natasha ruddock freelance project



2nd term projects

Transcript of natasha ruddock freelance project

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‘ibs’ The

freelance projecT

natasha ruddock

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The Brief :‘To creaTe a creaTive

and inspiring idenTiTy, ThaT demonsTraTes

her profession, her TalenT and passion as a

freelance choreographer and dance Teacher’THE CLIENT :

Name: Irene Motabeng also known as IbsAge: 25Originally from Ghana Studied: BA (Hons) in Dance Lives in South LondonApart of the dance group called ‘illusions’Currently working as an dance events organiser (part time)Facebook page: Ibs Ibs Ibs

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Words from The clienT...

It needs to be:Creative


Eye catching Memorable like a catch

phrase or something Versatile

Young Fresh

‘Eco friendly’Moving

Have a rhyme maybe? a flow or something

I’m a green person.

Things To consider...The aesthetics• The colour• A theme?• Target audience• Environmentally friendly products used if • have toA favourite song or dance movement and • play along with that.

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UndersTanding The clienT:Ibs wanted something that would be handy for her to hand out at events somewhat like a business card but not a business card.

She also stated that she didn’t mind me creating mini posters or leaflets like maybe A4 size that she could use when she organiser her very own events, instead of the company she works for. Or even when she is performing on stage because at the moment she herself and the dance group she is apart of use very little advertising.

I suggested that I could design and create a series of like postcards that she could give away and they are so easy to print so if her funds were limited, postcards would be the best option other than creating posters and so on.

She also stated that she a Eco friendly kind of girl and wanted me to show that somehow / way in the work that I create it could be the materials used to print on or the way I print them extra its totally up to me so now there’s a lot of thinking involved where do I start first???

is it, is it = in my opinion is her favourite phrase she said it a lot through out our meeting so hey could use it as a catchphrase or an attention grabbing piece of art?

sUmmarise:Need to look into the whole or word of • dance the concept maybe?Possible photographs• Book a photo shoot asap • Eco friendly (BE GREEN OR GREENER?)• Time line 5-6 weeks or longer.• Think about the cost cheaper the better.•

A video of ibs dancing

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firsT ThoUghTs aBoUT The projecT...‘ibs’ and myself meet through a friend who we both knew. We were introduced at a friends gathering and got talking, I explained my profession and she explained hers, one thing lead to another and she asked if it would be possible if I could work with her

I was very happy when she asked me to work with her it was great timing since we could do freelance work as part of our live projects.

A bit nervous at first as I didn’t really know her as we only met once and I wasn’t sure what she was expecting from me as she hadn’t seen any of my designs or work and I knew very little about her, but I was willing to give it a go.

Meeting up with her was pretty straight-forward and quick she gave me the necessary starting points what she liked, disliked and what she would like her work to look like visually she gave me a lot of grounds to cover so my next stage was to research a little more into her background and dance group she was apart of and what her profession is all about.

‘Nerves did get the better of me but once we spoke it was clearer for me to visualise...’

Images all taken from Google after googling the word dance.

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Dance is an art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music, used as a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a spiritual or performance setting.

research: all Things associaTed WiTh dance

When I googled the word ‘dance or dancer’ my screen was flooded with images of ballet dancers, elegant

dancers like the waltz for example and the tango etc. I have put together my impression of things connected

with the word dance and its profession.

Speaking with Ibs I understood that she can do all types of dancing but she is mostly specialised in hip hop/

break dancing as we nowadays call it body popping.

Below are a few web-sites of where to have a look of such dance moves and you can see Ibs in practice at this address:


Other websites:


List of Words for thought

JumpSquat1,2,3,4,5 KickFlickWine MoveRunTick tockIn OutStopSlowSlowerFast FasterIn tune with the musicTap

d nCe

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‘Dance is the only art of which we ourselves are the stuff of which it is made’.Ted Shawn, Time, 25 July 1955

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WHATis the main focus of this project?is the clients ethics/values about what they would like to achieve from this?can I do to solve their brief?different methods can I use to collate research?difference can I make with my design ideas?is the best way to present the work designed?other ways can I promote the client other than through business cards?

WHEREdo I start?can I find more information about IBs?

WHOis my target audience?can help me research this topic?can I talk with other than my client?

