Liv Magazine- The Ticket to Change Special Transformation Edition

Success Story of the Year The Power of Balance & Voice Undeniable Love True Beauty is Within IN THIS ISSUE MAGAZINE Special Transformation Edition January 2014


Top 5 Success Transformations revealed.

Transcript of Liv Magazine- The Ticket to Change Special Transformation Edition

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✦ Success Story of the Year✦ The Power of Balance &

Voice✦ Undeniable Love✦ True Beauty is Within


MAGAZINESpecial Transformation Edition

January 2014

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StrengthStrength is the foundation to any journey


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LIV is an invitation to a new way of living.

Realize you have the POWER! The power of courage, the

power of voice, the power in your life!

Life: Uncover your meaning of life, then with courage, strength and

faith, release, forgive and accept. You will then be in the present moment

and aligned in the direction of your desires.

Inspiration: Allow your desires to become your REAL Motivation - see

who you truly are, and who you deserve to become. When you are

motivated, you are able to inspire.

Vitality: Find the love of life! Be present in your vitality. Be joyful and

courageous. Chart the path to the life you’ve always wanted.

The choice is yours. Will you accept this invitation to LIV?

Transformation Sucess Stories


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ForgivenessReleasing the past means making room for what is to come


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Hello everyone, and welcome to this special Transformation Success Story Edition of the LIV magazine! Through-out these pages you will find my 5 Top Success Stories for 2013 from my program The Ticket to Change. These individuals have truly embarked on a journey to not only transform their bodies, their minds but their spirits as well. I am so honored and blessed that I was given a glimpse into their hearts, their lives and their souls. You all are truly amazing.

Special GiftI have a special gift for you to make 2014 the bestyearofyourlife,

I am offering my amazing program The Ticket to Change - based from my book The Ticket as a special gift to you. All you need to do is be a subscriber to Sean LIV TV.

The program begins Feb 10th, 2014 on Sean LIV TV

For more information or to register please visit

Here’s to 2014, the year dreams come true!

Distinct Woman Magazine - profile picture Photographer Cole Grey - she is AMAZING!

Special Transformation Edition


The LIFE you have!

TVThe LIFE you have!

TVThe LIFE you have!

TVThe life you have!


Transformation Sucess Stories

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e Top 5 Transformations Success

Amy -The Discovery of Power and Grace Pg. 7-10 Sandy - The Power of Voice and Balance Pg. 12-13 Michelle - The Love from a Woman Pg. 15-16 Patrick - The Power of a MAN Pg. 17-19 Heiki- True Beauty is Within Pg. 20-21

MAGAZINE Special Transformation Edition


Amy’s Wedding photography by:

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It’s time to stop merely surviving and time to start thriving.

The Ticket to Change is a fitness based lifestyle journey designed based from the ground book The Ticket. Over 13 weeks, you’ll embark on a path towards transforming your mind, body and spirit by using the power to open yourself to the strength within. What’s more, all challenge participants are competing for a Grand Prize!

There’s no catch, no impossible task to undertake, and no embarrassments. The Ticket to Change is for everyone looking to improve all areas of their lives by taking responsibility. It’s all about learning to own the power that already exists within you!

Please visit to register

The Ticket is perfect for people who have been trying to lose weight, make positive changes in their life or live out a dream they''ve always had. With practical tips and motivational stories, The Ticket shows people how easy it can be to break through their barriers and find their own inner power. The Ticket gives straightforward advice for strengthening body, mind and spirit, creating a united foundation for profound and positive change. It''s full of exercises you don''t need a gym membership for, tips for smart grocery shopping, strategies to make better choices - and more! It''s the ticket to a transformed life

Transformation Sucess Stories


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REVIEWSTake Ownership of Your Body and Your Life

The Ticket by fitness expert, life strategist, and motivational speaker, Sean Liv, inspires readers to unite their body, mind, and

spirit for a powerful life, inspired by her own struggles with

depression, becoming fed up with the “darkness that

surrounded my life.” Liv was able to transform far more than her body, completely revolutionizing her mentality and life,

taking an entirely new attitude towards her life journey, an

attitude that she shares with readers, passing on some of her infectious new-found self confidence. Among other techniques,

