Maconomy Enterprise Project Optimization (anno 1999)


Transcript of Maconomy Enterprise Project Optimization (anno 1999)



What Is Enterprise Project Optimization?• Advertising/


• MarketCommunications

• Consulting

• Engineering

• Accounting

• Departmental Organizations

• Telecommunications

• Film & Broadcast

• IT Consulting & Development

• Government & PublicOrganizations

• R&D Organizations


EPO or Enterprise ProjectOptimization is the nextstep forward in optimizingcompany businessprocesses. Here's why:Innovative, project-orientedorganizations have longacknowledged the benefitsof optimizing and decen-tralizing their internal busi-ness processes with ERP-like solutions, only to real-ize that traditional ERPsolutions cannot fulfill theircore business needs. Thisis because traditional ERPsolutions were developedfor the manufacturingindustry, i.e., for compa-nies that produce goods.Thus the obvious need fora new generation of web-enabled ERP software -such as Maconomy'sEnterprise ProjectOptimization software -designed for project-basedcompanies, offering serv-ices and billing hours.

To stay competitive,companies must optimizetheir value chain, covering

all business processesfrom project planning andmanagement to financialanalysis and integrationwith customers and suppli-ers. Typically, companieslike this manage hundredsof projects simultaneouslyand operate as virtualorganizations with employ-ees working between satel-lite offices and client loca-tions.

Maconomy is a com-plete, configurable, standard,webenabled software solu-tion, based on evolvingindustry best practice.Maconomy's industry focusand standard approachmean that the solution canbe delivered faster with asignificantly lower totalcost of ownership than tra-ditional ERP solutions.

Maconomy's EPO soft-ware is already highly val-ued by some of theworld's major players invarious service industryverticals:

[ Maconomy's Enterprise Project Optimization is a complete,

configurable, standard web-enabled software solut ion, based on

evolving industry best practice. The single product approach

translates into fast, safe and cost-effective implementation.

Project planning

& budgeting

Local employee


Local employee



Remote employee


Time & expense reporting

Project management & billing

Management reporting

and project analysis

New Ways of Doing Business

[ • Global project control

• Al location of global resources

• Integrated budgeting and planning

• Increased ut i l izat ion rate and invoiced hours

P ro j e c t p l a n n i n g& b u d g e t i n g

“Maconomy has the most

flexible invoicing capabili-

ties and after having been

through this very thorough

selection process, it was

clearly the best finance and

business administration sys-

tem for KPMG

Switzerland. Our internal

evaluation proved that

Maconomy was the favor-

able choice, due to its func-

tionality, user-friendliness,

ease of set-up and low

investment costs.”

Heinz Helfenstein Vice Director Finance and Accounting Department KPMG Switzerland

The changing nature ofcommunications and thesuccess of Internet tech-nology are transformingthe ways we do business.Companies that once weredispersed around theglobe have now beenbrought closer together -and new cross-border/cross-market busi-ness opportunities areemerging rapidly. For manyorganizations, global busi-ness is a reality.

Service companies arein the best position to takeadvantage of the newopportunities. Mainlybecause they do not pro-duce goods, but rathersell knowledge and bill forhours in an extendedenterprise environment.

Increased global compe-tition has triggered agrowing need for manyorganizations to be per-ceived as a single supplier.Thus, the increased focuson coordinating globalresources, centralized

planning and on the abilityto manage customer bud-gets across borders.

Accurate planning, bud-geting and resource man-agement combined withonline monitoring of proj-ect information providecompanies and organiza-tions with the right toolsto increase both their uti-lization rate and invoicedhours.

The modern, project-orient-ed company often man-ages hundreds of projectssimultaneously and oper-ates as a virtual organiza-

tion with employees work-ing between satelliteoffices and client loca-tions. Today, virtual teamswith different culturalbackgrounds and sets ofskills are now the “prod-uct” that many customersseek.

