Modern marketing: How to create a launch campaign from a 360 media perspective

Campaign plan - introducing a new pasta brand & product Market: Sweden Veronica Stenberg P A S T A

Transcript of Modern marketing: How to create a launch campaign from a 360 media perspective

Page 1: Modern marketing: How to create a launch campaign from a 360 media perspective

Campaign plan - introducing a new pasta brand & productMarket: Sweden

Veronica Stenberg


Page 2: Modern marketing: How to create a launch campaign from a 360 media perspective


Disclaimer:This is a fictional brief and the purpose of this presentation is to illustrate how I think in terms of marketing - from interpreting a brief - to measure and follow-up.

The prices for the media are also fictional, since the purpose is just to illustrate how to allocate media budgets etc.

This is a fictional launch campaign for a new brand of fresh pasta. The purpose of this presentation is to help illustrate how I think in terms of:● Media● How to solve a brief● Planning● To the digital ecosystem ● Content ● How to connect online and offline media● Reporting● Tangible KPi’s for reporting (for each media type)● Possible revenue (a modest calculation)

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The brief from the client

Introduce a new line of freshly made pasta in food stores by a new brand which is a sub-brand to an already established and well-known brand on the Swedish market. Create awareness for this new brand of fresh pasta which is being introduced to the Swedish market.

Timeframe 3 weeks

Budget € 150 000

Target audience/group Parents with children 7-16 years old. Young couples and singles. (pre-family)

Purpose of campaign Establish the new brand by creating awareness for the new brand and line of products Build brand awareness Drive sales in stores

Communicated KPIs from the client Brand awareness Increase traffic to site and other owned media Drive sales of new line and brand of products

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Campaign concept & scenario: call to actions


Collect your free package in store /buy one get one for free/buy the new pasta & get a complimentary sauce for free- or similar

(trackable through QR code or similar)

Contains pasta information and recipes

Includes taste coupons for the new pasta products


● Offering a discount on the new pasta

● Available in all digital channels

● And offline in stores (each coupon is trackable to store, medium etc through codes)

how to drive people to the store from online mediums


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Campaign concept & scenario: activities & content during these 3 weeks


Recipes: website and newsletter

● Competition targeting food blogs: they receive a pasta kit, and publish 3-5 recipes during the three week campaign period. With links to the pasta company website. The prize is a trip to Italy and the best recipes are included in the next version of the “pasta app”.

● Video on the company website and on YouTube with a celebrity chef who creates food with the new fresh pasta line.

● Recipe section is published on the website.

● Q&A with celebrity chef on twitter - answering questions about cooking and giving advice for food preparations.

Competitions: blogs & social media

Twitter Q&A - with celebrity chef Video with celebrity chef on website preparing food

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Recommended start - campaign

Time period

Start: Wednesday - 2/10 - kl 10.00End: Wednesday - 23/10 - kl 24.00

*Campaign material

● Targeting and relevant for 3 different profiles: family, young couples par/pre-family couples, singles


Premium formats used. (square, skyscraper, fat/big/large skyscraper, leaderboard, half page etc)

Wallpapers/skins/bespoke format *Including mobile versions

● 4 different CTA for each section in target group, at least 2 different versions (8 versions/per section in target group for display).

● Hierarchy/pre-defined order in CTA’s which are presented ● Campaign material is renewed/updated/optimized each week depending on result ● Start FC: 5/unique/day (display)● Banners are customized depending on device (message/CTA, size) ● Re-marketing: recipe page, video, etc - browser history determines which message

and call to action to present

Why start on a Wednesday? According to research, a lot of Swedes do their grocery shopping on Thursdays

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Personally I see digital as “one” and more like different touch points, even though the paid, earned and owned is a common term. I rather pick various places online that are relevant to the people you want to reach, purpose of the digital place, combined with a focus on their needs/pain points and an attractive brand story and assign a KPI to each to use for optimization and a measure of success.

I also know how to connect the dots with offline media with online or trackable activities for a 360 experience.

However the next slide the media plan for this campaign is divided into these sections.

