Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the...

1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

Transcript of Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the...

Page 1: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan


MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee

Province and its Significance


C.J. Sullivan

Page 2: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

Ygnc fwoa~us grnaf $@a. Ilt.i;rf n a ub sa quent grani te s . Bl$nif fcanae of tggeo of bbalizgll.khs,

X a GL? q ichRnW, * APPLICATZQSia . .

Bxl~kefi 13i.25, The Bend%go FieEd Ka%eao~3io-CaoLg~BIB, & a % e ~ n A U S % I ? ~ ~ . ~ B

xa, ,~.oru'c~vsxos~ mma5m5.

Page 3: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan


..I;le),.lO.l't ho. 19Lj.9/35. (IJ-f:)Ol. Sell"'. l~a. 10).

L.e. Graton (12)f hau veeently 1"'6Iilarked 1ft he au t-at"md:..ng unfUle4 need lying ahead is the cl1$Oovery at: nE/\V LlinfH;'alized d18t1'1ets!1. In this oonnection he epeakaof ,tthe all-irnpoJ;.ltnnt atandgoint of genetic undel' stU!nd In,;; 'it. i1.8 a contribut1on towards fill1ng this ne.d, tbe following pOints are Oe.t'e presented f'or coneid.v.tioR 1-

l~ That ttle CoDat' N,magee (N.S.W.) copper-go~d i:~etallization is intirJatelq x'elated to syneh.rondua or ccmcol.'dant gI'al1.i te and qwrts-:fel,ap8.l' porpbyl"Y exh:lbi ting stro rig evidence of replac~ont origin.

a. That the metallization is closely connected with the por·ptlyr:i.tic phase of tM qnc~ouous g.rar,ite, wh .... ch tends to :: orB neal'" tbe top of grani tic cupolafh

3. Il'bat t he subsequent. eroB.cutting Eztimel'aU gratllJe, which is prObably only sl.ightly la.ter in age tnan the concol~dant gran1 te, shows little relationship to ore de-position.

4. That a chain of irnpo.rtant ore depos1 ts extendiag trom C"ba11

to N1ll'lage. occurs aloae to the axis of" a f'uulted anticl1 nal tol<ll tbere i $ gOOd ,\teason to believe that t he younger :t'o.mmtions composing tbis fold aI'S oonoorda.ntly grani t:i.zed, and tbat tbe 0 .... depoal ts thus overlie an inverted V­shaped mas. of granite.

5. fhat along this antiolirll:tl stl'uct\;l·e. rrlil1EU'al :fields OQCLl' in t.he v!.o;inity of anticl.inal cl~oaafolds anll. alta thus assoclctud 'liiith domes in the sed1U1ent~tl'Y l'1ocks. There is evidenoe that these domes f~18o corj}espoLHl to <Hrpol~tlS in the cmtleI·lying grani ta. JC;Gt €l.B -1;; he whole Cobal' field 1s associated with an f.mticlinal (H~oastQld, ofton O1'e deposit w1th1n tbe field is associated w).th it s :unilar mJ.no!' stI-uctu%te. It 1s suggfulted that these uay cOl.'l'espon4 to the pOSition of minor cupolaS in the under­lulng g»an1tle rook.

6. That tbeH ia a zonal al'rangement of: the 01'6 deposits at Oobar wb10h .t .... ongly auppol'ta 'ihe eOlloept:Lon of' the!!' 01"'ig1n from a gran1tic masa wbiob. pitches witb. the bedding. Evidence is p ..... nt. sbowing the possible vertiCal range over whie h OM d.epolll tlon has taken place at Cobalt.

7. That aome pro.pecting tal'sets can be suggested on the basis of the above ev148nce.

8. That the raotallitel'ous provinoe is co-extol1sive with a partlculal.' group of bed. and that the m.etals have been ooncentrated during tho grani t1zation of' t nese beds. This is suggested '01' the association of the ore with the 8ynonronous and not with the subsequent granite and also ON" 41tbizone tests.

---,------------,--.-,---------------.~.-.. --._._._._ ....... _, .---I- The numbel's in parentheses refer to b1'b110,;;ra:pby at end of: paper.

Page 4: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

9. 'bat ,_ Cob __ li~ .. f"1n4lnae nave a general app1toa'loa 1a at .. alize4 Ai.trick related "0 ~, ... He-b ..... 1. the Broke Hill. ltalgoorli;e­"'~U'4b ad Be(tlgo __ .. '

161 11f..9I!.fU,ol.

11'!lun. O1IMt,*,I ••• "'. Co-r 1. ait_,,-_ 4&& mu.ub7 .. 11 •• If.W.' O-~ 8,..0., •

•• S .•••• aa4 18 at. tba ..... O'l a BJWlob line no. .~.8IU' on , .. ~""ke .lId.1..,.. Itla altuWcl 1n U. midst ot --p-... alAS .udl7. the a ..... .-.lnt .. !]. ~ appru~.17 16 i.u_a pel' ,..ar. ~ __ 1. o. t4 .• 817 1 •• relld, ,lte broa4 pla.1m aroud. G.... 1. 0111.7 aoo .. ..- abo.. .. leY.1. A ~eJ' or 1_ rlll.-~ .... or tl\e _re .. staUtl. roeD ...... to height. or 100 to 400 f .... b ... 'lfte plata. '

1"'Ia:-, .. 8oba,. ~ t1.1.4 .... ~ 1n 18*'10. alDOe wea ~10. bile __ .laoa"._"l~. ., , ... or IN''. ,_ t1e14 ba4 p ...... _appJtOnma,~ 1"-.. t •• of coppel-. OTe,. 1,.000.- ..... or p14 ..... approXlmal*l7 11.000.000 ___ of • 1..... A\ ..... _* ,,_'NIlan priM •• 'hl.e pvOdu.tioll 110\11.4 be ftl.4 at apphX1II'del7 SA.3'F.OOO.OOO. '1. a6Utloll to th18. t,he lat_ at .,..... llaa ~e4 aOJl!le _.8OC to_ of ooppeJ-. tm4 pre4uetloD fJ'Q_ t be .~ igpP7 Jll_ at Ganoelege has 'Mfm ..... 400.000 ....... r4 .-01«. Minns at h1:ter ilu • __ 84 • maxi_ ... pt. .. o~ a.eoo :ree_ (lie" oecl4eDfrall, t __ fAh •• 111 ... are 0"'. 1.000 ~ .. "-" (a. Plat. C.3).

!bI' .. __ e. the l'few CebW. tJrJe 0 ..... an4 the Oocl4ent,al. ar •• , p ..... , "iDa ep.-t-e4 __ ... OOc14enial Gold. »lnes. If.I,.. tbe .. ate or p .. od ..... l •• ltel. app"oxtaa'.17 110.000 tone of' oJl-e per .~ ,

liM,( ae..U .. tbe _~o .. 4epoat'. at Cobar. 71e14 boa 500 to 2.000 tons,

of ON pel' ..... 'lca1 roo,. • .. pe-.aJ.-'YeJ7 .t-ronsJ.7 1.a d.epth.. The lin OGel4ental. orebGi.71e kaown. fl'Oll vUll ... nlts. to e1Sea& for 3.000 r .. t "lew ••• ..ra .... wlthftt al'Q' ... tant1al eb.&.p lD "he t7Pe of' ralne;ra11aa'lo-..

. :f.Et!1tH I IBv,a'lII'ttult: !be 41et-n.' ,pe p.-eY1.wall'·lleea aawlN4 in ... clAtaU

_ B.G. ADilJt.w. (1).. A.C.. 1.1074 (1t). a._big ,_ ,.ar. 1935-1939. carrie4 0." conaJ.4eJtallle heOfli'llil_.- .PPl1'w ia t.M C.ber-Canbelego­li,....ee~ Hope ._~.U1feJ'O_ lll'$T1.- _.p ... U ..... a mlllfl'be..- of piau. b.11lo1laD4 _4 __ • lB") .... Jtepaftallmt o~ }linea • ....... 11 We.l... • .. 1 •• 0.1 ~Jler 1 ••• 'I.t1ona 1n lt45. ad. at tbe _e t~ the •• 1ter •• ea1,al_.t ....... tblle _ h8 .. a. W.B. Dalltrl-ts. Jt.a. .le1 ...... J.P. IYaaao. &.K •• *u.,.18. aa4 ot.e. e~ a. 1aTee\lptloa _lob. Itaa conti:,.e" a.tll the pl'1II .... time. An idena report (31) OIl tile 4etal1.4s" .... ' ... of ttte eobar ..... haa .... 1 .... to interest.4 partlea and 18 110W to be ptbll ....

7.. IltJ1Je _Ill. __ paalea. t_ eo..e __ ltll BuJoeau of tineJl&1llesoureea• aM ,,_ .. ~a' r4 tinea. lie •. hathWale •• are ~ol-17 -1"'-71_ 011\ aJ1 cp1 ... t .... pro...... 1n the CGl..lsr pJ"on.- 1ft .he !lop. or rl_1ns p"no~.1Uik.Aown OJI:e depoalt .. fbe wfttel' 18 1n ",.se filL Ute CaIlID_1\h 0..1.0'&1 •• 1 lny.'tgatlona la tlae a.... arul.t.ne4 111s pre_- D.owl •• 88 a "Hut of Uleee 1_"1,1 •• '10na.

'the geochemical work raentloned in the paper waS carp-ied. out au_" toe supervision of V.I!. Sokoloff" of the United states holog-1eal Survey. who came to AlB tralia. in 1948. under the .JOint auspice.

Page 5: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

• ,be &lnc Oorporation Ltd. and the Bureau o.t:Mlneral Reseourees. he .eeetwmleal lnves"i.&tions ea.rpied out in ttl$ ColDa.llt-l;Y1d.agee pJ'O'9'1 •• wepe ora l"·ecomup.esance natlu,'le and demoust.J;"ated that .the 4U,tbi~one mfithOd (2') or .(li:pep detection ll'LaY b~Of eotlaUlerable . i.IlpQl'toae ill p.-oap_t1.. .... he l'ef!ults ot t iu.s and otbe~ge~bem1.oal .. erk p • ..re._ 111 Auatra.lia ~. 194&. aIle now 0.11'1;1 pl.e;,az-e4 f.r p.'alle.t1oa. \ "i. !~I'AL IlIfOlXSf' I~* lIa···IaIR.i:lakm-

Pl;.a-&e C. 1 ...... in eu'll!_. tone senoral g.-loU or tile d1atriot. a.1' is no .. 008. Ya. ~.ap .... been eomp.l1d by t.he W,P~"1- t •• lnfOl'mat1on sal ... ~oidl1_b1m ae by L K.. fstttf'lli1t$:4s., i'.~. .. . observation. b ... ~ taJuf.a..rf\OJ!l. ttl ••• 0 eal mali's of' 4ii.~ewS. Lloyd aa4MulbollaD4 aa4 .,..1'. &»4 4.'.s\1fpli by the tieQlog~$;&so:r Slue o.orporat1oR l.iIIliled. __ .1_ ~ 1ne$rpO.F$.'te(j 1ft t'~ plan.

'tue l:r.a,p ."1"'$' au area t4a,pp •• xt.'lely 2.t)OO ~:HltJ.&r./mlle.and enl.ya. poOl'''tiOfl of it. i$ at pMMft.tOO'ftrcea. by a.rial pkotqigraph7. hcau.s& of thegene.,al .-&"1\7 of ou~s. _y~ini: ~n tb1so.1wtr1et ia pl"Op.~ly ~gaI'd6d 117 all polog1s-ta. aU'lllualnue with it: as bo1nJ -..tdii.T1eultl in mafl7 . par'. ot ,he 41.atplot. ail' photo~apil.¥leld ao 1n1"0.-t10.0. b_ •• _ et t. 4 .. p al1uv:tatlGfti in otb~l'r;aI·t •• onl¥ :falat \,.elll4 11_a~ .-la1b1e. • __ 1", elaeW.re;. the ,/phQt'ogl'ap_ s .... mo.t· val.,a:b}';. 1nt01"f11titlou .. R4 large-aoal.atru.cturalil nlapplng wou14 be moat 41t:fllutlt w1tbou' 1.t. ,.,. In-appl1'1C is being carried. (Jut OIl a _ale ·or ·lltnobes •• tbe mit. aoA,;. Oft tlitl preH-." compilatlon (aoale i 1nob to ! mile.s). l' 1s po •• lhle to en.. only tlitesalieat teat.... As tao In,,.stiaatton is still prGeee4ing, t. map .L~$t be ,.pRed ·all being only tentative. ..ost attention ha$ been pai4 'too ttl. belt 0-£ rook.. ln wtll.en the Qaba;;· ... \.4ue.n »ee .... l\ym.age$ore deposi \$ 11e. a114 mucb1nl'om»at,1.on ~alrli$ to be gathere4 'in wile rema1tJ.4e" or 'Marea.