Unlike most softwarepackages that need to beintegrated with other front-end software to supportthe Internet, theMaconomy solution isalready web-enabled. Java-based time and expensemanagement allows usersto enter timesheets andexpenses directly into thedatabase using a webbrowser. Thus, a compa-ny’s “roaming” staff hasaccess to a two-way,online information ex-change, giving the company

a real-time view of all staffactivities and the billingstatus of their projects.

Keeping the Global Workforce Online

[ • Decentral ized t ime and expense capture

• Real - t ime WIP information (actual versus planned)

• Project management in vir tual organizat ions

• Flexible invoicing for global projects

WPP Group plc has

appointed Maconomy as a

preferred supplier of

accounting and manage-

ment software to the WPP

group of companies, who

are in the process of imple-

menting Maconomy in sev-

eral offices in Europe and

the USA. WPP chose

Maconomy because of its

requirement for a system

that provides integrated

project management and

timesheet facilities together

with a strong multi-currency

General Ledger.

WPP Group plc

T i m e & e x p e n s ere p o r t i n g

P ro j e c t m a n a g e -m e n t & b i l l i n g

Accounting for the Virtual Organization

[ • Balancing inter-company accounts

• Single data source for consol idated report ing

• No re-entry of data – secure, accurate, up-to-date

• Central ized management of Key Performance Indicators

A c c o u n t i n g

Increased productivity isone of the keys to manag-ing costs in fast-growingorganizations. The conceptof a centralized backoffice for accounting andfinance management, com-bined with remote datacapture, is therefore anattractive option. In theservice industry, real pro-ductivity enhancementsare achieved when there iscomplete integrationbetween planning and man-aging projects andaccounting data.Maconomy’s EPO solutionensures that project datais entered once – andupdated with no re-entry ofcore data.

With the trend towardsconverging industries andmarkets – and today’smany mergers, takeoversand management buy-outs– the tangled web of corpo-rate entities often makessense in commercial terms,but can be confusing and

irrelevant to customerswho prefer the ease of“one-stop-shopping”.Maconomy meets the chal-lenge because with an EPOsolution, inter-companytransactions are automati-cally balanced by sharingresources across compa-nies and organizations,making group-wide plan-ning easy and effective. “We agreed on Maconomy

because we felt that they

understood our business

better than the other


Richard Jarvis IT Director Countrywide Porter Novelli

Fast, Flexible Access to Vital Information

M a n a g e m e n tre p o r t i n g a n d p ro j e c t a n a l y s i s

[ • Instant onl ine data

• Dynamic answers to questions instead of reports

• Ease of use instead of rel iance on IT personnel

• Decision support (with access control) for al l organizat ional levels

Fast and flexible access tovital information is crucialfor companies eager tomake better and timelybusiness decisions. Inmost systems, this need ismet by using specializedexternal reporting toolsthat require the data to beexported to a separatedata warehouse platform.

Maconomy has opti-mized this approach byturning the business sys-tem itself into a ware-house. This eliminates theneed for extra servers,data exchange, and thefrequent duplication ofinformation. Of evengreater importance,Maconomy provides directaccess to actual onlinedata to ensure the best,real-time view of businessperformance. Onlineaccess not only helps peo-ple at all organizationallevels do their jobs morequickly and effectively,employees dispersedthroughout the organiza-tion are able to make bet-ter-informed decisions onthe spot.

One of the key features ofMaconomy’s business man-agement software is theAnalyzer module. It allowsusers to quickly obtain thefacts they need withoutmaking complicatedreports or asking IT per-sonnel to help themretrieve data. When peoplespend less time gettinganswers, they have moretime to put those answersto use in driving the busi-ness forward.