The Ticket uses powerful imagery to help readers to imagine the

life that they want for themselves, encouraging them to “take ownership of it” and beginning working towards make each day

in reality play out the way that it does in their imagination. Liv

walks readers through the action steps of plan-making,

identifying what it is that they want, what it will take to get there,

how it is necessary to shift their belief systems, and what it will

take to “own it and believe in it.” Through The Ticket, readers

are able to form a blueprint for their lives and release the emotional energy within. Although The Ticket provides valuable

lessons for everyone, its most important lessons are in taking

control of our weight and health, giving readers real, applicable,

and sensible approach to weight loss. Liv teaches readers about fitness from the inside out, helping them to form nutritional

lifestyles that are sustainable through lessons in nutrients,

vitamins, and the psychological aspect involved. By understanding nutrition, taking a healthy approach to weight

loss, and releasing your “inner athlete waiting to shine,” long-

term weight loss is possible. The Ticket helps readers to break through personal boundaries, take ownership of the lives and

bodies, and completely transform their lives. Liv is the ultimate

motivator, providing readers with wisdom garnered from real

life experience and an approach to life, happiness, and weight loss that can benefit anyone.

Incredible Guide to Self Empowerment and


The Ticket, by Sean Liv is a straightforward self-help book

that not only focuses on weight loss, but emphasizes the need

to set goals, refrain from a sedentary lifestyle, and improve

one's self perception. The combined results will enable

individuals to make positive choices and live a healthy lifestyle.

Unlike other self-help books, Liv refuses to preach, but rather

strives to achieve wellness through a thirteen week regimen

that has been proven to resurrect one's desired lifestyle and

help extract the most life has to offer. Consciously or

subconsciously, Liv states that individuals who are suffering

are imbued with self loathe; however, she clearly explains to

the audience that transformation is intrinsic; no one is going

to come to the rescue. While many will instinctively respond,

"Easier said than done," The Ticket is intriguing precisely

because the author has undergone the same lifestyle change

that she discusses in her book. Before she shed 90lbs and

regained a stronghold on her life, Sean Liv was inflicted with

the common symptoms of being overweight, struggling with

drug abuse, etc. Using visualization techniques, among other

strategies, Liv devises a clear-cut outline that provides an

exercise library, journal writing, nutrition guidance, recipes and

much more. From where to begin to getting there, The Ticket

is your one way pass to wellness--in the body, mind, and spirit.

It's safe to say that The Ticket focuses on the psychological

aspect of one's self as much, if not more than the physical

element. When an individual has self confidence, he or she is

able to infuse life with positivity, making physical

transformation a less daunting task. Learning to trust, to

forgive and to identify one's own power is at the forefront of

a new you. The Ticket is an incredible, highly recommended

asset for individuals seeking to break free from obesity, lack of

self esteem, self loathe, etc. More importantly, it has a track

record of success, beginning with the author herself.

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WHAT’S NEW?Success Story of the Year

e discovery of

Power &

GraceAmy, where do I even begin. You

are an incredible woman and I am so honored to have been able to go on this journey with you.

My wish for you is that no matter what life brings forward you have the tools to stand up fiercely and

live your life with Grace and Power. You are truly an

inspiration to myself and so many more.

Love you Girl!Sean xoxo

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Congratulations to Amy for being the Success Story of the Year. You have completely changed every aspect of your life. Your body may be transformed but it’s the voice inside you that I am most proud of. You have learned to stand up for what you believe in and will not take anything but the highest standard in your life. Love you girl.....

Continue to read Amy’s story...her journey..... and who she is today........

Success Story of the Year

A Message from Mom!

“Just look at her now. I see a very confident, happy glowing daughter. It all happened because of your guidance. Sean, I love her so much, and I know you have made her into who she is today”.


Sean, Amy and Mom at the dress fitting

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The Discovery of Power and GraceThe Success Story of the YearAmy’s Transformation:I had been thinking about losing weight for about 2 years, and I mean seriously thinking about it. I didn’t like the way I looked, I didn’t like the way I felt physically and emotionally, and there I was getting bigger and bigger. It’s funny that when you look at yourself in the mirror every day, you don’t notice the changes, that or you can deny, deny, deny. As time went on and my body expanded, I found myself hating that I had to go to the very back of the clothes racks in the stores (my favorite stores) to get the biggest size they had for sale…it was the only one that fit, and even it didn’t fit well. My diet was unhealthy, and I knew that, but somehow I reasoned that if I ate a healthy lunch at work during the week it was okay to eat unhealthy at other times. I would eat out 5-6 nights a week, and every evening I would snack on junkfood…candy and ice cream being my favorite. I always felt guilty after, but I reasoned it away by saying that just this one night wouldn’t make that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things.

