March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

March 2013 Volume 2 Issue 3 Public Adjusters find money for clients in many homeowners policies God Works In Mysterious Ways! The would be Mayor & The Nehemiah Model 400,000 + Pages Viewed! InReview: The Newark Minister’s Conference Newark South Ward Councilman Ras Baraka delivers State of the ward address. Police Clergy Alliance Celebrates Executive Director


Newark's only magazine focusing on Life Transformation, News, Events, Activies, and the work of the church in the New Jersey's largest city.

Transcript of March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

Page 1: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

March 2013Volume 2 Issue 3

P u b l i c A d j u s t e r sfind money for clients in many homeowners policies

God Works In Mysterious

Ways!The would be Mayor & The

Nehemiah Model

400,000 +

Pages Viewed!

InReview: The Newark M i n i s t e r ’ s Conference

Newark South Ward Councilman Ras Baraka

delivers State of the ward address.

Police Clergy A l l i a n c e C e l e b r a t e s E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r

Page 2: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

The Newark Minister’s Conference

Ras Baraka’s State of The Ward / Announcement

Sgt. Leslie L. Jones, Jr.‘sRetirement Celebration

Are You Prepared?

The African American Heritage Parade


Single But Not Desperate

Transformation Newark magazine is a monthly publication focused on changing the city of newark through the Nehemiah model of rebuilding a city. And t h r o u g h p r o v i d i n g practical information and tips to transform lives.

CONTRIBUTORSJoseph EppsCurtis Mincey


In cooperat ion wi th Dominion Ministries & The Urban Convocation Strategic Operations C o u n c i l ’ s M e d i a & Technology Department

Dominion Fellowship Ministries83 James StreetNewark, New Jersey 07102973-273-9200

In This Issue

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53 Burnet St.Newark, NJ 07102

Metro Christian



[email protected]


In Every Issue

Cover: Ras Barak’s State of the Ward Address photo by: Rick Greene

TRANSFORMING YOUR: CityBusinessMinistryRelationshipsLife



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L W G Hs D...


Born March 4th 2013 3:30AMC M G

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EDITORIALIts official... I’m old. Grand Daddy, Grandpa, Papa... Whatever. Names don’t matter much, and I don’t really revel in any of them. I guess thats my vanity, however, when I see my granddaughter, I am taken back to thoughts of my children as infants ... What a joy.

Grandchildren just seem to serve as a reminder of your legacy. What will survive you... What kind of differences you will you make on this earth while in this body. Even though I think about time quite often, Caitlyn’s birth has renewed in me, and given me a deeper of a sense of urgency. Things I want to give to her, things I want to teach her, things I want to share with her, and the joy of young eyes lighting up with the amazement of new discoveries all seem so important right now.

I guess what really comes out to mind and out of my heart is the fact that we must not take anyone we care for, for granted. Love them today, cherish them today, honor and acknowledge them today. Because as we all know tomorrow is not promised; but to know this is not enough. We must live like theres no tomorrow, in the sense that we give each day our best... Love our best... Do our best in ministry and in all of our endeavors. Live, love, laugh out-loud, and rejoice in the things and the people whom God has given, as a blessing in your life. - Pastor Rick

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The first NMC was a huge success. With more than eighty registrants and fifty participants sharing insights, wisdom, and contact information with commitments to share resources.

Pastor Rick Greene hosted the event along with keynote speaker Pastor Marcus Johnson of Living Logos Christian Assembly.

Next year’s event proves to be even more detailed with workshops and breakout sessions focused on building up ministers themselves.

For more information & photos CLICK HERE

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OUR GOAL:Our goals were simple; to foster meetings, sharing, & working together amongst ministers and their ministries in the city of Newark


God concerning HIS KINGDOM!

2) That we grow together and sincerely help each others ministry by sharing resources to build HIS KINGDOM!

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The Newark Minister's Conferencewishes to thank you once again for your participation  in

helping to make the conference a success!To view photos from the conference visit: 

What people are saying about the Conference."Awesome!" ... JP


"My husband and I wanted to let you know that we were very blessed to be at the 1st Newark's Ministers Conference.  We thought it was a big success!  We made a lot of contacts and several people registered for our... Celebration." ... LT 

 "I heard. The meeting. Was a success. ...  I thank God for your turn out ." ...ARS  

 "I see that you had a successful conference today.... Please keep me posted about upcoming events that are coming soon. Thank You, my brother and God Bless You." ...FI 

Pastor Greene: Thank you for inviting me to the Ministers’ Conference you held yesterday.  It was a great time of fellowship and Kingdom building... I look forward to more fellowship and talking directly with you.  Don’t hesitate to let me know what I could do to assist you.  ...AH 

"Pastor Greene, To God Be The Glory! What a blessed event!  My wife and I haven't been able to stop talking about what a blessing it was to attend. We are looking forward to sharing more with the attendees over time and I am looking forward to becoming more involved with other aspects of your ministry.  Let's set aside some time to talk. Thank you for your obedience and sharing of your vision."  ...BG

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Metro Christian TeachesBible Study


350 Lafayette St. 2nd Fl., Newark, NJ



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Come And Receive Spiritual & Physical FoodCLOTHING TOO!


