MTL safety statement - TCDContents of first aid boxes. Section 1 General statement of MTL safety...

Safety statement For The Microelectronics Technology Laboratory (Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering) SNIAM building Trinity College Dublin June 2002 This document must be read in full and the declaration in Appendix G should be filled in and returned to the MTL safety officer.

Transcript of MTL safety statement - TCDContents of first aid boxes. Section 1 General statement of MTL safety...

Page 1: MTL safety statement - TCDContents of first aid boxes. Section 1 General statement of MTL safety policy It is the policy of the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering incorporating

Safety statement


The Microelectronics Technology Laboratory (Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering)

SNIAM building

Trinity College Dublin

June 2002 This document must be read in full and the declaration in Appendix

G should be filled in and returned to the MTL safety officer.

Page 2: MTL safety statement - TCDContents of first aid boxes. Section 1 General statement of MTL safety policy It is the policy of the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering incorporating

In case of emergency The internal college telephone number 1999 provides immediate access to professional assistance on a 24-hour basis. If ringing from a mobile phone our outside college building ring (01) 6081999 The following information must be provided:

1. Type of assistance required e.g. Ambulance, Fire Brigade, and Police etc.

2. Details of emergency e.g. Fire, Injury etc. 3. Your name, extension number and location.

If possible and safe to do so, keep close to the telephone, in order to give further information should it be required by the emergency services. Under no circumstances hang up unless directed to do so by the emergency services.

MTL phone numbers relating to safety Director of MTL Dr Alan Moore 1432 MTL Safety Officer Mr Derek Simpson 1745 Departmental Safety Officer

Prof. Jagdish Vij 1431

College phone numbers relating to safety College Safety Officer Mr Tom Merriman 1914

Chief Steward Mr Pat Morey 1144 College Chemical Officer Dr M Bridge 1264 College laser Safety officer Dr. Louise Bradly 3595 Bio. Hazards Dr F Falkner 2137 Bio. Safety Dr R. Russell 1194 Laser safety Prof J. Lunney 1259 Bi0-Resourses Mr P. Nowlan 1008 Radiological protection Ms E. Lee 2887

Page 3: MTL safety statement - TCDContents of first aid boxes. Section 1 General statement of MTL safety policy It is the policy of the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering incorporating

Contents Section 1……………General statement of MTL safety policy Section 2…………….General safety rules

Section 3…………....Safety rules for the Teaching Laboratory Section 4………..…..Safety rules for Research Laboratories Appendix A………. Accident/incident report form Appendix B ………..Unattended apparatus form Appendix C ………..Compressed gas cylinder permit Appendix D ……..…Use of Gas cylinders in the SNIAM building Appendix E…………Risk Assessment Form Appendix F …………Physical properties of common cryogens Appendix G …Safety statement declaration Staff/Visiting researchers. Appendix H……….. Safety statement declaration for students Appendix I …………Data on chemicals and gases. Appendix J………… Contents of first aid boxes.

Page 4: MTL safety statement - TCDContents of first aid boxes. Section 1 General statement of MTL safety policy It is the policy of the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering incorporating

Section 1

General statement of MTL safety policy

It is the policy of the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering incorporating the MTL to ensure, so far as it is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all its staff and students in accordance with the College Safety Statement, the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act of 1989 and relevant subsidiary legislation. Safety Responsibilities and Duties All personnel (staff, students and visitors) have a personal responsibility to ensure the health and safety of themselves and of others who may be affected by their activities within the MTL. Executive Responsibilities The head of the Department Professor Frank Boland is responsible for the overall Safety in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering. He is supported by Prof. Jadish Vij ( Departmental safety Officer, Dr Alan Moore ( Director of the MTL) and Mr Derek Simpson ( Safety Officer of the MTL).

