Lesson 1 Introduction to Home Keys (f,j) - PBworksdstjean.pbworks.com/f/Type+to+Learn+4.docx  ·...

Lesson 1 Introduction to Home Row (asdf jkl;) focus on (j and f) Lesson 2 (u and r) Lesson 3 (k and d) Lesson 4 (i and e) Lesson 5 (h and g) Lesson 6 (l,s and right shift) Lesson 7 (Quick Blends and Quick Words) Lesson 8 (o, w and left shift) Lesson 9 (; and a) Lesson 10 (p, q, and backspace) Lesson 11 (Quick Blends and Quick Words) Lesson 12 (y,t, and tab) Lesson 13 ( v and m) Lesson 14 ( x and z) Lesson 15 (Quick Blends and Quick Words) Lesson 16 (m and v) Lesson 17 (comma, and c) Lesson 18 (Quick Blends and Quick-Words) Lesson 19 (period and x)

Transcript of Lesson 1 Introduction to Home Keys (f,j) - PBworksdstjean.pbworks.com/f/Type+to+Learn+4.docx  ·...

Lesson 1 Introduction to Home Row (asdf jkl;) focus on (j and f)

Lesson 2 (u and r)

Lesson 3 (k and d)

Lesson 4 (i and e)

Lesson 5 (h and g)

Lesson 6 (l,s and right shift)

Lesson 7 (Quick Blends and Quick Words)

Lesson 8 (o, w and left shift)

Lesson 9 (; and a)

Lesson 10 (p, q, and backspace)

Lesson 11 (Quick Blends and Quick Words)

Lesson 12 (y,t, and tab)

Lesson 13 (v and m)

Lesson 14 (x and z)

Lesson 15 (Quick Blends and Quick Words)

Lesson 16 (m and v)

Lesson 17 (comma, and c)

Lesson 18 (Quick Blends and Quick-Words)

Lesson 19 (period and x)

Lesson 20 (backslash, z and question mark)

Lesson 1 Introduction to Home Row (asdf jkl;) emphasis on (f and j)Exercise 1A (review)

1. ff jj ff jj fj fj jf jf ff jj ff jj 2. ff jj ff jj fj fj jf jf ff jj ff jj

3. dd kk dd kk dk dk dd kk dd kk4. dd kk dd kk dk dk dd kk dd kk

5. ss ll ss ll sl sl ls ls ss ll ss ll 6. ss ll ss ll sl sl ls ls ss ll ss ll

7. aa ;; aa ;; aa ;; aa ;; a; a;8. aa ;; aa ;; aa ;; aa ;; a; a;

9. ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;; ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;;10. ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;; ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;;

11. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl;12. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl;

Exercise 1B (new key learning) 1. aa ss dd ff jj kk ll ;; aa ss dd ff 2. aa ss dd ff jj kk ll ;; aa ss dd ff

3. ff dd ss aa ;; ll kk jj ff dd ss aa ;; 4. ff dd ss aa ;; ll kk jj ff dd ss aa ;;

5. aa a ss s dd d ff f jj j kk k ll l ;; ; 6. aa a ss s dd d ff f jj j kk k ll l ;; ;

7. ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;; ss ll aa ;; 8. ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;; ss ll aa ;;

9. fj fj dk dk sl sl a; a; fj fj dk dk sl sl a; 10. fj fj dk dk sl sl a; a; fj fj dk dk sl sl a;

11. aa ;; ss ll dd kk ff jj asdf jkl; asdf jkl;12. aa ;; ss ll dd kk ff jj asdf jkl; asdf jkl;


Exercise 1C (emphasis on new keys) 1. aa ss dd ff jj kk ll ;; asdf jkl; asdf jkl; 2. aa ss dd ff jj kk ll ;; asdf jkl; asdf jkl;

3. aa a ss s dd d ff f jj j kk k ll l ;; ; 4. aa a ss s dd d ff f jj j kk k ll l ;; ;

5. ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;; ff jj dd 6. ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;; ff jj dd

7. fj fj dk dk sl sl a; a; 8. fj fj dk dk sl sl a; a;

9. fj dk sl a; jf kd ls ;a fj dk sl a; 10. fj dk sl a; jf kd ls ;a fj dk sl a;

11. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; fdsa fdsa ;lkj ;lkj 12. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; fdsa fdsa ;lkj ;lkj

Lesson 2 Introduction to first reaches (u and r) Exercise 2A (review)

1. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; aa ss dd ff jj kk ll ;; 2. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; aa ss dd ff jj kk ll ;;

3. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; ff dd ss aa ff dd ss aa 4. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; ff dd ss aa ff dd ss aa

5. ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;; ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;;6. ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;; ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;;

7. jkl; jkl; fdsa fdsa jj kk ll ;; 8. jkl; jkl; fdsa fdsa jj kk ll ;;

9. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; 10. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl;

11. aa a ss s dd d ff f jj j kk k ll l ;; 12. aa a ss s dd d ff f jj j kk k ll l ;;


Exercise 2B (new key learning) 1. ff rr ff rr frf frf rr ff rr ff 2. ff rr ff rr frf frf rr ff rr ff

3. jj uu jj uu juj juj jj uu jj uu jj 4. jj uu jj uu juj juj jj uu jj uu jj

5. ff rr ff rr frf frf jj uu jj uu juj juj6. ff rr ff rr frf frf jj uu jj uu juj juj

7. frf frf jj uu jj uu juj juj8. frf frf jj uu jj uu juj juj

9. asdf jkl; asdf frf frf jkl; juj juj 10. asdf jkl; asdf frf frf jkl; juj juj

11. ff dd ss aa rr ff rr jj kk ll ;; uu jj uu 12. ff dd ss aa rr ff rr jj kk ll ;; uu jj uu

