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Transcript of Klessonplan

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Subject: Drama Term / Week: 2 /1 Level: Secondary 2 express Time Frame: 60 minutes (10 minutes for travelling) Curriculum Topic: Bullying LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF LESSON Students will be able to, - Identify an oppressive situation - Explore different perspective of a bullying situation. (e.g. the bully, the one being bullied and the bystander) - Devise a piece of theatre that explores different aspects of a situation


Activity Strategy Rationale Questions Materials and Resources


Trigger activity In two circles, and every circle has two layers, one inner and the other outer Students are grouped into 4 groups of 10. Students will be tasked different roles and scenario to play. E.g. Inner circle – A Outer circle – B (Roles are interchangeable) Scenario: 1. A wants B to go to the library with A. 2. A wants to eat chicken rice but B wants to eat noodle soup Task: Students A and B engage in a conversation and try to convince the other to follow their suggestion. While students carry out the

Drama convention: role play

In this activity, students are given the choice to decide whether to follow suit or to oppose against the other, or even to try to negotiate their way out. (Teachers try not to inform students of the various choices so as to allow students to discover for themselves) Students would be able to experience a certain kind of authority from the activity. This introduces the idea of oppression/bully, which will lead into the main activity.

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activity, teacher could either walk around the circles to listen to how each student negotiate with the other or to stand on the outside and observe is everyone is participating. Students gather around and share their experience while carrying out the activity.


Guiding questions: · Did all the As manage to get Bs to follow them? · If no, what happened? · If yes, why did you follow? · Is there any pair that manages to come to an agreement?

10 - reading

10 - preparation

Main Activity Students will be gathered in the space, seated. Script on “Special” would be handed out to the class. Ask for 4 volunteers to read the monologue of Ian in scene for the class. As a class, discuss the issue surfaced from the script. (Bullying)

In 4 groups of 10, read through scene two to four and devise a short performance of 5 minutes. (Students are given the choice to select any section)

Characters: Mr Wong Mr Choo Ian Dewi Saiful Norman (5 other classmates)

Improvisation/ Devising

Through the reading activity, students are developing oral skills and confidence as they are tasked to read out loud to the class. There is also some element of improvisation because students are putting on the role of the character as they read.

With the reading activity, students would have a general idea of the topic.

In the devising activity, students are encouraged to work collaboratively and learn by doing as students improvise on the spot. Students would be tasked to improvise on the script that is given to them. Students are engaging their imagination to look

Script on “Special” by Kenneth Kwok.

Studio resources: Chairs, tables, boxes…

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Teacher monitors students’ progress by approaching each group to listen to their discussions and observe their improvisation. Teacher would also manage the class, making sure no one is misbehaving.

into others perspective and experience how it is like to embody someone else. Hence, students are able to emphasize with their characters.

20 Groups take turns to perform. The rest of the class would be the audience. Teacher reminds the audience to respect their classmates by watching attentively and keeping their comments till the end of the performance.

At the end of the performance, students are tasked to write a short reflection of 50—100 words on the possible ways Ian could have responded.

Performance As Neelands (1998) mentioned, "students should be assessed on what they make rather than on what they claim". Hence, through performing, teachers are able to assess students based on their devised performance.

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Subject: Drama Term / Week: 2 /2 Level: Secondary 2 express Time Frame: 60 minutes (10 minutes travelling) Curriculum Topic: Bullying LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF LESSON Students will be able to: - Empathize with people dealing with an oppressive situation - Identify the different ways of handling situations of oppression - Devise a piece of theatre that explores different aspects of a situation

Time mins

Activity Strategy Rationale Questions Materials and Resources

10 Recap Students hand in their short reflection. Students gather in groups of 5 to discuss what they have written. Students appoint someone to present their solutions


Teachers need to briefly go through what was done in the previous lesson in order to make links to the previous and current activities.

10 -

Main Activity Students gather in their groups from last week. Based on the script, try to apply the possible ways to the scenes. Instructions: In the same groups from last week, students create 2 frames. 1. The scene where Ian is being oppressed 2. The scene with the solution

Devising In order to further develop the theme of bullying, students are tasked to explore beyond recognizing the theme but also to think of possible ways to encounter the situation.

10 Presentation Students present their tableaux.

Drama convention: Tableaux

Students work collaboratively to produce two tableaux.

Teacher asks students what they see and understand from

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Students will be given time to observe the tableaux and discuss what they understand from the tableaux. Teacher may try spotlighting on the statues to give students better understanding of the frame.

Students use imagination to enter into another world to discover the possible solutions. (Problem-solving) Students use their imagination to create different symbolic statues that tells a story.


10 Conclusion Ask students how they felt about the theme of bullying in the past two sessions. Ask students what they have learnt from playing the different characters.

Reflection/ Discussion

Students make links to all the activities that had been done and reflect upon their actions and discussions. Students learn to view a situation from different perspective with the guiding questions. Students apply knowledge into their lives and think about themselves as responsible individuals.

Guiding questions: How was it like being in the position of the oppressed? How does it feel like to be the oppressor? How does it feel like to be the bystander? What are the possible ways to prevent bullying? What can they do as an individual if they witness a bullying scene in the future?