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The organisation chart for the health and safety within the MTL is shown below. Monitoring of Safety Performance All Personnel have a responsibility to contribute to the continuous monitoring of safety performance within the MTL area. On a Day-to -Day basis this can be achieved by forwarding comments, queries and complaints on safety matters to the MTL safety officer or MTL director. In pursuance of the safety policy of the MTL, the MTL safety Officer will carry out regular safety inspections (at least once per calendar year) and maintain appropriate written records. The results of these inspections will be discussed at Departmental staff meetings. Any deficiencies in equipment or procedures must be rectified promptly. Where equipment is deemed to be unsafe it must not be used until corrective action is taken. The MTL safety Officer will hold a detailed record of all accidents, injuries, property damage and near misses. These report will be discussed with the Departmental Safety Officer so that they can be discussed at the annual Faculty Safety Committee with a view to establish why and where the safety performance was inadequate.

Director of MTL

MTL Safety Officer

Head of Department

Technical Staff Postgraduates Undergraduates

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Safety training The MTL holds an annual Safety day at the beginning of each Academic year. All new staff and postgraduate students are required to attend. Fire safety training is also mandatory for demonstrators and technicians working in the MTL area. Additional training may also be mandatory for personnel working in specialist areas.

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Section 2

General safety rules

Access to Departmental Buildings. The normal working hours for the Department are 0830-1800, Monday to Friday. Although free access is available to most departmental buildings during working hours access outside normal working hours is limited strictly to authorised staff, postgraduates students, authorised visitors and contractors. Contractors and maintenance personnel must be made aware of the hazards in the areas to which they are admitted. Visitors. Visitors to the MTL must immediately contact their staff host on entering the SNIAM. Staff working in the MTL area who have visitors, are responsible for ensuring that their visitors are aware of all Departmental safety rules, are fully aware of local fire evacuation procedures and have been informed of any special risks associated with the area being visited. Visitors who are not technically qualified will not be left unattended in the MTL. Transition year school students who may be temporarily attached to the Department will be classified as non technical visitors. Fire safety. The legislation governing fire safety in the MTL is the Fire Service Act of 1981 and The Building Control Regulations of 1991. Fire Alarm and Evacuation procedures. The MTL is provided with an automatic fire alarm system, which is regularly tested. The fire alarm can be manually triggered from any of the several break-glass alarm boxes, which are in strategic positions through the MTL area. In the event of the alarm sounding the MTL area should be evacuated immediately using the nearest available exit route. In the event of an emergency evacuation all personnel must obey, promptly, all instructions given by the fire wardens/Safety officers. MTL staff should assist with the evacuation. Emergency exit routes are clearly indicated on all corridors. Escape routes are lit by emergency lighting in the event of failure of the

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electricity supply. Lifts must not be used during emergency evacuation except in the cases for disabled people. After evacuating the building go directly to the designated assembly point for the building. ( Assembley point D between the college park and the ruby ground). Do not congregate at the building entrance. Fire drills. Fire drills are held during each calendar year and are attended by the Chief Steward, by the College Safety Officer and by members of the College security staff. Drills are held without prior notice and during working hours. Security staff checks each building for defaulters before the all clear is given. A written record of each fire drill is maintained, indicating the date, the approximate number of persons evacuated from the building, and the time taken for complete evacuation. Fire fighting equipment. Chubb carries out regular inspection, renewal and servicing of fire extinguishers under the direction of the College Building Office. Any person who has used on of the Departmental fire extinguishers, even for a very short time, must report the fact immediately to the MTL Safety Officer or Director so that it can be fully recharged or replaced. Additionally, an Accident/Incident Report Form must be completed in respect of each such use of any fire extinguishers. Unauthorised use of any fire fighting equipment is a criminal offence and will be dealt with severely.

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Action in the event of fire. If any member of the department discovers a fire the following actions will be taken. The person discovering the fire will:

1. Raise the alarm at the nearest break glass unit.

2. Provided that it does not compromise their personal safety, briefly attempt to extinguish the fire using the equipment provided if you have been trained in the use of extinguishers.

3. Leave the building and go to you assembly point.

Liaison with the fire brigade. The MTL recognises the special nature of its operation and the hazards they may present to the fire service. The MTL will seek to reduce these as follows:

1. It will pursue, as far as is practicable, a policy of piping in gases rather than keeping gas cylinders in the laboratory.

2. It will keep records of all the main hazards in the MTL and provide Gas certificates to be kept by the security desk at the entrance to the SNAIM.

