New analytical methods for geocomputation - Guy Lansley, UCL

Guy Lansley Department of Geography, UCL [email protected] @GuyLansley The Demographics User Group Annual Away Day 1 st December 2016 New Analytical Methods for Geocomputation

Transcript of New analytical methods for geocomputation - Guy Lansley, UCL

Slide 1

Guy LansleyDepartment of Geography, [email protected] @GuyLansley

The Demographics User GroupAnnual Away Day1st December 2016New Analytical Methods for Geocomputation



Big Data and SoftwareNew software has had to adapt to the growing size and complexity of data

Kira Kowalska

Big Data shifts

The concept of Big Data is changing and becoming more challenging

Emphasis on place rather than space

Challenges to representing the dynamics of real world phenomena

Old years = ibm. WE ARE NOW DATA RICHPalce = social media, networksTime = interactivity4

Open Source Software

Issues of there being no insuranceembedded5

Coding Languages

Python and R6

R and RstudioCommand line interface.Object oriented. You create things with names using the