Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Westburn Lounge Min 2015.pdfIsobel's time on the team also...

AGM 2015 Minutes Page 1 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Westburn Lounge Monday 7 th March 2015 at 7pm 1. Apologies Apologies – 13; Present -63 2. Receipt and adoption, if approved, of the minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting Minutes Approved: Anne Cargill Seconded: Caroline Mitchell 3. President’s Report – Celia McGuigan Wilson Amazing Aberdeen Adelines My second year has been extremely interesting and I have learned a lot. We will hear many reports tonight with many thanks being offered, all of which I would agree but my initial thanks have to go to Anne Cargill. I called Anne straight away in my first year and said I would really like the management team to work as closely as possible with the music team, myself especially as I felt I didn't have enough awareness of how they worked and wanted to learn more if possible, to help us all work even better together. I was welcomed to the music team meetings and towards the end of my first year Anne's brainwave of the Joint Music Team & Management Team meeting came about and seemed an opportunity to be grasped. So I'd like to thank her for her continued work with this, both in organising and chairing our (I think) very successful joint team meetings.

Transcript of Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Westburn Lounge Min 2015.pdfIsobel's time on the team also...

Page 1: Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Westburn Lounge Min 2015.pdfIsobel's time on the team also comes to an end. In her role as Secretary she has continued to see that our minutes

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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Westburn Lounge

Monday 7th March 2015 at 7pm

1. Apologies Apologies – 13; Present -63

2. Receipt and adoption, if approved, of the minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting

Minutes Approved: Anne Cargill Seconded: Caroline Mitchell

3. President’s Report – Celia McGuigan Wilson

Amazing Aberdeen Adelines

My second year has been extremely interesting and I have learned a lot.

We will hear many reports tonight with many thanks being offered, all of which I would agree but my initial thanks have to go to Anne Cargill.

I called Anne straight away in my first year and said I would really like the management team to work as closely as possible with the music team, myself especially as I felt I didn't have enough awareness of how they worked and wanted to learn more if possible, to help us all work even better together. I was welcomed to the music team meetings and towards the end of my first year Anne's brainwave of the Joint Music Team & Management Team meeting came about and seemed an opportunity to be grasped. So I'd like to thank her for her continued work with this, both in organising and chairing our (I think) very successful joint team meetings.

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With the extended music & visual team and the management team being fully involved in reviewing our action plan and planning for the year ahead. Of usually around 20 people that ensure that almost 30% of the chorus is having direct input into these meetings. I think that's a real positive for the chorus as a whole.

My next thanks go to all of the management team who have all been a delight to work with through thick and thin and always with good humour. To Lorna Smith who joined us last year and has taken to the membership role with ease, sharing responsibility with Janice, she's fitted in so easily and efficiently.

Janice MacKay, whose term on the team is over, is stepping down this year. She has had her membership role to juggle with the slightly unexpected increased workload for her in trying to coordinate the costume developments (of which I'm sure she will explain more in her report) but my thanks to her for the many hours of her own time she has given to all of this.

To Linda Allan who has been such a powerhouse in marketing and publicity over the last 4 years and of course is also stepping down this year. This is another ever expanding role involving not only publicity but increasingly, liaising with potential customers, it is another role which could well benefit from a continued shared role. Linda has also been an excellent Vice Team Coordinator and has been a support I have been able to thoroughly rely on for back up at any time and I thank her most sincerely for that. Linda I hope you enjoy the extra time you'll now have to spend with Terry & Dixie, many thanks.

This year Christine was able to support Linda through her knowledge of twitter & Facebook and they worked so well together. Christine has opted to step down from the team as circumstances mean she may be unable to attend chorus so regularly but she will still play an active part in chorus. In accordance with standing rules Christine's slot will be filled in May by a member appointed by the management team and will not affect the upcoming election.

Isobel's time on the team also comes to an end. In her role as Secretary she has continued to see that our minutes are up to scratch and documents available for all on Groupanizer, another never ending task, she has been bringing us up to date re Facebook twitter and other technological stuff which I don't fully understand. She was particularly helpful during the Groupanizer switch over by conducting some mini polls for me when we couldn't use Groupanizer to get information for Nottingham. Isobel has thrown her hat into the ring again for another term, thanks for that Isobel.

