieg on 6r*t atrry ha Peaeenim t r n immedia'e y, or on the firrt dt; rf Mat .er: Wl' be ao 1 chttp. Ii »ppited for scoc Eor further gartictltt »rp. to BaSER A 1VZIX8, Na. 6 P ne at IrjrirnrlifrrL. BOOKKEEPIVO, WRITING and ARTTüME- TiC-.'OI.BEAh'H AOADFMY. No. G09 Botdwa .- 8 ur1»rl» are t WMiirg at * Bookkeeping p-antlca ly, on a aew plan, wfcltb »ate* ha f tea tine an" money raqaired bt f. < .leVogj »yatoto» Cet'imaabe ggftajll .. VVKJNESDAY, at low teiai». ard tb* itaioaa i»k-i at p'.eatuie. FRENCH anrj CLA-SSICAL mSTITUTE fur YOT NO GENTtEMFN (Sparjh ai.4 O-rmaa Lan¬ guage,) Nj *t> Eitt S4ti »'.., j.ani H Peatnet'e ächool). KLIS CKaRL'ER. FAMILY SCDf/OI. ijAMfattiUtE, MASS.- AMBRf 5E V\EI.I.|N. I*ON btU prep^a Yoarh« f>r Co» l-*ge tkarcUa öe »eboo or u . C >ni log-' o.a ll«'efer» tott» rolloali* patrotu of h:a icktol I WC. Grien Eeq.. in ha., New-iork i lion. J. G. PaUrey. H c J C. Gray, loo R. C. Winthrop, P.cC H. W L^gM aa, Prof U L. Eaa.i*. CjJ(»Vl.i»NtS8..A jnupg Lkdy who in compe- " tent to etebtbe Eng tth c-arc*-»«. wi>be» a «itaatijn aa l&ACtiER la b piiaats f r Adtrer* M. f.,Ttibauo OPdc-. i^IiuECT""BOAKDLTiO 8CHOOL for BOfS. O -j _.ith «f M ddiwr. Ct R. ät. BECtR'A iTa,Pr<ae;f».. TMtfc CLASSICAL GYMNASIUM, Bible Houbb, J Aatorpaoe J. 9. BlNGHAM, Ree'or. a Day u-.. aea>oo- of tb* ftrat-e aee. lo tara depa'taaaa.te reee-aäa* tw-n-y roya-ack. Iba etudtee beglatleg wltk tha »ietnenta,e-i^rao« the cist imporect fc g iah et.- te» Mat .amatic«, 'lencb, i, Uraek, Bo. k kaassasia. 0.aasia(. anü Meuae4 of Ar..... rfc« H«iinolra.vta Saas ailla sa.Ha.1 peai»lon ttarn ro'Xjf Tt et the pupile. Pt.-at*» wl t ieelrt iheir s.:t boi». .(.!.. ml .«¦ trrr« aas to peermr l'a s^me.h". t ein bare be «a ished No Put* tra tpar-.d tc make tet ael >.« :r>.e best ^n IhM coottaent hart tr> n m severt. vtet: :.¦ * 1 'Hl blCOND TERM of Mn J. T. btSt- l lCr'B eioar irg »ni Ott f C30OLfo. Yontt Ladleieonv menrae Ja r 'A. No 4 W>i; tfl't et., .V d.-ot fron "ah st IQfl BROADWAY itrd at 277 EULTON- ? »Aw/Yl RTRIKT.RRt OKLk N -The csdrratgeed wi 1 rf c»iv i ucili aa 'y Per Blast r. a-parata tc-fui'l .r. is PE.N- MaNkliiP, b i h a > I a'd a-ITUBlEriC. (.LIVER B. OOLDSM1TH. ADODWORTB'* PRIVATE DANCING » ACAD2M1KS- Po. BW Bnalaray, Nrw »ort, Nc 13" M Bl ga v ./v», S.c tire, are tu» open for tha setson. l'upi.* ata sramanr? tt any Urne Clttanan, atp'ainli4 Lina ait ker«* «as b* 2*4 at tne A«adV'miaa> TBE second QUASTER of Mra LAV- NAY M DA»»CINO rClfc.OL at Montague Hall, Cour'- »' Brat k ya. will 3p>a .u lae td Da Jacu.. > «r.eo Mr* i. \S NAY whl m itady o reo ire new oaipil*. Laet.-a* on w'»Ju"*> dtyt a: It o ce», na Sai irday. et 3 o'clock E CHICKEF.ING ' iBt etoc) anrivaleJ Piaooa, '. BlNfakTT & C..'.OBTLRBTIAL PlAtOS, M- odaoiat. a-t'-.t1 (eet.ajceaaa ef il la*d* a-i Ma le »js aale a. great . h. AP H1'>.»^S lit MX' BeoeJara», N. Y. ka Ä UHAhl) eia^o.Of aar.a«rior Dine, coat y «. »Iii ha «öl4 fi* A -> -nv-i, S I jd 'JJUfa. N.. ."TT B-Bed arap. A GBAND D'agonal Rosswcod ? octsvt- PIANO- f RYE io tl-gaot Ca*e, by b>at tatier: e )»t ?*,=>« he« uaec a tea- rx«. b«. V-11 te-j d fet «SM1. th»o»cer.*a Ar 1 jrop» In a tew day*. Ca* kr ?»»« at No 1 .'I Ves. TM at. fiat It i I j i >k AC07>i 4l RaVx-N hBTB, 1a ».Lwttiüt'ttce. oi tie »Af«CJ' tJ Can*! . RXMOa ED iba^r Piaa^Porta B RtgjrgsX *. ta Bf 'M D.-..:.»; . ».. t >.k aw of way Pkej tfl m tua- *i»ol» aod t**a pab '.t an a*4eej*Jvi atwsvt- Baan- -A PlANC-rt.Rn.9. wkiv.\J '.: irarj raapaot. GEE AT QI7B0VEMENT8 'jd plano r .PTf.a -Maaara. LlOSTi, rtK'A-TOI A BRAkt t- :p .-> I.% <a.i s.-. i - -i| -t i.l* (an* atucoaa k BaairPllMI PORTI», ttj.-.-ä «rl &. pve-.t aRCA wtFfrV ?LANR, sHick 'a and .ib'ed'i tka m at vsKsUata- ta»a«"'»etneit e-r-e- iv^.äme«! Ir'-; th** p^clar 1r.«uani*T't. (^KEATbcVCaii'.Ci .: PlAnO<».-OB atciKiot M ti *i;*eea* tut be »c.i Ttils WEjrjr; to c'oaa tna »«n- C»rc «* t»« '.< it' * oil latatrapteit* leas a each thai tt.- ib at or a rrlce* ttusnri; *y ;te S-«t rnak-ra; pf r Hs t tc-.-t u', f*-.i at.-etMi ; tl N s.< Welkte: , bjw Mctl frtta 3rta-»ta._W. QSBQRNE k a" aAI^-TiTn B».\S iri^'^y^fhTtiZ^ 1 MCeflllBIB N BMCea u *CMa -aa» ae «uitc \ .--»«ea».rttn«; t i<f tr-.e*r se.abrV»! HAPM. la flak and Or- tataaot ti C'aaa* water at tad oo a ar^urpaattd le «raaju si ».->fttw i¦' t.-a>a e-»iaa>l ce^.L< :*.***;* :t/ia» ba ««ataaa. JLAC AOTA tt «Ar: t'M'HALL, Maoufv5»ir * -.t re Irr PIAS ,-PORTES. P'^aoi to l*t, an 1 t. k N> .'. a -ice. at _ piANCS MEI ODFINS and MUSIC- Of»7a * tnVr for Hol'itfa-BlORACP »AfERS. No. Sid . . tv axay Ag Bt f r tta **Is c«Jka beat Beaton »cd New-fork riANQS srtfMEL"DRGNb.c* . U*a a: l-. p ..e. t- aa at krfe" kaeara. and tta B0RA(;R *>ATfcaJ aatalogua of M'tlC at half pr'j* daring U* Ujldtyt Naaür be ^4 Botksof ai.fttad Mtt-j at >3_ I>¥fMIUM PlA»0»-SCHUlkTZE A LU- I D(».PP N? 4». B.-radwar at»ira, »al-.jit a'tea aloe to t i< mm a «I af pr-rj,:.-ei P'ANO-POatEtJ whl ;h are war ranuaa -ttrt nva ot; aal, a* aa mdraee of 'aelr eteatlaeea, iatri rrea-.e-i t'e flat -rltg efpta-ai tf the folljwiag artktu M-» Ac>- IfgBM fmjt Jati'ea try; Aaguet 'Hegel. TgjlbTst & co.i magnificent a ?lAf.()8-A ra te-.» ,u*t raaeleel Purebeaere ajo t.4 ao'. faU r fail ace ea 'k«ta rr iremee. In thaee c»ie- ktatea la/. BaTafAta Tee o xt f*ro ataa tar as cffer.d aad par fcjt «aiwafact-:.* p.-jmiaa* ME MATH». WS, Bo'e Ag»nt N> »18 ""¦?dway.ejraat of Ceaei *L 7 OCTAVÄ PfAMO-FCRTE mad* bj Brooka, I . PCR SALE- m-d» te o dar, «td tret BkNJ-lor BjHe), ose.* i rich trte.*a a *«l>j to th* teat tf tt r p-oteaasr af maa o, ra-awa-d BBd tlagsa ly *el»hed with tt e*. A*ply at No >*i »iL er c. ar 171» Bt M foe daya Tk* waxrtatae ac toa pan a* 'A* Mat a Cm ¦* m WOODWARD, igajÄ-üwtMW aad t «aalwaka WROtiB* IRON PIPER envl l^kaktaw of aS tJa>\*«a Bowaea ,»*v Baa k a -f B^-n«ai«aJ&.wa>a wwadal fr,«. Bf T Bate and paitU trm\hZ» kaawad by . ^Ä.'Ä3l»r^r,S-- KkW at kaaad a- i\'AMKl>-T»o (,0.-1 8CREW f I Wn ler t> th«. »r.d rHf-SS rL»TE» if ibxy h»v» thrm. Apply t. r H>Fi v W Job» ft, New Yott._ Tniiun. öuirttTjutc aiib Iron ADIRONDACK P.'O IRON, for Cm 9fi\mUmiki rr. bake* sutvNt few Mi« by «_»e»i of 'Im «Ulru»«a*h ir«Co««««y iohnW UOINCT No. t\ Wili'tm-tc, eorae. 99 »"»cv aÖOäL HODSj Shovrla, Hitters %n3», V/ FllX IRONS «ixl STAN US. m. 11. i* k . Hiiut SmSMn fc« PCIENTTFIC GRIIIP.ON* frr St~v»e »xd Rai ge*. f r «»le bT CHaS n. LITTLE No» ¦ an*»* it GAS~I-iXiUREH-OAS FIXTURES. A< JaMFS (i M 'FK*"r. No* M<i»»r II. Prloeeit., »l*w-»o:k, T kr*l f'o:k we.t of rfroedw**, Rr-fnrc» h'» »b*r»f lor tr* p»tr ruf* of hi* M-cdt »nd lb* pibi'e.wV r»*pe-ttn>'y rain ihtlx *U-.« tan to to r.n exi*a*ive 11 fi e.- **ot »»o'tm-nt of _ __ ( IIA l>F Lit K v ¦BACKETS, Pf. * PANTS BANT. F. ORf-AMENTi am' MoV aBLF. READING f:D«irA s. Tb» *V ve betni roirjf'etar-c ro tb» ptimiwi b* t* eca-led 10 tfl-t '-bars *t cub cheaper r*t«* lb** tOoy cm ba purchased for elaeefrra. OAS-PIPE 'n» rt 'b« »>ort»it notie«. N. B .CHaNuELIf.RS etc. Braated or Begtit_ HUDSON PiO^RON^No. I Extra, Nos 1. S Th* No. I Fxtr* wfll mil aame eweo er»! «ur>-ri<iT fir .AI porpoee* tt. Sattel Pig, JoHN W. QUINCY. No. » WT. l!*ro-«t, oot. Plaut. Afaoi Hodanc Iron Cotnpsny._ I^TE~WÖ^.T8~TOO^ (hi Jh»t- J hem**.. Near-York..It ce r-aeqi'to" of tb* death o' the l»'e Ptooil't*r, fHOMAS JA« CS WOOD, th» »<aain-ee la n > liea.r renaecUfl it.'tie oama hating acid SaatfJJ Mr. H F. PalRBANK MAR» JANE YOKE Wv.UJ. Et-.j:r;t of 1 LlOjU Jaiai ¦ Wood, de.t ae.1. AMPJS A >01V* SHOVELS and Ni ADiih- . For **Je »y JOHN UCJINCY No W 0VHit»m-*t, 0 RAILROAD I B 01.- l.nor but WE LÜH IRON.* 1 U the yard, bow la boaA. ALSO: tarn WELSH IRON, « tf to the yard, la *tora end u arrive Far*«j*by CLARK A JESfJP, N , T Beaver at SHEET LEAD siid LI AD LIPE.At Haaufac tanrt'rrieeo ry HI TCHEK k RF.AD, 2>2 tv*tir-vt. SCOTCH PIG IRUN..Hundred tuna No. 1 _ Oa/uherrri. and »W tab* mixed nambera bar. P-g Iroa h> ever* and laua.ig foi *»:- b> bpo»tAkI) riLP.HTON A Co. No » Sroe/tw»*. WniF BOPB of ev»>ry aite, atntflRth mid de«p»* of ÜeaiblStT, from oo^eighth meb diameter nparard. f«* koiatlng. Stayi. *.*' Ft***!* b* CHAS. W. OOl'ELAND, N". M Broadway aa»J»»»»Hawa»ama»»»^^ fumilnre. PTRNITURE for fiftLE.- About $0 t'.OO worth of Fun nor*, oew l»it Spring, wll be *o<d for Ca*a or »tirtrtiy uceacumbrrtd He«l k,t-te '1 h Honee la ia a Terr ria*>le Ircad'y, Dear Maci*rn . »uare, aod will be let or aold, 'f t'-ror. ha er deafer. Po*aea*too at onee. Adctrea* Bos No* 4 2 1 Oenerel I'. ei-Offc* fTfTrrlnoton .enameled cot- a TAUF and t.HAMBF.R K rn v 11 x 1 »' th* Manufac¬ tory and W aierocmf .'< < 4ti aid 4* Wooatar at. iXcio-gork t£itTj Onatncei CDiretixnTj THE FOLlLOWTN'O list consists of promi a**t Hooaea 1c each line of Biuine** : DRY OOODS. A rar r lerer, and Ion Ign Hflka. 10WKN, McNAMEE k Co., (Impt*. ¦ Jobbera)!ll*Brcadwaj Brrila V\ mil MaTibrolrtery NMka. Frlnte*. («1mps Battoo*. I.aiitei' Dkm "Trimming*, Oold and Silver AnRv'a For Regalraa. KOHLSAAT BROS., (Importen arid Jobber*) No. 4S Jnhn aw (.rntlriiHii'- l urnl-hlna tomrla. J. AI. DAVIES. JON ES A Co., (I mpta. A Maof*.) 23 Warren -ax Anii-rirpn Limp* Slid (.(ib Fixtures DIETZ UtO * Co.. (M»nufa)...No I... vi,. ,.. ... .. r.. A rtlfli Flut»i und Fealbpra, new att lot. J AM i TUCKER. Ilmporter an.'. Wholoaale lMalera) No. » Broadway. Bridal Wreetlw for the Muxloa Dratlat. Dr. CHAS. A. PECR.No. 443 Breatiway Doom Hitahi-b an'l HIlnrlB. N. P R1MBALL. (Wholeaai* and KetsU) No '8 B*«tm»n-*t i:»i«ru t rr- (Wood.) W. ROWLAND. No. Broadtray, I <loor above Ar.or Route. Kntcliah L'ntlrry. Pili*« Havra and Tool*. HABf»RFA\ FS, SMITH fc fJo., Miauufactu/er* lEttgUad). No. a Cllff at. Prrorh vVlnaow (Haaa. I. H. foil.MIS A Ca. (Importen).No. 34 Barclay-**. Prrnrh and (vrrnuta Baaketa, dtr. CHAS. ZJNN A Co. (Importarj V Mtadeo-lane k 31 I., t ..,.*» (*rat<> and Prnder AfrAkera. (VM. .i- JACRSON. (finrorly W. t N. Jackaoo k Son*,) No B9 RmadwaT. I <loor above I9tb *t. Hardvaar*), t un. > Kdae Teola. See. .HOB Util ULAS.t (Maoufacturei and OoaJer). No I Platt at. I rot. MnaU Arc. ¦ rNTINO a ItlN til ...a . >.No.eoWaUet, Boat ana Oar Bazaar. From '.00 to V->- Boata »lw»ya on html A liberal dlacoeint t* BhatS who buy to sell Main.. INQERSOLL'S, 290 Southat Llcbtalna K*>rto. .vt. «¦ iMH>'.N urtle-. i.' K J7:b at. and ll9N*e»r,«et LiOlt MAM FACTt RINO Co.. Otlr . Pateat Al*j, Copper Rod* far Ship*. Agenu wanted.No. 11 Oold *L LiihoBTHPhi'nt. I3F.O. HAYWARP.No. 120 Wstereat Paina». O.i. A-r. RA YNOLDS, DEVOE k Co.No*, ine an l in« Fuiton-at, i'iaprtr Warrhoian. CYRL'S W. FIELD A Co., (Wboiee»V UeeJen) No. M CliF-Bt Paper In Holla and lUaana, Ar. KL'OENE EL i.No 76 Fuitun-ai., 'bird door below OoiA NalBMnajidrr Nafea. STEARNS k MARVIN Manafactnrera of Rich A Co '* BfJs maoderSafe,, Wililer'a Patent, Kieh'a impiovement. A!*o. aol* ,> in .. of th* pateut " L-i Rene DepoV BO. 14> A-«trr *t. t»hlp flrrarl and l'rarkr>m. > EASTL'S i'lll." a to..No. 2W WaahingtoB at Toys and l in y aiatxta. J. AHLBORN k Co.. A4 Maiden-lanr., up-ataira, sad 2u l.iberty. M'lndow and Plat*- lilaaw IFrvn. h and himli-h, F. HOPKINS k BR4P» HERS, (Importerai No. <H S»rrlay *t ,*. Any *<ldrtion* ru the ahevs Lh ahoold be brought to Ik. Othce .> S. M PETTE'iUILL k Co., No. UM N***aa «t N»V»9PAPEh APVFKTISIN'o» A M. fETTENOII.L k CO.. No ItjS N**e*a-*t., fUrw-York live aiad* *aeh arrangement* with the beat and moat widely-cir «oiaterd jiaruai* tn tbi I'nited Statea and Caaa4«/< that rbnv art .nabl^d to make a aavtng of nme and expen** to Mm advertiaen ebo do bajrmeaa thrnngh them. Thrv (elect the be-r paper*, and advartiee eoiepicaoue »y *t the very loweat price*, ami alwayi keep the lot "rest of their eujtotoen Id *i*w Merahaot* ara E rl*ed to sail od them. Swtirtttty fiflatfriatt ^KOAUVnO TILES.For Veatibiilr*, HaIIi b.4 Hearth* Dining ijoujj CotraerTaab.-iaa. tta ANEi A. iHIMiN'EY tOPS, PKAtN PIPFS, ka, For aaJa _MILLER, OATFS A YOfJLF, N< 27?Peaikr R~ OOl^S I R00F8 ! ROOFB I 11.Tho ohrkvp v and heat attlals for covering roufi ti TAR ROOFIri* PAPFR. which wi keep ouBJtaxliy on bead aad wl," bm B iarga or anail quantltiea o «a't o. t- i. JA»> l>. il't e-A A Co. r*.- k ««...