Although a small pp.ort1on of: the i nf'Qrc .. flat lpn has beeu taken ",. e-ttJiU'J sOUi'ebes .• tbD .ftl"'uct.ur~l mappJ.rlg i5 al$ost entil'ely flew, fl_ t be autil., or. al.enei •.••.•• n ....• 1ble. !o-r the in ter:pretat ion of thiS ""a abaa _ ,r. M.tieu (Flate e.2)., :'

IIIIf!MZ "·li!H"'H 1111 •••

MHlJaI. ·of· ttae pa._l. p010$7 :or the Oeb~1Qmasae D1$tr1ct haft b_ap •• n ... ~w. (1) .an« la.-,.a. (19) •. a.n4.t $. tllla pap •• IN_' be of .11111 .. 4 leuct_.tu pM.ent .autur's "" ... ot th. etl'at:i­pa.pll1e au teet_io "' •• 1"¥ Iftft. uea ~e b.Jllief17 tabulated oe10\l:-

<a> Qr9'V'&Ci.*[{-.) hpoe1t!. .. OQ .. otQ.ba~liym.a .. ·· . gee...Qanbtd.,ego tllf. :f. aoe-eus sa . stones .... ~:.~ rut). t"Ollo_4 b7 tbtl 4eposi tion ota fllucb great.u' tJd._ .. 8 .. · ('0.000 rut;,.). of. tuttae.e.us t.n.'.~uda.


No fO$.11 .¥1deM. fo.. iii • .-of tbese beds has beefJ. found,. but 1 t is no't lmp •• ld.'bl. """_J'_~tulp.n.4 tG the Ordovieist'l be" :fauna nea.r !all •• (.as) wlnett appe • .r te lie on tbe sou-tb.erll oontinuation .~,. Cehall-I';vm.,.e bel.. '

fCl.M~ftt. !' .. b$.... . u.p.· f.1' . &1 .... 1V.··.. 1_.· ............. mal!.:It_ b7 tile.'· depos1 t ... 1Qll or ..• w._.· ·1e aM ... · .... ~al.laa:t. tlH. U.'. (tbe la~.·t.~ .1lr. in. 8 ... to tb~. :e!tfl.t Qf

'lbe e/uibelego 11." tIf 1040)_ !he _1:'1$ "e4s '00,1$1&1 ot r_«d.11tel*01l8 l1._tOM aal ebeJ'fJ with lnterbetlde4 c~$ton •• alll ... ,... YCId_.1, •. act.!v! 'Q ._ n4e$pJlea4 in lJppe,. .1\11'1.8 ,t.e ... tlUt hll1n4a ."cani.us eon.lating of tutf's. voleaal. brooc!a. .... _.1.1. a- m1\Ygflaloi4al basalt.a. inmrbe4dett .1\ •. t •• ai11" ..... tdl aaa4at.Mii. belong to tbi8 p.~104..

At tb.$ e-loae fd tnefi,ilurian there WQS intonsi •• toW;L~ (to litxes tl"'fiH>.ding li.J~.~ • ... &.ti •. li. During the folding,. higll-angl.6 reverse faults developed close to tbe dlal planes of a number or-anticlines. Such -& ft~ult eLl'}. be t~ __ alm.Ht centlnuously t~omtbe vicinity o.f' theCobartown~b1p to south o:t Mount !1url'l and showe a close relat10tlStilJ to Girt; de-pOSi tiOQ. It.. poal tieD baa 'beea "_'erro1 r~d by tke~net1on or (lOl.l'q;>etent ft_ lnoeapeteu' ,eab.

Page 6: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

h psev%eus ppef (30), %Be wthm ste& .k;taf tW WWP weB~ailelsi awe gasre%&eaZQ lb.ePp%a& g$?a.ra%%s beam*, aQ ghat; tdraie, no gma&%r: had bee& few& ~@SC f%~&& and bmau@e 6% 3clegE0naL Aim sf wealme&@ apgeaksdt te have ha& iPecisXee i&Puenw aa O P ~ LoeaP%m%Son, A& a cssuZ% ~f tb t~aaene&os o f aa pfng t o Zka R p m g e e D%B"&%~% (sons 50 rrrfelers $a Ztb 02' ~ o b e J an& the asoovarg of s m r q pmevionsu nnre~oraea gmn%%Pe msla nap %b&~ $3 z w w seems g'fsP5e cf~8tr %I=% - %Is C a b W m g w ore B-&%@%Q# %&# t&ee$ i83,IEmteW ~e&&%& %o gx?an&te, PW f~me2" ~oncX;tts%on mptWse& %a tStxa;=er of coM$nia @%uBiasr- f o anti theffr -&la-t;e -i~aPrendi%~~ 7fi6 8- v%~tres %a an&ep&md are gmssZs anti &@ei41isaonu

Page 7: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

a 811\11e a.niy b .... 1. 18 pO •• lltlo t8 OlUM1'VO. over a distance of l' :t •• , along t .... trik., Pl'Op' •• 1ftaltel'atlon from a CCI'I&.P .... t1vely tre.ll-looll1q _aD4Y _hi." to tAIl almost oompletely 1~_1'1. 1'0411;. • ... »0 •• .,10 ... tna"s.e. _, J.F. IVanae show.a. t bat ,he sandy BC h.ia' 0.81at •• ala1¥o" elonaated ann.41'al q,",,,'. a .. aiuat witb .al1 ... ai •• r pot •• ft telapal'and muacovi t.e. ft ... 1a a gl'oun4masfJ of "J11el' ... at. qua.'.. ,be panitic pile •• ia a quarts .. 0» .. _1 ... - m ....... :1 ..... biotite Rook in -&d..1t a 8004 4eal ot ••• i ... ,. baa b ... 4ew10» ... 'b,. .eoordal'Y' p ........ .

...... al ., •• l •• na 0011 •• '1 ... '1'_ 'Illa aNa, awn tbougb ., .. 1110 la ... _ .. aua, all. a'bll_ .. ll¥ hi •• 11\ t.... 81110a a_ • ., 'b. " ..... lbM .a p",q. ftl.,.ib1 .... a.alaioaea. 111 tbe 111, ... 41.' •• , .... of te.1apatld. •• '.,.-. ,he alt.» .. tlon 1s normall~ •• l •• tl_ ,_ till_ 1_1 ... "1.'111,, .... b _.... 'bia 11W8 »1 •• to a 11' par 11,.t~u" ... .

W1"lft , ... ,en ... u1¥ 8"41.\1'1." maliS, b111a ot solid ""ani" • ... ali"- Pal'. &1..1.1 wi,k ,. bM.4.1ua fit paptlallJ il'-anlt1ae4 ........ i. oeGtUt»lns (;,)U .,.tMr a1de. To ttl. ea.' of the main ao"' .... 1F ma ••• dlscont1nuou8. spotty, grani t1zat:1on OQCUl'fih A' ....... • t small eopper au4 .eld deposits are elo.ely assooiated wit. "1a18 al'aftit1aatiQlh Tbe ma11ol' NY'mtagoe cOpper deposit ••• U»8 .... lat.ly to the .... , ot tbe nortbern synobronous paaiUe m ... .

(It) .. ,., f89u,:a"'I~"SYMi£I_. '&11& »AI .11"'-'1\11 md ••••• 1 ..... _am_ n,,~ .a ,.. Dort.rll one and. .... i"'.' ._1_ ...,l .... eM • ..., .. ' •• 1.'1 ••• '.""u.,,.Ul', hGw8ver,

l' 1e a p. 4 •• 1 41I1e"llt_ " •• _alata ot pel1bap. 70 pe r ... t P_ ,.wp.rp ..... 7 _al eoa'ala 1&.,. P __ cu'Tate Of quarts, ... tAOel ••• , all' ... 11M .1'" ... \)10t"8, in a fine g"aundmass or q. ... ". and .te1..pa». .. ....... ttu*eqbeut the maes, "Ile ,ORpQ'.7 18 toun' 10 .... i .... 1'd41-.palne4 ,~d~i. wa18 b., ia ._ lBatElllCUUI, .Ud •••• Il'.lna 4a1"k ba.a parallel to tbe .441. tound. neal' •• " •• l'l& ... I •• ot ... ..,uttle mae •• or 1. -1IlMl1)te4484*' wita 8etual .... 1 ..... - _ malDl, qual''' ..... rici' • .. ta.,_ taia masa tAu •• Std.,s.,. th •• 1 ••• tlel' llelat1onSb.ip w ........ exlets in tht. a •• a b., ..... _aute ad pOJlpbl'1',.. ille natu •• ot tbie relationship w111 'be A'.nUl .... 1.te1',. a8 1t ppef.l.l1s , ..... intelligible Gol, an-" tlle atl'u,,.'ure tit t .. district has beeA \u14eJlatooA. Tile point 1t 18 4.alred 'ie make here, is 'lila" tbe tn mas ... of ""ani'1. 1"~a ooou .... 1o.a immediately to 'be ea ••• , 11,. ....... blb1" .t1'o" e ... 14en •• O'E l'eplaeoment-01.'1gin aM. .... ,aU,. •• at"O$ el0 •• 1.¥ to "be bed41tlg of the $W'Jlounding ,lMle... ~h •• e *,aalt •• 1181' h ... et b.en t ..... 1n the position· 1n wll'd..oll ,.,. aH no_ tou._ ()O).

(.) iSil~ SUl.Jl£IMSI illrd.". ,IOJO.,tJI· 1 ..... lein1.7 of Wi.loQl 4n4 aauttlet~n (~late 0.1) two

.-aU 8 ••• 0p., Tarying trOll qUl\I'tz porphyry to qUlil.tttz...ortkoolase p • .,bFl'7 .1U1 ol''&hfiele.se porpbyrYt oeou.r. At W11'1ong. chalcO:Py­.,1'. 0" ba. " .. 11 m1n$d t%'OlI a ehear zone oecurIflng witbin the p • .., • .,. Ia. ttle ",101n:1 t,. o'E the mine, the "i.neGutll" oock is .. P.r •••• t •• ,. 100 tef)t wi" ... 4 ,_ w«ultel.'B 200 teet .ontain. _.Il .... 1'... fir tOl'l'AU b .... t.q .''1uottU.... In t be t1814 'Ii his .OI ....... 11.4 .,O..,bvJtl"'''' •• 1M.t".

A. Ihu' .. l ... .., ... ,.. OM baa b ... mlne4 ,. ... sl.'.s. in. 01 ........ 1 •• 1 •• w1th • -.11 .... of ~ .. t.lepu pOrphyRY, .... 1 ••• 1Ma .. or _,l_._.t ... .,_lt1 •• ,loa_

•••• al1l', .e a .... ul' of lnto.-a"1ea aupplie4 11»7 (J. st. J • • h4_11 .......... » ... ".Ill" .... paai'i .... SaMetone waS t. a. ......... 'le t._ •• t ,i.e 014 'o1JUl I._know _batt_.