Exercise 2C (emphasis on new keys) 1. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; ff dd ss aa rr jj kk ll ;; uu 2. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; ff dd ss aa rr jj kk ll ;; uu

3. ar ar sr sr dr dr fr fr 4. ar ar sr sr dr dr fr fr

5. ju ju ku ku lu lu ;u ;u 6. ju ju ku ku lu lu ;u ;u

7. frf frf rf rf rd rd rs rs ra ra juj juj ju ju ku ku 8. frf frf rf rf rd rd rs rs ra ra juj juj ju ju ku ku

9. asdf frf asdf frf jar jar lad lad 10. asdf frf asdf frf jar jar lad lad lur lur sur sur

11. asdf jkl; aa ;; ss ll dd kk ff jj lur lur sur sur12. asdf jkl; aa ;; ss ll dd kk ff jj lur lur sur sur


Lesson 3 Introduction to new keys (k and d)Exercise 3A (review)

1. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; ff dd ss aa jj kk ll ;; 2. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; ff dd ss aa jj kk ll ;;

3. a aa ; ;; s ss l ll d dd k kk f ff 4. a aa ; ;; s ss l ll d dd k kk f ff

5. j jj f ff k kk d dd l ll s ss ; ;; 6. j jj f ff k kk d dd l ll s ss ; ;;

7. jf jf kd kd ls ls ;a ;a 8. jf jf kd kd ls ls ;a ;a

9. a; fj a; sl dk fj a; sl dk fj a; sl dk fj a; 10. a; fj a; sl dk fj a; sl dk fj a; sl dk fj a;

11. asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl;12. asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl;

Exercise 3B (new key learning) 1. fj fj a; a; sl sl dk dk 2. fj fj a; a; sl sl dk dk

3. ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;; ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;;4. ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;; ff jj dd kk ss ll aa ;;

5. fj fj dk dk sl sl a; a; as as df df ;l ;l kj kj 6. fj fj dk dk sl sl a; a; as as df df ;l ;l kj kj

7. fj fj dk dk sl sl a; a; jf jf kd kd ls ls ;a ;a8. fj fj dk dk sl sl a; a; jf jf kd kd ls ls ;a ;a

9. k; k; fa fa kl kl ds ds ka ka dl dl fj fj s; s; 10. k; k; fa fa kl kl ds ds ka ka dl dl fj fj s; s;

11. asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl;12. asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl;


Exercise 3C (emphasis on new keys) 1. aa al ala alas alas; ff fa fal fall falls2. aa al ala alas alas; ff fa fal fall falls

3. jfur jfur fjru fjru uf jr uf jr jjj fff juj4. jfur jfur fjru fjru uf jr uf jr jjj fff juj

5. fad ask lad dad sad 6. fad ask lad dad sad

7. as;; fall alas flask 8. as;; fall alas flask

9. duk kud duk kud ruff fur ruff fur10. duk kud duk kud ruff fur ruff fur

11. asks fall lads lass 12. asks fall lads lass

Lesson 4 Introduction to new keys (i & e)Exercise 4A (review)

1. asdf jkl; aa ss dd ff jj kk ll ;;2. asdf jkl; aa ss dd ff jj kk ll ;;

3. asdf jkl; fff rrr uuu jjj asdf jkl; 4. asdf jkl; fff rrr uuu jjj asdf jkl;

5. asdf jkl; frf frf jrj jrj fur ruf;6. asdf jkl; frf frf jrj jrj fur ruf;

7. fff rrr uuu jjj frf juj fur fur ruff ruff 8. fff rrr uuu jjj frf juj fur fur ruff ruff

9. aa ss dd ff rr uu jj kk ll ;; ff jj hh 10. aa ss dd ff rr uu jj kk ll ;; ff jj hh

11. ruff ruff fur fur 12. ruff ruff fur fur


Exercise 4B (new key learning) 1. ik ik ik ik ed ed ed ed 2. ik ik ik ik ed ed ed ed

3. ei ei ie ie ie ik ik ed ed 4. ei ei ie ie ie ik ik ed ed

5. eded kiki eiei rid did 6. eded kiki eiei rid did

7. feed fed feud fire ride fired8. feed fed feud fire ride fired

9. dried freed fired kidded differ rude10. dried freed fired kidded differ rude

11. kk ii dd ee ff rr jj uu kk ii dd ee ff rr jj uu12. kk ii dd ee ff rr jj uu kk ii dd ee ff rr jj uu

Exercise 4C (emphasis new keys) 1. eiei kid kidder rid rider fir fire fired2. eiei kid kidder rid rider fir fire fired

3. riff riffed deer jeer reek jeered fried furrier 4. riff riffed deer jeer reek jeered fried furrier

5. ferried ride deride ref reef referee6. ferried ride deride ref feer referee

7. ikk kkii eedd ddee uujj rrff ikik eded eiei8. ikk kkii eedd ddee uujj rrff ikik eded eiei

9. dire ire fire freed jiff jeered ferried reek10. dire ire fire freed jiff jeered ferried reek

11. feed freed fried feeder feuded drier kidded12. feed freed fried feeder feuded drier kidded


Lesson 5 Introduction to new keys (h and g)Exercise 5A (review)

1. aa ss dd ff jj kk ll ;; asdf jkl; asdf jkl;2. aa ss dd ff jj kk ll ;; asdf jkl; asdf jkl;

