Nashville Union and American. (Nashville, TN) 1861-04-28 [p ]. · Properly speaking, it is a com-...

SUXBAX HKK11tG, APRIL 28 1SG1. RAILWAY MATTERS. - Be Mar tiers ef PaiHiWCBr Trains). Yunraii Aim HRmixaaaLl . 3 P. M- - VT A" f.ttAMk .5:WA.M-,3P.M- . xno KAQTvmr a. iwr.s. h'xurair TEwttmut axo jLI)tC4TCi. Euiun - "T. M..CS . M. Jlrrltral of tbo Paumirer Trains H.-.- i, .. . - - I- - , 10 A.M. tosnat axd iuiuxu - 0P.M. LOtrSVTLlX ARB NaXHVUXX. Katoviux auto DtCATC 1:J5A.M..J:I5P.M. KEemxLD Ano Knrrrcicr Bepartare of FrclRftt TralH 5:30 AM. ftnneseet & AhWms - 2:20 A W. Louisville & Nashville JEdgefleld i Kentucky .3:15PM. Arrival of rrclgat Trains Tennessfio tt Alabsms .. iai-B- , Louisville & NeahvlLe Edgefield tt Kentucky- -- Xbo Stcaaicr O.E.HUlmaH Tclejrr apblc Bfspatcben The following is a telegraphic dispatch received hero,yesterday, through the grace of some Black Republican Governor: Cairo, April 26. The Bteamer C. E. Haimao, from St. Louis to Nashville, was abandoned by her omccrs. The deserted boat was found to contain 1000 kecs of uowder and other cotraband ar ticles. The facts of the capture as we learn them from a passenecr on the boat at the time, are as follows: Eight miles above Cairo, on the Missouri shore, the steamer Swallow; with a heavy h'ece of ord nance, and a company of armed men, came along side. The Hillman via heavilv laden, her cuards draeirinff the water, which retarded her progress. The Swallow was flying light, and under these circumstances, the faster boat of the two. When the Swallow came along Bide, she put the military commandant ... . . i.liL.itUITIInt.n lft.n t tin LJ thn riflmflnnPn IIIHL lilt; UlUUilUI I nwatuuicuiuuiui) tuiy should come to at Cairo, for the purpose ot nnaer- - 1 going a search, when, if found with munitions of war they were to be taken off", and the boat allowed to proceed. On being asked under whose authority this procedure was instigated, the officer rcpliod.Gov. Yates' of Illinois. The Captain of the tollman repli. ed ho had nothing more on board than he was accus tomed to carry for merchants of Nashville, no con sented under protest to land there, but upon advice concluded to land the boat at Bird's Point on the Mi- ssouri shore. After so doing, the boat being thor- oughly tied to the wharfboat and shore, the de- - .mandwas made to have her untied, and moved over to Cairo, which was refused by the Ilillman's commandant, when the military commander said, if the boat was not untied within ten minutes, he would let loose the cannon upon her and make a hole in her between wind and water ; upon this threat nearly the entire crew, refusing to take the boat to Cairo, in quick order, left her, with their luggage, doubtless believing the officer would carry into effect the threat of firing. She was then taken possession of by the Illinois authorities, and car- ried to Cairo. Such an act of hostility upon the part of the. State of Illinois toward the State of Tennessee cannot but arouse the deepest indigna- tion of our people, and fully satisfy them of the in- tentions of Black Republicanism. We presume that the Governor of Illinois intends to .send us in bullets the hundred tons of lead which he has pi- ratically obtained from the Hillman. The Committee of Vigilance and Safety convened at the County Court room on yesterday at 10 o'clock, A. M. On motion, Jaucs Whitwoctii was requested to act as Chairman, and P. L. Nicuol Secretary, during its deliberations. The object of its organization was briefly stated by the chairman to be for Vie protection of the lives, property, and inieresis of the people of Otis county. Dr.PxDLF. Eve introduced the following resolu- tions, which were adopted : JResolved, That the public is hereby informed of the organization of this Committee. Mesolved, That the Committee is now prepared to with the city police and citizens, as well in defending innocent as in bringing guilty persons in our reach, to punishment. Mr. A. W. Joujcsox offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted : I 1st. That all citizens having just cause of com- - piaini against any person or persons i eaiuing wiui us, are requested to make the fact known to any member of the Committee, and those who may feel aggrieved ly Hie action loisards them of any citizens, can submit their cass to the Committee, in order that justice may be done to each and every one. 2d. That the citizens are requested to abstain irom any rash or unwanted proceeding against any one in this community. The follows is the Vigilance Committee: James Wuitwortu. Chairman, Washington Barrow, Calvin Jackson, Kobt r oster, 1st, or, ii r Drake, Joseph W Ilorton, N D Ellis. Lewis Lanier, HughMcCrea, R McNairy, James Walker, Dr Paul F Eve, Dr C K Winston, James Murrell, LF Beech, James M Hamilton, W R EUiston, R Rains, Felix Compton, J J Corley, Timothy Dodson, R II Gardner. A W Johnson, T L Bransford, WG Harding. The Committee then adjourned to meet next Tues- day afternoon at 3 o'clock. P. L. Nicuot, Sec Think and Act. To Gov. Harris Sir: As times are, I think we should have a law that would force all men and boys from 15 to CO years of age to be enrolled and ee nd the South, with the understanding they are tolive free or die like brate'men, r leave the State. I am 50 years old; have three boys over 15 years of age, a few guns, and a little lead and powder, and a few thousand dollars, all of which are at your command, on condition that others are made to do the same, as far as they can, so as to protect our country, the proud and brave name our people won for themselves in the days of Jackson', or he and such will hate and haunt us, I think. April 27, 1SC1. S. W. Adkissox, A Mechanic, To tue Volunteer Artillery of Xcnncucc. Having reported an artillery company for service in the field, 1 desire to see, or to correspond with, the commanders of like companies in Tennessee, to and with all who are engaged in raising such com- panies, in order to secure concert of action and a prompt organization. in Persons who have served in the artillery, or ord- nance, all or engineers, in any capacity are invited to assist in the effort now being made to organize an artillery force for Tennessee. Those wishing to join this arm of the service arc invited to call on me at the Commercial Hotel, Nashville. Milton' A. Hayxes, Formerly Lieut. U. S. Artillery. llrotvn Guards, to Carters Creek, April 2C, 1SCI. Editors U.niox axd American : A large company of volunteers has been organized here y and tendered to Gov. Harris for immediate service. Tliis company is styled the Brown Guards, in honor of "Mrs. Lkzixkas Brows, of this county, who has furnished money to equip the whole company. With such patriotic women in our midst, this world cannot conquer us, and victory on every field is ours. Officers of the company are as follows : G. W. Camprell, Captain, J. L. Bollock, First Lieutenant, R. L. Cardtuers, Second Lieutenant Cam. Browx, Third Lieutenant, Km Hadlet, Orderly Sergeant. A. B. in Our telegraphic dispatches report that "a large number of Virginians, mostly from Fairfax county, have arrived" at Harrisbur, "refusing to take the Virginia test oath." To those unacquainted with the facts, this dispatch is calculated to mislead. The lands in Fairfax county were so completely ex- hausted a few years ago by the growing of Tobac- co that they were regarded as worthless, and large tracts were purchased by Northern men at vcry low figures, who settled upon them. These are the men who are fleeing fromFairfax county. Insurance can be obtained of W. J. Marr, Insur- ance Agent, No. 25 College street, in the Insurance Compaxt of the Valley ok Virginia, cash capital onn nnn nl nnn m TtiiniiB ripnosited ,J.u"iuuui " x - b.s security for losses. Applications also received for Insurance in the Tennessee Marine and COMl'ASY of Nashville. Ap.26-tf- . "Siiat's the Sort. Yesterday, Dr. S. McKissack, of Spring Hill, authorized us to state that he wil1 donate $3,000 for the purpose of aiding the South, and, if neewsary, will give the last cent for the good cause. TheLondou Standard, of the 4th instant, says: We learn, although no authority is vouchsafed, that the Custom authorities at Havre had notified that ships from the seceded States would be receiv- ed on the same footing as those sailing under the 'Stars and Stripes.' Alabama has now actually in the field, (says the Montgomery Advertiser, of the 23d.) and ready to inarch, about five thousand four hundred troops. Notwithstanding this fact the war fever has just begun to rage, and if necessary, we verily believe that the number could be increased to forty or fifty thousand in thirty days. Th3 question is often asked, what is a "stand of arms!" Properly speaking, it is a com- plete set of arms for one soldier, which would in- clude the bayonet, musket, end iU arpurtennnces. Twr PsnriBios Mibset. The suspension of iater-- C0Brse wife tbe Nona has ewJed quite a stir a market for some dave past. Every tiling, nearly,has gone up to starvation prices. Tlottr family) is selling at $11 to S12, Cora from SL15 to i. or rto R1i . TTcv?v9 tn 9t f Pu-l- r nrl Mutton 15c, to lBc and nearly everything else in the same proportion. As money becomes scarce it is becisnine tti cost, a tnird more to live, ana we tendency is stilLupwsrds. The Tirpttenre nf ft liiw lirvlw nf who are generally good feeders has added largely to tie list of consumers, and to annearances supplies de crease inverselV with ilin movements of the de mand. Wo hope our country friends in all directions wiu iaice our condition into consiaeremu" - Xorward whatever they may have to spare, .. .l-- . :11 Ko handsomely rC- - warded. Poultrv. ot all sorts, is very scarce, dear i ' 'i. ...i:. wonidDercaanyuis viva I'WUl, allaU. IIVQII OUI'l'vu I losed of at rcrauneratlnir priccs.-&w- aK'- Republican, April 25. tr t , ThP Mavor and Alder-- men of the town of Jackson have appropriated few thousand-dollars- , to bo appuea to rma and ammunition ioriDeu; two of oSr most energetic and sensible citizens are already in New Orleans, to purchase the arms. Col rr.. t5X, T.iont. J. B. Freeman, and R. J. Ma lon, Bsu were appointed by the Board to superin- - tend the nnrcliaseaau w ;nti,ar.;,Tin of the town. The Town Council have appointed a committee of safetv for the town to wliom tne police arc to re porttheir action to embrace all persons, white or black in cases not provided for by the strict letter of the law. The committee to take such steps as thpv mav deem proper in each particular case, to preserve order and secure the safety of the citizens. CoL Hervey Brown is chairman of the committee. Jackson Whig, Avtu 26. Notes cxder Protest. It is understood that sev eral of our leadini merchants, whose notes to Northern houses matured on Saturday, the 20th inst.. refused to cav them because of the hostile and aggressive attitude which the North has assumed towards the South preferring to await the restora tion or neacciul relations between tne vwo sections. -'- Petersburg ( Va.) Htpress. J Lf.U t j. ar KltoDf auti county, Tennessee tn Taeiiay mernlns, AptK 9th, 1851, JOHN T WRIQnr.ANSTOS, onof wmiata I.,ndMary E. Aaiton, agei 3 yuri S month! and 8 dayi. ne was a sweet and lovely little boy, being Bencrom, kind, and affecUotAte.for one ot Ma age. To tti parent, brtthen and Iftera. and all who knew him. ihowlng hla affection for bu pa rents until a few momenta Ufoie he breathed hla lat. Ills af factions, thsogh !vere, were but for a few days, which he bore with tttlence and meeaxesi, and waa never heard to muracr or complain. Pales the lovely blooming flswer. Smiling solace of an hour ; Soon our transient comforts fly, Ple:sures only bloom to die. Lovely bate, how brief thy stay, Short and hasty was thy day . Ending ison thy sojourn here, Pain and grief no more to bear. Bard It is from thee to part, Though it rends my aching heart; Since an heir to glory gone Let the will of God be done; Richmond Enquirer copy. Funeral Invitation. The friends and acquaintance of Mr and Mrs. Oeorgeuitlg are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their daughter, ELIZA CARNAQIE, from their residence, No. 59 Union St., at 3 o'clock, P. M., this evening. Diving service by Bev. Sr. Qulntard. April :6lh,16Cl. STATE CONVENTION : . SECOND SATTJlt DAY IN MATH After consultation with many of our politioa friends, in various portions of the State, it has been agreed to hold a State Convention, to nominate a can didate for Governor, on Saturday, the llfh day of May. We hope that our friends in every county will, at once, take steps to be represented in that conven tion by full delegations. State rights and the rights of the South will be seriously endangered by the triumph of our opponents. It behooves all who op- pose Black Republicanism, Federalism and civil war, to buckle on their armour for the contest. Le us be up and doing. KENT FREE. I have three small houses, five rooms ea:h, which will let to the families of those actually in service in a fighting Liscols's hordes, free of rent, till the war closes or till their return. L. Powers, aprl25 'CI No. 34 Market street. Attention, Harris Guards. The Rendezvous has been changed fronuTusca- - lum Church, Nolensville Turnpike, to the large room opposite Sewancc Hous, College street, kindly tendered b Maj. B. F. Shields. Those wishing to offer their services, will report their names to M. M. Hexkle, Jr., Capt April 23rd, 1SC1. House Rent Free. Nasuville, April 22d, 1SC1. Editors Union and American: Please allow me to state that I will furnish house-roo- m to tea families, whose protectors join the companies and go to the warsnow raging, rent free until their return home, or until the close of the war. W.S. Whitemak. ATTENTION! Beauregard Light Infantry. Gentlemen who wish to enrol their names on the list of this company, are requested to call at the rooms of the Southern Rights Committee, corner of Cedar and Cherry streets. S. C. Godsuall, Captain. Save Your ITConcy. A Selling out at cost for thirty days, late styles of drip and soft hats, caps and straw goods, corner of Cedar and Cherry streets. lw. CITY NOTICES. A Change. Wc have this day sold to Mr. F. Klein- - our entire stock of clothing and merchant tailor goods. He will continue the business in all to its various branches, and we ask for him a liberal share of the public patronage heretofore extended us. He has' a very handsome stock of spring in goods, and guarantees perfect satisfaction in all articles. Mr. M. F. Seltz can be found at all times of the house of his successor, ready to settle with who owe. Seltz & Harris. mcliS 2m Srniso Clotuixo. Messrs. Tiioma & Rowan, on en College street, nearly opposite the Sewance Hotel, have just received a large and handsome stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, which they are pre- pared to make up for their customers in the most fashionable style, at prices to suit the times. Gen- tlemen wishing anything in their lino would do well give them a call. ' march3-dl- m. For Rent A desirable suit of rooms in the Union and American Buildings. Apply at this office. dec29-t- f Wanted. A Partner wanted with from 1,000 to 1,500 dol lars cash, in a Ready Established Business, which pays 1,000 dollars aud more a year. A gentleman, and business man, with good city reference, will please address Rohert. P. O. of Nov. 18, lseo-t-f. PANIC STRUCK! " to Intending to reduce what is certainly the largest Stock of TOBACCO AND CIGARS In the State. I will sell from this time Without Ilctrard to Profits! J. W. LANGLET, r. k b. H Union street StocU for Sale. John WiioitLEr, 32 South Market Street, offers for sale $15,000 wortA of Stock. ! Call and see him. or II A VAN A S E O AR Si JOHN AVIIOItLKY. 32 Soutti Market at., Nasuvitlct Tcnn., 2OO0O Imported Ha vanaa-V- C7 RECEIVED FRO it HA YSXA. Latest News from Old Virginia ! JOHN WIIOHL,EVt 32 Soutu market street, STILL AHEAD. AVuorley Itock City Chewing- Tobacco' Made from the PURE AXD NATURAL LEAF without ANT ADULTERATION. Shoes I Shock!! Farrar, Disxcees & Co. are opening a most beau- tiful lot of Snoes of all kinds, especially for Ladies and OiUdren. Call on them, ladies, they are beauti- ful, and they sell them very low for the Cash I marchll-t- f. SI'KING CLOTHING. We arc receiving our stock of Fpring and Summer Clothing and Furnishing Goods for men and boys, Is which we are selling at prices to suit the times. Also a fine lot of Cloths, Cassimeres and Veslings, It made to order. Ward, Bervinchax & Co., mar22-2- m No. 20 Public Square. Dr. R. Russell, Dental Scrgeon. Dr. R. begs leave to invite the attention of those interested, to his present mode of inserting artificial teeth, upon vulanite as being infinitely superior to the old method upon gold plate. Since introducing this plan do now over a year ago he has inserted more than one hundred setts, the advantages of which for du- rability, lightness and purity are abundantly testi- fied by the numerous certificates. Dr. R. is contin- ually receiving in their favor. Office No. 11 Cherry street, three doors from the Post Office. Plugging and all other operations on the mouth performed as usual. marchl7-- tf IPS f THE CHIEF AMBKO TEN XIIOtJSANB. VALLEY'S MAIJIOAL PAW EXTRAGTOh. XT AS cdverwlly nt jplssted H otbtr (Ho sad beoUsg aeeUMtot dUau. II MIllKS & 9t E8AU H Btlon,by a tlseely afpli-- 0 tflto maruHett Staler and the fiethUrenew u S by tara, n blwrf r tc&rresi&lnbs. S the raiEifD or X the htesbrt flh(Mrn am franw-i- f mI fnn, frn axtCTS etpecuOly from f"iJ4 airfS Ctomi4Jto?,-th,- n cotuUntl a band. JtheIiS ton BreatU, anda ol"'"-raorc- i tie IETTKR or BINQ- - , WORM,o prmalcnt in to TO TBATELIIBS BT O 6AjLKDLAHD. Tfc uMnt,t. it. Tn.n v.tsr. and rrerr other lndi- - rldnal vhn int ?n urnai thiavi him within tne chanca of accident trot, evplo- - H tion,Jire, o r cdaition, should bear in mind that this Magic5 Extractor U his best and only friend. It la both iwrtableS and cheap, and should ever be hit companion, as a friend in need. There art thoaaandi of living witnesses to! testify t3 to its m&rvelloua virtue, who ows ueir aouna umoe ana rausciw iu - ""r: ' The following are a few efj thtUadlngd4MtMtaTbi& .iii as wen uuuDfij Q Burns. llrvatro... Sores of al rinds Bruises, 3flOula, Bhotwouadj, Bolls, Trost Bites, Scrofula,. Broken Brent, fever Bores, Scarp-- Bites of Eeptllei, Felcnr, S.' Cancer, aiandularDlseasei, Scurf, Cracked Lips, Mercurial Sores, Scald Head, Dhappod Hands, Jalnsgenerally, BPrn'' Jhllblalns, dimples, Small Pox, Cramp, Piles, Tumors, Contracted Cords, Poison, Tetter, nhf. ciunniiin. TJlcers. Diseases at the Skin, Bashes, Venereal Bores, io Sold at the principal Depots, 14 Sroadway, Hew YorE,anaii and 151 Ch,to. .trt. N Orlesml. hv J. WRIGHT f CO. General Agent. It cm be obtained ef all respectable Drt.EgIsti Enaaiercnants tnronffioutiue uniiea ouves apr25'00-d,tw&w- l" Pimple Jtanlahea I Faces Made Clear! HOW