Leak Detection & Pipeline Management Solutions - ICEwebPipeManSol.pdf · systems for natural gas...


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Leak Detection & Pipeline Management Solutions

Controlotron Clamp-On Transit-TimePipeline Systems For:Pipeline Leak Detection...............................................”LD”Pipeline Custody Transfer .............Liquid “S” & Gas “GCS”Natural Gas Checkmetering.........................................”GC”

Controlotron provides operators of Natural Gas,Petroleum and Chemical Pipelines complete Systems that:

•Reduce operating costs•Protect against product loss

• State-of-the-art leak detection• Unauthorized product diversion (theft)

•Provide accurate custody transfer flow measurement•Improve pipeline operations management & product quality

Economical Installation On ExistingPipelinesControlotron systems are ideal for existing pipelines and plantssince they install non-intrusively, without cutting pipe or stoppingoperation. In addition to saving the cost of installing convention-al Turbine or PD Meters, Controlotron Site Stations averageonly 1/3 to 1/2 their cost. Highly reliable WideBeam clamp-onflowmeters insure very low maintenance and do not need peri-odic recalibration. Easy to learn and use, Controlotron systemsrequire no change in normal facility operation.

Turnkey Or ControlotronSupervised InstallationControlotron provides the entire system and takes respon-sibility to get it operating. This includes all hardware andsoftware for data measurement, communication, process-ing, display and alarm. Turnkey or supervised system instal-lation and startup lets you see a working system before finalacceptance. Controlotron system optimization assures youof best possible performance, and Controlotron aftercarekeeps it that way. Hands-on user staff training lets you takeover operation quickly and effectively.

Superior PerformanceControlotron’s Ultrasonic technology is intrinsically more linearand rangeable than conventional intrusive flowmeters sincethere is no friction, inertia or wear mechanism to affect its accu-racy. Leak detection system sensitivity to 0.15% of nominal flowand custody transfer flow measurement performance to 0.15%are achievable in most applications. Clamp-on technology per-mits site survey of actual installation conditions for firm perform-ance estimate prior to purchase, if desired. To assure the bestperformance possible, Controlotron provides system optimiza-tion. This is a process of evaluating data obtained in the fieldand upgrading system operating parameters to more closelyrepresent actual field conditions.

Controlotron Systems Provide Economical Installation,Single Party Responsibility and Superior Performance

Advantages over SCADA & PressureBased Modeling Leak DetectionSystems

SCADA based leak detection systems depend on data fromexisting Turbine or PD Flowmeters, and pressure and tem-perature instruments originally installed by others. Theseinstruments were not originally specified to provide theextraordinarily high accuracy and calibration stability neededfor leak detection. Therefore, system performance cannot beassured by the SCADA system supplier. No single party canbe held responsible for SCADA based leak detection systemperformance.

All elements of the LD system are provided by Controlotronto assure the specified leak detection accuracy.Controlotron takes responsibility for system installation,start-up, optimization and maintenance. In addition, the LDsystem’s compensated volume balance principle providescontinuous leak detection, not the “one shot” leak detectionprovided by pressure based SCADA systems.

Principle Of OperationTime Proved WideBeam Clamp-On Technology

Leak Detection and Custody Transfer require extremely accu-rate, sensitive and rangeable flow measurement.

WideBeam Technology Maximizes Accuracy. Reflect-mount transducersignals flood the flowing fluid with WideBeam sonic energy.

Controlotron’s clamp-on transit-time ultrasonic flowmetersuse patented Wide Beam technology to induce an axial sonicwave in the pipe wall. As it travels down the pipe, a collimat-ed beam of sonic energy “rains” across the liquid. This widebeam completely covers the receive transducer, assuring thatit cannot be interrupted by bubbles, or lost due to a change inrefraction angle if liquid properties vary.

Ultrasonic signals transmit alternately upstream and down-stream. Flow makes the upstream transit take slightly longerthan the downstream beam. The flow computer measures thetime difference, which is proportional to flow, and computesthe flow rate in user selected units. Since there is no energytaken from the stream, flow detection is extremely rangeable(0 to ±150 ft/sec) sensitive (0.001 ft/sec) and bi-directional.

To permit accurate operation, liquid properties, such as densi-ty and viscosity, are determined by the system. It utilizes thewell-known relationship among these parameters, the meas-ured liquid sonic propagation velocity and temperature to com-pute the LiquiDent™ Sonic Signature.

