New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1849-04-11. · tavi-itie. on Neiiou»t Naiiniili Inker, the...

NEWIOROAILÏTEIBUNE. BY QREELBY & McELRATH.___OFFICE, TRIBUNE H ULI) INC. S._PRICE TWO CKWT& TOI., lit. NO. al. NEtt'.VORK, tt EDNENDAV NORMAi;, ITHII. II. IrVl*». M'HOI.E NO. «El«.!. NEW-YORK TRIBUÍ THg ItVV tOKK DAILY TRtttfRF. Il FOI IVgRT M'lARlRO '«wWAAVB rxcKFTEl At Th« Trihaae Ralldtapa, corner ef J rtad M.»».. .tren«, appaalle tbe I'!'. Aral «eartata. V C«y lirt.aef.ber. t-r JB .«ft <""*¦ [*",' wkk»tJk»jipr.(.'..l.a)a«-|ai) ... »I.» - .';-*, .., .r . .... .1 rat. »,»ta o-tea» ^ **-7¿m yf- »ral 1* ¦ ". . «graa« . ' V*"2^«^HnilFrw«at . . ». -ema ara ka»»» .»» ¦"*" . ««. ««» «ifWill« UMu ka«, ii All M««rt.^»»T»i. .i>wttM«-»aF«rar tor**«* .""¦ «M I . . ' . ___ _ THnS^-w-I^r^TraiBUNE U puk'-kl .»»r, AT«Ja«»*M «¦*» *~<" ¦*"""* aUBBW, le-ca« «" .*. -_ M-reT-TOKE WEEKLY TRIBUITI a aThÏtu?» e.* r',:,T.:?.E.v,;NTK->. .: -jtWarttatar M**r**t**k* .* '.. ¦' , - .a ...I »f * r.:. im..«- ES rosi. 35 r.\-i. au,^w«tw«««**e«a«ti»r'«-*rr >M<,tl.HA,,t p. "S'KW-YOKK TKim > jgaafT CiTT ttAWiatar-Baa-ii .». -»>«> e'rvted M.yor by U- W. rlty orcr C. V. Durar Whi-«. Tb« Mee* WM on . ,t,^.l '!a'»l,on- _a» - |-pe* M Itrxivvii, HArnburricr, hai love aen Mayw of rtanduily. and the two branchée of * have c«r-l-dth. City Council. _ r-jr W'tr. 0. H .«ru. VVhiir. bu l.«cn p M»y.rif Trenton, iiiJ tbe .Voigt h»»e the oth iflUrt_^_ r_t* A VVhiK Htate Convention to "»ornir c»nrlidtte for OoverDor of Tenne..«*, will m .».»brill« the '-Ith In». fijr We learn by Tcletrraj h tliRt the iti TrBBeiie. benee for Stvannth. trrtred out on lay tr, lr at _ T/pi* VV'i! aro otiilrr(>t>!i»;»Yti"iii t ''.» I W ItgajRp o! tbe iletmer Kip Van Winkle, for / pajein of Mooday eftornoon Tbe «-real life «'it Toron Corroipondenc* ol The Tribune. At.r.ANY, '-onlay. S 1' I Iiavi- jnut received an Battra from the ol ttio revwwfe t'o/'i'im', dated Saturday m'jriiini «ti forwarded b> the steamer Admira1, at hi'kt.-r mi Humlay tiiornir.»*, ami immediately to this place id aiivkice ot tukil. The ('ot ¦ : 1 hi* moraing, about ¿ »doch, a firci broke < . BM on« or other ut tb« rear premlMi wlthl lauere lorm.-d by King« it "" th« South, liront»- th - Km! and NeUon «t ..n trio AV..t It «pn-ad frightful rapidity.the «bid blowing fre»b and g BMJ ««»eral Uni», during tbe pri.greiiol the conr tlon. Among th» ruin« the Cathedral Church Jaaaatj which «u erected a low yean ago oo lb« «b> re the rin-r church «to-id betöre it wucle ii by tin». Ih' whole range of loi 1 ling« on the north »Ii King-it from tbe CatbcdrHt,which entirely do«tr-, coiniiieiiiiuf with o N'-ri s (teaaaawfjr, to tbe hou tho Iktn Mr Sproule, gncer corner nl QeBffe-at pitting tbn n eiitir» block« In the contri: "I tin.1 lina« part of the city, hare In-.-ii lnirn»d to Bihei,- on'y tooemi-nt In th" imii»» named, «hn-h now »I. being that nl th« IBM M r Sproulo «' reudy BatmM. » »a- «av.-d On lb.» oppoalt.. «tile ot Kl- «t. tho ho .nd their content«, ol Mr. Roger«, hatter, «nd (»'I'.'lrn.., clothier, oppniito the Cathedral, BUM t.-ry coiittderlbly injured, but »lived troei .-olln atf ix'tl'iti by th« ex.-rtii.m nl tin- nreinen t-arther ou the lame nd", th« old City llalli* a intil ol n and with much dilnculty the reato) the Mrt'ket St* nt which the old clly forma the ninth Iront, wa« »i (nun di-itruelion. The hi» evt.-iided only hi lar e< on tb» we»| »Ida. M lo include the «tore of Mr VVi Macl.rlKiie, Imin.idlalt-ly «dj-dning Ihn old City and lb» room« above II, occupte.d by lb» " Tori Athen,'urn, Aft. »nd that adjf.inlng, occupied a p»-ii«aV>ry of <. loil.-r ham ,\ Wort» .in th« ea«t I, .1 «ill .¡Hing th» old Illy 11*11. the itor.i nl t hailet e Ht.-n »utlalii.d rniiild'irablu dainnc». The »* Ii -i <d N-l...n «t. the e .»i «tie, from l'i Tavern Inelu.lve and on ihn w.-«l »id... Item Ktktf l tb" corner nl Adelaldo it. including tho baftm Mr Naiuiith. Iraiieli-d t.. ihr rear or weal,d Rema i »a beau altogether dinned to th» ground, und BUM) limite- ou Adelaide It which rmin. ct Ncianu ami K ..»»;» 1 i »nil» »t luiii parkl-. I with NcIiod I'roin K to Ad.-laid.* at lie whole niu«r». hounded hy Chu .t nu tb« weit, Kingi at on the »nuth, QeOTfO-at ou i-Htt. Hud Adelaide and Duke »ta on the north, ha« I I..IHI---I lo »atna, with the exception ol th.. nUMJ In ii«.-« Iiieliided within MM) l.'.innl.ary namej, in,n oil lieorge It. tb» n ililene,. of Itev. Mr. (¡im.-lt on i lalde it and two or Ihr»« m-w bouae* adj linlnf. In direction of r r»ncl» »I The etUbliihinentt ot the ¡'nirwi uud th. Afi' nxwapapcr«, have BBBB de«ti..jeil Among the «at!»r»r« »re th.. Mi-ttri ll'Ni 111 llroth T. I) Herri«, Iron monger« lieo 11 Cheney ,V .tore Ritabliibmrnt Haye« Ktothert. grucri I.ep . .Ii y g- od« «torn, Thompson, Moinouith llouir. rrklttiro, Sabine ,v Hiiggln«. drugglila O'D >n.» Au. m nena lull dry c'lixta Roiwpll ft Thump t.ilnter«. Cary A Itiotvu. Kay »A Auatin and Mia K illnieyer, hardware : Truicatl, «hoemaker : Orah tkwrii \\ Maetariane, dry goodi, In «ne «hopo the large Victoria limite having e.eape.1 .) t'hl ltil»-itii'ii'i J. Heini, re..I. laving« bank, per, \i i»Ae.d,t Mr« Htrtnry, two boueea Hog h aller ¡ Q, Rntrne. clithter ; City of Toronto Corp lion. City Hall Huil.tii g I'oat. Kalph and John P tavi-itie. on Neiiou »t Naiiniili Inker, the p.tat. the late Mr. Juttlc« llagerman, lèverai home« on a..n ai J. lilk.*co, halter, a tew tatema anil ol building« on 1raucl* «I 1'heie »re all the name« ot «u'Vei.'ii »huh we are In a po-ition lo note d'twi title hurried «ketch, and they embrace, tho**» of nei all nl the luterer« I'hli wa« a togetliei ihn moil ettemlre and d.-iti live lire which hu e»er occurred to Toronto, en »Ml amount of property, hoth In houM*« and merci dite, »m roiituiu- .1 hy tl We hare heard th« variomly ««llmated bv per«on« on 1he «pot at fi AiiHi.tkAM.iJal-0.000, but It 1* imponible ai yet to i anything like a currect eatlmate nt tbe lota. A fi proportion ol it ol tourte luaured, and from the ci tient .it the loa«. It muit preii heavily on the It ranoe Com pablo*. I learn by pMaeoger* by tho Admiral thit moral ihit the damage eilimtted m high U'umi. The l.nbe la Opea. 1 Iiaao juit rccciveil i, letter from Buftili», dal Sundiy. which »..). u»vlg«ti-n talily open. 1 propeller 8t Juteph left Siturdiy, tnj got out wlthi much trouble The Sulttni ciiun in Friday, tod Champion left for Detroit Your», A.c. T New«Vork Tawu RlactleuB. W i:s rC II ESTE R CO.... Suprrritor*. ww*MA atrti/ord.A f, Dlcklnion O-tiii**.C. Vtn AVyck ('"ri.'dad.Mead itaruior*. i.'rr John S Promit //arr.»r>»-jM I). Merrill, ft .acr»-AVm. Marthkll. l.mtbtTo- Haniel Hunt trii/r« af.*.H C Kieldi .Viel* ca»jit«-l 11. l'urdy* LOCO FOCOI «. ..«¿rkryrk-l'. Wildey. ¡/'.rkadifr A II Uakwet) .MawerokfcA-B M I futii V,ir,,i.i,>-J Torapkin«. M< I'Uaunt \\ Römer. ITMailMa BibI I) Miller Ana Hektik. ft Ktrton. | loaáirg.AV V\ t-crughat A.wctvt»,..T VV Smith. Ifrif/uraw-A rindlay 1 itJBNAMafJI*.ft it Keirli. WARREN CO. wiitot. Hadjmt Augmtu. Botin,*^«^kry.JuSliaon. Lkigrag-Thomti Hutler. I L,»:o row«. -'*' -Probably Hunker, iffor,,,,« l'.en VV-ll» tl awltea - I. Hrown, y .s Jiita.»'**»A--11 Nohle. s i I Iwldw««.T. Archibald.! S eFavrcagàVarpA-J M...... CAgetgr. Chai, laxoo. H I'S . TUMI-KINS CO. «im.4 Oireíiar.Sam E CrtN-nt» Iblaea. Kredo k iKiuiug '"»«*»-(¡Ideoo Tulhlll. .Vrayiaid-lllBtel Cr.wlortl A-».*rid.C. C. Applegate. lUtellM L ftf. ObMM 6, rïaue» .frobbbly Whig. Loca k*et*AMk, /VyaaVa-H Sayder. K S Luv*t»p W. Wood bury U'vUH.VV.AAoodburj.l-- S H _; tpF* TaM) fjfpvaaja Uam id , an «Inch MM»8yi acuie on tbe t*h Iti.l. came In contact with t c w two or Ihr.-« mi. alioui Sy iacu«e, when the loom.. |l»e «m piecipllated Irom the track down a uew loi rinb.i k iiieni ,.f al.out t j fr» l lurtac. The locoinntive MJ« tho .v>ro um J.fcra./, plowed deeply into tb« »with, and when about halt way down captlzrd, tn<j n w «tend« l.-nglhwiae of the road, th« «bee!« at par jieodu-ulai m tho air a* the bett plumber could piac« tbem. Tbe lender and baggage car ua!j «ere drawn down the em!'KiikiiK>iit, and lb« lauk ax», thrown '.V hat from tb» lender Too bre.u«n. Oran.» Vebber WM Bo badljf damaged that he will prohtUy be laat« for life. 8*d Kt.ti'iT HiMjB v., ft« tr -The folio«, mg l».-u we obtain from Otea. Adam« of the Roweaa and «< mo ol hi« crew The Rowcn« arrived at Stroeg'« lilaod. Jtnuiiy .1, |M», and louod the barb Uarroet. ol Pair litres, ih« lo» i of New hVdford, tad two Eaglnh thlpi The Harte«! bad bc-n 00 ihort» on the lee tide ot the talabd, and had worked to the «Hadward harbor, lor repair« January .. 1, «evan ol the Harraal . crew 10.-k a boat and aUiUd ih.y «uputwed. toi tbe lalaud of An. mi..« Their profile*! conilited ol t «avail beg «>f water, BJ pouadi of »ry-ad, aed a little pork. It »pptvart they bad not .te.-rrd in tbe right dlr»*a*«ioii, brjuce they kTMBUM bawildervsi, and their piona! "u* were »oon .-ih«u«wd Hunger and tbirat now com tnrnoed lb« fatal work February u. died Th >m»e levinard Iklongin« to Taunton. Mbm and Jcbua Smith .f Mew A otk lebratry |ft died Krederick M Harper, RobertWIIeoB and Urory Cotha. ia llawaliaa ) P'rb- rukry Id oa the Kowwa.'. le.»|o. port «he fell ta with the hoit, ud found t. h ibree dead b»>dke., and only two per*ot,a attre. One ot ib«ee, Cbarkee A. VVUey of N,w.«h'N Y -,"'d oolT «»»w hour, alter bring plrhed ¦fca-S1 ooJ»t Wil'Ot tttma Uarlia, belonglng to M.r ¦BmTJBf [Vñttmi ,533J ¡fe* TIIK ITALIAN MVULUTIOSS. N.:¡ile« al Preaent-TRe l.n//«rani -I tie If», pabllc Of To.eniiy -Itemonat r:i I Ion at le« nom "Isna und l'.-rienla 1 ou . «e ol (.1 .»_ beril. Italian Correip'iodonce of Tbe Tribuae. NarLES, Feb. 27, I84!i. Italy auppliea f|oite other material! fort letter than the I: >m»n amphitheater« and gnttoei of '.ingne- doc, which I lately vl.'.ted There are war. «rid ru¬ mor! of wsr«. new Republic, and new Ciov«rnm»rit«, new fiar* ltid new bound»rle>. klrerytklac in atftto fusion ii.'j uncertainty, and wa know not wbt» to -c- r row rn«y bring forth.N«p)ei lui'f I. externally quit L but there aaaaM IB be a prevailing fer'.tng of douh: and une«rt»itity. The crowd« of «oldleri In the itr»t-ti in 1 th» et.ilnuui mvi/ni of einn-u tti'ti-J upon the city from Iftrft »nd p!«.,Z". »H ri nu »1 ght intimation of the dl.lru.t of the fiovernment. There »re »unie eighty Ihouian » troopi in Nipie*. a force amply lutfr al- nt It itrtn be relied upon, to prevent the p-iiiiU ,ty o( my populir commotion.that it »an be rell»d upon I hereto there U no doubt, for the N*. apolllan loldiery ;ri m. t'-ai no disposition to fr.t»rni/e with tbe people The King protect» and Indulge, them and th»y In turn ta*aj to, »nd protect tb» Ring while there II a fueling of mutua! between them and tb>' middle eJoaaaa. One trifling »flair only ha» occurred lince 1 »rihe-i In Miplei. bow lome four dayi itnee A nntlcn w». potted up announcing thkt the Auitiian fnrcc« had reached Ht», un». Tbe Au»trl«n« are unpopular h»re aal el»«t»>i< rn, and a young m<»n in the crowd maul- f<:»ted ftftg feeling by tearing down the placard. 11» wm »i-ized by the police and the mob «ttempted to re* c is hlin, but were (i!«per«t.-d by . ch.rgn <<l cavalry. Thfi political faitldinuine»« of the N<-«|, ilit.n police coat me some delay, at d no little «exatinnon my arrival Our boit bad touched at I.egbjrn m uiu»1 »l<1 cime here with papen from the l'rovi«ion«l Republican do», ernment of Tnteany. Tbe Republic I* nut remg-nl -d her», »nd the doubt »role whether we could be r»c»lv eil with tuch postilc-cllal tiauvi» ab'iut aa Beiide the *,000 soldi-ri uf whom I ipnko. there » very ¡arge number of prie«'.» crowded into tho city, a double com- plaaaaaft ' I.h. » u,t- ned upon the Btw»r*aaatalMa politan..enough, MM Would tbluk, to forc» ¦ reb<:.ion or to ruin » country. I iHvv yi-ittirdny . mcl,nrh<-'y e»ldence of the sjprr it l. n ttlii »nt tiling In Una ;-¦..-1 of the world .It wa. an .'»triebe' or pl.rrird, pur'ortiog tu be a letter from our r-'.vl mir. recently di»co,i red In Ihn Holy H'pul'hcr »t'Joiutal'-iii, »t. I w ¡it' i, in tnawt-r to the pt-)-n ..: I'.mii fi'.iik!.- «alnt« who wit» BBOttBtM tu be more m! nut» ly iiilorin'-d with ragafd to the ¦. I'lttion." It ruu- .iited chiefly of a it.t. ment u! the number of kirk», blow! »lid wound! he ret »i,.-J, tint imtnb'r of llgbl emitted on the cro.,, .Vc. nod otlered indulgence« with- "Hi Inuit to wlioin.ti.'Viir .hou'.d i -|nil hi. prayer, to itil. lut ut iiijuiie». l*yfaa<B «ara«MacadagRlataatrj nub. HcTer who »hould <!. uy the authenticity ol the >', i-t .-. Hi.d It clo.'.-d like a ijunck adterll»eiii»nt, with » ca»n win-re n pofhoii attacked by rubber. »avid liniiiell by obeying the Injunction, hire given. I RBAtld Uartily believe my eye. when I atataad at tho liradln» " Let t> r ol Ji.-aut tihri.l,' and still lea* vvti-t I togta to r.-al adallfaVtfal, and If It w re nut prhtat ridden and midier ridden Md Bourbon ridden, one would wunder timt the whole world did not Boob h»re to lit» i be-iply »rid il»li»in ulit but the theory ul cimpop.atlmi find» nu excellent llltntr.tion here. All ill d.'1'i.hti ol wir, climat» and icenery, 111 frulti »nd g.rdeni, «re morn than b.lmiceil by the «vll« which m »n ha» »m-cedí ,1 in Introducing Throughout the w.irM, indeed, the mi at delightful climate, and cotio trio, »upport the wr,t population tad en, :.i ¦: Ihr m tat tilth and the greate.t number of beggar.. Thu.e ol Naples »te proverbial, »nd yet there a hern ooe of the hi.n-t poor houie» In the world, »m told, with excoHuut Int.-i i,»l Hrr:i:i>¡''in»nU It amutlrt* mid yet nlul to witnea« the Iuuuuiarabie expedient« to which they ratât« to awakaa th» companion af ibeir victim» Here »it« a man in the extremity uf kTO*, a handker chiel cuverlng hi« lace, and k hand uutatretched to re¬ cel«* your »Im«, abara 11*'* ¦ boy naked except » cinc turn .»bout bi« loin«, in the middle of the «quare, ilmoit under the feet of the hone!, dead or dying, you ca<n..,t tell which. J '' ii I. . man on the pavement groaning lu.tlly.. woman with fat cheek» .nd . «tout mice tun« alter your carriage, k -ept up with the horMaf»nd Infurrn« ynu twenty lime« In one minute, thit the i dying ot hunger. A blind man loo run, by your »Id» aud »riiidi »tone« »nd «tumbling.block« with wonderlui «ucee*«, »nd »o on to the und of tbe ch»p:er, it there be any end. Iipoke of political change« In Italy, »orne ft thin hive already rf-»rhrd your earl, lb» lirand Duke ol Tuic.ny had yielded to the populir movement »nd granted »II that wai demnnded. lie had even »unnted to mimiure* fur bringing together a Constituent A««em bly from the Italian ¡»tat** at Home, to the proportion »nd dia, nation of a bill providing for the choice of Bta rcteiitativet from Tu»c«ny to thiaT'ongrea» but finding that by hi» latent to Ihii bill he would Incur the pen. alty ol excommunication, be determined to r< fute and considered that hi« tato lately wn In flight. Hi« fun- ily had been lor «nine time at Men» he hurried there, .nd alter «hutting hlruiell up for two day* und»r pre lence (It 1* «aid) ot liliu-a, to make preparation» for de parture, be went to .-»n .»telan i. » »mall town on tbe coaat. under the protectloa ot Kogliah war ve««el» lying near Alter hi» departure he addreaie.l two letter« to thole la power Id one be denied any Intention ot quitting the couutry, for which be e\pre««ed hi« attachment and requested umtectlou for thu»e uf b!» household .hum be bad left behind, Ac. The other wai occu¬ pied with the aiate.m-nt of hi« r«»«ona tor bu courte la c "i.ei i.t.aiit to tbe diieuufon ot the bill above men¬ tioned, he had been influenced by the conilderatlon Hut ho could rraeivo to himself the privilege ol watching its progrrm, »nd tint It would depend upon the authority entruited to lb* Hi pre«eut»iive« whi¬ ther it wai ineoutiati-i.t with tbe l»to m.nlleito of the Pope. He hud taten Informed, too, that hi« llolin.-a» lid not object to the of the Con»titut tit iiteini .y. To «ettle hi« doubt«, he had addreiaed « htter to the l'ope. Owing to unexpected delay«, the ««wer did not reach him until lato, but it expre«a»d mcquivncally the decirion ol 1'iui IX. that he would in cur tbe penally ol e»cuminunicatlon by an »tient t, tta bill pai.ed. Hi. only alteriiatlte wa* to My, for he cauld not consent to expo.e bl. kingdom to the ceo . tic aud tbunden of the Church I poo the announcement of h!. tilght st Florence, the 1 »pulace snd Clubs met to consult, and the Amembiy came together. It wm declared that Leopold had for f»Bed the kin^tdom by his «Ujlft A i'rovitlon»l (lot »rittieot watiinmediatelv appointed, coB»l«ting of line- raiil, \! tarn ill and Miazonf, all of whom were. tbtok. prcloualy connected aith the t.overnment Ii ta h»rd:y . year »toce one ot them wm led through the >tr**li in chains, to be imprisoned for b.vlng »<i.treat cd» popular »ttembïy from hi« hou«e. The lijrern tttrtit »nd "the hoii.,r of Tuscany' were entruiled itiein «ith the condition that meurt < «hould be im- ni.vl at. !y taken lo a union with Rome under a Government, wh ..¦ form »hould be determined by » i'- n»- un-nt Atoeiubly, to meet »t that city I arrived »I Leghorn on Tuesday lut, the -jOth of thli in,nth. | n- giKod .quare wm blled with people m I pasted through, aud a c.owd were collected around a liberty t'e» the center, beating a flag yet new amnui iiatf.ii«. intended to represent the I'nited Republic, ol Tiiciny and Rome. Only the night prevlotia at U o .- »k. the new« had reached tke fit,, of the proel» intiuin ul the Republic >t f lorence. The Imptituou» lui,in» could not wait unlll daylight.the LfttoftJ tree at» let BB, the ütg hunted wi.1 In the twinkling of at. rye th» I.tvoroe»« Itecnme K»publlewi«.'I am . Il.-pubin-au like ynurafll. Mild tbe c.bdnver who took Qie (rum it,»- wbarl. The night waa «pent iu juicio»' lu hung ot gua*. in ihoulin« .udi-oiigr.lulat.ou» Tbey CAioeUithe houie of Abe t'. ^. Ciinaul »nd called hliai out. lie to'.d them that it was not tho castom of our (luterameal to interiore wllb the laternal allair» ot any atakin, and that the United'. alw.y« a. tel u, -, thl» pun, Ipie. and .<¦< o¿ui/-d the government tit .'** to. it..