By one week's use tf the Magnolia Balm, A pereectly harm less but elegant aai electuol preparation. Price 50 cents per bottle. So'.d everywhere W EAGAHLt& 00., Proprletor,Troy,N. Y. febSi d&w3m ICUIS. WlNS-C-O- An experienced norsa aud female physician, has a Soothln Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the proces of teething, by soften ing the gums, reducing all inflammation will allay all pain, and is lure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it 'lll give rest to yourselves, and relief and health to your intuits. Perfectly safe in all cases. Bee adver tisement in another oolumn. octSS-l- y Dark) Glossy, and I.uxuriant Hair I IIOW1 By using Qelmstrtet's Jr.tmUalU Bestorative. Don't use anything alse on your Head. Price 50c and 9 Ip-s- r bottle. Bold everywhere. W. 33. HAQAN U CO., Proprietors, Troy, N. 1 See an advertlscmunt headed, TOIT LOOK OT VAIN.' CIIEUOKEE CORE! JntsnfaBixg cure for Seminal Wcalcncss, Noc turnal fjittimssions, impcieney, ost or Faint in Ot Back, Stont in th Bladder, Obstructed and Difflcuit Jlfemtruathm, and all JHteatct caused by deviating frtm Via path of Jiature, and indulging vn By the use of this "Cure" all Improper discharges are remov ed, the weakened organs of generation are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Either sex, contemplating marriage, should reflect that a sound mind and body are necessary to promote connubial happiness. In the "Cherokes Cure" the poor debilitated, worn down and aespainngaeToiee ot sensual pieasnrc una rener. it u sale ana piemant in taste, out immeaiatein its acuon: con. talninK no mineral poison, but is prepared from pure vegetable extracts, In the form of a delicious syrup. Price S2 per Bottle, or three bottles lor 15. and and forward d ny expiess to all puts or tne world. Boia cy an respeeiaoie muggisis eTerywuere. POTTKa & MEB.WIN. Proprietors. St. Louls.Mo. Sold In KuhTille by Hiring It Pendleton, Berry b. DemoviUe i. iv. uenaersnoi:, ana cy Druggists everywnere. DR. KING'S DISPENSARY FOIL Pit IV ATE DISEASES. DR. KINO, formerly of New Tork, for the 1 fouryeirs of Louisville. Kentucky, and who devoted hi, attention to the treatment of private diseases fer over thlrtvvcm.fla.Utrs himself, havlm attended to a practice fer so many years, and cured so many thousands, he Is enabled to cu el all alseases ot a pnv&ic nature, bo iniucr uuw uicjr iubj w from lnludlcious medical treatment, or frem neglect of their own Dr. King's Dispensary is No. 23 Deadrick street, between Cherry and the Square, vrtwre hecurraall distatescf aprivate Batnre UoxoRBca curtu wiu.oat n&ocioua mcoicuie or iricncrcucc from business. STRMrrnara of old or recent date, effectually cured in a few days, by an operitlon which causes no pain. Where a stricture exist, health cannoilrt enjoyed. Perhaps no disease causes more mischief and undermines tne consutution so mncn. Srrmus, with all the diseases of the skin, growing out fn t nrhnri treatment, can be elTectually cured In a few days. Rmii ,. Wvavh ess. particular attention havlne been Riven to this diivase, and all the consequences grewin out of It, brought I nn In tninv ca.ti hv tne destrucuve naDits oi inconiiaeraie Youths and exeussive Indulgence of the passions, a neglect of which will undermine 3ie constitution, rendering tne surged un- fit far liniineu nr todetv. and causing nrematureold ate. Temalea who liar be laboring with any difficulty of the Womb may rest assured of immediate relier. Persons residing abroad, by writing and stating their case, with fee enclosed, directed to Dr A. King, No. 23, Deadrick street, Nashville. Tenn .will haieth necessary medicine sent to thUr address, with nersessary directions. Strict secrecy observed. Office hours from 9 o'clook in the morning until 9 in the evening., may23.1853-dwl- y llliigji liiiilj MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, Ipresenta to Z nuon or mouers. ner S00THII& SIRTJP FOIL CIIItillHEIV TEETHING, which greatly racilltates the process of teething, by softening the cums. rMncicir an innammation wiu aiiayau pain ana spas modic action , and Is , STJltE TO KEGtfliATE THE BOWELS. Depend npon St, mothers, It will give rest to yourselves, d Itolicz and IloaltU to your Infanta. We hive pot un an I seld this article for ever ten years, and CAN SAY, IS CONFIDENCE AND TRUMH of it, what we have rever been able to aay of ay other medicine MEYEtt HAS IT FAILED. IN A 8INOLK INSTANCE TO EFFECT CUKE, when timely used. Never did wr know an instance of dissatisfaction byanyonewno used. u. un ins contrary, an are elicbted wlta Its operations, and speax in terms or commenda tion of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak In this matter "WHAT TVEDO KNOW," after ten years experi- ence, andpicdae ovr reputationor the fulfillment of what we litre declare. In almost every Instance where the Infant Is suffering from pain and exbaustion,reliet will ee round in or twenty minutes after the arrup is administered. This valuable preparation Is the prescription of one of tht moit experienced ana tituitu xiurses in new j.jgiana, ( has been use 1 with never ailing luccut In THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieve the child from pain, but Invigorates stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and eaeil the whole system. It will almost Instantly relieve Griping lu tUo Bowels and Wind Colic, and ovetcome convulsons, which, if not speedily remedied, end death. We believe it the best and ruretl remedy in tht world, in all cases of Eytenteryioi Diarrhoea in Children, whether it arises from teething, or from any other cause. We would say t every mother who has a child suffering from any the foregoing complaints do not let your prejudice!, nor the prtfudicet of ethers, stand between you and your suf- fering child, and the relief that will be turejtt, abtelutely eure to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each botUe. None genuine unless the fic simile of OUKTIS tt PERKINS, New York, Is the outilde wrapperi of Sold by Druggists throughout the world. I'rlnclpal'orflcGt 13 Cedar Street, N.T.S PRICE ONLY25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. oct30 d.twtwly ins INDICATE PUBLIC OPINION. Usually cautious, there is great confidence to .be placed In NEWSPAPER, raox Tirr NEW ORLEANS TlttJE DELTA. "There aeems U be no excuse for thin or gray Hair, now the celebrated HnusTRxn' Imxitablx IIaik BxsroKaTtvx canVehtJ." vkok thx CIiEVELAND PIjAIN DEALER, "Whea people can protect their Hair from the tell-tal- e marks age, when they can luxuratein glossy black locks at an ad- vanced period ot their lives: when white and gray Hair can be bv turned to a beautllul black or anbnm; when llalr can be made grow upon bald heads; when all this can be cannot do any harm to tell what will do It. UEIMSTREET'S HAIR RE- STORATIVE will do it. Thla llalr Bestorative Is.beyond the best thing cf the kind ever Invented Tbe facts our iossesslon. In regard to this wonderful preparation, war rant us In unqualifiedly recommending it." raoHTnx ST. LOriS KEFUIIXICAN "Many of our first citizens In St. Louis are speaking In glow lng terras ot this article." raox rnx CAIRO CITY GAZETTE. "This incomparably excellent preparation for the Restoration unruair to tne orinrui color, to preserve uair iromui lnz out, and to cure baldaesss. Is on ssle at Humphrey Si Brown's In this city.. The evidence that this Restorative is n humbug is conclusive. Testimonials to that effect may be found In almost every paper in tne country." txok rnx SOUTH WESTERN BAPTIST. 'Leave dyes alone, and use only some reliable Restorative, like lielms'.reet't Inimitable." Sold every where Price 50o and 91 per bottle. W. E. HAOAN & CO., Proprietors. Troy, New Yerk. Tlie Great English Remedy. SIR JAMES CLARK'S CELEBRATED FE.1XAL F Protected Letters. By Itoayl Patent. rreparedfromapretcriptlonof 6ir j &arlf,2f.D.,Fhy tician Extraordinary to tht, Qneen. Tils Invaluable medicine la unfailing In the cure of alt thos painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constituti subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructler and a speedy cure may be relied on. xo married Ladles I) peculiarly suited. It will, In a short time, ,cr monthly period with regularity. K tch bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government GreaitBrltala, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. Ikete Fillt should not be taken by females d ring TJIiSJ 7RRK& MONTHS of Pregnancy, at tleyaresur to bring on Ititcarriagt, but at any other time they art tafe.' li all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain In tht Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heurt, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when of allother means have failed i and although a powerful remedy, not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anythlnxhurtrulto the constitution. lulldlrrclous In the pamphlet aro nd etch package, which should be carefully preserved. E ole Agent for tbe United States and Canada, JOB MOSES, (Late Ji O SaLsWlnfcOoi.) Rochester, N. Y. It. B. 91.00 and six postage stamps enclosed to any author-be- agent, wUl Insure a bottle costalslng 50 pills, by return Joid in Nashville by Berry & DeracvlUe and G. W.Hta4 fhutt, Jt a. Bfown and all re;tic4blsdxsg(i I tt d.Ufcw-l- y. as Tov Prof- - Wood'f tlfwtlMMtt is m kftr. Swdit.'HTUl iBleicstTOB. :T "Let good digestion wait on appetite," Is a with that nese ap preciate son man tnose tau save neuaer tue we cor tne oia er. Hwraaay expedients are tc vocua s to raise an PPH fEiBfngaBdits usitiaiitea," varies. la form, hot' auxe wmmi ad Samal. Ifca imIm . tola Use otner extras, (M tile "Jaat ataU"aj3gaa t mm Hun the first: noise, twmr.ii K wit Wrnr KcrMVeBaiiRgr Kimr, width iAMe?to tea aid rct4eaare. ad after "wimwh aw km ot emsaa taaws KJB it Ben say ana Yiaofgai nnniWrtn. nlri Hrnll TatnnirtnMr rtmimliti InrnTlirh- - outslse Vaftaa Mates aadOeaadai J. WS18KT & CO., sole prepwwiss, . jatx Orleans, i... BOMatw ay all Druggist In Haabvilie apli storfewln BAIiUre'iS XiVUiVAXi PAIN SXTKACTOR Theverdtetof tmrrf hm tr-- n nnnnlninnilT nwnril-- il in f'T" ofj&s sterling alleviator of huas tsSsring' la ait parts of vasworia.wnereTerintKKineed. it forthwith nrmints ererv (ow .appliance ror eva-- r tpeaes oi ftoiwd. Bote, jsrspun or Cutaneous disorder, it is also a neatraliser of evil remits from the bites of venomous reptiles, moquiloe and wares fid has I the ereatett sale of any medicine in the world. Sold- - at tee prln dpal depots, J14 Broadway, N Y., and Chartreaa street. New Orleans, by J WBICBT b. 00 General Agents, m Iso by all arngirists and merchanU. apu d&wlm. K A. FAHNEsrOCKS Has long bten regarded with favor and 'confidence, by a large ( body of the regular medical profession in every State In the I Union as a preparation unsurraaiedhv.nT.xnd Is dailv-nre- - I scnoeaoy tne most emmenipnywiaraiuirouKiiourLt use umxa i spurious and counterfeit lmltatlonsave from time to time made tholr appearance. Never has it been more necessary on the part of the buyer to exercise a Judicious caution In purchaslag the genuine article than at this time. Tarit imitations are often so close In their external reiemblanf a tn B. A. Pittxmtocx's Ver mifuge,as to bewell drculated to put upon the unsctpectlng purT chaser an article which he neither wished cor Intended to buy. It Is enough to buy of an accredited aeent: but every purcnaier must use vigilance to avoia being imposed upon, sna muiiex amine every bottle to assure himself that he is buying the genu' lue a a. ranisisTOca a vermlluge. apll-wl- m Jdit tec TniKS Our attention was this moraine to a friend of our, who, a few months ago, was sickly, feeble and debiltited now he is heathy, strong and robust. This great change was produced My taking AlcLxxx a uilxsiatis ctuuiotiixkuiu Thli la a teal Inm or Lin. We adrise exerr reader who mar be aicklr anddebilltated, and an wno are wen and wish to xe:p so, to try It jsrening uirror. apu-at-w- im . . . . ( m i. n n. t. 1 .ttt. nicuii. uiuti urrgvry wa; ucuik j.puicuAicu " of your Ambrosial Oil, which has given ettlre sittsfactlon In uouo, xoomacne ana ueadacie. cyruston.xenn. &SWahi. Messrs. Clark, Gregory Co; Nashville, Tenn : Gentlemen: It girea me pleasure to tell you that your Ambrosial Oil has given me great relief, and I may say, more ease than the uss of any ouer meaicine 1 have used ne bottle and one half of your Ambrosial Oil, ana from tne cae It naa siren me In jjyitbenmatlc su&enng, 1 would not be without the other bottle and one half for any price, proviaea 1 eoaia not get an more, juspectxuuy. w. a. runs LEI. Binggold, Ga., Sept. 3d, 1859. w TUE A rEKFECT AXD COMPLETE REMEDT FOB PIItlPIiES, IILOTC1TES, SCVnCItN OK TAN. FTVIIS Elegant Preparation renders the Skin soft and fresh, 1 imoartinic to it a Marble Purity. It is mcst cool and re freshlne if applied to the face after exposure to the sun. and will give immediate relief to the Sting ot Insects. Nothing poisonous enters into its composition, xne contents oi a pome mieht be taken without harm- - Jit avolieaiion eieru niaU for a vceec, wiu cure lAe rcorsc cast of fimjies. sola every everywnere Jf rice rutyuenis aueiue. W. . HAGAN. Proprietors, m Troy, New Tork. FBOF. tVOODS Restorative Cordial AXD BLOOD RENOVATOR. X Is precisely what Its save Indicates, for, while pleasant! V nix las-e- is revivifying, exnuat aurg, ana stre go enlng to tbe vital powers. It also revivifies, reinstates 'and renews thebioed In all its original purity.and thus rexwresana renaers tnesystem invuineraoie to attscts of disease. It Is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular form so aa to be within the reach ot all. So chemically and skillfully eombi:ed so as to be the most powerful tonic, and vet so perfectly adapted t at to ad in perfect accordance with the laics cfi nature, ana. nence tooine tne uceaxostsiomaci, ana tone up tne digestive organs, and allay an nerveus and other irritation. It Is also perfectly exhlllratlnK la Its effects, and yet Is never followed by lassitude or depres Hon or spirits. It is composed entirely or vegetables aaa inoie tnorougmy comoining poweriai tonic and soothing properties, and consequently can never injure. aucna remedy nasiong been leu to be a desideratum la tne medical world, botn by tne tnorougbiy skilled In medical science, and also by all who have sueeredfrcm debility ; for it needs no medical skill or knowledge even to see mat aeoiiuy toiiowa air aitacxa ot disease, ana lavs the unguarded system open to the attacks of many of the most dangerous to which poor humanity is con stantly liable. Bucn, tor example, as tne following: Consumption, Bronchitis, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Falntness,Nervous Irritabllity.Neuralgia,' raipitauon oi ue xieart, Jietancnoiy, uypocondria. Night Sweats, Languor, aiddines,acd all that clas oil cases, so teariuuy raiai 11 unauenaea to in tune, culled Female Weakness and Irregularities. Also, Liver De ra'gments orTorpidity,and Liver Ocmplainta,Diseases of the Kidneys, Scalding or Iccsntinuenceof tne Urine, or any general derangement or we urinary tirgans, Fain In tne uacic, side, ana between tnefcneuiaers.pre duposltisnSIIiht Colds, Hacking and Continued Coush Hi Emaciation. Difficultyof Breathing, and Indeed we might enumera.e many mare sun, out we nave space only to siy, It will not only cure tne debility following Chills 0 and Fever, but prevent all attacks arising from alias matic In&uenccsund cure the diseases at once.ll already attacked. And aa it acta directly and ptrsistently upon 0 the biliary system, arousing the Liver to action, promo- ting, in fact, all tre excretions and secretions of the Lvstem. it will infallibly prevent any delirious conss- - huences following upon change of climate and water; Qecce all traveierssuouia nave a pouie wiw inem, and all should Use a table tpooniui at least before eating As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the digestive or- gans, it should be In the hands of all persons of eeden-tar- v habits, students, ministers, literary men. And all lidlei not accustomed to muchout door exercise should always use It. If they will they will find an agreeable 9 pleasant and emaeet remedy against tnose ins wblcb reb tnem or taeiroeauiy; ror oeauiy cannot exuiwitn out hetlth, and health cannot exist while the above continue Then again theOordlal.lsarT feet Mother's Belief. Taken a month or two before the final trial she will pass the dreadful period with perfect o ease and safety. There Is no mistake about, this Cordial is all we claim for it. Mothers, try It I Andtoyeuwe ppeal to detect the illness or decline not only of your dauvhtersbeforeltis Uo late, but also your sons and nusuands,ior wmie iae iormcr, irom i&isc uciicacy,oiien zoesdown to a premature srrate rather tban let their con 9 dilion be known in time, thelatter are eften so mixed up 0 with the exdtementef business that if Itwerenstforyou they too would travel in Me same downward rath, until ei too late to arrest tneir iaai lan. nui me momei- - li al wava vitilent, and to yen we confidently appeal : for we 'are sure your never falling affection will unerringly point 0 you to Prof, wood sneswrauve uoraiaiana uiooditen ovator as tne xemeay wxncu buouiu oe always cn nana .n O. J. WOOD, Proprietor,4i4 Broad rav. New York, and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. Hnld bv ail cood Druggists. Trice OnePoIIar per Bottl.. Sold in Nathvilleby ii.U, 1'MIULITUNft CO. BERRY Si DEMOVILLK. BROWN Si EVAB8, DEMOVILLK & CO.. and all goed Drug;tsts tn the cily. marexiwiy tilad News for the Unfortunate ! THE LOKG SOUGHT FOR Discovered at Last. FROM l?