Name - Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn...

Interview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was easy, there was relatively no traffic and the school was easy to find. NA: This jerk cut me off and almost hit my car. So that distracted me and I missed the turn for the street and didn’t realize till 15 minutes later. That pissed me off and then I was finally able to get here. 1. School Organization Q: What does your ideal school and team look like and run like? A: No matter the size of the school or the team there would be an overall feel of cooperation and positivity. There is no system of hierarchy, everyone is mutually respective and respected. We are all working towards making sure the students are learning and growing in a positive environment. NA: Well I usually like to work alone and stay focused on my classroom. I figure if I’m doing the right thing then everyone else will also do it. As long as my students are learning that’s helping the school grow.

Transcript of Name - Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn...

Page 1: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

Interview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis)

Opening/ice breakingQ: How was your trip to school?A: Oh it was easy, there was relatively no traffic and the school was easy to find.NA: This jerk cut me off and almost hit my car. So that distracted me and I missed the turn for the street and didn’t realize till 15 minutes later. That pissed me off and then I was finally able to get here. 1. School OrganizationQ: What does your ideal school and team look like and run like?A: No matter the size of the school or the team there would be an overall feel of cooperation and positivity. There is no system of hierarchy, everyone is mutually respective and respected. We are all working towards making sure the students are learning and growing in a positive environment.NA: Well I usually like to work alone and stay focused on my classroom. I figure if I’m doing the right thing then everyone else will also do it. As long as my students are learning that’s helping the school grow.2. StudentsQ: Do you think it’s more important for the students to like you or to respect you?A: Respect is a major component of a successful classroom, however students also need to like what they are doing and who is telling them what to do. I feel that there needs to be a mutual respect between both parties, and the students respect me while liking me.NA: I think the students need to like me because if they like me and are friendly with me then they will be more willing to work for me. Then we can accomplish more since we are all working together.

Page 2: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

3. CurriculumQ: What would you consider your strongest aspect of curriculum and what is the weakest?A: My favorite and strongest aspect of curriculum is when I get to teach Shakespeare. It allows me to bring in drama and plays to the classroom and gets the students interacting with the subject in more creative ways. The curriculum I’m least confident in poetry, I don’t know why, but it just doesn’t strike a chord with me.NA: The thing I’m the best at is taking attendance, I can do it from my seat. The weakest aspect, well I just cut those things out of my instruction.4. Instruction *****************Q: Tell me of a time where you realized that the students weren’t understanding what you were teaching and what you did to help the students understand.A: My students were struggling with mirror images, even though they had cut out visuals to manipulate. So I made everyone clear their desk and then had students lying on the floor and had them move to show a ‘flip’ and ‘turn.’NA: My students always seem to understand when I use visual and hands on activities.5. Classroom Management and disciplineQ: Tell me the top 3 rules of your classroom.A: 1) Respect yourself, others and their property. 2) Be prepared for class. 3) Always give your best effort!NA: 1) No tattling – if no one is injured, it’s not a big deal. 2) Do not interrupt whoever is speaking. 3) What I say goes!6. Dealing with Parents

Page 3: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

Q: What would you do if you were confronted by an agitated, highly irritated parent?A: I would let them talk off their steam and wait silently until they were done. Sometimes parents just want their ‘story’ to be heard, and that’s what we can do as school professionals. If they were to get so worked up that they threatened me I would leave the situation and find an administrator immediately. NA: If a parent is upset I would tell them to call the main office and leave a message for me to call them and schedule a conference. 7. Teacher relationship with studentsQ: How do you set appropriate boundaries with you and your students?A: As a teacher you need to be firm and fair when dealing with your students. You are their educator first and foremost and that is the most important aspect to remember when dealing with students.NA: I want our room to feel like a home, family environment where students feel free to share their personal life during appropriate times in the day. 8. Teacher relationship with colleaguesQ: What would you do if one of your grade level teammates were struggling with an issue?A: I would be proactive about approaching my teammate to check in with them about how they’re feeling overall with the issue. NA: If they come to me and I have time then I will be willing to help. However, everyone is pressed for time so I’m focused on making sure to take care of myself.9. Teacher relationship with parentsQ: What would you do to have a good line of communication with parents?