350 Lafayette St. 2nd Fl., Newark, NJ



Join Minister Curtis Mincey& Pastor Rick Greene

Hosted by Pastor Robinho de Jesus& Pastor Dayse Salema

FOR MORE INFO CALL973-336-5871

Page 12: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine


Transformation Through Education

Eastern Theological Seminary’s fall semester has begun. Course offerings are, 1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus and Happiness. Enrollment is currently open.

“… And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ”    

Come renew your mind, study for a degree, or come just to learn. Scholarships are still available. Call Dr. Bernard Wilks at 973-273-9200 or 973-563-5333 for more info or simply come out Mondays at 7pm. Classes held in the Dominion Home office at 83 James Street, Newark, NJ.

Have you ever thought about attending bible college? Eastern Theological Seminary’s 2013 Spring semester is

here. Join us. Its not to late, to find out more and to register. No matter what your situation, we will work with yoU to

continue your education.


Page 13: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

Your ad here.Just $60 for

the whole year!

Metro Christian Media 1 YEAR Ad rates.

Print 12 Publications

We create and design and publish your adFull Page $240, Half Page $120, Quarter Page $60

RADIO104 spots over 52 weeks

We create and record and air your ad60 seconds $240, 30 Seconds $120

TV 104 spots over 52 weeks

We create, produce, direct and air your commercial60 Seconds $1560, 30 Seconds $1020

Increase your visability and your business.

Contact: Rick [email protected]


Page 14: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

City Transformation

Transform Lives With Clothing Drives

Instead of tossing your way to small clothes in the trash, hold a clothes drive to help the homeless stay clothed, clean, and dry this year. 

1. Contact a family, homeless shelter or an agency that will accept your clothes before you start your collection.

2. Remember to ask them:

• Do you give the clothes away free to those in need?

• How would you get the clothes (i.e. would you pick them up or would you want us to drive them over to your center)?

• Can you give clothes to both kids and adults?

• Is there a limit on how many clothes you can accept?

• Can we mention your name/organization when we tell people about our drive?

Page 15: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

3. Set a date and time that you will drop off your clothes.

4. Find a place that will host your drive like your school or local church.

5. Advertise it.

• Get it in the school's morning announcements.

• Make a Facebook page or group.

• Ask people to promote it on Twitter.

• Make your drive a location to check-in on Foursquare.

• Be sure to include the dates to drop off, where the bins are located, times to drop off your clothes, drop off requirements (no kid clothes, nothing ripped, etc.), and who the clothes will go to.

6. Officially end the drive by posting the number of donations you collected in the common space where the drive was located. Also put the news on the internet sources you used.

7. Whether the organization is picking the clothes up or you are dropping them off, follow through with donating the clothes on the date you agreed on.

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RasBaraka May soon be fulfilling his name’s definition in the city of Newark. With Ras meaning leader or ruler; Baraka meaning blessed; this Blessed Leader may soon reach the epitome of leadership in the city of his birth. At his annual state of the South Ward address the would be mayor announced his candidacy for Newark’s top spot to a cheering crowd of supporter numbering about two hundred. He also talked about building the walls of the city... Which is what Transformation Newark is base around... The Nehemiah Model SEE VIDEO

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With current mayor Cory Booker almost assured a seat as New Jersey’s first African American Senator in the 2014 elections, Ras as he is affectionately know by the people, is probably the front runner since former city council president Mildred Crump has said on other occasions that, she will not run and sat on stage with Baraka and cheered as he made the announcement of his candidacy.

Father Amiri and Mom Amina Baraka l o o k o n . A s m e m b e r s o f t h e CHILDREN FIRST TEAM candidates for Newark Public School Advisory Board share the stage with other dignitaries.

Pictured L to R Rashon Hasan, Ariagna Perello, and Khalil Rashidi

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Some In Attendance: Former Newark City Councilman Donald Bradly, Former Newark Mayor Shape James, Rev. Tawana Whitaker, Newark City Councilman Ron Rice, Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker, Newark City Councilwoman Mildred Crump, Newark City Council Candidate John Sharpe James, Kim’s Korner TV Host Kim Brown, and Rev. Eric Beckham

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NJCMA exists to promote knowledge and improve skills for all who serve through media. Join with others, Share, Network, gain skills to improve your productions. Registration &

Membership provides NJCMA Press Pass, access to members only training online, Member on-site listing and free admission to quarterly meetings with refreshments.

Call 862-888-8238 for more Info. Visit to register.

VideographersFilmmakersDirectorsProducersTV Show HostsReporters

TheNJ Christian Media Association

MEMBER BENEFITSTraining- At monthly seminars & online

Press passes - Available to help give access to various eventsMember listing and recognition- for reference and networking

Members forum- Sharing information and Q&AsEligibility for broadcasting on the MCTV Network

REQUIREMENTSChristian beliefs

ID for Christian related media purposes Registration fee (with Press Pass) $40 yearly

Membership (with Premium Access) $5 monthly!

