Kids World News Kent Sept. 2015

Kids’ World News Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2015 September 2015 Kent County Edition FREE For Kids To Enjoy! Welcome Back To School! Just For Kids! Just For Kids! We Welcome You to Check Out 0ur Website


Education, Puzzles, Crafts, History

Transcript of Kids World News Kent Sept. 2015

Page 1: Kids World News Kent Sept. 2015

Kids’ World News Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2015

September 2015Kent County


For Kids To Enjoy!

WelcomeBack ToSchool!

A New Informational Publication That‛s

Just For Kids!Just For Kids!

We Welcome You to Check Out 0ur Website

Page 2: Kids World News Kent Sept. 2015

Thanks!Thanks! To All Of Our Sponsors Who AreHelping Us To Provide Great

Information To Kids And Parents

if you would like to see Kids’ World News at your school or if you would like to be one of our proud sponsors, please call616 233-9190 (e-mail: [email protected]). If you would like to submit an article from your school (limit 150 wordsplus high resolution jpgs), e-mail: [email protected] Kids’ World News is designed to give exposure to all areaschools, recognition of students and staff members. We welcome imput from all our area schools. We do however, re-serve the right to edit.

Kids’ World News September 2015 - Page 2

Hi Kids!It’s A Great Day At Kids’ World News!


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What is your favorite school activity? What subjects do you like best? Now that the school yearhas begun, what can you do to make your school year better than ever? If you were a teacher, howwould you teach your students?

Welcome Back To School!

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Isn’t it great to be back at school? After a busy summer, it’s great to settle in and learn more, seefriends, read books and get back into a routine. Education is a privilage we all share in this country.Let’s take advantage of it! One way to take advantage is to be better organized. Here’s a few ideas:• If you have homework, do it when you get home from school. If you have a test on Friday, study forit each night so you don’t have to cram at the last minute. If you have a report due in a couple ofweeks, do a part of it every day. That way, you’re never overwhelmed.• If you’re having trouble with a subject, ask for help.• Get plenty of sleep at night. Allow yourself plenty of time to get ready in the morning.• Eat a good breakfast. • Pack your lunch the night before and refrigerate. You won’t be so rushed in the morning by doingthis.• Lay out your clothes the night before.

School days are great days! Once again, Kids’ World News will be published every month for yourenjoyment. Please thank our wonderful sponsors you see in this paper for supporting Kids’ WorldNews. Watch next month for the 9th Annual Kids’ World News Coloring Contest entry! Get ready tojoin the fun!

The Staff of Kids’ World News

Page 3: Kids World News Kent Sept. 2015

Kids’ World News September 2015, Page 3

Has anyone ever asked you, “What do youwant to be when you grow up?” You mighthave to think about it for a while, or maybeyou already have an idea. If you were to askthat question to a caterpillar they would an-swer, “A butterfly! “ Did you know that a cater-pillar is not a baby or an adult? It is a kid likeyou, still growing and learning each day.

The caterpillar is a really interesting, coolkid! They are called "eating machines" be-cause they eat as many leaves and plants asthey can each day. They eat so much in fact,that they shed their skin four or five times be-fore creating a chrysalis. Aren’t you glad youjust have to buy new clothes when you growout of your old ones?

Caterpillars don’t have noses like we do.They breathe through small pores on theirsides. Caterpillars have a head, eyes, and 13sections to their bodies. Some caterpillarshave furry hair while some have no hair withjust a few thick bristles. A caterpillar has threepairs of walking legs and five pairs of legs withhooks for grabbing. A caterpillar also has4,000 muscles while we only have around650. Wow, now that is a really strong kid!

The next time you see a caterpillar, watch itcarefully. Notice what it eats, how fast itwalks, and what it looks like. If you are lucky,you may find a chrysalis to watch this sum-mer. Being able to see a caterpillar kidemerge as a grown up butterfly is really in-credible. Without a doubt, the caterpillar is apretty special kid, just like you!

Contributed by Rebecca Nechuta

The Cool Caterpillar:What a Kid!

Step 1 - Starting with a half sheet of paper (approxi-mate size 4 1/4” x 11”), fold in half the long way creat-ing a piece of paper with a folded edge and a cut edge.Step 2 - Fold once again the long way.Step 3 - Open the paper completely and lay flat. You should have a center crease line and a crease line on each side ofthe center crease line.Step 4 - At one end of the rectangle, fold the short way a fold about 1” wide. Leave folded under. The folded end has cre-ated the head.Step 5 - On the head section, draw an eye on each side of the center crease line as shown. Add a smile too.Step 6 - It is time to decorate. Using markers, crayons, or colored pencils, make colorful and interesting patterns, shapesand stripes.