- t* ra. ©rocerir«. ECONOMICAL FAMILY FLOUR, sBBOw by CBABLKl KOSWin hi* CONIC AL M10L8 .Mr. ROBd w»i '»vorab,y known let many yeat» a* a flr*»-t* e Buke- ia N-a York, ana »">,ti-i ih* C jNICAL MILLS «3ty for their evperioihy for m.kmg Hionr eTer orr »*rie* of experiment* Th» F oi u. ed* in tt e»? Mill* I* Dot inj ired la the inn-Mr g, »na reta'n»'he r nriiloo* peoperlei of the Wheat. It make* more and tetier B.taO Iba* Fl iu m».e la contain flu at' aa ml.!» tAaitbkOie. »'hoeaalu and retail. No. 19t DoAne-rt-, near v\ uhlcgton at C'.nical <*llli for eal*. fJüintß. (Dile, »Blaee, &r. COB URN'" EXTRA OIL for Mncnincry toi Buroln* 1* aoiarvaaeed by *ay other. It barn* btliUaatiy aau .act* aa iotig aa ape. m Mill not gam machinery, and I* aa A Ru. 1 OB, and ao peuoooaced by etigiaeen and o>her» who kavt aaal for many yeaia Ft 'i'~ In htnli. T* to it pal In* i Ul'I'.'fr. No. 98 WtDkvn-al .aah, by Cobara'* only Agent, JOHN *' f I B 0 V P & CHILDS J PAjNTf.OIle?. WINDOW OLASS.aY«. FRENCH eod AMERIOAN ZINC PAINTS. flora Nn. 14« WiXereL. Naw-Tork pAJNT, I'AINT, for HCILDING8, ROOFS, f Ac. a- l^rea'.a a pooaii Preoia*'* Boiled Otl,7dcaot*i Roof Ofl.MrenaefVlra. By _J. HENRY SMITH, No. 11» Maiden lane, N. Y. URE ZrfKJ PAINTH. THE PA8hAiC Mlll- INO AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY harkoa ra aajBBj areoted exten*»*» *i rk. la Jarvry City for the man a keuir* of Dry W hite Zinc and White and Colored /loa Faha* are prepared to exeeat* orerre T^ialr ^Hrdte Zio* I* aaparrrr M any other of Am*ai«aa inauicrraoQtr*, and wanimi f»*urahly i *a faroral' e"h th* >-«t «aalrty af F. -.- A For tal* aa faroraala ir-a Ajraat*, kKtrtHO A SQOIEH. h. Mfoeniaat » by the Ceeotpamy'i Ageata, T^b^T>-WARRAjfT OFFICE, No 83 Wsiii, KJ Mew Tork.-The Mgbee* market prla* paid for avABF W a RR ANTB i aad «| W a/raata aakl ky me are guaranteed ami in, i , SB BaaR at otkMaaMapaa raoeipt of riMlalaam arraoM proeared tor SaadMea aad o«Ba*e aa«ti*d a ad*, apoa aa^Oeackai *o _ J. CC«aBMaUE Ska, aa Wafl^g. tTcTJOrtTirreljia NotiifB. N».TBJ D«awV, HT^Dajrfll.ll AkTTJRaTW /. tT'TRILL. Batrs ha ^itxrunt. AUCTION NoTirF-rKUI-VUTOUV SALK of PIAWOMD JB VRLRT. «VILtlAtl r»"»M»fc Co No U5 Broer et., wi.l toil on WV.rt!,*:-* »AT ftfit r Dev JE .B'Biita ivoire- of »p rodt Diamond Je relry in va'oe et »*»d'»g B*/St, ejet M be tod am ho a- reeerve. fhn lav/i'i (of sd'« L>'*mocd *r»eele»«, UUau'.i Ea- r.<i, B ivbet est Pin n e»t* »cd ktoffl l'iececea t\ «er Hi gs of ti'jiii put- ta-r* »i»'l tj ee: »M c > ud*. db rt Uhiu, a 1 br.t.liat* of fli « tua iij. »et tr. the m a' fwVntaM* pinna* a .1 in sonn Iteui »uiiH from m gjaen «vsh. ( >, D * -T QU AM) J ? *l EL'IY..Also a fine eiaort- f Oi id B a.b.» en OaM J-welit. N B .The foregale, la bellr'-ed lo be the m .»'. va'atYe M e of itch leerelf] thai Ik* baeel me. * tiiU i. *m ,a Catalog ie« ari be 'eedy end tfu.m evMtit«4 *a"> on oo ..ngof tile. ADMiTS18TKArnK,» ."»ALK..Importaoi Stlo 4 l.'r>H'N*. TRIMMINGS, A.c. et tbe atora of JOSXFB <Jtl ANDI.f It. d e we I ^o -0 Willln r-.c Tie .tote dock aril, be di*pce*d of cotiai:er-ib y beio* car, tt the eat*'* a.tut be closed forth art th. A. «. CHANDLER, AJninlttrtiot. A. M. *»*.».». Ae«r»' ,oeer. BY BAjNGS, BRl/lüEB aV Co..Trade-Sale Bnonie N IS Pa-k »t>w. V. F [)N KSOA Y fTFNISO, Dee. ?5, et C o'« otk. NVtV AND FRESH srncK-A large eolation «I vt'ot bl- Ltb>e a « or' . of e> aneard Wo.k* ha Tai' >u< luansaas of l.'teia me Art* and Bei ccea. rn e !y new and f .sen, ti iuan- la<"r* n'oxrateal Hooka in leal bualngt, Juveniles aid set er-1 Miaeel are a* Pe Mir attract, A L THI BBDAl 1 » ENI Nli, O k V at .> o'.- oak. BOOK'ELlEB'S BTirCK . Au e*»eo-trr co> ec'tnn of Star d«rd Wrt»* to t»e \erir.o» b anch»«, *n.i « gfat v»ietv of Mitcel tneoa* Ltcera'nre Ac Aiao an tasartrrna: of Bo ni tine Cl' aj and Mc ool K oka in Tuantni.. *KI AV AfTEAM »N II e .. *. -t. CHOI r EBGIIS i nd AatBtlRAM *<> »KS- \n ext >n »iaa cj I'ct'ro, eoB',>-'ain< tine lit-rar» Optra of va iab> «taud- aid BTtlk* is the rprk u* hrmcaee of ill ra'nre. man* ot theui bj hur tüii u'atOitial aad a Tah->ty of uesr and nip I- lar p-M oatioLi. Al* an aasortme-t of »aperb j il'ii rt'el works. i'rbi brand; gnraelt for IBBI| Juvenile«, A aaH <! to th- Hi ';da_» -eeevc. Au. >ng 'hem v»L be fount E<n<<en's R Ual BO of Alt. (rtbion'a D *'gu* tad intu* ot >r etpef »ive Ko< ks and »eT*"Bl proof IBBOSBatWiQ* of cus«>» E.irr iTluitt fce., fi re leg a »tty rholee r llection. <.'...i able oir tajtrtJaeal O a.* boaer* getoiaily. l'ata>< gnee are to« ready. B~0 0 K 8 ill A U CT I O N. . K r.nrtta»BB, AoeM-neer Noi 377 tad ITU Br>a<i sray, rcne Of VVMie- t LEAV TT. U* Li 'SCRk «'o., wi aeii at Bicti c. et UEDNr.diiAV EVENIVU. "ec a apienhd roi.ectloo ! bean it al BU'lRS, in Jiadlog. laittoe fag Bo btai r. .> TAB K. NOTiCE.Ttia» all ar ic'.'i or! r*d at aa-Jjn by tbi* boa e will be . Id poe«<ive.j to the b>«be«' kiddW, aad that n^thli^ is'tceivni n a lluiii Bale to BaeatBSaBpt at I o'oiock p.m. CgJtaiigaea ready ax daBa«Bfy. VXrCUTOH" SALI', to CLOSE an ESTATE. jCj .'Vj|i -a so d at parkia iMBti-aa,atbm kfarakaak*' R*> eti'i.a- in ibt* city, ou lio lay o: Janua'T. 1'^i >t 11 ¦?«io:k ¦t noo", by tbe ut u-"»'gn-rt pmanant f the oirec io * ooi- tain.u It the la t »11 of ANDREW LEARY, d.oeaaed. the foi loare-g pjeeea or lot* of !»nd. Id fee, t3 w(t: Ai tho*a f»o cert-In pieeee, or par'-*'* uf lan i, st'na'e, Ij'ng *nd being 'n itie X1 I-h Ward o' me 'Ity cf Near Vort, laken tge her bounded an < describ*! a* f »t(owa: tjjgtnotnx it th" aouth-wearer:y comer of toe Sih »». and I' h *t.; ni'inhig there* »onth< rly * or* the rth »» ff fagd I Inc-ot; thoaea weit- erly paral el wrb l^.h-»t., t and through the center o< a party weil aid btifotd the same 8.' t'-e'; tAatM notthaiiy, p rtlei wltb tke R'li tr,, to and throuv1' the center oiaaotlier nar -ari'l it f:st I Irches, >o 1:> b and ibaDce ea» any, aljng mji-at., 82 f-et to the alt'.e of beui<.nln(. All that canain 'n pi. < e o. pa-eel of laal *1 uatr>, lying and be tog In tbe XXtli vfd of the City of Near-York, b iu tiled and ceta-ittxid aa favBMI Beginning at a point on tUo nonherty aid* of i'lb-at.. d afat t 111 fe«t waateriy iVot the "th-sr. j in ianig tLanee ro toerly no a di i mat line ( h> t irruer ceoterlinaof Fitr-oj Road. to ;t- bat at a paint d'ttsnt 118 feat If iache* weeieiij from IUm -.?.ttce weeterly, *!oag 3dth *t II f "t Mi Irchs*; tbetee »oather y. parallel »I h I h-ar.. WTfee 0 Iscke* to >5th st ; and thence eeaterij, aloog lotAat. J) toel to tbe pl«ce cf b'g'nclpg all tore" t*o certain 'ote, plera» or parrel* of l-arl, «itittte, lying in-'beta* in tbe XX'h vV ardof tha City of Nea York, takeL t tether, bonr,c> I aua deecbed a* fa low*: Seginnl'.g at * point on ibe nortterly siJe ot l^th «f. dl" «. »00 f.--f iv«* arly rrrm the tth tv.. rnnntsg trence northerly, parallel wlthUrt *r , UP feet Alncbe* t >the ( >nter line of tbe Mock ; thence wererlr .loeg said aeBter line jO fee*; thence *oa*. arly, parallel with 8tfc-BT., It 0 feet 5 Inciiea to tTth-at ar. ! j.uce esttavly alont d7th-st .V> f-ttto tbe p eeo of bealnning. Am) at 'he lasae time and pl'oe th« following Iea*oh prem¬ ie-* to .it| Ali the nnextri'e.l tenn of twen»y year* from tha 1st dty of May, 1VH at tbe annual reat of #«a payable htif retrly, of, l'.toor out of an that oeita n lot, piec nr oarg :I of land *ti'i- ate, la lit and being to tae X X'h .Vvd of tb« Ciiy of Naw- Vo-a t up 'r.l and tttrri>\ud aa faHOwt) Beginning at a p dat on tha wetter y «ide of the 8tha» atatant 47 feat uirtnerly from 32i- ft. lu.ritig thrree weetetiy, parallel wi'b Sidet. llsi foat; tbecce n^the-ly, p*>ailcl with the 1; a»- rtfeet; tbeoce eatierly. psiallel pita 3'2o at , I fa feet t> the S-.h-ar ; snci tience «n "therly along th- Bttl sr. 22 f et to -be p ace of be- »tntir.s, anbj ct to any tatet or ttaeaimanta vrhi ja may ,o im- p. aed 11 er. on A i] ilr unexpired term of rwenty yetr* and three month*, friiu. 1st ."ipr-ia.y. IM*, Bm tforn r 'nr., at*, in. to or out of a I that certain lrr-gn!ar lot. p-eca BYParoBl Of Und. si.ut'e, lying and being in ti e XXth Ward of tr>e City o' N" r-Yort, boiioJaa tnc oeecjibed aa fo urn; Beginning at a ft 'im. on tie eoitaerly i>' « of »Sib >' distant 6>i feet areeteily riu n the 8:a av ; iau- ulna tlsenoe lo'.thi'ily. paruilel wi li the ken av , >l feet 9 iucbe treue« »*BtBT y, payallat aith iflth a'., 18 fa 4 iheioe soil, er.y. pars'lel asiih f*et| t'jene. w-wiarly, parallel w'to aO b at , 8 teet; thence u irth -r'y paral'ei wita Hth av., I' fret 9 iLcLes tbanca eeaietlv, parallel with fee:: tierce uiirthe.Iy, psraliel eri'h 8ili av 8il f>et to and .teooe eat'eiiy. alorg JS'tsat, M feet, to the pla - n' bafla> nicg Sulij-ci to payiueni o( taxes and aaaeaanienui which may be .iop saa tbotroo. All :b« anexolred term of '".-.'n yea-e from tbe lit dey of Aaaa.'nio at the a- nua1 rent of 0*0 per lo ot, In to or ant of Ali tbate (iva Curtain Iota pWeet or parcel, of land, alt B»(P, llttg enduing in the XXth tV'trd ot :he fry »f Nav-\ )r», taken tosaither, boan'std ant deemlbed aa foll'.wsi *: -a.^ at ap"ia t on the nniiberly aide of u diaian' 11 raet srae*- eily fun. ih Sen av i innaing thence n ra >t y aara lei wi'h tbe I 'a'.'.,:* feet!' iocbt s. to the cent*[-l ne ot tbe biort; Ibeiee weet- Hy along *aid ceurer-lioa 100 f-«r; tbanra son herly parallel vi h Btb av !'K fr.-t 9 iochea, lo ä.'1-tt.; and tbeao- eaat<rly aloLg 33! at.. 1(0 feet, lo t'ie p-a » uf Ii -gimrc*. Sub- j-ci to iisfinent of urn (ml a*atetinei:u arniah mat be uu pca-d hef. n All 'he unexpired term of twenty vaara and three avrntha, from 1st F btuaiy «48, at tu« annual rant of *> 1^5, pay ab. a bs!' joar'v, of, la, to or oui of Ali tbai certain lot pier.: or parcel pf lead eitntta, lying »ad being to the XXth Werdof tha Oly of Now-Yoik, bauaded arc deaaar bed a* follow-: Begi.nioget the south wasterly c <r- ner nf <bn 8ih-«v and JTth si., r mutns teiefle,. aoathetly a>ong tte8th-ar 17 'eet in inrbe* j thenaa BiaBlailj, pereUe! with .Vtl s: to a'if tl.. uxh the cater ot i party wall and l*nm tbessre tlti feet j tl;» northerly, ptral el wl-.a the 8 a-»v., Pi ti tt 10 irch-* to ü'lh-sf. ana llienoa ea*'.irlf a ong J9tu sr. Be feet to the p'a-e of b'gfnulng. Sabro* 11 ptymcnt of taxes anri a***aanitncs ibe- may lie lmp>*ad ihareon. A!.'the onrxptred toro of twenty Tier* »od thre* .riou"-.s frotr let Peh'as.y, lö<3. at the annaU rect of ipro, pajah.t half- ai'i, o', in, to or cu», f, j, that ce^aia i it. plecs or oarcil of landrtaata. lying and b-in* io the XX-h WarJ of f>« City of New \ ik. boo cr) id ana rascia d at foiiawi: Beg'uoing at a p'lo' n die weeterly lidg of t'.e 8th av.. d'.uit 17 fe*t 10 lutbe» aoutttriy from Sah at.; lunalaa thence w*ats<rly to aad throt'sh 'he center of a oaity w«;| and bey aid the aaoia. par* . lei w li iPtli st., *) f.e< ; tbaaca eoatbarij'parallel wr.h thaS'ii- av. mfre'; thence ea »et ly to and .hrotiga 'lie pawapg of BMBatJ pai'y wab, a^r bey md tba same, parallel an b Irin-t . <> feet, to th- :b »v.; and tli*.e« u itneiiy a ng tbe tf'li- v. li f-.-t io tke piaca of aegisming. Mu^i-ctto payioent* "t late* aad *e- aaetmeiia that may be unpneed Uio.eotL.Dated New-York, iSlk Dm r. ,er, IIB BBIOOR LBAJtf > Etacn'rix and Execu'ora, ANDREA' LEARf. 'Aa., of Andrew Utry, JuiiN E. l»EVEL,IN,)deajot»eJ. Hmry H. Li r.Ds Jc Co., A'ictian*-r*. HENRY H LLf.DS tV C<J will ae!/, on WKDNBBDAT, l«o » sad THL'RrjDAT, J7, atM| t'cick.atNo '..<; Br enwny, I -ar B'eauser et.. a aaper i**. sor'n tn' of lieb k'ANt V u^Ofid. Taawa iio<id* are *«1 able for th-a pteaea'. eeaaon gel imporiad fro-n Pads, and oo before aatiblted in 'hie eouoiry.c jmpristng laign tint BraattBttt- ae* »n.cai le lor gas; llca A, lironae 1- >, uee, (irjapa. tks.; ri'h D aaden l Mils Va**a; Baap* and D e*d*a Flgaraa and <ir< upe,; it d Er t. ' anit O:mo ¦: Clock*, art Ctala ahra* 'o n.-tch, P.iisian Fan-y Uoi.'a t r p-peeuts. Bah. aal Urinal-i J wel ^aakats, v:ry eiegant; ncii China Vaart; Papa'ria Aa- t.qoe large filatnaryof A tu a; A. erica aas] gatk»at| Day tai N*b(; and tn-xy Btaa licb Fancy (iao le. Taa a'uvs are tbe .keck ef »r> impoiter iwu r-tMiu to Fitnoc, aui are-y ar¬ ticle »id be Bald»ilkawat Maagap. Caa ettouaed a'iy diy bef-re the sa e. Hi \tv H. LCBM A Co. Anttl naar*. HENRY H. LEEDS aV Co. wiU aell by an<> ticn on YHl'R aDAY, Dec 27, at 12 Mrk, in f-oat of tkertore, No. 19 rtsa*ati-*t,, an eL-gxot Baroaote rina, exfen'lan top, foar tests, oer e: ly new, h-.rljg b ten uaed bit a few lltnea, mad- : order by ote of the Lett mater*; te i( in p ift^t . rder. tni *old oLly a* tha p-tweot owner iblaivugiue ci v. C.n baicen in frantof tha etara oa matni.