JOURNAL! MM THE COUNTY SEAT PAPER OF SHIAWASSEE COUNTY. ONE DOLLAR Ptfitf YSAR. CORUKNA, MJCK M THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1908. VOLUME XXIX, No, £i, ation extend to you and your friends a cordial invita- tion to visit us during the final two weeks of our Great Christmas Sale, To add to your pleasure, our decorators have transformed the store into a Christmas Faryland, making this altogether the most attractive exhibit of Holiday Merchandise in the history of the store. On SATURDAY, DECEM- BER 12th, and oh SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19th, afternoons and evenings, Wesener's Or- i rheotr*. '*'" furnish a first-class musical program. COME, AND BRING THE CHILDREN. SAtE OF WOMEN'S SUITS WOMEN'S, MISf€S* AND CHILDREN'S COATS We are nearing the selling end of the greatest coat and suit season we ever had. Some lines of both coats and suits are broken in sizes but the stock is still very large and if you intend buying a coat or suit this"season, you may do so now at a handsome saving from former prices; - Come in and let us show you what values we are giving at *L98, $6.S0 f $8.98, $10, $12, $16.50, $18.50, $20, $22.50 and $25.00, THE ELKS' MEMORIAL FITTING SERVICES WERE HELD SUNDAY AFTERNOON. Eloquent Addresses By Capt. W. H, Martin, of Saginaw, With Special Eulogies By Joseph H, Collins. USEFUL THINGS FOR CHRISTMAS Sweaters, Sweater Goats and Vests, for men, women and children. Gloves and Mittens for all the family. Hosiery and Underwear. Umbrellas and Walking Sticks. AH the latest fads isi Neckwear for men and women. Rugs of all kinds. Carpet Sweepers. Shopping Bags,Traveling Bags and Suit Gases. Perfumes and Toilet Articles. Table Linens and Napkins. Lunch Cl6ths, Dresser Scarfs, Sideboard Covers, Center Pieces, d'Oylies and Pillow Tops. * Handkerchiefs - - an immense stock. Dress Goods and Silks. Men's and Boys* Shirts. Silk and Cotton Shirtwaists. Clothes Hampers and Waste Paper Baskets. Bed Blankets and Blankets for Bath Robes. Suspenders and Hose Sup- porters. Misses' and Children's Caps, Hoods and Toques. Men's House Coats. Men's» Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats and Cravenette Coats. Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps. Our slock contains thousands of other things that would make sensible Christmas gifts. Come in and look, you'll be welcome whether you buy or not. Union 'Phone number 1. Bell 'Phone namber 5. 0SBURN& SONS Owosso Since 185 7 OWOSM'S Greatest Store Owosso lodge No. 753 B. P. O. Erks Smtday observed the iamual memor- ial serviee jwwwrfbe& by tbe order. Theservice was held to the temple, which was well filled with members of the lodge, -their familes and friends. After a> selection by the E*2ks' or* cheatr*; the officers of : fhs lod^e ren- dered i&e ceremony of opening, alter which Rev, Carlos H. Hanka offered prayer. - < ; ..-., •.',: ^-^---^ Joseph H. <3olIins pronoasiced t&© special eulogy for the members who hare patsex! away during the. past year. There have beemftmt*wo losses by death since the Net memorial service, George W. loi-teg and F. George Monriee, both, well known citi- be represented lor many years .his .owuship in the. county legislature, the board oi supervisor*, becoming one of ita leading meattbera. It ."*aa while he was acting in this capacity that I first c a m to know him in an official way and i o know what mau- mr of mail he was, Ever faithful to his oath and the duties of his office, always alert to the interests of his constitute*]**, he never during his official life «a Veupwrvtefiff dtd ought that Any man won Id not do who had the welfare and best iateresU of fcae people of the county at heart. His likable traits were many a«d his domestic life waeas ideal one IM CIRCUIT OOUBT AID DORCAS SOCIETY Number of Divorce Cases Were Heard Saturday. j tW BUitblNW ADDITION GIRLS' DORMITORY. FOR GOOD FOB BRICK CO. Business Making Fme Showing—Wiil Furnish Brick for Mt, Pleasant. The Cause Is a Laudabie One and Should Receive Help From Whole County. Sevoral divorce cases were heard Saturday in the circuit court. In the casiVof Edttii v&. George Peterson of Fairfield township, In which the plaint* iff charged cruelty, she declares that one of 4helr children was deformed on account of the husband's extreme' The interest shown in tie move-! cruelty. The decree was wlthhei5 to meat to raise the sain of $30A for frtve the prosecuting attorney ar. op- the Dorcas society <o be uted In Wil ^ i portunity to *nvestig>aie tJi« asseitlonii building a tori's dormitory at the ajarge fceart ©easily stirr«d at mL^im^ in th( , ^ ^ w fth regard to the'Home,"is veir gratifying, ami dein- roriune of others, he was ever ready ;«te at h of another child, which died at onstrates again the fact ibis- eicel- ,° ^ ^ 1 ^ 0 ^^¾^^ 1 & tho * e the age of one ye**. lest Isstltmimi has a strong place It is thought that there twill- be so 4*v the affections of the public. prp5ecnti'>»4n the case, as both of the : In tfeis connection there are some child's parents are considered mentally things that should be borne in mind, incompetent, the father having been, ku in order tJhat the work may he more the insane asylum sinceib&ng married fully appreciated. The motfeer also admits, not having a . Starting a few years ago in a very very gooxS memory. In the evidence humble way, and inspired by the con- offfeied by Mrs. Peterson, she alleges : viction there are boys «ud - girls in that she wasjrnarried at.«n» *«« <* 15rtw*>w»o*tnl 8h!awa*r.e eottisty -SI^KIT ye?rs, whLie Peterson was 17. . ,ar* either withoat the -shelter of a in trouble. He was of a etuTdy, rug- ged hatureL a large man with a lib- eral iaind, %road tn his view* of life, toIersM of the opinlotie »>f others, ^itp~m& Scotch tenacity of purpose Of-his anraftore. There Was nothing bigoted or small in his make-up. He combined the &rdnous work of life with its humorous side, its duties and cares sitting lightly upon...'hto, and whether they were those of sheriff, supervisor, Or the <:losfng up of es zens of the county for many years aod j totes ^ ^ at whi( & were phMJed |o actively idenUfied wKh its interests. I hfe-fcan:d«, 'fhe performed them all lljeir memory Was gTatefuIly referred to by the speaker, and itheir names, in addition to being inscribed upon the tablets of the lodge, are enshrined in the hearts of their brothers and friends. Tue eulogies follow t Brother George W. Loring died on the 18th of June, 1908. For over forty years be had been a resident of this city, and before that time of his young life, he gave years to - the ser- vice of his country and during all of the remainder of that life, he suffer- ed from wounds received sad priva- tions endured by reason of that ser- vice. For a long time he (was active- ly engaged in the mercantile busi- ness conducting it successfully and securing a <»mpetency. He built UTV a home, reared and educated a family and w«ui always kind, considerate and thoughtful of others. He had been for years a pension attorney and assisted many old sbldiers. their widows and children in securing a pension, not for the renirmefation, as the governmeirt has never provided what the work is worth, but rather through the kindness of his heart BRO. JOSEPH COLLINS who delivered tbe epecUI eulogieg at Eltf* Memorial Service faithfully and well. Wibh a high sense of .honor, with unimpeachable integrity, he did what the Master called upon him to do with «11 bis heart and the best of his abilKy. At his home in the township of Benning- ton at the inception of the heautifUl summer time he sat and watched the declining «bb of life and viewed the approac>*ng end wltb ths oa*m» neas and patience of a man unafraid. A n d a s ^ t l ! ^ ^-»y<* *vf ihtft onrfihtv pilr griicage shortened, the on-Udren from the neighboring school often brought him flowers, clustered about his knees, hoped he'd soo* he bettet, and called him Uncle George. AH this was tweet to hkn and touched hini to the wjsri for he knew as we all know thot the man who gains and keeps the lov« and confidence of ln- Mayur Suider and six of the & 'lermen from lit. Pleasant arrived Owosso Tuesday moroing, and. after Io6pectin<t the paying of Michigan Ave., which has juBt been completed *nd was paved with Detroit Vitrified Brick Co/s bricksV they paid a visit to the brick plant wbich. is iocattd \% miisa riortbea«t of, Corunna. The city of Sit. Pleasant will within the dex thirty days advertise for bids for 8,000 yards of brick paviog and bave practically decided to use tbe Coruona brick. The Brick Companv ha* since July 1st, of tliis year., sold so J delivered for paving to the cities of Plymouth, Owos- so, Ithaca and Flint one million brick, or over 200 carloads, wbUh is a record breaker for n u t w plant. The bricks annfactsred by this company are Nellie Connor of Owoseo waa grant- home. o r exist in a place totally un- j •»«** severe tests, as beieg rqual to. if ed a divorce from FJdwaad Connor, fit for the proper rearing of the | »»* superior, to any older brick on the on the charge of drunkenness. 5Sr. child, some earnest women formed a; market. Connor is now in tbe canal zone. j "Dorcas Society," and like the «Ood William R Wikox was gTaated a women of old made "coats and gar- decree-from atamie Wttcox. Wilcox meats'' for the poor and dependent alleges <rhat after he had lost one of children, Ijater, a smtail home was his legs while employed on a railroad, opened, and the work has developed, that his wife had called htm an old up&l Jh^ present inetitution shelters cripple and other cruel names. Pxvth and pirovides for thirty-two heiplens formerly were employed in the City chii^fren, aH of whom &ro being Steam Laundry, In Owoeso. ! taught to become good men an-i worn- Lewis D. Brooks of Saginaw, son of en* who will in. time perform rtghtly John Brooks, of Owosso, was re- their work in the world, fused a decree of divorce from MaUe' The society has never had amy Brooks because the prosecutor dfd not large gifts; the women of the aoci- appear in court, accordtng to Rule 11. ety have planned and worked, and of This rule provides that Uhe Prooeeat- their own means, hare pooght and ob- ing Attorney must appeair m oourt, tained assistance from the pohUc. if the husband be the plaintiff, and but always han tt coroe in fnnall ai- there are any children under 14 years lowances, and always has ft been of age, and contest for *&& children, & Question with tfte beard of maaa- the decree should be reftwed...,. | gem where the fonda would oome if ram for any unusual demand hhat Toe Brick Company have under way « 12 family flat to be built of brick, two stories high' Tbe building is to be 148 feet ion|( and 30 feet wide. The present capacity of this plant is 20,000 paving brick per day and this will be Increased this wiater to 50,000 'per-day.-- .(V In view of the successful season jnul ended, the com pan y feels justified in In- creasing the capacity and the employ- ment of ueariy double the number of men now engaged. The company has for the past few months paid out for labor alone about 91,100 every two weeks, and expect to doable r**t»mount next season, This mean* increased buaioms tor Corunna. any Asp^lflcforpain^^ TlK«a*^Bc-| would artoe re«u*riitg the expend!- ^.. .. .^ .... of fund*. But in some way, tbe means hat al- nocent childien^ha« »TC^ nobly and, , fctri ^ fl , itr0o ^t, ^ ^ D , ffleDt , liv^d well and the future for such a L, v «r devieed. A bouaeboW remedy in- ra man can hold no terrora. The end 1 America for 25 years, came and found him unresisting. not onl>> h1wu and the pleasure it gave him to b? of assistance to -bis old comrades and their families. He was> also for soine | years a momber of the board of rmir, ! ty comniissioners fo»" the relief of old ! soldiers and dealt Avith a generous : hand financial aid to his worthy but ' im-]>i*ovi(ient and less fortunate j.brothers. His ^'ord was good always, ,- wh-ii he asreed to do he did •in all thiriKS pertaining to busihe&s : but as a 'poiitiejil factor in this coun- ty of no mean imi>ortance, it can be . said of him tliat /Siis word was also ; good in polities. As the evening of [ his long life came, li? was true to the 1 affection of his early youth and we j find him as the shadows darkened ! writing a that mot.hsr for I whom he had always had -<> . f,r;n c.vA \ abiding love. Her influence was with ihim then and it would sef-m that ; tired out and exhausfed with the j troubles of earth 'he had clasped her i hand as he had-so many 'times when ! he was a boy and under her guidance i with faith and trust had goiia to sle?p. On the 19th day of June, 190S, | Brother Francis G. Morrice, always i known as George and never as Fran- I cis by his friends, died, and at his parsing there w^as universal sorrow j throughout the county, lie fold bc?n j a public man with a wide circle or I friends and acq valuta noes and they j were all deeply grieved when they j h&ard of his death, . My first ac- > qnflkftHnvfi wtih him was when he ' iy'H'slUiTiit, nu oKiee thai he he!d i"Oi i'our years acquitting hiaiaei!; o£ it* duties in a mv^nner reflecting credit upon himself and ib every way satis- factory to the couiyty. Afterwards Thus brothers lived and died ah Elk whoso memory will be with us long and whom it will be well to em- ulate. May the earth rest lightly upon the two brothers who have pierced the vail. «'f .Immortality, and' 1 we who remain know "That'the storms that wreck the win~ ter sky, No more disturb their deep repose; Their summer evening's latest sigh, i Mill t.:nj»e Tnfa iKJcrK. Dr, R. J. Tick sang a solo In good voice, after which Exalted Ruler Geo. ft. McCaughna Introduced Gapt. W. H. Martin, of Saginaw, who delivered an eloquent eulogy on the order' of Elks and the principles for which it stands. Formed about forty years ago, the order, which is essentially American in its ideas and limitations, has ex- tended throughout the nation, until K now numbers several hundred thous- and members). It & based upon the broad principle of charity, wai<3* to uot with the Elks a meaningless term, but rather a virtue constantly exer- cised toward humanity, and especially toward the members of the fraternity. The term charity does not mean, alone, extenddng temporal relief to those who may be IL need, but what Is rarer still, charity for him who may be overtaken in an error, '"Hie fault* of our brothers- we write upon the sand," is the spirit exhibited in EJlk- dom, and the constant pvu'tice of that principle was exhortci by the speaker, Capt. ^rartln's ideas wr,3 clothed in beautiful language, a? 1 he held he dretingiiishnig r>a.tii're«' NO CRIMINAL INTENT So Say* Coroner's Jury In Case of Wirt* Kimball at Laingaburg ways been proTlded^md tfie repeated answers to their (piray«r» supple- mented by their'effoite, hwve given the board faith to go on. "WhUe caring for t3drty-two chil- dren, there have (been many appli- caliona for admission tiiat oould not be consfcdored because there is no place for them—the available, room is all fully occupied. The dormitory plannaS—«ztd T*ii4ca e. ^na>f«t«wUHMi$ Cwaitofora^ttwntittoa, LaingshuTg, Dec. 8.—The coroner's jury impanelled to investigate the death of Mrs. Charles Kimball, of tMa w m be «sed for "the girts—«wiU ao- village, who died a week ago as a re- commodate fourteen: Hn't it worth suit of taking a poisonous solution in- a dollar of'your money to know that stead of the proper medicine, brought with your help aud that of Others in a verdiict that the woman came by that number more of ehUdrea win her death by poison, taken by mis- )b e sheltered and cared for, and pctop- take, and attributing no criminal in- ©rly tratoed? tent to anyonp, | ( ^ you expend a dcHar at m* a*rs. Kimball had been quite 11] with Christmas season that will give you typhoid fever, and oh Sunday, Novem- greater satisfaction? ber 29th, ihe regular nurse being ah- j How To Help. sent, she ^?as given v^hat was supposed ! Bring Or send your contribution to to be a solviiion salts, wh*oh the The Journal oince r where you will be doctor had prescribed. She was In- given a re jeipt for your contribution, stantly taken with convulsions, and an d it will be properly acknowledged suffered intense pain. The physician throo«h the columns of this paper. >who was promptly summoned was un-[ —— ^- p^iB to do anything to relieve her,; U I have been somewbac costly?, hot and the died in agony a few hours' Doao'a Re^ulets <fave just tbe results later d^lred. Tuey act mlldiv and retralate " It "was discovered that instead of "» e "^SS w'? wr I e 5 ,,y " W Ti?* 0, **«. ^ salts, the woman had been rfven two j Kraot ^ * * ^ > l n o t A y e " Altooa> ' F»> teaspooqf uls of a solution Mr. Kimball j had purchased to be used in -preserv- j ing cider. E T W$ serve the Best Meals to be had in the city. We will also prepare special lunch- es to order. The larg- est line of strictly fresh and purest Candies, both box and bulk. 1 Connors' Popular Cafe, OWOSSO, MICH. A GREA1 SUCCESS His address was well received, and many crowded forwasrd at the close of, the service to express their apprecla- j tion of it j Miss Gertrude Smith very beautiful-! ]y rendered a solo, with violin accom •*'<, ; Mrs. Laing's Entertainment Last Fri- day Evening Was Fine. of: paniment by Aiiss Fez-ry, and Miss the order, insisting that i;iey be lived i Cooper as pianist. Then iollowed the up to, and thereby the i-idividual and (brief closing' exercises of the lodge the community be greatly ibenefitted. Sand benediction by Rev. Hani's. >••*>««»<*< JUDGMENTS LISTED FOR SALE f i U J|B have the following judgments for sale cheap. They are for subscription accounts and costs in cases we have had against some of our subscribers who didn't seern inclined to pay an honest bill. We believe when we find a man who re- fuses* to pay an honest debt it is our duty to advertise him, that others may who to trust and who not to. This list will grow a little occasionally. Those who wish to keep posted on these matters should watch this space. RALPH PERRY of Durand, ha* a judgmerrt here against him for $12.25 subscription and $3.25 costs. This judgment is for sale cheap. Wbf»u Minnie McArtbur Laing ba»; any part in an entertain meat it is aiways j well done, and wheu she has tbe mat'! ageuierit c( aa enterfaicnient tbe whole I is a success. Tbe one given Friday j evening uoderher auspices',""** Us" Kids, | Our Folks and tbe Xeigbbore," was ex-1 ceptiouaily good &zd a well pleased] audience was the result. The variety j of tbe entertainment furnished made it j especially good and all the parts were | well ukeo. There was a good crowd,, and they were so e sthuaiastie over tte entertainment thai it is likely it will be j repeated within the next two week, j many who attended Friday evening i wishing to see it again. | SIDNEY' BBC' GREEDY fr- ni Owosso, has a judgment against hin> for $18,05. Maybe uua judgment is worth something—we hope it i», but wo "vTO^Id be wlU- ing to take less than $18,05 for it. Make us an offer. i 1 i The Rev. Irl K, Hicks Almanac For 1909, ready Xov. 15, 1906, best ever seut out, beautiful covert m colors, tine portrait of Prof. Hicks in colors, &2i tbe old features and several new oucs in tbe book, Tbe beat astronomical year book and tbe only one contain)D& tbv original *'Hick« Wc*tber ForecaaU." By mar S5c, oo oewt stands 90c. One copy Tree with Word sod Work*, tbe best $1 Monthly in America. Discounts on almanacs in quantities. Ajrents wanted. Word and Works Pub. Co., 2501 r.ocuBtlStreet, St. Louis, Mo. Every f orecaaia,—tbe oniy x^iUble. SHEEP FEEDERS. AHENTIOW: Loans exceeding Five Hundred Dollars at Interest THE OLD C0RUNNA STATE Dr. Wwmw^tH B>r«9 : S i II 0FriC£»S AMD WRECTORS W. P. (HlJsjter, - - President Joan Driseoli, Vice President T. M. liuler, 2d Vice Preddeut Yi. T. iii^wy, A. 8 ? 1 ^**.^ ^--^!''':-' A. A. Harper j






ation extend to you and your

friends a cordial invitashytion to visit us during the

final two weeks of our Great Christmas Sale To add to your pleasure our decorators have transformed the store into a Christmas Faryland making this altogether the most attractive exhibit of Holiday Merchandise in the history of the store

On SATURDAY DECEMshyBER 12th and oh SATURDAY DECEMBER 19th afternoons and evenings Weseners Or-

i rheotr furnish a first-class musical program COME AND BRING THE CHILDREN



COATS We are nearing the selling

end of the greatest coat and suit season we ever had Some lines of both coats and suits are broken in sizes but the stock is still very large and if you intend buying a coat or suit thisseason you may do so now at a handsome saving from former prices -

Come in and let us show you what values we are giving at L98 $6S0f $898 $10 $12 $1650 $1850 $20 $2250 and $2500



Eloquent Addresses By Capt W H Mart in of Saginaw With Special

Eulogies By Joseph H Collins


CHRISTMAS Sweaters Sweater Goats and

Vests for men women and children

Gloves and Mittens for all the family

Hosiery and Underwear Umbrellas and Walking Sticks AH the latest fads isi Neckwear

for men and women Rugs of all kinds Carpet Sweepers Shopping BagsTraveling Bags

and Suit Gases Perfumes and Toilet Articles Table Linens and Napkins Lunch Cl6ths Dresser Scarfs

Sideboard Covers Center Pieces dOylies and Pillow Tops

Handkerchiefs - - an immense stock

Dress Goods and Silks Mens and Boys Shirts Silk and Cotton Shirtwaists Clothes Hampers and Waste

Paper Baskets Bed Blankets and Blankets

for Bath Robes Suspenders and Hose Supshy

porters Misses and Childrens Caps

Hoods and Toques Mens House Coats Mensraquo Boys and Childrens

Suits Overcoats and Cravenette Coats

Mens and Boys Hats and Caps

Our slock contains thousands of other things that would make sensible Christmas gifts Come in and look youll be welcome whether you buy or not

Union Phone number 1 Bell Phone namber 5

0SBURNamp SONS Owosso

Since 185 7 OWOSMS Greatest Store

Owosso lodge No 753 B P O Erks Smtday observed the iamual memor-ial serviee jwwwrfbeamp by tbe order Theservice was held to the temple which was well filled with members of the lodge -their familes and friends

After agt selection by the E2ks or cheatr the officers of fhs lod^e renshydered iampe ceremony of opening alter which Rev Carlos H Hanka offered prayer - lt - bull ^-^---^

Joseph H lt3olIins pronoasiced tampcopy special eulogy for the members who hare patsex away during the past year There have beem ftmt wo losses by death since the Net memorial service George W loi-teg and F George Monriee both well known citi-

be represented lor many years his owuship in the county legislature the board oi supervisor becoming one of ita leading meattbera It aa while he was acting in this capacity that I first c a m to know him in an official way and io know what mau-mr of mail he was Ever faithful to his oath and the duties of his office always alert to the interests of his constitute] he never during his official life laquoa Veupwrvtefiff dtd ought that Any man won Id not do who had the welfare and best iateresU of fcae people of the county at heart His likable traits were many alaquod his domestic life waeas ideal one


AID DORCAS SOCIETY Number of Divorce Cases Were

Heard Saturday j tW B U i t b l N W ADDITION GIRLS DORMITORY



Business Making Fme ShowingmdashWiil Furnish Brick for Mt Pleasant

The Cause Is a Laudabie One and Should Receive Help From Whole


Sevoral divorce cases were heard Saturday in the circuit court In the casiVof Edttii vamp George Peterson of Fairfield township In which the plaint iff charged cruelty she declares that one of 4helr children was deformed on account of the husbands extreme The interest shown in t i e move- cruelty The decree was wlthhei5 to meat to raise the sain of $30A for frtve the prosecuting attorney ar op- the Dorcas society lto be uted In

bdquo W i l ^ i portunity to nvestiggtaie tJilaquo asseitlonii building a toris dormitory at the ajarge fceart copyeasily stirrlaquod at m L ^ i m ^ i n t h ( ^ ^ wfth regard to theHomeis veir gratifying ami dein-roriune of others he was ever ready laquoteath of another child which died at onstrates again the fact ibis- eicel- deg ^ ^ 1 ^ 0 ^ ^ frac34 ^ ^ 1 amp t h o e the age of one ye bull lest Isstltmimi has a strong place

It is thought that there twill- be so 4v the affections of the public prp5ecntigtraquo4n the case as both of the In tfeis connection there are some childs parents are considered mentally things that should be borne in mind incompetent the father having been ku in order tJhat the work may he more the insane asylum sinceibampng married fully appreciated The motfeer also admits not having a Starting a few years ago in a very very gooxS memory In the evidence humble way and inspired by the con-offfeied by Mrs Peterson she alleges viction there are boys laquoud - girls in that she wasjrnarried atlaquonraquo laquolaquo lt 15 rtwgtwraquoo tnl 8haware eottisty -SI KIT yers whLie Peterson was 17 ar either withoat the -shelter of a

in trouble He was of a etuTdy rugshyged hatureL a large man with a libshyeral iaind road tn his view of life toIersM of the opinlotie raquogtf others ^itp~mamp Scotch tenacity of purpose Of-his anraftore There Was nothing bigoted or small in his make-up He combined the amprdnous work of life with its humorous side its duties and cares sitting lightly uponhto and whether they were those of sheriff supervisor Or the ltlosfng up of es

zens of the county for many years aod j totes ^ ^ at whi(amp w e r e p h M J e d | o

actively idenUfied wKh its interests I hfe-fcandlaquo fhe performed them all lljeir memory Was gTatefuIly referred to by the speaker and itheir names in addition to being inscribed upon the tablets of the lodge are enshrined in the hearts of their brothers and friends Tue eulogies follow t

Brother George W Loring died on the 18th of June 1908 For over forty years be had been a resident of this city and before that time of his young life he gave years to-the sershyvice of his country and during all of the remainder of that life he suffershyed from wounds received sad privashytions endured by reason of that sershyvice For a long time he (was activeshyly engaged in the mercantile busishyness conducting it successfully and securing a ltraquompetency He built UTV a home reared and educated a family and wlaquoui always kind considerate and thoughtful of others He had been for years a pension attorney and assisted many old sbldiers their widows and children in securing a pension not for the renirmefation as the governmeirt has never provided what the work is worth but rather through the kindness of his heart

BRO JOSEPH COLLINS who delivered tbe epecUI eulogieg at

Eltf Memorial Service

faithfully and well Wibh a high sense of honor with unimpeachable integrity he did what the Master called upon him to do with laquo11 bis heart and the best of his abilKy At his home in the township of Benningshyton at the inception of the heautifUl summer time he sat and watched the declining laquobb of life and viewed the approacgtng end wltb ths oamraquo neas and patience of a man unafraid And as^tl^ -raquoylt vf ihtft onrfihtv pilr griicage shortened the on-Udren from the neighboring school often brought him flowers clustered about his knees hoped hed soo he bettet and called him Uncle George AH this was tweet to hkn and touched hini to the wjsri for he knew as we all know thot the man who gains and keeps the lovlaquo and confidence of ln-

Mayur Suider and six of the amp lermen from lit Pleasant arrived ilaquo Owosso Tuesday moroing and after Io6pectinltt the paying of Michigan Ave which has juBt been completed nd was paved with Detroit Vitrified Brick Cos bricksV they paid a visit to the brick plant wbich is iocattd miisa riortbealaquot of Corunna The city of Sit Pleasant will within the dex thirty days advertise for bids for 8000 yards of brick paviog and bave practically decided to use tbe Coruona brick

The Brick Companv ha since July 1st of tliis year sold so J delivered for paving to the cities of Plymouth Owosshyso Ithaca and Flint one million brick or over 200 carloads wbUh is a record breaker for n u t w plant The bricks

annfactsred by this company are

Nellie Connor of Owoseo waa grant- home o r exist in a place totally un- j bullraquolaquo severe tests as beieg rqual to if ed a divorce from FJdwaad Connor fit for the proper rearing of the | raquoraquo superior to any older brick on the on the charge of drunkenness 5Sr child some earnest women formed a market Connor is now in tbe canal zone j Dorcas Society and like the laquoOod

William R Wikox was gTaated a women of old made coats and gar-decree-from atamie Wttcox Wilcox meats for the poor and dependent alleges ltrhat after he had lost one of children Ijater a smtail home was his legs while employed on a railroad opened and the work has developed that his wife had called htm an old upampl Jh^ present inetitution shelters cripple and other cruel names Pxvth and pirovides for thirty-two heiplens formerly were employed in the City chii^fren aH of whom ampro being Steam Laundry In Owoeso taught to become good men an-i worn-

Lewis D Brooks of Saginaw son of en who will in time perform rtghtly John Brooks of Owosso was re- their work in the world fused a decree of divorce from MaUe The society has never had amy Brooks because the prosecutor dfd not large gifts the women of the aoci-appear in court accordtng to Rule 11 ety have planned and worked and of This rule provides that Uhe Prooeeat- their own means hare pooght and ob-ing Attorney must appeair m oourt tained assistance from the pohUc if the husband be the plaintiff and but always han tt coroe in fnnall ai-there are any children under 14 years lowances and always has ft been of age and contest for ampamp children amp Question with tfte beard of maaa-the decree should be reftwed | gem where the fonda would oome

if ram for any unusual demand hhat

Toe Brick Company have under way laquo 12 family flat to be built of brick two stories high Tbe building is to be 148 feet ion|( and 30 feet wide

The present capacity of this plant is 20000 paving brick per day and this will be Increased this wiater to 50000 per-day-- (V

In view of the successful season jnul ended the com pan y feels justified in Inshycreasing the capacity and the employshyment of ueariy double the number of men now engaged

The company has for the past few months paid out for labor alone about 91100 every two weeks and expect to doable rtraquomount next season This mean increased buaioms tor Corunna

any A s p ^ l f l c f o r p a i n ^ ^ TlKlaquoa^Bc-| would artoe relaquouriitg the expend-

^ of fund

But in some way tbe means hat al-

nocent childien^halaquo raquoTC^ nobly and f c t r i ^ f l i t r 0 o ^ t ^ bdquoD f f l e D t liv^d well and the future for such a Lvlaquor devieed A bouaeboW remedy in- ra

man can hold no terrora The end 1 America for 25 years came and found him unresisting

not onlgtgt h1wu

and the pleasure it gave him to b of assistance to -bis old comrades and their families He wasgt also for soine

| years a momber of the board of rmir ty comniissioners foraquo the relief of old soldiers and dealt Avith a generous hand financial aid to his worthy but im-]gtiovi(ient and less fortunate jbrothers His ord was good always - wh-ii he asreed to do he did bullin all thiriKS pertaining to busiheamps but as a poiitiejil factor in this counshyty of no mean imigtortance it can be

said of him tliat Siis word was also good in polities As the evening of [ his long life came li was true to the 1 affection of his early youth and we j find him as the shadows darkened writing a letterto that mothsr for I whom he had always had -ltgt frn cvA abiding love Her influence was with ihim then and it would sef-m that tired out and exhausfed with the j troubles of earth he had clasped her i hand as he had-so many times when he was a boy and under her guidance i with faith and trust had goiia to slep

On the 19th day of June 190S | Brother Francis G Morrice always i known as George and never as Fran-I cis by his friends died and at his parsing there w as universal sorrow

j throughout the county lie fold bcn j a public man with a wide circle or I friends and acq valuta noes and they j were all deeply grieved when they j hampard of his death My first ac-gt qnflkftHnvfi wtih him was when he

iyHslUiTiit nu oKiee thai he hed iOi iour years acquitting hiaiaei opound it duties in a mv nner reflecting credit upon himself and ib every way satisshyfactory to the couiyty Afterwards

Thus brothers lived and died ah Elk whoso memory will be with us long and whom it will be well to emshyulate

May the earth rest lightly upon the two brothers who have pierced the vail laquof Immortality and1 we who remain know Thatthe storms that wreck the win~

ter sky No more disturb their deep repose Their summer evenings latest sigh i Mill tnjraquoe Tnfa iKJcrK

Dr R J Tick sang a solo In good voice after which Exalted Ruler Geo ft McCaughna Introduced Gapt W H Martin of Saginaw who delivered an eloquent eulogy on the order of Elks and the principles for which it stands

Formed about forty years ago the order which is essentially American in its ideas and limitations has exshytended throughout the nation until K now numbers several hundred thousshyand members) It amp based upon the broad principle of charity wailt3 to uot with the Elks a meaningless term but rather a virtue constantly exershycised toward humanity and especially toward the members of the fraternity The term charity does not mean alone extenddng temporal relief to those who may be IL need but what Is rarer still charity for him who may be overtaken in an error Hie fault of our brothers- we write upon the sand is the spirit exhibited in EJlk-dom and the constant pvutice of that principle was exhortci by the speaker

Capt ^rartlns ideas wr3 clothed in beautiful language a 1 he held

he dretingiiishnig rgtatiirelaquo


So Say Coroners Jury In Case of Wirt Kimball at Laingaburg

ways been proTlded^md tfie repeated answers to their (piraylaquorraquo suppleshymented by theireffoite hwve given the board faith to go on

WhUe caring for t3drty-two chilshydren there have (been many appli-caliona for admission tiiat oould not be consfcdored because there is no place for themmdashthe available room is all fully occupied

The dormitory plannaSmdashlaquoztd Tii4ca

e ^nagtflaquotlaquowUHMi$ Cwaitofora ttwntittoa

LaingshuTg Dec 8mdashThe coroners jury impanelled to investigate the death of Mrs Charles Kimball of tMa w m be laquosed for the girtsmdashlaquowiU ao-village who died a week ago as a re- commodate fourteen Hnt it worth suit of taking a poisonous solution in- a dollar ofyour money to know that stead of the proper medicine brought with your help aud that of Others in a verdiict that the woman came by that number more of ehUdrea win her death by poison taken by mis- )be sheltered and cared for and pctop-take and attributing no criminal in- copyrly tratoed tent to anyonp | ( ^ you expend a dcHar at m

ars Kimball had been quite 11] with Christmas season that will give you typhoid fever and oh Sunday Novem- greater satisfaction ber 29th ihe regular nurse being ah- j How To Help sent she ^as given v^hat was supposed Bring Or send your contribution to to be a solviiion cpound salts whoh the The Journal oincer where you will be doctor had prescribed She was In- given a re jeipt for your contribution stantly taken with convulsions and a n d it will be properly acknowledged suffered intense pain The physician throolaquoh the columns of this paper gtwho was promptly summoned was un-[ mdash mdash ^- mdash p^iB to do anything to relieve her UI have been somewbac costly hot and the died in agony a few hours Doaoa Re^ulets ltfave just tbe results later d^lred Tuey act mlldiv and retralate It was discovered that instead of raquoe ^SS wwrIe5 yWTi0laquo ^ salts the woman had been rfven two j K r a o t ^ ^ gt l n o t A y e A l t o o a gt Fraquogt teaspooqf uls of a solution Mr Kimball j had purchased to be used in -preserv- j ing cider



W$ serve the Best Meals to be had in the city We will also prepare special lunchshyes to order The largshyest line of strictly fresh and purest Candies both box and bulk


Connors Popular Cafe O W O S S O M I C H


His address was well received and many crowded forwasrd at the close of the service to express their apprecla- j tion of i t j

Miss Gertrude Smith very beautiful- ]y rendered a solo with violin accombulllt

Mrs Laings Entertainment Last Frishyday Evening Was Fine

of paniment by Aiiss Fez-ry and Miss the order insisting that iiey be lived i Cooper as pianist Then iollowed the up to and thereby the i-idividual and (brief closing exercises of the lodge the community be greatly ibenefitted Sand benediction by Rev Hanis





U J|B have the following judgments for sale cheap They are for subscription accounts and costs in cases we have had against some of our subscribers who didnt seern inclined

to pay an honest bill We believe when we find a man who reshyfuses to pay an honest debt it is our duty to advertise him that others may who to trust and who not to This list will grow a little occasionally Those who wish to keep posted on these matters should watch this space

RALPH PERRY of Durand ha a judgmerrt here against him for $1225 subscription and $325 costs This judgment is for sale cheap

Wbfraquou Minnie McArtbur Laing baraquo any part in an entertain meat it is aiways j well done and wheu she has tbe mat ageuierit c( aa enterfaicnient tbe whole I is a success Tbe one given Friday j evening uoderher auspices Us Kids | Our Folks and tbe Xeigbbore was ex-1 ceptiouaily good ampzd a well pleased] audience was the result The variety j of tbe entertainment furnished made it j especially good and all the parts were | well ukeo There was a good crowd and they were so e sthuaiastie over tte entertainment thai it is likely it will be j repeated within the next two week j many who attended Friday evening i wishing to see it again |


ni Owosso has a judgment against hingt for $1805 Maybe uua judgment is worth somethingmdashwe hope it iraquo but wo vTO Id be wlU-ing to take less than $1805 for it Make us an offer


1 i

The Rev Irl K Hicks Almanac For 1909 ready Xov 15 1906 best

ever seut out beautiful covert m colors tine portrait of Prof Hicks in colors amp2i tbe old features and several new oucs in tbe book Tbe beat astronomical year book and tbe only one contain)Damp tbv original Hicklaquo Wctber ForecaaU By mar S5c oo oewt stands 90c One copy Tree with Word sod Work tbe best $1 Monthly in America Discounts on almanacs in quantities Ajrents wanted Word and Works Pub Co 2501 rocuBtlStreet St Louis Mo Every

f orecaaiamdashtbe oniy x^iUble



Loans exceeding

Five Hundred Dollars


6sect Interest


Dr Wwmw^tH Bgtrlaquo9

S i


0FriCpoundraquoS AMD WRECTORS W P (HlJsjter - - President Joan Driseoli Vice President T M liuler 2d Vice Preddeut

Yi T i i i ^ w y A81^^ ^--^- A A Harper j

STATE OS MICHIGANmdashOouuty of SJnawa-hi~-ssgt

AI raquo 3laquolaquogtiilaquou of the Prsbwt- Court for tbe Outity or Sliiawishee bellti at the Prolgtitv Offigtlaquo ia the CiLj of Corunc-t ou iht (Ub tuiy of Novtwoor la the year one tliousuud ymlaquoi iuiUlrt-tV iiil tfi^ht

Prsefct Mhfitew Bush Judge 0 Probate lu tlit aiiivier of tlie esampve 01 Alfred f

KH-jn Kaijjlit iia adiufnistratilx bavins reu-ltVrcltl 10 this Court hftr fiiiampl acaoiut And liiiv-gtnz tiltn ltt petition praying this Cour to bulluu-viuiue wiio vfpretlie fcgid heirs ofbullticcdAsvA iraquo tlic-illiU01 h i s dci i lh

Jl isorJiegtlt that the Ht-li ltJltty of 1gtCClaquoIgtIU - jicxi-vt Ujsu oclotvgt m the f o r e s o o i -a gtbulllt

in-A i-iiovvii^ $bullgt id stcCQUdi iiiiu ior hcvtrinf vkgtHifjDU - bullbull bull bullbullbull

Ami it i s fvu Vby laquogtrdOtreraquo1 thgtU a eopy of thgtgt ltgtrltJlr be poVfUrfv^ Sihtre success ive 1 iviH-ki prgtYJoilts t6gtailtl ahtf pi hefiliijampiiri $WJ Corvini-JoViuial n nlaquovsspakgter jpriateu-aud circu)Utig va sttd 0~eraquogtty of SialtwraquoSiampeer - -gt

bull bull MATVHSW-BrSH bullbull-bull s bull bull bull- - J u d pound C Oi bulli^OUoitf- v By noiii(je^iKiibijrlroVaft KeampSetcbullbull bull

gtjK RKVX f gt ouiHy lti Sniu-A DMJNiPTKATOJVfi SALE bull

bull TApoundlti-uult 6f l i le la^ai i v gt gt s ^ i bullgt bullbull bull

j ii iij9 mutterof this c-iUue u iiii cU[taselti-1Notice is h ere by givenThat in imrsVfUK--UK by virliu gtlti ltui order raquoampjttsd totue inioor-signrii as 0(iiijMsiritoj- of the estate- of said JuiBKSKawriiiin deceased oj tiic Hon Mtvt-the- Bush laquoiad|Teoi Probate in anil for said GouDty oti tbP Ifttb dabullbull ofOetobtv A I) 1908 there will be ssilii in public vendue to thclii^ls-est bidder at the iron) iloor of the court houraquot-ic the city of Cornata iu said County on Sat urday the 12th day Of December A Ii 1906 at one oclock iu the afternoon of said day all the right titllaquo and interest of said estate of James HowiijHUi deceased I ft and to the following described lauds and premises situated in the Township of Hazeiton County of Shiawasee State oi Wkhijraa to wit The south thirty acres of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarterof sectiou twenty-three (23) town eight tlaquogt north of Raupe four (4gt east

MICHAEL E HOUEAN Administrator of bdeg Estate of James Howrlfran deceased

OftteO October ISA ~ raquogt 1806

-gt i


QHOBATK 0 raquo D R B - t t e Of Michigc IT Coitaty of libtewMaeemdashw

bull t a aetteion of the Probata Coxfi for ssid Coiaatjr held at the Probate Office ia the City of Ccrttoaa on Mondaythe S3rd tlraquoy of Norem-bsr la the year one thoosaad nine hundred and efcrtt-^Presest Matthew Bush Judge of Probate

In the Bai ter of the estate of Franklin k OwEiniiifSB deceased

On rea^In and filing the petition of Shod a Cnmrelnga a s admlniatratruc praying for lieenee to aell real estate belonging to aald de-eeaaed fdr the pnrpoae of payiny debts

It Is ordered that the tend day of December a e x t a t ten oclock In tho forenoon a t aaid Probate Office be aampeigned for hearing said petition

And it Is-furtber ordered That amp copy of thia laquotiKr be published - three succeswive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corun-na Journal a newspaper printed and iiroulav poundHK In saJd County of Shiawassee

MATTHBW BtSH Judge of Probate

By Florence t-indspyProbate Register

STATF OF MICHIGAN CkJunty oi Shiawaraquo see ss i

At a session of the Probate Court for said Gonnty held at the Probate Office in tbe City Of Cornnca oa Monday the 23rd day of Noyewber iu the year one thousand nine hundred and eight

Present Matthew Bush Judge of Probate In the matter of tne ewtate of Slgtatraquo Lavern

Carter deceased On reading and flt^ng the petition of Cbaries

X Godfrey prsgtyiog that adtniuialratio) of laquoaid estate may be granted to tbe petitioner or Bwm other suitabie person

It is ordered that the 81st day of December next at ten oclock In tbe forenoon at sW Probate office be assigned for hearing said petition

And it iei further ordered that a copy of thia order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corona journal a newspaper printed and eireulatbaf to said County of taiawnmdashp r

HATTHampW BUBB Judge of Frobsgt

By F L O U W C S LnrnssT Probate Register

kTATK O f MICHIGAN County of Shiawae-

At a session of the Probate Court or MM bullCounty held at the Probate Office la the City of Corunna on Thursday the ird day of December In the year one thoutaca nine hunshydred and right

Present Matthew Bush Judge of Probate Iu the nat ter of the estate of Qeorge C

Trunin rtsmranfl Ou reading and filing the petition of Laura

Ilaquoaour praying that administration of said bulls tate may be granted to Walter K Lemon or some other tollable person

It Is ordered that the 4th day of January next at ten oeloek in the forenoon at aaid Probate Office be assigned for bearing said petition

And it U further ordered that a copy of this order be published three suceesslTe weeks preTious to said day of hearing in the Corunna Journal a newspaper printed and circulating In said County of Shiawassee

MATTHEW BUSH Judge of Probate

By Florence Undoey Register of Probate

Prampiamppound Jane by Hie

lotsmal ri always oest

COMNtlSSIONJeMS NOTICamdashlu the manor tltf tKeEstate ikf Kiigh MuCiirdy dlaquosraquoeaseu

We the utiderstfoec having been jij)poiur-fd by theHou Matthew 3usajudtre of Probate iii and for the County of Shiawassee Htate of WiohisfRU Coutytgtioigtors to receive examine itnd adjust all claims and d-imaoUs cgt- all pershysons aiyainst saM estate ltlo hereby givlaquo notice tiiat we Will m^et at Ue ortice of Cleorge b MuCauguua iu tbe City of Owosso in raquoaid county on Monday tbi 1st day of February A O IflOaartd ou MondaytthepoundgtthltJaycf April A O 1raquo at xeii odotk iu thc rarogtoMt of i-acJi oxffliid days for the purigtrtlaquoe of rsceiving tri adjurt )gti il clrtiBiS apanst said estate

UJ1 tiut four- uiolaquothlaquo ltti tgtie Jst day of IWcwiiUi A l)-lXi8 are allowed to creditors ta )gtrcs(-ct ilngtir claims to said CoiiiBiliwioucf-s rlaquoijii3tugtelaquot and allowance

bullbullbullbullJiavVitbe sidiv-cgttlV gteusbfl_i ampbull V 1$gt(13 (iSOKOK b McCAWnNA j

v iliKOKClK X bullbullbull AMPiJKi^ bullbullbullbull mCHA-HL JTMn-friPS bull bull j

bullbullbull C^uiiwlsrfebe bull bull

f^igt]iiv bull F PII CATfON- fiat of laquoiob-W - ISafi iit-tlU-Ctyci-ifi^mst UltfVAC Co^nly ij Sinis u gt laquo in Ciiiittvcry- -bullbull

A - P O T T C S bullbull COlJlplttilJUut bull

- v s bull bull bull bull - bull bull_

nit IiiTrKU bull lK-teiv1nt ] bull bull bull - bull

Suit pending in 1-K- Ciicuit Cotgtrt for the Joafty of Shiavt^Ksst iu Chancevy at the CitvoiCCoruiiLa on tlieaglh ny oi Xoveinbksr A b 1903 bull- fn this cause it appearing from arttdavit on (lit tUit theilefendtint iotogt- Potter is not a Ijsident of this state and that it cannot be ascertained iu yhhl itate or courity be i-esideh ou motion of Austin E Richards complainshyants solicitor it is ordeied that the said defendant Victor Potter cause his aopearaice to be entered herein within five mouths from the date of this order aud iu case of iiis apshypearance that lie cause his answer to the comshyplainants bill of complaint to be filed and a copy thereof to be served on said lt^mplainants solicitor within fifteen days afrer service on him of a copy of aaid bill and notice of this order and that in default thereof ftaid bill be taken as confessed by the said non-resident defendant

And it i s further ordered thiti within twenty days the said-complainant cause a notice of this order to be published in the Corunna Journal a newspaper printed published and circulating in said county and that such pubshylication be continued therein at least once ia each weok for six weeVe in succession or that sue cause a copy of tuts order to ^ p e r s o n a l l y served on said non resident defendant at least twenty days before tbe time above prescribed for hie appearance

ROY B DURHAM Circuit Court Commissiouer

Shiawassee County tfleb AUSTIN E RICHABDe^

Complainants Solicitor Bttftiuesa Address Corunna Mich



Neighbor to take the Journal

yftNCHESttR Smokeless Powder Shells


The superiority of Winchester Smoke les s Powder Shells is undisputed Among intelligent shooters they stand first in popshyularity records and shoot ing qualities Always use them for field or Trap ^booting

Ask Your Dealer For Them

ltvltlt ltlaquoltlaquoltlt bull

TvcewritftrsI 50 per Cent

can be saved on any make of machine Practically dew machines at from $15 to $50 See ys before paying manufacturers price Old machines bought

4 - v S4


laquo lt lt lt M

it Was Given Comsade Hoi brook for the Boys in Blue

Tell thejni Jove theih laquos rry QWVJ vtiildrwn audi they are engraveft ltgtii my h e a r t bullgtbullbull bull ^ bull bull

V-lal vilaquo Gen Qranfs last mesaaje t)hl3 Boys Su Blue ami it is

bullstiiinpeci iiv 7he niciporyof 8 rxjrcjieH-bulller man sdyk ihc JJo3iianGlobeNoTh-ing but death can efface it-for It was tobullthis Grand Army veteran that the beloved hero of tb3 country gave the words from Sis bedside during his last illness

A J Holbrook the retired postnaas-teroftbe Blattapan branch of the Bosshyton post office who lives at his old homestead at the corner of Dorchesshyter avenue and Fuller street Ashmont is the person to whom thraquo mesaage was given

That it may survive forever he has had it cut In the back of a silver dolshylar of the date of 18S5 when the intershyview took place and this medal is the most treasured possession of the old man He would not part with the meshymento he declares for many thoushysands of dollars

Mr Holbrook saw the general in New York shortly before his _ death when in the meteppoUs In reference to the publication of a history of Grants life in which he was interested He tells of his visit 9 the general as folshylows

I went up from the hotel to Sixty fomth street where the general had his home at the tiino and was ushered into the waiting room Where I was received by Col Fred Grant who much to my dismay said Im sorry you cant sec the general to-day as he is very sick and this doctor has given orders that no one can see him

I expressed my great sorrow but made- thfe best of it aad asked to see the souvenirs that had been presented to the state by the general and Col Grant was pleased to extend this courtesy to me as soon as some callshyers upon Mrs Grant had been disshymissed

Mrs Grant was in the back parlor and when we came in I was introduced


O 337^

Words Engraved on Silver Dollar

to her and she began showing me the relics herself 1 recogampixed some of the uniforms and spurs that the ges eral had worn at Fredericksburg Tvhei-e I was stationed very near him and when Mrs Grant opened tbe cabishynet In which they were placed she confirmed my fwogiiition She then showed me souvenirs of the generals trip abroad in which there were gifts from 19 different countries

When she had shown me these things I--was about to leave bat I thought I would tell her of my wish to see tbe general so I said Mra Grant did you know that no one has ever had such a grieved heart at not seeing^ Gen Grant as I I amgpijtg to see the Boys in Blue soon and I wished to see the general and take back a messhysage directly from him

When she heard that I was going to qpmp Grant she told me to wait a minute went upstairs and bhen came down ugain with the words The genshyeral wants to see you upstairs

So overcome was I at the thought thai was to see my commander after a3 that 1 could hardly climb the stairs but at last I was ushered into the generals room where he was lyshying in bed and was taken to a chair close to nim

Calling me Comrade Holbrook he asked me how I bad served and where When he found that I was tinder Gen Isaac I Stevens he laughed and then went to telling anecshydotes in which Stevens figured when he and the general were West Point cadets He told mehow Stevens bad had the nickname of Two-eyed Steshyvens nxed firmly upon him in an adshyventure when the boys were outside the academy without leave one night and had attended a colored meeting where the negro preacher had an-nojncelti t 1 t^vt raquolaquo fTlaquoti th ltyiLigt4gtvo chapter of two-laquoyed John

The general also showed roe the manuscript of Ms memoirs which he said he had written himself although there were sOne people who had tried to make it appear thsU it Was not the tfeliorals own work

Then I asked th erraquoeral If he had no message to give me to take to the encampment of tbe boya at which he lock me by both bands raised himself ir bad and then wttfe fi srgtb In fcfs

il taotti S-nci xhen ingt brltgtio down Telfc them I IOY them as my own children and that lttey are en-grayed on my heart


Treatment of a C^RssafSbed Differs from On Composed of Sand

On clay roads a thin layer of sand gravel or ashes will pi-evect hgt stiek-ing or clay to the roller or to the wheels of vehicle Clay soils as a rule absorb water quite freely and soften when saturated but water does not pass through them readily When used alone clay Is the least desirable of all road materials but roads comshyposed of clay may be created with sand or small gravel from which a comparashytively hard and compact mass is formed which Is nearly impervious to water Material of this character found in the natural state commonly known as hardpan makes when properly applied a very solid and durable road In soils composed of a mixture of sand gravel and clay all that is necessary to make a good road is to crown the surface and keep the rats and holes filled and the ditches opeu and free

While clay alone never makes a good road except in dry weather sand alone never makes a good road except In wet The more the drainage of a sand road is improved the more deplorable becomes tto condition Nothshying win ruin one quicker than to dig a ditch on each aide and drain all the Water away The beet way therefore to make such a road firm 1raquo to keep It constantly damp This can be done by planting shade trees along Its sides to prevent the evaporation of water or by growing woe i bullpound laquoy-rfalaquoe of such bulland roads a thick turf preferably Bermuda grase Roads running through loose sand may be improved by mixshying clay with the sand ana slightly crowning the surface

For the temporary Improvement of earth or sand roads any strong fibrous substance especially If it holds moisshyture such as refuse Qf sugar cane or sorghum and even common Btraw flax swamp grass or pine needles will be useful Spent tan bark is someshytimes beneficial and wood fiber In any form is excellent Enough sand or earth should be throwp over such roads to keep them damp and proshytect them from catching Are

Earth is composed of small irregushylar fragments wMch touch each other at points leaving voids between When the earth is broken up and pul-vertzed these voids are almost equal In volume to the solid particles and as a result the earth will absorb almost an equal volume of water In the building or maintaining of earth roads It is therefore very declrable that these sfoall irregular particles be pressed and packed into as small a space as possible in order that surshyplus water may not pass in and deshystroy the stability of the road To this end rolling is very beneficial The work of maintaining dirt roads will be much increased by iack of care in properly rolling the surfacemdashDeiiart-ment of Agriculture Report

them Into the ends of the nine-inch wires allowing the lower piece of wood to hang even with the stove Such a device says Prairie Farmer will also be found useful in a oloset of-Ovllarway


Clean the Pastures and Seed Them tgt Tame Grass

There la much time anrl strength wasted where brush is mowed in the early part of the growing season because the rootsWill at once sprout and produce another crop This Is hot true where the brushing is done during the fall months

There are many pastures so occushypied with brush that the grase canshynot gain a place in the soli Get after these idle fields with a brush scythe and clear them as soon as possible Burn the waste material and seed the land to tame grass which will make the idle acres as profitable as the clearings declares the Northwestern Agriculturist Where land is selling for fampO to f 100 per acre It should be productive of graif or gnus Dont allow weeds or brush to occupy the seme

Rata Good Calves When a dairy calf can be raised on

exim milk and sold from t0 to $100 | at real age It looks a If scrub stock TOT at a diaeownL


Ten-YM^Old Charlie Taft ia Admirals Great Friend


Something the Wife Will Find Handy for the Kitchen

Two pieces of pine one inch in dishyameter and 40 Inches in length are reshyquired to make the simple device shown in the accompanying lllustra-


upound Makmn the Cloth Hanger

tlon Small sctews are fastened in iV onils of the sticks to which pieces

TWO other pieces nine inches ioug are added with loops bent lu the end3

From hock eyes in the ceiling sus-nend two wires 32 inches long and loop

Wouldnt U be nice hoys to have a real sure enough big lire admiral for your best chum

