Life is a Pilgrimage



This book is a diary of sorts, from a father to his daughter. All the memories of childhood in pictures along with the messages a father ought to be teaching his child so that later in life the child does not have to learn everything from scratch the hard way. A record of life that was; of which the children normally do not retain memories. In this book I am preserving the memories and passing all the pragmatic lessons I learnt from life.

Transcript of Life is a Pilgrimage

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Life is a pilgrimage

A collection of quotes spoken from the depths of my heart, nuggets of thoughts from my life

and ensconced in my photographs representing the scenes that I learnt much


Pradeep Maheshwari

On facebook: Pradeep PK Maheshwari

Contact: [email protected]

Facebook page and group:

Academy of Behavioral Therapy

This collection is dedicated to my Parents, Brothers & Sisters, Teachers and Friends who

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supported & stood by me & were instrumental in making me what I am today.

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This book is a diary of sorts, from a father to his daughter. All the memories of childhood in

pictures along with the messages a father ought to be teaching his child so that later in

life the child does not have to learn everything from scratch the hard way. A

record of life that was; of which the children normally do not retain memories. In this book

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I am preserving the memories and passing all the pragmatic lessons I learnt from life.

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Pradeep Maheshwari, the author, at a street show to encourage people to paint.

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About the author

Intro to Pradeep MaheshwariNew Delhi, India.

Professional Manager, with 40 years experience in managing people and doing business in India & internationally. Industrial family background. Well travelled in India and abroad - specially in the French belt in Europe & well educated in both Indian and European classical streams, speaking English, French and Hindi . With background of applied psychology and physics, teaching & soft-skills training. Practitioner of Holistic medicine. Qualified Interior Designer (USA). Landscaping in oils and photography are my hobby. Experienced in Design and Development – consumer goods. Very well versed in Indian cultural biases, history and commercial attitudes. Published author.Student of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry.Contact: phone: +91-11-41730043,

Facebook: Pradeep PK Maheshwari. Email: [email protected]

Some comments from friends:

Juríjri Sweetmedicine Mountain

I love you. You are a very hardheaded, but goodhearted man that has some merits from precedent lives, because it is very obvious that you have a truly good, a really good guiding and protection-spirit-team by

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birth with you. And you are one that is a scout. Those are always out to new dimensions and so live a not undangerous life. In other words, also they fall ill from time to time, but that has completely other causes than the illnesses of "normal" people. Usually, they always get it to finally find their health back.

Michael Ricks- now you...are somewhat of a conundrum to me....- I've been trying to get a handle on you for the last few years...- Your adherence to the Hindu philosophy....yet...your

understanding of western culture. I find you...quite...interesting.

- I find the depth of your understanding, quite....profound.- I find...your depth of unhappiness, quite refreshing….As if,

one ...waiting for the 'escalator' out. Bored, as it were...- Playing with the humans...for the time left, at hand

Ánëlríël Ëlcŷr _/☼\_ sādhu !Pradeep Pk Maheshwari, yu i thanken for yer frendship. me heartes dor ist open to yu: fuly, unconditionally.rather fond for yer posts ond statūs. a mann wot lives ond breathes the Dhamma ist an activity selden to be blest to encounter.may yu be mindful, happy, ond well on this Path towards Uprooting Dukkha.

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Yasmeen Jaya

hi mr pradeep,everyday am falling in love with ur intelligence,i never came across a man with such wider views with inner depth knowledge.i look forward for ur post everyday,thr was once u were not online for sometime I became a bit isolated I dnt kno grateful to ur opinions and the way u see things in diferent ur smile cr and hv a blessed day ahead.

Sandra Giacomino

....sometimes I feel is the only way we get into Universal arms, when whe are really disapointed with life "outside" are such a sweet person, your eyes are just so bright.....I feel very honoured with your friendship.....

Arye Michael Bender

Happy Birthday, Junior. (It is a continuing pleasure knowing you).

Mary Trainor-Brigham

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How are you, Beauteous Spirit? You were stressed recently and I want to check in on you.