^ a' llE>.Ry H. Leitet m Cj\ laotliwaarp BENRV ft LEI l»s A Co. will Ml by AobVIob M aVKOaRBDaT, Dec kt, a*, lei o'cl <V, at'k-8 ore, No 19 Nanea st atiraet've (i'» of Hei aal vaiatSS FANt Y rt .. Hudson Bty fable oo Masth«, Taint*, Tippe'», Vicforne* *tra . an<t' i;1'i, M-iten Han.e 'tty 4arteot Muk fibie, Sione Mai-a i, Franok Ha'ile. Fiu.i Martan, rix a .Marten, laparlal **nrjiae. Lyrrx, Hiiuirral, In. Tha abjra go-d* weir g-.t np expre-ily ai ttf.tfwiy t.-»l.:. lelug rre.h- loede atr w ,rtby tlin a- r-.oa if Lad!'* and uoitleaaan. wh > wtlCi.Jit to it'ir adviMue t> a'-ead ihi* it.n. A BP, an ¦ aoriti.'Lt of 8 el(h Kobee, Uiored. Fur u iari, Ctrn ta k'.rt-.lj. * Jotrrii *ltngM*>, aurtirorer. MOBTGAOtE oALE .Oa WEI »NESDAY, Dec. »t U o'clock a m. at tae Btle r-i m, corner of Psarl and WilJoug^b; at'., Bro a yn. a email qiam;ty <.t UO J'T.- DOLD Fl RNITt all- larM t, M»»»AAtaw «'>-e. hna la* «. eigh J. n.y Lail W. ik aagAgaj oc* an 11 «» v >oi V > lrPcn.-a.-ein tha frame, one tpl-ind.j roatnaad .'iiaa, ('.'¦. ban, maker, at gxid as n-.w, wUhricb gjfal, Ac GroBiig Cook, Aa-tiiaearr. POSTPONEMENT..Tae ltrjrt- atle of ELE¬ GANT FL'R.alTI K-: adver i.ed fir S.'a d -y pj«t- |oeed on bob.not of tha w-aiher to T-ii ISDAY. Oea .7. at li^ o' roe war-rex rrs of Janie» B Coot, Nr. iljg Br lad w y near Booal-at. Ctti'igi.e* now raidy aid we- wartii tbe .tten'ioa -1 pa ck aer* Rt»ELt. W. Win. on, Af.t:. ia~- sENBlO HOUSEHOLD FlüNirURE at Al< Tl ON. .On FB DAT. De« JB, at l'| o*eoer, arabrac- lag Ina rntiie eiagtnt rneowoad rarnt"ire e aitainad m tha <va .ti rv tow, No. Iii West -Is- -'. D-saiip'.lve a tga<" can be nbtaiiied of apaitk. Yoatag A Co Na * stailaoeiaa«. fb* whole to lie »old wi bun*, reserve, ta t aa pjetpaaemarrt *"> lay a -rout: t 'misttug of an elagaat 7-octa ve -naa a »od Piano-Ifataa. \eivet Orp-U, S »pi-ndid Freaeb Pier Mirror*. c>«c f- t Saite*, aaid rr*-wocd Parlor Batitaa, la ttroaado aid <ao fry w th tip cater*, ail m*Aa ga order and cf th* boat daacripf'oo; >e a.. .; Mukle-top eaatar abl-a. Btoctade sat L-os Car- t.. * roeowood RagspUoB and Tuiklsh Es«y Cbur*. large *>:. ieetioB of »eJaakie Oil Paiatirgv. 2 met liioerr ¦ >'-.¦ v -:l Eta- geret, Brror tri nts, ewly Be yams and Dr«*laa V*'ee, wi'l s larga variety of Parlor Urcatnet. *. rcaaw<>oJ.Erai»tk SiteXtrp, coat BBrkj ate Dintog Ro ns and Cdamber Ftml-ur*. E.e »act rtiaawood Bedsseasts, Btuasatrs. and w a*hattula, tu ratlch, aiimade ton der; WlUao Carpets, raaawood aai auawgaiy lwa salts raaawood fam'tera m ttrwaa Ve »a«i II eplr- dtd It air M.ttr aeeae, PeatAee B><1«, n»k Toilet >«*.,, QataVa, eiepaaa masbla-t m Ctaaakav Bakkaa, t». *>i.y. Saeerh Oak Ext. »koa T.kls. a vaoaty o* rich aVkrawwatp, Eaby and C ryatai Cat Oaeawjara. »a gaataBi tAroagbaat. 1 saa««k»VIMa- ^PL Ririr H. Ltr.t». * Ci i ur-tlwar*. IARLE SALE of PUMO EüUlK8 -nK*»T > H. Llf DS A CeV Wtl gel. by »«cum ou TUfl t»bAf r> (. fl at ]| o'*or-k,*t 'Aw » iküio Ol Meet* i ft (J», k In., Nn M - j.rtrj «. tear Broad « it. K beaat'tal E*ie» tag Hi no for»»* of tt* Art* claw in tlum, eaeldod »»4 cut < -11, 6 Of o4T octave, teuA lion Cruu/i, otiwt Fr ach meet »ju»» f*»»/ nl'actvirad by th» »bove fi m er d wanaeted in ,»,. :i .'. 1 ' y c-n b* exara'.a* . <«* k Before tta* «eja. _ » 0 ci to r>«*« -be »tack * Itboat rjeawve. Mark WHAT. AnotiiifMOT, will »eil mm mm I ivo O** 'b» »1'rMI* TjI r l«l Irtkflfl r-TtS |,.|. I.EN r Nc*. H4 W kad W Fal'oa-et «asuaaee No. 47 Odd a. arceod army. <a WEON RABAT, oe. »8, «t let o'o'aa«, eve- av»i!. « r. pitt o'*»veo Lltho*t«' '<¦ I' -e e*e, in tin* artier; tax* IAOMeaea, reeitOa* riata, aaa F-fr.vegj; w ..> »»rina« ¦».«. rule bj d in the btwaoa*. S* a poet-ire. Term* eaeh pe>fti taijalrai lime of «ai*. Te»g>oe« ere now r»a f>.. uy .raciic:. Uta«» H. I.mi iI Jo Anc ion.ra. W'INFR. BRANDIES, Ac . tiKHRY n " LEEDS v Co al'liol by aa-tioc. in ftU'RSOAT Tec. St. »t !'o' Wk. at (be «tue. No N»*«»« .?. a Ua* »*ri<'y o' my aaatl ». ,1 ,er at .e Vir-.-» Kiandiae (Ma, tie. Setlcii, Meli, mil M M < , Whi k*. rkjl Medei a^-J i-»ene,»oolh »l '*, puie Int*., er.d New.iw.. Sk r.lee-'»«¦. iaa, 0 in I,, vib.,, ii.un<w Ao^tii.aaat Pxte-Ori bam (Ml, Qraaaa'li Uedou Hock( Ohao.ptg ..r«-F:»er At St kery. An Miiaaen*. and ml,., UtuJ*. Hoc ah-law >M Heut Sen ert.e ; braarfj-O^d. heune«*-/ fuiew ta,) 0" -r .0.1. o. raa *UM* »«, «*.«., «id I-ley .aalt kj.Ilo w>dBab*l I"" "el n»n-». t*-t ereneeol I Iiome« «»a In <|«eit aiguuoje, aad eapeiior old Ifeaaafi' «4« Waiebv, Pve-y iriir. mil watraM-ii geeuine and pure, aad aarm u In *vr»v re»r»*ot BrBft tae t*ni;<e ~ ^mfmmmmmmmmmmmn ¦* 4aJrL s&OUUa A( HOil i: ae-t>rtm<»nt of HOLIDAY PRKtJ. Rtfft..Kai*l»idirad Cotlare. C - er» aa* Sl^ma _ a»reJi, tleadkeixaie'e, a-.; »um Ii Poat, Ii ealina. V«te» ct'BDee ind noyüre San in giiet nie 7, no'-ted exereeaa 'or 'be Hoii.iet«, tri very tear. Aim, a mw Itiaaajl aaatnaS t Mi r S-t« kCCA ar. in.' 1 re«, mvie frjea aa eiiiraj ee* mi'.enal aad in »ew drdea*. ». rr inprop i«ie ' * rlel-^i Preeenta. HAI LEY, (A '. Kt .i'OiO ^ A LrS^LII _N kfl S madana, BEING our annual Custom, wp offer rery iieeiraUali -odt at Ten l.iv piicta. FsbiMdaraa Maaai Seta froai A: ». ftJJI| real Uouud P i. Lisa Stt ft»m AM id (Vio; Baaataaoarea Hn.,i.erct. »ad Ltoe do. diaHidtj aheap. Hlatk a. d White Brnaarlt ('>(¦.<«; Iloaitoe p»4n own . ).#. of Uuelot ifKtU; B'k'I Lv!« Bwquei| PaiiaUe Capee Ilrad Lrnat .. Co'iiiea ii L.'.e; B ank thr-ad Vat t tm Lire» n great »' iu dance, at II IT (I ViJNB'S M Broadwej, BLACK ixAC't. VaII 8, itruaaela Applicatiaa Aeu and all 01 her rieb Lara«, in a< la every qatltry. Bej hroid'red Hsodlercbie'. fmm*lt) f " Cai ».! "<le»vei.Ck*-» :.e uii i1 ,\ Mi .'. 11I Slewe* ro»'arl dirn.with oth xco'.a.tiea. MILLER 1 URaNT.^TI Bread*-*;. BITCHED 0/X>DS A eo-nylnttf. PH>rtaWayi) *otnpri*ui« *v*r» w.dih a id ..uaii 1 ».i-.. i HI ^'ITU k Co.. /'¦ a.oaJiw**, LANK~>;Ts..t»iN7\'4k*at nhbtMi-bO'.Bd aQS BltDkvta, Oota *tadla*R*e (u IAa, aad of rartoa* «ealiJai, *-eg4th(: with NrgT'v ladsir ard H~rw. Hash.., (oh ajg *t*bdii* icdOoiie M:lt». »Vit! keao d low. vfT.»*fl,ir. k V.o. A*«ti'.,rvc Ti tttjaawaa, I"1 ink BL.iAkTts.- Ere»n inwea of the ES quaiitlea Kor aaM bj NESMITH R Ca., _No. Tl 3 road tray. ..."'INK BROWN GOODS -fSOO hij^ Wij^. a. ban, Hoct mm othar raakea. For aal« br_NEBJalTII A Co.. No. tt Sioairwaf K E A T REDUCTION ia the PRICE DRY UflUDI, Ccmo.eii«ii t MONDAY, De« 24 HWr, We tbtll *rfer on Mot.dty ea> *i ti'* coca or bit KS BLANKEtB S1IAWI8. H.a-isi LS, MKRINORB, It 111 Rr <4l'II.TS, PLAIIW, I ASSIMKKktS, CAr»H MFP Ew LAOIM» CLOTH J. DE LA INES. \ Ei.v K rs. LINEN DAMASK TABLE CljOtffJS, DOYLY ES, MAKItl And rOvtl.LINO. RICH VELVET »od CLOTH. CLOARS and TALMAS. At a redaction of M tor eant. Alao a large *nd vnrted Mock of FRENCH WORKED COLLAR*, BLBbYVCB, CUBML SKTIES, UANDKlR UIEFS, BANIH, t..d LACE OOlirs OF ETBBT DKVRIPFIDN. At ' iie.»«lf he uanal p ice*. LAtEandMrSL NCI'RTA^S I'RAPF.RY BY FBB YARn. WINDJ V C1R NIC rs, B*ND4 an4 PINS, A' a gf*' re-ln-tion miMii fha i'che*! M*n>rraart to *>«*d. and »' ance* SI per cent lew than in* nir*r hneae In the atty. 8. A M I W vi.K A Co.. Cclnmhtan H»il. No. f*l Uraad at, "lUTKROCK M^UFACTURINO Co?i BLEACH KD GOODS. For *al- by NEiiMlTH A Co Sol* Agaata. G Jnonnincc i)Iotnpamcs. Br1ti8h COMMKRCfAC UFR INSURANCK COMFALY-LuNDON AN« AMFRICA Wmt\\ mhmt 1"- CAPITAL and Aid MIL at ONS, ftfi INI» OOO. Na *i vx-all-^. Naa tmt The Cctnovny 1 r the Mj * in* am iaa other ADVANTA'aP.S TO I NidI Kiwi. Low rate» 01 attataj ce un yo .of lire*. Lien* gre-itct .>» polioio*. Ha.1 f pramlruu may le.i ti, on I i«e. N > eii'r* cba.»e« Cat ereaal'!» r>e Atlaij'ie. Th» eecnrity i f a large capi a 1 tliiort In ALatraita, and *p»c al ri*ka taken. Pi emlnma cao r* lak- n qu »11»¦' y. Lane bnooaee on joiiui«« on Otr 'ootnal aeal*. NEW-YO»K H<iAl!l»ite RBPBBBER K'« F.icelienry Han.lrt n '. ¦¦ J mea Otilitla, **a. k x < .irvornor Of tin State 01 S«maal tv Aaaaff e»q. New-York. Henrv Oriea* 1. atq. The Hon. Judgo Campl.ell. J C yder. **q AatfcoDT B*ic.»y,**q..H.B M. J PM.'llp* Ph.* Ix. .*> Coctul. J ibo H. diafca, * * Stephen Whitney, e«o. Tr . 1110. i.raa.iaa Joralaa, ti<u*ra' a»eu: fur the l td ad Sia>^* OEHKi M KNEYIIT. OfRse No US Wa Jet New F*vk. CLINTON HRF.-INSURANCE COMI'ANT CASH CAPITAL. ?iV.W». OtTew No. BJ W» p,.- the Marehaa'*' R»4haa*y4 Thi* Co . pM>y coati/ia<a lo«ur* Mercbiadlae, haildiaaav Hotawht Id Frut-lrur V.ea^ a In Pm 'hair Cargo**, aa., afttaaal caa or deuj*** by Ore 00 the- ma: fevcrabi* term* PHtatllaaai flach t i n* /oeepli Water, John iu< »a t herle* R nwr,r<t*, Stua-tC. Ma ab, A R Euo. ii He Iit.^ 1, I to v' Si 1 (».ie«en,d >r . Joa-ph W. <tn,|:«*, V m. K. S-r mg D. Ai nrj Oveaaaat, Thorn** Smalt, O o. A. Townaeid. K*r*Lac!rw jr.. Alfred VV||it*, Alm K L«il|, John ren'otd, AS..ur'm To »tl*ond, Sitae Broteon. Jnea Wataoa, Jiaepl l.*w,eice, M. T. Ntcboll, No«h S Haat, Samuel WiUett, Jca'pb 0. Ttylot, U. J. Smith, J. II. R*_>m. Robert M. Urue*. Jean B BoyA Sylr. L. H. w'ard. Cor. W. Lawr.nea, ULiin LAINO, Ja» H. Aatt*. Jr.. Maeretary. Jon« BABBff PF.0PLKM FIRE INflUitANCE compajcy OF «"1K CITY NBW Y )«K. Office* Nr, 113 < araJ-e and So. 23 "Villiam at. C**h C*pita> f IN) OOti, with a p a*, al'Invaated ta flMja> nf e vir. beef ehara/trr. W. F. UtDaBiiiLI., Hoc'y RICHARD V «RICE, I'raat ^.llHtEUOtlrCAtt. BRAZIL WOO I).-KM qaintolt braj» i».(tn bond or dow paid.) kit aale by _sr^/FFORIk TILEsfrW R Co.. Na. a. »t^a*»a. B~ÜTCHER tt READ, PLUMBERS..At kin"* of WAT>:R riNTl'Rtfs 00 head and Rar ewAet Ni-.. '.Vat«r aL JOBH1NO pr mptiy a tended to. Y\fL .?. KEN'OALL** GUT LA pr ftCHA \J TRANSPARENT WATEIl-PROoP LBATHtR PhR SF.RVATI Vje warranted tr- ntek.- n «ta, «'tote on 1 otbor leeat* tr t.Icli!* iinpem >o * uto-, at the aamo time to't »ad t¦.» bjo, Baal grotty ad log to tneir onubilt . D. S. ARSOkA Oer rial Aaunt, No. la -xiirtOudt ... New Tort._ HAIR FELT-Tbo btat arctcle lmown lot o#- .rmg B ji.*i* ard Huna «od Watag Pip**, fer aawtag lieat a^d pn teottig sgaloat fn^t. Ma uta.ifuraa bt Wht A i'.LO >D<. )OD; factoiy it Bakwty. N. J. O Jera may a* lad at No 11« Paul at op t'arra. 1/INDLING-WOOD--ö HARi:lS0N A SON* IV cewu facto, y No 340 Waat 2U:f. beat V Piaa, per load, dehverad. *V> Z>; Oak. *a ~A; ruth, per bot, 44 -*«_» Htckrry. par losd, A4, per b.«. *W emu. Ordar* pat pat prejupty aMtfaWBi to. LOSS ( over>7cl*Rtains, A r., iu*tl*j 10 m beatmirrrar by a firetrtt* F >ren»« ta lbU id'» at ratT troderra tarma. Ap lyatNo ItM M«eer-at., naar Bleeakw. tiiird Holy. N_Tw" PATENT SPEClACLLS..The/ hi prave vianoi *r»H for lit-; ir acn ,. »um nkj .<____ eUrle tly (*ao th oegh one pair. Maker *»d paaeane. FRAlvRB, 2 Pwk-ruw. Altebuanoe friert 9 a. in. to I p at>__ VI^RALGTa-!!!-ita" "\V<»R-4f FORtfB. i.1 eepec^ll} afl'C i-g the fsci and t e»>1. Ii «ared by tV ** nib '¦» nr It c-mplrte'y «irr» Uhr mt'lata. «nd \rte- M»**" rhe eat rympeoo a of Orait pr vena and d Ire« elf-a* a *'** To be had ol tl.a inrttto Dr. WHEELER, No. Mo bV*«*»'- Pampble * w»th the but Ua'.rtiiOni* a a.nt br ***» lttm* Removal." . gTlEAD a.^M/1'rl a-B_ p-cved i/i No. L5 W U_»u. «., ta '»tut of ta* nhio LtA** ITr-ier Company. lue rait* of room* Utay t«tofi«J by Utra, N> . "'fj? I* to root, «u . . for a Banker or !neu to e 1' n vy age ply a* above, ort* the Jantt/t at the pro.»» _ RUSSIA RED LKATrö.r-ror ^A** Uika*, by HENRY A. öiVÄ ' No. nCorahdi. awBatV^ ' Y^\^lY'hU>ö\^.lAy^ tio J9W Mjf»j_ haraaakraHta white aarta, a ahaek ilk* a PJ**T___, aeautttoJ haodet La* (A* vTOTBJI. BteOc MA .came- ie« *ro not e an* snoranoaa rapataUoa .ila oarai'c baaa'te* in not e an* pbdx Iaa eotn^aWttoM ; tt*yja_* raaataUoata kompe, »un *¦* "T^mZ baaa'te. of tail oocrt*. It ulf«^?_*l_Llt mm uiauz *ea; tkwy are oeteuv/a mil Jtrnt Um*S mmtmt mnX&Zt^^ AWaik>*d»j*.y._ *o~-Xutl.ot+ weaaead jt aatvU «*>a*f»>»\«wB»