Thanks have to go to Andrea Flatman whose calm head and patience with those of us who don't understand the complexities of the money issues has been unfailing, and she has even managed to make me learn something about it is you can't just have accounts audited in a couple of days……I understand now!

I'd also like to thank Jane Richardson, Jane Hoare, Helen Low and Elizabeth Lawrence for their continuing work alongside Janice MacKay in developing our costume

Thanks to Coilia Virdee for her ongoing work in organising social events, coffees, meals after performances and the like. She has recently been working on chorus 35th Anniversary Celebration for members and friends or partners, you'll hear more about that soon.

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Thanks to Val our webmaster- for her continued efforts with Groupanizer which is ongoing. This is such an important role for the chorus that it has been added into the standing rules.

Thanks to Audrey Corbett for keeping up to date with Friends of the chorus (we’ll hear a report again from her later)

Thanks to Debbie Perm for keeping things right with our risers

Thanks to those Members who've offered Extra rehearsal venues- Frances Johnstone, Carolyn Jeffrey, Anne Cargill, Sally Dobson, Jennifer Morrice & Lorna Smith.

Thanks to everyone who has helped us fundraise throughout the year. Thanks to Helen Gauld and everyone who helped at the Mastrick Church coffee & carols, it was enjoyable and raised £770.

Thanks to all members who contributed to helping in charity shop, whether you contributed, goods or time, whether you managed whole days or came over lunchtime to let folk out for theirs. Lorna Smith and who as I've already said helped insure we could open up daily. Also to Alison Soutar who helped with that too.

Thanks to Dave Smith for his Monday morning stint and to Brian Gauld for his 2 full mornings of help which took us through the worst of the rush.

I hope everyone who did help enjoyed themselves as much as I did. We had some angst (council man asking for safety certificates for candle, solved by Linda Allan), a lot of laughs, even more haggling, plenty of banter and quite a bit of singing. My apologies to Alison S but, as I said "I think it's highly unlikely that next time someone could ensure that the rota is balanced across all 4 parts!!

Ann Fraser ( window dresser extraordinaire) for setting up, with Lorna, Michelle & myself and again for clearing out on Saturday with Janice MacKay, myself and Norma and her van - well I say clearing, Norma was as you may have seen, actually selling out of the back of the van!!! Thanks too to Aluinn for turning up in a rush just to take away a load of bags for us.

Thanks to Linda Shaw for being our daily banker, even with little granddaughter in tow and for her help clearing up on Friday afternoon. Our total for the week after deducting floats was £1739.24

Remembering what we're here for, to sing, I've mentioned earlier our brilliant music team but they are not alone. Everyone who takes part in our warm ups, both physical & vocal have to be thanked for their work towards raising our overall standard.

I'd like to thank Rachel Buchanan for all the continued effort she puts in to inventing and refreshing our choreography to enhance our performances and ensure our consistency across the chorus!!

Thanks to Eleanor McPherson for her extra visual classes and to Elizabeth Lawrence for booking RGU for choreo classes.

To our wonderful directors Sophie Radcliffe and in her absence Gwen Topp , to Val Muir, Dorothy Main, Anne Cargill & Ruth Peter for all your hard work as the music team, for your ideas enthusiasm and continued high aspirations for us. Many thanks

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Thanks to all listeners, will you again forgive me for asking you to stand so we can all acknowledge the hours of work you put in to help us improve.

Thanks to all members for their ongoing support, commitment and friendship.

To Linda Shaw for all her photocopying, ticketing, banking and other duties and last but not least adding her name to the list of nominees for the team.


Thanks to Jane Richardson wardrobe coordinator for allowing us storage facilities of her house and for ensuring all new members are equipped with our red costume.

To everyone who put their name forward in case help is needed, Janice Mackay, Rita Kermack Elizabeth Lawrence, Helen Low, Hazel Fyffe.