Graphic DesignersWeb Designers

Radio BroadcastingPhotographers



Page 24: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

Business Transformation

Get More Done... DELEGATE!If you often feel as though there are just not enough hours in the day to accomplish all of your tasks or if you feel overwhelmed by all of your duties it may be time to reevaluate your approach. There is a simple method to solve this issue by spreading the work load.

Moses had this same problem. Jethro his father-in-law and “management consultant” discussed the concept of delegation in their very first session. As you read Exodus 18 you will find that Moses who had led the over 2 million Israelites out of Egypt spent all day and night working to resolve conflicts and actually became a workaholic.

5 Steps to Delegating and getting more done.

1. Realize that you can’t keep working non stop for ever.Working this way, doing it all yourself and being involved in every aspect of your organizationis unsustainable. Examine your life over that last few months, your workload, and your schedule; you must be willing to except that something has to change.

2. Understand what is your “unique” ability.What is it that you do that others can’t? Jethro told Moses to stand (intercede) before God for the people and he was also their teacher. While you may be qualified to do all operations you are simple not able to get them all done. Do what you do best... Delegate the rest.

3. Select qualified leaders to help you.Jethro told Moses that he is not the only one who could judge the people. Moses was to select men of good character to act on his behalf. People gain experience, knowledge, learn skills and they develop gifts, but the foundation is good character, because the basis for delegation is trust.

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4. Give authority and responsibility to those whom you select to assist you.Jethro actually gives Moses a management plan in verses 21 & 22 which breaks down Authority level. One way to categorize authority is by 5 different levels.

• Level 1: Do whats asked!• Level 2: Research and report• Level 3 Research, present options and make a recommendation• Level 4 Make a decision and report what you did.• Level 5 Make the decision... Handle the issue yourself.

5. Do only those things which you can not give others to do“Never do anything that someone else can or will do when there is so many important things to be done which others cannot or will not do.”

Focus in the areas where you can add value.

Don’t do what others can do... This is how you maximize you production.Finally Jethro tells Moses in verse 23 that if you do “this organization” and follow God you will not burn out and the organization of people will have less problems.

4 Key traits to hiring the right person1. CHARACTER They must do the right things even when no one is watching. This is the

basis to building a great team. These people you can trust.2. COMMITMENT These people will not quit in difficult times.3. COMPETENCY They must be able to do the task at hand.4. CHEMISTRY They must get along with you and the team.

Try it this way!Organize your work into groups:1. Urgent & Important2. Urgent but not important3. Important but not urgentAny thing that does not fall into these groups try decline them or pass them off to others. Focus on the tasks in the 3 groups only and you will be much more productive.

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11:30AM Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm

Friday Night Prayer7:00pm

Ministry of the Month

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Relationship Transformation

In this episode we look at some things to remember when faced with caring for our aging loved ones. This can often be very difficult especially when we ourselves are getting older and starting to experience aches and pains.


There are a few things to keep in mind which might make this difficult life transition a bit easier...

- Talk with your aging parents... before too many health issues arise.- Evaluate Finances... yours and your parents.- Know your parents medical history, their prescriptions, and their medical information.

Listen to this week's episode to find out more... At

Each week Pastor Rick Greene talks in detail about Dating, Love, Marriage, Sex, and Divorce so that you can be armed with all of the insight you need to have the optimum relationship which God intended you to have. How to build up and not tear down. How to strengthen and not destroy. How to have great a Relationship with the man or woman in your life. If you would like to be a guest call 862-888-8238. If you would like to ask a question email them to [email protected]. Or if you would like to listen to the live show Saturdays at 11pm call 646-652-2581.

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Page 30: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine


GRANT WRITING 101 COURSE!!! Want to learn or improve Basic Grant Writing Skills?


SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2013 Early Bird Price: $ 79! For all registrations postmarked by March 13th ($250  Value!)  

Regular Price: $ 99 for  all  registrations  postmarked  from  March  14—20  or  until  full (INCLUDES  CONTINENTAL  BREAKFAST@  8:30am,  PACKET  &  CERTIFICATE)  

Course Begins 9:00am sharp -- 12noon

Greater Life Community Outreach Center 272 Chancellor Avenue, Newark, NJ 07112

SPACE IS VERY LIMITED -- First Come, First Served!


Sorry, no exceptions <--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Please Mail Registration Form Below + $79 Payment by March 13th postmark Or $99 Payment March 14—20 postmark to:

Greater Life, Inc, PO Box 8447, Newark, NJ 07108 attn.: Rebekah Lewis

NAME:_____________________________________________________________________________________ TITLE: ___________________________TEL/CELL:______________________________________________

ORG/CHURCH/MIN NAME:________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: ________________________________CITY:____________ STATE:___ ZIP:_____________

EMAIL: ____________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE: _________________________________________________________________________________

COURSE EXPECTATION(s) or NEED(s): __________________________________________________

CONFIRMATION WILL BE SENT FROM REBEKAH LEWIS, ADMIN. ASST. FOR THE OFFICE OF: Rev. Michael T. Westbrook, Pres/CEO, Specialist / Consultant for 27 years

Rev. Maria A. Westbrook, Vice Pres, Certified Grant Writer / Consultant for 27 years