- gnverumeat de me«. Intlia.tlng tb.t although the atthetot American» might be l«vorable hj th» n-'w ord>r of thiag«. th. If li. »ernment left It toother nation! to determine lor t'.iem.eive. ttielr f.rm of tíoverumml WbH n to come from all thli it ii Imponible t<> »ay The !i>ai»n. h«ve takeo aora.t »lep» which it to dificjit to trsco. A oVcrw tta been pm»ed tncorpo- r.tlng ihn property of «ccle»iMtic»l ivtaoluhmeol» with thatut the ftlat.'». d.-cl.nng tb.t it «h»!'. be let out lo »hi*:, proprietor», »nd the cergy »ulUbly «HidoWeti The debate* of their AsMmbly breathe a spirit ot dr termlDition and of mdei-andenc. and perhaps they wi.l hold out The Atutrtaoa hsve advance.1 againtl th« ttato* of the Church. They entered Ferrar* to »»eng« the murd. r ot tome I their c»tontrymcn. »nd l»ft It »(tor e »acting . Ctjoti Ibution ol .'jfta.iAX). and Car fyibg with them *e«er»l hoaiage*. It n uudentool that ihey were loduoed to BBbBM Ihe city by the i¿e- »ttOMtraacea of lb* f rench »nd Kogltth AmbMialon A proeliaation wat la.u.-d »I Koioe protesting acainit tbuy uowaxratilabl» iuvMlon, and a decree paaaed thtt the ahoi* Republic »hould »hare Uta tribute imposed «pua ferrai a Ten thoutand eoldler» have been »ent by the Neip-.ill t»n ., ».rnmetit lh» Romtai Irxmtler lor «hid ir,»»- t;kc ptirpoie it li not kaowu. Th* I'atbolic powers of l.irupe bate determined lo hold *«! at fisple» .to c up.« the propriety of rela.Uttog the Pope .t I»un» »t the point of the b.yooet. Tbe lskeat advice» from I .«-»ne» .»»e information of conaiderahle cooim. ilon In the city, which bad been calmed. Tbe aceouats I »aw wm confused and obaenre. bat ft wsa repreaeatod m »a aktempt to put down lh« Provtaional teratnatni, «ideal by roetnbert from lu« country . Them wm a good dea! Arisg but very little Atua»*,, to t«dge from Itoaccouat.»iMM dftftrhanee* ware «aid to htrt tabea pitea aetr tad around the clly. 1 regret ihat I cannot rire you mor» pr-vctiu lnform.tlon of acto tikirig pi.ce tuera and »t R ime. barí ft i not «a to do m 'mm thin p kbit, and 1 hop» i ion to be an ipot my ««If. i, » A P. $ .Tne Lit aoeounu irom Turin bring inforn lion of a change tn the MinUtey. Vincearlo liiibei not long «irioe popular and . le.der among Uta natta lieari, bu been thought to lag behiod the ptxgr***! 1'emncracyof lui y and Charlci Albert bat given h up Ilia rumored that the ocoMion of hi« d.»mli *'. the l««ultr of an order to a dirlilon of the army BBh r BM t'-rrit .ry <»f Tuaear.y for the parpo** of .tnrin* the ',r«nd Duke fiioberti denlea tbtt the Cot cil of Vf n!«ter« h»d token or Intended to take any »u determination, aod d*rlare» that »t ¦ «uiteble time will rive expl.nitli ni which will pat hi« enemle. to t blu.h but In the meantime it Mem. tobe geoeriHy t ! " »tond that G inverti bung back and man,:....«¦ J an I Bf| liDa-i)»»» to keep up »."u the Iirmocr.tie current a f«-r tbi« rea.nn :n i«n*r»l he ha. fallen .»-»rae call h a traitor..ome m ire r' think him merely man whv,. having taken many «t»p« ». be tboug wi«e and «afe, «br»nk from another 1 »m not i«i ta mythin; farther nf inter»« *> rifOU I'A.NA.TlA. .Arrivnl of the >arthrraer-Thla(B oa tk l-lhmu«. <Ve. The »t«-atniliip ffaiftorage, c»pt. Bcdp, whi< left Ch»r!e«t<,n Saturday afternoon It3 o'clock, reach her berth, l'ier 4 N ;: tbi« morning. Tuetday her return from Chagre» «to Havana and Ch»rl*»tr Ikft N left New York on the «fternoon of tbe lit M»r« »nd »'>on after leaving, encountered ¦ severe gt!e wind, which ennllnaed | day« »h» triived »t CI gre« on tbe llllh at 'J P. M thn« making th* pa«»age 11 da,« 21 hour*. Alter forwarding the freight »nd passenger». ('»] Hudd ascendel the Cha/re. Kl,er in » canoe M far ¦. r:- -,a. cr )«-. 1 th- monnta'rn and reached I'antr MfP.ll Kin. He found Ch»rre, «nd the l.thmu» ve b»»! and »tated that iti« g»r,er.l!y «oduring thed »»«.on. While traveling through the mountain pu« he »«w many American« who were all In good h»i! .'li.plriti AtttNtf ttota wer« T C Hantinston. A gu.ttia B Riffel!, M. C. Hare aod Henry P. Adam», of t Sew V irk Mining Company, who de.lred to te repo ed all w»ll While at 1'anama. made the acipiaintan. of Capt. C. If Miu'.e. T. J. I'bllllp. «nd their company 90, all we!! and to mí! on tbe Htb for San f ranciaco the Hr. bark Colony. There were |JM to ¡..'«On Am« if ana it I' iti' in» w»!tinn a pMtaj-e to San I rannten There wm '..ut une' «hip In port, with coal, which wim (»e ready to take »bout 'fW ot them In a few day« or three «hip. wer» daily ex peeled frum Callao. C»| lludd wkiU'd lay the California »t l'»n»m» for thn pu po«e ol bringing home her p»taeor»r« and freight, un* the Jólli. vfirii be wi» compelled to leive, In onl.-r arrive in Char!e»ton In time ft t»ke hi« pl*ee In lino ft t*i.-n Charltton and NewYotk, «he being «dvertUf tor Aprii 7. The Northern« r ¦«.II« d from Chagre« j?ih Marsh at IV M. and Nirir.-d .t llavan« <>n the -flat at !" I'. M. I.« l!.v»i.« M in .t tant at I I' M. and talitad »t the b»rc ('liarle.ton In M hour» ani II minute» J in betoi laiiiins at Charre» the following kemlutioni Bta lundi d to Capt. liudd /.'.»./.n/, That we. the pata. i).-»r. in hoard the .tea.i «hip Nntthei'M r. on h»r pBMBf* Irom N York l" Cb gn«, ara hi»hly pleated with her » «afe, tOÊÊmmOi ou« *nd comfortable Orean St».».m»r. and cordially r coinin.-nl h»i »urh to the traveling public Hr'nlrtil. That nd r to Capt lludd and offlcei aarslaaara thank« fat their ikiBfhl ataattioa t.. tht duties connected with the ship, snl fta their kbtui « leiiliunto their psrisenger«. Hi f .'tu/ That wtt with all «ueeet. la the owner. I tho and health and prosperity to her nf! cer« and crew, with a «peedy voyage hume. /.'..../ci./. Ihat a copy of the«o re«olutrm« I«» hand» to .'apt. lludd, »ignerl. In our bel.ali, by tho < halrraa Mid St crnr.ry, and that he t>» reque»tt-d to have th «RBM tntrrted in the public journal» ot Charle.ton »r NaW'ToCb on hi» arrival there reapectively. (Signed) THOMAS 1.. MKl.til'IN. M 1>. BaW W Vlt'in.fn, Secretary. I'M btrb Montgomery. J >n< «, from N»w<)r!»ir lot San I'raocllco. put Into Cbarletlon in dittr» I I j»» Wu «re indebted to C»pt. Hudd of the Northei nor and to our lrlcnd» ol the CWú.-.','» Cvuntr. Afrrn rg und /am* for piper» TIIK DARK MIDH. Te.lliminy ot a Ifflurnnl t.old-ll unter. Tl.<¦ bUowitg L'fapiiii statement I ».« -. be< a !ui nillied It pulilieatiuii in Thé '¡'rtl'iw Hirne tbe arrival ol the Cfatttoal City from th Itthmu«. lèverai «titctnrnti have appeared io tbe publl print«, «o contrary to the truth and to my own recet experience, that 1 doom it . duty incumbent un me t j'u'iliih to the world a faithful account In the early part of thli year, a party of ilxteen «tou hearty and Intelligent young men of Woree«ter, Man organized th, mailva into » company for the purpo» uf miuing md trkding In CalltomlA We »rrtved I New-York in f'ebruiry, purchited our outfit», imp!« ment«. Ac. it in expense ol «ever«, thoutsnd dolliri .nd «ent good« «round the Horn to the value of «even thousand d.'liara more. Un lit Mirch, after biting been itrongly advUed t ftka the Itthmu* route, and informed that there war no piitamgeri waiting at l'an «ma, we left New York li the Northerner for Cbagrei. We had . pleMant pi.«»g uf IS day. The Northerner anchored Mini) ten mile Irom Chigra». at »n anchor»*-» known ¦. Nivy Ray - Here we were rrrd to the mil »nd lak-ii up t. Chagre., and thence up tbo river M fare« the Urn »ould g,<- «ay ten or twelve mile«. Next day ftl March) we were trau.lerred from tbe « t-ua to canoe, «nd after two day.' paddling were landed at BwTff m. Whole expenM of» from Navy Bay to (iorgon. », J per inaa f ,ve feet uf baggage taloweit to each per MB Kvery foot extra ID cents. It WMthe -lb of Mirch when we arrived at Gorgoni I'ltehed our tent! and got ready to turn in about mid night. Next d«y vliiled the town and found that con alderable «¡cknra« pro vailed tb.t «ever«! fatal died «ne many were dylni? of fever« at Panama. On the '¿ith March, it «unriie, Mr Kottoroly. kmembei I our Cuinp.ny, atui my «ell «tar ted oB hur.eb.--k foi I'.naina, at which place we arrived about - o'clock th» atan» diy. Ilutan,-»' 30 mile. r ad very bad. At 1'anaiT.a we loucd » large . cumber nf American« .»»y i.'.""O.»w.ltiti« » chance for conveyance to Call lornta. Tb.y appeared to be in grrat dlitrea* and wenl «round aakitig ore another wh»t w t, i be done. .», bid i-xhiuited all their meaui. other! were we*k»ned »oa emaciated by «ickue** and expoiure to tbe t«lal cli mate of the lithmu«, ani number« were actuail, dying ¡hey bad found to their eorrow. aome to their ruin, that the iepre.ei.tau mad», to them in New-Turk by In termed partie» »bout the facilitie» for getting Irom l'a Mini to California were cli tal.»- and tb.t they h»d been nit «' «t'y il.-o .vi ,t by Individual« In New York, ot wlium tbey had expected belter thing*, in who knew ihey were uttering untruth! when tbey lilted that inoaiii of grtt'ng to Cailiornla from I'anaroa were abundant No veaae!. ot my Consequence «Uy at !'an» ma It many hundred mile« out of a vessel . courte Va for Hrituk .reamer, going from I'anama to San h ran cisco il is . humbug. 1 n»y d n t go to dan f ranciscu at .!!. Their route iles exclutlvely between 1.1ms, V a! paraíso »nd i'anama V\'» waited at I'anama Mveral days.quilo long n .»'-, to Mcerlain thai there wm no chance at a!l of a paa.age to San f' We had the benetit of the experience of hundred«! t our lellow Americas, mm» it whom bad l.n .waiting . pM.age for week* and moulât in vim Toe California, due oa tbe l.Jlh March, bad uni arrived on th» .'id. The rainy «eMon wa« about ct n.nii ne'.i.g. and. taking »il thing» loto cjo«id »rtatiT., wo deemed II be»t ft put »bout aud r-ttirn home. Acc.rdini'y, we returned to (torgooa to »d- »iM our comrade«, hail fouu.l lb»t Ihey had already .tarted lor i ,r,-iu« auch of .ut. M could gather 'ur t »/cage !n IftBM for lh* (?rv*c»nt City, returned to New V or» in that »te»mer. The re»t «rill return by the «jr«t opp irtunity. 1 hi» . plata, uavamished »i. i di»mtere*ted atate inent. In ihua putting it torth 1 have no other purpo«» m tvrve than lo my country men .g.ia.l the' mu. route. My empany wm computed ot athletic »n J Cv'ttragevul young men, able to »ndure any hard.hip «nd willing to face any danger. Hut with no chance ol * p«*«ege from i'.aama to »van f ranciaco Ihey were «verae to reutaniag with ao other prospect befur» them lut hope deferred until death ihould cpt them dt wn. A number of m»rc«nary letter-wiiten, ander good pay. retide at the lalbmui »nd d:»cour»e iwawliy «a the !»-aulle« ul i ! rgon» and i'.nam». Rut of al! place* « M taaii -aod I have been around and seen the elephant in diver« parts.M»a ma and my friend», .ud (tod MTe you. good reader, from the l.thmu». fluting the day »uc pour, down hi» hrai In the -l at iD.u^rable manner. 1 never knew anything about beat unlil I got there. At night I had to deep la lh* company of luards, ant», gallinipper», acorpiona. J»»: Ac. But I c ju d h.te Mood all tht* very wall What we complalB of la being iwmdied by laiercated partie* in N«w-York, »hi«* »ole aim U to make money, re- g.rdle.» of human life in! human lufferTng. Wbtle on the Itthma« I made p.r.icaiar laquiry and ob*ervatloB to the number there a paaaage to »m fruiría» '. and en with MÍely «ay ih.t »; P*na in» iheie were al lewt 1.JU0. al t¡org»>na y«J, and aboot >Jt.i on ihítr w«y aero*« the lithmu*. 8. DOWNKS. of Worcester, M«*a. Lo'«»|'» HiXal. ".« !<"». Aprd », IBBaea. -m* Gr.tAT RRtTtt!» »an THt Gilliba« .A Loo- do« ttoper eoMta'nt » formal no*nc»t..>n that m the m .nth of febmary ImL Commodore fir Charta Uo- Iham Commander in Chief f Her M»ye»ty . nata. Iaraaft on the Wata CoMt of Africa, had declared war a-»lrutt the Chief» of lltaUna», and Mtab.i*ha-d *n effec I've blocktafe of their eomi. botweaa »« aims Polel ob the toutb acd Cato* on tto aorta. A Leiter from t altferala. T » .-* c-trt'-t ¡r.ira a lettcrr, terdiv | ..Fi.ti. :. ¡1:.,».:. jy, from i .1, Lieut. Edward Qi aU Butfua. row two ye kNMBMM t .it. though not of recent .1» . I aal mnfirmAtior, af the repc re received, of the richr.eii of tl.e »x pav-ri ia California: l»»-rr«tt I'rria Cu-irjatiA. aTee 4 1-4- It may require more t-eographical knowledge It you may happen to poaet-**. to hi «hi« to tnf->rm J Mlf where HM » ',, -»I'ty rt \A .> ;t |* un I backt of the Kt»»r Sacramento, a ho ut l.V> mile, San rrarjciK-'. «l,1 h-!' am. kitlint ia « - | ¦ "ptatle on the top ol a.1 o'li' » .'.»-. .rn dnt.g hen Ii yet tor you to iram > «j t;»» e courte ere th.« heard "t tb- ettenitve p. .d pl»c«r irn:«.. dltcovery which throw* ia Uv» »bade tbe » -adrrl-l yttc«, f'orr. A »»d.n'l Lamp, d.iwn alol ~-)ir.'- «em inth« »inre, two me« emplojri -,n diggi i m- r»oe at li . fo< t of the C.,if,,rDia m u nia: ni. d tant Mime forty mue« from here discovered tome i n'.ng particle! in the water, wb'.ch, upon examina*!, proved M be pur» g Id T-> y du» farther and MB* m ir» Thr c»wi iprrad. »nd M tw» m nlbi :',»« th. .tnd pertoo« Were «t work in tte pac: r whole tow w-r» d"i"rtrd. and with n",l reareaa The placer e tend« Boat a «pace of about oae hundred mile«, ai here i* found gold which for «ge., baa ta-eo down IromlbemouaUtnt ItMobtalued by digging t ibeiurtaceand waahiog the eacti, In a pan V, «er» ría Aau averted log HaVm If«* (A«m .«« «war taluc | .rr gay «vif «iday \ :r/ ,fng> Avkdrrat« /atol art for ia MMtwaBBM / nr i «tu. ynttrany. art» fajlrr d.t toot «M tutti hvmartd tallar». Sam» «a« taeg «aa jf/t'f A irr if fitly !*«kMiid icliaV» ft.Cg tAg ailïOfMry. . rrrr»*» rfy ig jiUfitr n » Wall, with a party ot toi otbrr«. 1 tin bound '.nt.. ill» m ur-.uin«, with provtaioi 11 winter and. although we do nil expect to mal m ire than from eight to «ixteea dollar* a day tale vVl tor, we »ball t>e or, ih-gr- .n I n tie .»priag r«ady B'-Tept Ih« m -It f«t .riM» chan.-r« Peraoni who ba¬ been »Il omr the »¡round »ay tb«t th« gold cann .t «xhauated fm a»d ye»ri AAV iha" pr-bably t into tbe moUDt.'n* tn the IBUim of a »»-k, build ui I ig hut and tettl» rl'ien.inl t igh fid t Beit Summer «ha roriie h on» ..... v, aiweahlheea**eadlaglyaanaml ti p.. th» w. biincei« here A man goee .nt i » (AMw, m«k hi« purrh»«rg. and wnikinr up to the counter, po'la a ¦ little burklkln b»g «nd utitl»« it every merchi h.-r.-h«« « pair af icBMA into «inch » p-nimnl tl conienti lip-.ared «nd In th'« way all ^urcbaie* a mad», fold dnit b int «bout the oniy circulating ni.-i urn nt the country It it i«k-»n at III p-r atmaakh on't I 0 a pa. 1 lot it ia ci.ri. »r. 1 ft« «pita'j.r« 11*1 BMhtaf i.-rtonn by pur. ti«».og it. »tw lodiy lump i f pure Bold weighing ten ounce*. Ar!eet!on» jnar* 1J... ARlKiiH LI) Kir.1 CM ftp" Th» origin!' It-it-. r trom which the BBO" extract« «re m».te,may bo i»en at Hu.Tni A Hai aya, II Hri's-iwiA. [F.l. I i «in I'liriniiii, Oui* tr.ntcnt.-d Traveler. Correipoiidencu of The Tribuno I'ava.a, March -.'I 1-1 Editor«: 1 wrote you ¡rom Cftegrt that I arrived] 'here on the .'tb teat Sine then, That I uud rny wny here by er.»y »tare, -rrotred the litlimi fr ,in (iorgeoi !a»t 0eaawy, on f ot. with perfect cat in i leven hr-uri, nnd »II th» w»y from Cb*,g: I hat been nothing but p.eaivnl jt int to a uian wbo u«».! to coughing It. The d»y after I wrote ynu. t »wafted tho C«.|le of8| Lorenzo, at the mouth of ih« L' Rlrer.on- >.( tt firit rial* f' rtif':-.'»ti',n» after tho V auban school. It wi taken and occupied by the I uecane-ri.for pirtlcultl nl winch, p!ea««< read th» aoYtl of that name. I Ait 1 huridiy klt.-runon »n ilmtci up the rirer th» ir ua BM -n led It shout fiito- n mile», th. o ten rtooei th« nextilaj at h A M 1-r liurgnn», und renche thvl lamnui place Saturday forenoon having got on money* worth 1 ran a.*uro you. 1 hat -Saturday) nlgl llapl on the ground, acd on Sunday morning «It« paying lió to have my battage brought over here, walk-d «ver. Panama kat been a very *pl. odld city The old ait* »S el w.'tl t tualid life m '¦.» north of thla, »a» taki »nd r*eitrnyed by the Lui-.-an.-. »bout ITiiü.lh prêtent city WM «torn».! try Itoltv.r tn |ft*M, and II wad« and building! very much injured.It !. but th ihkd"W of it« lorn.-T .< and aaAwaMM about T.( » rltltaaf «nd about MM AAbaftaBBA I ne peril« of iC''taUria>' here have been tUamtf'M maf'iijuii Af »i on th« rainy ."«.- n thill ,-oiiiiiirnc. In »[-¡I or M»y, th» ( )r»«ckn.-ome up to Crucr«, whlcl wlil i." a BMatairtel .iiipr:-». iie-nt.. The Dreg .ii tailed Irom In-r." on th« l.'llh ¡nal The railra.d men «i» very Inty . the r-ad h-'gina h»r and will terminal.' at N«vy K»y. a «ale harbor ten mile mulh ot Cha^rei.and it nil be built. Y our*. 11 Rot ta. < b.aree -Tbe Alldn. Correipondence of Th« Tribune. Rato Ai. pa, urr Ciuoikh, March 1ft -1 itfUTLEMr« Here we ire, after a very .-ru ant p««««ge «f |fi day* from New York. We «ball Hand eft and on till tho »let.mcr coin.-i am take« ui uff. The probable c .-.: of cruiilog tbe .at' tuna I* |v*i. at the oaUide. I Would advlie any 00- eomtng thla way to bring very little baggage. I »ecd you tbe following reiotuttoni for publication H P At a meeting of the panenger* on board th« ItI Mid«, hound trom Now A. orb to Cbagre«, Arthur Mc PateA Maatcr, held on M< nd»y, March Lft let'J, Iaaai It QajBWUO, Kiq WM called to the Chair, and VA K VV. Claikb. Kavq Secretary when, on motion, It wa« Rttvrtd. Thai the thank« of this meeting are due ti Tapt McKalii for tho < BMftBM »nd «elnun lik« maunei In which hi* du':»tbA»e been ducbirred.erloclng »1 intereit and care L,r th»i« under bli charge at «on benorable and prtiieworthy.ind we heartily com mend him to all BMW wun whom he may barn Inter courte. 1* ¦ gentlemtn ind an able «eamin. .',' tnlrfJ, Th«t our ibank* arc »l*o du« kj the ttieen under Cap! Mrl«!««'* c.-mmand, tor their kind attrn lion to our wann, and their gentlcmtnly l.