As well as Jane on costume thanks of course to Jane Hoare & Helen Low for their efficient organization of the new black shoes, looking forward to wearing them.

To Janice Mackay, Gwen & particularly Jane Richardson for putting us in touch with the lady who has taken on the actual making of our costumes.

Thanks to Moreida for her ongoing work in keeping our makeup current.

Gwen thanks for being always available on any issue

This time last year, I was speaking about Sophie heading off to A Capella Harmony Academy in Tulsa in July where amongst other things she took part in directorial & performance classes. We all felt that she had already shown a real commitment to her own musical development from which we as a chorus had already benefitted. On 12th Jan this year the chorus voted almost unanimously for her to become a co-director with Gwen and since then, they have both gone from strength to strength. Thanks to both of them for all their efforts on our behalf.

Thanks to everyone who has put their name on the slate for nomination, Alison Soutar, Helen Low, Linda Shaw, Jacqui Young and of course Isobel Gordon and myself. Whilst I am happy to throw my hat in the ring once again, I would also, just as happily handover the reins to fresh blood and new ideas if that's what the members vote for? Thanks to all members for their ongoing support, commitment and friendship

It really is a win, win for me as I really don't mind either way

Thank you, that completes my report.

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4. Directors contract ratification The team agreed identical contracts for Sophie and Gwen for Chorus ratification.

The Chorus indicated its ratification of the Director’s Agreement for Gwen Topp by a show of hands.

The Chorus indicated its ratification of the Director’s Agreement for Sophie Radcliffe by a show of hands.

5. Co-Director Reports Review of the year 2014-2015


We have had another interesting year!

Although we returned sporting third place medals for the medium size chorus contest last year, we were a bit disappointed with our score, but we had also cheered for our 5th place medal winning quartet, Spark and also Vocal Zone, the open division winners. Contest is always full of surprises.

Joe Connolly came to coach the chorus and every one enjoyed his style. We then went on to win the outstanding performance certificate at the Music Festival in Aberdeen.

The commonwealth baton relay event had us collaborating with the other a-cappella groups in the city, which was a very satisfying project.

Some of us sang at a lovely sunny wedding in Aboyne, then we were back in Union Terrace Gardens for the Celebrate Aberdeen festival, where it rained and we were soaked, after that we sang at a ‘memory walk’ at Hazlehead where it was dry but windy!

We decided to encourage members to have PVIs, and Sophie was the natural choice for that. This will be an ongoing method of improving the overall sound of the chorus.

It was good to be back in the Beach Ballroom, which has been refurbished since we used to rehearse there. We sang as guests of the Co-op Funeral-care band, who were wonderful.

The Christmas season saw us performing at a variety of places, school fairs, residential homes, the art gallery and our own shows, and once again we had many compliments from audience members.

Gail Jencik came to share her expertise with us and our contest songs are sounding really good now.

During the year Vocal Zone, Singularity and First Impressions were out entertaining and flying the flag for the barbershop style.

Sophie is now a co-director and the chorus is already benefitting from her expertise and enthusiasm. I would like to thank Sophie for taking on the task of directing the chorus, especially as it means I can have the chance to stand on the risers and sing in the chorus. There is nothing more joyful than singing in a large friendly chorus!

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My thanks also go to Val, Anne, Dorothy and Ruth, for the great contributions they make to the running of our rehearsals, the audition procedures, and the section practices. Thanks to the other music team evaluators, who assist the members in the learning of our songs and who also take part in warm-up activities. Thanks to Rachael for thinking up do-able Choreography and thanks to Eleanor for encouraging and coaxing the best performances from members.

Thanks to Jane Richardson who has given a significant amount of room in her house to keep our costumes. Over the past year there have been several new members as well as retirees, all of whom either needed a costume or needed to return one. Thanks to Janice who took on the task of sourcing fabric for our new chorus top and Jane H, Helen L and Elizabeth L for their part in renewing our costumes.

Thanks also to the management team who further the business of the chorus with dedication and good humour.

Linda has been a wonderful publicity officer ably helped by Christine; Janice has been a very efficient membership chair, with great support from Lorna.

