19th Jan Lec

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Transcript of 19th Jan Lec

  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec


  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec


  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec



    PRODCTSAn oil refinery is an organized and coordinated arrangement of

    manufacturing processes designed to produce physical and

    chemical changes in crude oil to convert it into everyday products

    like petrol, diesel, lubricating oil, fuel oil and bitumen.

    THERE ARE N!"ER #$ %R#&'T( #$ %ETR#)E!

    One 42-gallon barrel of oil creates 19.4 gallons of gasoline. The rest (over half) is used tomake things like:

    Solvents Diesel fuel Motor Oil Bearing Grease

  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec


    Ink Floor Wax Ballpoint Pens Football Cleats

    Upholster S!eaters Boats Inse"ti"i#es

    Bi""le $ires Sports Car Bo#ies %ail Polish Fishing lures

    Dresses $ires Golf Bags Perfu&es

    Cassettes Dish!asher parts $ool Boxes Shoe Polish

    Motor""le 'el&et Caulking Petroleu& (ell $ransparent $ape

    CD Plaer Fau"et Washers )ntisepti"s Clothesline

    Curtains Foo# Preservatives Basketballs Soap

    *ita&in Capsules )ntihista&ines Purses Shoes

    Dashboar#s Cortisone Deo#orant Footballs

    Putt Des Pant 'ose +efrigerant

    Per"olators ,ife (a"kets +ubbing )l"ohol ,inings

    Skis $* Cabinets Shag +ugs -le"tri"ian.s $ape

    $ool +a"ks Car Batter Cases -pox Paint

  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec


    Mops Sla"ks Inse"t +epellent Oil Filters

    U&brellas /arn Fertili0ers 'air Coloring

    +oofing $oilet Seats Fishing +o#s ,ipsti"k

    Denture )#hesive ,inoleu& I"e Cube $ras Sntheti" +ubber

    Speakers Plasti" Woo# -le"tri" Blankets Gl"erin

    $ennis +a"kets +ubber Ce&ent Fishing Boots Di"e

    %lon +ope Can#les $rash Bags 'ouse Paint

    Water Pipes 'an# ,otion +oller Skates Surf Boar#s

    Sha&poo Wheels Paint +ollers Sho!er Curtains

    Guitar Strings ,uggage )spirin Safet Glasses

    )ntifree0e Football 'el&ets )!nings -eglasses

    Clothes $oothbrushes I"e Chests Footballs

    Co&bs CD.s 1 D*D.s Paint Brushes Detergents

    *apori0ers Balloons Sun Glasses $ents

  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec


    'eart *alves Craons Para"hutes $elephones

    -na&el Pillo!s Dishes Ca&eras

    )nestheti"s )rtifi"ial $urf )rtifi"ial li&bs Ban#ages

    Dentures Mo#el Cars Fol#ing Doors 'air Curlers

    Col# "rea& Movie fil& Soft Conta"t lenses Drinking Cups

    Fan Belts Car -na&el Shaving Crea& )&&onia

    +efrigerators Golf Balls $oothpaste Gasoline

    P-$+O,-UM P+ODUC$S $-S$I%G M-$'ODS

    A(T!*American (tandard Testing !ethod+ (# *nternational #rganization for (tandardization+

    %*nstitute of %etroleum+ and other test methods for the analysis of petroleum AN& "( *"ritish(tandard+UOP (Universal Oil Products)

  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec


    Test Description Test Method

    -,/&imethyl/0/tertiary/butylphenol 'ontent of Aviation

    Turbine $uel by H%)'

    % 11

  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec


    Test Description Test Method

    Absorbance by 2 at single fi3ed 4avelength A(T! &-556

    Absorbance by 2 scan A(T! &--07

    Acetaldehyde 'ontent of 2inyl Acetate A(T! &-878, E10

    Acetone in !ethanol A(T! &808-

    Acid Acceptance A(T! &-7-

    Acid and Alkalinity Numbers of %olyols A(T! &00-

    Acid and "ase Numbers A(T! &79, % 1:, %


    Acid and "ase Numbers *%otentiometric+ A(T! &-670, &917,

    &00, % 899

    Acid Number and Naphthenic Acids #% :0:

    Acid ;ash 'olor A(T! &66

    Acidity &8081, &-767, &69,

    Acidity *'olorimetric+ A(T! &1--

    Acidity and Alkalinity of )ubricating

  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec


    Test Description Test Method

    Acidity in Ethylene

  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec


    Test Description Test Method

    Aldehyde 'ontent A(T! &-887, &-878

    Aldehydes and =etones in !ethanol "( :50/-

    Aldehydes in Ethanol "( :59

    Alkalinity A(T! &808, &-767,


    Alkalinity in Ethanol "( :59

    Amine Acid Acceptance *Alkalinity+ of Halogenated #rganic


    A(T! &-850


    Ammonia in

  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec


    Test Description Test Method


  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec


    Test Description Test Method

    Ash 'ontent of Engine 'oolants and Antirusts A(T! &8887

    Ash 'ontent of )ubricating

  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec


    Test Description Test Method

    "enzene by nfrared (pectrometry EN -16

    "enzene 'ontent A(T! &1050

    "enzene in Hydrocabon (olvents A(T! &109

    "enzene in !otor and Aviation east+ T! 8519

    "iofuel Analysis

    "iodiesel 'ontent A(T! &09:8

    "iodiesel $uels Testing

    "iofuels (ervices A/@ )isting

    "iomass $uel Testing

    "!' *"ureau of !ines 'orrelation nde3 'alculation+ "!'

    "oiling Range &istribution of

  • 7/25/2019 19th Jan Lec


    Test Description Test Method

    "romine nde3A(T! &87-, &-985,

    % -77

    "romine NumberA(T! &88:7, E-1, %

    8-7, % 815

    "TE Analysis T! 8:0

    "unker $uel Testing (# 6-89

    "unker Buantity (urvey

    "urning 'haracteristics of =erosine, - Hour !ethod % 85

    "urning Buality A(T! &869

    "utadiene &imer and (tyrene in "utadiene A(T! &--0

    "utadiene %urity and Hydrocarbon mpurities A(T! &-:71
