Male Pelvic Viscera

Lecturer: Dante Roel Fernandez RT, M.D.


male pelvic viscera

Transcript of Male Pelvic Viscera

Page 1: Male Pelvic Viscera

Lecturer: Dante Roel Fernandez RT, M.D.

Page 2: Male Pelvic Viscera

A firm mobile organ lying within the scrotum, with the left usually lying at a lower level than the right.

Surrounded by a tough fibrous capsule, the tunica albuginea.

From the inner surface of the capsule is a series of fibrous septa that divides the interior of the organ into lobules.

Lying within each lobule are one to three coiled seminiferous tubules. The tubules open into a network of channels called the rete testis. Small efferent ductules connect the rete testis to the upper end of the epididymis. Normal spermatogenesis can occur only if the testis are at a temperature lower than that of the abdominal cavity.

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A firm structure lying posterior to the testis, with the vas deferens lying on its medial side. It has an expanded pper end, the head, a body, and a pointed tail inferiorly laterally.

The epididymis is much-coiled tube nearly 20 feet (6cm) long, embedded in connective tissue.

A tube called the vas deferens emerges from the tail of the epididymis and enters the spermatic cord.

The long length of the duct of the epididymis provides storage space for the spermatozoa and allows them to mature.

One of the main functions of the epididymis is the absorption of fluid.

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Blood supply of the testis and epididymis Supplied by a branch of the abdominal aorta,

the testicular artery. The testicular veins emerge from the testis

and the epididymis as a venous network, the pampinifrom plexus. This becomes a single vein as it ascends through the inguinal canal. The right testicular vein drains into the inferior vena cava, while the left drains in the left renal vein.

Lymphatic drainage of the testis and epididymis

The lymph vessels ascend in the spermatic cord and end in the lymph nodes on the side of the aorta (lumbar or para-aortic) nodes at the level of the first lumbar vertebra.

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A thick-walled tube about 18 inches (45cm) long that conveys mature sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct and urethra.

Arises from the lower end or tail of the epididymis and passes through the inguinal canal.

Emerges from the deep inguinal ring and passes around the lateral margin of the inferior epigastric artery. It then passes downward and backward on the lateral wall of the pelvis and crosses the ureter in the region of the ischial spine.

The vas deferens then runs medially and downward on the posterior surface of the bladder.

The terminal part of the vas deferens is dilated to form the ampulla of the vas deferens.

Forms the ejaculatory duct.

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The seminal vesicle are two lobulated organs about 2 inches (5cm) long, lying on the posterior surface of the bladder.

Their upper ends are widely separated, and their lower ends are close together.

On the medial side of each vesicle lies the terminal part of the vas deferens.

Posteriorly, the seminal vesicle are related to the rectum.

Inferiorly, each seminal vesicle narrows and joins the vas deferens of the same side to form the ejaculatory duct.

Each seminal vesicle consists of much-coiled tube embedded in connective tissue. The function of the seminal vesicles is to produce a secretion that is added to the seminal fluid.

Secretion essential for nourishment.

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There are two ejaculatory ducts; each formed by union of the vas deferens and the duct of the seminal vesicle.

The ducts pierces the posterior surface of the prostate and open into the prostatic part of the urethra, close to the margins of the prostatic utricle. Function is to drain the seminal vesicle fluid into the prostatic urethra.

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A fibro muscular glandular organ shaped like an inverted cone that surrounds the prostatic urethra.

It is about 1 ¼ inches (3cm) long and lies between the neck of the bladder above and the urogenital diaphragm below.

A fibrous capsule surrounds the prostate. Outside the capsule is a fibrous sheath, which is

part of the visceral layer of pelvic fascia. The prostate has a base, which superiorly lies

against the bladder neck, and an apex, which lies inferiorly against the urogenital diaphragm.

The two ejaculatory ducts pierce the upper part of the posterior surface of the prostate, to open into the prostatic urethra at the lateral margins of the prostatic utricle.

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The prostate is incompletely divided into five lobes:

Anterior lobe- lies in front of the urethra and is devoid of glandular tissue.

Median, middle lobe- is the wedge-shaped and situated between the urethra and the ejaculatory ducts. Its upper surface is related to the trigone of the baldder; it is rich in glands.

Posterior lobe- is situated behind the urethra and below the ejaculatory ducts and also contains glandular tissue.

Right and left lateral lobes- lie on either side of the urethra and are separated from one another by a shallow vertical groove on the posterior surface of the prostate. The lateral lobes contain many glands.

Function is the producton of a thin, milky fluid containing citirc acid and acid phosphatase. Helps neutralize the acidity in the vagina.

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Relations: Superiorly- the base of the prostate is

continuous with the neck of the bladder, the smooth muscle passing without interruption from one organ to the other. The urethra enters the center of the base of the prostate.

Inferiorly- the apex of the prostate lies on the upper surface of the urogenital diaphragm. The urethra leaves the prostate just above the apex on the anterior surface.

Anteriorly- the anterior surface of the prostate is related to the symphysis pubis, separated from it by the extraperitoneal fat in the retropubic space (cave of retzius).

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The fibrous sheath of the prostate is connected to the posterior aspect of the pubic bones by the puboprostatic ligaments.

These ligaments lay one on either side of the midline and are condensations of pelvic fascia.

Posteriorly- the posterior surface of the prostate is closely related to the anterior surface of the rectal ampulla and is separated from it by the rectovesical septum (fascia of Denonvillier).

Blood supply: the arterial supply to the prostate is from branches of the inferior vesical and middle rectal arteries. The veins is from the prostatic venous plexus the prostatic plexus receives the deep dorsal vein of the penis and numerous vesical veins and drains into the internal iliac veins.

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Lymphatic drainage- lymph vessels from the prostate drain into the internal iliac nodes.

Nerve supply- nerve supply to the prostate is from the inferior hypogastric plexuses. The sympathetic nerves stimulate the smooth muscle of the prostate during ejaculation.

Prostatic urethra- Is about 1 ½ inches (3cm) long and begins at

the neck of the bladder. It passes through the prostate from the base

to the apex, where it becomes continuous with the membranous part of the urethra.

The widest and most dilatable portion of the entire urethra.

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On the posterior wall is a longitudinal ridge called urethral crest.

On each side of this ridge is a groove the prostatic sinus, prostatic glands open into this sinus.

On the summit of the urethral crest is a depression, prostatic utricle.

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