Isobel has performed her secretarial duties with quiet confidence, and Andrea is a competent and business-like treasurer.

When Celia started as management team leader she wondered if she’d cope, but it turned out that she managed very well indeed and it has been marvellous being called ‘Amazing Adelines’ every week!

Thank you to all the chorus members for turning up on a Monday, looking keen to make music together. I look forward to the challenges of the coming year.

Gwen Co-director Yeah!


This year has just flown by!! I can’t believe it’s nearly competition time again! So exciting!!

Despite achieving a lower score from competition last year, we earned ourselves 3rd place midsize chorus medals. I feel that this result has really encouraged us to improve our skills in all categories.

It was such an exciting time for me and my quartet SPARK, when we won our 5th place medals. So unexpected and amazing, we couldn’t have done it without the support of all of you, so thank you for that! A huge congratulations to Vocal Zone on their Audience Choice Award, it was most certainly deserved! I am very excited to have a sister quartet, Stardust, to compete alongside this year and to cheer on. We wish you the best of luck girls! I can’t wait to see what this competition has in store for us all.

We have benefited greatly over the past year with coaching sessions from Joe Connelly and Gail Jencik. They both brought something completely different to the chorus and I really felt that everyone learnt a great amount from these wonderful educators. The trick is to maintain that

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energy that we have at coaching sessions throughout the year, especially in the lead up to competition. I think we are really starting to achieve this and everyone is working very hard, well done!

After encouraging all members to come along to a PVI with me, I am so happy with how they are going. Everyone has been so enthusiastic and willing to learn. It is so wonderful for me to be able to work one on one with members and get to hear their fabulous individual voices. The comments I have received from many of you have been so encouraging and it has been a great learning experience for me. I’m sure they will continue to be a success. Thank you for all your hard work!

At the start of January the chorus made the decision to appointment me as their co-director. I am loving every minute of it so far. It is so wonderful that I have been given this opportunity and cannot express how grateful I truly am. I am very lucky to have Gwen’s mentorship and outstanding directing experience to help me on my journey. I am so pleased that by becoming Co-director it has allowed Gwen to get back on the risers and sing with the chorus again. There really is no greater feeling!

I am very excited about directing at competition this year and I will do my utmost to make you all proud. It will be a completely new experience for everyone involved so we need to make sure we are supporting and encouraging each other every step of the way. Let’s “hit it out of the park” as Joe C would say!

6. Treasurer’s Report February 2015 (Annual overview)

I have carried out this role for nearly one year now – how time flies! The handover received from my predecessor, Ruth Laird (and of course Graham) at the time I took this over made the transition so much easier…but a hard act to follow for sure as Ruth had done a tremendous job. Before quickly going into to the statement itself, I would like to thank all team members I have had the pleasure of working alongside over this last year and in addition, the following persons who help out with other areas of the money side of things.

To Frances Fleming, for collecting the cash dues on a weekly basis.

To Linda Shaw, for helping with monies at many of the performances and also most recently, carrying out the banking last week for the money taken in for the charity shop.

To Audrey Corbett, for dealing with the ‘Friends of Chorus’ subscriptions.

To Dorothy Main / Gwen Topp for picking up any cash - should I not make it to the Monday rehearsals.

Your help is much appreciated.

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I have produced a Financial Statement covering the period beginning March 2014 to end February 2015. As you have been informed previously, due to the timing of this meeting it was not possible to present audited accounts. I am handing over the accounts tomorrow to the auditor and there has been a special business meeting called for the 23rd March in order to present the audited figures. Having said this, I do not expect any changes to the figures presented this evening.

See ‘Accounts for Year Ending February 2015’.

One point to note - as reported in April’s monthly statement last year – HMRC overpaid the Gift Aid by £2689.41 in the first claim made. This will be deducted from the next claim total for February 2014 to February 2015, which is due to be carried out shortly.

The balance in account no.1 at the end of February 2015 was £ 40,187.67

The balance in account no.2 at the end of February 2015 was £4215.15

Thank you.