Page 4: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

A: From the beginning I would provide my parents with my email address, phone and voicemail, blog/classroom website, and when to expect newsletters sent home. I would also ask the parent their preferred form of communication, and make sure to contact them. In the newsletters I would provide parents information about volunteering at the school and any activities in our classroom where we would need extra assistance. NA: I would provide them with my contact information, and call or email them when 10. Professional lifeQ: What are some ways that you keep yourself up to date with current educational trends?A: I try to find professional development sessions for me to attend at least once a grading period to expand my educational knowledge. I also attend all of my school’s sponsored professional development. I’ve had my principal in the past ask me to be part of the school’s PLC board so that I can attend trainings with other fellow teachers. NA:11. Educational visionQ: What are your educational expectations in your classroom? A: Every child has the potential to learn, and it’s my responsibility to help them achieve their highest level. I have to make sure my classroom will accommodate to everyone’s learning styles and capacities. NA: I want kids to achieve their best, and make sure to my end by teaching them.12. PersonalQ: What are three words that your best friend would describe you by?

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A: My best friend would use the words empathy, a listener, and honest as a description for me. NA: They would be hard-worker, people-person, and organized.13. Content specific questionsQ: How much experience do you have with using a running record in your classroom?A: In my classroom I have all my students on a running record. There is a weekly schedule where I conference with the students on certain days. I also add in extra conference sessions with my lowest 25% students. I present these records to the parents during conferences so that they can see first hand what their child is doing in the classroom.NA: I have been to trainings where it was talked about, so I’m familiar with it.

Try to find out what they really believe about the students For each topic we need 1 question and 2 answers***Add-on: written response question that we would ask the person to put into writing that will provide insight. Also create a rubric for grading, really only acceptable/unacceptable

Provide the interviewee with a description of a student (behaviors, grades, and habits) and ask them to write report card comment for the student.

Here is one of your future students, John Doe. He received average grades during this quarter, however he refused to do class work on multiple occasions and doesn’t bring in his homework on a routine basis. Recently, he has come in tardy more than twice a week, and has been having issues behaving with other students during the specials block time. Please write a paragraph that would be sent to the parent with the report card.


Page 6: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

Acceptable: Starting with a positive note, and structuring the negative points with a plan to fix them. Providing the invite to conference with the teacher available to the parent. Making sure the paragraph is grammatically correct, and no spelling errors.

Unacceptable: Fixating on the negative characteristics of the student with no positives brought up or possible course of actions. Not providing opportunity for the parent to come in for a conference, or suggesting things that cannot actually be provided. The paragraph is found to have major grammatical or spelling errors within.

Interview Guide by: Jessica Smith, Vanessa Jhon, Haley Mason, Diane Gardner

From: Peterson, K.D. (2002). Effective teacher hiring: A guide to getting the best. Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and Personnel Issues and Needs in Education (5th ed.) Upper Saddle River, N, J., Pearson.

Human resources administration:

1. Opening/ice breaking: *Deal Breaker Question*a. With all the adverse publicity about education today, why do you want to

become a teacher?

Answer: Not only do I enjoy working with people, I really want to help build student knowledge utilizing hands-on activities. I struggled in school growing up and the teachers that had the biggest impact in my life were the ones that made the learning relatable for me in a way that doesn’t lose my interest. In doing so, those teachers encouraged me to become productive members of society. I want to be able to do the same for students that need an adult to advocate for them and build them to be a positive force in society.

2. School Organization:a. Describe some teacher-led organization or group from which you have


Answer: I was involved with the SAC at my previous school. It made me aware of the pressing needs of my school and community.

3. Students:a. What actions have you taken to learn about a student’s cultural background?

Page 7: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

Answer: I always make a point to integrate my students’ culture in the classroom through show-and-tell, shared experiences, and use of literary text that includes a variety of cultures.

b. How do you make sure you meet the needs of a student with an IEP?

Answer: I would request to meet with the school’s ESE specialist to ensure the proper accommodations are being provided. I would also request a copy of the IEP so that I can refer to it throughout the school year.

4. Dealing with parents:a. If you received an e-mail from an irate parent, what would you do to handle the


Answer: I would address the situation by inviting the parent(s) to discuss the issues presented in a face-to-face parent conference.

5. Teacher relationship with students:a. How would your students describe you?

Answer: My students would say I was caring and approachable. I have always wanted to create an environment that allows my students to feel safe and accepted.