That is what Charlie Taft ten-year-old son of the Republican candidate for president has in Admiral George Dewey of Bncle Sams big navy The admiral is Charlies next door neighshybor Theyre great chums says the Toledo News-Bee Charlie went to the Philippines with his father jnst ^-sen the admirals fame was at its zenith There he heard a whole lot abo-at the admiral The fl) 5t thing he did when he returned was to go down to his home and ask for his autograph

He got It More than that he won a stanch friend in the admiral Since then he has visited htm often and theyve taken many a carriage ride toshygether About ayear ago the admiral moved down town next door to the Tafts Since then Charlie and the admiral have become real chums

Charlie doesnt think half so much of the army as he used to and he is disgusted with the idea of his father being elected president

Td ratherbullbull be in a big battle like you were he told the admiral the other day than to be president a dozen times I dont think much of being president anyway If we were tohave a war do you think theyd let the president fight Not much All he could do would be to sit in the White House and read tne dispatches

Driven Out of Berlin Miss Anna Morgan heiress to f 100-

000000 says a Vienna paper was driven out of Berlin where sfie hoped to study politico-aocial conditions by the beggars high and low nobility and othera who no sooner heard of the arrival of the rich American girl than they set siege to her dollars Indishyviduals societies churches charitable institutions and promoters of business schemes wrote telegraphed and sent messengers It all looked runny to the young woman poundt first but It beshycame a nuisance from which she esshycaped by means of her automobile in which she hastened to a nearby sumshymer resort

Wanted a Hatched 3by Manager Knight of the Scottish nashy

tional exhibition at Edinburgh has reshyceived the following from a little girl l beard you hMch babies lu incubashytors Do you give any away If you dont Id like one about 3s (75 cents) one that has been hatched for a week or two 1 woud like a fair-haired flnri iyii fgtypoundpoundlt Jrtftjr1 iri rivr- if- bullbull- juce iuio ucaiiiiy and cioes not s^ut-ai much you liove uo iair-hairpoundd at 3s a brown-haired and brown-eyed girl will do It must fcw healthy and a girl will not have a boy

18 AN AUTO-STIMULANT Rest Head on Table and Ideas Flow

Anew An auto-sttmnlant a self-stimulashy

tor something within yourself which instantly will turn year tired and iaded brain to a fresh and vigorous one

The speaker a reporter increased tlXM J Uvfv i uI-_r4i Craquot^M _^_4 --- -_ -

Yes he said I aril the inventor of the auto-stimulant and 111 give you the recipe It is simply to work with your head lying on the table

The discovery like all great disshycoveries WHS accidental 1 was enshygaged en a murder story 1 wanted to write a fine yarn but I was tired and stale I hadnt slept the night beshyfore and out of my dried-up brain not an idea would flow

In disgust and Weariness I laid my cheek on the table My mind at ooee seemed a little brighter I took my pen againampnd in that ridiculous posishytion I dasued off easily the brilliant and strong introductory paragraph on which upright I had worked vainly for an hour I kept on writing My thoughts flowed well my mind seemed quite fresh

If however I lifted my head i w u again seedy and jaded and unable to write anything commonplace Bo I wrote all my story with my cheek on my desk and a better story t never turned out nor one that flowed more easily

My doctor says that lowering the head that way sends the blood to the )rain the same aa a stimulant does only more eo

That is the explanation and theres your recipemdashan auto-stimulant worths all the aleoool or cocaine or coffee in creation

MiBT EUiEM Gold Medal Flour is the best for msilt-

ing everything SAraquoSISlaquobdquo


BUSH 6k BUSH Attbr^tteyt a t L a w

MATTHEW BOSH WALTER BUSH Office over C ti Peacocks Drug- store

CORUNNA - bull bull - bull MICHIGAN

AUSTIN ERICHARDS Attor^iey n t L a w

Office over McMulleu A Cos Cothlcg- Store


E H BAILEY M D OfRce and Residence first door west of bridge


WILLIAM J PARKER Aikuwcy alaquo Law Solicitor is Chancery

All kinds of legal baslneai t i ^ r a y t A ] - Money to ]ampau rgtal BMtlaquoie argt4 lasurauee Office over McUnUlaquon A Cos Clothlngr Store



Stewart Mock - Owosso

gtbull H UMB (Late of United 8ttes Anuy)

Eye Ear Nose and Throat Spccampaampst S i w f 5 e a r laquo 1 y ^ J M Hours 880 us Saturday e w l u g ^ e laquo t o 7 raquo C H i e r e W u A S ^ raquoPpoampteut Tu 1 aud x T r S o S ^ t

When Otliers Fail Try Us

-gt 09 bull Ef X r poundi jjii if- 1(frac34 j

^ S ALLISON 67 SON Optician and Jwlaquoflaquorlaquot

117 W Washington Stt Owosse

11- frac34 l iSSBfl^Blaquo5PlaquoP mmmm wm IPiPipilV^HmWll^ip mmmmm

mm W T -

STOCK FARM A ltood stock farra of e i g h t y

acres in Wooltlhull ^ovvnsiiip can be purchased on very rwasonatiic terms if taken now A small amount of property m i g h t be taken in part o x e h j m ^ Dont wait or i t wi l l be gouo

I have some other bargains

TORNADOS Tofcse storm visitations ^vhich

result in so much lose of propshyerty are becoming more frequent i For a small axnoant you may protect yourself for a tarni of years against loss and damage by wind storms and tornados

DELAYS AE DANGEROUS When you need fire insurance

I will be able to give you proshytection in some of the best inshysurance companies at lowest possible rates who will pay their losses promptly


for ulaquo to do

2 pound PRINTING


bullad Iwntifiet fit twfe Fromotoi bull Jostuiniit growth Vlaquorlaquov l U U to poundlaquortlaquorc- Qry

Xair to it Youthful Ofc)o Quit Mp d iMM k hair taiUq

Beautiful Home of the LAMSraajBUSISTESS UNIVERSITY

Wnere complete and thorough cuunes are

^tm In Bookkeeping Telegraphy Shorthand pewritlDg etc Expert painstaking in-

bulltroetorstB all departments who devote tlielr entire time to toe students advaneeirgtai Best Fomnalp department In central Mich-I I M New students may tnter at any time as we give INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION Tut-UJD reasonably paytaetits made esey carfare paid to Lansing Students assisted to places where the can do light work far their hoard i desired

We nave large well ventiK tert halls modern equipment and free employment i3epartiattt

TRIAL WEKK FREE and catalog for the aampUing For full information write toe manshyager today H J 3ECK Maiiajwr

Lausieg Mich


8Bladder and lt O T T T gt 1

The Babys Part

By Frances Boone Mltcbetl

(Copyright by Slort^tory Pub Co)

I sliuil have to ask you to hold baby until I ca1- get sense nHk Pigtcr little angel he is about starved

Hut imdashI-- Ann srammeredmdashand the grtsed helplessly al the bullsquirrrus piece of humanity so hastily and uu-Cffremonlou-ly draquoi-gtojtflaquoraquod ou he lap The woman had vanished Well Ann gasned for want of anything else to yay and Ann was seldom a a loss for words Rather abrupt dont you think so Ann smiled sweetly at the man opposite his (ore-head crewsed into two straight Hues of annoyance Of ampIJ the confoundshyed limits she was the bull Seadermdashhe growled If I only knew where she went or how she looked I would go after her and make her take the inshyfernalmdash Dont call the poor little thing names Dick See you have made him cry Something surely bad The deserted infant was testing the capacity of an unusually vigorous pair of lungs Poor little tootsfemdash its hungry so it 1laquo but its muwer wflU be back in just a minute with Borne nice milk--for the poor little starved fellow Ann cooed softly and sooth inglymdashdeftly she turned the infant across her knees after the cline imshymemorial method of pacifying young humanity Little chap is hungrymdash yes lie ia Amis voice wraquos full of deep vibrant caresses The long straight lines faded trom Richards foreheadmdashlittle deep ones appeared around his_ mouth He watched Ann from undr half-closed lidsmdashdecidedly this was a new and toother wondershyful Ana

By jove she Is a wonder ^ breathed under his oriath He was almost glad It had happened Shes grit clear through he murmured

Euchred he yelled springing to

GROOMING COUNTS Bat ft cannot make bull Fair Skin or a

Otaraquoy Coat Women with good

complexions cannot be homely Creams lotions wapblaquoc and powders cannot make a fair skin Every horseman knows that the satin coat of his thoroughbred cornea Lrom the animals bullall-right condition

Let the horse get off his feed and his coat turns dalL Cur

rying brushing and rubbing will give him a clean coat but cannot product the coveted smoothness and gloss of the hones skin which is bis com plexko Tbeladiss wfll see the point

Lanes Family Medicine

If TfifT-^be nwpaMrtiOQ tor ladies who

| i -internally and the ltvbo1laquoltomeueraquor jjj j II that jroduces such skins as paint a II II kgtye to eopy JJ

So You Are the Eloping CoaampzZr

his feet Ann Ann the train is moving aad~ Hush Dick hes about asJeep But the womanmdashthe traka is moving I tell you

The train was surely movingmdashbow long it had been in motion neither knew Ann had been absorbed in her efforts to quiet the now sleeping baby and Richard lost ta admiration of AJ-U

Dick what shall we do Ann spoke after a long silence spent in staring at the swiftly moving landscape

Pitch the thing out of the window^ mdashthe masculine element growled

Be serious Dickmdashwhat shall we domdashits only a few minutes until we reach Wentworth

Give it to some one else Dick sugshygested brightly There is no one in the car to give it to Leave it on the seat then

It would fall eff Pin it on then Dick ho v- can you b so heartless Well we cant take It off with us he said doggedly Towis going to meet usmdashwe cant kt aim see itmdash confounded lubbermdashhe sees a joke in everythingmdashwe would never hear the last of t We wiil have to leave it on the train

Richard Manning we wont leave the poor little thing on the train by itselfmdashit must be properly cared for by some one

That some one isnt going to be us Its mother wont claim it Shes deserted it You know better Richshyard Ann when displeased had a very decielve way of saying Richard Richard realized that it was time for him to do something practical at the same time he must appease Ann Of course she will claim it he agreed Rather out of the ordinary isnt he bull Certainly his mother will claim him Richard Ann was not easily apshypeased

By jove the conductor is coming We will leave It to him

Good boy Dick Dick smiled Ann was appeased

In a few worts he explained their sudden and unexpected acquirement of the baby Describe the woman bullfTis irjan of tteklttaarjokp- si(jiRy We

Dich floundered helpeslaquoiy The conshyductor looked expectantly at Ann Ann blushed 1 cant I wasmdash

Looking at t i l young man the

gt-oraquo-ductot supplemented gvimly However th^ mother of the enlid 7iH probably wire to the next station

But we get off theremdash someiiiug must be done at oncemdash Dick iipoke desperately

if thats the case so muei^the betshyter The conductor sigtoke more af-rampblymdashhe saw all the responsibility vanishing trom his sh-uWerii Your vite c iu take charge cf th biby unshytil Us mother reaches tbne on ibe trail following thismdashits only id minshyutes later

Bur she iamput my wifemdashyet you see Richard spoke desperately We aremdashermdashwere to be married there He straightened his shouldt-is aa if he dedeu the entire vorld to ti to stop that cererooa Vcu amp bulllaquo fathermdash Thf rmpoundnm oc^sajMa into the seat ~ X ailr i t i roared with laj^^v bull

So you are ft t t a t ^ i ^ f ^ S t f mdashare lyfajor Deerlngs daughterf bull bull spoke to Ann between paroxysms

There is an official searching through the train for youmdashhe is in the next car Richardmoved over beside Ann face several shades paler Ann forgot the sleeping baby and clutched Dicks coat sleeve Ann mdash Richard gasped You will not tell7 ~ Ann looked at thlaquo condtictnr as if to measure her antagonist The conductor looked soberly at Ann I suppose I will have tomdashhe a|d

But you must help us papa wants me to marry a horrid old friend of his ^-and theres Richardmdash she paused as if the fact of Richards existence made further explanation unnecessary

Papas friend is rich no doubt ^nd Richard Is not X fluppose Tfee-conductor spoke as If he were weighshying Richard In the balance and Rlcfc-ard was found wantlpg

Richard has bis law practice he will make jrtenty 46r usmdash Ann flared mdashthen changed tactics Please help us she said No one resisted Ann when she said please Anns Pleasr was a word of artmdashAnn realised it Richard smiled he knew the battle was won

A smooth-faced individual came down the aisle Ann and Richar braced themselves Ann kept ber eyes on the conductor in Anas con quering way

You wont find your parties in this car Jenkins The conductor arose as he spoke He turned to Ann Thats a fine little chapmdashbe sure to take good care of hint he said Ann smiled her thanks Anns smile was dampssling

I suppose yon are light Flinch Jenkins spoke undecidedly but if it wasnt for that baby that couple eer-tsiHiy fit the description Jenkins looked searchingly at Rfchard He IS about 26mdashtallmdashclean-shaven gray eyesmdashbrown curly hair He counted each item off on bis fingers The description fitted Richard It was Anns turnmdash-deep blue eyea^-llght wavy hairmdashslendermdashmedium heightmdash broWn dressmdash^brown tat T h a t cershytainly fitted Ann Ann bore the scrushytiny and enumeration better than Richard she was absorbed in watchshying the babys sleepy efforts to get a pink chubby hand in a mouth fully a size smaller than the hand

But tile babymdashJeuklns swore soft-y tinder his breath Anns fathe had offered ah alluring reward to the parshyty who stopped the runaways Jenshykins was not romantic his was a grasping nature Yes the baby eliminates them Flinch spoke prompt and decidedly He stood so that Jenkins could pass out first

You will reach your station in about ten minutes I am sure you will And your message all right he said pointedly to Richard

We sure willmdashbut it will be all right anyway Richard spoke promptshyly Ann smiled at him approvingly Bless (he baby she said softly as she gathered it Up in her arms and kissed a tiny dimpled hand

Same here Richard echoed fershyvently Hang Tom Mid what Tom says

mdash t bull WHAT NEXT


ltSen CrumbeHain Received Surflaquorraquodr | of Confederate riag

Pony-five ears R^R Qen Joshua L_ Chatrjbo-ain raquof Poittand Me held tHe I left of the union

line- at Little fLovd Top Oet-

g $ against ^ J l l i p e r a t e

e^ of the

t m v - laquomtes

f^ bull-bull years have bulla L i raquo well He

y M been gover nor or Maine and p resident of Bow-do u college Tc day ^e is collecshytor of the pert of Portland H3 is one of__Mraquoe few surviving great officers of the cfrirwar

The defease of Chans ber lain at Gettysburg was c o n s i d e r e d re-

GvChfraquobfUMi markable at the time aad stnee then

the glory that came to him trom his feat has not be dJsaaed The dry detail of the Kovetulaquoraquots of this body of aotdjftrs and that this attack and that reprise his shove of shot and this ^ash bebiad glesunins bayonets bullhow Che expert lfc magnttude s t Chambtriatos aceompOshnMat mraquo eoedvet gave h t e s is iost nsaqoalle^ repatatkm at a fighter It stirred eosgrew to the awsxd of a medal of honor

That defense of the union left at LttUe Roend Top and other feats throughout the war earned for him finally the honor of receiving the acshytual surrender of Lees army at Apshypomattox

A confederate color bearer as he delivered up the tattered remnant of his flag to the brigade of Gen Cham-berlaiitvvgtJrgtt into tears and said to the federal soldiers who received St Boys this is not the first time you have seen that flag I have borne it In the front of battle on many a vicshytorious field and I had rather die than surrender it to you

Gen Chamberlain sat upon his horse near-by in a uniform soiled by bullmoke and duet

Brave fellow1 said ChamberlaUt bending forward In his saddle toward the thin line of confederates wbo were sadly marching past I admire your noble spirit and only regret that I have not the authority to bid yod keep your flag and carry it home as a precious heirloom

The utterance of Gen Chamberlain at this time has been repeated by thousands of confederate veterans all over ths south They have not been forgotten In the passing years As the remnants of Lees great army gathshyered about thefr campfires the night of the surrender their arms now stacked and guarded by their foes of four long years their battle flags piled together as the trophies of victory the words of Gen Chamberlain to this color bearer were repealed and spread throughout the whole army



Stockers arid Feeding Cattle T H I S SEASON-

Y o u want to buy where you can get the best cattle for the least uior^y Write or wire at once to



Sound safe conservative strict honesty and a square deal guaranteed

ESTABLISHED OVER 23 YEARS REFERENCES Live vStock Exchange National Bank Chicago

Any Mercantile Agency Thousands of our satisfied customers

We handle more stackers and feeders than any fkuj in the world A big selacuon at all times Sales 40 to 50 loadsdaily

Come to Chicago aud we will sell direct to you or order at once oy tanil or telegram and wc will ship just what you want direct to you at lowest marshyket prices Write at once for our plan of rilling orders We c a n s a v e y o u m o n e y Write us for quotations of prices before you buy


Heroic Figure cf William Henry Har risen for Tippecanoe Monument

The Latest Is Teaching the Proper Way of Entering a Church

The sexton of one church that keeps open doors all day long didnt know whether toregard the matter in tho light of a desecration or a devotional exercise relates the New York Times He paid no attention whe the three women watched by a roai who stood at the lower end of the uislewalked the length of the churrVi and back again Even when they uade the trip a second itime he scarcely gave them a thought but when the trio started around the church a third time and the man called out Step a little more briskly please he began to wonder and presently made inquiry

I hope you wont be offended the man replied 1 am a physical culture instructor I am teaching these young ladies to walk I have already taught them to walk in the street in the drawing room In the theater and every place else they are likely to find themselves I am now teaching them to walk in church Very few women can walk there properly Some |ppe some swagger some skip others adopt a mincing gait All these styles arc very inappropriate for cureh A dignified subdued gait alone is suitshyable for devotional purposes Church is the best place for pupils In walking to receive practical instruction there fore I have brought them here

Great tethers gasped the sexton What next

l^v he ltltltbull no more UU ihe walking v - i v-fjlaquo ^ n - o p

The plaster east of t t e heroic figure of Williair Henry Harrison has Juat been completed by John H Mahoney an Indianapolis sculptor and has been shipped to Vermont where it will be copied in granite by McDonnell amp Sons The final figure will be eight feet tall and is to be placed at the bace of the Tippecanoe monument shaft on the Tippecanoe battle groutds Boih the shaft and the

ri-i fnifgttltf-f fivju( v) ho of f ftrf Ywl(iOlaquot KfampVi

Onecn Ira sankey A story told by the late Ira D

Sankey on himself has beerlt revived since the evangelists death Gas-day he entered a Swiss shop and asked to see some music boxes The salesman graciously showed him a number but none was what he wanted Have you none that play sacred music he asxed MWny answered the sales-

the class to the uoor I hope he said you will practice

the lesson learned today by coming here to church once ta a white

of - fcsOMray sacred music What Inquired Mr Sanaey Oh these Moody and Sankey hymns I cant imshyagine what the-people see in thenv but we aeU thousands of the boxes that plfty them We have enormous orders for these boxes continued t i e salesman from every part cf Eu rope and then he added apologeticalshyly Its a matter of business yon know with us

Suspicious Senator Penrose a few days before

he set out on his hunting trip In the Rockies said of a political movement to a political reporter of Philadelphia

Their words are suspicious like the words of a wine merchant-and his wife

This couple were Inspect)^ a building on the Penrose estate that they thought of renting The water was unfortunately poor

Tasting the water frowning and shaking his head the merchant said

It would do at a pinch for my Inshyferior wines but how about m y chashyteau and vintage wt^esr

Couldnt you filter itV the wife askedmdashPhiladelphia Record

Warm _ V

The grebt pig garaertgeelssurenpss 1

to work SBocr wS cosMntoc^ rifles are built with this Idea lontbtm

bullbullbullbull ttMdtsAlistt Is fratpla sftTCfffs 1^ fccUrsltampustlaquoipoundi)laquoilckniSlaquoss7i

Tin Jmrntat sotM top and side s|scr lt bull klaquolaquop a xvotscicc wall of m laquo t j bull-_laquo roar blaquoa4 mmA tbs eartrtlaquos-t |Nslaquoampt powdlaquor and css Mowtas1 bfc Ifcrow bullbeli mwwmjt fion yon laquoad sUow

The Spsosi 5laquooalaquoJHraquo StmdashI basnl are hard

deep oa tbs Baltsrttraquofswwsgt 1 bullccuraty sad kiTUac power

MsoslaMod^VJaod 58 OSlflHSS J i l l A ssd Sally described bull3d Ctttotcstcd (wfUi all other J K n f i t laquo~ psatete) in vat 1SS-TOlaquoe catstof Free-

42 WHlew araquoett JCW HavEf CONN



via Grand Trunk Railway System

Single Fare pluft $200 for the round tripto certain Canadian points on all trains December 19 20 21 and 22 1908 val id returning to leave destination to and including Janushyary 11th 1909 For Fares aad otheraquo particulars consult Agent

For any^further information regarding excursions or other matter apply to

G D YOUNG Agent le it is UH piampa Ui ue-aioamplaquoi tbcj iiionumont November t which wtil be I the Hnety-seventh anniversary of thei battle - - -

w-rh laquoa r ^w- A - pound wkJt r^a4Ja-Sl|poundlaquo-poundra i

iMsk sHlaisSii sssasflSt m

i laquo p i

W S X C H A JOHNSON rto-st-gttara

THE CORUNNA JOURNAL bullraquolaquolaquo ltr- 7 pound j nlt own to make elaborate presents The pleasure of making a costly gift is reat at the time of the giving but the reflection afterward that one Was obliged to go beyond his mean to do so is discomforting indeed Many a young man has csedhisenj

iob|Jraquoljd vty Tani-aday morning at CO I-OAS the csuAtjr st of SaiawaaaOO county Tk-r-M-4A l a I w ( sLMmt of thraquo Republic Party 4 titexwOcoaiMi of feaeraJ and local neat bull

fttit ltraquo per year In advance uv 4o sot NTTW to top ihi pptr uniew ployers money at this season of the

ordered tt laquoLgt ao bag wlaquo poattUu to top i was -laquo raquotrtfclaquod Buowt-rberB who ttsli tolaquoWp UMraquo gtapef tstoflfa notify us direct and cot Wave i t to the poatmAster to do He MWKtimefa fscifeeU Always se Sbat yonr Mt b-scrlptAoa is pwd up w ic date you r-jUlaquo-st u ttgt itgtp tae pevper 1frac34 - draquovlt8 your eubraquolaquorpllon kit paS-3 ttgt U on vour^Kper elaquou week witUyour

bullRie quantify and qttaUty i f the advertising appearing in the tocawju if abundant ttl-asony to itraquo value as aa advertising -rediuu Itraquoveraquo tnaraquolt- known at the office

year thinking it eouM be made good a little later but with sad results Many others who wonld not go as far fas tnia make expenditures for gfs for metnbei-s of the family and friends when the money might far Nacter have been appropriated for some other purpose However


bull onnr sinnsm

w e gt bullgt

A t O w o M t f i t M l c h l s s n

aa reported to the Bank Coeamirsicncr of the tatAte of MicMnT Moraquo 2 7 raquo0-8 laquo

muotrscsH VtfSraquo _ Bank and ftatunSs Cms ir

MraquoJS4ltK laquoraquolaquolaquo06


would not wish nor expect to see j pound items of news are laquoJvjs acceptable ite-member tbat what mieresw you will generally interest othenauu that it win be Kadigt re j Christmas go by without each one cefvedby us Communications on sunjeita of M T f

- bull bullbull- leeired the doing a llttis of something Jt you jreaerarinteretit are especially deeired the UOUiK raquo laquo laquo laquo 8 01 B o m e L i u u j j 11 j -uu bull facr that wr-omnBunicationappea-i in this piraquo-t Q amp v e amp f a m i l y VOU U n d o u b t e d l y 2 per however does not mean tbat It neccssari- U T raquo raquo u i u j r v laquo J I bull fy voices the opinion of the editor Toere will i h a v e c h i l d r e n w h o w o u l d b o h e a r t - i bull t ^ o c h a r ^ f o r t n e p u b l l n a i i o n of laquo = ~ - 1 b r o k e n f g a n t a C I a u 8 d i d n T t ler

No fake ad vert I si ug or any raquo^iing bordering a t a l l on toe objection inamperUsl at any price

Cards of thanks 50c obitrary notices obitgt nary poetry resolutions butunees locals of all kind and notkea of ewtertaiuments where ad-mission Is charged 5e per line

Kntered at the Poet Office Cortina Michigan as second class mail matter

come Doublet them be disappointshy

ed to such a degree as this It neednt be much but by all means see that each gets some little tbing that will please If you have a good friend remember him in a small way even if it be no more than a Christmas note or postcard If he is the good friend you think ho is and has the good judgment he should have he will realise your circumshystances and appreciate what you do much more^ than he ^onld if yon were to go beyond your means If you take your children to the Christ-mas tree ba certain there is some

W H A T a fine Christmas present Uttilaquo thing there for them With the payment of a few of those old many it requires considerable stretch


Capita) Stock Surplus -bdquo Uepolaquoitlaquo

TcHU-I hereby certify the s b

staWinent ltI the ltogtxiui iiiuu of tbii bampnW to the y~t of wy ki0-vK--lgf aiuL Oflief

G L TAYLOK Cashier

f 60^0000 5560 9

fie4nefgt9s 100(9080

to bo a rue

1 bull





-bull-bull -I-1^raquo bull-gt nnraquo^w^^-w-|raquogt---|i-ii|i|i bull in -bull in m 1

i they will run hourly Coruu bullbull

gtSSfev lt s a u ^ M f^Pcvgt

A K D the Owosso deliverymen are on a strike I Wfto wouldn^t strike if they had to ride a delivery wagon in this cbftQg of weather

912 or [$14 subscriptibh aeconris vos td make a newspaper publisher mdash laquo e laquo a some of tblaquo smaller cent5 or f8 accoahts

^^KvtWiiHbiA^igtiSG t h e g r e a t popularity attained by the Teddy Bear he can never supplant the good old doll that has stood the test so many years For Christmas for the children dont forget the doll above all other things You may give them both but if you can give but one let it be the doll by all means

T H E committee on the Elksmemshyorial service made a g-gtod selection in Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Joseph Collins to deliver the special eulogies J oe can always be depend laquod npon for something good upon any occasion and his enorts upon this one brought forth something that was well appreciated and did Jtni great credit

T H K effort being made by the Evening ArgHs to raise |300 by sob-bullcription to defray the expense of an addition to the Boreas Home to be used as a girls7 dormitory is a very commendable one and should have the support of all good citisens of the county From a very small beginning this institution is growshying into one which is doing a great deal of good and with a little help promises to attain much larger proshyportions in the near future Subshyscriptions in any amount will be gratefully received and those who feel that they can spare 50c or 9100 should not pass up this opportunity to do a great deal of good with little money Subscriptions may be placed with the Evening Argus or at this office Surely there are many Co-run n a people who can afford to help a little

ON CHRISTMAS GIVING With the coming of Christmas

comes the natural desire of all to make gifts It comes to all alike be they rich or poor With those who can afford to make numerous and costly gifts this desire is easily satisfied but with those who cannot afford these things it is vastly differshyent and it is regrettable that the desire to do them is 90 intense with some that it often leads them to go far beyond their means many even

Throat Coughs Ask your doctor about these throat coughs He will tell you how deceptive they are A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead Better explain your case careshyfully to your doctor and as him about your taking Ayers Cherry Pectoral

A We pobllna a w tottb-al-

ijers We banish aleohol fro-o c-ar -nlaquoUetas

We arge yea to doctor

Who makes the best liver pills The J C Ayer Company of LowelL Mass They have been making Ayerj Pills for over sixty years If you have the slightshyest doubt about oilaquotig these piUa ask your doctor Do as he says always

gtby aa J C JLyar Co K-owU

of imagination to realize the feelings of the child who sees all the others get something and finds nothing there for herself and there is nothshying more pitif ol than seeing a child come from the Christmas tree with tears in her eyes because she is empty-handed Bern e m b e r that Christmas giving should be for the children more than anyone else and If you cannot do for all do a little for them at least


When Will Corona People Lssrn the Importance of it

Backache is only a simple thing at first bullbull

But when yon know tis from the kidneys

That serious kidney troubles follow That diabetes Bright disease may

be the fatal end You will gladly profit by the followshy

ing experience Claude Perry living on West Main

SL Durand Mich say From the benefit I derived from the use of Doang Kidney Pills I have not the least hesitancy in recommending them For two years I was troubled more or leas by backache and I think there was not amp time during the whole two years that I could say I waaabeolutely free from pain Not only did my back bother me but I had a distressed and miserable feeling through my chest I beard so much about DOSES Kidney Pills that I procured a pox and began using them By the time I had taken the contents of this box the pain in my hack had entirely disappeared and the miserable feeling in my chest bad left I would advise anyone troubled by backache to give Doana Kidney Pills a trial

For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburc Co Buffalo Xew York Sole Agents for the United States

Remember the namemdash Doansmdashand take no other


I bull^bull^^^bull^^r^mm^m - A A

mdash Mra Floyd Acitias is quite sick mdash rsos Cole was home over Sunday mdashNed Coste was in tbe city Saturday mdashSire William Hughes is quite sick mdash-Buy Xgtnlaquoa postaJ-t of us Reynolds mdashC F Keel in Las uaoved bis family

to Detroit mdashS I Fox of Arcadia Is u tbe city

on builrjeF mdashMislt Xettie Eyeietrv has returned

from Detroit mdashLloyd DOampD speut Sunday at Lis

home in Caledonia mdash Watcb our wicdows for ChiisttnaS

presents Reynolds mdashErvio Williams was home from

Burtoa over Sunday mdashMr and Mrs J C Qoajle bnye reshy

turned from Cbicago mdashalias Stella DeVol of Saginaw is

viMtlngMra J Ellber mdashMrs Fred Kay wbo has been on tbe

sick list iff much improved mdashif you dont see what you want ask

for it Well get it Reynolds mdashMiss Louise Peacock enteitalced

tbo WomanXClub Monday eveatog mdashSx-Trcasare R F Kay of Morrice

was in tbe city Wednesday on business mdashThe Baptist Union met with Mrs

Frurk Miliard Ier Tuesday afternoon

bullgtbulllaquobull bulllaquo bull laquo bull bull bull laquo euro tgta^laquogtlaquoiilaquoaaao

mdash Mrs Jobc Boutwell left Tuesday for a two weeks visit with her mother at Davisburg

mdashMrs E E Campbell is visiting relashytives in Chicago also ampttendiog the stock show

mdashMiss Alice Bagin is speodioga few days withher sister Mrs Joe Biley of Kew Raven

mdashWalter Saunders formerly proprieshytor otj resrauraot in this city was in town Monday

mdashFloyd AefctnV trlui on the charge of assault and battery was sxfyourced Friday for two weeks

mdashGeo Sabine of Morrice spent Monshyday with his daughter Mrs WUiinm Cornford of tbis city

mdashThe Hawkfe nhlt-ol hslaquo been cioscd for a few days because of the illness of tbe tescber Jesse Row

mdashGrant Morse has resigned his posishytion at tbe Grand Trunk and will soon re-enter^be Coranufi hlgb school

bullmdashTbe Are department was called out Monday afternoon to exttngtSsb a^-^ht blaze at the residence of pound Kinney

mdashMr and Mrs WIlHam Burger who have been visiting friends here left for their home in Lutoo Iowa Monday

mdashHomer McBride a former Coronua boy has been elected worshipful master of Geeesee Lodge No 174 F A A M

mdashWm Garner has sold bis confectionshyery store to Henry Hagfe of this city Mr Hagletook-possettsien Wednesday

mdashMany local sportsmen took advaat-age of the light snowfall by speadlsg a few hours la the woods hooUitg rabbits

mdashBig double progran at the Pavleas theatoriom this (Thursday) ereaiog The count in the voting cntsst will also be given

mdashMr and Mr Geo M Winnie nave returned from a fsjw days visit with their daughter Mrs Howard Botdilna ofWlxom

mdashMiss Irene Rome of Coi rgtna enter-taioed last Friday evening ID honor of her guest Miss M Stocking of Zsnct-vile Ohio

mdashCbCBdler Tompkins of the Evening Argus reportcHai force has been con-flued to the houae two or three days With the grip

mdashBernice Parsons has been obliged to abandon her studies at the Co unnablgb school for tbe rest of the yeai on acshycount of her Illness

--Howard Van Ommereo has acceptshyed a position at tbfraquo Grand Truck Be will not commence work however unshytil tbe last of tbe month

mdashTbe students of the different grades are looking forth witb great pleasure to the time wben they will take up tnelr work in tbe new building

mdashTbe Adelpuics will nave their first party of tbe year at tbe borne of Mr and Mrs Fred Doan Caledonia towo-sbip next Friday evening

mdashA DeTroi firm bag been awarded the contract for doing the carpenter work on tbe brick flat wbicb is eing erected by tbe Detroit Brick Company

mdashTbe Corunna Firemen will give another of tbeir annual parties on New Years eve Tbe flrecen will enshydeavor to make tbis tbe best party of tbe year

mdashMrs Tod Kincaid and daughter Miss McHardy left last Thursday evenshying lor Cleveland- they being called there by the serious illness of Mrs Kin-caids father

mdashOwing to tbe fact that new motors snd trucks are being put oo (be cars

1 -5 it yOJ tiJVVt Csi-rt us Uc VHigtK Urinary iiimi- i ir^A M t s t l (pa h bdquo r f gt r i irlfj gt

dcr or Kidney troube -nlti ai i t a Mrtaiu 5 ^ a ^ v e 3 e r e gt U[al J -p)ealaquoint herb ltraquoIIT for wgtmraquo-iF 111raquo tv -motK^ I _ raquo_ praquort- A ltirajrraquo Au-jiraJian-Lea t itlaquo laquofc and never- raquobullgtbullgt-bull gtbull fraquoiunlaquorelaquoTialaquogtr AH D--vBr(ri5sor by wail so d iy for Bath and Lansing for s coutgte centK Sample packajre Fit Eft Addrlaquoslaquo The t Ugte-OrayCoLeRoy X Y d a y s V l i i t

[re Fojd BontweHleft-Weds

Chaa K Rigley D Waipple President Cashier

Cbaa W Gale Geo B Sweet Vtee President Aaat Cashier


Owosso Savings Bank O w o f t o - Mlc t i l f f t tn

C a p T t e a l laquo 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pays -4 o o

Oft Sovftgs Deposits

Cars will leave on the boor and Owosso on

the half hour mdashCottoty Treasurer Sbipman reports

that be has received the first tax-aioney of rbe flet year It waa tiirnef to by Jobu I Sfc-Js Jr treasurer of Wood h-ull township

mdashThe State Association of Farmers Clubs betd its regular meeting in the senator t-bamber Lansieg iMt Tuesday and Welnesfay Alt L Chandler de-iive(Ki ampo addrecs

mdashTbe Sophomore ciass of tbe Corunshyna high pcuooi had charge of the Peer-ei tbtre Tuedey evening Extra music and a double program -werefecjoi-ed by tbe large crowds |

--About the oniy excuse Shiawpsoeei ouo iy balaquo now on tbe court houae proposition ic tbat the mau wbo loaned tbe money were looking wben the counshyty took U -Flint J gturnal

mdashMrs Edna Parsons Oddy and her I niece Marjorle Parsons of Detroit were called here on account of the illshyness of her sister Bern tea Parsons wbo has been sick for the past eix weeks

mdashEdwin Sbelp tbe Bancroft wrestler was a welcome risitor at the Journal orBee Saturday Mr Sbelp has made many friends n Corunna by bis gentleshymanly conduct on the mat as well as off

mdashThere will be an assembly after the dancing class every Wednesday even-foe from 900 oclock standard until 1130 Bill 36c per couple rgentlemen without ladies 26c ladle without escort 15c

mdashTbe Seelboff brothers two well known New Haves township hroiers were in the city Tuesday They came to call on friends and to vlstr the court houSvmdashOut of tbegesticsen asd Blaquogtcr seen the building

mdashWm Brands and Bobt Thompson bampve returned from their Montana ranch The first named has acquired a pair b plumes tbat Would be a credit to Ghauncey Depew and be was hardly recognised by bis friends

mdashTbe annual meeting of the Shiawasshysee Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held In Corunna Thursday Janshyuary 7 Officers will be elected red other business will be transacted Inshycluding a proposed change In the cba-t e V

mdashWork on the new school building is progressing rapidly laquond it Is expected that the building will be ready8copyt occushypancy py January 1 i t has been deshycided not to fiswuM school after Daeso-br 19 nt4t4) the new buUdlag Is ready for use

mdashA aeaaber of Coronmt Klks attended the sacooftal atrrioss of Owosso Ledge Sunday afternoon All have had opporshytunity to bear Biro J H Collins many time in the past and declare that his delivery and the address which be gave bays never been surpassed by bin

mdashMayor W A McMullen has had the electric tights furnished by the 8 L amp P Company removed from bis store and has installed ao acetylene gas outfit The mayor says tbe electric lights did not furnish sufficient Ulcmtaatioc to carry oo business by in theevftniog

mdashTbe examination of Ernest and Alshybert Sraheiui of Eaiton oa tbe charge of attempted murder was to have been neld December 3 but wc sdi denaitely Tbe time will depend upon the progress toward recovery made by tbe victims of the stabbing Reynold Brabeim and Victor Hoover who are a yet unable to leave their beds

mdashWe bave on band a fine Peninsular bot air furnace on which we can give someone an excellent bargain This furnace cost over 9200 when new but was Installed where proper pitch to the pipes could not be had so it was fc nd necessary to make a change Tbe furshynace is in fine condition and will be a soap tor someone Corunna Hamprdwarr Co

mdashMr and Mrs F C Gale left Tuesday for California to epeud the winter They were accompanied by Miss Carrie Pardy and another lady friend from Morrice who will also spend the winter here Mrs Gals was in very poor cftUh st the time of departure and it

is hoped the change of climte will have the same beneficial effect tbat it did last winter

a T tgtwdj W Gale

W A Woo-larU

Ueo T Mason Cha B RijrUy

mdashThe alleged Shaftsburg conductors of a sightless porker at Shaftsburg William Wells and Claude McClintock ware brought into tbe justice coo it Tuesdav They bave planued to waive examination and will be bound over to the circuit court Each will furnish bonds in the sum of 9600 for his appearshyance in tbe circuit court next Monday when tbelr esses will be considered

mdashMiss Edith Marshall and the memshybers of ber Sucday school class were delightfully entertained at (he borne of Mr nod Mrs Wm E Id ridge on Monday evening in honor of Master Merle Eid ridge it being bis eleventh birthday The home was beautifully decorated in honor eV-tbe occasion and tbe guests were treated to a sumptuous repast Merle was tbe recipient of many pres ents of wbicb he Is very ^roud

mdashThere will be another big noise at tbe armory in Owtlaquoo it tbe near future for tholaquotft who irtvf rh rgatHh raquoraquoraquoraquoraquobull

j WMBU i-Ci ShtIlraquo- Of BnlaquoAgt--ifi raquonltS Krwfft

I Watson of corunna will take on laquotrcrgtg j |pound- iOppoQ^nts Sbelp wii uclaquoL At Acknr-I man of Lima 0 who claims the wvltsr-

weight chmpioDsfaip of the south | Real Estate Transfers Watson will grapple with Floyd Couch-j o Parkhurst to F Rogers part sw er of Armsda Micb who is said to be 14gt sec 18 Burcs 91000 a wonder at bis weight of 155 pounds Tbe date set is December 10

mdashThe coroners jury in tbe case of William Ryan of Owosso engineer of the northbound train wbo was killed in the recent coHiston near Bamberg Oo

D Stafford to L Woodin and wife p$ nw 1 4 see 25 Owosso laquo2500

Tlaquo Garber t o N Horton pt nw 1-4 sec 28 OwosampXgt 9i500

L Woodin to D SUafqrd and wife e 1-2 It 7 blk 6 S K Barnes add

Catarrh Cannot Be Cured

theToiedoA Aun Arbor railroad re- Owosso 9625 turned a verdict late Monday night rinding tbe collision due to careless-1 oessoo tbe part of the train dispatcher with LOCAL APPLICATIONS they i - k n - M i h - ^ n - - ^ in laquolaquolaquoiitncraquondegt tradech tueseat of toe disease Ihomas Lshy of 0woraquoo In aooulling ^irrb Is a blood or constitutional d1raquo-an order against the Bbdquo T amp I extra ( cent ^ M a in order Mgt cure H you must whieb bad the right of way from Du-rsod t-gt Hamburg and laj not giving an order for the two trains to ereet at

Notice of Annual Meethii Theannual mectiac of the Shiawassee

Mutual Fire losurauce Company will held at the court bouse In the city of J perfect eoabUntioa of the two isngredl-Corunoa on Thursday January 7th IwOQ at 11 a m for the purpose of electing officers and also to consider the proposition to ehanglt See 15 of the Be-vlsed Charter so as to read Said com paoy Is formed and shall be conducted for the mutual insurance or the property of Its members against loss by fire and no other property shall be insured exshycept tbe dwelling houses buUdlags mills where stationary boilers and enshygines are placed and the machinery t terelo and personal property of the intern situated upon or used on or about their farms or business of farmshying together with tbestacks of hay and grain on such farms and such other business as may properly comebefore lbs meeting

Dated at Owoaao Dec 1st 190S FRANK H BUSH


X hia ) a n SMSy Test

Sprinkle Aliens Foot-Sase in one shoe and not la the other and notjee the di(Terence Just the thing to use when rabbers and overshoes become accessary aud your shoes s e e n to pinch Sold Everywhere 25 cents Dont acshycept any sib-ititute

Hoarse coughs and Btuffy colds that may develop into pneumonia over fight are quickly cured by Foleys Hone and Tar as it soothes inflamed membranes heals tfce lungs aud expels tbe cold from tbe system Sold by Glen T Reynolds

tike internal remedies Haffs Catarrh Oar is taken loier nail j aud acts dlree-lv as tfcfc blood and ameout surfaeea HallsCaarra Cure Is nota^aeek suedl-cine It was prescrtbid by one of me beat physicians ia this oauotry for eara and Is s rfguiar preKviptioa Ittoeosn-posed of the best toatea kaowa Qoaibia-ed with tbe bet blood p-ariAert aetisar directly on the saucoM wetaees Th

eats Is what preuses snob weaeWffui results In eurlaf Catarrh S^ad for testisaoniais free

F JCHXJTBT A CO Trope Toledo O Sold bv Dracttata prios Sc Take Halls Family PUM lor coostipa-


If yon suffer from constipation and lfvtr trouble Foleys Orino Laxative will euro you nerniaoeotly by stimulsU tng lb dljsiiMYa oiwwm so ihey will act naturally Foleys Orino Laxative does oot grlne Is pleasaas to take and you do not bave to take laxatives continually after taking Oriuo Sold by Glen T Reynolds

WINTER TERM opens Monday Jan4th Handshysome Catalogue free on reqaast Write Detroit Business Unishyversity 15 Wilcox St W F Jewell President R J Benshynett C P A Principal


Witb thorough knowledge of the value of personal property and real estate Terms ieampsoaable and satisfaction guarshyanteed Offlc 109 West Exchange St Residence 728 N Hickory St O W - M M S O - M I c H l s a i

TelephonesmdashUnion laquo70 Bell 244


Its when you want the very best in

Groceries and Table Supplies that you should go to

Quayles Its because we are heavy buyers that we can

command the best in the market and thats why were

adding new patrons every week in the year

No matter what your want were never just out

and our delivery is the quicket in town

Fifteen--two bells pie

J C QUAYLE1 TM gtampmm r wt^s2)



COAL 1 have on hand a full stock oi the

following ltMgtal and am prepared to make prompt deliveries

H A R D C O A L - g Stove Nut and No 2 Chestnut

S O F T C O A L ^ S t Charles Specshyial Grade of Ohio Coal and Wefct Virginia Splint

bullbull bullbull Orders may be left at Quayles Grocery The Corunna Hardware Company or the A A Elevatar Phone No 80 or 40-4r

Suggestive Questions on the S S Lesson By Rev Dr Linampcott for the Interntioaal Newsshypaper Bible Smdy Club



Copyright 1908 By Rev bull- 8 Ltaseott amp p

M e m b e r 1 3 ^ ^ Solomon Oedixit^ the Tenipie- ^ ^ ^ 0 frac34 frac34 5 ^ t K -L I Kinkt v m bull Verses ^3rl-^Qlaquonted that there fraquoidtrade Ttbull WAS fi-liid wheU only one Almighty God are there

t h e raquo u ^ ^ house of the L o r d - P a a l B c x x n 1 g trade pound r over 4 a n d ^ X i ^ ^

Verses MlmdashThese verses des-1 what the ancients called the gods | cribeagrand gathering of_the King j Gods promises in general and (6 the priests and the people for a great H h e iQdividual are a f dependable laquolaquo religious festival Would it be araquo a r f t t h bdquo l f tWB f W v i t f t t ^ but gt h i t 5

of a man Is there in a

more of tut


P N GmdashBay Faryr N G -C GEaton V GmdashFSutfin SecymdashJ J Bowers Fin 8ecy-Jltt^bls TressmdashJ Mtinstein l

TrusteemdashF Ward Capt of Staffmdash Ward B Carl

CORUNNA R A M NO 33 - bull bull bull

High PrlearmdashA- Wgt Greeoc King-Hugh M Nichols Scribe-Geo C Clotterbuck Capt HostmdashF L Johnson Prln SojournermdashJos Laffrey Royal Arch OapisitamdashL N Sbeardy Master 1st Vel 1mdashG J Dole Master id Veil-3mmnlaquol EMrWlaquoe Matter 3d Yell -Jo Sbulta SecymdashJobo Y Martin TreaemdashW A Bosenkrana

r ^


The best ever at lowest


A new Souvenir Card of Coshy

runna High School 5c each-



Toilet Articles disshyplayed next week will be good and complete Let us show them to you

Reynolds CORNER

Drag Store CORUNNA



Hlffb PrilaquotmdashO L Sprague KinmdashCO Wright SertbemdashAtono Crane SecymdashE F Uoasiit TresmdashH D Lyon Capt of HoetmdashF C BanscojBv Prin Sojourner~J J McDonald Royal Arch CaptainmdashE E Smith Master Third VeilmdashBB Hart Master Second VeilmdashG A Ott Master First Veilmdash W F Letts


Past Cota mdash EHa J Oampmer CommdashMinnie E Mason Lieut Com mdashMatte E Sample Pecord KeepermdashFlorence E Barrett Finance KeepermdashFrances D Rood CaapmdashEllen M Nelson SsrgtmdashSola Eam Master at A rmsmdashGertrude Wooster SeatmdashJennie Birk Pickett-Ida M Fisb


Conk--0 Jacobs LSent Com~-atette Lemon R ILmdashSarah Ford F KmdashMinnie Ormsby CbapiaismdashMrs Barnes SergeantmdashAugusts Derr M at Av-Sophia Zambaaia Swtteei-Ella Stoddard PicketmdashG Hann Ant Past Com mdashSophronla Chase PtanlatmdashHattie Robinson

w -a ^ f e t i v a 1 T 1 V Kdeg a laquo f e th laws of gravitation good thing for every church to have Jg t h o evidence that ftutraquoh is the case such gatherings something say of XT bullbdquo-bulllaquolaquo ^ the nature of the old-time c a m p

V e i 8 ^ ^ ^ U laquoproper prayer

meetings to ask God to keep fa is promises I What is the chief institution of al ^WhLsh isthe batter way to keep |

nation and what is is the chief duty V d I f f t u d e d deg tllpf 0 l l s e 8 01

r5 v gt l I take ilaquo lor granteil that they wiii be

i answered and to ask God for grace L church today any to keep o u r p a r t o f t h e compact

m nilt ^ raquoh g l o r y deg f l h e ^ 0 ^ ^ Verse 27-What is the supreme miinifested than anywhere elee e v dence that God does dwell on the A laquo bull earth and in the heait of each indi-Verae 12mdashIs darkness as much vidual

iihFamp traden$ S S ai the V ^ r s e raquo - S p laquo M i raquo r rom actual iraquohLraquo y l t e 8 t raquo 0 r experience what are the o t n e r 7 benefits of prayer f j T e w S h d ^ W l f h ^ L S S V e r 8 e 29-52-Waa this great pray-m I laquo A ^ trade P B a r P I u s

rer of Solomon extempore in its lang-monraquoy7 uaget QT prepared iraquoefore hatid

Verse 14-Should every person con- eirtnM tradeiniatraquo n - cbdquo-w laquouf-_ bull ij~laquoraquowiigt aM-laquo raquokaraquor^mdashlaquoraquo A onoma mmiatora prepare their bulltrntlyHjtess every other person and p r 4 y e r a mitb ftg m a c h Care an they t raquo T y S f w h aVW lt M W J laquoh e T bull should their sermons bull suits (Thraquoraquo questHgtn must wared in writing by members club gt

Verses 15-21mdashAre tho promise3 in this day which God makes1 with his month ftiways fulfilled i with his hand

What was Gods chief purpose i n choosing Israel to bs the repository of his truth

Why did God cot permit David to build the Temple of God

What reason is there to believe that each individuaV is a link in the chain which draws out of events as they occur Gods purposes as in the case of David and Solomon

Verse 22mdashMinisters like Solomon often spread out their hands when about to pray in the pulpit is there any important significance in this

be aiUr i -of the Which is the more important part

| of church service the prayers or the sermon

Solomon assumes in this prayer that all calamities both national and personal^arlaquoLft rraquonif of sin is that assumption correct _ i s a ministers prayer for God to-icrgive the sfas of the people of any avail if the people do not repent

Verses 53-66mdashWhat is the chief or supreme purpose of the church and of worship

What are the chnrches doing for this country

Lesson for Sunday Dec 20th 1908 mdashSolomons DownfallmdashI Kings x i -4-13

farlf n the WoodCwatayotatmina fcrQw

joraquot wn^i rU lti

Gola Meolaquolaquo Flour Is nourtabhif


T I MmdashHoward Siocuin D MmdashJ H West P C Wmdash Rudolph Colby C of GmdashGilbert J Cole G of CmdashClarence E Wmlch G S amp 3 -Austin EL Richards RecordermdashF L Jobason


CommdashW E Jacobs Sr VicemdashCharle Twitchel Jr VicemdashSim Anthony Q MmdashDan Hunger AdjTG W Matloon Officer of DaymdashA For Irtr Officer of GuardmdashM Bishop

Vernon Masonic OfBcen (Following are the officers Of Vernon

lodge No 279 for the ensuing year ani iiisiailairion will occnr Saturday evening Dec 26

Worshipful MastermdashC J Ganseley Senior WardenmdashW J McCullough Junior WardenmdashC J McLaughlin TreasurermdashMDo Ho^ard SecretarymdashVictor Holmes Senior DeaconmdashEdward McCall (Junior Deacon^mdashCharles Paine TylermdashWilliam FleminE-

Henderson Odd Fellows At the regular meeting of Imnaan-

uel Lodge No 153 I O O F of Henshyderson the following officers -were elected

Past GrjandmdashOtis B Coo it Noble GrandmdashA L Pierce Vice GrandmdashP P Bishop Recording SecretarymdashWm Kohl-

nieyer Financial SecretarymdashW H Keily TreasurermdashH W Horn TrusteemdashW H Perkins

Royal Neighbors Officers The following were elected officers

at the regular meeting of Royal Neighbors Camp No 73

OrampolemdashJosie Lamr(man Vice OraclemdashMinnie Rifenber-ry Pasi OraclemdashMinnie Brown ChancellormdashEmma Shoulters RecordarmdashFrances Rood MarshalmdashMate Llaquoivilaquo ReceivermdashLena Grow Assistant MarshalmdashBarbara Men

shairdt SentinelmdashEdna Root Assistant SentinelmdashMary Reckling PianistmdashNellie Schlaak ManagermdashLoa Ferguson Ex Phyai2ianmdashDT T B Scoit

Vernon Rebekahs Vernon Rebekah lodge elected their

V5fraquo Grltnd-~Mrs I^otta Hart SecretarymdashMrs Reulah Higglns Financial Secretary-^E Hairt Treasurer -Mrs Sarah Hart

Boston Tent K O T I M Bsaton Tent No 572 of New Eaven

has elected the following officers tor the ensuing year

Ooromander-^W J WUlianw Lieut CommandermdashUobi H Mai-

lery Reoord KeepermdashJ A RAcbardson Finance KeepermdashWilliam L Goodshy

will Chaplaln^Davenport Terry SerlaquoeantmdashByron W Smith SfiMter at ArnumdashJohn A Brenner First Guard- J R Unaey Second GuardmdashIsaac SctHMtta SentrnelmdashVWrn A Morse PicketmdashM L Bittall

Officers Perrv hodae F ft A M At a regular meeting of F it A M

Lodce No 550 last Friday evening the following officera were elected

Worshipful MastermdashChus O Robshyinson

Senior WardenmdashDr 1 M Oudworth Junior WlaquordenmdashCland C Austin TreasurermdashWlaquoWr K Hall SecretarymdashStanley H Wallace Senior IgtsaaconmdashBmra G Smith Junior DeaconmdashCharles Harvey TylermdashDr H W Cobb Senior StewartmdashJames G Leggett Junior iSiGwartmdashJ Walter Hough

dancer Clyde CJidence character come dian Jessie Cardownie soprano the famous Eltncity qnsrtette and Amerishycas irreatest musical act the Shubert Musical Four and the rsnouned poey ballet and Broadway show girls

I- mdashmdash OWOSSO THEATRE

Little Doll ie Dimples Dec 10th


Dyspepsia Is our nattocai ailment Burdooar Blood Bitters is the nattoaal cur lor It It bulltrenttheaa stomach membrane promotes flow of digestive jtiices parlttftt the blood frauds yon up

Taxpayer Attention I The U s rotas of the city a n now in

my possession I will be aT gtlaquo office of the Corunaa Hardware Co on Tueaday and Wednesday of esoh week also from ft to 7M p m each day In too week on-ill Jnonary 10 HW for the purpose of weftiylojr nayment 4 per cent extra ch trfed after Janoary lOtb Hid