I got a wedding invitation to my friend’s wedding in Maui nine months before the event. I booked my ticket right away and said to myself that I wanted to be able to wear a bathing suit on a beach by then. The months passed and I always thought, I will start next week…Monday’s a good day to start, right? Then I would think, if I’m starting on Monday, I better get in all the unhealthy food I can before then since this will be the last time I can enjoy it. Mondays came and went, and I never did start the program I wanted to. Looking back I think I felt overwhelmed thinking about where I would actually start to lose weight and be healthy, that and I really didn’t want to give up the foods I enjoyed so much. So the time came for my friend’s wedding and there I was in the bathing suit store looking for the bathing suits that could make me look

slimmer. I hadn’t done it. If anything I had gained weight, and now the time had come. I was so looking forward to her wedding, but I was dreading thinking about what I would wear there, on the beach, in the heat. Could I get away with Capri pants and a t-shirt on the beach? Would anybody notice or would people laugh at me and think I was crazy?

The night before I was to leave for Maui, I went to Chapters to get reading material for the trip. It was a blizzard outside, no one was out, but here I was at Chapters picking up books and magazines for the flight. This was the first time I met Sean. She was there doing a book signing, and thinking back I believe we were the only ones in the store because of the weather outside. As I walked past her, she asked if I wanted a power rock, and explained what they were. I was interested and agreed to take one, but got two in the process. They both said “observe”. We joked about what that might mean. Little did I know then what I would observe during and after this trip. She told me she was a personal trainer and I told her about my trip to Maui. That was it, we went our separate ways and she told me to have a great time.

I had a good time in Maui, my friend’s wedding was amazing and I was so glad I was able to be there to share it with them. I struggled with feeling big and unattractive, and I wished so bad that I could have the confidence in myself and my body that everyone else seemed to have. All I could do though, was compare myself with other women and feel bad about myself. I was totally shocked the day before we were to come home when my boyfriend proposed. I was over the moon happy, and all I could think about was that this was my final kick in the butt for making the change I had been thinking about for so long.

As soon as I got back I contacted Sean and arranged a meeting to discuss what I wanted to do. We met for tea, and I told her how unhappy I was with my lifestyle and my body. I was sick of feeling guilty,

I was sick of not fitting in my clothes properly, I was sick of being ashamed, and I was sick of feeling bad about my s e l f . We a r r a n g e d a n i n i t i a l consultation at my house for the following week for my first fitness gauge.

The day came, I got home from work and changed into my work out clothes which instantly lifted my spirits a little…I was actually going to do this. I put on my brand new running shoes and waited for Sean to arrive, all the while hoping we could get through the fitness test before my fiancé got home from work because I was embarrassed at him seeing me being so out of shape.

Sean arrived and we talked, she was so easy to talk to. She told me all about the fitness gauge and that it wouldn’t take long to complete. She got me to start by doing step-ups on my stairs to see how many I could do in 3 minutes. I remember feeling my legs burning and being out of breath and she said, “okay, now that you’re warmed up, we’ll start”. I thought: Warmed up? What? Those didn’t count at all? I can’t keep doing those! I thought you were timing me! Alas, it was true, it was my warm up, and now the gauge was to begin. I can’t remember how many step-ups I did that day because I was so concentrated on feeling like I was dying. However the 3 minutes came and went and I finished them, however I did need a break in the middle.

Then came the pushups. She showed me how to do them from my knees, and when I got into position I said “I don’t think I can actually do one this way”. I was embarrassed, but she said it was okay, we’d do them on the wall to start…and that’s how my push-ups started…wall push-ups. Next was the wall sit. I remembered doing this in high school, and I remembered it burned but I was up for trying. I got into position, she started the timer and before I knew it the pain was too much and I couldn’t take anymore.  


Transformation Sucess Stories


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I stood up and said sorry. She reassured me that this was okay for a first fitness gauge, we were just starting out. She showed me her stopwatch…my wall sit was a total of 18 seconds…I knew at that point I had a lot of work to do.

I did a grocery store tour with Sean which was extremely helpful. I learned about ways to incorporate new foods into my diet, and the importance of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Wait a second…whole grains? I ate white bread…did that have to change?