6. Teacher relationship with colleagues:a. Describe a situation where you were involved with your colleagues and it was

sensitive and difficult. How did you handle it?

Answer: In my previous internship, the team was told that one of them needed to move grade levels. The administrator asked the team to collaborate and decide who would be the teacher to move grade levels. Throughout the meeting, this sensitive topic began to upset several teachers, but I had suggested that we establish norms first. From there we were able to calmly discuss and come to a solution that was amicable for everyone.

7. Teacher relationship with parents:a. How would you get parents involved in the school or with their child’s


Answer: I have observed many school events that have involved parents with their child’s education, such as literacy nights, young author’s night, etc. Parents tend to participate more when their children are excited to display, demonstrate, or learn skills and activities outside of the classroom.

b. What types of communication do you use with parents and why?

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Answer: Many parents need teachers to be flexible. I am willing to use any and/or all communication available to the school. For example: agendas, phone, newsletters, e-mail, parent conferences, and so forth.

8. Curriculum knowledge and application:a. Give me an example of a key idea in your subject matter and how you would

differentiate your curriculum to teach it.

Answer: I have observed and participated in teaching a civics lesson about the three branches of government. I allow the students to choose how they would like to present their learning to the class. I have had students create a play, website, brochure, PowerPoint, etc. to demonstrate understanding through differentiated instruction.

9. Instruction and Instructional Techniques:a. If a student told another teacher that your class was boring what would you do?

Answer: I would explain to my colleague that everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion and I would not display over-sensitivity. However, I would take this opportunity to hold a “classroom chat” with my students. I would open the discussion and create a safe environment for the students to express any concerns or feelings towards the subject matter in the class or my approach to teaching. I would remind the class that we must stay focused on the learning goal, but I would be willing to make changes to instruction that will benefit the class as a whole.

10. Classroom Management and discipline:a. How do you establish and maintain your classroom rules and procedures?

Answer: I feel that it works best to collaborate with my grade level/department to establish a consistent set of rules and procedures. Once established, rules will be prominently posted as daily reminders for students to reference. In order to maintain the rules and procedures, I will follow through with consequences as outlined in the student handbook.

11. Professional life:a. How have you grown professionally recently?

Answer: I make a point to keep myself abreast with current educational practices by reading educational journals, attending professional development workshops, and maintaining communications and relationships with my fellow educators.

b. What areas would you like to develop in yourself?

Page 9: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

Answer: I would love to learn another language, especially living in the Central Florida area. I feel that it would greatly benefit my relationships with parents and students to develop my multi-lingual skills.

12. Educational vision:a. How would you rank these in importance and why? Evaluation, discipline,

collaboration, content knowledge.

Answer: I feel that it varies dependent on the school population. They all have a significant level of importance. If I had to choose, I would rank them as: discipline, collaboration, content knowledge, and evaluation. Without the affective the cognitive cannot exist. Therefore, without good discipline all of the other three areas would lose their effectiveness.

13. Personal:a. If you were not a teacher, what career path would you have chosen and why?

Answer: If I were not going to become a teacher, I would probably pursue another career that allows me the opportunity to nurture others, such as a nurse. That position would encourage me to continue to help and support people, regardless of level of health so that I can provide the highest level of care.

14. Content specific questions:a. How will you prepare students for standardized assessments?

Answer: Students are developing anxiety for state standardized testing. In preparation for tests, I think it is important to teach the state required benchmarks to the best of my ability. I feel that using brain-based learning to help students remember and retain the skills necessary to perform well on a standardized test.

b. How would you use data to drive your instruction?

Answer: Data-driven instruction is essential when working with students. I feel that it is necessary to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all learners so that students are successful. By reviewing data on a weekly basis, I would use the information with my colleagues that I plan with to help shape my activities for the following week that will best meet the needs of the students.

Written Response:15. Describe what would be present if administration walked into your classroom.

Learning Goal/Essential Question Word Wall

Student Work Cooperative Groups

Classroom library (ability leveled) Student engagement

Page 10: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

Rubric for Appropriate Responses:4 3 2 1

Clear response with full understanding using specific detail. Organization is notably logical. The writer demonstrates superior grammar and syntax usage.

Adequately responded to question and developed specific details with explanation application. The writer demonstrates satisfactory use of proper grammar and syntax.

The written topic is ambiguous. Most explanations and applications are omitted. Support is developed with generalizations with little description of plans for change. Frequent errors in proper grammar and syntax.