3. It will not allow the use of any compressed gas cylinders within the laboratory without an authorised Gas permit having been issued by the college safety officer.

Fire doors. Fire doors must not be left open under any circumstances.

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First aid. Action in the event of an emergency It is the policy of the MTL that first aid will not take the place of professional treatment. In the case of minor injuries such as cuts or burns, assistance may be initially sought from members of the Department who posses a qualification in First Aid, before referral to the Student Health Care Centre. For more serious injuries the person injured will be accompanied to the College Health Centre or an ambulance will be summoned through the front gate security staff at 1999. First aid boxes. First aid boxes will be kept in all laboratories. Names and telephone numbers of the nearest personnel with First Aid expertise are posted on all First Aid boxes, as is the College emergency number and that of the College Health centre. First Aid boxes will be maintained and restocked on a regular bases. First Aid training It is the policy of the MTL to encourage volunteers from the permanent staff and postgraduate students to attend First Aid courses. Hazardous Area. Areas within the MTL, which contain potentially hazardous equipment and/or substances, must be clearly marked with warning signs. Unauthorised personnel are prohibited from accessing such areas. Working hours. The normal working hours are 0830-1800, Monday to Friday. The SNIAM has a “late book “ located at the desk in the main hall to the building. This book will be signed by all staff members, postdoctoral students, postgraduate students and others who are in the MTL outside the normal working hours or at any time on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday. The only circumstances in which those other than the above mentioned e.g. accompanied visitors, will be permitted to the MTL is with the direct permission of the Director or Head of Department.

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Working in Isolation. Working on experimental systems outside normal working hours is not permitted without prior authorization of the MTL director following a full risk assessment and a safe system of work. No staff member, postdoctoral student or post graduate student will be permitted to carry out experimental or technical work of any kind in the MTL at any time outside normal working hours unless there is another person present who is aware of their presence so that they can summon assistance in the event on an accident. Isolated individuals must not carry out potentially hazardous work or activities. Clearways. All fire doors, doorways/ emergency exits, corridors, escape routs and stairways must be kept clear of obstructions. Reporting of Hazards. All personnel using the MTL have an individual responsibility to report, directly to the MTL Safety Officer or MTL Director, all potential hazards and/or hazardous occurrences, which they may observe. Reporting of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences. All accidents and dangerous occurrences, even those of a minor nature, must be immediately recorded in the MTL Accident Record Book held by the MTL safety officer. In the case of accidents leading to personal injury and / or potentially dangerous occurrences the MTL safety Officer will provide an official College Accident/Incident Form. (Appendix A), which must be completed as soon as possible after the incident. Details of witnesses to the incident, if any, will also be noted and forwarded, along with the report form to the College Safety Officer as soon as possible after the incident, Copies of the from will be retained by the Department.

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Section 3

Safety rules for the Teaching Laboratory

The following rules apply specifically to all personnel who are authorised to enter and work in the teaching laboratories.

1. Incoming students must read and abide by the Health and Safety instructions for the laboratory.

2. The Declaration forms (Appendix H) as issued by the MTL must

be filled in, signed by each incoming student and returned to the Demonstrator.

3. The Demonstrators will demonstrate the safe methods and

procedures for the use of hazardous equipment and materials.

4. Coats, bags etc must not be left anywhere they could cause an obstruction.

5. Students are not permitted to work unsupervised without the

explicit permission of the lab supervisor.

6. Students should not congregate at the entrance to the Lab.

7. All demonstrators have a personnel responsibility to make full use of all protective clothing, personal protection equipment and safety aids in order to minimise risks

Students should be made familiar with these rules by the person in charge of the lab.

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Section 4

Safety rules for Research Labs.