3. aa ss dd ee ff rr jj uu kk ii ll ;; asdf jkl;4. as ss dd ee ff rr jj uu kk ii ll ;; asdf jkl;

5. ff rr dd ee dd ee ff rr jj uu kk ii jj uu kk ii6. ff rr dd ee dd ee ff rr jj uu kk ii jj uu kk ii

7. a; sl dk fj ru ei a; sl dk fj ru ei8. a; sl dk fj ru ei a; sl dk fj ru ei

9. ff jj rr uu dd kk ee ii asdf jkl; asdf jkl;10. ff jj rr uu dd kk ee ii asdf jkl; asdf jkl;

11. aa a ss s dd d ff f rr r ee e uu u jj j ii i kk k ll l ;; ;12. aa a ss s dd d ff f rr r ee e uu u jj j ii i kk k ll l ;; ;

Exercise 5B (new key learning) 1. hj hj hj hj hj hj gf gf gf gf gf gf2. hj hj hj hj hj hj gf gf gf gf gf gf

3. gg hh gg hh ghg gg ghh ghg hgh gg hh 4. gg hh gg hh ghg gg ghh ghg hgh gg hh

5. rug rig her hug hid dug high higher6. rug rig her hug hid dug high higher

7. egg huff gruff gghh dfg jjk ghfjdk8. egg hug gruff gg hh dfg jjk ghfjdk

9. grid hid high hike ugh rug dug jug 10. grid hid high hike ugh rug dug jug

11. hiker he hiked higher rugged ridge fudge fridge her12. hiker he hiked higher rugged ridge fudge fridge her


huge egg greed urged herExercise 5C (emphasis on new keys)

1. heir heeded reeked referee reeked heeded 2. heir heeded reeked referee reeked heeded

3. hire reeked heeded grid refereed 4. hire reeked heeded grid refereed

5. hire feed heed hire dirk dire heir hire reef6. hire feed heed hire dirk dire heir hire reef

7. refer feud feed fed irk ferried huge hedge8. refer feud feed fed irk ferried huge hedge

9. hug high hide heed hue rue rude rugged hired10. hug high hide heed hue rue rude rugged hired

11. fife reek heed huff drier jeered hire feud heir reef fur 12. fife reek heed huff drier jeered hire feud heir reef fur

Lesson 6 Introduction to new keys (l,s and right shift)Exercise 6A (review)

1. aa ss dd ff jj kk ll ;; aa ;; ss ll dd kk ff jj2. aa ss dd ff jj kk ll ;; aa ;; ss ll dd kk ff jj

3. dd ee ded ff rr frf ff gg fgf jj hh 4. dd ee ded ff rr frf ff gg fgf jj hh

5. jhj jj uu juj kk ii kik6. jhj jj uu juj kk ii kik

7. a; sl dk fj gh ru ei a; sl dk fj gh ei ru8. a; sl dk fj gh ru ei a; sl dk fj gh ei ru

9. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; ff rr frf dd ee ded ff gg fgf10. asdf jkl; asdf jkl; ff rr frf dd ee ded ff gg fgf

11. frf ff rr rfr ded dd ee ede jhj jj hh hjh juj jj 12. frf ff rr rfr ded dd ee ede jhj jj hh hjh juj jj


Exercise 6B (new key learning) 1. ssl lls sSs lsl lsl Sss sell sleek shells2. ssl lls sSs lsl lsl Sss sell sleek shells

3. Giselle fills her shelf Ellis likes shellfish4. Giselle fills her shelf Ellis likes shellfish

5. Ellis likes shellfish Sergei flies Reggie surfs6. Ellis likes shellfish Sergei flies Reggie surfs

7. Sergei flies Reggie surfs Freddie fresh hillsides8. Sergei flies Reggie surfs Freddie fresh hillsides

9. Freddie skis fresh hillsides Girls Gleeful giggle10. Freddie skis fresh hillsides Girls Gleeful giggle

11. ssllss fdsa jkl; sls lss jkl; fdsa12. ssllss fdsa jkl; sls lss jkl; fdsa

Exercise 6C (emphasis on new keys) 1. Red Dress Fresh Sushi Dirk uses diesel fuel2. Red Dress Fresh Sushi Dirk uses diesel fuel

3. Eidi sighs shuffles high shelf Guess elder4. Eidi sighs shuffles high shelf Guess elder

5. eeks glide less Grisel juggles shelled shellfish6. eeks glide less Grisel juggles shelled shellfish

7. Diederik sees fireflies Riki giggles ssllss SSllss8. Diederik sees fireflies Riki giggles ssllss SSllss

9. fdsa jkl; slslss jkl; fdsa Dirk sue likes his10. fdsa jkl; slslss jkl; fdsa Dirk sue likes his

11. Gillies fills desk ledger filler Riki guesses frills12. Gillies fills desk ledger filler Riki guesses frills


Lesson 7 Introduction to new keys (Quick Blends and Quick Words)Exercise 7A (review)

1. jhj fgf jufrkide jfkdls Legs shrug 2. jhj fgf jufrkide jfkdls Legs shrug

3. Slide Full jug Gush rush Red Sled 4. Slide Full jug Gush rush Red Sled

5. Sure Kid Russell high hill 6. Sure Kid Russell high hill

7. er er ed ed es es ed es er es er ed 8. er er ed ed es es ed es er es er ed

9. de de de re re re De re es er re de 10. de de de re re re De re es er re de

11. is is is dis dis dis is dis is dis is dis 12. is is is dis dis dis is dis is dis is dis

Exercise 7B (new key learning) 1. if if her her he he his is his if her he 2. if if her her he he his is his if her he