My fiancé and I did our grocery shopping together, and I felt good having a cart full of healthy food. I started working out with Sean three times a week. I remember the first month was hard because I had so many cravings for foods I was no longer eating…especially fast food hamburgers. I fought the urges though, and always felt better once the craving passed and I knew I didn’t give in. I was making healthy choices and I was proud of it! My taste buds adapted to the new foods I was eating, so much so that when I tasted one of the jarred mandarin oranges in juice to put in my salad, I cringed because it tasted too sweet. Gone were the days of ice cream and candy…but approaching were the days of living a healthy lifestyle. That felt much better than any candy or ice cream in the world.

I started to see results in 1 month! When we did the fitness gauge at the end of the first month, I was able to do a few push-ups from my knees! Unbelievable! The one measurement I remember clearly was losing 2 inches from my thigh!

The next month passed and I continued to work out and eat healthier. The cravings for old comfort foods actually started to diminish! I had replaced those foods with healthier foods that I was enjoying just as much! I actually wasn’t feeling deprived! I couldn’t believe it. The soul meals definitely helped with that, because there were still a few foods that I really enjoyed eating in moderation. Also, the fact that I

was eating them just once in a while, but was exercising and eating healthy the rest of the time cancelled out the guilty feelings, which felt amazing!

I struggled in the third month. I lost my motivation a little, I’m not sure why. I didn’t want to quit, but I just needed a break. Sean was totally willing to give that to me, and for a week I didn’t exercise. I continued to eat healthy for the most part though, and the next week I was ready to go again. I felt okay giving myself that break because I actually went back to the exercise…I didn’t give up and didn’t quit! I wasn’t allowing myself to do that, I had come too far to go back to old ways.

One of the things that is as satisfying as learning how many inches I lost, or how much weight I was down, was the feeling of being strong. I could feel my strength increasing, I knew what it meant now to activate my core muscles because I actually had core muscles, I could feel them. I can’t describe how incredible it feels to go from wall push-ups to knee push-ups, and from an 18 second wall sit to staying in that position for one minute and 54 seconds! Now my motivation is to see how much stronger I can get. What else can I do that I never thought was possible?

The most important thing Sean has taught me is that it’s the little choices everyday that make the difference. Where I once thought “oh, this one hamburger won’t make a difference” I now know that it did. Every time I let myself give in, I was making a decision to be in that lifestyle, in that body, and I was so unhappy. So now when I think “I’ll just take the elevator today” I hear Sean’s voice and her reminder about the little choices that add up and I take the stairs instead. I have my moments of low motivation, I have my moments of not wanting to exercise, but they are so few and far between that I just deal with them when they arise. I have so much to look forward to now and am interested in so many things that I had lost interest in. I feel good about myself for the first time in years, and while I know I still have work to do, I also know that I am on my way and if I continue on this path I will only feel stronger and more confident. This is the path I choose.

“Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set Ahmet In Condinmentum. Nullam Wisi Acru Suscpit Consectetuer viviamus Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set Ahmet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set Ahmet In Wisi.”

Leo Praesen


The discovery of power and grace

Making progress


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BelieveBelieve in yourself and watch the magic appear


Transformation Sucess Stories

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THE POWER OF VOICEOhmylove.You,yourjourneyand





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The Power of Voice and Balance:Sandy’s Transformation:

Thank you for the opportunity to share my 'whole body' success story. I say whole body as it wasn't just a physical transformation but a quest deeper within myself.  

After a series of serious flu-like episodes in one year, I realized my body had hit a wall.  Testing from doctors proved unsuccessful so over the next few years, I sought the care of a homeopath, naturopath and an herbalist. The process unfolded into learning  I was allergic to wheat, dairy, s u g a r a n d a f e w o t h e r i n t o l e r a n c e s .  S u p p l e m e n t s a n d homeopathic remedies and   changes in my diet saved my health and my career. Herbal supplements were critical at this point as I'm sure it would've led to