The title of C Herbert Kerrs musical operatic drama with dainty Grace Cameron as tbe star is Little Dollie Dimpiea The story of this merry comedy which by tbe way is now in its second year is told in two acts and the scenes are laid in and about New York City In tbe flrst act Miss Camerou i seen as a street walaquo Sue wanders away to Pari receives an edushycation through a good friend who disshycovers that ebe Is a great singer and presents her to one of tbe leading manashygers in Paris who stars ber in bis opera and while playing some of tbe smaller towns tbe company gets stranded She returns to P laquo and secures a position as French Mau in order to return to America ber oil borne which sbe left in despair six years he fore On her arshyrival sbe is introduced to many of her old ilaquof uda of former ypamprs but none of them seem to recognize iter as tbe formshyer wail Dollie Dimples Tn time sbe makes known to her old lii^nd Robert Loraine her visit to Paris etc This knowledge puts him on to a scheme wbereby he secures for her tbe money aoc property left to br many years beshyfore by tbe death of ber uucit- id in the second act of tbe play sue OD tbe wltcb forces a confession from Hay me Green and Alexander Comstock a lawshyyer with a shady reparation that they bad robbed ber of tbe estate by false representations and before sbe flolsbes with them thny are glad to turn tbe enshytire estate over to ber without any trouble All goes well and Dollie is made happy with tbe knowledge of love that Mr itobert Loralne has shown ber during her troubles

woii uuwtiartstii8^r laquolaquovllaquo-mSo picabs 0ampr3ownlcbftnftcteroM womsn tbe famous baritone Frank Rivers Phoebe Csrdownfe Americas famous

w sT bull yrmdash bull rJ^ bull r h

No 70

Our Very Best Chopper cuts cleaner anddoes not mash or ^ ^ ^ a ^ ^ squeeze Four (4) mdash ^ I ^ t c r K n i v e s with each chopper for cutting in uniform pieces all sorts of vegetables meats fruits bread nuts suet etCj etc fine or coarse as wanted It JS easy to operatemdasheasy to rioanmdashnothing to get out of order

A daily iahor Barer an^necessary tool i n -nmj kitchen



Probate Court Julius P Phillips of Bowling Green

Ohio baa been appointed administrashytor of the estate or Margaret E Carfle deceased or Middiebury township Silas P Southworth and Thcs Marshyvin were appointed appraisers of the estate

Dr A M Hume has bcea dls-cVarged as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Hiram S Andrus deceased

The will of Norman P Inland of Do rand was admitted to probate and Mrs Irene P Leland appointed exshyecutrix

The will of Frank O Bennett deshyceased of Fairfield township was adshymitted to probate and Mrs Eva L Bennett appointed executrix

Frederick Seelhoff was appointed administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of the estate of Augusta Seelhoff decased of Rusb township

The annual account of Wm H Van Sice as guardian of Mary E Getmao a mentally incompetent person was allowed

A petition for tbe appointment of an administrator of tbe estate of Jas A Buret deceased of Owosso has been tiled and the hearing set for Janshyuary 11th

The final account of Alma Stanley as guardian of tbe estate of ChUe Starks a mentally incompetent pershyson will be heard Jan 4th

The final account of John King as administrator of the estate of Peter King deceaaed will be heard Jen 1L

In the estate of Alice Jackson deshyceased of Corunna Jay W Morrison has been appointed administrator

In the estatelaquof Paul and Pautin Ciark minors of Laingsburg Edgar iiark as guardian was granted a lishycence to sell real estate

A petition has been tiled for the apshypointment of an administrator of the estate of George C Lemon deceased of Corunna and the hearing set for January 4th

The final account of Gilbert R Lyon as executor etc of the estate of John H Champion deceased of Owosso will be heard Jan 5tu

A petition for the determination of | the heirs rgtf Edward Holtnes deceased of Vernon township has been

will soon be here Dont wait too long Come in and make your selections and have them put aside We have lots of nice things for Christmas

Cajches Rockers of si kinds Buffets Sideboards Chins Closets Bookcases Kitchen Cabinets A bargain f 1 7 QQ in Good Oak Bedroom Suites $ 11130 Conie in and get our prices and bring in your pictures and have them framed

AW CURTIS amp CO Furniture and Undertaking Phone 29-2r

POULTRY WANTED For quotations call me up Also

notice my daily quotations Bell Phone 644 Y Union Phone 226 I

pound SDEMERY O L D S T A N D W E x c h a n g e S t OWOSSO

bull bull bull bull bull

bull bull bull


11laquo mm Like em We have |JB BsHMa^ that make

the good ones Pure Buckwheat as well as the prepared kind and the quality is the best in the land And the best Syrups you ever tasted-

Just received another barrel of those excellent Dill Pickles that are so good

And then dont forget that our Hne of Teas and Coffees is the best in the county We want your next order and guarantee to please you on everything in Groceries

bull bull

bull bull bull bull


The iinamp bullpoundbull

37 Nortfi Siiinwo Avbdquo iunron pnone laquo4 mer aa administrator of tbe estaUi of Stephen Cornell deceased will bei - A _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ - - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ x ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i heard January 5th i bull bull V ^ T T bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


J^^^^^frac34^^frac34frac34p^^J^7WWB^jl^|Pf^^5centJ0frac34^lw^7bull-j-n-T^3iji-7 F^--1ltbull^^7^^-bullr^- ^i^i bull^^^^ r^ [ iSfci ^ -^ 1 7 ^frac34 1 igt

bull ^

lt^gt T A T E Oi- MlOHi i VNViouuty of S O I H W S -

O - ^ - ^ - bull ^ i ^ - ^ M I N iii lt filt 1 -1^1--- traquoJii - o r ^L bull

ltUVSTV lt-d a t Mugt tivraquosi i- (Ml- m V V - U l j gt iiii gtli T y i f - i li- i i i l i ltitv ) j v gt gt(bull ivtfjf i bdquo i - i i i i i bull-bull kbull - i i i gti i u t r i - -uylf^Vl I

t1-bulllt l i i i t iew bullU j (|-gt-bull gt- ltbullgt I K l i ltbull V( LlaquoI of l u c i I t l i - u f M v t i u t A

rgt--ri--irf( i gtu r--aUiiikrivKl lili i- t ^ - v - i i j - -n bull K l w m A

bull) gt-iltt bull gtr vlt w l i i ltJ bull ( i l l w i i U bull bullbull s v i l l i l i -X- 1 M - m

in- i J O SKgt p l i li uigti t

U - ltswlt V^ thit-VtiU i lvii iiy M ( gtbull bulli-uixvr fiftvi tf U-JI oflici iii -tit- bullLti-ouvou bullbullbull -raquoolt ivigtlvlt OtSUi br itsii-4Ijti o v (Kftltue

J tj^til ) i i T l i n i bull bull bullbull bull ]

Atw i t - iJ f u r t h e r onlt-wi l t l i r i r a c o p y o f t b t i bullOrSK-- or p i tJraquoi jivlaquoJ i l ivf ^iilti-vssltyltgt w o i r k e f

iHVViOiiS t o ssiii i a v o lifyiniJ-SI ltgti Uie-iV^^iitiiiS j

ilv^Ukti Ui^ui V o l raquo3li-it yi-gtvr f -MAHflKW JUSK -

bull J bull(laquobull(bull bullgt r r u b i i t e IyfcViVfiSltK -Sraquo9ti^ilivivlJigisUV


lu i j l i mi gtbullbull bfilj i itiii bull ltgt l i m y

- a t o lue t


Coviity of SrtiwsMi-t5i $laquo- A scssiim e-f Uio i i ulnae Court for aid

coiirvj iio-i ltt tJso raquorlth(te f)ffgtch in iiraquo Cttv of-foHJun Si tUe ifilU rtuv of VJoveuibei A fo SsiS bull bull ^resent Mitdiew luh J udjreof Probate i n the DtKftcr of rbo estate Of SdiyJa A

Togtlti laquolraquoHr(isJ bull = Ou rJlfjirfthe pelitlou of Rdwiu A Todd Jr

praying for tiir= prolate of the vili of said ltleceislaquoi JsbiiliUti ta llirs Court 1

It is ordered that the Urli day of December aest - svt -IMV bull ocloeV in the Toreiiooc raquot said trobate Offle appoiuted for hearing

Aud it is further ordereil tbat a laquoopy of thtb ordlaquo-r be publ i sh^ three sutn-^HSive weeks previous to sjud day of nearitraquoKgt in iheOtgtrunnlaquo Journal a c e laquo bullpa]M-r iiririted and circuiatinv iti slaquoid County of Sh)awnf =bulllaquolaquoraquo

MAlTUEW BUSH (A true copy) Jud^ of Probaw

dy Florlaquonce uindnev- Probata Bsriater

PKOBATE ORtgtERmdashState of Michigan Cousity of SUUvwaswee slaquo

At u^saiou of tbe Probata Court for the COULIJ of Shiawassee held at thlaquo Probate Office in the City ofCorona a on the 34th day gt laquoi7c=ber in thlaquo year OIIlaquo thouraquond nine hundred aad el^ht

Present Matthew Btgtsh Jodfre of Probata l a the matter of the estate of fctary Wat-

ltir gta deceased Fred B aabin laquos alt5irinistrraquotor barittg

rendered to tbla Court his final account It i s ordered hat the lst A y of Declaquotziber

next at ten oclock in the forenoon a t bullaid P r e bte Office be appointed for exanlnlftjr acd Allowing sale account

Aoi it (laquofurther orderedtbat ftcop Of tal order be fttbUsbed three sumsesi(t^ weeklaquo previous to said day of hearing tn the Coroann Tournala newspaf or printed aod elrculatittf In said County of Shiawassee

MATTHKW BC8H Judge cf Probate-

By Tiarenee Undsey Probate Regiater

I Book Binding

We are in a position to take your order for any kind of book binding poundaye the magazimift s h e e t music etc bound in handdonw b^-fai at very small cost


S 0

Jraquo gt Jraquo Jraquo gt ^ T H E

j Coronna Journal j

MAKFAB00BlaquoC3lff bulblaquoM 1VVI4B ftlaquo 7^9 b ^ n i A B

It CUS WlaquoLL MUUigt J BUWItUa laquo M bull t iUMraquoaraquo ngtiallraquoMlaquodlKlaquo7Malaquo raquo v Tfcto l n ^ laquo U iraquo klt teMT 1M tbmln gt |r~t irrnmtA h i tt MUta laquof Wabt 0ltl laquo laquo bull bull bull lt raquo awl bull-bull-raquo Uoii t c l i r s t 11 raquoraquobullbull ltw i

1laquo lgtJraquoOJ rv l l farraquoclaquomiMitlaquoM4l DtdutfOT


Any One Can DRAW mdashperhaps not well bat eTerj person can draw a little Many people posaess w e talent for art work and never realise it If you will make a drawing1 Just the t e s t yon can and send it to oar Art Director he will giTe yon a letter of friendly criticism and

FREE ADVICE afi to whether or not it win pay yon io cultivate your talent Tbore is absoshylutely no charge for this service Illusshytrators earn large salaries and The work is fascinating We teac-h Book gt Magazine and Commercial Illustrating Cartoouiag Foster Drawing Book Cover Designicg and Fashion Drawing snecessfnlly by correspondence Write yovlr complete name and Address plainly on your drampwing euolose stamp to pay postage if you wiab your drawing reshyturned and address

THF ART DIRECTOR Correspondence institute of America Scranton Pa We also teach I l lus trat ing Adrer -

tiniug rroofrewdi i ig foornatiitin Stlaquou igraphy s h o w Cstrtl Wri t ing RgtraquokKeepiig gt)laquoffr(rraquol Knjrlceer-bull TIJT B u s i n e i s Correspoudwoce and Eojtligli B r a n c h e s

If interested in any of the above proshyfessions write for our lar^o illustrated bock Struggles With tat World It is FREE State which course interests you and receive onofour Employment Contracts best uropositjtgtfvfve^ oCeotd



laquo laquo laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull raquo bull bull bull laquo laquo 9 9 9 9 9 9

D E T R O I T BUSINESS UNIVERSITY has trained over 5OJ0OO young 9 men zad women tor miTKiitx It js t- htit fotm h0


Stlaquorr of tbe Triai o Dacici Thro Friend

LV T H i iiiilHWAV Aiigt frac34frac34 WAY PKEACKERT bullbullbullbullbullbullbull

lJltgt-ii u Iw Eiy tii^^ttoi Wi Edraquoiu bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull raquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

DiUniJs BOOK bull Aocifeciited^wft UJIOW from 3laquo5ifplii |||t(t tbiJeAVraquo- in Christs day recfjig^Jzed JUf^el--bs -ir the w n o n ZechayijKhEKra snfl XisJn^miah-refir to it Josiis catcra to l t In his charactfiris-

tic-de8i|frtationV Son of Man Matt 24 30 (pai i 713) also esijwessiy by ntifne-and as amp prophetbullbullbullJn Mart 241 (cf bullMatt-242l-wlth Dan 121 etc) and in themDme^it that decided-his life (Matt 2gti64gt or dfRfh -when the high priest adjured bull him by the living God Also In Luke 119-2(3 O^abriei i s riieniionecl whoso name occurs nowhere else ti Scripture save chapter 816 a-21 life-sides th-i referehceraquo to it in l ievelat ioh Paul confirms the prophetical part of it as to the blasphemous king (Dan 73 25 1130) in 1 Cor 62 Thess 23 4 the narrative part as to the miraculous deshyl iverances from the lions and the fire in Heb 113a 34 Matt 2144 would be an enigma if it were not for a reference to the stone that smote the Image (Dan 2S4 35 44 46) Thus the tie Tesshytament sanctions chapters 2 3 6 7

Scripture authoritymdashDaniel cbap ter 3


bull bull bull bull bull bull yen

J Trtie faith throw one unrraquo- J ai gervvdly upon the mlaquorcy and at

Sri5 vIio li^-y iurtuco Ai(i for ISO time hcisH Vh Hre-tt iii^aye and iL-j Sjitteiiiug vfiii i7ouais and feisui)^ v^tre fori n fmci tiie pooil^ -ivpoundi about lijl^ liiiCu- iere tlie larniu

care of God

- t v-u v - -= gtrygt bullWr^rr-

Ctslo5laquo explains Froe w- ftti Wlaquoraquo- raquo-r h Fsti tlaquorai | 5laquopu 1st W F Icwdlf Esq laquo PrttkStat R J Bcas-ci^ C P A J 2 PrincipaL V V V V Z

at Note that it waa not a qtiMtion at J with theea three hehrew aerv- ^ ante a to whether or not God agt $ would give them pbyttcaJ dlaquoUv- ^ erance frcrn the awful paHl J which threatened them rather did the v^rjole question of con- duet hinge upon the one sect raquo thought What U the right pound $ thing to d o r J Do right whatever be the con- ei aequencea is the uncompromiv $ ing taw of God J $ The man who would attempt $ to bargain with God making his agt obedience to the Divine law con- $ ^ tlngent upon Godt conferring at upon him certain imrnunlties -ft T and blessings is the man who at ) serving for the loaves and the J HehWeknd who never knows the J __ deep joy of doing right for rights sake J The true servant of the king bullbullbull J of kings is never abashed be- fore the presence of the king S of thlaquo earth Listen to the words $ of these men as they pisce at- J legiance to God before every J earthly elclm Our God whom $ we serve is able to deliver us J but even though H should hot be $ hie will to deliver us from thy $ hands know ttiou oh king that J at vf will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image K What a blessing these three $ J Hebrews would have mitted if J at they had feared to have stood J with God They did not know J at it at the time but that furnace J heated so hot that those who J at threw the three men into Its J leaping flames were struck dead J by the heat was to become the J vestibule of heaven and the J at trysting place where God in the pound person of his blessed Son was pound waiting to receive them J The fire of Nebuchadnezzar J could burn off the fet ters with $ which he had bound the serv- J ants of God but It could reach 5 no further So with the flree J ^ of persecution which assail the t it Christian They come as a re- 2 fining filaquome separating more it and more from the fetters which would circumscribe and bind J it the soul In its fellowship with pound i u Lord it The soul that dares to stand alone for the right very soon be- J it comes conscious that he I not J alone butthat there is another J presence with him in the fiery J furnace of affliction the very J presence of God J The man who fears to do J wrong is the man who knows J not the fear of man J

+ raquo raquo raquo raquo gt ] raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo


THE wonderful eolden image which the king had caused to be set up

had for the bullmoment been forgotten and the throngs of people which had been gathered to pay homage to the great glittering thing of gold were surging about the place where the fur-nace had been built and in which now a raging fire burned It was the same furnace in which the metal for the great image had betn smelted but a few days before and that day the tires had been kindled again not to smelt more metal for an Image but to burn the heretics who dared to defy the mandate of the king and refuse to bow dowL to the wonderful image and in whom dwelt the spirit of their gods

That day the great company of mushysicians had played in honor of the golden image and at the sound of the music the people had bowed be fore It in adoration and worship Ev^n the king had with much pomp and cereshymony paid his oblatlona before the image and had been followed by his brilliaiit court retinue Then from the high throne where it bad been set op overlooking the grea plain he watched the feasting and the dancing and the prostration of the people ao

Then haa come the break in the ccr- vfKiriK1 flaquogtlt thfl aewtt hart qiUk)i

spread through tLo vast throng thu iue liiiee soverivtjio over the p r o v i n g ot Babylon had refossd to bow before thft gTlteraquoat image M wlaquore to Iw cast

8tlt-ci With irarhideagcrneefj-thlty tvlaquotchfvl

the bringing of thefurnaee to the in-tense vgtiiitir glowbull Breathlessly ikcf siood arid gtw the three men bou anilasth(iy were lilted arl rav^HSi to IV mputi) of the furnace and thrown WttbinbullbulllaquoiGapin^ ftiiities a^nvof t arc ami itprror burst frcSft the hundreds (iivd thousand or threats- tor tbe i s writliiug hx deaih agony on the gfound lay the men vho had borne the vicshytims of the k i n g s wra^h to their doom bull

Por tiiV time befng Everything elsa was forgotcen but vhen the blacfe-ened misshapen bodies had beltn reshymoved from sight the king and people again turned their eyes toward the fiery furnace

With a cry of fear andbull astonishment the king suddenlyarose from his place and with tense face and shaking finshyger he poinied towards the furnace His court officials quickly gathered round him and to them cried the king in alarm

Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the furnace Lo I see foui men loose walking In the midst cf the nre and they have no hurt Is not the rourthtne God whom these Hebrews declared was able to deliver them from the fiery furnace

True it may be rejoined hlaquos ofiU ciais

Make baste shouted t i e king Call tfceu forth from the midst of the fiery furnace

Instantly the officials hastened to do the bidding of the i i n g and as the three mea Shadracu Meshach and Abedsego stepped forth from the ml^st of the raging 3ames the people gave a great shuvt wl-laquot2i fairly shook the heavens APd the counsellors of the king gatefcly surrounded tlie three men and led them towards the king whof in his eagerness to receive them threw aside his royal robes and deshyscended to the plaza below

But where is the fourth man thy companion in the furnace cried the king as he reached the approaching group Was it not thy God I wouJd bow before him

Thou mayest indeed bow before hiiii by( to meet him familiarly face to face Is not vouchsafed to any man spoke up one of the three men

Tell me of thy God Is he the same God as the God whom Daniel Worships the God who revealeth dreamsr urged the J^ss (almost breathiessiy 1 ihought to make ra image whose glory fihould fill all earth 1 sent heralds through all the lands over which 1 hold dominion commanding that there be rent thora who should worship be for the imtg s I sought thus to magnify my name ad my glory and behold now 1 Nebushychadnezzar king of Babylon have been brought low For surely what god is there like to thy God who can deliver from the devouring name

Then spoke up Shadrftcu saying Be It known unto thee oh king

that we worship the same God whom Daniel worships for the God of the Hebrews is but one God He it is who ruleth in the heavens who setteth kings upon thrones and taketh kingshydoms away He It is who giveth wisshydom and caret h for them who put their trust in him

But thou art far from thy land exshyclaimed the fcihg The land where thy God has hia dwelling place Com eth he thither into the midst of Baby ion where the great god Bel rules

The great gbd Bel Is no god at all before Jehovah-God the God ot heaven and earth was the bold response He is everywhere and his ear is alshyways open to the cry of his children

But why then hath such evil fallen upon a people who have such a great God a God who is everywhere and a God who is able to deliverT

thou hast spoken oh king of Isshyraels folly for It is the wickedness of the people and their going Liter strange gods which hath brought this evil upon us The God of Israel hath chosen thee as the instrument of his wrath and hath given into thy hands his disobedient people But be is able to deliver and hath saved thy servants from the fiery furnace

Blessed be thy God exclaimed the king fervidly that hath sent bis angel and delivered his servants that trusted in him Now therefore 1 deshycree that every people nation and lanshyguage which speaketh anything amiss against the God of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego shall be cut in pieces and their houses shall be made a dungshyhill for there is no other God that can deliver after this sort

And suiting the action to the word he dispatched heralds at once through all that vast throng to proclaim the dwree And the people took up the cry and there before the gold image as though by way of rebuke they shouted

Great is the God ot Shadrach Me sbach and Abednego




Almost Incredible Brutality Frances Society for the Prevention

of Cruelty to Animals has taken action agawlaquot a cinematograph company for an act of unprecedented brutality to a horse In a series of pictures called The Lovers Revenge a carriage drawn by a horse was seen to rush over tha edge ot a cliff and be dashed to pieces The pictures had not been faked An old blind horse harnessed to a carriage was really driven ov^r the edge of the cliffs near Boulogne to obtain thampm

NewYorks Oldest PHTU Ntf ioik claquoty lib^m OMU pubilc raquo--srk

thai is JSO year old and that its bowl-ing Green which was the playground tt te first Dutch settlers


Scetsee Along the Route to Safety -Werraquo Pierzemdash Legitime Iv Orce

_ More-President

Cursed hisfi4 and jeered by a rio^ ous niobolf thoufeands of men and woshymen over whom up to a few days ago he had held swayas president Nord Alexis the SO-year-old fallen ruler of Haiti said farewell to hisnative counshytry Wednesday night He is now on board a French warship in the harbor

The departure of Alexis was drashymatic Deposed by the very people he had thought were loyal to him as the revolutionist army approached from the south the president refused to See It took the united efforts of the foreign consuls and a citizens comshymittee to impress upon him the necesshysity of departure

I will fight to the teat4 qeciaied the aged president

From outside came a roar from the angry mob gathered about the palace

Kill him kill -him cams the cry It was 5 oclock when Nofd Alexis

yielded to the entreaties of those ani ions for his safety and made quick preparations forjjepaHur Ae ho left the palace a salute of 21 guns was fired

The situation was so serious the foreign representatives gathered about the carriage of the president and Sf bullClaquo-toron the French minister threw a tri-coor over his shoulders

The trip to the wharf was made throuaji a path of the mitltarjr guard The rople hooted and cursed- Infurishyated women broke through the cordon of troops and hurled the coarsest of in-suits at the president Alexis strove bravely to appear undismayed

As the president and his suite reached the wharf the mob lost all reshystraint A woman forced her way to Alexis fide and drawing a lohs knife made a lunge at him But the weapon fell short A man struck the president but it was a glancing blow and hurt little but his feelings

Alexis stepped into the skiff that was to take him to the French warshyship and three Haitlen gunboats and the French and American battleships fired a salute to the fallen president

ExScaator- D legitime who has been made president of Haiti by the enforced abdication of Gen Nord Alexis and the litters flight from the capital was once before president of the turbulent republic Elected under the laws of the country after a sensashytional campaign in 1888 his title was recognized by all European counshytries but the United States alone deshyclined to concede the legality of his election Principally on account of the position taken by the American reshypublic Legitime retained the execushytive chair only eight months and then gave way to the man who had been unable to defeat him in the election

Stormy Incidents as full of sensashytion and violence as the present crisis marked the way ot Legitimle to the position he has again won



(Jives Universal SatJfffactioc

Its Purity Btren^tlv a^d DelicibUs Flavor laquoavlaquoaa^iHBvlaquoBBMlaquoBtfw(laquoubpaviB^BBBBlaquoMawlaquovilaquoa

Commend it to AH l ^ v e r of dood CofietA

Sold laquorir in raquo-tb laquoirtlffbt jxwkagw Araquok your Qrocer lot- MO-KA Cotfe



Just the Old One Reiterated to Give the War Howlers a Jolt

That the new American-Japanese pact had the effect intended by its ratification and publication was the information given to the house comshymittee on appropriations by Secretary of State Root who appeared before the committee in relation to the apshypropriations for his department which are to tie carried in the legislative executive and judicial appropriation bill He was questioned closely ^y Chairman Tawney and other members of the committee about the new agr-raent with the Japanese

Root told the committee that both the United States and Japan had worked a confidence game on the world which was necessary however because the worlds memory needed a Jolt

This agreement said Secretary Root is simply a reiteration of the agreement entered Into between the United States and Japan The world had forgotten about the old agreeshyment Stories were constantly cropshyping up in European capitals of comshying war between the two countries rh^re were no reasons why thijre should be a war as the relations beshytween the two governments were of the most cordial nature It was thereshyfore necessary to remind the world of the agreement made years ago and so a new one embodying the same principles as the old was prepared and signed and promulgated It has had its effect War talk in European capitals is no longer heard and It wont be heard for years to come The danger in this talk from our neighshybors across the water was that it would get the people of the two counshytries into the belief that there was to be a war and this was the only way in which the spreading of thatbelief could be stopped

By sliding down 50 feet of water-pipe Howard Hill a Muskegon inshycorrigible aged 16 escaped from the Industrial school at Lansing and is still at large

Admiral Coghian D^ad Just on th eve of his removal to

his new home where he had hoped to speuU nis declining years in quiet after a lifetime of arduous service in the navy Rear Admiral Joseph B Coghshyian retired died suddenly of apoplexy la New Yoik Saturday Rear Admiral Coshlan was born at Frankfort Ky -bullgtraquo viy Ti^r risr lite zamprvlrf-i in ttvgt

Work of the Session Will Be on Regshyular Supply Bills

From present indications the conshycluding session of the sixtieth con- j gress which convened Monday will be davoted In large part to the considshyeration of routine supply bills Lead-era in the senate and house say there will-helittle legislation of a general character

There is at least a probability that consideration will be given tc-ateas-ures providing statehood for New Mexico and Arizona but this is a question upon which no conclusion has been reached The house will pas3 a bill authorizing the taking Of the thirteenth census in 1sect10 Jt will also put through a measure authorizing a revision of the law of the United States

President Roosevelt very much de-tires before his term expires that there shall be a general reorganizashytion of the navy department estabshylishing in that branch of the service a general staff patterned along tha lines of that now provided in the war department

Among the other subjects to be conshysidered in one house or the other ai e billB providing for the revision of thamp copyright laws Panama canal legislashytion the measure suspending the comshymodity clause of the interstate comshymerce law the appointment of the inshyland waterways commission and other measures of a miscellaneous characshyter


Warships Make a Demonstration Against Venezuela

Three Dutch warships the battle ship Jacob Van Heemskerk and cruisshyers Frlesland and Gelderland have made a demonstration against Venshyezuela Together they steamed along the coast from Puerto Campbelto to La Guaiia at a distance of 3000 yards from the shore

The Jacob Van Heeskerk returned later The two cruisers are going to Maracaibo where they wlil make a similar demonstration The demonstration is regarded as indicating that the preparations for an elfectlve blockade of the Ven-esuelan coast are completed

The Netherlands battleship De BulJ-ter left Holland ^harsday for Venshyezuela

When President Castro summarily ejected the Dutch minister from Venshyezuela declaring he had been per nlclbusly active in the politics of the country ue insulted Holland very much Redress was demanded but fiery Castro has deiied Queen Wilhel-mina and heraquo subjects

Th1laquo s one of the things Holland has against Venezuela and there fre others Castro placed an embargo on the transshipment of cargoes in Wll-lemstadt a Dutch city Ocean vessels cannot enter Caracas harbor Venshyezuela possession and tUe custom was to transfer cargoes in Willemstadt to smaller boats This was the chief in iixiaiTj at the Dutch city and its loss left many of its residents in straitened circumstances Again Casshytro defied Holland

The fiery president is now on his way to Europe to undergo an operashytion Vice President Gomez 1raquo in charge of the country

0---^U Tgtr(5 - ^-V-- r -^Vpound

Vi i i

academy at the age of 17 From that lime untli bis retirement in December i90G he was almost constantly In the service

Timothy L Woodruff of New York is satisfied he did the right thing in giving up his senatorial ambitions In favor of Secretary Root He says he seeks no office now TT s Senator Simon Guggenheim

araquod hii family are to bs asked to buy Palestine from the Turks lor the Heshybrews The price is only cent53000000 or something around that fisrure It is planned to settle the Jewish problem in Russia by this piau the Holy Land being turned over to them

The design for medals for employes who serve two years on the Panama canal bass been completed and dies are now being cut The medal will be of bronze an inch and a half in diameter On one side there will be a portrait of President Roosevelt on the reverse side a birds-ye view of the Culebra cut in the finished canal with steamshyers passing through it

Opposition papers in Japan make considerable criticism of the UniteU Statts-Japan peace pact They say the question of emigration and naturalizshyation should have be-en settled The most responsible papers applaud the agreement

THE MARKETS DetroitmdashCattle mdash Gtoort to choice

butcher laquotlaquoerraquo 1000 to 1200 lbs $425 (bgt light to good butcher steers and heifers 700 to 900 lbs $35004 m i x ^ butchera fat cows $3256350 canners ltamp40 cormmdashn bulls fiampX25 ood shippers bulla $350

Veal calvesmdashReceipts 2pound5 market steady bet fOades |6507 common to coolt2 cent40575 Milch cowa and springers $25reg65

Sheep and lambsmdashReceipts 815 market steady beet lamba $3250550 fair to rroort lambs 142513frac34f Ujrht to

i) u c a v v j f i i r t gt7 v J U V C i i U i d ^bullbull^bullr-J i u ( i ltn i i 7 5

HOKraquomdashReceipts R27S rrt(rkrr 10cQ ic tiigiti iianKe ot price Lijcht to jjood butchers laquo1gt3S540 pign $4 l ight Vorkera $5reg525

(gtraiatraquo Hte ~ Detroltmdash^hentmdashThe feeling imong

dealers gts hulliKh a-ad nothing is said on tblt other Ride of the question The bears have hart no arguments to offer recently excepting the heavy receipts and increasisier stocks and they grave that up a few days asro when they fouad it of no use The crop moveshyment became raorii buulsn in thst reshyceipts decreased Both northwestern and primary receipts wlaquosre small and it laquolaquo tbft opinion o tnofte making a close study of the s l tus l ion that the northwestern farmees will not be ablaquo to nil the demand for spring wheat Tor the remainder of the crop year not baving enough grain 1raquo reserve

Wheat T-ecelpts on Thursday were 3 bullsars-----ff^ini5 deg - red akampInst 2 a year ayo No withdrawals 3tocks are cent65151 bu alaquoa4ast 372S2 bu a year ago - - bullbullbull

Prices a y t t r ago in the Detroit marshyket were 0gtc iraquor No t red wheat t54c for No-3 corn and 63Wc for No a whits n

There Vs jiothing doing- in the bean deal and prieea are nominally U D -ohaaged

Oats are strong Tks price sa ined ac on Thursday and C M close was a t e h i g h e s t ^ bull bull bull

- The cloverseed market is active and ftirn) GaL seed gained Sc

Receipts of flour were 1200 and ship-tnents 400 bbls

The corn market w a s l i feless and unchanged

Rye was in demand a s A gained He


Ration That Will Give the Quickest Returns

The rational us of protein feeds

for growing chicks makes all the difshyference between profit and loss quick or slow growth Stunted or vigorous chicks Rhode Island experiments show that animal meal is the best source ot protein as regards gain growth and profit

After a chick is a month or six weeks old the source of protein food is not so important Gluten meal or granulated mils may be used with good results if some bone meal Is fed alscC

Beef scrap will continue to be largeshyly used by pouitry keepers because it is so easy to handle Unfortunately the test_ rlaquo^rrfeltLti3 made so trial with beef scrap but It is similar to animal meal and may be substituted for it

The greatest advantage in using beef scrap Is tha it can be fed by itshyself We makea practice of keeping it before the chicks at all times Put it in a self feeder box or pan set it in a dry place and let the chicks eat all they want after getting them accusshytomed to i t Chuck the wheat and cracked corn into thlaquoua and with beef scrap skim milk and arit they will grow rapidly


Drinking Fountain for Chiclens Thst Keeps Water Clear

Do not throw away the old oil cans but cut a slit half way through along the bottom ptsb the side in as shown

bull i H I i bull i -

Drinking Fountain

at ay then soldor the piece of tin one-half Inch wide on the bottom of can as in b Put a tight cork in top of can and it make3 a fine drinking founshytain To fill It says Farm and Home lay it on s ide and pour in the water


Things to Remember When Preparing Them for Market

When the chickens are sine to ten weeks old at the Maine experiment station and the cockerels weigh 1frac12 to 1frac14 pound the sexes are separated and the cockerels put by themselves into vacant brooder houses 100 to a house Each house has a yard In front about 12 feet square The cockshyerels are fed on porridge three times a day in a V~shaplaquod trough svjtb four-inch sides This ts made of six parts corn meeJ-two psxti middlings oae-half part raaeed mead and two rarts beef scrap by waignx and mixed with tepid water milk would be better

They are fed all they will eat in one-half hour when Uia troughs are it-moved and cleaaad The yards are kept clean by covering them with sand straw or hay when they get dirty The birds win stand this-feed ilaquog f-i l-ivii yr hsre- w^^kn vnti- ^no^ bullV-ij-fSAw tVKfi - l bull--bull- ^ bdquo bdquo -bullbull-- bull-bull-- v i v - i - A i n u i i - i j C T iV-

Mr I HR thsy are dressed for market and usually weigh 2frac34 pounds dressed

m^mmm^ mm mm m


Phone Hoithinpound -^11 Answer your purpose iBbullbullwiilibull uti t h e bullUNION PBGNE VM



Muskegons chief of police hai or-deVtid a l l the bowling piioys closed on Sundays

John Green a^ed 35-fit Kamplamaaoo after sioepfc ^lt night in the woeds died at the Burgess hospital from exshyposure bull yy-v A filtlaquo quality of ahaie and bull ccai

havebetfc disc^vored aions theljwvka

ICHIOAN St JosephmdashThn |trKt -round oiwtiai

Riv^sj^imiso of dyyelopiug into1abit- ter l(qal c-oritejit agt (mgt result of the

j recent olcjeviiyivopened wlt-oii the can- of Hlfle river nndfch$sts - w i v w tfiwu-valaquosjag-blaquoiti(i for theV Seventh- sena^ ro tlt-si u

F i m k Schauh aijeltl 2 of aavmle dead frotrra KWnWhot wouwd lticoi-

auktally SmUced-yftiie fce wi-r^-ltun-I in r bb iu i bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull i

11s i tU

r lit-1

NAFEW BASTERS pampvt tilaquo e laquo l Intee cf tfi m c a t o w r ttif e n t l r t roaoi-ahi l f tUit i ia t h laquo o v e h laquo Ho buropounddtapounderraquo| laquo 0 bulltooxi ioa or ltipiUkgt2 gravy Just poll the Jersf

cent 4 frac34 bull _ J f o p a r t e f Una m a y

_copy J ^ epM -

Perfect Basting

Preserves fell t h s f c d a l l e i o B t a e t l B S M

secaBar to taraquo real trices AdjusUd LosUaoy to T J B a d s lt r f b h ^ raquo ^ seamless iabeofertsly

Lest lifetime Prepaid W cttagt J B v e r y d s t s t t l B

[ iMJlkiittsjs i rid ay nvglii the Mass

At-$ horary CcO and the poolroom

City bnnic th stores Uibullbullhaipry

I fii-i district met and after canvass-j Ui^Jhe voids cast for-slampTo senator-- lismed a ltUi-firugtftto bull f-f yekeUltn to I ChHrU- fo ywiilyr oic Kik^ lires-sent | )roSHcutj)iiV itunney J ltjjuid KAyhlK- oiVViig forth thai j his WJIO u^vojed iio much time to the j bi tiiiicaUon known as the WoTneiis I ChrlKtiaj TftiDpejanix- union that she

Wh^Br j il ^ 1 ^ frac34 8 frac34 I could nott ins -meals no ^ k e his the office of audit-or general next -- ^ _ mo me

aSftS frac34 S i f f i S S t e T S ea ltud thlaquo s^many e t him ai-

di me in-Lansing together because she felt s h e was

trtabwaat 0 K J J X W S3 ve

r Nothing has ever equalled i t Nothing can ever surpass i t

Dr Kings

eve i SfcltUl

A Perfect Cure

For AH Throat and Long Troubles

SSWS BB BIW VVH^V^^V H W W^^^^^PV V m ^^iff ^^^VgtvV^PV

DR HUMPHREYS SPTOFICS EaglltliCanTMnSpatrfshPoftaquMBMMl r w a i l u

i t W H I M W laquo r m F e m - o r W o n a I f e e i u t S 9 C M l c Cvytar laquo x l WaiBBCnliMM of I n f i u u M 4 P i M i h i at C M a i w d Adtati S D n i mdash u r r GHitojB Sutdoaocrtte Traquo CmckraquoOoMii Piuwkiili laquow Twrtkiieh n r a c t a Kranicte bull bull bull bull bull bull gt bull Stale BMdMte Vorttfo

1raquo t w m i laammiiMtWmkWiiimm I S O w M M h i Oolaquo(KUttlaquolaquotts M4M W^^S ^ H H M I r ^^^^^bull(bull^bullt^^^l^PfllBB bull I S STfctMrttfwi or SSaawHiMa fttns bull bull bull c f w 114 4 S B laquo MaianB- bull bull PSMSS^BAltwHMAfe|bKI(MnM^lRI M S l M l t l ^ W i t t v n n C ^ K 1 laquo C M n k bMHMOafetlraquo Hraquo^ Mfc WKtMMSaV VMfegtltNfelaquoIA Oofl M raquo AaM^^Of^vMai t f imnl t S M M M yraquoraquo luvBwy W W B B ^ I H V V ) o w n

laquoa gt s 96

--mw lt - bdquo B4V

laquobulllaquo99 frac34frac34 W

i-ti-i-SS rnltf bullbullbullbullbullbullbullSB -laquolaquo

i bullraquo

bull laquot raquo bull

poundpound52132 SSSMSTSSS bull


KIDNEY -Backache

raquoraquo ltMlaquo

A I M VrlsazT Orffens

(M^pnatampiB aacfc

S o a t IMCOBM diraquoeoitracd TMTlaquo U S Iter yum t nece f t iary w r i t e B r Feampner

K e h a s t e n t A l i f e t l a i o c u r i n g J u s t C a t f t B i T i m n A l i c o n a u l t a - t i o u s 7 r laquo laquo

laquo F o r 7 laquo w s I h a d b a c k a c h e s e v e r e p a i n bull c r o s s k i d n e y s a n d s c a l d i n g u r i n e f c o u i d s o t g e t o a t o f b e d w i t b o u t b e l p T h e u s e of Dr F e n n e r s K i d n e y a n d B a c k a c h e C u r e reshys t o r e d m e G W A G O N E R K n o t e v i l l e Pa Druggist SOr SI Ask for Cook B o o k - F r e

STVITBSDAKCE f i u r C u r C A trade i M P e n n f r FVedoniivNY

Clmrch Directory C o r a n n a F r e e Methodis t CburcbmdashSerrutea

eTlaquory S u n d a y a f ternoon a t itU l^nsyer n c c V Ing e v e r y TUarsday e v e n i n g

C o r u a a a B a p t i s t C n o r c b I f o r a i n Berrjee a t 10 a m E v e n i n g serv i ce 630 p m B Y P U a t 610 p m S n i d a y Schoo l IS II W e e k l y prayer meet ing T h u r s d a y evenlnjr at 700 FVlendlr h e a r t s a r e b e a t i n g or y o u r felshyl o w s h i p Les l ie Bower pas tor

C o r u n a a X K Church Morning serv lre a t 10 E v e n i n g s e r v i c e a t 630 S p w o r i LCMlaquoUC a t 545 p m c l a s raquo m e e t i n g a t 9 a ai S u n d a y s c h o o l AC li3u nj P x S i e r nsatilaquog Thursday e v e n t e d W gt- ^ ^ ^ sea t a n d a cordia l welshyc o m e t o a l i R- W o o d h a m P a s t o r

P T T f Q I t c h i n g BleediBf Pngttradtasgt X T J L L l i i O Old Sores SKiu E r u p t i o n s Tlaquotlaquo t e n B a r n s immediately u t D l l I T VC relieved a s d cured by N C n M i l t laquo

T b i s r e s M d j h a s been used for iwenty-t i rlaquo and i s the only guaranteed and true m m fcidxns endoras it

I tchini Piiesmdashyour Herout is a s u c c e s s -Born Ohio bull

Your reuiedy is tle best en ear th foe Bleedia^ Piles mdashFrank K l a u Minnewrta row raquo t c n A L L o p t w c a i s T S s A N D S O

bull ^ raquo = r gt

Thft bullpostofflce at Worth has been discontinued by the postofflce departshyment Rural routes cover all the tershyritory formerly supplied by it

Demanditxg $10001) for the loss of an eye while he waa working for the firm Mart in L Boyce ol MarshaU is suing the Gale Manufacturing Co

A herd of 24 cows A(Blctlaquod with tushyberculosis and sold from the Michisaa asylum to a farmer probably will be killed by the Michigan Live Stock association

The long drought in northern Michshyigan whicn has been a hardship to thousands of farmers since the middle of last summer has befcu broksa by copious rains ^

After bull Sght ltgti six eekS thlaquo curshyfew ordinance was kil llaquo in the Cc4d-waier common cormcO The final vote resulted n a vote of 5 to 3 against the ordinance

Charles Hawser of Newbcrg townshyship was convicted in the circuit court Friday or attempted felonious assantt on his 70 year-old mother Hawse Is 45 married and has one child

The U of M campus Is to be enshylarged 30 acres making 70 acres in all The enlargement includes four city squares taking In two blocks north of Huron street and east and west between Twelfth and Thayer streets

While leading an intoxicated man from a dance halt John Bnrnette aged 51 a Mantstiqite pollcetaan fell to the floor and died from heart disshyease He leaves a widow and fbisr children

Over 1600 names have been signed to the local option petitions now being circulated throughout Newaygo counshyty This Is 900 more than necessary tn rMnlre the supervisor to hold an efectioa to vote on the liquor quaa-tirm next spring

Believing she had committed the an pardonable sin spoken of In the Bible Mrs Henry Van Andei aged 45 of Mnskegon attempted suicide by slashshying ner throat She was taken to the county Jail where she will be examshyined as to her santty

R A Garbor of Charlotte who seshycured the names naeaasary to vote on the good roads propoaitfon In the county next spring Is nearly through with a slmHar task In Barry county after which he is assigned to the same work in Clinton county

Great admiration of Saginaws new auditorium was expressed by Bishop Charlea D WiiUama of Detroit head of the Episcopal chareh In Michigan I wish we had a Wellington R Burt and a Temple E Dorr In Detroit waa the way the bishop expressed It bullPines and costs amounting to 930 or 30 days in jail were imposed on Con Kilbourne of SatiU Ste Marie KU-bburne was accused of starting forest fires This is the first convioUon ever secured in that paltt of the state for that offense Other trials will follow

Senator William Alden Smith has promised to help the Grand-Saginaw Valleys Waterways association which plans a ship canal connecting Lake Michigan and Saginaw via Grand Rap-Ids Saginaw and Bay City A board of directors was elected and legislashytive and publicity committees were apshypointed

The Michigan Sugar Beet Co which owns six of the states sugar beet factories at a meeting Friday took official cognizance of the fact that the company is controlled by the sugar trust The statement was mad thatof the companys raquo3800000 stock all but J300000 is held by Michigan capitalists

One of the Jackson banks has paid the employes of the state prison in full for the time coming to them and has promised to take care of them during the holidays if the state does not The situation caused by the lack of funds in the state treasurery was creating serious embarrassment among the men

Mandamus proceedings have bfgtn begun to compel the board of district canvassers to reconvene and declare void the votes cast for Charles E White for state senator at the recent election White is prosecuting attorshyney of Berrien county and a question as to his eligibility has arisen because of his dual office

Wisconsin game wardens confiscatshyed a car containing 35 deer Tuesday morning Deputy Game Warden De Bell of Menominee tried to stop the car at that pine but failed He then noticed the Wisconsin wardens who secured the car The Jeer were killed in the Michigan woods and were beshying shipped to Chicago

Christopher Seymour of Sandrock la the victim of a remarkable hunting accident While crowing a stream on a log he slipped and lost his balshyance Realising that he must fall into the water he attempted to throw his rine to the shore It struck a limb and was discharged the bullet strikshying Seymour in the foot and badly shpoundUerrtpound it

i vuh -coifVbncd roampourcfts of-|4tS- [

tlona have deposits aKJSrosatln $3-524383 On an estimated population of 11000 this is |320 ner earUa which Is believe to be unexcelled in tha state

JURY G 0 N 1 i t i iUo j bull -hrnf i i i f


called to a higher raission Benjamin D Livingston of Ada began suit for divorce

OwossomdashAfter finding Clyde Howd 23 years old guilty of assault and batshytery some of the jurbrs and citizens Interested In the case contributed enough to pay the- five dollar fine and costs Howd admitted slapping E M Hopsiaa Jr complainant in the case and other boys who were annoying him

Battle CreekmdashWhen Justice Bat-dorff fined Charles Wyman |30 for running a blind pig Wyman who manages the Diamond clnb rooms a negro social organisation felt that It was pretty stiff considering that he faced a second Indictment But the court added and aiao five days hi Jail-

S t JosephmdashPresident Herman Ba-low called the fourth annual meeting of the Lake Michigan Fishermens asshysociation tc order at Hotel Whitcomb delegates from Ludlngton Manistee Frankfort Charlevoix Grand Haven South Haven Waukegan Milwaukee and other porta being present

LapeermdashRev K t l SidebothamV aged 34 years a missionary recently returned from Kor^a died here from burns received in a gasoline explosion He poured gasoline by mistake on a Bre which he was kindling Rev Side-botham had spent seven years in the Presbyterian mission field

Lapeermdash-Cash and negotiable seshycurities amounting to upwards of $75-000 have been found In the pockets of the clothing of James H Gray pishyoneer of this county who died at the age of 80 and tacked away In old shoes and various other queer places i n his home __ ^

MjhaJLmdashRkAard Grace e ight years old waa wounded by a bullet from a gun In the bauds of Garrett Tracy ten years old The bullet struck tut itrade post and glanced Oft hitting the lad In the forehead Au artery was cut out the boy win reshycover bull-

AlpenamdashJ D Hawka BA Oilman Buck4 Beaufor and several other members of the Turtle Lake club came in from the lake and left for Detroit Members of the club and their visitors killed pound4 deer during the season each member getting hie full quota

Grand RapidsmdashJudge Xnappen in the Uniied States district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Company of Ludingtcn $10000 for accepting reshybates from the Pere Marquette en Shipments from Ludlngton to Toledo The Stearns Company pleaded guilty

Sault Ste MariemdashDeputy Sheriff Andrew Taylor Jeff for Oolumbua to take Albert Sowers alias Gueriuge or Gearing to Ce Ohio state prison Sewers is a paroled convict who has served several months in the regular army as a cook at Fort Brady

LansingmdashIn a tax title case the sushypreme couit decided that notice to the original owner of the property must be given by t h e purchaser of the title unoVvthe law now in force at the time the purchase of the states title was mad i

KilisdalemdashMiss Mary Farr left Hillsdale and will later go to Maryshyland to act as field secretary and orshyganizer of libraries in that state Miss Farr has organized 20 libraries and says that the one in this city is the ideal

Laingsburgmdashin order to determine whether Mrs Charles Kimball was poisoned by a cedar preservative given to her by her husband by misshytake for s i l t s or that her death was due to natural causes aninquest was held

PontiaemdashCounty Treasurer Power has received $1922222 Oaklands share of the primary school money and has already disbursed it among the various treasurers of the county The appointment was two weeks late

Grand RapidsmdashThe will of Cornetti G Comstock wife of former Congressshyman Comraquotock and mother-in-law of Land Commissioner Russell was filed The property is estimated at $33000 real estate and $17000 personal

FlintmdashWilliam D Butler 21 years old Moses Purcell 18 William Ryan 8 and Joseph Costa 17 pk-tded guilty to the charge of burglary and each was sentenced to the state reshyformatory at Ionia

HastingsmdashJohn Llefcta proprietor cf a soft drink place kn Freeport was found guilty of violating the prohibishytion law by selling Malt Foam manshyufactured iu Grand Rapids

Bay CitymdashThe body of John T War-dell watchman on the berg Pome-roy of Bay Port and whose home was

^ 2 fOHK QW-~ V


bullbullbull bullbull - M A N -


Prisoner Said He Got What Hltv-Hiir

ExpectedmdashAVife and Erring Sister Weep Cver the Verdict

Rev William Cuminirigs former VAk Rapids pastor was convicted by a Jury at Ionia of failure to support his wife

As the foreman of the jury in the triai of Cumuiings oit the charge ct having deserted his wife and elnped with nls sot mate her sister Velva Taylor pronounced the verdict a firaquoertng smile crept over the faao af the Rev Williain

It came oat na I expected said he when his wife Mabel who brought the charge called on him in his ceil a little later- - 1mdash bullbullbull lt-)

Mrs Cummmgs on the stand had defended her husband somewhat to the surprise of the eourt hangers-on She and her father declared that Velshyva had been the pursuer in the strange love affair and Velva herself had admitted her gthfatnatlon for the clergyman saying that when she folshylowed him to the Soo he had told her to eo home

Judge Davis wfll Impose sentence next week In the meantime counsel for the defendant will test the con-stitationaiity of the law which makes the jttdge the pardoning power and provides that the state shall pay a pension while tho husband is in prisshyon in case qf failure to file a-bond ior the wifes maintenance

Mr and Mrs Taylor and Velva wbc wept bitterly over the verdict eturfied to Clarksville while Mrs

CummingB remained at the jaU with her husband

here 111 ( (j-iuux -Ha-pJcs



lilty vinry bullbullbulland zhn his Johzisouj lt rn-rri gth^ Nva^i J iy bull

f - o rs hfr v-otiigtis bull



^- gtluV n -n ca

Mir- KE-y-in M

iVOW-rt (gti




M r s

AVKiimdashjtiiiH H

Jilottirs o r A i Hha s


l (ihtiS

iHlAiiSt d o

nttirl stcrc 5-ituijihVo

Mm uTrrrvy

dird iu -Cilt vea id

i A s i i O r e s u l t of a s i a i

du iKraquo

ric bulliVAiii





T h e pound ^ - v - A

nartol Ci

f t p d ilgaiHt h i s W i r d ^ i H i )(gt

lich bullevLviiiif Ins own -lije Dotroirmdash v special iroin

Mario Mich says Thait


bullovi gtul

u l l t R i o


Cannot Ship Hay Secretary Wilson after deciding

that he would Issue an order permitshyting the shipment of hay etc from the state of Michigan amder certain restrictions at S oclock Wednesday afternoon changed his mind He would not is^ue the order and the delegation of hay dealers from Michigan undershystood to be about to start for Washshyington may aa well go on if they fv-i like i t

1frac34frac34 secretary said he had stopped the order because be Is not yet enshytirely satisfied that It Is safe That U all He would not agree to the Inshyference from this that he might issue the order a little later ms It was ap-Bareot that he would like to do so He sfeld it was always bis polcy to Intershyfere M little as possible with business but that this was a most serious afshyfair and thai he would not take any chance

The Qlazlsr Trial It Is generally believed that one of

the certainties of the near future Is that Frank P Glazier will have to far rgtrimtna3 charges in Detroit In adshydition to the eharges of this character pending in Ingham county

It Is likely that the charges will be in the wayne circuit court but there is a possibility also of the United States courts being called on and inshyformations may be filed in both fedshyeral and state courts

It Is said that the question of crimshyinal charges against Glazier in Deshytroit was discussed a f w days age fcraquo a Glasier creditors meeting at waich the banks holding large amounts of Glazier paper were rep-raeexUed Some of the speakers it is said were very insistent In demands that some serious action be taken in Detroit action in proportion to the more than $500000 that Glazier got from leading Detroit banks

Were Fined $10000 Judge Knap pen in the United States

district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Co of Ludlngton $10000 for accepting rebates from the Pere Marshyquette on shipments from Ludington to Toledo Some time ago the Stearns company pleaded guilty on 20 counts and was fined $20000 Judge Knap-pen recently permitted the company to withdraw the plea of guilty on 20 counts on condition that it would plead guilty on six counts This the company did and was fined the $10000 on the six counts today

Saved Baby Lost Her Li fe Mrs Claude W Buckley ot Battle

Creek the young mother who five weeks ago saved her babes life by carrying it from a burning room while Ler own cloching was on fire died Wednesday from her burns

Mrs Buckley had thrown excelsor in the Are when tfer clothing became ignited and spread to curtains in the bullcom Heedless of her own peril and thinking only of her child she held the babe at arms length from her and carried it to a place of safety outside By this time she was wrapped In flames and was terribly burned before they could be extinguished She was well known in Battle Creek society

John J McCarthy for six years rep-rjwraquotative at Lansing from the Stau-dish district has accepted the position of examiner of Inheritance taxes in Michigan He will take up his new duties Jantian I

Knocked down ad robbed on the street early in the evening on her way home froin laquoho^irir

iiampiaciaaoomdashVai^s uu her bullbullraquobullamp home from m shopping trip Mrs David Haines one of the most prominent women of the city waa knocked Cown and robbed

bull i Trhrs ha3 seized her rgtltgtckfttooK A crowd followed and the fugitive was caught He gave his name as Joe Williams

j i7raquoci it inii SK H I l i iu UOWn iboirs reported having paampieJ-i 1 a ^uaiitity^ if wreckage In- Lake3u-bullp^riqr off Vermillion Ptitm near White Fish hay -Among the wreckage was a life raft No boat was reports here as missing It is the general opinion bore that -lthere has been a wreck it has been an upbound boat likely a lumber carrier