3. herd her ruler hiker Red fed sled shed 4. herd her ruler hiker Red fed sled shed

5. dress less guess likes Free ref greed reef 6. dress less guess likes Free ref greed reef

7. ell ell ill ill ell ill ful ful less less ful less 8. ell ell ill ill ell ill ful ful less less ful less

9. Ell fell jell sell shell ell ill fill hill sill grill ill 10. Ell fell jell sell shell ell ill fill hill sill grill ill

11. less is full is useful useless he is free if full 12. less is full is useful useless he is free if full


Exercise 7C (emphasis on new keys) 1. here His herd fed her deer full 2. here His herd fed her deer full

3. greed is less if hers is Her herd is fed 4. greed is less if hers is Her herd is fed

5. She fried fresh fish He shed use full 6. She fried fresh fish He shed use full

7. his sled is less Free Fresh seeds 8. his sled is less Free Fresh seeds

9. her Greed is free Her reed is redder 10. her Greed is free Her reed is redder

11. here is her frillier dress12. here is her frillier dress

Lesson 8 Introduction to new keys (o, w and left shift)Exercise 8A (review)

1. jufr kide jfgh urie jf kd ls ;a high hills Free fish2. jufr kide jfgh urie jf kd ls ;a high hills Free fish

3. suriff surfs juggle eggs Full Disks silk dress4. suriff surfs juggle eggs Full Disks silk dress

5. Guess Refresh flies skies 6. Guess Refresh flies skies


Exercise 8B (new key learning) 1. ol ol ol ws ws Jww oo woo wow2. ol ol ol ws ws Jww oo woo wow

3. Juju kiki lLoO oO lL wWsS Owo Lsl Ollo Wssw Slow Owls4. Juju kiki lLoO oO lL wWsS Owo Lsl Ollo Wssw Slow Owls

5. Woldf Howls Words would work Wide rows slow work6. Woldf Howls Words would work Wide rows slow work

7. Who woke old wolf OoO wow Owe Follow Joke Lower8. Who woke old wolf OoO wow Owe Follow Joke Lower

9. Jose hollows wood logs Leigh rode four rodeo horses 10. Jose hollows wood logs Leigh rode four rodeo horses J

11. His wife wore wool hoods Leo griw four rose flowers12. His wife wore wool hoods Leo grew four rose flowers

Exercise 8C (emphasis on new keys)

1. wOw Owo wOO oww Oow WOW Loud Glow Grows Slow Rower2. wOw Owo wOO oww Oow WOW Loud Glow Grows Slow Rower

3. Odorless flowers lose orders Juhee wore wood soled shoes4. Odorless flowers lose orders Juhee wore wood solded shoes

5. Loode goose worries grow high Judd roof work looks good6. Loose goose worries grow high Judd roof work looks good

7. Julius welded work looks worse Where rowdier wildlife goes wild8. Julues welded work looks worse Where rowdier wildlife goes wild

9. Ous ous eous eous ious ious fore for fore for Of do we do we of10. Ous ous eous eous ious ious fore for fore for Of do we do we of

11. for or fore or for fore house louse douse foresee We were furious for weeks12. for or fore or for fore house louse douse foresee We were furious for weeks

13. We fore go desious houseful We do go for serious gorgeous suits14. We fore go desious houseful We do go for serious gorgeous suits


Lesson 9 introduction to new keys (a and ;)Exercise 9A (review)

1. Jfur kdie lsow hjkl gfds sdfjkl Old owls 2. Jfur kdie lsow hjkl gfds sdfjkl Old owls

3. row slow Good food Follow Hello Ollie 4. row slow Good food Follow Hello Ollie

5. worried where How High 6. worried where How High

Exercise 9B (new key learning) 1. ; ;; ;;; ;;;; a aa aaa aaaa ;;;; a;a ;a; a;; a;a2. ; ;; ;;; ;;;; a aa aaa aaaa ;;;; a;a ;a; a;; a;a

3. ;;a ;a; aA a; Aa A; wall; hall; fall; fair; hair; 4. ;;a ;a; aA a; Aa A; wall; hall; fall; fair; hair;

5. law; jaw; Far as a lake; Daisies for Dale; 6. law; jaw;Far as a lake; Daisies for Dale;

7. Aides are glad; A;; aAa ;aa ;;Aaa; a;; 8. Aides are glad; A;; aAa ;aa ;;Aaa; a;;

9. dare; rare;hare; hear; fear; dear;10. dare; rare;hare; hear; fear; dear;

11. Goalies guard goals; Audio for radio is loud:12. Goalies guard goals; Audio for radio is loud:

13. Railroad will derail; All ages agree; we adore koalas;14. Railroad will derail; All ages agree; we adore koalas;


Exercise 9C (emphasis on new keys)

1. Sailors like safe seas for sailing: air; fair; hair; lair; head; lead2. Sailors like safe seas for sailing; air; fair; hari; lari; head; lead

3. We all adore giraffes; Walkers should use sidewalks4. We all adore griaffes; Walkers should use sidewalks

5. Ladislaus laughed all week: Seagulls soar at seashores:6. Ladislaus laughed all week: Seagulls soar at seashores:

7. Dishwashers are easier for glasses; We agree; we adore our house8. Dishwashers are easier for glasses; We agree; we adore our house

9. Drurk frudd kurff ruddrk durfud ad ad ag ag al al ail ail as as ial ial10. Drurk frudd kurff ruddrk durfud ad ad ag ag al al ail ail as as ial ial