The following rules apply to all personnel including research students, visiting researchers and undergraduate project students who are authorised to enter and work in the research laboratories. Responsibility Responsibility for health and safety within the MTL rest with the Head of Department. Although at local level the responsibility for ensuring a safe working environment and safe working practices in individual research laboratories rests mainly with the individual research supervisor, or person in charge of the Laboratory, all research workers have a responsibility not to endanger themselves and others by their actions or omissions. Specialist safety consultants. In areas where specific identified hazards exist (compressed gases, chemical, electrical etc.), specialist safety consultants will be designated. These should be consulted prior to undertaking any work in these areas. See section on chemical safety. Authorised access to research laboratories. Access to each individual research laboratory is strictly limited at all times to those individuals authorised by the appropriate research supervisor or person in charge. In the case of visiting researchers and new staff the research supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the appropriate safety training is provided, if necessary by specialist safety consultants, before laboratory access is authorised. Laboratories that contain specific identified hazards (e.g. high voltage equipment, hazardous substances etc.) must be clearly marked with warning signs. Access to such areas is strictly limited to authorised personnel with the appropriate training and expertise. For such areas prior authorised personnel are permitted to either enter the laboratory or undertake any work within the laboratory.

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General Laboratory Practice.

1. All researchers have a responsibility to maintain a tidy well organised and safe laboratory environment with a safe means of rapid access to and egress from all working areas. Access to all services (water valves, electrical fuse boxes/switches etc.) should be kept clear at all times.

2. All experimental systems should be designed to be fail-safe.

3. All researchers should carry out detailed routine assessment of the

likely hazards and risks associated with their experimental systems and procedures. Research supervisors have responsibility for ensuring that such systems and procedures meet the appropriate safety standards. Research supervisors must keep written records of risk assessments carried out and provide, where necessary, any appropriate written work instructions and additional written local safety rules. A copy of the risk assessment should be lodged with the MTL safety officer (Appendix E).

4. All researchers have a personal responsibility to make correct and

full use of all protective clothing, personal protection equipment and safety aids provided in order to minimise risks.

5. Researchers must not attempt new procedures or tasks without

consulting their supervisor and having received appropriate training.

6. All researchers within a laboratory should keep fully aware of day-

to-day modifications carried out on experimental systems or operating procedures and clearly visible warning notices of any resulting potential hazard must be provided.

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Protective Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment It is the policy of the MTL that, where necessary, staff and students should be provided with protective clothing and personal protective equipment. Provision of protective clothing (Lab. coats, overalls, aprons, gloves) is the responsibility of the director of the MTL. Unattended experiments/apparatus Systems should not be left running unattended without consulting with the director of the MTL. Where systems operate unattended for any period of time, an UNATTENDED APPARATUS form (Appendix B) must be filled in and clearly displayed beside the equipment. When carrying out the risk assessment for such systems, special attention should be given to the effects of a loss of services (water, electricity etc.) on the safety of the system. VDU Equipment A booklet, outlining the correct use of VDU equipment, is available from the MTL safety officer. Personnel using VDU’s should consult this booklet. Any users of such equipment who experience health problems, that they feel may be associated with their working environment or facilities, should contact the student Health Centre at ext. 1556 and request an appointment with the occupational health clinic. All person who use VDU workstations for at least one continuous hour per day must have their workstation risk assessed. The college safety officer can undertake these assessments or the person in the department assigned to this. All VDU workers are entitled to and are encouraged to have an eye and eyesight test undertaken before commencing VDU work and at regular intervals. These tests are free of charge and cane be arranged through the Occupational Health Clinic, at 1556 for an appointment.

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Chemical safety. The use of dangerous chemicals is strictly controlled by specific legislation, SAFETY HEALTH AND WELFARE AT WORK (CHEMICAL AGENTS) REGULATIONS, 1994. The regulations cover all Chemical agents in the work place. In particular it applies to chemicals, that are classed as very toxic, toxic, harmful, corrosive or irritant. In brief the regulations require the MTL:

1. To assess the health risk that arises from the use of hazardous substances in the workplace and to identify and provide effective control to protect people’s health.

2. To ensure that the controls are properly used and maintained in

effective working order.

3. To provide training and information for those who may be affected

4. To monitor exposure and implement health surveillance where necessary.

The MTL endeavours to implement the provisions of this legislation as far as it is reasonable practicable. A copy of the regulations is available from the MTL safety officer. The following rules and procedures apply for all work involving chemical agents within the MTL.

1. Hazardous substances may not be ordered (or otherwise procured) before a suitable and sufficient risk assessment has been carried out.