“The most important thing

about a job is to see the

profitability measured on

many different levels, e.g.,

employee, client or external

supplier. Maconomy gives

us these reporting facilities,

and on top of that elimi-

nates the need for typing in

information more than one

time. At the end of the day,

Maconomy saves us time

and gives us a better


Ivan De Schrijver Financial Director BBDO International Belgium

Integration is a key tobusiness optimization in acomplex environment. Of

course, integration ismuch more than just get-ting computers to talk toone and other, it’s also aquestion of integratingwork processes. In mostcases, this means sharinginformation betweendepartments. For instancebetween accounting, proj-ect planning and manage-ment, OLAP and theInternet – which is precise-ly what Maconomy hasbeen designed to do. Alluser processes inMaconomy are fully inte-grated and based on a sin-gle database. As a result,inter-departmental cooper-ation is vastly improvedand a great deal ofprocess redundancy iseliminated.

Globally dispersed, proj-ect-oriented enterprisesoften consist of large andsmall companies within thesame parent organization.

Maconomy can easily bescaled up or down to suitthe local environment, beit a handful or many thou-sands of users. In eithercase, Maconomy providesoutstanding speed, accura-cy and convenience.

Maconomy’s single data-base approach supportsmixed technology environ-ments with Windows,Macintosh and Web clientsas well as both UNIX andNT-based servers. ForUNIX servers, Maconomyis based on the Oracledatabase, while for NTservers, Maconomy sup-ports both the Oracle data-base and the MicrosoftSQL-server database.

The Heart of the Matter

[ • Company-wide business process integration

• Web-enabled technology

• Data security

• Bui l t - in scalabi l i ty

“Maconomy’s project

accounting is fully inte-

grated with the general

ledger, saving us time dur-

ing registration and

administration proce-


Henri Hoogendijk Chief Financial OfficerPhilips Design

Business software, if welldesigned to begin with,will provide all the featuresand flexibility a companyneeds from the very firstday - without special cus-tomizing.

The moment a companystarts to reprogram anapplication to fit their spe-cific needs - or to dupli-cate old habits - theybegin to create a propri-etary system. Such sys-tems are expensive tomaintain and when futuresoftware versions becomeavailable, they are rarelycompatible with previouslycustomized versions.Maconomy software is

configurable standard soft-ware, based on evolvingindustry best practice. This“single product philosophy”offers advanced and flexiblefunctionality for project-oriented companies, sothey are able to optimizetheir business processesby using the standard ver-sion of Maconomy.

Maconomy Internationalinvests all R&D resourcesin maintaining andstrengthening this solutionfor its targeted user groups.Automatic upgrades oncea year ensure Maconomycustomers constantaccess to the proven bestpractice in their businesssegment.

F u n c t i o n a l i t y

1 0 0 %9 5 %

T i m e

B e s t p r a c t i c eM a c o n o m y ' s s u s t a i n e db e s t p r a c t i c e

F u n c t i o n a l i t y l a g

I m p l e m e n t a t i o n t i m ef o r i n d i v i d u a l i z e ds o f t w a r e p a c k a g e s

95% is better than 100%

Implementation time

for most software pack-

ages that aim at 100%

functionality is very

long. By the time a cus-

tomized system is opera-

tional, Maconomy’s

standard software will

already be far ahead in

terms of best practice


The Single Product Approach






Maconomy software isdesigned for the globalservice and distributionindustries, with the mainfocus on medium- to large-size companies.Maconomy’s client listincludes an impressivenumber of internationalcustomers within thesesegments.

Maconomy offers anend-to-end solution, whichsupports the businessprocesses of project-basedcompanies offering knowl-edge-intensive servicesand billing hours or proj-ects. The Maconomy solu-tion offers best practicefunctionality for thesecompanies - and includesfinancial management, proj-ect management, e-com-merce, procurement, andbusiness intelligence func-tionalities, all of which arefully integrated into onesingle, configurable, stan-dard product.

All Maconomy R&Dresources are invested inmapping out best practicefunctionalities for the com-pany’s target industriesand this constantlyimproves the competitive-ness of the total solution.All Maconomy customersare able to upgrade on ayearly basis which ensurescontinuous access to “bestpractice” improvements.