1010LD Site Station With Communications Equipment

Easy To Learn and UseThe LD System watches your pipeline for leaks, but doesnot need to be continuously watched by pipeline operationsstaff. If there is a leak, alarms immediately alert the staff.The LD System’s MultiGraph and Numerical Data screensthen quickly identify the pipeline segment affected, and theextent of the leak. On-screen HELP menus reinforceControlotron user staff training programs.

Even while monitoring for leak indication, the LD System’sMultiGraph data screens can be accessed to provide oper-ating staff with valuable information on pipeline operation,such as interface detection, batch tracking, product qualitycontrol and many other functions.

Data ScreensA number of data screens are provided, depending on theparticular system configuration. Some of the more typicalones include:

• Site Station Data • Line Pack/Unpack • Path Flow Data • Batch Track Data• Viscosity • Sonic Velocity • Segment Diagnostics • Site Signal Conditions• Reynolds Number • User Option MultiGraph • Application Condition • API Number

The following page provides a graphic representation anddetailed explanation of the following screens:

• Main Alarm• Segment Numerical Data• Segment Volume Balance Trends•Key Segment Parameters

WideBeam™Clamp-On Transit-Time Ultrasonic Technology Guarantees Extreme Precision & Stability

Controlotron Systems for Leak Detection/Location,Custody Transfer & Operations Management

1010LD Leak Detection System Monitor Is Part Of The User’s SCADA Console

System DescriptionAs shown on this system diagram , non-intrusive clamp-on transit-time flowand RTD temperature transducers areinstalled on the process pipe. Theyconnect to a local Controlotron flowcomputer. These “Site Stations” meas-ure and compute the following data upto 10 times per second:

• Volumetric Mass Flow Rate

• Liquid Temperature

• Ambient Temperature (as required)

• Liquid Sonic Propagation Velocity,(Sonic Signature)

• Site Diagnostic ConditionsEmpty Pipe AlarmSite Operational ConditionSignal StrengthLiquid Aeration ContentFlow Direction

Master Station OperationThe Windows based 1010LD master station receivesall Site Station data simultaneously, once per minute.Site Stations communicate their digital data serially(RS-232), via Controlotron provided communicationmodules. The Master Station processes this data,and once per minute updates all outputs: alarms,graphic and numerical data screens, plus both ana-log and digital data outputs.

Flexible Data CommunicationData communication from Site to Master Station canbe accomplished available by any of the followingmethods:

• Dedicated Phone Lines• Radio• Satellite Transmission• Optical Cable • Direct Wire• SCADA Communication Networks• ModBus/Ethernet

Site Station output data can utilize your SCADA sys-tem communication network. Processed master sta-tion digital data can also be networked into theSCADA System. Controlotron communication sys-tem consultation services are available if desired.

1010 LD Detects both Small & Catastrophic Leaks in Oil Pipelines & Chemical Processing Plants

Leak Detector OperationMeasurement Based Mass Balance MethodThe 1010LD system uses the mass balance method. Apatented thermal model computes and corrects for liquidexpansion due to pipeline temperature or pressurechanges. Liquident™ sonic signature identifies liquid den-sity and viscosity for standard barrel or mass flow ratecomputation and Reynolds number based flow profilecompensation. Liquident display screens visibly identifyarrival of Interfaces at site stations eliminating the needfor inconvenient and expensive densitometer readings.

The 1010LD system does not require continuous operatorattention. Mass unbalance of any pipeline segmentexceeding preset alarm thresholds of any of four integra-tion periods: (1, 5, 15 or 60 minutes), activates the alarmand calls for operator attention. User friendly graphicscreens then quickly show which pipeline segment is thesource of the alarm. Operators can instantly view any of30 graphic and numeric data screens merely by touchinga “Hot Key”. These help confirm the leak condition and itsextent. The LD System does not pre-empt the operatingstaff’s responsibility to confirm a leak but it can be usedfor automatic pipeline shutdown if desired.

The LD System does not require continuous operator mon-itoring. However, the ability to sense very small leaks, (downto a few tenths of one percent), can be achieved by utilizing“visual trending”. This enables the operator to see smallimbalances that may not be great enough to exceed thealarm threshold settings.