&TrWR A1? KEg CHEROKEE REMEDY, An iinfailinc Specific for all Diseases or tne urinary urgans, ana a uencrai Alterative and Blood Purifier. THIS " REMEDY" CURES WHEN ALL OTHER PREPARATIONS FAIL. It Is entirely unlike every other medicine prescribed tor Vene real Diseases, as It contains no mineral poison er nauseous drugs, being prepared from roots, barks and leaves, in the form a pleasant and delicious Syrup. It Is "nature's own remedy" for Gonorrhoea, (Clap) Gleet, Gravel, Stricture, and is especially recommended for Fluor (Whites In FemalesO for this complaint It la Invaluable. As a general alterative and blood purifier, It has no equal, and does not fail to cure scrofula, secondary syphilis, glandular swellings, mercurial and all eruptive diseases, curing them more speedily aud permanently than any other medl cine known. It does this by purifying and cleansing the blood I Causing It to Cow In all its original purity and vigor, thus removing from the system all Impure and pernicious causes which have Induced disease. In all old cases or Uonorrhcei and meet, mat nave named an medical skill, it Is especially recommended in old cases it never falls, and recent ones it cures from one to three days. A tew doses positively removes all scalding heat, chord ea and P. . v. t V , It does not euect uie uicu or jubcncrc .iui an; ui w business. It requires no assistance from other medicine. It can lav on the tollet-hble- or In the counting-room- , with- - out its ever being suspected as a " remedy" for private dia- - "ATreatlse on Venereal Diseases, with nil directions for their permanent cure, accompany each bottle. for lull aireciionj gefc luinuiuucDiiviuNi; u.uftA,,u IheUnlted States. It is sold at retail for 92 per bottle, or three bottles for 95 all responsible druggists and dealers In meiidnes, throuzhou the United States, and at wholesale by all wholesale druggists. POTTER fi JTIERWIN, Sole Proprietor ST. LOUIS MI830URI. Sold in Nashville by G. W. Hendershott, Bsrry & Demov Swing & Pendleton, and by all responsible druggists e where. , ict29dtwfcwly RELIABLE INSTJRAICE. New New to Ilnriford Fire Insurance Co., Ml CHARTERED Al D. 18101 f Tito oldest Insnranco Company doinc Business In the Soutn. CASH 0APITAL AND ASSETS 1,000,000. A v,ni8 Company rests its claims te patronage on the following No. facts: IP,It has been doing a legitimate Insurance business for HALF A CENTURY. JJj It has acquired an enviable reputation in regard to fair lealinz eauitable adjustment and prompt payment otloraes which acquirement is a guarantee that it will never deviate from its former course, and jeopardixe a character so long and deservedly enjoyed. ville TJ It pcssessei bona fide means to the amount ot a BULLION DOLLARS: TT7It has TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in Tennessee State Bonds, deposited with the Comptroller, as an Additional Guarantee Its policy holders In this State. Tr? It contributes to the revenue of the State by the annual payment of taxes on licence. and rroperty noiocrs witcing io protect toeir property uy a poucy Intuiance, In a really solid Company, one that will stand up boldl, and pay every jnst claim aganst It, let come what may, will accompiun inetr ocjecis oy calling at tne agency oi uua Company, So. 23 College street. A W. J. MARR, Agent. Ml Joxrn Nisn, Stabs Agent for Tennessee, Kentucky, Missis- sippi ago and Arkansas will attend U the prompt adjustment and payment ot leases In his district. be a DCIIONsale of Express Packages and Miscellaneous A win ija. tides, this morning at 10 o'clock la apiao it XNf SHIELDS & CO. COMMERCIA3L Mekelary 9MH Commercial. ; Satuedat Evexko, April 27, 1861. Business of every description is almost whoHy sus- pended, and the transactions of the week have been on a very limited scale. The excitement throughout the country absorbs the attention of every body,and there is no disposition to eneatre in trade. Ther"e is nothing of any moment dding in financial lamuiista will hn tot-i- t nnt tn hnlrt nn tn their Money untiLpuTjUaaffairs become setUedand confidence is again restored. The' Cincinnatians seem averse to selling their Flour and Provisions to any of the ' Southern States, orl. r.;. - ,, . Mjwiuuati, wmmercuu aays mac "snippers in respect to the public sentiment, have made no effort to contravene it, bat on the other hand. have, in several instances, gone to "heavy .expense in return- ing to store, goods that steamboat officers felt, uneasy about taking, Jest puhlfc .indignation should be. aroused by the act'' , !Thi3 frucklfnir to the mob spirit: of a fanaticil Tiaritv may, in thn CnU, ' uu aiarc tno bnamcEi men of Cm- - cinnati than to the pedpls of the! Southern States. The hew Tork Evening Post of the 23d reports an extraordinary upheaving on the Stock Ibtchango that day,- the advance in somo cases being equal to 15 and 18 per cent on the quotations of the pre vious day. On Saturday noon, the 20th, the lowest point of the panic of last week was touched. The rebound in the Border State Bonds up to the 23d was as follows: Tcnnessees 6i per cent, ilissouris C, Virginias 11, North Carolines 15, and Kentueiys 20. At the first board on the 24th, $5,000 Tennessee C per cent Bends sold at 48c. Tbe Cotton Movement. We have compiled the following comparative statement of the receipt of Cotton at the various porta since the 1st of Septem- ber from the latest mail dates received at this office : JWm. 1331- - 18GQ. New Orleans. Anrtl23 JZ .....1.730,004 2.163,073 Mobile, April 19 :r.Z.Z. 517,339 761 910 Plorida, April 12 . 102,695 164,794 Texas, April 20 ...... 132,260 203,056 Savannah, April 18 . . 3.W7 484,523 Charleston, April 18 313.871 4S3.220 North Carolina, April 13 ,7I1 36,914 Atrginia, Much 1 8!,23 23,903 Total receipts.....-Decrea- se 3;85,221 4,206 483 ................................ 821,264 Tbe receipts at Memphis to the 20th of April, which have been shipped to other than ncetrlng porta, amount to 180,101 bales, against 107,7CC to the corresponding date last year. This would make the actual receipts 3,505 322 bales against 4,314,191 last year, showing a decrease of 743,609 tales. rrociainaoBTniRK poets. New OrleansrApril 23 . 113555 320,144 MobUe, April 10 30,001 J30.5E6 Plorida. Arril 12. 10.072 33,147 Texas, April 20 2,725 19,353 Savannah, April 13 ....... 3007 26,476 Charleston, April 18. . 25,5.15 40.202 North Carolina. April 13 900 2,000 Virginia, March. I 2.500 900 Total Stocks .222.095 581,408 New York, April 15 58,000 80,544 axroKTS to roxxiax roan. To flreat Britain 1,928,988 S 252.788 To Trance 546.295 532,-2- 8 To other TorelgnPoits . 323,321 400,303 Total Porelga Exports.. ..2,7!J6,i04 3,185.184 To Northern U. 8. Porta . 843,833 780,650 Review of tlie Naslivllle laarKct for the AVcclc ending April 2T COTTON the Cotton market has been inactive during the week, the sales not amounting to a doxen bales. There Is no de mand and it is, therefore, impossible to give quotations. The receipts of the week amount to 64 bales, against 158 last week, and the total receipts since theltt of September to 17,406 bales. TOBACCO Mr. A. Hikilto.x has sold dnrlng the week S3 hhds, mostly ot the lower grades The receipts of the wtek have amounted to 118 hhds, against 173 last week, and since the 1st cf September to 1518 hhds. FLOUR, GRAIN AND PROVISIOSS-T- he sapplies of Flour, Grain and Provisions are vary litht,aud in the present state of af- fairs we are unable to give reliable quotations. We shall not be surprised to bear of a heavy advance In all these articles within a few days. This will certainly be the case ir supplies from the West should be cut off, as now seems probable. GROCERIES Tbe transactions In Groceries have bxn light, and our quotations may be censidertd nominal SrsAE Fair to Choice 0;7ic 9 t In hovihrads.and Klo aivance on these quotatUni In bbls; New York Coffee Sugars I0llAc; Grusnetiana rowerta iitair.c; i.oai u,(stixc. Mousses axs StRcr Molasses In barrels 3033c t? cal; half barrels 35337c; Sngar.nouse4550c; Golden Syrup In barrels 75c half tarrt Is sue. ana Kegs lien gaisj ear. Corns Rio 13;(314Xc, Laguyra nosvfc, Java IKSSUc 7 lb . Tu Imperial 5U (3S1: Gunpowder il373c: Youne Ilvsou 40 00, Black G0$1.5iJ. ItAmi KUTE AN1 JSXCUANGE LIST. Coxaxcrso Daily sv iu Miacnmis' Banx SEaraao tt C Tennessee. The notes cf all Banks quoted at par are bankable. Bank of Tennessee.-- .. .....par.Eouthern 3dls .............. Citizens' " sale Union ttink...... par -- co Planters' Bank pari Commercial Bank. Sdia Merchants Bank par, Buck's Bank .Idis City Bank .....-........par Farmers' Bank 2 dls Traders' Bank .....4r Bask of Middle Tenn.. ...par Bank of Commerce ....par " Paris -- . ..par " the union.... par; " Knoivlile par Chattanooga par " Nashville par ti c Memphis Ocoee Bank .... 5 dis mrer JJanx, JIempms,.........par ShelbyvilleBank- - ... par Bank of Dandridge.. ..5 dls Lawrenceburg Bank . eal Banket America.. dis Bank of West Tens...- -. . 2 oil NorthernBank . .par, zkoxzn aim wostbxxss. Agricultural Bask, Brownsville. Central Bank of Tennessee, Nashville. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Memphis. Mechanic' Bank, Memphis. Memphis Savings Institution. Xxchange Bank, Hurfreesboro'. Miners' and Manufacturers' Bask, Knoxvllle. Bank of Bast Tennessee, Esoxvllle. Bask of Trenton. Bask of Jefiersos, Sasdrldge. Bank of Claiborne, at Taxewell. Bank of Taxewell,. Other States. guTitin GtoxatK Bank of Ashland.. Iprem AtlastsBask dis Bank of luuvuie . il " Augusta Insurance and Bank of Kentucky, a " Banking Company 10 13dls Commercial Bk of Ky. " Bank of Athens. " Farmera'BXor Ky .a " Bask of Augusta " Northern Bk of Ky K ' Bank ot Commerce, People's Bank K " Savannah: ' SoutnernBkof Kjfi u Bank of Columbus. " bxoexx ud cusxn. Bank of Fulton " Commonwealth Bank. Bank of Middle Ga.- -. " Newport Safety Fund Bk. New Bank of Savannah.- -. " port. Bk ofthe State of Ga. " Trust Company, Covington. Central Railroad St iUBlal Basking Company.. " Bank of Mobile lC315Ji! City Bk of Augusta... " Bask of Montgomery. ' Georgia Railroad St Baak or Selma, " Banking Company..., " Bank of the State, ' Marine Bk, Savannah. " Central Bank of Ala.. " Merchants' and Plan- ters' Commercial Bink Bank. . u Bastern Bank. Selma, " Mechs' Savings Bk..- -. " Northern Bank of Ala " Mechs'BkAugusta-.- .. ' Southern Bank of Ala. " Planters'Bank, . " nxoxix and CLoean. Timber Cutters' Bank " Planters' B'k of Ala., Florence.! Dnien Bank, Augusta. " Planters' and Mechanics' Bank, Other Banks . Uuntsville. Bxexxit ura closxp. State Bank of Alabama. Bank of Albany, Albany. BocTn Oaxousa. Bank of Brunswick. Bank ef Charlestosl0u dls Baak of Greensbo rough. Bank of Camden " Bankot MUledgevUle. Bank of Chester " " Bank ef Macon. Commercial Bank of Co Cherokee Ins. and Banking Ce. lurnbla- -. . " " Dal ton. Bank f Georgetown. " " Commercial Bit of Macon. Bank oi Hamburg.- .- " ExchanceBank. GrlfSn. Bank of Newbury " " Plantera'and Mechanics' Bank, Bk ofthe State ofS. C. " " voiumDua Baak of 8: Carolina.. " " Planters' and Mechanics' Bask Exchange Bank of Co- lumbia Dalton. u " Manufacturers' and Meehanlo Farmers' tKich'gBk " Bank. Columbus. Mercn'U B'x or s. u.. " Southern Bank, Bainbridze. People's B'k of S.O " Manufacturers' BTr., Macon. Pnters'&Jlechs'BTc VixaiHiA.- - Planters' Bank of Fair Bask of Commerce, field . " 10!S:U Southwestern B.Bk.- - ' Bank of the Confeon-wealt- State Bank, Charles Richmond... " ton " Bank of the Old Domin- ion, Union Bank of S. 0. " Alexandria... ... " LoctsiaKx: Bank of tbe Valley of Va, All N.Orleans Banks .par Winchester. " North caRouxa : Bank of Va., Richmond " BacMof N. CarolinalOSISIIs Bank of Wheeling -- .. " Bank of Cape Fear. Bark of Winchester Bank of Charlotte Xxchange Bk of Virginia, Bank of Fayetteville Norfolk " Bank of Wadeiboro... Farmers' Bk of Virginia, Missocki : Richmond. " m. Louis Banks ..-.JOd- ls Manufacturers'and Farm- ers' Country Basks 1U Bank, Wheeling " Ixsusa: Mereh'ts Bk,L;nchburg.. " Bk ofthe Stateof Indlasa. Jdls, Merchants' St Mechanics' Other Basks . 10 Bank, Wheellsg " Ilunou:. . .. - Northwesters Bank of Va, All notes of this State should Wheeling. . be countersigned by the State Southwestern Back of Va, OfScer, being then secured by Whytheville " deposit of State Stocks. Other Banks Ohio: Makvlaku. SUte Bask of Ohio.... 5dis Baltimore Basks ir151Is Bank of the Ohio Vally. Country Basks.. .10 lSdis Commercial Bank of Cln.5 " PXKIISTLVAKIA. Country Basks. 5 Philadelphia Banks. ills Iowa. Pittsburgh Banks . State Bank............... Country Banks.. MixxxasoTA. Niw-Yok- (Alt regarded as "wildcats.") New York City Banks Wisconsin. Country Basks. Solvent Banks ..... New Ekolaxd. Solvent Baxks lS12ils Specie Qoid, American 35 prem Silver.. par. Exchange. aatuxa. York, n, 3 prem. ' . " prem. Philadelphia," " prem. Baltimore, " rrem. Orleans," prem. Cincinnati, " . prem Land Warrants). Acres, r acre -- . no sale 1 120 Acres, per acre no sal .no sale 1 ISO " no sale 3IEAL ANDBBANS, f BAGS extra Family (bolted) Meal, SI 5 barrels White Brans, very fine. jteceirea taisuay, aounow oucrcu ii.- - .ur iuu vj ap!20-- tf COMBS St MARTIN.. HOLMAN'S ARMORY I Attention CIicatlir.m Rifles. LL those (not already connected with any otner military or li. the city) and willing to servouuaer uio iuuu.uihuuucu Officers, are respectfully requested to meet at Holmau'e Armory, o'clock to algbt: J. B. McOann 50 Cherry . street, . at 7f a f . taa.hAlS Cl A Captain, Wm. T. Cneatnam ist aucuiciwu., anrtu u LieutensBt. B.W Clark3d Weutenant, A. d. B., Minor Smith Ensign. Come one, uorne an. apiso-t- f NOXIUt: XO A'OIjICV UOIiDEUS. and after this date, and until inrtner sauce, tne war FB01I will be inrerted In all Open Policies Issued by the Tennessee Marine and Fire Insurance Company, and the Nash Commercial Assurance uostpasy. a. . Kuril, Secretary Tenn. Mar. and Fire Insurance CP. J AMES WALKER. Secretary Commercial Insurance Company. ariJO-- tf NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. STTPBBINTINDZNT'8 OFFICE. 1 Ntsnviiix tt Cuattatioooa K. It. Co. Nashville. Aorll 16th. 1861. accumulated frelrms arrtaan H ville. the extra charges on Through FrelghU for Storage extra Drayage, have Been removeu. aplIC dtf Snperlctendert. NOTICE. N election will be held at tne office oi tne nasuviue torn- - Tn.ri-i.- i Tn.nri.nea comnanv. on juonaay uie jiumt v r..T,,.rn. thonnmouof electluc eleven Directors to man-- the affairs of said Company the next 12 tnoBlbs. .. qi apuu-t- e -- v...... .j. agency at Shellmound, on Use wainvu le at i,saasooga THE hem dlsoontissed. Therefore freigbu mutt 1 prepaid on Ooods destined for that Station, The Company j notBerespons'DioiorsBcu ueiiuw '"rv?T-- v 1 good order at the station. " u.u , 8 BY JEELEGBjiPH. TJnArevoee Vf ' !c A lUlJOyiHC War! ACTIVITY OFTHEI.INeIN OOV- - EBNMENT. SeCeSSiOS FcellBff " GMWilg 1 MiSSSSri. SEIZURES BY VIRGINIA I ARMS FOR IL,tINOI. VmOINLA TO SEND DELEGAJES TO IBEX " MONTGOMERY CONGRESS. I From New Tort. New York, April 2G. A gentleman just returned from the South says no vessels are permitted to leave the port of 'WilminEton. N. C and those load ing have been obliged to dUcharBe their canroeg. as the commander of Fort Caswell, at the month of tiape r ear river, would not permit any vessels to pass the fort. No seizures of vessels had been made. The pilot ot tne steamer .Baltic says tho rotomac is strongly fortified on both sides. As the steamer Columbia left Annapolis yesterday mornjhg he dis tinctly heard several siiarp volleys. Therefore he thinks communication has been forced open. The steamer Maryland arrived at Annapolis on m j ;.i , , . . inursuay uiurmng wuu narat umcers auu men, ana a good supply of guns to fortify Annapolis. She passed, on Thursday afternoon, the steamer Do Soto which took cn board the crews of two small boats. They were the crews of captured light ships, or union men nyiog lor their lives Irom Virginia. The lights in Capes Henry and Charles;, were ex tinguished, and the light ship removed from its sta tion at the mouth of tbe rotomac. The officers ot the Columbia fear the Pawnee has been taken, but their fears are probably unfounded. From Perryvrllle. Perbtville, Md., April 2C The Baltimore Sun says that a train started for Washington yesterdav afternoon. When it reached Annapolis Junction. a 1 : .1 r. .1 f . .1 , . , uiiuiug mu feucrai iruupa meu uuujg Ultt ruau, tney put back, apprehending a seizure. Six thousand volunteers are in Richmond ready ior service. A street battery is being erected at Yorktown, ana another three miles aoove. The steamer Jamestown has been fitted up at lucnmona ior war purposes. There will be 25,000 volunteers in Richmond by the close of the week. The schooner Anna J. Russell, with wheat from Richmond for a Massachusetts port, has been seized. It is rumored that the troops at Harper's Ferry havo been ordered to some other point, supposed to Front Maryland. HAGKRiTwvVjllD., April 27. The Union demon- stration is increasing. Alleghany county instructs its representatives, that it tney votea ior secession, they would be hung on their return. The stars and stripes are waving over Frederick. union sentiments prevail in all tne .Eastern shore counties, except Worcester. it is reported at jtuenmona that a dispatch was received from Cameron, asking if he would be pro tected in coming there to asK an armistice ot sixty uays. A number of Union flags have been raised in the Western section. The fortications on the coast of "Virginia, and approaches to itortolK and rortamouth, are advanc- ing rapidly. The obstructions to the entrance of Norfolk re main. Efforts are making to raise the Merrimac, Ply-- moutn. ana another war vessel, it is thought they win De successful. From Itlissouri. Wamaw, JIo., April 26". A great Southern rights meeting was held here. Resolutions vrere adopted favoring the immediate secession of Missouri, and requesting the Governor to repel any attempt of me Administration to march troops through Mi- ssouri for the purpose of making war on Southern (.tatoa nr tn roinlnw-- o ifiv f a n .Manqla tn 1 !nn. t. complimenting the Governor for refusing to send Lincoln the quota of troops called for. A cavalry company has been raised. Benton, Henry and bt. LLair counties are overwhelmingly icr secession. Cunto-V- , April 2C A large Southern Rights meeting was held here yesterday. The resolutions favor immediate iSeceesion, and recommend the Legislature to pass tbe ordinanco; request the Gov ernor to repel Dy military lorce any attempt by President Lincoln to march troops in tbe State against the South, or to reinforce arsenals or forts in this State; and compliment Governor Jackson's reply to Mr. Lincoln. From Philadelphia. PmLAPELrniA, April 27 Senator Mason is here, he says to settle the estate of a relative. He is close- ly watched by a Vigilance Committee. The people are not aware of his presence. A Baltimore dispatch says the Union feeling can not be. relied upon. The schooner John Roche is reported seized by the secessionists on James river. Commander Lloyd B. Newell, of the Navy, shot himseit at tne .Merchants' uotel. A schooner with provisions for bavannah was ceized bv the nolice in Delawaro river. Twenty thousand men are drillifig in Philadelphia. From New "1'orlc. New Yoke, April 27. Gen. lTarncy has been ar- rested at Harper's Ferry while returning to Wash ington to report himseit, and carried to Richmond. Gen. Butler has planted a battery on the heights opposite Annapolis. The Pawnee ii at "Washington. A large number of Virginians are in NewYorK, being driven away because they would not take the oath of allegiance to Virginia. Governors Hicks and Letcher proposed to Lin- coln, jointly, to guarantee the safety of the Capitol. Lincoln declined. An escaped North Carolinian says the secession ists arc carrying all before them, driving of all non- sympathizers with their movement, and threatening to hang ex-Go- Gilmer, who persistently resists secession. A Cell! Scott Two Men Arrested. Alexandria, April 25. Dr. Decastio, of New Or- leans, W had an interview with the Brazilian Minister and several European