11. All are all are has had was has had was had has rail sail wail dial redial 12. All are all are has had was has had was had has rail sail wail dial redial

13. He was all we had; She has all high shoes; Dad lads are all he had14. He was all we had; She has all high shoes; Dad lads are all he had

Lesson 10 Introduction to new keys (a and period)Exercise 10A (review)

1. Jkl; fdsa ghfj ruei a;sl dkfj ;;; 2. Jkl; fdsa ghfj ruei a;sl dkfj ;;;

3. Fair hair Safe seas Wear Silk4. Fair hair Safe seas Wear Silk

5. Fall hard Loud radio Sea shells Idea 6. Fall hard Loud radio Sea shells Idea

7. Soars Ollie Laughs Adore dogs 8. Soars Ollie Laughs Adore dogs


Exercise 10B (new key learning) 1. p; p; p; p; qa qa qa qa qa ;q ;p pq pq pq2. p; p; p; p; qa qa qa qa qa ;q ;p pq pq pq

3. pp qq pq qp ppq qpp pqp qpq P; Qa pq4. pp qq pq qp ppq qpp pqp qpq P; Qa pq

5. pup pupil quill purple quail quad6. pup pupil quill purple quail quad

7. Aqua ape is asleep Paul drops drips 8. Aqua ape is asleep Paul drops drips

9. Peg likes pigs pqp PPp qQq pop quad squid10. Peg likes pigs pqp pPp qQq pop quad squid

11. Peg peeled a pear Poor pup puddle12. Peg peeled a pear Poor pup puddle

13. Sid is a purple squid Paula peppers her soup14. Sid is a purple sfquid Pauloa peppers her soup

Exercise 10C (emphasis on new keys) 1. Pipe repair requires work Ajeep sped up2. Pipe repair requires work A jeep sped up

3. Prepare for sleep Hippos splashed4. Prepare for sleep Hippos splashed

5. Purple plaid drapes powder puffs propel6. Purple plaid drapes poweder puffs propel

7. Parise all super helpersSquiggle squawk squeak8. Praise all super helpers Squiggle squwk squeak

9. Leopards leap large piles ap ip ap ip ap ip10. Leopards leap large piles ap ip ap ip ap ip


11. Up pre up pre pre up press prefer pressure12. Up pre up pre pre up press prefer presp dip


Lesson 11 Introduction to new keys (c and apostrophe) Exercise 11A (review)

1. Drape appeal equip drip ship up shape 2. Drape appeal equip drip ship up shape

3. Wipe flip ripe hi[ pipe slip goes upward4. Wipe flip ripe hip pipe slip goes upward

5. Wipe up pressed appples for pie6. Wipe up pressed apples for pie

7. Jfkdls;a urie lsow asdfjkl; ;8. Jfkdls;a urie lsow asdfjkl; ;

9. Quake Push Up sharp square pea soup Apple10. Quake Push Up sharp square pea soup Apple

11. pig pail Sheep Pipes drip12. pig pail Sheep Pipes drip

Exercise 11B (new key learning) 1. Ad ad ag ag al al as as ap ap ip ip 2. Ad ad ag ag al al as as ap ap ip ip

3. Pre pre ail ail ial ial ous ous eous eous 4. Pre pre ail ail ial ial ous ous eous eous

5. Fore fore ious ious ad ag al as ap io 6. Fore fore ious ious ad ag al as ap ip

7. All are all are has was had has up has was up 8. All are all are has was had has up has was up

9. We do for of or do add lads padded page jagged 10.We do for of or do add lads padded page jagged


11.Wall fall hall allow walk was ask wasp dash rash flash 12.Wall fall hall allow walk was ask wasp dash rash flash

Exercise 11C (emphasis on new keys) 1. Pre press spread prefer prepare apes slap wrap grape paper 2. Pre press spread prefer prepare apes slap wrap graphe paper

3. Drip grip slip flip ship ail paio fail ial eial redial 4. Drip grip slip flip ship ail pail paio fail ial eial redial

5. All press prefer failed dials She has had a glad life 6. All press prefer failed dials She has had a glad life

7. Rails or roads do lead Fresh sap was drippier here 8. Rails or roads do lead Fresh sap was drippier here

9. We are eager for a sail ous house jealous ous 10.We are eager for a sail ous house jealous ous

11.Eous gorgeous ious serious hideious furiious forhead 12.Eous gorgeous ious serious hideious furious forehead

Lesson 12 Introduction to new keys (y,t, and tab)Exercise 12A (review)

1. Jfkdls;a urie olws p;qa asdfjkl; ;;; gulps rulers 2. Jfkdls;a urie olws p; qa asdfjkl; ;;; gulps rulers

3. Jig Saw Oak far Slow go side Ride Sure how 4. Jog Saw Oak far Slow go side Ride Sure how


5. Good Joke four Frogs 6. Good Joke four Forgs

7. Kulap has a louseir pail All glad dogs do wag 8. Kulap has a louseir pail All glad dogs do wag

9. Her rag has a large rip Fiala read for a page 10.Her rag has a large rip Riala read for a page

Exercise 12B (new key learning) 1. Yj yj yj yj yj yj tf tf tf tf tf tf a a a a 2. Yj yj yj yj yj yj tf tf tf tf tf tf a a a a 3. Yy tt yt ty yty tyy tyy at yt tyjy yj 4. Yy tt yt ty yty tyy tyy at yt tyjy yj 5. Ft tf Arturo was sad You told it to Troy 6. Ft tf Arturo was sad You to it to Troy 7. The little white seat Jorge pays for tires 8. The leiile white eat Jorge pays for tires 9. Trat yellow with this day stay fly trip yell yard tear 10.Trat yellow with this day stay fly trip yell yard tear 11.Yadira is playful with Faye Talk quietly to Tara; ok 12.Yadiar is playful with Faye Talk quietly to Tara; ok 13.Tasha stayed at Ohio Satae Twila hears a dog yelp 14.Tasha stayed at Ohio State Twila hears a dog yel[p