7. Marketing Report. As I have spent some time over the last weeks doing a bit of sorting and tidying of Adeline files on my computer in readiness for signing off after my 4 year stint on the Team, I have been struck by two things – how many changes there have been over those years – but also how much remains the same!!

Our biggest changes have centred round how we communicate amongst ourselves - how we access, store, pass on and record information and music - as well as how we communicate with the public. Because we are lucky enough to have talented and enthusiastic techno-helps at the helm, we have made great progress in encouraging members to advance their computer skills in order to enhance the enjoyment of their hobby - as well as using every possible IT facility around to heighten the Chorus profile and keep the life of the Chorus in the public eye.

We have enjoyed a wide range of Events this year including our own Shows, smaller Charitable Events and requests to sing in very public places. We have attracted new members as well as being contacted by groups outside Aberdeen – all largely because of an increased on-line presence. As an extremely successful and professional Chorus it has been very effective for us to use all the current tricks of the trade to reach our target audience both in terms of new members and in drawing audiences for our events.

But this brings me however to the bit, which never changes – nothing can happen in the Chorus without input and effort from Chorus members. The success of our Chorus has been due to members being prepared to do their bit.

So, from a marketing point of view thank you to all those who have gone the extra mile and have been willing to use a variety of traditional as well as more high tech methods to reach out. We need folks to use the high tech things - to tweet, use Facebook, Messenger, and send E-Posters. But we continue to need folks to do all the other things too - to distribute posters, display posters, deliver leaflets, write articles, contact radio stations, involve community magazines, sell tickets, buy tickets,

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encourage fans, pass out our business cards, introduce new members, encourage and support new members and longstanding members in techyland- and not least turn out to Events and Sing outs.

For although the web can attract attention to the Chorus, it is our singing performance, which impresses and draws people in, and our members who encourage and retain new members.

Keep singing, keep smiling, keep selling the songs and The Chorus! Show the world what a wonderful hobby we have and how much ladies out there are missing, if they’re not part of it. Thanks you for your support.

I’ve enjoyed my spell on the Team very much. Thank you to Christine and all my Team Mates. Good luck to the new Team in session 2015 – 2016.

Linda Allan

Christine Wilkie

8. Membership Report. We have had a busy year in the chorus and being part of the team has been a bit of an eye opener for me. When I became part of the team, Janice asked if I could help with the membership duties which I have gradually taken over under Janice’s guidance and I almost feel ready to step into her shoes! I would like to thank Janice, and also Val for their invaluable help and advice, as well as the rest of the team.

I seemed to join the membership job during a transition period when International was trying to make registration easier so that applications are now made online and Janice and I had a couple of sessions together trying to get to grips with the new system. Much more recently anyone re-joining can now be registered online as well. This happened the week before Pam Buckingham passed her audition – so thank you Pam for not joining a week sooner!

There have been a few resignations this year and it is always sad to see our friends leave the chorus but we do see former members coming along to our events and it is lovely to see them again.

On a happier note, we have been very lucky to recruit several new members during the course of the year and they have all very quickly settled in and enhanced our chorus.

So to sum up, section totals at present are:

• Leads 34

• Baritones 17

• Basses 22

• Tenors 7

• Directors 2

This makes a grand total of 82

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I can’t believe that I have been on the team for a year – it has flown past so quickly. I’m very much looking forward to the next year. And at least I now have a better idea of what I’m actually doing!

9. Costume Update

Janice MacKay reported that the process of getting a new costume has been taking a long time and she and the costume team have had to deal with delay after delay. The decision now is not to have the tunic top, but use the cerise material for jackets instead. A dress maker in Bucksburn has been engaged to make all the jackets. She will fit them all to each individual. Janice and her team are in the process of sourcing a black vest-type top to wear under the jackets. The dressmaker is confident that the costumes will be ready in time for our contest in May, but should this not be the case, there are sufficient red costumes to ensure new members all have a red costume for the competition. No decision has been made on jewellery to go with the new costumes and may have to wait until a vest top is agreed upon. Moreida has sourced appropriate nail polish to match the costumes.