irreparable disease. During this time I learned of a woman who was not only a fitness coach but who also infused a more holistic approach.   It was a form of fitness therapy unlike anything I'd experienced before, helping me to understand that not only are our bodies, physical but a physical manifestation of what we believe in. Change your thoughts, change your body. Once I was able to combine the care of alternative health practitioners as well as those who p r o v i d e d m a s s a g e , R e i k i , a n d chiropractic's, and sessions with Sean Liv, my life changed forever and I haven't looked back. That was three years ago and since I've lost (and kept off) 45 pounds a n d g a i n e d a d e e p e r s e n s e o f understanding about myself and how my body, soul and spirit all work to support my purpose in life. Sean's guidance was (an still is) customized, attainable and effective. Since the Ticket to Change

program, I have returned many times for her boot camps, the Race to Liv wall/run event, and enjoyed her speaking engagements. Sean's guidance has taken me to levels of understanding I'd never known. Her warmth and dedication, energy and knowledge, are constant r e m i n d e r s that body, mind & soul ba lance i s n o t o n l y possible, but allows us to embrace the a b u n d a n t potentiality in us.


“The body, mind & soul balance i s n o t o n l y poss ib le , but a l l ows us to emb race t he a b u n d a n t potentiality in us”



Transformation Sucess Stories

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TrustTrust in the process to master your dreams

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Undeniable LOVE An amazing couple transformation.

Patrick, You are truly an inspiration to all. You have overcome so much and I am honored to have you as a Transformation Success Story. You and Michelle are true leaders in the field

of personal growth, triumphs and perseverance. Here’s to making this year the best one yet.

Sean xxoo

Awe Michelle, where do I even begin with you. Your talents, your love, and your soul have touched me in ways I

will always be grateful. You trusted the process even though it was a challenge and look at you now. I am so proud

and honored our lives crossed paths in this life time.

Sean xxoo

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The love from a Woman:Michelle’s Transformation:I was in the worst shape of my life…and I

d o n ’ t j u s t m e a n physically. I had just l e f t m y husband of 2 2 y e a r s a n d w a s doing my b e s t t o help my 13 y e a r - o l d d a u g h t e r a n d 1 1 y e a r - o l d son cope. We were all i n emotional t u r m o i l after years o f

dysfunction and heartache. I wanted to hide from the world. I didn’t feel like I even belonged in my own body. I had no energy, felt hopeless, overwhelmed and had zero motivation. I felt embarrassed of my weight, everything hurt, and I was totally neglecting my health. I felt worthless and was drowning in sorrow. I had completely lost who I was, and when

you aren’t connected to yourself, it is the worst kind of loneliness. To say I was stuck and in need of help is the understatement of the century. I knew I needed to make a serious change.

Then I found ‘The Ticket’. This program was the catalyst for the most incredible journey of transformation… And reclaiming my physical health was just the beginning! My biggest challenge was re-defining myself in my own mind. After many years of emotional abuse and abandonment, my self-esteem was extremely low and I was massively depressed. So I wrote a bunch of positive affirmations and read them out loud many times a day. “I am strong and beautiful and courageous. I have peace, purpose and passion in my life. I am so blessed and grateful for each gorgeous day. I give myself permission to tend to

this one body and life I have. I trust myself and am gentle on my spirit. I push hard to see what I am capable of. I am brilliant and amazing to the core. I am worthy of creating health and happiness. I devote time, effort and energy to making my goals reality. I have so much to give. I believe in the healing power of love. I believe in dreams coming true. My heart is just drenched in joy!” I also made a list of good things I could do for myself; like drinking lots of water, eating healthy, exercising, writing in my journal, listening to inspirational music, playing with my children, keeping my house tidy and my time organized… etc. I turned ever y th ing I cou ld in to g i f t s and opportunities to show love and compassion to myself. I celebrated milestones with rewards and kept encouraging myself.

Amazingly the pounds started melting away and my long lost self started coming to the surface… she was hidden under that thick protective layer of fat! As I began embracing my power, my confidence grew. My body became stronger, and I developed greater endurance and flexibility. But it wasn’t just the external parts of me that were changing… inside my soul was getting into better shape too; it was more open, full of faith and forgiveness, and hungry to connect, to serve and be free. I was feeling inspired as a mother, friend and businesswoman and achieving greater success in those areas too. I remember noticing how happy my eyes

looked one day… I had this huge smile on my face; it was then I realized I was back! I lost 23 lbs. and 4 dress sizes, but that is nothing compared to what I gained.