-«rlng during tbe toy«»« Rttulwi, That the proceeding! ol thil meettntT '-. .Igoed by tbe Preildent end Secretory, ind be pre .enled to Cipl Mcr'alea, and fur publication to / v, Trtsiinr and Htrald of New-York City. ISAAC R UL'KRLAU, I'retidenL VV. K. W. Clabkb. Secretory. lei. Vtebb«, lallferala i'empaay. In oor paper o! Werfneiiltv we publuhe*!, cop¬ ied from the >>r Or¡tan* Picayunt, an aecount of the progren of thla body of men. on tbelr rnutr lo Cattfui ni« rl» Brazo* and the Rio (irande, and lb« melancholy .Mternent that the Cholera had attacked them, rauatcg Ih» death of« number af th-lr p«rty We had yeiter d«y an Interview with Mr lireham. one of the gentle men wbo returned, ind paiaed through h»r« on hi« w«y t . N»w Y irk I!» give« ut . mint melincholy pâture if ti«r «tote of atf.ire «t the time bo left. The Choleri broke out when the party were encamped at l)a»l«« rancho, »bout !."») mile* above the mouth of the Km (¡rind and three men died that night On the follow ing day. took a boat for a point «w tulle« higher up. two dl-d before S o clock and a numtmr were taken »ick. Col. Webb, tbe coinm«nder. left the encatnpmenL for th» purpote. It wa* *Uted, of purchaaing mule« or boraoe for the p««ly. tfdting with him tne prlnclutl phjiicltn, and leailng Mr Audnbon In command ot the m»n, M in Dumber Tht« conduct ol Col. Webb crett .rt d.«i»tiif«ctlijn «rar. g th« member« al the ,kuy, and a number of them concluded lo abandon tbe party. When our informant.wh' wa* among tho«; tn.t r, turned.left, ten h«d died, «nd there were »ome twenty «trk. Mr. Auduboo, wbo w*a much belovrd by . try member nl the detachment did »very thing m bu [«.wer to Alleviate the «uttering* of the lick K'earleM of the d'aeaae. w»u c .nttnuaily «t th» bed «id« of the patient«, «cnithiug thu dying, and admlnltteting iQch lief lo the .ick eirciaiitancei permuted. 1 be Iota of the money In the poa«e««ion of Mr. Au dabon annoyed birjQ much. Tb« groat- r portion ,ftbe amount w»a a J *w «lock fund.«ome of it tu the prl »tie property of iadiridotl« who bkd placed their lund« in hi! h«ndi for i»fe k«epiog. he being the 'juiio-n. man of the deUcBnteoL Mr Hrabam g te« moit de- ploribifl account» of tbe progreu of the Choleri along both bank« of the Rio Tbe boat, oa which be came down. lo«t In three d«y« her pilot, ciert, bar», «p »r. carpenter, and on« band. Al Brownavill« and M»U aaaraa it wa. «wtully d»«tru-:iite, the lntennenta from lb!» dLtcaao »hewing an tlanntag per ceatage oa tbe populilivu ^CbarleetJB Courier, nib. Miaiao CALiF.'RtiA..The Btlttmcne I'atrtat lioticm tbe arrival ia that city of J S. Wethered, who Ifft San t- rane-K-j la the D ft «hip [.exioftott. The foilowiaf li hit mining eiptrneace Mr. Wethered, after bivin.' diipoaed of hli «och of goodi by the .' Rhone formed 1 company of II for th« purear of mining, moat of whom vamoaed He Mid ,>ut hi« tenu aad provision« to ó. who remained with him. and »tier a loor of obeervalioo tor Mveral day*, returned t«. S«n rrix.-iaco. He believe, he reached t di.Uvace of Vr-i mile« lrum Sin Franci*co np the Amer- icano. which u farther than any American had tone, and taw tbe imok« af what be luppoeraj iu 1 Ttrpa volcano, tome li) or .'»0 mllet l.atajit. He paiieti large number* ot pertvnt at the diiercnt placer», Bume ot «barm bad batea very »Bcc-;««fui ether« «o ua.uccee.. (al. thtt they prelerrtui reMntiBf to Saa Krancltco aad work for food wtfci- Piract if» tub VVijt liuit» .The Halifax pi- peri received by the fteavever. rontala lata dale« Ir m tbe Writ Ind!««. Amoaf oth«r ttom. I. tb« followtsf acct.-UBt af ¦ piracy. A iloop which lalled rum Oe- in-r»ra. for a neighbortnf port, when Jart onuide of the btrhor. «u Mixed by three mea, oae of whom bad .hipped m a wtmtn tad tbe otberi m p»«««ig»ri. Tbey lauded the '»putu u>d crew apoa a deMrt U.aod. and titea ran tbe veeeel lato tbe Uroiv-co. where tbay d'.rictfakd of ibeir baixiry. Aftrrwtrd, bowerer. tbey were diacovered ia LafuayrA i-reeied aad carried to Htrbadoet. wbere tbey were lodged la jaul to «wait ktVlr trial. GP* John T. Apthor*>. aW. aa araaea» and pr minent cttiirn of Btto. died la thtt city oa Saa- diy iMt» ta the IDth yew ol hie aae. Prmrllra «aal l'lrad1*«r.~The K«tl«rnai B Cirre.f-oaJeocecl The TrtbaBe. JtiiiVt, Mood.y, April .'. .»I Most that bai baaaaaaaBt-d wa* to reoi», report* of CommiTte-i M- WlLM ball, for th* Ra kppointmcLt of the Commtaloaeri Practice and i'tadl«**, wm read ¦ eecond time, tr m li n to potapoBe iadclalte'y lo*t by a vrjta of ¦ P'rtap« «oe>e cf tho*» who v.»trd »g»:n»t th» to e n'inue in i'fflee the CommiMion and to dty v. rfghr. hate .»en th» handwritiag on tbe wall, acd eoIran 'in/ to .«ve thomeelte. trata tbe» ,,t tl to. y in this tu«a r. There «a* a l.ttle iplurre in the Senate, to I «queaee of com* re*oluti<mi introdaced by Mr f'Lo |BOta Tati.ou course on the free S ,i Baa '. ut I think »fter the «m ke of battle clrir» la th- Senator from the first wid be fouad to he the o one inj.rvd. H me the «rill fa>m the Judiciary Cb mlttee. relative to aaie«ment of property fur lai WM killed. This w!il be good new« to many of I tat paying citizen» It w.» very iequi.itortai and ai trary -n ¡u provui 101. Hat we will not «peak ill of dead Trie Badfrtft Committee of tlie Houte. having t l*r «-.Btadt-rati 41 the r<>.1». mad» their Report t .veiioit They have iltered-t but very little from »hap.» in which it cat»» tn.rn tlie lommltii oner« Mi M tS» Senat» «inrndru» nu »re stricken out M be' tVaraa than useie**. It will probably p*M In nearly «am» tbape In ahich It I. reported to tbe H,.«M I'l if the Senate ebooee to be retract»«,,, there will b -¿.it »n»' m C tnmttU'e« tl( »oleieive The Uta kaaaa aaBAw*aaa«af » iiuie »tuttbor*. will be the ia*t yield oa th.« p.4nt Th« bill relative t<> Kmicracta airivin»? at t port of Naw York u made . «peci»! order for this e An attempt wis made to force it to ¦ third rei io¿ without going luto Committee of the \Yh»!e. this wasippo.ed by many who wil'. no doubt, vote) tbe bill ultimately. Thia Ik* tng .,'. important bit's . third reading look« »ua; left u«. t lay th» !e««t. pi ticul.rly »ben th» matter ha« en kept bark I,tw«i Tbi* bill, tod lh» i. mini-tioijer» «f Emigration do their duty, «hot.: i ha»» l*»n prior» th» I .»«It! ,tu two muPtha Rgo »ni then it c»a!d h»ve beru afatl <! lied and Matabata taaall have made up their mln »in y olid» toted uodcr«t«odtng!y b uo» ttop m.i.t go It blind." N > reio! ititii ha* \. t been -vin, to I relative al in mer.t. n-ther will lh»re be until it It «aten th all «ill b* rttiubed up properly. It wool hurt M»i 1er« to «It two or thr»« lav» without p«y. «» I kn«w no one out »»»al ht» tak. n nur« or let* tnuoey lag tin out devoted to the »ttalr« of Ihe Sute, but «pent t.» L oarn profit or pl»Mure M. OITY ITEMS. It nn.tï, April 10. n*" Tin- !«.:.¦ ol tli<> I'eviple'* Lino ol »teat l4)*U «Jv.rttteJ t.r yu.terday, wa« po»t, i t th» th of thi» month »:».) ito »ale nf the bark to«« l!'. '.he i.llle time. Iii.y.'ti V..ii»..-In Hi,, Btfttaa* War.I, 1 Dm:,. t. thn morning, otfi er Holmes «rreittail . H! ic «ttr« If.tnJ convict lor voting Illegally the Loco Ko, ticket. - i'i f..About lOa'ciatak lattaigdktbImIftwi out in the re.r "I the foundry g r. ol il.-.-d and Kin a occa.lnn»d by the cari I uni ul RBBBB p«" MM 1< tail a pan ol »the« «lauding on a «bed. Capt Magnu«, wi a pl.tot.n ol m»'n and mtin' of th» engines wer» quick on th.- »pu», »iiJ lucci-eded In extinguishing the tire ter It» doing trtilng damage K CoiBT..A man named John W:iii»in« w « I tr»fetk**.ta .».«»«» t » lit »l»rt*| ogirttt I», ^ui .1, ,n th« I.« tiar^e a ,..«ar » I,. ..... .......i Tho-aa» Kelt, on a haif« ,a «le«ln a » hot»«a»,.l «a/. ¦11. -I I. I - "- i ' ..r r»* roa Bl mil » are », «...»i «Mar**» ... Walk, aid H . tul. a bat** t*M*B lii-l battiry .tlardcr at tot. I.arg.ea, .tlaf.-Mlaaatar (mi The (ft ../"¦¦/ - /'..-".on, ni >l,,i.lii_v tagt, ftrg the t'llnwlng »Ingular narrative relative toa tnurd. conit.'itted at St. Innegoe«, In that county, tat week it kaaaataa nur ptaafal dut, t.. aaaaaaaa th» murd» m St Ii.iii« ».« ii.atrtct, on ih» n.gtit ot ftMBft.1 Mr. Alexander llopklnt. Th* particular« aada »Und. «re briefly a. billow« Some t,.nr or H»e y.»i ¦am, Mr Jamei I. ruy-Well. »hn re.ide. ne.r l'on I.iak'iut, h»d » »,¦»».! burnt, ani »u»p:,-lon BMbPd up. Dftfjkfta There wa« no pria)f, however, of hi« havln committed lh» »ct. nur ha« anything .ver trau.plred t throw tbe leatl light upon the matter, un'tl one da. week before Itut, when Hopk n. w. in to fox well an rot Mai to him that he and « tree berro by In» naui of l.ewll t'ulluon. deatroyeil hi« ve«,e! .mi Ihat Ihe were tbtliii.ted todo »o by 11. my Mlle» l.angley, wh .iio reaide» neir l'oint Lookout. A few d»y« »fier tbi« .!.«.»'.-¦¦ »n attempt made by Culllcn to pui»oh Hopkini. by giviu» hlc .rat-iile mixed with wlnalty. \,'Curding to Cullllon' . latcmeiit he »M prn.npted ft thl. by . free negro b; the name ol William Harne») The araenie, howevni failed to produce the effect dealred, and on Monda; tl»'bt of latt week, Hupklo« wi« pn.rilled upon h ('uMeon and Itarne» to ace. mp.ny them to the hua«, uf tbe latter, »ituated about three fourth« uf a mil, tutu I angley i. A «hurt lime after their arrival a Harnea« hou«» » dog commenced barking, »nd Käme »» "ut «aft lulo the y.rd to a»» m he ¦.id, If *ny on» wm coming He remained out about a minute or an »i hi« return, II pkin» walked to the d «ta, and wblli .Unding tbe re wa« «but. the ball taking effect ju*t »bovi hip. and patting almoat entir- y through ht-n Not withstanding Ihe «»»»rlty of the w jund, he »urvlve, until the tullowtag evening. On being questioned lo reg«rd lo the Individual wbi had «hot him, he atalril that fr. in what he wm »nah!» ed t" »e» nf th» niab . tare by thr t!a«b <f th» gun. hi .»elieved it to be Henry Mile« l.angley. 'l'he lalter waa arcrilIn»!y arrc«tt:d, but hit lather and molber both lettilylng that he did not leave hi» heute during Ihr night ::¦. wa« r»'»at»d He I. held t ) ball, however, ill ftbt .urn of ft! ."»«J for hi« .ppe.rtnre at the Auguat term of oar County Court to uuwer to the charge of having b«en inatrumeotal la tbe burning ut the ve»Ml The oegru who »ttempted to pol»ou Hupkiai. wm brought to our »il *ge on lut Tkur«d«y night, »nd lodged in tbe c-junty j.ll. nu k'iBCS..The MtMMoit Home tl VYaJlhtro, Mm. ftMfttof with the «table« and out home» wm deitroyed by fire nnWunday morning l.*t The h'Ute, the Bourn A'tts, be loo fed to iitxirg« Ml.¡or Beta In th» Stale rl» it. It wm under »nver.i n >«*.'»*, the largt-it uf which, we uodertttatd. wm jeid by tbe Concord Bank Th» building co«t origin ally ty»! i»«». and w.« intured for ftriOOO or »T (»Mi .,, Raafta «ni «'uncord. The hoiiM wm occupied by Mr. ¡1-T.iy Moore ihe greater part ot bl. lurullure » ». »»ved AI Portland, Me. on Ttitaaday laat, a fire broke nul in the «table of Jam*« During, which wa« dt-ctroyed. Tbe fire «pre*d to the carpenter«' «hop ut M'«m« HuMell.nearly dMtruyed. The printing tafttb .«.Mi.eiit »f »at.:, .rn Carlo* w M nearly eon»uin»d !>< I u'.lding« uf Mr Deering were partially hatajad The «lock "ot Mr Haley wm iMured for *»kJ». not enough to cover his loaa. Mr. Kaaa-11 e»a intured in ab<k «ad tool., ftl.iftl) Me««r«. Sauburn -v t.'»tt»r are Ihe greatett inter« They eotimtte their lo«« and dam age on «lock, ft* ftIjBH Their »lock wm ln«ur»d tor ,1"". »nd building for aftM tbe firmer tt the 1'ro- laaftaa ftaa Hartford, «nd the .tier *t the Hartford #.ce. Hartford There were la tho*e ro.j.n». be*lde extemive binding «afttawaftj large i|uantltle« af toga** in »beet«. A..: 1 <.»K) bunk« for » publithlng hoaae in Sew Ynrk which were lo hive been »hipped tbe neat <J»y, and >») Bibiea. Stiver»! other« were m ire M I'M damaged. Thi ¿To. KiiRiix'X laniARi.The aft '.reaUt.-.- « fund fur the ben. fit of ihe Stockbridge Indian», wm »»»¦ i by . vote ut -to 4 The facts coaeernlng thl» etcaliaot bill are the** Tbe State act* m tht guar li«a ut th» St'tckbridge Indluts. lh* dewendtail! .re: .ep-e»enlat:ve« of ihe Mobegan«. they own ia thn "Ute . n. kft tract of laud, but th» «pr»-»dmg td Bf the whit«! ata mode their ptftawBR replete with »n- .i<y»nce«. «ad «t i»Jt they coacluded to «ell tb'-'.r land. b> tar State, wbu held the preemption right, at . aar tain price The uvnds were purcbMed. Mid th»y moved to Gltoaa fia, to grt Into the fureat a.a.n Th« Stole received the land» snd msde . profit of eighty two tin.usaod dollar». This bill prup>a>e« tu tnreta for the Immediate benefit of Indiana, to be u«ed n ad- vane ng toem in the art. and dviu.»tloo, thirty th« . ¦and dollar« i m it i* cooaidered bat fair thai the lo i:iD.»n...u.lf**.-eln ia« pruai*. {A'baay Knlck. ry* Mr M GooDTEAB, a H»>cky Moon tain trader aid trt»el«r, arrl'ed in thl* city y**tcrd.y frutn RJ J hMJBfe ÉS »ay» that th« p»opto ilong the whole line R -r fr .ntl-r »r» mak.Sg prep-ration» fur an early «urt aeroM the i" «-.-.a Mr (ioodyear L'«ver««d«a the differed .".uta* to California, »nd 1* (»milita with the Mvertvl road» He r-Mhed the Rocky Moantaitti m Jane imi remained tharo int., the lot ol Auguat. when he returned to the State» by the South i «*s. arming la 0 nafta* tat He ¡ateM. storv tar. we ,»*rn. m an m ice and irui will par rait for tne Haeky M un tain» aod Ctilforwa, i»y the w»y of t ort Kearay, whK h ke think» tin* bMt a»d moot practicable rout*. i*t lattis Rap ««h. Choi.rra .TheM<u:>» Gao.) J<*m*¡ "»dMr*- temíir «tale* that a e m pen y uf tmmifraott fro« ftotvoe Co. in usl ryiato, for Te»M, **Mb«rtBg M walla* «al ft»! ne*?r»j«*. proceadad to B*w Urlean» »here they etn barked oa board i tt»»rr at .r, i up the river On the tec rj day one of the party died of the eh-ier» and the others went aehore to bury him. wtoa the entin- onmpany were pr- «'..»t-d wfth the dnesse la it* moil mai'ga**! form Al th« itleat advice», etghtocB of th* company had been burled.warn tmfroet to «a« grmet «Vnse of them died in lArer hour* »ft»r they wer» lake*. At the lime tbe letter wm written, the eotnpatny h»d rr Mftkatl *t their eaetmpaent for ten day«, and mo« uf the .*s«r«r* «rer* co*«.le«<enL |j»P*The «hip Cuicium, Irom Valpartiao to Boaton. reported RgfttM oP Htatacket, wm ft..en ia wUk arioai ¦nd fa good Catoattttoa. by tarée B«w Loados ftsbln^ awirki, oa the ftab, MB BMftft tato «rfttabaBaa, t.rr.i I .«er «aale. Coi i a». Mi w«»f T». T,«.». Btrtt.t.» «airk I«, IM» I ««««1 y»e tita partlcaltr» of the freal Code, ml« of t.-» »«Wtaal t*BWBMa, MM «era aa um iMt awe TV» |ii«e .oJei. ttJBBA Aaaraaar«. tat ?li to «naaw ¦to« Bte tBgwAbtM «Tam « twMAAmj TV» tarWkrar« araw«a»«a «TV. katga Ja.« eagle».» P'.im.i »4 t TP» |aa»aag pa., «a.», ».-«- «-a aa» »»»a, eitk Itaai. ge»ae. PV .. »Agoatl ».» Pr»»ng»r. ,-g w, ,".»¡,,,,.,1 ytkfi» »«««'. ratbar "»»»ll, « ",»») j-k», ratb-, tra».»k rraeaagar I! «.«.'. *. «e I- aaaga». Jl g. Ml re», r»»akg»r. ti » a, fteaak. » A, i.,w rtt» graat. vAe»i I »fa» »kitrrae :.»». n-it r»l |raw »f». 1.1«. *»<a ital ,,t|», '»rkaptaj,» | l.*r.4a.i-a»» .ca»l»<.;«.,, ...» ^ gera»«* are, . - , -.- '»-»r»rv íi i IM [.«»gra». AAeMl^.!». J. IJ a «A.. aa«A.IV gaaata. « « «kg. «,t>: ,»» H* . ! I »t'.l«. tkk p.- Util ."-»¦ ... a".1 B «va^ar o li. i»a »rlA-a. »-I» Saak ..» .. »...*.« ,a aa-.ta. At W imtr» BJ« J.'.iaa, . ), a»i c mail» am» lxKfl.fe.liAL i>oiH fc>. SI A li» IOS UNrSLF.T. CAMLROH A HATWAR1), «f Ulli« «T A PF* DOORS fEt)M ftftOADAVAT, NE«A' YORE, BA'i lava ¡« »Toa* »so »»« i-'urmar lutu'in» a IBBtrl «T\a k of SULK ARC FANCY DHT UÜODS -.-oï« a-.-.r-.g la pail of Bi «.« i)«rt* De K-. r tie. Caa.iiioi«, Biovhi .ÜB FlUCBBl) P.a. IT l>« M...« fill», Pti wto Uawa«. a great variety. PaiiTtn J»»."i«T«n.l Ulkaaai Mt'iii.i. Pi > a. Paiurao and Satin Stbiii I » T;t»i'«i. . floe aae»rrimeet. EairtcK. Em&iiam ind Scotch .iia»iu»t A Lie... »a a- r.'-.a K » X «i «. H a; t 1 Cta lo Blact titd Colored Crip.«, Sl.t md a - T- -. l -a Bann «Bd -.> k AeeUnga, B-»i EM do Bilk Berget. Oaaueetcn'i Cravat«. lh«w'. all «tylea, Pon»-e and Bandanna HdkA Bill and Lleta. Fringa« A LAD, A »rrv extetiatTe k»..-ci of WMtTI OX'I'I LACES MlLUNftftT AATICLF.S. lo a. 11 of which are cir-itad at »try low pre»»«. t-or t n»h or approved I redil. itcfi, » DÏtti VV ra» Kewlera A Aben», l'krenoln.lkie «ad, C ".or. H»H >l Naa««'.ai. uear UM Part rty* llnrvev llurdell, H.II. trirglral end Mechan- » P'iii'it. ,.rt- e .-ei ira'lepçe JM. Broadway. Ctaaer of Fr« i,.u-«l mil la* IT" Mew-Verb, At.trr.t are Katubltebateat, «S AiTinnMlum, P D PlEHSOi». -or. of Twelfthat «cd Cnlreciiiy p.».-o «i bw* tW Wftier-I'.re -Dr T»<t i re»-ei»e« paiieru ai hl» ".-.a cliy eaiai.ltah.Bert. |A Lalghlat and ll OyM«r Hay. I, I where new »in! etienM»« bunding« are iaetng e-aried Th« auiuuier term wtu commence April Out¬ door practice aitea.ied i.» Cooeultai:oo« fA. ailA la fW" Am.-rlcnn f inner«« (lab.-At a.' .in.,1 meeting will he leid on AA'enetwday neat, the lilt of April MM It ibe Rrp-i'tory CAt Broalwat »I n.«>n tl-i'tt «n.l 8red«»i!l he tl«triNited Thoea who hi». -.;.-. ae».!t «i.d gnfl« «hou d com« »n.l eich«ng« Sir«o fereipadaity tetwaa Admi««.« freeu>n: itJAMitAV« VW I Ibernl lloah-. He.e.a «me. 3 Prinklln- > lar«, iFearlMl New-York, A ¦!.'. Uloliea and (»ivaI S: h k»l do : '. »:l ln>«od* rw" aa i.e .au Trwapae.. Rt**»*aBtaa*a newly tn t.-n.rd VA an.i A.» ,,» ,. aabMd . »l.ter u.«dil it Ibe Pill tf the AMBftam ln«utuie. They are mad» of the tin«»! taliirtl hair «cd of une.|ii»le.l wnrkmtnahlp. tad ocTer Ihr .up-r-or «dvaclBa'e. of exireuie iighlneei, raturai appear- «i ce and Jur»M'iiv Th.->v «r« .>> life Itke to defy deter C -. The large«! «iaor'i:ti«oi of Wig« and Toupee, in the Mir ran ne BBtoettM from «t Bar Hut oi'i Minuftclorr. I VA «|.»t near B-oadway. Private roorai for numg wfg«. On" «,t,1'et._d|9 MAkT>kT»r tSt '..OOlitS. ti'UKAH II I.AMtilAIJK. MISf DELANKV In¬ form» the ladle« of Brooklyn and vicolty that «he glv«. l'Hun in the above laugtiige on Mancara'« Oral Sy«t«m. «4 h«r r-tl-Jenre. 7.» Fe»rl..t Briaiklvn mW hw* H HA M DI NU *«t llUOli F.lR V6f N.l I.ADIKA- The Mummer term of Ml« M A. Board li g a, n o, for Young LvdiM. it Muuiford, Coon will cum in-nce on Turaalay. l«l of May l irruir«, «taltntr term« a- ....¦¦..-a. n'«y i.« had by a I li-»» r,- Ihe Prluclpil. .r.lMr'« B..-ik«tore, 7». Bowery. N V «HI .'*. L'AUII.V l|(IAItl)l*AI..»( lltMU. FOK BOÏ». I at Port. I.-«.-- oa Ihe NewVorl and New.Hav«. Rail .«ad. M itiiiee iroro N«w-Vor| -The rJuimner Tena will oitrrii.riee Map I. Circulara, containing tarin«, reference«. Ac. can be ,».taire»! I»/ a.| l-rnn,- ihn Frlarlpal. »I D B II ii c-nii.. .11 l.l'-eny.ii Hiigk* b Akerly, » VVi il »t 9. ». .».PI. ID N*«*IU M Jill... OIBORN, Principal, «Il lai' Sri A VRWANT I.N«TITI I'K. ^Awaud aaaiw If HILI/.H L-ciir-e and Kolertatnnienta.-Mr HILL, fi- mi tir y -lia! Y.iik»« Il r I." respectfully innoance* loth» public that ht*.