Transcript of€¦ · NIB L 0'« GARDEN.. TT'ESOAT t VFNINO, D*eawa>-.f SB, IMS. A...




Mt'e THEBKSA ROBERT and Be BALI.KT TROUPEla Iba aew ud Bweii'ifsl Heilet cf

THE ISLE OF NYMPHt.Tn* entert ainmt at* »o fonaiut" witk -be i e nlc Ttn'o-.. ne

of THE MILLIN'H".Chaiarter*hy.Tbe Wcttdarf'il P.arel Fa-ni y

Te be fol . wed by tr e c f1HE ISLC OF NYMPHS.

In which Mile. ROBERT M'liee. I'AU .1 N r' OKNET, MATILDA M Ah/ETTI, LINA WINDLE, FLO'I 4 ani 'ULI *tLEHMANN. PAI L UKlLViANT ar.d KatlLE MAN >INwill >l j»erTa eont.uUe with

MEDINA.Doore opan at 6{ \ Perfonaaacai to MaMMtVlN ?»

ncEi.Tb.turn cantsTb* otvly aeata 'bat can be *acered In a^rei.r- a-e:

PrWat* Bolt*..» *»aW.... "».»«¦Bo* OfAea open- dal't « a. aa. to , to., for the «ae ..f

TVkeu and eecartai Grataaaetra Beats and Pnrtte Boies

ijkton^Fh a m b E r s-8itr e i r..TUESDAY A MERH Y CHRI 4TM At* TO ALU

TV- heat waj to at tor the Ha'.deyi ta to haTtA HEARTY LAI iri.

TkraeComir Picoea Mr. Rutt-ai 'n two parts.TW laaarab I Faroe of ONLY A PENN Y.

wttk Mr. Bradley. Mr. S«tchel Mini lh,roe. A.c.The great Comic Drama of

THE DUTCrl GOVERNOR;with Mr. BURTON la hi* r pl'al eaaract« r ot \ on Dan la*.And an »otirely a«w and oi'giavl comic piete ca lad

A TRI I' TO NIAGARA.With Mr. Burton, Mr*. Button. Mr* Hughe* .vc

Broadway tbeater-i: a. maiwiiall,Hola Lasaee..Boxre and P»r<|net, at) cent*; Family C rale

aad Cr per Tier Matwat) Piiaete rtcx**, .>"> ami B'L.Daor*opto at St 1 cotnrtietre M 7 o'clock -T -IIa EVcNINO :

EINO CHARMING.rKarmtng lrt...Mtr. ta ate n Price* Fiorina. .Mia* Manner*Henpoct Hath..Mr. Whiting; Princeee Trontiaa... Mr* 1. .

Tyrant.Mice i'nmr Tlnaei.Mr. Rin«ol4MY NEI . iBOR'S \\ IKK.

Mr. Sam attot.Mr. Fetno Mit Somert.n... Mlai Harding

Laura kEEi^^V^IETfEB. -In conaegjejaasea of tbe eu-clen an.) earare indisposition of M.*«

LAUBA KEENE, the op- ulng ot Iba Theater it onavo it' yprutiraaed

DE. CHF.ESEM AN's CERTIFICATE.I am* »awteat*d tt> tint Mm Keen* tbia morning, an<l find

bar inhering «wer eat III y at body, winch h-i pieaper'octnirg b'r or era at tlelnoator to oiala *n.l pribiVy f>ra tew deyito c me. JOHN C CHEESEMAN, .M D.New Vor» December tl. IWSeal* already tecot'd wilt be good for the op-ninx n't'it, ot

which dee notice ¦ill be ttven, or tue inot.ey rclun^eu.

t^ationäl^THEÄYlTl^it ager and Proprietrr t ire'e 2"> eatttai Pit, |7J - leiOrebeetraCh .>!>*.'< e. nt- -I WO PEBFOR aTANLES..faiMAFf I RNOON. at 2 'clock, wll. ba pr rforwei:

HahKY BURBBAtf.Ki L*B*.Mr J H A.>n; Mary .Mr* ft. «. Wilkln* M.«* Rajen».After which MAGIC PILLS.Dandy Orit*'do..Mr O L F .« | C «<W«e.Mlat Haatra^ayTU IB) EVENING, at 7 o'eoek. BBI \W Hi IROIOMBj Dancey Mku noherti; THE MAGIC PILLS, aid EL HYPER.

A1*i^kt«~^ht:at£b.-b«»xe8 and Par. . qaat, .VI aerate, family Circle SScanta; Stall*. *>1; rri¬

val* Boxaa, BS and 4.7 .Doora op-n at 6» o clock, perrmnanco«BOtBaaeaae at7.-THIS EVENING will be peiformed:

X. Y. /.Neddr Gray....Mr O Hoi'and l Maria.Mr*. ( ,t.,

' P i-CA-HON-TAt.CapL Smith.Mr. tVaJoott I P i-Ca-Hnn-Tae...MI** T ¦..

THE 8ECRFT, OR A HOLE IN 1ME WALL.Moni. Dtpin*.Mr. Stewart Mad Dapiu*.Mr*. WaJeott



e«s*ei*.ly suited t > the Holiday Sctaoir.PERFORMaNC-B EVgRY HOUR,

stmaai, during the MORNING ,aF fERNOON «ml EVXMIMO,the m'c-m Fairy Piece offBE Kl -G OF THE ALPS,

alraaJy pretentad to admixing thousand*; the celebrated, Mela-drama t f

AMBROSE GWINF. TT,the famous paa*r>mtm»of

DON JUAN;the laoghable f.rc« of

THE GOOD FOR NOTHING,hi addition to SOSG". DANCES. Ac . a* wV.I a* the-

PERFORMANCES IS THE LION'S DEN,BBverai time* in tbe day and aven:i.g, win e


Adeolrtaoce ta i»i> «II. 2S epni*. Ch'ldren tiodar tao, K«eesta Parqaet and Kim BalouT l.'J csa**er'rv

(2jrand or&torio of the MESSIAH,X CHRISTMAS PiioHT, Dae. 2s, by the NE V-YOttR

HARMONIC BOv.Is.lY, at the Church of the Dirine Unity.MiS Rar. E H. f btp'i.'* i Broadway, near Prince-et. Soloaby tke .oDawtng em't.ent tesidaat talent:

Ml** M 8. BftAlNERD, Mr. J. B. BF.UTTER,Mat. JAMIE80N. Mr. F. H. NAlH.UrnU. E. UAWLEY, Mr D. B BELL,

with rail Orthettr* atd thora* of THKtE HUNDRED PEO-FORMBJi.a.

OattiDt'CTot.Mr. GEO. t. BRtSTOW.^

H. B..Tbe ChQtcb wtti bo brU.i'-ntly lighted up for tha osca-

Tieket* SO oetta-to be had at the priccipal Muitc 8tore* aadM Ibieasiaaroai tt-a ettniog of peiformaoca

Pyjwa.**** P-tfc' araooa to eo nm»ooe at 7 orac'eale.Utarattoe cor.tainim ttaa «mit of the Oietjito aud Muaic of

Ike priacipaJ airs fc-r ee'e at ü. door.


or rmmMESSIAH,

CHRIS'MA« NIOHT.At tba ol the ItiOne Dalty,

(TLe R. r. r CktaWfa.)H r i S 1 mas n I G*1i"t7^

ORAfORIO o( TrtP HXBB1AB,by tbe

NEW-YORE HARM >NIC RO< l«-.TT.At tke Ohcreh of the Dirine Unl'.r, (the Bet. E. fl. CH 1-FIN'S I Too CLmi.h will ba brtiltntly l'^hteu up for tin oc-




o I A T 0 R I 0OS THB

m P a 8 1 a H .


HEW-TOAR HARMOXlt: SOCIETY._m. oottschalk'" second piano

JBA. PORTE BO RF.E-M-. OOT"<1 Ual.K laswfMia.ilaim 11 * fit r rd Soiree er Dodwoitb'r Uoami .u FRIDAYEVI NINO, tea Habitat O- w*l. en th!* .m-iuion ho ru < adbyMeeere. HOFfMAN, Bl'RKE aud WELB. Partiou.»:. .nrataua aoavounr. iwi..*.

Farewell conckrt and positivelyLAST APPEARANCE af the BROTHER4 MG'.LE V-

HAUER I* NF W-Y ORK..Tha Bru tur* M )LLENMAOER¦rill glee ik*At Fe-- wl C rcott previ.>ar< to taeir departure I rEuropa roTKl Hr DAY, Jan. S, 18 6, tl Dvds/artu'l .V-adoair,No. mm Bieaowat.

A T u 1 N M V M. \\ A 00 K l Y n.-**. MIPS



Oa WRlsNESDik EVENING, Dec. 26 or wL.ctt j:: koi

ehe «Iii V« e*-Ute t by tke fo ateyiag) amiueut arliaUiMaU. JAMESON,

The Talented VajgwMattMR A'TGMAJ,

Harpist:HERR K kBli WEIsB.

* ha Owieu- .tshel P,anl«t.SMajBll.f ¦ IIBaa To be hai at >N aLKi^II i MawM W -n.

r*Jtea>-a*.; mars'* 8 B«v k-I r-, A iaitic* .; aad at tbedi^raw tke raentt < o' the . oare>r'.Daote tpaa at " o'c oc» ; 'o comm i M a' a

("V~k E" a T p A n O R A 5 aM oi

CtH/artlirtiT, ALTBain aid brcaior» | W-sfoTSB,BROAD.vat T/trif rh A"-AjE,

CHRIaTMAS N'OktT BBCTMSEB .".Ana eoaftcie Even Nithf orl'ig hi IVaek.

COL N I ' II f at I rn.-ta ereiy fe at expainedi tha old aid new uio'e of makia*uoentatfelt Bank-Nc-tea; tbe way tk« t»re* k.r. laot A e -i

Bills are made; aSo the manner to wrucu tbe '.lire* ku-d* ofraieed Raak-Nil'* a - made

LLCTURE DEL \KUDBVJOIN-. DTK.The Panorama coro-i an a-t a of i.nfap jr? f t o'iBtjvaa.Tt> at ale* tke ljat,i.:er ko ha- proc-.r. 1 a pr»r» aj;h as c.un-

laarftitsrl oaa, and . j loaas biria w. I b- Btro.k un nvoia ilftaf.antbsnk*. wbid bj .> b . Je.. a ol 4 kaiateaatl a.

fliRE'S OF » DMISSIU-«« «C caai a; lo ». t i a t ie .l^or.Dot'tOpen at 6", L c ure e. u.>ico> a'. ?| o . jCa.

CONCERT t\tAJESTTV'AL will b« LeidTuth#M. K.Caaucb.» a', on 0 4RI a r >! 44 NIG IT.

Baa. JS, the bectb f iL-- aUnla> S A > L Cor- er tj cjrn-eawfaa U eWclock i 8upp r,7J Tickt'* 5» cant-n o> uadat No. S.1 Gran* »t. at tno Paiiina,« '.- at 'So ioir.

fc_J MAMMM.Sap.riLteaiaot."ULCKLvy s 8EREÜADER8, No. tÜ9 Brairl.^**y,MOHDAY EVENING. Tao M. Tha doiafoj Tray

an-TartA* v}tLlK NR WD ni« DISAB.PERrOKMWirC *. Cknatma. Day. an AFTERN0 J

ETKm?.:.^ b. brown

DUfSSELDi >HE GAl.LEi: V. N.> Vj7 Brand^-Tawntain. IM f lb. ten-m P l ( N I N. .s ~,


aaklkaicn- Opa« DA Y aad EVPMX J. A LJt^J«REOPENING of tbe ort&tmtt* t^wriAK

COLLECTGN, No. 6* Irovlwat, afth imp n»6t »!,waaa of Anti.ju'tl » now &n.ta.Be a, Sffwig ralaah!* Maa

Battlallld o* |» ;.a Adrutsa.o.,Sr^ITUALISM DI,moVSI'RATED..Mrs.CGAN.RappirgBBd W-,t'»g Teat Meuian. N> UM Gr

et, a law dear* wea» of Broadway. Prita e »"Uiu|« daily fra. a*. U I p at. atd 5 to < p. at PaWl« Otre'e* froti 3 fco i

rauftram I

ADKMY OK MUSIC-Tht, OpBTB Jtithtatst of Hwoembar. af er


.}f^^^l^^^^<^mfl^ ree° * »«"taatdaw«. Apjalcataou* to be tuaUe ta tha t

At No. i East BroBdgfay (i^.U fckatti Tatv^.-a,C^.C^^ LkKJfZ,ajjfag *oraa aatd uadwa, Caa.kBiM and Walters.



AYOUNO i.tDY of RlMmoV.niMtta rJotires ».. nlnii eal'BaCHKR «4 the PK»NCrt end f«ERMAN

aM.1 AUl h and I'»»WI M1. Can aieo teach Jatta tnd tatMuh«* I- « -a c :«j cb«t if detvrad. Aidtsuo. a. hL, W trce*l-

er.Maa*-_A-H:i-i:N'l dMtriog i r:prm eniPtit it Natural

Srtaac*. »od Lat'ng >be mot'a of delraiiog bit «er .oat1axpeijw* mat »ootte aa «c*ei taaeoai po.i Ijo aa ASAISTaN T,by additrteu* Bol No, S,AJI Now-fork Ouy._ONE THING NT1D1M L"To~»?very faoiil/ ia a

»ood SI 1% AM 11 «y can rBaad at The Prjteettntfco ptoiBM nt t dice, No. 1 Carruiae, n»»- "icwke'ee


4jthäw hat thimm SR3 WAN TED .NonaO but thoea wtio bate experience arr-d apply.

A l.KI.A.NU A Cj No 171 Petr! at

THK Sl'BSCRII.ER, lately In the WholeiileX Comma* on Ba»» la Ollt, Ac, *a C nci-oati. on at*ou a account, * .»he« aa at g etreairuit »» BALK «MAN, or to any(.pacitv Or wb'ck a hu-'narea exper oice of many year* woaid.tu«lif'» hiiu. Refetence gives. Addreae H A. BICRNELI.,

Boa No S III Pee Office.


Bioauwaj.A PiuineL llTBSfJPCCR at OM Pia Cr»T,with a »arkity tf orrieri on htcd; 6 Una all or J»r*, rtctnciet¦aid aklSfMf>T rnicKROLSiaa. C'6»<k» are r*nsw*5ia aadUaaafa * ie, iunrirjg tuccee* Ii not firmTtn ni in' Mitrue aad CMRtaroaoBJici Dailt, 'to a

in. 1 to I o'clock, »ttttini many at hut aatl. No charie toPupli*. ^_

VVAN'lED.In a Law Offire, an intelligentTT LAD, of I* or M yeiriof »re, wbo errite« a good hind tod

la doir. u» ot-tod-.iti! I»w. Ad lie* Box No 3 4.» Puit-Office.ia Iba bandwii Uf dt the app.lcant, f tii^g «g» Ac_ff/ANTI >> LMMI DIATELY.A Lady compe-f I tent to 'eke t-e entire ohi'ko of an »it»b'l«bmtf.t whereHDIKVand CBILDtlN'S t.AR O.M i are MaDB. Oaapoaerieei) ri mm t u ty and eicaiieae* may apply Or two Jay*iteOiei2o c!cck,M No 71 l'thtt

?" Smrirca fox LBneinm itUn.

AFOUNDEEY, do'.og a good retail and wbiile-aale ksaktaaa, for HALE eheip. Order» for C-itingi

pioa.ptly attendee to. Ar>p>y et the beieiu-ot of No. Meyir New-Ytrik, or a the Fotmdery, No. dM Main i'. Pongi.koepe.e._L. M. ARNOLD.