Traverse Ci ty -Loca l sportsmen are preparing to circulate a petition askshying that there-beho open season on deer in Grand Traverse county for the next ten years After being protected for five years the deer grew so accua-tomed to man that when the season flret opencvd _it was almost like shootshying cattle and a large number were slanghtered

KalamazoomdashLeaders of negro and white social circles of Kalamazoo met at the palatial home of Rev Caroline Bartletts Crahe for the purpose of talking over a day nursery for the colored children of the city and to give the representatives of the two races a chance to m e e t There were about 20 negro women at the luncheon

JacksonmdashThat the revolving fund the working capital of the prisshyon binder twine plant was revolved intothe general-fund and used for genshyeral expenses until after election is the uncomfortable discovery of Warshyden Armstrong ri^ht at the time uc cepted drafts for $30000 worth of sisal are pre-sentod for payment

MuskegonmdashAlleging that Erasmus De Jong threw 50 inmates of the Musshykegon county almshouse in to a state of terror by threatening to kill some of them County Superintendent of the Poor Buxxell made complaint against Belong charging him with inshysanity

Traverse CitymdashThe official returns frcm the Twenty-seventh senatorial disshytrict received here show that Fred C Wctmort was re-elected to the state senate by 13379 rotes In the district which comprisea t s v e n counties but three votes were cas t against Wet-more

LansingmdashMrs Nell ie AWerson of Grand Rapids In a crossbill to Em-mett Aiveraons sal t for divorce filed here denies that she was expelled from a Rebekah lodge c t Orand Rapshyids for misconduct Judge Wieet has granted her $10 weekly temporary alishymony

LansingmdashIjicking medical eld Gershytrude the five-year-old daughter of Mrs Lena Bendlx died cf diphtheria The mother a widow feared that she would be quarantined and as she was compelled to go out to work she kept her daughters i l lness to herself

HastingsmdashSchool children with the c id oi enterprising citizens will raise money enough to pay the freight and cost of mounting the civil war cannon recently offered to the city and reshyjected by the common council

Port HuronmdashAlthough Charles Sam-berg was declared legally dead in the circuit court the officials of the Modshyern Maccatrecs believe that he is still living They have decided to petition for a new trial

St ClairmdashFire destroyed Kohlers hotel and the residence of Charles A Gilen both old landmarks The hotel waa a three-story frame structure and the Gilen house was the second built in St Clair

SatrlnawmdashEdith Helen the two-year-oid daughter of Mr and Mrs Went worth Weaver accidentally tipped a pall of boiling water over herself Death relieved her sufferings

JacksonmdashFifty-four years as a railshyroad engineer without an accident is the record of John McCurdy the oldshyest engineer in the Michigan Censhytral f service at the age of 76

Monroe mdash John Krietz pleaded guilty to looting a Michigan Central freight oar and was sentenced to not less than three years or more than 15 years in Jackson prison

Port HuronmdashTrying to take a tea pot from a stove the two-months-old daughter of Thomas Jewett of the Wooden Track pulled it over and was scalded

PoiitiacmdashMrs Edna Wolfe of Or-tonville after eight months of married life has filed a petition for divorce from Ray Wolfe alleging extreme cruelty

HollandmdashThe funeral of G B Balshylard who died in Woburn Mass was held here Mr Ballard once declined the nomination for governor of Michishygan

PinckneymdashBurglars entered the store of Jackson ft CadwelL blew open the safe and secured $200 They then went to the poetofflce blew open that safe and took $3 and all the stamps and registered mail

The body of Henry White of Kalashymazoo was found bent around a post OS fwtit f r o m ihlaquo-gt M l c l i i i r s n dwgti$l rTVJV T^-iv n^r l-ilt- 7-yu Ti^Blt day rjigh No one w w nim me^t ilaquolaquo tleath but i is cowsMie ohvtous that he was struck by a fast train and j his body hurled to tiw place vrhere it I

as found

bull M-r ^ygt

gtv y -Ci

-iurgt2bull bull

A 0 ^ ltJ t --

tbaii bulllt



sayft lplt


bull bulllt

bullbullAlvy r i r bull

O h

IiCf h(

d a y s J

^Xii (

bulllaquo- H O

i i ba f id h o i

igtl(raquo the laquo for s i x w o


The Highftr Life Why dont you gc 10 work instead

of hpgglnisc and boozing 1 will bosB as soon as theraV an

openir in my trade An I aint g o IOUK to wait nuther

bullWhat is your trader Tra -a track walker for aeroplane

iiufcsmdashPhiladelphia Bulletin

l i o ^ n raquo l F o ^ iBlttlgestilaquoi l ^ - m - v ^ ^ ^ Relieves sour stomach

palpitaticn opound the heart Digests what you eat

Pleasant to take

Tfye ne^v laxative Does

not gripe or n a u s e a t e

Cures stdmach and liver

troubles and chronic con-

stipation by restoring the

natural action of the stomshy

ach l iver and b o w e l s Refuse eubetttutee Price COo


Commercial - Savings ACCOUNTS SOLICltED

P e r C laquo t f t

Paid on Time Deposits

Grand Trunk Railway System B A S T B O U N D FROM CORCNMA

N o J3 Detro i t Local e x c e p t S u n d a y cent 0 7 raquook K o $amp tgtetroit Eprltampexcept S u n d a y 1143 JVM N o 18 Detroji Loca l e x c e p t S u n d a y 510 p laquo N o M D u r a n d Local Dal lgt tamppm

W R S T B O U N D m O M C O B C N W A N o 17Grraquonit RpcJ Lors D u i i y ^ 7Jfearaquoraquo Ho 19 Cid R a p i d s l^gteal ex S u n d a y lurtrtaja No 13 O r a n H a v e n Lota e x SincJay 256 p a N o U ltraod Rapid Local e i S u n d a y iil p laquo

| S o l i d wide yestibvile iraiiiMof c o a c U b laquofad S leep ing t a r s are opt -a i^J to N e w YorW a s d P h i l a d e l p h i a v ia N i a g amp t a F a i l s by the G r a a d Tuok-Lebraquogh Val ley Route-

gtbull_bull G D Y O U N G A v t



CtwvKtaKTs ampc Anyone nending a sketch swu uCCiiptln my

quickly uncertain our orunlon free whettic-r v iR7laquomr^ raquolaquo pToh^WTPfttentable^Conittiiinic tiOTl StrictiyconfiOrjll HAJIUOvtm SBPraquonM sent fro Oi4est oeeocy for soccnujf pateuts

Pntants tampkea tnroulaquoh Moati amp Co receive wpceial notice wttnoiu caarge to i t e

Scientific JUnerkan A handsomely Htnstraxed raquoelaquolUy l^ircest clr culation of sn srientlflc i o u m a i j oar fonr rooiUw | i Sold b j all newsdes lem

HUNK S C o ^ mdash N e w M Bisoch OIBea ltSS P S t Wkafcinstoo D C

STEVENS D O N T B U Y A G U N until you have seen oar New Double Barrel Model fitted with Stereos Conprcssed Forged Steel Barrelsmdash


The mode of constructing these superb Trap ami Field Guns is fuily st forth in our New Shotshygun Pamphlet j Send two-cent stamp for it

ltbull A yeerDukr fw

DSM-BUC Claquoa

^ m t t m m m m l m m m t l jnfapyffff

mmmm wmmmmr vmm bullbull


bull amp

i I

u you can -think of anything any more bulldesirable than vpy xan find at pur store we would be pleased to have you get it if not cernein nnd look over 9 tloois each one packed full of the very choicest furniture possible to buy for the wife husband father or mother childrenor neighbor from the cheapest to the best

Chamber Suits from $1360 up lo 7500 Iron Beds from _ _ - 148 up to 4000 Rockers all prices all kinds Over 200 to

---- - select from mdash-bull-bull-- ------bull bullmdash--- Great Big Soft Easy Rockers as low as 1500

All Leather

Kitchen Cabinets for the kitchenmdashsaves the wife saves the shoes rriakes home pleasant from the famous McDougal at $3000 down to other good ones at $400 Dont fail to come and take a peek before separating yourself from your holiday allotment Use your credit with us as we trust everybody

f W W T V T yen bull

i Coanty Correspondence 1



SHAFTSBURG ShaftKbar Mich Dee 81906

P J Shaft w i In Latiftifig on 8atttrday

Loyal Burdlck was in Lansing on Saturday

Mrs i Van Riper WM in Puny on Friday

Mr and Mrs Wm Well were in Lansing on Saturday

Mr and Mrie Cady were in Lana-inj 6ii day lat wj ek

Dr Dumhams brother from Kalshykaska iraquo here una visit

Mf tt Veva Robinson returned froiV LatSMiitf ltraquoo Saturday

George Hamprlow of Lansing was here on business on Monday

Mr laquod Mrs Win Welia were in Owosso and Corunna or Monday

The ShMtsbursr Pedro Club met at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Webb on last Wednesday

gtrlaquo Jam1 Shaft returned from Jackson on Saturday where she had been on a visit of several days

De Hunkin of Battle Creek who h a s t e n thlaquo juest of his praquor= ents for several dayp retarned home on Friday

MEW LOTHROP N)f LoArOp Mich Deo 19W

Mrs W S Burge of Easton was in town Saturday

George Zentel has returned from a business trip at Detroit

Mr and Mrs A Dann are moving on the farm of Hon J Northwood

Miss Charlotte Keiley is clerking for Fred Kribs during the holidays

The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Beamish is on the sick list

Mr and Mrs Bert Ellithorpe have returned from a vjjsit with relatives at Reese

Miss Tvah Richardsf of Easfon was an over Sunday guest at the home of Mr and Mrs C Vernon

Miss Ola Boy re aftd Louise Mc- Graw have returned from Flushing where they have been learning the dreusnaking trade

Thft-box social given-by the 8tii grade at the high school room Frishyday evening was quite largely atshytended and an enjoyable time reportshyed

Our town is preparing for the holishydays The stores are assuming tlioii- nsnal Xrnas attire It has been decided ihere will be trees at both churches

Mr and Mrs S D Wilson have sold their home to Mr and Mrs B Colwell and are about moving to Oorunna where they have purchased a home

MORRICE Xorrice Mtco Dec 71M6

Mrs ft Smith is confined to tfa h a n i A w i t h lumtrftgO

Mrs Wm Reilley and little niece are visiting friends la Detroit

Mirs Lottie Forshye visited Llaquon~ sing friends from Friday until Monshyday

Mrs J Green of Ionia county is a guest of iier sister Mrs John Vaiiever

A F Buxton of Wilhamston spent the weeks end at the home of bis sister Mrs H V Pierce

Miss Tillie Gubry who has been spending the past three weeks in Fenton^returned home Monday

Communion services will be held in the M E church next Sunday morning at the regulat service hoar

Francis Wade of Swartz Creek was a guest of Miss Katie Defrecse from Saturday until Monday evenshying

James PendergaBt of Jackson wus laquo guest at the home of J ames

rEddington from Saturday until Monshyday

Forty hours of devotional services bagan in bt MaryschuivhTuesday Fr ORaiferty conducting the sershyvices

Fred Brundige of Haslett iv spending a few days in this vicinity looking up farming lands with a view of buying

The ladies of the M E church cleared over forty dollars from their fair neld Friday and Saturday in the Bailey building

George Smith and party from the north returned home here Thursday evening after a months stay on his iarni no iivwision

Mrs D Duane Martin and son Downey of Capac were guests at the home of T cJ Martin from Satshyurday until Monday evening

Christmas services will be held in the M E church Christmas eve A Christmas tree anda fireplace also a fine program is being prepared

Dan Quinu went to Dexter Saturshyday evening where he will spend a week at the home of Mr and Mrs Hawkins where his family preceded him two weeks ago

Mrs D G Harris returned Saturshyday from a three weeks stay in Lansing where she has been caring lor her mother Mrs Nathan Harris who is ill at the home of her daughshyter in the city

Ralph La Flamboy one of our town boys now with the Jackson Citizen Press has been promoted again He has a desk in the city and is general circulation manager there as well as in Albion

Miss Bessie Eddington of Harpshye r s hospital Detroit is home for a weeks visii with relatives and rriends Miss Eddington has passshyed her examination with honorn and now takes up her three years course

$100000 Gtvea for ampn7 wbrtwee inshyjurious to health found ia food resulting from the uc of

Caiumat T bullU arty -- ^ rV - -= i 1^frac34frac34 -

E C Marble who has been visitshying at the borne ot his daughter Mrs Harry Davis started-for Springport Monday moruingdriving through be having bought a team Gf Fred Maudlin and farming tools here to take with him

Jud- Clark iJl start for Byre Colo Thursday wtth a carload OJ stock and household ^oods for Floy Valentine who is golhg there next Tuesday to live oh a farm Mr Clark wiil visit his father Frank Claris during his absence

The- quarantine cu ehiekens is seriously inconveniencing the buyshyers hercopy causing them to ship in a round about way to reach Buffalo Canada-refusing to allow the poultry through their domain on account of the foot and month disease

Miss Carrie Furdy of this place made one of a party which started for Los Angeles Cal Tuesday Those in the parly besides Miss Purdy are Mrs I W Lamb of Perry Mr and Mrs Frank Gale and Mi Kincaid all of Corunna

The heating plant in the new part of the school building i giving very poor satisfaction There was no school last Thursday on account of low temperature A F Hoilis of Owosso was called here and decided more radiators were necessary also a larger steam pipe from tha furnace and registers in the floor to carry off the cold air He will make the necessary changes in Christmas vacation

Any skin itcbng is amp temper-tester Tbe more you svratch ttilaquo w o w it itches Doaafc Uintmsnt cures piles eczemamdashany skin itchiDjr - At all dru^ atOTes- ^ _ _ --^^ _ --^ t bullbull

BYRON njmraquo T Midi Dec 8 laquo0amp

L W Barnes is in Chicago John Roekman is on the sick list Mrs Jepbthsc Skinner Sr is in

Plt^rhejJtii Mr Arnold has eoue to take posshy

session of tbe mill A O Hathaway supplied for tbe

Oak Grove pastor Sunday Ed Welch is somewhat improved

in health at present writing Herman Meier has taken possesshy

sion of nislt new home in town Mr and Mrs Comstock have

moved into the Fisher building Mrs Gilbert is entertaining her

son this week He resides in Canashyda

Mrs Sanford has gone to Howell to remain an Indefinite time with friends -

The Seniors held a social last Frishyday night whicb netted them twenty dollars

Mr and Mrs John Nymphie of Dcfneld spent Suuday with Mr Meiers family

Frank Badgero has sold his home and wiil move in a house on tbe Wm Close farm

Auntie Bullis has gone to Geo Jecning fs home in Argentine to spend the winter

John Davison has purchased the old Paul Coffin farm of Wm Vaun and will soon move onto it

Mrs Roy Sayers will give an enshytertainment at the Baptist church Friday night of this week Mtss Lenora Connine of Howell will asshysist with music Fioceeds for the benefit of the L O T M M of this place

Postmaster Stowell baa moved the postofflce to the rear of his eiore thus leaving the entire front part of the store for use in displaying his fine large stock of china jewelry end Christmas novelties The change is a great improvement

Dress Coats in all styles and patterns

is upon us but we are here

first with the goods style and prices Just

stop a moment and jet us prove it to you

FUR COATS at any price you want

BUFFALO CLOTH COATS in the best grade only

ULSTERS and REEFERS for both men and boys

We are selling more UNDERWEAR

this season than ever before for our prices

are the lowest and our goods have the quality

fcvery W o m a n Wi l l Be I n t e r e s t e d

There has recently been diacovored an aroshymatic pleasant herb cure for womans tils s S-UcrJ Kclhpr Grsy9 Auraquoirraquolaquoiraquon-Tjlaquoraquoi l i ilaquo it oDlyltraquonraquoin reyuUtor Curlaquolaquo fematlaquo weak-nesses and Bcksvhe Kidney BUdder and Urinary troubles At raquo11 Igtrwagists or by mail 60 eta Sample FREE A4drtss The Motber Gray Co Le Roy N Y

ELSIE Elsie Dec 81906

J A Watson was in St Johns Monday

Mrs Chas Sanford is again under the doctors care

Mrs Orlie Austin is helping out at W W Temples

Sterling Blayney is moving onto his farm in Fairfield

Mr Tubbs Sr has been very ill during the past week

L O Bates has purchased the Moulton farm near Bannister

Frank Clark is moving onto the Garratt farm two miles west of town

Supervisor Gilbertof Chapin is very ill threatened with typhoid fever

Mr and Mrs Levi Morse have moved to Lansing where he has emshyployment

Ohio farm seekers are canvassing the vicinity of our village for buyshying small farms

Architect Cherry of Owosso spent Friday at the Michigan Milk Proshyduct Cos factory

The home of Ezer Largent has been disinfected Velma Hughson having recovered from diphtheria

Buyers of milch cows from Mt Pleasant are visiting our stock farms and shipping numbers of fine cows to that placo

Mr Bader of Detroit Mr Haare of Jackson and Mr Waldron of Mt Pleasant did business in our village the first of the woek

Tho Elsie band give their second masquerade ball at I O O F ball on the evening of Dec 10 Mr Wait will serve suppers until the ball closes

Fred Munger of St Johns phones his cousins that he iz none the worse for his rough handling here at the St Johns vs Elsie football game on Thanksgiving

Rumor BAYS another physician is

w i amp j i i i U i ^u tv O fJS i i i sits VY4J iJKsy have three excellent physicians in the very zenith of their lives he

font ptria oi tiivl aitI iijVve to bi of tiniisiiil obHIty to Vytiif5gt5iii

Miss Jessie Morrice a trained nurse from the childrens hospital in Detroit visited a portion of last week at the home of her uncle Wm Morrice and from Saturday until Monday with her cousin Mrs E L Bann

J Q A Cook sold four hogs Sat-urday whose combined weight was 2200 pounds also shipMd a Ram-

j siC-MVHVs id^wr gt Alaquobull Air^n 1

amounting to over one hundred dol-ra in sheep last week which were

i f ihipps bull stlaquoite

Lrours for Good Goods and Low Prices

A McMulleit S Co

MORTGAGE 3AIEmdashWhereas default has been made in the eoa lltfona of a certalo

bullraquoort^alaquoe made atod exeeo^d by Georglaquo W Middietou ami Bertiia- J Middletcn bis wire of the TowasLip of Hazeton Sbtavassee county Michigan of the first part to Joseph fl Collina of said county and state of the second part on the 85h day of January A D 100laquo aod recorded in the office of the Regshyister of Deeds for said county in Liber 1)3 Of Mortgages on pages SraquoR and 379 on the 25th day of January A D 1906 and that raquo^er-i srds the real property Bpen which said mortgage W M fflrta araquo aforesaid was b a certain warranty deed conveyed by tbe said Gecrjre W Middle-ton and Bertha 3 Middletou to Ull ie D Elod-(CU of Detroit Hgttrigan which doed was reshycorded in tbe office of the Register of Deeds of bullaid eoutHj- in Liber 128 of Deeds on page W4 and that afterwards on the 2Sth day of Januashyry A D 190S said a w r t n g c so given araquo afore-u M M assigned by Joseph H Coiiins to George W Middle ton and Berths J MiddWton which aoalgnneot is recorded in the office ot VHpound Kjjiistet of weed B of - said connty OQ the tth day of February A D IMS in Liber 100 of aasixnuenta on page ISA And whereas it nvorides in said mortgage that if defaolt be made in payment of tSte interest thereon asft the same ahaii eontlnn to be tu defaalt for the period of thirty days from the tint when said interest was due then at the Option of said mortgagee or his assignee the vhole amount of the principal upon said mortgage becomes due and payable Aii-i whereais the said Ull ie D Biodgett has defanlted in the payaient of the interest due upon said mortgage bull and the same has continued for thirty dayx now the said assignees -ieciare Ute ttaid principal of said mortgage due and payable and that there U claimed to be due at the date of this notice for principal and interest the sum of Two Hunshydred fifty-nine dollars and SUteem cents (SSiS 16) and nosnit or proceediDgu at law or in equity having been taken to recover the monty eiured by iafd mortgage Or any part tbereofrnotice is hereby given that b virtue of the power of aalo contained In said mortshygage and the Ktatutes in su^h ease- made and provided ttajd Mortgage will be forceloaed by sale of the preuiiBea gtJew-i ilaquogtI luerein or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said money now due thereon together with interest tnereou at the rate of six per cent per annum frons tSjc-Sstc-sf-tfcii-^actJce together withaii attorneys fee of twenty dollars jgtro-vtded in t aid mortgage together vil l i all ie^al elaquowilaquoof this foreclosure at public auction or-vendue to the nlghen bidder at tbe front door of tbe iOurt house In the city of CoraunaMich-igan said court hone being the building in which tbe circuit court for Shiawassee county Michigan is held on the 12th day o f D e c e m shyber A D 1U0amp at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day The premise are described in araquoid mortgage as follows to-wit Commencing twelve [13] rods ten [10] feet south of the north-eaat corner of section thirty-three [33] thence flye fS] rodssix and onethalf [6frac12] feet south toe ace weat tweiaty [30 rods thence north five [5] rod six and one-half |SMraquo] feet thence east twenty [30] rods to place of beginning town eight [8J north range four [4] east

Dated September ad IWSi GBORGB W MrDDLETON BERTHA J HIDDLETOH Assignees of said mortgage

Joseph H Collins Attorney for Assignee Corshyunna Michigan


Have you tried a sack of -7

We guarantee it to be equal to any winter wheat flour on the market reshygardless of price Your money back if it doesnt suit For sale by


Theres no place tike the Journal for Neat r u t i n s joajjraquojraquogt

BECKY Gold Medal Flour for me


Subscribe for the Journal

Keep Your Eyes on the or

We are showing Heatherbloom Skirts special this week at pound199 to 239

-Our line of Jackson Corsets th best out the new numshybers 50c $ 100 and J5150 New styles and best form corset on the market

Remember a box of Cadet Hosiery or Fancy Handkershychiefs makes a splendid Christmas gift

A few more patterns in the new Dress Goods--nothing better or more appreciated by the wife cr zscthsr


Geo M Beemer I Dry Goods and Notions Phone 61

spoundV Hi fiStr^ 25 ^ 2 R S ^

vurfit- ot w

I ij The cold and damp weather is at hand when every-f one should give special attention to having dry and com-tfortable feet We have done our duty to the public by [providing a large stock of Rubber Footwear of the most

popular brauds shapes and sizes W e feel confident tha t |we can supply every demand in rubber and warm footwear 1 A pair of rubbers properly fitted will wear longer than jif improperly fitted We give special attention to correct (fitting Call when in need of rubberwear of any description

amp ^g




STATE OS MICHIGANmdashOouuty of SJnawa-hi~-ssgt

AI raquo 3laquolaquogtiilaquou of the Prsbwt- Court for tbe Outity or Sliiawishee bellti at the Prolgtitv Offigtlaquo ia the CiLj of Corunc-t ou iht (Ub tuiy of Novtwoor la the year one tliousuud ymlaquoi iuiUlrt-tV iiil tfi^ht

Prsefct Mhfitew Bush Judge 0 Probate lu tlit aiiivier of tlie esampve 01 Alfred f

KH-jn Kaijjlit iia adiufnistratilx bavins reu-ltVrcltl 10 this Court hftr fiiiampl acaoiut And liiiv-gtnz tiltn ltt petition praying this Cour to bulluu-viuiue wiio vfpretlie fcgid heirs ofbullticcdAsvA iraquo tlic-illiU01 h i s dci i lh

Jl isorJiegtlt that the Ht-li ltJltty of 1gtCClaquoIgtIU - jicxi-vt Ujsu oclotvgt m the f o r e s o o i -a gtbulllt

in-A i-iiovvii^ $bullgt id stcCQUdi iiiiu ior hcvtrinf vkgtHifjDU - bullbull bull bullbullbull

Ami it i s fvu Vby laquogtrdOtreraquo1 thgtU a eopy of thgtgt ltgtrltJlr be poVfUrfv^ Sihtre success ive 1 iviH-ki prgtYJoilts t6gtailtl ahtf pi hefiliijampiiri $WJ Corvini-JoViuial n nlaquovsspakgter jpriateu-aud circu)Utig va sttd 0~eraquogtty of SialtwraquoSiampeer - -gt

bull bull MATVHSW-BrSH bullbull-bull s bull bull bull- - J u d pound C Oi bulli^OUoitf- v By noiii(je^iKiibijrlroVaft KeampSetcbullbull bull

gtjK RKVX f gt ouiHy lti Sniu-A DMJNiPTKATOJVfi SALE bull

bull TApoundlti-uult 6f l i le la^ai i v gt gt s ^ i bullgt bullbull bull

j ii iij9 mutterof this c-iUue u iiii cU[taselti-1Notice is h ere by givenThat in imrsVfUK--UK by virliu gtlti ltui order raquoampjttsd totue inioor-signrii as 0(iiijMsiritoj- of the estate- of said JuiBKSKawriiiin deceased oj tiic Hon Mtvt-the- Bush laquoiad|Teoi Probate in anil for said GouDty oti tbP Ifttb dabullbull ofOetobtv A I) 1908 there will be ssilii in public vendue to thclii^ls-est bidder at the iron) iloor of the court houraquot-ic the city of Cornata iu said County on Sat urday the 12th day Of December A Ii 1906 at one oclock iu the afternoon of said day all the right titllaquo and interest of said estate of James HowiijHUi deceased I ft and to the following described lauds and premises situated in the Township of Hazeiton County of Shiawasee State oi Wkhijraa to wit The south thirty acres of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarterof sectiou twenty-three (23) town eight tlaquogt north of Raupe four (4gt east

MICHAEL E HOUEAN Administrator of bdeg Estate of James Howrlfran deceased

OftteO October ISA ~ raquogt 1806

-gt i


QHOBATK 0 raquo D R B - t t e Of Michigc IT Coitaty of libtewMaeemdashw

bull t a aetteion of the Probata Coxfi for ssid Coiaatjr held at the Probate Office ia the City of Ccrttoaa on Mondaythe S3rd tlraquoy of Norem-bsr la the year one thoosaad nine hundred and efcrtt-^Presest Matthew Bush Judge of Probate

In the Bai ter of the estate of Franklin k OwEiniiifSB deceased

On rea^In and filing the petition of Shod a Cnmrelnga a s admlniatratruc praying for lieenee to aell real estate belonging to aald de-eeaaed fdr the pnrpoae of payiny debts

It Is ordered that the tend day of December a e x t a t ten oclock In tho forenoon a t aaid Probate Office be aampeigned for hearing said petition

And it Is-furtber ordered That amp copy of thia laquotiKr be published - three succeswive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corun-na Journal a newspaper printed and iiroulav poundHK In saJd County of Shiawassee

MATTHBW BtSH Judge of Probate

By Florence t-indspyProbate Register

STATF OF MICHIGAN CkJunty oi Shiawaraquo see ss i

At a session of the Probate Court for said Gonnty held at the Probate Office in tbe City Of Cornnca oa Monday the 23rd day of Noyewber iu the year one thousand nine hundred and eight

Present Matthew Bush Judge of Probate In the matter of tne ewtate of Slgtatraquo Lavern

Carter deceased On reading and flt^ng the petition of Cbaries

X Godfrey prsgtyiog that adtniuialratio) of laquoaid estate may be granted to tbe petitioner or Bwm other suitabie person

It is ordered that the 81st day of December next at ten oclock In tbe forenoon at sW Probate office be assigned for hearing said petition

And it iei further ordered that a copy of thia order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corona journal a newspaper printed and eireulatbaf to said County of taiawnmdashp r

HATTHampW BUBB Judge of Frobsgt

By F L O U W C S LnrnssT Probate Register

kTATK O f MICHIGAN County of Shiawae-

At a session of the Probate Court or MM bullCounty held at the Probate Office la the City of Corunna on Thursday the ird day of December In the year one thoutaca nine hunshydred and right

Present Matthew Bush Judge of Probate Iu the nat ter of the estate of Qeorge C

Trunin rtsmranfl Ou reading and filing the petition of Laura

Ilaquoaour praying that administration of said bulls tate may be granted to Walter K Lemon or some other tollable person

It Is ordered that the 4th day of January next at ten oeloek in the forenoon at aaid Probate Office be assigned for bearing said petition

And it U further ordered that a copy of this order be published three suceesslTe weeks preTious to said day of hearing in the Corunna Journal a newspaper printed and circulating In said County of Shiawassee

MATTHEW BUSH Judge of Probate

By Florence Undoey Register of Probate

Prampiamppound Jane by Hie

lotsmal ri always oest

COMNtlSSIONJeMS NOTICamdashlu the manor tltf tKeEstate ikf Kiigh MuCiirdy dlaquosraquoeaseu

We the utiderstfoec having been jij)poiur-fd by theHou Matthew 3usajudtre of Probate iii and for the County of Shiawassee Htate of WiohisfRU Coutytgtioigtors to receive examine itnd adjust all claims and d-imaoUs cgt- all pershysons aiyainst saM estate ltlo hereby givlaquo notice tiiat we Will m^et at Ue ortice of Cleorge b MuCauguua iu tbe City of Owosso in raquoaid county on Monday tbi 1st day of February A O IflOaartd ou MondaytthepoundgtthltJaycf April A O 1raquo at xeii odotk iu thc rarogtoMt of i-acJi oxffliid days for the purigtrtlaquoe of rsceiving tri adjurt )gti il clrtiBiS apanst said estate

UJ1 tiut four- uiolaquothlaquo ltti tgtie Jst day of IWcwiiUi A l)-lXi8 are allowed to creditors ta )gtrcs(-ct ilngtir claims to said CoiiiBiliwioucf-s rlaquoijii3tugtelaquot and allowance

bullbullbullbullJiavVitbe sidiv-cgttlV gteusbfl_i ampbull V 1$gt(13 (iSOKOK b McCAWnNA j

v iliKOKClK X bullbullbull AMPiJKi^ bullbullbullbull mCHA-HL JTMn-friPS bull bull j

bullbullbull C^uiiwlsrfebe bull bull

f^igt]iiv bull F PII CATfON- fiat of laquoiob-W - ISafi iit-tlU-Ctyci-ifi^mst UltfVAC Co^nly ij Sinis u gt laquo in Ciiiittvcry- -bullbull

A - P O T T C S bullbull COlJlplttilJUut bull

- v s bull bull bull bull - bull bull_

nit IiiTrKU bull lK-teiv1nt ] bull bull bull - bull

Suit pending in 1-K- Ciicuit Cotgtrt for the Joafty of Shiavt^Ksst iu Chancevy at the CitvoiCCoruiiLa on tlieaglh ny oi Xoveinbksr A b 1903 bull- fn this cause it appearing from arttdavit on (lit tUit theilefendtint iotogt- Potter is not a Ijsident of this state and that it cannot be ascertained iu yhhl itate or courity be i-esideh ou motion of Austin E Richards complainshyants solicitor it is ordeied that the said defendant Victor Potter cause his aopearaice to be entered herein within five mouths from the date of this order aud iu case of iiis apshypearance that lie cause his answer to the comshyplainants bill of complaint to be filed and a copy thereof to be served on said lt^mplainants solicitor within fifteen days afrer service on him of a copy of aaid bill and notice of this order and that in default thereof ftaid bill be taken as confessed by the said non-resident defendant

And it i s further ordered thiti within twenty days the said-complainant cause a notice of this order to be published in the Corunna Journal a newspaper printed published and circulating in said county and that such pubshylication be continued therein at least once ia each weok for six weeVe in succession or that sue cause a copy of tuts order to ^ p e r s o n a l l y served on said non resident defendant at least twenty days before tbe time above prescribed for hie appearance

ROY B DURHAM Circuit Court Commissiouer

Shiawassee County tfleb AUSTIN E RICHABDe^

Complainants Solicitor Bttftiuesa Address Corunna Mich



Neighbor to take the Journal

yftNCHESttR Smokeless Powder Shells


The superiority of Winchester Smoke les s Powder Shells is undisputed Among intelligent shooters they stand first in popshyularity records and shoot ing qualities Always use them for field or Trap ^booting

Ask Your Dealer For Them

ltvltlt ltlaquoltlaquoltlt bull

TvcewritftrsI 50 per Cent

can be saved on any make of machine Practically dew machines at from $15 to $50 See ys before paying manufacturers price Old machines bought

4 - v S4


laquo lt lt lt M

it Was Given Comsade Hoi brook for the Boys in Blue

Tell thejni Jove theih laquos rry QWVJ vtiildrwn audi they are engraveft ltgtii my h e a r t bullgtbullbull bull ^ bull bull

V-lal vilaquo Gen Qranfs last mesaaje t)hl3 Boys Su Blue ami it is

bullstiiinpeci iiv 7he niciporyof 8 rxjrcjieH-bulller man sdyk ihc JJo3iianGlobeNoTh-ing but death can efface it-for It was tobullthis Grand Army veteran that the beloved hero of tb3 country gave the words from Sis bedside during his last illness

A J Holbrook the retired postnaas-teroftbe Blattapan branch of the Bosshyton post office who lives at his old homestead at the corner of Dorchesshyter avenue and Fuller street Ashmont is the person to whom thraquo mesaage was given

That it may survive forever he has had it cut In the back of a silver dolshylar of the date of 18S5 when the intershyview took place and this medal is the most treasured possession of the old man He would not part with the meshymento he declares for many thoushysands of dollars

Mr Holbrook saw the general in New York shortly before his _ death when in the meteppoUs In reference to the publication of a history of Grants life in which he was interested He tells of his visit 9 the general as folshylows

I went up from the hotel to Sixty fomth street where the general had his home at the tiino and was ushered into the waiting room Where I was received by Col Fred Grant who much to my dismay said Im sorry you cant sec the general to-day as he is very sick and this doctor has given orders that no one can see him

I expressed my great sorrow but made- thfe best of it aad asked to see the souvenirs that had been presented to the state by the general and Col Grant was pleased to extend this courtesy to me as soon as some callshyers upon Mrs Grant had been disshymissed

Mrs Grant was in the back parlor and when we came in I was introduced


O 337^

Words Engraved on Silver Dollar

to her and she began showing me the relics herself 1 recogampixed some of the uniforms and spurs that the ges eral had worn at Fredericksburg Tvhei-e I was stationed very near him and when Mrs Grant opened tbe cabishynet In which they were placed she confirmed my fwogiiition She then showed me souvenirs of the generals trip abroad in which there were gifts from 19 different countries

When she had shown me these things I--was about to leave bat I thought I would tell her of my wish to see tbe general so I said Mra Grant did you know that no one has ever had such a grieved heart at not seeing^ Gen Grant as I I amgpijtg to see the Boys in Blue soon and I wished to see the general and take back a messhysage directly from him

When she heard that I was going to qpmp Grant she told me to wait a minute went upstairs and bhen came down ugain with the words The genshyeral wants to see you upstairs

So overcome was I at the thought thai was to see my commander after a3 that 1 could hardly climb the stairs but at last I was ushered into the generals room where he was lyshying in bed and was taken to a chair close to nim

Calling me Comrade Holbrook he asked me how I bad served and where When he found that I was tinder Gen Isaac I Stevens he laughed and then went to telling anecshydotes in which Stevens figured when he and the general were West Point cadets He told mehow Stevens bad had the nickname of Two-eyed Steshyvens nxed firmly upon him in an adshyventure when the boys were outside the academy without leave one night and had attended a colored meeting where the negro preacher had an-nojncelti t 1 t^vt raquolaquo fTlaquoti th ltyiLigt4gtvo chapter of two-laquoyed John

The general also showed roe the manuscript of Ms memoirs which he said he had written himself although there were sOne people who had tried to make it appear thsU it Was not the tfeliorals own work

Then I asked th erraquoeral If he had no message to give me to take to the encampment of tbe boya at which he lock me by both bands raised himself ir bad and then wttfe fi srgtb In fcfs

il taotti S-nci xhen ingt brltgtio down Telfc them I IOY them as my own children and that lttey are en-grayed on my heart


Treatment of a C^RssafSbed Differs from On Composed of Sand

On clay roads a thin layer of sand gravel or ashes will pi-evect hgt stiek-ing or clay to the roller or to the wheels of vehicle Clay soils as a rule absorb water quite freely and soften when saturated but water does not pass through them readily When used alone clay Is the least desirable of all road materials but roads comshyposed of clay may be created with sand or small gravel from which a comparashytively hard and compact mass is formed which Is nearly impervious to water Material of this character found in the natural state commonly known as hardpan makes when properly applied a very solid and durable road In soils composed of a mixture of sand gravel and clay all that is necessary to make a good road is to crown the surface and keep the rats and holes filled and the ditches opeu and free

While clay alone never makes a good road except in dry weather sand alone never makes a good road except In wet The more the drainage of a sand road is improved the more deplorable becomes tto condition Nothshying win ruin one quicker than to dig a ditch on each aide and drain all the Water away The beet way therefore to make such a road firm 1raquo to keep It constantly damp This can be done by planting shade trees along Its sides to prevent the evaporation of water or by growing woe i bullpound laquoy-rfalaquoe of such bulland roads a thick turf preferably Bermuda grase Roads running through loose sand may be improved by mixshying clay with the sand ana slightly crowning the surface

For the temporary Improvement of earth or sand roads any strong fibrous substance especially If it holds moisshyture such as refuse Qf sugar cane or sorghum and even common Btraw flax swamp grass or pine needles will be useful Spent tan bark is someshytimes beneficial and wood fiber In any form is excellent Enough sand or earth should be throwp over such roads to keep them damp and proshytect them from catching Are

Earth is composed of small irregushylar fragments wMch touch each other at points leaving voids between When the earth is broken up and pul-vertzed these voids are almost equal In volume to the solid particles and as a result the earth will absorb almost an equal volume of water In the building or maintaining of earth roads It is therefore very declrable that these sfoall irregular particles be pressed and packed into as small a space as possible in order that surshyplus water may not pass in and deshystroy the stability of the road To this end rolling is very beneficial The work of maintaining dirt roads will be much increased by iack of care in properly rolling the surfacemdashDeiiart-ment of Agriculture Report

them Into the ends of the nine-inch wires allowing the lower piece of wood to hang even with the stove Such a device says Prairie Farmer will also be found useful in a oloset of-Ovllarway


Clean the Pastures and Seed Them tgt Tame Grass

There la much time anrl strength wasted where brush is mowed in the early part of the growing season because the rootsWill at once sprout and produce another crop This Is hot true where the brushing is done during the fall months

There are many pastures so occushypied with brush that the grase canshynot gain a place in the soli Get after these idle fields with a brush scythe and clear them as soon as possible Burn the waste material and seed the land to tame grass which will make the idle acres as profitable as the clearings declares the Northwestern Agriculturist Where land is selling for fampO to f 100 per acre It should be productive of graif or gnus Dont allow weeds or brush to occupy the seme

Rata Good Calves When a dairy calf can be raised on

exim milk and sold from t0 to $100 | at real age It looks a If scrub stock TOT at a diaeownL


Ten-YM^Old Charlie Taft ia Admirals Great Friend


Something the Wife Will Find Handy for the Kitchen

Two pieces of pine one inch in dishyameter and 40 Inches in length are reshyquired to make the simple device shown in the accompanying lllustra-


upound Makmn the Cloth Hanger

tlon Small sctews are fastened in iV onils of the sticks to which pieces

TWO other pieces nine inches ioug are added with loops bent lu the end3

From hock eyes in the ceiling sus-nend two wires 32 inches long and loop

Wouldnt U be nice hoys to have a real sure enough big lire admiral for your best chum

That is what Charlie Taft ten-year-old son of the Republican candidate for president has in Admiral George Dewey of Bncle Sams big navy The admiral is Charlies next door neighshybor Theyre great chums says the Toledo News-Bee Charlie went to the Philippines with his father jnst ^-sen the admirals fame was at its zenith There he heard a whole lot abo-at the admiral The fl) 5t thing he did when he returned was to go down to his home and ask for his autograph

He got It More than that he won a stanch friend in the admiral Since then he has visited htm often and theyve taken many a carriage ride toshygether About ayear ago the admiral moved down town next door to the Tafts Since then Charlie and the admiral have become real chums

Charlie doesnt think half so much of the army as he used to and he is disgusted with the idea of his father being elected president

Td ratherbullbull be in a big battle like you were he told the admiral the other day than to be president a dozen times I dont think much of being president anyway If we were tohave a war do you think theyd let the president fight Not much All he could do would be to sit in the White House and read tne dispatches

Driven Out of Berlin Miss Anna Morgan heiress to f 100-

000000 says a Vienna paper was driven out of Berlin where sfie hoped to study politico-aocial conditions by the beggars high and low nobility and othera who no sooner heard of the arrival of the rich American girl than they set siege to her dollars Indishyviduals societies churches charitable institutions and promoters of business schemes wrote telegraphed and sent messengers It all looked runny to the young woman poundt first but It beshycame a nuisance from which she esshycaped by means of her automobile in which she hastened to a nearby sumshymer resort

Wanted a Hatched 3by Manager Knight of the Scottish nashy

tional exhibition at Edinburgh has reshyceived the following from a little girl l beard you hMch babies lu incubashytors Do you give any away If you dont Id like one about 3s (75 cents) one that has been hatched for a week or two 1 woud like a fair-haired flnri iyii fgtypoundpoundlt Jrtftjr1 iri rivr- if- bullbull- juce iuio ucaiiiiy and cioes not s^ut-ai much you liove uo iair-hairpoundd at 3s a brown-haired and brown-eyed girl will do It must fcw healthy and a girl will not have a boy

18 AN AUTO-STIMULANT Rest Head on Table and Ideas Flow

Anew An auto-sttmnlant a self-stimulashy

tor something within yourself which instantly will turn year tired and iaded brain to a fresh and vigorous one

The speaker a reporter increased tlXM J Uvfv i uI-_r4i Craquot^M _^_4 --- -_ -

Yes he said I aril the inventor of the auto-stimulant and 111 give you the recipe It is simply to work with your head lying on the table

The discovery like all great disshycoveries WHS accidental 1 was enshygaged en a murder story 1 wanted to write a fine yarn but I was tired and stale I hadnt slept the night beshyfore and out of my dried-up brain not an idea would flow

In disgust and Weariness I laid my cheek on the table My mind at ooee seemed a little brighter I took my pen againampnd in that ridiculous posishytion I dasued off easily the brilliant and strong introductory paragraph on which upright I had worked vainly for an hour I kept on writing My thoughts flowed well my mind seemed quite fresh

If however I lifted my head i w u again seedy and jaded and unable to write anything commonplace Bo I wrote all my story with my cheek on my desk and a better story t never turned out nor one that flowed more easily

My doctor says that lowering the head that way sends the blood to the )rain the same aa a stimulant does only more eo

That is the explanation and theres your recipemdashan auto-stimulant worths all the aleoool or cocaine or coffee in creation

MiBT EUiEM Gold Medal Flour is the best for msilt-

ing everything SAraquoSISlaquobdquo


BUSH 6k BUSH Attbr^tteyt a t L a w

MATTHEW BOSH WALTER BUSH Office over C ti Peacocks Drug- store

CORUNNA - bull bull - bull MICHIGAN

AUSTIN ERICHARDS Attor^iey n t L a w

Office over McMulleu A Cos Cothlcg- Store


E H BAILEY M D OfRce and Residence first door west of bridge


WILLIAM J PARKER Aikuwcy alaquo Law Solicitor is Chancery

All kinds of legal baslneai t i ^ r a y t A ] - Money to ]ampau rgtal BMtlaquoie argt4 lasurauee Office over McUnUlaquon A Cos Clothlngr Store



Stewart Mock - Owosso

gtbull H UMB (Late of United 8ttes Anuy)

Eye Ear Nose and Throat Spccampaampst S i w f 5 e a r laquo 1 y ^ J M Hours 880 us Saturday e w l u g ^ e laquo t o 7 raquo C H i e r e W u A S ^ raquoPpoampteut Tu 1 aud x T r S o S ^ t

When Otliers Fail Try Us

-gt 09 bull Ef X r poundi jjii if- 1(frac34 j

^ S ALLISON 67 SON Optician and Jwlaquoflaquorlaquot

117 W Washington Stt Owosse

11- frac34 l iSSBfl^Blaquo5PlaquoP mmmm wm IPiPipilV^HmWll^ip mmmmm

mm W T -

STOCK FARM A ltood stock farra of e i g h t y

acres in Wooltlhull ^ovvnsiiip can be purchased on very rwasonatiic terms if taken now A small amount of property m i g h t be taken in part o x e h j m ^ Dont wait or i t wi l l be gouo

I have some other bargains

TORNADOS Tofcse storm visitations ^vhich

result in so much lose of propshyerty are becoming more frequent i For a small axnoant you may protect yourself for a tarni of years against loss and damage by wind storms and tornados

DELAYS AE DANGEROUS When you need fire insurance

I will be able to give you proshytection in some of the best inshysurance companies at lowest possible rates who will pay their losses promptly


for ulaquo to do

2 pound PRINTING


bullad Iwntifiet fit twfe Fromotoi bull Jostuiniit growth Vlaquorlaquov l U U to poundlaquortlaquorc- Qry

Xair to it Youthful Ofc)o Quit Mp d iMM k hair taiUq

Beautiful Home of the LAMSraajBUSISTESS UNIVERSITY

Wnere complete and thorough cuunes are

^tm In Bookkeeping Telegraphy Shorthand pewritlDg etc Expert painstaking in-

bulltroetorstB all departments who devote tlielr entire time to toe students advaneeirgtai Best Fomnalp department In central Mich-I I M New students may tnter at any time as we give INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION Tut-UJD reasonably paytaetits made esey carfare paid to Lansing Students assisted to places where the can do light work far their hoard i desired

We nave large well ventiK tert halls modern equipment and free employment i3epartiattt

TRIAL WEKK FREE and catalog for the aampUing For full information write toe manshyager today H J 3ECK Maiiajwr

Lausieg Mich


8Bladder and lt O T T T gt 1

The Babys Part

By Frances Boone Mltcbetl

(Copyright by Slort^tory Pub Co)

I sliuil have to ask you to hold baby until I ca1- get sense nHk Pigtcr little angel he is about starved

Hut imdashI-- Ann srammeredmdashand the grtsed helplessly al the bullsquirrrus piece of humanity so hastily and uu-Cffremonlou-ly draquoi-gtojtflaquoraquod ou he lap The woman had vanished Well Ann gasned for want of anything else to yay and Ann was seldom a a loss for words Rather abrupt dont you think so Ann smiled sweetly at the man opposite his (ore-head crewsed into two straight Hues of annoyance Of ampIJ the confoundshyed limits she was the bull Seadermdashhe growled If I only knew where she went or how she looked I would go after her and make her take the inshyfernalmdash Dont call the poor little thing names Dick See you have made him cry Something surely bad The deserted infant was testing the capacity of an unusually vigorous pair of lungs Poor little tootsfemdash its hungry so it 1laquo but its muwer wflU be back in just a minute with Borne nice milk--for the poor little starved fellow Ann cooed softly and sooth inglymdashdeftly she turned the infant across her knees after the cline imshymemorial method of pacifying young humanity Little chap is hungrymdash yes lie ia Amis voice wraquos full of deep vibrant caresses The long straight lines faded trom Richards foreheadmdashlittle deep ones appeared around his_ mouth He watched Ann from undr half-closed lidsmdashdecidedly this was a new and toother wondershyful Ana

By jove she Is a wonder ^ breathed under his oriath He was almost glad It had happened Shes grit clear through he murmured

Euchred he yelled springing to

GROOMING COUNTS Bat ft cannot make bull Fair Skin or a

Otaraquoy Coat Women with good

complexions cannot be homely Creams lotions wapblaquoc and powders cannot make a fair skin Every horseman knows that the satin coat of his thoroughbred cornea Lrom the animals bullall-right condition

Let the horse get off his feed and his coat turns dalL Cur

rying brushing and rubbing will give him a clean coat but cannot product the coveted smoothness and gloss of the hones skin which is bis com plexko Tbeladiss wfll see the point

Lanes Family Medicine

If TfifT-^be nwpaMrtiOQ tor ladies who

| i -internally and the ltvbo1laquoltomeueraquor jjj j II that jroduces such skins as paint a II II kgtye to eopy JJ

So You Are the Eloping CoaampzZr

his feet Ann Ann the train is moving aad~ Hush Dick hes about asJeep But the womanmdashthe traka is moving I tell you

The train was surely movingmdashbow long it had been in motion neither knew Ann had been absorbed in her efforts to quiet the now sleeping baby and Richard lost ta admiration of AJ-U

Dick what shall we do Ann spoke after a long silence spent in staring at the swiftly moving landscape

Pitch the thing out of the window^ mdashthe masculine element growled

Be serious Dickmdashwhat shall we domdashits only a few minutes until we reach Wentworth

Give it to some one else Dick sugshygested brightly There is no one in the car to give it to Leave it on the seat then

It would fall eff Pin it on then Dick ho v- can you b so heartless Well we cant take It off with us he said doggedly Towis going to meet usmdashwe cant kt aim see itmdash confounded lubbermdashhe sees a joke in everythingmdashwe would never hear the last of t We wiil have to leave it on the train

Richard Manning we wont leave the poor little thing on the train by itselfmdashit must be properly cared for by some one

That some one isnt going to be us Its mother wont claim it Shes deserted it You know better Richshyard Ann when displeased had a very decielve way of saying Richard Richard realized that it was time for him to do something practical at the same time he must appease Ann Of course she will claim it he agreed Rather out of the ordinary isnt he bull Certainly his mother will claim him Richard Ann was not easily apshypeased

By jove the conductor is coming We will leave It to him

Good boy Dick Dick smiled Ann was appeased

In a few worts he explained their sudden and unexpected acquirement of the baby Describe the woman bullfTis irjan of tteklttaarjokp- si(jiRy We

Dich floundered helpeslaquoiy The conshyductor looked expectantly at Ann Ann blushed 1 cant I wasmdash

Looking at t i l young man the

gt-oraquo-ductot supplemented gvimly However th^ mother of the enlid 7iH probably wire to the next station

But we get off theremdash someiiiug must be done at oncemdash Dick iipoke desperately

if thats the case so muei^the betshyter The conductor sigtoke more af-rampblymdashhe saw all the responsibility vanishing trom his sh-uWerii Your vite c iu take charge cf th biby unshytil Us mother reaches tbne on ibe trail following thismdashits only id minshyutes later

Bur she iamput my wifemdashyet you see Richard spoke desperately We aremdashermdashwere to be married there He straightened his shouldt-is aa if he dedeu the entire vorld to ti to stop that cererooa Vcu amp bulllaquo fathermdash Thf rmpoundnm oc^sajMa into the seat ~ X ailr i t i roared with laj^^v bull

So you are ft t t a t ^ i ^ f ^ S t f mdashare lyfajor Deerlngs daughterf bull bull spoke to Ann between paroxysms

There is an official searching through the train for youmdashhe is in the next car Richardmoved over beside Ann face several shades paler Ann forgot the sleeping baby and clutched Dicks coat sleeve Ann mdash Richard gasped You will not tell7 ~ Ann looked at thlaquo condtictnr as if to measure her antagonist The conductor looked soberly at Ann I suppose I will have tomdashhe a|d

But you must help us papa wants me to marry a horrid old friend of his ^-and theres Richardmdash she paused as if the fact of Richards existence made further explanation unnecessary

Papas friend is rich no doubt ^nd Richard Is not X fluppose Tfee-conductor spoke as If he were weighshying Richard In the balance and Rlcfc-ard was found wantlpg

Richard has bis law practice he will make jrtenty 46r usmdash Ann flared mdashthen changed tactics Please help us she said No one resisted Ann when she said please Anns Pleasr was a word of artmdashAnn realised it Richard smiled he knew the battle was won

A smooth-faced individual came down the aisle Ann and Richar braced themselves Ann kept ber eyes on the conductor in Anas con quering way

You wont find your parties in this car Jenkins The conductor arose as he spoke He turned to Ann Thats a fine little chapmdashbe sure to take good care of hint he said Ann smiled her thanks Anns smile was dampssling

I suppose yon are light Flinch Jenkins spoke undecidedly but if it wasnt for that baby that couple eer-tsiHiy fit the description Jenkins looked searchingly at Rfchard He IS about 26mdashtallmdashclean-shaven gray eyesmdashbrown curly hair He counted each item off on bis fingers The description fitted Richard It was Anns turnmdash-deep blue eyea^-llght wavy hairmdashslendermdashmedium heightmdash broWn dressmdash^brown tat T h a t cershytainly fitted Ann Ann bore the scrushytiny and enumeration better than Richard she was absorbed in watchshying the babys sleepy efforts to get a pink chubby hand in a mouth fully a size smaller than the hand

But tile babymdashJeuklns swore soft-y tinder his breath Anns fathe had offered ah alluring reward to the parshyty who stopped the runaways Jenshykins was not romantic his was a grasping nature Yes the baby eliminates them Flinch spoke prompt and decidedly He stood so that Jenkins could pass out first

You will reach your station in about ten minutes I am sure you will And your message all right he said pointedly to Richard

We sure willmdashbut it will be all right anyway Richard spoke promptshyly Ann smiled at him approvingly Bless (he baby she said softly as she gathered it Up in her arms and kissed a tiny dimpled hand

Same here Richard echoed fershyvently Hang Tom Mid what Tom says

mdash t bull WHAT NEXT


ltSen CrumbeHain Received Surflaquorraquodr | of Confederate riag

Pony-five ears R^R Qen Joshua L_ Chatrjbo-ain raquof Poittand Me held tHe I left of the union

line- at Little fLovd Top Oet-

g $ against ^ J l l i p e r a t e

e^ of the

t m v - laquomtes

f^ bull-bull years have bulla L i raquo well He

y M been gover nor or Maine and p resident of Bow-do u college Tc day ^e is collecshytor of the pert of Portland H3 is one of__Mraquoe few surviving great officers of the cfrirwar

The defease of Chans ber lain at Gettysburg was c o n s i d e r e d re-

GvChfraquobfUMi markable at the time aad stnee then

the glory that came to him trom his feat has not be dJsaaed The dry detail of the Kovetulaquoraquots of this body of aotdjftrs and that this attack and that reprise his shove of shot and this ^ash bebiad glesunins bayonets bullhow Che expert lfc magnttude s t Chambtriatos aceompOshnMat mraquo eoedvet gave h t e s is iost nsaqoalle^ repatatkm at a fighter It stirred eosgrew to the awsxd of a medal of honor