Diplomats yesterday, and also with Secretary Seward, in relation to the" Blockade of Southern ports. The result of the interview has not yet transpired. Gen. Scott has written a letter to the President of the Richmond Convention in which he says that he will not resign his commission in the United States Army, but will defend the Union according to the duty imposed on him by his oath or office. A Two men have been arrested on the Wilming ton Railroad for cutting bridges so as to prevent our troops from reaching Kichmond. From Cairo. Cairo. April 2C Thejsteamer C. E. Hillm&n, from St. L,ouis to JNashville, was abandoned Dy ner om-cer- s. The desei ted boat was fennd to contain 1000 kegs of powder and other contraband articles Southern passengers here report troops raising at i Memphis and other,points tojproceedby rail through Columbus, Ky., and attack Cairo from tho opposite side of tho river. The steamer J. D. Perry, from St. Louis to Mem- phis, the was brought to, but nothing contraband being asd tound,she was allowed to proceed. in the From Sliclby-rillo- . SiiKLBTviiXE, Tenn., April 27. Great change of sentiment here. Frank Story has taken down his a stars and stripes and pole. Colyar, of Winchester, made a speech last night, advocating war against of Lincoln to the death. Capt-- Frierson and Capt. tne Kiter have each a company. Ivio made a speedh at leln the same time strongly urging resistance and a united South. From Ilrfrrlaburg. Harrisbcbo, April 26. It is reported that an at tack was made by the Marylanders on Hanover vil- lage, York county, Pennsylavania Tuesday, occa- sioned by a great stampede of negroes. Whole families are crossioy into Pennsylvania. There aro great fears of the departure of all the slaves in the Maryland border counties. From Fcrryvllle, Hid. Perrtville, Mn., April 2G. It is reported that the Vireinians have seized the schooners Gen;'Knox, yictoria, and Geneva, of Maine, and the crews sent out of the State. There arc indisputable evidence of a reaction against secession in Baltimore. From HarrlaburR. riety TTarrlsbcro. Anril 28. A laree number of Vir ginians mostly from Fairfax: county, have arrived here , refusing t take the Virginia, test oath. They report 15,000 armed min in Virginia. Perfect security is leu ar, Washington. Provisions are plenty. The Pawnee In safe. at From Hew Tork. New York, April 26. The Government has char me, tercd several more steamers. Senator Wilson is commissioned to obtain guas for the defence of Annapolis and to get ten more regiments from Massachusetts. Front Boston. Bostox, April 27. The harbor is being closed against shipments for aid and comfort to the te States. A Concord dispatch says Picroe has gone to Philadelphia and Baltimore on a mediation mission a( the request of Ingersoll. From Ilarriaburg'. HiBBisncRa, April 27. The Harper's Ferry to forces believe GenL Beauregard is at Richmond with 7,000 troops. Provisions are going to Baltimore, From Philadelphia. cash PmunEifiiiA, April 27. Baltiraoro and Southera Telegraphic, communication ia reestablished. tlou. From Chicago. Chicaoo, April thousand stand arms have been removed irom tho St. lows Springfleld, illlnois. KlTcr News. Locisville, April 27. The rlvw is'falling with feet 2 inches water on the falls. , I DR. S; X CQBR " J ....... . u. . .. w i u. I JjrT Md. visinlty, that he haa opened Sessaf twai M 5.a.,eisBWtre,wllerelwwlia. toneeinaad waltupfw aaypenou witWB a vaM cyer-- MMVxi, JM 11.IEM. EBfl MM TMiri M niM 1311 VnHf.K VI M P saake tbarfw Ty Bodtnta - 8;T ar gMeaan who tea esiisM la the Seattiws Araay taatvlthei to ban btaHMtii mm nvnlKtMnlw.H. call atsy eSee and. have It doaa free Gratia tot NotMw. ps a J aolW-dte- a B. J. CO 8. t'LwDlt, SAJU AMB VKAITI SACtkS- - W win keep oa band a supply of Sack asaaufceiurtd n? S. B. Head, ofiTma nrnar! tatakau fc10" prtatel y'dS I &hiPPrs Will da well tacalL . ARMSXXAB & CO. &Sfes? ap!01-l- m -- juuia walkjck. Secretary tag Coaaerdal Insurance QD. ClsWanVPrints.-lr- T. a ild for tor cyl'j .J;3 received to-- api21-- t; jamibxows tco., m .and 210 Sixth atreet MuIaviIlt,Ey. EXAtli.OK.S SBX.cC th?nnderslgned.Tho have cualMed aVStLTS'U?'?,,?0 and .all persons indebted to de estate ar, r7qsted to make early settlement. J. 1 iiosucc can ce louna at aiaoacs. rfo.44VCii.r. trett, Nashville. Tenn. vnerry J 1. B0STICK, MARGARET R. BO mar30-dl- st Executors of Hardin f.Bestick, NOTICE TO SHERIFFS. RUNAWAY from the subscribers on lbs 12th of March,18S 1 bora. Uearr Youair and Burrell. Ilsur ! abou twenty-Ar- e years old, 5 feet 8 cr 9 Inches hish, some teeth out or the lower Jaw In front, and he talks very fist. If be u committed to jail Be may have an assumed name, aa he has done the like before. Burrell la nineteen years old, and it a bright mulatto, quick spoken, long bushy hair; he may try to pass ror afreeboy,and seekemploymcntrtad help on Henry, as we think uiey are mating ror a free ptate. Henry belongs to the firm of Jackson tt Bolton and Burrell belonea to the Arm of J. Pind J. a. TlmLerlake. Steveruen Aiana ra a. Be ward. A liberal revard will be paid for the dellnrv of Kid ban In m mat wi may get mem. W J JACKiUa, S BOLTON, J P TIMBER LASS, 3 8 TIHBEBilKZ, apIIGlJtwfcwlt Eorl.tMn 11. afembhla AvalanrbA !nurf trv immnlnr'tl. .v.... mr.n ' - 1. s. wr. skxxx. JHO. TVHaSlS. Civil War! LATEST NEWS!! GBEAT EXCIIE3IENTSI! AT 4 BOOK. STORE, Where kind be found, In quattiiies, all kinds of SECESSION ENVELOPES SECESSION WRITING PAPER, having the Flag of the Southern Confederacy printed on them in colors. 2 ns xraae suppnea ny ' G3JSXN tt CO., . . No. b Dnlon atrecL Louisville eceived dbllv at 9 o'clock A.M.. diilv. ap!17-dt-w tJENTJLEIUliN I ?( C. .T. ZEUTZSCHEL FASIIION.1I1LE BOOT AND SHOt MAKER Confined exclusively to GSNTLXMXK'S WEAK, ItO, SO CXIOX STUEET, Naabvllle, : : : Tcaaessee He solicits patronage. HE WARRANTS SATISFACTION' a13-dl- y I'HEMUJM HARNESS. C. L. HOWERlN. No'b o and IO Public Square, riaubvlllc. Harness Manufacturer. CI O ACE and Baggy Harness of (very style and quality kept constantly en basa and manufactured to trier. Also, Buggy Collars, Kip and Hog Skis Collars, Bridles, Halters, and all other ar ides made by Uarnets Manufacturer all of the best materials and the' finest workmanship, all of which will be sold aa cheap as (Mn be bought anywnere in the United States. ToO li. UOWBBTOtt'8 Harness has bees awarded the niih- - tit Premium at the Tennesaee State Fair, the Kentucky tttate Fair at Hooting Oreen, at the Limestone Ceunty Fair, Alaba- ma; Agricultural Society at Athena. meriuiii-aija- n L . S . SIMS, PRODUCE AND COHIITIISSXOft No. 14 Itlarlcet Street, JVASIIVII.Lr. apl-- tf "Nashville Blood Horse Assocla finBE Spring Meeting over the Central Course will commence! si a 3IONDAY, MAY 13tb, 1SOI. MosOAT.Jlay 13th,SCl Sweepstakes for untried three year oias one mile neats iw entry; ;a rorreu. Qen WO Harding entgf Meteor, by Child Harold, dan Ger- man, by Pacific, alss,b f Carolini: by Imp Scythian, dam Bo setts, cy imp xorxsnire; alio br e corsair, ny c slide Harold dam Corscttc. bvTri jiloa rr d Imu Bustle, br Whalebone. of Doct D T MeQavock ent eh e Tan Wyck, by Highlander, dam rremlum, Dy imp uossui; also br c Everlasting, by liignian-de- r, dam by Shara. Tumdat, May Hth. 1831, Swetpstakes for three years old mue neau iuu loneit. Gen W Q Harding ent br c Corsair, by Childe Harold, dam Cor sette.byBpsilon. Turner ent che Imp Albion, dam own sister to Flight, by Imp Lievlatsan. QenBF Cheatham out eh f Mollle Qoedloe, by Highlander, dam a Premium, by Imp Consul. S Bousdtree ent ch f Lady Klppoe, by imp Albion, dam Xudo-- n ra. oy imp mm. agle tt Wisgate, est b f Kansas, by Oliver, dam Nebraska, by Sovereign. TucxaOAV, May lSth, 1SS1 AsoadationPurse J300 two mile seats. Fiusav, Mar 17th, 1811. Association Purse $200 Mile heats Saturday, May 18tL,lSGl. Association Purse S2iO daihcf two miles for all ages. Same Day Association Purse 3100. with an inside stake for three years old 320 est 323 forfeit. Closed 1st ofFebruarry 18S1. DrD T MeQavock est bf Nina Woods, by Ulgblasder, dam Mary Elliott, by Imp Levtatnan. Torner est cheby Imp Albion, dam full sitter toFliiht. Qen B F Cheatham ent br c Everlasting, by Highlander, dara by Bsacc. Wm Kosndtrce est ch f Lady Klppoe, by Imp Albien, dam Xu dora, by imn Pram. cle& Wisgate est bf Kansas, by OMver, dam Nebraska by imp sovereign. apVl id WH JOHNSON, Sec'y. Liiind for sulc. TS with a Deed of Trust mads to tre on the 4th of t enrnary, 11S1, 1 win sen to tne nignest otauer at tse uouri-hous- e in Nashville, on tie 2Jta day of May 15VJ1, the tract or a Eart of tbe tractor land therein conveyed, containing la all two and fifty faur acres, situated oa Cumberland river be- tween said river and Hide's ferry turnpike road, In Davidson cojnty. The traet of land I now propose to sell, la one among best farmrs In the eonstv. with .a comfortable frame dwelling with all other necesssry out tulldings. The soil la aoperior Go point or fertility, about one call ciearea ana tsa nausea la timber, such as cannot be surpaf sed as to quantity or quality oa same number or acres There is about out hair tt the tract with so incumbrance upon It, the other has a loin. A clear title will be riven to the pur chaser, free from redemption. N. B. Hyde now resides on the premises asd has commenced small crop, and is desirous of remaining until the end of the year, and win pay a reasonanie rent to toe purcnaier me terms this sale will be Thirty five Hundred Dollars cash, the bal an-- e at the rate of Twenty five Hundred Dollars annually, from 1st or Decemccr next, jioiea maaepeyaoiein Bna aad retained. T. HTD, apltO-twl- d a Trustee of NB Hyde. Dell Grays, Attention. THE members at this Company art requested to met at the la house to siiht at 7k o'clock, for the Durcoio of n crgauiaing, ior uie aeeence ot us squib. By order ot the Captain. ap25 tf JAS M HINTON, To the BHreau of military Supplies. a w WE have over ten thousand pounds of lead on hand , which the Davidson county Military Conoanies can have for nuiiets, oy leavisg iseir mouia at our place, tree of coarse. apaa umiDKKeW BBOS, Auction tale On "Writ of Attach' mcntand Departure. FBIDAT MORNING, APRIL SSTH, AT 10 O'CLOCK. BENJ.F. SHIELDS A: CO- - it ILL sell on accoout of whom it may concern a large Stook of Household and Kitchen Furniture, with a va ia of articles, useful and ornamental. Terms cash before delivery. BBitJ F SHIELDS acCU., vpia td Central Auction Kooms SOLDIER TENTS. rjpHE undersigned is prepared to furnlih Soiaior's tcbis the shortest notice. OOcers organising coapanles would doweU to call and see at my Mattress Factory. t, a rOLE. I.basosTurnpae.l.m.Then Wholesale Dry Goods, SPRING Oh 1861. m TRABUE & LUCAS. . . mmtnv nf flnrlsr and Summer WlZfsZvU Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots. Shoes. Broganfc Varfcty UCB, Hardware. Cntiery, Data, Carpet-an- d j lngs,0 1 qioths. BaMJc panic priced i,eic'ustveiy; ""rr tltaaoii t paying asd cash wMciwel social uhiadquarUra for cash .s -- 4 011t JSdged Nous and pay them. erifTbey"4',w0' P""1' uX oa&. for cash and o mea who pay their,S?,?dnBtoiImuIito!slt busiaes we will advance la o-- .. wm nd MerehmnJlw. oneverydescnpu v. . v.. -- . - Furniture, Grebes, auction for casa. " . AndTuesdar nlffht. neluvtvulv oa,:L having Qoodsto tin at AucUob. U1 them in asd pt the mosey plump up. P"fV?. TRABTTK tt LTJOAfl. B1I ELAG M SEW 1 w . in.: m. u XX X Ar C CORNER 6F SECOND AND ADAMS STRSIIS, HXSPSIS. . SamethlHg Hew, Cad, Ncai, bba mtmttr Haaaseme. No mere straight lines, like a straight Jacket on an Xnvetofe, bat A BEAUTHUI EIA& GracctHlly Flawiagr o the Brweze With room oa the upper right hand comer, sot only tot astaop bat 3-F- MERCHANTS AND OZJCE&S-S- ss IvervJferehants should order cue or two "-- Keepers twice MmasyjSteamboatnen a bushel ot them'Bania andBaBroadiasBny they please, and, as j EVERYBODY "WILL WAUT THEJf; We shall fill orders on the principle or " FIRST COX, FIHST SEKVEB.TV riticEs. Confederate Flig Envelope, without Card, per 1TO,IT wits lara, . g,cu ALSO, letter Heads, per quire 71 ceats - - Note Heads, . ....M In quanUUes leas than 1000. 25 per cent additional. Begulardlscou&t to the trade. . Oro accompanied vsstb. the cash promptly attended toS liihing and Job Printing EtUblishment ef HUTTON &. FRELIGIT. Slv'.tr?t'Mlr raer of adjoining Calvery Chunk, where better work is done la the JOB FKiSTIjrc LINE ' Than elsewhere la the South. ALSO, Flag Badges, Printed la colors, oa white silk. apia-t- f Notice to tke Citizens or tne Seventh District. I WILL receive the names of all those who are ff to enlist their names lor the cf J DEFENDIaNG SODThSwI BIGHTS M and tendering their services U the Oaviracr, to be disced fit of as he may see proper. 1 1 I will attend at tne former site of the second Tntl.n.,. lit at Tujcaium Church, NolenrrUl Turnpike. PI3- - CAPT. JI U HXNK1E,J. IKSUKAIVCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. BIOEXOITV, rutaiszi, Authorized Capital- - -- 51,000, DM raid up capital. itcad Tbl X UirOBTANT TO , MERCHANTS. PKOPEKTTf H0LBIE3, AND PABTIE3 INSUBINO. TheQiirxxAL Aecrrof thelBtunneaOinBiiiTi,r ttiii sIal. Cf Vlrzillia. invites tie AttAntlon nf ritlrn. nf Tni-- . tn fact that he Is sow FSTABLISIIING AGENCIES to represent this first elan and la every way. RELIABLE INSUHAXCE COMPANY. Where Stock Is not uDartlv held Iv SoutXm " Vnt wholly so. It is wholly identified with the South, and Is a at facta SOUTHERN INSTITUTION. Having complied with the Law requiring A Bepoalt of. SSOjCOO la the hands ef the ComMr.ll.r .nrt tn Txmi.iii hoUe.i, which Deposit will act be la periled by any contingency ITaaiettlca statool tbeConatry. Stronrlsducenents are offend to TSSmttf TV TnTnrnr PANT at aa LOW &ATE3 and with aa PHOllfT SCTTLEHkN t OF LOSSES aa are offered by any Northern Coup, nits. a. . su Alu.HLAnl,, Oeneral Agv&t Policies Issued aad lenewed and losses settled at this Agency H. K. tt P. P. PUCK Agents. CoIOBaade IluIItlinRs, nasbvIlIe.TeakB. apSl-- tf Hickory uunrds" Attentieu. Barracks at J2u. Douglae' old tUnd, on Sbrth Jtarktt ttrtet. 10UPANT meets every night at ? o'clock, for drill, AUde- - 1 t siring to Join the Company, apply at tbe Barracks Com- - petent drill oCiceri will be U attendacee every evening to dril I tne manners. WILLLFOSTXX, sp2-l- w . "Captain NOTICE. have la store y 3000 pair Blanket t. 130 Blankets Wrappers, 40OO yards sf Ood for uniforms, 00 doaen country knit Stockings, SO 000 yards Plaid ldnsty, UO " White Lisser. 500 heavy Blanket Overcoats, ; 501 " Pants. 1UM) varda Twilled Blue and Sed Flannel. ai!S4-I- w a A J PUS CAN t CO. WAR IVOTICE. FROM and after this data we will sell Oooda txdutivtly tot all my clerks have volunteered for the war sad no other coarse is left us. ap23 attT J. W. HO BT0N tt CO. HA SI! VILLE GUARDS. ALL persons desiring to enlist la this Company are requcste J call upon the following gentlemen at their respective ofitcea, or at tse rendezvous of the Company, in third story of Pouth end of IIauit Hocsr,at 4K asd 7 o'clock P. M. of every day. E. W. McGavocx, ) , ynix R- - CaiATUAX, Committte. Howru. Wzaa, ) HxADqUAKTass 2s Dtvinoa Tmrcm Mom a.) Nashville, April 17th, 1861. n J TO the Commanders of Volunteer Military Companies of the 3d Division of Tennesaee Militia, yoa are hereby ordered tu report forthwith to tho command er of the division the strength of your company, the number aad description of arms, with tho data commission, Ac Tola order will apply to all companies new organizing, to report when completed. B F CniATHAM, Major-Gese- SI Divisloa Tennessee Militia, aplB NaahvilUjTeaa.91 PRIVATE TOTTIOX. DR. D. y. WBIGHT withes to devote a portion of tbaday giving private instruction la Latin, Greek, French, thematica, Music, ice. ooma over the Past OSes, arSS-l- a. TV XMOVILLK'3 Hair Tonic, for sale bv U DXM0TILU tt 00. febSe-- tf FLAGS I cFLAGSM Hani; ont Tour Saaners t J" AM now prepared to famish Flags ot any slae or style. JL JUU.1 AtUCK, apll3- -tf 45 Union street. A Wnr of xtcrntiBatloB. WILL be the waged by the nndersigned against all competition TOBACCO AUD SE&AR Determined to let no CASH CUSTOMER without the Goods. J W HSOLET, aplB-- tf rfcn 4t Union street. NOTICE. be sold on Thursday, the 27th of June, 1861, a WILL shop with all the machinery, tools, asd unfinish- ed work that may be oa hind, ir not prevteuily told The ma- chinery consists or a geod ten horse engine asl boiler, nearly new; two geared Lathes for taming Iron, one Lathe fo'wood, one Bolt Cutter, one Daniel Plainer, oneWoodworta Plainer,-osTenoris- Machlse.two Circle Haws, n Sash Saw, w.rk nencnes, lour or five setts seuea i ooii,ioj am. vuw articles sot enumerated- - Said shop wu formerly occupied by Elliott Jb-- rtirfn Tt ! twenty miles from ashviUc oa the NaOl Boad at Smyrna. Bstherford eoonty. Tenseae,aod one of the best locations Is tht State for a Machine Shop, a Carpenter a Shop or a Cabinet anop. aiij ptrrawasiii ia psrehas. by writing to me, can gtt fsither Inf.rmatioa, or call t the shop and A JtUIott will snow theia the machinery, Ac a, m n ,nn.fh m.h. th halAnce In tsrve en oat Mjrmcatiat Tx, t'eive asd eighleen months with sates payable la Bank ell secured, lius jpru jots, icw. Smyrna, Tenn. SILAS TTTCS32. apll-w- td New Spring Goods ! CHEAP FOR CASH. TAX sow reeeivtegnysiockor uress iuoo4t.vueh I pre ..rmtrurdlsarilv caar. Doiar an cash business, enables see to do this aad I am sura I.,iaa maka to the Interest of all " call asd sr. my stock otDrtsa Goods, embracing, White and Linen Goods, Domestics of all kinds asd tact everything one could desire. I must again call the attention of those I'debUd U I OIHrib-.1.- ,- l-- Co. .Mkholson tt Humphrey, or mvsair. to tl- - setledaccousts,lrth times are sues as demand !mm2at action la such cases. D. UCMFfiUX. ap-i- y Uferaphis and Arlcansas Kiver U.S. 31 All. LINE, COMPOSID of the following new and Jetegaatly JurnlahsU rredericrtotrobe, Cabi. tl r. TT.nM. CueBter Aauley, " KsmFxrrcaiXa. Little Rock, jnatmn. Rote UoBXlav " Jaaa MeGtBKtB. One of tha above mentioned Boat, will tcivi, Mraphia ea T02SDAT'8, THCKSDAT'3 and SATDBDArS, a3PM connecting at Little Hack with Coaches for the celebrated II at apriHEHt ana wua small boats tor all points above. ix tanner iuuuuhbb aoureas L. HARNSTltADJljent, Cor. Frcnt tt Madlsou St's. Memphis, tp!3il2m or Ji D. ADAM3tProprltar. FIVE SHOOTEKS. ,r tala cheap, by BENJ. F. 8HIUD3 . CO, apcaj-t-r FINE IRISH fOTAAOKS; f ( B1Q3 and 50 Barrels, J ait rsceirM at Icrv prices by LfU BJtNJ F SHIJCLD3. aplI7-- tt eft AhcUoh Sale of Irish Potatoes Xl4H- - ors etc. TEHBSDAT MORNINO, APBILlif, Al 10 O'CLwOIC, r. 81UEI.9S St C9. oa aosount of whoa It may coscera.'iall ITS ba IriafaPoUtoes.SSbarreUdo Liquor. Que .wars. BL i ware.oae.. eta. Hwpwure. Tenaacash ' ' aU7Ul t- - -- T- a mrnT a mmr i . l!)K. J. J. Ai5EIUNA.liai, . C8RXAWBMAY. . , IVJoftLeXac 10 500jSSyraHay, . '