«.-.I courte of Itiimnrnu* Kiiterl.moienl» wUl romifience un MONDAT l A KNINO. April 4. n ibe BMytaaaal Imiuuie. iad ». < '»¦< «m v«»«iniit during ihe w-e» wbBB be Will be iMted '>y ih« «upail.'r lainnl of ibe in,.-h «itinireal ».«-,!:.!. Mm FANNY FAA/.F.R Mr Hill uf hi* firf».iial liuitatton«, Dia¬ logue». BtawAae. A need »MB, be TckeA». «diult« ltdy «id |«M email. Vi c»ni«: »xtr« ¡..lira' Uriel«, BtfABM* lenll«- men a «ingl» BttbaM.»'canu Diair» open M T ail M* /YXFiiKH K.A1III.V HiiAHDIM. .tt HtlOI., A/M H. MCNN. Principal -Tht« lebool It now opea for ilm raaepMm «f boy» ur, 1er II year« of Bf«- Th« number of pupil« I* «ni«l>. and ui-'er tha imm«.ll.i. «ip«r»liton of Hie Principal. T»iui«, $«u per quarter of IJ week». Pay In advance. Tht« cover« all expeoee, hooli ind .i«llonaiy lnf.innail"n reaoecüni Ike «chool may be ob¬ tained <»f Mr Vi .r ll-.vt, Bible ILiu.e. Ntuiuil N T lapt. ii.-v l.-okll, .»«i Atlinllc-it , B Muun. in.* Pul ion «i Brooklyn, or of ibe Principal at Oxford, flaw-Haven llil.Cl. BlOtW* rll.KTH A M HOt »KMINAKt The Prtrclpal. ;»«e |... nun In leferring nareoi« who would placainMr .on* lu a good Family Borrdlng School, lo their patron«, pail Md preaent. for the »«.¡«(»cuiry teMlmont«. of ih. advaoMrea, moral and ialellectuaL of thMr laMltuilon Circular, with nuinerou* city and other reference« and lea in-,ii'»!« may tie had at C ark A AumIb'i BuukMwe, JfiA*. Broadway, or ¦.. the Prtoclpai. The Summ« «egalun will 'I ice... e OQ »V . ,e, lay M«» B E. AVOODBBlIrOE. I aMtf_B. U WOOlJBSlUOE. «f'I.K*« CIIVK atK.Ml""tÍAMY-Sliuited le a de- " I i«li-fu! «nd rrnlnenily bealihy part of Long Itlaad, 7* mile« fr..iu New York dillydlye .niniunlcaiiof» by Meanv a r .. .-.«-I two ««««ion« of 6»e month, each. Mm- iiieoctng In May and November, cbirfM »ery r««aont!il«. and no rum. The «chool ha* beeo iDiiprr.Uon bra year«. The Prlncip«! appeal« to hi* pail well-known lurree*. and wou'd Mrire ihoae who ai.yror.M1a rhlidrea m hi* care, ihal he will «t«« y «tudy In prurtoto ihe phyilcti, moral «cd lalall«tail culture of Ml rh«r». Pietaa id dr»»« the 1'rtoetpil «t illeu Cove, ur A J Bieecker, New- leva i«' »«I AN »ULM 11 TOBf'.Y I 'ft r-.i*ll T l. KO A R COLLF.UIATE IHfTIYCTr.. a (-|'f n. Bttlen laland. under ma dtrectloo of Rev. T TOWt LL, «gelded hy ihe moat rompetenl Profbeeur* of itr. «nceni and m.-lern «ngnag-a aed tilgbar brancbea of mathemailr«. Ar. The ami ent «urcaM that hat «Handed Uta mode of Inatnirilon purwuvd by the principal of ttd. «-boot, for ill« |.a«i fi »» year«, ind t detire to meet UM ap- piicaitooa for admi«Mon, which for want of «uglrleol arroie- 'iio-lation he baa heretofore bean ubllf ed lo ram««, tor. In¬ duced hi« to erect a ll/gs ind otoM euinmodluu. eaw'iiUh- ment, «urronnded i.y eight »ere» of laaal Allacbed lo tha a '-..'.' ." le I y " nu, W'orllbop, ktchoil of I)«Mga. a oi ii-ni« for iuairiiciinn In prartlctl Agricultura, be .tor PYjll ptrtlculari. rafartucM, be protpectaiei, etrnUlnlng . treatise on education, may be had at all the prtacipal book f >r-« In Broadway, or of R«v T TOAVELL, Bupititoe, . «¦»., |.'and «4 let ^l.^l^ |: T> - ropartnerMiip hartNofure eilMlng be¬ lt--en FKKDKKIIE TkaENEE and ABRAHAM F. »i -.« i'jini»lie,a and dol.g butinaaatn lha .'. of Item Y ..-« «mi Philadelphia, andar lbs aame ef Teaaii A PliHii, bM b«ea duwolved nyiba death of Fréd¬ éric i Turner, Abraham Pltbet, ihe turtlvlng pariser aad .ur, e«|,,r m tMiMnetki, Is auihorta-d lo «ellla the liutlaeee of the late Arm. A BKA HAM FUHFR, «orceeeor lo (be lite firm of Tar¬ ier h f.tuer, wl.I c.iui.ri»» ibe business of Pumlsbar ano Bo- «»euer, in ihn rtHes i.f New York ind Phtadetphl«, and a.lir-Ut. rnricirfiiBLte of ihe pttrooafe heretofore haeluwed ipoa lire late firm. .!'- *A* 'l'Il h I. A III lit OK NKAV.YOKK «nd vlctntty ira I Inforinaari ibtu Me only place lo g el ¦ imly bandeóme Okltar. a darabie Otilar ar.1 i cheap liall«, te M M VA . a ajd «at l'A mil-it (IJUby the new narnr«wi,i . iw kept oy T WINDSOB, uinuficlurw of ladtee' «bom «xr.uitvety M 1 <'MKAT BAltl.AIN-t in ChlBi. glaa. and »artkaa' I*t- i.fTHOB MrBORLKY.M Klffclb-av. laaddt- a.«* u, i. « large M.»-! be ria. ft«« wixlb of Maeon« kroa i.oti» «ara -KB TO LET. 2 threa-«lory bricb bouaa. la ¡ -y ' n.'.) «i o»«r NiuUi-a» in «paruneo». or toga« »ery cheap if la STUAM KNIilNK« AMI HOI1.KH, r lo 7 n.*r«e. for - IBM ate! » -a «pparMa«, iuitnpU»M, II«), » t r.c'i >Hj!,«r. ,i feel. ||i»i. jUil. ueed, Maadtaf praea, teat «mew, iron piMr». f/7S Eng Jin« and machinery b nght. told and exchanged Call at * Teeth-«. M « A M m f m._a7 LOHT-Oa M lay April i, - .h-t ¡a AvaoaeC, Fesi B'oa/iway. Chaiha.-n. Saseja. Cedar. Bruadwty, Mer ray nr H ,d«on «i la» ruaift) 1 irataleaj, a hemaonaibta lie lee case, lutrtrd líi«'" The líder wilt be ni!»' y'»w»rd»d by leaviaf Bat trie owuei's rwldeeea, »r adwty. >r «i A B Palatai . Agaacy al") M UM. t oyiMTUt K, I I.IMT, 17 Park-aa^tea ai. .:« egclu.itely ¡o Dia.aae. at iba Eye Hi»»«bud >f reatortcr baaith and light to Ptiuioed Eye«, wltbom m .--.-, e.. '.. ofr -e.m -i i»-, rery. wd lb. raanlM toe« eBtAaM in. fatrveet gr»..tud« of pauenu IÓ1W_ 1 Ml UML'l.l.lrtTM.-Ewr gate m eaetaet. for r*rt> d»ru»e aroparty, be «lock of drag«, «adfetem, la ir'i *ud« apearata«. Ac. eoeltlaad lo ibe Mora 111 Caoel- M oppoiua VV «at Broadw.y. witn a .etae of iba itore aad Iwalitag tf wasted_pi 1 w* IMJ) THE irAOlRf^-A clMbta M«orime.iof toteaur «u«w baie A a ».laerlor UAiality, with boya' aira« felt hau, tl MO.VAEQCE'B fauhionabi. bat, cap aad «u«w bais A a ».iperior UAiality, wtlh >,y»' «uiw aad hau, tl MO'f AEUOE'B faufaionabi. hat, cap aad « war.hoAUaa. k*ff Bowery. _ b& ll O M MÁLaftr-A BecoeA-haivJ^ee^loe ltd .»e^otaocre »s t btd>r. la enrapitM. ordw. ready for (team, retad at tboal Vi Biirea-Barwer, ud, au»o, a locomoU»« boilw of ..roui e») ba«B«-->ower. Por Mle at ib. fnttou Poujadry Of> 5c«. S*, i-berrym_ai M ». A \V 1 ."ti« HAI U11EMY.-Al. or p«/to' tbë fo* ateriy MRS Btw MU! mty boagbt for lit If »f be ¡rue vilo«, byaaplytng M PETKft NATLOft, .He* ftmiftor ofI rira Il focal« HotMBB, M Ly. ATM RM HOMK of -r.ry d'tai'r.pîlôo" mai ufac- i .! ot the be« Material«, «r. i c.wataatly Btwd m >. II » ii ..»-« «td bmiMfMi of car of Peari aad C Balaam ate_fatteaartf'_T O. BLCEMABTEE. FM M*HTI'Kfc-A «ofa.' ck«lr». Tt'rl», caraaMa. ail- dotm. all nearly sew, aad ntAer bjmlbtre, for «aie cheap. Icq lire between t and 7 o*claefA P. M. of bMtr»_J. P gPEWELUMTte'di«. C'A LAID .lILLAbl), aVAfHITEUT, I ' conuouee to draw p.«ta, «tovatlnau aad ap« tor pa>~dc aad prima Miutog*, «M «bee raajalrad maym. lofibaeama. «If 1er FOK mH-A «aw aad «iwMttef ramwaa .xUMtko. wtil b. Mat for fire, cam. m A* «atwW te gotag m Ct»»fecalt. Aalaliaw It. ft « AM ATawca. PIT ¦¦¦-¦¦ BJ _WANTS. VV ANTED -B, «Rpgi«bto tbaaata of kWdto »g*Va » » uruaaua m bttoaakMt« « . parva«* f»»Wy.boe/et»-- b»»M or bota», er to . .to**, goat m»m m a* . are. to aba reft. weft aaanta**** wtih bar ewefti« M* eageetoea* to lab* chtag*of ag..i'«.M'. ktaaikiill to iM Titbii fta." Pbe wo« arttaeedueabla r«tor«a<* a* to r*arat> ..raw gt»««t Apply at Tft BaRttea« »ic a* VA A ÑT » l>- A Mtaettoa k, t riifiitoti« y**«w gvi to ** a ptt»*i« ftaBi v m cbaa»k »r«»ki or to eu wmktogaad 'rxwlag CM 4o plat* eorakmg, eta baa ae *b)eeBM ion. «MM Jitaarx. I* iba coat try Tto km* of rtty tatoiMt« cm i-» gt**a CaU « a Mu»r<«vti cucaar «f rataartoi. .uy uaafiri 1 day» .in at« \t AMTHI A rat« who ka. baa»« lut»* year, at a vT ctoeawr,. CbtaaaM giamwar* ta», woatd ito* iu oblato . iiiutuoG u< ibtukad, car to b»< MneWyad packte. ûy tb* boar, «*y « week. »»-r. be tm »ake ktWMlf ttm ». y cMfh! Irqu r* M ... t'xcAaagaptare. c.aaaa of NtW-St._alt l«" tiAMT>D-ly two rmpacttai« weiaaa-aaa a *>*»«- uo* m taaft, who *BdiiB»aaft» paRli» aaft to *aaata¬ le« »**t*r *M irua-r, tb* «tMr M ehe«<Mr««id aad iMndreaakM r>o tata»ita»M watob«toa*w*ra The toftta cuy mftataaR give* App'P aftft M.tawry-« eaakaar« Soar __________________atoa» \t A>T«.I>- Ai v\ ATTS'S A»*ocy. CM Uraaa!« Mar » » the Bo«ery. to'*. to tb* «By a. cwetary. f»«r bubm good gtrte to da gaaarta b»«M*w»w». ouïttog, waetu g »M IrvNlag. ch»Bib*,work. he fee. all wtlh gaud nfWMcM r»p.uvatra wtll BftftM ceil or «*ad- tflo cBaagad tw «tai *?__ VtVi ANTBak-t p*rt*i»r «rho will itk* m *cl». pan. " v »öd Raretab a to« ba-Wred daUar*. I* tea»«! with ea exb »tooe . f . huhly »sa«*i (baracaw. »lueft la aot «a- evaded by *.« i* Uto cvwittr, , ci» aarat »p» » bat ». ik*.hov* aj.ih a»i»»M. attoWtmubia itaMi* reqairaft AddfaaeP.J R t^baeetitn**»_af>' V\ ANTRO Atatauto« ry i rMperiibîe git. aw toara» » » «t,.t BtBMBBBta or cta»t>»ratae«.aad toatatotowMw teg «ad irucutg. or to du g«aa»a) kuaeaacrt to . awaU private faun:» , ta* êooî city rtftamc* iVoa» be» tat placa. CtaltaTtBiwlroMway.toBtaikiiMtwi. eaa be Mea ; daytifaut «agta«d ta M* \1A>TRU- By »rt»p«a-«bl. yoa«g»,»«i«o..»tnitat»« V r to cook. » Mb and troo, or as et.karanta «tft ta do garter«, uf»<»i <e a «avail private fa» l y No »>.«»«- i1»>m ... go . M»v»t dtataee* la iM coaatry. Arpi« « T4 M »i.aji ran baaaaatal«Vaya._ _aiatf WA>Tftt>-Bya »"«..aatoto« fSS BtoätäätBa»*»' «a ikwiMplAMB coot-I» »go»* wcMtaMdlroota arm to c»'»i». t,,w »t.k tn * itaall prtvtto Italiy No »* «.-ttoB. u> go a »tiiAil díalas» . to lb* eoaawy. t»li ta MM»«B4»*»*y-«. «*ar baa.a.A _alt a* VA A t T K l>« hy two Mead y. c.*ap«*«4ii girl*. 1 v »lib (txag ci, rtai-raace «a* to «wot. «to «M toaa. or do koaMwork. tb» inh«r m clt*«b«««rid asd w balp .1 the wMblag Md Iroetag Call M fttata-a» to tt» letal to»«-*. Blft a* Wt >T h II BlBaiioaa M a aaaiast of aattoiiai git» .Ml « lr.n. recruit, «crtv*d, na* fruaa diy hahta M-l »»»»«"»due», aad »UBag to w*rt Bar «BEB. wag**. Ai ¡.i» »il»* i.> aaad« ta lt. »abc« of the C'swiahtameii of »'¦at.'.ilte. tnibe Pork. No rrtorgat Bft tf It AM'KI» By » rMperiebl« initljt* «gwi etatar.â », «uu.lloa m ko*.*t*e**r,ur«roaldaarMM btftoM, to* very gwai »»»mairt«» an I very b*ody to cuiilp* an American Apply «i >.v Br»»».tway »|i< ft* \l tM'kli In a wk.»ie»ale and rettai tvou!«*»»« a t » ce.», .««weil t ijuiitiie.1 wih tec tutos.*« ualy neta apply AJdreM Books. M lb. rTi.-e of ilMa papar, ettatig i- laraor«. tatd Cvaaipeatattoa iw* itrad .|>) gt U A NT ft It Ry .ir.peciaM* P.»4*»imi gld. » aba» .:¦.!: p »In toot, »«aliar and Iroee« The bee« ef cl.y referencM can he gltett. by c«.Ub( M to? Ka« Thlr- ir.i,it. »i l\t»t BBBBB4h*Ba Thlrd-a« I* ih»>iit»w»et .lea* \t »A I-at» By » reapaa-iabl* .lil » M.utalon m . haw- », t.f, in»i.i or »»lier,or to i.le r*m of rklldrea. a «t,i«.i family. Krf-renc* gtvea If required. I.«aun al Ita Bit lb-iv._ a;c ii« t PMOTKtoTANT I.IMI. »uti immmIo* mc*«« heroiahl ti-1 »athrr tiid lit go. » » taniii, liuil.j Apply.I ItaBi.M. «t »l<> «A* IkAfP K .MACIIIiNB TKFIIIKMN Vk AMIB II I Tw» first rat* ii-»'-Mne lender». ih-M tccuitomaJ to lb« P AiMiin'er michinee may apply to II. V BUTLKft b CO Ho John »i. Bio lw* /M.KHK WANTKU IM A BUOKtoTOMkt. A VV»m.,t. a ».» tt «rwll tctjukifiiril »lib ihe bout lataM who c»» c, ei« well ie.oininrn.teO m » good Ml**- m«n .-'«ir i'.»«li. mit« A p|. y al M H wet y al» B* '|ti7 tlktlit W. «art IIKNTto.- Winr*d~by~â 1 'iv«t.-'»nl<i ihi« i-itv . « axianewbta tavMetto. to «.»'«ii'i . Otug Su, » Tu on. .-»p»ttie will '.» «Iteri buard and wmhlag and um of t> »'». Ad Ira«, pt«i|»id,Pby«'c.*n at ihi«. tnco_.ill it» Iv'KAt IIBM'M NlTUATIUfA WANTBll ft, . pl<4i* young lady m l*tah»r of C.giah hrasrb»«. in a prlv.iaBtmi.ieryor l.nlly VV ,aild pr«a**r lb* rourilr» it -f .-met rv.hanged AddreM M. C BOX I, Bf Pi^ttttV*. »a tw»_ « ItllY W ANfSD, rv"Tea._of ag*.' to ta«*7ilto fb ii.iD«**, hy VA I ULI AM HBUVV 14, Ipbolettae» wtd r.rer hii.«er. »nit Ageot for lb* Ml* >f IrvM fted«l**d« of every drtcrlpiton. (ih. ,":'» kind of ktofttoM pi.atf »gatota ». of Brutawty-aolraoc. luí fallo* al ft Im» ^^ 'I'll 1 A I'ITA 1.1HTM -Ortaktra wiliicg in Mtiura 1 $:¦¦.' or »i»' Tk* tal«.ril**r i. la wmi uf th. abovs a,.», lu eii.lue lili, lo »marga »ad »»lend hi» tiuauiea. It will beterarrd la the Biuet n»eir»pilo**bl* if«..« tm p'orvtai» BRtabrttog of RraaamaMMfkatae' aiu*ri*i», wurih .t »uy li.n» ftf.N«) Tf. poil y of Insurtaie* wtll ba 1rs«, ferreg, »ml 7 per cent mid ui»rl»r » oe th* ai*ta»al ad- ».»iced. There I* do lut uiulirancn uf »ey klad on Ik* prop .»riv a-i.ire-. M II .ff',,-« .»f ill» paper »If*' a>»{ IIIUI ABT l'KM«U>i havtagthi* am<«iai Mai V'r.tflrtfr«!! produce uBquataluaabla refarear«, w«y "-ar of a guo t tippot tu ally In luvMt the «me, *od ...cuete partt)«» In . well ealthii.hed 141 »to«« B*Wsp*p*t. tatw fta- ing * good buaioe« In ibi« city The pr«***i propft«or re.uil.ig out of Ihe rtty h id» it n*reu*ry in «ta* mch an a, .»nreineoi. A,I ire.« ti- « J.Vti tleeertl Poet Ufnce. . Ji*_ 1,'t UNITlKr. VVANTKU. Tb*mb»cilrtar wtotaa to t-uy tb. «uilie Purnliar. of a rnedluai «l»ed h»4M* « ¦ 'al' p(i,¡a Any faintly a'.,«,I hrMktag up Md wtahlaa to .«i' »1, '.non* lut, ami »voul ih. a.l. ley Aucllun. will kear uf a purchaMT by tadr*Mlng . lio* lo Haaliagtoa, Trltiuoa 0*c*. _ M lw ' 1'tl KA K M KKM A young him of «lead, tabu* with 1 m lu in.r n ftaiiilnr with »mil. rMperlaiile farmer, who** r«*td.nce nul mor. than a day'« trata fruta lia* Vori AddreM C H K «r. uf Chtalt» ICaglta, IS Boulh VAi|m»ia .t. New York . ta |W* 'I'll PARMKaa. -Aiad»boatia,a*r*of age to da- ¦ »iro.i» of ut4alntn* a hoowtaga ta faratlag, aaft M wining to h* bouad m aa *Rp«M»c» «aftl Ba ta 11 «rM ."*i* good f.rn *r H* M »iraBg, »ad kBR soamlaawtaR* of firming Ap tly la» bis inotbta, M fttatooaat aS tw V'OL'Mtl 9IXN from'tto eatotarj ara wMtM. io~**ti t«M««l cbaatp and pup«lar warbt tomad «4 BktoaaP. ftoatoa PubBetalo* Botana, tto torga« r iwMlliia will ir» .i.'uw«d. or fair wag** b* uta «eatft wtll M paid. A larg.itocaofch*«*) wuia» wBl tw a«ta **a*UBtly oa haa*. Tmveiin» ig»si* wUl do «all to call Call l««a«Tjatay « BKINMEB'I Publk-atloa B«u«a. M. T. Rraaeb Oftta, Ita R rotvd w*y, room No. S, ap »atar». nata I«* ^m-^MPto."M^"^^>""^ HOARDING. BIIAKU IN HKIIOKI.YN ttaLyre.wH.MMl* Brooklya. (turam ta Cuaeuad ta Waehlngtu« M* I* ri-.w uiidergiilag vta1<ai.l*ip«ov.aiMi*, Md will léala ratal- tito, by lb* firM of M»y for th* .ceoaunodMlo* of board«*. There are few more l*»lr»r»l» or hstaiby loetakrrv» hi ft« cuy, «nJ ao»« «BjiJlng atore deatrahto iparfMt«, wkattbar In parlor» with hwdrona» cnnarilng, «tltaila fir fataittak or .logia ruunt« fu, rMil«mi«i ail of which ara pmrlftad with lirg* i-'uwh« The botiae l* only ibuul ft», ¦tnai«*' will from Pullua Perry, aoad cufind* Ito taw »atoriha city taerda aft lw* HO A NP -The *o«M ta In».» «. («.«»¦! btaaft aata of Bfotalw»y) having oaaa itMltl/ pal to ordar tad fiitod wok titabi. ti mrw ittanc awwry ftrttakad ta It» ar cutnaiud.tloa vf tMtarg.r» Th* tollitttta I Mr« to tap ever » nxeiilo* will b* raid* to Mear* tto eaaMktrt of III* faattly E*rlp ¦pptteatloe to a* a»a tatag «U*p*»*d of. Afro« aftrtoaj aajaaft for aa oftbea._tatv tjOAMU lW A fRIVAfli fAMIttT, raftaaaa M ft If» «. MarCaaai TM wheto ta tto »a ttat? .ad . part <** Uto M, coettatiag of ihr m partora, ftraa a*a- iiiuotf »ilo. bedroom» wt h paatrtc* «Hartad « ad. Tto» sdverllssr dMt.M to dlep'JM o> IMBBWra llgllhl«« «ep .nieiy to ata p«wu, which will ta all tto kamrdan. .TIW_ BIIAKIIINU.-Two'vtayptaaaatoiiartatoilparl*«* to .ei, «lib buard, oa uta fluí loor, ta a vary plitaBW ntogh.torbottd. IJ0 Mou ta a Raw rjoovi below BrooaBB, eoa- »eiileni to both «*g* .Bd mttraad roatos. A atar Maga. g«BU«*a*n can aiau b* KemBmodataft with board aaft ata». .iM room. _ aft l*P* BUAftO ON RMUADWAY A «plttald «H ta roooM tu reat, fartafeaft or «idufMkid. *aR««ad ft»*r. Ateo . frual room oa ihlrft ftoui, with or wlwati tatofd. Tita fitalfy i* »ttt.ll, ih* hr»M »eaeloo« aad plataRBf. wwtor ciiaMU Md itaih roo«, »1 BroMway. «Tlw* iP*»ry Apply N 14.1 »4 WMIMd. BOAftD-Two Toang cMOaateacaa o*Rliamrrtyiav cu««od.ied wttk i.rMktMt md toa, Md dtoo« aa Bwa- diya, ta a priva«, ttaBi*. by taP'ytaf ta » PrttftBBI¡ft. Bfoullyn, wPb«».ft». ¦¦MU*' Walk Of PklXu* /taf« kU- f*r**cM gi«M *ad rtapitrM alt B* BU A K D A prreaM tatay, wt**» atar« ara b «ta» ***.*> ¦m *f ta* If« «taa. cao Mimaanftato a aaail««ta ata hi« wife, or two Magia »*nil*a»M «ftk hmtrft. Ratam-t« i«limita. Appta« n B«aaratat. atftlw* BOA MD By asplrtog « M fmM frcatawsy. a g*a- ileatMMd tay t»ab*itei««id»i»l adth » >r**tt par- lor with kaâtataB aaachaft, tara Ma du»il», M aa tto Mcnod I tot. Beta*«ce« r***taft. _aft ta* BOAMU-VVlit piamani rooto», eaa to aa*jjftad «IN Brotaw.y torn.>)*. CtrUM-tyart, b«waaaft»«m«««M Md kllghMMlk*«. The JOCtaitW « .ItaRklR_tata* jJOAftO-Plaaiaai Rertlwtod raatat aa itoaaaad aad Dibird .tara, w m», with or with «ti Weaafkat ato tat, at 7 P»r a-atoe*._üfi*1 IPO Aftft» wtth BtaMMi rriota*. taay M «atttaad by '.*»' Iflfiot « iff H'id».jo*t oppotato ft Johae' ***ta* BftAftOlNU.-Paratoata aaft let with ttutad, at 77 MorrayaM-, . tow etogto »m«m la ¦Bern. mm ¡uf tOlMTLKJlftN ««ft iftaATwivM caa ha »all «kttad with pi i .«mi *.«¦. with tag* BBBBTta Bt- iRtata : siso, * tow Magi* g tat) m «Ml itoll « partial baard. by aprdytMM*a*v*-7»p»M. _to aft* 1" Ml I.MT, WITH ft«Aaft. free» ta ftrto ta I taaaa« Bastara, with badittaaM ato patari«« 31 Bata ft road w»y-, aa aart, a-aBc»rtoa will Bacará ft« btoboard I**»*-* « MB Etat Brtataaaay. aaft la PBK.MANBNT BU A NO wtv*., ar tara* or fuar fuarstogl« g*a«taBata, caababaaft- wM ton board, «TkaartaM aad mm. «* «tabratabaf, ftp «aafttaj at at We« Watatajraaa placa._ alftlw" PEIIWAPÍÉMT Bw)AftjD--A kaaa baab rmmm,wmk iRariBta aaackta, aw ata ataaaft atar. Afta a Beat abtaftr gaMamaa ato «tob «Plata Cat M tod by toa « Ba« Broadway, wber* atare am aal few rAaiLTkaT-ABg a «Avv? barato ata. wrverta APANli Ytati.g. atg »a«ny .w, with «aimft»« «taaaatt il-»l IkMBBti fro« dm cAty. «M ¦yoavetaea« atotoae* from th* city, «aft ral atoa* «actday by Mi»»Ihm «ta . few faaiBto* « «tagt* i«c»«w tokaarft ata Btasaa Tto taaae M to .gbafail, Mtaatad Loag ttbrto «tato, ato aaar ft* iftBta» ta ffuBi Cuta »l Add ram A. B- C. Pta Otbtt, ayaare BttBr* A MINÖLi ÔBNTIrf BUM«Jaa toaat-aattaMRt. i.«aa iwmb, (tatofttag kaata. M i taatfeCta md aa, «ad dtoaar Maiaytt, to .Tprl-wto ««airy. ftftftrtoiC to Tnim»««e»»ca._aftft* "a PI W HlftftBB m. to «*«ay»tal, km «a i.S&fLΫ»Mlta***^ R-..r aata«

Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1849-04-11. · tavi-itie. on Neiiou»t Naiiniili Inker, the...

Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1849-04-11. · tavi-itie. on Neiiou»t Naiiniili Inker, the p.tat. the late Mr. Juttlc« llagerman, lèverai home«on a..n ai J. lilk.*co, halter,




At Th« Trihaae Ralldtapa, corner ef Jrtad M.»».. .tren«, appaalle tbe I'!'.

Aral «eartata.V C«y lirt.aef.ber. t-r JB .«ft <""*¦ [*",'wkk»tJk»jipr.(.'..l.a)a«-|ai) ... »I.» - .';-*, ..,.r . .... .1 rat. »,»ta o-tea»^ **-7¿m yf-»ral .« 1* ¦ ". . «graa«

. ' V*"2^«^HnilFrw«at. . ». -ema ara ka»»» .»» ¦"*"

. ««. ««» «ifWill« UMu ka«, ii I»All M««rt.^»»T»i. .i>wttM«-»aF«rar tor**«* .""¦

«M I . . ' . ____

THnS^-w-I^r^TraiBUNEU puk'-kl .»»r, AT«Ja«»*M «¦*» *~<" ¦*"""*

aUBBW, le-ca« «" .*. -_

M-reT-TOKE WEEKLY TRIBUITIa aThÏtu?» e.* r',:,T.:?.E.v,;NTK->. .:

-jtWarttatar M**r**t**k* .* '.. ¦', - .a ...I »f *

r.:. im..«-ESrosi.35 r.\,^w«tw«««**e«a«ti»r'«-*rr >M<,tl.HA,,t p.


jgaafT CiTT ttAWiatar-Baa-ii .». -»>«>

e'rvted M.yor by U- W. rlty orcr C. V. Durar

Whi-«. Tb« Mee* WM on . ,t,^.l '!a'»l,on-_a» -

|-pe* M Itrxivvii, HArnburricr, hai love

aen Mayw of rtanduily. and the two branchée of*

have c«r-l-dth. City Council._

r-jr W'tr. 0. H .«ru. VVhiir. bu l.«cn p

M»y.rif Trenton, iiiJ tbe .Voigt h»»e the oth

iflUrt_^_r_t* A VVhiK Htate Convention to "»ornir

c»nrlidtte for OoverDor of Tenne..«*, will m

.».»brill« <« the '-Ith In».

fijr We learn by Tcletrraj h tliRt the iti

TrBBeiie. benee for Stvannth. trrtred out on

lay tr, lr at_

T/pi* VV'i! aro otiilrr(>t>!i»;»Yti"iii t ''.» I WItgajRp o! tbe iletmer Kip Van Winkle, for /

pajein of Mooday eftornoon

Tbe «-real life «'it ToronCorroipondenc* ol The Tribune.

At.r.ANY, '-onlay. S 1'

I Iiavi- jnut received an Battra from the olttio revwwfe t'o/'i'im', dated Saturday m'jriiini«ti forwarded b> the steamer Admira1, at

hi'kt.-r mi Humlay tiiornir.»*, ami immediatelyto this place id aiivkice ot tukil. The ('ot

¦ :

1 hi* moraing, about ¿ »doch, a firci broke <

. BM on« or other ut tb« rear premlMi wlthl

lauere lorm.-d by King« it "" th« South, liront»-

th - Km! and NeUon «t ..n trio AV..t It «pn-adfrightful rapidity.the «bid blowing fre»b and g

BMJ ««»eral Uni», during tbe pri.greiiol the conr

tlon. Among th» ruin« i« the Cathedral Church

Jaaaatj which «u erected a low yean ago oo lb«

«b> re the rin-r church «to-id betöre it wucle ii

by tin».

Ih' whole range of loi 1 ling« on the north »Ii

King-it from tbe CatbcdrHt,which i« entirely do«tr-,

coiniiieiiiiuf with o N'-ri s (teaaaawfjr, to tbe hou

tho Iktn Mr Sproule, gncer corner nl QeBffe-atpitting tbn n eiitir» block« In the contri: "I tin.1

lina« part of the city, hare In-.-ii lnirn»d to Bihei,-on'y tooemi-nt In th" imii»» named, «hn-h now »I.

being that nl th« IBM M r Sproulo «' reudy BatmM. »

»a- «av.-d On lb.» oppoalt.. «tile ot Kl- g« «t. tho ho

.nd their content«, ol Mr. Roger«, hatter, «nd

(»'I'.'lrn.., clothier, oppniito the Cathedral, BUMt.-ry coiittderlbly injured, but »lived troei .-olln

atf ix'tl'iti by th« ex.-rtii.m nl tin- nreinen t-artherou the lame nd", th« old City llalli* a intil ol n

and with much dilnculty the reato) the Mrt'ket St*nt which the old clly forma the ninth Iront, wa« »i

(nun di-itruelion. The hi» evt.-iided only hi lar e<

on tb» we»| »Ida. M lo include the «tore of Mr VViMacl.rlKiie, Imin.idlalt-ly «dj-dning Ihn old Cityand lb» room« above II, occupte.d by lb» " ToriAthen,'urn, Aft. »nd that adjf.inlng, occupied a« a

p»-ii«aV>ry of <. loil.-rham ,\ Wort» .in th« ea«t

I, .1 «ill .¡Hing th» old Illy 11*11. the itor.i nlt hailet I» e Ht.-n »utlalii.d rniiild'irablu dainnc».The »* Ii -i <d N-l...n «t. o» the e .»i «tie, from l'i

Tavern Inelu.lve and on ihn w.-«l »id... Item Ktktfl tb" corner nl Adelaldo it. including tho baftmMr Naiuiith. Iraiieli-d t.. ihr rear or weal,d Remai »a beau altogether dinned to th» ground, und BUM)limite- ou Adelaide It which rmin. ct Ncianu ami K..»»;» 1 i »nil» »t luiii parkl-. I with NcIiod I'roin Kto Ad.-laid.* at lie whole niu«r». hounded hy Chu.t nu tb« weit, Kingi at on the »nuth, QeOTfO-at ou

i-Htt. Hud Adelaide and Duke »ta on the north, ha« II..IHI---I lo »atna, with the exception ol th.. nUMJIn ii«.-« Iiieliided within MM) l.'.innl.ary namej, in,n

oil lieorge It. tb» n ililene,. of Itev. Mr. (¡im.-lt on

i lalde it and two or Ihr»« m-w bouae* adj linlnf. Indirection of r r»ncl» »IThe etUbliihinentt ot the ¡'nirwi uud th. Afi'

nxwapapcr«, have BBBB de«ti..jeilAmong the «at!»r»r« »re th.. Mi-ttri ll'Ni 111 llroth

T. I) Herri«, Iron monger« lieo 11 Cheney ,V

.tore Ritabliibmrnt Haye« Ktothert. grucri I.ep. .Ii y g- od« «torn, Thompson, Moinouith llouir.rrklttiro, Sabine ,v Hiiggln«. drugglila O'D >n.»

Au. m nena lull dry c'lixta Roiwpll ft Thumpt.ilnter«. Cary A Itiotvu. Kay »A Auatin and MiaK illnieyer, hardware : Truicatl, «hoemaker : Orahtkwrii \\ Maetariane, dry goodi, In «ne «hopothe large Victoria limite having e.eape.1 .) t'hlltil»-itii'ii'i J. Heini, re..I. laving« bank,

per, \i i»Ae.d,t Mr« Htrtnry, two boueea Hogh aller ¡ Q, Rntrne. clithter ; City of Toronto Corplion. City Hall Huil.tii g I'oat. Kalph and John Ptavi-itie. on Neiiou »t Naiiniili Inker, the p.tat.the late Mr. Juttlc« llagerman, lèverai home« on

a..n ai J. lilk.*co, halter, a tew tatema anil ol

building« on 1raucl* «I 1'heie »re all the name« ot«u'Vei.'ii »huh we are In a po-ition lo note d'twititle hurried «ketch, and they embrace, tho**» of nei

all nl the luterer«I'hli wa« a togetliei ihn moil ettemlre and d.-iti

live lire which hu e»er occurred to Toronto, en

»Ml amount of property, hoth In houM*« and mercidite, »m roiituiu- .1 hy tl We hare heard th«variomly ««llmated bv per«on« on 1he «pot at fiAiiHi.tkAM.iJal-0.000, but It 1* imponible ai yet to ianything like a currect eatlmate nt tbe lota. A fiproportion ol it I« ol tourte luaured, and from the ci

tient .it the loa«. It muit preii heavily on the Itranoe Compablo*.

I learn by pMaeoger* by tho Admiral thit moralihit the damage i« eilimtted m high a« U'umi.

The l.nbe la Opea.1 Iiaao juit rccciveil i, letter from Buftili», dal

Sundiy. which »..). u»vlg«ti-n 1« talily open. 1

propeller 8t Juteph left Siturdiy, tnj got out wlthimuch trouble The Sulttni ciiun in Friday, tod

Champion left for Detroit Your», A.c. T

New«Vork Tawu RlactleuB.

W i:s rC II ESTER CO.... Suprrritor*.ww*MA

atrti/ord.A f, Dlcklnion O-tiii**.C. Vtn AVyck('"ri.'dad.Mead itaruior*. i.'rr John S Promit//arr.»r>»-jM I). Merrill, ft .acr»-AVm. Marthkll.l.mtbtTo- Haniel Hunt trii/r« af.*.H C Kieldi.Viel* ca»jit«-l 11. l'urdy*

LOCO FOCOI«. ..«¿rkryrk-l'. Wildey. ¡/'.rkadifr A II Uakwet).MawerokfcA-B M I futii V,ir,,i.i,>-J Torapkin«.M< I'Uaunt \\ Römer. ITMailMa BibI I) MillerAna Hektik. ft Ktrton. | loaáirg.AV V\ t-crughatA.wctvt»,..T VV Smith. Ifrif/uraw-A rindlay 1itJBNAMafJI*.ft it Keirli.

WARREN CO.wiitot.

Hadjmt Augmtu. Botin,*^«^kry.JuSliaon.Lkigrag-Thomti Hutler. I

L,»:o row«.-'*' -Probably Hunker, iffor,,,,« l'.en VV-ll» tlawltea - I. Hrown, y .s Jiita.»'**»A--11 Nohle. s i IIwldw««.T. Archibald.! S eFavrcagàVarpA-J M......CAgetgr. Chai, laxoo. H I'S .


Oireíiar.Sam E CrtN-nt» Iblaea. Kredok iKiuiug'"»«*»-(¡Ideoo Tulhlll. .Vrayiaid-lllBtel Cr.wlortlA-».*rid.C. C. Applegate. lUtellM L ftf. ObMM 6,rïaue» .frobbbly Whig.

Loca k*et*AMk,/VyaaVa-H Sayder. K S Luv*t»p W. WoodburyU'vUH.VV.AAoodburj.l-- S H _;

tpF* TaM) fjfpvaaja Uam id , an «Inch MM»8yiacuie on tbe t*h Iti.l. came In contact with t c w

two or Ihr.-« mi. alioui Sy iacu«e, when the loom..

|l»e «m piecipllated Irom the track down a uew loi

rinb.i k iiieni ,.f al.out t j fr» l lurtac. The locoinntiveMJ« tho .v>ro um J.fcra./, plowed deeply into tb«»with, and when about halt way down captlzrd, tn<jn w «tend« l.-nglhwiae of the road, th« «bee!« at parjieodu-ulai m tho air a* the bett plumber could piac«tbem. Tbe lender and baggage car ua!j «ere drawndown the em!'KiikiiK>iit, and lb« lauk ax», thrown '.Vhat from tb» lender Too bre.u«n. Oran.» VebberWM Bo badljf damaged that he will prohtUy be laat«for life.

8*d Kt.ti'iT o» HiMjB v., ft« tr -The folio«,mg l».-u we obtain from Otea. Adam« of the Roweaaand «< mo ol hi« crew The Rowcn« arrived at Stroeg'«lilaod. Jtnuiiy .1, |M», and louod the barb Uarroet. olPair litres, ih« lo» i of New hVdford, tad two Eaglnhthlpi The Harte«! bad bc-n 00 ihort» on the lee tideot the talabd, and had worked to the «Hadward harbor,lor repair« January .. 1, «evan ol the Harraal . crew10.-k a boat and aUiUd a» ih.y «uputwed. toi tbe lalaudof An. mi..« Their profile*! conilited ol t «availbeg «>f water, BJ pouadi of »ry-ad, aed a little pork. It»pptvart they bad not .te.-rrd in tbe right dlr»*a*«ioii,brjuce they kTMBUM bawildervsi, and their piona! "u*were »oon .-ih«u«wd Hunger and tbirat now comtnrnoed lb« fatal work February u. died Th >m»elevinard Iklongin« to Taunton. Mbm and Jcbua Smith.f Mew A otk lebratry |ft died Krederick M Harper,RobertWIIeoB and Urory Cotha. ia llawaliaa ) P'rb-rukry Id oa the Kowwa.'. le.»|o. port «he fell ta withthe hoit, ud found t. h ibree dead b»>dke., and onlytwo per*ot,a attre. One ot ib«ee, Cbarkee A. VVUey ofN,w.«h'N Y -,"'d oolT «»»w hour, alter bring plrhed¦fca-S1 ooJ»t Wil'Ot tttma Uarlia, belonglng to M.r¦BmTJBf [Vñttmi ,533J ¡fe*

TIIK ITALIAN MVULUTIOSS.N.:¡ile« al Preaent-TRe l.n//«rani -I tie If»,

pabllc Of To.eniiy -Itemonat r:i I Ion at le«nom "Isna und l'.-rienla 1 ou . «e ol (.1 .»_

beril.Italian Correip'iodonce of Tbe Tribuae.

NarLES, Feb. 27, I84!i.Italy auppliea f|oite other material! fort letter

than the I: >m»n amphitheater« and gnttoei of '.ingne-doc, which I lately vl.'.ted There are war. «rid ru¬

mor! of wsr«.new Republic, and new Ciov«rnm»rit«,new fiar* ltid new bound»rle>. klrerytklac 1» in atfttofusion ii.'j uncertainty, and wa know not wbt» to -c- r

row rn«y bring forth.N«p)ei lui'f I. externally quit Lbut there aaaaM IB be a prevailing fer'.tng of douh: andune«rt»itity. The crowd« of «oldleri In the itr»t-ti

in 1 th» et.ilnuui mvi/ni of einn-u tti'ti-J upon thecity from Iftrft »nd p!«.,Z". »H ri nu »1 ght intimationof the dl.lru.t of the fiovernment. There »re »unie

eighty Ihouian » troopi in Nipie*. a force amply lutfral- nt It itrtn be relied upon, to prevent the p-iiiiU ,tyo( my populir commotion.that it »an be rell»d uponI hereto there U no doubt, for the N*. apolllan loldiery;ri m. t'-ai no disposition to fr.t»rni/e with tbe peopleThe King protect» and Indulge, them and th»y In turn

ta*aj to, »nd protect tb» Ring while there II a fuelingof mutua! between them and tb>' middle eJoaaaa.One trifling »flair only ha» occurred lince 1 »rihe-i

In Miplei. bow lome four dayi itnee A nntlcn w».

potted up announcing thkt the Auitiian fnrcc« hadreached Ht», un». Tbe Au»trl«n« are unpopular h»reaal el»«t»>i< rn, and a young m<»n in the crowd maul-f<:»ted ftftg feeling by tearing down the placard. 11»wm »i-ized by the police and the mob «ttempted to re*

c is hlin, but were (i!«per«t.-d by . ch.rgn <<l cavalry.Thfi political faitldinuine»« of the N<-«|, ilit.n police

coat me some delay, at d no little «exatinnon my arrivalOur boit bad touched at I.egbjrn m uiu»1 »l<1 cime

here with papen from the l'rovi«ion«l Republican do»,ernment of Tnteany. Tbe Republic I* nut remg-nl -d

her», »nd the doubt »role whether we could be r»c»lveil with tuch postilc-cllal tiauvi» ab'iut aa Beiide the*,000 soldi-ri uf whom I ipnko. there i» » very ¡argenumber of prie«'.» crowded into tho city, a double com-

plaaaaaft ' I.h. » u,t- ned upon the Btw»r*aaatalMapolitan..enough, MM Would tbluk, to forc» ¦ reb<:.ionor to ruin » country.

I iHvv yi-ittirdny . mcl,nrh<-'y e»ldence of the sjprrit l. n ttlii »nt tiling In Una ;-¦..-1 of the world .It wa.

an .'»triebe' or pl.rrird, pur'ortiog tu be a letter fromour r-'.vl mir. recently di»co,i red In Ihn Holy H'pul'hcr»t'Joiutal'-iii, »t. I w ¡it' i, in tnawt-r to the pt-)-n ..:

I'.mii fi'.iik!.- «alnt« who wit» BBOttBtM tu be more m!

nut» ly iiilorin'-d with ragafd to the ¦. I'lttion." It ruu-

.iited chiefly of a it.t. ment u! the number of kirk»,blow! »lid wound! he ret »i,.-J, tint imtnb'r of llgblemitted on the cro.,, .Vc. nod otlered indulgence« with-

"Hi Inuit to wlioin.ti.'Viir .hou'.d i -|nil hi. prayer, to

itil. lut ut iiijuiie». l*yfaa<B «ara«MacadagRlataatrjnub. HcTer who »hould <!. uy the authenticity ol the

>', i-t .-. Hi.d It clo.'.-d like a ijunck adterll»eiii»nt, with »

ca»n win-re n pofhoii attacked by rubber. »avid liniiiell

by obeying the Injunction, hire given. I RBAtld Uartilybelieve my eye. when I atataad at tho liradln» " Let

t> r ol Ji.-aut tihri.l,' and still lea* vvti-t I togta to

r.-al I« adallfaVtfal, and If It w re nut prhtatridden and midier ridden Md Bourbon ridden, one

would wunder timt the whole world did not Boob h»re

to lit» i be-iply »rid il»li»in ulit but the theory ul

cimpop.atlmi find» nu excellent llltntr.tion here. All

ill d.'1'i.hti ol wir, climat» and icenery, 111 frulti »nd

g.rdeni, «re morn than b.lmiceil by the «vll« whichm »n ha» »m-cedí ,1 in Introducing Throughout the

w.irM, indeed, the mi at delightful climate, and cotio

trio, »upport the wr,t population tad en, :.i ¦: Ihr

m tat tilth and the greate.t number of beggar.. Thu.e

ol Naples »te proverbial, »nd yet there a hern ooe of

the hi.n-t poor houie» In the world, n» »m told, with

excoHuut Int.-i i,»l Hrr:i:i>¡''in»nU It 1« amutlrt* mid yetp» nlul to witnea« the Iuuuuiarabie expedient« to whichthey ratât« to awakaa th» companion af ibeir victim»Here »it« a man in the extremity uf kTO*, a handkerchiel cuverlng hi« lace, and k hand uutatretched to re¬

cel«* your »Im«, abara 11*'* ¦ boy naked except » cincturn .»bout bi« loin«, in the middle of the «quare, ilmoitunder the feet of the hone!, dead or dying, you ca<n..,ttell which. J '' ii I. . man on the pavement groaninglu.tlly.. woman with fat cheek» .nd . «tout mice

tun« alter your carriage, k -ept up with the horMaf»ndInfurrn« ynu twenty lime« In one minute, thit the i

dying ot hunger. A blind man loo run, by your »Id»aud »riiidi »tone« »nd «tumbling.block« with wonderlui«ucee*«, »nd »o on to the und of tbe ch»p:er, it there beany end.Iipoke of political change« In Italy, »orne ft thin

hive already rf-»rhrd your earl, lb» lirand Duke ol

Tuic.ny had yielded to the populir movement »ndgranted »II that wai demnnded. lie had even »unntedto mimiure* fur bringing together a Constituent A««embly from the Italian ¡»tat** at Home, to the proportion»nd dia, nation of a bill providing for the choice of Btarcteiitativet from Tu»c«ny to thiaT'ongrea» but findingthat by hi» latent to Ihii bill he would Incur the pen.alty ol excommunication, be determined to r< fute andconsidered that hi« tato lately wn In flight. Hi« fun-ily had been lor «nine time at Men» he hurried there,.nd alter «hutting hlruiell up for two day* und»r prelence (It 1* «aid) ot liliu-a, to make preparation» for departure, be went to .-»n .»telan i. » »mall town on tbecoaat. under the protectloa ot Kogliah war ve««el» lyingnearAlter hi» departure he addreaie.l two letter« to thole

la power Id one be denied any Intention ot quittingthe couutry, for which be e\pre««ed hi« attachmentand requested umtectlou for thu»e uf b!» household.hum be bad left behind, Ac. The other wai occu¬

pied with the aiate.m-nt of hi« r«»«ona tor bu courte

la c "i.ei i.t.aiit to tbe diieuufon ot the bill above men¬

tioned, he had been influenced by the conilderatlonHut ho could rraeivo to himself the privilege ol

watching its progrrm, »nd tint It would depend uponthe authority entruited to lb* Hi pre«eut»iive« whi¬ther it wai ineoutiati-i.t with tbe l»to m.nlleito of thePope. He hud taten Informed, too, that hi« llolin.-a»lid not object to the of the Con»titut titiiteini .y. To «ettle hi« doubt«, he had addreiaed «

htter to the l'ope. Owing to unexpected delay«, the««wer did not reach him until lato, but it expre«a»dmcquivncally the decirion ol 1'iui IX. that he would incur tbe penally ol e»cuminunicatlon by an »tient t,tta bill a» pai.ed. Hi. only alteriiatlte wa* to My, for hecauld not consent to expo.e bl. kingdom to the ceo.tic aud tbunden of the Church

I poo the announcement of h!. tilght st Florence, the1 »pulace snd Clubs met to consult, and the Amembiycame together. It wm declared that Leopold had forf»Bed the kin^tdom by his «Ujlft A i'rovitlon»l (lot»rittieot watiinmediatelv appointed, coB»l«ting of line-raiil, \! tarn ill and Miazonf, all of whom were.tbtok. prcloualy connected aith the t.overnment Iita h»rd:y . year »toce one ot them wm led through the>tr**li in chains, to be imprisoned for b.vlng »<i.treatcd» popular »ttembïy from hi« hou«e. The lijrerntttrtit »nd "the hoii.,r of Tuscany' were entruileditiein «ith the condition that meurt < «hould be im-ni.vl at. !y taken lo a union with Rome undera Government, wh ..¦ form »hould be determined by» i'- n»- un-nt Atoeiubly, to meet »t that city

I arrived »I Leghorn on Tuesday lut, the -jOth of thliin,nth. | n- giKod .quare wm blled with people m Ipasted through, aud a c.owd were collected around a

liberty t'e» o» the center, beating a flag yet new amnuiiiatf.ii«. intended to represent the I'nited Republic, ol

Tiiciny and Rome. Only the night prevlotia at Uo .- »k. the new« had reached tke fit,, of the proel»intiuin ul the Republic >t f lorence. The Imptituou»lui,in» could not wait unlll daylight.the LfttoftJ tree

at» let BB, the ütg hunted wi.1 In the twinkling of at.

rye th» I.tvoroe»« Itecnme K»publlewi«.'I am .