An eatabliiomont with a trade of »*j,tH' a ?ei .which may btInoennitely mrreseed.In one of too meet iloumbiug ioiaaddtiei ol tu« Btata. U »Od BALE. Stock on baod, il-oat*9.Ct'. will be »o!d for a dttcounL Ad l'«>ii AGRICULTURALSTORE, Trilruna Ofliea._I^OR SALE.An old-eBtabÜHbtNl CONFtC-

tlONERYano ICE-CKEAM IdLOON ion rttKrHY,hi. In ptt'eci p.-d- r aad ot ing a food t o.;i.'<i on one of theprincipil thoou«l.f»iei 1 Bonk tn I'ceee» i ra (tlv-n taitnscJ-atth. Applt to HOMK.R MOR »AI, FtBOOt,.

No. 3 Matropo lt»n Hack Bui

FOR SALE.A STEAMSHIP of about Ü)00ton, bice Lever M&iine Engine; eapacl'y Or 2,500 bt. j.

freight, and »eeomrneflatiriw for If 0 Milt c am ;-.<.»ng.r» fbaShip Ii in pcrfrsc. order ard rea"y for ant vc>»«*e

efOI KuRO, TiLUSTON i Co ,

No. Broadwiy, coiutr Moim at

«W IIIIUII. -TO CAPITaLISTS-Want.iT .Il/iUUVi ad. a PAKTNER,ipe*r<al or artiin» witha cub. capital of *>40 '<(. to invo«t loan eitecilve I'M Minnfaetuilog Butlneai. new n»\ ing a large peroeottg* on the capitalbiveittd, (fi.efto) ana capable of being Increieed wi'h us-dnubted ncur.ty to an elmo, t amitnitad eit»ut Partie» klftelthe above amount in caah wiil iiod fee opportun!Uea In the reg-nlar chanral' ol lu.ineai that tier grealet luducemeou for ip«r-m'Dfnt it.voatu.ent. No propieitloo wiil ba emertained an.eaaeniinag irora thoee baaing ti e amount of caah req .lred, ani udoubtad leference. Com ranlcttuoa, ttiot y cor.baontll, raiybe addrtaaBdtoCAflTAL.Bcx No.4,l!f7 ftew-York Poit Offico.

$U\ iUU\ .WANTED, two PARTNERSA " /"/" 'e with tag abrve a-nouti', to take Ii* in n-

.geinmt'lan e« e.-a .. aed aro6t»bie MANl.'PACTURI *GBL'SINEe-S, nt w owoed aid carried on by leapoaatble p»' itihi tili City A monopoly ercurtd by a ptteot. A aalary offt:?.'i<Ouid a qtiOTter iat«re»t lecurtd to each by InvestMat.Addreee MAM r AC1 URER. Box No. Poit Ofllja.

to Wham it ftlay tvtuttn.

ADVEhTlSEMENTS üiserted in the beat New*]paper* of city aed rcmntry (Ea«t, tVoat, North, and loacti,

at V. B. PALMER'S Adveitiiirg Agency, T.-ibcne Building«OG for 8aLE.A superior WaTcH DOfiTfthe St. Brtnard breed, ncaurp****d for ¦ oo'iatry raatdene*

ot farm, lnquite at No. 3bo SUotoa-it.

JOBN HtVRT, native of l ungorn, Cuunty CelV,Iielfud. wou'd tbatktu'ly rvce-.v* acoount. f kia m «

MARY HART, at Rockaway. MaaUCoLity, New Jeracy.

TO PHY*I< 1ANS.A youDK Lad> would liketo atndy Mediciee with a we l-educated: prvrtloirg Pin

¦ieiar. Wcu c act ai Honieki eper 11 lmlr«d, being thor <ng .yqntiibed. A.'diea*. *ta log term*, STl DENT, Herald Orfjx>'1 in beit et n It k no « p.m.

ÖnpHYSICIÄNS..'Ike Undtralnned oflevr* biaaarvieoa to ef "»ige practic;, who aaad their bLU

i*arl*. for tbe L'oli.rti'n of the earaeH.eeioii.m i anarf rtymi^im.-m .rate* «..¦»*!.«.

HIAM I* hi, aNCIIBT, No. «?*)6,h av.OfBee kt a-a, bt fere 10 s. m. Atd »ftor < p. ra.

1THE AGENT Hrt tikt 8bJ« oftM Eikftiw. I^ImIkiaMl ol ARNELL> BBICh-MAKIN(j MACHINE

Uo beit MatUif.o in ' ae, tt ay be (oeo. togetber «'.th tbe Modal,at Lovijoj'* Hotel. New-Yo'k. Promj* Attoofoa gi*er to »17coDirouiiiiatioo audib*>ei to tb» Ate» t,

8. I*. MATHE WS, Lovr.jc lam » ni.i ..iBMiM.r.iw.infi riarn ¦ im. Iii iii ia


BOARDING. Either transient >r r^rmaaeot, f rrFsmi'te* and alagie Oentlemen, at No*. 5j. *l ai.t 50 Ice

ray-*t. Dumor at 1 at d 3 p m.

EMGANTLY FURNlHdED ROOMS in a pri-n.'i II ute.A few Oentleaac or irrtii f'tmi i-t oan ke

aectn tcoc tet wito an (legaiitit faxl-bad Kront Aoorn 0» 'b»third Oooi it A4 ifl, aod aou Btbk Rom oa the *eeon4 flier atelpet *« k, Ii Ciii'uj ga*. bot tad otJrl w-ter n h»ro:mtBoard,! any dei'im. te ted rrtt'^iy c*oo.< refarsaaa« Inqnii* at No k8> bth av hetwecs 17.b aad IMAatf

KTlOMtS and ROAKD..An exteoaion ROOM ontheflr»t floor, or a PARLOk at I » fcl)K'JO M oa tke aeo-

Deo (tc-ry tray n'w b* cbtalaed, aith BO A til, at Not. si tadkl l all Ü it. A to, a fewRo tu< for Sicg'e O murinen.

HE GLOBE HOTEL, corner of Frankfort andX WTTIIgail *U htvlcg e-r, eora; ateiy renovated It now

p.ej »ib.i to fuj. lab au.t.t Rot ratat J*- ace i*«a «f per dtyjat g.u d Pociina or ratuilie*. Porter* up totux the nigtt.Meala a. n'e.l tt all k.Dr*.

tjoU^t'3 tO iUt.

STtAM-rc-WER to LET..Several #niar. iigbtodBOciMS, wi'Ji . eady p wer. Ir tie tai dtij ooroot *f

tie. -1 aao Bl talotO-eta A at tc bal )¦ «, N c.:.* .l üid-aCaod Lt-at. R-o» »i-ry raodtnat* » p*Ta»2«at t*a».'ta. App'y at Nu. 21 ä Pear -»t, (cp tWJu)_T ttOHTOM.

QIBADT STEAM POWER to LET.-Latg«0 Ro m« weil lg"*d ir 'ha U« b iok b»> lieg N.v ,1«\. a:»r at , be'we Pike a: d Rutg ¦» tape. It quo, a« iiorr.

TO LEI .The large o itory briek STORE cor1 er cf Hii«*r« and Ct»H »alt Ortatrly xcvplt.1 a* » Oi-

nltote »t ire. App". at No 3e vYoeti&fiti* ttt

ijoutco anb farme ÖJimteb.

I.'Al.M WANTED..The :f..le.r^'t£'-)f.d IfafM tfLa***,*kththe piivoeg* of pu cl»i* tt k*tatala*io*, »

I*rrai l yt) to M> *rr>*. with iroa bou*« aad out-tiul J rga, lortbe pu'p ae of e-ttb'ieh'ng a Farm bcboci. It tbocU b- withi*t ne or two hcutt cd Htw-Vo k with at'.y acte*, by '»I road or.: 1.11 ootl app tca'ioa^mty be a;»de by lettett to -i'h«: of th*. et c ibtll at The W rtlo* Pvrct.- ÜB00 No. ltd K^ltor. a.

HhtiRY C. VAIL { n«,r l r. A.,i.a - 1.1.HB AJ.COTT, I *>aB)Jauthtf AdriBJUBiUU

Real CtHat« toi 6«iJ.«.

ACt .MFOKTABLE COTTAGM for $^..0.Contii'. ng 'oor crfi.s rtoonur A'iib 'A'e aew.y wadt plat

t ot'ege etn be c nt at a: d t-kro Joer wi b 11 jorj tJ tt*mt'-rta't, »itb .ittle t.ocM* or 'ipe *e> «ad trttaper td «,

ettlh **r betaaaT »ood* tu »otive mac trtio c-niy a cratll sept1 can w th tMa u etc'. »^d -tch w». fed tcrestlon. 9»«ilycloaj firm *."10 to »? '.<d per aaanta. AdAre** j. ftTi(iERaLD, Hex No 3^»: Peet <JH ce, Hew Vor«.

(^Hr'-VPI^T H(ilM >in iNew-Yu:kor ßro-tk-J lyn fort'ASHor HaLP CAS'J-A gcol 1 ttary Vick

Hoo*o, p!«*e«jiL eil a tee 1 BAtJ tb* fer-v in 8r oajvn »S VfwoitheV4" A ,rifk f-uba*t* vCUot, f,ec f)4o*. Ic-ijotre of J P. TOeAN.^END. No » Nt-na at.

FWRM Ft «R >ALE.For $l!,i.X)0 C»kh.. .0 exold.etiLd FARM of It* aoret with I at lit ft,

Orrthard, Ac iVtni H mtlea fr i* Naw-Tork. ta tkit StateIf a b ll* Ocim a rai: "a* r-ni vi..tgt, tad liv* in lie* fco-n

* Hu'.otHRi.. - Airy to CHARLYS W FüRDHAM. No7 \\ M. t, 'l O:o N

pOR SALE- One 0/ those rerv (kairtbleniafcS-I 0*V 15*3 aa».'caTar-»e*, Watt 31 at .totes Kory *.!Mitt, furtxer, ga*, Ra, Itqt"i co tt* preadaaa, No. ;i Loadta!¦ rr»cc. PcaKaaoc .*.-() ta a* Sprig.

F~OR SALE, or EXCHANGE for WESTERNLANDS.Ab Citgant robaewit.wly be t Ht'UsK la

of Brooklyn It qtilra of L. A HO tCU RISB, Zlr Knud way.

EH>fi SALE or I XOHANGE for CITY PROP-1 >RTY-A v« oaVa FARM, ot a aaaottfc' c**»fy HnDtNCfc, io tLa Vlllaaa af Jarxaiet, okea ta the rat*«, tret-.»t* isn'-tiuunu. abatdaoee ef Fruit at* W arei. ltd . withtioai if to HO acrM of Lud. aaaiy to <»F'» COO. IN » c*"»Irrruiia.ui yt'M. w MC* LS B*. T Naatan at

pOR 8&LE or TO LET-Ths ^ ITT HOTEL.cut 5Wg**> ««. eorear A BroU aal WLaaaaaek*.. fa* ta.).aailiaat aaU^-. H k»a Urg* ape ¦¦laapart eai «aatapl«. «

tJLOM««A»t>sjjFw ttrer.1 taap'g-


it iov riirtuo ro BB1A »raa two rtftJMi <>* teat*.r ititcraa

PKaIAUK, FARM and WOOD tracts or ab a< Krs a <i> cp*aro,

Tu «all pu '>»»»ri. ...» . a> i rata» '.r ^K«f am

Tbef war« arajaied kf thi Go>». w> anraaraaa thereading of tkvs Railroad, w'rmn rasa ft <= th* aittwce »Orth to

ibe emtrene aoatn of th* Hut. of 1,' it peaae* frc a> «a<*

to ana, '.broug1-. tb» ticker t,d m.»* fr».,,. »T«ir«a» of toe Uta atotted b>i» and thai a wi t r.egr4e~Mi <»a* Geoeee T * te-

eett eaeniir of nearly f*r mi.»e of teX i )*4 tarier» opa* tintaaeU for eaJtieaticc lltey tr» eee/te-ed drccn oaa to*l'Uaatiliee tm 'f' »1 it- of H. '»-.-"legh. feg et 'u« ewgtk-

Tt>e toll la a dark, rich rrmg, free» on*, to 8»e **»' Ir aawjta, ¦leafa roiling end peaajtkarjp 5- rT (or grutzg tattle ar I abeepana the euitrrttion of waeat, ltd'an tort, keThe ftrat crop of Itdita eort p tatea at "** new:y inta

.-*r-» canal.7 p»ya the are* A p!aaing ar.4 toaatua*

Wheat aoart otnew tarred ac-t m eure t, y . c rert large prod-aOne d an w!tb t piow raad twi y >*e n» IMm* mmt t.alM j two acie* par day. CoeaaeU car. b» made f a break,tax, ready for com or wa'*r, at Ai tr. p2 ft per acre. By yn .1

aioo* c aragrmeot farm* may b. btotrr «i fwtef the n-*t

aad otidei sloth **** of oultlratJ.-r the- *«ccc4 .**> .

The lartar ylalion lb* eoeitlattv.* af Ui n.n.o"* hl/a pntedlaoJele the faetero avud ktiaote Stet** 'j In.« Ii w mi^abstore than »riflioir.m to pay the difference of tractportuica u.

the t art-wr. market. Toe rapid ii.s.»*ae am! growth of flotrUh-lag tr wn» and *iHa<** a'ang it* Lea of thai ijtd aaVi a grow-

tut bome r. fair t.rj. 1 It, ¦_.

CJoai and wocx" are delivered along the raed tt iiferaxt P'dafJ,at f-oiu $1 & to mi the cord or taa-

Perttre hat*o| in »>w Iowa. Kar»**, Nebr*»**. <* Manse**.or torb roture rion>eeeiv.u!-i .at* into c- deraiioti thtl th*

aoostrr w*M o< tie Vunie«ippl tt daeti'ai* of rulroartJ, ttat

the eooreru'ceea e'tretwro.titie gi>M ezd praioaa fr m farm*00 thelma of the 11 ir.oU ( rntral Re>>o*d. dlTect toth- graalEaaterr. market Ueumcieat of Has f to p*y the m»eey/i»»l et

rnar. *)!. ta *I6 p«i aere bighet thtn in gir?mmen« "uiJj it

Iowa, la attear wiade. that it eoeta ac onck more u> *** prodaae froen f*e Oberlar of t»ie ec-ini*7 wet: of the Ml*^«dpp- Uthe t».»»t-m rnerket that th- fa.-, er en bed tt natS mire pro-

ertahte Ir loaate on the :tr.a of trite ra'lroadri'cc tao t»«.«s or tArmtwr.

The pnoe wil' aary frarr g>5 to act aMiay to loaatkte,gnairry aa. Crcrrteti for dieai traj ka made daring tno year(aW. *dpn>attiii tha parthaa« mom>y ti be paid inO»e annualtt*tel.raatr*.tbe ftifrt to oejetc» cne .t tw-> y»t« fron, dai* ofMtiUut the otber* irjnal' 'herriirlar fee taat paynceoi wffl

bee me dot at the and of the, gUtt year from date oi ooiitr»u.Ryli.a*Maacti9noft>.(> Ac* of** Leraattare. eporored vt»

febroa-t, lSftl. thee* le^dj are free from ttxatian until tha* are

paid far and a deed of gTtn^l '0 the parc'aat»r.tarrcttT wit-t >a catanto *t j*i.t two ».» c««t *i»

antat.At a taaarity for the petaaraaatiee 'A tba eantiaat. r*e flrat

two year** Inthreat mart be paid it adranca l«t it mitt t» an-

4erefH/l thai one-tanLb of the itnt pi^cbeaa'*aal'y-arly »»

brought cuter ealdratlou. Looter ere»'lt* at tit paieeat perannum mt) be nagoot'el hy *pef<«i appheatvoB Twenty taa:

tart fron. U> credit pric* wt' be dedariad *af eaah, In waiokease he «"00 pany** f.onat.ut ion V.nlt arl be re«el»»d aacaaa.

It ie be leeed tb»t the p iee lora rre at e-<> low rttaaof in-enaw ebarr>d for Lbeee lande, wU< acacia a isan with a '*«hnn-imci c. yilara en eaah, and oro'^i-y 'rd^afy, to make himee''inoepeirfirtit btforeail tb* pvebaaa m.t.e; raa-^iie*due Meanmm* the rente eeUleenan' t inec3t.-.;f a il'p hare lpereaaet' treir raiua four m fir* r j 1 v'fc.n retrnirod an eti e-

rierce"" pcr*->r w.ii aceoirpaca ap3^:tLt« to g:ra InfonnVi^*anal ft ui ae.acting laiica.

..< PtBta.thoanng tdta :¦...» ijcatlaa sf (ha ianlt t irongkxu iti etat* tr ay be aaei. at :ba jif.t 8a>ai) pocket Plat*, at

a guide to any part of the. aoxpvy** Ian it, tad Pampb'at,toi.ti.ti'tig intnrartirig ttf <-r,»tto'., tec mptr.ud by aacnerootlefRert tUJM tt»p'.cu%o.-> firmer* thrjugfijut the dt*u>. maj hehaV en app'ka.ijc a1 th* i th^a of the Cotupaay, No 5? ktlujJget-*-.. Chrtfc. CBA&LKS M DU PUY, Ja.,

T and Ageut I l >!» Ceaeraa,' Rallr .ad Ctuaatii


OQ b let lee»f d fr a 'ha " So r ^ler E»'*» .' for i.1 j»a'i, withtwo renew* . of .1 year* steh et * groted rett of oa j »41 parBBMB3. Ir t ba K3 3 , baeae £5 bj 6»; firat ft -ot 2> by 71.Tbl» bona» wM bant lec-Lt1» la tre but uianofr, wl .h a'l uiid-e*t in p'etement* »ii : marble mantiea b^aca-walnat «tti t,>>a ta. water r oiet*. »peakieg taue, i j a-ei't b-at 'aroaca, mar-

b e tHeieg on 6r*t atrry ha Peaeenim t r n immedia'e y, or

on the firrt dt; rfMat .er: Wl' be ao 1 chttp. Ii »ppited forscoc Eor further gartictltt »rp. to

BaSER A 1VZIX8, Na. 6 P ne at



8 ur1»rl» are t WMiirg at * Bookkeeping p-antlca ly, on a

aew plan, wfcltb »ate* ha f tea tine an" money raqaired bt f. <

.leVogj »yatoto» Cet'imaabe ggftajll .. VVKJNESDAY,at low teiai». ard tb* itaioaa i»k-i at p'.eatuie.

FRENCH anrj CLA-SSICAL mSTITUTE furYOT NO GENTtEMFN (Sparjh ai.4 O-rmaa Lan¬

guage,) Nj *t> Eitt S4ti »'.., j.ani H Peatnet'e ächool).KLIS CKaRL'ER.