Exercise 12C (emphasis on new keys) 1. Yougurt tastes good to Walter test trya tall tilt wast they 2. Yougurt tastes good to Walter test try a tall tilt wast they 3. Yes yet yap yell year your yoaga hurry helly poetry seater yafrd 4. Yes yet yap yell year your yoga hurry jelly peotrys sweater yard 5. These two twigs are yellow Tory tested three ways to fly 6. Thses two twighs are yellow Tory tested three ways to fly 7. Tayla took your turtle away that tour ship will sail today 8. Tayla took your turtle away that tour ship will sail today 9. He has forty seats at the top th th ly ly th ly 10.He has forty seats at the top th th ly ly th ly


11.Ay ay at at ey ey ity ity east east ity est 12.Ay ay at at ey ey ity ity east east ity est

Lesson 13 Introduction to new keys (v and m) Exercise 13A (review)

1. The they that this with they key grey eye you there 2. The they that this with they key grey eye you there 3. Say way hay play today ist wast ity est ity 4. Say way hay play todsy ist wast isty est ity 5. Fly sly silly ugly jolly 6. Fly sly silly ugly jolly

Exercise 13B (new key learning) Exercise 13C (emphasis on new keys)

Lesson 14 Introduction to new keys (x and z)Exercise 14A (review) 1. He is walking down the street.2. He is walking down the street.

3. The baseball game is tomorrow night.4. The baseball game is tomorrow night.

5. I will play basketball on Friday.6. I will play basketball on Friday.

7. The family purchased a new couch on Wednesday.8. The family purchased a new couch on Wednesday.

9. The last day of school is Friday.10. The last day of school is Friday.

11. I hope it doesn’t snow tomorrow.12. I hope it doesn’t snow tomorrow.Exercise 14B (new key learning)


1. aa zz aa zz aa zz aaz aaz aaa zzz aaa zzz aaa zzz2. aa zz aa zz aa zz aaz aaz aaa zzz aaa zzz aaa zzz

3. ss xx ss xx ss xx ssx ssx sss xxx sss xxx sss xxx4. ss xx ss xx ss xx ssx ssx sss xxx sss xxx sss xxx

5. zap zap zipper zipper zebra zebra zoom zoom6. zap zap zipper zipper zebra zebra zoom zoom

7. exam exam hex hex ax ax axe axe saxophone saxophone8. exam exam hex hex ax ax axe axe saxophone saxophone

9. fizz fizz fizzled fizzled fizziling fizziling quiz quiz quizzes quizzes10. fizz fizz fizzled fizzled fizziling fizziling quiz quiz quizzes quizzes

11. fix fix fixing fixing fixes fixes fixable fixable fixtures fixtures12. fix fix fixing fixing fixes fixes fixable fixable fixtures fixtures

Exercise 14C (emphasis on new keys) 1. Max will fix the quiz. Max will fix the quiz.2. Max will fix the quiz. Max will fix the quiz.

3. The lazy brown fox went to the zoo.4. The lazy brown fox went to the zoo.

5. She is as strong as an ox. She is strong as an ox.6. She is as strong as an ox. She is strong as an ox.

7. She had an extra excuse. She had an extra excuse.8. She had an extra excuse. She had an extra excuse.

9. The balloon will expand and explode.10. The balloon will expand and explode.

11. We expect to be exact on the exam.12. We expect to be exact on the exam.Lesson 15 Introduction to new Quick Blends and Quick Words


Exercise 15A (Quick Blends and Quick words) 1. fjdk sla; bftf njyj asdfjkl; bank tent 2. fjdk sla; bftf njyj asdfjkl; bank tent

3. bagel Blue Bus Jet plane New Train 4. bagel Blue Bus Jet plane New Train

5. rainy When ring bell ay ay at at ey ey 6. rainy When ring bell ay ay at at ey ey

7. Th th ly ly ity ity est est en en un un ank ank 8. Th th ly ly ity ity est est en en un un ank ank

9. ing ing ion ion Non non su;b ness tion tion 10. ing ing ion ion Non non sub ness tion tion

11. able able ible ible anti anti The y;u the you that 12. able able ible ible anti anti The you the you that

Exercise 15B (Quick Blends and Quick words) 1. they with this with that they that An and be by 2. they with this with lthat they that An and be by

3. and by in on no in on no But and end not but 4. and by in on no in on no But and end not but

5. not play today bat state grey eyes Only ugly 6. not play today bat state grey eyes Only ugly

7. best wast poity unitybend when tent under 8. best west poity unity bend when ten under

9. runner Band san wing string flying lion onion 10. runner Band san wing string flying lion onion

11. nation option None nonfat suburb sub table stable 12. nation option None nonfat suburb sub table stable

Exercise 15C (Quick Blends and Quick Words)


1. able antique anti Terrible possible sadness 2. able antiques anti Terrible possible sadness

3. you and they but not this Be in this but not in that4. you and they but not this Be in this but not in that

5. Sully went to the bank They are non stop with no end 6. Sully went to the bank They are non stop with no end

7. That town is the best suburb They are not able to thank you 8. that town is the best suburb They are not able to thatnk you

9. in the end your kindness won Kat will be with you soon 10. in the end your kindness won Kat will be with you soon