Page 8: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

. TB& Erlmm gfsnk%e,zeha~ an tb iion'them pa& 61 P3ste (X& $8 f a C l i s ?~tGcp a osinion. B g ~ O a etapglr) af a ~u%rs&@m'I; g t ~ # % ; 8 ~ (60)~ 3tTJ $ie a s r ~ ~ . i a - o a % t i ~ ~ , %;mrnc~%&ng, t z p a& a;% m s k have ex"%aa& Sle a sf;~at%gPaph%e B o ~ $ @ Q ~ hXghdpa %&%LP %ha% Pewe12ed %x ithe. tog2 of %W G ~ & P ~ ~ U S t te s&~zs~" - j .%~ ' ta (i;b ban% of Bmwfeem 5 t & ~ s at35 i s a t b ~ BeaCLdw mmEts ma ~epXmment chagac'tsr&s%f es sf gee g~?~&%%e:* bug 24 xz1~s~S;tre. ~~ - stope .or bss bemags EoklPL twaH&n.f; af aU9 frm Sthe @$in& 09 vfiew 6F&gi6~i.$ ~tiitm* S% ~lik0QE3 A3&e%2f2 jp&;b%%&@D~ f;fr%lp %a ope' aepm$P;ie% ~ l ~ n a l t i x ~ ~ pk~ ~ p p 1 9 %O ~B%pp&l POPP;ADB f b e & X g % m ~ g-mdietsj,

slanS&aeai~d._Tme~ OP %%-k%W*

a p~@v%@as gapgtc (30) the ~e2'd&io-.%p betwarsen I ~ n a W s + t w-a, ax%& mBsi%Qu4fnf grankh- BetB~1.&5h;t3~. hat3 "been em;%~eif d;n somi? &&a$%, B p & & 3 ~ %ha Q iea%h19t& $2 tW %mmt&on of

P;re regsPaex% a@ a QZ aft2emtitio~ XeFadgw-9S.Btl.1 a $o &&ZPB~ %benee f o gnsb$ja g~.%mkP;&, dqos&%&oa

of waUaE Be expact& S Q ~ S & %be & m e oS $he? geSLr$& aP grartfts fcCm$%om 8d wop2.a. am a chaa seZa%Si~5aeb%p %o girts aarf$Bot%~n of gm.3,t.e hat3 :mt mv&i af%&p %%e gemil;hn?~. %he @ ~ Q ~ L X . Q * aaa~ fyp@ of gFa%ffc %-&h Xs EseXd Qo w ~ p w o n d t o %b&& case,

.E~B .&tortt&u~~tea B)~. t;w3 g~a~9ig~-a nia$ ' ~ b s e ~ e ~ ~ w mgztmt 5.c dnB moVe t o bagher berPsax+i%* 33 *Q%%XB f

' Ba%&.X&%ihe "f~lhS~b PPOB$XB be &XJPBe%ed fa e"fsCrPB %be $0 orre hpc~@%I&&~* 1 r

The mrk at Oo%w a& tbpct at Brockqk G~witc- (.B). stkp~rri5~ srrgges% %he% a ~mo&n&tL4fi of the WF~ring stgaWAcaace of g~anitgc oatcrap~ ,2.& of i & ~ s + ~ a t e ireportance in %he eearell fo+ mineraiizd k&a%rLc"PE~. gn t b peghorn1 ats=%ut"aZ aM%es ~%zJP&Q be &baked %it& %Be 8%- o$ &s%p&Btxt%ozs, .of -Wratlf,ue gr-isal%ku ma@*s* . ,

A conr~i%&watioa .of %be Ut'f etenee betwetxi 13rwW~mass . aasegtpmt gmnlto may. also help 6a- t?xp+&in maw ~ppareatw

e~mBolls ~e&at%onsihk$s, %We, at spa^ s Reff&~d @@la &I%- f28), 2EI mii.8,~~ @at& af %~2ga~=e6‘%3aa: WPI~W mat pmetite @&es a t a o go2@-ite-ereempmf%p1 mpX@txmen% orebodiss and aeinn %Ets aurPo&j,niq meb, OW1,iow1@Zy %he mmtf;iEss are po& OF& and they hwe V B ~ lntxc @ire& on the &pos&ts. E&&le (7) noted. C h s @am& ghcaomenon ifl t i re PgZgem ga&d&f%@b.$ :@nrl, p a ~ t k ~ :en %bf as. b8f&e CC~E%Z&P&~& %ha$ %bP% w o NF~O&S j~pP BPlf;-FaC b@% that B8%h osSgfB-aesa a e m a , ~hmbe~"4'a . qj.12~3 (I, p* X4) $8a$s6 r'e

The axtent of the gmn&%e sham on p f i e v i m s d ' ~ l ~ ~ b s l m p ~ %sen conskde~eb~r Feaatcr* sntt some oP %W-:m%&qsio r a e k ~ d- gmml-%& oompostt%e.on bsve been pmogllfsedt as migmatiaee


Page 9: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

"The iin.t;rusivs gt'aaitor whtah -bas been aaakmwr4 t~ have pro'9"t&$ %he ~u2d-bearSnlq aalutisna, %s a me8imbgraSn'ad asaallp olon-gorph~~ t t i c Piof Pte wan& te,

e pfobabl~ bntirndgd awlrig $10 pe~loda3 oP %ntruaioa, Bat kaolllg fts origin $n a o o m n magma chamber.*

Satheeon sa4 Hobeon (23, go 221, xligaaking of' the same wee, state h o ~ 6 V m x -

'%a tbis reiecrenea ( ~ l l l s ) , it ie oone3uagb :: t h a t 'there are p~obra'b2.y t;wo pct~fa4.s of ptaaitio Pn%%?usisn,

. but If 58 not bayaab potssbbiI&ty, %ha% one par~S08 oS @ a n i t i a inWusioa cottltl hslve prsdtroed %he ~bsamct ~ e s ~ % Z s . The granite a i c h is responsible for the aurlrf"erous qua~tz m s iatratiedl a%murPtaneouely pith, sc suktseqae~.t;W t~ %be $oldSng. The regional gpstnifiza$ion o f the uotaatzy m s browght abouf b,~r the IntrusWe @aaite -.d-L-

"~umeroua Znetanees or gegmatPte Wkes tntruainly surfferoufi! qunrts; reefs, ..and pegmat&%@ dyges oecupyft53lg faults wlriah h&te tUsg2aoeb aufrffe~aue qumtz real!@, w e recorae& Whetbar OF not this Ps evi&nps for two ger&oda o f grant t i a iatzusioa, Ss .~>robSernaatioel2

The present miter oenfures the @pinion that the laoaflbat of i b a e fnUlcat;ed k g ~ e ~rieem3 fJ?om lkrabitional Zhiwlr- %ng reg8rUn.g the arigra sf Lgranfte. The f ormtion of =Xis ' mfgm%ti'tee an& segZacement gnaisaea probably ~eumr .1"621&rt an& was r~oac~mgenie8 by ere depositborb S~b~legtre~t mofaili~ation of p o ~ t i o n of tbPe mat&zYaL and i f e up-8 mvemat unaer tectonie preeswe I s sv%.dencse& by the Zntrdsis la of goXd-beafSng 1 u U a Pnna reef8 br pegmatitf s @kes. These iSfkes rnre cronepicwsljle &JT the f ao t that the3 tb not Ln aw way &feat bra depesitian.

Aa e b s &&ad p ~ e v l o u ~ t g , fhe prersea* hrnowSe@e of - ymgee mea is Insowlete, aa8, larg4;tp the geology of the%bW on aaconnt o f the s e a ~ a l t g of outctropo, map f@m$n 650 for ~ u f t e a %a How@ er, Plate O. 1 and the t b e a aooompanyiog ~ a e t i o n ~ ?%fate C. 2J in(lioats some broad TdZatlonebipe aUch see6 to be indieate&

~ ~ t i f i - ~ a t ~ t ~ r An.t;ia The twa maiees oi eynohron- ous g~onitic meterial lying 9 W m t of Iymagee oocopp the . ~ f d . posf t i o n of an antfcrl%llaZ fold wMcR bas Men traosrd ooatin- oously from Cob-. b e t of She Cstwr ~ ~ e b o u a soew aPdes to a aiscor&nt ( ~ a u ~ t a ~ ~ 1 ) junot%on between alatJr an& aan@ ~ooka , whtah lies a &%t%le t o Lhe wetst eF this aatfol%mZ ass. The rrross-oeation A-B (plate C. 2) i l lusWntee thPa relatiomhip. Tbe antielirtab a a a l plaraa and the fault ing aseaalated wwrith i2, . Both wUah ape Believed t o be of SikwlLan age, bver been f d4ell (probably a t the Urn, of the Amphithestre - L o W r Devonian om tog en^^), en4 it is believed fhrat the Queen Bee-HPPP~ Line artti the Cobar l i n e ( ~ l e t e C. 1) are really aontinuoue, betog lilllrsd bg r% fola oeeure t o the sorrth of C b Peak U%nes. The per~istenaer with wblek o m goerne a2okg this faUte8 a n t t c l i n ~ l axial plrnine over a tUstame & apgroxintateXy 25 milea 58 qui%e rernaPk6.P;rfe ;aqB Fenders it a valuable guidaP tc, prospso.t;ing.

The reason far the lo~s1ias;afion of the, ope along thf s Xiae Ste saggested on the two ezlorila-seatiom stnQ aa the

Page 10: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

lobgitudirral seotioa (plate 0. 2). On the l e t t e ~ postuXa%e& %hat the ooncsar&n% @anit@ t6 the m e t of' Npagee Po~ents an aatialina2 t,riager ~ R i a h pitahsa benaafh tb& Cobw-Rur~t are Line. The e~&deaoe far th i s atasilmp%8en Se foZlsws t - :

2. AX1 fhttaifabLe pitoh hnf"o~lata%boa hat%&@atee that $be _ . p a n a h repXalee4 ~trslti~l%agMo bu'cf ztom 10wtw -&a the geqasnere those i a whLcab %he Gobas-hrra tiepoahfs oacrm.

3. The granite %a gueat~oa, where L t haa been mappea, . leroafox'ma cI~s524r f s 'the 'bs&ang a t $fie enalorrrSng

seaiffleafs an& aaa 1ogiaa;LSy be expeetad t o do- so where i B &ass not O U ~ B P O ~ .

4. fJp t o 8 miles aortb OI? 2hs a@st nertherZq.outorop . of the Nymgee. synaBFon~us ~tparrfta, patohe8 of

liser3iai t3Ezel8 reek, sPa&Tar° 4m *time .sosacr2ated w e t h @aait&aatAan t o %Re soufhw& ouear class t o the w a x pxaae of the anit;ioaiae. ( ~ l a 8 e G. n)@

5. TWO ~ P u & ~ B of manitia po~pgyrg e u t c ~ s p approzbm'tely 1 mkZa aorrfh of" tZis Queen Bee Nina, m(r.1;Xy on the same a n t % ~ & & n a axia axoag wMoh the agntagee sonaard- ant granite oaeurs, but 27 mltlae ncirtk of t h e

. wo~t2lerZg outorop uf t h i s gzlsaite.

6. %?he g~il%aide an8 grant% geed se&&mentre reeantlfp &&ooovesed at the Csbar LueEcao@ &tine,. 6 mtTea to tba esat of Gobtar, me algn%ificaslt se sbwa on f h t i o ~ (~.W.t;e Cr 2).

'Pa . - TM srqgper-gald rntner~aS&~;al&on at Gdbm is s;aabfejll bo &ha% aXaere3.y &tssocsbaSetd wittr . tlie sgnaksn- lam grant%e a% 8mesr.-

As ebwn on %be paan and loagt%ulElina8 eeotian (Platetj c , ~ , c.2) we a ~ e s n0t oeour bpbaz;ar&ky a3iong tbe antiollnar t~zbt3, and, tho doaar tist4 for aremple forma & +ex'@ Bistiact%ve untt. The p% t ab 86~forrrrsrf2ea cloIJ1esSed to4h2le &nUcates 4ibf %be. pi-h ZY-re sf %be ;tssd&kag acrroas %he ti%ix&~C&. p2aae' at' %he zlnttctXiae me as sirsm oa the IengiSudinaZ pPojectSoa. Ttrs axas .of. awnge oi pPteh @en& appPazlaa%eli3p 50 t;legsleebj magnetio, an4 aa?s elosaZy as~;oals%ts& w i t h i)oltUng of AmphftheaWa (~ietrotliaa 9 ) age, The mphitihgawe stn8ioXinsll aroas-;$.ol& ispitaging on &bw is a slagor -

feature wbloh, mapping by C i St. J. MahoXlaaB (~e~mu.tment Bins@ N,.S.rlir., Xin. Bas. Re. 39/;t9&&0) auggeats, geri35~4&8 fear 80 laFi;Las oouttziwest of Coby. The mf ner°a5L%sed fie2& ocotsr etaora fcs the sZo~igate& &artle*.l&@e at~rmttrres i n %he @@a%nrrz)nt@ and ; O t 5e m.zgg~ts%e& twt these cZoxnes ewresgond t o tk p ~ ~ i t i o a a t . aupafsbe (8, 9* 29J i n the un&-erlying conecarcX&int graaf%e. &@a$ overlying %he$* me well-knom. ae Wing Zaoourabls fort" the osowrsnae of ore depositt T b aseocrPetioa of ~ineraSsr;er$1 f i e l a wtSb dolgg-like struoturss I s held t o appw st Dobar, f+msen Bee,' Nymaeea. Wirlong, B h ~ t t ~ e t o n an$ p~ob1~fbu~ a t Caa&&Z The &YBI.-S,1. aBP W n t of tbe 8htaQ;t~etoa, WipUmg an8 ee a a e e ( ~ l a ~ e C, 1 7 t@ quLfa s%~SKing.