Dynamic Appcon™ Adjustment ToAvoid False AlarmsThe LD system senses pipeline application conditions, suchas liquid aeration and empty pipe. If conditions deteriorate,the LD system’s AppCon™ dynamically de-sensitizes theeffected area until conditions improve to help avoid falsealarms. A ReaLeak™ scatter plot screen shows the opera-tor a graphical correlation of reported leak data with currentapplication condition data to help validate a leak alarm.

Improves Pipeline OperationEven when no leak is suspected, pipeline operators getvaluable information from the LD system’s data screens.Simply depress a Hot Key and see flow rate, batch size,relative location of batches within the pipeline, currentscraper location, interface location, liquid API andReynolds numbers, Site Station diagnostics, and a host ofadditional data. Numerical data can also be transferredinto your SCADA System. All data is automaticallyarchived. Both graphic and numerical data screens canbe instantly printed in color, if desired.

Special Features• Leaks detected in as little as one minute

• Optional Catastrophic Leak Location to within 30 meters in selected applications within 3 minutes

• Master Station configurable into one or many different pipeline segment lengths from 1-100 miles permitted

• Scraper (Pig) Tracking

• Batch Tracking

• Ability to pre-stack batches

• Theft Detection

• Hot Key or menu accessed data screens

• Audible/ Visible Leak Alarms and/or Hands-on operation• Instant identification of leaking pipeline segment

• Archived Data Playback for review

• Automatic Application Condition (AppCon)™

• Automatic Data Archiving

• Automatic Audit Trail

• Instant screen color printout capability for analysis

• Off-line Optimization of Pipeline Topology & Operating Parameters

• Real time Remote Repeater Stations

• Off-line Data Replay capability

• Password Security System

• User Programable Data Correlation Screen

• Windows based operating system

Fast Installation Without Operation Interruption.

Segment Volume Balance TrendsThis MultiGraph screen shows the volume balance trends of theselected segment from the past 1 hour to the past 72 hours, for all fourintegration periods. It shows the exact time that an alarm thresholdwas exceeded. Examination of these trends helps the operator con-firm a leak condition, and avoid declaring a false leak alarm.

Key Segment ParametersThe F6 hot key MultiGraph data screen simultaneously shows theselected segment’s flow rate, 1 minute delta, LiquiDent™ andTemperature for the last 1 to 72 hours. This screen is useful inidentifying the pipeline conditions at the time that a Leak Alert wasdeclared. In addition, the LiquiDent™ data serves as an interfacedetector, since it instantly shows the sonic signature of each prod-uct batch as it arrives at either of the segment’s site stations.

Provides Valuable Leak & Operation Data

Screens with actual data from 1010LD System now operating in the field onmulti-product, bidirectional pipelines illustrate the type of information provided.

The 1010LD system Master Station data screens are accessed by either a mouse driven menu or hot key. This permits instant accessto data from any Site Station or Pipeline Segment. Thirty graphic and numerical data screens enable pipeline operators to determineleak conditions and obtain valuable information on present and/or past pipeline operations.

Main Alarm ScreenThis is the screen normally displayed when the system is in back-ground operations mode and is viewed when the operator hears orsees the leak alarm. All site stations, and all segments of allpipelines are shown graphically. When there is no leak, all site sta-tion and segment symbols are GREEN. Any site station in faultcondition is shown in RED. Any segment in leak alarm is shown inFLASHING RED until acknowledged, and afterwards in RED untilthe leak is corrected. Flow rates for each site and alarm codes canalso be viewed from this screen.

Segment Numerical DataPipeline operators faced with a leak warning or alarm alert mayinstantly view the numerical data for the affected segment. Simplykey the segment cursor shown on the system alarm screen to thedesired segment and depress hot key F2. This screen shows thenumerical value of the 1, 5, 15 and 60 minute integration periodsvolume unbalance. The period responsible for the Leak Alert willbe seen in either YELLOW or RED.

Custody Transfer Liquid & Gas OperationTransit-Time flowmeter's calibration stability is superior to con-

ventional PD and Turbine meters. Its ability to sonically identi-

fy the liquid which it is currently measuring and the presence

of free water or gas is invaluable for custody transfer.