11. by now it is late and raining Use lotion when in the sun 12. by now it is late and raining use lotion when in the sun

Lesson 16 Introduction to new keys (M and V)Exercise 16A (review) 1. asdfg hjkl; bftf njyj a;sldkfj 2. asdfg hjkl; bftf njyj a;sldkfj

3. Ninja bug bites Big Tanks 4. Ninja bug bites Big Tanks

5. New ball Baby bunny 6. New ball Baby bunny

7. Open now buy and bye the End8. Open now buy and bye the End


Exercise 16B (new key learning) 1. Mj mj mjmj mjmj vf vf vfvf vfvf mj vf2. Mj mj mjmj mjmj vf vf vfvf vfvf mj vf

3. Mm vv mvm vmv vmm mvv vfv fvf mjm mjm4. Mm vv mvm vmv vmm mvv vfv fvf mjm mjm

5. Have give motor moon movie wave live every day6. Have give motor moon movie wave live every day

7. Mario drove miles Move him over dive limit smart8. Mario drove miles Move him over dive limit smart

9. Veda travels rivers Vern loves many poems10. Veda travels rivers Vern loves many poems

11. Brave men and women save very small worms live12. Brave men and women save very small worms live

13. Make vegetables and shrimp Remind me to give money14. Make vegetables and shrimp Remind me to give money

Exercise 16C (emphasis on new keys) 1. Eleven times she waved Do not skydive in a storm2. Eleven times she waved Do not skydive in a storm

3. Imagine traveling to the moon Metal ovens need vents4. Imagine traveling to the moon Metal ovens need vents

5. Summer makes me happy Photos provide many memories6. Summer makes me happy Photos provide many memories

7. A million mirrors multiply imgaes Ivory doves flew over my home8. A million mirrors multiply images Ivory doves flew over my home

9. Em im ive mid mis ment my am him have from slime dime poem empty10. Em im ive mid mis ment my am him have from slime dime poem empty

11. Alive middle miss shipment Name him Tim for my dad12. Alive middle miss shipment Name him Tim for my dad

13. Have simple honey from my hive at times we all give mistakes14. Have simple honey from my hive at times we all give mistakes


Lesson 17 Introduction to new keys (comma and c)Exercise 17A (review)

1. aa ss dd ff aa qq ss ww dd ee ff rr ff tt ff gg ff bb ff vv2. aa ss dd ff aa qq ss ww dd ee ff rr ff tt ff gg ff bb ff vv

3. jj kk ll ;; jj hh jj yy jj uu jj mm jj nn kk ii ll oo ;; pp4. jj kk ll ;; jj hh jj yy jj uu jj mm jj nn kk ii ll oo ;; pp

5. aa qq aa ss ww ss dd ee dd ff rr ff tt ff gg ff bb ff vv6. aa qq aa ss ww ss dd ee dd ff rr ff tt ff gg ff bb ff vv

7. ;; pp ll oo kk ii jj uu jj yy jj hh jj mm jj nn8. ;; pp ll oo kk ii jj uu jj yy jj hh jj mm jj nn

9. a; sl dk fj aq sw de fr ft fg fb fv ju jy jh jm jn ki lo ;p10. a; sl dk fj aq sw de fr ft fg fb fv ju jy jh jm jn ki lo ;p

11. asdf jkl; aa qq ss ww dd ee ff rr ff tt ff gg ff bb ff vv12. asdf jkl; aa qq ss ww dd ee ff rr ff tt ff gg ff bb ff vv

Exercise 17B (new key learning) 1. dd cc dd cc dc dc dcd dcd kk ,, kk ,, kk ,, k, 2. dd cc dd cc dc dc dcd dcd kk ,, kk ,, kk ,, k,

3. ch ch ck ck ic ic ick ick ack ack 4. ch ch ck ck ic ic ick ick ack ack

5. catch cabs at curb Please Cecil, cancel6. catch cabs at curb Please Cecil, cancel

7. cake, cups, ice cream icicle, police, nicest, sliced prices8. cake, cups, ice cream icicle, police, nicest, sliced prices

9. duck, wreck, stock, locker, bucket slice pieces, carve colors10. duck, wreck, stock, locker, bucket slice pieces, carve colors

11. Acalan, call Ricardo, cheri Careful Catering Company12. Acalan, call Ricardo, cheri Careful Catering Company


Exercise 17C (emphasis on new keys) 1. collect cleats, caps, soccer balls2. collect cleats, caps, soccer balls

3. discover clues from secret caves4. discover clues from secret caves

5. Chester, please change channels6. Chester, please change channels

7. acres covered with scorched orchards8. acres covered with scorched orchards

9. connect your second cable, Captain10. connect your second cable, Captain

11. crickets chirped behind cam cabins12. crickets chirped behind cam cabins

Lesson 18 Quick Blends and Quick-WordsExercise 18A (review)

1. aa ss dd ff aa ss dd ff aa qq aa ss ww ss dd ee dd cc dd 2. aa ss dd ff aa ss dd ff aa qq aa ss ww ss dd ee dd cc dd

3. ff rr ff tt ff gg ff vv ff bb asdf asdf4. ff rr ff tt ff gg ff vv ff bb asdf asdf

5. jj kk ll ;; jj kk ll ;; jj uu jj yy jj hh jj mm jj nn jj6. jj kk ll ;; jj kk ll ;; jj uu jj yy jj hh jj mm jj nn jj

7. kk ii kk ,, kk ll oo ll ;; pp ;; jkl; jkl; ju jy jn jm ki k, lo lo ;p8. kk ii kk ,, kk ll oo ll ;; pp ;; jkl; jkl; ju jy jn jm ki k, lo lo ;p

