my publications - Sportsmeet dec2012 newsletters

THIRD ANNUAL INTER– DIVISIONAL SPORTS MEET GRAND FINALE HELD AT ABU DHABI Third inter divisional sports meet grand finale was celebrated by Corporate Welfare Department Abu Dhabi at Indian Social and cultural centre on 6th April 2012 from 5:00pm. Cultural team, volunteers , sports participants as well as eminent representatives from ETA (M&E) Division, Abu Dhabi participated in this grand finale. Like the last year , ETA (M&E) division won the overall championship trophy. The annual shield and the trophy were handed over Mr. Sivapal ,Sr. Executive– HR and administration as well as Mr. Soukat Kumar Bhattacherjee, Executive, Employee Welfare, Abu Dhabi by Eminent dignitaries of Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Sports, United Arab Emirates. Around 150 staffs and workmen participated in different events of sports. All the participants were awarded with medal and certificates. In this occasion, Divisional heads, General managers and other representatives of different division of ETA Ascon Star Groups were present to boost up the morale of the employees. Mr. M Rakesh , Mr. Satish Sahadevan and the Bhangra team of ETA M&E Division presented fabulous cultural events to entertain the employees. April—September 2012 VOL. II- ISSUE # 2 ETA (M&E) DIVISION, ABU DHABI EMPLOYEE WELFARE DESK INTERNATIONAL LABOUR DAY 2012 CELEBRATED WITH WORKMEN IN ,ABU DHABI International Labour Day 2012 was celebrated by Corporate welfare Department in Al Dafra Hall ,Abu Dhabi on 18th May 2012. It was a multi– cultural entertainment event which showcase the versatility of a strong art focus that bring workmen together of different cultural identity in the form of cultural expression and thereby to appreciate their hard work both at professional and personal level. The workmen were gifted with the blessing of the eminent representatives of ETA Ascon Star Groups as well as dignitaries of Indian embassy .They enjoyed vivid cultural events including tanoura dance performed by a professional artist. The event was followed by dinner. Gift hampers were also given to participants. Bi-Annual Newsletter Inside the issue : English learning club initiated for workmen—Page 2 Workmen of Al Faya received surprise gifts—Page 3 Mass Awareness Campaign by IWRC .—Page 4 Poem by Md Mostafa, Surinder Singh and Karrupassamy.– Page 5 Article by V Sivapal –Page 6 Installation of workmen’s Library –Page 7 Exclusive Photo Album. —Page 8 Cultural team of the Division with representative of Indian Embassy.

Transcript of my publications - Sportsmeet dec2012 newsletters

  1. 1. THIRD ANNUAL INTER DIVISIONAL SPORTS MEET GRAND FINALE HELD AT ABU DHABI Third inter divisional sports meet grand finale was cele brated by Corporate Welfare Department Abu Dhabi at Indian Social and cultural centre on 6th April 2012 from 5:00pm.Culturalteam,volunteers,sportsparticipantsas wellaseminentrepresentativesfromETA(M&E)Division, Abu Dhabi participated in this grand finale. Like the last year , ETA (M&E) division won the overall championship trophy. The annual shield and the trophy were handed overMr.Sivapal,Sr.ExecutiveHRandadministrationas well as Mr. Soukat Kumar Bhattacherjee, Executive, Em ployeeWelfare,AbuDhabibyEminentdignitariesofMinis tryofLabourandMinistryofSports,UnitedArabEmirates.Around150staffsandworkmenparticipatedindifferenteventsof sports.Alltheparticipantswereawardedwithmedalandcertificates.Inthisoccasion,Divisionalheads,Generalmanagersand otherrepresentativesofdifferentdivisionofETAAsconStarGroupswerepresenttoboostupthemoraleoftheemployees.Mr. MRakesh,Mr.SatishSahadevanandtheBhangrateamofETAM&EDivisionpresentedfabulousculturaleventstoentertainthe employees. AprilSeptember 2012 VOL. II- ISSUE # 2 ETA (M&E) DIVISION, ABU DHABI EMPLOYEE WELFARE DESK INTERNATIONAL LABOUR DAY 2012 CELEBRATED