Transcript of Nashville Union and American. (Nashville, TN) 1861-04-28 [p ]. · Properly speaking, it is a com-...

Page 1: Nashville Union and American. (Nashville, TN) 1861-04-28 [p ]. · Properly speaking, it is a com- ... which would in-clude the bayonet, musket, end iU arpurtennnces. Twr PsnriBios



Be Martiers ef PaiHiWCBr Trains).Yunraii Aim HRmixaaaLl . 3 P. M--

VT A" f.ttAMk .5:WA.M-,3P.M- .xno KAQTvmr a. iwr.s.

h'xurairTEwttmut axo

jLI)tC4TCi.Euiun - "T. M..CS . M.

Jlrrltral of tbo Paumirer TrainsH.-.- i, .. . - - I--

, 10 A.M.tosnat axd iuiuxu - 0P.M.LOtrSVTLlX ARB NaXHVUXX.Katoviux auto DtCATC 1:J5A.M..J:I5P.M.KEemxLD Ano Knrrrcicr

Bepartare of FrclRftt TralH5:30 AM.ftnneseet & AhWms - 2:20 A W.Louisville & Nashville

JEdgefleld iKentucky .3:15PM.

Arrival of rrclgat TrainsTennessfio tt Alabsms .. iai-B- ,

Louisville & NeahvlLeEdgefield tt Kentucky- --

Xbo Stcaaicr O.E.HUlmaH Tclejrr apblcBfspatcben

The following is a telegraphic dispatch receivedhero,yesterday, through the grace of some BlackRepublican Governor:

Cairo, April 26. The Bteamer C. E. Haimao,from St. Louis to Nashville, was abandoned by heromccrs. The deserted boat was found to contain1000 kecs of uowder and other cotraband articles.

The facts of the capture as we learn them froma passenecr on the boat at the time, are as follows:

Eight miles above Cairo, on the Missouri shore,

the steamer Swallow; with a heavy h'ece of ord

nance, and a company of armed men, came along

side. The Hillman via heavilv laden, hercuards draeirinff the water, which retardedher progress. The Swallow was flying light,

and under these circumstances, the faster boatof the two. When the Swallow came along

Bide, she put the military commandant... . . i.liL.itUITIInt.nlft.n t tin LJ thn riflmflnnPn IIIHL lilt; UlUUilUI Inwatuuicuiuuiui) tuiy

should come to at Cairo, for the purpose ot nnaer- - 1

going a search, when, if found with munitions ofwar they were to be taken off", and the boat allowedto proceed. On being asked under whose authoritythis procedure was instigated, the officer rcpliod.Gov.

Yates' of Illinois. The Captain of the tollman repli.ed ho had nothing more on board than he was accus

tomed to carry for merchants ofNashville, no consented under protest to land there, but upon adviceconcluded to land the boat at Bird's Point on the Mi-

ssouri shore. After so doing, the boat being thor-

oughly tied to the wharfboat and shore, the de- -

.mandwas made to have her untied, and moved

over to Cairo, which was refused by the Ilillman'scommandant, when the military commander said, ifthe boat was not untied within ten minutes, he

would let loose the cannon upon her and make ahole in her between wind and water ; upon thisthreat nearly the entire crew, refusing to take the

boat to Cairo, in quick order, left her, with theirluggage, doubtless believing the officer would carryinto effect the threat of firing. She was then takenpossession of by the Illinois authorities, and car-ried to Cairo. Such an act of hostility upon thepart of the. State of Illinois toward the State ofTennessee cannot but arouse the deepest indigna-

tion of our people, and fully satisfy them of the in-

tentions of Black Republicanism. We presumethat the Governor of Illinois intends to .send us inbullets the hundred tons of lead which he has pi-

ratically obtained from the Hillman.

The Committee of Vigilance and Safety convenedat the County Court room on yesterday at 10

o'clock, A. M.

On motion, Jaucs Whitwoctii was requested toact as Chairman, and P. L. Nicuol Secretary, duringits deliberations.

The object of its organization was briefly statedby the chairman to be for Vie protection of the lives,

property, and inieresis of the people of Otis county.Dr.PxDLF. Eve introduced the following resolu-

tions, which were adopted :JResolved, That the public is hereby informed of

the organization of this Committee.Mesolved, That the Committee is now prepared to

with the city police and citizens, as wellin defending innocent as in bringing guilty personsin our reach, to punishment.

Mr. A. W. Joujcsox offered the following resolu-tion, which was adopted : I

1st. That all citizens having just cause of com- -piaini against any person or persons i eaiuing wiuius, are requested to make the fact known to anymember of the Committee, and those who may feelaggrieved ly Hie action loisards them of any citizens,can submit their cass to the Committee, in orderthat justice may be done to each and every one.

2d. That the citizens are requested to abstain iromany rash or unwanted proceeding against any one inthis community.

The follows is the Vigilance Committee:James Wuitwortu. Chairman,Washington Barrow, Calvin Jackson,Kobt r oster, 1st, or, ii r Drake,Joseph W Ilorton, N D Ellis.Lewis Lanier, HughMcCrea,R McNairy, James Walker,Dr Paul F Eve, Dr C K Winston,James Murrell, L F Beech,James M Hamilton, W R EUiston,

R Rains, Felix Compton,J J Corley, Timothy Dodson,R II Gardner. A W Johnson,T L Bransford, W G Harding.

The Committee then adjourned to meet next Tues-

day afternoon at 3 o'clock. P. L. Nicuot, Sec

Think and Act.To Gov. Harris Sir: As times are, I think we

should have a law that would force all men andboys from 15 to CO years of age to be enrolled and

ee nd the South, with the understanding they aretolive free or die like brate'men, r leave the State.

I am 50 years old; have three boys over 15 yearsof age, a few guns, and a little lead and powder,and a few thousand dollars, all of which are at yourcommand, on condition that others are made to do

the same, as far as they can, so as to protect ourcountry, the proud and brave name our people won

for themselves in the days of Jackson', or he and

such will hate and haunt us, I think.April 27, 1SC1. S. W. Adkissox, A Mechanic,

To tue Volunteer Artillery of Xcnncucc.Having reported an artillery company for service

in the field, 1 desire to see, or to correspond with,the commanders of like companies in Tennessee, to

and with all who are engaged in raising such com-

panies, in order to secure concert of action and aprompt organization. in

Persons who have served in the artillery, or ord-



or engineers, in any capacity are invited to

assist in the effort now being made to organize anartillery force for Tennessee.

Those wishing to join this arm of the service arcinvited to call on me at the Commercial Hotel,Nashville. Milton' A. Hayxes,

Formerly Lieut. U. S. Artillery.

llrotvn Guards, toCarters Creek, April 2C, 1SCI.

Editors U.niox axd American : A large companyof volunteers has been organized here y andtendered to Gov. Harris for immediate service.Tliis company is styled the Brown Guards, in honorof "Mrs. Lkzixkas Brows, of this county, who has

furnished money to equip the whole company.

With such patriotic women in our midst, this worldcannot conquer us, and victory on every field is

ours. Officers of the company are as follows :

G. W. Camprell, Captain,

J. L. Bollock, First Lieutenant,R. L. Cardtuers, Second LieutenantCam. Browx, Third Lieutenant,Km Hadlet, Orderly Sergeant. A. B. in

Our telegraphic dispatches report that "a large

number of Virginians, mostly from Fairfax county,

have arrived" at Harrisbur, "refusing to take theVirginia test oath." To those unacquainted with

the facts, this dispatch is calculated to mislead. The

lands in Fairfax county were so completely ex-

hausted a few years ago by the growing of Tobac-

co that they were regarded as worthless, and largetracts were purchased by Northern men at vcrylow figures, who settled upon them. These are themen who are fleeing fromFairfax county.

Insurance can be obtained of W. J. Marr, Insur-

ance Agent, No. 25 College street, in the InsuranceCompaxt of the Valley ok Virginia, cash capital

onn nnn nl nnn m TtiiniiB ripnosited,J.u"iuuui " x -

b.s security for losses. Applications also received

for Insurance in the Tennessee Marine andCOMl'ASY of Nashville. Ap.26-tf- .

"Siiat's the Sort. Yesterday, Dr. S. McKissack,

of Spring Hill, authorized us to state that he wil1

donate $3,000 for the purpose of aiding the South,

and, if neewsary, will give the last cent for the

good cause.TheLondou Standard, of the 4th instant, says:

We learn, although no authority is vouchsafed,

that the Custom authorities at Havre had notified

that ships from the seceded States would be receiv-

ed on the same footing as those sailing under the

'Stars and Stripes.'

Alabama has now actually in the field, (says the

Montgomery Advertiser, of the 23d.) and ready to

inarch, about five thousand four hundred troops.

Notwithstanding this fact the war fever has justbegun to rage, and if necessary, we verily believe

that the number could be increased to forty or fiftythousand in thirty days.

Th3 question is often asked, what is a"stand of arms!" Properly speaking, it is a com-

plete set of arms for one soldier, which would in-

clude the bayonet, musket, end iU arpurtennnces.

Twr PsnriBios Mibset. The suspension of iater--

C0Brse wife tbe Nona has ewJed quite a stir amarket for some dave past. Every

tiling, nearly,has gone up to starvation prices. Tlottrfamily) is selling at $11 to S12, Cora from SL15 toi. or rto R1i . TTcv?v9 tn 9t f Pu-l- r nrl

Mutton 15c, to lBc and nearly everything else inthe same proportion. As money becomes scarce itis becisnine tti cost, a tnird more to live, ana wetendency is stilLupwsrds.

The Tirpttenre nf ft liiw lirvlw nf who aregenerally good feeders has added largely to tielist of consumers, and to annearances supplies decrease inverselV with ilin movements of the demand. Wo hope our country friends in all directionswiu iaice our condition into consiaeremu" -Xorward whatever they may have to spare,

.. .l-- . :11 Ko handsomely rC- -

warded. Poultrv. ot all sorts, is very scarce, deari ' 'i. ...i:. wonidDercaanyuis

viva I'WUl, allaU. IIVQII OUI'l'vuI losed of at rcrauneratlnir priccs.-&w- aK'-

Republican, April 25.

tr t , ThP Mavor and Alder--

men of the town of Jackson have appropriated few


to bo appuea torma and ammunition ioriDeu;

two of oSr most energetic and sensible citizens arealready in New Orleans, to purchase the arms. Col

rr.. t5X, T.iont. J. B. Freeman, and R. J. Ma

lon, Bsu were appointed by the Board to superin- -

tend the nnrcliaseaau w

;nti,ar.;,Tin of the town.The Town Council have appointed a committee of

safetv for the town to wliom tne police arc to reporttheir action to embrace all persons, white orblack in cases not provided for by the strict letterof the law. The committee to take such steps asthpv mav deem proper in each particular case, topreserve order and secure the safety of the citizens.CoL Hervey Brown is chairman of the committee.Jackson Whig, Avtu 26.

Notes cxder Protest. It is understood that several of our leadini merchants, whose notes toNorthern houses matured on Saturday, the 20thinst.. refused to cav them because of the hostile andaggressive attitude which the North has assumedtowards the South preferring to await the restoration or neacciul relations between tne vwo sections.-'-Petersburg ( Va.) Htpress.

JLf.U tj.arKltoDf auti county, Tennessee tn Taeiiay mernlns,

AptK 9th, 1851, JOHN T WRIQnr.ANSTOS, onof wmiataI.,ndMary E. Aaiton, agei 3 yuri S month! and 8 dayi.

ne was a sweet and lovely little boy, being Bencrom, kind,

and affecUotAte.for one ot Ma age. To tti parent, brtthen and

Iftera. and all who knew him. ihowlng hla affection for bu pa

rents until a few momenta Ufoie he breathed hla lat. Ills af

factions, thsogh !vere, were but for a few days, which he bore

with tttlence and meeaxesi, and waa never heard to muracror complain.

Pales the lovely blooming flswer.Smiling solace of an hour ;

Soon our transient comforts fly,Ple:sures only bloom to die.

Lovely bate, how brief thy stay,Short and hasty was thy day .

Ending ison thy sojourn here,Pain and grief no more to bear.

Bard It is from thee to part,Though it rends my aching heart;

Since an heir to glory goneLet the will of God be done;

Richmond Enquirer copy.

Funeral Invitation.The friends and acquaintance of Mr and Mrs. Oeorgeuitlg

are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their daughter,ELIZA CARNAQIE, from their residence, No. 59 Union St.,at 3 o'clock, P. M., this evening.

Diving service by Bev. Sr. Qulntard.April :6lh,16Cl.


SECOND SATTJlt DAY IN MATHAfter consultation with many of our politioa

friends, in various portions of the State, it has been

agreed to hold a State Convention, to nominate a can

didate for Governor, on Saturday, the llfh day of

May. We hope that our friends in every county will,

at once, take steps to be represented in that conven

tion by full delegations. State rights and the rights

of the South will be seriously endangered by the

triumph of our opponents. It behooves all who op-

pose Black Republicanism, Federalism and civil

war, to buckle on their armour for the contest. Le

us be up and doing.

KENT FREE.I have three small houses, five rooms ea:h, which

will let to the families of those actually in service in afighting Liscols's hordes, free of rent, till the warcloses or till their return. L. Powers,

aprl25 'CI No. 34 Market street.

Attention, Harris Guards.The Rendezvous has been changed fronuTusca--

lum Church, Nolensville Turnpike, to the largeroom opposite Sewancc Hous, College street,kindly tendered b Maj. B. F. Shields. Thosewishing to offer their services, will report theirnames to M. M. Hexkle, Jr., Capt

April 23rd, 1SC1.

House Rent Free.Nasuville, April 22d, 1SC1.

Editors Union and American:Please allow me to state that I will furnish

house-roo- m to tea families, whose protectors jointhe companies and go to the warsnow raging, rentfree until their return home, or until the close ofthe war. W.S. Whitemak.

ATTENTION!Beauregard Light Infantry.

Gentlemen who wish to enrol their names on thelist of this company, are requested to call at therooms of the Southern Rights Committee, corner ofCedar and Cherry streets. S. C. Godsuall,


Save Your ITConcy. A

Selling out at cost for thirty days, late styles ofdrip and soft hats, caps and straw goods, corner ofCedar and Cherry streets. lw.


A Change. Wc have this day sold to Mr. F.Klein-- our entire stock of clothing and merchanttailor goods. He will continue the business in all toits various branches, and we ask for him a liberalshare of the public patronage heretofore extended

us. He has' a very handsome stock of spring in

goods, and guarantees perfect satisfaction in all

articles. Mr. M. F. Seltz can be found at all times ofthe house of his successor, ready to settle withwho owe. Seltz & Harris.

mcliS 2m

Srniso Clotuixo. Messrs. Tiioma & Rowan, on en

College street, nearly opposite the Sewance Hotel,have just received a large and handsome stock ofSpring and Summer Clothing, which they are pre-

pared to make up for their customers in the mostfashionable style, at prices to suit the times. Gen-

tlemen wishing anything in their lino would do wellgive them a call. ' march3-dl- m.

For Rent A desirable suit of rooms in theUnion and American Buildings. Apply at thisoffice. dec29-t- f

Wanted.A Partner wanted with from 1,000 to 1,500 dol

lars cash, in a Ready Established Business, whichpays 1,000 dollars aud more a year. A gentleman,

and business man, with good city reference, will

please address Rohert. P. O.ofNov. 18, lseo-t-f.

PANIC STRUCK! " toIntending to reduce what is certainly the largest


the State. I will sell from this timeWithout Ilctrard to Profits!

J. W. LANGLET,r. k b. H Union street

StocU for Sale.John WiioitLEr, 32 South Market Street, offers for

sale $15,000 wortA of Stock. ! Call and see him.or

II A VAN A S E O AR SiJOHN AVIIOItLKY. 32 Soutti Market at.,

Nasuvitlct Tcnn., 2OO0O Imported Havanaa-V- C7 RECEIVED FROit HA YSXA.

Latest News from Old Virginia !JOHN WIIOHL,EVt

32 Soutu market street,STILL AHEAD.

AVuorley Itock City Chewing- Tobacco'Made from the PURE AXD NATURAL LEAF


Shoes I Shock!!Farrar, Disxcees & Co. are opening a most beau-

tiful lot of Snoes of all kinds, especially for Ladiesand OiUdren. Call on them, ladies, they are beauti-ful, and they sell them very low for the Cash I

marchll-t- f.

SI'KING CLOTHING.We arc receiving our stock of Fpring and Summer

Clothing and Furnishing Goods for men and boys, Iswhich we are selling at prices to suit the times.

Also a fine lot of Cloths, Cassimeres and Veslings, Itmade to order. Ward, Bervinchax & Co.,

mar22-2- m No. 20 Public Square.

Dr. R. Russell, Dental Scrgeon. Dr. R. begsleave to invite the attention of those interested, tohis present mode of inserting artificial teeth, uponvulanite as being infinitely superior to the oldmethod upon gold plate. Since introducing this plan

donow over a year ago he has inserted more than

one hundred setts, the advantages of which for du-

rability, lightness and purity are abundantly testi-

fied by the numerous certificates. Dr. R. is contin-

ually receiving in their favor. Office No. 11 Cherrystreet, three doors from the Post Office. Pluggingand all other operations on the mouth performed asusual. marchl7-- tf




XTAS cdverwlly nt jplssted H otbtr (Ho sad beoUsg

aeeUMtot dUau. II

MIllKS & 9t E8AU H

Btlon,by a tlseely afpli-- 0 tflto maruHett Stalerand the fiethUrenew u S by tara, n blwrf rtc&rresi&lnbs. S

the raiEifD or X the htesbrtflh(Mrn am franw-i- f mI fnn, frn axtCTS

etpecuOly from f"iJ4 airfS Ctomi4Jto?,-th,- ncotuUntl a band. JtheIiS ton BreatU, anda ol"'"-raorc- i

tie IETTKR or BINQ- - , WORM,o prmalcnt in to

TO TBATELIIBS BT O 6AjLKDLAHD.Tfc uMnt,t. it. Tn.n v.tsr. and rrerr other lndi- -

rldnal vhn int ?n urnai thiavi him within tnechanca of accident trot, evplo- - H tion,Jire, o r cdaition, shouldbear in mind that this Magic5 Extractor U his best and onlyfriend. It la both iwrtableS and cheap, and should everbe hit companion, as a friend in need. There art thoaaandiof living witnesses to! testify t3 to its m&rvelloua virtue, whoows ueir aouna umoe ana rausciw iu - ""r: 'The following are a few efj thtUadlngd4MtMtaTbi&

.iii as wen uuuDfij QBurns. llrvatro... Sores of al rindsBruises, 3flOula, Bhotwouadj,Bolls, Trost Bites, Scrofula,.Broken Brent, fever Bores, Scarp--Bites of Eeptllei, Felcnr, S.'Cancer, aiandularDlseasei, Scurf,Cracked Lips, Mercurial Sores, Scald Head,Dhappod Hands, Jalnsgenerally, BPrn''Jhllblalns, dimples, Small Pox,Cramp, Piles, Tumors,Contracted Cords, Poison, Tetter,nhf. ciunniiin. TJlcers.Diseases at the Skin, Bashes, Venereal Bores, io

Sold at the principal Depots, 14 Sroadway, Hew YorE,anaiiand 151 Ch,to. .trt. N Orlesml. hv J. WRIGHT f CO.General Agent. It cm be obtained ef all respectable Drt.EgIstiEnaaiercnants tnronffioutiue uniiea ouves

apr25'00-d,tw&w- l"

Pimple Jtanlahea IFaces Made Clear!