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Display:Google Display Network & other display networks - 3 different campaign profiles. 4 different target group categories/sections (family, lifestyle, food, other)Paid social (instagram, facebook, twitter)

Newspapers with food & drink sections (GP, DN, SvD)

Offer: Facebook - taste coupon/store offerTwitter - downloap pasta app Instagram - inspirational food images with coupon/store offer

Commercial and wallpaper/skin:Web TV ( kanal 3, 4 or 5)

Commercial: YouTube (True View)

Search: AdWords & Bing campaigns added on to existing SEM activities

Website: competition, recipe, video & taste coupon, newsletter

Taste coupon: shareable through social channels and website

Facebook page - sponsored posts/boosted posts

Twitter: Q&A

Pasta recipe app (push notifications, ads within app, coupons)

YouTube channel: videos with celebrity chef

Pinterest profile and boards with inspirational food images which links back to the website with recipes

Issuu profile/publication with recipes (with ad to help increase awareness)

Instagram - images and ads

Content, mentions and links back from food blogs.

Photos, profile tags and shares generated from competition in social channels.

Link backs from advertorials

Shares of taste coupon & store offers

Shares of recipes from website

Shares of video with celebrity chef

RT of Twitter Q&A, replies, mentions etc.

Share of pasta app

Pins of images

Links from foodgawker, tastespotting etc.

Saves and stacks of publication on issuu

Advertorials, 10 (large foodblogs, websites about food or other relevant topics that write about the launch of the new products during the weeks and links to company website etc.

Offline media: TV, Radio, Cinema, Ads in newspapers (QR code for taste coupon/store offer or app)

Outdoor billboards/posters (QR code for taste coupon/store offer or app)

Media selection and distribution within the digital landscape


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Outline of media plan and budget allocation


Display - newspapers - food & drink (GP, Svd, DN) 7 500 7 500 7 500 22 500

GDN: Food sites (tasteline,, food blogs, tastespotting etc)

7 000 7 000 7 000 21 000

GDN: Family websites (familjeliv, parents and child themed etc) 7 000 7 000 7 000 21 000

GDN: Lifestyle (Interior design and magazine sites, eg ELLE Decoration, Amelia)

8 000 8 000 8 000 24 000

GDN: Other websites, blogs etc visited by target group 2 000 2 000 2 000 6 000

Paid social (facebook, instagram, twitter, issuu) 3 000 3 000 3 000 9 000

YouTube (commercial) 6 500 6 500 6 500 19 000

Webb TV (commercial plus wallpaper) 6 000 6 000 6 000 18 000

Advertorials 6 000 6 000

Pais search (on top of existing campaigns) 1 000 1 000 1 000 3 000

150 000

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Approx. calculated exposure (impressions & clicks)MEDIA TYP PRICE € BUDGET IMPRESSIONS/CLICKS

Display - newspapers - food & drink (GP, Svd, DN) CPM 1 22 500 22 500 000

GDN: Food sites (tasteline,, food blogs, tastespotting etc) CPM 2.5 21 000 8 400 000

GDN: Family websites (familjeliv, parents and child themed etc) CPM 2.5 21 000 8 400 000

GDN: Lifestyle (Interior design and magazine sites, eg ELLE Decoration, Amelia)

CPM 2.5 24 000 9 600 000

GDN: Other websites, blogs etc visited by target group CPM 2.5 6 000 2 400 000

Paid social (facebook, instagram, twitter, issuu) CPC 0.35 9 000 25 714

YouTube (commercial) CPM 1.5 19 500 13 000 000

Web TV (commercial & wallpaper) CPM 3.5 18 000 5 142 857

Advertorials 6 000 6 000 N/A

Paid search CPC 0.3 3 000 10 000

Impressions: 69 442 857 Approx CTR: 0.09% = 62 498 Approx click: 27 142 (från CPC) Approx total clicks: 89 640

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Evaluation model - this is how we can measure success

To evaluate this launch campaign which primary KPI’s according to the brief is to:

Create brand awareness● Organic traffic to website● Followers on social media● Search on brand/product name ● App installs ● Mentions and links to website ● Coupons distributed

Drive sales in stores● Coupons distributed versus coupons used - evaluate from each source (app, offline ad, online

ads)● Sales data from stores (divided in city and location)

Drive traffic to the website

● CTR from paid media, advertorials, social ads ● Traffic from social channels (earned)● Traffic to site from blogs, forums, etc

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5 000 000 Swedes are exposed to the campaign online (of 9 000 000 Swedes in total)

Even if only 1% of these Swedes go to the store and buys 1 packet of pasta each

expecting that each package of fresh pasta generates €0.50 in pure profit for the company

it will generate €250 000 in ROI

(0.50 x 500 000 = 250 000)

Potential ROI calculation