Email: [email protected] & GLifeRebekah 973.923.2264 x 4


Rev.  Maria  A.  Westbrook Vice  Pres  of  Admin  &    Finance

Rev.  Michael  T.  Westbrook President/CEO

Page 31: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine



Saturdays 6pmNewarkCablevisionChannel 18

Kim's KornerKim's Korner

Artists | AuthorsAthletes | ActivistsAnd Politicians


A TNM Publication

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“Christ in the Passover Celebration”

Sat., March 9th, 2pm-5pm (teaching 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm)

(Doors open 2pm - Resource Center Sale 2pm-2:30pm & 4:30pm-5pm)MUST register for teaching. Call (973) 661-5217 or email [email protected] to register

(will need contact info: name/email/tele. #/mail address), for location, directions, info. etc.SPACE IS LIMITED SO REGISTER EARLY

Resource CenterMill Street, Belleville, NJ (973) 661-5217

[email protected]

-Learn of God’s mighty deliverance of His chosen people-How Jesus Christ fulfilled the Passover-Why it is crucial for Christians to understand the Feast of Passover in these end times

-The prophetic significance of the Feast of Passover-Learn about the spiritual symbols of the Passover seder-Learn how to conduct a Christ in the Passover celebration at your church, outreach, fellowship group

-Learn about Passover so you can share the love of Messiah with the Jewish people and much more.....

Resource Center SaleWorship garments,Flags,Streamers,Shofars,Tallits,Passover, Jewelry,T-shirts,Anointing oil,Books,DVDs,Scarves,Music,etc.


FREE teaching (Love offering taken)and

Resource Center Sale

Page 41: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine


SUNDAY MARCH 10TH CHARITY BAPTIST CHURCH5 1 J o n e s S t r e e t N e w a r k 1 1 A M

Come Worship withPastor Rick

‘What Do You Believe’

Page 42: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

Are You Prepared?

By Joseph C. Epps, Jr.

Super Storm Sandy left many homeowners and business owner’s in New Jersey and throughout the Northeast seeing perhaps their single greatest investment wiped out in a matter of a few hours. This devastating loss was not limited to just physical damage, but the memories and mementos of a lifetime were taken away as well.For many, there was the anticipated saving grace of having a document that perhaps would lessen the pain and provide for rebuilding that which was taken away. The document was their homeowners’ policy. Most believed and relied upon that document for such an event as Super Storm Sandy. The reality was it did not help. Homeowners and business owners discovered that coverage was either inadequate or non-existent for the losses that were sustained.In 1993 the State of New Jersey enacted the Public Adjusters Act. This was in response to public concern regarding damage to property and or businesses that owners felt were not fairly compensated. Public Adjusters are licensed and bonded by the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance for the State of New Jersey. They are subject to background checks as they assume a “fiduciary trust” in dealing with and representing the public in the claim process. Public Adjusters are required to undergo vigorous training and must take continuing education courses to maintain their licensing as well as pass a state mandated exam to become initially licensed.Public Adjusters can help property owners with reviewing their policies so the individual(s) can make a determination as to the adequacy of their coverage. Home inspections are conducted as well to assist in the review process. At no time does a Public Adjuster recommend, endorse or offer opinion regarding the insurer.Fees may vary depending upon the type of claim and what may be involved in processing the claim. In most cases, no payment is required until the claim is settled. Depending upon individual circumstances, fees may be borne by the insured or paid on a contingency fee basis from any compensation received.If there are concerns regarding the adequacy of your coverage, you should consider meeting with a Public Adjuster. Protecting what may be the single largest investment of your lifetime will be time well spent.

Page 43: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine


ATTENTION ALL HOME AND BUSINESS OWNERSDue To Hurricane Sandy Many Have Suffered Loss To One Of Their Single Greatest Investments.. Their Home Or Business.

If You Have You Sustained DamageIf You Are Unsure About Your CoverageOr If You Simply Just Need An Explanation Of Your Current Policy

A No Cost Review Of Your Current Coverage & FREE Home Inspection Is Now Available

Call now to schedule an appointment

Joseph C. Epps, Jr. Public Adjuster

NJ license # 1311374

Licensed & Bonded in the State of New Jersey

Hosea 4:6


Page 44: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

At    Lake  Champion  Camp,  Glen  Spey,  NY      (845)  856-6871

In  Partnership  With Greater Life, Inc.

Rev.  Michael  &  Rev.  Maria  Westbrook

RETREAT DETAILS (See  separate  flier  for  Individual  Registration  Form)

$135.  Super  Early  Bird*  Total  Cost  for  Each  person  registering  Feb  10  to  March  16   $155.    Early  Bird*  Total  Cost  for  Each  person  registering  March  17  to  April  13       $189.    Late  Bird*  Total  Cost  for  Each  person  registering  April  14  until  trip  is  full

Early  Registrations  allow  scholarships  that  have  expiring  dates  of  availability—savings  we  can  pass  on  to  you!!!  

Most  Camps  cost  at  least  $500.    and  up  !!!                                                                                    Our  Grants  &  Donations  help  keep  your  cost  low!!! Deposit  =  $40.  Each  —  All  balances  must  be  paid  in  full  by  Sunday,  April  14th  —Itinerary  available  after  final  payment

REGISTER  TODAY!  1st  come,  1st  served!     Cost  Includes:    Bus  Transportation  (NJ  only),  5  Meals,  Lodging  &  Linens!    