System advantages include:•Wider flow range, from 0 to over 40 feet per second flow velocity• Bidirectional, eliminates need for flow reversal valves• Extreme sensitivity over entire flow range, 0.001 ft/sec• Reliable & Maintenance Free Non-Intrusive Flow Detection

•Permits passage of pigs• No wear mechanism means no periodic shutdown for repair• Calibration does not change with use, as in PD & Turbines

• Automatic Product Analysis• Detects and Displays current API Number• Detects presence of Water and Aeration (Free Gas)• Detects and indicates product non-homogeneity

This system also provides other unique functions:• Interface Detection• Batch Tracking, with ETA• Pig Detection

Measures Quantity, Type & QualityOf Transferred LiquidsThe Custody Transfer Master Station Provides a completetime-stamped record of all product movement, simplifyingoperator control of product transfer operations. BothGraphic and Numeric Data Screens are provided, including:

Complete Time-StampedReplayable, Archived Data RecordsGraphic and Numeric Screens show current and past flowrates, type of liquid in each batch, estimated time of arrival atany site station, and other valuable information. All screensare accessible by hot key or menu for any segment of anypipeline registered on the Master Station.

Batch Tracking DisplayShowing Scraper (PIG) PositionPipeline operators see batch interfaces and their location.Numerical data indicates batch size, start date and time,average API (or SG), volume sent, estimated time of arrivalto end of pipe and distance from start, etc.

Liquid Quality Display Showing Propagation Of A SlugThis MultiGraph screen simultaneously shows flow rate,LiquiDent™, API number and viscosity. As shown, at 0630 onJuly 12th, a non-uniform liquid slug entered the pipeline. Thesecond site station’s LiquiDent™ shows slug arrival, permittingextraction. The API number variations show non-uniform batchconsistency. Each batch’s characteristic shape remains identi-fiable at both Site Stations of the Segment shown.

Superior Custody Transfer Accuracy with theBenefit of Networked Central Data Collection

• Standard Volume Total• Actual Volumetric Total • Mass Total• Actual Volumetric Flow Rates• Standard Volume Flow Rates• Mass Flow Rates•Liquid Type (API & LiquiDent™

Sonic Signature value)

• Liquid Conditions• Water Contamination Monitor• Aeration Contamination Monitor• Liquid Viscosity and Density

Determination• Flow Conditions• Reynolds Number• Flow Profile & Crossflow indication

Controlotron Corporation, an ISO 9000/ATEX EN13980 Quality Company155 Plant Avenue, Hauppauge, New York 11788-3801

Tel. +1 (631) 231-3600 • Toll Free +1 (800) 275-8479 • Fax +1 (631) 231-3334Website: www.controlotron.com • E-mail: [email protected]

© 2004 Copyright Controlotron Corporation. Printed in U.S.A. All rights reserved. Reorder# 1010LDBRO9/04

Pre-Purchase System PerformancePrediction Determined By Site SurveyPerformance of any measurement system depends on actualapplication conditions. Accurate performance predictiondepends on knowing what these conditions are. Therefore, insome cases, Controlotron recommends a pre-purchase sitesurvey of your pipeline, or plant, using a 1010 portable clamp-on flowmeter. A detailed report providing the cost/performancetradeoffs for the recommended types of systems will then beprepared for your consideration.

Performance Verifiable Prior ToAcceptanceWhen site stations are first installed, Controlotron confirms priorperformance estimates. Previously unseen application condi-tions are resolved by optimization. The steps in this processinclude:

1. Complete initial review of user system and performance requirements and application description.

2. Site survey of actual pipeline conditions with portable clamp-on flowmeters for pre-purchase performance estimate.

3. Proposal of alternative cost vs. performance system options.

4. Data on newly installed site stations can be analyzed within the first week of operation to confirm Controlotron system performance projections prior to acceptance and start-up of master station operations.

Also AvailableDedicated System 1010 BN

Pipeline Interface Detector

Portable System 1010WPMultiFunction Transit-Time Flowmeter

Dedicated System 1010NNEMA 4X MultiFunction Transit-Time Flowmeter

Dedicated System 1010DNDual Channel/Path NEMA 4X Transit-Time Flowmeter

Dedicated System 1010MNFour-Channel NEMA 4X Transit-Time Flowmeter

Dedicated System 1010FTLow Flow Chemical Flowmeter

Dedicated System 1010GCSNatural Gas Custody Transfer

Field Installed System 1010GC Precision Natural Gas Checkmeter

1010NEMA 4X Single, Dual or four Beam/Channel Flowmeter

1010X NEMA 7X Single Or Dual Beam/Channel Flowmeter

Pre-Calibrated Oil & Natural Gas Custody Transfer SpoolsAre Also Available.