A very interestkzlg faat is tMf the in&ivl&u&J, d n e l a t have Xoag bee91 known &o be etesoakate8 with en&^ cbr foT& in %he &seol?&at coratact between ~Liaty end @atl@ z!aGKBs itbe

. fafibs baing f n 'bh6 ncatae gf ar.~sa-~frucrtu#~es.- These rebation- ebkps are jlll~~tz~tetk P n p%aetemqn %"3a%e ,Go& - , ,cro~nra-fol$bb A f is aecorpgao~e~.by on antiol inal change of pitah - eqg. to the am R

Page 11: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

Of the ... .... .... .Ilt pl .. ' 11 ,. •• 10'.. ..ta 'but in. the n.Lat._ .~ , .. _11l .Wt,_ , .. " ..... 1, .... 1,. ... to , • .Ho. l 1_ft1t , .............. 17 teO ... ,"_ lio. , 1 •• 1111 (31). A .......... _ ,. 'i" ..... al ..... P .... t ,~ •• Oeo14en'allillllo. I.... i • • It .. '_ • ..,b alM ., "'bat' 18 .. HJl10. ot \b.e who).. fiAtl .. •• ..,. .... li. 8 m1no» cUlpe1e. 1a , .. 8outn-pi'tohing tlaQk Of tb • •• '_.» .••• _1\1.11. it .18 poatulat_.··t ul1diuillee the Coba!' :field ( ..... i .. 1 '1'8.1_t lOn. Plat. •• JJ.

,. •• tMa.,I' Qbay.l.a.._

l' 1. _t 4 •• '", •• lIItlr , ... 'lUI ia 'the tull "ato%'l'ft of ••• U.u, .. 'loa ia t .. _. M" •• , 'be pH_ .. 0' tavou1"abl. • .,.lIia .. 4.,.* .. _ '" .. "4 ... _ t •• " •• a ." 1,"" 411', i11t ..... ,-1 .. ., ..... , t,., ...... .- , ............. 11 ................ ero '1M 4 •• 0 _ .... a ..... ,b.,ie .. wltad.. ,." ••• 18\1' IIi... tb ••• ta.to .. ,,_ " ••• latt.i"~ .~.l4J.. . a ._ •• at 1,,"8'1186" ••• .... _ ... - 1 .... 11' .. _'..... .. p ..... , ."lm baa "1'1' ••• •• ..... , ... ~{Jl) .. , ....... ..u ... _.a l' •• ",,,184 b7 pl .... , all 1 .. ·1. ,. " ••••• , ...... .

Pl,.," It , ..• lO....... ._ wi ••• •• taw", ....... , ........ t 'ie ... .... l.,..atot t'a:"~. ,.,. ...... 1ft , ..... '_ba. Mial. . 'h • .... ~:r .'.t t...,.,. (.' ..... 1_ ... t) _la ..... , .. ltuUl1ns fit , .. 4lHo»4ant (t'a.l,. f) ....... , .z 111 .. '_ .... "aft »1 •• ,. , ....... l.p.ni ot 'wo .•• 'a .t t ... , .... , .... .., "1'.,,410S pua11 ... • 1 '" .... be1ag 100.11_ VI' 'M ........ ll ,.»t'o •• , "be 41.01'4 • •• " ••• , •• -. , .. o,be ... , 01 .•• _,.81 ." ••• 1-, ,a1'alle1 .. to tbe ............. - ... t ........ v"'. ,.loa W .... __ ct. . Ifth ,...i ... ., t ••• ,~, ...... ,..all.1 "M .ilu1 .. aa1a1 plane .1 ....... "'11 ........ , ... , ......... 1&1_ Of " .. 1.,." ro14a. fte , ........ lft .............. ' •• t .. t ..... tu.- ... pi"."' •• • , ... ,., ......... 'th ,. pl",,, of ,. _ .. _ ...... t .... »1_ to a ' ..... lUII ..... ., ,..'_ ......... , ... , w •• ' ... U&1I1. tOM .teplaoe .. .. at. ft •• , ... al pas. .l~"" alIMt ,i" •• wi'h ~b. 0 .... ......... ' . ••. .... " ....... * • .,. ., .'.8Itt .... to tbl' ... l~a. aUlilb., .~ ' •• al0 "'ate ..... ".""Gpd.. .

on , ... ,. t_. on , •• 0 .. 'l_tl,. 41pplng pOl'tlone or "be 1* lMu8t 1. ,,1110b ma .. _nt _b_a ot ,be l.'ev ..... '~'P •• ..... aft = ... I'_U.~i.V' 1n .. ItA, "ott but beve b,." h1gk47 PI-educt!y. , .... .,. •. ·It

.. " •• apll'leal ." ........ Q»_b .a14 'enA toaocept the •• ...... "act ..... _i.'", ,. _"_'ft .... 8.,la11\ , ... OuJ:tJ:tenoe fit a •• ...,-, "ut ,t , ............... "bat ihe b"." 4'iIl1;ple" .. 1 .. 1 .... td.p. , .. a' ...... 1 ...... lila' ",fl. ;pi.a obanaea lit 'lb.. . "".1.t, Of , ........ 1otdr ' ... , ...... a -.11 .. al_. ·-tbe bl'Oa4 4-.1 .'n.... " .... ,. lnft ...... , ..... u ..... . t t •• 1urali .... n.l •• , •• el .. eO'

, .. "'.111l17 ",tal .'p1tl •• " .t •• '1.1iaa1 piMit Ohldlgea will _ ru .... 4i .. u ......... _..,_ •• _.llaa w'tll tbe eppl1c.t1on to ., ... 11.14. of' tile ••• ." •• Moll ....... a1 ........ .,pl,. a' Ie...... . " .• " U jt . . it ; r .. , .. ·.tl!) fir 'Ii '.,"-m .. * •. ] tfn . r ,,_ ...... , ___ ,"'"" •• _··.1_ .... --__ ~ .,._ t!l1& pape, ....... "' •• , , ........ lla. _. a papo .. by 1.1.1'. CoIU)11,- (Aua,,_ Ina ••• , ......... , ..... X.I.· Ii •• 143. 7P.1J6 •• ", 1,,-,) .in wW..1l •• -fl ,.,.lft ...... ,1.-11_ m .... . • , .. 1. till '.-.11 .. ' .... or ,. I ............ 'a -.'ba.i .... . ~b. Co"" .""'-'" ••• 0 ,1 .. 11 .... ' till ., ..... ~. _"neati ... . • MOIl ........ , .ItI11. t~ I.. ...... .. ...... 1UaU, pual181 ,. 'lie ".'. or , .. telU. 1- t ... beclt"'1lIf nt ,. , ... '''.'100 0' ........ ,t ..... ,.- ....... ', ....... .-d ... a.w •• 1942 l .tnd.ral "., •• 1 • .,.0'1 1t .... ,4 ..... , 10141 .......... 1.,. PN08. ' .. n .... Ia ••• Pp. ", tW6,. "

ltd.. p.,.. 1.",1_1 .t ••• Ul'el1' .,1.,18a1 at»ue'tuJlal appveaeb , •• .....,.1_1.. .

Page 12: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan
Page 13: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

II " ,

, -,


-11- -

Vi. HYDROTIlI.:UU.IAL DEPTH-ZOral:;G AT CODAR. _ ... -... ---".-.....-..-_ .. .-_-- --~----..~--

A. zonal al.'rant:-err~ent of the CObe.I'crebod1oG app-cars to _ constltute e. rather strikingoont'1rmation of' -the structural and gen.etic interpretations given above. _ 'rhe salient 1"eattwos 0;[ thiszoniug, together w.ith 'their possible intel'lp.retat1on 'are .shown on the lont5~ tud1nalproj~ct1on __ '"Pla.te C. 2). On. m1neralogical- eVl.dence:, the11 C :i.Sa graaual. t'al11n the temperature of' 01'6 depoGl. t1onfrOtn north to SOt; t h.

Tbe Great (Jobar depoalt(productlon 3,400,000 tons of ore, 2.8 IEr cent copper, 1.L~dwt. gold,deptb 1.,500 feet) conta1risquartz, pyrrbot1 te_ magnet! teand chalcopyrite. A sil.icate mineral, tenat1vely l'sgarded. aselonaniteiwaa recorded by Andrews (i). . The deposit is of the higb. temperature t~rpefJ.nd belongs to l.r1ndg;t1en t shypothermalclass. The next important depos1t go~ng south1sthe 1iew Co'bar (pI'oduetion 1:,000,000 t,ons, 5 dwt. gold,. ·1 .. 4 per ,cent copper, <16ptb 1, 270ft. ).. 'The main gangue m:Lru3.ral is quartz witb ' m1nordolomite and (Hllc,.te. _~he sul~pllldes .in order of abundance are pyr.rhotj. tel C halcoPY'1"1te, py.r1 tet. galena, . $pl1aleri'te and bismuth at'4Jhi~e.

. ~haOhesneif deposit. Lproduci;ion 4OO,,{)OOtons, 2.5 d\?t. gold" 2.5 per cent copper/consists of' quarts, d.olomite, pyrrhotite, and chaleoPYl'ite \'l1th m1no.ttgalena, sphule1"lte and gold. . - '.

'. Both of thes~ deposits mew be clasSified as b~tpothGmal thougLl they are 0'£ .Q lower t~empara:tt).11e type than the Great Cobs%' and dOQot contain apprecia.ble quantities of nagne'tlte Or of the al11.cute minerals e.g. ekm-anita .•

- IJ."h.e New Occidental deposit (production 1,600,000 tons, 5.0 dwt. gold; depth 2,000 feet) 113 1n ma.rlced miileralog1cal, eontl1aet _with the mines desc1"ibed above., The oro consists ot mainly f1n.e-gra1nedQ.uartzcontaining relatively small' qua.nti.t1es ot: pyrite and Fyrl'bot1ta wi ttl minor c hale opyr i te ,galena, :sphalel"ite and gold. The t1-nenesB 'ot' the gold 113 app.raox1ma.tely 840 (10)" 'rLler:e is l1otenough cQppall presen.t to i.nt~rf'ere witbgoldextract.lon by cyanidnt10n. 1ihe deposit ie considered to be or the msaothernlal type.· . D.r1111n,g -1nd1cates t bat essent1all3' s1m11ara ore persists for 3.0QO ,feet belowt he SUl't sO e. .

Ifhe depos1 ts in tbe Peaks Areaconaiat mainly of s mared slste and sandatoneconta1ning pyr1 te, together v/1th gold. and -silver. Di ssero:l.nat¢d P?1'1'ilQt1 te haa recently been obtained .in diamond dl'Ul cores. From the ~eeords, it vms foundthrm the aver~e finen~ss o~t hegoldobta1nedby 5j'1ua1.e;emation waS apPl'·o;dmately 600 .( 10). The area is relat1vel.yr1ch in silver the Blue, Drown. and ConquerQr lodes: having ;produced ..... in . adc!,1.·t:ion to 19.000 ounoes _of gold - 236.40Q ounces ot silV'sr ltran 26,000 tons o.f ore treated, (lti average of 8.5 oz. Silver pel' ton. One parcel of 48.3 tons .trom the Feak Silver Mine averaged 26 ·oz. s11-v-er 'pec ton. .It is .consi,der·ed thntt~e Peak. area mineralization lsepitherman to mesotherIllal in type.

. Low-grade concentrations 'ot copper, l~ad a.ndz1nc ha.ve also been .to um.i. in the Peaks area,bu.t to-date, gQld. and ,silver pl'oduat1on have pl'edom1nated. Gaopbys1cal. £1nd1ngs, at p.;t'osentbelng teete()..susgest the hope that ()ve!',~app1ngof' tCmpe.ratUl'e zones has allowed thedepos1tlon chalcopyrite ....

. p,yl'rbotl to ore w.itb.:Ln mining depth, but 1 t is not unlikely ,that the .iPeaks is an example ot. a very ;fine stl'uctUl'&, conta1n1 Ore only at corl,~Ltde.t'able depth {J.:JlatcG2) .•

Page 14: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan


't will be .104 t., ,. _MJ. ... ,.. ..... 1),t .t 'tle Qeba» •. " ...... Q •• i.'. _. f ... ti' •. lt1.: ........... ·.1" . ., .••... :t .... l ..•. I. ......................... ' .•• ' .• '.' 'loa Of .. · ... '.he -.'Oll. ib plt ••• ' til. tt.eY ..... " .... i .... ,bat ,. OR b.aa b.a I..' ....... 1. ..... 1" ..• t:d.a ...... ' •••. '.'. a .. ,. 'B." "' ... POk.' ..... ' .... "v. .outEn" .'1.'anoe f •• _ .n_ ..... _.,'W m ... (J.oas .. ,wU,nal PRj_t.l.n 'lat. o.a). '

,. p .. ,.-.10 •. a.la ....... 'lila. ,be •• 1. Ji1&tlSe of (ioba» ........ 1t' •• wu14am9\olnt ,. apl).,oalulA'.l.y }(),.OGu :ro.', ,lab 1 .... ,.' •••• '11l6t ~a~U,. r., eOlllp."l~n w1t_ tbe .atC~ • ......... . " ..•••.. : ........ _.' ....... , •.. ~ ... ~. a. ton <.'.11. J. .. "~We .".!f_.·.ugh'. ttl.a. t (U, ••.. d •. ',O.1. t10tl ."at 1M .• Jl.aee Qverat,Gl.1 .,..-tie" ~ang. Q'f'tlGm_ hWlUd , .... _ ,..,. J;t1 .• '0"'_ •• '_ tbat t_ls»at\ge will. v~:t ,,,,'MU. •• £1 .. 1a.j~Jl." _ t. local atguctul'd,o"emleal alii _ .......... e-p •• : •• UM .... ltl.n ••

... "..... at lob.,. .'"lld¥ .... 0.. ,. .. , at, a .'ruetUl'-aUF 1' ..... 'lfpo.t-' ......... 'b. ,-._, tae '"U_, out-.• "D.l .... · ............................ _.'.' .· .. "14 .. · .. M ........ ;· ..•.•. 'W."J.r U .• _.l.al,P bY .• " .... ttl • ... , .. , ... w, •• a., ... ,. .... 'obu .... _a' ....... ';yp ••• V.,." .. '-b. '.~:I:" " Wld,O •• lni.,.1l , •••• _1oal17 .......... a. l11d.·t.·. ..• •. '1l18 1 ••• 0" ,. 1.,.,t.llt '.0 to •• ...-1 ...... , •• alas Idl~." ••• ., .... w1'1l tke 011 1"10S1 • ..