No evidence of the above elements. Organization is illogical. The writer demonstrates severe and pervasive flaws in the use of proper grammar and syntax.

*Bonus: Sample Interview Rubric with Questions- Thanks Vanessa!

Page 11: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

Name Sample School Interview-Principal Interview


Question Category Question Rating↓1-5 ↑

General/ Philosophy Passion Relationships Student learning driven Goal oriented Learner

1. What are you passionate about?

Reflective Thinker Evidence of Reflection Honest Learner Improvement

2. Which of the questions from your first interview would you like to go back and answer again or change your answer to?

Classroom Instruction Interaction Variety Small groups Differentiation Student work displayed Modeling Literacy rich environment Goals

3. Describe what a visitor to your classroom would see. What are you doing? What are kids doing? What does the room look like?

Instruction/Strategies Awareness of strengths Internal support system External support system Eye on the prize Purpose Goals Values Work Ethic Emotional Intelligence

4. The “going will get tough”. Where will you get your strength when that happens?

Page 12: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

Character Values Integrity Confront when necessary Professional Accountable to team Accountable to school goals

5. What does personal accountability mean to you?

Confrontation Professionalism Integrity Personal Values Accountability Sensitivity Seek understanding School Values Emotional Intelligence

6. Describe a situation where you needed to confront someone. What was the situation and how did you handle it?

Relationships/Management Clear rules/ structures/

expectations/ routines Rewards and consequences

clearly thought through Provide students practice,

reinforcement, and consistent feedback

Expresses warmth, concern, respect, fairness-- SHOWS CARE

Promotes safe participation. Effective problem solver/

adept at conflict resolution. Positive communication

7. Tell me about your classroom management.

Climate Communication Teamwork Model care with words and

actions Integrity Build Relationships Commitment Time Authenticity Leadership Improvement

8. What would you do to create and maintain an atmosphere of care, respect and professionalism within our school?

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Strengths: Needs:

Doug Farley, Shanita Highland, Brenda Bohlinger, Adam Ulenski

Interview Guide:

From: Peterson, K.D. (2002). Effective teacher hiring: A guide to getting the best. Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. and Personnel issues and needs in education (5th ed.) Upper Saddle River, N, J., Pearson.

From: Webb, L.D., and Norton, M.S., (2009). Human resources administration:

1. Opening/ice breakinga. Do NOT ask:

i. Family, place of origin, b. Topics for Conversation:

i. What are you interests and hobbies outside of school?1. Acceptable answers would include:

a. Any affiliations that require interactions with diverse groups of people.

b. Intellectually stimulating activities that show life-long learning attributes

c. Contributions beyond personal gain2. School Organization

a. Explain how a professional learning community (PLC) operates effectively and can contribute to student learning?

Page 14: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

i. Acceptable answers:1. I’ve never had the opportunity to work in a PLC,

BUT I’m willing to learn if given the opportunity (acceptable from a new teacher or someone out of state).

2. All members of the teaching teams/grade levels/school collaborate together in order to ensure that all students have the same opportunity to succeed at high levels.

3. Teacher relationship with students ** (Deal Breaker)a. What activities have you used to form relationships with

your students and how have you used that to inform your instruction?

i. Acceptable answers:1. Ice-Breaker/Team Building – teacher understands

student backgrounds, attitudes, and interests and can use this information to set up collaborative groups, seating arrangements, etc.

2. Journaling/Informal Conversations – teacher understands personal information about students that forms a rapport. This helps the teacher motivate students and understand background issues.

4. Teacher relationship with colleaguesa. Discuss the time that you have collaborated with colleagues

and what were the results?i. Acceptable answers:

Page 15: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

1. Cross-team planning to develop curricular units so students are not learning isolated information, but learning it across the curriculum.

2. Vertical and horizontal teaming to align content and standards and to reduce gaps and overlaps in curriculum

5. Teacher relationship with parentsa. Discuss a time when collaborating with a parent was difficult

and how did you handle it?i. Acceptable answers:

1. Differences in child’s ability – listen to the parent’s perception, compliment on positive attributes of the child that you agree with, and then present data that supports the teachers point of view. Collaborate on a working plan to improve student performance.

2. Behavioral issues – present the situation and consequences in an objective fashion, and defend the consequences by referring to the student code of conduct.