10. Ratification, if approved, of the updated Chapter Bylaws and Standing Rules

The updated Chapter Bylaws and Standing rules have been available on Groupanizer for Chorus members to view for the required length of time before the AGM. By a show of hands, the Chorus voted unanimously to ratify our updated Chapter Bylaws and Standing Rules.

11. Friends Report

Audrey Corbett reported that the Friends of the Chorus are former members and friends of Aberdeen Chorus. They continue to receive a Quarterly Newsletter. Regarding our Christmas shows, the Friends have fed back that they like that we held one of our Christmas shows in the afternoon last year because. In the wintertime, it’s nicer to go to concerts in the afternoon than in the cold dark evenings.

Audrey will keep the Friends up-to-date with the changes in our Chorus rules, and will continue to keep them informed of upcoming performances and other Chorus events.

12. Election of Office Bearers

Three positions on the management team are up for re-election this year. This year for the first time, the Management Team nominees were asked to provide a brief bio regarding their length of time in the Chorus, the positions they had held in the Chorus, at regional and at international level. They

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were also asked to give details of any experiences and skills that they possess which they might bring to the management team. These details were made available on Groupanizer before the AGM to help inform the Chorus vote.

The nominees were, Alison Soutar, Celia McGuigan-Wilson, Helen Low, Isobel Gordon, Jacqui Young and Linda Shaw. As head of the nominating committee, Linda Allan read out each nominee’s submission and then called for Nominations from the floor. Linda Shaw proposed Caroline Mitchell and Caroline’s bio was also read out.

After a vote, Alison Soutar and Jacqui Young were elected to the management team and Celia McGuigan-Wilson was re-elected.

AOCB Chorus Scarf – The chorus has decided it would like more of a unit look when ‘walking out’ in Nottingham and this would be achieved by the wearing of a scarf. Caroline Mitchell reported that the scarfs have been ordered and they are on the way

Westburn Park Bowling Club Lounge venue – Rachael Buchanan asked if this is now a permanent venue for us. Celia replied that it’s booked for the coming year, but we should always be on the lookout for other suitable venues in case we are asked to leave without much notice. She noted that this had happened to us before.

Groupanizer – Val Muir thanked us all for our patience putting up with all the problems Groupanizer caused us during its upgrade

Costume –

Anne Cargill thanked the all the people involved with the process of choosing, designing and sourcing materials, shoes, trousers and the dressmaker for our new costume.

Trudi Mitchell was concerned that the costume was beginning to cost more and more money. She asked if other sources of costumes could be considered when the next time comes. She suggested shopping channels like QVC might be a good source.

Evelyn Hope brought up the subject of the cowl neckline in the tunic top. Janice explained the cowl neckline didn’t sit well in the demonstration tunics which had been made up and it was decided to change the patter to be a jacket instead. Janice demonstrated the type of vest top that is likely to be used under the jacket.

There was some concern regarding the belt on the trousers. Isabel Bruce thought it makes the waistline very bulky. Janice stated that the vest top would be long enough to cover the waist of the trousers and the belt need not be worn.

Jane Hoare mentioned that she didn’t understand why we had to buy our own costume trousers if the chorus was financially sound.

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Jane Richardson stated that we’re short of the Chorus costume jewellery. She asked that the members who are not going to competition could hand in their jewellery to share with those who don’t have.

Co-director position

Audrey Corbett asked a question regarding why we have chosen to call both agreements, ‘Director’s Agreement’ because we had voted to have two Co-directors. In reply, Celia stated that regarding appointing a co-director, we contacted International and other Choruses to find out how they had approached it. The choruses were very open and forwarded us their agreements. We had opted for a 50/50 co-directorship. One of the chorus’ agreements most closely reflected our requirements and we used it as a template for ours. They had two identical Director Agreements in place, and the Management Team agreed this approach most suited our needs.