• 11.1" ... Aefi.wGII.S •. IJDJ_am-

w, . ., .. (1,) Daa m,a4e ».-t'_l_ ._1 .. ., ' .. Gl ... a'8G01&'i~ ...... k •• i,t. in ttle •• It .... ,..... pHYW •. " ......... n,1,1e J • ..,"'Pr _. 0... In_ ......... at .,_ "pe(l,) to the _"., .~q .. , aid ..... 1 ••••••• P, ••• Nqa 1. PO.PpA,l'Yt 1"18 .... 1_ t ... oone1"",,, ••• '1 ,. 1'0_1)111 •.• , tbe' eli,seo,.e!'}, l. "1, 418'1#'.' ·fIt "pOl'l'IQ",,¥ _ .. , •• - 4ftpoa1ta 01 tbe Uta)). dd ......... $", •••

. •• . _.,q~t •••. it ......... ,la, , •• en.Gait. ,'ook. ot , ..... ~k 'I."." 'aa."" "ai ....... 1M 4'N.' BOUM. at the . •• "al ••• llt.t.IMI& 1a ,.. -»NP"'.1' .... Pl .. •• Itop,ao nl to_ •• " • ..... "" ... ,. _ ... 'II.".... 1 ...•• ~,. .......••.. _.. lnc t.... ..':L._. am.' .. 61'.l1t18. t.ton-• •. W ...... tN. at •• ..... ' ... rul at_., ·n. .... C •.. ». Bali". t< 118) . OQ. nOl\il.ot\ tbat a' .1,., ...... at I!' ... Vae" GUit&.fala, -r •• .a:~pl'f t • • ,.",.al"".. ... lawc ,baa .JIM illcm.Oll,;i. te stOOD ana. bad b •• n .... , .... r ...... uu4es.al¥lna 30U.t:fOe. the stfiJ;cks had mellely :t .......• .,.'- ••• 1t •• 1. Altl'uoiawal. 4mS-U9t!l1uent to. 'he looal1sat1onot , .. eN.

til", ..,.',..18W ... , •• , .. ,. $GIn. e.x.tent bl' the p,.eaent .'1, •• *t.11Jrlona... • ••• ~."7.1'. O.I.1P8 in two 1'au1.t. oX' ..... ~ .1",_.'''' ,,1'td.'4 .. bPI of pet:t»-"" lQ(J'.'. ,,14 ... ,,111011 ........ ', .... 4. a'~, •• YIll ...... ' .. "'.':leaM et .5 lRiltua. 11 ... ..., ... " .. _at ............ ' .. a. et. P.ifP~~1 i •.. , ... . 'ft.a'al.,. .• r til •.. .u..,. ...... _"'. " ...... ll,. .. ,ttd._._ (20. 26) tilr .......... LW.i. ... .,_.t 1.. aU ....... "' •• pa'bleor .. , ••• , ....... ,.." .. _.Ut, ••• , .''' .• ., •• ua ••• ,t,. p ...... 0'. G.OI .... p •• "111_ *# _ .... ,.14t ., P"~J "ow...... onl.,. ....... .,1 •• , all., ' .. 1 ••• n __ , •• own • .,,. ..... MuS.ns ...... iaT. p081'1" ••• t_.

' ••••• et4t. 111& .... ,., ,. ,...,.,..,. l" .. lt ie l'elat1veq b.,.JlI,'. oteOl>J1ftP awl •• a'.s.~ eal¥. ,be m.'al_lUcb b.aa b.a. :Lat .... " •• fd'fJl' ttl. ,. .... 'aa., , .. ,...,..,,,. •• 1t. _*.o'luent tl' ... 'u.l~.

It 1* oon.1· ... J,'e4 "ba' ,be .. uti.a.ki, ,"i •• _ PO.,_1'3 an4 o"la t.e Npac •• 41st..-l.' 1.' .... eateat .•• 1.1 .. 4 bf' tbe 10.1t,uGinal 'l'.~etlon an4.ltr ...... 0 ....... "' ... ~1'_ Npagee to a.b.u".l."en. (Pla'e 0.2).. 'tl'~"i'wl1ft$1 p •• , .. tlotl$b.ows tbat "1\. a ... 0' Po.,_r:.,1' •• 1te .. ill •• aa1t1._H411l~U11Ul.ou_pp1ng '0 tbt _, ..... , .t.,. •.. 1. 4- ,. t_ top or a t __ t1'8 of

Page 15: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

p_1ti.at ion. fUml1u17.· tile .H ...... ~lol'il indiClats • .... , " .. 11.1011" and sbuttle'e" perplvl"i •• _\1"'- at, 01' ~bove, .... ,.,a of' oupGlae. 'be afl.clation .f ••• wi". tlle tepa er •• a. t1 ••••• la8 b •• ,.,. •• ft ....... .,. _one (3, ') an4 baa , ... ylouell' DNa .. 1 .......... " , ... p •••• f1, a.'Ito".

iI,.&ad IIIA .... lta.C ••• ae .1nin ........ .,1 ..... ' '.du,,_ aid '1M .eaoral tie14

.elat1On.au,., of , ... , • .,.".1 ...... In. ,. tbe •• lltb-4aet aa4

.... ,,~ •• , ., .,....., • ..,., ,., ~a , ••• 1"$11t1 •• " tn. ......... . 1 ... OM ro .... »." .• 1!14ellF .. s. •... 81\u. •• \k1' alaG applie. ,. ,. W'.f,'bQf H.ll,M_.. itlO¥4 (1~) bae"8 • .ribe4 tbe "'.,.......... of )lOt'IbllJ' ",",. Mdlmen'. 1ai •• Itountlepe 41. ... ,.' .. tbe .... tb fit abut'l.a.on. Backlund. (4) haS 81)Jigeate4 ...... _" p.a1t1o .,P., •••• tOM \_04$ t. marlin. and'oYeJ' ...... _ .f ·r .. l't .... m.ia. ft .•• "'13 '.U.q '.0 ,n. pH •••• ot ........... ""a"tl .. _i." aft btl4 ,. (u,1l.19" in t .. ae areas ......... ",,1,1_'1--.

1aeJd,Pt1 (4, p,. 11..,UJ) •• 1t ..... tone •• I.

wile .... t, ... , .~ , .... t, •• etai ...... 81'1. 1nt»uelone ..,. .. .... .......... Al P .. .,iewt, "a:::ta'ieua 111410.". , .. ". , ...... .,bllil 0' __ .t. Y at ............ "" .a 1ape»"ant 10 •• ., ",olattla .... ' .. 1 ........ ~, .... bisber 'ke &».4 • ., _ •• ..,.181l 'UM" • .,...1'" 1. , ... 1Ha ............... 0..,1.' • • "'l .. t'oa ,. _.' .· .. · ....... 0 .......... .,.btll •• aN Y1f!"\l~ ___ 11e4 'na'a. p_1tl-' • .,.. , .. l1aal ... , 'be."aaal f ••• b ..... ,., .. ,an:ta1Jl1Qf oalf'._ll ,_'l" ••• t , ..... 18'1.1. ...... _-... _._ •• ... .,.a:-'". in. ,. •• , ,t. '. M.· , ... , ... f pa.,l •• :l'on a "clOu"" et . '11 •• 1s •• no ...... , ... .

'*lb •••. ~ ' •••• ft .... , .... ..,.. .... t •• t"1. •• 'at. of ~.'P.. (1) lb. ___ , , .... f4 tile· .... 81'. in atatu __ .. s. lJ_ •••• i._'" 1 .... 1-" .,.e"'11 •• (lUlu41. H20») ,_ .,.-JlP-~ tlla" b ..... 4tisaW" ... -.... ,_ pau.1'. It_ .. __ n ..... ,. llllti a l.J.Q.u6 . ia 1ta Mba'fi.u.f al'_ugb. ."11 ., ....... '.eb' 1 .. t .... t.... 'a) 'be '.nalO1\ 1. tlltJ ......... , .. Shl'l1' ..... 4SlJ ., ..... d& 'aul ,..,a ••• •• , .Get t. l.,..'ha W ... ..,.. ..... fill ttl ...... Utl,.1nts. ('I , .. It ........ S,hi_ , ... p •• pari of ....... 1..n ot pal'l1tiaat. ...... __ •• ...,..,." ••• C".! , •• ,u. w1" , •• 1n.o,e6\e1ng 1,S. ... W", or , .. ,,,aatt.. , .. '_Me" ••• tt.lOBS el'e.i.· extra "_p. p..t..1_t. of •• »u ,Ut........ (itT), wl1c h ta".Ul' a panlou..1¥ .api4 .4 •••• (It ' •• ',lfan:1. .. ;i.ilatton tron'·, 8Q that IIaell tll_hal.It.- aM· to ... at t~ h1ghoratrat ig.t*upl;lioal level."

Page 16: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

II!IMII. -' Oat* .• ~!&R.'Z; Il!clSitnliYl-,be •• t4ellee seams t. S~&iit 'bat d.~.riug the p.fOG4HI$ of

craa .. 1UHtl".f' .. tbocc. f'QJ;'f;lS ttbOV." the eU;.'Ql&S.ol* bi~.·h pOinte 1. " ....... t., aft aceumu.1.u.tlon ot' volatile 1118.'eI.'1&1$, ant. &1 •• ., ,. _'1&1110 i~us wb1etl hav~ not been ae.cept~4 in.'. tIM .",.0.' lAttices of tile ,1181, .. fmnnins Iuineu-ala. ~M ·lV4H'iM~ .$lu1i1c,.tt ' .... 1 •• have amall pena,trat1ft pOW.l~, a ..... ll'. ..,. alwqlJ •• qtd.l' ••• p_M •• e of.o hamlel.aye., before t_ .... ..,1. ,. ...... flU 18 a Nt_1" ot • ...,u •• 1l1.noe. ~."1 • .a.. P •• '1_.· .'.""*.1 1 •... _" O6.,a14. Of ... f ••... 1lI 1' • • .,. tUG ilill .,"~~2.u l'Mlt e.M La •• 4o're. II~$'h.. wq tG~ "lZ,n..1l1a~4 llbrf.».'be~ lIGlutl..lU\f~. 'UR~. 1. t ... alu.11 'ha\ , .... i. •• w~. 0 .... pan1'1_',-oa l1\la, " __ . 1ft.8 hs. V.f! e.u~ ....... P._ .. ~.a~l ... " .. · ~O_ .. ·.1! ae «U'IlJarM with Itllr'i1.'olhiiU,ual lIlOlu'~ •• • _ 1. a _ •• u., •..•• at I't., ... , ,,, ",&1'8 t_t .11.,.." bavQ ,....,. .. 4 abOW tke J:nuln tbea\u". or ~'1.a'lOn, ••• _., b4 .alle4 a _.n .. 1 or 'OWPbJl'~'1_tl0Dt tu. ...... a_. .t1".uni .. ld. .....• !: .• f. e_. 'all¥ ... , arl$.~ ... fQt ...• ·. _. " ..... tqOv._n". t ......... \1p ... b;VdNt. .. · ..... aolil''''.-''_ 8' ••• 8Mate ani • .,..,. t b,e ill 10.4 o''-ala_ .. ... _N. "IJwo\1la.... al'MnA" ... lta04 btioauae ~:t caalle1_ .. (l) ani at Il.\u\\1 .... in, ON . 0... aeu tbe sip ot pOl'pbira-ltl. .......J\'."Q".a. 01' . ....... lattt4 »G~ny .. ;186 u .... t l11u4J' t ••• al.1. 41a •• ln.'ie4 0 •• 1I ..... &l.j it .. ~a$s:k;a. ullahCtarfio. :vNpkyg1 •• aM l1kol¥ 'I. btt .... , ... .