HOWlong do I have to do this?do I be creative as well as professional?does it look good but printing is cheap?do I design it to be cost effective?am I going to carry out research?can I respond to my client feedback productively?do I get feedback from those who will be using these media’s?

WHYshould I focus on being green and that?does the client have to only have a business card?

WHENis the ultimate deadline?does it have to be produced and printed by?

siX ThinKing meniniTial ideas generaTion:Looking through books, magazine, on the internet and listening to friends comments, I am still a little confused by it all I wanted to make sure I has the right idea about what I wanted to achieve before I continued onto my ideas generation: and final pieces.

Maybe the Six thinking men tool would help at this stage.

This method has conjured up some good pointer’s to address, however I need to look at the cons as well as the pros to achieve the best possible pieces of work so my client likes what I come up with in such a short time frame.

It has also given me an insight in to a possible way of defining the problem.

PLuS:Client has no problems with ideas I come up with as long as her specifics are do-able.Can be as wild as i likeTime frame is okay(ish)

MINuS:Not sure about how to be green and achieve it in my work designS.

INTERESTING:Shes a Londoner with very ethic backgroundHas 8 piercing’s and 6 tattoos.

Main themes versatile, creative, green, vibrant, readable, stand out from a crowd, colourful, playful etc.

REFlECtion:At the moment to tell you the truth i’m not sure where to start. these brainstorming techniques helps me more and more to define the problem. But ain’t helping me come up with any good or solid solutions to attend to my clients needs.

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dance and idenTiTy research: Here are some websites that I looked at for useful hints and tips when it come to my initial ideas stage.

Pineapple studios

Pineapple offers more classes and the widest variety of dance styles than any other studio in Europe. There are nearly 40 different varieties to choose from, ranging from classical ballet to street jazz, hip hop to salsa, Egyptian dance to Bollywood grooves plus many more.

Debbie Moore founded the internationally renowned Pineapple Dance Studiosin the location of an old pineapple warehouse in Covent Garden, central London, in 1979. Here are some websites that I looked at for useful hints

and tips when I starts the initial ideas stage.

I love this website the bold colours against the dark and mystical background. The illustrations also are pretty imaginative it reminds me of Japanese art/ cartoons (manga)

Could use this element within my designs maybe with IBs in the background illustrated or something?The choice of 2 colours is a good idea cheaper and there isn’t so much things to focus on it only has one main fiasco point and that’s the designer in the center of the page.

Pineapple the word is the company’s logo, brand and identity.

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Youth Dance England

Youth Dance England is the national organisation that champions and promotes dance for children and young people.We believe that dance changes and enriches young people’s lives.

YDE strive for every child and young person across the country to have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of high quality dance - whether it is for fun, to develop skills and an understanding in dance, keep physically active or train to become a dance professional - YDE exists to make dance more accessible to all.

This website is pack with so much information on dance and how to get into

dance from a young age.This could help me with the young and

fresh approach that my client asked.3 or 4 simple colours used keeps is

minimal and easy to read.

Youth Dance England logo is clean simple and easy to read the red

colour highlights the word dance (it reminds me of a word that could be an

onomatopoeia word)

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The graphics on all three of these websites is bold, bright, eye catching, playful. They use effects and words that is associated with dance. These websites designs exudes personality, quality, style and uniqueness about the dance or a particular group in the dance industry.

Below bottom right the blue man group: I added purely as I way to show their identity on screen as I hear so much bout them in nowadays contemporary art and dance. I decided to research a little more into their history and concepts into their form of identity and promotion.

Fantastic graphics and moving images. I love it especially the bright blue heads popping out from nowhere lol. And the colourful splashes effects (think its a video playing) in the background great for added graphics.

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reflecTion...Looking back on what I have found out so far I can

actually say that I now know a lot more about dance, like the different types of dances worldwide, the shorten

or abbreviations words for dance movements, dance groups non-famous and the famous etc. I have also

grown a fond for modern and contemporary dance the way it looks, sounds and makes the dancer look in an art

kind of way.

As for the identity of my client I am still wary of that, I am not sure how it will work out, the aesthetics and its creativity I know I have been looking at websites but now I will look at a range of designers and identities

that could help my clarify and determine what I want to achieve.