That defense of the union left at LttUe Roend Top and other feats throughout the war earned for him finally the honor of receiving the acshytual surrender of Lees army at Apshypomattox

A confederate color bearer as he delivered up the tattered remnant of his flag to the brigade of Gen Cham-berlaiitvvgtJrgtt into tears and said to the federal soldiers who received St Boys this is not the first time you have seen that flag I have borne it In the front of battle on many a vicshytorious field and I had rather die than surrender it to you

Gen Chamberlain sat upon his horse near-by in a uniform soiled by bullmoke and duet

Brave fellow1 said ChamberlaUt bending forward In his saddle toward the thin line of confederates wbo were sadly marching past I admire your noble spirit and only regret that I have not the authority to bid yod keep your flag and carry it home as a precious heirloom

The utterance of Gen Chamberlain at this time has been repeated by thousands of confederate veterans all over ths south They have not been forgotten In the passing years As the remnants of Lees great army gathshyered about thefr campfires the night of the surrender their arms now stacked and guarded by their foes of four long years their battle flags piled together as the trophies of victory the words of Gen Chamberlain to this color bearer were repealed and spread throughout the whole army



Stockers arid Feeding Cattle T H I S SEASON-

Y o u want to buy where you can get the best cattle for the least uior^y Write or wire at once to



Sound safe conservative strict honesty and a square deal guaranteed

ESTABLISHED OVER 23 YEARS REFERENCES Live vStock Exchange National Bank Chicago

Any Mercantile Agency Thousands of our satisfied customers

We handle more stackers and feeders than any fkuj in the world A big selacuon at all times Sales 40 to 50 loadsdaily

Come to Chicago aud we will sell direct to you or order at once oy tanil or telegram and wc will ship just what you want direct to you at lowest marshyket prices Write at once for our plan of rilling orders We c a n s a v e y o u m o n e y Write us for quotations of prices before you buy


Heroic Figure cf William Henry Har risen for Tippecanoe Monument

The Latest Is Teaching the Proper Way of Entering a Church

The sexton of one church that keeps open doors all day long didnt know whether toregard the matter in tho light of a desecration or a devotional exercise relates the New York Times He paid no attention whe the three women watched by a roai who stood at the lower end of the uislewalked the length of the churrVi and back again Even when they uade the trip a second itime he scarcely gave them a thought but when the trio started around the church a third time and the man called out Step a little more briskly please he began to wonder and presently made inquiry

I hope you wont be offended the man replied 1 am a physical culture instructor I am teaching these young ladies to walk I have already taught them to walk in the street in the drawing room In the theater and every place else they are likely to find themselves I am now teaching them to walk in church Very few women can walk there properly Some |ppe some swagger some skip others adopt a mincing gait All these styles arc very inappropriate for cureh A dignified subdued gait alone is suitshyable for devotional purposes Church is the best place for pupils In walking to receive practical instruction there fore I have brought them here

Great tethers gasped the sexton What next

l^v he ltltltbull no more UU ihe walking v - i v-fjlaquo ^ n - o p

The plaster east of t t e heroic figure of Williair Henry Harrison has Juat been completed by John H Mahoney an Indianapolis sculptor and has been shipped to Vermont where it will be copied in granite by McDonnell amp Sons The final figure will be eight feet tall and is to be placed at the bace of the Tippecanoe monument shaft on the Tippecanoe battle groutds Boih the shaft and the

ri-i fnifgttltf-f fivju( v) ho of f ftrf Ywl(iOlaquot KfampVi

Onecn Ira sankey A story told by the late Ira D

Sankey on himself has beerlt revived since the evangelists death Gas-day he entered a Swiss shop and asked to see some music boxes The salesman graciously showed him a number but none was what he wanted Have you none that play sacred music he asxed MWny answered the sales-

the class to the uoor I hope he said you will practice

the lesson learned today by coming here to church once ta a white

of - fcsOMray sacred music What Inquired Mr Sanaey Oh these Moody and Sankey hymns I cant imshyagine what the-people see in thenv but we aeU thousands of the boxes that plfty them We have enormous orders for these boxes continued t i e salesman from every part cf Eu rope and then he added apologeticalshyly Its a matter of business yon know with us

Suspicious Senator Penrose a few days before

he set out on his hunting trip In the Rockies said of a political movement to a political reporter of Philadelphia

Their words are suspicious like the words of a wine merchant-and his wife

This couple were Inspect)^ a building on the Penrose estate that they thought of renting The water was unfortunately poor

Tasting the water frowning and shaking his head the merchant said

It would do at a pinch for my Inshyferior wines but how about m y chashyteau and vintage wt^esr

Couldnt you filter itV the wife askedmdashPhiladelphia Record

Warm _ V

The grebt pig garaertgeelssurenpss 1

to work SBocr wS cosMntoc^ rifles are built with this Idea lontbtm

bullbullbullbull ttMdtsAlistt Is fratpla sftTCfffs 1^ fccUrsltampustlaquoipoundi)laquoilckniSlaquoss7i

Tin Jmrntat sotM top and side s|scr lt bull klaquolaquop a xvotscicc wall of m laquo t j bull-_laquo roar blaquoa4 mmA tbs eartrtlaquos-t |Nslaquoampt powdlaquor and css Mowtas1 bfc Ifcrow bullbeli mwwmjt fion yon laquoad sUow

The Spsosi 5laquooalaquoJHraquo StmdashI basnl are hard

deep oa tbs Baltsrttraquofswwsgt 1 bullccuraty sad kiTUac power

MsoslaMod^VJaod 58 OSlflHSS J i l l A ssd Sally described bull3d Ctttotcstcd (wfUi all other J K n f i t laquo~ psatete) in vat 1SS-TOlaquoe catstof Free-

42 WHlew araquoett JCW HavEf CONN



via Grand Trunk Railway System

Single Fare pluft $200 for the round tripto certain Canadian points on all trains December 19 20 21 and 22 1908 val id returning to leave destination to and including Janushyary 11th 1909 For Fares aad otheraquo particulars consult Agent

For any^further information regarding excursions or other matter apply to

G D YOUNG Agent le it is UH piampa Ui ue-aioamplaquoi tbcj iiionumont November t which wtil be I the Hnety-seventh anniversary of thei battle - - -

w-rh laquoa r ^w- A - pound wkJt r^a4Ja-Sl|poundlaquo-poundra i

iMsk sHlaisSii sssasflSt m

i laquo p i

W S X C H A JOHNSON rto-st-gttara

THE CORUNNA JOURNAL bullraquolaquolaquo ltr- 7 pound j nlt own to make elaborate presents The pleasure of making a costly gift is reat at the time of the giving but the reflection afterward that one Was obliged to go beyond his mean to do so is discomforting indeed Many a young man has csedhisenj

iob|Jraquoljd vty Tani-aday morning at CO I-OAS the csuAtjr st of SaiawaaaOO county Tk-r-M-4A l a I w ( sLMmt of thraquo Republic Party 4 titexwOcoaiMi of feaeraJ and local neat bull

fttit ltraquo per year In advance uv 4o sot NTTW to top ihi pptr uniew ployers money at this season of the

ordered tt laquoLgt ao bag wlaquo poattUu to top i was -laquo raquotrtfclaquod Buowt-rberB who ttsli tolaquoWp UMraquo gtapef tstoflfa notify us direct and cot Wave i t to the poatmAster to do He MWKtimefa fscifeeU Always se Sbat yonr Mt b-scrlptAoa is pwd up w ic date you r-jUlaquo-st u ttgt itgtp tae pevper 1frac34 - draquovlt8 your eubraquolaquorpllon kit paS-3 ttgt U on vour^Kper elaquou week witUyour

bullRie quantify and qttaUty i f the advertising appearing in the tocawju if abundant ttl-asony to itraquo value as aa advertising -rediuu Itraquoveraquo tnaraquolt- known at the office

year thinking it eouM be made good a little later but with sad results Many others who wonld not go as far fas tnia make expenditures for gfs for metnbei-s of the family and friends when the money might far Nacter have been appropriated for some other purpose However


bull onnr sinnsm

w e gt bullgt

A t O w o M t f i t M l c h l s s n

aa reported to the Bank Coeamirsicncr of the tatAte of MicMnT Moraquo 2 7 raquo0-8 laquo

muotrscsH VtfSraquo _ Bank and ftatunSs Cms ir

MraquoJS4ltK laquoraquolaquolaquo06


would not wish nor expect to see j pound items of news are laquoJvjs acceptable ite-member tbat what mieresw you will generally interest othenauu that it win be Kadigt re j Christmas go by without each one cefvedby us Communications on sunjeita of M T f

- bull bullbull- leeired the doing a llttis of something Jt you jreaerarinteretit are especially deeired the UOUiK raquo laquo laquo laquo 8 01 B o m e L i u u j j 11 j -uu bull facr that wr-omnBunicationappea-i in this piraquo-t Q amp v e amp f a m i l y VOU U n d o u b t e d l y 2 per however does not mean tbat It neccssari- U T raquo raquo u i u j r v laquo J I bull fy voices the opinion of the editor Toere will i h a v e c h i l d r e n w h o w o u l d b o h e a r t - i bull t ^ o c h a r ^ f o r t n e p u b l l n a i i o n of laquo = ~ - 1 b r o k e n f g a n t a C I a u 8 d i d n T t ler

No fake ad vert I si ug or any raquo^iing bordering a t a l l on toe objection inamperUsl at any price

Cards of thanks 50c obitrary notices obitgt nary poetry resolutions butunees locals of all kind and notkea of ewtertaiuments where ad-mission Is charged 5e per line

Kntered at the Poet Office Cortina Michigan as second class mail matter

come Doublet them be disappointshy

ed to such a degree as this It neednt be much but by all means see that each gets some little tbing that will please If you have a good friend remember him in a small way even if it be no more than a Christmas note or postcard If he is the good friend you think ho is and has the good judgment he should have he will realise your circumshystances and appreciate what you do much more^ than he ^onld if yon were to go beyond your means If you take your children to the Christ-mas tree ba certain there is some

W H A T a fine Christmas present Uttilaquo thing there for them With the payment of a few of those old many it requires considerable stretch


Capita) Stock Surplus -bdquo Uepolaquoitlaquo

TcHU-I hereby certify the s b

staWinent ltI the ltogtxiui iiiuu of tbii bampnW to the y~t of wy ki0-vK--lgf aiuL Oflief

G L TAYLOK Cashier

f 60^0000 5560 9

fie4nefgt9s 100(9080

to bo a rue

1 bull





-bull-bull -I-1^raquo bull-gt nnraquo^w^^-w-|raquogt---|i-ii|i|i bull in -bull in m 1

i they will run hourly Coruu bullbull

gtSSfev lt s a u ^ M f^Pcvgt

A K D the Owosso deliverymen are on a strike I Wfto wouldn^t strike if they had to ride a delivery wagon in this cbftQg of weather

912 or [$14 subscriptibh aeconris vos td make a newspaper publisher mdash laquo e laquo a some of tblaquo smaller cent5 or f8 accoahts

^^KvtWiiHbiA^igtiSG t h e g r e a t popularity attained by the Teddy Bear he can never supplant the good old doll that has stood the test so many years For Christmas for the children dont forget the doll above all other things You may give them both but if you can give but one let it be the doll by all means

T H E committee on the Elksmemshyorial service made a g-gtod selection in Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Joseph Collins to deliver the special eulogies J oe can always be depend laquod npon for something good upon any occasion and his enorts upon this one brought forth something that was well appreciated and did Jtni great credit

T H K effort being made by the Evening ArgHs to raise |300 by sob-bullcription to defray the expense of an addition to the Boreas Home to be used as a girls7 dormitory is a very commendable one and should have the support of all good citisens of the county From a very small beginning this institution is growshying into one which is doing a great deal of good and with a little help promises to attain much larger proshyportions in the near future Subshyscriptions in any amount will be gratefully received and those who feel that they can spare 50c or 9100 should not pass up this opportunity to do a great deal of good with little money Subscriptions may be placed with the Evening Argus or at this office Surely there are many Co-run n a people who can afford to help a little

ON CHRISTMAS GIVING With the coming of Christmas

comes the natural desire of all to make gifts It comes to all alike be they rich or poor With those who can afford to make numerous and costly gifts this desire is easily satisfied but with those who cannot afford these things it is vastly differshyent and it is regrettable that the desire to do them is 90 intense with some that it often leads them to go far beyond their means many even

Throat Coughs Ask your doctor about these throat coughs He will tell you how deceptive they are A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead Better explain your case careshyfully to your doctor and as him about your taking Ayers Cherry Pectoral

A We pobllna a w tottb-al-

ijers We banish aleohol fro-o c-ar -nlaquoUetas

We arge yea to doctor

Who makes the best liver pills The J C Ayer Company of LowelL Mass They have been making Ayerj Pills for over sixty years If you have the slightshyest doubt about oilaquotig these piUa ask your doctor Do as he says always

gtby aa J C JLyar Co K-owU

of imagination to realize the feelings of the child who sees all the others get something and finds nothing there for herself and there is nothshying more pitif ol than seeing a child come from the Christmas tree with tears in her eyes because she is empty-handed Bern e m b e r that Christmas giving should be for the children more than anyone else and If you cannot do for all do a little for them at least


When Will Corona People Lssrn the Importance of it

Backache is only a simple thing at first bullbull

But when yon know tis from the kidneys

That serious kidney troubles follow That diabetes Bright disease may

be the fatal end You will gladly profit by the followshy

ing experience Claude Perry living on West Main

SL Durand Mich say From the benefit I derived from the use of Doang Kidney Pills I have not the least hesitancy in recommending them For two years I was troubled more or leas by backache and I think there was not amp time during the whole two years that I could say I waaabeolutely free from pain Not only did my back bother me but I had a distressed and miserable feeling through my chest I beard so much about DOSES Kidney Pills that I procured a pox and began using them By the time I had taken the contents of this box the pain in my hack had entirely disappeared and the miserable feeling in my chest bad left I would advise anyone troubled by backache to give Doana Kidney Pills a trial

For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburc Co Buffalo Xew York Sole Agents for the United States

Remember the namemdash Doansmdashand take no other


I bull^bull^^^bull^^r^mm^m - A A

mdash Mra Floyd Acitias is quite sick mdash rsos Cole was home over Sunday mdashNed Coste was in tbe city Saturday mdashSire William Hughes is quite sick mdash-Buy Xgtnlaquoa postaJ-t of us Reynolds mdashC F Keel in Las uaoved bis family

to Detroit mdashS I Fox of Arcadia Is u tbe city

on builrjeF mdashMislt Xettie Eyeietrv has returned

from Detroit mdashLloyd DOampD speut Sunday at Lis

home in Caledonia mdash Watcb our wicdows for ChiisttnaS

presents Reynolds mdashErvio Williams was home from

Burtoa over Sunday mdashMr and Mrs J C Qoajle bnye reshy

turned from Cbicago mdashalias Stella DeVol of Saginaw is

viMtlngMra J Ellber mdashMrs Fred Kay wbo has been on tbe

sick list iff much improved mdashif you dont see what you want ask

for it Well get it Reynolds mdashMiss Louise Peacock enteitalced

tbo WomanXClub Monday eveatog mdashSx-Trcasare R F Kay of Morrice

was in tbe city Wednesday on business mdashThe Baptist Union met with Mrs

Frurk Miliard Ier Tuesday afternoon

bullgtbulllaquobull bulllaquo bull laquo bull bull bull laquo euro tgta^laquogtlaquoiilaquoaaao

mdash Mrs Jobc Boutwell left Tuesday for a two weeks visit with her mother at Davisburg

mdashMrs E E Campbell is visiting relashytives in Chicago also ampttendiog the stock show

mdashMiss Alice Bagin is speodioga few days withher sister Mrs Joe Biley of Kew Raven

mdashWalter Saunders formerly proprieshytor otj resrauraot in this city was in town Monday

mdashFloyd AefctnV trlui on the charge of assault and battery was sxfyourced Friday for two weeks

mdashGeo Sabine of Morrice spent Monshyday with his daughter Mrs WUiinm Cornford of tbis city

mdashThe Hawkfe nhlt-ol hslaquo been cioscd for a few days because of the illness of tbe tescber Jesse Row

mdashGrant Morse has resigned his posishytion at tbe Grand Trunk and will soon re-enter^be Coranufi hlgb school

bullmdashTbe Are department was called out Monday afternoon to exttngtSsb a^-^ht blaze at the residence of pound Kinney

mdashMr and Mrs WIlHam Burger who have been visiting friends here left for their home in Lutoo Iowa Monday

mdashHomer McBride a former Coronua boy has been elected worshipful master of Geeesee Lodge No 174 F A A M

mdashWm Garner has sold bis confectionshyery store to Henry Hagfe of this city Mr Hagletook-possettsien Wednesday

mdashMany local sportsmen took advaat-age of the light snowfall by speadlsg a few hours la the woods hooUitg rabbits

mdashBig double progran at the Pavleas theatoriom this (Thursday) ereaiog The count in the voting cntsst will also be given

mdashMr and Mr Geo M Winnie nave returned from a fsjw days visit with their daughter Mrs Howard Botdilna ofWlxom

mdashMiss Irene Rome of Coi rgtna enter-taioed last Friday evening ID honor of her guest Miss M Stocking of Zsnct-vile Ohio

mdashCbCBdler Tompkins of the Evening Argus reportcHai force has been con-flued to the houae two or three days With the grip

mdashBernice Parsons has been obliged to abandon her studies at the Co unnablgb school for tbe rest of the yeai on acshycount of her Illness

--Howard Van Ommereo has acceptshyed a position at tbfraquo Grand Truck Be will not commence work however unshytil tbe last of tbe month

mdashTbe students of the different grades are looking forth witb great pleasure to the time wben they will take up tnelr work in tbe new building

mdashTbe Adelpuics will nave their first party of tbe year at tbe borne of Mr and Mrs Fred Doan Caledonia towo-sbip next Friday evening

mdashA DeTroi firm bag been awarded the contract for doing the carpenter work on tbe brick flat wbicb is eing erected by tbe Detroit Brick Company

mdashTbe Corunna Firemen will give another of tbeir annual parties on New Years eve Tbe flrecen will enshydeavor to make tbis tbe best party of tbe year

mdashMrs Tod Kincaid and daughter Miss McHardy left last Thursday evenshying lor Cleveland- they being called there by the serious illness of Mrs Kin-caids father

mdashOwing to tbe fact that new motors snd trucks are being put oo (be cars

1 -5 it yOJ tiJVVt Csi-rt us Uc VHigtK Urinary iiimi- i ir^A M t s t l (pa h bdquo r f gt r i irlfj gt

dcr or Kidney troube -nlti ai i t a Mrtaiu 5 ^ a ^ v e 3 e r e gt U[al J -p)ealaquoint herb ltraquoIIT for wgtmraquo-iF 111raquo tv -motK^ I _ raquo_ praquort- A ltirajrraquo Au-jiraJian-Lea t itlaquo laquofc and never- raquobullgtbullgt-bull gtbull fraquoiunlaquorelaquoTialaquogtr AH D--vBr(ri5sor by wail so d iy for Bath and Lansing for s coutgte centK Sample packajre Fit Eft Addrlaquoslaquo The t Ugte-OrayCoLeRoy X Y d a y s V l i i t

[re Fojd BontweHleft-Weds

Chaa K Rigley D Waipple President Cashier

Cbaa W Gale Geo B Sweet Vtee President Aaat Cashier


Owosso Savings Bank O w o f t o - Mlc t i l f f t tn

C a p T t e a l laquo 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pays -4 o o

Oft Sovftgs Deposits

Cars will leave on the boor and Owosso on

the half hour mdashCottoty Treasurer Sbipman reports

that be has received the first tax-aioney of rbe flet year It waa tiirnef to by Jobu I Sfc-Js Jr treasurer of Wood h-ull township

mdashThe State Association of Farmers Clubs betd its regular meeting in the senator t-bamber Lansieg iMt Tuesday and Welnesfay Alt L Chandler de-iive(Ki ampo addrecs

mdashTbe Sophomore ciass of tbe Corunshyna high pcuooi had charge of the Peer-ei tbtre Tuedey evening Extra music and a double program -werefecjoi-ed by tbe large crowds |

--About the oniy excuse Shiawpsoeei ouo iy balaquo now on tbe court houae proposition ic tbat the mau wbo loaned tbe money were looking wben the counshyty took U -Flint J gturnal

mdashMrs Edna Parsons Oddy and her I niece Marjorle Parsons of Detroit were called here on account of the illshyness of her sister Bern tea Parsons wbo has been sick for the past eix weeks

mdashEdwin Sbelp tbe Bancroft wrestler was a welcome risitor at the Journal orBee Saturday Mr Sbelp has made many friends n Corunna by bis gentleshymanly conduct on the mat as well as off

mdashThere will be an assembly after the dancing class every Wednesday even-foe from 900 oclock standard until 1130 Bill 36c per couple rgentlemen without ladies 26c ladle without escort 15c

mdashTbe Seelboff brothers two well known New Haves township hroiers were in the city Tuesday They came to call on friends and to vlstr the court houSvmdashOut of tbegesticsen asd Blaquogtcr seen the building

mdashWm Brands and Bobt Thompson bampve returned from their Montana ranch The first named has acquired a pair b plumes tbat Would be a credit to Ghauncey Depew and be was hardly recognised by bis friends

mdashTbe annual meeting of the Shiawasshysee Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held In Corunna Thursday Janshyuary 7 Officers will be elected red other business will be transacted Inshycluding a proposed change In the cba-t e V

mdashWork on the new school building is progressing rapidly laquond it Is expected that the building will be ready8copyt occushypancy py January 1 i t has been deshycided not to fiswuM school after Daeso-br 19 nt4t4) the new buUdlag Is ready for use

mdashA aeaaber of Coronmt Klks attended the sacooftal atrrioss of Owosso Ledge Sunday afternoon All have had opporshytunity to bear Biro J H Collins many time in the past and declare that his delivery and the address which be gave bays never been surpassed by bin

mdashMayor W A McMullen has had the electric tights furnished by the 8 L amp P Company removed from bis store and has installed ao acetylene gas outfit The mayor says tbe electric lights did not furnish sufficient Ulcmtaatioc to carry oo business by in theevftniog

mdashTbe examination of Ernest and Alshybert Sraheiui of Eaiton oa tbe charge of attempted murder was to have been neld December 3 but wc sdi denaitely Tbe time will depend upon the progress toward recovery made by tbe victims of the stabbing Reynold Brabeim and Victor Hoover who are a yet unable to leave their beds

mdashWe bave on band a fine Peninsular bot air furnace on which we can give someone an excellent bargain This furnace cost over 9200 when new but was Installed where proper pitch to the pipes could not be had so it was fc nd necessary to make a change Tbe furshynace is in fine condition and will be a soap tor someone Corunna Hamprdwarr Co

mdashMr and Mrs F C Gale left Tuesday for California to epeud the winter They were accompanied by Miss Carrie Pardy and another lady friend from Morrice who will also spend the winter here Mrs Gals was in very poor cftUh st the time of departure and it

is hoped the change of climte will have the same beneficial effect tbat it did last winter

a T tgtwdj W Gale

W A Woo-larU

Ueo T Mason Cha B RijrUy

mdashThe alleged Shaftsburg conductors of a sightless porker at Shaftsburg William Wells and Claude McClintock ware brought into tbe justice coo it Tuesdav They bave planued to waive examination and will be bound over to the circuit court Each will furnish bonds in the sum of 9600 for his appearshyance in tbe circuit court next Monday when tbelr esses will be considered

mdashMiss Edith Marshall and the memshybers of ber Sucday school class were delightfully entertained at (he borne of Mr nod Mrs Wm E Id ridge on Monday evening in honor of Master Merle Eid ridge it being bis eleventh birthday The home was beautifully decorated in honor eV-tbe occasion and tbe guests were treated to a sumptuous repast Merle was tbe recipient of many pres ents of wbicb he Is very ^roud

mdashThere will be another big noise at tbe armory in Owtlaquoo it tbe near future for tholaquotft who irtvf rh rgatHh raquoraquoraquoraquoraquobull

j WMBU i-Ci ShtIlraquo- Of BnlaquoAgt--ifi raquonltS Krwfft

I Watson of corunna will take on laquotrcrgtg j |pound- iOppoQ^nts Sbelp wii uclaquoL At Acknr-I man of Lima 0 who claims the wvltsr-

weight chmpioDsfaip of the south | Real Estate Transfers Watson will grapple with Floyd Couch-j o Parkhurst to F Rogers part sw er of Armsda Micb who is said to be 14gt sec 18 Burcs 91000 a wonder at bis weight of 155 pounds Tbe date set is December 10

mdashThe coroners jury in tbe case of William Ryan of Owosso engineer of the northbound train wbo was killed in the recent coHiston near Bamberg Oo

D Stafford to L Woodin and wife p$ nw 1 4 see 25 Owosso laquo2500

Tlaquo Garber t o N Horton pt nw 1-4 sec 28 OwosampXgt 9i500

L Woodin to D SUafqrd and wife e 1-2 It 7 blk 6 S K Barnes add

Catarrh Cannot Be Cured

theToiedoA Aun Arbor railroad re- Owosso 9625 turned a verdict late Monday night rinding tbe collision due to careless-1 oessoo tbe part of the train dispatcher with LOCAL APPLICATIONS they i - k n - M i h - ^ n - - ^ in laquolaquolaquoiitncraquondegt tradech tueseat of toe disease Ihomas Lshy of 0woraquoo In aooulling ^irrb Is a blood or constitutional d1raquo-an order against the Bbdquo T amp I extra ( cent ^ M a in order Mgt cure H you must whieb bad the right of way from Du-rsod t-gt Hamburg and laj not giving an order for the two trains to ereet at

Notice of Annual Meethii Theannual mectiac of the Shiawassee

Mutual Fire losurauce Company will held at the court bouse In the city of J perfect eoabUntioa of the two isngredl-Corunoa on Thursday January 7th IwOQ at 11 a m for the purpose of electing officers and also to consider the proposition to ehanglt See 15 of the Be-vlsed Charter so as to read Said com paoy Is formed and shall be conducted for the mutual insurance or the property of Its members against loss by fire and no other property shall be insured exshycept tbe dwelling houses buUdlags mills where stationary boilers and enshygines are placed and the machinery t terelo and personal property of the intern situated upon or used on or about their farms or business of farmshying together with tbestacks of hay and grain on such farms and such other business as may properly comebefore lbs meeting

Dated at Owoaao Dec 1st 190S FRANK H BUSH


X hia ) a n SMSy Test

Sprinkle Aliens Foot-Sase in one shoe and not la the other and notjee the di(Terence Just the thing to use when rabbers and overshoes become accessary aud your shoes s e e n to pinch Sold Everywhere 25 cents Dont acshycept any sib-ititute

Hoarse coughs and Btuffy colds that may develop into pneumonia over fight are quickly cured by Foleys Hone and Tar as it soothes inflamed membranes heals tfce lungs aud expels tbe cold from tbe system Sold by Glen T Reynolds

tike internal remedies Haffs Catarrh Oar is taken loier nail j aud acts dlree-lv as tfcfc blood and ameout surfaeea HallsCaarra Cure Is nota^aeek suedl-cine It was prescrtbid by one of me beat physicians ia this oauotry for eara and Is s rfguiar preKviptioa Ittoeosn-posed of the best toatea kaowa Qoaibia-ed with tbe bet blood p-ariAert aetisar directly on the saucoM wetaees Th

eats Is what preuses snob weaeWffui results In eurlaf Catarrh S^ad for testisaoniais free

F JCHXJTBT A CO Trope Toledo O Sold bv Dracttata prios Sc Take Halls Family PUM lor coostipa-


If yon suffer from constipation and lfvtr trouble Foleys Orino Laxative will euro you nerniaoeotly by stimulsU tng lb dljsiiMYa oiwwm so ihey will act naturally Foleys Orino Laxative does oot grlne Is pleasaas to take and you do not bave to take laxatives continually after taking Oriuo Sold by Glen T Reynolds

WINTER TERM opens Monday Jan4th Handshysome Catalogue free on reqaast Write Detroit Business Unishyversity 15 Wilcox St W F Jewell President R J Benshynett C P A Principal


Witb thorough knowledge of the value of personal property and real estate Terms ieampsoaable and satisfaction guarshyanteed Offlc 109 West Exchange St Residence 728 N Hickory St O W - M M S O - M I c H l s a i

TelephonesmdashUnion laquo70 Bell 244


Its when you want the very best in

Groceries and Table Supplies that you should go to

Quayles Its because we are heavy buyers that we can

command the best in the market and thats why were

adding new patrons every week in the year

No matter what your want were never just out

and our delivery is the quicket in town

Fifteen--two bells pie

J C QUAYLE1 TM gtampmm r wt^s2)



COAL 1 have on hand a full stock oi the

following ltMgtal and am prepared to make prompt deliveries

H A R D C O A L - g Stove Nut and No 2 Chestnut

S O F T C O A L ^ S t Charles Specshyial Grade of Ohio Coal and Wefct Virginia Splint

bullbull bullbull Orders may be left at Quayles Grocery The Corunna Hardware Company or the A A Elevatar Phone No 80 or 40-4r

Suggestive Questions on the S S Lesson By Rev Dr Linampcott for the Interntioaal Newsshypaper Bible Smdy Club



Copyright 1908 By Rev bull- 8 Ltaseott amp p

M e m b e r 1 3 ^ ^ Solomon Oedixit^ the Tenipie- ^ ^ ^ 0 frac34 frac34 5 ^ t K -L I Kinkt v m bull Verses ^3rl-^Qlaquonted that there fraquoidtrade Ttbull WAS fi-liid wheU only one Almighty God are there

t h e raquo u ^ ^ house of the L o r d - P a a l B c x x n 1 g trade pound r over 4 a n d ^ X i ^ ^

Verses MlmdashThese verses des-1 what the ancients called the gods | cribeagrand gathering of_the King j Gods promises in general and (6 the priests and the people for a great H h e iQdividual are a f dependable laquolaquo religious festival Would it be araquo a r f t t h bdquo l f tWB f W v i t f t t ^ but gt h i t 5

of a man Is there in a

more of tut


P N GmdashBay Faryr N G -C GEaton V GmdashFSutfin SecymdashJ J Bowers Fin 8ecy-Jltt^bls TressmdashJ Mtinstein l

TrusteemdashF Ward Capt of Staffmdash Ward B Carl

CORUNNA R A M NO 33 - bull bull bull

High PrlearmdashA- Wgt Greeoc King-Hugh M Nichols Scribe-Geo C Clotterbuck Capt HostmdashF L Johnson Prln SojournermdashJos Laffrey Royal Arch OapisitamdashL N Sbeardy Master 1st Vel 1mdashG J Dole Master id Veil-3mmnlaquol EMrWlaquoe Matter 3d Yell -Jo Sbulta SecymdashJobo Y Martin TreaemdashW A Bosenkrana

r ^


The best ever at lowest


A new Souvenir Card of Coshy

runna High School 5c each-



Toilet Articles disshyplayed next week will be good and complete Let us show them to you

Reynolds CORNER

Drag Store CORUNNA



Hlffb PrilaquotmdashO L Sprague KinmdashCO Wright SertbemdashAtono Crane SecymdashE F Uoasiit TresmdashH D Lyon Capt of HoetmdashF C BanscojBv Prin Sojourner~J J McDonald Royal Arch CaptainmdashE E Smith Master Third VeilmdashBB Hart Master Second VeilmdashG A Ott Master First Veilmdash W F Letts


Past Cota mdash EHa J Oampmer CommdashMinnie E Mason Lieut Com mdashMatte E Sample Pecord KeepermdashFlorence E Barrett Finance KeepermdashFrances D Rood CaapmdashEllen M Nelson SsrgtmdashSola Eam Master at A rmsmdashGertrude Wooster SeatmdashJennie Birk Pickett-Ida M Fisb


Conk--0 Jacobs LSent Com~-atette Lemon R ILmdashSarah Ford F KmdashMinnie Ormsby CbapiaismdashMrs Barnes SergeantmdashAugusts Derr M at Av-Sophia Zambaaia Swtteei-Ella Stoddard PicketmdashG Hann Ant Past Com mdashSophronla Chase PtanlatmdashHattie Robinson

w -a ^ f e t i v a 1 T 1 V Kdeg a laquo f e th laws of gravitation good thing for every church to have Jg t h o evidence that ftutraquoh is the case such gatherings something say of XT bullbdquo-bulllaquolaquo ^ the nature of the old-time c a m p

V e i 8 ^ ^ ^ U laquoproper prayer

meetings to ask God to keep fa is promises I What is the chief institution of al ^WhLsh isthe batter way to keep |

nation and what is is the chief duty V d I f f t u d e d deg tllpf 0 l l s e 8 01

r5 v gt l I take ilaquo lor granteil that they wiii be

i answered and to ask God for grace L church today any to keep o u r p a r t o f t h e compact

m nilt ^ raquoh g l o r y deg f l h e ^ 0 ^ ^ Verse 27-What is the supreme miinifested than anywhere elee e v dence that God does dwell on the A laquo bull earth and in the heait of each indi-Verae 12mdashIs darkness as much vidual

iihFamp traden$ S S ai the V ^ r s e raquo - S p laquo M i raquo r rom actual iraquohLraquo y l t e 8 t raquo 0 r experience what are the o t n e r 7 benefits of prayer f j T e w S h d ^ W l f h ^ L S S V e r 8 e 29-52-Waa this great pray-m I laquo A ^ trade P B a r P I u s

rer of Solomon extempore in its lang-monraquoy7 uaget QT prepared iraquoefore hatid

Verse 14-Should every person con- eirtnM tradeiniatraquo n - cbdquo-w laquouf-_ bull ij~laquoraquowiigt aM-laquo raquokaraquor^mdashlaquoraquo A onoma mmiatora prepare their bulltrntlyHjtess every other person and p r 4 y e r a mitb ftg m a c h Care an they t raquo T y S f w h aVW lt M W J laquoh e T bull should their sermons bull suits (Thraquoraquo questHgtn must wared in writing by members club gt

Verses 15-21mdashAre tho promise3 in this day which God makes1 with his month ftiways fulfilled i with his hand

What was Gods chief purpose i n choosing Israel to bs the repository of his truth

Why did God cot permit David to build the Temple of God

What reason is there to believe that each individuaV is a link in the chain which draws out of events as they occur Gods purposes as in the case of David and Solomon

Verse 22mdashMinisters like Solomon often spread out their hands when about to pray in the pulpit is there any important significance in this

be aiUr i -of the Which is the more important part

| of church service the prayers or the sermon

Solomon assumes in this prayer that all calamities both national and personal^arlaquoLft rraquonif of sin is that assumption correct _ i s a ministers prayer for God to-icrgive the sfas of the people of any avail if the people do not repent

Verses 53-66mdashWhat is the chief or supreme purpose of the church and of worship

What are the chnrches doing for this country

Lesson for Sunday Dec 20th 1908 mdashSolomons DownfallmdashI Kings x i -4-13

farlf n the WoodCwatayotatmina fcrQw

joraquot wn^i rU lti

Gola Meolaquolaquo Flour Is nourtabhif


T I MmdashHoward Siocuin D MmdashJ H West P C Wmdash Rudolph Colby C of GmdashGilbert J Cole G of CmdashClarence E Wmlch G S amp 3 -Austin EL Richards RecordermdashF L Jobason


CommdashW E Jacobs Sr VicemdashCharle Twitchel Jr VicemdashSim Anthony Q MmdashDan Hunger AdjTG W Matloon Officer of DaymdashA For Irtr Officer of GuardmdashM Bishop

Vernon Masonic OfBcen (Following are the officers Of Vernon

lodge No 279 for the ensuing year ani iiisiailairion will occnr Saturday evening Dec 26

Worshipful MastermdashC J Ganseley Senior WardenmdashW J McCullough Junior WardenmdashC J McLaughlin TreasurermdashMDo Ho^ard SecretarymdashVictor Holmes Senior DeaconmdashEdward McCall (Junior Deacon^mdashCharles Paine TylermdashWilliam FleminE-

Henderson Odd Fellows At the regular meeting of Imnaan-

uel Lodge No 153 I O O F of Henshyderson the following officers -were elected

Past GrjandmdashOtis B Coo it Noble GrandmdashA L Pierce Vice GrandmdashP P Bishop Recording SecretarymdashWm Kohl-

nieyer Financial SecretarymdashW H Keily TreasurermdashH W Horn TrusteemdashW H Perkins

Royal Neighbors Officers The following were elected officers

at the regular meeting of Royal Neighbors Camp No 73

OrampolemdashJosie Lamr(man Vice OraclemdashMinnie Rifenber-ry Pasi OraclemdashMinnie Brown ChancellormdashEmma Shoulters RecordarmdashFrances Rood MarshalmdashMate Llaquoivilaquo ReceivermdashLena Grow Assistant MarshalmdashBarbara Men

shairdt SentinelmdashEdna Root Assistant SentinelmdashMary Reckling PianistmdashNellie Schlaak ManagermdashLoa Ferguson Ex Phyai2ianmdashDT T B Scoit

Vernon Rebekahs Vernon Rebekah lodge elected their

V5fraquo Grltnd-~Mrs I^otta Hart SecretarymdashMrs Reulah Higglns Financial Secretary-^E Hairt Treasurer -Mrs Sarah Hart

Boston Tent K O T I M Bsaton Tent No 572 of New Eaven

has elected the following officers tor the ensuing year

Ooromander-^W J WUlianw Lieut CommandermdashUobi H Mai-

lery Reoord KeepermdashJ A RAcbardson Finance KeepermdashWilliam L Goodshy

will Chaplaln^Davenport Terry SerlaquoeantmdashByron W Smith SfiMter at ArnumdashJohn A Brenner First Guard- J R Unaey Second GuardmdashIsaac SctHMtta SentrnelmdashVWrn A Morse PicketmdashM L Bittall

Officers Perrv hodae F ft A M At a regular meeting of F it A M

Lodce No 550 last Friday evening the following officera were elected

Worshipful MastermdashChus O Robshyinson

Senior WardenmdashDr 1 M Oudworth Junior WlaquordenmdashCland C Austin TreasurermdashWlaquoWr K Hall SecretarymdashStanley H Wallace Senior IgtsaaconmdashBmra G Smith Junior DeaconmdashCharles Harvey TylermdashDr H W Cobb Senior StewartmdashJames G Leggett Junior iSiGwartmdashJ Walter Hough

dancer Clyde CJidence character come dian Jessie Cardownie soprano the famous Eltncity qnsrtette and Amerishycas irreatest musical act the Shubert Musical Four and the rsnouned poey ballet and Broadway show girls

I- mdashmdash OWOSSO THEATRE

Little Doll ie Dimples Dec 10th


Dyspepsia Is our nattocai ailment Burdooar Blood Bitters is the nattoaal cur lor It It bulltrenttheaa stomach membrane promotes flow of digestive jtiices parlttftt the blood frauds yon up

Taxpayer Attention I The U s rotas of the city a n now in

my possession I will be aT gtlaquo office of the Corunaa Hardware Co on Tueaday and Wednesday of esoh week also from ft to 7M p m each day In too week on-ill Jnonary 10 HW for the purpose of weftiylojr nayment 4 per cent extra ch trfed after Janoary lOtb Hid


The title of C Herbert Kerrs musical operatic drama with dainty Grace Cameron as tbe star is Little Dollie Dimpiea The story of this merry comedy which by tbe way is now in its second year is told in two acts and the scenes are laid in and about New York City In tbe flrst act Miss Camerou i seen as a street walaquo Sue wanders away to Pari receives an edushycation through a good friend who disshycovers that ebe Is a great singer and presents her to one of tbe leading manashygers in Paris who stars ber in bis opera and while playing some of tbe smaller towns tbe company gets stranded She returns to P laquo and secures a position as French Mau in order to return to America ber oil borne which sbe left in despair six years he fore On her arshyrival sbe is introduced to many of her old ilaquof uda of former ypamprs but none of them seem to recognize iter as tbe formshyer wail Dollie Dimples Tn time sbe makes known to her old lii^nd Robert Loraine her visit to Paris etc This knowledge puts him on to a scheme wbereby he secures for her tbe money aoc property left to br many years beshyfore by tbe death of ber uucit- id in the second act of tbe play sue OD tbe wltcb forces a confession from Hay me Green and Alexander Comstock a lawshyyer with a shady reparation that they bad robbed ber of tbe estate by false representations and before sbe flolsbes with them thny are glad to turn tbe enshytire estate over to ber without any trouble All goes well and Dollie is made happy with tbe knowledge of love that Mr itobert Loralne has shown ber during her troubles

woii uuwtiartstii8^r laquolaquovllaquo-mSo picabs 0ampr3ownlcbftnftcteroM womsn tbe famous baritone Frank Rivers Phoebe Csrdownfe Americas famous

w sT bull yrmdash bull rJ^ bull r h

No 70

Our Very Best Chopper cuts cleaner anddoes not mash or ^ ^ ^ a ^ ^ squeeze Four (4) mdash ^ I ^ t c r K n i v e s with each chopper for cutting in uniform pieces all sorts of vegetables meats fruits bread nuts suet etCj etc fine or coarse as wanted It JS easy to operatemdasheasy to rioanmdashnothing to get out of order

A daily iahor Barer an^necessary tool i n -nmj kitchen



Probate Court Julius P Phillips of Bowling Green

Ohio baa been appointed administrashytor of the estate or Margaret E Carfle deceased or Middiebury township Silas P Southworth and Thcs Marshyvin were appointed appraisers of the estate

Dr A M Hume has bcea dls-cVarged as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Hiram S Andrus deceased

The will of Norman P Inland of Do rand was admitted to probate and Mrs Irene P Leland appointed exshyecutrix

The will of Frank O Bennett deshyceased of Fairfield township was adshymitted to probate and Mrs Eva L Bennett appointed executrix

Frederick Seelhoff was appointed administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of the estate of Augusta Seelhoff decased of Rusb township

The annual account of Wm H Van Sice as guardian of Mary E Getmao a mentally incompetent person was allowed

A petition for tbe appointment of an administrator of tbe estate of Jas A Buret deceased of Owosso has been tiled and the hearing set for Janshyuary 11th

The final account of Alma Stanley as guardian of tbe estate of ChUe Starks a mentally incompetent pershyson will be heard Jan 4th

The final account of John King as administrator of the estate of Peter King deceaaed will be heard Jen 1L

In the estate of Alice Jackson deshyceased of Corunna Jay W Morrison has been appointed administrator

In the estatelaquof Paul and Pautin Ciark minors of Laingsburg Edgar iiark as guardian was granted a lishycence to sell real estate

A petition has been tiled for the apshypointment of an administrator of the estate of George C Lemon deceased of Corunna and the hearing set for January 4th

The final account of Gilbert R Lyon as executor etc of the estate of John H Champion deceased of Owosso will be heard Jan 5tu

A petition for the determination of | the heirs rgtf Edward Holtnes deceased of Vernon township has been

will soon be here Dont wait too long Come in and make your selections and have them put aside We have lots of nice things for Christmas

Cajches Rockers of si kinds Buffets Sideboards Chins Closets Bookcases Kitchen Cabinets A bargain f 1 7 QQ in Good Oak Bedroom Suites $ 11130 Conie in and get our prices and bring in your pictures and have them framed

AW CURTIS amp CO Furniture and Undertaking Phone 29-2r

POULTRY WANTED For quotations call me up Also

notice my daily quotations Bell Phone 644 Y Union Phone 226 I

pound SDEMERY O L D S T A N D W E x c h a n g e S t OWOSSO

bull bull bull bull bull

bull bull bull


11laquo mm Like em We have |JB BsHMa^ that make

the good ones Pure Buckwheat as well as the prepared kind and the quality is the best in the land And the best Syrups you ever tasted-

Just received another barrel of those excellent Dill Pickles that are so good

And then dont forget that our Hne of Teas and Coffees is the best in the county We want your next order and guarantee to please you on everything in Groceries

bull bull

bull bull bull bull


The iinamp bullpoundbull

37 Nortfi Siiinwo Avbdquo iunron pnone laquo4 mer aa administrator of tbe estaUi of Stephen Cornell deceased will bei - A _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ - - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ x ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i heard January 5th i bull bull V ^ T T bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


J^^^^^frac34^^frac34frac34p^^J^7WWB^jl^|Pf^^5centJ0frac34^lw^7bull-j-n-T^3iji-7 F^--1ltbull^^7^^-bullr^- ^i^i bull^^^^ r^ [ iSfci ^ -^ 1 7 ^frac34 1 igt

bull ^

lt^gt T A T E Oi- MlOHi i VNViouuty of S O I H W S -

O - ^ - ^ - bull ^ i ^ - ^ M I N iii lt filt 1 -1^1--- traquoJii - o r ^L bull

ltUVSTV lt-d a t Mugt tivraquosi i- (Ml- m V V - U l j gt iiii gtli T y i f - i li- i i i l i ltitv ) j v gt gt(bull ivtfjf i bdquo i - i i i i i bull-bull kbull - i i i gti i u t r i - -uylf^Vl I

t1-bulllt l i i i t iew bullU j (|-gt-bull gt- ltbullgt I K l i ltbull V( LlaquoI of l u c i I t l i - u f M v t i u t A

rgt--ri--irf( i gtu r--aUiiikrivKl lili i- t ^ - v - i i j - -n bull K l w m A

bull) gt-iltt bull gtr vlt w l i i ltJ bull ( i l l w i i U bull bullbull s v i l l i l i -X- 1 M - m

in- i J O SKgt p l i li uigti t

U - ltswlt V^ thit-VtiU i lvii iiy M ( gtbull bulli-uixvr fiftvi tf U-JI oflici iii -tit- bullLti-ouvou bullbullbull -raquoolt ivigtlvlt OtSUi br itsii-4Ijti o v (Kftltue

J tj^til ) i i T l i n i bull bull bullbull bull ]

Atw i t - iJ f u r t h e r onlt-wi l t l i r i r a c o p y o f t b t i bullOrSK-- or p i tJraquoi jivlaquoJ i l ivf ^iilti-vssltyltgt w o i r k e f

iHVViOiiS t o ssiii i a v o lifyiniJ-SI ltgti Uie-iV^^iitiiiS j

ilv^Ukti Ui^ui V o l raquo3li-it yi-gtvr f -MAHflKW JUSK -

bull J bull(laquobull(bull bullgt r r u b i i t e IyfcViVfiSltK -Sraquo9ti^ilivivlJigisUV


lu i j l i mi gtbullbull bfilj i itiii bull ltgt l i m y

- a t o lue t


Coviity of SrtiwsMi-t5i $laquo- A scssiim e-f Uio i i ulnae Court for aid

coiirvj iio-i ltt tJso raquorlth(te f)ffgtch in iiraquo Cttv of-foHJun Si tUe ifilU rtuv of VJoveuibei A fo SsiS bull bull ^resent Mitdiew luh J udjreof Probate i n the DtKftcr of rbo estate Of SdiyJa A

Togtlti laquolraquoHr(isJ bull = Ou rJlfjirfthe pelitlou of Rdwiu A Todd Jr

praying for tiir= prolate of the vili of said ltleceislaquoi JsbiiliUti ta llirs Court 1

It is ordered that the Urli day of December aest - svt -IMV bull ocloeV in the Toreiiooc raquot said trobate Offle appoiuted for hearing

Aud it is further ordereil tbat a laquoopy of thtb ordlaquo-r be publ i sh^ three sutn-^HSive weeks previous to sjud day of nearitraquoKgt in iheOtgtrunnlaquo Journal a c e laquo bullpa]M-r iiririted and circuiatinv iti slaquoid County of Sh)awnf =bulllaquolaquoraquo

MAlTUEW BUSH (A true copy) Jud^ of Probaw

dy Florlaquonce uindnev- Probata Bsriater

PKOBATE ORtgtERmdashState of Michigan Cousity of SUUvwaswee slaquo

At u^saiou of tbe Probata Court for the COULIJ of Shiawassee held at thlaquo Probate Office in the City ofCorona a on the 34th day gt laquoi7c=ber in thlaquo year OIIlaquo thouraquond nine hundred aad el^ht

Present Matthew Btgtsh Jodfre of Probata l a the matter of the estate of fctary Wat-

ltir gta deceased Fred B aabin laquos alt5irinistrraquotor barittg

rendered to tbla Court his final account It i s ordered hat the lst A y of Declaquotziber

next at ten oclock in the forenoon a t bullaid P r e bte Office be appointed for exanlnlftjr acd Allowing sale account

Aoi it (laquofurther orderedtbat ftcop Of tal order be fttbUsbed three sumsesi(t^ weeklaquo previous to said day of hearing tn the Coroann Tournala newspaf or printed aod elrculatittf In said County of Shiawassee

MATTHKW BC8H Judge cf Probate-

By Tiarenee Undsey Probate Regiater

I Book Binding

We are in a position to take your order for any kind of book binding poundaye the magazimift s h e e t music etc bound in handdonw b^-fai at very small cost


S 0

Jraquo gt Jraquo Jraquo gt ^ T H E

j Coronna Journal j

MAKFAB00BlaquoC3lff bulblaquoM 1VVI4B ftlaquo 7^9 b ^ n i A B

It CUS WlaquoLL MUUigt J BUWItUa laquo M bull t iUMraquoaraquo ngtiallraquoMlaquodlKlaquo7Malaquo raquo v Tfcto l n ^ laquo U iraquo klt teMT 1M tbmln gt |r~t irrnmtA h i tt MUta laquof Wabt 0ltl laquo laquo bull bull bull lt raquo awl bull-bull-raquo Uoii t c l i r s t 11 raquoraquobullbull ltw i

1laquo lgtJraquoOJ rv l l farraquoclaquomiMitlaquoM4l DtdutfOT


Any One Can DRAW mdashperhaps not well bat eTerj person can draw a little Many people posaess w e talent for art work and never realise it If you will make a drawing1 Just the t e s t yon can and send it to oar Art Director he will giTe yon a letter of friendly criticism and

FREE ADVICE afi to whether or not it win pay yon io cultivate your talent Tbore is absoshylutely no charge for this service Illusshytrators earn large salaries and The work is fascinating We teac-h Book gt Magazine and Commercial Illustrating Cartoouiag Foster Drawing Book Cover Designicg and Fashion Drawing snecessfnlly by correspondence Write yovlr complete name and Address plainly on your drampwing euolose stamp to pay postage if you wiab your drawing reshyturned and address

THF ART DIRECTOR Correspondence institute of America Scranton Pa We also teach I l lus trat ing Adrer -

tiniug rroofrewdi i ig foornatiitin Stlaquou igraphy s h o w Cstrtl Wri t ing RgtraquokKeepiig gt)laquoffr(rraquol Knjrlceer-bull TIJT B u s i n e i s Correspoudwoce and Eojtligli B r a n c h e s

If interested in any of the above proshyfessions write for our lar^o illustrated bock Struggles With tat World It is FREE State which course interests you and receive onofour Employment Contracts best uropositjtgtfvfve^ oCeotd



laquo laquo laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull raquo bull bull bull laquo laquo 9 9 9 9 9 9

D E T R O I T BUSINESS UNIVERSITY has trained over 5OJ0OO young 9 men zad women tor miTKiitx It js t- htit fotm h0


Stlaquorr of tbe Triai o Dacici Thro Friend

LV T H i iiiilHWAV Aiigt frac34frac34 WAY PKEACKERT bullbullbullbullbullbullbull

lJltgt-ii u Iw Eiy tii^^ttoi Wi Edraquoiu bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull raquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

DiUniJs BOOK bull Aocifeciited^wft UJIOW from 3laquo5ifplii |||t(t tbiJeAVraquo- in Christs day recfjig^Jzed JUf^el--bs -ir the w n o n ZechayijKhEKra snfl XisJn^miah-refir to it Josiis catcra to l t In his charactfiris-

tic-de8i|frtationV Son of Man Matt 24 30 (pai i 713) also esijwessiy by ntifne-and as amp prophetbullbullbullJn Mart 241 (cf bullMatt-242l-wlth Dan 121 etc) and in themDme^it that decided-his life (Matt 2gti64gt or dfRfh -when the high priest adjured bull him by the living God Also In Luke 119-2(3 O^abriei i s riieniionecl whoso name occurs nowhere else ti Scripture save chapter 816 a-21 life-sides th-i referehceraquo to it in l ievelat ioh Paul confirms the prophetical part of it as to the blasphemous king (Dan 73 25 1130) in 1 Cor 62 Thess 23 4 the narrative part as to the miraculous deshyl iverances from the lions and the fire in Heb 113a 34 Matt 2144 would be an enigma if it were not for a reference to the stone that smote the Image (Dan 2S4 35 44 46) Thus the tie Tesshytament sanctions chapters 2 3 6 7