FAMILY SCDf/OI. ijAMfattiUtE, MASS.-AMBRf 5E V\EI.I.|N. I*ON btU prep^a Yoarh« f>r Co»

l-*ge tkarcUa öe »eboo or u . C >ni log-' o.a ll«'efer» tott»rolloali* patrotu of h:a icktol I WC. Grien Eeq.. in ha.,New-iork i lion. J. G. PaUrey. H c J C. Gray, loo R. C.Winthrop, P.cC H. W L^gM aa, Prof U L. Eaa.i*.

CjJ(»Vl.i»NtS8..A jnupg Lkdy who in compe-"

tent to etebtbe Eng tth c-arc*-»«. wi>be» a «itaatijn aa

l&ACtiER la b piiaats f r Adtrer* M. f.,Ttibauo OPdc-.

i^IiuECT""BOAKDLTiO 8CHOOL for BOfS.O '» -j _.ith «f M ddiwr. Ct

R. ät. BECtR'A iTa,Pr<ae;f»..

TMtfc CLASSICAL GYMNASIUM, Bible Houbb,J Aatorpaoe J. 9. BlNGHAM, Ree'or. a Day u-..aea>oo- of tb* ftrat-e aee. lo tara depa'taaaa.te reee-aäa* tw-n-yroya-ack. Iba etudtee beglatleg wltk tha »ietnenta,e-i^rao«the cist imporect fc g iah et.- te» Mat .amatic«, 'lencb, i, Uraek, Bo. k kaassasia. 0.aasia(. anü Meuae4 of Ar.....rfc« H«iinolra.vta Saas ailla sa.Ha.1 peai»lon ttarn ro'Xjf Ttet the pupile. Pt.-at*» wl t ieelrt iheir s.:t boi». .(.!.. ml .«¦

trrr« aas to peermr l'a s^me.h". t ein bare be «a ished No

Put* tra tpar-.d tc make tet ael >.« :r>.e best ^n IhM coottaenthart tr> n m severt. vtet: :.¦ *

1'Hl blCOND TERM of Mn J. T. btSt-l lCr'B eioar irg »ni Ott f C30OLfo. Yontt Ladleieonv

menrae Ja r 'A. No 4 W>i; tfl't et., .V d.-ot fron "ah st

IQfl BROADWAY itrd at 277 EULTON-? »Aw/Yl RTRIKT.RRt OKLk N -The csdrratgeed wi 1 rfc»iv i ucili aa 'y Per Blast r. a-parata tc-fui'l .r. is PE.N-MaNkliiP, b i h a > I a'd a-ITUBlEriC.



Po. BW Bnalaray, Nrw »ort,Nc 13" M Bl ga v ./v», S.c tire,

are tu» open for tha setson. l'upi.* ata sramanr? tt anyUrne Clttanan, atp'ainli4 Lina ait ker«* «as b* 2*4 at tneA«adV'miaa>

TBE second QUASTER of Mra LAV-NAY M DA»»CINO rClfc.OL at Montague Hall, Cour'-

»' Brat k ya. will 3p>a .u lae td Da Jacu.. > «r.eo Mr* i. \SNAY whl m itady o reo ire new oaipil*. Laet.-a* on w'»Ju"*>dtyt a: It o ce», na Sai irday. et 3 o'clock

E CHICKEF.ING ' iBt etoc) anrivaleJ Piaooa,'. BlNfakTT & C..'.OBTLRBTIAL PlAtOS, M- odaoiat.a-t'-.t1 (eet.ajceaaa ef il la*d* a-i Ma le »js aale a. great

. h. AP H1'>.»^S lit MX' BeoeJara», N. Y.ka

Ä UHAhl) eia^o.Of aar.a«rior Dine, coaty «. »Iii ha «öl4 fi* A -> -nv-i, s»

S I jd 'JJUfa. N.. ."TT B-Bed arap.

A GBAND D'agonal Rosswcod ? octsvt- PIANO-f RYE io tl-gaot Ca*e, by b>at tatier: e )»t ?*,=>« he«

uaec a tea- rx«. b«. V-11 te-j d fet «SM1. th»o»cer.*aAr 1 jrop» In a tew day*. Ca* kr ?»»« at No 1 .'I Ves. TM It i I j i >k

AC07>i 4l RaVx-N hBTB, 1a ».Lwttiüt'ttce. oitie »Af«CJ' tJ Can*! . RXMOa ED iba^r Piaa^PortaB

RtgjrgsX *. ta Bf 'M D.-..:.»; . ».. t >.k aw of wayPkej tfl m tua- *i»ol» aod t**a pab '.t an a*4eej*Jvi atwsvt-Baan- -A PlANC-rt.Rn.9. wkiv.\J '.: irarj raapaot.

GEE AT QI7B0VEMENT8 'jd planor .PTf.a -Maaara. LlOSTi, rtK'A-TOI A BRAkt

t- :p .-> I.% <a.i s.-. i - -i| -t i.l* (an* atucoaa kBaairPllMI PORTI», ttj.-.-ä «rl &. pve-.t aRCAwtFfrV ?LANR, sHick 'a and .ib'ed'i tka m at vsKsUata-ta»a«"'»etneit e-r-e- iv^.äme«! Ir'-; th** p^clar 1r.«uani*T't.

(^KEATbcVCaii'.Ci .: PlAnO<».-OB atciKiotM ti *i;*eea* tut be »c.i Ttils WEjrjr; to c'oaa tna »«n-

C»rc «* t»« '.< it' * oil latatrapteit* leas a eachthai tt.- ib at or a rrlce* ttusnri; *y ;te S-«t rnak-ra; pf r

Hs t tc-.-t u', f*-.i at.-etMi ; tl N s.< Welkte: ,

bjw Mctl frtta 3rta-»ta._W. QSBQRNE k

a" aAI^-TiTn B».\S iri^'^y^fhTtiZ^1 MCeflllBIB N BMCea u *CMa -aa» ae «uitc

\ .--»«ea».rttn«; t i<f tr-.e*r se.abrV»! HAPM. la flak and Or-tataaot ti C'aaa* water at tad oo a ar^urpaattd le «raaju si».->fttw i¦' t.-a>a e-»iaa>l ce^.L< :*.***;* :t/ia» ba ««ataaa.

JLACAOTA tt «Ar: t'M'HALL, Maoufv5»ir* -.t re Irr PIAS ,-PORTES. P'^aoi to l*t, an 1

t. k N> .'. a -ice. at_

piANCS MEI ODFINS and MUSIC- Of»7a* tnVr for O» Hol'itfa-BlORACP »AfERS. No. Sid. . tv axay Ag Bt f r tta **Is c«Jka beat Beaton »cd New-forkriANQS srtfMEL"DRGNb.c* . U*a a: l-. p ..e. t- aa atkrfe" kaeara. and tta B0RA(;R *>ATfcaJ aatalogua ofM'tlC at half pr'j* daring U* Ujldtyt Naaür be ^4Botksof ai.fttad Mtt-j at >3_I>¥fMIUM PlA»0»-SCHUlkTZE A LU-I D(».PP N? 4». B.-radwar o« at»ira, »al-.jit a'tea aloe tot i< mm a «I af pr-rj,:.-ei P'ANO-POatEtJ whl ;h are warranuaa '« -ttrt nva ot; aal, a* aa mdraee of 'aelr eteatlaeea,iatri rrea-.e-i t'e flat -rltg efpta-ai tf the folljwiag artktuM-» Ac>- IfgBM fmjt Jati'ea try; Aaguet 'Hegel.

TgjlbTst & co.i magnificenta ?lAf.()8-A ra te-.» ,u*t raaeleel Purebeaere

ajot.4 ao'. faU r fail ace ea 'k«ta rr iremee. In thaee c»ie-ktatea la/. BaTafAta Tee o xt f*ro ataa tar as cffer.d aad parfcjt «aiwafact-:.* p.-jmiaa* ME MATH».WS,

Bo'e Ag»nt N> »18 ""¦?dway.ejraat of Ceaei *L

7 OCTAVÄ PfAMO-FCRTE mad* bj Brooka,I . PCR SALE- m-d» te o dar, «td tret BkNJ-lor BjHe),

ose.* i rich trte.*a a *«l>j to th* teat tf tt r p-oteaasr af maa o,ra-awa-d BBd tlagsa ly *el»hed with tt e*. A*ply atNo >*i »iL er c. ar 171» Bt M foe daya Tk* waxrtatae actoa pan a* 'A* Mata

Cm ¦* m WOODWARD, igajÄ-üwtMW aadt «aalwaka WROtiB* IRON PIPER envl l^kaktaw of aS

tJa>\*«a Bowaea,»*v Baa k a -f B^-n«ai«aJ&.wa>awwadal fr,«. Bf T Bate and paitU trm\hZ» kaawad by

.^Ä.'Ä3l»r^r,S-- KkW at kaaad a-

i\'AMKl>-T»o (,0.-1 8CREW PiiKSSEAf.irf I Wn ler t> th«. »r.d rHf-SS rL»TE» if ibxy h»v» thrm.

Apply t. r H>Fi v W Job» ft, New Yott._Tniiun. öuirttTjutc aiib Iron

ADIRONDACK P.'O IRON, for Cm 9fi\mUmikirr. bake* sutvNt few Mi« by «_»e»i of 'Im «Ulru»«a*h

ir«Co««««y iohnW UOINCTNo. t\ Wili'tm-tc, eorae. 99 »"»cv

aÖOäL HODSj Shovrla, Hitters %n3»,V/ FllX IRONS «ixl STAN US.

m. 11. U£ i* k .

Hiiut SmSMn fc«PCIENTTFIC GRIIIP.ON* frr St~v»e »xd Rai ge*. f r «»le

bT CHaS n. LITTLE No» ¦ an*»* it


No* M<i»»r II. Prloeeit., »l*w-»o:k,T kr*l f'o:k we.t of rfroedw**,

Rr-fnrc» h'» »b*r»f lor tr* p»tr ruf* of hi* M-cdt »nd lb*

pibi'e.wV r»*pe-ttn>'y rain ihtlx *U-.« tan to to r.n exi*a*ive

11 fi e.- **ot »»o'tm-nt of _ __

( IIA l>F Lit K v ¦BACKETS, Pf. * PANTS BANT. F.ORf-AMENTi am' MoV aBLF. READING f:D«irA s.Tb» *V ve betni roirjf'etar-c ro tb» ptimiwi b* t* eca-led10 tfl-t '-bars *t cub cheaper r*t«* lb** tOoy cm ba purchasedfor elaeefrra.OAS-PIPE 'n» rt 'b« »>ort»it notie«.N. B .CHaNuELIf.RS etc. Braated or Begtit_HUDSON PiO^RON^No. I Extra, Nos 1. S

Th* No. I Fxtr* wfll mil aame eweo er»! I» «ur>-ri<iT fir.AI porpoee* tt. Sattel Pig, JoHN W. QUINCY. No. » WT.

l!*ro-«t, oot. Plaut. Afaoi Hodanc Iron Cotnpsny._I^TE~WÖ^.T8~TOO^ (hi Jh»t-

J hem**.. Near-York..It ce r-aeqi'to" of tb* death o' thel»'e Ptooil't*r, fHOMAS JA« CS WOOD, th» »<aain-ee la n >

liea.r renaecUfl it.'tie oama hating acid SaatfJJ Mr. H F.PalRBANK MAR» JANE YOKE Wv.UJ. Et-.j:r;t of1 LlOjU Jaiai ¦ Wood, de.t ae.1.

AMPJS A >01V* SHOVELS and Ni ADiih-. For **Je »y JOHN UCJINCY No W 0VHit»m-*t,0RAILROAD I B 01.-

l.nor but WELÜH IRON.* 1 U the yard, bow laboaA.

ALSO:2» tarn WELSH IRON, « tf to the yard, la *tora end u

arriveFar*«j*by CLARK A JESfJP,

N , T Beaver at

SHEET LEAD siid LI AD LIPE.At Haaufactanrt'rrieeo ry HI TCHEK k RF.AD, 2>2 tv*tir-vt.

SCOTCH PIG IRUN..Hundred tuna No. 1_ Oa/uherrri. and »W tab* mixed nambera bar. P-g Iroa h>ever* and laua.ig foi *»:- b>

bpo»tAkI) riLP.HTON A Co. No » Sroe/tw»*.

WniF BOPB of ev»>ry aite, atntflRth mid de«p»*of ÜeaiblStT, from oo^eighth meb diameter nparard. f«*

koiatlng. Stayi. *.*' Ft***!* b* CHAS. W. OOl'ELAND,N". M Broadway



PTRNITURE for fiftLE.- About $0 t'.OO worthof Fun nor*, oew l»it Spring, wll be *o<d for Ca*a or

»tirtrtiy uceacumbrrtd He«l k,t-te '1 h Honee la ia a Terr d»ria*>le Ircad'y, Dear Maci*rn . »uare, aod will be let or aold, 'ft'-ror. ha er deafer. Po*aea*too at onee. Adctrea* Bos No*4 2 1 Oenerel I'. ei-Offc*

fTfTrrlnoton .enameled cot-a TAUF and t.HAMBF.R K rn v 11 x 1 »' th* Manufac¬

tory and W aierocmf .'< < 4ti aid 4* Wooatar at.

iXcio-gork t£itTj Onatncei CDiretixnTj

THE FOLlLOWTN'O list consists of promia**t Hooaea 1c each line of Biuine** :

DRY OOODS.A rar r lerer, and Ion Ign Hflka.

10WKN, McNAMEE k Co., (Impt*. ¦ Jobbera)!ll*BrcadwajBrrila V\ mil MaTibrolrtery NMka. Frlnte*. («1mps

Battoo*. I.aiitei' Dkm "Trimming*, Oold and Silver AnRv'aFor Regalraa.

KOHLSAAT BROS., (Importen arid Jobber*) No. 4S Jnhn aw

(.rntlriiHii'- l urnl-hlna tomrla.J. AI. DAVIES. JON ES A Co., (I mpta. A Maof*.) 23 Warren -ax

Anii-rirpn Limp* Slid (.(ib FixturesDIETZ UtO * Co.. (M»nufa)...No I... vi,. ,.. ... .. r..

A rtlfli Flut»i n« und Fealbpra, new att lot.J AM i TUCKER. Ilmporter an.'. Wholoaale lMalera) No. »

Broadway. Bridal Wreetlw for the MuxloaDratlat.

Dr. CHAS. A. PECR.No. 443 BreatiwayDoom Hitahi-b an'l HIlnrlB.

N. P R1MBALL. (Wholeaai* and KetsU) No '8 B*«tm»n-*ti:»i«ru t rr- (Wood.)

W. ROWLAND. No. Broadtray, I <loor above Ar.or Route.Kntcliah L'ntlrry. Pili*« Havra and Tool*.

HABf»RFA\ FS, SMITH fc fJo., Miauufactu/er* lEttgUad).No. a Cllff at.

Prrorh vVlnaow (Haaa.I. H. foil.MIS A Ca. (Importen).No. 34 Barclay-**.

Prrnrh and (vrrnuta Baaketa, dtr.CHAS. ZJNN A Co. (Importarj V Mtadeo-lane k 31 I., t ..,.*»

(*rat<> and Prnder AfrAkera.(VM. .i- JACRSON. (finrorly W. t N. Jackaoo k Son*,) No

B9 RmadwaT. I <loor above I9tb *t.

Hardvaar*), t un. > Kdae Teola. See..HOB Util ULAS.t (Maoufacturei and OoaJer). No I Platt at.

I rot. MnaU Arc.¦ rNTINO a ItlN til ...a.>.No.eoWaUet,

Boat ana Oar Bazaar.From '.00 to V->- Boata »lw»ya on html A liberal dlacoeint t*

BhatS who buy to sell Main.. INQERSOLL'S, 290 SouthatLlcbtalna K*>rto.

.vt. «¦ iMH>'.N urtle-. i.' K J7:b at. and ll9N*e»r,«etLiOlt MAM FACTt RINO Co.. Otlr . Pateat Al*j, CopperRod* far Ship*. Agenu wanted.No. 11 Oold *L

LiihoBTHPhi'nt.I3F.O. HAYWARP.No. 120 Wstereat

Paina». O.i. A-r.RA YNOLDS, DEVOE k Co.No*, ine an l in« Fuiton-at,

i'iaprtr Warrhoian.CYRL'S W. FIELD A Co., (Wboiee»V UeeJen) No. M CliF-Bt

Paper In Holla and lUaana, Ar.KL'OENE EL i.No 76 Fuitun-ai., 'bird door below OoiA

NalBMnajidrr Nafea.STEARNS k MARVIN Manafactnrera of Rich A Co '* BfJs

maoderSafe,, Wililer'a Patent, Kieh'a impiovement. A!** ,> in .. of th* pateut " L-i Rene DepoVBO. 14> A-«trr *t.

t»hlp flrrarl and l'rarkr>m.> EASTL'S i'lll." a to..No. 2W WaahingtoB at

Toys and l in y aiatxta.J. AHLBORN k Co.. A4 Maiden-lanr., up-ataira, sad 2u l.iberty.M'lndow and Plat*- lilaaw IFrvn. h and himli-h,

F. HOPKINS k BR4P» HERS, (Importerai No. <H S»rrlay *t

,*. Any *<ldrtion* ru the ahevs Lh ahoold be brought to Ik.Othce .> S. M PETTE'iUILL k Co., No. UM N***aa «t

N»V»9PAPEh APVFKTISIN'o»A M. fETTENOII.L k CO.. No ItjS N**e*a-*t., fUrw-York

live aiad* *aeh arrangement* with the beat and moat widely-cir«oiaterd jiaruai* tn tbi I'nited Statea and Caaa4«/< that rbnv art.nabl^d to make a aavtng of nme and expen** to Mm advertiaenebo do bajrmeaa thrnngh them. Thrv (elect the be-r paper*, andadvartiee eoiepicaoue »y *t the very loweat price*, ami alwayikeep the lot "rest of their eujtotoen Id *i*w Merahaot* ara Erl*ed to sail od them.

Swtirtttty fiflatfriatt^KOAUVnO TILES.For Veatibiilr*, HaIIi

b.4 Hearth* Dining ijoujj CotraerTaab.-iaa. tta ANEi A.iHIMiN'EY tOPS, PKAtN PIPFS, ka, For aaJa


R~OOl^S I R00F8 ! ROOFB I 11.Tho ohrkvpv and heat attlals for covering roufi ti TAR ROOFIri*

PAPFR. which wi keep ouBJtaxliy on bead aad wl," bm Biarga or anail quantltiea o «a't o. t- i.