MaconomyInternational’s fast trackimplementation method,referred to as “Product-based Re-engineering”,uses the configurable stan-dard product and bestpractice principles as astarting point for businessprocess re-engineering. Asa result, Maconomy canusually be implemented in3-6 months, including re-engineering, ensuring cus-tomers a fast, safe andcost-effective implementa-tion process.

Powered by Maconomy

Maconomy International isheadquartered inCopenhagen, Denmark.International sales and serv-ice are carried out by100% owned subsidiariesin the Benelux, Denmark,Norway, Sweden, theUnited Kingdom and theUnited States. MaconomyInternational is backed bya group of internationalventure capital investorsincluding Danish VentureFinance, 3 (UK), VertexCapital Management(Singapore), Gilde IT Fund(NL), and Star Venture (D).Some 50% of the compa-ny’s employees are alsoshareholders.

I m p l e m e n t a t i o n6 - 1 2 months

C u s t o m i z a t i o n6 - 1 2 months

I m p l e m e n t a t i o n2 - 6 months

R e - e n g i n e e r i n g6 - 1 2 months

R e - e n g i n e e r i n g2 - 6 months

Ty p i c a l S t a n d a r d F r a m e S o l u t i o n

G o l i v e

G o l i v e U p g r a d e

M a c o n o m y S o l u t i o n

Maconomy's unique

implementation method

makes it possible to

implement Business

Process Re-engineering

during software installa-

tion. As a result,

Maconomy can offer

customers several

upgrades in the same

time it takes to implement

a traditional standard

frame solution.

The Fast Track to Business OptimizationTraditional high-end systemimplementations often takea very long time becauseto achieve real re-engineer-ing benefits, all a compa-ny’s core businessprocesses must be re-engi-neered. Typically, the firststep is re-engineering busi-ness processes (BPR) andimplementing change inthe organization - and thenand only then can theselection, customization,and installation of a new ITsolution be carried out. Atraditional BPR approachnormally takes severalyears and requires exten-sive and expensive con-sulting services.

The combination of con-figurable standard softwarewith best practice function-alities in selected businesssegments has allowedMaconomy to develop aunique implementationmethod called “Product-based Re-engineering”.

Using this method, small,inefficient business process-es are re-engineered easilyand effectively. Thus, in allour client implementationprojects, re-engineering isintegrated with the installa-tion of the software sothat organizationalchanges are carried outsimultaneously. Thisreduces the implementa-tion period to 3-6 months,ensuring that the changeprocess is fast, safe andcost-effective.


HeadquartersMaconomy InternationalVordingborggade 18-22DK-2100 CopenhagenPhone: +45 35 27 79 00Fax: +45 35 27 79 10

DenmarkPPU Maconomy A/SVordingborggade 18-22DK-2100 CopenhagenPhone: +45 35 27 79 00Fax: +45 35 27 79

NorwayMaconomy Norge A/SBoks 75, LilleakerN-0216 OsloPhone: +47 67 10 16 00Fax: +47 67 10 16

SwedenMaconomy Sverige ABPyramidvägen 7SE-169 56 SolnaPhone: +46 (0)8 587 077 00Fax: +46 (0)8 587 077

United KingdomMaconomy (UK) Ltd.Regal House, 70 London RoadTwickenham, Middlesex TW13QSPhone: +44 (0) 181 843 7000Fax: +44 (0) 181 843

USAMaconomy NE Inc.33 Boston Post Road West, Suite 310Marlborough, MA 01752Phone: +1 508 460-8337Fax: +1 508

BeneluxMaconomy Benelux B.V.Building RivierstateAmsteldijk 166, 1079 LH AmsterdamPhone: +31 (0) 20 661 26 26Fax: +31 (0) 20 661 23

HungaryTrenger és Társai Kft.Kossuth L.u. 13H-2500 EstergomPhone: +36 33 400 821Fax: +36 33 400 822

BulgariaFTS Ltd.Dondukov Blvd. no 19, 4th floor1000 SofiaPhone: +359 2 986 42 12Fax: +359 2 986 65 83