2. Hazardous substances or chemical agents may only be procured

through the Chief Technician’s Office on foot of a signed requisition from the director.

3. No one may work with hazardous chemicals without having

completed the MTL chemical safety training course or an equivalent.

4. All personnel using a particular chemical should read the

manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for that chemical and comply with the safety information and instructions included.

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5. All work involving chemicals should, as far as is reasonably practical, be carried out in a fume hood making full use of the safety goggles, safety clothing and other safety aids provided.

6. For work requiring use of a fume cupboard, users must at all times

adhere strictly to the guidelines for correct fume cupboard usage.

7. Suitable bottle carriers must be used, when transporting Winchester, Quart and Eurobottle container of chemical substances, in order to prevent accidental spillages and personal injuries.

8. All stocks of chemicals or hazardous substances used in the MTL

must be properly stored in suitable chemical storage presses.

9. All stocks of chemicals or hazardous substances used in the MTL must be clearly labelled including warning signs.

10. All chemical waste must be clearly labelled and disposed of

promptly through the Hazardous materials Facility (HMF). Containers sent to the HMF should be no more than 2/3 full.

11. Solvent waste should be divided into Chlorinated and non-chlorinated waste (and kept apart from acid waste). Special safety cans for solvent waste can be obtained from the HMF.

12. All broken glassware and other “sharps” should be disposed of in

the Sharp bins provided. Bins containing sharps should be labelled and disposed of via the HMF.

13. All persons working with chemicals must wash and dry their hands

carefully after removing gloves and before leaving the MTL.

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Laser Safety Within the MTL there are a number of items of equipment containing

Lasers. Everyone who may come in contact with lasers must be made aware of the hazards associated with laser radiation. Those who work in areas containing Class 3B** and Class 4 lasers must have completed the laser safety course and registered with the College Laser safety officer before work in these area is authorised.

The College is required to keep:

1. A register of all lasers, giving details of each laser or laser system,

its class, location and Responsible Person in Charge.

2. The College Laser Safety Officer, Dr L Bradley, shall keep a copy of this register.

Further details can be obtained from the MTL Safety Officer. Compressed gases safety Cylinder pressures may be as high as 230 bar and the gas or gas mixture

may be flammable and or toxic so great care must be exercised in their storage, handling and use. In addition the use of some gases will also be subject to the Chemical Safety Rules given above.

Flammable or Explosive Gases constitute a particular hazard within the

laboratory environment. Guidance for use of such gases is provided in cp8-the safe storage of Gaseous Hydrogen in Seamless Cylinders & Similar Containers: 1986. Produced by the British Compressed Gases association. Such gases may be used only after appropriate local safety rules and the Director and MTL safety officer in consultation with a compressed gases consultant have established procedures. Such rules and procedures must be formally recorded and clearly displayed along with appropriate warning notices at all entrances to the designated work area.

The following safety rules apply for all compressed Gases.

1. All users of compressed gases must be fully familiar with the appropriate manufacturer’s identification codes and cylinder configurations.

2. Never remove or deface cylinder identification

3. Store cylinders vertically and clamp securely to prevent toppling.

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4. Cylinders must not be left free standing at any time.

5. Store in a well-ventilated area away from any fire risk.

6. Valves should be closed and valve outlets plugged or blanked. Valve guards or caps should be securely fitted.

7. Separate cylinders of flammable gases from those of oxygen or

oxidants by at least 3m.

8. Cylinders may not be used in the laboratory except by permission of the College Safety Officer. Only those cylinders, that are in current use, may be kept within the laboratory. Cylinders are not to be stored in the laboratory.

9. Where possible pipe gases from a secure location outside the


10. Ensure that you have read a current Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each gas in the MTL. And that these are clearly displayed either on the adjacent to the cylinder.

11. A “Compressed gas cylinder in use” form (Appendix C), listing all

the compressed gas cylinders currently in use must be displayed outside the entrance to the laboratory.

12. In rooms where flammable or other hazardous gases are in use,

appropriate signage must be displayed on the room entrance.