WITH WORKMEN IN ,ABU DHABI InternationalLabourDay2012wascelebratedbyCorporatewelfareDepartmentinAlDafraHall,AbuDhabion18thMay2012. Itwasamulticulturalentertainmenteventwhichshowcasetheversatilityofastrongartfocusthatbringworkmentogetherof differentculturalidentityintheformofculturalexpressionandthereby toappreciatetheirhardworkbothatprofessionalandpersonallevel. Theworkmenweregiftedwiththeblessingoftheeminentrepresenta tives of ETA Ascon Star Groups as well as dignitaries of Indian em bassy.Theyenjoyedvividculturaleventsincludingtanouradanceper formedbyaprofessionalartist.Theeventwasfollowedbydinner.Gift hamperswerealsogiventoparticipants. Bi-Annual Newsletter Inside the issue : English learning club initiated for workmenPage 2 Workmen of Al Faya received surprise giftsPage 3 Mass Awareness Campaign by IWRC .Page 4 Poem by Md Mostafa, Surinder Singh and Karrupassamy. Page 5 Article by V Sivapal Page 6 Installation of workmens Library Page 7 Exclusive Photo Album. Page 8 Cultural team of the Division with representative of Indian Embassy.
  2. 2. ThecherishedideaofMr.V.Sivapalhascometorealityon13th April12 when we launched the first session of Eclub exclusively for the FMD TechnicianswiththesupportofSocietyforEmiratesVoluntaryActivities (SEVA).Hisaimwastodevelopthepersonalityskillsandbridgethegap ofcommunicationskillswhentheyinteractwithourvitalClients.Mr.Thi rumenihadplayedavitalroletoorganizetheVolunteersfromSEVAand toenrichtheregularclasses,whichisbeingconductedoneveryFriday from4PMto6PM.Thisisafourmonthcourse. Mr. Shiva Sailam, a Volunteer from SEVA had introduced the coaching methodindetailandhadconfidentlystatedthatwithinthecoursepe riod,allstudents,whohavecommitment,interesttolearnandgoalset tingcanspeaktheEnglishlanguagefluently. Ms. Bahareh Sharghi, another Volunteer from SEVA recited a poem on Selfconfidence,whichboostedthemoraleofouremployeestogoforE club. Vote of thanks to all employees was passed by Mr. Thirumeni Dhamodaran,ExecutiveEmployeeWelfare. TillSeptember2012,thefirstbatchofElearningclubhasbeensuccess fullyrunningandtemsessionshasbeencompletedtillendofSeptember 2012.ThesecondbatchforthissessionwillcommencefromNovember firstweek.Theenrollmentisonprogressandmorethan50technicians havebeenenrolledforthesecondbatch.Projectmangers,andengin ners also recommend their subordinates whom they think must know Englishtodealwithclients ENGLISH LEARNING CLUB FOR WORKMEN INITI- ATED BY WELFARE DEPARTMENT. ThemainobjectiveoftheE Clubis Togainknowledgeonspo kenEnglish Todevelopselfconfidence andgoodselfesteemto facetheircounterparts. Todeveloptheirpersonal itythroughwhichtheywill beabletocommunicate effectively. ELearning club is a unique inven tive of our welfare department of thedivisionwhichhasagainaddeda value to the vision of our organiza tionindualdevelopmentofitsem ployee both at professional and personal level. We cherishandsharetheeventsconductedforourem ployeeswhosedevelopmentistheprimeconcernfor us.Iappreciatetheeffortandextendmygratitudeto representativesofLabourLoveUAE/SEVAfortheir relentlesseffortinmakingthisprogramagrandsuc cess.Theprogramisnotonlyrestrictedtoconducting classesbutthetrainersareequallyworkinghardto bringoutthescopetoexhibittheirtalentindifferent communityfunctions.Thepoemrecitationisoneof theclassicexamplewhereourworkmenparticipated and recited poems in front of different delegates. I appeal to all management representatives of differ entsitetousetheopportunityandselectWorkmen whomtheyfeeltoimprovetheirskillsandcanrecom mendthemtowelfaredesk. VSivapal Sr.Executive (HR and Administration)