I need to remember I need to be more green and Eco-friendly so maybe research a little into sustainable resources and where is the best place to buy recycled

paper. I remember doing a project and the paper company GF SMITH was very helpful and useful I was

given a load of samples and I can maybe use them now to print on.

Staying positive and gathering feedback from friends and the client I think will help with my creativity because at the moment I’m researching for the sake of it and not because its useful. The next step now, do a time table or

something and allow myself enough time to do each step at a time don’t rush it.

From the above research, I have found that most dance companies use ballet dancers or the way they move in their photography and the typeface chosen.

STOMP for example uses a harsh and bold typeface capital letters to emphasis the stomp and the loudness it creates, I think I will adapt that in my design work, or the logo very well.

Pineapple studios typeface very confused cant work out why they chose that typeface as they have so many different dances classes all under one studio that the typeface doesn’t stay dance.

Youth Dance England very bold typeface but the images used throughout obviously shows what the company and the website is all about before you even ask the question you are wanting to ask.

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idenTiTy research:


Looking at different identity companies or guidelines to help me with the design process.

Next step in my research is to look at how can design my clients identity to the best of my knowledge, so I have look at and compared so work that I could use or refer to when design my ideas.

A list of companies or people I could look at:

Books:Designing Brand Identity: A Complete Guide to Creating, Building, and Maintaining Strong Brands

D&AD 2009, The Best Advertising and Design in the World

Turning PagesEditorial Design for Print Media

Design, Writing, Research (Phaidon)

The identity or ‘image’ of a company is made up of many visual devices:A Logo (The symbol of the entire identity & brand)Stationery (Letterhead + business card + envelopes, etc.)Marketing Collateral (Flyers, brochures, books, websites, etc.)Products & Packaging (Products sold and the packaging in which they come in)Apparel Design (Tangible clothing items that are worn by employees)Signage (Interior & exterior design)Messages & Actions (Messages conveyed via indirect or direct modes of communication)Other Communication (Audio, smell, touch, etc.)Anything visual that represents the business.All of these things make up an identity and should support the brand as a whole. The logo however, is the corporate identity and brand all wrapped up into one identifiable mark. This mark is the avatar and symbol of the business as a whole.

Brand –The perceived emotional corporate image as a whole.Identity – The visual aspects that form part of the overall brand.Logo – Identifies a business in its simplest form via the use of a mark or icon.


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A great help I have a few ways of promoting my client from work done by this company. Viewing some of their cliental and work produced for them, there is quite a wide range of possibility of how to conduct my final pieces.


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idenTiTy research: Looking at different identity companies or guidelines to help me with the design process.

Christopher Doyle a Sydney-based designer decided to create a set of identity guidelines for himself. He began to wonder how his personal identity would be documented if it were considered in graphic design terms. The results was well-crafted and graphically interesting.

A very interesting and creative way of showing or even helping yourself with creating an identity especially like myself who is new to this type of working methods as I’m more into typography and image placement within

graphic design. But as the designer requires some sort of identity so they can promote themselves then yes I need to refer to these guidelines as some stage.

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A visual audit of online companies and websites that found I hope it helps with my positive thinking that I can and will design an identity or a way to promote for the client.

Another site is here was useful as thee was a list of links that you could click on that had some sort of connect with identity and its meaning or artists based using that word.

From this website I found that Gilbert and George had some kind of connection with the word identity and I love their work very much.


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hoWard schaTZ.This chapter in my research was to find designers that influence my possible ideas at the moment. A list but the more so those who are very much like minded like myself:

The photographs of Howard Schatz are exhibited in museums and photography galleries internationally and are included in innumerable private collections. He has received international acclaim for his work.

His work has been featured on the Today Show, Good Morning America, NPR, Fox Sports Network, the Discovery Channel and widely in Europe.He has made extraordinary images for such advertising clients as Ralph Lauren RLX, Escada, Sergio Tacchini, Nike, Reebok, Wolford, Etienne Aigner, Sony, Adidas, Finlandia Vodka, MGM Grand Hotel, Virgin Records, and Mercedes-Benz.

Howard Schatz’s fine art work I like purely because they are so real life that you almost believe what he is seeing through the lens of the camera.using his way of working and taking picture wills help me when and if I do the photo shoot of my client.