Divya Balashankar

Hi PK. I really like what you post. Especially the thoughts that go with the paintings. They run deep and connect at a very different level.

Zulimar Consuegra

Hello dear Pradeep!!

I heard that you have a group. Do you mind adding me to this group? I will love it.

One more thing, I love your beautiful family. God bless you all!!

My best regards,


Pradeep Pk Maheshwari

I would sure add you to my groups. You are a valued friend. All my friends are family to me. Thanks for asking. I am very happy and love your kind message

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Zulimar Consuegra

Dear Pradeep:

Thanks a lot for adding me to the group. I really appreciate it!!

Thanks fo considering me as a friend because I really consider friend and family all the people who are on my facebook page. I love sharing love and positive energy.

Hope we can share beautiful moments here on facebook.

Have a beautiful day my dear friend!!



Dear Pradeep, thanks a lot for sending me the book.

I'm going to finish to read it for next week because is really long, but the topics are very interesting.

Thanks a lot for sharing with us your experiences. We are really lucky having a friend like you.

My best regards,

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Peter Fröhlich

just wishing you a beautiful day and mentioning that your recent posts are just impressive. Greetings!

I remember my wife. She used to say similar positive things about you. It´s just - you seem to have preserved a certain kindness within all your experience. I will by all means keep on track!....

I guess intellectual maturity just leads you to musical beauty - automatically I would say. but - in fact there is no explanation. just a sensitivity for life, beauty, love and emotions, yet you got it somewhat more developed than me in terms of life experience. so I appreciate to keep in touch. I will be "following" you closely here, you can trust...

Andy Martin

Hello my friend, my dear grandmother got to 99, she swore by vegetables! (She raised me) Ah, Confucius, a great Magi and Sage indeed. I love vegetables dearly, even though I had to eat a lethal dose!! Yes, bless vegetables.

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Ah, you're a naturopath, bless you. Yes, you are right, my body biochemistry is certainly happy as it is, I can't live without my cigarettes and roll-ups, but yes, I have reduced my intake.

I often walk in the Hughenden woods, my ancestors are buried at Hughenden Church. My family has been in this area for 300 plus years, we were farmers and horse-dealers. Ah, I do love the God-given fresh air and the deep woods. It's deeply within my Spirit, blood and metabolism, my atavism is limitless.

I am so proud to be your friend.

Leslie Lynne Brandon

Hmmm,like your ideas and attitude and of course your intelligence--would you like to be facebook friends? Leslie--I’m a friend of Athinas

Donna Osborne

…And, yes, I have seen the Mystic's page and it is very sage. You are making us think.

Samantha Mason

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She too is an evolved soul, you both are, I can see that

Moritz Stephan

I can feel how I develop and I'm understanding more of the things we talked about and you said to me but many things I also forgot.

I would love to talk to you again with a cup of coffee in the morning at a time I normally would be super mad to wake up ... but at your place many things were different.

With your permission I will come back as soon as I can afford it. I feel that my journey is not over yet and that I must see and experience more than my life here can give me.

Not that I don't appreciate a solid school education, but in some way I have learned more in ten days in India than in one year of university.

I'm pretty sure you know what I want to say.

Mike Lombard

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well it's a little bit hard to speak like this in facebook, better around a tea somewhere in a peacefull indian night


thank you

Pradeep Pk Maheshwari

Yes. I shall be happy to receive you here in India. come over

Mike Lombard

if you come back we have to try to meet together


Sharlene Cooper

that's an awesome message.... wow ..... i've actually understood my own meditating only

And also how soooo many people are ''vipassana-ed" without entering a pagoda.

For as long as I can remember, we've been receiving the monthly newsletter from the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.. n i used to leaf through, but what ur sayin explans a whole lot more.... THANKYOU!!! very lovely;))

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Romina Canga Presa

hello from spain.nice to meet you. Jon told me you are very nice person. see you!

