Kn woo

Foundation In Natural and Built Environment Sept 2013 English 2 [ENGL 0205] Writes a descriptive essay about a tool Woo Wen Jian 0315123

Transcript of Kn woo

  • 1. Foundation In Natural and Built Environment Sept 2013 English 2 [ENGL 0205] Writes a descriptive essay about a toolWoo Wen Jian 0315123

2. The paints on the wall are starting to peel off after hours of soaking in paint removal solution. I'm standing by the wall, scrapping off those left over paints while the furniture in the room are pushed to the middle of the room and were covered with plastic wraps. After I confirmed every last pieces of paint was off from the wall, I gathered the painting tools as if I were a warlord recruiting mercenaries to help me out. Settling down the paint tray, I then filled it half with a decent pearl white paint. Picking up a 4 inches long paint brush, I then stroke its bristle. Soft as a fluffy Chow-Chow, as Im expecting what to feel. I dip it into the tray of paint, and started painting the wall. An hour had passed, and not a single wall was completely painted. Not even half of the initial wall was painted. I was in deep frustration as I knew I had to stay in the hot steamy room for a lot longer time in order to get all these walls done painted. While I'm in awe, my mother came into the room a tossed me an object. "Use it, use it wise. My son." says her when I catch it with both of my hands. She left straight away after that. I hold it with my bare hand, on my first glance on it, all I could tell is it has a fresh blood-red colored handle. The next thing in my mind is, "What the hell is that I'm holding on right now?" It doesn't resembles anything in my mind because everything I thought of couldn't relates to a handle, a sturdy metal sticks and a feathery top that could rolls. Gripping it hard at the handle, I started swinging it around in the room. It weighted exactly like how it felt holding a 500ml-filled SeaMaster plastic bottle, light but you still could felt that youre holding onto something. When Im busy carry out full scale 3. investigation on this fella, suddenly I smelled something bad. Something like a smelly feet that hasnt been washed for weeks! Looking towards the object I held on my palm, I wonder if the smell came from it. Took a deep breathe, brought it closer to my nose while my body and neck bend toward it. Sniff-sniff. It was just some plastic smells on it. Guess the pungent smell came from somewhere else. To be honest, Im a person with serious basorexia. In another words, a strong desire to kiss. I checked if my mom or anyone else is around. When Ive made sure that the coast is clear, I moisture my pair of lips with my saliva. Then, its time. I smooched the top of the feather thing that could roll. Not bad, the texture of it wandering around my lips are quite soft. Next on, I started French kissing it. Things gone bad when the feathery thing are soaked with my saliva, the sensation didnt feel that nice anymore as the thing soaked up my saliva real quick. Cleansed my mouth and the object. Oh, theres also a small feathery stuff stuck in between my upper right lateral and cuspid. The investigation was then continued. I held it firmly once again but this time I hit it with the top of the paint pint. Smooth flat sound was produced as I think when the paint pint and the feather top meets, the impulsive force arent that high so the sound produced are something like that. Then I hit it again with the metal part of the object. A low pitch, treble sound was produced. It is just like a how a drum will sounds. Once again, I was astonished by knowing what it could do. 30 minutes had passed since I started squeezing my brain juice thinking what could possibly it was. Finally, I put it down beside me, I quit. I felt alienated by the object as well as felt disgusted by the fact that I couldn't decipher what that object is. Then, a 4. miracle happened. At the exact brief moment I pick back up the paint brush, a ray of sunlight shunned upon the object. Next up, I heard an angelic sound around me, a choir of angels rhyming Hallelujah in at the background. Oh, it's just my message ringtone. Stumbled upon all the coincidence, I checked the text message. "STOP STARING AT THE PAINT ROLLER. ALSO, YOU BETTER PAINT THE WHOLE ROOM BEFORE EVENING. p.s.: Google up how to use a paint roller if you don't know how to." It was a text from my mom. After knowing what It is, I felt so ashamed that Ive actually French kissed a paint roller.