6. Curriculum knowledge and applicationa. Give an example of a skill you have taught and how you

would scaffold your instruction to teach the skill.b. Possible Answers:

i. Identify the relevant benchmarks covered, include needed pre-knowledge for the students, and include multiple levels of questioning

Page 16: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

ii. Talk about sequencing of the skills, having the students demonstrate their knowledge of the skill, reteaching, and then assessing their knowledge.

7. Instruction and Instructional Techniquesa. What is the one instructional technique that you have used

in the past that has had the strongest effect on student learning?

b. Possible correct answer could include:i. Discuss SPECIFIC strategies, instead of vague practices.

Finish up by giving a SPECIFIC, actual experience, instead of just a hypothetical situation.

8. Classroom Management and Disciplinea. Please describe a creative way that you have used to correct

and redirect a difficult child in the classroom?i. Possible correct answers:

1. Answers based on current research, specific actual example that was not demeaning and punitive, and where the punishment was related to the behavior. Other examples could include home contact too.

9. Professional lifea. If you were to create your own professional development

workshop, what would it include?b. Possible correct answers could include:

i. Practical take-away, hands-on involvement, follow-up, question and answer sessions, peer teaching, etc.

10. Educational vision

Page 17: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

a. What attributes would you include in a school’s vision statement if you were in charge of writing one for your school?

i. Possible answers could include:1. Focus on student achievement and values; short

term and long term focus; educational and character gains, etc.

11. Personala. If you know a colleague or administrator who has done

something inappropriate in relation to their job, how would you respond to that and what actions would you do?

12. Written Question a. Please write a welcome-back letter to your parents to be

given out on the first day of school.i. Acceptable answers could include: explain who they

are, background, teaching credentials, what they envision for the year, stating cooperation, enthusiasm for the year, expectations for the students and the teacher, contact information, and appeal for communication between the home and teacher

ii. Unacceptable answers could include: outlining rules and policies, poor grammar, behavioral consequences, negative attitude, etc.

Interviewing Questions:

1.Opening/ice breaking >> What has attracted you to our school.

Answers: community speaks highly of your school, chance for growth, the chance to impact the lives of children and their families.

Page 18: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

2. School Organization >> What are the keys to a successful department?

Answers: communication, flexibility, cooperative learning, professionalism.

***********3. Teacher relationship with students >> What strategies would you use to create meaningful professional relationships with your students?

Answers: Fair, listening, knowing their names, giving them time and attention, and the chance to express themselves.

4. Curriculum>> What are some important concepts in the curriculum and what strategies did you use to teach it?

Answers: It focuses on the learning objective, and variety of strategies thast would hit all learning styles. Lots of differentiation.

5. Instruction>> Have you had any difficulties with any of your instructional materials? If so, how do you deal with it?

Answers: Put from other areas, use supplements, research

6. Classroom Management and Discipline>>.Tell me about the last incident you had in your room? How did you handle it? What was the outcome?

Answer: Teaching procedures form the first day of school. Consistent and fair.

7. Other Classroom Issues>>

How would you utilize any additional help or volunteers within your classroom?

Answer: With open arms as long as county approved via background check, collaborate with them, useful for prep/planning work, help with enrichment/remediation with students,

8. Dealing with parents>>

How do you create a partnership between you and your parents? And how do you deal with them when you don’t see eye to eye?

Answer: Prompt and clear communication, (positive and negative)------Allow them to express their concern and questions. Coming up with a plan together to meet the student’s needs.

9. Professional Life>>

How have you, in the past shown a commitment to the school community?

Answer: SAC, A specific professional organization etc

10.Educational Philosophy>>

What is your personal philosophy on public/private education?

Answers: All children the ability to learn. Caring/Compasionate

Page 19: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

11. Personal>>

What are some of the goals that you have as an individual for the next 5 years?

Answers: Clear/Concise direction within reason

12. Assignment>>

Pre-interview questionnaire with questions like: Teaching philosophy, demonstrate a lesson within your subject area?

Answers: Every child has the ability learn and can obtain a certain lesson of success type of philosophy Appropriate lesson within certified subject area.

13. Ending>>

Do you have any questions about our school?

Answer: If I was selected for this position, what kind of challenges would I face?

14. AVOIDBALE QUESTIONS- Anything regarding culture, family or transportation

Written Response:

In your student internship/career what was your most rewarding and most challenging experiences?