HOWBy one week's use tf the Magnolia Balm, A pereectly harm

less but elegant aai electuol preparation.Price 50 cents per bottle. So'.d everywhere

W EAGAHLt& 00., Proprletor,Troy,N. Y.febSi d&w3m


An experienced norsa aud female physician, has a SoothlnSyrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the proces

of teething, by soften ing the gums, reducing all inflammationwill allay all pain, and is lure to regulate the bowels. Dependupon it, mothers, it 'lll give rest to yourselves, and relief andhealth to your intuits. Perfectly safe in all cases. Bee advertisement in another oolumn. octSS-l- y

Dark) Glossy, andI.uxuriant Hair I

IIOW1By using Qelmstrtet's Jr.tmUalU Bestorative. Don't use

anything alse on your Head.Price 50c and 9 Ip-s- r bottle. Bold everywhere.

W. 33. HAQAN U CO., Proprietors, Troy, N. 1

See an advertlscmunt headed,TOIT LOOK OT VAIN.'

CIIEUOKEE CORE!JntsnfaBixg cure for Seminal Wcalcncss, Noc

turnal fjittimssions, impcieney, ost orFaint in Ot Back, Stont in th Bladder, Obstructedand Difflcuit Jlfemtruathm, and all JHteatct causedby deviating frtm Via path of Jiature, and indulgingvnBy the use of this "Cure" all Improper discharges are remov

ed, the weakened organs of generation are speedily cured, andfull vigor restored.

Either sex, contemplating marriage, should reflect that a soundmind and body are necessary to promote connubial happiness.

In the "Cherokes Cure" the poor debilitated, worn down andaespainngaeToiee ot sensual pieasnrc una rener.

it u sale ana piemant in taste, out immeaiatein its acuon: con.talninK no mineral poison, but is prepared from pure vegetableextracts, In the form of a delicious syrup.

Price S2 per Bottle, or three bottles lor 15. and and forward dny expiess to all puts or tne world.

Boia cy an respeeiaoie muggisis eTerywuere.POTTKa & MEB.WIN. Proprietors. St. Louls.Mo.

Sold In KuhTille by Hiring It Pendleton, Berry b. DemoviUei. iv. uenaersnoi:, ana cy Druggists everywnere.


DR. KINO, formerly of New Tork, for the 1

fouryeirs of Louisville. Kentucky, and whodevoted hi, attention to the treatment of private diseases fer overthlrtvvcm.fla.Utrs himself, havlm attended to a practice fer somany years, and cured so many thousands, he Is enabled to cu elall alseases ot a pnv&ic nature, bo iniucr uuw uicjr iubj wfrom lnludlcious medical treatment, or frem neglect of their ownDr. King's Dispensary is No. 23 Deadrick street, between Cherryand the Square, vrtwre hecurraall distatescf aprivate Batnre

UoxoRBca curtu wiu.oat n&ocioua mcoicuie or iricncrcuccfrom business.

STRMrrnara of old or recent date, effectually cured in a fewdays, by an operitlon which causes no pain. Where a strictureexist, health cannoilrt enjoyed. Perhaps no disease causes moremischief and undermines tne consutution so mncn.

Srrmus, with all the diseases of the skin, growing out f nt nrhnri treatment, can be elTectually cured In a few days.Rmii ,. Wvavh ess. particular attention havlne been Riven to

this diivase, and all the consequences grewin out of It, brought I

nn In tninv ca.ti hv tne destrucuve naDits oi inconiiaeraieYouths and exeussive Indulgence of the passions, a neglect ofwhich will undermine 3ie constitution, rendering tne surged un-

fit far liniineu nr todetv. and causing nrematureold ate.Temalea who liar be laboring with any difficulty of the Womb

may rest assured of immediate relier.Persons residing abroad, by writing and stating their case, withfee enclosed, directed to Dr A. King, No. 23, Deadrick street,

Nashville. Tenn .will haieth necessary medicine sent to thUraddress, with nersessary directions. Strict secrecy observed. Officehours from 9 o'clook in the morning until 9 in the evening.,

may23.1853-dwl- y


MRS. WINSLOW,An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, Ipresenta to Z

nuon or mouers. ner


which greatly racilltates the process of teething, by softening thecums. rMncicir an innammation wiu aiiayau pain ana spasmodic action , and Is ,


Depend npon St, mothers, It will give rest to yourselves, d

Itolicz and IloaltU to your Infanta.We hive pot un an I seld this article for ever ten years, and

CAN SAY, IS CONFIDENCE AND TRUMH of it, what wehave rever been able to aay of ay other medicine MEYEttHAS IT FAILED. IN A 8INOLK INSTANCE TO EFFECT

CUKE, when timely used. Never did wr know an instance ofdissatisfaction byanyonewno used. u. un ins contrary, an are

elicbted wlta Its operations, and speax in terms or commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak Inthis matter "WHAT TVEDO KNOW," after ten years experi-ence, andpicdae ovr reputationor the fulfillment of whatwe litre declare. In almost every Instance where the Infant Issuffering from pain and exbaustion,reliet will ee round in

or twenty minutes after the arrup is administered.This valuable preparation Is the prescription of one of tht

moit experienced ana tituitu xiurses in new j.jgiana, (has been use 1 with never ailing luccut In

THOUSANDS OF CASES.It not only relieve the child from pain, but Invigorates

stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and eaeilthe whole system. It will almost Instantly relieve

Griping lu tUo Bowels and Wind Colic,and ovetcome convulsons, which, if not speedily remedied, end

death. We believe it the best and ruretl remedy in thtworld, in all cases of Eytenteryioi Diarrhoea in Children,whether it arises from teething, or from any other cause. Wewould say t every mother who has a child suffering from any

the foregoing complaints do not let your prejudice!,nor the prtfudicet of ethers, stand between you and your suf-

fering child, and the relief that will be turejtt, abtelutelyeure to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Fulldirections for using will accompany each botUe. None genuineunless the fic simile of OUKTIS tt PERKINS, New York, Is

the outilde wrapperi ofSold by Druggists throughout the world.

I'rlnclpal'orflcGt 13 Cedar Street, N.T.SPRICE ONLY25 CENTS PER BOTTLE.

oct30 d.twtwly ins


Usually cautious, there is great confidence to .be placed In



"There aeems U be no excuse for thin or gray Hair, nowthe celebrated HnusTRxn' Imxitablx IIaik BxsroKaTtvxcanVehtJ."


"Whea people can protect their Hair from the tell-tal- e marksage, when they can luxuratein glossy black locks at an ad-

vanced period ot their lives: when white and gray Hair can be bvturned to a beautllul black or anbnm; when llalr can be made

grow upon bald heads; when all this can be cannot doany harm to tell what will do It. UEIMSTREET'S HAIR RE-

STORATIVE will do it. Thla llalr Bestorative Is.beyondthe best thing cf the kind ever Invented Tbe facts

our iossesslon. In regard to this wonderful preparation, warrant us In unqualifiedly recommending it."


"Many of our first citizens In St. Louis are speaking In glowlng terras ot this article."


"This incomparably excellent preparation for the Restorationunruair to tne orinrui color, to preserve uair iromui

lnz out, and to cure baldaesss. Is on ssle at Humphrey SiBrown's In this city.. The evidence that this Restorative is nhumbug is conclusive. Testimonials to that effect may befound In almost every paper in tne country."


'Leave dyes alone, and use only some reliable Restorative,like lielms'.reet't Inimitable."

Sold every where Price 50o and 91 per bottle.W. E. HAOAN & CO., Proprietors.

Troy, New Yerk.

Tlie Great English Remedy.SIR JAMES CLARK'S


Protected Letters.By Itoayl Patent.

rreparedfromapretcriptlonof 6ir j &arlf,2f.D.,Fhytician Extraordinary to tht, Qneen.

Tils Invaluable medicine la unfailing In the cure of alt thospainful and dangerous diseases to which the female constituti

subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructlerand a speedy cure may be relied on.

xo married LadlesI) peculiarly suited. It will, In a short time, ,cr

monthly period with regularity.K tch bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government

GreaitBrltala, to prevent counterfeits.CAUTION.

Ikete Fillt should not be taken by females d ringTJIiSJ 7RRK& MONTHS of Pregnancy, at tleyaresur tobring on Ititcarriagt, but at any other time they art tafe.'

li all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain In thtBack and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of theHeurt, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when ofallother means have failed i and although a powerful remedy,

not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anythlnxhurtrultothe constitution.

lulldlrrclous In the pamphlet aro nd etch package, whichshould be carefully preserved.

E ole Agent for tbe United States and Canada,JOB MOSES, (Late Ji O SaLsWlnfcOoi.)

Rochester, N. Y.It. B. 91.00 and six postage stamps enclosed to any author-be-

agent, wUl Insure a bottle costalslng 50 pills, by return

Joid in Nashville by Berry & DeracvlUe and G. W.Hta4fhutt, Jt a. Bfown and all re;tic4blsdxsg(i I

tt d.Ufcw-l- y.

as Tov Prof- - Wood'f tlfwtlMMtt is mkftr. Swdit.'HTUl iBleicstTOB. :T

"Let good digestion wait on appetite," Is a with that nese appreciate son man tnose tau save neuaer tue we cor tne oiaer. Hwraaay expedients are tc vocua s to raise anPPH fEiBfngaBdits usitiaiitea," varies. la form, hot'

auxe wmmi ad Samal. Ifca imIm . tola Use otnerextras, (M tile "Jaat ataU"aj3gaa t mm Hun the first:noise, twmr.ii K wit Wrnr KcrMVeBaiiRgrKimr, width iAMe?to tea aid rct4eaare. ad after"wimwh aw km ot emsaa taaws KJB it Ben say anaYiaofgai nnniWrtn. nlri Hrnll TatnnirtnMr rtmimliti InrnTlirh- -

outslse Vaftaa Mates aadOeaadai J. WS18KT & CO., soleprepwwiss, . jatx Orleans, i...

BOMatw ay all Druggist In Haabvilieapli storfewln

BAIiUre'iS XiVUiVAXi PAIN SXTKACTORTheverdtetof tmrrf hm tr-- n nnnnlninnilT nwnril-- il in f'T"ofj&s sterling alleviator of huas tsSsring' la ait parts ofvasworia.wnereTerintKKineed. it forthwith nrmints ererv(ow .appliance ror eva-- r tpeaes oi ftoiwd. Bote, jsrspun orCutaneous disorder, it is also a neatraliser of evil remits fromthe bites of venomous reptiles, moquiloe and wares fid has I

the ereatett sale of any medicine in the world. Sold- - at tee prlndpal depots, J14 Broadway, N Y., and Chartreaa street. NewOrleans, by J WBICBT b. 00 General Agents, m Iso by allarngirists and merchanU.

apu d&wlm.


Has long bten regarded with favor and 'confidence, by a large (

body of the regular medical profession in every State In the I

Union as a preparation unsurraaiedhv.nT.xnd Is dailv-nre- - I

scnoeaoy tne most emmenipnywiaraiuirouKiiourLt use umxa i

spurious and counterfeit lmltatlonsave from time to time madetholr appearance. Never has it been more necessary on the partof the buyer to exercise a Judicious caution In purchaslag thegenuine article than at this time. Tarit imitations are often soclose In their external reiemblanf a tn B. A. Pittxmtocx's Vermifuge,as to bewell drculated to put upon the unsctpectlng purTchaser an article which he neither wished cor Intended to buy.It Is enough to buy of an accredited aeent: but every purcnaiermust use vigilance to avoia being imposed upon, sna muiiexamine every bottle to assure himself that he is buying the genu'lue a a. ranisisTOca a vermlluge.

apll-wl- m

Jdit tec TniKS Our attention was this moraine to a friendof our, who, a few months ago, was sickly, feeble and debiltited

now he is heathy, strong and robust. This great change wasproduced My taking AlcLxxx a uilxsiatis ctuuiotiixkuiu

Thli la a teal Inm or Lin.We adrise exerr reader who mar be aicklr anddebilltated, and

an wno are wen and wish to xe:p so, to try It jsrening uirror.apu-at-w- im

. . . .( m i. n n. t. 1 .ttt.nicuii. uiuti urrgvry wa; ucuik j.puicuAicu "of your Ambrosial Oil, which has given ettlre sittsfactlon Inuouo, xoomacne ana ueadacie.

cyruston.xenn. &SWahi.Messrs. Clark, Gregory Co; Nashville, Tenn : Gentlemen: Itgirea me pleasure to tell you that your Ambrosial Oil has givenme great relief, and I may say, more ease than the uss of anyouer meaicine

1 have used ne bottle and one half of your Ambrosial Oil,ana from tne cae It naa siren me In jjyitbenmatlc su&enng, 1would not be without the other bottle and one half for any price,proviaea 1 eoaia not get an more, juspectxuuy.

w. a. runs LEI.Binggold, Ga., Sept. 3d, 1859. w




SCVnCItN OK TAN.FTVIIS Elegant Preparation renders the Skin soft and fresh,

1 imoartinic to it a Marble Purity. It is mcst cool and refreshlne if applied to the face after exposure to the sun. andwill give immediate relief to the Sting ot Insects. Nothingpoisonous enters into its composition, xne contents oi a pomemieht be taken without harm-- Jit avolieaiion eieru niaUfor a vceec, wiu cure lAe rcorsc cast of fimjies.

sola every everywnere Jf rice rutyuenis aueiue.W. . HAGAN. Proprietors,

m Troy, New Tork.


Restorative CordialAXD

BLOOD RENOVATOR.X Is precisely what Its save Indicates, for, while pleasant!V nix las-e- is revivifying, exnuat aurg, ana stre go

enlng to tbe vital powers. It also revivifies, reinstates'and renews thebioed In all its original purity.and thusrexwresana renaers tnesystem invuineraoie to attsctsof disease. It Is the only preparation ever offered to theworld in a popular form so aa to be within the reach otall. So chemically and skillfully eombi:ed so as to bethe most powerful tonic, and vet so perfectly adaptedt at to ad in perfect accordance with the laics cfinature, ana. nence tooine tne uceaxostsiomaci, anatone up tne digestive organs, and allay an nerveus andother irritation. It Is also perfectly exhlllratlnK la Itseffects, and yet Is never followed by lassitude or depresHon or spirits. It is composed entirely or vegetablesaaa inoie tnorougmy comoining poweriai tonic andsoothing properties, and consequently can never injure.aucna remedy nasiong been leu to be a desideratum latne medical world, botn by tne tnorougbiy skilled Inmedical science, and also by all who have sueeredfrcmdebility ; for it needs no medical skill or knowledge evento see mat aeoiiuy toiiowa air aitacxa ot disease, analavs the unguarded system open to the attacks of manyof the most dangerous to which poor humanity is constantly liable. Bucn, tor example, as tne following:Consumption, Bronchitis, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Lossof Appetite, Falntness,Nervous Irritabllity.Neuralgia,'raipitauon oi ue xieart, Jietancnoiy, uypocondria.Night Sweats, Languor, aiddines,acd all that clas oilcases, so teariuuy raiai 11 unauenaea to in tune, culledFemale Weakness and Irregularities. Also, Liver Dera'gments orTorpidity,and Liver Ocmplainta,Diseasesof the Kidneys, Scalding or Iccsntinuenceof tne Urine,or any general derangement or we urinary tirgans,Fain In tne uacic, side, ana between tnefcneuiaers.preduposltisnSIIiht Colds, Hacking and Continued Coush HiEmaciation. Difficultyof Breathing, and Indeed we mightenumera.e many mare sun, out we nave space only tosiy, It will not only cure tne debility following Chills 0and Fever, but prevent all attacks arising from aliasmatic In&uenccsund cure the diseases at once.ll alreadyattacked. And aa it acta directly and ptrsistently upon 0the biliary system, arousing the Liver to action, promo-ting, in fact, all tre excretions and secretions of theLvstem. it will infallibly prevent any delirious conss- -

huences following upon change of climate and water;Qecce all traveierssuouia nave a pouie wiw inem, andall should Use a table tpooniui at least before eatingAs it prevents costiveness, strengthens the digestive or-gans, it should be In the hands of all persons of eeden-tar- v

habits, students, ministers, literary men. And alllidlei not accustomed to muchout door exercise shouldalways use It. If they will they will find an agreeable 9pleasant and emaeet remedy against tnose ins wblcbreb tnem or taeiroeauiy; ror oeauiy cannot exuiwitnout hetlth, and health cannot exist while the above

continue Then again theOordlal.lsarTfeet Mother's Belief. Taken a month or two before thefinal trial she will pass the dreadful period with perfect oease and safety. There Is no mistake about, this Cordialis all we claim for it. Mothers, try It I Andtoyeuweppeal to detect the illness or decline not only of your

dauvhtersbeforeltis Uo late, but also your sons andnusuands,ior wmie iae iormcr, irom i&isc uciicacy,oiienzoesdown to a premature srrate rather tban let their con 9dilion be known in time, thelatter are eften so mixed up

0 with the exdtementef business that if Itwerenstforyouthey too would travel in Me same downward rath, until eitoo late to arrest tneir iaai lan. nui me momei-- li alwava vitilent, and to yen we confidently appeal : for we'are sure your never falling affection will unerringly point 0you to Prof, wood sneswrauve uoraiaiana uiooditenovator as tne xemeay wxncu buouiu oe always cn nana.n O. J. WOOD, Proprietor,4i4 Broad rav.New York, and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo.

Hnld bv ail cood Druggists. Trice OnePoIIar per Bottl..Sold in Nathvilleby


and all goed Drug;tsts tn the cily.marexiwiy

tilad News for the Unfortunate !


Discovered at Last.


CHEROKEE REMEDY,An iinfailinc Specific for all Diseases or

tne urinary urgans, ana a uencraiAlterative and Blood Purifier.



It Is entirely unlike every other medicine prescribed tor Venereal Diseases, as It contains no mineral poison er nauseousdrugs, being prepared from roots, barks and leaves, in the form

a pleasant and delicious Syrup.It Is "nature's own remedy" for Gonorrhoea, (Clap) Gleet,

Gravel, Stricture, and is especially recommended for Fluor(Whites In FemalesO for this complaint It la Invaluable.

As a general alterative and blood purifier, It has no equal, anddoes not fail to cure scrofula, secondary syphilis, glandularswellings, mercurial and all eruptive diseases, curing themmore speedily aud permanently than any other medlcine known. It does this by purifying and cleansing theblood I Causing It to Cow In all its original purity and vigor,thus removing from the system all Impure and pernicious causeswhich have Induced disease.

In all old cases or Uonorrhcei and meet, mat nave named anmedical skill, it Is especially recommended in old cases itnever falls, and recent ones it cures from one to three days. Atew doses positively removes all scalding heat, chord ea and

P. . v. t V ,It does not euect uie uicu or jubcncrc .iui an; ui w

business.It requires no assistance from other medicine.It can lav on the tollet-hble- or In the counting-room- , with- -

out its ever being suspected as a " remedy" for private dia- -

"ATreatlse on Venereal Diseases, with nil directions for theirpermanent cure, accompany each bottle.

for lull aireciionj gefc luinuiuucDiiviuNi; u.uftA,,uIheUnlted States.

It is sold at retail for 92 per bottle, or three bottles for 95all responsible druggists and dealers In meiidnes, throuzhou

the United States, and at wholesale by all wholesale druggists.


Sold in Nashville by G. W. Hendershott, Bsrry & DemovSwing & Pendleton, and by all responsible druggists ewhere. , ict29dtwfcwly




Ilnriford Fire Insurance Co., Ml


fTito oldest Insnranco Company doincBusiness In the Soutn.



v,ni8 Company rests its claims te patronage on the followingNo.facts:

IP,It has been doing a legitimate Insurance business for

HALF A CENTURY.JJj It has acquired an enviable reputation in regard to fair

lealinz eauitable adjustment and prompt payment otloraeswhich acquirement is a guarantee that it will never deviate

from its former course, and jeopardixe a character so long anddeservedly enjoyed. ville

TJ It pcssessei bona fide means to the amount ot a


TT7It has TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in TennesseeState Bonds, deposited with the Comptroller, as an

Additional GuaranteeIts policy holders In this State.