Ninian Williams

That is so nice. I wish I could meet you and your family one of these days...maybe so. In the meantime, stay in touch. I love your spirit and your thoughts. They always inspire me.

Dave Phillips

Thanks are one of my longest lasting friends on Face Book ..brothers in another lifetime maybe..?

Troy Henriksen

yes,,thank you agian for sharing personal discoveries about yourself and family,,its a big help for me,,i wish you all well,,,Warmest Wishes,,

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Contessa Miller

PK, why didn't you tag me in your recent post. It is truly a wonderful and thought-provoking discussion.

Camille Superson

Hello, my friend!

I have missed you on the caregiver page, and all of your wisdom that you share.

How have you been?

Since I am sending this from my profile page, you may not know who I am.

I am the lady who has the Caregiver Resource Inc page that you were so kind to share your thoughts on.

Just was thinking of you and thought I would say hello.

Many Blessings to you, Pradeep!

Jeannie Roberts

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You are a wise man! Thank you for the wonderful wisdom.

Eve Anderson

I appreciate your kind response when I turned to you once, in need of wisdom and guidance. I never elaborated on the issues involved. They were, and are, spiritual matters involving the heart, and ethics, and decisions that I have come to realize I must make alone. Oh, and I appreciate your sense of humor too.



Sanjay Sharma

revered brother PK, thank you for giving me the reason to follow you and for believing that i was right when i sent you the request. Amazing Forum bro, very thought provoking. Bless you

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Pradeep Pk MaheshwariIf you were asked to write my obituary, what would you say?Seriously I would rather know it now!

Subhash Maheshwari – (Elder Brother)

" A man who was a genius/ bundle of creativity, suffered in lifetime for his frank/outspoken views ,well read and travelled . Alas his creativity was not properly appreciated and utilized. May God rest his soul in Peace."

Rufus T. Firefly

There's nothing morbid about a good obituary, because a good obit is about life, not death.

I would simply say that, even though so far we only know each other through Facebook, you enrich my life every day with your inspirational view points and compassionate soul. Seriously!

Contessa Miller

"PK, a real character, that sometimes made me smile and frown at the same time. He prompted others to think deeply, observe deeply, and live deeply from the heart."

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Dave Phillips

Lived his life between two worlds (the Ideal and the Actual) and the one with his family took priority over the other...maybe…


A man who knew the truer values to be lived than learned, whom many of us regret never having shared a cup of tea upon his doorstep... which will never be empty of visiting loved ones

Peter Fröhlich

Good idea! My comment would be like "A shining personality whose awareness and positive impression reach out beyond mortality into the hearts of those with whom he crossed paths"

Arthur Damm

Family man, business man, practical Yogi.

Margo Buccini

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Creative artist, entrepreneur and philosopher. Devoted husband and father. He will be greatly missed by his many friends and family.

Vaidik Vedant

U always reminds me of the advert. of M.D.H masala - sab sach sirf pagadi ki kami hai :0 just jokin ;p

Tayha TerryJo Anderson

Authentic and open. Transparent and Curious. May his soul be remembered and honored as an example of the evolving landscape of open hearts blooming.

Iamyou Uarei ·

The Absolute Potentiality, the “un-manifest” (Shiva) , manifests itself as the universe. And of course, every thing in it , this manifestation is within the absolute potentiality. We could name it “ Shiva-Shakti” ( Consciousness).

Consciousness played the role in a body- mind organism called "Paradeep Pk Maheshwari" in totality its functioning..

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Kay Sluterbeck

A really good guy, someone I always enjoy communicating with. (Not really obituary language, but hey, I'm sincere.)

Jeannie Roberts

Good soul, Wonderful father! Gentle! I could just go on and on and on........

Eric Witte

My 'few words' might be:

Each and everyone who 'met' him, will have some, if not màny, lovely PK-imprints ...I'll always remember that smile, with which he asked for 'his obituaries'. I think he smiled, because he kinda knew what was coming. Even thèn, already

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Mrs Manjula & Mr Pradeep Maheshwari

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