III ,. ... al, 11 1. ".118.,04. 'tlat ,_ •••• iat.l'O» ote». w. 1~h pG"Plt¥.l '1. MOJta 11.. ." 'bee. Ml¥ W1Iie~'t_. anti, ft1".'. eaH:f\11 at.. .... ,_ ...... i. ... an 1. ot ... ' .... 111 .... JlOM1. 1l9on ... la ....... all_ "~'loalu~. ,..fhap*t Oil ttr.e weat OUIa' of ' • .,.n.1a.wllt .... ,. ..... 4"»011" .:le ........ ,ate4 wS'. l'~" .,. ,Itt- tn-. -

nUt .... "'i17. ta. pl'Oe£lHt1ng v&lufJ ot tbe l1.el,at,$.oIlllJb1pa between

........ ,_ ... aid. othe~ ge01Qgleal :raeto~s dedl'lbed in pl'eca4:Lng o~I.". ,. 1n4~p.nd$n~ ~t. t. ultimate sour~e of the cOpper at. ,.11 fA " ..... Iit, r6un4 1ft tile .... b&41e.. Nev$ttt belesa. th1. ".", •• haa _na14.va14_ .0 .. 1. impol'taD.CNt as bae a!V ovidenfl. wal •• u,. ... a4 1Ul a b •• , •• unk,..,an41.nc of a 1ft pncuU.II. 'fbiS _us.. ."l'atPli1q 1 ....... \'&1 .. a ,.»U. • •• ,uuJm •• " of "be p ...... ". of 1\1'_ 4~""'", .......... nt, whi.tit it ia ... !." .. a_, _ aa.equa'.a, tn._ GQ. 'he .fuli .• of .-•• at .IbtoIrWa-.

. 't .11) ... a .... 'Mat' 'Ia' •• p» ... _".14 ~ haft o.l'1,inaUJ b .. a 4~"M4· 1 .... ,._ ..... rU'matlod .~ tM GQbu &Hap wh1.ok h .... rultl been ~a .. n.t. ,. ".i'.tlki.. 2Ul ••• ' _ __ ... 'If41ow:tns .n....'-

ttll. Qo\l ..... NP ...... ,.nih.us ,"Ylnee 1. a .. rv i1a'iJ1nUll" on., oo ... JJd.nct t. .. , .... t ,a,,' •• 00~peJll. goU, or ..... ·· , .... &014. _ .. ·08"..... ',1. ...... ponal ... \Vita a p~.tl."'u ,.Mp liZ )_. .

i8 llAl't1eQlal'. '. _-11._1 ....... 1n41cs.t •• in. ~ .... t$.111 fo~tS..n. ha .. b.a 8011_.-t84 illto 8"ani ttl pi M'." ........ ".,(t.l" .\lQ4cU" aill11.1' .'onit'lon. (lit_. f.n.~4 •• WlJ'. "vl. a p •• l ... at velh.B14 ... " .... "'), "!*tr 11$.14 _e ..... ,. __ •• 1' ..... , the· ... , ..... 1 ... , •• ntea ••

.. OM ... _"'aMtl ,,1"11 tr. __ .... aat palUt. aa' ., _it .. , ....... " ............. "'1n& , .. ani' •• a. 1e t. 1at _ .. _, ... 1'1 1\ ia.onol""" tbat t • .., ...... u. ara.lt. t ..... 1n 1.'. PH"nt pos1tion ani it t. metal. ..,e p"..vioualy dlspOJ.l'se4 i 11 til. sediment. trOll \fh10 Il tbe gl'aal ,. waa tG#l.ll$U. 1 t would. be at

Page 17: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan
Page 18: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

In acebManoe % i t h the p@lnriip@kpurpo~e of t h i s papep* a%t;enCBon whX2 be 6Iirectea mafn11y fd$ the past;ibiIi%y of utikie&ag the geO&ogZoal raLatlonsPigs deaorlibed aBave t o find Q%RW f f~32.d~ 89 itk tmf5r 1 Pht9 ~ ~ B Z ; ~ D C B goYerraLng Zswllznt11. 19~3 ol? om wStir"in I& G;cab&a? FSe1di 11 tssPjr have b8en diemasset3 in pmv&ou@ hepor'ta by -%he wrrgter (3%) an& by ot;.kers (2b) &nil %ha 8xploraf &an of t kBa f i e M %a BOW b ~ P n g ~kgoroun%Zy pror%seute&.

Tba m6at obvious loous o f melailiaa%ion se far mapped i a the -$a of %he G o l a 8 ~ * % ~ $ 1 3 ~ @ aZ%fa%fne, AS a ~ e s w Z t of g@@&og%c1%2 mi'ipzpi~ig~ ge@p&ar%aa% f ~P@a3t%f~af i0~;r PP % .bf ;s a23.8 f ~ a n && Pe& !d$n%s G O a B i k % l v @@ufk ief,.%Yze Quean .Beta Wins 9 8 ROB g ~ m e e & & w , Wing t o the ,BreesaOa of nwaeti%e anti pg.~;illhtotita -fa man2 ei,tkte embodies, %he meeteveaert;a~ hag p ~ ~ v u c % ameedfwg2y ussefwZ fatheCabar33Fatrk%ta BeXipo%efi%iaf, andgrav9metrZcr ~ e % b a @ have a les been ~lsea Wb%h ' f t ~ h & b l e p t ? ~ a % t s ~ h o p W S ~ ca% '

. $rzossff;iig&rt%m baa, t o-bale, prri9ved f ko aswt ussf ul nneZ;-h~& 10f f ~ ~ a l i z i a g &&%Xing targets wf%h%n are%ajc %a mag. GaBef3 ex:*tetrsiva, a-ugg~at.ht& as Begag Eavaw~sbke ora ge~Ssgic&X g~lratnn8n~

Pbs re ZaaaZ plan (PL&%e- @, j) an61 the &ongYtuBinal sao'tian (PSate a, 2 . f @u&gea% howmr that a%ang t h i s ant icbis .~ an arsa ask m u m itxfersst f s ~en%sed ~pprr)oxfm.a%etw two miles w;o~=kfi of ,

%be K u g ~ i Frfg .@bateon. P ~ o a PXbte @ 2 1 1 &?e w % l l be a w n i ~ i ea%ga~a4iv@By aarge arsrss*fo&B# QfmSa~jtr %o "e smaller fslbs ~hsieh Bscrathab tire Idepoaita 8% Csl-iaa* .occurs I n tQbs rsggafi, f t - l e asnsjS4eraC1 tihat t h i s %as an a~Lichix~aZ Cross-fala abong which thet Bad,, TPaggnpn a a Bogpa (fau~heBsgo) minee O Q C t l P r . I b e Cac&alsgo depots%$. Ma been - raXative2y bapcrs'iant ( g ~ a ~ ~ + i o ~ OVBP td.gG6Q00 rJsae gOaB) anti fho intonBectisrz af t h i ~ f s l d w i t h t h e ~oba~9-Xyrnagee spitPctbnE1Z mie rrtuet be ~egw&eB on gea3ogXcaX grounds as w gcod .

p p s ~ p s a t . Peconpzai scrams: rna3pttzg h e diao Loss8. L he sxi troc 9in $h i s regfsn a f a a n@f&@a?&bbe ~mP,e;ct o f tparte mmie an8 geesans, 'bu% $haze Is a %mgp no%% oomjst t o tk soutA oi t h e cr06~*foBB and %he m4a ~ora3.Q b8 dZff icnlt $0 prospeot bg @r&%rrargr meawe We w @ ~ of %inlt;erse& w&&f be mappea @a ~ b l i p h u t ~ g ~ ~ g h 8 s.a'lwgeil to a ma%@ of t &aah BQ 4013 ~€'eet* Th%a mappgng wT1-l gu%de eubsegaent i"bv%a% PgaiPiiaas su~s h aa g e ~ b 6 i e a X g e ~ e mfL~aS ~ % i ~ & l e @ $ BpLPJl%ng .($S plr&rnis$ng arewe moa%d %cr220wp

BtlopWskeaf twb%Q"6tir WB we322~kmwa sand have p20wd % ~ P P w bat geaotsprnZca2 ;p~@&pieodQftg though ehowtng veFy e s n & i & r ~ b 2 ~ grcomf tra; ataiZl tn a d e ~ ~ ~ w e n i c a 2 stage, Eawever,, fhe aifhk- Gone tes6 fa2 cQgarer! %e ?#a?P. sas;%s$aa%Biy rand it 3. s paae%BZtr; For a eslngle chemist 5~ n&e ug Lct 60 riel4 l;aefs pa? dayc &ec om& alglsanee tsatiszg 05" o ~ $ l @ and ~ w k l j : 9~20ng57 S W - G ~ B tho% there io a rezg%csm% Gopper 2% %he GUQR%P~ E I C I C ~ of the Gab&$ e'siBX4 $LseEi' ariao ff t h i s f sa ,cl)fli~ma bg deta%&ed wof!&# 2b $@sf &rig of arena swh as %b%' oc3iutDki ~f EUPP& 2 ~ t g Bt&t%on 'tap dithfic-- zw.a should y ta la m ~ s t v&&uable 82rsazit e~vBB@n@ 0%" &he P a ~ u f ! ~ z B % w sr b%ber~rtd.sa of the area f ~ p %b QCCL~S@~S~CB 0i? Q P ~ ~ B P * X% we.@ Fuun4l aksoic dtnflag p~eZlmln@g testgag Pn the Q o b a t o - E n d i s f ~ i o :

- %hat; the aktszllarone tests wDlk p%abwDX;y be o l ~arasZ&erabL@ asssbstaner 16a %he In%csmse%w*tZ~n of 'ttar?%ous lafzlon&$e p~gd'uoSs in lefaebd ~ai~~rjl~~


3~ adil$ tion t o tSlM G~bw-Rijnnage3;e a&i$&c%%ne# .t;W IfipzIr$ag an& @BuG%2@tun ~ Q W G we wob%hp of f @ t h b ~ at%dn%k~n ~ B G il &he an%ic%f R f~ bhe weat ef magpa B*P, Thump~o~a Zinc Ca~ps~atP842, &W&te&. &. i~dA~aBar;2 &a @ae$ iaa A-B (FlaEtil 4*2) %be outcrqpp-' i q g pmke h&e a m unfavourabb for ore @a& %hay aoe o a g we&l;y mLnerdias4 even in f avoureble areas - e*gl at Cenbslego ( 3 ) r apsi~veg. sung p w t d rif the W s t s r n A n t i c l i n e (aa the antlc&ine 20 f he vaat QP Goba~l l a ctnz%ea) t k r e are ttlte~@82be"~e; wcaar;u&afiotan

Page 19: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan


of .... 1 ft 4uk. buewm. t. laok l1monit., uaA.l'laln. b, .l.eac b_ aafJ4a'.... tn. •• limont' •. oU'.,..op •• ontaill no voi.", $ft." .upan .... aQl. U not ...... 11' 'he outGpoPs at sulpbi4. 1048s ot the l&lu~l' tn. (1. e. tile,. fl». ut t1'U. aoasalle). Heweve r, .... ,. _I' 1atitl.k.»elia of weak .~1U4. minOl'all&ation, overlying ott. 4., •• 1t8 111 tn. taVOul'aw.. Gonu alai1&a wh10n should occur bel_. Ditk1zone teats ind1tHitlf.Hlttmt. in and at-ouad one such lJ.Jaoalt. MO\DulatiQu, thoro is tt t,.&rked oonoentat1on ot." copper.

Ttl.". 18 thus a chance that the CobaJ.l :t'ield is repeated at a.p'. 'b,.l&w the westelJlD. anticline, but a uggfl st ions as to wllMUI' 1t 1l0ul.~ be likely te MOUl' wi th.in range of mining must awalt t fU''GWJl' ga&logical., ad ,o.,b.181oal evid.noe.

th. mapping t~'. bali 6Mllmo&t 4etail.od 1tl the 'Vicinity of '~be CCiba»-~aa .... 3but:tl."Gli aniiWl,lol\g {lnt1cliG.61 anA tbe Pl'e$ftt pa:pt»18 largol1 an. eX&llruaU,on flZ t. flrst-zflentlonfJd lItl'uctue. HoW""IIlJl, tbe». 18 II numbeR ot oth.~ ol'e-boaring 118."$ lQ. the d:1&tl11Gt e.8_ the r.nb$l.eso ut1ol1ne, and •• h of tbe •• ftl'l'al'lt lit "Mt-ougk. _.oh. .~. · .... OIt.P. _t. ora "ltb eon.idol'­alUo knowle4se ot ore 0.'12"' ••••• haw __ be4 tn.is 4i.trio1; ta1.l!'17 tko~cru.ghll fAa4 •• mGd.~n •• 1ent1tie prospector bas no ea.,. tatak aneado'l bim. 'he resll] .. '. obtained at Oobar to-date. 1n41 •• '. boweveJi". ttl." .. 11;1& patlenoe. *111 and lu(tk ($tl11 an lmpo .. 'laat fae "or in.· proape.'ins) titer. 1 •• SGod ohance of' finding 11ft ".Joal is of wort bwbl1. dSm.ns 1011e.