Tr? It contributes to the revenue of the State by the annualpayment of taxes on licence. and

rroperty noiocrs witcing io protect toeir property uy a poucyIntuiance, In a really solid Company, one that will stand up

boldl, and pay every jnst claim aganst It, let come what may,will accompiun inetr ocjecis oy calling at tne agency oi uuaCompany, So. 23 College street. A

W. J. MARR, Agent. Ml

Joxrn Nisn, Stabs Agent for Tennessee, Kentucky, Missis-sippi

agoand Arkansas will attend U the prompt adjustment and

payment ot leases In his district.

bea DCIIONsale of Express Packages and Miscellaneous A winija. tides, this morning at 10 o'clock laapiao it XNf SHIELDS & CO.

COMMERCIA3LMekelary 9MH Commercial.; Satuedat Evexko, April 27, 1861.

Business of every description is almost whoHy sus-pended, and the transactions of the week have beenon a very limited scale. The excitement throughoutthe country absorbs the attention of every body,andthere is no disposition to eneatre in trade.

Ther"e is nothing of any moment dding in financiallamuiista will hn tot-i- t nnt tn hnlrt nn tn

their Money untiLpuTjUaaffairs become setUedandconfidence is again restored.

The' Cincinnatians seem averse to selling theirFlour and Provisions to any of the ' Southern States,orl. r.;. - ,, .

Mjwiuuati, wmmercuu aays mac "snippers inrespect to the public sentiment, have made no effortto contravene it, bat on the other hand. have, inseveral instances, gone to "heavy .expense in return-ing to store, goods that steamboat officers felt, uneasyabout taking, Jest puhlfc .indignation should be.aroused by the act'' , !Thi3 frucklfnir to the mobspirit: of a fanaticil Tiaritv may, in thn CnU,


uu aiarc tno bnamcEi men of Cm- -

cinnati than to the pedpls of the! Southern States.The hew Tork Evening Post of the 23d reports

an extraordinary upheaving on the Stock Ibtchangothat day,- the advance in somo cases being equal to15 and 18 per cent on the quotations of the previous day. On Saturday noon, the 20th, the lowestpoint of the panic of last week was touched. Therebound in the Border State Bonds up to the 23dwas as follows: Tcnnessees 6i per cent, ilissouris C,

Virginias 11, North Carolines 15, and Kentueiys 20.At the first board on the 24th, $5,000 Tennessee C

per cent Bends sold at 48c.

Tbe Cotton Movement.We have compiled the following comparative statement of the

receipt of Cotton at the various porta since the 1st of Septem-

ber from the latest mail dates received at this office :

JWm. 1331- - 18GQ.

New Orleans. Anrtl23 JZ .....1.730,004 2.163,073Mobile, April 19 :r.Z.Z. 517,339 761 910Plorida, April 12 . 102,695 164,794Texas, April 20 ...... 132,260 203,056Savannah, April 18 . . 3.W7 484,523Charleston, April 18 313.871 4S3.220North Carolina, April 13 ,7I1 36,914Atrginia, Much 1 8!,23 23,903

Total receipts.....-Decrea- se 3;85,221 4,206 483................................ 821,264

Tbe receipts at Memphis to the 20th of April, which havebeen shipped to other than ncetrlng porta, amount to 180,101

bales, against 107,7CC to the corresponding date last year. Thiswould make the actual receipts 3,505 322 bales against 4,314,191

last year, showing a decrease of 743,609 tales.

rrociainaoBTniRK poets.New OrleansrApril 23 . 113555 320,144MobUe, April 10 30,001 J30.5E6Plorida. Arril 12. 10.072 33,147Texas, April 20 2,725 19,353Savannah, April 13 ....... 3007 26,476Charleston, April 18. . 25,5.15 40.202North Carolina. April 13 900 2,000Virginia, March. I 2.500 900

Total Stocks .222.095 581,408New York, April 15 58,000 80,544

axroKTS to roxxiax roan.To flreat Britain 1,928,988 S 252.788To Trance 546.295 532,-2-8

To other TorelgnPoits . 323,321 400,303

Total Porelga Exports.. ..2,7!J6,i04 3,185.184To Northern U. 8. Porta . 843,833 780,650

Review of tlie Naslivllle laarKct for theAVcclc ending April 2T

COTTON the Cotton market has been inactive during theweek, the sales not amounting to a doxen bales. There Is no de

mand and it is, therefore, impossible to give quotations.The receipts of the week amount to 64 bales, against 158 last

week, and the total receipts since theltt of September to 17,406

bales.TOBACCO Mr. A. Hikilto.x has sold dnrlng the week S3

hhds, mostly ot the lower gradesThe receipts of the wtek have amounted to 118 hhds, against

173 last week, and since the 1st cf September to 1518 hhds.FLOUR, GRAIN AND PROVISIOSS-T- he sapplies of Flour,

Grain and Provisions are vary litht,aud in the present state of af-

fairs we are unable to give reliable quotations. We shall not be

surprised to bear of a heavy advance In all these articles within afew days. This will certainly be the case ir supplies from theWest should be cut off, as now seems probable.

GROCERIES Tbe transactions In Groceries have bxn light,and our quotations may be censidertd nominal

SrsAE Fair to Choice 0;7ic 9 t In hovihrads.and Kloaivance on these quotatUni In bbls; New York Coffee SugarsI0llAc; Grusnetiana rowerta iitair.c; i.oai u,(stixc.

Mousses axs StRcr Molasses In barrels 3033c t? cal; halfbarrels 35337c; Sngar.nouse4550c; Golden Syrup In barrels75c half tarrt Is sue. ana Kegs lien gaisj ear.

Corns Rio 13;(314Xc, Laguyra nosvfc, Java IKSSUc 7 lb .

Tu Imperial 5U (3S1: Gunpowder il373c: Youne Ilvsou 4000, Black G0$1.5iJ.

ItAmi KUTE AN1 JSXCUANGE LIST.Coxaxcrso Daily sv iu Miacnmis' Banx SEaraao tt C

Tennessee.The notes cf all Banks quoted at par are bankable.

Bank of Tennessee.-- .. .....par.Eouthern 3dls.............. Citizens' " saleUnion ttink...... par --co

Planters' Bank pari Commercial Bank. SdiaMerchants Bank par, Buck's Bank .IdisCity Bank .....-........par Farmers' Bank 2 dlsTraders' Bank .....4r Bask of Middle Tenn.. ...parBank of Commerce ....par " Paris -- . ..par

" the union.... par; " Knoivlile parChattanooga par " Nashville par

ti c Memphis Ocoee Bank .... 5 dismrer JJanx, JIempms,.........par ShelbyvilleBank- - ... parBank of Dandridge.. ..5 dls Lawrenceburg Bank . ealBanket America.. dis Bank of West Tens...- -. . 2 oilNorthernBank . .par,

zkoxzn aim wostbxxss.Agricultural Bask, Brownsville.Central Bank of Tennessee, Nashville.Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Memphis.Mechanic' Bank, Memphis.Memphis Savings Institution.Xxchange Bank, Hurfreesboro'.Miners' and Manufacturers' Bask, Knoxvllle.Bank of Bast Tennessee, Esoxvllle.Bask of Trenton.Bask of Jefiersos, Sasdrldge.Bank of Claiborne, at Taxewell.Bank of Taxewell,.

Other States.guTitin GtoxatK

Bank of Ashland.. Iprem AtlastsBask disBank of luuvuie . il " Augusta Insurance andBank of Kentucky, a " Banking Company 10 13dlsCommercial Bk of Ky. " Bank of Athens. "Farmera'BXor Ky .a " Bask of Augusta "Northern Bk of Ky K ' Bank ot Commerce,People's Bank K " Savannah: 'SoutnernBkof Kjfi u Bank of Columbus. "

bxoexx ud cusxn. Bank of Fulton "Commonwealth Bank. Bank of Middle Ga.- -. "Newport Safety Fund Bk. New Bank of Savannah.- -. "

port. Bk ofthe State of Ga. "Trust Company, Covington. Central Railroad St

iUBlal Basking Company.. "Bank of Mobile lC315Ji! City Bk of Augusta... "Bask of Montgomery. ' Georgia Railroad StBaak or Selma, " Banking Company..., "Bank of the State, ' Marine Bk, Savannah. "Central Bank of Ala.. " Merchants' and Plan-

ters'Commercial Bink Bank. . uBastern Bank. Selma, " Mechs' Savings Bk..- -. "Northern Bank of Ala " Mechs'BkAugusta-.- .. 'Southern Bank of Ala. " Planters'Bank, . "

nxoxix and CLoean. Timber Cutters' Bank "Planters' B'k of Ala., Florence.! Dnien Bank, Augusta. "Planters' and Mechanics' Bank, Other Banks .

Uuntsville. Bxexxit ura closxp.State Bank of Alabama. Bank of Albany, Albany.BocTn Oaxousa. Bank of Brunswick.

Bank ef Charlestosl0u dls Baak of Greensbo rough.Bank of Camden " Bankot MUledgevUle.Bank of Chester " " Bank ef Macon.Commercial Bank of Co Cherokee Ins. and Banking Ce.

lurnbla- -. . " " Dal ton.Bank f Georgetown. " " Commercial Bit of Macon.Bank oi Hamburg.- .- " ExchanceBank. GrlfSn.Bank of Newbury " " Plantera'and Mechanics' Bank,Bk ofthe State ofS. C. " " voiumDuaBaak of 8: Carolina.. " " Planters' and Mechanics' BaskExchange Bank of Co-


u " Manufacturers' and MeehanloFarmers' tKich'gBk " Bank. Columbus.Mercn'U B'x or s. u.. " Southern Bank, Bainbridze.People's B'k of S.O " Manufacturers' BTr., Macon.Pnters'&Jlechs'BTc VixaiHiA.--

Planters' Bank of Fair Bask of Commerce,field . " 10!S:U

Southwestern B.Bk.-- ' Bank of the Confeon-wealt-

State Bank, Charles Richmond... "ton " Bank of the Old Domin-

ion,Union Bank of S. 0. " Alexandria... ... "LoctsiaKx: Bank of tbe Valley of Va,

All N.Orleans Banks .par Winchester. "North caRouxa : Bank of Va., Richmond "

BacMof N. CarolinalOSISIIs Bank of Wheeling -- .. "Bank of Cape Fear. Bark of WinchesterBank of Charlotte Xxchange Bk of Virginia,Bank of Fayetteville Norfolk "Bank of Wadeiboro... Farmers' Bk of Virginia,

Missocki : Richmond. "m. Louis Banks ..-.JOd- ls Manufacturers'and Farm-

ers'Country Basks 1U Bank, Wheeling "Ixsusa: Mereh'ts Bk,L;nchburg.. "

Bk ofthe Stateof Indlasa. Jdls, Merchants' St Mechanics'Other Basks . 10 Bank, Wheellsg "

Ilunou:. . .. - Northwesters Bank of Va,All notes of this State should Wheeling. .be countersigned by the State Southwestern Back of Va,OfScer, being then secured by Whytheville "deposit of State Stocks. Other Banks

Ohio: Makvlaku.SUte Bask of Ohio.... 5dis Baltimore Basks ir151IsBank of the Ohio Vally. Country Basks.. .10 lSdisCommercial Bank of Cln.5 " PXKIISTLVAKIA.Country Basks. 5 Philadelphia Banks. ills

Iowa. Pittsburgh Banks .State Bank............... Country Banks..MixxxasoTA. Niw-Yok-

(Alt regarded as "wildcats.") New York City BanksWisconsin. Country Basks.Solvent Banks ..... New Ekolaxd.

Solvent Baxks lS12ils

SpecieQoid, American 35 prem Silver.. par.


York, n, 3 prem.' . " prem.

Philadelphia," " prem.Baltimore, " rrem.

Orleans," prem.Cincinnati, " . prem

Land Warrants).Acres, r acre --. no sale 1 120 Acres, per acre no sal

.no sale 1 ISO " no sale

3IEAL ANDBBANS,f BAGS extra Family (bolted) Meal,SI 5 barrels White Brans, very fine.

jteceirea taisuay, aounow oucrcu ii.-- .ur iuu vjap!20-- tf COMBS St MARTIN..


Attention CIicatlir.m Rifles.LL those (not already connected with any otner military or

li. the city) and willing to servouuaer uio iuuu.uihuuucuOfficers, are respectfully requested to meet at Holmau'e Armory,

o'clock to algbt: J. B. McOann50 Cherry.street,

.at 7f a f . taa.hAlS Cl A

Captain, Wm. T. Cneatnam ist aucuiciwu., anrtu uLieutensBt. B.W Clark3d Weutenant, A. d. B.,Minor Smith Ensign. Come one, uorne an.

apiso-t- f

NOXIUt: XO A'OIjICV UOIiDEUS.and after this date, and until inrtner sauce, tne warFB01I will be inrerted In all Open Policies Issued by the

Tennessee Marine and Fire Insurance Company, and the NashCommercial Assurance uostpasy.

a. . Kuril,Secretary Tenn. Mar. and Fire Insurance CP.

J AMES WALKER.Secretary Commercial Insurance Company.

ariJO-- tf


Ntsnviiix tt Cuattatioooa K. It. Co.Nashville. Aorll 16th. 1861.

accumulated frelrms arrtaan

H ville. the extra charges on Through FrelghU for Storageextra Drayage, have Been removeu.

aplIC dtf Snperlctendert.

NOTICE.N election will be held at tne office oi tne nasuviue torn- -

Tn.ri-i.- i Tn.nri.nea comnanv. on juonaay uie jiumt vr..T,,.rn. thonnmouof electluc eleven Directors to man--

the affairs of said Company the next 12 tnoBlbs... qi

apuu-t- e -- v...... at Shellmound, on Use wainvu le at i,saasoogaTHE hem dlsoontissed. Therefore freigbu mutt 1

prepaid on Ooods destined for that Station, The Company j

notBerespons'DioiorsBcu ueiiuw '"rv?T-- v 1

good order at the station. " u.u , 8

BYJEELEGBjiPH.TJnArevoee Vf ' ! cA lUlJOyiHC War!


SeCeSSiOS FcellBff"GMWilg 1 MiSSSSri.




From New Tort.New York, April 2G. A gentleman just returned

from the South says no vessels are permitted toleave the port of 'WilminEton. N. C and those loading have been obliged to dUcharBe their canroeg. asthe commander of Fort Caswell, at the month oftiape r ear river, would not permit any vessels topass the fort. No seizures of vessels had been made.

The pilot ot tne steamer .Baltic says tho rotomacis strongly fortified on both sides. As the steamerColumbia left Annapolis yesterday mornjhg he distinctly heard several siiarp volleys. Therefore hethinks communication has been forced open.

The steamer Maryland arrived at Annapolis onm j ;.i , , . .inursuay uiurmng wuu narat umcers auu men, anaa good supply of guns to fortify Annapolis. Shepassed, on Thursday afternoon, the steamer Do Sotowhich took cn board the crews of two small boats.They were the crews of captured light ships, orunion men nyiog lor their lives Irom Virginia.

The lights in Capes Henry and Charles;, were extinguished, and the light ship removed from its station at the mouth of tbe rotomac.

The officers ot the Columbia fear the Pawnee hasbeen taken, but their fears are probably unfounded.

From Perryvrllle.Perbtville, Md., April 2C The Baltimore Sun

says that a train started for Washington yesterdavafternoon. When it reached Annapolis Junction.a 1 : .1 r. .1 f . .1 , . ,uiiuiug mu feucrai iruupa meu uuujg Ultt ruau, tneyput back, apprehending a seizure.

Six thousand volunteers are in Richmond readyior service.

A street battery is being erected at Yorktown,ana another three miles aoove.

The steamer Jamestown has been fitted up atlucnmona ior war purposes.

There will be 25,000 volunteers in Richmond bythe close of the week.

The schooner Anna J. Russell, with wheat fromRichmond for a Massachusetts port, has beenseized.

It is rumored that the troops at Harper's Ferryhavo been ordered to some other point, supposed to

Front Maryland.HAGKRiTwvVjllD., April 27. The Union demon-

stration is increasing.Alleghany county instructs its representatives,

that it tney votea ior secession, they would be hungon their return.

The stars and stripes are waving over Frederick.union sentiments prevail in all tne .Eastern shore

counties, except is reported at jtuenmona that a dispatch was

received from Cameron, asking if he would be protected in coming there to asK an armistice ot sixtyuays.

A number of Union flags have been raised in theWestern section.

The fortications on the coast of "Virginia, andapproaches to itortolK and rortamouth, are advanc-ing rapidly.

The obstructions to the entrance of Norfolk remain.

Efforts are making to raise the Merrimac, Ply--moutn. ana another war vessel, it is thought theywin De successful.

From Itlissouri.Wamaw, JIo., April 26". A great Southern rights

meeting was held here. Resolutions vrere adoptedfavoring the immediate secession of Missouri, andrequesting the Governor to repel any attempt ofme Administration to march troops through Mi-ssouri for the purpose of making war on Southern(.tatoa nr tn roinlnw--o ifiv f a n .Manqla tn 1 !nn. t.complimenting the Governor for refusing to sendLincoln the quota of troops called for.

A cavalry company has been raised. Benton,Henry and bt. LLair counties are overwhelminglyicr secession.

Cunto-V- , April 2C A large Southern Rightsmeeting was held here yesterday. The resolutionsfavor immediate iSeceesion, and recommend theLegislature to pass tbe ordinanco; request the Governor to repel Dy military lorce any attempt byPresident Lincoln to march troops in tbe Stateagainst the South, or to reinforce arsenals or fortsin this State; and compliment Governor Jackson'sreply to Mr. Lincoln.

From Philadelphia.PmLAPELrniA, April 27 Senator Mason is here,

he says to settle the estate of a relative. He is close-ly watched by a Vigilance Committee. The peopleare not aware of his presence.

A Baltimore dispatch says the Union feeling cannot be. relied upon.

The schooner John Roche is reported seized bythe secessionists on James river.

Commander Lloyd B. Newell, of the Navy, shothimseit at tne .Merchants' uotel.

A schooner with provisions for bavannah wasceized bv the nolice in Delawaro river.

Twenty thousand men are drillifig in Philadelphia.

From New "1'orlc.

New Yoke, April 27. Gen. lTarncy has been ar-rested at Harper's Ferry while returning to Washington to report himseit, and carried to Richmond.

Gen. Butler has planted a battery on the heightsopposite Annapolis.

The Pawnee ii at "Washington.A large number of Virginians are in NewYorK,

being driven away because they would not take theoath of allegiance to Virginia.

Governors Hicks and Letcher proposed to Lin-coln, jointly, to guarantee the safety of the Capitol.Lincoln declined.

An escaped North Carolinian says the secessionists arc carrying all before them, driving of all non-sympathizers with their movement, and threateningto hang ex-Go- Gilmer, who persistently resistssecession. A

Cell! Scott Two Men Arrested.Alexandria, April 25. Dr. Decastio, ofNew Or-


had an interview with the Brazilian Ministerand several European Diplomats yesterday, and alsowith Secretary Seward, in relation to the" Blockadeof Southern ports. The result of the interview hasnot yet transpired.

Gen. Scott has written a letter to the President ofthe Richmond Convention in which he says that hewill not resign his commission in the United StatesArmy, but will defend the Union according to theduty imposed on him by his oath or office. A

Two men have been arrested on the Wilmington Railroad for cutting bridges so as to prevent ourtroops from reaching Kichmond.

From Cairo.Cairo. April 2C Thejsteamer C. E. Hillm&n, from

St. L,ouis to JNashville, was abandoned Dy ner om-cer- s.

The desei ted boat was fennd to contain 1000kegs of powder and other contraband articles

Southern passengers here report troops raising at iMemphis and other,points tojproceedby rail throughColumbus, Ky., and attack Cairo from tho oppositeside of tho river.

The steamer J. D. Perry, from St. Louis to Mem-phis,

thewas brought to, but nothing contraband being asd

tound,she was allowed to proceed. in

theFrom Sliclby-rillo- .

SiiKLBTviiXE, Tenn., April 27. Great change ofsentiment here. Frank Story has taken down his astars and stripes and pole. Colyar, of Winchester,made a speech last night, advocating war against of

Lincoln to the death. Capt-- Frierson and Capt. tneKiter have each a company. Ivio made a speedh at lelnthe same time strongly urging resistance and aunited South.