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They began to introduce bold colours in the early 1980s and subsequent groups usually include one or more pictures realised on a monumental scale. Each shares common motifs and conceptual and formal elements. Among the themes that recur are religion, sexuality, race and identity, what it is to live in a metropolis and the tensions and desires that can arise from the proximity of disparate cultural traditions and values.

Throughout their career Gilbert & George have had their work referred to as camp, smutty, profane and laden with innuendo. They have provoked outrage from all angles of society whilst confronting a gamut of fundamental human issues through a mix of performance art, video, drawing, painting and photographs.This could be useful in a way not quite sure yet but their bold colours and grid structure could be a way of cropping and editing images that I may take.

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Reading this book:

D&AD 2010, the Best Advertising and Design in the WorldPublisher: Taschen GmbH; Mul edition (2010)

A great book because when I was stuck for an idea, then just flick through this book I was sure to think of something! It’s a lovely chuck of pure inspiration. Love it!

Working with this book in mind allow my design process to flow as each page was beautifully laid out, each page shining with creativity from around the globe. It was very difficult to be creative everyday, but referring to the book now and again looking at what its already out their I couldn’t be lost.

Turning Pages: Editorial Design for Print MediaPublisher: Die Gestalten Verlag (2010)

Excellent visual inspiration for anyone obsessed with Editorial design! The editorial designs are varied and technical information on layout, form, typography is provided in sections with good examples. Obviously the information isn’t detailed if you want to learn about type, format, or layout, but it provides a great general overview of editorial; or for that matter any form of design as the work in the book can bring all sorts of ideas like from print to web based stuff.

Redesigning Identity: Graphic Design Strategies for SuccessPublisher: Rockport Publishers Inc. (2002)

A very hard book to understand especially me with my dyslexia, however a great way to see and utilise the 25 successful graphic redesign projects created by leading designers from around the world (in the book). Through examples ranging from Coca Cola to Hong Kong Travel, I have learnt how the best identity programs help companies modernize, reposition, manage change, promote growth and start over.

BooK revieWs.

‘The designer mUsT reveal The clienT company’s neW inner self in a Way ThaT Underscores BoTh The BenefiTs of, and The need for, change’Taken from the book: Redesigning Identity: Graphic Design Strategies for Successpg. 49

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more research: Looking at other things that may help such as logo design, colour theory, typography and Eco-friendly stuff.

Now its time to start thinking about developing my identity and final outcomes but before that I wanted to do a quick sum up on the following things. I hoping that I will help me drum up some good ideas to present to the client at our next meeting.

logo design...................TypefacesColour theoryShapes and formImageryEnvironmentally friendly

Present a small moon board of what I collected as it maybe of use to me.

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more research:

Now its time to start thinking about developing my identity and final outcomes but before that I wanted to do a quick sum up on the following things. I hoping that I will help me drum up some good ideas to present to the client at our next meeting.

Logo DesignTypefaces

coloUr Theory........Shapes and formImageryEnvironmentally friendly

Present a small moon board of what I collected as it maybe of use to me.

Colour ManiaPublisher: Viction Workshop Ltd (28 Feb 2009)

Reading this book gave me the insight into what works and what doesn’t work. All broken down in to colourised sections, it was easy to reference and understand A great collection of creative graphic design to inspire me with colour production and processing or choosing the right one.

A mini blurb:Colour Mania is a reasonably sized book (a touch smaller than A4) showcasing/highlighting collection of works covering campaigns, branding, identity, typography, promotional designs, advertising, corporate brochures, annual reports, ephemera, business cards, stationery, posters and even interior designs and some exhibition material (such as stands). It does not cover any online projects.

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more research:

Now its time to start thinking about developing my identity and final outcomes but before that I wanted to do a quick sum up on the following things. I hoping that I will help me drum up some good ideas to present to the client at our next meeting.

Logo DesignTypefacesColour theoryShapes and formImagery

environmenTally friendly...........Present a small moon board of what I collected as it maybe of use to me.

Being “green” is not as easy as it sounds. Sure we can “reduce, reuse, recycle” is a great but it is not that simple. There are many nationwide rules regarding what can and cannot be recycled and composted. Well as my client requested I am think about the environment all the time when designing and then when I print maybe I research what things I could use to print on. i.e. Recycled or reused paper like newspapers, paper bags.