Scripture authoritymdashDaniel cbap ter 3


bull bull bull bull bull bull yen

J Trtie faith throw one unrraquo- J ai gervvdly upon the mlaquorcy and at

Sri5 vIio li^-y iurtuco Ai(i for ISO time hcisH Vh Hre-tt iii^aye and iL-j Sjitteiiiug vfiii i7ouais and feisui)^ v^tre fori n fmci tiie pooil^ -ivpoundi about lijl^ liiiCu- iere tlie larniu

care of God

- t v-u v - -= gtrygt bullWr^rr-

Ctslo5laquo explains Froe w- ftti Wlaquoraquo- raquo-r h Fsti tlaquorai | 5laquopu 1st W F Icwdlf Esq laquo PrttkStat R J Bcas-ci^ C P A J 2 PrincipaL V V V V Z

at Note that it waa not a qtiMtion at J with theea three hehrew aerv- ^ ante a to whether or not God agt $ would give them pbyttcaJ dlaquoUv- ^ erance frcrn the awful paHl J which threatened them rather did the v^rjole question of con- duet hinge upon the one sect raquo thought What U the right pound $ thing to d o r J Do right whatever be the con- ei aequencea is the uncompromiv $ ing taw of God J $ The man who would attempt $ to bargain with God making his agt obedience to the Divine law con- $ ^ tlngent upon Godt conferring at upon him certain imrnunlties -ft T and blessings is the man who at ) serving for the loaves and the J HehWeknd who never knows the J __ deep joy of doing right for rights sake J The true servant of the king bullbullbull J of kings is never abashed be- fore the presence of the king S of thlaquo earth Listen to the words $ of these men as they pisce at- J legiance to God before every J earthly elclm Our God whom $ we serve is able to deliver us J but even though H should hot be $ hie will to deliver us from thy $ hands know ttiou oh king that J at vf will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image K What a blessing these three $ J Hebrews would have mitted if J at they had feared to have stood J with God They did not know J at it at the time but that furnace J heated so hot that those who J at threw the three men into Its J leaping flames were struck dead J by the heat was to become the J vestibule of heaven and the J at trysting place where God in the pound person of his blessed Son was pound waiting to receive them J The fire of Nebuchadnezzar J could burn off the fet ters with $ which he had bound the serv- J ants of God but It could reach 5 no further So with the flree J ^ of persecution which assail the t it Christian They come as a re- 2 fining filaquome separating more it and more from the fetters which would circumscribe and bind J it the soul In its fellowship with pound i u Lord it The soul that dares to stand alone for the right very soon be- J it comes conscious that he I not J alone butthat there is another J presence with him in the fiery J furnace of affliction the very J presence of God J The man who fears to do J wrong is the man who knows J not the fear of man J

+ raquo raquo raquo raquo gt ] raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo


THE wonderful eolden image which the king had caused to be set up

had for the bullmoment been forgotten and the throngs of people which had been gathered to pay homage to the great glittering thing of gold were surging about the place where the fur-nace had been built and in which now a raging fire burned It was the same furnace in which the metal for the great image had betn smelted but a few days before and that day the tires had been kindled again not to smelt more metal for an Image but to burn the heretics who dared to defy the mandate of the king and refuse to bow dowL to the wonderful image and in whom dwelt the spirit of their gods

That day the great company of mushysicians had played in honor of the golden image and at the sound of the music the people had bowed be fore It in adoration and worship Ev^n the king had with much pomp and cereshymony paid his oblatlona before the image and had been followed by his brilliaiit court retinue Then from the high throne where it bad been set op overlooking the grea plain he watched the feasting and the dancing and the prostration of the people ao

Then haa come the break in the ccr- vfKiriK1 flaquogtlt thfl aewtt hart qiUk)i

spread through tLo vast throng thu iue liiiee soverivtjio over the p r o v i n g ot Babylon had refossd to bow before thft gTlteraquoat image M wlaquore to Iw cast

8tlt-ci With irarhideagcrneefj-thlty tvlaquotchfvl

the bringing of thefurnaee to the in-tense vgtiiitir glowbull Breathlessly ikcf siood arid gtw the three men bou anilasth(iy were lilted arl rav^HSi to IV mputi) of the furnace and thrown WttbinbullbulllaquoiGapin^ ftiiities a^nvof t arc ami itprror burst frcSft the hundreds (iivd thousand or threats- tor tbe i s writliiug hx deaih agony on the gfound lay the men vho had borne the vicshytims of the k i n g s wra^h to their doom bull

Por tiiV time befng Everything elsa was forgotcen but vhen the blacfe-ened misshapen bodies had beltn reshymoved from sight the king and people again turned their eyes toward the fiery furnace

With a cry of fear andbull astonishment the king suddenlyarose from his place and with tense face and shaking finshyger he poinied towards the furnace His court officials quickly gathered round him and to them cried the king in alarm

Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the furnace Lo I see foui men loose walking In the midst cf the nre and they have no hurt Is not the rourthtne God whom these Hebrews declared was able to deliver them from the fiery furnace

True it may be rejoined hlaquos ofiU ciais

Make baste shouted t i e king Call tfceu forth from the midst of the fiery furnace

Instantly the officials hastened to do the bidding of the i i n g and as the three mea Shadracu Meshach and Abedsego stepped forth from the ml^st of the raging 3ames the people gave a great shuvt wl-laquot2i fairly shook the heavens APd the counsellors of the king gatefcly surrounded tlie three men and led them towards the king whof in his eagerness to receive them threw aside his royal robes and deshyscended to the plaza below

But where is the fourth man thy companion in the furnace cried the king as he reached the approaching group Was it not thy God I wouJd bow before him

Thou mayest indeed bow before hiiii by( to meet him familiarly face to face Is not vouchsafed to any man spoke up one of the three men

Tell me of thy God Is he the same God as the God whom Daniel Worships the God who revealeth dreamsr urged the J^ss (almost breathiessiy 1 ihought to make ra image whose glory fihould fill all earth 1 sent heralds through all the lands over which 1 hold dominion commanding that there be rent thora who should worship be for the imtg s I sought thus to magnify my name ad my glory and behold now 1 Nebushychadnezzar king of Babylon have been brought low For surely what god is there like to thy God who can deliver from the devouring name

Then spoke up Shadrftcu saying Be It known unto thee oh king

that we worship the same God whom Daniel worships for the God of the Hebrews is but one God He it is who ruleth in the heavens who setteth kings upon thrones and taketh kingshydoms away He It is who giveth wisshydom and caret h for them who put their trust in him

But thou art far from thy land exshyclaimed the fcihg The land where thy God has hia dwelling place Com eth he thither into the midst of Baby ion where the great god Bel rules

The great gbd Bel Is no god at all before Jehovah-God the God ot heaven and earth was the bold response He is everywhere and his ear is alshyways open to the cry of his children

But why then hath such evil fallen upon a people who have such a great God a God who is everywhere and a God who is able to deliverT

thou hast spoken oh king of Isshyraels folly for It is the wickedness of the people and their going Liter strange gods which hath brought this evil upon us The God of Israel hath chosen thee as the instrument of his wrath and hath given into thy hands his disobedient people But be is able to deliver and hath saved thy servants from the fiery furnace

Blessed be thy God exclaimed the king fervidly that hath sent bis angel and delivered his servants that trusted in him Now therefore 1 deshycree that every people nation and lanshyguage which speaketh anything amiss against the God of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego shall be cut in pieces and their houses shall be made a dungshyhill for there is no other God that can deliver after this sort

And suiting the action to the word he dispatched heralds at once through all that vast throng to proclaim the dwree And the people took up the cry and there before the gold image as though by way of rebuke they shouted

Great is the God ot Shadrach Me sbach and Abednego




Almost Incredible Brutality Frances Society for the Prevention

of Cruelty to Animals has taken action agawlaquot a cinematograph company for an act of unprecedented brutality to a horse In a series of pictures called The Lovers Revenge a carriage drawn by a horse was seen to rush over tha edge ot a cliff and be dashed to pieces The pictures had not been faked An old blind horse harnessed to a carriage was really driven ov^r the edge of the cliffs near Boulogne to obtain thampm

NewYorks Oldest PHTU Ntf ioik claquoty lib^m OMU pubilc raquo--srk

thai is JSO year old and that its bowl-ing Green which was the playground tt te first Dutch settlers


Scetsee Along the Route to Safety -Werraquo Pierzemdash Legitime Iv Orce

_ More-President

Cursed hisfi4 and jeered by a rio^ ous niobolf thoufeands of men and woshymen over whom up to a few days ago he had held swayas president Nord Alexis the SO-year-old fallen ruler of Haiti said farewell to hisnative counshytry Wednesday night He is now on board a French warship in the harbor

The departure of Alexis was drashymatic Deposed by the very people he had thought were loyal to him as the revolutionist army approached from the south the president refused to See It took the united efforts of the foreign consuls and a citizens comshymittee to impress upon him the necesshysity of departure

I will fight to the teat4 qeciaied the aged president

From outside came a roar from the angry mob gathered about the palace

Kill him kill -him cams the cry It was 5 oclock when Nofd Alexis

yielded to the entreaties of those ani ions for his safety and made quick preparations forjjepaHur Ae ho left the palace a salute of 21 guns was fired

The situation was so serious the foreign representatives gathered about the carriage of the president and Sf bullClaquo-toron the French minister threw a tri-coor over his shoulders

The trip to the wharf was made throuaji a path of the mitltarjr guard The rople hooted and cursed- Infurishyated women broke through the cordon of troops and hurled the coarsest of in-suits at the president Alexis strove bravely to appear undismayed

As the president and his suite reached the wharf the mob lost all reshystraint A woman forced her way to Alexis fide and drawing a lohs knife made a lunge at him But the weapon fell short A man struck the president but it was a glancing blow and hurt little but his feelings

Alexis stepped into the skiff that was to take him to the French warshyship and three Haitlen gunboats and the French and American battleships fired a salute to the fallen president

ExScaator- D legitime who has been made president of Haiti by the enforced abdication of Gen Nord Alexis and the litters flight from the capital was once before president of the turbulent republic Elected under the laws of the country after a sensashytional campaign in 1888 his title was recognized by all European counshytries but the United States alone deshyclined to concede the legality of his election Principally on account of the position taken by the American reshypublic Legitime retained the execushytive chair only eight months and then gave way to the man who had been unable to defeat him in the election

Stormy Incidents as full of sensashytion and violence as the present crisis marked the way ot Legitimle to the position he has again won



(Jives Universal SatJfffactioc

Its Purity Btren^tlv a^d DelicibUs Flavor laquoavlaquoaa^iHBvlaquoBBMlaquoBtfw(laquoubpaviB^BBBBlaquoMawlaquovilaquoa

Commend it to AH l ^ v e r of dood CofietA

Sold laquorir in raquo-tb laquoirtlffbt jxwkagw Araquok your Qrocer lot- MO-KA Cotfe



Just the Old One Reiterated to Give the War Howlers a Jolt

That the new American-Japanese pact had the effect intended by its ratification and publication was the information given to the house comshymittee on appropriations by Secretary of State Root who appeared before the committee in relation to the apshypropriations for his department which are to tie carried in the legislative executive and judicial appropriation bill He was questioned closely ^y Chairman Tawney and other members of the committee about the new agr-raent with the Japanese

Root told the committee that both the United States and Japan had worked a confidence game on the world which was necessary however because the worlds memory needed a Jolt

This agreement said Secretary Root is simply a reiteration of the agreement entered Into between the United States and Japan The world had forgotten about the old agreeshyment Stories were constantly cropshyping up in European capitals of comshying war between the two countries rh^re were no reasons why thijre should be a war as the relations beshytween the two governments were of the most cordial nature It was thereshyfore necessary to remind the world of the agreement made years ago and so a new one embodying the same principles as the old was prepared and signed and promulgated It has had its effect War talk in European capitals is no longer heard and It wont be heard for years to come The danger in this talk from our neighshybors across the water was that it would get the people of the two counshytries into the belief that there was to be a war and this was the only way in which the spreading of thatbelief could be stopped

By sliding down 50 feet of water-pipe Howard Hill a Muskegon inshycorrigible aged 16 escaped from the Industrial school at Lansing and is still at large

Admiral Coghian D^ad Just on th eve of his removal to

his new home where he had hoped to speuU nis declining years in quiet after a lifetime of arduous service in the navy Rear Admiral Joseph B Coghshyian retired died suddenly of apoplexy la New Yoik Saturday Rear Admiral Coshlan was born at Frankfort Ky -bullgtraquo viy Ti^r risr lite zamprvlrf-i in ttvgt

Work of the Session Will Be on Regshyular Supply Bills

From present indications the conshycluding session of the sixtieth con- j gress which convened Monday will be davoted In large part to the considshyeration of routine supply bills Lead-era in the senate and house say there will-helittle legislation of a general character

There is at least a probability that consideration will be given tc-ateas-ures providing statehood for New Mexico and Arizona but this is a question upon which no conclusion has been reached The house will pas3 a bill authorizing the taking Of the thirteenth census in 1sect10 Jt will also put through a measure authorizing a revision of the law of the United States

President Roosevelt very much de-tires before his term expires that there shall be a general reorganizashytion of the navy department estabshylishing in that branch of the service a general staff patterned along tha lines of that now provided in the war department

Among the other subjects to be conshysidered in one house or the other ai e billB providing for the revision of thamp copyright laws Panama canal legislashytion the measure suspending the comshymodity clause of the interstate comshymerce law the appointment of the inshyland waterways commission and other measures of a miscellaneous characshyter


Warships Make a Demonstration Against Venezuela

Three Dutch warships the battle ship Jacob Van Heemskerk and cruisshyers Frlesland and Gelderland have made a demonstration against Venshyezuela Together they steamed along the coast from Puerto Campbelto to La Guaiia at a distance of 3000 yards from the shore

The Jacob Van Heeskerk returned later The two cruisers are going to Maracaibo where they wlil make a similar demonstration The demonstration is regarded as indicating that the preparations for an elfectlve blockade of the Ven-esuelan coast are completed

The Netherlands battleship De BulJ-ter left Holland ^harsday for Venshyezuela

When President Castro summarily ejected the Dutch minister from Venshyezuela declaring he had been per nlclbusly active in the politics of the country ue insulted Holland very much Redress was demanded but fiery Castro has deiied Queen Wilhel-mina and heraquo subjects

Th1laquo s one of the things Holland has against Venezuela and there fre others Castro placed an embargo on the transshipment of cargoes in Wll-lemstadt a Dutch city Ocean vessels cannot enter Caracas harbor Venshyezuela possession and tUe custom was to transfer cargoes in Willemstadt to smaller boats This was the chief in iixiaiTj at the Dutch city and its loss left many of its residents in straitened circumstances Again Casshytro defied Holland

The fiery president is now on his way to Europe to undergo an operashytion Vice President Gomez 1raquo in charge of the country

0---^U Tgtr(5 - ^-V-- r -^Vpound

Vi i i

academy at the age of 17 From that lime untli bis retirement in December i90G he was almost constantly In the service

Timothy L Woodruff of New York is satisfied he did the right thing in giving up his senatorial ambitions In favor of Secretary Root He says he seeks no office now TT s Senator Simon Guggenheim

araquod hii family are to bs asked to buy Palestine from the Turks lor the Heshybrews The price is only cent53000000 or something around that fisrure It is planned to settle the Jewish problem in Russia by this piau the Holy Land being turned over to them

The design for medals for employes who serve two years on the Panama canal bass been completed and dies are now being cut The medal will be of bronze an inch and a half in diameter On one side there will be a portrait of President Roosevelt on the reverse side a birds-ye view of the Culebra cut in the finished canal with steamshyers passing through it

Opposition papers in Japan make considerable criticism of the UniteU Statts-Japan peace pact They say the question of emigration and naturalizshyation should have be-en settled The most responsible papers applaud the agreement

THE MARKETS DetroitmdashCattle mdash Gtoort to choice

butcher laquotlaquoerraquo 1000 to 1200 lbs $425 (bgt light to good butcher steers and heifers 700 to 900 lbs $35004 m i x ^ butchera fat cows $3256350 canners ltamp40 cormmdashn bulls fiampX25 ood shippers bulla $350

Veal calvesmdashReceipts 2pound5 market steady bet fOades |6507 common to coolt2 cent40575 Milch cowa and springers $25reg65

Sheep and lambsmdashReceipts 815 market steady beet lamba $3250550 fair to rroort lambs 142513frac34f Ujrht to

i) u c a v v j f i i r t gt7 v J U V C i i U i d ^bullbull^bullr-J i u ( i ltn i i 7 5

HOKraquomdashReceipts R27S rrt(rkrr 10cQ ic tiigiti iianKe ot price Lijcht to jjood butchers laquo1gt3S540 pign $4 l ight Vorkera $5reg525

(gtraiatraquo Hte ~ Detroltmdash^hentmdashThe feeling imong

dealers gts hulliKh a-ad nothing is said on tblt other Ride of the question The bears have hart no arguments to offer recently excepting the heavy receipts and increasisier stocks and they grave that up a few days asro when they fouad it of no use The crop moveshyment became raorii buulsn in thst reshyceipts decreased Both northwestern and primary receipts wlaquosre small and it laquolaquo tbft opinion o tnofte making a close study of the s l tus l ion that the northwestern farmees will not be ablaquo to nil the demand for spring wheat Tor the remainder of the crop year not baving enough grain 1raquo reserve

Wheat T-ecelpts on Thursday were 3 bullsars-----ff^ini5 deg - red akampInst 2 a year ayo No withdrawals 3tocks are cent65151 bu alaquoa4ast 372S2 bu a year ago - - bullbullbull

Prices a y t t r ago in the Detroit marshyket were 0gtc iraquor No t red wheat t54c for No-3 corn and 63Wc for No a whits n

There Vs jiothing doing- in the bean deal and prieea are nominally U D -ohaaged

Oats are strong Tks price sa ined ac on Thursday and C M close was a t e h i g h e s t ^ bull bull bull

- The cloverseed market is active and ftirn) GaL seed gained Sc

Receipts of flour were 1200 and ship-tnents 400 bbls

The corn market w a s l i feless and unchanged

Rye was in demand a s A gained He


Ration That Will Give the Quickest Returns

The rational us of protein feeds

for growing chicks makes all the difshyference between profit and loss quick or slow growth Stunted or vigorous chicks Rhode Island experiments show that animal meal is the best source ot protein as regards gain growth and profit

After a chick is a month or six weeks old the source of protein food is not so important Gluten meal or granulated mils may be used with good results if some bone meal Is fed alscC

Beef scrap will continue to be largeshyly used by pouitry keepers because it is so easy to handle Unfortunately the test_ rlaquo^rrfeltLti3 made so trial with beef scrap but It is similar to animal meal and may be substituted for it

The greatest advantage in using beef scrap Is tha it can be fed by itshyself We makea practice of keeping it before the chicks at all times Put it in a self feeder box or pan set it in a dry place and let the chicks eat all they want after getting them accusshytomed to i t Chuck the wheat and cracked corn into thlaquoua and with beef scrap skim milk and arit they will grow rapidly


Drinking Fountain for Chiclens Thst Keeps Water Clear

Do not throw away the old oil cans but cut a slit half way through along the bottom ptsb the side in as shown

bull i H I i bull i -

Drinking Fountain

at ay then soldor the piece of tin one-half Inch wide on the bottom of can as in b Put a tight cork in top of can and it make3 a fine drinking founshytain To fill It says Farm and Home lay it on s ide and pour in the water


Things to Remember When Preparing Them for Market

When the chickens are sine to ten weeks old at the Maine experiment station and the cockerels weigh 1frac12 to 1frac14 pound the sexes are separated and the cockerels put by themselves into vacant brooder houses 100 to a house Each house has a yard In front about 12 feet square The cockshyerels are fed on porridge three times a day in a V~shaplaquod trough svjtb four-inch sides This ts made of six parts corn meeJ-two psxti middlings oae-half part raaeed mead and two rarts beef scrap by waignx and mixed with tepid water milk would be better

They are fed all they will eat in one-half hour when Uia troughs are it-moved and cleaaad The yards are kept clean by covering them with sand straw or hay when they get dirty The birds win stand this-feed ilaquog f-i l-ivii yr hsre- w^^kn vnti- ^no^ bullV-ij-fSAw tVKfi - l bull--bull- ^ bdquo bdquo -bullbull-- bull-bull-- v i v - i - A i n u i i - i j C T iV-

Mr I HR thsy are dressed for market and usually weigh 2frac34 pounds dressed

m^mmm^ mm mm m


Phone Hoithinpound -^11 Answer your purpose iBbullbullwiilibull uti t h e bullUNION PBGNE VM



Muskegons chief of police hai or-deVtid a l l the bowling piioys closed on Sundays

John Green a^ed 35-fit Kamplamaaoo after sioepfc ^lt night in the woeds died at the Burgess hospital from exshyposure bull yy-v A filtlaquo quality of ahaie and bull ccai

havebetfc disc^vored aions theljwvka

ICHIOAN St JosephmdashThn |trKt -round oiwtiai

Riv^sj^imiso of dyyelopiug into1abit- ter l(qal c-oritejit agt (mgt result of the

j recent olcjeviiyivopened wlt-oii the can- of Hlfle river nndfch$sts - w i v w tfiwu-valaquosjag-blaquoiti(i for theV Seventh- sena^ ro tlt-si u

F i m k Schauh aijeltl 2 of aavmle dead frotrra KWnWhot wouwd lticoi-

auktally SmUced-yftiie fce wi-r^-ltun-I in r bb iu i bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull i

11s i tU

r lit-1

NAFEW BASTERS pampvt tilaquo e laquo l Intee cf tfi m c a t o w r ttif e n t l r t roaoi-ahi l f tUit i ia t h laquo o v e h laquo Ho buropounddtapounderraquo| laquo 0 bulltooxi ioa or ltipiUkgt2 gravy Just poll the Jersf

cent 4 frac34 bull _ J f o p a r t e f Una m a y

_copy J ^ epM -

Perfect Basting

Preserves fell t h s f c d a l l e i o B t a e t l B S M

secaBar to taraquo real trices AdjusUd LosUaoy to T J B a d s lt r f b h ^ raquo ^ seamless iabeofertsly

Lest lifetime Prepaid W cttagt J B v e r y d s t s t t l B

[ iMJlkiittsjs i rid ay nvglii the Mass

At-$ horary CcO and the poolroom

City bnnic th stores Uibullbullhaipry

I fii-i district met and after canvass-j Ui^Jhe voids cast for-slampTo senator-- lismed a ltUi-firugtftto bull f-f yekeUltn to I ChHrU- fo ywiilyr oic Kik^ lires-sent | )roSHcutj)iiV itunney J ltjjuid KAyhlK- oiVViig forth thai j his WJIO u^vojed iio much time to the j bi tiiiicaUon known as the WoTneiis I ChrlKtiaj TftiDpejanix- union that she

Wh^Br j il ^ 1 ^ frac34 8 frac34 I could nott ins -meals no ^ k e his the office of audit-or general next -- ^ _ mo me

aSftS frac34 S i f f i S S t e T S ea ltud thlaquo s^many e t him ai-

di me in-Lansing together because she felt s h e was

trtabwaat 0 K J J X W S3 ve

r Nothing has ever equalled i t Nothing can ever surpass i t

Dr Kings

eve i SfcltUl

A Perfect Cure

For AH Throat and Long Troubles

SSWS BB BIW VVH^V^^V H W W^^^^^PV V m ^^iff ^^^VgtvV^PV

DR HUMPHREYS SPTOFICS EaglltliCanTMnSpatrfshPoftaquMBMMl r w a i l u

i t W H I M W laquo r m F e m - o r W o n a I f e e i u t S 9 C M l c Cvytar laquo x l WaiBBCnliMM of I n f i u u M 4 P i M i h i at C M a i w d Adtati S D n i mdash u r r GHitojB Sutdoaocrtte Traquo CmckraquoOoMii Piuwkiili laquow Twrtkiieh n r a c t a Kranicte bull bull bull bull bull bull gt bull Stale BMdMte Vorttfo

1raquo t w m i laammiiMtWmkWiiimm I S O w M M h i Oolaquo(KUttlaquolaquotts M4M W^^S ^ H H M I r ^^^^^bull(bull^bullt^^^l^PfllBB bull I S STfctMrttfwi or SSaawHiMa fttns bull bull bull c f w 114 4 S B laquo MaianB- bull bull PSMSS^BAltwHMAfe|bKI(MnM^lRI M S l M l t l ^ W i t t v n n C ^ K 1 laquo C M n k bMHMOafetlraquo Hraquo^ Mfc WKtMMSaV VMfegtltNfelaquoIA Oofl M raquo AaM^^Of^vMai t f imnl t S M M M yraquoraquo luvBwy W W B B ^ I H V V ) o w n

laquoa gt s 96

--mw lt - bdquo B4V

laquobulllaquo99 frac34frac34 W

i-ti-i-SS rnltf bullbullbullbullbullbullbullSB -laquolaquo

i bullraquo

bull laquot raquo bull

poundpound52132 SSSMSTSSS bull


KIDNEY -Backache

raquoraquo ltMlaquo

A I M VrlsazT Orffens

(M^pnatampiB aacfc

S o a t IMCOBM diraquoeoitracd TMTlaquo U S Iter yum t nece f t iary w r i t e B r Feampner

K e h a s t e n t A l i f e t l a i o c u r i n g J u s t C a t f t B i T i m n A l i c o n a u l t a - t i o u s 7 r laquo laquo

laquo F o r 7 laquo w s I h a d b a c k a c h e s e v e r e p a i n bull c r o s s k i d n e y s a n d s c a l d i n g u r i n e f c o u i d s o t g e t o a t o f b e d w i t b o u t b e l p T h e u s e of Dr F e n n e r s K i d n e y a n d B a c k a c h e C u r e reshys t o r e d m e G W A G O N E R K n o t e v i l l e Pa Druggist SOr SI Ask for Cook B o o k - F r e

STVITBSDAKCE f i u r C u r C A trade i M P e n n f r FVedoniivNY

Clmrch Directory C o r a n n a F r e e Methodis t CburcbmdashSerrutea

eTlaquory S u n d a y a f ternoon a t itU l^nsyer n c c V Ing e v e r y TUarsday e v e n i n g

C o r u a a a B a p t i s t C n o r c b I f o r a i n Berrjee a t 10 a m E v e n i n g serv i ce 630 p m B Y P U a t 610 p m S n i d a y Schoo l IS II W e e k l y prayer meet ing T h u r s d a y evenlnjr at 700 FVlendlr h e a r t s a r e b e a t i n g or y o u r felshyl o w s h i p Les l ie Bower pas tor

C o r u n a a X K Church Morning serv lre a t 10 E v e n i n g s e r v i c e a t 630 S p w o r i LCMlaquoUC a t 545 p m c l a s raquo m e e t i n g a t 9 a ai S u n d a y s c h o o l AC li3u nj P x S i e r nsatilaquog Thursday e v e n t e d W gt- ^ ^ ^ sea t a n d a cordia l welshyc o m e t o a l i R- W o o d h a m P a s t o r

P T T f Q I t c h i n g BleediBf Pngttradtasgt X T J L L l i i O Old Sores SKiu E r u p t i o n s Tlaquotlaquo t e n B a r n s immediately u t D l l I T VC relieved a s d cured by N C n M i l t laquo

T b i s r e s M d j h a s been used for iwenty-t i rlaquo and i s the only guaranteed and true m m fcidxns endoras it

I tchini Piiesmdashyour Herout is a s u c c e s s -Born Ohio bull

Your reuiedy is tle best en ear th foe Bleedia^ Piles mdashFrank K l a u Minnewrta row raquo t c n A L L o p t w c a i s T S s A N D S O

bull ^ raquo = r gt

Thft bullpostofflce at Worth has been discontinued by the postofflce departshyment Rural routes cover all the tershyritory formerly supplied by it

Demanditxg $10001) for the loss of an eye while he waa working for the firm Mart in L Boyce ol MarshaU is suing the Gale Manufacturing Co

A herd of 24 cows A(Blctlaquod with tushyberculosis and sold from the Michisaa asylum to a farmer probably will be killed by the Michigan Live Stock association

The long drought in northern Michshyigan whicn has been a hardship to thousands of farmers since the middle of last summer has befcu broksa by copious rains ^

After bull Sght ltgti six eekS thlaquo curshyfew ordinance was kil llaquo in the Cc4d-waier common cormcO The final vote resulted n a vote of 5 to 3 against the ordinance

Charles Hawser of Newbcrg townshyship was convicted in the circuit court Friday or attempted felonious assantt on his 70 year-old mother Hawse Is 45 married and has one child

The U of M campus Is to be enshylarged 30 acres making 70 acres in all The enlargement includes four city squares taking In two blocks north of Huron street and east and west between Twelfth and Thayer streets

While leading an intoxicated man from a dance halt John Bnrnette aged 51 a Mantstiqite pollcetaan fell to the floor and died from heart disshyease He leaves a widow and fbisr children

Over 1600 names have been signed to the local option petitions now being circulated throughout Newaygo counshyty This Is 900 more than necessary tn rMnlre the supervisor to hold an efectioa to vote on the liquor quaa-tirm next spring

Believing she had committed the an pardonable sin spoken of In the Bible Mrs Henry Van Andei aged 45 of Mnskegon attempted suicide by slashshying ner throat She was taken to the county Jail where she will be examshyined as to her santty

R A Garbor of Charlotte who seshycured the names naeaasary to vote on the good roads propoaitfon In the county next spring Is nearly through with a slmHar task In Barry county after which he is assigned to the same work in Clinton county

Great admiration of Saginaws new auditorium was expressed by Bishop Charlea D WiiUama of Detroit head of the Episcopal chareh In Michigan I wish we had a Wellington R Burt and a Temple E Dorr In Detroit waa the way the bishop expressed It bullPines and costs amounting to 930 or 30 days in jail were imposed on Con Kilbourne of SatiU Ste Marie KU-bburne was accused of starting forest fires This is the first convioUon ever secured in that paltt of the state for that offense Other trials will follow

Senator William Alden Smith has promised to help the Grand-Saginaw Valleys Waterways association which plans a ship canal connecting Lake Michigan and Saginaw via Grand Rap-Ids Saginaw and Bay City A board of directors was elected and legislashytive and publicity committees were apshypointed

The Michigan Sugar Beet Co which owns six of the states sugar beet factories at a meeting Friday took official cognizance of the fact that the company is controlled by the sugar trust The statement was mad thatof the companys raquo3800000 stock all but J300000 is held by Michigan capitalists

One of the Jackson banks has paid the employes of the state prison in full for the time coming to them and has promised to take care of them during the holidays if the state does not The situation caused by the lack of funds in the state treasurery was creating serious embarrassment among the men

Mandamus proceedings have bfgtn begun to compel the board of district canvassers to reconvene and declare void the votes cast for Charles E White for state senator at the recent election White is prosecuting attorshyney of Berrien county and a question as to his eligibility has arisen because of his dual office

Wisconsin game wardens confiscatshyed a car containing 35 deer Tuesday morning Deputy Game Warden De Bell of Menominee tried to stop the car at that pine but failed He then noticed the Wisconsin wardens who secured the car The Jeer were killed in the Michigan woods and were beshying shipped to Chicago

Christopher Seymour of Sandrock la the victim of a remarkable hunting accident While crowing a stream on a log he slipped and lost his balshyance Realising that he must fall into the water he attempted to throw his rine to the shore It struck a limb and was discharged the bullet strikshying Seymour in the foot and badly shpoundUerrtpound it

i vuh -coifVbncd roampourcfts of-|4tS- [

tlona have deposits aKJSrosatln $3-524383 On an estimated population of 11000 this is |320 ner earUa which Is believe to be unexcelled in tha state

JURY G 0 N 1 i t i iUo j bull -hrnf i i i f


called to a higher raission Benjamin D Livingston of Ada began suit for divorce

OwossomdashAfter finding Clyde Howd 23 years old guilty of assault and batshytery some of the jurbrs and citizens Interested In the case contributed enough to pay the- five dollar fine and costs Howd admitted slapping E M Hopsiaa Jr complainant in the case and other boys who were annoying him

Battle CreekmdashWhen Justice Bat-dorff fined Charles Wyman |30 for running a blind pig Wyman who manages the Diamond clnb rooms a negro social organisation felt that It was pretty stiff considering that he faced a second Indictment But the court added and aiao five days hi Jail-

S t JosephmdashPresident Herman Ba-low called the fourth annual meeting of the Lake Michigan Fishermens asshysociation tc order at Hotel Whitcomb delegates from Ludlngton Manistee Frankfort Charlevoix Grand Haven South Haven Waukegan Milwaukee and other porta being present

LapeermdashRev K t l SidebothamV aged 34 years a missionary recently returned from Kor^a died here from burns received in a gasoline explosion He poured gasoline by mistake on a Bre which he was kindling Rev Side-botham had spent seven years in the Presbyterian mission field

Lapeermdash-Cash and negotiable seshycurities amounting to upwards of $75-000 have been found In the pockets of the clothing of James H Gray pishyoneer of this county who died at the age of 80 and tacked away In old shoes and various other queer places i n his home __ ^

MjhaJLmdashRkAard Grace e ight years old waa wounded by a bullet from a gun In the bauds of Garrett Tracy ten years old The bullet struck tut itrade post and glanced Oft hitting the lad In the forehead Au artery was cut out the boy win reshycover bull-

AlpenamdashJ D Hawka BA Oilman Buck4 Beaufor and several other members of the Turtle Lake club came in from the lake and left for Detroit Members of the club and their visitors killed pound4 deer during the season each member getting hie full quota

Grand RapidsmdashJudge Xnappen in the Uniied States district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Company of Ludingtcn $10000 for accepting reshybates from the Pere Marquette en Shipments from Ludlngton to Toledo The Stearns Company pleaded guilty

Sault Ste MariemdashDeputy Sheriff Andrew Taylor Jeff for Oolumbua to take Albert Sowers alias Gueriuge or Gearing to Ce Ohio state prison Sewers is a paroled convict who has served several months in the regular army as a cook at Fort Brady

LansingmdashIn a tax title case the sushypreme couit decided that notice to the original owner of the property must be given by t h e purchaser of the title unoVvthe law now in force at the time the purchase of the states title was mad i

KilisdalemdashMiss Mary Farr left Hillsdale and will later go to Maryshyland to act as field secretary and orshyganizer of libraries in that state Miss Farr has organized 20 libraries and says that the one in this city is the ideal

Laingsburgmdashin order to determine whether Mrs Charles Kimball was poisoned by a cedar preservative given to her by her husband by misshytake for s i l t s or that her death was due to natural causes aninquest was held

PontiaemdashCounty Treasurer Power has received $1922222 Oaklands share of the primary school money and has already disbursed it among the various treasurers of the county The appointment was two weeks late

Grand RapidsmdashThe will of Cornetti G Comstock wife of former Congressshyman Comraquotock and mother-in-law of Land Commissioner Russell was filed The property is estimated at $33000 real estate and $17000 personal

FlintmdashWilliam D Butler 21 years old Moses Purcell 18 William Ryan 8 and Joseph Costa 17 pk-tded guilty to the charge of burglary and each was sentenced to the state reshyformatory at Ionia

HastingsmdashJohn Llefcta proprietor cf a soft drink place kn Freeport was found guilty of violating the prohibishytion law by selling Malt Foam manshyufactured iu Grand Rapids

Bay CitymdashThe body of John T War-dell watchman on the berg Pome-roy of Bay Port and whose home was

^ 2 fOHK QW-~ V


bullbullbull bullbull - M A N -


Prisoner Said He Got What Hltv-Hiir

ExpectedmdashAVife and Erring Sister Weep Cver the Verdict

Rev William Cuminirigs former VAk Rapids pastor was convicted by a Jury at Ionia of failure to support his wife

As the foreman of the jury in the triai of Cumuiings oit the charge ct having deserted his wife and elnped with nls sot mate her sister Velva Taylor pronounced the verdict a firaquoertng smile crept over the faao af the Rev Williain

It came oat na I expected said he when his wife Mabel who brought the charge called on him in his ceil a little later- - 1mdash bullbullbull lt-)

Mrs Cummmgs on the stand had defended her husband somewhat to the surprise of the eourt hangers-on She and her father declared that Velshyva had been the pursuer in the strange love affair and Velva herself had admitted her gthfatnatlon for the clergyman saying that when she folshylowed him to the Soo he had told her to eo home

Judge Davis wfll Impose sentence next week In the meantime counsel for the defendant will test the con-stitationaiity of the law which makes the jttdge the pardoning power and provides that the state shall pay a pension while tho husband is in prisshyon in case qf failure to file a-bond ior the wifes maintenance

Mr and Mrs Taylor and Velva wbc wept bitterly over the verdict eturfied to Clarksville while Mrs

CummingB remained at the jaU with her husband

here 111 ( (j-iuux -Ha-pJcs



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Cannot Ship Hay Secretary Wilson after deciding

that he would Issue an order permitshyting the shipment of hay etc from the state of Michigan amder certain restrictions at S oclock Wednesday afternoon changed his mind He would not is^ue the order and the delegation of hay dealers from Michigan undershystood to be about to start for Washshyington may aa well go on if they fv-i like i t

1frac34frac34 secretary said he had stopped the order because be Is not yet enshytirely satisfied that It Is safe That U all He would not agree to the Inshyference from this that he might issue the order a little later ms It was ap-Bareot that he would like to do so He sfeld it was always bis polcy to Intershyfere M little as possible with business but that this was a most serious afshyfair and thai he would not take any chance

The Qlazlsr Trial It Is generally believed that one of

the certainties of the near future Is that Frank P Glazier will have to far rgtrimtna3 charges in Detroit In adshydition to the eharges of this character pending in Ingham county

It Is likely that the charges will be in the wayne circuit court but there is a possibility also of the United States courts being called on and inshyformations may be filed in both fedshyeral and state courts

It Is said that the question of crimshyinal charges against Glazier in Deshytroit was discussed a f w days age fcraquo a Glasier creditors meeting at waich the banks holding large amounts of Glazier paper were rep-raeexUed Some of the speakers it is said were very insistent In demands that some serious action be taken in Detroit action in proportion to the more than $500000 that Glazier got from leading Detroit banks

Were Fined $10000 Judge Knap pen in the United States

district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Co of Ludlngton $10000 for accepting rebates from the Pere Marshyquette on shipments from Ludington to Toledo Some time ago the Stearns company pleaded guilty on 20 counts and was fined $20000 Judge Knap-pen recently permitted the company to withdraw the plea of guilty on 20 counts on condition that it would plead guilty on six counts This the company did and was fined the $10000 on the six counts today

Saved Baby Lost Her Li fe Mrs Claude W Buckley ot Battle

Creek the young mother who five weeks ago saved her babes life by carrying it from a burning room while Ler own cloching was on fire died Wednesday from her burns

Mrs Buckley had thrown excelsor in the Are when tfer clothing became ignited and spread to curtains in the bullcom Heedless of her own peril and thinking only of her child she held the babe at arms length from her and carried it to a place of safety outside By this time she was wrapped In flames and was terribly burned before they could be extinguished She was well known in Battle Creek society

John J McCarthy for six years rep-rjwraquotative at Lansing from the Stau-dish district has accepted the position of examiner of Inheritance taxes in Michigan He will take up his new duties Jantian I

Knocked down ad robbed on the street early in the evening on her way home froin laquoho^irir

iiampiaciaaoomdashVai^s uu her bullbullraquobullamp home from m shopping trip Mrs David Haines one of the most prominent women of the city waa knocked Cown and robbed

bull i Trhrs ha3 seized her rgtltgtckfttooK A crowd followed and the fugitive was caught He gave his name as Joe Williams

j i7raquoci it inii SK H I l i iu UOWn iboirs reported having paampieJ-i 1 a ^uaiitity^ if wreckage In- Lake3u-bullp^riqr off Vermillion Ptitm near White Fish hay -Among the wreckage was a life raft No boat was reports here as missing It is the general opinion bore that -lthere has been a wreck it has been an upbound boat likely a lumber carrier

Traverse Ci ty -Loca l sportsmen are preparing to circulate a petition askshying that there-beho open season on deer in Grand Traverse county for the next ten years After being protected for five years the deer grew so accua-tomed to man that when the season flret opencvd _it was almost like shootshying cattle and a large number were slanghtered

KalamazoomdashLeaders of negro and white social circles of Kalamazoo met at the palatial home of Rev Caroline Bartletts Crahe for the purpose of talking over a day nursery for the colored children of the city and to give the representatives of the two races a chance to m e e t There were about 20 negro women at the luncheon

JacksonmdashThat the revolving fund the working capital of the prisshyon binder twine plant was revolved intothe general-fund and used for genshyeral expenses until after election is the uncomfortable discovery of Warshyden Armstrong ri^ht at the time uc cepted drafts for $30000 worth of sisal are pre-sentod for payment

MuskegonmdashAlleging that Erasmus De Jong threw 50 inmates of the Musshykegon county almshouse in to a state of terror by threatening to kill some of them County Superintendent of the Poor Buxxell made complaint against Belong charging him with inshysanity

Traverse CitymdashThe official returns frcm the Twenty-seventh senatorial disshytrict received here show that Fred C Wctmort was re-elected to the state senate by 13379 rotes In the district which comprisea t s v e n counties but three votes were cas t against Wet-more

LansingmdashMrs Nell ie AWerson of Grand Rapids In a crossbill to Em-mett Aiveraons sal t for divorce filed here denies that she was expelled from a Rebekah lodge c t Orand Rapshyids for misconduct Judge Wieet has granted her $10 weekly temporary alishymony

LansingmdashIjicking medical eld Gershytrude the five-year-old daughter of Mrs Lena Bendlx died cf diphtheria The mother a widow feared that she would be quarantined and as she was compelled to go out to work she kept her daughters i l lness to herself

HastingsmdashSchool children with the c id oi enterprising citizens will raise money enough to pay the freight and cost of mounting the civil war cannon recently offered to the city and reshyjected by the common council

Port HuronmdashAlthough Charles Sam-berg was declared legally dead in the circuit court the officials of the Modshyern Maccatrecs believe that he is still living They have decided to petition for a new trial

St ClairmdashFire destroyed Kohlers hotel and the residence of Charles A Gilen both old landmarks The hotel waa a three-story frame structure and the Gilen house was the second built in St Clair

SatrlnawmdashEdith Helen the two-year-oid daughter of Mr and Mrs Went worth Weaver accidentally tipped a pall of boiling water over herself Death relieved her sufferings

JacksonmdashFifty-four years as a railshyroad engineer without an accident is the record of John McCurdy the oldshyest engineer in the Michigan Censhytral f service at the age of 76

Monroe mdash John Krietz pleaded guilty to looting a Michigan Central freight oar and was sentenced to not less than three years or more than 15 years in Jackson prison

Port HuronmdashTrying to take a tea pot from a stove the two-months-old daughter of Thomas Jewett of the Wooden Track pulled it over and was scalded

PoiitiacmdashMrs Edna Wolfe of Or-tonville after eight months of married life has filed a petition for divorce from Ray Wolfe alleging extreme cruelty

HollandmdashThe funeral of G B Balshylard who died in Woburn Mass was held here Mr Ballard once declined the nomination for governor of Michishygan

PinckneymdashBurglars entered the store of Jackson ft CadwelL blew open the safe and secured $200 They then went to the poetofflce blew open that safe and took $3 and all the stamps and registered mail

The body of Henry White of Kalashymazoo was found bent around a post OS fwtit f r o m ihlaquo-gt M l c l i i i r s n dwgti$l rTVJV T^-iv n^r l-ilt- 7-yu Ti^Blt day rjigh No one w w nim me^t ilaquolaquo tleath but i is cowsMie ohvtous that he was struck by a fast train and j his body hurled to tiw place vrhere it I

as found

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bullbullAlvy r i r bull

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The Highftr Life Why dont you gc 10 work instead

of hpgglnisc and boozing 1 will bosB as soon as theraV an

openir in my trade An I aint g o IOUK to wait nuther

bullWhat is your trader Tra -a track walker for aeroplane

iiufcsmdashPhiladelphia Bulletin

l i o ^ n raquo l F o ^ iBlttlgestilaquoi l ^ - m - v ^ ^ ^ Relieves sour stomach

palpitaticn opound the heart Digests what you eat

Pleasant to take

Tfye ne^v laxative Does

not gripe or n a u s e a t e

Cures stdmach and liver

troubles and chronic con-

stipation by restoring the

natural action of the stomshy

ach l iver and b o w e l s Refuse eubetttutee Price COo


Commercial - Savings ACCOUNTS SOLICltED

P e r C laquo t f t

Paid on Time Deposits

Grand Trunk Railway System B A S T B O U N D FROM CORCNMA

N o J3 Detro i t Local e x c e p t S u n d a y cent 0 7 raquook K o $amp tgtetroit Eprltampexcept S u n d a y 1143 JVM N o 18 Detroji Loca l e x c e p t S u n d a y 510 p laquo N o M D u r a n d Local Dal lgt tamppm

W R S T B O U N D m O M C O B C N W A N o 17Grraquonit RpcJ Lors D u i i y ^ 7Jfearaquoraquo Ho 19 Cid R a p i d s l^gteal ex S u n d a y lurtrtaja No 13 O r a n H a v e n Lota e x SincJay 256 p a N o U ltraod Rapid Local e i S u n d a y iil p laquo

| S o l i d wide yestibvile iraiiiMof c o a c U b laquofad S leep ing t a r s are opt -a i^J to N e w YorW a s d P h i l a d e l p h i a v ia N i a g amp t a F a i l s by the G r a a d Tuok-Lebraquogh Val ley Route-

gtbull_bull G D Y O U N G A v t



CtwvKtaKTs ampc Anyone nending a sketch swu uCCiiptln my

quickly uncertain our orunlon free whettic-r v iR7laquomr^ raquolaquo pToh^WTPfttentable^Conittiiinic tiOTl StrictiyconfiOrjll HAJIUOvtm SBPraquonM sent fro Oi4est oeeocy for soccnujf pateuts

Pntants tampkea tnroulaquoh Moati amp Co receive wpceial notice wttnoiu caarge to i t e

Scientific JUnerkan A handsomely Htnstraxed raquoelaquolUy l^ircest clr culation of sn srientlflc i o u m a i j oar fonr rooiUw | i Sold b j all newsdes lem

HUNK S C o ^ mdash N e w M Bisoch OIBea ltSS P S t Wkafcinstoo D C

STEVENS D O N T B U Y A G U N until you have seen oar New Double Barrel Model fitted with Stereos Conprcssed Forged Steel Barrelsmdash


The mode of constructing these superb Trap ami Field Guns is fuily st forth in our New Shotshygun Pamphlet j Send two-cent stamp for it

ltbull A yeerDukr fw

DSM-BUC Claquoa

^ m t t m m m m l m m m t l jnfapyffff

mmmm wmmmmr vmm bullbull


bull amp

i I

u you can -think of anything any more bulldesirable than vpy xan find at pur store we would be pleased to have you get it if not cernein nnd look over 9 tloois each one packed full of the very choicest furniture possible to buy for the wife husband father or mother childrenor neighbor from the cheapest to the best

Chamber Suits from $1360 up lo 7500 Iron Beds from _ _ - 148 up to 4000 Rockers all prices all kinds Over 200 to

---- - select from mdash-bull-bull-- ------bull bullmdash--- Great Big Soft Easy Rockers as low as 1500

All Leather

Kitchen Cabinets for the kitchenmdashsaves the wife saves the shoes rriakes home pleasant from the famous McDougal at $3000 down to other good ones at $400 Dont fail to come and take a peek before separating yourself from your holiday allotment Use your credit with us as we trust everybody

f W W T V T yen bull

i Coanty Correspondence 1



SHAFTSBURG ShaftKbar Mich Dee 81906

P J Shaft w i In Latiftifig on 8atttrday

Loyal Burdlck was in Lansing on Saturday

Mrs i Van Riper WM in Puny on Friday

Mr and Mrs Wm Well were in Lansing on Saturday

Mr and Mrie Cady were in Lana-inj 6ii day lat wj ek

Dr Dumhams brother from Kalshykaska iraquo here una visit

Mf tt Veva Robinson returned froiV LatSMiitf ltraquoo Saturday

George Hamprlow of Lansing was here on business on Monday

Mr laquod Mrs Win Welia were in Owosso and Corunna or Monday

The ShMtsbursr Pedro Club met at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Webb on last Wednesday

gtrlaquo Jam1 Shaft returned from Jackson on Saturday where she had been on a visit of several days

De Hunkin of Battle Creek who h a s t e n thlaquo juest of his praquor= ents for several dayp retarned home on Friday

MEW LOTHROP N)f LoArOp Mich Deo 19W

Mrs W S Burge of Easton was in town Saturday

George Zentel has returned from a business trip at Detroit

Mr and Mrs A Dann are moving on the farm of Hon J Northwood

Miss Charlotte Keiley is clerking for Fred Kribs during the holidays

The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Beamish is on the sick list

Mr and Mrs Bert Ellithorpe have returned from a vjjsit with relatives at Reese

Miss Tvah Richardsf of Easfon was an over Sunday guest at the home of Mr and Mrs C Vernon

Miss Ola Boy re aftd Louise Mc- Graw have returned from Flushing where they have been learning the dreusnaking trade

Thft-box social given-by the 8tii grade at the high school room Frishyday evening was quite largely atshytended and an enjoyable time reportshyed

Our town is preparing for the holishydays The stores are assuming tlioii- nsnal Xrnas attire It has been decided ihere will be trees at both churches

Mr and Mrs S D Wilson have sold their home to Mr and Mrs B Colwell and are about moving to Oorunna where they have purchased a home

MORRICE Xorrice Mtco Dec 71M6

Mrs ft Smith is confined to tfa h a n i A w i t h lumtrftgO

Mrs Wm Reilley and little niece are visiting friends la Detroit

Mirs Lottie Forshye visited Llaquon~ sing friends from Friday until Monshyday

Mrs J Green of Ionia county is a guest of iier sister Mrs John Vaiiever

A F Buxton of Wilhamston spent the weeks end at the home of bis sister Mrs H V Pierce

Miss Tillie Gubry who has been spending the past three weeks in Fenton^returned home Monday

Communion services will be held in the M E church next Sunday morning at the regulat service hoar

Francis Wade of Swartz Creek was a guest of Miss Katie Defrecse from Saturday until Monday evenshying

James PendergaBt of Jackson wus laquo guest at the home of J ames

rEddington from Saturday until Monshyday

Forty hours of devotional services bagan in bt MaryschuivhTuesday Fr ORaiferty conducting the sershyvices

Fred Brundige of Haslett iv spending a few days in this vicinity looking up farming lands with a view of buying

The ladies of the M E church cleared over forty dollars from their fair neld Friday and Saturday in the Bailey building

George Smith and party from the north returned home here Thursday evening after a months stay on his iarni no iivwision

Mrs D Duane Martin and son Downey of Capac were guests at the home of T cJ Martin from Satshyurday until Monday evening

Christmas services will be held in the M E church Christmas eve A Christmas tree anda fireplace also a fine program is being prepared

Dan Quinu went to Dexter Saturshyday evening where he will spend a week at the home of Mr and Mrs Hawkins where his family preceded him two weeks ago

Mrs D G Harris returned Saturshyday from a three weeks stay in Lansing where she has been caring lor her mother Mrs Nathan Harris who is ill at the home of her daughshyter in the city

Ralph La Flamboy one of our town boys now with the Jackson Citizen Press has been promoted again He has a desk in the city and is general circulation manager there as well as in Albion

Miss Bessie Eddington of Harpshye r s hospital Detroit is home for a weeks visii with relatives and rriends Miss Eddington has passshyed her examination with honorn and now takes up her three years course

$100000 Gtvea for ampn7 wbrtwee inshyjurious to health found ia food resulting from the uc of

Caiumat T bullU arty -- ^ rV - -= i 1^frac34frac34 -

E C Marble who has been visitshying at the borne ot his daughter Mrs Harry Davis started-for Springport Monday moruingdriving through be having bought a team Gf Fred Maudlin and farming tools here to take with him

Jud- Clark iJl start for Byre Colo Thursday wtth a carload OJ stock and household ^oods for Floy Valentine who is golhg there next Tuesday to live oh a farm Mr Clark wiil visit his father Frank Claris during his absence

The- quarantine cu ehiekens is seriously inconveniencing the buyshyers hercopy causing them to ship in a round about way to reach Buffalo Canada-refusing to allow the poultry through their domain on account of the foot and month disease

Miss Carrie Furdy of this place made one of a party which started for Los Angeles Cal Tuesday Those in the parly besides Miss Purdy are Mrs I W Lamb of Perry Mr and Mrs Frank Gale and Mi Kincaid all of Corunna

The heating plant in the new part of the school building i giving very poor satisfaction There was no school last Thursday on account of low temperature A F Hoilis of Owosso was called here and decided more radiators were necessary also a larger steam pipe from tha furnace and registers in the floor to carry off the cold air He will make the necessary changes in Christmas vacation

Any skin itcbng is amp temper-tester Tbe more you svratch ttilaquo w o w it itches Doaafc Uintmsnt cures piles eczemamdashany skin itchiDjr - At all dru^ atOTes- ^ _ _ --^^ _ --^ t bullbull

BYRON njmraquo T Midi Dec 8 laquo0amp

L W Barnes is in Chicago John Roekman is on the sick list Mrs Jepbthsc Skinner Sr is in

Plt^rhejJtii Mr Arnold has eoue to take posshy

session of tbe mill A O Hathaway supplied for tbe

Oak Grove pastor Sunday Ed Welch is somewhat improved

in health at present writing Herman Meier has taken possesshy

sion of nislt new home in town Mr and Mrs Comstock have

moved into the Fisher building Mrs Gilbert is entertaining her

son this week He resides in Canashyda

Mrs Sanford has gone to Howell to remain an Indefinite time with friends -

The Seniors held a social last Frishyday night whicb netted them twenty dollars

Mr and Mrs John Nymphie of Dcfneld spent Suuday with Mr Meiers family

Frank Badgero has sold his home and wiil move in a house on tbe Wm Close farm

Auntie Bullis has gone to Geo Jecning fs home in Argentine to spend the winter

John Davison has purchased the old Paul Coffin farm of Wm Vaun and will soon move onto it

Mrs Roy Sayers will give an enshytertainment at the Baptist church Friday night of this week Mtss Lenora Connine of Howell will asshysist with music Fioceeds for the benefit of the L O T M M of this place

Postmaster Stowell baa moved the postofflce to the rear of his eiore thus leaving the entire front part of the store for use in displaying his fine large stock of china jewelry end Christmas novelties The change is a great improvement

Dress Coats in all styles and patterns

is upon us but we are here

first with the goods style and prices Just

stop a moment and jet us prove it to you

FUR COATS at any price you want

BUFFALO CLOTH COATS in the best grade only

ULSTERS and REEFERS for both men and boys

We are selling more UNDERWEAR

this season than ever before for our prices

are the lowest and our goods have the quality

fcvery W o m a n Wi l l Be I n t e r e s t e d

There has recently been diacovored an aroshymatic pleasant herb cure for womans tils s S-UcrJ Kclhpr Grsy9 Auraquoirraquolaquoiraquon-Tjlaquoraquoi l i ilaquo it oDlyltraquonraquoin reyuUtor Curlaquolaquo fematlaquo weak-nesses and Bcksvhe Kidney BUdder and Urinary troubles At raquo11 Igtrwagists or by mail 60 eta Sample FREE A4drtss The Motber Gray Co Le Roy N Y