*  Extra  charge  may  apply  if  transportation  provided  outside  the  Greater  Newark  Area/NJ  Transportation  Only.    Sorry,  funds  are  non-refundable.

Ages 13--19 (sorry no children) ALUMNI invited to assist with Work Crew!

NOTE:        1  Leader  required  for  each  gender  for  every  1-7  teens For  example:  12  male  teens  &  12  female  teens  require  2  male  leaders  &  2  female  leaders Another  example:    1  male  teen  &  1  female  teen  require  1  male  leader  &  1  female  leader


CHURCH/GROUP REGISTRATION FORM Please  complete  ALL  information  –Thanks!

Church/Group  Name:__________________________________________Pastor_____________________________________

Church/Group  Address:__________________________________________________________________________________

Trip  Leader  Name:_________________________________________    Church/Group  Tel  #:  ___________________________

Home:______________________  Cell:_____________________    Email:___________________________________________

       #  of  Male  Teens__________      +        #  of  Male  Leaders__________ =            Total  Males__________

#  of  Female  Teens  __________      + #  of  Female  Leaders  __________ =    Total  Females  __________

                       Total  Teens__________      +                        Total  Leaders__________ =  Grand  Total  *  __________                                                                                              X    $40.          (Minimum  Deposit  Each)                        Total  Amount  Enclosed  $__________      (payable  to  Greater  Life)

Don’t  Delay!    Space  is  limited  to  500  total—Sorry  Deposits  are  Non-Refundable  for  *  Grand  Total  #  indicated

TEENs IMPACTing their peers for Christ! presents “Jesus  At  The  Beach”    Luke  5:1-11

Greater  Life 272  Chancellor  Avenue Newark,  NJ (973)  923-2264  office (973)  923-6102  fax

Mailing  Address:     Greater  Life

P.O.  Box  8447 Newark,  NJ    07108

Email:    [email protected]

-  -    Cut  off  here  and  mail  this  form  only  with  1  deposit  check  or  m/o  to  Greater  Life,  Inc.  —  please  keep  teen  &  leader  registration  forms  for  your  records  -  -  

Office  Use  Only:    Date  Dep  Rec_________  Amt  Dep  Pd  $_________    Date  Addl  Rec_________  Addl  Amt  Pd  $_________      Date  Addl  Rec_________  Addl  Amt  Pd  $_________  =  Total  Pd  

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What Can We Design For You?862-888-8238

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Ministry Transformation

Here are three of the most common areas which cause our ministry work to struggle.

1. Disharmony At Home.You may end up arguing about the demands of ministry and when not “going” rather than staying at home with your spouse you may feel that you are letting God down.

2. When you hear criticism you take it to heart.You get an email or comment criticizing something you said in a message, and you’re really bothered by it. You then bring those negative feelings of letting God down into your home which brings your stress to your family.

3. Disappointed by Friends. We can be hurt deepest when a friend become a critic of your ministry. When those whom you open up to actually come up against you.

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Here are some solutions.

1. Understand the combination of ministry, work and relationships.Ministry is the only work in which you do what your believe and have to synthesize through and understand the differences between your calling... The work... And sometimes knowing when to separate your relationships.

Understanding the differences and the boundaries is a must for successful ministry. So take time to understand how confusing ministry is and why.

2. Find friends who aren’t in your church or organization.While you do want to be friends with those who you live with and minister to you must find some friends outside of your church which you can talk about anything with.

ISo develop some friendships in which you can talk honestly. It’s healthy and will provide you with an escape when you need one which will help you to refocus.

3. Do not make decisions when you are emotional.Anger, Frustration, and other emotions are not the feeling you want to make decisions from. Just don’t do it. Pray... Go to sleep... Call someone... Or just wait a few days. This is important... Please remember it. You’ll be glad you did.

4. Talk to a counselor.While we are counselors to others and believe in counseling then why shouldn’t we get counseling ourselves? Find someone whom you can open up to, a profession Christian counselor or a seasoned pastor who you field comfortable with.

5. Separate you devotional life from your church work.Remember that preparing for teaching, preaching and other church activities IS NOT your devotional time. The temptation to ‘cheat’ is common but remember to spend time alone with the Lord and embrace his word without having to prepare for a presentation.

Page 48: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

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Page 49: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

National Day Of PrayerNewark City Hall Steps 11am

May 2, 2013

Page 50: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

Gospel, Inspirational and Spiritual MusicEvery 3rd Sunday of the Month after Service

2:00—6:00 PMat 224 Market St. Newark, NJ

Explosive In The Spirit...

Choirs! Recording Artists! Praise Dancing!