13. Only trained personnel and the appropriate trolley will be used to move heavy cylinders.

14. Gas cylinders should not be transported in occupied lifts. 15. Use only approved regulators and check their suitability fro the

gas in use. It is recommended that regulators are either replaced or refurbished after (at Maximum) 5 years from date of purchase.

16. Before connecting the cylinder to your apparatus check the

complete system fro suitability particularly in term of pressure rating and materials compatibility. All new pipe work should be inspected and leak tested by qualified personnel.

17. Report all faulty cylinder valves and regulators immediately to the

Director and MTL Safety officer.

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18. Always close the main cylinder valve when the cylinder is not in use and ensure that an appropriate cylinder key is readily available fro rapid shut down of a cylinder.

19. All compressed cylinder gases should be ordered through the

Chief Technician on foot of a signed requisition from the Director.

20. In addition to the above the use of gas cylinders in the SNIAM building, which are not in gas cabinets, is governed by the protocol in Appendix D

Cryogenic liquid safety.

Cryogenic liquids can cause burns or asphyxiation. Guidance for the use of such liquids is provided in CP30-The Safe Use of Liquid Nitrogen Dewars up to 50 litres: 2000 produced by the British Compressed Gases Association. Guidance for bulk storage is provided in Guidance for bulk storage of Cryogenic liquids is provided in CP21- bulk Liquid Argon or Nitrogen Storage at Users at premise. Revision1: 1998.

The following rules will apply to all personnel handling cryogenic liquids or working in area where cryogenic liquids are used.

1. Eye protection and gloves must be worn while transferring liquids. 2. A full risk assessment must be carried out in the area where

cryogenic liquids are to be used. This must include an Oxygen depletion calculation. (see CP30-The safe Use Of Liquids Nitrogen Dewars up to 50 litres: )

3. Adequate ventilation must be allowed in areas where large quantities of cryogenic liquids are used. Use of an Oxygen monitor may be necessary.

4. Cryogenic liquids must be stored and transported in vessels designed for the purpose and for the particular liquid in use.

5. No personnel may travel in lifts with Dewars containing cryogenic liquids.

6. Dewars should only be filled to 90% capacity during transport. 7. The transfer of cryogenic liquids is normally done under pressure.

Operators must stay in attendance until the transfer is complete.

Addition information on the properties of cryogenic liquids is given in Appendix F.

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Electrical safety.

1. Due to the variety of electrical equipment within the MTL electricity is a major hazard. It is the responsibility of the Director to ensure that new or visiting research staff have received appropriate training in electrical safety before authorisation of access to research areas and that good general working practices prevail within their research laboratory.

2. The following electrical safety rules will apply to all mains-powered equipment used in research laboratories.

3. Staff of the College Buildings Office may only carry out alteration of or maintenance to any part of a building’s electrical services.

4. Suitably qualified personnel prior to installation must inspect all new mains-powered electrical equipment.

5. Repair and servicing of mains-powered electrical/electronic equipment must be carried out by or under the supervision of qualified electrical staff.

6. All electronic circuitry constructed or modified within the laboratory and that will ultimately be either directly mains-powered or electrically coupled to mains-powered units must be tested by qualified electronics technically staff prior to the mains power being switched on.

7. All research supervisors have a responsibility to carry out periodically, detailed assessment of risks associated with electrical equipment under their control and to ensure that all electrical equipment is tested and maintained on an appropriate and regular basis.

8. Hazardous mains-powered equipment undergoing modification or test must not be left powered on and unattended without consultation.

9. Experiments involving electrical equipment, that may operate overnight, must be designed to be inherently fail safe and capable of safe shut down via the mains isolation switch.