Step 7 - When the caterpillar is decorated,re-fold in half at the center fold line.Step 8 - Begin cutting through the fold up tothe crease line. Be careful not to go past orshort of crease line. Leave the head uncut.

Step 9 - Unfold. Re-crease the side crease linesto fold inward. Glue open flaps one over theother. You will create a triangle shape.

Step 10 - Add 3 pairs oflegs.

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Kids’ World News September 2015, Page 4

Amelia EarhartAmelia Mary Earhart was born on July 24, 1897 in Atchison,

Kansas. She was the oldest of the two sisters in her family, andoften loved to play with her younger sister Grace Murial or“Pidge”. Amelia loved to read, and grew up to write severalbooks of her own including “20 hrs. 40 min.”, “The Fun of It”, and“The Last Flight”. She is known as the first female aviator to flyacross the Atlantic Ocean, and she left behind a great mysterywhen she disappeared. She set many records, stood for theequal rights amendment, and inspired many girls as a role-model.

In December of 1920, Amelia and her father visited FrankHawks, who was an air racing pilot. After taking a short flight,she knew flying was perfect for her and she was determined tolearn how. She worked many different jobs and saved up enoughto go to a flight school in 1921. Her first airplane was a second-hand yellow Kinner Airster biplane, which she fondly called “theCanary”. Amelia set her first record in that plane in 1922, as thefirst woman to reach an altitude of 14,000 feet. The next year shebecame the 16th woman to be issued a pilot’s license. Eventu-ally she sold “the Canary” and another yellow Kinner, settling fora two passenger automobile called a Kissel “Speedster” so shecould take her mother on a transcontinental trip with stops inBoston and throughout the West. She stayed in Boston tem-

porarily to con-tinue at Colum-bia Universityfor a fewmonths andthen foundwork as ateacher andthen as a socialworker in 1925.She became a local celebrity in Medford, Massachusetts after writ-ing about aviation in the local newspaper.

Amelia Earhart first flew across the Atlantic as a passenger toWilmer Stultz, and in the project she met her eventual second hus-band George Putnam. After she returned to the U.S., she went onlecture tours and was dubbed the name of “Lady Lindy” as shelooked like the solo flyer Charles Lindburgh. Her fame grew as sheearned the Distinguished Flying Cross from Congress when shebecame the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, along with soloflights from Hawaii to California and an attempt at circumnavigatingthe globe. This last voyage was her final flight en route from Lae,New Guinea to Howland Island, her plane mysteriously disappearedin the Pacific Ocean. The United States government spent $4 mil-lion looking for Earhart, which made it the most costly and inten-sive air and sea search in history at that time.

Did You Know?• Earhart refused to don typical flying gear—she wore a suit ordress instead of the "high-bread aviation togs," a close-fitting hatinstead of a helmet, didn't put on her goggles until she taxied to theend of the field, and removed them immediately upon landing.• She developed a friendship with Eleanor Roosevelt, who wantedto learn how to fly. Earhart had planned to teach her, for which theFirst Lady even got her student permit.• Earhart met Orville Wright at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphiain 1937, the same year she disappeared.

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Page 5: Kids World News Kent Sept. 2015

Kids’ World News September 2015, Page 5

Math Puzzle Fun!These puzzles are fun to do! Going across the puzzle, youwill either add or subtract 1 in sequence. Going down youadd or subtract 10 in sequence. We give you one numberto start and you take it from there!

54 55 57 58











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Kids’ World News September 2015, Page 6

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Kids’ World News September 2015, Page 7

Use The Colors ByNumber To Color

The Picture!

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Page 8: Kids World News Kent Sept. 2015

Kids’ World News September 2015, Page 8

Domestic CatsMany people have a pet cat or know someone who does! This

special pet comes in all sorts of breeds and colors. Some are long-haired and some are short-haired, and some have no hair at all!Their fur can be different colors or just one, but it usually dependson the breed. The most common breed in America is the AmericanShorthair.

Cats normally weigh between 7-15 pounds, and the heaviest catever recorded was named Himmy and weighed 46 pounds! Over-weight cats often have a variety of health proplems, so it is veryimportant to feed cats a proper diet. Indoor cats typically eat catfood, which is a blend of nutrients that cats need. Outdoor and fer-ral cats hunt small animals like birds, mice, rats, and even smallrabbits!