JA»> l>. il't e-A A Co. r*.- k ««...- t* ra.



w»i '»vorab,y known let many yeat» a* a flr*»-t* e Buke- iaN-a York, ana »">,ti-i ih* C jNICAL MILLS «3ty for theirevperioihy for m.kmg Hionr eTer orr »*rie* of experiment*Th» F oi u. ed* in tt e»? Mill* I* Dot inj ired la the inn-Mr g,»na reta'n»'he r nriiloo* peoperlei of the Wheat. It make*more and tetier B.taO Iba* Fl iu m».e la contain flu at' aaml.!» tAaitbkOie. »'hoeaalu and retail. No. 19t DoAne-rt-,near v\ uhlcgton at C'.nical <*llli for eal*.

fJüintß. (Dile, »Blaee, &r.

COBURN'" EXTRA OIL for Mncnincry toiBuroln* 1* aoiarvaaeed by *ay other. It barn* btliUaatiy

aau .act* aa iotig aa ape.m Mill not gam machinery, and I* aaA Ru. 1 OB, and ao peuoooaced by etigiaeen and o>her» whokavt aaal for many yeaia Ft 'i'~ In htnli. T* to it pal In* i

Ul'I'.'fr. No. 98 WtDkvn-al.aah, by Cobara'* only Agent,



FRENCH eod AMERIOAN ZINC PAINTS.flora Nn. 14« WiXereL. Naw-Tork

pAJNT, I'AINT, for HCILDING8, ROOFS,f Ac. a- l^rea'.a a pooaii Preoia*'* Boiled Otl,7dcaot*iRoof Ofl.MrenaefVlra. By

_J. HENRY SMITH, No. 11» Maiden lane, N. Y.


aajBBj areoted exten*»*» *i rk. la Jarvry City for the manakeuir* of Dry W hite Zinc and White and Colored /loa Faha*are prepared to exeeat* orerre T^ialr ^Hrdte Zio* I* aaparrrr Many other of Am*ai«aa inauicrraoQtr*, and wanimi f»*urahly

i *a faroral'e"h th* >-«t «aalrty af F. -.- A For tal* aa faroraalair-a Ajraat*,kKtrtHO A SQOIEH. h. Mfoeniaat »

by the Ceeotpamy'i Ageata,

T^b^T>-WARRAjfT OFFICE, No 83 Wsiii,KJ Mew Tork.-The Mgbee* market prla* paid for avABFWa RRANTB i aad «| W a/raata aakl ky me are guaranteed amiin, i , SB BaaR at otkMaaMapaa raoeipt of riMlalaam

arraoM proeared tor SaadMea aad o«Ba*e aa«ti*d aad*, apoa aa^Oeackai *o

_#¦ J. CC«aBMaUE Ska, aa Wafl^g.

tTcTJOrtTirreljia NotiifB.

N».TBJ D«awV, HT^Dajrfll.llAkTTJRaTW /. tT'TRILL.

Batrs ha ^itxrunt.


Co No U5 Broer et., wi.l toil on WV.rt!,*:-* »AT ftfit r DevJE .B'Biita ivoire- of »p rodt Diamond Je relry in va'oe et

»*»d'»g B*/St, ejet M be tod am ho a- reeerve. fhn lav/i'i(of sd'« L>'*mocd *r»eele»«, UUau'.i Ea- r.<i, B ivbet estPin n e»t* »cd ktoffl l'iececea t\ «er Hi gs of ti'jiii put-ta-r* »i»'l tj ee: »M c > ud*. db rt Uhiu, a 1 br.t.liat* offli « tua iij. »et tr. the m a' fwVntaM* pinna* a .1 in sonn

Iteui »uiiH from m gjaen «vsh.( >, D * -T QU AM) J ? *l EL'IY..Also a fine eiaort- f Oi id B a.b.» en OaM J-welit.N B .The foregale, la bellr'-ed lo be the m .»'. va'atYe M e

of itch leerelf] thai Ik* baeel me. * tiiU i. *m ,a Catalog ie«ari be 'eedy end tfu.m evMtit«4 *a"> on oo ..ngof tile.

ADMiTS18TKArnK,» ."»ALK..Importaoi Stlo4 l.'r>H'N*. TRIMMINGS, A.c. et tbe atora of

JOSXFB <Jtl ANDI.f It. d e we I ^o -0 Willln r-.c Tie.tote dock aril, be di*pce*d of cotiai:er-ib y beio* car, tt theeat*'* a.tut be closed forth art th.

A. «. CHANDLER, AJninlttrtiot.

A. M. *»*.».». Ae«r»' ,oeer.

BY BAjNGS, BRl/lüEB aV Co..Trade-SaleBnonie N IS Pa-k »t>w.V. F [)N KSOA Y fTFNISO, Dee. ?5, et C o'« otk.

NVtV AND FRESH srncK-A large eolation «I vt'otbl- Ltb>e a « or' . of e> aneard Wo.k* ha Tai' >u< luansaasof l.'teia me Art* and Bei ccea. rn e !y new and f .sen, ti iuan- la<"r* n'oxrateal Hooka in leal bualngt, Juvenilesaid set er-1 Miaeel are a* Pe Mir attract, A L

THI BBDAl 1 » ENI Nli, O k V at .> o'.- oak.BOOK'ELlEB'S BTirCK . Au e*»eo-trr co> ec'tnn of

Star d«rd Wrt»* to t»e \erir.o» b anch»«, *n.i « gfat v»ietv ofMitcel tneoa* Ltcera'nre Ac Aiao an tasartrrna: of Bo ni

tine Cl' aj and Mc ool K oka in Tuantni..*KI AV AfTEAM »N II e .. *. -t.

CHOI r EBGIIS i nd AatBtlRAM *<> »KS- \n ext >n

»iaa cj I'ct'ro, eoB',>-'ain< tine lit-rar» Optra of va iab> «taud-aid BTtlk* is the rprk u* hrmcaee of ill ra'nre. man* ot theuibj hur tüii u'atOitial aad a Tah->ty of uesr and nip I-

lar p-M oatioLi. Al* an aasortme-t of »aperb j il'ii rt'elworks. i'rbi brand; gnraelt for IBBI| Juvenile«, A aaH <!to th- Hi ';da_» -eeevc. Au. >ng 'hem v»L be fount E<n<<en'sR y» Ual BO of Alt. (rtbion'a D *'gu* tad intu* ot >r etpef»ive Ko< ks and »eT*"Bl proof IBBOSBatWiQ* of cus«>» E.irr iTluitt

fce., fi re leg a »tty rholee r llection. <.'...i able oir tajtrtJaealO a.* boaer* getoiaily. l'ata>< gnee are to« ready.

B~0 0 K 8 ill A U C T I O N. .K r.nrtta»BB, AoeM-neer Noi 377 tad ITU Br>a<i sray,

rcne Of VVMie- t LEAV TT. U* Li 'SCRk «'o., wi aeii at

Bicti c. et UEDNr.diiAV EVENIVU. "ec a apienhdroi.ectloo ! bean it al BU'lRS, in Jiadlog. laittoe fagBo btai r. .>

TAB K. NOTiCE.Ttia» all ar ic'.'i or! r*d at aa-Jjn by tbi*boa e will be . Id poe«<ive.j to the b>«be«' kiddW, aad thatn^thli^ is'tceivni n a lluiii Bale to BaeatBSaBpt at I o'oiockp.m. CgJtaiigaea ready ax daBa«Bfy.VXrCUTOH" SALI', to CLOSE an ESTATE.jCj .'Vj|i -a so d at parkia iMBti-aa,atbm kfarakaak*' R*>eti'i.a- in ibt* city, ou lio tü lay o: Janua'T. 1'^i >t 11 ¦?«io:k¦t noo", by tbe ut u-"»'gn-rt pmanant f the oirec io * ooi-

tain.u It the la t »11 of ANDREW LEARY, d.oeaaed. the foiloare-g pjeeea or lot* of !»nd. Id fee, t3 w(t:Ai tho*a f»o cert-In pieeee, or par'-*'* uf lan i, st'na'e,

Ij'ng *nd being 'n itie X1 I-h Ward o' me 'Ity cf Near Vort,laken tge her bounded an < describ*! a* f »t(owa: tjjgtnotnx it

th" aouth-wearer:y comer of toe Sih »». and I' h *t.; ni'inhigthere* »onth< rly * or* the rth »» ff fagd I Inc-ot; thoaea weit-

erly paral el wrb l^.h-»t., t and through the center o< a partyweil aid btifotd the same 8.' t'-e'; tAatM notthaiiy, p rtleiwltb tke R'li tr,, to and throuv1' the center oiaaotlier nar -ari'lit f:st I Irches, >o 1:> b and ibaDce ea» any, aljng mji-at.,82 f-et to the alt'.e of beui<.nln(.

All that canain 'n pi. < e o. pa-eel of laal *1 uatr>, lying andbe tog In tbe XXtli vfd of the City of Near-York, b iu tiled andceta-ittxid aa favBMI Beginning at a point on tUo nonherty aid*of i'lb-at.. d afat t 111 fe«t waateriy iVot the "th-sr. j in ianigtLanee ro toerly no a di i mat line ( h> t irruer ceoterlinaofFitr-oj Road. to ;t- bat at a paint d'ttsnt 118 feat If iache*weeieiij from IUm -.?.ttce weeterly, *!oag 3dth *t II f "t

Mi Irchs*; tbetee »oather y. parallel »I h I h-ar.. WTfee 0Iscke* to >5th st ; and thence eeaterij, aloog lotAat. J) toel to

tbe pl«ce cf b'g'nclpgall tore" t*o certain 'ote, plera» or parrel* of l-arl, «itittte,

lying in-'beta* in tbe XX'h vV ardof tha City of Nea York,takeL t tether, bonr,c> I aua deecbed a* fa low*: Seginnl'.g at* point on ibe nortterly siJe ot l^th «f. dl" «. »00 f.--f iv«* arlyrrrm the tth tv.. rnnntsg trence northerly, parallel wlthUrt *r ,

UP feet Alncbe* t >the ( >nter line of tbe Mock ; thence wererlr.loeg said aeBter line jO fee*; thence *oa*. arly, parallel with8tfc-BT., It 0 feet 5 Inciiea to tTth-at ar. ! j.uce esttavly alontd7th-st .V> f-ttto tbe p eeo of bealnning.Am) at 'he lasae time and pl'oe th« following Iea*oh prem¬

ie-* to .it|Ali the nnextri'e.l tenn of twen»y year* from tha 1st dty of

May, 1VH at tbe annual reat of #«a payable htif retrly, of,l'.toor out of an that oeita n lot, piec nr oarg :I of land *ti'i-

ate, la lit and being to tae X X'h .Vvd of tb« Ciiy of Naw- Vo-at up 'r.l and tttrri>\ud aa faHOwt) Beginning at a p dat on thawetter y «ide of the 8tha» atatant 47 feat uirtnerly from 32i-ft. lu.ritig thrree weetetiy, parallel wi'b Sidet. llsifoat; tbecce n^the-ly, p*>ailcl with the 1; a»- rtfeet;tbeoce eatierly. psiallel pita 3'2o at , I fa feet t> the S-.h-ar ;snci tience «n "therly along th- Bttl sr. 22 f et to -be p ace of be-»tntir.s, anbj ct to any tatet or ttaeaimanta vrhi ja may ,o im-p. aed 11 er. on

A i] ilr unexpired term of rwenty yetr* and three month*,friiu. 1st ."ipr-ia.y. IM*, Bm tforn r 'nr., at*, in. to or out of a Ithat certain lrr-gn!ar lot. p-eca BYParoBl Of Und. si.ut'e, lyingand being in ti e XXth Ward of tr>e City o' N" r-Yort, boiioJaatnc oeecjibed aa fo urn; Beginning at a ft 'im. on tie eoitaerlyi>' « of »Sib >' distant 6>i feet areeteily riu n the 8:a av ; iau-

ulna tlsenoe lo'.thi'ily. paruilel wi li the ken av , >l feet 9 iucbetreue« »*BtBT y, payallat aith iflth a'., 18 fa 4 iheioe soil,er.y. pars'lel asiih f*et| t'jene. w-wiarly, parallelw'to aO b at , 8 teet; thence u irth -r'y paral'ei wita Hth av., I'fret 9 iLcLes tbanca eeaietlv, parallel with fee::tierce uiirthe.Iy, psraliel eri'h 8ili av 8il f>et to and.teooe eat'eiiy. alorg JS'tsat, M feet, to the pla - n' bafla>nicg Sulij-ci to payiueni o( taxes and aaaeaanienui which maybe .iop saa tbotroo.

All :b« anexolred term of '".-.'n yea-e from tbe lit dey ofAaaa.'nio at the a- nua1 rent of 0*0 per lo ot, In to or ant of

Ali tbate (iva Curtain Iota pWeet or parcel, of land, alt B»(P,llttg enduing in the XXth tV'trd ot :he fry »f Nav-\ )r»,taken tosaither, boan'std ant deemlbed aa foll'.wsi *: -a.^

at ap"ia t on the nniiberly aide of u diaian' 11 raet srae*-

eily fun. ih Sen av i innaing thence n ra >t y aara lei wi'htbe I 'a'.'.,:* feet!' iocbt s. to the cent*[-l ne ot tbe biort;Ibeiee weet- Hy along *aid ceurer-lioa 100 f-«r; tbanra son herlyparallel vi h Btb av !'K fr.-t 9 iochea, lo ä.'1-tt.; and tbeao-eaat<rly aloLg 33! at.. 1(0 feet, lo t'ie p-a » uf Ii -gimrc*. Sub-j-ci to iisfinent of urn (ml a*atetinei:u arniah mat be uu

pca-d hef. nAll 'he unexpired term of twenty vaara and three avrntha,

from 1st F btuaiy «48, at tu« annual rant of *> 1^5, pay ab. abs!' joar'v, of, la, to or oui of

Ali tbai certain lot pier.: or parcel pf lead eitntta, lying »adbeing to the XXth Werdof tha Oly of Now-Yoik, bauadedarc deaaar bed a* follow-: Begi.nioget the south wasterly c <r-ner nf <bn 8ih-«v and JTth si., r mutns teiefle,. aoathetly a>ongtte8th-ar 17 'eet in inrbe* j thenaa BiaBlailj, pereUe! with.Vtl s: to a'if tl.. uxh the cater ot i party wall and l*nmtbessre tlti feet j tl;» northerly, ptral el wl-.a the 8 a-»v.,Pi ti tt 10 irch-* to ü'lh-sf. ana llienoa ea*'.irlf a ong J9tu sr.Be feet to the p'a-e of b'gfnulng. Sabro* 11 ptymcnt of taxesanri a***aanitncs ibe- may lie lmp>*ad ihareon.

A!.'the onrxptred toro of twenty Tier* »od thre* .riou"-.sfrotr let Peh'as.y, lö<3. at the annaU rect of ipro, pajah.t half-

ai'i, o', in, to or cu», f, j, that ce^aia i it. plecs or oarcil oflandrtaata. lying and b-in* io the XX-h WarJ of f>« City ofNew \ ik. boo cr) id ana rascia d at foiiawi: Beg'uoing at a

p'lo' n die weeterly lidg of t'.e 8th av.. d'.uit 17 fe*t 10lutbe» aoutttriy from Sah at.; lunalaa thence w*ats<rly to aadthrot'sh 'he center of a oaity w«;| and bey aid the aaoia. par* .

lei w li iPtli st., *) f.e< ; tbaaca eoatbarij'parallel wr.h thaS'ii-av. mfre'; thence ea »et ly to and .hrotiga 'lie pawapg of BMBatJpai'y wab, a^r bey md tba same, parallel an b Irin-t . <> feet,to th- :b »v.; and tli*.e« u itneiiy a ng tbe tf'li- v. li f-.-t iotke piaca of aegisming. Mu^i-ctto payioent* "t late* aad *e-

aaetmeiia that may be unpneed Uio.eotL.Dated New-York,iSlk Dm r. ,er, IIB

BBIOOR LBAJtf > Etacn'rix and Execu'ora,ANDREA' LEARf. 'Aa., of Andrew Utry,JuiiN E. l»EVEL,IN,)deajot»eJ.Hmry H. Li r.Ds Jc Co., A'ictian*-r*.

HENRY H LLf.DS tV C<J will ae!/, onWKDNBBDAT, l«o » sad THL'RrjDAT, J7, atM|

t'cick.atNo '..<; Br enwny, I -ar B'eauser et.. a aaper i**.

sor'n tn' of lieb k'ANt V u^Ofid. Taawa iio<id* are *«1 ablefor th-a pteaea'. eeaaon gel imporiad fro-n Pads, and oo beforeaatiblted in 'hie eouoiry.c jmpristng laign tint BraattBttt-ae* »n.cai le lor gas; llca A, lironae 1- >, uee, (irjapa. tks.;ri'h D aaden l Mils Va**a; Baap* and D e*d*a Flgaraa and<ir< upe,; it d Er t. ' anit O:mo ¦: Clock*, art Ctala ahra* 'on.-tch, P.iisian Fan-y Uoi.'a t r p-peeuts. Bah. aal Urinal-iJ wel ^aakats, v:ry eiegant; ncii China Vaart; Papa'ria Aa-t.qoe large filatnaryof A tu a; A. erica aas] gatk»at| Day taiN*b(; and tn-xy Btaa licb Fancy (iao le. Taa a'uvs are tbe.keck ef »r> impoiter iwu r-tMiu to Fitnoc, aui are-y ar¬ticle »id be Bald»ilkawat Maagap. Caa b« ettouaed a'iy diybef-re the sa e.

Hi \tv H. LCBM A Co. Anttl naar*.