ELSIE Elsie Dec 81906

J A Watson was in St Johns Monday

Mrs Chas Sanford is again under the doctors care

Mrs Orlie Austin is helping out at W W Temples

Sterling Blayney is moving onto his farm in Fairfield

Mr Tubbs Sr has been very ill during the past week

L O Bates has purchased the Moulton farm near Bannister

Frank Clark is moving onto the Garratt farm two miles west of town

Supervisor Gilbertof Chapin is very ill threatened with typhoid fever

Mr and Mrs Levi Morse have moved to Lansing where he has emshyployment

Ohio farm seekers are canvassing the vicinity of our village for buyshying small farms

Architect Cherry of Owosso spent Friday at the Michigan Milk Proshyduct Cos factory

The home of Ezer Largent has been disinfected Velma Hughson having recovered from diphtheria

Buyers of milch cows from Mt Pleasant are visiting our stock farms and shipping numbers of fine cows to that placo

Mr Bader of Detroit Mr Haare of Jackson and Mr Waldron of Mt Pleasant did business in our village the first of the woek

Tho Elsie band give their second masquerade ball at I O O F ball on the evening of Dec 10 Mr Wait will serve suppers until the ball closes

Fred Munger of St Johns phones his cousins that he iz none the worse for his rough handling here at the St Johns vs Elsie football game on Thanksgiving

Rumor BAYS another physician is

w i amp j i i i U i ^u tv O fJS i i i sits VY4J iJKsy have three excellent physicians in the very zenith of their lives he

font ptria oi tiivl aitI iijVve to bi of tiniisiiil obHIty to Vytiif5gt5iii

Miss Jessie Morrice a trained nurse from the childrens hospital in Detroit visited a portion of last week at the home of her uncle Wm Morrice and from Saturday until Monday with her cousin Mrs E L Bann

J Q A Cook sold four hogs Sat-urday whose combined weight was 2200 pounds also shipMd a Ram-

j siC-MVHVs id^wr gt Alaquobull Air^n 1

amounting to over one hundred dol-ra in sheep last week which were

i f ihipps bull stlaquoite

Lrours for Good Goods and Low Prices

A McMulleit S Co

MORTGAGE 3AIEmdashWhereas default has been made in the eoa lltfona of a certalo

bullraquoort^alaquoe made atod exeeo^d by Georglaquo W Middietou ami Bertiia- J Middletcn bis wire of the TowasLip of Hazeton Sbtavassee county Michigan of the first part to Joseph fl Collina of said county and state of the second part on the 85h day of January A D 100laquo aod recorded in the office of the Regshyister of Deeds for said county in Liber 1)3 Of Mortgages on pages SraquoR and 379 on the 25th day of January A D 1906 and that raquo^er-i srds the real property Bpen which said mortgage W M fflrta araquo aforesaid was b a certain warranty deed conveyed by tbe said Gecrjre W Middle-ton and Bertha 3 Middletou to Ull ie D Elod-(CU of Detroit Hgttrigan which doed was reshycorded in tbe office of the Register of Deeds of bullaid eoutHj- in Liber 128 of Deeds on page W4 and that afterwards on the 2Sth day of Januashyry A D 190S said a w r t n g c so given araquo afore-u M M assigned by Joseph H Coiiins to George W Middle ton and Berths J MiddWton which aoalgnneot is recorded in the office ot VHpound Kjjiistet of weed B of - said connty OQ the tth day of February A D IMS in Liber 100 of aasixnuenta on page ISA And whereas it nvorides in said mortgage that if defaolt be made in payment of tSte interest thereon asft the same ahaii eontlnn to be tu defaalt for the period of thirty days from the tint when said interest was due then at the Option of said mortgagee or his assignee the vhole amount of the principal upon said mortgage becomes due and payable Aii-i whereais the said Ull ie D Biodgett has defanlted in the payaient of the interest due upon said mortgage bull and the same has continued for thirty dayx now the said assignees -ieciare Ute ttaid principal of said mortgage due and payable and that there U claimed to be due at the date of this notice for principal and interest the sum of Two Hunshydred fifty-nine dollars and SUteem cents (SSiS 16) and nosnit or proceediDgu at law or in equity having been taken to recover the monty eiured by iafd mortgage Or any part tbereofrnotice is hereby given that b virtue of the power of aalo contained In said mortshygage and the Ktatutes in su^h ease- made and provided ttajd Mortgage will be forceloaed by sale of the preuiiBea gtJew-i ilaquogtI luerein or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said money now due thereon together with interest tnereou at the rate of six per cent per annum frons tSjc-Sstc-sf-tfcii-^actJce together withaii attorneys fee of twenty dollars jgtro-vtded in t aid mortgage together vil l i all ie^al elaquowilaquoof this foreclosure at public auction or-vendue to the nlghen bidder at tbe front door of tbe iOurt house In the city of CoraunaMich-igan said court hone being the building in which tbe circuit court for Shiawassee county Michigan is held on the 12th day o f D e c e m shyber A D 1U0amp at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day The premise are described in araquoid mortgage as follows to-wit Commencing twelve [13] rods ten [10] feet south of the north-eaat corner of section thirty-three [33] thence flye fS] rodssix and onethalf [6frac12] feet south toe ace weat tweiaty [30 rods thence north five [5] rod six and one-half |SMraquo] feet thence east twenty [30] rods to place of beginning town eight [8J north range four [4] east

Dated September ad IWSi GBORGB W MrDDLETON BERTHA J HIDDLETOH Assignees of said mortgage

Joseph H Collins Attorney for Assignee Corshyunna Michigan


Have you tried a sack of -7

We guarantee it to be equal to any winter wheat flour on the market reshygardless of price Your money back if it doesnt suit For sale by


Theres no place tike the Journal for Neat r u t i n s joajjraquojraquogt

BECKY Gold Medal Flour for me


Subscribe for the Journal

Keep Your Eyes on the or

We are showing Heatherbloom Skirts special this week at pound199 to 239

-Our line of Jackson Corsets th best out the new numshybers 50c $ 100 and J5150 New styles and best form corset on the market

Remember a box of Cadet Hosiery or Fancy Handkershychiefs makes a splendid Christmas gift

A few more patterns in the new Dress Goods--nothing better or more appreciated by the wife cr zscthsr


Geo M Beemer I Dry Goods and Notions Phone 61

spoundV Hi fiStr^ 25 ^ 2 R S ^

vurfit- ot w

I ij The cold and damp weather is at hand when every-f one should give special attention to having dry and com-tfortable feet We have done our duty to the public by [providing a large stock of Rubber Footwear of the most

popular brauds shapes and sizes W e feel confident tha t |we can supply every demand in rubber and warm footwear 1 A pair of rubbers properly fitted will wear longer than jif improperly fitted We give special attention to correct (fitting Call when in need of rubberwear of any description

amp ^g




11- frac34 l iSSBfl^Blaquo5PlaquoP mmmm wm IPiPipilV^HmWll^ip mmmmm

mm W T -

STOCK FARM A ltood stock farra of e i g h t y

acres in Wooltlhull ^ovvnsiiip can be purchased on very rwasonatiic terms if taken now A small amount of property m i g h t be taken in part o x e h j m ^ Dont wait or i t wi l l be gouo

I have some other bargains

TORNADOS Tofcse storm visitations ^vhich

result in so much lose of propshyerty are becoming more frequent i For a small axnoant you may protect yourself for a tarni of years against loss and damage by wind storms and tornados

DELAYS AE DANGEROUS When you need fire insurance

I will be able to give you proshytection in some of the best inshysurance companies at lowest possible rates who will pay their losses promptly


for ulaquo to do

2 pound PRINTING


bullad Iwntifiet fit twfe Fromotoi bull Jostuiniit growth Vlaquorlaquov l U U to poundlaquortlaquorc- Qry

Xair to it Youthful Ofc)o Quit Mp d iMM k hair taiUq

Beautiful Home of the LAMSraajBUSISTESS UNIVERSITY

Wnere complete and thorough cuunes are

^tm In Bookkeeping Telegraphy Shorthand pewritlDg etc Expert painstaking in-

bulltroetorstB all departments who devote tlielr entire time to toe students advaneeirgtai Best Fomnalp department In central Mich-I I M New students may tnter at any time as we give INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION Tut-UJD reasonably paytaetits made esey carfare paid to Lansing Students assisted to places where the can do light work far their hoard i desired

We nave large well ventiK tert halls modern equipment and free employment i3epartiattt

TRIAL WEKK FREE and catalog for the aampUing For full information write toe manshyager today H J 3ECK Maiiajwr

Lausieg Mich


8Bladder and lt O T T T gt 1

The Babys Part

By Frances Boone Mltcbetl

(Copyright by Slort^tory Pub Co)

I sliuil have to ask you to hold baby until I ca1- get sense nHk Pigtcr little angel he is about starved

Hut imdashI-- Ann srammeredmdashand the grtsed helplessly al the bullsquirrrus piece of humanity so hastily and uu-Cffremonlou-ly draquoi-gtojtflaquoraquod ou he lap The woman had vanished Well Ann gasned for want of anything else to yay and Ann was seldom a a loss for words Rather abrupt dont you think so Ann smiled sweetly at the man opposite his (ore-head crewsed into two straight Hues of annoyance Of ampIJ the confoundshyed limits she was the bull Seadermdashhe growled If I only knew where she went or how she looked I would go after her and make her take the inshyfernalmdash Dont call the poor little thing names Dick See you have made him cry Something surely bad The deserted infant was testing the capacity of an unusually vigorous pair of lungs Poor little tootsfemdash its hungry so it 1laquo but its muwer wflU be back in just a minute with Borne nice milk--for the poor little starved fellow Ann cooed softly and sooth inglymdashdeftly she turned the infant across her knees after the cline imshymemorial method of pacifying young humanity Little chap is hungrymdash yes lie ia Amis voice wraquos full of deep vibrant caresses The long straight lines faded trom Richards foreheadmdashlittle deep ones appeared around his_ mouth He watched Ann from undr half-closed lidsmdashdecidedly this was a new and toother wondershyful Ana

By jove she Is a wonder ^ breathed under his oriath He was almost glad It had happened Shes grit clear through he murmured

Euchred he yelled springing to

GROOMING COUNTS Bat ft cannot make bull Fair Skin or a

Otaraquoy Coat Women with good

complexions cannot be homely Creams lotions wapblaquoc and powders cannot make a fair skin Every horseman knows that the satin coat of his thoroughbred cornea Lrom the animals bullall-right condition

Let the horse get off his feed and his coat turns dalL Cur

rying brushing and rubbing will give him a clean coat but cannot product the coveted smoothness and gloss of the hones skin which is bis com plexko Tbeladiss wfll see the point

Lanes Family Medicine

If TfifT-^be nwpaMrtiOQ tor ladies who

| i -internally and the ltvbo1laquoltomeueraquor jjj j II that jroduces such skins as paint a II II kgtye to eopy JJ

So You Are the Eloping CoaampzZr

his feet Ann Ann the train is moving aad~ Hush Dick hes about asJeep But the womanmdashthe traka is moving I tell you

The train was surely movingmdashbow long it had been in motion neither knew Ann had been absorbed in her efforts to quiet the now sleeping baby and Richard lost ta admiration of AJ-U

Dick what shall we do Ann spoke after a long silence spent in staring at the swiftly moving landscape

Pitch the thing out of the window^ mdashthe masculine element growled

Be serious Dickmdashwhat shall we domdashits only a few minutes until we reach Wentworth

Give it to some one else Dick sugshygested brightly There is no one in the car to give it to Leave it on the seat then

It would fall eff Pin it on then Dick ho v- can you b so heartless Well we cant take It off with us he said doggedly Towis going to meet usmdashwe cant kt aim see itmdash confounded lubbermdashhe sees a joke in everythingmdashwe would never hear the last of t We wiil have to leave it on the train

Richard Manning we wont leave the poor little thing on the train by itselfmdashit must be properly cared for by some one

That some one isnt going to be us Its mother wont claim it Shes deserted it You know better Richshyard Ann when displeased had a very decielve way of saying Richard Richard realized that it was time for him to do something practical at the same time he must appease Ann Of course she will claim it he agreed Rather out of the ordinary isnt he bull Certainly his mother will claim him Richard Ann was not easily apshypeased

By jove the conductor is coming We will leave It to him

Good boy Dick Dick smiled Ann was appeased

In a few worts he explained their sudden and unexpected acquirement of the baby Describe the woman bullfTis irjan of tteklttaarjokp- si(jiRy We

Dich floundered helpeslaquoiy The conshyductor looked expectantly at Ann Ann blushed 1 cant I wasmdash

Looking at t i l young man the

gt-oraquo-ductot supplemented gvimly However th^ mother of the enlid 7iH probably wire to the next station

But we get off theremdash someiiiug must be done at oncemdash Dick iipoke desperately

if thats the case so muei^the betshyter The conductor sigtoke more af-rampblymdashhe saw all the responsibility vanishing trom his sh-uWerii Your vite c iu take charge cf th biby unshytil Us mother reaches tbne on ibe trail following thismdashits only id minshyutes later

Bur she iamput my wifemdashyet you see Richard spoke desperately We aremdashermdashwere to be married there He straightened his shouldt-is aa if he dedeu the entire vorld to ti to stop that cererooa Vcu amp bulllaquo fathermdash Thf rmpoundnm oc^sajMa into the seat ~ X ailr i t i roared with laj^^v bull

So you are ft t t a t ^ i ^ f ^ S t f mdashare lyfajor Deerlngs daughterf bull bull spoke to Ann between paroxysms

There is an official searching through the train for youmdashhe is in the next car Richardmoved over beside Ann face several shades paler Ann forgot the sleeping baby and clutched Dicks coat sleeve Ann mdash Richard gasped You will not tell7 ~ Ann looked at thlaquo condtictnr as if to measure her antagonist The conductor looked soberly at Ann I suppose I will have tomdashhe a|d

But you must help us papa wants me to marry a horrid old friend of his ^-and theres Richardmdash she paused as if the fact of Richards existence made further explanation unnecessary

Papas friend is rich no doubt ^nd Richard Is not X fluppose Tfee-conductor spoke as If he were weighshying Richard In the balance and Rlcfc-ard was found wantlpg

Richard has bis law practice he will make jrtenty 46r usmdash Ann flared mdashthen changed tactics Please help us she said No one resisted Ann when she said please Anns Pleasr was a word of artmdashAnn realised it Richard smiled he knew the battle was won

A smooth-faced individual came down the aisle Ann and Richar braced themselves Ann kept ber eyes on the conductor in Anas con quering way

You wont find your parties in this car Jenkins The conductor arose as he spoke He turned to Ann Thats a fine little chapmdashbe sure to take good care of hint he said Ann smiled her thanks Anns smile was dampssling

I suppose yon are light Flinch Jenkins spoke undecidedly but if it wasnt for that baby that couple eer-tsiHiy fit the description Jenkins looked searchingly at Rfchard He IS about 26mdashtallmdashclean-shaven gray eyesmdashbrown curly hair He counted each item off on bis fingers The description fitted Richard It was Anns turnmdash-deep blue eyea^-llght wavy hairmdashslendermdashmedium heightmdash broWn dressmdash^brown tat T h a t cershytainly fitted Ann Ann bore the scrushytiny and enumeration better than Richard she was absorbed in watchshying the babys sleepy efforts to get a pink chubby hand in a mouth fully a size smaller than the hand

But tile babymdashJeuklns swore soft-y tinder his breath Anns fathe had offered ah alluring reward to the parshyty who stopped the runaways Jenshykins was not romantic his was a grasping nature Yes the baby eliminates them Flinch spoke prompt and decidedly He stood so that Jenkins could pass out first

You will reach your station in about ten minutes I am sure you will And your message all right he said pointedly to Richard

We sure willmdashbut it will be all right anyway Richard spoke promptshyly Ann smiled at him approvingly Bless (he baby she said softly as she gathered it Up in her arms and kissed a tiny dimpled hand

Same here Richard echoed fershyvently Hang Tom Mid what Tom says

mdash t bull WHAT NEXT


ltSen CrumbeHain Received Surflaquorraquodr | of Confederate riag

Pony-five ears R^R Qen Joshua L_ Chatrjbo-ain raquof Poittand Me held tHe I left of the union

line- at Little fLovd Top Oet-

g $ against ^ J l l i p e r a t e

e^ of the

t m v - laquomtes

f^ bull-bull years have bulla L i raquo well He

y M been gover nor or Maine and p resident of Bow-do u college Tc day ^e is collecshytor of the pert of Portland H3 is one of__Mraquoe few surviving great officers of the cfrirwar

The defease of Chans ber lain at Gettysburg was c o n s i d e r e d re-

GvChfraquobfUMi markable at the time aad stnee then

the glory that came to him trom his feat has not be dJsaaed The dry detail of the Kovetulaquoraquots of this body of aotdjftrs and that this attack and that reprise his shove of shot and this ^ash bebiad glesunins bayonets bullhow Che expert lfc magnttude s t Chambtriatos aceompOshnMat mraquo eoedvet gave h t e s is iost nsaqoalle^ repatatkm at a fighter It stirred eosgrew to the awsxd of a medal of honor

That defense of the union left at LttUe Roend Top and other feats throughout the war earned for him finally the honor of receiving the acshytual surrender of Lees army at Apshypomattox

A confederate color bearer as he delivered up the tattered remnant of his flag to the brigade of Gen Cham-berlaiitvvgtJrgtt into tears and said to the federal soldiers who received St Boys this is not the first time you have seen that flag I have borne it In the front of battle on many a vicshytorious field and I had rather die than surrender it to you

Gen Chamberlain sat upon his horse near-by in a uniform soiled by bullmoke and duet

Brave fellow1 said ChamberlaUt bending forward In his saddle toward the thin line of confederates wbo were sadly marching past I admire your noble spirit and only regret that I have not the authority to bid yod keep your flag and carry it home as a precious heirloom

The utterance of Gen Chamberlain at this time has been repeated by thousands of confederate veterans all over ths south They have not been forgotten In the passing years As the remnants of Lees great army gathshyered about thefr campfires the night of the surrender their arms now stacked and guarded by their foes of four long years their battle flags piled together as the trophies of victory the words of Gen Chamberlain to this color bearer were repealed and spread throughout the whole army



Stockers arid Feeding Cattle T H I S SEASON-

Y o u want to buy where you can get the best cattle for the least uior^y Write or wire at once to



Sound safe conservative strict honesty and a square deal guaranteed

ESTABLISHED OVER 23 YEARS REFERENCES Live vStock Exchange National Bank Chicago

Any Mercantile Agency Thousands of our satisfied customers

We handle more stackers and feeders than any fkuj in the world A big selacuon at all times Sales 40 to 50 loadsdaily

Come to Chicago aud we will sell direct to you or order at once oy tanil or telegram and wc will ship just what you want direct to you at lowest marshyket prices Write at once for our plan of rilling orders We c a n s a v e y o u m o n e y Write us for quotations of prices before you buy


Heroic Figure cf William Henry Har risen for Tippecanoe Monument

The Latest Is Teaching the Proper Way of Entering a Church

The sexton of one church that keeps open doors all day long didnt know whether toregard the matter in tho light of a desecration or a devotional exercise relates the New York Times He paid no attention whe the three women watched by a roai who stood at the lower end of the uislewalked the length of the churrVi and back again Even when they uade the trip a second itime he scarcely gave them a thought but when the trio started around the church a third time and the man called out Step a little more briskly please he began to wonder and presently made inquiry

I hope you wont be offended the man replied 1 am a physical culture instructor I am teaching these young ladies to walk I have already taught them to walk in the street in the drawing room In the theater and every place else they are likely to find themselves I am now teaching them to walk in church Very few women can walk there properly Some |ppe some swagger some skip others adopt a mincing gait All these styles arc very inappropriate for cureh A dignified subdued gait alone is suitshyable for devotional purposes Church is the best place for pupils In walking to receive practical instruction there fore I have brought them here

Great tethers gasped the sexton What next

l^v he ltltltbull no more UU ihe walking v - i v-fjlaquo ^ n - o p

The plaster east of t t e heroic figure of Williair Henry Harrison has Juat been completed by John H Mahoney an Indianapolis sculptor and has been shipped to Vermont where it will be copied in granite by McDonnell amp Sons The final figure will be eight feet tall and is to be placed at the bace of the Tippecanoe monument shaft on the Tippecanoe battle groutds Boih the shaft and the

ri-i fnifgttltf-f fivju( v) ho of f ftrf Ywl(iOlaquot KfampVi

Onecn Ira sankey A story told by the late Ira D

Sankey on himself has beerlt revived since the evangelists death Gas-day he entered a Swiss shop and asked to see some music boxes The salesman graciously showed him a number but none was what he wanted Have you none that play sacred music he asxed MWny answered the sales-

the class to the uoor I hope he said you will practice

the lesson learned today by coming here to church once ta a white

of - fcsOMray sacred music What Inquired Mr Sanaey Oh these Moody and Sankey hymns I cant imshyagine what the-people see in thenv but we aeU thousands of the boxes that plfty them We have enormous orders for these boxes continued t i e salesman from every part cf Eu rope and then he added apologeticalshyly Its a matter of business yon know with us

Suspicious Senator Penrose a few days before

he set out on his hunting trip In the Rockies said of a political movement to a political reporter of Philadelphia

Their words are suspicious like the words of a wine merchant-and his wife

This couple were Inspect)^ a building on the Penrose estate that they thought of renting The water was unfortunately poor

Tasting the water frowning and shaking his head the merchant said

It would do at a pinch for my Inshyferior wines but how about m y chashyteau and vintage wt^esr

Couldnt you filter itV the wife askedmdashPhiladelphia Record

Warm _ V

The grebt pig garaertgeelssurenpss 1

to work SBocr wS cosMntoc^ rifles are built with this Idea lontbtm

bullbullbullbull ttMdtsAlistt Is fratpla sftTCfffs 1^ fccUrsltampustlaquoipoundi)laquoilckniSlaquoss7i

Tin Jmrntat sotM top and side s|scr lt bull klaquolaquop a xvotscicc wall of m laquo t j bull-_laquo roar blaquoa4 mmA tbs eartrtlaquos-t |Nslaquoampt powdlaquor and css Mowtas1 bfc Ifcrow bullbeli mwwmjt fion yon laquoad sUow

The Spsosi 5laquooalaquoJHraquo StmdashI basnl are hard

deep oa tbs Baltsrttraquofswwsgt 1 bullccuraty sad kiTUac power

MsoslaMod^VJaod 58 OSlflHSS J i l l A ssd Sally described bull3d Ctttotcstcd (wfUi all other J K n f i t laquo~ psatete) in vat 1SS-TOlaquoe catstof Free-

42 WHlew araquoett JCW HavEf CONN



via Grand Trunk Railway System

Single Fare pluft $200 for the round tripto certain Canadian points on all trains December 19 20 21 and 22 1908 val id returning to leave destination to and including Janushyary 11th 1909 For Fares aad otheraquo particulars consult Agent

For any^further information regarding excursions or other matter apply to

G D YOUNG Agent le it is UH piampa Ui ue-aioamplaquoi tbcj iiionumont November t which wtil be I the Hnety-seventh anniversary of thei battle - - -

w-rh laquoa r ^w- A - pound wkJt r^a4Ja-Sl|poundlaquo-poundra i

iMsk sHlaisSii sssasflSt m

i laquo p i

W S X C H A JOHNSON rto-st-gttara

THE CORUNNA JOURNAL bullraquolaquolaquo ltr- 7 pound j nlt own to make elaborate presents The pleasure of making a costly gift is reat at the time of the giving but the reflection afterward that one Was obliged to go beyond his mean to do so is discomforting indeed Many a young man has csedhisenj

iob|Jraquoljd vty Tani-aday morning at CO I-OAS the csuAtjr st of SaiawaaaOO county Tk-r-M-4A l a I w ( sLMmt of thraquo Republic Party 4 titexwOcoaiMi of feaeraJ and local neat bull

fttit ltraquo per year In advance uv 4o sot NTTW to top ihi pptr uniew ployers money at this season of the

ordered tt laquoLgt ao bag wlaquo poattUu to top i was -laquo raquotrtfclaquod Buowt-rberB who ttsli tolaquoWp UMraquo gtapef tstoflfa notify us direct and cot Wave i t to the poatmAster to do He MWKtimefa fscifeeU Always se Sbat yonr Mt b-scrlptAoa is pwd up w ic date you r-jUlaquo-st u ttgt itgtp tae pevper 1frac34 - draquovlt8 your eubraquolaquorpllon kit paS-3 ttgt U on vour^Kper elaquou week witUyour

bullRie quantify and qttaUty i f the advertising appearing in the tocawju if abundant ttl-asony to itraquo value as aa advertising -rediuu Itraquoveraquo tnaraquolt- known at the office

year thinking it eouM be made good a little later but with sad results Many others who wonld not go as far fas tnia make expenditures for gfs for metnbei-s of the family and friends when the money might far Nacter have been appropriated for some other purpose However


bull onnr sinnsm

w e gt bullgt

A t O w o M t f i t M l c h l s s n

aa reported to the Bank Coeamirsicncr of the tatAte of MicMnT Moraquo 2 7 raquo0-8 laquo

muotrscsH VtfSraquo _ Bank and ftatunSs Cms ir

MraquoJS4ltK laquoraquolaquolaquo06


would not wish nor expect to see j pound items of news are laquoJvjs acceptable ite-member tbat what mieresw you will generally interest othenauu that it win be Kadigt re j Christmas go by without each one cefvedby us Communications on sunjeita of M T f

- bull bullbull- leeired the doing a llttis of something Jt you jreaerarinteretit are especially deeired the UOUiK raquo laquo laquo laquo 8 01 B o m e L i u u j j 11 j -uu bull facr that wr-omnBunicationappea-i in this piraquo-t Q amp v e amp f a m i l y VOU U n d o u b t e d l y 2 per however does not mean tbat It neccssari- U T raquo raquo u i u j r v laquo J I bull fy voices the opinion of the editor Toere will i h a v e c h i l d r e n w h o w o u l d b o h e a r t - i bull t ^ o c h a r ^ f o r t n e p u b l l n a i i o n of laquo = ~ - 1 b r o k e n f g a n t a C I a u 8 d i d n T t ler

No fake ad vert I si ug or any raquo^iing bordering a t a l l on toe objection inamperUsl at any price

Cards of thanks 50c obitrary notices obitgt nary poetry resolutions butunees locals of all kind and notkea of ewtertaiuments where ad-mission Is charged 5e per line

Kntered at the Poet Office Cortina Michigan as second class mail matter

come Doublet them be disappointshy

ed to such a degree as this It neednt be much but by all means see that each gets some little tbing that will please If you have a good friend remember him in a small way even if it be no more than a Christmas note or postcard If he is the good friend you think ho is and has the good judgment he should have he will realise your circumshystances and appreciate what you do much more^ than he ^onld if yon were to go beyond your means If you take your children to the Christ-mas tree ba certain there is some

W H A T a fine Christmas present Uttilaquo thing there for them With the payment of a few of those old many it requires considerable stretch


Capita) Stock Surplus -bdquo Uepolaquoitlaquo

TcHU-I hereby certify the s b

staWinent ltI the ltogtxiui iiiuu of tbii bampnW to the y~t of wy ki0-vK--lgf aiuL Oflief

G L TAYLOK Cashier

f 60^0000 5560 9

fie4nefgt9s 100(9080

to bo a rue

1 bull





-bull-bull -I-1^raquo bull-gt nnraquo^w^^-w-|raquogt---|i-ii|i|i bull in -bull in m 1

i they will run hourly Coruu bullbull

gtSSfev lt s a u ^ M f^Pcvgt

A K D the Owosso deliverymen are on a strike I Wfto wouldn^t strike if they had to ride a delivery wagon in this cbftQg of weather

912 or [$14 subscriptibh aeconris vos td make a newspaper publisher mdash laquo e laquo a some of tblaquo smaller cent5 or f8 accoahts

^^KvtWiiHbiA^igtiSG t h e g r e a t popularity attained by the Teddy Bear he can never supplant the good old doll that has stood the test so many years For Christmas for the children dont forget the doll above all other things You may give them both but if you can give but one let it be the doll by all means

T H E committee on the Elksmemshyorial service made a g-gtod selection in Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Joseph Collins to deliver the special eulogies J oe can always be depend laquod npon for something good upon any occasion and his enorts upon this one brought forth something that was well appreciated and did Jtni great credit

T H K effort being made by the Evening ArgHs to raise |300 by sob-bullcription to defray the expense of an addition to the Boreas Home to be used as a girls7 dormitory is a very commendable one and should have the support of all good citisens of the county From a very small beginning this institution is growshying into one which is doing a great deal of good and with a little help promises to attain much larger proshyportions in the near future Subshyscriptions in any amount will be gratefully received and those who feel that they can spare 50c or 9100 should not pass up this opportunity to do a great deal of good with little money Subscriptions may be placed with the Evening Argus or at this office Surely there are many Co-run n a people who can afford to help a little

ON CHRISTMAS GIVING With the coming of Christmas

comes the natural desire of all to make gifts It comes to all alike be they rich or poor With those who can afford to make numerous and costly gifts this desire is easily satisfied but with those who cannot afford these things it is vastly differshyent and it is regrettable that the desire to do them is 90 intense with some that it often leads them to go far beyond their means many even

Throat Coughs Ask your doctor about these throat coughs He will tell you how deceptive they are A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead Better explain your case careshyfully to your doctor and as him about your taking Ayers Cherry Pectoral

A We pobllna a w tottb-al-

ijers We banish aleohol fro-o c-ar -nlaquoUetas

We arge yea to doctor

Who makes the best liver pills The J C Ayer Company of LowelL Mass They have been making Ayerj Pills for over sixty years If you have the slightshyest doubt about oilaquotig these piUa ask your doctor Do as he says always

gtby aa J C JLyar Co K-owU

of imagination to realize the feelings of the child who sees all the others get something and finds nothing there for herself and there is nothshying more pitif ol than seeing a child come from the Christmas tree with tears in her eyes because she is empty-handed Bern e m b e r that Christmas giving should be for the children more than anyone else and If you cannot do for all do a little for them at least


When Will Corona People Lssrn the Importance of it

Backache is only a simple thing at first bullbull

But when yon know tis from the kidneys

That serious kidney troubles follow That diabetes Bright disease may

be the fatal end You will gladly profit by the followshy

ing experience Claude Perry living on West Main

SL Durand Mich say From the benefit I derived from the use of Doang Kidney Pills I have not the least hesitancy in recommending them For two years I was troubled more or leas by backache and I think there was not amp time during the whole two years that I could say I waaabeolutely free from pain Not only did my back bother me but I had a distressed and miserable feeling through my chest I beard so much about DOSES Kidney Pills that I procured a pox and began using them By the time I had taken the contents of this box the pain in my hack had entirely disappeared and the miserable feeling in my chest bad left I would advise anyone troubled by backache to give Doana Kidney Pills a trial

For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburc Co Buffalo Xew York Sole Agents for the United States

Remember the namemdash Doansmdashand take no other


I bull^bull^^^bull^^r^mm^m - A A

mdash Mra Floyd Acitias is quite sick mdash rsos Cole was home over Sunday mdashNed Coste was in tbe city Saturday mdashSire William Hughes is quite sick mdash-Buy Xgtnlaquoa postaJ-t of us Reynolds mdashC F Keel in Las uaoved bis family

to Detroit mdashS I Fox of Arcadia Is u tbe city

on builrjeF mdashMislt Xettie Eyeietrv has returned

from Detroit mdashLloyd DOampD speut Sunday at Lis

home in Caledonia mdash Watcb our wicdows for ChiisttnaS

presents Reynolds mdashErvio Williams was home from

Burtoa over Sunday mdashMr and Mrs J C Qoajle bnye reshy

turned from Cbicago mdashalias Stella DeVol of Saginaw is

viMtlngMra J Ellber mdashMrs Fred Kay wbo has been on tbe

sick list iff much improved mdashif you dont see what you want ask

for it Well get it Reynolds mdashMiss Louise Peacock enteitalced

tbo WomanXClub Monday eveatog mdashSx-Trcasare R F Kay of Morrice

was in tbe city Wednesday on business mdashThe Baptist Union met with Mrs

Frurk Miliard Ier Tuesday afternoon

bullgtbulllaquobull bulllaquo bull laquo bull bull bull laquo euro tgta^laquogtlaquoiilaquoaaao

mdash Mrs Jobc Boutwell left Tuesday for a two weeks visit with her mother at Davisburg

mdashMrs E E Campbell is visiting relashytives in Chicago also ampttendiog the stock show

mdashMiss Alice Bagin is speodioga few days withher sister Mrs Joe Biley of Kew Raven

mdashWalter Saunders formerly proprieshytor otj resrauraot in this city was in town Monday

mdashFloyd AefctnV trlui on the charge of assault and battery was sxfyourced Friday for two weeks

mdashGeo Sabine of Morrice spent Monshyday with his daughter Mrs WUiinm Cornford of tbis city

mdashThe Hawkfe nhlt-ol hslaquo been cioscd for a few days because of the illness of tbe tescber Jesse Row

mdashGrant Morse has resigned his posishytion at tbe Grand Trunk and will soon re-enter^be Coranufi hlgb school

bullmdashTbe Are department was called out Monday afternoon to exttngtSsb a^-^ht blaze at the residence of pound Kinney

mdashMr and Mrs WIlHam Burger who have been visiting friends here left for their home in Lutoo Iowa Monday

mdashHomer McBride a former Coronua boy has been elected worshipful master of Geeesee Lodge No 174 F A A M

mdashWm Garner has sold bis confectionshyery store to Henry Hagfe of this city Mr Hagletook-possettsien Wednesday

mdashMany local sportsmen took advaat-age of the light snowfall by speadlsg a few hours la the woods hooUitg rabbits

mdashBig double progran at the Pavleas theatoriom this (Thursday) ereaiog The count in the voting cntsst will also be given

mdashMr and Mr Geo M Winnie nave returned from a fsjw days visit with their daughter Mrs Howard Botdilna ofWlxom

mdashMiss Irene Rome of Coi rgtna enter-taioed last Friday evening ID honor of her guest Miss M Stocking of Zsnct-vile Ohio

mdashCbCBdler Tompkins of the Evening Argus reportcHai force has been con-flued to the houae two or three days With the grip

mdashBernice Parsons has been obliged to abandon her studies at the Co unnablgb school for tbe rest of the yeai on acshycount of her Illness

--Howard Van Ommereo has acceptshyed a position at tbfraquo Grand Truck Be will not commence work however unshytil tbe last of tbe month

mdashTbe students of the different grades are looking forth witb great pleasure to the time wben they will take up tnelr work in tbe new building

mdashTbe Adelpuics will nave their first party of tbe year at tbe borne of Mr and Mrs Fred Doan Caledonia towo-sbip next Friday evening

mdashA DeTroi firm bag been awarded the contract for doing the carpenter work on tbe brick flat wbicb is eing erected by tbe Detroit Brick Company

mdashTbe Corunna Firemen will give another of tbeir annual parties on New Years eve Tbe flrecen will enshydeavor to make tbis tbe best party of tbe year

mdashMrs Tod Kincaid and daughter Miss McHardy left last Thursday evenshying lor Cleveland- they being called there by the serious illness of Mrs Kin-caids father

mdashOwing to tbe fact that new motors snd trucks are being put oo (be cars

1 -5 it yOJ tiJVVt Csi-rt us Uc VHigtK Urinary iiimi- i ir^A M t s t l (pa h bdquo r f gt r i irlfj gt

dcr or Kidney troube -nlti ai i t a Mrtaiu 5 ^ a ^ v e 3 e r e gt U[al J -p)ealaquoint herb ltraquoIIT for wgtmraquo-iF 111raquo tv -motK^ I _ raquo_ praquort- A ltirajrraquo Au-jiraJian-Lea t itlaquo laquofc and never- raquobullgtbullgt-bull gtbull fraquoiunlaquorelaquoTialaquogtr AH D--vBr(ri5sor by wail so d iy for Bath and Lansing for s coutgte centK Sample packajre Fit Eft Addrlaquoslaquo The t Ugte-OrayCoLeRoy X Y d a y s V l i i t

[re Fojd BontweHleft-Weds

Chaa K Rigley D Waipple President Cashier

Cbaa W Gale Geo B Sweet Vtee President Aaat Cashier


Owosso Savings Bank O w o f t o - Mlc t i l f f t tn

C a p T t e a l laquo 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pays -4 o o

Oft Sovftgs Deposits

Cars will leave on the boor and Owosso on

the half hour mdashCottoty Treasurer Sbipman reports

that be has received the first tax-aioney of rbe flet year It waa tiirnef to by Jobu I Sfc-Js Jr treasurer of Wood h-ull township

mdashThe State Association of Farmers Clubs betd its regular meeting in the senator t-bamber Lansieg iMt Tuesday and Welnesfay Alt L Chandler de-iive(Ki ampo addrecs

mdashTbe Sophomore ciass of tbe Corunshyna high pcuooi had charge of the Peer-ei tbtre Tuedey evening Extra music and a double program -werefecjoi-ed by tbe large crowds |

--About the oniy excuse Shiawpsoeei ouo iy balaquo now on tbe court houae proposition ic tbat the mau wbo loaned tbe money were looking wben the counshyty took U -Flint J gturnal

mdashMrs Edna Parsons Oddy and her I niece Marjorle Parsons of Detroit were called here on account of the illshyness of her sister Bern tea Parsons wbo has been sick for the past eix weeks

mdashEdwin Sbelp tbe Bancroft wrestler was a welcome risitor at the Journal orBee Saturday Mr Sbelp has made many friends n Corunna by bis gentleshymanly conduct on the mat as well as off

mdashThere will be an assembly after the dancing class every Wednesday even-foe from 900 oclock standard until 1130 Bill 36c per couple rgentlemen without ladies 26c ladle without escort 15c

mdashTbe Seelboff brothers two well known New Haves township hroiers were in the city Tuesday They came to call on friends and to vlstr the court houSvmdashOut of tbegesticsen asd Blaquogtcr seen the building

mdashWm Brands and Bobt Thompson bampve returned from their Montana ranch The first named has acquired a pair b plumes tbat Would be a credit to Ghauncey Depew and be was hardly recognised by bis friends

mdashTbe annual meeting of the Shiawasshysee Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held In Corunna Thursday Janshyuary 7 Officers will be elected red other business will be transacted Inshycluding a proposed change In the cba-t e V

mdashWork on the new school building is progressing rapidly laquond it Is expected that the building will be ready8copyt occushypancy py January 1 i t has been deshycided not to fiswuM school after Daeso-br 19 nt4t4) the new buUdlag Is ready for use

mdashA aeaaber of Coronmt Klks attended the sacooftal atrrioss of Owosso Ledge Sunday afternoon All have had opporshytunity to bear Biro J H Collins many time in the past and declare that his delivery and the address which be gave bays never been surpassed by bin

mdashMayor W A McMullen has had the electric tights furnished by the 8 L amp P Company removed from bis store and has installed ao acetylene gas outfit The mayor says tbe electric lights did not furnish sufficient Ulcmtaatioc to carry oo business by in theevftniog

mdashTbe examination of Ernest and Alshybert Sraheiui of Eaiton oa tbe charge of attempted murder was to have been neld December 3 but wc sdi denaitely Tbe time will depend upon the progress toward recovery made by tbe victims of the stabbing Reynold Brabeim and Victor Hoover who are a yet unable to leave their beds

mdashWe bave on band a fine Peninsular bot air furnace on which we can give someone an excellent bargain This furnace cost over 9200 when new but was Installed where proper pitch to the pipes could not be had so it was fc nd necessary to make a change Tbe furshynace is in fine condition and will be a soap tor someone Corunna Hamprdwarr Co

mdashMr and Mrs F C Gale left Tuesday for California to epeud the winter They were accompanied by Miss Carrie Pardy and another lady friend from Morrice who will also spend the winter here Mrs Gals was in very poor cftUh st the time of departure and it

is hoped the change of climte will have the same beneficial effect tbat it did last winter

a T tgtwdj W Gale

W A Woo-larU

Ueo T Mason Cha B RijrUy

mdashThe alleged Shaftsburg conductors of a sightless porker at Shaftsburg William Wells and Claude McClintock ware brought into tbe justice coo it Tuesdav They bave planued to waive examination and will be bound over to the circuit court Each will furnish bonds in the sum of 9600 for his appearshyance in tbe circuit court next Monday when tbelr esses will be considered

mdashMiss Edith Marshall and the memshybers of ber Sucday school class were delightfully entertained at (he borne of Mr nod Mrs Wm E Id ridge on Monday evening in honor of Master Merle Eid ridge it being bis eleventh birthday The home was beautifully decorated in honor eV-tbe occasion and tbe guests were treated to a sumptuous repast Merle was tbe recipient of many pres ents of wbicb he Is very ^roud

mdashThere will be another big noise at tbe armory in Owtlaquoo it tbe near future for tholaquotft who irtvf rh rgatHh raquoraquoraquoraquoraquobull

j WMBU i-Ci ShtIlraquo- Of BnlaquoAgt--ifi raquonltS Krwfft

I Watson of corunna will take on laquotrcrgtg j |pound- iOppoQ^nts Sbelp wii uclaquoL At Acknr-I man of Lima 0 who claims the wvltsr-

weight chmpioDsfaip of the south | Real Estate Transfers Watson will grapple with Floyd Couch-j o Parkhurst to F Rogers part sw er of Armsda Micb who is said to be 14gt sec 18 Burcs 91000 a wonder at bis weight of 155 pounds Tbe date set is December 10

mdashThe coroners jury in tbe case of William Ryan of Owosso engineer of the northbound train wbo was killed in the recent coHiston near Bamberg Oo

D Stafford to L Woodin and wife p$ nw 1 4 see 25 Owosso laquo2500

Tlaquo Garber t o N Horton pt nw 1-4 sec 28 OwosampXgt 9i500

L Woodin to D SUafqrd and wife e 1-2 It 7 blk 6 S K Barnes add

Catarrh Cannot Be Cured

theToiedoA Aun Arbor railroad re- Owosso 9625 turned a verdict late Monday night rinding tbe collision due to careless-1 oessoo tbe part of the train dispatcher with LOCAL APPLICATIONS they i - k n - M i h - ^ n - - ^ in laquolaquolaquoiitncraquondegt tradech tueseat of toe disease Ihomas Lshy of 0woraquoo In aooulling ^irrb Is a blood or constitutional d1raquo-an order against the Bbdquo T amp I extra ( cent ^ M a in order Mgt cure H you must whieb bad the right of way from Du-rsod t-gt Hamburg and laj not giving an order for the two trains to ereet at

Notice of Annual Meethii Theannual mectiac of the Shiawassee

Mutual Fire losurauce Company will held at the court bouse In the city of J perfect eoabUntioa of the two isngredl-Corunoa on Thursday January 7th IwOQ at 11 a m for the purpose of electing officers and also to consider the proposition to ehanglt See 15 of the Be-vlsed Charter so as to read Said com paoy Is formed and shall be conducted for the mutual insurance or the property of Its members against loss by fire and no other property shall be insured exshycept tbe dwelling houses buUdlags mills where stationary boilers and enshygines are placed and the machinery t terelo and personal property of the intern situated upon or used on or about their farms or business of farmshying together with tbestacks of hay and grain on such farms and such other business as may properly comebefore lbs meeting

Dated at Owoaao Dec 1st 190S FRANK H BUSH


X hia ) a n SMSy Test

Sprinkle Aliens Foot-Sase in one shoe and not la the other and notjee the di(Terence Just the thing to use when rabbers and overshoes become accessary aud your shoes s e e n to pinch Sold Everywhere 25 cents Dont acshycept any sib-ititute

Hoarse coughs and Btuffy colds that may develop into pneumonia over fight are quickly cured by Foleys Hone and Tar as it soothes inflamed membranes heals tfce lungs aud expels tbe cold from tbe system Sold by Glen T Reynolds

tike internal remedies Haffs Catarrh Oar is taken loier nail j aud acts dlree-lv as tfcfc blood and ameout surfaeea HallsCaarra Cure Is nota^aeek suedl-cine It was prescrtbid by one of me beat physicians ia this oauotry for eara and Is s rfguiar preKviptioa Ittoeosn-posed of the best toatea kaowa Qoaibia-ed with tbe bet blood p-ariAert aetisar directly on the saucoM wetaees Th

eats Is what preuses snob weaeWffui results In eurlaf Catarrh S^ad for testisaoniais free

F JCHXJTBT A CO Trope Toledo O Sold bv Dracttata prios Sc Take Halls Family PUM lor coostipa-


If yon suffer from constipation and lfvtr trouble Foleys Orino Laxative will euro you nerniaoeotly by stimulsU tng lb dljsiiMYa oiwwm so ihey will act naturally Foleys Orino Laxative does oot grlne Is pleasaas to take and you do not bave to take laxatives continually after taking Oriuo Sold by Glen T Reynolds

WINTER TERM opens Monday Jan4th Handshysome Catalogue free on reqaast Write Detroit Business Unishyversity 15 Wilcox St W F Jewell President R J Benshynett C P A Principal


Witb thorough knowledge of the value of personal property and real estate Terms ieampsoaable and satisfaction guarshyanteed Offlc 109 West Exchange St Residence 728 N Hickory St O W - M M S O - M I c H l s a i

TelephonesmdashUnion laquo70 Bell 244


Its when you want the very best in

Groceries and Table Supplies that you should go to

Quayles Its because we are heavy buyers that we can

command the best in the market and thats why were

adding new patrons every week in the year

No matter what your want were never just out

and our delivery is the quicket in town

Fifteen--two bells pie

J C QUAYLE1 TM gtampmm r wt^s2)



COAL 1 have on hand a full stock oi the

following ltMgtal and am prepared to make prompt deliveries

H A R D C O A L - g Stove Nut and No 2 Chestnut

S O F T C O A L ^ S t Charles Specshyial Grade of Ohio Coal and Wefct Virginia Splint

bullbull bullbull Orders may be left at Quayles Grocery The Corunna Hardware Company or the A A Elevatar Phone No 80 or 40-4r

Suggestive Questions on the S S Lesson By Rev Dr Linampcott for the Interntioaal Newsshypaper Bible Smdy Club



Copyright 1908 By Rev bull- 8 Ltaseott amp p

M e m b e r 1 3 ^ ^ Solomon Oedixit^ the Tenipie- ^ ^ ^ 0 frac34 frac34 5 ^ t K -L I Kinkt v m bull Verses ^3rl-^Qlaquonted that there fraquoidtrade Ttbull WAS fi-liid wheU only one Almighty God are there

t h e raquo u ^ ^ house of the L o r d - P a a l B c x x n 1 g trade pound r over 4 a n d ^ X i ^ ^

Verses MlmdashThese verses des-1 what the ancients called the gods | cribeagrand gathering of_the King j Gods promises in general and (6 the priests and the people for a great H h e iQdividual are a f dependable laquolaquo religious festival Would it be araquo a r f t t h bdquo l f tWB f W v i t f t t ^ but gt h i t 5

of a man Is there in a

more of tut


P N GmdashBay Faryr N G -C GEaton V GmdashFSutfin SecymdashJ J Bowers Fin 8ecy-Jltt^bls TressmdashJ Mtinstein l

TrusteemdashF Ward Capt of Staffmdash Ward B Carl

CORUNNA R A M NO 33 - bull bull bull

High PrlearmdashA- Wgt Greeoc King-Hugh M Nichols Scribe-Geo C Clotterbuck Capt HostmdashF L Johnson Prln SojournermdashJos Laffrey Royal Arch OapisitamdashL N Sbeardy Master 1st Vel 1mdashG J Dole Master id Veil-3mmnlaquol EMrWlaquoe Matter 3d Yell -Jo Sbulta SecymdashJobo Y Martin TreaemdashW A Bosenkrana

r ^


The best ever at lowest


A new Souvenir Card of Coshy

runna High School 5c each-



Toilet Articles disshyplayed next week will be good and complete Let us show them to you

Reynolds CORNER

Drag Store CORUNNA



Hlffb PrilaquotmdashO L Sprague KinmdashCO Wright SertbemdashAtono Crane SecymdashE F Uoasiit TresmdashH D Lyon Capt of HoetmdashF C BanscojBv Prin Sojourner~J J McDonald Royal Arch CaptainmdashE E Smith Master Third VeilmdashBB Hart Master Second VeilmdashG A Ott Master First Veilmdash W F Letts


Past Cota mdash EHa J Oampmer CommdashMinnie E Mason Lieut Com mdashMatte E Sample Pecord KeepermdashFlorence E Barrett Finance KeepermdashFrances D Rood CaapmdashEllen M Nelson SsrgtmdashSola Eam Master at A rmsmdashGertrude Wooster SeatmdashJennie Birk Pickett-Ida M Fisb


Conk--0 Jacobs LSent Com~-atette Lemon R ILmdashSarah Ford F KmdashMinnie Ormsby CbapiaismdashMrs Barnes SergeantmdashAugusts Derr M at Av-Sophia Zambaaia Swtteei-Ella Stoddard PicketmdashG Hann Ant Past Com mdashSophronla Chase PtanlatmdashHattie Robinson

w -a ^ f e t i v a 1 T 1 V Kdeg a laquo f e th laws of gravitation good thing for every church to have Jg t h o evidence that ftutraquoh is the case such gatherings something say of XT bullbdquo-bulllaquolaquo ^ the nature of the old-time c a m p

V e i 8 ^ ^ ^ U laquoproper prayer

meetings to ask God to keep fa is promises I What is the chief institution of al ^WhLsh isthe batter way to keep |

nation and what is is the chief duty V d I f f t u d e d deg tllpf 0 l l s e 8 01

r5 v gt l I take ilaquo lor granteil that they wiii be

i answered and to ask God for grace L church today any to keep o u r p a r t o f t h e compact

m nilt ^ raquoh g l o r y deg f l h e ^ 0 ^ ^ Verse 27-What is the supreme miinifested than anywhere elee e v dence that God does dwell on the A laquo bull earth and in the heait of each indi-Verae 12mdashIs darkness as much vidual

iihFamp traden$ S S ai the V ^ r s e raquo - S p laquo M i raquo r rom actual iraquohLraquo y l t e 8 t raquo 0 r experience what are the o t n e r 7 benefits of prayer f j T e w S h d ^ W l f h ^ L S S V e r 8 e 29-52-Waa this great pray-m I laquo A ^ trade P B a r P I u s

rer of Solomon extempore in its lang-monraquoy7 uaget QT prepared iraquoefore hatid

Verse 14-Should every person con- eirtnM tradeiniatraquo n - cbdquo-w laquouf-_ bull ij~laquoraquowiigt aM-laquo raquokaraquor^mdashlaquoraquo A onoma mmiatora prepare their bulltrntlyHjtess every other person and p r 4 y e r a mitb ftg m a c h Care an they t raquo T y S f w h aVW lt M W J laquoh e T bull should their sermons bull suits (Thraquoraquo questHgtn must wared in writing by members club gt

Verses 15-21mdashAre tho promise3 in this day which God makes1 with his month ftiways fulfilled i with his hand

What was Gods chief purpose i n choosing Israel to bs the repository of his truth

Why did God cot permit David to build the Temple of God

What reason is there to believe that each individuaV is a link in the chain which draws out of events as they occur Gods purposes as in the case of David and Solomon

Verse 22mdashMinisters like Solomon often spread out their hands when about to pray in the pulpit is there any important significance in this

be aiUr i -of the Which is the more important part

| of church service the prayers or the sermon

Solomon assumes in this prayer that all calamities both national and personal^arlaquoLft rraquonif of sin is that assumption correct _ i s a ministers prayer for God to-icrgive the sfas of the people of any avail if the people do not repent

Verses 53-66mdashWhat is the chief or supreme purpose of the church and of worship

What are the chnrches doing for this country

Lesson for Sunday Dec 20th 1908 mdashSolomons DownfallmdashI Kings x i -4-13

farlf n the WoodCwatayotatmina fcrQw

joraquot wn^i rU lti

Gola Meolaquolaquo Flour Is nourtabhif


T I MmdashHoward Siocuin D MmdashJ H West P C Wmdash Rudolph Colby C of GmdashGilbert J Cole G of CmdashClarence E Wmlch G S amp 3 -Austin EL Richards RecordermdashF L Jobason


CommdashW E Jacobs Sr VicemdashCharle Twitchel Jr VicemdashSim Anthony Q MmdashDan Hunger AdjTG W Matloon Officer of DaymdashA For Irtr Officer of GuardmdashM Bishop

Vernon Masonic OfBcen (Following are the officers Of Vernon

lodge No 279 for the ensuing year ani iiisiailairion will occnr Saturday evening Dec 26

Worshipful MastermdashC J Ganseley Senior WardenmdashW J McCullough Junior WardenmdashC J McLaughlin TreasurermdashMDo Ho^ard SecretarymdashVictor Holmes Senior DeaconmdashEdward McCall (Junior Deacon^mdashCharles Paine TylermdashWilliam FleminE-

Henderson Odd Fellows At the regular meeting of Imnaan-

uel Lodge No 153 I O O F of Henshyderson the following officers -were elected

Past GrjandmdashOtis B Coo it Noble GrandmdashA L Pierce Vice GrandmdashP P Bishop Recording SecretarymdashWm Kohl-

nieyer Financial SecretarymdashW H Keily TreasurermdashH W Horn TrusteemdashW H Perkins

Royal Neighbors Officers The following were elected officers

at the regular meeting of Royal Neighbors Camp No 73

OrampolemdashJosie Lamr(man Vice OraclemdashMinnie Rifenber-ry Pasi OraclemdashMinnie Brown ChancellormdashEmma Shoulters RecordarmdashFrances Rood MarshalmdashMate Llaquoivilaquo ReceivermdashLena Grow Assistant MarshalmdashBarbara Men

shairdt SentinelmdashEdna Root Assistant SentinelmdashMary Reckling PianistmdashNellie Schlaak ManagermdashLoa Ferguson Ex Phyai2ianmdashDT T B Scoit

Vernon Rebekahs Vernon Rebekah lodge elected their

V5fraquo Grltnd-~Mrs I^otta Hart SecretarymdashMrs Reulah Higglns Financial Secretary-^E Hairt Treasurer -Mrs Sarah Hart

