Micro analysis – opening sequence

Micro analysis – opening sequence Requiem for a dream White text reading ‘REQUIEM FOR A DREAM’ on a screen of black instigates the opening sequence, before the writing fades away with almost a dissolving effect, which could link to the theme of drugs in the film or to represent the lives of each of the characters which are gradually going to decay into nothing. The soundtrack of the film ‘Lux Aeterna’ composed by Clint Mansell begins the second the sequence does and continues to play through until the title sequence ends. The first camera shot is a close up, shows Tyrone appearing to look downwards, he says “shit man, mother*uckers starting to look a little seedy” the camera then switches to a point of view shot (Tyrone) of harry kneeling on the ground trying to roll an old TV out of a doorway, to which harry replies “what are you particular all of a sudden”? This is the only dialogue of the sequence and this clearly implies that they are stealing the television and have been doing things like this a lot, to the point were Tyrone actually thinks that it’s starting to become bad. Never the less they proceed to push the TV out with the camera in a medium long shot.

Transcript of Micro analysis – opening sequence

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Micro analysis – opening sequence

Requiem for a dream

White text reading ‘REQUIEM FOR A DREAM’ on a screen of black instigates the opening sequence, before the writing fades away with almost a dissolving effect, which could link to the theme of drugs in the film or to represent the lives of each of the characters which are gradually going to decay into nothing. The soundtrack of the film ‘Lux Aeterna’ composed by Clint Mansell begins the second the sequence does and continues to play through until the title sequence ends.

The first camera shot is a close up, shows Tyrone appearing to look downwards, he says “shit man, mother*uckers starting to look a little seedy” the camera then switches to a point of view shot (Tyrone) of harry kneeling on the ground trying to roll an old TV out of a doorway, to which harry replies “what are you particular all of a sudden”? This is the only dialogue of the sequence and this clearly implies that they are stealing the television and have been doing things like this a lot, to the point were Tyrone actually thinks that it’s starting to become bad. Never the less they proceed to push the TV out with the camera in a medium long shot.

There is then match on action as both Tyrone and Harry exit the building with the TV, the camera then pans as they wheel the tele past a group of around 10 old age women sat in a row sunbathing, this suggests that the building is actually an old peoples home, and becomes more obvious as a close up of both harry and Tyrone (camera still tracking) reveal harry with an awkward/nervous look on his face, the complete opposite to Tyrone who is calmly smoking a joint gazing into the distance. This to me shows how despite his earlier comment; he actually doesn’t care what they do as long as they get money. Harry says “hello” in a slightly nervous voice to which the group of women all simultaneously respond with an unenthusiastic “hi”.. As Harry and Tyrone leave

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the shot the camera remains on the women with a graffiti covered building in the background, a sign of how it is a low class area.

At the exact moment the camera shot the switches the soundtrack becomes more intense and loud, a extreme long shot of the two is shown gradually getting closer as they work there through a crowd of people with a train line running overhead, some pushing prams and carrying shopping showing that it is a very urban deprived area, these are people going about their day to day lives and this says to me that either there are people like this so comfortable and confident with what they’re doing that blending in with everyone is second nature, or the people are aware of what they’re up to but it is so common in this area they don’t really care. Harry and Tyrone get nearer and nearer to the camera until they pass by and move out of the shot.

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Opening credits appear on screen for a few seconds, introducing Ellen Burstyn (Sarah Goldfarb/Harrys mother) & Jared Leto (Harry). The sequence comes back on screen with a low angle close up of the two; the camera appears to be shaking indicating it’s a handheld shot also. Both appear to look far more nervous in this short scene and harry physically looks frail and weak suggesting that they are drug addicts as they are hastily carrying the TV through a area which looks like a fun fair due to the neon lights which are present this representing cheap pleasures much like drugs. The credits reappear on screen this time presenting Jennifer Connolly (Marion/ Harrys girlfriend) and Marlon Wayans (Tyrone).The camera then shows a bleak industrial landscape in a low angle long shot, there is a clear blue sky but at the top of the screen it gets darker as if there is a shade at the top of the camera lens, there is nothing in the distance suggesting that the lives they are living aren’t going to get them anywhere.

The credits come back on the screen showing the casting and the executive producers, the screen then switches to show us a promenade, with the sun elevated in the sky a Ferris wheel can be seen in the distance rising above in a low angle wide shot, however there is very few people around, suggesting a very sombre feeling. There is clever composition in this shot as it is by the side of a bench facing the beach, there is a row of them going on for as far as the eye can see, all of them empty in shallow focus. There is no sound in this shot at all however this creates much more of an atmosphere. The shot remains the same

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until the 2 can cut right in front of the camera wheeling the TV past; the shot then cuts to the title sequence once again.After the credits go off the screen shows a static wide shot, showing the Harry and Tyrone huddled over moving the television, with the beach in the back ground, the beach actually seems quite clean and pleasant which is in stark contrast to the other areas shown so far the shot seems peaceful and tranquil which could represent the feeling the drugs give them. Once again as the 2 leave the screen the shot cuts and credits appear again. As the text continues to fade out in the same deteriorating, depressing way the music is becoming noticeably more powerful as if the climax of the scene is nigh. Next the class of location they are in has noticeably dropped, nothing can be seen apart from a run down building which looks like a factory with some wire mesh fencing around the perimeter of it, Harry turns to Tyrone with a look of joy on his face, the first time Harry has ever smiled throughout the sequence, this suggests they are close, as if the journey they have took was dangerous and the risk is so close to paying off, Harrys elated look then seems to give Tyrone a relief as he grins back at Harry, almost starting to chuckle as they hastily transport the TV, before the credits once again emerge from the black screen.

Low angle medium long shot in shallow focus situated behind railings show us Harry and Tyrone enter the shot, we are then introduced to the director Darren Aronofsky, this is the only credit that appears this title card showing us the significance of it. The next shot could be an establishing shot as it is from a long distance and showing us their location, this could just be because of the meaning of this shot as behind the two there is a rollercoaster ride, showing the track sharply descending. The high point as they enter the frame and it keeps plunging down as they walk further and further into the frame until it is no longer visible. This could either represent their journey as the film progresses sinking further into the abyss that is drug dependency or symbolise the comedown from the high.

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The shot then zooms in, the camera is situated just in front of two parking metres, the 2 walk past at a split second both of them are hid from our view with only the TV shown in-between the metres. This final shot is one of the most significant in the entire sequence; this shows how they are exactly the same, not looks, personality but their life choice. They are destined for the same demise.