10. Mains cables and plugs should be regularly inspected. Faulty cables are to be replaced immediately.

11. Extension cables and sockets must not be left on the ground.

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APPENDIX A Accident/incident report form

The Department Head must complete this form, Chief Technician or Safety officer after any

accident has occurred. This is a requirement under the college’s Employer & Public Liability policies. In the case of staff injuries, the original form should be retained by the Department, and copies sent to [1] Departmental safety officer, [2] Mr T. Merriman, west chapel (secretary to the College Safety committee), and [3] Ms L Gill, west Chapel) for insurance purposes. Name:……………………………..Staff:…..Student:……….Other:…… Department:……………………………………………………………… Jobe Title:………………………Hours of Work:………………………. Date & Time of Alleged Accident:……………………………………… Place/Building Name:……………………………………………….…… Grade of Accident: Minor:..…....Moderate:.…..….Severe…………. Brief Particulars:…………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………….. (Continue on separate sheet if required) Nature of injury…………………………………………………………… What action was taken? ……………………………………………………

Or minimize injury or damage?………………………………………..…… In cases of moderate or severe accidents please state the names & addresses of any

witness: [1]………………………………………………………………. [2]………………………………………………………………. Was the person authorised to be in that place at that time for the purpose of his or

hers work.? Yes……… No………..

What was the person doing at the time of the Accident ? ……………………………………………………………………………………. Was this something authorised or permitted to be done for the purpose of his/ her

research? ………………………..………………………………………………………….. To whom was the accident reported?……….…………………………………….. When was it first reported ?………….…………………………………………… Signed………………………………Date…………………..

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APPENDIX B (Unattended apparatus form)

Please leave running

Location: Type of apparatus:

Services Used: Electricity: No Yes Water: No Yes

Gases: [1] [2] [3]


Cylinder in room: In bottle bank: Special Hazards

To Shut down in Emergency

Contacts Name:…………………………………………………………… Telephone……………………………………………………….

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Appendix C Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering

Microelectronics Technology Laboratory

Trinity College

Compressed Gas Permit Form

This form must be completed and countersigned by the research supervisor and the MTL Safety Officer before the commencement of any experiment, that

requires the use of a cylinder of compressed gas within any laboratory in the NIAMS building.

Your attention is drawn to the mandatory conditions relating to the use of

cylinders of compressed gases within laboratories, that are set out in document ‘Use of Gas Cylinders In the NIAMS Building’.

What gas do you propose to use? Where do you propose to use it? When will your experiment (a) start (b) finish Provide an outline of your experimental set-up:


COPY TO THIS DOCUMENT Signed: Student ......................... Date...................... Supervisor .......................... Date...................... Safety Officer .......................... Date......................


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Appendix D

Use of gas cylinders in the NIAMS Building

(a) Prior to the commencement of any experiment requiring the use of

a gas which must necessarily be imported into a laboratory in a compressed state within a cylinder a Risk Assessment form (Appendix E) and a Compressed Gas Permit form must both be completed and countersigned, either manually or electronically, by the relevant supervisor and the Departmental Safety Officer. The Departmental Safety Officer shall retain a file copy of each such Permit Form. A copy of the completed Gas Permit shall be sent to the College Safety Officer.

Copies of the Compressed Gas Permit form shall be exhibited on the outer door(s) to the laboratory in question during the conduct of the experiment and shall be removed once the experiment has been completed and the gas cylinder in question has been removed from the interior of the building. Additionally, notices stating the name of the gas being used and bearing 24 hour contact details for each of the researcher, his/her supervisor and the relevant Departmental Safety Officer shall be affixed to all doors opening into the laboratory (Appendix C). An additional copy of the Compressed Gas Permit form shall be kept at the reception desk of the NIAMS building (in a location known to the Fire Brigade) during the conduct of the experiment and shall only be removed once the experiment has been completed and the gas cylinder in question has been removed from the interior of the building.

(b) All such gases shall be contained in approved cylinders of

appropriate structural quality which are fitted with approved regulator valves suitable for the pressures involved.

(c) Gas cylinders which are to be brought into the building for use

within the building shall firstly be placed in an open air location and fitted with approved regulators which shall be pressurised and tested for leaks at that location. Regulators may not be fitted or removed inside the building.

(d) Gas cylinders which are brought into laboratories shall, as far as

is practicable, be of the minimum size and capacity consistent with the experimental work which is to be carried out.

(e) Gas cylinders shall be moved into and out of the building using a

properly constructed trolley or other appropriate means.

(f) When being used in laboratories gas cylinders shall be properly secured by the use of an approved restraint system.