The African American Heritage Parade Committee

Proudly Presents

Healing OurGenerational DivideClinton Memorial AMEZ Church

151 Broadway, Newark, NJ 07104

Coordinated By AAHPC Musical Directors:




in part by:



������Donation Per Person

Spiritual Concert2013

Join Us For

Page 51: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

The African American Heritage Statewide Parade Committee

(AAHPC) is a volunteer organization charged with forging together the committee and other c o m m u n i t y organizations, setting an example on how diverse groups can function together to achieve commonly beneficial ends. Its mandate is to establish a sense of pride and awareness in African American heritage and sense of unity and mutual cooperation among all p e o p l e o f A f r i c a n heritage.This year’s celebration will feature:

1 Our parade down Broad Street in Newark with skydivers, marching bands, and balloons commemorating historical African Americans

2 Carnival rides in Weequahic Park

3 A Calendar of Cultural events4 Vendors from all across the state

Photos from: The Interfaith Spiritual Breakfast

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While the AAHPC is a non profit organization incorporated in the State of New Jersey, it is not a tax exempt entity. The organization obtains its underwriting each year through marketing partnerships, sponsorships, bonafide fees for events and a nominal amount from contributions. The Committee is involved with programs and seminars aimed at educating African Americans to crucial national economic, political and social issues affecting them. They have established the African American Heritage Parade and Festival to be a celebration of the African American History. Donald Bernard Sr., Chairman of the AAHPC has a deep commitment towards the African American Heritage Statewide Parade, which is celebrating their 47th year Anniversary in 2013. The parade has been through the storm, through the rain, through the good times and bad times, and their vision has persevered. The Committe has built a firm foundation and will continue to move forward.

Chairman Bernard has been the head of this committee for the past fifteen years. The parade received its beginning in 1966, when heritage enthusiasts conceived the concept, and called it the Crispus Attucks Parade, but it was discontinued in 1976. It was revived in 1979 as the Black Heritage Day Parade, which continued until 1993. Today, Newark can boast of hosting the largest Black Cultural Celebration in New Jersey.For the past decade, the parade has grown every year and Bernard contributes this growth to a dedicated group of volunteers, corporate sponsorship and the grace of God. “As spiritual people, our deep-rooted faith has sustained the parade through those dark days. The Committee doesn’t want to dwell on any negative aspects of years gone-by, but instead, their focus is on where they are now and where they are going.The generosity of our many corporate sponsors has enabled the parade to feature and produce high caliber events and activities.”The AAHPC is “Building a Tradition” which

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is rooted in the ancestry of our forefathers. Their goal is to bring culturally enriched events into Newark that will benefit, educate, as well as entertain, everyone. The statewide parade is an opportunity for people everywhere to enjoy a festive event that will delight the entire family. This year the parade will have more participants, spectators and tourists than ever before. The parade is a real family event, guaranteed to put a smile on everyone’s face, from the baby to the grandparent. It is a family activity that must be preserved and strengthened as a wholesome and unifying activity.Every year, the parade consists of marching bands, floats, politicians, step groups, giant balloons, horsemen, exotic animals, community groups and law enforcement agencies, military contingent from across the state and nation. It receives support from many entities, and the Committee is grateful for all of their contributors.Through the continuous improvement of our festivities and events, the Parade calendar now includes events during the year to raise operating capital and honor those individuals who are making human development contributions and performing positively activities in our community. The parade is committed to educating our community and has a special attraction of historical balloons celebrating our ancestors. As in past years, the Committee has held various programs celebrating Black History Month. They also host annual events such as the Interfaith Spiritual Breakfast, the Community Unity Carnival in Irvington, NJ, A spiritual concert, Leadership Brunch, Heritage Awards Gala, Urban Golf Classic, and Concerts at Union County Performing Arts Center.

Every year, the Memorial Day weekend of events starts on Friday, with the opening of the African American Heritage Cultural Festival in Weequahic Park, and runs until Monday evening. Each year the special signature attraction is skydivers who parachute directly in front of the reviewing stand on Broad Street.The holiday weekend begins on Friday evening in Weequahic Park with many free family oriented attractions. Also, there are the carnival, vendors, games and pony rides. As always, there will be numerous booths featuring mouth watering ‘soul food.’ Saturday’s events feature local artists and well-known performers. On Sunday, there are pre-parade activities and the first of over one hundred contingents, step off beginning the parade. After the parade, the festival at Weequahic Park opens with a spiritual concert on the main stage. The Heritage Festival will end on Memorial Day Monday.During the past 20 years, the AAHPC has been involved in more than only a parade. The activities and events sponsored by this leadership committee are commendable. These volunteers work very hard and many long hours with no pay and barely a thank you. Many have to bring their children and/or grandchildren with them to meetings or events. The people associated with these events make the sacrifices and commitment to serve their community any way they can. It is because of their dedication that the parade has sustained and flourished. Through it all, the people connected with AAHPC have grown individually and as a group. It is through the Committee’s work, that there has been the successful establishment of a sense of pride, unity and mutual cooperation.

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Page 55: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

FREE Initial Tax Consultation10% OFF for New Clients

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Page 56: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

Life Transformation

Many people do not know that there is inexpensive if not free dental care available at UMDNJ’s Dental Clinic

Health Care Without Healthcare: Continued

So, you’re experiencing some oral pain do to a tooth ache. Usually this occurs in the wee hours of the morning and you scramble to find some pain killers like Tylenol, Aleve, Orajel, or even a shot of your favorite alcohol. The pain after awhile goes away or you endure it through the night. But you know that its a temporary

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fix and will have to be addressed at some point.