Eileen Milne asked a question regarding the nature of how our co-directors will work together and how the finances will work. She had thought it was to be a job share but now it seems to be two jobs and that will cost the chorus double. Celia made it clear that this is not a job share. Both Gwen and Sophie have signed identical co-director agreements and we will now be benefitting from the expertise of two people and it they should both be recompensed as a director. They are on the same footing and will both be paid director’s weekly expenses. Regarding the chorus paying the expenses for Gwen and Sophie for attending international events, the working of the agreement clearly states that this is at the Management Team’s discretion. Celia pointed out that the agreements are reviewed on a yearly basis, and if it comes a time that we can’t afford to have 2 co-directors, then the agreements will be reconsidered.


Afternoon Workshops - The chorus is very happy with the day time, afternoon singing sessions that have taken place. Thank you to Christine Wilkie for suggesting these in the first place. The ones which have taken place have been very useful to those who have attended. Claire Fyfe asked if there would be similar sessions in the evening for those who work during the day. Caroline Jeffries and Lizzie Sinclair stated they would be happy to host one of these in the evening. Celia reminded the chorus that we can look to keep booking the Westburn Park venue on a Wednesday evening for this. Wednesdays at Westburn are booked ad hoc, and not for the year.

Rita agreed that extra sessions are a good idea. It gives everyone more time on the competition songs and to get to grip with the changes, tools and techniques brought to us by Gail Jencik when she visited.

Rehearsals – Audrey Bennett commented that rehearsing in small groups on the risers is very beneficial to all; to those who are singing and also to those who watch. Rita commented that working on the competition songs during rehearsals should take more precedence during the run up to contest.

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Retreat - Sheila Robertson asked us to make the most of the upcoming retreat by taking time to think back to Gail’s coaching and make a point of remembering the things she said. For example, we should take time to start at the end of a song, so we know what it feels like to still be on pitch at the end, and we must remember to sing a more pointy ‘uh’ vowel instead of an ‘aa’ vowel to keep the voice forward in the mouth.

Elizabeth Lawrence asked if the director could always remember to give time to direct us to take a full, complete breath after the pitch so we always start singing with a full tank.

Small Groups and Quartets –

Publicity - Fiona Nairn suggested that we could have a show of small groups and quartets. It could be very good for publicity, because small groups and quartets are less intimidating than then full chorus. It could be in a small venue such as Woodend Barn in Banchory. It could take the form of an ‘open mic’ session and could draw the audience in.

Support – Eleanor McPherson raised concerns that there doesn’t seem to be much support or encouragement from the music team for small groups or quartets. She noted that not all the quartets or the small group were invited to sing at the Christmas concert. Celia noted this concern.

Chorus Repertoire

In response to Jane Hoare’s letter to the management team before the AGM, Sophie replied about the type of music we sing. Jane’s points were that it’s difficult to persuade friends and family to come to concerts if we just sing the same songs over and over. In addition, we have a lot of money in reserve and last year only spent a relatively small amount, £600, on new music. This lack of investment in new songs seems very odd, because music and songs are very point of our existence.

Sophie replied by saying that depending on how difficult they are, learning a new song can take 3 to 6 weeks, so this is a factor in the type and number of new songs we sing. Sophie is keen to update our repertoire for things like the Fringe and Christmas shows, but not necessarily with completely right-up-to-date songs. For instance, Sophie has her eye on a great arrangement of, ‘I Will Survive’. The Friends Medley is the next one, and it will take time but will be great fun. It is a bit different because it has solos and percussion. Old songs like ‘Sweet Georgia Brown’ are great competition vehicles, with great barbershop chords, and definitely still have a place in our repertoire.

Competition Make Up and Hair

Morieda Lord stated that the only change in the makeup is the colour of the nail varnish, which is to be pink this year. Caroline Mitchell reminded members that hair should be up and off the face.

Card of Thanks

Sophie read out a card from our new quartet, Stardust, thanking the chorus for all its support so far.


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Anne Cargill conveyed the Chorus’s congratulations to Sophie and Dorothy for being elected to the Regional Management Team. It’s good to have two members from Aberdeen on the team.


Anne Cargill thanked Celia, the management team co-ordinator, and all the members of the team for all the work they had done all year, and for the smooth running of this AGM

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13 Statement of Accounts for year ending February 2015