4 3 2 1Clearly and concisely expresses ideas. 1-2 grammatical errors.

Clear and concise about one topic but not two.

Ideas are not clearly expressed. Too many grammatical errors to note.

Did not address the topic.

Interview Guide:

From: Peterson, K.D. (2002). Effective teacher hiring: A guide to getting the best. Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. and Personnel issues and needs in education (5th ed.) Upper Saddle River, N, J., Pearson.

From: Webb, L.D., and Norton, M.S., (2009). Human resources administration:

1. Opening/ice breaking

Page 20: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

Hello. How are you? Would you like some coffee/water? Nice weather we’re having/ How did you enjoy the weekend?

2. School Organization

What experiences have you had that have prepared you to teach _______ level students?

R- indicates understanding of school organization; and examples besides internships that indicate positive experiences and feelings or passion behind the experience

3. Teacher relationship with students *What actions have you taken to learn about student cultural backgrounds?

R- could include stereotypical attitudes/beliefs as a red flag/ or indicate levels of open mindedness and understanding of cultural differences= to differentiate instruction; genuine interest in student backgrounds

*Do you want students to like you? If yes, why?(deal breaker question)R- Yes for the right reasons- beneficial to learning, relationship buildingWhy red flag?? – If the response is more teacher centered and not student centered. Could lead you to see more of teacher personality and values.

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4. Teacher relationship with colleagues

*How would your colleagues describe you?

R- specific professional Strengths/ include weaknesses?

*Give an example of a successful collaborative effort- across your department, or within an interdisciplinary team.

R-Collaborative roles, planning, who did what, the results, how it enhanced the school/ program

5. Teacher relationship with parents

*Describe a time when you learned something about teaching or an individual student by listening to a parent.

R-specific, reflective, acknowledge weakness or area to change

6. DEAL BREAKER QUESTION ******Curriculum knowledge and application

*Describe an example of a key idea in your subject matter and how you developed your curriculum to teach it. How did you you know your lesson/unit was effective?

R- lesson planning style and implementation; collaboration; specific content knowledge; reference to student achievement/ use of data/ specific monitoring strategies

7. Instruction and Instructional Techniques

Page 22: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

*During a lesson, you notice that some students are bored/glazed over, how do you re-engage those students?

R- games/humor/move around/enacted on the spot- why- rationale for choices

*During a lesson, you realize that some students are struggling with the content/skill, how would you differentiate your instruction to meet their needs?

R- modification of homework problems, collaboration with peers/

8. Classroom Management and discipline

*What will you do to establish or maintain classroom rules and procedures?

R- include students in decision-making/ positive and negative consequences, parent contact, specific rules or procedures that work w/ rationale for those choices

*Using your experience, how do classroom management and discipline differ from the beginning of the year compared to the middle of the school year?

R- consistency, and flexibility with specific students, parent contact

9. Professional life -

Page 23: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

*What is the last professional journal/book that you have read? What impact did this have on your instructional practice?

*Describe your most recent professional development/conference experience. In what ways have you applied new concepts learned to your practice?

R- specificity, research-based, practical applications and trouble shooting; awareness of effects

10. Educational vision *How should teachers respond to the achievement gap in this country between rich and poor student families?

R- equitable access to resources, purposeful homework, communication with home life, equal opportunities for success “all students can be successful”

11. Personal

*What are your long-term professional goals?

R- leadership? Curriculum? Admin?

12. Content specific questions * What are some ways in which you would enhance our (_____) program to make it challenging, interesting, a meaningful learning experience, and popular?

R- varies- should provide evidence of planning, knowledge of current developments within the content

Page 24: Name -    Web viewInterview Guide: (by Ashley DuBord, Robert Mosteiro, Myra Rodriguez, Shalyn Kastanis) Opening/ice breaking. Q: How was your trip to school? A: Oh it was

use of data to drive instructional strategies (specific)

Written Response:*With all the adverse publicity about education today, why did you want to become a teacher? What do you wish to accomplish?


Acceptable: make a positive contribution to society, be a role model- ethics, values; specific examples of those who inspired the vocation choice, satisfaction in helping others, experience with students confirmed their interest

Unacceptable: 3 months off, on the same schedule as my children (focus on personal needs rather than impact on students and learning), excessive errors in grammar and punctuation