In the course of forcing myself to deal in reality, my ex-husband was also forced to deal in reality. Thankfully he decided to go for some major therapy and counseling to help him overcome a tragic childhood and addictions he had battled for years. After we addressed our complex issues; an absolutely unexpected and extraordinary miracle occurred... We ended up falling even deeper in love and got married all over again! After our wedding, he too followed the concepts of ‘The Ticket to Change’ program and lost 55 lbs. of fat and gained over 20 lbs. of muscle in just three months!

We are living proof that transformation is possible; whether it is your body, your relationship or your very soul that needs transforming. Healing can and does happen. It is an ongoing process of discovering your authentic voice and then learning to communicate and operate in truth. It is only when we are able to honor all the parts of o u r s e l v e s that we are a b l e t o g e n u i n e l y connect to others. We must invest in ourselves if we are to h a v e t h e energy and resources to g i v e t o others. Just k e e p surrendering to a greater w i s d o m … read, listen a n d l e a r n and take one s t e p a t a t i m e , o n e day at a time. You have the ticket, now where is it that you would like to go?





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The Power of a manPatrick’s Transformation: Many years later, a 50 year old looks back and sees very little impact he has made on this world. Why has my life not turned out? I tried, I worked, I prayed, I dreamed, I read the positive books? Why not me?

Fear can get it’s self into every area of life; love, success, relationships and even health. I remember seeing the body transformation contests in magazines 17 years ago and thinking, “I could do this, I could do well at this contest”, and I was excited. But then doubt and fear came to steal, and it did. Year after year I would again come across a magazine or a poster of these transformation contests and oh how I wished I could enter just to say I did it. How many times I watched DVDs and read articles of the people who did it and I would ache to be someone who had changed. I took my before pictures again and again, but never an after picture. What if I did not have a remarkable change in my body? Would that be more proof I was not able?

January 17, 2013 another before picture. I needed to change something (more like everything) in my life. This is the start? I

was in the worst shape I have ever been in and it seems like time for life is running out. After all I am 50 years old and really feel like I have achieved nothing. Each day I will do something to transform my body. Make a good food choice, hit the gym, work out hard, that was the plan. Some days I worked hard and some days my workouts were Ok. But I did something and I started to give myself some credit for doing something. I moved in the right direction. I was getting stronger physically but also emotionally.

My first after picture in 17 years. For the first time in my life I completed something of real importance. I have gained a healthier me but I have also gained self-respect. I have completed the transformation completion, but what I have really completed is the start of a new life, a life of belief and possibilities.

“Dad can you help us do what you did.” Those were some of the first words my children said to me after they saw my after pictures! What more could I ask for. I have dreams again. I am truly blessed.





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Undeniable LOVE



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LoveOnly by loving the good, the bad and the ugly,

can you begin to see and feel the joy of unconditional love


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Thank you for allowing me on this journey with you. You are a beautiful woman inside

and out. My hope for you is always remembering where true beauty lies..


Thank you for allowing me a glimpse into the amazing confident person you are!

Sean xo

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True Beauty is within:Heike’s Transformation:Like many of us women, Heike struggled to see herself as who she truly was. I'm sure you would agree with me that her beauty is undeniable. She is smart, talented and loving. Heike was by far one of the most fit transformations - in fact she was already training for half marathons prior to beginning The Ticket to Change.

Heike's transformation is truly a transformation from the inside out. Before her transformation, she was shy, lacked self-assurance and wanted to stand up and live her life. Now she is

unstoppable, beautiful and fearless. Her life is truly just beginning.

"This program has been a positive help with being able to pull myself out of the funk I was in after a dramatic work experience.  Firming up my body has given me more confidence, self esteem and being proud of who I am inside and out. I’m healthy and positive and feel that I can do anything.   I am actually excited to step out of my c o m f o r t z o n e a n d d o a boudoir photo shoot.


Starting the transformation.... First time looking at herself after her make-over Thanks to the gals at Murals at South Center Mall for her beautiful make-over


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I promise.......__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Dear 2014,

Print this page and write a promise to the year ahead of all the abundant opportunities

Today’s Date :____________________




Make a Promise

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My Life in 2014 Print this page and create your own

Life Blue Print Board

Cut and glue pictures that represent each area in your life to create your blue print for 2014

Family and Relationships

Success and Abundance

Passion and CareerSelf Care and Self Nurture


Health & Vitality

Money and Savings


e Home - living spaces

Exercise and Nutrition



Transformation Sucess Stories

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