Il.-pubin-au like ynurafll. Mild tbe c.bdnver who tookQie (rum it,»- wbarl. The night waa «pent iu i» juicio»'lu hung ot gua*. in ihoulin« .udi-oiigr.lulat.ou» TbeyCAioeUithe houie of Abe t'. ^. Ciinaul »nd called hliaiout. lie to'.d them that it was not tho castom of our

(luterameal to interiore wllb the laternal allair» ot anyatakin, and that the United'. alw.y« a. tel u, -,

thl» pun, Ipie. and .<¦< o¿ui/-d the government tit .'** to.a» it..- gnverumeat de me«. Intlia.tlng tb.t although theatthetot American» might be l«vorable hj th» n-'w ord>rof thiag«. th. If li. »ernment left It toother nation! to

determine lor t'.iem.eive. ttielr f.rm of tíoverummlWbH n to come from all thli it ii Imponible t<> »ay

The !i>ai»n. h«ve takeo aora.t »lep» which it todificjit to r« trsco. A oVcrw tta been pm»ed tncorpo-r.tlng ihn property of «ccle»iMtic»l ivtaoluhmeol»with thatut the ftlat.'». d.-cl.nng tb.t it «h»!'. be let out

lo »hi*:, proprietor», »nd the cergy »ulUbly «HidoWetiThe debate* of their AsMmbly breathe a spirit ot dr

termlDition and of mdei-andenc. and perhaps theywi.l hold out The Atutrtaoa hsve advance.1 againtlth« ttato* of the Church. They entered Ferrar* to

»»eng« the murd. r ot tome I their c»tontrymcn. »ndl»ft It »(tor e »acting . Ctjoti Ibution ol .'jfta.iAX). and Car

fyibg with them *e«er»l hoaiage*. It n uudentoolthat ihey were loduoed to BBbBM Ihe city by the i¿e-»ttOMtraacea of lb* f rench »nd Kogltth AmbMialonA proeliaation wat la.u.-d »I Koioe protesting acainittbuy uowaxratilabl» iuvMlon, and a decree paaaed thttthe ahoi* Republic »hould »hare Uta tribute imposed«pua ferrai aTen thoutand eoldler» have been »ent by the Neip-.ill

t»n ., ».rnmetit lh» Romtai Irxmtler lor «hid ir,»»-t;kc ptirpoie it li not kaowu. Th* I'atbolic powers ofl.irupe bate determined lo hold *«! at fisple».to c up.« the propriety of rela.Uttog the Pope.t I»un» »t the point of the b.yooet. Tbe lskeat advice»from I .«-»ne» .»»e u» information of conaiderahlecooim. ilon In the city, which bad been calmed. Tbeaceouats I »aw wm confused and obaenre. bat ft wsarepreaeatod m »a aktempt to put down lh« Provtaional

teratnatni, «ideal by roetnbert from lu« country .Them wm a good dea! Arisg but very little Atua»*,, to

t«dge from Itoaccouat.»iMM dftftrhanee* ware «aidto htrt tabea pitea aetr tad around the clly. 1 regret

ihat I cannot rire you mor» pr-vctiu lnform.tlon ofacto tikirig pi.ce tuera and »t R ime. barí ft i not «ato do m 'mm thin p kbit, and 1 hop» i ion to be anipot my ««If. i, » A

P. $ .Tne Lit aoeounu irom Turin bring infornlion of a change tn the MinUtey. Vincearlo liiibeinot long «irioe popular and . le.der among Uta nattalieari, bu been thought to lag behiod the ptxgr***!1'emncracyof lui y and Charlci Albert bat given hup Ilia rumored that the ocoMion of hi« d.»mli*'. the l««ultr of an order to a dirlilon of the armyBBh r BM t'-rrit .ry <»f Tuaear.y for the parpo** of.tnrin* the ',r«nd Duke fiioberti denlea tbtt the Cotcil of Vf n!«ter« h»d token or Intended to take any »udetermination, aod d*rlare» that »t ¦ «uiteble timewill rive expl.nitli ni which will pat hi« enemle. to tblu.h but In the meantime it Mem. tobe geoeriHy t

! " »tond that G inverti bung back and man,:....«¦ J an IBf| liDa-i)»»» to keep up »."u the Iirmocr.tie current a

f«-r tbi« rea.nn :n i«n*r»l he ha. fallen .»-»rae call ha traitor..ome m ire r' think him merelyman whv,. having taken a« many «t»p« ». be tbougwi«e and «afe, «br»nk from another 1 »m not i«ita mythin; farther nf inter»«


rifOU I'A.NA.TlA.

.Arrivnl of the >arthrraer-Thla(B oa tkl-lhmu«. <Ve.

The »t«-atniliip ffaiftorage, c»pt. Bcdp, whi<left Ch»r!e«t<,n Saturday afternoon It3 o'clock, reachher berth, l'ier 4 N ;: tbi« morning. Tuetdayher return from Chagre» «to Havana and Ch»rl*»trIkft N left New York on the «fternoon of tbe lit M»r«»nd »'>on after leaving, encountered ¦ severe gt!ewind, which ennllnaed | day« »h» triived »t CIgre« on tbe llllh at 'J P. M thn« making th* pa«»age11 da,« 21 hour*.Alter forwarding the freight »nd passenger». ('»]

Hudd ascendel the Cha/re. Kl,er in » canoe M far¦. r:- -,a. cr )«-. 1 th- monnta'rn and reached I'antrMfP.ll Kin. He found Ch»rre, «nd the l.thmu» ve

b»»! and »tated that iti« g»r,er.l!y «oduring thed»»«.on. While traveling through the mountain pu«he »«w many American« who were all In good h»i!

.'li.plriti AtttNtf ttota wer« T C Hantinston. A

gu.ttia B Riffel!, M. C. Hare aod Henry P. Adam», of tSew V irk Mining Company, who de.lred to te repoed all w»ll While at 1'anama. made the acipiaintan.of Capt. C. If Miu'.e. T. J. I'bllllp. «nd their company90, all we!! and to mí! on tbe Htb for San f ranciacothe Hr. bark Colony. There were |JM to ¡..'«On Am«if ana it I' iti' in» w»!tinn a pMtaj-e to San I ranntenThere wm '..ut une' «hip In port, with coal, which wim

(»e ready to take »bout 'fW ot them In a few day« T»or three «hip. wer» daily expeeled frum Callao. C»|lludd wkiU'd lay the California »t l'»n»m» for thn pupo«e ol bringing home her p»taeor»r« and freight, un*

the Jólli. vfirii be wi» compelled to leive, In onl.-rarrive in Char!e»ton In time ft t»ke hi« pl*ee In lino ftt*i.-n Charltton and NewYotk, «he being «dvertUftor Aprii 7.The Northern« r ¦«.II« d from Chagre« j?ih Marsh at

IV M. and Nirir.-d .t llavan« <>n the -flat at !" I'. M. I.«l!.v»i.« M in .t tant at I I' M. and talitad »t the b»rc('liarle.ton In M hour» ani II minute» J in betoilaiiiins at Charre» the following kemlutioni Btalundi d to Capt. liudd

/.'.»./.n/, That we. the pata. i).-»r. in hoard the .tea.i«hip Nntthei'M r. on h»r pBMBf* Irom N York l" Cbgn«, ara hi»hly pleated with her a« » «afe, tOÊÊmmOiou« *nd comfortable Orean St».».m»r. and cordially r

coinin.-nl h»i a« »urh to the traveling publicHr'nlrtil. That w» t» nd r to Capt lludd and offlcei

aarslaaara thank« fat their ikiBfhl ataattioa t.. thtduties connected with the ship, snl fta their kbtui «

leiiliunto their psrisenger«.Hi f .'tu/ That wtt with all «ueeet. la the owner. I

tho and health and prosperity to her nf!cer« and crew, with a «peedy voyage hume.

/.'..../ci./. Ihat a copy of the«o re«olutrm« I«» hand»to .'apt. lludd, »ignerl. In our bel.ali, by tho < halrraaMid St crnr.ry, and that he t>» reque»tt-d to have th«RBM tntrrted in the public journal» ot Charle.ton »r

NaW'ToCb on hi» arrival there reapectively.(Signed) THOMAS 1.. MKl.til'IN. M 1>.

BaW W Vlt'in.fn, Secretary.I'M btrb Montgomery. J >n< «, from N»w<)r!»ir

lot San I'raocllco. put Into Cbarletlon in dittr» I

I j»» Wu «re indebted to C»pt. Hudd of the Northeinor and to our lrlcnd» ol the CWú.-.','» Cvuntr. Afrrnrg und /am* for piper»


Te.lliminy ot a Ifflurnnl t.old-ll unter.

Tl.<¦ bUowitg L'fapiiii statement I ».« -. be< a !ui

nillied u» It pulilieatiuii in Thé '¡'rtl'iwHirne tbe arrival ol the Cfatttoal City from th

Itthmu«. lèverai «titctnrnti have appeared io tbe publlprint«, «o contrary to the truth and to my own recet

experience, that 1 doom it . duty incumbent un me t

j'u'iliih to the world a faithful accountIn the early part of thli year, a party of ilxteen «tou

hearty and Intelligent young men of Woree«ter, Man

organized th, mailva into » company for the purpo»uf miuing md trkding In CalltomlA We »rrtved INew-York in f'ebruiry, purchited our outfit», imp!«ment«. Ac. it in expense ol «ever«, thoutsnd dolliri.nd «ent good« «round the Horn to the value of «eventhousand d.'liara more.

Un lit Mirch, after biting been itrongly advUed t

ftka the Itthmu* route, and informed that there war

no piitamgeri waiting at l'an «ma, we left New York lithe Northerner for Cbagrei. We had . pleMant pi.«»guf IS day. The Northerner anchored Mini) ten mileIrom Chigra». at »n anchor»*-» known ¦. Nivy Ray -

Here we were rrrd to the mil »nd lak-ii up t.

Chagre., and thence up tbo river M fare« the Urn»ould g,<- «ay ten or twelve mile«. Next day ftlMarch) we were trau.lerred from tbe « t-ua to canoe,«nd after two day.' paddling were landed at BwTff m.

Whole expenM of» from Navy Bay to (iorgon.», J per inaa f ,ve feet uf baggage taloweit to each perMB Kvery foot extra ID cents.

It WMthe -lb of Mirch when we arrived at GorgoniI'ltehed our tent! and got ready to turn in about midnight. Next d«y vliiled the town and found that conalderable «¡cknra« pro vailed tb.t «ever«! fatal died «ne

many were dylni? of fever« at Panama.On the '¿ith March, it «unriie, Mr Kottoroly. kmembei

I our Cuinp.ny, atui my «ell «tar ted oB hur.eb.--k foiI'.naina, at which place we arrived about - o'clock th»atan» diy. Ilutan,-»' 30 mile. r ad very bad.

At 1'anaiT.a we loucd » large . cumber nf American«.»»y i.'.""O.»w.ltiti« » chance for conveyance to Calllornta. Tb.y appeared to be in grrat dlitrea* and wenl«round aakitig ore another wh»t wa« t, i be done. .», m»

bid i-xhiuited all their meaui. other! were we*k»ned»oa emaciated by «ickue** and expoiure to tbe t«lal climate of the lithmu«, ani number« were actuail, dying¡hey bad found to their eorrow. aome to their ruin, thatthe iepre.ei.tau m« mad», to them in New-Turk by Intermed partie» »bout the facilitie» for getting Irom l'aMini to California were cli tal.»- and tb.t they h»d beennit «' «t'y il.-o .vi ,t by Individual« In New York, otwlium tbey had expected belter thing*, in who knewihey were uttering untruth! when tbey lilted thatinoaiii of grtt'ng to Cailiornla from I'anaroa were

abundant No veaae!. ot my Consequence «Uy at !'an»ma It I« many hundred mile« out of a vessel . courteVa for Hrituk .reamer, going from I'anama to San h ran

cisco il is . humbug. 1 n»y d n t go to dan f ranciscuat .!!. Their route iles exclutlvely between 1.1ms, V a!paraíso »nd i'anama

V\'» waited at I'anama Mveral days.quilo longn .»'-, to Mcerlain thai there wm no chance at a!l of

a paa.age to San f' We had the benetit of theexperience of hundred«! t our lellow Americas, mm»it whom bad l.n .waiting . pM.age for week* andmoulât in vim Toe California, due oa tbe l.Jlh March,bad uni arrived on th» .'id. The rainy «eMon wa«about ct n.nii ne'.i.g. and. taking »il thing» loto cjo«id»rtatiT., wo deemed II be»t ft put »bout aud r-ttirnhome. Acc.rdini'y, we returned to (torgooa to »d-»iM our comrade«, hail fouu.l lb»t Ihey had already.tarted lor i ,r,-iu« auch of u» .ut. M could gather'ur t »/cage !n IftBM for lh* (?rv*c»nt City, returned toNew V or» in that »te»mer. The re»t «rill return by the«jr«t opp irtunity.

1 hi» i» . plata, uavamished »i. i di»mtere*ted atateinent. In ihua putting it torth 1 have no other purpo«»m tvrve than lo my country men .g.ia.l the'mu. route. My empany wm computed ot athletic »n JCv'ttragevul young men, able to »ndure any hard.hip«nd willing to face any danger. Hut with no chance ol* p«*«ege from i'.aama to »van f ranciaco Ihey were

«verae to reutaniag with ao other prospect befur» themlut hope deferred until death ihould cpt them dt wn.A number of m»rc«nary letter-wiiten, ander good

pay. retide at the lalbmui »nd d:»cour»e iwawliy «a

the !»-aulle« ul i ! rgon» and i'.nam». Rut of al! place*« M taaii -aod I have been around and seen

the elephant in diver« parts.M»a ma and my friend»,.ud (tod MTe you. good reader, from the l.thmu».fluting the day »uc pour, down hi» hrai In the -l at

iD.u^rable manner. 1 never knew anything aboutbeat unlil I got there. At night I had to deep la lh*company of luards, ant», gallinipper», acorpiona. J»»:

Ac. But I c ju d h.te Mood all tht* very wall Whatwe complalB of la being iwmdied by laiercated partie*in N«w-York, »hi«* »ole aim U to make money, re-

g.rdle.» of human life in! human lufferTng.Wbtle on the Itthma« I made p.r.icaiar laquiry and

ob*ervatloB a« to the number there a paaaageto »m fruiría» '. and en with MÍely «ay ih.t »; P*nain» iheie were al lewt 1.JU0. al t¡org»>na y«J, and aboot>Jt.i on ihítr w«y aero*« the lithmu*.

8. DOWNKS. of Worcester, M«*a.Lo'«»|'» HiXal. ".« !<"». Aprd », IBBaea.


Gr.tAT RRtTtt!» »an THt Gilliba« .A Loo-do« ttoper eoMta'nt » formal no*nc»t..>n that m the

m .nth of febmary ImL Commodore fir Charta Uo-

Iham Commander in Chief f Her M»ye»ty . nata.

Iaraaft on the Wata CoMt of Africa, had declared war

a-»lrutt the Chief» of lltaUna», and Mtab.i*ha-d *n effec

I've blocktafe of their eomi. botweaa »« aims Polel ob

the toutb acd Cato* on tto aorta.

A Leiter from t altferala.T » .-* c-trt'-t ¡r.ira a lettcrr,

terdiv | ..Fi.ti. :. ¡1:.,».:. jy, fromi .1, Lieut. Edward Qi aU Butfua. row two yekNMBMM t .it. though not of recent .1»

. I aal mnfirmAtior, af the repcre received, of the richr.eii of tl.e »x

pav-ri ia California:l»»-rr«tt I'rria Cu-irjatiA. aTee 4 1-4-

It may require more t-eographical knowledge Ityou may happen to poaet-**. to hi «hi« to tnf->rm JMlf where HM » ',, -»I'ty rt \A .> ;t |* un Ibackt of the Kt»»r Sacramento, a hout l.V> mile, no.tlSan rrarjciK-'. «l,1 h-!' am. kitlint ia « -

| ¦ "ptatle on the top ol a.1 o'li' » .'.»-..rn dnt.g hen Ii yet tor you to iram > «j t;»» ecourte ere th.« heard "t tb- ettenitve p. .d pl»c« irn:«.. dltcovery which throw* ia Uv» »badetbe » -adrrl-l yttc«, f'orr. A »»d.n'l Lamp, d.iwn alol~-)ir.'- «em inth« »inre, two me« emplojri -,n diggii m- r»oe at li . fo< t of the C.,if,,rDia m u nia: ni. dtant Mime forty mue« from here discovered tome in'.ng particle! in the water, wb'.ch, upon examina*!,proved M be pur» g Id T-> y du» farther and MB*m ir» Thr c»wi iprrad. »nd M tw» m nlbi :',»« th..tnd pertoo« Were «t work in tte pac: r whole toww-r» d"i"rtrd. and with n",l reareaa The placer e

tend« Boat a «pace of about oae hundred mile«, aihere i* found gold which for «ge., baa ta-eo wa.hudown IromlbemouaUtnt ItMobtalued by digging t

ibeiurtaceand waahiog the eacti, In a pan V, «er»ría Aau averted log HaVm If«* (A«m .«« «war taluc |.rr gay «vif «iday \ :r/ ,fng> Avkdrrat« /atol art for d»ia MMtwaBBM / nr i «tu. ynttrany. art» fajlrr d.ttoot «M tutti hvmartd tallar». Sam» «a« taeg «aa

jf/t'f A irr if fitly !*«kMiid icliaV» ft.Cg tAg ailïOfMry. .rrrr»*» rfy ig jiUfitr n » Wall, with a party ot toiotbrr«. 1 tin bound '.nt.. ill» m ur-.uin«, with provtaioi11 winter and. although we do nil expect to malm ire than from eight to «ixteea dollar* a day tale vVltor, we »ball t>e or, ih-gr- .n I n tie .»priag r«adyB'-Tept Ih« m -It f«t .riM» chan.-r« Peraoni who ba¬been »Il omr the »¡round »ay tb«t th« gold cann .t«xhauated fm a»d ye»ri AAV iha" pr-bably tinto tbe moUDt.'n* tn the IBUim of a »»-k, build uiI ig hut and tettl» rl'ien.inl t igh fid tBeit Summer «ha roriie h on» .....

v, aiweahlheea**eadlaglyaanaml ti p.. th» w.

biincei« I« here A man goee .nt i » (AMw, m«khi« purrh»«rg. and wnikinr up to the counter, po'la a¦ little burklkln b»g «nd utitl»« it every merchih.-r.-h«« « pair af icBMA into «inch » p-nimnl tlconienti lip-.ared «nd In th'« way all ^urcbaie* a

mad», fold dnit b int «bout the oniy circulating ni.-i

urn nt the country It it i«k-»n at III p-r atmaakhon't I 0 a pa. 1 lot it ia ci.ri. »r. 1 ft« «pita'j.r« h»11*1 BMhtaf i.-rtonn by pur. ti«».og it. »tw lodiylump i f pure Bold weighing ten ounce*.

Ar!eet!on» jnar*1J... ARlKiiH LI) Kir.1 CM

ftp" Th» origin!' It-it-. r trom which the BBO"extract« «re m».te,may bo i»en at Hu.Tni A Hai

aya, II Hri's-iwiA. [F.l.I i «in I'liriniiii, Oui* tr.ntcnt.-d Traveler.

Correipoiidencu of The TribunoI'ava.a, March -.'I 1-1

Editor«: 1 wrote you ¡rom Cftegrtthat I arrived] 'here on the .'tb teat Sine then, ThatI uud rny wny here by er.»y »tare, -rrotred the litlimifr ,in (iorgeoi !a»t 0eaawy, on f ot. with perfect cat

in i leven hr-uri, nnd »II th» w»y from Cb*,g: Ihat been nothing but p.eaivnl jt int to a uian wbou«».! to coughing It.The d»y after I wrote ynu. t »wafted tho C«.|le of8|

Lorenzo, at the mouth of ih« L' Rlrer.on- >.( ttfirit rial* f' rtif':-.'»ti',n» after tho V auban school. It wi

taken and occupied by the I uecane-ri.for pirtlcultlnl winch, p!ea««< read th» aoYtl of that name.

I Ait 1 huridiy klt.-runon »n ilmtci up the rirerth» ir ua BM -n led It shout fiito- n mile», th. o ten

rtooei th« nextilaj at h A M 1-r liurgnn», und renchethvl lamnui place Saturday forenoon having got on

money* worth 1 ran a.*uro you. 1 hat -Saturday) nlglllapl on the ground, acd on Sunday morning «It«

paying lió to have my battage brought over here,walk-d «ver.Panama kat been a very *pl. odld city The old ait*

»S el w.'tl t tualid life m '¦.» north of thla, »a» taki»nd r*eitrnyed by the Lui-.-an.-. r« »bout ITiiü.lhprêtent city WM «torn».! try Itoltv.r tn |ft*M, and IIwad« and building! very much injured.It !. but thihkd"W of it« lorn.-T .< and aaAwaMM about T.( »

rltltaaf «nd about MM AAbaftaBBAI ne peril« of iC''taUria>' here have been tUamtf'M

maf'iijuii Af »i on h» th« rainy ."«.- n thill ,-oiiiiiirnc.

In »[-¡I or M»y, th» ( )r»«ckn.-ome up to Crucr«, whlclwlil i." a BMatairtel .iiipr:-». iie-nt..The Dreg .ii tailed Irom In-r." on th« l.'llh ¡nal

The railra.d men «i» very Inty . the r-ad h-'gina h»rand will terminal.' at N«vy K»y. a «ale harbor ten milemulh ot Cha^rei.and it nil be built.

Y our*. 11 Rot ta.

< b.aree -Tbe Alldn.Correipondence of Th« Tribune.

Rato Ai. pa, urr Ciuoikh, March 1ft -1

itfUTLEMr« Here we ire, after a very .¦ .-ru

ant p««««ge «f |fi day* from New York.We «ball Hand eft and on till tho »let.mcr coin.-i am

take« ui uff. The probable c .-.: of cruiilog tbe .at'tuna I* |v*i. at the oaUide. I Would advlie any 00-

eomtng thla way to bring very little baggage.I »ecd you tbe following reiotuttoni for publication


At a meeting of the panenger* on board th« ItIMid«, hound trom Now A. orb to Cbagre«, Arthur McPateA Maatcr, held on M< nd»y, March Lft let'J, IaaaiIt QajBWUO, Kiq WM called to the Chair, and VA KVV. Claikb. Kavq Secretary when, on motion, It wa«

Rttvrtd. Thai the thank« of this meeting are due ti

Tapt McKalii for tho < BMftBM »nd «elnun lik« maunei

In which hi* du':»tbA»e been ducbirred.erloclng »1

intereit and care L,r th»i« under bli charge at «on

benorable and prtiieworthy.ind we heartily com

mend him to all BMW wun whom he may barn Intercourte. 1* ¦ gentlemtn ind an able «eamin.

.',' tnlrfJ, Th«t our ibank* arc »l*o du« kj the ttieenunder Cap! Mrl«!««'* c.-mmand, tor their kind attrn

lion to our wann, and their gentlcmtnly l.-«rlngduring tbe toy«»«

Rttulwi, That the proceeding! ol thil meettntT '-.

.Igoed by tbe Preildent end Secretory, ind be pre

.enled to Cipl Mcr'alea, and fur publication to / v,

Trtsiinr and Htrald of New-York City.ISAAC R UL'KRLAU, I'retidenL

VV. K. W. Clabkb. Secretory.lei. Vtebb«, lallferala i'empaay.

In oor paper o! Werfneiiltv we publuhe*!, cop¬ied from the >>r Or¡tan* Picayunt, an aecount of the

progren of thla body of men. on tbelr rnutr lo Cattfuini« rl» Brazo* and the Rio (irande, and lb« melancholy.Mternent that the Cholera had attacked them, rauatcgIh» death of« number af th-lr p«rty We had yeiterd«y an Interview with Mr lireham. one of the gentlemen wbo returned, ind paiaed through h»r« on hi« w«yt . N»w Y irk I!» give« ut . mint melincholy pâtureif ti«r «tote of atf.ire «t the time bo left. The Choleribroke out when the party were encamped at l)a»l««rancho, »bout !."») mile* above the mouth of the Km(¡rind and three men died that night On the following day. took a boat for a point «w tulle« higher up. two

dl-d before S o clock and a numtmr were taken »ick.Col. Webb, tbe coinm«nder. left the encatnpmenL for

th» purpote. It wa* *Uted, of purchaaing mule« or

boraoe for the p««ly. tfdting with him tne prlnclutlphjiicltn, and leailng Mr Audnbon In command ot them»n, M in Dumber Tht« conduct ol Col. Webb crett

.rt d.«i»tiif«ctlijn «rar. g th« member« al the

,kuy, and a number of them concluded lo abandontbe party. When our informant.wh' wa* among tho«;tn.t r, turned.left, ten h«d died, «nd there were »ome

twenty «trk. Mr. Auduboo, wbo w*a much belovrd by. try member nl the detachment did »very thing m bu

[«.wer to Alleviate the «uttering* of the lick K'earleMof the d'aeaae. h» w»u c .nttnuaily «t th» bed «id« of the

patient«, «cnithiug thu dying, and admlnltteting iQch r»

lief lo the .ick m» eirciaiitancei permuted.1 be Iota of the money In the poa«e««ion of Mr. Au

dabon annoyed birjQ much. Tb« groat- r portion ,ftbeamount w»a a J *w «lock fund.«ome of it tu the prl»tie property of iadiridotl« who bkd placed their lund«in hi! h«ndi for i»fe k«epiog. he being the ' of the deUcBnteoL Mr Hrabam g te« moit de-

ploribifl account» of tbe progreu of the Choleri alongboth bank« of the Rio Tbe boat, oa which became down. lo«t In three d«y« her pilot, ciert, bar», «p»r. carpenter, and on« band. Al Brownavill« and M»Uaaaraa it wa. «wtully d»«tru-:iite, the lntennenta fromlb!» dLtcaao »hewing an tlanntag per ceatage oa tbepopulilivu ^CbarleetJB Courier, nib.

Miaiao 1« CALiF.'RtiA..The Btlttmcne I'atrtatlioticm tbe arrival ia that city of J S. Wethered, who

Ifft San t- rane-K-j la the D ft «hip [.exioftott. The

foilowiaf li hit mining eiptrneaceMr. Wethered, after bivin.' diipoaed of hli «och of

goodi by the .' Rhone formed 1 company of II for th«purear of mining, moat of whom vamoaed He Mid,>ut hi« tenu aad provision« to ó. who remained withhim. and »tier a loor of obeervalioo tor Mveral day*,returned t«. S«n rrix.-iaco. He believe, he reached t

di.Uvace of Vr-i mile« lrum Sin Franci*co np the Amer-icano. which u farther than any American had tone,and taw tbe imok« af what be luppoeraj iu 1 Ttrpavolcano, tome li) or .'»0 mllet l.atajit. He paiieti largenumber* ot pertvnt at the diiercnt placer», Bume ot«barm bad batea very »Bcc-;««fui ether« «o ua.uccee..