HENRY H. LEEDS aV Co. wiU aell by an<>ticn on YHl'R aDAY, Dec 27, at 12 Mrk, in f-oat of

tkertore, No. 19 rtsa*ati-*t,, an eL-gxot Baroaote C» rina,exfen'lan top, foar tests, oer e: ly new, h-.rljg b ten uaed bit afew lltnea, mad- : order by ote of the Lett mater*; te i( inp ift^t . rder. tni *old oLly a* tha p-tweot owner iblaivugiueci v. C.n baicen in frantof tha etara oa matni.^ a'

llE>.Ry H. Leitet m Cj\ laotliwaarp

BENRV ft LEI l»s A Co. will Ml by AobVIobM aVKOaRBDaT, Dec kt, a*, lei o'cl <V, at'k-8 ore,

No 19 Nanea st atiraet've (i'» of Hei aal vaiatSS FANt Yrt .. Hudson Bty fable oo Masth«, Taint*,Tippe'», Vicforne* *tra . an<t' i;1'i, M-iten Han.e 'tty 4arteotMuk fibie, Sione Mai-a i, Franok Ha'ile. Fiu.i Martan, rix a.Marten, laparlal **nrjiae. Lyrrx, Hiiuirral, In. Tha abjrago-d* weir g-.t np expre-ily ai ttf.tfwiy t.-»l.:. lelug rre.h-loede atr w ,rtby tlin a- r-.oa if Lad!'* and uoitleaaan. wh >

wtlCi.Jit to it'ir adviMue t> a'-ead ihi* it.n. A BP, an¦ aoriti.'Lt of 8 el(h Kobee, Uiored. Fur u iari, Ctrn tak'.rt-.lj.


Jotrrii *ltngM*>, aurtirorer.

MOBTGAOtE oALE .Oa WEI »NESDAY, Dec.»t U o'clock a m. at tae Btle r-i m, corner of Psarl

and WilJoug^b; at'., Bro a yn. a email qiam;ty <.t UO J'T.-DOLD Fl RNITt all- larM t, M»»»AAtaw «'>-e. hnala* «. eigh J. n.y Lail W. ik aagAgaj oc* an 11 «» v >oi V >

lrPcn.-a.-ein tha frame, one tpl-ind.j roatnaad .'iiaa, ('.'¦.ban, maker, at gxid as n-.w, wUhricb gjfal, Ac

GroBiig Cook, Aa-tiiaearr.

POSTPONEMENT..Tae ltrjrt- atle of ELE¬GANT FL'R.alTI K-: adver i.ed fir S.'a d -y I» pj«t-

|oeed on bob.not of tha w-aiher to T-ii ISDAY. Oea .7. atli^ o' roe war-rex rrs of Janie» B Coot, Nr. iljg Br ladw y near Booal-at. Ctti'igi.e* now raidy aid we- wartii tbe.tten'ioa -1 pa ck aer*

Rt»ELt. W. Win. on, Af.t:. ia~-

sENBlO HOUSEHOLD FlüNirURE atAl< Tl ON..On FB DAT. De« JB, at l'| o*eoer, arabrac-

lag Ina rntiie eiagtnt rneowoad rarnt"ire e aitainad m tha <va.ti rv tow, No. Iii West -Is- -'. D-saiip'.lve a tga<" canbe nbtaiiied of apaitk. Yoatag A Co Na * stailaoeiaa«. fb*whole to lie »old wi bun*, reserve, ta t aa pjetpaaemarrt *"> laya -rout: t 'misttug of an elagaat 7-octa ve -naa a »od Piano-Ifataa.\eivet Orp-U, S »pi-ndid Freaeb Pier Mirror*. c>«c f- tSaite*, aaid rr*-wocd Parlor Batitaa, la ttroaado aid <ao fryw th tip cater*, ail m*Aa ga order and cf th* boat daacripf'oo;

>e a.. .; Mukle-top eaatar abl-a. Btoctade sat L-os Car-t.. * roeowood RagspUoB and Tuiklsh Es«y Cbur*. large *>:.ieetioB of »eJaakie Oil Paiatirgv. 2 met liioerr ¦ >'-.¦ v -:l Eta-geret, Brror tri nts, ewly Beyams and Dr«*laa V*'ee, wi'l s

larga variety of Parlor Urcatnet. *. rcaaw<>oJ.Erai»tk SiteXtrp,coat BBrkj ate Dintog Ro ns and Cdamber Ftml-ur*. E.e»act rtiaawood Bedsseasts, Btuasatrs. and wa*hattula, tu ratlch,aiimade ton der; WlUao Carpets, raaawood aai lwa salts raaawood fam'tera m ttrwaa Ve »a«i II eplr-dtd It air M.ttr aeeae, PeatAee B><1«, n»k Toilet >«*.,,QataVa, eiepaaa masbla-t m Ctaaakav Bakkaa, t». *>i.y. SaeerhOak Ext. »koa T.kls. a vaoaty o* rich aVkrawwatp, Eaby andC ryatai Cat Oaeawjara. »a gaataBi tAroagbaat. 1 saa««k»VIMa-


Ririr H. Ltr.t». * Ci i ur-tlwar*.

IARLE SALE of PUMO EüUlK8 -nK*»T> H. Llf DS A CeV Wtl gel. by »«cum ou TUfl t»bAf

r> (. fl at ]| o'*or-k,*t 'Aw » iküio Ol Meet* i ft (J», kIn., Nn M - j.rtrj «. tear Broad « it. K beaat'tal E*ie» tagHi no for»»* of tt* Art* claw in tlum, eaeldod »»4 cut < -11,6 Of o4T octave, teuA lion Cruu/i, otiwt Fr ach meet »ju»»f*»»/ nl'actvirad by th» »bove fi m er d wanaeted in ,»,.:i .'. 1 ' y c-n b* exara'.a* . <«* w« k Before tta* «eja. _» 0 ci to r>«*« -be »tack * Itboat rjeawve.

Mark WHAT. AnotiiifMOT, will »eil mm mmIivo O** 'b» »1'rMI* TjI r l«l Irtkflfl r-TtS |,.|.

I.EN r Nc*. H4 W kad W Fal'oa-et «asuaaee No. 47 Odd a.arceod army. <a WEON RABAT, oe. »8, «t let o'o'aa«, eve-av»i!. « r. pitt o'*»veo Lltho*t«' '<¦ I' -e e*e, in tin* artier; tax*IAOMeaea, reeitOa* riata, aaa F-fr.vegj; w ..> »»rina« ¦».«.rule bj d in the btwaoa*. S* a poet-ire. Term* eaeh D»pe>fti taijalrai lime of «ai*. Te»g>oe« ere now r»a f>.. uy.raciic:.

Uta«» H. I.mi iI Jo Anc ion.ra.

W'INFR. BRANDIES, Ac . tiKHRY n" LEEDS v Co al'liol by aa-tioc. in ftU'RSOAT

Tec. St. »t !'o' Wk. at (be «tue. No 1° N»*«»« .?. a Ua*»*ri<'y o' my aaatl ». ,1 ,er at .e Vir-.-» Kiandiae (Ma, tie.Setlcii, Meli, mil M M < , Whi k*. rkjl Medei a^-Ji-»ene,»oolh »l '*, puie Int*., er.d New.iw.. Sk r.lee-'»«¦.iaa, 0 in I,, vib.,, ii.un<w Ao^tii.aaat Pxte-Oribam (Ml, Qraaaa'li Uedou Hock( Ohao.ptg ..r«-F:»er AtSt kery. An Miiaaen*. and ml,., UtuJ*. Hocah-law >MHeut Sen ert.e ; braarfj-O^d. heune«*-/ fuiew ta,)0" -r .0.1. o. raa *UM* »«, «*.«., «id I-ley .aaltkj.Ilo w>dBab*l I"" "el n»n-». t*-t ereneeol I Iiome« «»aIn <|«eit aiguuoje, aad eapeiior old Ifeaaafi' «4« Waiebv,Pve-y iriir. mil 1» watraM-ii geeuine and pure, aad aarm uIn *vr»v re»r»*ot BrBft tae t*ni;<e


^mfmmmmmmmmmmmn ¦*

4aJrL s&OUUa

A( HOil i: ae-t>rtm<»nt of HOLIDAY PRKtJ.Rtfft..Kai*l»idirad Cotlare. C - er» aa* Sl^ma _

a»reJi, tleadkeixaie'e, a-.; »um Ii Poat, Ii ealina. V«te»ct'BDee ind noyüre San in giiet nie 7, no'-ted exereeaa'or 'be Hoii.iet«, tri very tear. Aim, a mw Itiaaajl aaatnaS

t Mi r S-t« kCCA ar. in.' 1 *¦ re«, mvie frjea aa eiiirajee* mi'.enal aad in »ew drdea*. ». rr inprop i«ie ' * rlel-^iPreeenta. HAI LEY, (A '. Kt .i'OiO ^ A LrS^LII

_N kfl S madana,

BEING our annual Custom, wp offer reryiieeiraUali -odt at Ten l.iv piicta. FsbiMdaraa Maaai

Seta froai A: ». ftJJI| real Uouud P i. Lisa Stt ft»m AM id(Vio; Baaataaoarea Hn.,i.erct. »ad Ltoe do. diaHidtjaheap. Hlatk a. d White Brnaarlt ('>(¦.<«; Iloaitoe p»4n o«own . ).#. of Uuelot ifKtU; B'k'I Lv!« Bwquei| PaiiaUeCapee Ilrad Lrnat .. Co'iiiea ii L.'.e; B ank thr-ad Vat t tmLire» n great »' iu dance, at II IT (I ViJNB'S M Broadwej,

BLACK ixAC't. VaII 8, itruaaela ApplicatiaaAeu and all 01 her rieb Lara«, in a< t« la every qatltry. Bej

hroid'red Hsodlercbie'. fmm*lt) f " Cai ».! "<le»vei.Ck*-»:.e uii i1 ,\ Mi .'. 11I Slewe* ro»'arldirn.with oth xco'.a.tiea. MILLER 1 URaNT.^TI Bread*-*;.

BITCHED 0/X>DS A eo-nylnttf. PH>rtaWayi)*otnpri*ui« *v*r» w.dih a id ..uaii 1

».i-.. i HI ^'ITU k Co.. N« /'¦ a.oaJiw**,

LANK~>;Ts..t»iN7\'4k*at nhbtMi-bO'.Bd aQSBltDkvta, Oota *tadla*R*e (u IAa, aad of rartoa* «ealiJai,

*-eg4th(: with NrgT'v ladsir ard H~rw. Hash.., (oh ajg*t*bdii* icdOoiie M:lt». »Vit! keao d low.

vfT.»*fl,ir. k V.o. A*«ti'.,rvc Ti tttjaawaa,

I"1 ink BL.iAkTts.- Ere»n inwea of the ESquaiitlea Kor aaM bj NESMITH R Ca.,

_No. Tl 3road tray.

..."'INK BROWN GOODS -fSOO hij^ Wij^.a. ban, Hoct mm othar raakea.For aal« br_NEBJalTII A Co.. No. tt Sioairwaf


DRY UflUDI,Ccmo.eii«ii t 0«

MONDAY, De« 24 HWr,We tbtll *rfer on Mot.dty ea> *i ti'* coca or



At a redaction of M tor eant.Alao a large *nd vnrted Mock ofFRENCH WORKED COLLAR*, BLBbYVCB, CUBML


LACE OOlirs OF ETBBT DKVRIPFIDN.At ' iie.»«lf he uanal p ice*.



A' a gf*' re-ln-tion miMii fha i'che*! M*n>rraart to b» *>«*d.and »' ance* SI per cent lew than in* nir*r hneae In the atty.

8. A M I W vi.K A Co..Cclnmhtan H»il. No. f*l Uraad at,


NEiiMlTH A Co Sol* Agaata.


Jnonnincc i)Iotnpamcs.


Wmt\\ mhmt 1"-CAPITAL and Aid MIL at ONS, ftfi INI» OOO.

Na *i vx-all-^. Naa tmtThe Cctnovny 1 r the Mj * in* am iaa other

ADVANTA'aP.S TO I NidI Kiwi.Low rate» 01 attataj ce un yo .of lire*.Lien* gre-itct .>» polioio*.Ha.1 f pramlruu may le.i ti, on I i«e.N > eii'r* cba.»e« Cat ereaal'!» r>e Atlaij'ie.Th» eecnrity i f a large capi a

1 tliiort In ALatraita, and *p»c al ri*ka taken.Piemlnma cao r* lak- n qu »11»¦' y.Lane bnooaee on joiiui«« on Otr 'ootnal aeal*.NEW-YO»K H<iAl!l»ite RBPBBBER

K'« F.icelienry Han.lrt n '. ¦¦ J mea Otilitla, **a.k x < .irvornor Of tin State 01 S«maal tv Aaaaff e»q.New-York. Henrv Oriea* 1. atq.

The Hon. Judgo Campl.ell. J b« C yder. **qAatfcoDT B*ic.»y,**q..H.B M. J PM.'llp* Ph.* Ix. .*>Coctul. J ibo H. diafca, * *

Stephen Whitney, e«o. Tr . 1110. i.raa.iaa Joralaa,ti<u*ra' a»eu: fur the l td ad Sia>^*

OEHKi M KNEYIIT.OfRse No US Wa Jet New F*vk.


OtTew No. BJ W» p,.- the Marehaa'*' R»4haa*y4Thi* Co . pM>y coati/ia<a 1« lo«ur* Mercbiadlae, haildiaaav

Hotawht Id Frut-lrur V.ea^ a In Pm 'hair Cargo**, aa., afttaaalcaa or deuj*** by Ore 00 the- ma: fevcrabi* term*

PHtatllaaaiflach t i n* /oeepli Water, John iu< »at herle* R nwr,r<t*, Stua-tC. Ma ab, A R Euo.ii He Iit.^ 1, I to v' Si 1 (».ie«en,d >r .

Joa-ph W. <tn,|:«*, V m. K. S-r mg D. Ai nrj Oveaaaat,Thorn** Smalt, O o. A. Townaeid. K*r*Lac!rw jr..Alfred VV||it*, Alm K L«il|, John ren'otd,AS..ur'm To »tl*ond, Sitae Broteon. Jnea Wataoa,Jiaepl l.*w,eice, M. T. Ntcboll, No«h S Haat,Samuel WiUett, Jca'pb 0. Ttylot, U. J. Smith,J. II. R*_>m. Robert M. Urue*. Jean B BoyASylr. L. H. w'ard. Cor. W. Lawr.nea,

ULiin LAINO,Ja» H. Aatt*. Jr.. Maeretary. Jon« BABBff

PF.0PLKM FIRE INflUitANCE compajcyOF «"1K CITY O» NBW Y )«K.

Office* Nr, 113 < araJ-e and So. 23 "Villiam at.C**h C*pita> f IN) OOti, with a S« p a*, al'Invaated ta flMja>

nf e vir. beef ehara/trr.W. F. UtDaBiiiLI., Hoc'y RICHARD V «RICE, I'raat


BRAZIL WOO I).-KM qaintolt braj»i».(tn bond or dow paid.) kit aale by

_sr^/FFORIk TILEsfrW R Co.. Na. t» a. »t^a*»a.

B~ÜTCHER tt READ, PLUMBERS..Atkin"* of WAT>:R riNTl'Rtfs 00 head and Rar ewAet

Ni-.. y» '.Vat«r aL JOBH1NO pr mptiy a tended to.

Y\fL .?. KEN'OALL** GUT LA pr ftCHA\J TRANSPARENT WATEIl-PROoP LBATHtR PhRSF.RVATI Vje warranted tr- ntek.- n «ta, «'tote on 1 otbor leeat*tr t.Icli!* iinpem u« >o * uto-, at the aamo time to't »ad t¦.»bjo, Baal grotty ad log to tneir onubilt . D. S. ARSOkAOer rial Aaunt, No. la -xiirtOudt ... New Tort._

HAIR FELT-Tbo btat arctcle lmown lot o#-.rmg B ji.*i* ard Huna «od Watag Pip**, fer aawtag

lieat a^d pn teottig sgaloat fn^t. Ma uta.ifuraa bt Wht Ai'.LO >D<. )OD; factoiy it Bakwty. N. J. O Jera may a* ladat No 11« Paul at op t'arra.

1/INDLING-WOOD--ö HARi:lS0N A SON*IV cewu facto, y No 340 Waat 2U:f. beat V Piaa,per load, dehverad. *V> Z>; Oak. *a ~A; ruth, per bot, 44 -*«_»Htckrry. par losd, A4, per b.«. *W emu. Ordar* pat patprejupty aMtfaWBi to.

LOSS ( over>7cl*Rtains, A r., iu*tl*j 10 mbeatmirrrar by a firetrtt* F >ren»« ta lbU id'» at ratT

troderra tarma. Ap lyatNo ItM M«eer-at., naar Bleeakw.tiiird Holy.

N_Tw" PATENT SPEClACLLS..The/ hiprave vianoi *r»H for lit-; *» ir acn ,. »um nkj .<____

eUrle tly (*ao th oegh one pair. Maker *»d paaeane.FRAlvRB, 2 Pwk-ruw. Altebuanoe friert 9 a. in. to I p at>__VI^RALGTa-!!!-ita" "\V<»R-4f FORtfB.i.1 eepec^ll} afl'C i-g the fsci and t e»>1. Ii «ared by tV **

nib '¦» nr It c-mplrte'y «irr» Uhr mt'lata. «nd \rte- M»**"rhe eat rympeoo a of Orait pr vena and d Ire« elf-a* a *'**To be had ol tl.a inrttto Dr. WHEELER, No. Mo bV*«*»'-Pampble * w»th the but Ua'.rtiiOni* a a.nt br ***» lttm*

Removal." . gTlEAD a.^M/1'rl a-B_p-cved i/i No. L5 W U_»u. «., ta '»tut of ta* nhio LtA**

ITr-ier Company.lue rait* of room* Utay t«tofi«J by Utra, N> . "'fj?

I* to root, «u .. for a Banker or !neu to e 1' n vy age

ply a* above, ort* the Jantt/t at the pro.»»_

RUSSIA RED LKATrö.r-ror ^A**Uika*, by HENRY A. öiVÄ

'No. nCorahdi. awBatV^'Y^\^lY'hU>ö\^.lAy^ tio J9W Mjf»j_haraaakraHta white aarta, a ahaek ilk* a PJ**T___,

aeautttoJ haodet La* (A* vTOTBJI. BteOc MA.came- ie« *ro not e an*snoranoaa rapataUoa.ila oarai'c baaa'te*

in not e an* pbdx Iaa eotn^aWttoM ; tt*yja_*raaataUoata kompe, »un *¦* "T^mZbaaa'te. of tail 0» oocrt*. It ulf«^?_*l_Llt

mm uiauz *ea; tkwy are oeteuv/a mil Jtrnt Um*S mmtmt


*o~-Xutl.ot+ weaaead jt aatvU «*>a*f»>»\«wB»