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more research:

Now its time to start thinking about developing my identity and final outcomes but before that I wanted to do a quick sum up on the following things. I hoping that I will help me drum up some good ideas to present to the client at our next meeting.

Logo DesignTypefacesColour theory

shapes and form...........ImageryEnvironmentally friendly

Present a small moon board of what I collected as it maybe of use to me.

One of the things that contributes to a strong photo is its shape and form... Looking at different shapes and form was a good way of sketching mock ups in my head and on paper, as I have seen so many ballet pictures and feel flowing images I wanted to come away from that and perhaps look at a more structure approach at what I was doing.

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more research:

Now its time to start thinking about developing my identity and final outcomes but before that I wanted to do a quick sum up on the following things. I hoping that I will help me drum up some good ideas to present to the client at our next meeting.

Logo Design

Typefaces..........Colour theoryShapes and formImageryEnvironmentally friendly

Present a small moon board of what I collected as it may of use to me.

OK so I have typed the

Word typefaceon

13pt or 15pt and leading 15pt

OKAY now at this stage in my design and thought process choosing the right typeface. From the hundreds and thousands of typefaces we now use today it shall be very hard to narrow it down to what typeface I would like to use.So I have selected a few from InDesign and type I downloaded I will have to ask the client to choose her best three and then work from there as there is so much to do and not enough time, selecting a typeface/s could take all week the way there is so many.

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: Trebuchet MS

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: TFForeverTwo

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: Aperto


FONT: Baby Blocks (downloaded)

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: Braggadocio

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: iarnold (downloaded)

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: Discount Inferno (downloaded)

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: Garamond MT

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: Apple Casual

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: Rounded

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: Folks

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: Clarendon MT

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: Louisianne

typeface TYPEFACE

FONT: Century Gothic

typeface TYPEFACEFONT: Star Salon

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‘coloUr can Be complicaTed

and misleading...

aaarrrggghhh The headache

of finding a sUiTaBle Tone

of coloUr for iTs pUrpose’

Experimenting with typefaces and trying to figure out how I want the whole thing to look I mainly stuck to

modern type as she want it to look young and fresh there was no point looking into hand drawn type or

sketching a typeface.

I don’t really think she wants a logo more an identity a way that she can promote herself rather than stand there

explaining what shes does for a living blah blah...

So I’m thinking now to start developing IBs identity through a typeface alone and don’t really use any

imagery like I have seen through researching. Some of these type faces selected were quite awful and

doesn’t really shout out dance and creative, so I think I will generate some more ideas and go back to the

client, before I started playing around with things more in-depth.

Okay what is next’s well...

I think it time to start putting the finishing stops on certain aspects of this project I have enough research to go

back to the client and ask in depth what more she would like and how find out her budget for the printing costs

and exact time frame etc.

I am quite sure that I will design along the lines of the artists Gilbert and George also the profoundly photographer Howard Schatz (ooo that reminds me need to book a photographic studio at LCC for the

photo shoot, as I will need images of the client.

Looking back at the project so far I have conjured up a lot of research I am glad I just hope the final product will be as good as I haven’t been doing my best on the other projects but lets try and finish this one and move onto the next.

Must remember to correct my spelling mistakes.

Making sure that I keep in touch with the client will help for me as they are the ones I am designing it for so if I’m doing anything hey don’t like I can change it to their liking and not those of others as you normally do on a degree course like what I am studying now.

This research has been useful me looking more into typeface and colour theory it has allowed me to think outside the box being more versatile as the client asked.As for the typefaces I think using modern and complementary combinations of typefaces can give the work a dimension, its colour, its edginess that the work/pieces might not have.

said by me :)

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developing an idenTiTy: Looking at what I have collected so far and now its time for finalising.

Now here I have put together a few things that relates to what I am trying to achieve these items are all ways of promoting or selling yourself/your profession whether its a designer, teacher, dancer, actor, a specialist in a particular field of work, Olympian their are a lot of ways getting yourself known and that is what I intend to do for IBs my client.

