National identity in submarine

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Transcript of National identity in submarine

1. National Identity in submarine 2. Opening scene The opening line from Oliver in the film: My dear Americans. The film you are about to see is a biopic of my life. The events take place, not so long ago, in a proud land called Wales. Wales is next to England, a country you pretend to treat as equal. My homeland has produced Catherine Zeta-Jones and Tom Jones and some other people. You have not yet invaded my country and for this I thank you Oliver in this opening line suggests how Wales is a distant land that no one really bothers with when he says thank you for no invading them. He says Wales has produced other people suggesting that Tom Jones is the only really welsh person people can refer to when talking about Wales. Oliver stereotypes Wales and sets the tone for the entire film that American culture is yet to invade Wales The fact that he addresses America and not people in general could suggest the Americanisation of Welsh culture and so Oliver, as a person, wants this American life-style and film made about him 3. Americanism and intertextuality Throughout the film Oliver references his life to that of a movie and his character appears as though he wants his life to be a film as he is not content with his Welsh life e.g. his resurrection which is very Hollywood (the fact that the entire of Wales is mourning) Small films within the film e.g. 2 Weeks of Love Making The entire film Oliver wants his life to be an American movie such as when he says I wish my life would just fade to the black screen and move onto another scene (not a direct quotation The idea that he wants his life to be a film is contrasted by the setting of the film (dark and raining) 4. Representation of wales Because Oliver dreams of his life being a big film one day it shows how Wales is represented as uninteresting and perhaps boring to his generation. This is supported in the opening line which suggests that nothing much happens in Wales