Atten'iS.4itn 1u.ut pJ!!Ieviousl¥ b •• n call" b7 ttl. wl'ltel' (3$,)1) to 'no pOlJaible1mpo .. 'a_ .. 01 "11. applloat1Qu of these 00ae$p\8 1;. 'lle B1"Oken till D1afu-'1ct. il.a.~. whel'tl Ol'e occurs ift an al .... '.4 ...... 4 4._ ill a ...... ot .,.nohl'onouag .... a.nit-ia .. tS.oa. In. b.al0 ..... in app~Qaoll from that senet-all,. ... epU4. 1& lailel'ant in ttle' postdate tnat tne lfteU;i-"inc lode. a". Gil. of tb.., results ot the .:;·e-al"l'angfiiuent, dU%'ing tbe pl"ocess or p.uuUsatlollf ot'" r~iatellial.a already existing within the Wl117_ Se»ies. It 113 oonside~ed thai. t· he 'I.-hole of this •• 111.& •• I!ll'Ob, according to existing mapa. Cl'OpS out OW.r un uea of a,ppl'Qx.ima tely 2.00l) square miles. ::.~b.o\!ld jlel"'baps be .. sa,,4.e4 .a a potential. SOu"_ ott lead ~n<.t\''.,8ine depolli ta.

'10 'ost this ~potb •• l .. it would fil'~l\b. nooessary t,o .'d,f pookemioally. tile 41atl11but1oll of rrli~O'~ elements, pal't1o·u1a»lN lead ad ~1no. in tbl .ook. o,£tb.'18 418tr1o'. 1:t., unl1B61q htgb qUaIlts.t,e. ot ttl ... el.cu).t. a,. '1ounic, partlcu); &1'ly in uertaln. .... i •• da.., or voleani. ltds, "a :CH..pal'K 911 t h tbe 8rard tio rook., ftluable eont1auator,. .. ,1u,",s of t1&e bi'Potbta1a would. b. sdne4.. . ,_ info,..lon"'.on.erning the cU.ett'lbutiGD. ot tke ••• ..;.el. ... n1is in t.vlu·i.oi.. •• i·~,l':Lzon. would alao be Blost 1tulu.able 11'Gm tbe TJ,ewpolat of \1~PO"~'" ina.

.' #

• "'" , ........ 'q • n 11; , .. Ii ._ _ '_ * -I

~ In wl':1.t1ng th.eae notes, the aut." 1. tt1l\t' aw~r.~ that .'n •• have i'&.!' greater kllO ..•. le4a. an4 e&p .• »1."'.\ot ... ,~.t,-~en lUll, 1'a11001'lie a.nd Bendigo gooloQ' thaa. he bas. an4, that lrito.f}m.t1on na., be known to private (ulmI)ani •• Wbiob. 1nVa11~~Eua •• etions of ,be ptlbliahe4 Illaps. 'tho oemme.ts tb ..... ugbout till,. pap •• U$ btl .... onav&.1'lable 1n£orrnat1on ani al'e. tude in ~l$ beli.:r that b.o:1o knowldp of ore-gon •• 1a, wlliebwlill ult~I18'e17 b, 0'£ greut oon_10 lmportanee, rema1n$ to btt 41.u~"'1'.4.,. ~ nCffl 1n' • ..,l'etatl.uUi81'O auagest., tn a &p:Lr*, oteqien-.1:t10 ,enqu1v,..

Page 20: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

If' the ev1deftOe obtain_ t .... 'lb. 8.oobemlo~Al work Wall aatiafactol'V. the oil-nelA approaohoou14 tben be flPplle' ,. the distriot. !Bis would involve "he eluo14atlon or tbe .'ra'i!P'~ •• wit h pa.rtleulal' .ttetere •• tile hGl'lz0n wll1cb c&.t'r1es ta. p ..... n:t lod •• aD4 to anrhol'lz0n prevJ.ouel¥ found to be .rioh ill 1.a4 a_ .:i.tl.O. Ge .. leai.a]. nae'b04s would. be used tosarnple tbe.. bo .. lzona 'bGuauut tilt 41 str iet. fbe poe hem:!.eal work, in .on3unotl0n. 1I1'h orA1nul' f1814 mapping and m101'o .. op10 stud7, ."1.114 al •• pJllov148 v4 u .. '1.. 4ata t_ t. oCiu'.Ntlatlon :froll plaoe to ,lae. ot ibt 'Yal'loua .'ratiBl'aphle M1'lZens. At present. on .ecount of int.ens1 ft fe.ld1as. aMaring anel .raul tins. this 1a quit. a 41tt'ieult task on n.a~ 1i1.1niug tlelds .... part ic UlfUl wbel'. ro.ails .u'e absent - tina. i.s ill marked eontrt>.ct to the relative17 aiJlpl. structural. j;HH)bl.ems contronting t he oil geolog1 st.

l\)u8 acoount would ne.d to he tak.en of the slgni.ficfj1t1Ce of tlte elonga.ted demal st.l'uetllres tor the OQctll1.tl ence of mineral f"_14s. It US ocrna14el"H that in the Broken Hill area, these 18\lllt be r8S&I'4.4 lD1'tlallu as having the best cbantu,s. with1n 'be •• st»uotUl'Gs. 'be b •• ' ellanoea of f1n41ns ore lBuat lie in tbebe4s .. tucb ca"11¥ the k_wn 1 •• 'h IfGwevCiH'. allowance must be lliaA. to. tbe more 01' 1 ••• unp»e4ie.table factOH such as tn.. , ....... of tr .. agl'ea.l_ pl.- (a p. 18,) p"e ..... tault1u~h 'Q"eee1at10n., .to., wlU.olI. ••• 4 slYe the Gl'eaocesa to beAs oth •• than tbos8 1n wblob. the kaown lodes de found.

ILlt .nd~lo '.1\4. Th. Bendigo 1'1.14 ie asOO4 .... mpl. of the occurrence of

o»e ). n domal .tJlUO'... fho map. suppl.ied. by Hernlan (15) show cl.a.~1y how the tnaud._. ,u)flee.'ratlon. aZ 01'8 oeeuI'S at t he crest of elor.tgated 4_a1 atJiue" ••• (iee 'iauM a). A map :publisb.ed by ~hQma.$ (.32) ir.t41.ate. "ltat tbe whol.e JcnuU.go Field is situated in i' complex domal 8tl'Ucrt~t*.. It haa also been knawn for D'larq le.rs that the maximum p.r04uotlQa bas b •• n Obtained f.t-om. the hneUeo stage of tne OrioV1e1au 878'." lenAi-go thuiS satlst1ful 'Ile plleJial ecrneeptlen of tbe ".eu_eUlOe .-r the Ql'e on domal a'il'uo'ilu'e. wi-thin a li. .. 1'ted .tl'ati£~ap1U.. l'ru'lIe.

'Ih. V1c, ... --' IU.nea J)epartMat Bad kindly Bfiowtl tn. author uap,,'bl1abe4 mapa ot: ta1. cU.al»:I..t waloh .!low the complioated 4oma1 .tl'Cle"" "'1'1/81 •• 1'17_ •••• map. also irAietlte t bat the &u ... our' Pdi ,. at tbe aouta.rn en4 ot the field is orcuu~---cuttins an .. oompl.ete13 truncate •. tbe st.vucture. It; 1s cQuside,tted., bowever, tbat thlli faet uaes not J.0,"Ih1.11date the cuuoeption ttuat the 01'e la I._~iedly related to gl"anit1u.tat1on. It is napG. to l.magine that •• /,0 ... bas o.t-iginated t'l'Offi, the gX'anl te while .vt waa in 1 ts pl'esen.t PQ~1'1GHl - an ideaprev1ousl.y 5ugg~ated by st,?oe (21)* • 'lb.. ~Il Ol'enodies show no relat1onSD.1D to the dJ.stL~lbutiQn ot: tb.i.S

/11'.111t.. In accordanee w1ttl the c'mc~.pts Qutlinedea.roliELt', th1.8 .. i.all1te 1s P110babq of tbe alJboquent type aj~ld must have l'sae bed

1 ts pl""Jent pos1tion artel- b __ lns i'll~'1a.tic. Most ot: t b-e 0 •• 4e,os1ts wou14 nave toae4 Wllttll \be aotual gl'anitlaut1on took place, ,l'obaul;r at a much a ••• "1' 4.1' .. ~11 tban thal &:, wbioh the Sl"ani'. is nOW :oun4. fhe sub •• qu.en' mapa:~ion(6) anA mo .... ment of t. granite bas appa".a"13 'bad 11"1. "" •• 1 Oil 01'. 40p081t1on.

It mq be &1g11it1oa1 that, aa noted by MJir1s an4 rhouas (14), Ii large Pl'opol'tlol\ Q~ ttl •. lcto1'lan go1.4t1el4s OQGH,.v on dom.al .'ructUIttllh

_4 nil' '.f '." -, - '" $

. ,

* StOt1. (27. Pill "3) .'.' •• 11 tlA m1n.\:tna' 1. lood at one level, ie apt to be 8M" at .... p.l' 1 ... 111, :\'\111 an a4301ning mine may be poor tlu'.ugaout.' ,

",..llls 1'e1't10 .. 1 •• p.,tat1fHl anA a1_. tb. 41at1'1by:tlou of prOduct· 1. plan malt. 1 t lra:pl'ODilU •• 'U[Ii. 1ne sou"6'Qt "he ore solutions waS tnt; OUMropplag Ha.t"cowrt lath31it~t but suggea, \\~hat the SOUl'Ce VUH) n. S(';rn.·· arate offsfiOJt Dr rl frreflt nl1("lAl'11v;nb·t"fHYion~'. r1<"'·h-.~'·'-!-t.. --"' •.... ~

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Page 22: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

a=*. L*

Phe ~ ~ & X W $ W @~tr%iaA?~B aPt? b&@@& i~f6-~~8&$&Psrn B.:.lp~&%uli& %g B18. Batbeeon, nbp ha6 pecently Prritton a PapsC (22), po%iltiag

eb ~e'Za& ianahi- Wtsada age a m u~~e i i ea mad 6dgP@aa& B%PS iurfi,W@ - iw %a& aag%ic%a a wgQs%%w S;W &&w~i;@ Lake mse ae g@&bg M

s r ~ @ g @ c % a ~ ~ pmaen% @ O % ~ P 9aa $%aGw gdwa an &s;*aam 6g %h$s pap@^* PX$iq;tr I-% ;ZQ &f 12emaP~ @ap* "$6 &EQ~FEZ.%&

&lgwrlie vae arev~uased by Oostdocn on& ~i~ht. cf &&@P %b@6 w~%it%@rb& 8s ~ P O ~ F ~ ~ B W BES Pd;g%=

& 8 ema~i&bQ s.~irg@~~sQ. $a ~@a&a'R;.%g pablfaW Mna3%8 by htb~tssaer, (22) QF %ha baaZgwB at %R @Msb &% i s aim-a 1;8& go&% &@%,@@&MSS~ 8 1 rePw$& t@ adx~ncEum~s an&

$ba% if Z~EOSB %a w e a ~ %%$an pr fbW?Ej@sia s%~~%"8;%~ap2sic m ~ g a ,

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Page 24: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

Qus%&son a M lf'la-r '1 13) ehowsa L Rat t be Australia c~oeefo$d,, wMch 39 Q mi ~ Q R st~?uc;turc on f he sou&h@rn f%-a& af &he & & . ~ ~ r l i ~ dame, bas had imp.i;l&ant Sraflaenca 01% %he . s @ o w ~ e n ~ e s f g8k&. ~t lggeob %hat *%b$s kna@ it: &ha csaa;lnt;pt$ app&P&ntlg a8lloweli s$aw..'&tqg e%~euaas %8 gin& % he%s faZlstsf @Q~eaafPn abocSU ,mi;raob a@ %he spkktt ing 02 a pin8 bo&,~B, .