Page 26: MTL safety statement - TCDContents of first aid boxes. Section 1 General statement of MTL safety policy It is the policy of the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering incorporating

(g) Experiments requiring the use of special gases shall generally be conducted in such a manner that the point-of-use of the gas is within an approved fume hood.

(h) Whenever practicable experiments requiring the use of special

gases shall be conducted in the rooftop laboratory facility. In particular, cylinders containing toxic, flammable and pyrophoric gases with a NFPA rating system number of 3 or more may not be used within the building other than in the rooftop laboratory facility.

(i) Flexible or other hoses utilised to deliver gas from a regulator

outlet to the point-of-use shall be of appropriate material and shall be securely attached to flanges, spigots, etc. in a gas-tight manner.

(j) Experimental work shall be scheduled in such a manner that the

need to keep gas cylinders in laboratories overnight or at weekends is minimised.

(k) Gas cylinders shall be removed from the interior of the NIAMS

building immediately after an experiment has been completed, following which action the relevant Compressed Gas Permit shall expire.

(l) The copy Compressed Gas Permit forms located on the doors of

the relevant laboratory and at the NIAMS reception desk shall be retrieved and destroyed immediately after the experiment has been completed and the gas cylinder(s) have been removed from the interior of the NIAMS building.

(m) At the expiry of a Compressed Gas Permit the Department Safety

Officer shall confirm that the gas container has been removed and notices withdrawn.

Page 27: MTL safety statement - TCDContents of first aid boxes. Section 1 General statement of MTL safety policy It is the policy of the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering incorporating


Appendix E Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Microelectronic Technology Laboratory Trinity College Dublin

Risk Assessment Form

Brief outline of work/activity



Personnel exposed Approx. number of personnel


Existing control measures

Are risks adequately controlled YES NO If No, list additional controls and actions taken:

Additional controls: Action by:

Completed by: Name Signature Date

Dates of Reviews

Supervisor: Name Signiture Date

A copy of this form should be lodged with the MTL safety officer

Location : Building and Room number

Page 28: MTL safety statement - TCDContents of first aid boxes. Section 1 General statement of MTL safety policy It is the policy of the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering incorporating


Appendix G

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Microelectronics Technology Laboratory (MTL)

Trinity College Dublin

All staff, postdoctoral students and postgraduate’s students must complete this form. I have read and understood the MTL safety Statement. Signed: Date: N.B. This completed form must be sent to the MTL Safety Officer

Page 29: MTL safety statement - TCDContents of first aid boxes. Section 1 General statement of MTL safety policy It is the policy of the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering incorporating


Appendix H

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Microelectronics Technology Laboratory)

Safety Procedure Form

All students must read the following precautions before commencing any work in the laboratory.

The following points MUST be observed meticulously.

1. Everyone in the laboratory must wear a laboratory coat.

2. Heavy duty acid resistant gloves, PVC apron and face guard MUST ALWAYS be worn while working with acids. All gloves must be washed in water and dried before removing them.

3. Students MUST NOT use acids without having had instruction from the person in charge in the


4. Furnaces are extremely hot. DO NOT TOUCH any hot quartz ware without using heat resistant gloves provided.

5. Quartz ware must not be touched with bare hands. Sodium from salts on skin causes serious

damage to devices and quartz ware.

6. Students MUST WEAR disposable gloves at all times while handling wafers.

7. In the photolithography room are two hot plates, that are in excess of 100 C. Be careful when working near them.

8. Students MUST WEAR gloves when handling all Chemicals in the laboratory.

9. No overcoats, raincoats or food are allowed in the laboratory, these may be left in the entrance


10. Do not leave valuables in unattended areas.

Some extremely dangerous substances, such a Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) and fuming nitric acid (HNO3) are used in this Laboratory. (A pamphlet on the notice board describes the dangers associated with HF). It is therefore imperative for the safety of everyone that due care in the handling of wet chemicals is exercised. All accidents no matter how trivial must be reported to the demonstrator immediately. In particular, any acid spillages or accidental contact with acids to persons. If you are in doubt about any task or procedure you have been asked to perform PLEASE ASK. Student Signature Class Demonstrator Signature Date