(al. thtt they prelerrtui reMntiBf to Saa Krancltco aadwork for food wtfci-

Piract if» tub VVijt liuit» .The Halifax pi-peri received by the fteavever. rontala lata dale« Ir mtbe Writ Ind!««. Amoaf oth«r ttom. I. tb« followtsfacct.-UBt af ¦ piracy. A iloop which lalled rum Oe-in-r»ra. for a neighbortnf port, when Jart onuide of thebtrhor. «u Mixed by three mea, oae of whom bad.hipped m a wtmtn tad tbe otberi m p»«««ig»ri.Tbey lauded the '»putu u>d crew apoa a deMrt U.aod.and titea ran tbe veeeel lato tbe Uroiv-co. where tbayd'.rictfakd of ibeir baixiry. Aftrrwtrd, bowerer. tbeywere diacovered ia LafuayrA i-reeied aad carried to

Htrbadoet. wbere tbey were lodged la jaul to «waitktVlr trial.GP* John T. Apthor*>. aW. aa araaea» and

pr minent cttiirn of Btto. died la thtt city oa Saa-

diy iMt» ta the IDth yew ol hie aae.

Prmrllra «aal l'lrad1*«r.~The K«tl«rnai BCirre.f-oaJeocecl The TrtbaBe.

JtiiiVt, Mood.y, April .'. .»I

Most that bai baaaaaaaBt-dwa* to reoi», report* of CommiTte-i M- WlLMball, for th* Ra kppointmcLt of the CommtaloaeriPractice and i'tadl«**, wm read ¦ eecond time, tr

m li n to potapoBe iadclalte'y lo*t by a vrjta of¦ P'rtap« «oe>e cf tho*» who v.»trd »g»:n»t th»to e n'inue in i'fflee the CommiMion and to dty v.

rfghr. hate .»en th» handwritiag on tbe wall, acdeoIran 'in/ to .«ve thomeelte. trata tbe» ,,t tlto. y in this tu«a r.

There «a* a l.ttle iplurre in the Senate, to I

«queaee of com* re*oluti<mi introdaced by Mr f'Lo

|BOta Tati.ou course on the free S ,i

Baa '. ut I think »fter the «m ke of battle clrir» lath- Senator from the first wid be fouad to he the o

one inj.rvd.H me the «rill fa>m the Judiciary Cb

mlttee. relative to aaie«ment of property fur lai

WM killed. This w!il be good new« to many of I

tat paying citizen» It w.» very iequi.itortai and ai

trary -n ¡u provui 101. Hat we will not «peak ill ofdead

Trie Badfrtft Committee of tlie Houte. having t

l*r «-.Btadt-rati 41 the r<>.1». mad» their Report t

.veiioit They have iltered-t but very little from

»hap.» in which it cat»» tn.rn tlie lommltii oner« MiM tS» Senat» «inrndru» nu »re stricken out M be'tVaraa than useie**. It will probably p*M In nearly«am» tbape In ahich It I. reported to tbe H,.«M I'lif the Senate ebooee to be retract»«,,, there will b-¿.it »n»' m C tnmttU'e« tl( »oleieive The Utakaaaa aaBAw*aaa«af » iiuie »tuttbor*. will be the ia*tyield oa th.« p.4ntTh« bill relative t<> Kmicracta airivin»? at t

port of Naw York u made . «peci»! order for this An attempt wis made to force it to ¦ third rei

io¿ without going luto Committee of the \Yh»!e.this wasippo.ed by many who wil'. no doubt, vote)tbe bill ultimately. Thia Ik* tng .,'. important bit's. third reading look« »ua; left u«. t lay th» !e««t. piticul.rly »ben th» matter ha« b» en kept bark I,tw«iTbi* bill, tod lh» i. mini-tioijer» «f Emigration dotheir duty, «hot.: i ha»» l*»n prior» th» I .»«It! ,tutwo muPtha Rgo »ni then it c»a!d h»ve beru afatl <!lied and Matabata taaall have made up their mln

»in y olid» toted uodcr«t«odtng!y buo» ttop m.i.t go It blind."N > reio! ititii ha* \. t been -vin, to I relative

al in mer.t. n-ther will lh»re be until it It «aten thall «ill b* rttiubed up properly. It wool hurt M»i1er« to «It two or thr»« lav» without p«y. «» I kn«wno one out »»»al ht» tak. n nur« or let* tnuoey lag tinout devoted to the »ttalr« of Ihe Sute, but «pent t.» Loarn profit or pl»Mure M.

OITY ITEMS.It nn.tï, April 10.

n*" Tin- !«.:.¦ ol tli<> I'eviple'* Lino ol »teatl4)*U «Jv.rttteJ t.r yu.terday, wa« po»t, n» i t

th» th of thi» month »:».) ito »ale nf the bark B«to«« l!'. '.he i.llle time.

Iii.y.'ti V..ii»..-In Hi,, Btfttaa* War.I, 1Dm:,. t. thn morning, otfi er Holmes «rreittail . H! ic

«ttr« If.tnJ convict lor voting Illegally the Loco Ko,ticket. -

i'i f..About lOa'ciatak lattaigdktbImIftwiout in the re.r "I the foundry g r. ol il.-.-d and Kin a

occa.lnn»d by the cari I uni a» ul RBBBB p«" MM 1< taila pan ol »the« «lauding on a «bed. Capt Magnu«, wi

a pl.tot.n ol m»'n and mtin' of th» engines wer» quickon th.- »pu», »iiJ lucci-eded In extinguishing the tireter It» doing trtilng damage K CoiBT..A man named John W:iii»in« w« I tr»fetk**.ta .».«»«» t »

lit »l»rt*| ogirttt I», ^ui .1, I« ,n th« I.« tiar^eal»,..«ar»I,. ..... .......i

Tho-aa» Kelt, on a haif« ,a «le«ln a » hot»«a»,.l «a/.¦11. -I I. I - '¦ "- i ' ..r r»* roaBl mil » are », «...»i «Mar**» ... Walk, aid H .

'» tul. a bat** t*M*B lii-l battiry

.tlardcr at tot. I.arg.ea, .tlaf.-Mlaaatar (miThe (ft ../"¦¦/ - /'..-".on, ni >l,,i.lii_v tagt, ftrg

the t'llnwlng »Ingular narrative relative toa tnurd.conit.'itted at St. Innegoe«, In that county, tat week

it kaaaataa nur ptaafal dut, t.. aaaaaaaa th» murd»m St Ii.iii« ».« ii.atrtct, on ih» n.gtit ot ftMBft.1Mr. Alexander llopklnt. Th* particular« w» aada»Und. «re briefly a. billow« Some t,.nr or H»e y.»i¦am, Mr Jamei I. ruy-Well. »hn re.ide. ne.r l'onI.iak'iut, h»d » »,¦»».! burnt, ani »u»p:,-lon BMbPd up.Dftfjkfta There wa« no pria)f, however, of hi« havlncommitted lh» »ct. nur ha« anything .ver trau.plred tthrow tbe leatl light upon the matter, un'tl one da.week before Itut, when Hopk n. w. in to fox well an

rot Mai to him that he and « tree berro by In» naui

of l.ewll t'ulluon. deatroyeil hi« ve«,e! .mi Ihat Ihewere tbtliii.ted todo »o by 11. my Mlle» l.angley, wh.iio reaide» neir l'oint Lookout.A few d»y« »fier tbi« .!.«.»'.-¦¦ »n attempt w«

made by Culllcn to pui»oh Hopkini. by giviu» hlc.rat-iile mixed with wlnalty. \,'Curding to Cullllon'. latcmeiit he »M prn.npted ft thl. by . free negro b;the name ol William Harne») The araenie, howevnifailed to produce the effect dealred, and on Monda;tl»'bt of latt week, Hupklo« wi« pn.rilled upon h('uMeon and Itarne» to ace. mp.ny them to the hua«,uf tbe latter, »ituated about three fourth« uf a mil,tutu I angley i. A «hurt lime after their arrival a

Harnea« hou«» » dog commenced barking, »nd Käme»» "ut «aft lulo the y.rd to a»» m he ¦.id, If *ny on»

wm coming He remained out about a minute or an

»i hi« return, II pkin» walked to the d «ta, and wblli.Unding tbe re wa« «but. the ball taking effect ju*t »bovihip. and patting almoat entir- y through ht-n Notwithstanding Ihe «»»»rlty of the w jund, he »urvlve,until the tullowtag evening.On being questioned lo reg«rd lo the Individual wbi

had «hot him, he atalril that fr. in what he wm »nah!»ed t" »e» nf th» niab . tare by thr t!a«b <f th» gun. hi.»elieved it to be Henry Mile« l.angley. 'l'he lalter waa

arcrilIn»!y arrc«tt:d, but hit lather and molber bothlettilylng that he did not leave hi» heute during Ihrnight ::¦. wa« r»'»at»d He I. held t ) ball, however, illftbt .urn of ft! ."»«J for hi« .ppe.rtnre at the Auguat term

of oar County Court to uuwer to the charge of havingb«en inatrumeotal la tbe burning ut the ve»Ml Theoegru who »ttempted to pol»ou Hupkiai. wm broughtto our »il *ge on lut Tkur«d«y night, »nd lodged in tbec-junty j.ll. nu k'iBCS..The MtMMoit Hometl VYaJlhtro, Mm. ftMfttof with the «table« and outhome» wm deitroyed by fire nnWunday morning l.*tThe h'Ute, the Bourn A'tts, beloofed to iitxirg«Ml.¡or Beta In th» Stale rl» it. It wm under » >«*.'»*, the largt-it uf which, we uodertttatd. wmjeid by tbe Concord Bank Th» building co«t originally ty»! i»«». and w.« intured for ftriOOO or »T (»Mi .,,

Raafta «ni «'uncord. The hoiiM wm occupied by Mr.¡1-T.iy Moore ihe greater part ot bl. lurullure » ».

»»ved AI Portland, Me. on Ttitaaday laat, a fire

broke nul in the «table of Jam*« During, which wa«

dt-ctroyed. Tbe fire «pre*d to the carpenter«' «hop utM'«m« HuMell.nearly dMtruyed. The printing tafttb.«.Mi.eiit »f »at.:, .rn .« Carlo* wM nearly eon»uin»d!>< I u'.lding« uf Mr Deering were partially hatajadThe «lock "ot Mr Haley wm iMured for *»kJ». not

enough to cover his loaa. Mr. Kaaa-11 e»a intured in

ab<k «ad tool., ftl.iftl) Me««r«. Sauburn -v t.'»tt»r are

Ihe greatett inter« They eotimtte their lo«« and damage on «lock, ft* ftIjBH Their »lock wm ln«ur»d tor,1"". »nd building for aftM tbe firmer tt the 1'ro-laaftaa ftaa Hartford, «nd the .tier *t the Hartford#.ce. Hartford There were la tho*e ro.j.n». be*lde

extemive binding «afttawaftj large i|uantltle« af toga**in »beet«. A..: 1 <.»K) bunk« for » publithlng hoaae inSew Ynrk which were lo hive been »hipped tbe neat

<J»y, and >») Bibiea. Stiver»! other« werem ire M I'M damaged.Thi ¿To. KiiRiix'X laniARi.The aft '.reaUt.-.-

« fund fur the ben. fit of ihe Stockbridge Indian», wm

»»»¦ i by . vote ut -to 4 The facts coaeernlng thl»etcaliaot bill are the** Tbe State act* m tht guarli«a ut th» St'tckbridge Indluts. lh* dewendtail! .re:

.ep-e»enlat:ve« of ihe Mobegan«. they own ia thn"Ute . n. kft tract of laud, but th» «pr»-»dmg tdBf the whit«! ata mode their ptftawBR replete with »n-

.i<y»nce«. «ad «t i»Jt they coacluded to «ell tb'-'.r land.b> tar State, wbu held the preemption right, at . aartain price The uvnds were purcbMed. Mid th»y movedto Gltoaa fia, to grt Into the fureat a.a.n Th« Stolereceived the land» snd msde . profit of eighty twotin.usaod dollar». This bill prup>a>e« tu tnreta for theImmediate benefit of Indiana, to be u«ed n ad-vane ng toem in the art. and dviu.»tloo, thirty th« .

¦and dollar« i m it i* cooaidered bat fair thai the loi:iD.»n...u.lf**.-eln ia« pruai*. {A'baay Knlck.

ry* Mr M GooDTEAB, a H»>cky Moontain trader aid trt»el«r, arrl'ed in thl* city y**tcrd.yfrutn RJ J hMJBfe ÉS »ay» that th« p»opto ilong thewhole line a» R -r fr .ntl-r »r» mak.Sg prep-ration» furan early «urt aeroM the i" «-.-.a Mr (ioodyear a»

L'«ver««d«a the differed .".uta* to California, »nd 1*(»milita with the Mvertvl road» He r-Mhed the RockyMoantaitti m Jane imi remained tharo int., the lot ol

Auguat. when he returned to the State» by theSouth i «*s. arming la 0 nafta* tat He ¡ateM. storv

tar. we ,»*rn.m an m ice and irui will parrait for tne Haeky M untain» aod Ctilforwa, i»y the w»yof t ort Kearay, whK h ke think» tin* bMt a»d moot

practicable rout*. i*t lattis Rap ««h.

Choi.rra .TheM<u:>» Gao.) J<*m*¡ "»dMr*-temíir «tale* that a e m pen y uf tmmifraott fro« ftotvoeCo. in usl ryiato, for Te»M, **Mb«rtBg M walla* «alft»! ne*?r»j«*. proceadad to B*w Urlean» »here they etn

barked oa board i tt»»rr at .r, i up the river On

the tec rj day one of the party died of the eh-ier» and

the others went aehore to bury him. wtoa the entin-

onmpany were pr- «'..»t-d wfth the dnesse la it* moilmai'ga**! form Al th« itleat advice», etghtocB of th*

company had been burled.warn tmfroet to «a« grmet«Vnse of them died in lArer hour* »ft»r they wer» lake*.At the lime tbe letter wm written, the eotnpatny h»drr Mftkatl *t their eaetmpaent for ten day«, and mo«uf the .*s«r«r* «rer* co*«.le«<enL|j»P*The «hip Cuicium, Irom Valpartiao to Boaton.

reported RgfttM oP Htatacket, wm ft..en ia wUk arioai¦nd fa good Catoattttoa. by tarée B«w Loados ftsbln^awirki, oa the ftab, MB BMftft tato «rfttabaBaa,

t.rr.i I .«er «aale.Coi i a». Mi w«»f T». T,«.». Btrtt.t.» «airk I«, IM»

I ««««1 y»e tita partlcaltr» of the freal Code, ml« oft.-» »«Wtaal t*BWBMa, MM «era aa um iMt awe TV» |ii«e

.oJei. ttJBBA Aaaraaar«. tat ?li to «naaw¦to« Bte tBgwAbtM «Tam « twMAAmj TV» tarWkrar« araw«a»«a «TV. katga Ja.« eagle».» P'.im.i »4 tTP» |aa»aag pa., «a.», .» ».-«- «-a aa» »»»a, eitk Itaai.

ge»ae. PV .. »Agoatl ».» Pr»»ng»r. ,-g w, ,".»¡,,,,.,1 ytkfi»»«««'. ratbar "»»»ll, « ",»») j-k», ratb-, tra».»k rraeaagar I!«.«.'. *. «e I- aaaga». Jl g. Ml re», r»»akg»r. ti » a,fteaak. » A, i.,w rtt» graat. vAe»i I »fa» »kitrrae :.»». n-it

r»l |raw »f». 1.1«. *»<a ital ,,t|», '»rkaptaj,» |l.*r.4a.i-a»» .ca»l»<.;«.,, ...» ^ gera»«* are, . - ,

-.- '»-»r»rv íi i IM [.«»gra». AAeMl^.!». J. IJa «A.. aa«A.IV gaaata. « « «kg. «,t>: ,»» H*

.! I »t'.l«. tkk p.- Util

."-»¦ ... a".1 B «va^aro li. i»a »rlA-a. »-I» Saak ..» .. »...*.« ,a aa-.ta.

At W imtr» BJ« J.'.iaa, . ), a»i c mail» am»

lxKfl.fe.liAL i>oiH fc>.SI A li» .» IOS


A PF* DOORS fEt)M ftftOADAVAT, NE«A' YORE,BA'i lava ¡« »Toa* »so »»« i-'urmar lutu'in» a

IBBtrl «T\a k of

SULK ARC FANCY DHT UÜODS-.-oï« a-.-.r-.g la pail of

Bi «.« i)«rt* De K-. s» r tie. Caa.iiioi«, Biovhi.ÜB FlUCBBl) P.a. IT l>« M...« fill»,

Ptiwto Uawa«. a great variety.PaiiTtn J»»."i«T«n.l Ulkaaai Mt'iii.i.Pi > a. Paiurao and Satin Stbiii » T;t»i'«i. . floe aae»rrimeet.EairtcK. Em&iiam ind Scotch .iia»iu»t

A Lie...»a a- r.'-.a K » X «i «.

H a; t 1 Cta lo Blact titd Colored Crip.«,Sl.t md a - T- -. l -a Bann «Bd -.> k AeeUnga,B-»i EM do Bilk Berget.Oaaueetcn'i Cravat«. lh«w'. all «tylea,Pon»-e and Bandanna HdkA Bill and Lleta. Fringa«

A LAD,A »rrv extetiatTe k»..-ci of WMtTI OX'I'I

LACES MlLUNftftT AATICLF.S. lo a. 11 of whichare cir-itad at »try low pre»»«.t-or t n»h or approved I redil. itcfi, » DÏtti VV

ra» Kewlera A Aben», l'krenoln.lkie «, C ".or. H»H >l Naa««'.ai. uear UM Part

rty* llnrvev llurdell, H.II. trirglral end Mechan-» P'iii'it. ,.rt- e .-ei ira'lepçe JM. Broadway. Ctaaer of

Fr« i,.u-«l mil la*

IT" Mew-Verb, At.trr.t are Katubltebateat,«S AiTinnMlum, P D PlEHSOi». -or. of Twelfthat «cdCnlreciiiy p.».-o «i bw*

tW Wftier-I'.re -Dr T»<t i re»-ei»e« paiieru ai hl»".-.a cliy eaiai.ltah.Bert. |A Lalghlat and ll OyM«r

Hay. I, I where new »in! etienM»« bunding« are iaetnge-aried Th« auiuuier term wtu commence April Out¬door practice aitea.ied i.» Cooeultai:oo« fA. ailA la

fW" Am.-rlcnn finner«« (lab.-Ata.' .in.,1 meeting will he leid on AA'enetwday neat, thelilt of April MM It ibe Rrp-i'tory CAt Broalwat »I n.«>ntl-i'tt «n.l 8red«»i!l he tl«triNited Thoea who hi».-.;.-. ae».!t «i.d gnfl« «hou d com« »n.l eich«ng« Sir«ofereipadaity tetwaa Admi««.« freeu>n: itJAMitAV«

VW I Ibernl lloah-. He.e.a «me. 3 Prinklln-> lar«, iFearlMl New-York, A ¦!.'. Uloliea and (»ivaIS: h k»l do : '. »:l ln>«od*

rw" aa i.e .au Trwapae.. Rt**»*aBtaa*a newly tnt.-n.rd VA g» an.i A.» ,,» ,. aabMd . »l.ter u.«dil it Ibe Pilltf the AMBftam ln«utuie. They are mad» of the tin«»!taliirtl hair «cd of une.|ii»le.l wnrkmtnahlp. tad ocTer Ihr.up-r-or «dvaclBa'e. of exireuie iighlneei, raturai appear-«i ce and Jur»M'iiv Th.->v «r« .>> life Itke a« to defy deterC -. The large«! «iaor'i:ti«oi of Wig« and Toupee, in theMir ran ne BBtoettM from «t Bar Hut oi'i Minuftclorr. IVA «|.»t near B-oadway. Private roorai for numg wfg«.On" O« «,t,1'et._d|9 MAkT>kT»r


form» the ladle« of Brooklyn and vicolty that «he glv«.l'Hun in the above laugtiige on Mancara'« Oral Sy«t«m.«4 h«r r-tl-Jenre. 7.» Fe»rl..t Briaiklvn mW hw*

HHAM DINU *«t llUOli F.lR V6f N.l I.ADIKA-The Mummer term of Ml« M A. Board

li g a, n o, for Young LvdiM. it Muuiford, Coon will cumin-nce on Turaalay. l«l of May l irruir«, «taltntr term«a- ....¦¦..-a. n'«y i.« had by a I li-»» r,- Ihe Prluclpil..r.lMr'« B..-ik«tore, 7». Bowery. N V «HI .'*.

L'AUII.V l|(IAItl)l*AI..»( lltMU. FOK BOÏ».I at Port. I.-«.-- oa Ihe NewVorl and New.Hav«. Rail.«ad. M itiiiee iroro N«w-Vor| -The rJuimner Tena willoitrrii.riee Map I. Circulara, containing tarin«, reference«.

