Making social media work for you in project management, 19th Jan, Harlow

ProgM The Programme Management Specific Interest Group John Chapman, Programme Director

Transcript of Making social media work for you in project management, 19th Jan, Harlow


The Programme Management Specific Interest Group

John Chapman, Programme Director

John Chapman


1 Triton Square, London,

Next door to Euston Tower

John Chapman

5 minute walk to Regents Park

1. What are Social Media?

2. The Conversation Prism

3. The APM BoK meets Social Media

4. Why visual content is important

5. A workshop: Video Recording and Speaking

to Camera

6. Questions


Social media are computer-

mediated tools that allow people to

create, share or exchange

information, ideas, and pictures /

videos in virtual

communities and networks.

What are social media?

… social media depend on mobile and web-

based technologies to create highly interactive

platforms through which individuals and

communities share, co-create, discuss, and

modify user-generated content.

What are social media?

They introduce substantial and pervasive

changes to communication between businesses,

organizations, communities, and individuals

What are social media?

Social media differ from traditional or industrial

media in many ways, including quality, reach,

frequency, usability, immediacy and


What are social media?

Social media operates in a dialogic transmission

system, (many sources to many receivers).

This is in contrast to traditional media that

operates under a monologic transmission model

(one source to many receivers).

What are social media?


1. Context

2. People

3. Delivery

4. Interfaces

The APM BoK Meets Social Media

Setting up & maintaining a Wiki

Running a discussion forum

How to run live cast

How to record videos (Internal & External


The APM BoK Meets Social Media: Skills

How to prepare blogs (audio, video, written)

– Audio blogs : have you tried to record


How to Tweet

– Text, text & pictures, text & videos?

How to use Vine

The APM BoK Meets Social Media: Skills


– Profile

– Share an Update

– Publish a post

– How do your skills & experience relate to your


The APM BoK Meets Social Media: Skills

Mobile Phone & Video


Mobile phone : Nokia 1020

Accessories to consider

Tripod to hold

the phone

A phone holder to

screw onto the tripod

Suggested reading

You're On!: How to Develop

Great Media Skills for TV,

Radio and the Internet

ISBN-10: 1845282558

ISBN-13: 978-1845282554

Alec Sabin

Suggested reading

Your Voice and How to Use it:

The classic guide to speaking

with confidence

ISBN-10: 0863698263

ISBN-13: 978-0863698262

Cicely Berry O.B.E

Preparing for Recording: Appearance

Standing or seated?

Hair looking tidy

Tie straight

Shirt is looking tidy, flat and not creased

If wearing a jacket then tie is flat

Smile is fresh – no spinach in teeth

No shaving cuts!

Remember: This is a visual medium. Once on the

internet it is there to be replayed over and over again

Preparing for Recording: Warm Up

Vocal warm up – you need to speak clearly

You See Oz

Fat Lazy Cat

The boy hit the ball with the bat

Bob got the job before he left on his trip

A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

Seven slick slimey snakes slowly sliding southward

Note: Feel the face stretching

Preparing for Recording: Location

Where are you going to record?

Is it quiet?

What is behind you?

Does it look like a business?

Is it a blank wall?

Preparing for Recording: Speaking to Camera

Look up or at camera

Wait three seconds at start then speak

Watch the news: the news reader does not jump in &

start speaking immediately

Wait three seconds at end after finishing speaking and

smile – always smile!

No deviation, hesitation or repetition

No autocue

a. Project Status Briefing

b. Personal Introduction – for LinkedIn

c. Video Blog (on a particular subject)

d. Preparing for a Project Activity (e.g.

system design)


Create your own project briefing / personal


Subjects to consider:

a. Project Status report

b. Personal Introduction – for LinkedIn

c. Video Blog

d. Preparing for a project event

Split into groups

Your turn

Who is going to speak?

Who is the camera operator?


Introduce yourself

– Name & Role

Make a few key points e.g.

– Project stages & time-lines

– Personal experience

Closing statement

Keep it to 1 minute

What are you going to say?

Prepare a script

Windows Movie Maker

Remove Unwanted start & end points

Add in Music (remember copyright)

Add in Title & Captions

Save Movie Project

Save Movie (to MP4 or .wmv)

Windows Movie Maker


An individual site to share knowledge and promote ourselves

Social Media Landscape: Sharing & Publishing

5 Dimensions Link Breadth (Body of Knowledge: concepts, terms & activities that

make up a professional domain including publications & articles)


YouTube Site


Depth (Competence framework – knowledge & experience under

technical, behavioural & contextual domains)

Education on

How to create a video blog

How to setup a YouTube site

Accountability (Delivery of services to ProgM / APM members &

SIG communications)

As shown

A challenge

Vine is a short-form video sharing

service. It was founded in June

2012, a and microblogging

website Twitter acquired it in

October 2012, just before its

official launch.

The service lets users record and

edit up to six-second-long looping

video clips and revine, or share

others' posts with followers

A challenge

You have 6 seconds to get your point across

Can you do it?

John Chapman

Programme Director


1 Triton Square, London, NW1 3DX, UK