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Key ideas... Ways of self promotionA flip bookPostcardsBusiness cardsLetter headsWebsitesMagazinesFanzinesWord of mouth PostersBill boardBlogsLinkedIn

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narroWing iT all doWn...:

Need to be precise now choose a colour scheme and a couple of typefacesDesign a few mocks before presenting it to my client tomorrow.

Hopefully after all those design and sketches we can come to some sort of agreement and design the best work I possibly can.

Colour schemes are:Below is the actual colour chart that in order the colours work however I have decided to mock up the order and see what possibilities I come up with as you can see on the right side of the page.

OK so here I have put some colours together some work and some don’t but its mainly for myself to see what colours work best and to help my client decide what colours she prefers.

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presenTing ideas To clienT.

sketches to be added

sketches to be added

sketches to be added

sketches to be addedImages and sketches to date and also collated a moon board of things of interest.

Key Things: Eco-friendly.I would like to approach it in a way that will beneficial to the environment and my client as she thinks that people would read it but at the same time throw it away as rubbish if it has no interest to them. So if it is environment friendly it would destroy or harm the environment.Being eco-friendly, I have decided to print on sugar paper (recycled of course) if not maybe another type of recycled paper brought from a paper company

Simple designI think the designs will be most effective if I keep them simple. The ethos is simple, clean, eye catching, young, fresh and it needs to reflect that.

typeBold, challenging, inspiring, creative, readable, creative and easy to use in both upper and lower case. I envisage the design & lettering to be quite clear and talks for itself. Thinking a strong rounded serif fonts or even a downloaded jazzy one not quite sure yet maybe after the meeting will be more reassured.

Minimal colourI want to keep the colour palette pretty limited. I am thinking blues and greens with blacks to reflect the environmental philosophy. Or maybe bright and bold like the client persona?

ColoursBlue, green, pink, orange, brown, grey, black

MediaPostcardsA4 folded down poster/leafletA mini booklet of 10pgs or soA business card inside an envelope

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clienT’s feedBacK.Images and sketches to date and also collated a moon board of things of interest.

Great ideasLove the way you have laid out what you have gathered so far.I didn’t ask for much but you have so much information I cant believe it.It seems like you know what your doing.


Maybe be less obvious with the name you can think of something that sounds more creative or matches what your designing as I knows IBs can be a little hard to design using modern typefaces.

But don’t be scared to be different.

Try and work towards finding a way of applying your designs in the most cost effective way possible, because as a freelance dancer you can imagine how hard it is to find work.

Develop ideas further and be more define.

Think about the printing cost made do some research into where is cheaper to print for the client

Chose one or 2 typeface no more than that as it will be to confusing to read. Maybe use different mediums in that typeface/s.

Continuity throughout the design like designing a postcard and that can lead onto a business card, mini magazine and then website so design it aesthetics, so its easily adapted to other media if client wants to create other things after this.

WhaT’s neXT...“

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choosing The righT Typeface.












Thoughts when first getting feedbackI was happy with the feedback I got since she said she liked them but had some ideas and opinions. That’s good at least I know I’m on the right track

it was important for me as the designer to understand the client, so receiving constructive and positive feedback made me feel excited to keep on working with the project.

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choosing The righT Typeface.





abadi mT condensed extra Bold

Apple Casual

Bernard MT Condensed




From these chosen typefaces the one with a tick are the best ones so far they may change throughout the design process.

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developing iT fUrTher.

ibs ibsibs


the dancer the dancerthe dancer


Playing around with the chosen typeface to see what works best. using different mediums and upper and lowercase I am trying to see how I can use the 2

typefaces. Its hard to move on from this stage without the images to help playing around next step book the photo shoot.

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The shooT.So from looking at typefaces to the designing now but before I could continue I arranged a photo shoot for IBs as I need images of her for the finishing pieces.

And so we arranged a date and here we have the end result of such a productive day.

All together I took over 200 hundred images

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I have tried to include the necessary shoots as I was lost as where to start with all these images.

As you can see I have cropped them down to a reasonable size easy to view and only selected a few and not the whole 212 images.

This day was really enjoyable I got to understand and talk to the client more on a personal level and not business or professional.I felt so less pressured and more comfortable within myself to talk about things other than work.And I think if you can have this kind of relationship with your client then our designer and client relationship be easy to work with.

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