Ac. can be ,».taire»! I»/ a.| l-rnn,- ihn Frlarlpal. .» »I D BII ii c-nii.. .11 l.l'-eny.ii Hiigk* b Akerly, » VVi il »t 9. »..».PI. ID N*«*IU M Jill... OIBORN, Principal,«Il lai'

Sri A VRWANT I.N«TITI I'K. ^Awaud aaaiw IfHILI/.H L-ciir-e and Kolertatnnienta.-Mr HILL, fi-

mi tir y -lia! Y.iik»« Il r I." respectfully innoance* loth»public that ht*.«.-.I courte of Itiimnrnu* Kiiterl.moienl»wUl romifience un MONDAT l A KNINO. April 4. n ibeBMytaaaal Imiuuie. iad ». < '»¦< «m v«»«iniit during ihew-e» wbBB be Will be iMted '>y ih« «upail.'r lainnl of ibein,.-h «itinireal ».«-,!:.!. Mm FANNY FAA/.F.R Mr uf hi* firf».iial liuitatton«, Dia¬logue». BtawAae. A need »MB, be TckeA». u» «diult« ltdy «id|«M email. Vi c»ni«: »xtr« ¡..lira' Uriel«, BtfABM* lenll«-men a «ingl» BttbaM.»'canu Diair» open M T ail M*

/YXFiiKH K.A1III.V HiiAHDIM. .tt HtlOI.,A/M H. MCNN. Principal -Tht« lebool It now opea forilm raaepMm «f boy» ur, 1er II year« of Bf«- Th« numberof pupil« I* «ni«l>. and ui-'er tha imm«.ll.i. «ip«r»liton ofHie Principal. T»iui«, $«u per quarter of IJ week». PayIn advance. Tht« cover« all expeoee, hooli ind.i«llonaiy lnf.innail"n reaoecüni Ike «chool may be ob¬tained <»f Mr Vi .r ll-.vt, Bible ILiu.e. Ntuiuil N Tlapt. t» ii.-v l.-okll, .»«i Atlinllc-it , B Muun. in.* Pulion «i Brooklyn, or of ibe Principal at Oxford, flaw-Havenllil.Cl. BlOtW*

rll.KTH A M HOt »KMINAKt The Prtrclpal.;»«e |... nun In leferring nareoi« who would placainMr

.on* lu a good Family Borrdlng School, lo their patron«,pail Md preaent. for the »«.¡«(»cuiry teMlmont«. ofih. advaoMrea, moral and ialellectuaL of thMr laMltuilonCircular, with nuinerou* city and other reference« and lea

in-,ii'»!« may tie had at C ark A AumIb'i BuukMwe, JfiA*.Broadway, or ¦.. the Prtoclpai. The Summ« «egalun will

'I ice... e OQ »V . ,e, lay M«»B E. AVOODBBlIrOE. I

aMtf_B. U WOOlJBSlUOE.«f'I.K*« CIIVK atK.Ml""tÍAMY-Sliuited le a de-" I i«li-fu! «nd rrnlnenily bealihy part of Long Itlaad, 7*mile« fr..iu New York dillydlye .niniunlcaiiof» by Meanv"¦ a r .. .-.«-I two ««««ion« of 6»e month, each. Mm-iiieoctng In May and November, cbirfM »ery r««aont!il«.and no rum. The «chool ha* beeo iDiiprr.Uon bra year«.The Prlncip«! appeal« to hi* pail well-known lurree*. andwou'd Mrire ihoae who ai.yror.M1a rhlidrea m hi* care,ihal he will «t«« y «tudy In prurtoto ihe phyilcti,moral «cd lalall«tail culture of Ml rh«r». Pietaa iddr»»« the 1'rtoetpil «t illeu Cove, ur A J Bieecker, New-leva i«' »«I AN »ULM 11 TOBf'.YI 'ft r-.i*ll T l. KO A R COLLF.UIATE IHfTIYCTr..a (-|'f n. Bttlen laland. under ma dtrectloo of Rev. TTOWt LL, «gelded hy ihe moat rompetenl Profbeeur* ofitr. «nceni and m.-lern «ngnag-a aed tilgbar brancbea ofmathemailr«. Ar. The ami ent «urcaM that hat «HandedUta mode of Inatnirilon purwuvd by the principal of ttd.«-boot, for ill« |.a«i fi »» year«, ind t detire to meet UM ap-piicaitooa for admi«Mon, which for want of «uglrleol arroie-'iio-lation he baa heretofore bean ubllfed lo ram««, tor. In¬duced hi« to erect a ll/gs ind otoM euinmodluu. eaw'iiUh-ment, «urronnded i.y eight »ere» of laaal Allacbed lo tha

a '-..'.' ." le I y " nu, W'orllbop, ktchoil of I)«Mga.a oi ii-ni« for iuairiiciinn In prartlctl Agricultura, be .torPYjll ptrtlculari. rafartucM, be protpectaiei, etrnUlnlng .treatise on education, may be had at all the prtacipal bookf >r-« In Broadway, or of R«v T TOAVELL, Bupititoe,. «¦»., |.'and «4 let

^l.^l^ |: T> - ropartnerMiip hartNofure eilMlng be¬lt--en FKKDKKIIE TkaENEE and ABRAHAM

F. »i -.« i'jini»lie,a and dol.g butinaaatn lha.'. of Item Y ..-« «mi Philadelphia, andar lbs aame ef

Teaaii A PliHii, bM b«ea duwolved nyiba death of Fréd¬érici Turner, Abraham Pltbet, ihe turtlvlng pariser aad.ur, e«|,,r m tMiMnetki, Is auihorta-d lo «ellla the liutlaeee ofthe late Arm.A BKA HAM FUHFR, «orceeeor lo (be lite firm of Tar¬

ier h f.tuer, wl.I c.iui.ri»» ibe business of Pumlsbar anoBo- «»euer, in ihn rtHes i.f New York ind Phtadetphl«, anda.lir-Ut. rnricirfiiBLte of ihe pttrooafe heretofore haeluwedipoa lire late firm. .!'- *A*'l'Il h I. A III lit OK NKAV.YOKK «nd vlctntty iraI Inforinaari ibtu Me only place lo gel ¦ imly bandeóme

Okltar. a darabie Otilar ar.1 i cheap liall«, te M MVA . a ajd «at l'A mil-it (IJUby the new narnr«wi,i. iw kept oy T WINDSOB, uinuficlurw of ladtee' «bom«xr.uitvety M 1

<'MKAT BAltl.AIN-t in ChlBi. glaa. and »artkaa'I*t- i.fTHOB MrBORLKY.M Klffclb-av. laaddt-

a.«* u, i. « large M.»-! be ria. ft«« wixlb of Maeon« kroai.oti» «ara -KB TO LET. 2 threa-«lory bricb bouaa. la¡ -y ' n.'.) «i o»«r NiuUi-a» in «paruneo». or toga«»ery cheap if la

STUAM KNIilNK« AMI HOI1.KH, r lo 7 n.*r«e.for i« - IBM ate! » -a «pparMa«, iuitnpU»M, II«),

» t r.c'i >Hj!,«r. ,i feel. ||i»i. jUil. ueed, Maadtaf praea,I» teat «mew, iron piMr». f/7S Eng Jin« and machineryb nght. told and exchanged Call at * Teeth-«. M « A Mm -¦ f m._a7 t«

LOHT-Oa M lay April i, - .h-t ¡a AvaoaeC, FesiB'oa/iway. Chaiha.-n. Saseja. Cedar. Bruadwty, Mer

ray nr H ,d«on «i la» ruaift) 1 irataleaj, a hemaonaibtalie lee case, lutrtrd líi«'" The líder wilt beni!»' y'»w»rd»d by leaviaf Bat trie owuei's rwldeeea,7» »r adwty. >r «i A B Palatai . Agaacy al") M

UM. t oyiMTUt K, O« I I.IMT, 17 Park-aa^teaai. .:« egclu.itely ¡o Dia.aae. at iba Eye Hi»»«bud

>f reatortcr baaith and light to Ptiuioed Eye«, wltbom m.--.-, e.. '..of r-e.m -i i»-, rery. wd lb. raanlMtoe« eBtAaM

in. fatrveet gr»..tud« of pauenuIÓ1W_1Ml UML'l.l.lrtTM.-Ewr gate m eaetaet. for r*rt>

d»ru»e aroparty, be «lock of drag«, «adfetem, lair'i *ud« apearata«. Ac. eoeltlaad lo ibe Mora 111 Caoel-M oppoiua VV «at Broadw.y. witn a .etae of iba itore aadIwalitag tf wasted_pi 1 w*

IMJ) THE irAOlRf^-A clMbta M«orime.iof toteaur«u«w baie A a ».laerlor UAiality, with boya' aira«

felt hau, tl MO.VAEQCE'B fauhionabi. bat, cap aad«u«w bais A a ».iperior UAiality, wtlh >,y»' «uiw aadhau, tl MO'fAEUOE'B faufaionabi. hat, cap aad «

war.hoAUaa. k*ff Bowery._

b& ll

OM MÁLaftr-A BecoeA-haivJ^ee^loe ltd .»e^otaocre


t btd>r. la enrapitM. ordw. ready for (team, retad attboal Vi Biirea-Barwer, ud, au»o, a locomoU»« boilw of..roui e») ba«B«-->ower. Por Mle at ib. fnttou Poujadry Of>5c«. S*, i-berrym_ai M». A \V 1 ."ti« HAI U11EMY.-Al. or p«/to' tbë fo*

ateriy MRS Btw MU! mty b« boagbt for lit If »f be¡rue vilo«, byaaplytng M PETKft NATLOft,.He* ftmiftor ofI rira C» Ilfocal« HotMBB, M

Ly. ATM RM HOMK of -r.ry d'tai'r.pîlôo" mai ufac-i .! ot the be« Material«, «r. i c.wataatly c« Btwd m

>. II » ii ..»-« «td bmiMfMi of car of Peari aad C Balaam

ate_fatteaartf'_T O. BLCEMABTEE.

FM M*HTI'Kfc-A «ofa.' ck«lr». Tt'rl», caraaMa. ail-dotm. all nearly sew, aad ntAer bjmlbtre, for «aie cheap.

Icq lire between t and 7 o*claefA P. M. ofbMtr»_J. P gPEWELUMTte'di«.

C'A LAID .lILLAbl), aVAfHITEUT, I' conuouee to draw p.«ta, «tovatlnau aad ap«

tor pa>~dc aad prima Miutog*, «M «bee raajalrad maym.lofibaeama. «If 1er

FOK mH-A «aw aad «iwMttef ramwaa.xUMtko. wtil b. Mat for fire, cam. m A* «atwW te

gotag m Ct»»fecalt. Aalaliaw It. ft « AM ATawca. PIT

¦¦¦-¦¦ BJ

_WANTS.VVANTED -B, «Rpgi«bto tbaaata of kWdto »g*Va» » uruaaua m bttoaakMt« « . parva«* f»»Wy.boe/et»--b»»M or bota», er to**, goat m»m m a* . are. to abareft. i« weft aaanta**** wtih bar ewefti« M* eageetoea*to lab* chtag*of ag..i'«.M'. ktaaikiill to iM Titbiifta." Pbe wo« arttaeedueabla r«tor«a<* a* to r*arat>..raw gt»««t Apply at Tft BaRttea« »ic a*VA AÑT» l>- A Mtaettoa k, t riifiitoti« y**«w gvi to** a ptt»*i« ftaBi v m cbaa»k »r«»ki or to eu wmktogaad

'rxwlag CM 4o plat* eorakmg, eta baa ae *b)eeBMion.«MM Jitaarx. I* iba coat try Tto km* of rtty tatoiMt«cm i-» gt**a CaU « a Mu»r<«vti cucaar «f uaafiri 1 day» .in at«

\t AMTHI A rat« who ka. baa»« lut»* year, at avT ctoeawr,. CbtaaaM giamwar* ta», woatd ito*

iu oblato . iiiutuoG u< ibtukad, car to b»< MneWyad packte.ûy tb* boar, «*y « week. »»-r. betm »ake ktWMlf ttm

». y cMfh! Irqu r* M ... t'xcAaagaptare. c.aaaa of

NtW-St._alt l«"

tiAMT>D-ly two rmpacttai« weiaaa-aaa a *>*»«-,« uo* m taaft, who *BdiiB»aaft» paRli» aaft to*a aata¬le« »**t*r *M irua-r, tb* «tMr M ehe«<Mr««id aadiMndreaakM r>o tata»ita»M watob«toa*w*ra The tofttacuy mftataaR give* App'P aftft M.tawry-« eaakaar«Soar __________________atoa»\t A>T«.I>- Ai v\ ATTS'S A»*ocy. CM Uraaa!« Mar» » the Bo«ery. to'*. to tb* «By a. cwetary. f»«r bubm

good gtrte to da gaaarta b»«M*w»w». ouïttog, waetu g »MIrvNlag. ch»Bib*,work. he fee. all wtlh gaud nfWMcMr»p.uvatra wtll BftftM ceil or «*ad- tflo cBaagad tw «taia» *?__

VtVi ANTBak-t p*rt*i»r «rho will itk* m *cl». pan." v »öd Raretab a to« ba-Wred daUar*. I* tea»«! with eaexb »tooe . f . huhly »sa«*i (baracaw. »lueft la aot «a-evaded by *.« i* Uto cvwittr, , ci» aarat »p» » bat a« ».

ik*.hov* aj.ih a»i»»M. attoWtmubia itaMi* reqairaftAddfaaeP.J R t^baeetitn**»_af>'V\ ANTRO Atatauto« ry i rMperiibîe git. aw toara»» » «t,.t BtBMBBBta or cta»t>»ratae«.aad toatatotowMw

teg «ad irucutg. or to du g«aa»a) kuaeaacrt to . awaUprivate faun:» , ta* êooî city rtftamc* iVoa» be» tatplaca. CtaltaTtBiwlroMway.toBtaikiiMtwi. eaa beMea ; daytifaut «agta«d ta M*

\1A>TRU- By »rt»p«a-«bl. yoa«g»,»«i«o..»tnitat»«V r to cook. » Mb and troo, or as et.karanta «tft ta do

garter«, h» uf»<»i <e a «avail private fa» l y No »>.«»«-i1»>m ... go . M»v»t dtataee* la iM coaatry. Arpi« « T4M »i.aji ran baaaaatal«Vaya._ _aiatfWA>Tftt>-Bya »"«..aatoto« fSS BtoätäätBa»*»'«a ikwiMplAMB coot-I» »go»* wcMtaMdlroota armto c»'»i». t,,w »t.k tn * itaall prtvtto Italiy No »*«.-ttoB. u> go a »tiiAil díalas» . to lb* eoaawy. t»li taMM»«B4»*»*y-«. «*ar baa.a.A _alt a*

VA A tT K l>« hy two Mead y. c.*ap«*«4ii girl*.1 v »lib (txag ci, rtai-raace «a* to «wot. «to «M toaa.or do koaMwork. tb» inh«r m clt*«b«««rid asd w balp .1the wMblag Md Iroetag Call M 7« fttata-a» to tt» letalto»«-*. Blft a*

Wt >T h II BlBaiioaa M a aaaiast of aattoiiai git».Ml « lr.n. recruit, «crtv*d, na* fruaa diy hahta

M-l »»»»«"»due», aad »UBag to w*rt Bar «BEB. wag**.Ai ¡.i» »il»* i.> i» aaad« ta lt. »abc« of the C'swiahtameii of»'¦at.'.ilte. tnibe Pork. No rrtorgat Bft tfIt AM'KI» By » rMperiebl« initljt* «gwi etatar.â», «uu.lloa m ko*.*t*e**r,ur«roaldaarMM btftoM, to*very gwai »»»mairt«» an I very b*ody to cuiilp* I« an

American Apply «i >.v Br»»».tway »|i< ft*

\l tM'kli In a wk.»ie»ale and rettai tvou!«*»»« at » ce.», .««weil t ijuiitiie.1 wih tec tutos.*« ualy neta

apply AJdreM Books. M lb. rTi.-e of ilMa papar, ettatigi- laraor«. tatd Cvaaipeatattoa iw* itrad .|>) gt

U A NT ft It Ry .ir.peciaM* P.»4*»imi gld. » aba».:¦.!: a» p »In toot, »«aliar and Iroee« The bee« ef

cl.y referencM can he gltett. by c«.Ub( M to? Ka« Thlr-ir.i,it. »i l\t»t BBBBB4h*Ba Thlrd-a« I* ih»>iit»w»et .lea*

\t »A I-at» By » reapaa-iabl* .lil » M.utalon m . haw-», t.f, in»i.i or »»lier,or to i.le r*m of rklldrea. i« a

«t,i«.i family. Krf-renc* gtvea If required. I.«aun al ItaBitlb-iv._ a;c ii«

t PMOTKtoTANT I.IMI. »uti immmIo* mc*««heroiahl ti-1 »athrr tiid u» lit go.

» » taniii, liuil.j Apply.I ItaBi.M. «t »l<> «A*

IkAfP K .MACIIIiNB TKFIIIKMN Vk AMIB III Tw» first rat* ii-»'-Mne lender». ih-M tccuitomaJ to lb«P AiMiin'er michinee may apply to II. V BUTLKft b COHo John »i. Bio lw*

/M.KHK WANTKU IM A BUOKtoTOMkt.A VV»m.,t. a ».» tt «rwll tctjukifiiril »lib ihe bout who c»» c, ei« well ie.oininrn.teO m » good Ml**-m«n .-'«ir i'.»«li. a« mit« A p|. y al M H wet y al» B*

'|ti7 tlktlit W. «art IIKNTto.- Winr*d~by~â1 'iv«t.-'»nl<i ihi« i-itv . « axianewbta tavMetto. to

«.»'«ii'i . Otug Su, » Tu on. .-»p»ttie will '.» «Iteri buardand wmhlag andum of t> »'». Ad Ira«, pt«i|»id,Pby«'c.*nat ihi«.tnco_.ill it»


pl<4i* young lady m l*tah»r of C.giah hrasrb»«. in a

prlv.iaBtmi.ieryor l.nlly VV ,aild pr«a**r lb* rourilr»it -f .-met rv.hanged AddreM M. C BOX I, Bf Pi^ttttV*.»a tw»_« ItllY W ANfSD, rv"Tea._of ag*.' to ta«*7iltofb ii.iD«**, hy VA I ULIAM HBUVV 14, Ipbolettae» wtdr.rer hii.«er. »nit Ageot for lb* Ml* >f IrvM fted«l**d« ofevery drtcrlpiton. (ih. ,":'» kind of ktofttoM pi.atf »gatota». of Brutawty-aolraoc. luí fallo* al

ft Im» ^^

'I'll 1 A I'ITA 1.1HTM -Ortaktra wiliicg in Mtiura1 $:¦¦.' or »i»' Tk* tal«.ril**r i. la wmi uf th. abovs

a,.», lu eii.lue lili, lo »marga »ad »»lend hi» tiuauiea. Itwill beterarrd la the Biuet n»eir»pilo**bl* if«..« tm

p'orvtai» BRtabrttog of RraaamaMMfkatae' aiu*ri*i», wurih. t »uy li.n» ftf.N«) Tf. poil y of Insurtaie* wtll ba 1rs«,

ferreg, »ml 7 per cent mid ui»rl»r » oe th* ai*ta»al ad-».»iced. There I* do lut uiulirancn uf »ey klad on Ik* prop.»riv a-i.ire-. M II .ff',,-« .»f ill» paper »If*'

a>»{ IIIUI ABT l'KM«U>i havtagthi* am<«iai MaiV'r.tflrtfr«!! produce uBquataluaabla refarear«, w«y"-ar of a guo t tippot tu ally In luvMt the «me, *od ...cuete

partt)«» In . well ealthii.hed 141»to«« B*Wsp*p*t. tatw fta-ing * good buaioe« In ibi« city The pr«***i propft«orre.uil.ig out of Ihe rtty h id» it n*reu*ry in «ta* mch ana, .»nreineoi. A,I ire.« ti- « J.Vti tleeertl Poet Ufnce.

. I» Ji*_1,'t UNITlKr. VVANTKU. Tb*mb»cilrtar wtotaa

to t-uy tb. «uilie Purnliar. of a rnedluai «l»ed h»4M* «¦ 'al' p(i,¡a Any faintly a'.,«,I hrMktag upMd wtahlaa to.«i' »1, '.non* lut, ami »voul ih. a.l. ley Aucllun. will kearuf a purchaMT by tadr*Mlng . lio* lo Haaliagtoa, Trltiuoa0*c*.

_M lw

' 1'tl KAK M KKM A young him of «lead, tabu* with1 m lu in.r n ftaiiilnr with »mil. rMperlaiile farmer, who**r«*td.nce I« nul mor. than a day'« trata fruta lia* VoriAddreM C H K «r. uf Chtalt» ICaglta, IS Boulh VAi|m»ia.t. New York .ta |W*

'I'll PARMKaa. -Aiad»boatia,a*r*of age to da-¦ »iro.i» of ut4alntn* a hoowtaga ta faratlag, aaft Mwining to h* bouad m aa *Rp«M»c» «aftl Ba ta 11 «rM."*i* good f.rn *r H* M »iraBg, »ad kBR soamlaawtaR*of firming Ap tly la» bis inotbta, M fttatooaat aS tw

V'OL'Mtl 9IXN from'tto eatotarj ara wMtM. io~**tit«M««l cbaatp and pup«lar warbt tomad «4 BktoaaP.

ftoatoa PubBetalo* Botana, tto torga« r iwMlliia willir» .i.'uw«d. or fair wag** b* uta «eatft wtll M paid. Alarg.itocaofch*«*) wuia» wBl tw a«ta **a*UBtly oa haa*.Tmveiin» ig»si* wUl do «all to call Call l««a«Tjatay «BKINMEB'I Publk-atloa B«u«a. M. T. Rraaeb Oftta, ItaR rotvdw*y, room No. S, ap »atar». nata I«*


BIIAKU IN HKIIOKI.YN ttaLyre.wH.MMl*Brooklya. (turam ta Cuaeuad ta Waehlngtu« M* I*

ri-.w uiidergiilag vta1<ai.l*ip«ov.aiMi*, Md will léala ratal-tito, by lb* firM of M»y for th* .ceoaunodMlo* of board«*.There are few more l*»lr»r»l» or hstaiby loetakrrv» hi ft«cuy, «nJ ao»« «BjiJlng atore deatrahto iparfMt«, wkattbarIn parlor» with hwdrona» cnnarilng, «tltaila fir fataittakor .logia ruunt« fu, rMil«mi«i ail of which ara pmrlftadwith lirg* i-'uwh« The botiae l* only ibuul ft», ¦tnai«*'will from Pullua Perry, aoad cufind* Ito taw »atorihacity taerda aft lw*

HOANP -The *o«M ta In».» «. («.«»¦! btaaft aataof Bfotalw»y) having oaaa itMltl/ pal to ordar tad

fiitod wok titabi. ti mrw ittanc awwry ftrttakad ta It» arcutnaiud.tloa vf tMtarg.r» Th* tollitttta IMr« to tapever » nxeiilo* will b* raid* to Mear* tto eaaMktrt of III*faattly E*rlp ¦pptteatloe to a*a»a tatag «U*p*»*d of. Afro«aftrtoaj aajaaft for aa oftbea._tatvtjOAMU lW A fRIVAfli fAMIttT, raftaaaa M ftIf» «. MarCaaai TM wheto ta tto »a ttat?.ad . part <**Uto M, coettatiag of ihrm partora, ftraa a*a-iiiuotf »ilo. bedroom» wt h paatrtc* «Hartad « ad. Tto»sdverllssr dMt.M to dlep'JM o> IMBBWra llgllhl«« «ep.nieiy to ata p«wu, which will ta all tto kamrdan..TIW_BIIAKIIINU.-Two'vtayptaaaatoiiartatoilparl*«*to .ei, «lib buard, oa uta fluí loor, ta a vary plitaBW

ntogh.torbottd. IJ0 Mou ta a Raw rjoovi below BrooaBB, eoa-

»eiileni to both «*g* .Bd mttraad roatos. A atar Maga.g«BU«*a*n can aiau b* KemBmodataft with board aaft ata»..iM room.


aft l*P*

BUAftO ON RMUADWAY A «plttald «H taroooM tu reat, fartafeaft or «idufMkid. *aR««ad ft»*r.

Ateo . frual room oa ihlrft ftoui, with or wlwati tatofd. Titafitalfy i* »ttt.ll, ih* hr»M »eaeloo« aad plataRBf. wwtorciiaMU Md itaih roo«, »1 BroMway. «Tlw*

iP*»ry ApplyN 14.1 »4 WMIMd.

BOAftD-Two Toang cMOaateacaa o*Rliamrrtyiavcu««od.ied wttk i.rMktMt md toa, Md dtoo« aa Bwa-

diya, ta a priva«, ttaBi*. by taP'ytaf ta » PrttftBBI¡ft.Bfoullyn, wPb«».ft». ¦¦MU*' Walk Of PklXu* /taf« kU-f*r**cM gi«M *ad rtapitrM alt B*

BUAKD A prreaM tatay, wt**» atar« ara b «ta» ***.*>¦m *f ta* If« «taa. cao Mimaanftato a aaail««ta ata

hi« wife, or two Magia »*nil*a»M «ftk hmtrft. Ratam-t«i«limita. Appta« n B«aaratat. atftlw*

BOAMD By asplrtog « M fmM frcatawsy. a g*a-ileatMMd tay t»ab*itei««id»i»l adth » >r**tt par-

lor with kaâtataB aaachaft, tara Ma du»il», M aa ttoMcnod I tot. Beta*«ce« r***taft. _aft ta*

BOAMU-VVlit piamani rooto», eaa to aa*jjftad «INBrotaw.y torn.>)*. CtrUM-tyart, b«waaaft»«m«««M

Md kllghMMlk*«. The JOCtaitW « .ItaRklR_tata*jJOAftO-Plaaiaai Rertlwtod raatat aa itoaaaad aadDibird .tara, w m», with or with «ti Weaafkat ato tat, at7 P»ra-atoe*._üfi*1IPOAftft» wtth BtaMMi rriota*. taayM «atttaad by '.*»'Iflfiot « iff H'id».jo*t oppotato ft Johae' ***ta*

BftAftOlNU.-Paratoata aaftlet with ttutad, at 77 MorrayaM-, . tow etogto »m«m la

¦Bern. mm ¡uf

tOlMTLKJlftN ««ft iftaATwivM caa ha»all «kttad with pi i.«mi *.«¦. with tag* BBBBTta Bt-iRtata : siso, * tow Magi* g tat) a«m «Ml itoll « partialbaard. by aprdytMM*a*v*-7»p»M. _to aft*

1"Ml I.MT, WITH ft«Aaft. free» ta ftrto taI taaaa« Bastara, with badittaaM ato patari««

31 Bata ft road w»y-, aa aart, a-aBc»rtoa will Bacará ft«btoboard I**»*-*« MB Etat Brtataaaay. aaft la

PBK.MANBNT BUANOwtv*., ar tara* or fuarfuarstogl« g*a«taBata, caababaaft-

wM ton board, «TkaartaM aad mm.«* «tabratabaf, ftp «aafttaj at at

We« Watatajraaa placa._ alftlw"

PEIIWAPÍÉMT Bw)AftjD--A kaaa baab rmmm,wmkiRariBta aaackta, aw ata ataaaft atar. Afta a Beat

abtaftr gaMamaa ato «tob «Plata CatM tod bytoa « 1« Ba« Broadway, wber* atare am aal few

rAaiLTkaT-ABg a «Avv? barato ata.


APANli Ytati.g.atg »a«ny .w, with «aimft»« «taaaatt

il-»l IkMBBti fro« dm cAty. «M¦yoavetaea« atotoae* from th* city, «aftral atoa* «actday by Mi»»Ihm «ta. few faaiBto* « «tagt* i«c»«w tokaarft ata

Btasaa Tto taaae M to .gbafail, MtaatadLoag ttbrto «tato, ato aaar ft* iftBta» taffuBi Cuta »l Addram A. B- C. Pta Otbtt,ayaare BttBr*

A MINÖLi ÔBNTIrfBUM«Jaa toaat-aattaMRt.i.«aa iwmb, (tatofttag kaata.M i taatfeCta md aa,«ad dtoaar Maiaytt, to .Tprl-wto ««airy. ftftftrtoiC to

Tnim»««e»»ca._aftft*"a PIW HlftftBB m. to «*«ay»tal,km «a

i.S&fLΫ»Mlta***^R-..r aata«