9. mat fad jet mow how was dew the hat jet 10. mat fad jet mow how was dew the hat jet

11. term germ leap pool here that fool soul 12. term germ leap pool here that fool soul


Exercise 18B (new key learning) 1. em em im im ic ic ch ch2. em em im im ic ic ch ch

3. ck ck ick ick ack ack ive ive4. ck ck ick ick ack ack ive ive

5. mid mid mis mis ment ment 6. mid mid mis mis ment ment

7. aim him aim him aim him have from have from my my8. aim him aim him aim him have from have from my my

9. my him from have am him10. my him from have am him

11. emerald ember empty emerge empire emotion12. emerald ember empty emerge empire emotion

Exercise 18C (emphasis on new keys) 1. image impress improve impossible important2. image impress improve impossible important

3. nicely iceberg victory dictated graphic allergic4. nicely iceberg victory dictated graphic allergic

5. champion chaos cheetah charity challenge chord6. champion chaos cheetah charity challenge chord

7. sticker pickle kicked tickle wicked ticket liver river8. sticker pickle kicked tickle wicked ticket liver river

9. middle humid midair pyramid timid midnight10. middle humid midair pyramid timid midnight

11. misery mister mission mistake mischief cement mental 12. misery mister mission mistake mischief cement mental


Lesson 19 Introduction to new keys (period and x)Exercise 19A (review)

1. a s d f q w e r t y u I o p j k l ; v b n m2. a s d f q w e r t y u I o p j k l ; v b n m

3. ff gg jj uu jj hh jj nn jj mm jj yy kk ii kk ,, ll oo ;; pp ;; 4. ff gg jj uu jj hh jj nn jj mm jj yy kk ii kk ,, ll oo ;; pp ;;

5. aa qq ss ww dd ee dd cc ff rr ff tt ff gg ff bb ff vv6. aa qq ss ww dd ee dd cc ff rr ff tt ff gg ff bb ff vv

7. ;; pp ll oo ll kk ii kk ,, jj uu jj yy jj hh jj nn jj mm8. ;; pp ll oo ll kk ii kk ,, jj uu jj yy jj hh jj nn jj mm

9. a; qp ss ll ww oo dd kk ee ii dd cc kk ii kk ,, ff jj10. a; qp ss ll ww oo dd kk ee ii dd cc kk ii kk ,, ff jj

11. ff rr jj uu ff tt jj yy ff gg jj hh ff bb jj mm ff vv jj nn12. ff rr jj uu ff tt jj yy ff gg jj hh ff bb jj mm ff vv jj nn

Exercise 19B (new key learning) 1. expect. expert. experiment. expand.2. expect. expert. experiment. expand.

3. Maddox relaxed to saxophone music.4. Maddox relaxed to saxophone music.

5. Xiao hong is an anxious boxer.6. Xiao hong is an anxious boxer.

7. They exaggerated the toxins.8. They exaggerated the toxins.

9. Foxes have excellent hearing.10. Foxes have excellent hearing.

11. We choose this example of texture.12. We choose this example of texture.


Exercise 19C (emphasis on new keys) 1. excited. extra. relaxed. deluxe. 2. excited. extra. relaxed. deluxe.

3. Roxanne enjoys exercise. Sixteen boxes were opened4. Roxanne enjoys exercise. Sixteen boxes were opened

5. While foxes blend in Snow6. While foxes blend in Snow

7. Xander wants extra help8. Xander wants extra help

9. Expect Expert. Experiment. Expand10. Expect Expert. Experiment. Expand

11. Inexperienced flexes pull muscles12. Inexperienced flexes pull muscles

Lesson 20 Introduction to new keys (backslash, z and question mark)Exercise 20A (review)

1. A; sl dk fj gh ty ru ei wo qp asdfjkl;2. A; sl dk fj gh ty ru ei wo qp asdfjkl;

3. Fort Knox was next to the explosion.4. Fort Knox was next to the explosion.

5. Deluxe relaxation at an exclusive spa.6. Deluxe relaxation at an exclusive spa.

7. Prefixes and suffixes add to text.8. Prefixes and suffixes add to text.

9. The climax of the house was unexpected.10. The climax of the house was unexpected.

11. No taxation without representation.12. No taxation without representation.


Exercise 20B (new key learning) 1. ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ za za za za za za ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?;2. ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ za za za za za za ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ?;

3. z/ z/ z/ z? z? z? z/ z/ z/ z? z? z?4. z/ z/ z/ z? z? z? z/ z/ z/ z? z? z?

5. Explorers explained their discoveries.6. Explorers explained their discoveries.

7. What if you saw a zebra? It would be quite a sight to see.8. What if you saw a zebra? It would be quite a sight to see.

9. The zebras race across the soccer field as fast as they can.10. The zebras race across the soccer field as fast as they can.

11. The kangaroos hop very quickly across the field12. The kangaroos hop very quickly across the field

Exercise 20C (emphasis on new keys) 1. His reflex was to extend both hands.2. His reflex was to extend both nands.

3. Both teams stop every few minutes to graze on the green grass.4. Both teams stop every few minutes to graze on the green grass.

5. All kinds of animals from around the works compete6. All kinds of animals from around the world compete

7. They ski with chimps from Cameroon.8. They ski with chimps from Cameroon.

9. The animals took home many medals and good memories10. The animals took home many medals and good memories.

11. It was exciting to go to the Animal Olympics.12. It was exciting to go to the Animal Olympics.