From Ilrfrrlaburg.Harrisbcbo, April 26. It is reported that an at

tack was made by the Marylanders on Hanover vil-

lage, York county, Pennsylavania Tuesday, occa-sioned by a great stampede of negroes. Wholefamilies are crossioy into Pennsylvania. There arogreat fears of the departure of all the slaves in theMaryland border counties.

From Fcrryvllle, Hid.Perrtville, Mn., April 2G. It is reported that

the Vireinians have seized the schooners Gen;'Knox,yictoria, and Geneva, of Maine, and the crews sentout of the State.

There arc indisputable evidence of a reactionagainst secession in Baltimore.

From HarrlaburR. riety

TTarrlsbcro. Anril 28. A laree number of Virginians mostly from Fairfax: county, have arrivedhere , refusing t take the Virginia, test oath.They report 15,000 armed min in Virginia.

Perfect security is leu ar, Washington.Provisions are plenty. The Pawnee In safe.

atFrom Hew Tork.

New York, April 26. The Government has char me,

tercd several more steamers.Senator Wilson is commissioned to obtain guas

for the defence of Annapolis and to get ten moreregiments from Massachusetts.

Front Boston.Bostox, April 27. The harbor is being closed

against shipments for aid and comfort to the te

States.A Concord dispatch says Picroe has

gone to Philadelphia and Baltimore on a mediationmission a( the request of Ingersoll.

From Ilarriaburg'.HiBBisncRa, April 27. The Harper's Ferry to

forces believe GenL Beauregard is at Richmondwith 7,000 troops.

Provisions are going to Baltimore,


PmunEifiiiA, April 27. Baltiraoro and SoutheraTelegraphic, communication ia reestablished.


From Chicago.Chicaoo, April thousand standarms have been removed irom tho St. lows Springfleld, illlnois.

KlTcr News.Locisville, April 27. The rlvw is'falling withfeet 2 inches water on the falls.

, I DR. S; X CQBR" J ....... . u. . . . w i u.

I JjrT Md. visinlty, that he haa opened Sessaf twai M5.a.,eisBWtre,wllerelwwlia.toneeinaad waltupfw aaypenou witWB a vaM cyer--MMVxi, JM 11.IEM. EBfl MM TMiri M niM 1311 VnHf.K VI M

P saake tbarfw Ty Bodtnta- 8;T ar gMeaan who tea esiisM la the Seattiws Araay

taatvlthei to ban btaHMtii mm atsy eSee and. have It doaa free Gratia tot NotMw. ps

a JaolW-dte- a B. J. CO 8.t'LwDlt, SAJU AMB VKAITI SACtkS- -

W win keep oa band a supply of Sack asaaufceiurtdn? S. B. Head, ofiTma nrnar! tatakau

fc10" prtatel y'dSI &hiPPrs Will da well tacalL


&Sfes?ap!01-l- m

-- juuia walkjck. Secretarytag Coaaerdal InsuranceQD. ClsWanVPrints.-lr-T.

a ild for tor cyl'j .J;3 received to--

api21-- t; jamibxows tco.,m .and 210 Sixth atreetMuIaviIlt,Ey.


th?nnderslgned.Tho have cualMed aVStLTS'U?'?,,?0and.all persons indebted to de estate ar, r7qsted to makeearly settlement.

J. 1 iiosucc can ce louna at aiaoacs. rfo.44VCii.r.trett, Nashville. Tenn. vnerry


mar30-dl- st Executors of Hardin f.Bestick,


RUNAWAY from the subscribers on lbs 12th of March,18S 1bora. Uearr Youair and Burrell. Ilsur !

abou twenty-Ar- e years old, 5 feet 8 cr 9 Inches hish, some teethout or the lower Jaw In front, and he talks very fist. If be ucommitted to jail Be may have an assumed name, aa he has donethe like before. Burrell la nineteen years old, and it a brightmulatto, quick spoken, long bushy hair; he may try to pass rorafreeboy,and seekemploymcntrtad help on Henry, as we thinkuiey are mating ror a free ptate.

Henry belongs to the firm of Jackson tt Bolton and Burrellbelonea to the Arm of J. Pind J. a. TlmLerlake. SteveruenAiana ra a.

Beward.A liberal revard will be paid for the dellnrv of Kid ban In

m mat wi may get mem.W J JACKiUa,S BOLTON,J P TIMBER LASS,3 8 TIHBEBilKZ,apIIGlJtwfcwlt Eorl.tMn 11.

afembhla AvalanrbA !nurf trv immnlnr'tl. ' -

1. s. wr. skxxx. JHO. TVHaSlS.


AT 4

BOOK. STORE,Where kind be found, In quattiiies, all kinds of


SECESSION WRITING PAPER,having the Flag of the Southern Confederacy printed on themin colors. 2 ns xraae suppnea ny

' G3JSXN tt CO.,. . No. b Dnlon atrecL

Louisville eceived dbllv at 9 o'clock A.M.. diilv.ap!17-dt-w



Confined exclusively to


ItO, SO CXIOX STUEET,Naabvllle, : : : Tcaaessee

He solicits patronage.HE WARRANTS SATISFACTION'

a13-dl- y


C. L. HOWERlN.No'b o and IO Public Square, riaubvlllc.

Harness Manufacturer.

CI O ACE and Baggy Harness of (very style and quality keptconstantly en basa and manufactured to trier. Also,

Buggy Collars, Kip and Hog Skis Collars, Bridles, Halters,and all other ar ides made by Uarnets Manufacturer all of thebest materials and the' finest workmanship, all of which will besold aa cheap as (Mn be bought anywnere in the United States.

ToO li. UOWBBTOtt'8 Harness has bees awarded the niih--tit Premium at the Tennesaee State Fair, the Kentucky tttateFair at Hooting Oreen, at the Limestone Ceunty Fair, Alaba-ma; Agricultural Society at Athena.

meriuiii-aija- n


No. 14 Itlarlcet Street,JVASIIVII.Lr.

apl-- tf

"Nashville Blood Horse Assocla

finBE Spring Meeting over the Central Course will commence!si a

3IONDAY, MAY 13tb, 1SOI.MosOAT.Jlay 13th,SCl Sweepstakes for untried three year

oias one mile neats iw entry; ;a rorreu.Qen WO Harding entgf Meteor, by Child Harold, dan Ger-

man, by Pacific, alss,b f Carolini: by Imp Scythian, dam Bosetts, cy imp xorxsnire; alio br e corsair, ny cslide Harolddam Corscttc. bvTri jiloa rr d Imu Bustle, br Whalebone. of

Doct D T MeQavock ent eh e Tan Wyck, by Highlander, damrremlum, Dy imp uossui; also br c Everlasting, by liignian-de- r,

dam by Shara.Tumdat, May Hth. 1831, Swetpstakes for three years old

mue neau iuu loneit.Gen W Q Harding ent br c Corsair, by Childe Harold, dam Cor

sette.byBpsilon.Turner ent che Imp Albion, dam own sister to Flight, by

Imp Lievlatsan.QenBF Cheatham out eh f Mollle Qoedloe, by Highlander, dam a

Premium, by Imp Consul. SBousdtree ent ch f Lady Klppoe, by imp Albion, dam Xudo-- n

ra. oy imp mm.agle tt Wisgate, est b f Kansas, by Oliver, dam Nebraska, bySovereign.TucxaOAV, May lSth, 1SS1 AsoadationPurse J300 two mile

seats.Fiusav, Mar 17th, 1811. Association Purse $200 Mile heatsSaturday, May 18tL,lSGl. Association Purse S2iO daihcf

two miles for all ages.Same Day Association Purse 3100. with an inside stake for

three years old 320 est 323 forfeit.Closed 1st ofFebruarry 18S1. DrD T MeQavock est bf Nina

Woods, by Ulgblasder, dam Mary Elliott, by Imp Levtatnan.Torner est cheby Imp Albion, dam full sitter toFliiht.

Qen B F Cheatham ent br c Everlasting, by Highlander, dara byBsacc.

Wm Kosndtrce est ch f Lady Klppoe, by Imp Albien, dam Xudora, by imn Pram.cle& Wisgate est bf Kansas, by OMver, dam Nebraska byimp sovereign.apVl id W H JOHNSON, Sec'y.

Liiind for sulc.TS with a Deed of Trust mads to tre on the 4th of

t enrnary, 11S1, 1 win sen to tne nignest otauer at tse uouri-hous- e

in Nashville, on tie 2Jta day of May 15VJ1, the tract or a

Eart of tbe tractor land therein conveyed, containing la all twoand fifty faur acres, situated oa Cumberland river be-

tween said river and Hide's ferry turnpike road, In Davidsoncojnty. The traet of land I now propose to sell, la one among

best farmrs In the eonstv. with .a comfortable frame dwellingwith all other necesssry out tulldings. The soil la aoperior Go

point or fertility, about one call ciearea ana tsa nausea latimber, such as cannot be surpaf sed as to quantity or quality oa

same number or acres There is about out hair tt the tractwith so incumbrance upon It, the other has a loin. A cleartitle will be riven to the pur chaser, free from redemption.

N. B. Hyde now resides on the premises asd has commencedsmall crop, and is desirous of remaining until the end of the

year, and win pay a reasonanie rent to toe purcnaier me termsthis sale will be Thirty five Hundred Dollars cash, the bal

an-- e at the rate of Twenty five Hundred Dollars annually, from1st or Decemccr next, jioiea maaepeyaoiein Bna aadretained. T. HTD,

apltO-twl- d a Trustee of N B Hyde.

Dell Grays, Attention.THE members at this Company art requested to met at the la

house to siiht at 7k o'clock, for the Durcoio of ncrgauiaing, ior uie aeeence ot us squib.

By order ot the Captain.ap25 tf JAS M HINTON,

To the BHreau of military Supplies. aw

WE have over ten thousand pounds of lead on hand , whichthe Davidson county Military Conoanies can have for

nuiiets, oy leavisg iseir mouia at our place, tree of coarse.apaa umiDKKeW BBOS,

Auction tale On "Writ of Attach'mcntand Departure.



ILL sell on accoout of whom it may concern a largeStook of Household and Kitchen Furniture, with a va ia

of articles, useful and ornamental. Terms cash beforedelivery. BBitJ F SHIELDS acCU.,

vpia td Central Auction Kooms

SOLDIER TENTS.rjpHE undersigned is prepared to furnlih

Soiaior's tcbisthe shortest notice.

OOcers organising coapanles would doweU to call and see

at my Mattress Factory. t, a rOLE.


Wholesale Dry Goods,

SPRING Oh 1861. m

TRABUE & LUCAS.. . mmtnv nf flnrlsr and Summer

WlZfsZvU Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots. Shoes.

Broganfc Varfcty UCB, Hardware. Cntiery, Data, Carpet-an- d jlngs,0 1 qioths. BaMJc panic pricedi,eic'ustveiy; ""rr tltaaoii t paying asd cashwMciwel social uhiadquarUra for cash .s

--4011t JSdged Nous and pay them.erifTbey"4',w0' P""1'uX oa&. for cash and o mea who pay their,S?,?dnBtoiImuIito!slt busiaes we will advancela o-- .. wm nd MerehmnJlw.

oneverydescnpu v..v.. -- . -Furniture, Grebes,

auction for casa. ". AndTuesdar nlffht. neluvtvulvoa,:L having Qoodsto tin at AucUob. U1

them in asd pt the mosey plump up.P"fV?. TRABTTK tt LTJOAfl.




HXSPSIS. .SamethlHg Hew, Cad, Ncai, bba mtmttrHaaaseme.No mere straight lines, like a straight Jacket on an Xnvetofe, bat

A BEAUTHUI EIA&GracctHlly Flawiagr o the Brweze

With room oa the upper right hand comer, sot only tot astaop bat


IvervJferehants should order cue or two "--

Keepers twice MmasyjSteamboatnen a bushel ot them'BaniaandBaBroadiasBny they please, and, as jEVERYBODY "WILL WAUT THEJf;

We shall fill orders on the principle or" FIRST COX, FIHST SEKVEB.TV

riticEs.Confederate Flig Envelope, without Card, per 1TO,IT

wits lara, . g,cuALSO,

letter Heads, per quire 71 ceats- - Note Heads, . ....MIn quanUUes leas than 1000. 25 per cent additional.Begulardlscou&t to the trade. .Oro accompanied vsstb. the cash promptly attended toS

liihing and Job Printing EtUblishment efHUTTON &. FRELIGIT.

Slv'.tr?t'Mlr raer of adjoining Calvery Chunk,where better work is done la the

JOB FKiSTIjrc LINE 'Than elsewhere la the South.

ALSO,Flag Badges,Printed la colors, oa white silk. apia-t- f

Notice to tke Citizens or tne SeventhDistrict.

I WILL receive the names of all those who are ffto enlist their names lor the cf JDEFENDIaNG SODThSwI BIGHTS Mand tendering their services U the Oaviracr, to be disced fitof as he may see proper. 1 1

I will attend at tne former site of the second Tntl.n.,. litat Tujcaium Church, NolenrrUl Turnpike.



BIOEXOITV, rutaiszi,

Authorized Capital- - -- 51,000, DMraid up capital.

itcad Tbl X


TheQiirxxAL Aecrrof thelBtunneaOinBiiiTi,r ttiii sIal.Cf Vlrzillia. invites tie AttAntlon nf ritlrn. nf Tni-- . tnfact that he Is sow


to represent this first elan and la every way.


Where Stock Is not uDartlv held Iv SoutXm " Vntwholly so.

It is wholly identified with the South, and Is a at facta

SOUTHERN INSTITUTION.Having complied with the Law requiring

A Bepoalt of. SSOjCOO

la the hands ef the ComMr.ll.r .nrt tn Txmi.iiihoUe.i, which Deposit will act be laperiled by any contingency

ITaaiettlca statool tbeConatry.Stronrlsducenents are offend to TSSmttf TV TnTnrnr

PANT at aa LOW &ATE3 and with aa PHOllfT SCTTLEHkN tOF LOSSES aa are offered by any Northern Coup, nits.a. . su Alu.HLAnl,,

Oeneral Agv&tPolicies Issued aad lenewed and losses settled at this Agency

H. K. tt P. P. PUCKAgents.

CoIOBaade IluIItlinRs, nasbvIlIe.TeakB.apSl-- tf

Hickory uunrds" Attentieu.Barracks at J2u. Douglae' old tUnd, on Sbrth Jtarktt

ttrtet.10UPANT meets every night at ? o'clock, for drill, AUde- -

1 t siring to Join the Company, apply at tbe Barracks Com- -petent drill oCiceri will be U attendacee every evening to dril Itne manners. WILLLFOSTXX,

sp2-l- w . "Captain

NOTICE.have la store y

3000 pair Blanket t.130 Blankets Wrappers,

40OO yards sf Ood for uniforms,00 doaen country knit Stockings,

SO 000 yards Plaid ldnsty,UO " White Lisser.500 heavy Blanket Overcoats, ;501 " Pants.

1UM) varda Twilled Blue and Sed!S4-I- w a A J PUS CAN t CO.

WAR IVOTICE.FROM and after this data we will sell Oooda txdutivtly tot

all my clerks have volunteered for the war sad noother coarse is left us.

ap23 attT J. W. HO BT0N tt CO.

HA SI! VILLE GUARDS.ALL persons desiring to enlist la this Company are requcste J

call upon the following gentlemen at their respectiveofitcea, or at tse rendezvous of the Company, in third story ofPouth end of IIauit Hocsr,at 4K asd 7 o'clock P. M. ofevery day. E. W. McGavocx, ) ,

ynix R-- CaiATUAX, Committte.Howru. Wzaa, )

HxADqUAKTass 2s Dtvinoa Tmrcm Mom a.)Nashville, April 17th, 1861. n J

TO the Commanders of Volunteer Military Companies of the3d Division of Tennesaee Militia, yoa are hereby ordered tu

report forthwith to tho command er of the division the strength ofyour company, the number aad description of arms, with tho data

commission, Ac Tola order will apply to all companies neworganizing, to report when completed.

B F CniATHAM,Major-Gese- SI Divisloa Tennessee Militia,

aplB NaahvilUjTeaa.91


DR. D. y. WBIGHT withes to devote a portion of tbadaygiving private instruction la Latin, Greek, French,

thematica, Music, ice.ooma over the Past OSes,arSS-l- a.

TV XMOVILLK'3 Hair Tonic, for sale bvU DXM0TILU tt 00.febSe-- tf

FLAGS I cFLAGSMHani; ont Tour Saaners t

J" AM now prepared to famish Flags ot any slae or style.JL JUU.1 AtUCK,

apll3- -tf 45 Union street.

A Wnr of xtcrntiBatloB.WILL be

thewaged by the nndersigned against all competition


Determined to let no

CASH CUSTOMERwithout the Goods. J W HSOLET,

aplB-- tf rfcn 4t Union street. sold on Thursday, the 27th of June, 1861, aWILL shop with all the machinery, tools, asd unfinish-

ed work that may be oa hind, ir not prevteuily told The ma-

chinery consists or a geod ten horse engine asl boiler, nearlynew; two geared Lathes for taming Iron, one Lathe fo'wood,one Bolt Cutter, one Daniel Plainer, oneWoodworta Plainer,-osTenoris-

Machlse.two Circle Haws, n Sash Saw, w.rknencnes, lour or five setts seuea i ooii,ioj am. vuwarticles sot enumerated- - Said shop wu formerly occupied byElliott Jb-- rtirfn Tt ! twenty miles from ashviUc oa theNaOl Boad at Smyrna. Bstherford eoonty. Tenseae,aod

one of the best locations Is tht State for a Machine Shop, aCarpenter a Shop or a Cabinet anop. aiij ptrrawasiii iapsrehas. by writing to me, can gtt fsither Inf.rmatioa, or callt the shop and A JtUIott will snow theia the machinery, Aca, m n ,nn.fh m.h. th halAnce In tsrve en oat Mjrmcatiat

Tx, t'eive asd eighleen months with sates payable la Bankell secured, lius jpru jots, icw.Smyrna, Tenn. SILAS TTTCS32.apll-w- td

New Spring Goods !


TAX sow reeeivtegnysiockor uress iuoo4t.vueh I pre..rmtrurdlsarilv caar. Doiar an

cash business, enables see to do this aad I am sura I.,iaa makato the Interest of all " call asd sr. my stock otDrtsa Goods,

embracing, White and Linen Goods, Domestics of all kinds asdtact everything one could desire.I must again call the attention of those I'debUd U I OIHrib-.1.- ,-

l-- Co. .Mkholson tt Humphrey, or mvsair. to tl- -

setledaccousts,lrth times are sues as demand !mm2ataction la such cases. D. UCMFfiUX.

ap-i- y

Uferaphis and Arlcansas Kiver U.S.31 All. LINE,

COMPOSID of the following new and Jetegaatly JurnlahsU

rredericrtotrobe, Cabi. tl r. TT.nM.CueBter Aauley, " KsmFxrrcaiXa.Little Rock, jnatmn.Rote UoBXlav " Jaaa MeGtBKtB.

One of tha above mentioned Boat, will tcivi, Mraphia eaT02SDAT'8, THCKSDAT'3 and SATDBDArS, a3PMconnecting at Little Hack with Coaches for the celebrated IIatapriHEHt ana wua small boats tor all points above.

ix tanner iuuuuhbb aoureasL. HARNSTltADJljent,

Cor. Frcnt tt Madlsou St's. Memphis,tp!3il2m or Ji D. ADAM3tProprltar.

FIVE SHOOTEKS. ,rtala cheap, by

BENJ. F. 8HIUD3 . CO,apcaj-t-r


f ( B1Q3 and 50 Barrels, J ait rsceirM at Icrv prices byLfU BJtNJ F SHIJCLD3.

aplI7-- tt eft

AhcUoh Sale of Irish Potatoes Xl4H- -


r. 81UEI.9S St C9.oa aosount of whoa It may coscera.'iall ITS ba

IriafaPoUtoes.SSbarreUdo Liquor. Que .wars. BLi ware.oae.. eta. Hwpwure. Tenaacash ' ' aU7Ul

t-- --T- a mrnT a mmr i .

l!)K. J. J. Ai5EIUNA.liai, . C8RXAWBMAY. . ,

IVJoftLeXac 10 500jSSyraHay, .'