A bigger problem is that you may no longer have the dental plan that you used to. In fact you might not have any insurance at all.

What do you do?

In our last look into health care without healthcare we talked about how to get m e d i c a l c a re w i t h o u t m e d i c a l c o v e r a g e . However, if you are in pain and need to have an tooth extraction the UMDNJ and most other hospitals will provide no cost or low cost care through the state’s charity care program.

There is of course a process which involved v is i t ing the Fina nc ia l C o u n s e l i n g o f f i c e , s p e a k i n g w i t h a n information receptionist and taking a number and waiting to see a counselor. They then will fill out a financial questionnaire Dentists at the Dental Clinic

Dental Clinic waiting room

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and send it to the state for approval, which takes about a week. Once the approval is returned all medical treatment from the hospital is done at no or reduced cost.

There are many programs and agencies provid ing medical services to those who are in need. Consult your hospital’s clinic.

You are usually seen by 4-5 interns and a Doctor at the Student Family Health Center

Dentists at the Dental Clinic

Page 59: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

Your ad here.Just $60 for

the whole year!

Metro Christian Media 1 YEAR Ad rates.

Print 12 Publications

We create and design and publish your adFull Page $240, Half Page $120, Quarter Page $60

RADIO104 spots over 52 weeks

We create and record and air your ad60 seconds $240, 30 Seconds $120

TV 104 spots over 52 weeks

We create, produce, direct and air your commercial60 Seconds $1560, 30 Seconds $1020

Increase your visability and your business.

Contact: Rick [email protected]


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Page 61: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

Go Out And Fail At Something... JUST DON’T QUIT.


Page 62: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

As a ministry leader I have found it interesting that the subject of marriage and divorce are much discussed subjects. We heap plenty of praise upon couples that announce their engagement and the date of their upcoming wedding. We want to offer them advice, counseling and suggestions for how to make their marriage last. Some of it may be biblical and some of it more worldly and traditional. We lift these couples up on a pedestal and celebrate the fact that are going to do it God’s way. They are going to honor God with their relationship. No shacking up for this couple, nope, they are going to make a commitment before God and before man. Hallelujah. 

We heap plenty of criticism on couples that announce their divorce. We try to shove the bible down their throat by quoting scripture on how God hates divorce. We try to offer them counseling with the hopes of convincing them to stay married and fight the temptation to permanently separate. Sometimes we try to manipulate them by showing them statistics of divorce between christians and non - christians. How dare you get a divorce look at the impact you are having on the body of Christ. We are different, we shouldn’t operate the way the world does. The world says divorce God says stay married, stay committed, stay as one. Don’t let man break up what God has joined together.

Then there’s that other segment of the population known as the single christian. You know them, they’re all around your local congregation. They are the single women who are married to Jesus waiting for their prince. They are the single men who are shy and introverted. They are the single men and women that have been used and abused and seriously wounded by past relationships or traumas that have left them totally unwilling to get involved in another relationship. They are the ones that are afraid of rejection and not being able to find their perfect match (truth be told there is no such thing as a perfect match, all of us have flaws). But none the less they are out there.  Some churches try to have a single christian ministry, while some churches don’t. But this is a segment of the body of Christ that has to be ministered to as well. 

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How should the topic of being a single christian be addressed?

1. Don’t pressure single christians to get married: A lot of us single christians have seen  many marriages fail. And we understand the seriousness of the institution that God has created. Those of us that are single don’t want to make the same mistakes that we’ve seen others make. A lot of us know that we aren’t ready to make that type of commitment.

2. Please don’t try to play matchmaker: We know that your intentions are good. But meeting a blind date is often times awkward and embarrassing. The person you think may be a perfect match may or may not be. When we are ready to seek, ask and knock we will.

3. Remember that some people like being single: I know that may come as a shocker. But I know for myself that I actually like being alone. I may be alone but I’m not lonely. There are those of us out there that are not so desperate that we’ll just put up with anybody just for the sake of saying we have a husband or wife.

4. God has us single for a season and for a reason: Some people are just too busy doing ministry and some people are just too busy doing life. Marriage requires a lot of energy and I don’t know about you but I just don’t have that much energy. There are plenty of other issues in peoples life that are keeping them busy. Health, finances, family members etc. For some of us right now is not the right time.

5. Don’t alienate or feel sorry for single christians: We are not some grotesque creature that needs to be avoided and we don’t need you to pity us. Just acknowledge that our status is not the same as yours. You may be enjoying every moment with your spouse. We are enjoying every moment with the Lord. You may be demonstrating God’s love with your spouse. We are demonstrating God’s love with the body as a whole. 

Matthew 19: 11-12 (Message Bible) “But Jesus said, “Not everyone is mature enough to live a married life. It requires a certain aptitude and grace. Marriage isn’t for everyone. Some, from birth seemingly, never give marriage a thought. Others never get asked—or accepted. And some decide not to get married for kingdom reasons. But if you’re capable of growing into the largeness of marriage, do it.”