  3. 3. AFabulousPoetryRecitationbyourEClubLearn ersinSPEAKABUDHABIProgrammeon2nd May 2012. Timelesswisdomenshrinedinenchantinglyricsa firstofitskindensemble,UAEbasedpoetsrecit ingtheirpoetryalongwithversesfromtheclassic masters like Rumi, Omar Khayyam and Khalil Gi bran.Poetsfromaroundtheworld,whocallthe UAEtheirhome,illuminatethetheatrewiththeir deep insights expressed in poetry about light, peace,nature&humanity. FourofourFacilityManagementDivisionEmploy ees from our EClub (Enter Enrich Easy English SpeakingClub)recitedpoemsinfrontofthepub liconmyschooldays,myVillageandWhomIam which had a round of applause from more than 400 audience and the objective of the EClub is attainingthroughtheircreativethinkingandpub licspeakingskills.Morethan20learnersfromthe EClub also participated in the Programme in whichtheyhadagoodexperienceonpoetryreci tationandMusic Mr.HareramPrajapathi,Mr.Shahid,Mr.Moham med Ghouse and Mr. Atul Kumar Routh are the workmen from FMD who represented & pre sentedtheirpoetrytalentstothelocalcommunity andprofessionalpoetsonthestagehonoredour workmen and appreciated their creativity and motivationtheyhadtorecitepoemonthestage.Theprogramme was coordinate by Welfare Desk of the Division in collaboration with Ms.Bahareh Sharghi our EClub volunteer the organiser of SPEAKABUDHABIProgramme. Crying is for plain women. Pretty women go shopping. Oscar Wilde In an African Safari , A Lion suddenly bounced on Santas wife Santas wife Shoot him! Shoot Him ! Santa yes , yes.. I am changing the battery of my camera. WORKMEN OF AL FAYA CAMP RECEIVED SURPRISE GIFTS April September 2012 VOL. # II ISSUE # 2 Talent exhibited ... On21stApril2012theCCADworkmenatAlfayacampwasgivenasurpriseby LaboursofLoveUAE,anvolunteergroupservingthelabourcommunitydur ing their leisure time in UAE, GIFTED 750 CARE Packs (2 Bath Soap, Tooth paste&Brush,250gmsDetergentpowder,comb,nailcutter&Tissuebox)to the CCAD Workmen @Alfaya camp asgift of love. A brief orientationwas givenbyMr.V.Sivapal,Sr.Executive,HR&Adminaboutthelaboursoflove UAEfollowedbyfelicitationbyMs.Angel,Moderator&Volunteeroflabourof LoveUAE,expressedthattheyarehappytogiveawaythegiftstothework menasawelfareinitiativefortheworkmenthoseworkinghardtobuildthis nation.Morethan10volunteersfromLabouroflovetookpartinthisinitia tive which was organized by Wel fare Unit of HR Department. PARTICIPATION OF E-LEARNERS IN SPEAK ABU DHABI PROGRAMME
  4. 4. Employee welfare Desk organized Mass Awareness program on Zero Suicidal Mission and NRI workmen Pension scheme for its workmeninICADresidentialcityandNBBMojumatCampon3rd Julyand13thSeptember2012 in association withVFS Global a collaboratingagencyofEmbassyofIndia,UAEExchangeandBank ofBaroda.Morethan300employeesbenefitedfromthisaware nesscampaign. Mr. Anish Choudhary, representative from IWRC welcomes the participantsanddescribedtheobjectiveofmeeting.Hetoldthat IRWCisaresourcecenterssetupundertheguidanceofEmbassy ofIndiawhichconductsdifferentawarenesscampaignforworkers to monitor their welfare activities and grievances related to the companiesforwhichtheyareworking,Hesharedatollfreenum ber80046342toallworkmenandappealedthemtocallanytime toregistertheirgrievances. Beside this Mr. Binoy , Lawyer from VFS global also explained about different benefits of Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Suraksha Yojna(MGPSY),anewpensionschemeintroducedbyGovernment ofIndiaforoverseasworkmenhavingECRnumber.Heexplained thatAnypersonworkingoverseashavingECRnumberinpassport canapplyforthisschemeandcandepositINR500toINR2000 monthly Government will equally contribute on yearly basis. Whenever the workmen will return to his country and want to withdrawtheamount,hecanget50%ofthetotalsavingsandrest 50% as monthly pension. Even upon his saving he can apply for loantomeetemergencyends. Inthisoccasion,luckydraweventswerealsoconductedtoengage andentertaintheworkmen.Theywereaskedtowritedownthe tollfreenumberofIndianWorkerresourcecentreandthewinner wasselectedthroughluckyDraw.Theyweredistributedgiftsham per on behalf of VFS Global. Mr. Hameed from NBB Mojumant CampmanagementappreciatedtheeffortofETAandVFSGlobal