Cats love to play! Playing with small toys and string resembleshunting, and they love to practice and improve on their huntingskills. They also will play by fighting with both humans and other

cats. Kittensare espe-cially knownto love play-fighting witheach otherand with 4-7kittens bornin a litter,they haveplenty ofplaymates!

Domesticcats havebeen aroundfor a longtime. Whileit was com-m o n l yknown that

cats were domesticated by Egyptians, recent discoveries actuallypoint to cats domesticated for more than 10,000 years!

Cats have some amazing senses! Their hearing is much betterthan a humans, and they can even rotate their ears 180 degrees!They also can see in much darker places. This “night vision” al-lows them to see at light levels six times lower than what a humanneeds in order to see.

Did You Know?• Abraham Lincolnhad four cats in theWhite House whilehe was president!• On average, house-cats live between 12and 15 years.• Average cats cansleep 16-18 hours aday!• To greet each other,cats touch noses.

Page 9: Kids World News Kent Sept. 2015

The piano is a very important part of music. Many musical notesdo not seem possible without it and many notes sound better onthe piano. The piano can play all types of music from classical torock and roll. It can also be played solo or with other instruments,so it is very versatile.

There is some disagreement on when the first modern stylepiano was built. Most say the modern style piano (or piano et

forte, meaningsoft and loud)was probablybuilt by the Ital-ian, BartolomeoCristofori in1709. It wasdescribed as ah a r p s i c h o r dwith both softand loud!

The differ-ence betweenthe harpsichord(that came be-fore) and thepiano, was theway the stringswere sounded.

Inside the piano the strings are tightened into tune. A grandpiano, for instance, looks like a harp when on it’s side. Modernstyle pianos use hammers to pluck the string. So when you touchthe keyboard, the hammer hits the string which affects the soundof the note. If you stroke the key gently, the sound will be soft. Ifyou use a heavy touch on the key, the sound will be much louder!

PIANO FACTS:• The average medium sized piano has about 230 strings. Eachstring has about 165 pounds of tension. With the combined pullof all the strings, that equals approximately eighteen tons!• There are over 10 million pianos in American homes, businessesand institutions.• Yamaha, established in 1887, was the first piano manufacturerin Japan.• The world’s largest piano is a Challen Concert Grand Piano.This piano is eleven feet long and has a total string tension ofover 30 tons. This piano weighs more than a ton!• The working section of the piano is called the action. There areabout 7500 parts in there. They all play a role in sending the ham-mers against the strings when the keys are struck.

I Love ToPlay ThePiano!

Kids’ World News September 2015, Page 9

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Page 10: Kids World News Kent Sept. 2015

Enjoy TheBenefits OfMartial Arts!

Kids’ World News September 2015, Page 10

The benefits that come from practicing a mar-tial art is that you have a healthier, fit body andmind. You gain agility, balance, coordinationand reflexes. Those gains can translate intobetter performance in sports and in every daylife. The true armor that martial arts gives to a student is the

strength of self esteem.Strong values make astronger person. Inmartial arts, respect forothers is emphasizedplus you learn to avoiddangerous situationsand feel confident inthe ability to defendoneself if needed. Ithelps you build yourconfidence.

Let’s talk about selfesteem. Self esteem isthe way we feel andthink about ourselves.Healthy self esteemcan affect everythingwe do in our lives. Itpromotes a positive“yes I can” attitude. Italso enables us withthe tools to have the

best chance at being a happy and successful adult.An important part of self esteem is respect. In martial arts

training, the student learns to have respect for the instructorand fellow students in the class. The martial arts instructorcommunicates with you about what is expected and informsyou of your progress in learning. The classroom is also a greatenvironment to meet new friends with similar interests.

Discipline is an important ingredient when practicing martialarts. It takes discipline to consistently focus on improving skills,going to practice and concentrating on the work involved ingrowing. In addition, as you gain ranking in the martial arts stu-dio, other students will look to you for guidance. You learn tofeel confident in your abilities, communicate what you know toothers and make new friends. As you move up in rank, yougain a different color belt that shows others how much effortyou have put in. It is the philosophy of martial arts that boththe body and the mind must be disciplined in order to overcomeobstacles that hinder growth.

Another benefit that comes from this disciplined approach isthe ability to concentrate on achieving a goal. This can carry onto other areas of your life, including school work. It can also bean important factor as you grow up and face new challenges inyour lives.

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