- 9 . ~ %&luea~e8 by kta6ta i i t a 9Q+ a ,Xu %%me, ope soX?lC fans %ouncS t kic a mtgSion o f .fjra,&~ aetl?easAc

C~ns%&e~ntiea o f 4$b# s~'s08s%b%@ @@aab%ia ~ ~ I g r t I f i ~ n ~ , m @ of: %ha . *

damZ a%raze%~we n t KaLg~o~kZo' lea&@ t o ' liqo~t;anG c ~ d s ~ l e Z ~ ~ ' 1 a t ~ ~ ~ ~ Xti has af$@n been aanumed, $ 0 ~ e x a ~ l @ ~ s8fiCta E h @ f u v ~ a ~ , . r h l a ~aa . i .%Ma~~~&S;~-g~~;enotaso le p%t;ebes m uutz&&?d un&~3rne;.a%Ir %Pi& b%a&o%tlng BkaoJs: Plat sXrxf e@ .a& yispyhyky [g:t~%e &-3) -i;hwa $a . &a& @eae.aa t s expeat ~lon*S3~%o~@ppSrrg got& 8apo#hbn 1 ; ~ t.$a%us 'far an &ndlsf&.ul$$~ d&c;&anw soi2t h, 0% f ha 93;nawri EeSeX* J k a 3 - n ~ ~ ~ BP aourae be B@* But gwolt; a& at BenBige (f%gtuw2],~ gold B*ss%:%on Ca%Xs a f t on % & e ~ ~ s %he darna2 s&rac$u;pay t $fa &a @LBO ?~;i&r&aiy s" f5Lgo~p~ B%e, (%hln c~amwk t s i 2 ~ ~ 1 ap]E,Xlli4~ $a lohe Woken -ISELPI lo&a w&ch, pectZi~;tpe, rsbm&d nat bo 6~pW%6d s z % ~ n t Lrjb8fi"S4af8~~~ e ~ @ : r ~ F C E E the @enQra GP %he epeb) r

. . +fin nnde~standSrtg of 6hn s i g n : % t ~ a t l @ ~ : 0% "t fs &09eab rs$p3~ue%uma

m03,y.aXso aarraQt; z b a e r ~ % f ; e n t S e n %a tSa "sric=Sn%tg o f tihe esest of t b ~ P&Ag.c ; i~5 i~ -e.aaf~* . Tr~a ::0@&.4;0 ~u%~1~;16ggBng ovw .k- h i e c ~ @ s % o@nsiak o f $$a tir'nf&'itio~~~BX@ @ B ~ Z ~ O [email protected];sthrrhl@ b untlertlia t be f8,V@ul?abr~ ~n_uar % % 4 c ~ L l p r ( L t @ ~ g ~ ~ e r , ~ ; q E t r t : @ ~ Thesqo appaarB if;u be L b t f La kr?araleBge, h6w@verJ. eoa@crrniag f; k8 rparge%ions air bock t ~ ~ d s w E ~ Q S h.na;yp OeauP 8620% $ha 5 ~ % c ~ o p p % n g r ; e l ~ B C k i l ~ t r . R nmber og v@@y % r n O ~ k ~ n d slre ahosta l i~alund%n~ 'hh@ O~6ya S$QO% an& a ahrrsd on the %arth gafgurli Pins oeGw et the flatlg p i t ch ing ju~cbion of t fie eeRc Wh5G.l; the ~.e@S12ibcZdZeFf t e ~ g % @ ~ ~ . ~ % o n e ~ easent Edf g , 4% i s pres$sel.y B@Q&Qs@ is tb@ Juna%fsra af %WQ d268J~~c 5&&8 PQGX t~pbEI a%Ong W M C E ~ & ~ B I M Q P ~ , ~ 19n maw is;re.f;anc@s i~;,e;r;2id;i~%eefl

thn pa63~ncd 62 ~t t i ~ a aIa2;@ %fs;and," has OG$UPEBB. The sSt.ob%a W B ust&A"ay &~~al%aadd, $n na%reaor fetZ&a Pn the coa%~o&. EF thsrs are ~%rn&&a~ jana%%aars sf BbfEa~oraZ P C ~ Z ~ tp36lssa atr6;%%gra~b%c;~%* lb@Zhlw f pref;elat ~ d a t e ~ O & ~ p k ~ g aaXa ~ t t F X i 4 . i ~ pal~%i0'~Lu~1;y i~t %"hO V ~ I O ~ R - At2 ao% t&@ cmat QZ th@ &meb %hero, asu3d Brj a g@o& &~ance f o r t ha awurgrc3nce: a2 i"i%$%%r ope3 &~?;I.Q%B* X% La a;bsss $sn$uas%&%@ %hat#

the p~eaen$ onk~opgdw rsaZa achl.a%, o L h ~ &i19,nnlrtks ~!i&eacs sf qa;i;izr%r*dof srSL@gsreenef on@, au%%abXa for % Rlls pdan~%ilon a f tabaL~@ fms sgertema, GQQUPo . .

, :*

On s t r o c t d a a ~ gocrin&st ~ n t k a a n . ((i] has suggested tho Hamaw Lake ah@w>lld j~oeaf ve ,a&%@ n$toB Tap. 8S2& pr=;:s.sbbla oacurp- $en:@ aT EL P i & l d . r s s l ~ h , a@ %kwh- a%~@a*&r l m n d Ka%ga~r;iZIi~+ On pB&ts K*3r a. rsaGo%3 $& g&"zp@n in S&p,~3"1;$ t h i s at~ge8tAen~ "$%.%a

%big we& p~abablg XYea &ov@ a &FJEB& rJstxi~zSlr~~8 iin the gpan%te* . H"r8b&Zgq %la HaBmorL$:e at~%L@%%n&% sslrracl "trxm sBsulB be -&r~@ad BQ$ Eb W P % ~ aW3 @Quth an . P t may XB~~ni29as go88 &@g@rn&%a in 2;& *rLeLal'Fg sf aqr &ma& ~ ; l l t ~ ~ 3 3 : % ~ @ IR g~tlSZ$$eo

- I$, B T @ ~ ~ + D & & Z Z ~ ~ i i ie rrb2@ of i i J a lootePn A&~t."aXisa g o l ~ - ~ i ~ i ~ s &f &@d q;., bjy ' & B@B,$Q@ Qf @30f ~gi42t;;b ;n&pta3 &~1a B @ G % ~ O P S ~ ) $.flung

Bn80 &e8@un% t h@ op&u.i*z?s nc:E: sf agnc kt-azt,oua g a r & % i c ~?&oces ata wf sulbble souwe-b&&-b~ac~ t h e grcencl;enou, it m:ght bs po~oibLe t o -

3o@a=%kt a nunrbss af $%eX&a .alr&c hl ow3.ng to t be p 2 a s a ~ e a sf Beep eaf t QGVBP# QP CII r a ~ k s #Wfch %sd& %o bI#ns$tet o m desrralta, h s v ~ no$ Zseaa foumbd 'by o n d i n a ~ g p$o@scf;ing mb%;hr;rdsa

- , 8 5

1 i

Page 25: Mineralization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its ... · 1949/35 MineraJ.ization in the Cobar-Nymagee Province and its Significance by C.J. Sullivan

Srt tho P e c s n t paad, ~ @ Q & O @ B % B ~ ~ S L V C : barsn &irollf.n~X 2-43 cx~r;Ifha *t;i~kr ~%ir&y ?;a 'bba ais-3;rgnc$uay&% 'S;~iii'ga EL^ ugenln$$s w u c b Awiii&%za 5ud%viduaZ ape s h u o t i atld have tctadofi LO rteylact moat o t h a ~ Fek~turps, Pmlu&5ng a c n a i B @ ~ * n t i o n ~ of orc genssls, L,C. Q~a"ban ( 2 2 ) Ruacsibes t h e a~?i.fhctr?I~ on *sL~*i , ! t l%u~a' l , ca: trnb:y ae $~ZToi~z i E-

@ gwa 4 ,. aa %b@ 0 2 / ~ j ? % k l r 3 ~ FTBL'sE~~ p$?,d ~ & p b . X \ & & r ~ . k ~ ~ riro a6 i.im$?ft - kf*n~tan& tQ t,j,)%. h ~ x a ~ PJS$W %ban i a J;b# 0h.a5?&6$93 6f b&~)od that f X m ~ j t thr:>u&fZ t h ~ m , 0~ "ttluw $Isa nubkXe dte-sctfsnw af sa ntlnJr LZnbs %$a% eontiqiba%s $0 %he3 %o%u% p&;iil~gical ,p:jP0i.$eim9 a3 %rhO atf eat lan t 13 c bant~elwws, re-opcsniag as?& p~egasat UP$ "g~ouzzd- co raa%$sn%ngu, k,3 ~ b % r ~ n a l e ~ ~ ~ ~B;%z~I $ Lb8 '"Jg e ~ n . % o u ~ % ~ ~ g atit, :.%it~Bcm ar wZfisthss tc ro2nl iv-fa 29ac:bu~p-abj.Xi%y a2 &iF?carsnt roakel ;?epxiasents a ~ o Q % sa@-@ids& and gal?*laX a ~ i ~ r ~ n e " i h 06 Iha pi7r~blzn an a ~ f ! a ~ Z d a 23 i a au wmsua~d qgc3r0a~h ~n1.2~ -Gka$ I t fends "& saag31safj 3.f na"b"txa@& kfsi B $ s @ ~ . t a ~ a g % ~ O%FX@~P kr i~>o~~; t8~ i lb ($36 RaiseSaetk?y cttb$una&ee**

2 IBG $rr&c,nnra%43? aa$ed ~&sa@ia%lon bat-i;eeri pani";L c po~ghrz iea an& srs s3saa go be & s ~ l a i ; ~ & $63 %kf3 farst $\I%% l?o~i~h$rliiL@~ Pra'42d tjo $'am% above t tarota%l?as ;al gr~~",dlap~~%2Oyo_~ Xn a%%@ f n S $ a ~ c z s ~ they ag OWE g?@ %~.6r;%~gpe~stsr~ glugso f Bs~ia& f ram t r q l E&@EB. & @ F ~ Z V B ~ 'dsg $ha If~t~afr~ctrP~srrn csF = ~ ~ % L G Q & ~ih"t;~LaXj %a b t k ~ %na%ancea5 the p % P p b p i e s ~'zk33aar t@ be sf r@pl&aarzlaat; arigisn, 'aE$& m s g Rate ,

Bean lormad a1ian.g 4ilw %in&@ ~ U = Q B % ~ & Iby Rit l~kZun4 ( b ) , It -appear;ls tbt %he z;lalJar pr3%;3 lo$ ' t ; b % $ ? ; ~ n . l 3 g C ~ 8 9 i ~ p L ~ g r ~ OP aetuak ~w.8 h ~ d 3f "akf i l l~1~f~ OP p ~ ~ g & * l f t L ~ a % % ~ n " iG 'i;o a8km the ewcrapa s f t h e ofits-fotmtng ~fiats~%aZs ~rh%ab %I;G~A? 213 ~ o L l ~ a % wb~ve the kr$gi%-points o f Bhas%re~ of $?anl%%anltf ona The agpwprtee tb~izsc~3S:van Bo.r-lat aztpsaxs %o be L& kzarrgtee ~ e " t 9 ~ OPer

3 511 CsgfCma w h w e gmnlbr f$me 6n concordknt, sheet-.Ltlcs maseast the o c c t x ~ ~ s a ~ a of ficxtal, a t r ~ ~ t i l m 6 t n f ha cverZ2:ng nedimed gpp ~r~viaar va5~aaie z : ,wB~ % B ~ ; f : %&a g%izfsaai; Xngsaita~cis, b e ~ ~ i t ~ s e tksne &%;?u~$u@ba ma;g ' oo~rlia c\;polas, o ~ ? i1z%g:1~-psBrh%o, f n *t; be '

~PF&$, %@ e 2% i . B t L n , $haw pds8%$&rtrnb % b i b ; up@ 3s &"i"~t32~~ tG? OCQuF, ~ n y means t ha t 1aa2 eerw t a indicnke t i m c o n t o u ~ a of non161atcropp %ng g ~ t n i t d a?@ bel$dgrva~l't;9 be GP &3?ea% i ~ i l p 0 2 t ~ a ~ s - F Z J ~ S

~ s n s . i & r a ~ j t 3,s &a;L'rig given t o ;he prrcfalbil:.tg a$' e bacs%::ng "b8r e o o ~ w & c n x neanis, .P.iw yne t riLotod sutl:ner; of the n o n . - o ~ % ~ ~ c p p i n g g p ~ a t e g g&ai.gn 'ri; $he n ~ ~ t t o i l o on pings f: - d

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Text Box
Follows from p. 22
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