andassuretoextendsupportinfutureendeavor. MASS AWARNESS ON ZERO SUICIDAL MISSION AND NRI WORKMEN PENSION SCHEME HAS BEEN ORGANISED. BED LINEN AND BATH TOWEL DISTRIBUTED TO CCAD HOUSEKEEPING WORKMEN MahatmaGandhi PravasiSurakshaYojna (MGPSY) Anypersonworking overseashavingECR numberinpassport canapplyforthis schemeandcande positINR500toINR 2000monthlyand Governmentwill equallycontributeon yearlybasis. AprilSeptember 2012 VOL. 2 ONE ISSUE 1 IncontinuoussupporttotheWelfareactivities,Wel faredeskinsupportofHRdepartmentoftheDivi siondistributedover200Bedlinensandbathtow els to the House Keeping Workmen at CCAD pro ject. This was sponsored by the Hilton Hotel Abu DhabiandLaboursLove,UAE.
  5. 5. , , ? ? n, , , e , , , e o | Md Mostafa Anwar Emp. ID Number 166070 Electrician, CCAD AprilSeptember 2012 VOL. II ISSUE # 2 EDITORIALS Paintings of Md Mostafa Anwar c/no 166070 Name Surinder Singh Emp ID no 168127 CCAD r , , -M Karuppasamy Emp. ID Number 100267 FMD ... - S AHMED NIYAZ Camp Warden
  6. 6. If you let the fear of consequence prevent you from following your deepest instinct, then your life will be safe, expedient and thin. Katharine Butler Hathaway AprilSeptember 2012 VOL. # II ONE ISSUE # 2 EDITORIALS Started as just a demo.. with no great understand- ing. Given birth to another Toastmasters club ETA ASCON Star Toastmaster Club in Area 11, District 20, Division H under the flagship of ETA ASCON STAR Group Companies with a charter member of just 17. We started our maiden journey on 22nd June 2011 with lot of challenges, and the session was a success under the patronage of ACB ALB Anil Akki- neni, who also played a vital role to form this Club. Subsequent support from DTM Sudha Datta and DTM Shukla Datta is highly remarkable. Another challenge was to keep the members alive in the Club as the membership instability was high immediately after the launch with some leaving and some coming, but could admit more members into this club by our team work. Today, when we completed the 32nd session of our club, it has a very clear agenda, and the club is grow- ing with lot of energetic members. The current vibrat- ing EXCOM members, especially The President MTM Xavier Latha and VP (Education) TM S.A.C Hameed have made a clear vision to uplift this Club not only with more awesome members but also taken proac- tive steps to provide various educational training through which excellence of speakers are borne out. Of course, to achieve this goal in reality, support from the Senior Toastmasters like our vivacious Area Gov- ernor TM Derick Dsouza is essential, and it is proven his tireless efforts has bridged the gaps of Toastmas- ters. We could see the difference of the members when the club was just launched and now. We could see the committed and challenging faces of members and many are brave to come forward to deliver their speeches clearly as stipulated in the Manual just after their enrolling with the Club, which, of course, is the achievement of our mentors. We wish this spirit of our members is vital and remains alive for the suc- cess of each session of this Club!! V SIVAPAL Past president and 1st achiever of Competent Communicator title for ETA Ascon Star toastmasters Club (This article is sent for publication in upcoming magazine of Division H) Accepting New Challenges... MOIN KHAN GOT OPPORTUNITIY TO MEET WASIM AKRAM Moin Khan c/no 162734 who is working in CCAD cracked the semi final round of Western Union Camp Ka Champ. He secured first position. He along with other few participant got the opportunity to meet Mr. Wasim Akram, former cricketer of Pakistan Cricket Team and Member of Interna- tional Cricket Council. They had the opportunity to spend a fine evening with him and to listen his experience during dinner. Mr. Moin Khan has a good singing talent and his ambition is to perform on international stage.
