LinkedIn Love

LinkedIn Love #RPSback2basics

Transcript of LinkedIn Love

LinkedIn Love#RPSback2basics

Marketing Channels recap


The Plan for Today

Today, we're covering best

practices & various elements that

make up an engaging presence on

LinkedIn. Because this platform can

seem intimidating to new users, we

want to talk about the basics and

create a firm foundation for


LinkedIn launched on May 5, 2003 and has quickly

become ‘The World’s Largest Professional Network’,

LinkedIn a History

connecting business professionals for

employment and networking purposes.

This is not your mom’s Facebook account.

Anatomy of LinkedIn

● Home○ Where you see what you & your connections are posting.

● Profile○ Where we dive into the structure of your soon-to-be All Star profile.

● Connections○ Where you’ll find those you’re already connected with & who LinkedIn recommends

for you. This is also where you can find new connections.

The items that we’ll cover today can be found under the following three tabs:

All Star Profile

To truly leverage all that LinkedIn has for you

as a user, your profile must be detailed and

relevant. A prime example of a good profile is the

CEO of Coca-Cola, Muhtar Kent...

The LinkedIn All StarHow engaging & informative is your profile?

The All Star Profile has:

A Relevant and Recent Photo● Professional setting● Business Casual Attire● Looking straight into the camera

*No poorly cropped images with someone else’s arm or half a face



The All Star Profile has:

A Job Title and Description:● John Smith - seeking new opportunities in finance & accounting

Career Goals● John Smith - Chief Marketing Officer @ Rock Paper Scissors

The All Star Profile has:

Summary - Tell people about yourself, your career, and your vision for the future.

Experience - Write in detail about previous positions.

The All Star Profile has:

Skills - List skills that help you do your job better.

Education - often times business relationships develop between alumni.

The All Star Profile has:

Volunteer Experience & Causes - Let others know what you’re passionate about.

Resume - if you’ve got it, add it!

Connecting with Care

Connecting with Care

Connecting on LinkedIn is not following on Twitter or

“friending” on Facebook because there is a business-based

connotation to connecting. It’s important to remember that each connection you pursue should be intentional and beneficial.

LinkedIn is for:● Business Based Interactions● Industry networking● Employment opportunities● Professionalism● Strategic Partnerships

Facebook is for:● Selfies● Keeping up with family members● Photo comments● Sharing Youtube Videos● “Poking” (actually, don’t do this either)

Connecting with CareIt’s important to remember:

Don’t connect with everybody

not everybody is going to help you look like the professional and well-connected

business person that you are. Keep in mind, the company you keep impacts the

opportunities you receive that will help you make wiser connection


Don’t send generic connection messagesMake every connection you reach out to impactful. By establishing who you are and

the value that you add to their online reputation as well as their business,

you make the interaction count.


Connecting with CareIt’s important to remember:

Does this person represent you, your career,

and your ambitions well? If not, quickly

decline the invitation. There’s no sense in having

200+ connections that add no value to your

“online resume”.

Connecting with CareIt’s important to remember:

Why you want to connect

Being intentional with connecting with

those who share similar values, interests,

and career goals leaves an important space

for developing true strategic partners.

These individuals can act as mentors,

business partners, or just someone else to

bounce ideas off of as a trusted advisor.

Connecting with CareIt’s important to remember:

Develop Strategic Partnerships

LinkedInBest Practices

If you post, post well.

Quality over quantity is the name of the game when it comes to posting on

LinkedIn. Every time you post, you have the opportunity to impact and engage with

someone new. Being conscious of your content, timing, and call to action is imperative,

especially when posting on behalf of your company.

LinkedIn Best Practices

If you connect, connect with those who will establish your credibility and

increase your network.

LinkedIn Best Practices

Connecting with your high school

sweetheart may seem like a nice thing to

do, but if their industry, values, and

vision differ from yours, their presence

on your LinkedIn does nothing but

muddy the waters of credibility.

Remember your responsibility to represent yourself and your company honorably.

LinkedIn Best Practices

We’ve all heard the warning to be careful what you post

on the internet because you can never truly delete it.

With this in mind, do not let emotions get the best

of you or long days cause you to post things that may

harm you or your company’s reputation.

When in doubt, use the Grandma Test: If your

Grandma read what you posted, how would she react?

LinkedIn success, as with all marketing efforts, is a marathon, not a

sprint. Much of being successful on LinkedIn is related to your

willingness to put adequate time and effort into growing a

beneficial network and establishing yourself as an expert.

It’s a Process.


Up Next ...

Hashtag Overhaul

In July, we’ll cover the

purpose, creation, and

proper use of Hashtags!