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from facebook

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Page 66: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

The Bible Teaching Ministry of Pastor Rick Greene


Thursday 3/77pm

Bible Study - The Book of John

Faith & Hope Ministries350 Lafayette St. 2nd Fl., Newark, NJ

Saturday 3/9 Speaker Private Leadership Conference

Deliverance Jesus Is Coming Church43 Harrison Pl, Irvington, NJ

Sunday 3/1011am

Preaching/Installation Service

Charity Baptist Church51 Jones Street, Newark, NJ

Wednesday 3/13Noon

Noon Day Prayer Metropolitan Baptist Church149 Springfield Ave., Newark, NJ

Thursday 3/147pm

Bible Study - The Book of John

Faith & Hope Ministries350 Lafayette St. 2nd Fl., Newark, NJ

Wednesday 3/20Noon

Noon Day Prayer Metropolitan Baptist Church149 Springfield Ave., Newark, NJ

Thursday 3/217pm

Bible Study - The Book of John

Faith & Hope Ministries350 Lafayette St. 2nd Fl., Newark, NJ

Sunday 3/104pm

Preaching Dominion Fellowship Ministries216 16th Avenue, Newark, NJ

Thursday 3/287pm

Bible Study - The Book of John

Faith & Hope Ministries350 Lafayette St. 2nd Fl., Newark, NJ

Sunday 3/31 Speaker RelationshipsWomen’s Conference

Marriott Hotel & Resort1401 Rt 10 East, Whippany NJ

Page 67: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine


Prices subject to change without notice Rev. 05/2012

Metro Christian Media


Page 68: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine
Page 69: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine


The 4th Annual Excellent In Business & Community Service Awards Dinner

Honorary Chair: Mayor Cory A. Booker Honorary Co-Chairs: Mayor Wayne Smith, Assemblyman Thomas P. Giblin, Congressman Donald M. Payne, Jr. Master of Ceremonies: Modia Butler The City of Newark

All Tickets purchase by March 5, 2013, will receive a complimentary free Business card Ad Apply Online at:

Thursday, March 21st 2013 6:00 p.m. (Sharp) Until 10:00 p.m. Place: The Best Western Robert Treat Hotel 50 Park Place, Newark, New Jersey (908) 251-4748

Mr. Miles Berger Chairman and C.O.O

The Berger Organization

Ms. Sheilah A. Coley Chief of Police

The City of Newark

Ms. Donna Chiera President of AFTNJ

Mr. Fateen A. Ziyad Fire Director

The City of Newark

Ms. Celest Quintana Owner/Operator Assoc. of


Mr. Vincent E. Giordano Executive Director


Mr. Al-Tariq Best C.E.O/Founder

FP YOUTHOUTCRY Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Keith H. Green President & C.E.O

The United Way of Essex & West Hudson

Ms. Genia C. Philip, Esq. Executive Director & C.E.O

C.F.E & S.J, Inc.

Ms. Marsha Snead-Williams Founder & Director

Smart Cookie Learning Center

Hon. Darrin S. Sharif Councilman of the Central Ward

The City of Newark

Page 70: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

Your ad here.Just $60 for

the whole year!

Metro Christian Media 1 YEAR Ad rates.

Print 12 Publications

We create and design and publish your adFull Page $240, Half Page $120, Quarter Page $60

RADIO104 spots over 52 weeks

We create and record and air your ad60 seconds $240, 30 Seconds $120

TV 104 spots over 52 weeks

We create, produce, direct and air your commercial60 Seconds $1560, 30 Seconds $1020

Increase your visability and your business.

Contact: Rick [email protected]


Page 71: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

Specialpublic &Local Access ProgramGuide


Kim's Korner

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Page 73: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

The on ly o the r p lace t o f i n d o u t w h a t s o n



Page 74: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

5 Weeks Of The Bible Miniseries

The Bible miniseries aired on Sunday night at 8pm on the History channel. And it will air for two hours every Sunday night for five weeks, from March 3rd through Easter Sunday on March 31st, The History Channel, seen on Cablevision’s channel 47, will be airing the epic Bible miniseries produced by Mark Burnett (Survivor, The Voice, The Apprentice) and Roma Downey (Touched By An Angel).

We found that the first night episode show scripture in a modernistic style using the effect and cinematography of our time. We highly recommend this series.

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Page 78: March 2013: Transformation Newark Magazine

During March 15th and March 17th the Godly Men of Power (G.M.O.P.) of the Deliverance Jesus Is Coming Church cordially invites you to our 2013 Conference.

Theme “Unleashing Your Giant”!!!

Location: The Deliverance Jesus Is Coming Church815 Springfield AvenueIrvington, NJ 07111(973) 763-2722

Services:Friday, March 15, 2013 – 7:30 p.m.Apostle Joel RudolphChristian Fellowship CenterPaterson, NJ Sunday, March 17, 2013 – 10:00 a.m.Bishop James H. Everett, Jr.Deliverance Jesus Is Coming ChurchIrvington, NJ Sunday, March 17, 2013 – 6:00 p.m.Bishop Charles HarrisBethel Church of Love and Praise

Theme: Unleashing Your Giant Information:

Brother Walter McLaurin - [email protected] Harry Lofton - [email protected] Addison Hardy – [email protected]

We hope to see you there!

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