  7. 7. WELFARE DESK INSTALLED WORKMEN LIBRARY IN SUPPORT OF LABOUR OF LOVE, UAE. EmployeeWelfaredeskhaveaddedanotherfeathertotheWelfarecom mitmentbyinstallingaLibraryatICADcampexclusivelyfortheWorkmen withamissiontoincreasethereadinghabitofWorkmen.TheLibraryhas over500booksincludingmagazines,dictionaries,selflearningguide,moti vationalbooksofinspiringauthorsetc.,DVD/CDplayersforSpokenEnglish programeinregionallanguagesviz.Bengali,Urdu,HindiandPronunciation exercise.TheLibraryisalsoconnectedwithanLCDTV.Theinstallationof librarywasdoneon1stofSeptemberinpresenceofMr.VSivapal,Sr.Ex ecutive HR and Administration, Ms. Angle Wesley, founder of Labour of Love, UAE, Ms. Rita Mayor, Ms. Christine and other representatives of CauseConnectandLabourofLove,UAEalongwiththecampwardensand WorkmenoftheDivision.Voteofthankstoalldonorsandrepresentatives waspassedbyThirumeniDhamodaran,ExecutiveEmployeewelfare.More booksandotherstudymaterialwillbecateredincomingdaystoaddmore flavorinthisinitiative. We thank to our philanthropic sponsors especially Ms Angel Wesley who has taken this broad initiative to install library for our workmen .This will help our workmen to enrich themselves with the world of knowledge and feed their minds with full of positivity. On behalf of our management we pay our heartiest gratitude to Ms Wesley and all members of Labour of Love UAE for their spontaneous effort for making the dreams true. - Thirumeni D . Executive Employee Welfare Iftaar was performed by Employee Welfare desk with the workmen of Al Faya camp in support of delegates of Labour of love, UAE on 10th August 2012from6:00pmonwards.Mr.Sivapal,Mr.Thi rumeni,Mr.Sulaiman,Mr.Soukat,Mr.RanaFazal andotherrepresentativeofETAattendedthepro gram.Fruits,snacks,chocolatesandsweetswere servedtotheworkmen.750workmenattendedthe iftaar. Dinner sponsored for the delegates was cooked by one of the employee of ETAwhich was widelyappreciatedbyall.MsAngelWesley,MsRita MayerandMsChristinepassedvoteofthankstoall workmen. IFTAAR PERFORMED WITH WORKMEN DURING RAMADAN CONDOLENSE MESSAGE Mr. Vimal Kumar Patel em- ployee ID no 150337, working in our Division passed away on 9th July 2012 due to cardiac arrest. He left his wife and one daughter in his family. On be- half of our Division and Wel- fare Desk we pass our condo- lence to his family. May his soul rest in peace. ***
  8. 8. OUR NEW HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS ETA M&E Plot No. 136 B5, ICAD 1 Musaffah, Abu Dhabi TEL : 02 -4454829 April September 2012 VOL. II ISSUE # 2 PHOTO ALBUM Mistakes are the portals of discovery James Joyce Editor in Charge V Sivapal Sr. Executive HR and Admin. ETA (M&E Division), Abu Dhabi Mobile 050-5626657 Email [email protected] YOUR FEEDBACK IS MOST IMPORTANT FOR US. KINDLY PROVIDE YOUR FEEDBACK TO BELOW MENTIONED PERSONS - Compiled by Soukat Kr. Bhattacherjee Executive Employee Welfare ETA (M&E Division), Abu Dhabi Mobile 055-8475378 Email [email protected]