Boston Tent K O T I M Bsaton Tent No 572 of New Eaven

has elected the following officers tor the ensuing year

Ooromander-^W J WUlianw Lieut CommandermdashUobi H Mai-

lery Reoord KeepermdashJ A RAcbardson Finance KeepermdashWilliam L Goodshy

will Chaplaln^Davenport Terry SerlaquoeantmdashByron W Smith SfiMter at ArnumdashJohn A Brenner First Guard- J R Unaey Second GuardmdashIsaac SctHMtta SentrnelmdashVWrn A Morse PicketmdashM L Bittall

Officers Perrv hodae F ft A M At a regular meeting of F it A M

Lodce No 550 last Friday evening the following officera were elected

Worshipful MastermdashChus O Robshyinson

Senior WardenmdashDr 1 M Oudworth Junior WlaquordenmdashCland C Austin TreasurermdashWlaquoWr K Hall SecretarymdashStanley H Wallace Senior IgtsaaconmdashBmra G Smith Junior DeaconmdashCharles Harvey TylermdashDr H W Cobb Senior StewartmdashJames G Leggett Junior iSiGwartmdashJ Walter Hough

dancer Clyde CJidence character come dian Jessie Cardownie soprano the famous Eltncity qnsrtette and Amerishycas irreatest musical act the Shubert Musical Four and the rsnouned poey ballet and Broadway show girls

I- mdashmdash OWOSSO THEATRE

Little Doll ie Dimples Dec 10th


Dyspepsia Is our nattocai ailment Burdooar Blood Bitters is the nattoaal cur lor It It bulltrenttheaa stomach membrane promotes flow of digestive jtiices parlttftt the blood frauds yon up

Taxpayer Attention I The U s rotas of the city a n now in

my possession I will be aT gtlaquo office of the Corunaa Hardware Co on Tueaday and Wednesday of esoh week also from ft to 7M p m each day In too week on-ill Jnonary 10 HW for the purpose of weftiylojr nayment 4 per cent extra ch trfed after Janoary lOtb Hid


The title of C Herbert Kerrs musical operatic drama with dainty Grace Cameron as tbe star is Little Dollie Dimpiea The story of this merry comedy which by tbe way is now in its second year is told in two acts and the scenes are laid in and about New York City In tbe flrst act Miss Camerou i seen as a street walaquo Sue wanders away to Pari receives an edushycation through a good friend who disshycovers that ebe Is a great singer and presents her to one of tbe leading manashygers in Paris who stars ber in bis opera and while playing some of tbe smaller towns tbe company gets stranded She returns to P laquo and secures a position as French Mau in order to return to America ber oil borne which sbe left in despair six years he fore On her arshyrival sbe is introduced to many of her old ilaquof uda of former ypamprs but none of them seem to recognize iter as tbe formshyer wail Dollie Dimples Tn time sbe makes known to her old lii^nd Robert Loraine her visit to Paris etc This knowledge puts him on to a scheme wbereby he secures for her tbe money aoc property left to br many years beshyfore by tbe death of ber uucit- id in the second act of tbe play sue OD tbe wltcb forces a confession from Hay me Green and Alexander Comstock a lawshyyer with a shady reparation that they bad robbed ber of tbe estate by false representations and before sbe flolsbes with them thny are glad to turn tbe enshytire estate over to ber without any trouble All goes well and Dollie is made happy with tbe knowledge of love that Mr itobert Loralne has shown ber during her troubles

woii uuwtiartstii8^r laquolaquovllaquo-mSo picabs 0ampr3ownlcbftnftcteroM womsn tbe famous baritone Frank Rivers Phoebe Csrdownfe Americas famous

w sT bull yrmdash bull rJ^ bull r h

No 70

Our Very Best Chopper cuts cleaner anddoes not mash or ^ ^ ^ a ^ ^ squeeze Four (4) mdash ^ I ^ t c r K n i v e s with each chopper for cutting in uniform pieces all sorts of vegetables meats fruits bread nuts suet etCj etc fine or coarse as wanted It JS easy to operatemdasheasy to rioanmdashnothing to get out of order

A daily iahor Barer an^necessary tool i n -nmj kitchen



Probate Court Julius P Phillips of Bowling Green

Ohio baa been appointed administrashytor of the estate or Margaret E Carfle deceased or Middiebury township Silas P Southworth and Thcs Marshyvin were appointed appraisers of the estate

Dr A M Hume has bcea dls-cVarged as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Hiram S Andrus deceased

The will of Norman P Inland of Do rand was admitted to probate and Mrs Irene P Leland appointed exshyecutrix

The will of Frank O Bennett deshyceased of Fairfield township was adshymitted to probate and Mrs Eva L Bennett appointed executrix

Frederick Seelhoff was appointed administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of the estate of Augusta Seelhoff decased of Rusb township

The annual account of Wm H Van Sice as guardian of Mary E Getmao a mentally incompetent person was allowed

A petition for tbe appointment of an administrator of tbe estate of Jas A Buret deceased of Owosso has been tiled and the hearing set for Janshyuary 11th

The final account of Alma Stanley as guardian of tbe estate of ChUe Starks a mentally incompetent pershyson will be heard Jan 4th

The final account of John King as administrator of the estate of Peter King deceaaed will be heard Jen 1L

In the estate of Alice Jackson deshyceased of Corunna Jay W Morrison has been appointed administrator

In the estatelaquof Paul and Pautin Ciark minors of Laingsburg Edgar iiark as guardian was granted a lishycence to sell real estate

A petition has been tiled for the apshypointment of an administrator of the estate of George C Lemon deceased of Corunna and the hearing set for January 4th

The final account of Gilbert R Lyon as executor etc of the estate of John H Champion deceased of Owosso will be heard Jan 5tu

A petition for the determination of | the heirs rgtf Edward Holtnes deceased of Vernon township has been

will soon be here Dont wait too long Come in and make your selections and have them put aside We have lots of nice things for Christmas

Cajches Rockers of si kinds Buffets Sideboards Chins Closets Bookcases Kitchen Cabinets A bargain f 1 7 QQ in Good Oak Bedroom Suites $ 11130 Conie in and get our prices and bring in your pictures and have them framed

AW CURTIS amp CO Furniture and Undertaking Phone 29-2r

POULTRY WANTED For quotations call me up Also

notice my daily quotations Bell Phone 644 Y Union Phone 226 I

pound SDEMERY O L D S T A N D W E x c h a n g e S t OWOSSO

bull bull bull bull bull

bull bull bull


11laquo mm Like em We have |JB BsHMa^ that make

the good ones Pure Buckwheat as well as the prepared kind and the quality is the best in the land And the best Syrups you ever tasted-

Just received another barrel of those excellent Dill Pickles that are so good

And then dont forget that our Hne of Teas and Coffees is the best in the county We want your next order and guarantee to please you on everything in Groceries

bull bull

bull bull bull bull


The iinamp bullpoundbull

37 Nortfi Siiinwo Avbdquo iunron pnone laquo4 mer aa administrator of tbe estaUi of Stephen Cornell deceased will bei - A _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ - - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ x ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i heard January 5th i bull bull V ^ T T bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


J^^^^^frac34^^frac34frac34p^^J^7WWB^jl^|Pf^^5centJ0frac34^lw^7bull-j-n-T^3iji-7 F^--1ltbull^^7^^-bullr^- ^i^i bull^^^^ r^ [ iSfci ^ -^ 1 7 ^frac34 1 igt

bull ^

lt^gt T A T E Oi- MlOHi i VNViouuty of S O I H W S -

O - ^ - ^ - bull ^ i ^ - ^ M I N iii lt filt 1 -1^1--- traquoJii - o r ^L bull

ltUVSTV lt-d a t Mugt tivraquosi i- (Ml- m V V - U l j gt iiii gtli T y i f - i li- i i i l i ltitv ) j v gt gt(bull ivtfjf i bdquo i - i i i i i bull-bull kbull - i i i gti i u t r i - -uylf^Vl I

t1-bulllt l i i i t iew bullU j (|-gt-bull gt- ltbullgt I K l i ltbull V( LlaquoI of l u c i I t l i - u f M v t i u t A

rgt--ri--irf( i gtu r--aUiiikrivKl lili i- t ^ - v - i i j - -n bull K l w m A

bull) gt-iltt bull gtr vlt w l i i ltJ bull ( i l l w i i U bull bullbull s v i l l i l i -X- 1 M - m

in- i J O SKgt p l i li uigti t

U - ltswlt V^ thit-VtiU i lvii iiy M ( gtbull bulli-uixvr fiftvi tf U-JI oflici iii -tit- bullLti-ouvou bullbullbull -raquoolt ivigtlvlt OtSUi br itsii-4Ijti o v (Kftltue

J tj^til ) i i T l i n i bull bull bullbull bull ]

Atw i t - iJ f u r t h e r onlt-wi l t l i r i r a c o p y o f t b t i bullOrSK-- or p i tJraquoi jivlaquoJ i l ivf ^iilti-vssltyltgt w o i r k e f

iHVViOiiS t o ssiii i a v o lifyiniJ-SI ltgti Uie-iV^^iitiiiS j

ilv^Ukti Ui^ui V o l raquo3li-it yi-gtvr f -MAHflKW JUSK -

bull J bull(laquobull(bull bullgt r r u b i i t e IyfcViVfiSltK -Sraquo9ti^ilivivlJigisUV


lu i j l i mi gtbullbull bfilj i itiii bull ltgt l i m y

- a t o lue t


Coviity of SrtiwsMi-t5i $laquo- A scssiim e-f Uio i i ulnae Court for aid

coiirvj iio-i ltt tJso raquorlth(te f)ffgtch in iiraquo Cttv of-foHJun Si tUe ifilU rtuv of VJoveuibei A fo SsiS bull bull ^resent Mitdiew luh J udjreof Probate i n the DtKftcr of rbo estate Of SdiyJa A

Togtlti laquolraquoHr(isJ bull = Ou rJlfjirfthe pelitlou of Rdwiu A Todd Jr

praying for tiir= prolate of the vili of said ltleceislaquoi JsbiiliUti ta llirs Court 1

It is ordered that the Urli day of December aest - svt -IMV bull ocloeV in the Toreiiooc raquot said trobate Offle appoiuted for hearing

Aud it is further ordereil tbat a laquoopy of thtb ordlaquo-r be publ i sh^ three sutn-^HSive weeks previous to sjud day of nearitraquoKgt in iheOtgtrunnlaquo Journal a c e laquo bullpa]M-r iiririted and circuiatinv iti slaquoid County of Sh)awnf =bulllaquolaquoraquo

MAlTUEW BUSH (A true copy) Jud^ of Probaw

dy Florlaquonce uindnev- Probata Bsriater

PKOBATE ORtgtERmdashState of Michigan Cousity of SUUvwaswee slaquo

At u^saiou of tbe Probata Court for the COULIJ of Shiawassee held at thlaquo Probate Office in the City ofCorona a on the 34th day gt laquoi7c=ber in thlaquo year OIIlaquo thouraquond nine hundred aad el^ht

Present Matthew Btgtsh Jodfre of Probata l a the matter of the estate of fctary Wat-

ltir gta deceased Fred B aabin laquos alt5irinistrraquotor barittg

rendered to tbla Court his final account It i s ordered hat the lst A y of Declaquotziber

next at ten oclock in the forenoon a t bullaid P r e bte Office be appointed for exanlnlftjr acd Allowing sale account

Aoi it (laquofurther orderedtbat ftcop Of tal order be fttbUsbed three sumsesi(t^ weeklaquo previous to said day of hearing tn the Coroann Tournala newspaf or printed aod elrculatittf In said County of Shiawassee

MATTHKW BC8H Judge cf Probate-

By Tiarenee Undsey Probate Regiater

I Book Binding

We are in a position to take your order for any kind of book binding poundaye the magazimift s h e e t music etc bound in handdonw b^-fai at very small cost


S 0

Jraquo gt Jraquo Jraquo gt ^ T H E

j Coronna Journal j

MAKFAB00BlaquoC3lff bulblaquoM 1VVI4B ftlaquo 7^9 b ^ n i A B

It CUS WlaquoLL MUUigt J BUWItUa laquo M bull t iUMraquoaraquo ngtiallraquoMlaquodlKlaquo7Malaquo raquo v Tfcto l n ^ laquo U iraquo klt teMT 1M tbmln gt |r~t irrnmtA h i tt MUta laquof Wabt 0ltl laquo laquo bull bull bull lt raquo awl bull-bull-raquo Uoii t c l i r s t 11 raquoraquobullbull ltw i

1laquo lgtJraquoOJ rv l l farraquoclaquomiMitlaquoM4l DtdutfOT


Any One Can DRAW mdashperhaps not well bat eTerj person can draw a little Many people posaess w e talent for art work and never realise it If you will make a drawing1 Just the t e s t yon can and send it to oar Art Director he will giTe yon a letter of friendly criticism and

FREE ADVICE afi to whether or not it win pay yon io cultivate your talent Tbore is absoshylutely no charge for this service Illusshytrators earn large salaries and The work is fascinating We teac-h Book gt Magazine and Commercial Illustrating Cartoouiag Foster Drawing Book Cover Designicg and Fashion Drawing snecessfnlly by correspondence Write yovlr complete name and Address plainly on your drampwing euolose stamp to pay postage if you wiab your drawing reshyturned and address

THF ART DIRECTOR Correspondence institute of America Scranton Pa We also teach I l lus trat ing Adrer -

tiniug rroofrewdi i ig foornatiitin Stlaquou igraphy s h o w Cstrtl Wri t ing RgtraquokKeepiig gt)laquoffr(rraquol Knjrlceer-bull TIJT B u s i n e i s Correspoudwoce and Eojtligli B r a n c h e s

If interested in any of the above proshyfessions write for our lar^o illustrated bock Struggles With tat World It is FREE State which course interests you and receive onofour Employment Contracts best uropositjtgtfvfve^ oCeotd



laquo laquo laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull raquo bull bull bull laquo laquo 9 9 9 9 9 9

D E T R O I T BUSINESS UNIVERSITY has trained over 5OJ0OO young 9 men zad women tor miTKiitx It js t- htit fotm h0


Stlaquorr of tbe Triai o Dacici Thro Friend

LV T H i iiiilHWAV Aiigt frac34frac34 WAY PKEACKERT bullbullbullbullbullbullbull

lJltgt-ii u Iw Eiy tii^^ttoi Wi Edraquoiu bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull raquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

DiUniJs BOOK bull Aocifeciited^wft UJIOW from 3laquo5ifplii |||t(t tbiJeAVraquo- in Christs day recfjig^Jzed JUf^el--bs -ir the w n o n ZechayijKhEKra snfl XisJn^miah-refir to it Josiis catcra to l t In his charactfiris-

tic-de8i|frtationV Son of Man Matt 24 30 (pai i 713) also esijwessiy by ntifne-and as amp prophetbullbullbullJn Mart 241 (cf bullMatt-242l-wlth Dan 121 etc) and in themDme^it that decided-his life (Matt 2gti64gt or dfRfh -when the high priest adjured bull him by the living God Also In Luke 119-2(3 O^abriei i s riieniionecl whoso name occurs nowhere else ti Scripture save chapter 816 a-21 life-sides th-i referehceraquo to it in l ievelat ioh Paul confirms the prophetical part of it as to the blasphemous king (Dan 73 25 1130) in 1 Cor 62 Thess 23 4 the narrative part as to the miraculous deshyl iverances from the lions and the fire in Heb 113a 34 Matt 2144 would be an enigma if it were not for a reference to the stone that smote the Image (Dan 2S4 35 44 46) Thus the tie Tesshytament sanctions chapters 2 3 6 7

Scripture authoritymdashDaniel cbap ter 3


bull bull bull bull bull bull yen

J Trtie faith throw one unrraquo- J ai gervvdly upon the mlaquorcy and at

Sri5 vIio li^-y iurtuco Ai(i for ISO time hcisH Vh Hre-tt iii^aye and iL-j Sjitteiiiug vfiii i7ouais and feisui)^ v^tre fori n fmci tiie pooil^ -ivpoundi about lijl^ liiiCu- iere tlie larniu

care of God

- t v-u v - -= gtrygt bullWr^rr-

Ctslo5laquo explains Froe w- ftti Wlaquoraquo- raquo-r h Fsti tlaquorai | 5laquopu 1st W F Icwdlf Esq laquo PrttkStat R J Bcas-ci^ C P A J 2 PrincipaL V V V V Z

at Note that it waa not a qtiMtion at J with theea three hehrew aerv- ^ ante a to whether or not God agt $ would give them pbyttcaJ dlaquoUv- ^ erance frcrn the awful paHl J which threatened them rather did the v^rjole question of con- duet hinge upon the one sect raquo thought What U the right pound $ thing to d o r J Do right whatever be the con- ei aequencea is the uncompromiv $ ing taw of God J $ The man who would attempt $ to bargain with God making his agt obedience to the Divine law con- $ ^ tlngent upon Godt conferring at upon him certain imrnunlties -ft T and blessings is the man who at ) serving for the loaves and the J HehWeknd who never knows the J __ deep joy of doing right for rights sake J The true servant of the king bullbullbull J of kings is never abashed be- fore the presence of the king S of thlaquo earth Listen to the words $ of these men as they pisce at- J legiance to God before every J earthly elclm Our God whom $ we serve is able to deliver us J but even though H should hot be $ hie will to deliver us from thy $ hands know ttiou oh king that J at vf will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image K What a blessing these three $ J Hebrews would have mitted if J at they had feared to have stood J with God They did not know J at it at the time but that furnace J heated so hot that those who J at threw the three men into Its J leaping flames were struck dead J by the heat was to become the J vestibule of heaven and the J at trysting place where God in the pound person of his blessed Son was pound waiting to receive them J The fire of Nebuchadnezzar J could burn off the fet ters with $ which he had bound the serv- J ants of God but It could reach 5 no further So with the flree J ^ of persecution which assail the t it Christian They come as a re- 2 fining filaquome separating more it and more from the fetters which would circumscribe and bind J it the soul In its fellowship with pound i u Lord it The soul that dares to stand alone for the right very soon be- J it comes conscious that he I not J alone butthat there is another J presence with him in the fiery J furnace of affliction the very J presence of God J The man who fears to do J wrong is the man who knows J not the fear of man J

+ raquo raquo raquo raquo gt ] raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo


THE wonderful eolden image which the king had caused to be set up

had for the bullmoment been forgotten and the throngs of people which had been gathered to pay homage to the great glittering thing of gold were surging about the place where the fur-nace had been built and in which now a raging fire burned It was the same furnace in which the metal for the great image had betn smelted but a few days before and that day the tires had been kindled again not to smelt more metal for an Image but to burn the heretics who dared to defy the mandate of the king and refuse to bow dowL to the wonderful image and in whom dwelt the spirit of their gods

That day the great company of mushysicians had played in honor of the golden image and at the sound of the music the people had bowed be fore It in adoration and worship Ev^n the king had with much pomp and cereshymony paid his oblatlona before the image and had been followed by his brilliaiit court retinue Then from the high throne where it bad been set op overlooking the grea plain he watched the feasting and the dancing and the prostration of the people ao

Then haa come the break in the ccr- vfKiriK1 flaquogtlt thfl aewtt hart qiUk)i

spread through tLo vast throng thu iue liiiee soverivtjio over the p r o v i n g ot Babylon had refossd to bow before thft gTlteraquoat image M wlaquore to Iw cast

8tlt-ci With irarhideagcrneefj-thlty tvlaquotchfvl

the bringing of thefurnaee to the in-tense vgtiiitir glowbull Breathlessly ikcf siood arid gtw the three men bou anilasth(iy were lilted arl rav^HSi to IV mputi) of the furnace and thrown WttbinbullbulllaquoiGapin^ ftiiities a^nvof t arc ami itprror burst frcSft the hundreds (iivd thousand or threats- tor tbe i s writliiug hx deaih agony on the gfound lay the men vho had borne the vicshytims of the k i n g s wra^h to their doom bull

Por tiiV time befng Everything elsa was forgotcen but vhen the blacfe-ened misshapen bodies had beltn reshymoved from sight the king and people again turned their eyes toward the fiery furnace

With a cry of fear andbull astonishment the king suddenlyarose from his place and with tense face and shaking finshyger he poinied towards the furnace His court officials quickly gathered round him and to them cried the king in alarm

Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the furnace Lo I see foui men loose walking In the midst cf the nre and they have no hurt Is not the rourthtne God whom these Hebrews declared was able to deliver them from the fiery furnace

True it may be rejoined hlaquos ofiU ciais

Make baste shouted t i e king Call tfceu forth from the midst of the fiery furnace

Instantly the officials hastened to do the bidding of the i i n g and as the three mea Shadracu Meshach and Abedsego stepped forth from the ml^st of the raging 3ames the people gave a great shuvt wl-laquot2i fairly shook the heavens APd the counsellors of the king gatefcly surrounded tlie three men and led them towards the king whof in his eagerness to receive them threw aside his royal robes and deshyscended to the plaza below

But where is the fourth man thy companion in the furnace cried the king as he reached the approaching group Was it not thy God I wouJd bow before him

Thou mayest indeed bow before hiiii by( to meet him familiarly face to face Is not vouchsafed to any man spoke up one of the three men

Tell me of thy God Is he the same God as the God whom Daniel Worships the God who revealeth dreamsr urged the J^ss (almost breathiessiy 1 ihought to make ra image whose glory fihould fill all earth 1 sent heralds through all the lands over which 1 hold dominion commanding that there be rent thora who should worship be for the imtg s I sought thus to magnify my name ad my glory and behold now 1 Nebushychadnezzar king of Babylon have been brought low For surely what god is there like to thy God who can deliver from the devouring name

Then spoke up Shadrftcu saying Be It known unto thee oh king

that we worship the same God whom Daniel worships for the God of the Hebrews is but one God He it is who ruleth in the heavens who setteth kings upon thrones and taketh kingshydoms away He It is who giveth wisshydom and caret h for them who put their trust in him

But thou art far from thy land exshyclaimed the fcihg The land where thy God has hia dwelling place Com eth he thither into the midst of Baby ion where the great god Bel rules

The great gbd Bel Is no god at all before Jehovah-God the God ot heaven and earth was the bold response He is everywhere and his ear is alshyways open to the cry of his children

But why then hath such evil fallen upon a people who have such a great God a God who is everywhere and a God who is able to deliverT

thou hast spoken oh king of Isshyraels folly for It is the wickedness of the people and their going Liter strange gods which hath brought this evil upon us The God of Israel hath chosen thee as the instrument of his wrath and hath given into thy hands his disobedient people But be is able to deliver and hath saved thy servants from the fiery furnace

Blessed be thy God exclaimed the king fervidly that hath sent bis angel and delivered his servants that trusted in him Now therefore 1 deshycree that every people nation and lanshyguage which speaketh anything amiss against the God of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego shall be cut in pieces and their houses shall be made a dungshyhill for there is no other God that can deliver after this sort

And suiting the action to the word he dispatched heralds at once through all that vast throng to proclaim the dwree And the people took up the cry and there before the gold image as though by way of rebuke they shouted

Great is the God ot Shadrach Me sbach and Abednego




Almost Incredible Brutality Frances Society for the Prevention

of Cruelty to Animals has taken action agawlaquot a cinematograph company for an act of unprecedented brutality to a horse In a series of pictures called The Lovers Revenge a carriage drawn by a horse was seen to rush over tha edge ot a cliff and be dashed to pieces The pictures had not been faked An old blind horse harnessed to a carriage was really driven ov^r the edge of the cliffs near Boulogne to obtain thampm

NewYorks Oldest PHTU Ntf ioik claquoty lib^m OMU pubilc raquo--srk

thai is JSO year old and that its bowl-ing Green which was the playground tt te first Dutch settlers


Scetsee Along the Route to Safety -Werraquo Pierzemdash Legitime Iv Orce

_ More-President

Cursed hisfi4 and jeered by a rio^ ous niobolf thoufeands of men and woshymen over whom up to a few days ago he had held swayas president Nord Alexis the SO-year-old fallen ruler of Haiti said farewell to hisnative counshytry Wednesday night He is now on board a French warship in the harbor

The departure of Alexis was drashymatic Deposed by the very people he had thought were loyal to him as the revolutionist army approached from the south the president refused to See It took the united efforts of the foreign consuls and a citizens comshymittee to impress upon him the necesshysity of departure

I will fight to the teat4 qeciaied the aged president

From outside came a roar from the angry mob gathered about the palace

Kill him kill -him cams the cry It was 5 oclock when Nofd Alexis

yielded to the entreaties of those ani ions for his safety and made quick preparations forjjepaHur Ae ho left the palace a salute of 21 guns was fired

The situation was so serious the foreign representatives gathered about the carriage of the president and Sf bullClaquo-toron the French minister threw a tri-coor over his shoulders

The trip to the wharf was made throuaji a path of the mitltarjr guard The rople hooted and cursed- Infurishyated women broke through the cordon of troops and hurled the coarsest of in-suits at the president Alexis strove bravely to appear undismayed

As the president and his suite reached the wharf the mob lost all reshystraint A woman forced her way to Alexis fide and drawing a lohs knife made a lunge at him But the weapon fell short A man struck the president but it was a glancing blow and hurt little but his feelings

Alexis stepped into the skiff that was to take him to the French warshyship and three Haitlen gunboats and the French and American battleships fired a salute to the fallen president

ExScaator- D legitime who has been made president of Haiti by the enforced abdication of Gen Nord Alexis and the litters flight from the capital was once before president of the turbulent republic Elected under the laws of the country after a sensashytional campaign in 1888 his title was recognized by all European counshytries but the United States alone deshyclined to concede the legality of his election Principally on account of the position taken by the American reshypublic Legitime retained the execushytive chair only eight months and then gave way to the man who had been unable to defeat him in the election

Stormy Incidents as full of sensashytion and violence as the present crisis marked the way ot Legitimle to the position he has again won



(Jives Universal SatJfffactioc

Its Purity Btren^tlv a^d DelicibUs Flavor laquoavlaquoaa^iHBvlaquoBBMlaquoBtfw(laquoubpaviB^BBBBlaquoMawlaquovilaquoa

Commend it to AH l ^ v e r of dood CofietA

Sold laquorir in raquo-tb laquoirtlffbt jxwkagw Araquok your Qrocer lot- MO-KA Cotfe



Just the Old One Reiterated to Give the War Howlers a Jolt

That the new American-Japanese pact had the effect intended by its ratification and publication was the information given to the house comshymittee on appropriations by Secretary of State Root who appeared before the committee in relation to the apshypropriations for his department which are to tie carried in the legislative executive and judicial appropriation bill He was questioned closely ^y Chairman Tawney and other members of the committee about the new agr-raent with the Japanese

Root told the committee that both the United States and Japan had worked a confidence game on the world which was necessary however because the worlds memory needed a Jolt

This agreement said Secretary Root is simply a reiteration of the agreement entered Into between the United States and Japan The world had forgotten about the old agreeshyment Stories were constantly cropshyping up in European capitals of comshying war between the two countries rh^re were no reasons why thijre should be a war as the relations beshytween the two governments were of the most cordial nature It was thereshyfore necessary to remind the world of the agreement made years ago and so a new one embodying the same principles as the old was prepared and signed and promulgated It has had its effect War talk in European capitals is no longer heard and It wont be heard for years to come The danger in this talk from our neighshybors across the water was that it would get the people of the two counshytries into the belief that there was to be a war and this was the only way in which the spreading of thatbelief could be stopped

By sliding down 50 feet of water-pipe Howard Hill a Muskegon inshycorrigible aged 16 escaped from the Industrial school at Lansing and is still at large

Admiral Coghian D^ad Just on th eve of his removal to

his new home where he had hoped to speuU nis declining years in quiet after a lifetime of arduous service in the navy Rear Admiral Joseph B Coghshyian retired died suddenly of apoplexy la New Yoik Saturday Rear Admiral Coshlan was born at Frankfort Ky -bullgtraquo viy Ti^r risr lite zamprvlrf-i in ttvgt

Work of the Session Will Be on Regshyular Supply Bills

From present indications the conshycluding session of the sixtieth con- j gress which convened Monday will be davoted In large part to the considshyeration of routine supply bills Lead-era in the senate and house say there will-helittle legislation of a general character

There is at least a probability that consideration will be given tc-ateas-ures providing statehood for New Mexico and Arizona but this is a question upon which no conclusion has been reached The house will pas3 a bill authorizing the taking Of the thirteenth census in 1sect10 Jt will also put through a measure authorizing a revision of the law of the United States

President Roosevelt very much de-tires before his term expires that there shall be a general reorganizashytion of the navy department estabshylishing in that branch of the service a general staff patterned along tha lines of that now provided in the war department

Among the other subjects to be conshysidered in one house or the other ai e billB providing for the revision of thamp copyright laws Panama canal legislashytion the measure suspending the comshymodity clause of the interstate comshymerce law the appointment of the inshyland waterways commission and other measures of a miscellaneous characshyter


Warships Make a Demonstration Against Venezuela

Three Dutch warships the battle ship Jacob Van Heemskerk and cruisshyers Frlesland and Gelderland have made a demonstration against Venshyezuela Together they steamed along the coast from Puerto Campbelto to La Guaiia at a distance of 3000 yards from the shore

The Jacob Van Heeskerk returned later The two cruisers are going to Maracaibo where they wlil make a similar demonstration The demonstration is regarded as indicating that the preparations for an elfectlve blockade of the Ven-esuelan coast are completed

The Netherlands battleship De BulJ-ter left Holland ^harsday for Venshyezuela

When President Castro summarily ejected the Dutch minister from Venshyezuela declaring he had been per nlclbusly active in the politics of the country ue insulted Holland very much Redress was demanded but fiery Castro has deiied Queen Wilhel-mina and heraquo subjects

Th1laquo s one of the things Holland has against Venezuela and there fre others Castro placed an embargo on the transshipment of cargoes in Wll-lemstadt a Dutch city Ocean vessels cannot enter Caracas harbor Venshyezuela possession and tUe custom was to transfer cargoes in Willemstadt to smaller boats This was the chief in iixiaiTj at the Dutch city and its loss left many of its residents in straitened circumstances Again Casshytro defied Holland

The fiery president is now on his way to Europe to undergo an operashytion Vice President Gomez 1raquo in charge of the country

0---^U Tgtr(5 - ^-V-- r -^Vpound

Vi i i

academy at the age of 17 From that lime untli bis retirement in December i90G he was almost constantly In the service

Timothy L Woodruff of New York is satisfied he did the right thing in giving up his senatorial ambitions In favor of Secretary Root He says he seeks no office now TT s Senator Simon Guggenheim

araquod hii family are to bs asked to buy Palestine from the Turks lor the Heshybrews The price is only cent53000000 or something around that fisrure It is planned to settle the Jewish problem in Russia by this piau the Holy Land being turned over to them

The design for medals for employes who serve two years on the Panama canal bass been completed and dies are now being cut The medal will be of bronze an inch and a half in diameter On one side there will be a portrait of President Roosevelt on the reverse side a birds-ye view of the Culebra cut in the finished canal with steamshyers passing through it

Opposition papers in Japan make considerable criticism of the UniteU Statts-Japan peace pact They say the question of emigration and naturalizshyation should have be-en settled The most responsible papers applaud the agreement

THE MARKETS DetroitmdashCattle mdash Gtoort to choice

butcher laquotlaquoerraquo 1000 to 1200 lbs $425 (bgt light to good butcher steers and heifers 700 to 900 lbs $35004 m i x ^ butchera fat cows $3256350 canners ltamp40 cormmdashn bulls fiampX25 ood shippers bulla $350

Veal calvesmdashReceipts 2pound5 market steady bet fOades |6507 common to coolt2 cent40575 Milch cowa and springers $25reg65

Sheep and lambsmdashReceipts 815 market steady beet lamba $3250550 fair to rroort lambs 142513frac34f Ujrht to

i) u c a v v j f i i r t gt7 v J U V C i i U i d ^bullbull^bullr-J i u ( i ltn i i 7 5

HOKraquomdashReceipts R27S rrt(rkrr 10cQ ic tiigiti iianKe ot price Lijcht to jjood butchers laquo1gt3S540 pign $4 l ight Vorkera $5reg525

(gtraiatraquo Hte ~ Detroltmdash^hentmdashThe feeling imong

dealers gts hulliKh a-ad nothing is said on tblt other Ride of the question The bears have hart no arguments to offer recently excepting the heavy receipts and increasisier stocks and they grave that up a few days asro when they fouad it of no use The crop moveshyment became raorii buulsn in thst reshyceipts decreased Both northwestern and primary receipts wlaquosre small and it laquolaquo tbft opinion o tnofte making a close study of the s l tus l ion that the northwestern farmees will not be ablaquo to nil the demand for spring wheat Tor the remainder of the crop year not baving enough grain 1raquo reserve

Wheat T-ecelpts on Thursday were 3 bullsars-----ff^ini5 deg - red akampInst 2 a year ayo No withdrawals 3tocks are cent65151 bu alaquoa4ast 372S2 bu a year ago - - bullbullbull

Prices a y t t r ago in the Detroit marshyket were 0gtc iraquor No t red wheat t54c for No-3 corn and 63Wc for No a whits n

There Vs jiothing doing- in the bean deal and prieea are nominally U D -ohaaged

Oats are strong Tks price sa ined ac on Thursday and C M close was a t e h i g h e s t ^ bull bull bull

- The cloverseed market is active and ftirn) GaL seed gained Sc

Receipts of flour were 1200 and ship-tnents 400 bbls

The corn market w a s l i feless and unchanged

Rye was in demand a s A gained He


Ration That Will Give the Quickest Returns

The rational us of protein feeds

for growing chicks makes all the difshyference between profit and loss quick or slow growth Stunted or vigorous chicks Rhode Island experiments show that animal meal is the best source ot protein as regards gain growth and profit

After a chick is a month or six weeks old the source of protein food is not so important Gluten meal or granulated mils may be used with good results if some bone meal Is fed alscC

Beef scrap will continue to be largeshyly used by pouitry keepers because it is so easy to handle Unfortunately the test_ rlaquo^rrfeltLti3 made so trial with beef scrap but It is similar to animal meal and may be substituted for it

The greatest advantage in using beef scrap Is tha it can be fed by itshyself We makea practice of keeping it before the chicks at all times Put it in a self feeder box or pan set it in a dry place and let the chicks eat all they want after getting them accusshytomed to i t Chuck the wheat and cracked corn into thlaquoua and with beef scrap skim milk and arit they will grow rapidly


Drinking Fountain for Chiclens Thst Keeps Water Clear

Do not throw away the old oil cans but cut a slit half way through along the bottom ptsb the side in as shown

bull i H I i bull i -

Drinking Fountain

at ay then soldor the piece of tin one-half Inch wide on the bottom of can as in b Put a tight cork in top of can and it make3 a fine drinking founshytain To fill It says Farm and Home lay it on s ide and pour in the water


Things to Remember When Preparing Them for Market

When the chickens are sine to ten weeks old at the Maine experiment station and the cockerels weigh 1frac12 to 1frac14 pound the sexes are separated and the cockerels put by themselves into vacant brooder houses 100 to a house Each house has a yard In front about 12 feet square The cockshyerels are fed on porridge three times a day in a V~shaplaquod trough svjtb four-inch sides This ts made of six parts corn meeJ-two psxti middlings oae-half part raaeed mead and two rarts beef scrap by waignx and mixed with tepid water milk would be better

They are fed all they will eat in one-half hour when Uia troughs are it-moved and cleaaad The yards are kept clean by covering them with sand straw or hay when they get dirty The birds win stand this-feed ilaquog f-i l-ivii yr hsre- w^^kn vnti- ^no^ bullV-ij-fSAw tVKfi - l bull--bull- ^ bdquo bdquo -bullbull-- bull-bull-- v i v - i - A i n u i i - i j C T iV-

Mr I HR thsy are dressed for market and usually weigh 2frac34 pounds dressed

m^mmm^ mm mm m


Phone Hoithinpound -^11 Answer your purpose iBbullbullwiilibull uti t h e bullUNION PBGNE VM



Muskegons chief of police hai or-deVtid a l l the bowling piioys closed on Sundays

John Green a^ed 35-fit Kamplamaaoo after sioepfc ^lt night in the woeds died at the Burgess hospital from exshyposure bull yy-v A filtlaquo quality of ahaie and bull ccai

havebetfc disc^vored aions theljwvka

ICHIOAN St JosephmdashThn |trKt -round oiwtiai

Riv^sj^imiso of dyyelopiug into1abit- ter l(qal c-oritejit agt (mgt result of the

j recent olcjeviiyivopened wlt-oii the can- of Hlfle river nndfch$sts - w i v w tfiwu-valaquosjag-blaquoiti(i for theV Seventh- sena^ ro tlt-si u

F i m k Schauh aijeltl 2 of aavmle dead frotrra KWnWhot wouwd lticoi-

auktally SmUced-yftiie fce wi-r^-ltun-I in r bb iu i bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull i

11s i tU

r lit-1

NAFEW BASTERS pampvt tilaquo e laquo l Intee cf tfi m c a t o w r ttif e n t l r t roaoi-ahi l f tUit i ia t h laquo o v e h laquo Ho buropounddtapounderraquo| laquo 0 bulltooxi ioa or ltipiUkgt2 gravy Just poll the Jersf

cent 4 frac34 bull _ J f o p a r t e f Una m a y

_copy J ^ epM -

Perfect Basting

Preserves fell t h s f c d a l l e i o B t a e t l B S M

secaBar to taraquo real trices AdjusUd LosUaoy to T J B a d s lt r f b h ^ raquo ^ seamless iabeofertsly

Lest lifetime Prepaid W cttagt J B v e r y d s t s t t l B

[ iMJlkiittsjs i rid ay nvglii the Mass

At-$ horary CcO and the poolroom

City bnnic th stores Uibullbullhaipry

I fii-i district met and after canvass-j Ui^Jhe voids cast for-slampTo senator-- lismed a ltUi-firugtftto bull f-f yekeUltn to I ChHrU- fo ywiilyr oic Kik^ lires-sent | )roSHcutj)iiV itunney J ltjjuid KAyhlK- oiVViig forth thai j his WJIO u^vojed iio much time to the j bi tiiiicaUon known as the WoTneiis I ChrlKtiaj TftiDpejanix- union that she

Wh^Br j il ^ 1 ^ frac34 8 frac34 I could nott ins -meals no ^ k e his the office of audit-or general next -- ^ _ mo me

aSftS frac34 S i f f i S S t e T S ea ltud thlaquo s^many e t him ai-

di me in-Lansing together because she felt s h e was

trtabwaat 0 K J J X W S3 ve

r Nothing has ever equalled i t Nothing can ever surpass i t

Dr Kings

eve i SfcltUl

A Perfect Cure

For AH Throat and Long Troubles

SSWS BB BIW VVH^V^^V H W W^^^^^PV V m ^^iff ^^^VgtvV^PV

DR HUMPHREYS SPTOFICS EaglltliCanTMnSpatrfshPoftaquMBMMl r w a i l u

i t W H I M W laquo r m F e m - o r W o n a I f e e i u t S 9 C M l c Cvytar laquo x l WaiBBCnliMM of I n f i u u M 4 P i M i h i at C M a i w d Adtati S D n i mdash u r r GHitojB Sutdoaocrtte Traquo CmckraquoOoMii Piuwkiili laquow Twrtkiieh n r a c t a Kranicte bull bull bull bull bull bull gt bull Stale BMdMte Vorttfo

1raquo t w m i laammiiMtWmkWiiimm I S O w M M h i Oolaquo(KUttlaquolaquotts M4M W^^S ^ H H M I r ^^^^^bull(bull^bullt^^^l^PfllBB bull I S STfctMrttfwi or SSaawHiMa fttns bull bull bull c f w 114 4 S B laquo MaianB- bull bull PSMSS^BAltwHMAfe|bKI(MnM^lRI M S l M l t l ^ W i t t v n n C ^ K 1 laquo C M n k bMHMOafetlraquo Hraquo^ Mfc WKtMMSaV VMfegtltNfelaquoIA Oofl M raquo AaM^^Of^vMai t f imnl t S M M M yraquoraquo luvBwy W W B B ^ I H V V ) o w n

laquoa gt s 96

--mw lt - bdquo B4V

laquobulllaquo99 frac34frac34 W

i-ti-i-SS rnltf bullbullbullbullbullbullbullSB -laquolaquo

i bullraquo

bull laquot raquo bull

poundpound52132 SSSMSTSSS bull


KIDNEY -Backache

raquoraquo ltMlaquo

A I M VrlsazT Orffens

(M^pnatampiB aacfc

S o a t IMCOBM diraquoeoitracd TMTlaquo U S Iter yum t nece f t iary w r i t e B r Feampner

K e h a s t e n t A l i f e t l a i o c u r i n g J u s t C a t f t B i T i m n A l i c o n a u l t a - t i o u s 7 r laquo laquo

laquo F o r 7 laquo w s I h a d b a c k a c h e s e v e r e p a i n bull c r o s s k i d n e y s a n d s c a l d i n g u r i n e f c o u i d s o t g e t o a t o f b e d w i t b o u t b e l p T h e u s e of Dr F e n n e r s K i d n e y a n d B a c k a c h e C u r e reshys t o r e d m e G W A G O N E R K n o t e v i l l e Pa Druggist SOr SI Ask for Cook B o o k - F r e

STVITBSDAKCE f i u r C u r C A trade i M P e n n f r FVedoniivNY

Clmrch Directory C o r a n n a F r e e Methodis t CburcbmdashSerrutea

eTlaquory S u n d a y a f ternoon a t itU l^nsyer n c c V Ing e v e r y TUarsday e v e n i n g

C o r u a a a B a p t i s t C n o r c b I f o r a i n Berrjee a t 10 a m E v e n i n g serv i ce 630 p m B Y P U a t 610 p m S n i d a y Schoo l IS II W e e k l y prayer meet ing T h u r s d a y evenlnjr at 700 FVlendlr h e a r t s a r e b e a t i n g or y o u r felshyl o w s h i p Les l ie Bower pas tor

C o r u n a a X K Church Morning serv lre a t 10 E v e n i n g s e r v i c e a t 630 S p w o r i LCMlaquoUC a t 545 p m c l a s raquo m e e t i n g a t 9 a ai S u n d a y s c h o o l AC li3u nj P x S i e r nsatilaquog Thursday e v e n t e d W gt- ^ ^ ^ sea t a n d a cordia l welshyc o m e t o a l i R- W o o d h a m P a s t o r

P T T f Q I t c h i n g BleediBf Pngttradtasgt X T J L L l i i O Old Sores SKiu E r u p t i o n s Tlaquotlaquo t e n B a r n s immediately u t D l l I T VC relieved a s d cured by N C n M i l t laquo

T b i s r e s M d j h a s been used for iwenty-t i rlaquo and i s the only guaranteed and true m m fcidxns endoras it

I tchini Piiesmdashyour Herout is a s u c c e s s -Born Ohio bull

Your reuiedy is tle best en ear th foe Bleedia^ Piles mdashFrank K l a u Minnewrta row raquo t c n A L L o p t w c a i s T S s A N D S O

bull ^ raquo = r gt

Thft bullpostofflce at Worth has been discontinued by the postofflce departshyment Rural routes cover all the tershyritory formerly supplied by it

Demanditxg $10001) for the loss of an eye while he waa working for the firm Mart in L Boyce ol MarshaU is suing the Gale Manufacturing Co

A herd of 24 cows A(Blctlaquod with tushyberculosis and sold from the Michisaa asylum to a farmer probably will be killed by the Michigan Live Stock association

The long drought in northern Michshyigan whicn has been a hardship to thousands of farmers since the middle of last summer has befcu broksa by copious rains ^

After bull Sght ltgti six eekS thlaquo curshyfew ordinance was kil llaquo in the Cc4d-waier common cormcO The final vote resulted n a vote of 5 to 3 against the ordinance

Charles Hawser of Newbcrg townshyship was convicted in the circuit court Friday or attempted felonious assantt on his 70 year-old mother Hawse Is 45 married and has one child

The U of M campus Is to be enshylarged 30 acres making 70 acres in all The enlargement includes four city squares taking In two blocks north of Huron street and east and west between Twelfth and Thayer streets

While leading an intoxicated man from a dance halt John Bnrnette aged 51 a Mantstiqite pollcetaan fell to the floor and died from heart disshyease He leaves a widow and fbisr children

Over 1600 names have been signed to the local option petitions now being circulated throughout Newaygo counshyty This Is 900 more than necessary tn rMnlre the supervisor to hold an efectioa to vote on the liquor quaa-tirm next spring

Believing she had committed the an pardonable sin spoken of In the Bible Mrs Henry Van Andei aged 45 of Mnskegon attempted suicide by slashshying ner throat She was taken to the county Jail where she will be examshyined as to her santty

R A Garbor of Charlotte who seshycured the names naeaasary to vote on the good roads propoaitfon In the county next spring Is nearly through with a slmHar task In Barry county after which he is assigned to the same work in Clinton county

Great admiration of Saginaws new auditorium was expressed by Bishop Charlea D WiiUama of Detroit head of the Episcopal chareh In Michigan I wish we had a Wellington R Burt and a Temple E Dorr In Detroit waa the way the bishop expressed It bullPines and costs amounting to 930 or 30 days in jail were imposed on Con Kilbourne of SatiU Ste Marie KU-bburne was accused of starting forest fires This is the first convioUon ever secured in that paltt of the state for that offense Other trials will follow

Senator William Alden Smith has promised to help the Grand-Saginaw Valleys Waterways association which plans a ship canal connecting Lake Michigan and Saginaw via Grand Rap-Ids Saginaw and Bay City A board of directors was elected and legislashytive and publicity committees were apshypointed

The Michigan Sugar Beet Co which owns six of the states sugar beet factories at a meeting Friday took official cognizance of the fact that the company is controlled by the sugar trust The statement was mad thatof the companys raquo3800000 stock all but J300000 is held by Michigan capitalists

One of the Jackson banks has paid the employes of the state prison in full for the time coming to them and has promised to take care of them during the holidays if the state does not The situation caused by the lack of funds in the state treasurery was creating serious embarrassment among the men

Mandamus proceedings have bfgtn begun to compel the board of district canvassers to reconvene and declare void the votes cast for Charles E White for state senator at the recent election White is prosecuting attorshyney of Berrien county and a question as to his eligibility has arisen because of his dual office

Wisconsin game wardens confiscatshyed a car containing 35 deer Tuesday morning Deputy Game Warden De Bell of Menominee tried to stop the car at that pine but failed He then noticed the Wisconsin wardens who secured the car The Jeer were killed in the Michigan woods and were beshying shipped to Chicago

Christopher Seymour of Sandrock la the victim of a remarkable hunting accident While crowing a stream on a log he slipped and lost his balshyance Realising that he must fall into the water he attempted to throw his rine to the shore It struck a limb and was discharged the bullet strikshying Seymour in the foot and badly shpoundUerrtpound it

i vuh -coifVbncd roampourcfts of-|4tS- [

tlona have deposits aKJSrosatln $3-524383 On an estimated population of 11000 this is |320 ner earUa which Is believe to be unexcelled in tha state

JURY G 0 N 1 i t i iUo j bull -hrnf i i i f


called to a higher raission Benjamin D Livingston of Ada began suit for divorce

OwossomdashAfter finding Clyde Howd 23 years old guilty of assault and batshytery some of the jurbrs and citizens Interested In the case contributed enough to pay the- five dollar fine and costs Howd admitted slapping E M Hopsiaa Jr complainant in the case and other boys who were annoying him

Battle CreekmdashWhen Justice Bat-dorff fined Charles Wyman |30 for running a blind pig Wyman who manages the Diamond clnb rooms a negro social organisation felt that It was pretty stiff considering that he faced a second Indictment But the court added and aiao five days hi Jail-

S t JosephmdashPresident Herman Ba-low called the fourth annual meeting of the Lake Michigan Fishermens asshysociation tc order at Hotel Whitcomb delegates from Ludlngton Manistee Frankfort Charlevoix Grand Haven South Haven Waukegan Milwaukee and other porta being present

LapeermdashRev K t l SidebothamV aged 34 years a missionary recently returned from Kor^a died here from burns received in a gasoline explosion He poured gasoline by mistake on a Bre which he was kindling Rev Side-botham had spent seven years in the Presbyterian mission field

Lapeermdash-Cash and negotiable seshycurities amounting to upwards of $75-000 have been found In the pockets of the clothing of James H Gray pishyoneer of this county who died at the age of 80 and tacked away In old shoes and various other queer places i n his home __ ^

MjhaJLmdashRkAard Grace e ight years old waa wounded by a bullet from a gun In the bauds of Garrett Tracy ten years old The bullet struck tut itrade post and glanced Oft hitting the lad In the forehead Au artery was cut out the boy win reshycover bull-

AlpenamdashJ D Hawka BA Oilman Buck4 Beaufor and several other members of the Turtle Lake club came in from the lake and left for Detroit Members of the club and their visitors killed pound4 deer during the season each member getting hie full quota

Grand RapidsmdashJudge Xnappen in the Uniied States district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Company of Ludingtcn $10000 for accepting reshybates from the Pere Marquette en Shipments from Ludlngton to Toledo The Stearns Company pleaded guilty

Sault Ste MariemdashDeputy Sheriff Andrew Taylor Jeff for Oolumbua to take Albert Sowers alias Gueriuge or Gearing to Ce Ohio state prison Sewers is a paroled convict who has served several months in the regular army as a cook at Fort Brady

LansingmdashIn a tax title case the sushypreme couit decided that notice to the original owner of the property must be given by t h e purchaser of the title unoVvthe law now in force at the time the purchase of the states title was mad i

KilisdalemdashMiss Mary Farr left Hillsdale and will later go to Maryshyland to act as field secretary and orshyganizer of libraries in that state Miss Farr has organized 20 libraries and says that the one in this city is the ideal

Laingsburgmdashin order to determine whether Mrs Charles Kimball was poisoned by a cedar preservative given to her by her husband by misshytake for s i l t s or that her death was due to natural causes aninquest was held

PontiaemdashCounty Treasurer Power has received $1922222 Oaklands share of the primary school money and has already disbursed it among the various treasurers of the county The appointment was two weeks late

Grand RapidsmdashThe will of Cornetti G Comstock wife of former Congressshyman Comraquotock and mother-in-law of Land Commissioner Russell was filed The property is estimated at $33000 real estate and $17000 personal

FlintmdashWilliam D Butler 21 years old Moses Purcell 18 William Ryan 8 and Joseph Costa 17 pk-tded guilty to the charge of burglary and each was sentenced to the state reshyformatory at Ionia

HastingsmdashJohn Llefcta proprietor cf a soft drink place kn Freeport was found guilty of violating the prohibishytion law by selling Malt Foam manshyufactured iu Grand Rapids

Bay CitymdashThe body of John T War-dell watchman on the berg Pome-roy of Bay Port and whose home was

^ 2 fOHK QW-~ V


bullbullbull bullbull - M A N -


Prisoner Said He Got What Hltv-Hiir

ExpectedmdashAVife and Erring Sister Weep Cver the Verdict

Rev William Cuminirigs former VAk Rapids pastor was convicted by a Jury at Ionia of failure to support his wife

As the foreman of the jury in the triai of Cumuiings oit the charge ct having deserted his wife and elnped with nls sot mate her sister Velva Taylor pronounced the verdict a firaquoertng smile crept over the faao af the Rev Williain

It came oat na I expected said he when his wife Mabel who brought the charge called on him in his ceil a little later- - 1mdash bullbullbull lt-)

Mrs Cummmgs on the stand had defended her husband somewhat to the surprise of the eourt hangers-on She and her father declared that Velshyva had been the pursuer in the strange love affair and Velva herself had admitted her gthfatnatlon for the clergyman saying that when she folshylowed him to the Soo he had told her to eo home

Judge Davis wfll Impose sentence next week In the meantime counsel for the defendant will test the con-stitationaiity of the law which makes the jttdge the pardoning power and provides that the state shall pay a pension while tho husband is in prisshyon in case qf failure to file a-bond ior the wifes maintenance

Mr and Mrs Taylor and Velva wbc wept bitterly over the verdict eturfied to Clarksville while Mrs

CummingB remained at the jaU with her husband

here 111 ( (j-iuux -Ha-pJcs



lilty vinry bullbullbulland zhn his Johzisouj lt rn-rri gth^ Nva^i J iy bull

f - o rs hfr v-otiigtis bull



^- gtluV n -n ca

Mir- KE-y-in M

iVOW-rt (gti




M r s

AVKiimdashjtiiiH H

Jilottirs o r A i Hha s


l (ihtiS

iHlAiiSt d o

nttirl stcrc 5-ituijihVo

Mm uTrrrvy

dird iu -Cilt vea id

i A s i i O r e s u l t of a s i a i

du iKraquo

ric bulliVAiii





T h e pound ^ - v - A

nartol Ci

f t p d ilgaiHt h i s W i r d ^ i H i )(gt

lich bullevLviiiif Ins own -lije Dotroirmdash v special iroin

Mario Mich says Thait


bullovi gtul

u l l t R i o


Cannot Ship Hay Secretary Wilson after deciding

that he would Issue an order permitshyting the shipment of hay etc from the state of Michigan amder certain restrictions at S oclock Wednesday afternoon changed his mind He would not is^ue the order and the delegation of hay dealers from Michigan undershystood to be about to start for Washshyington may aa well go on if they fv-i like i t

1frac34frac34 secretary said he had stopped the order because be Is not yet enshytirely satisfied that It Is safe That U all He would not agree to the Inshyference from this that he might issue the order a little later ms It was ap-Bareot that he would like to do so He sfeld it was always bis polcy to Intershyfere M little as possible with business but that this was a most serious afshyfair and thai he would not take any chance

The Qlazlsr Trial It Is generally believed that one of

the certainties of the near future Is that Frank P Glazier will have to far rgtrimtna3 charges in Detroit In adshydition to the eharges of this character pending in Ingham county

It Is likely that the charges will be in the wayne circuit court but there is a possibility also of the United States courts being called on and inshyformations may be filed in both fedshyeral and state courts

It Is said that the question of crimshyinal charges against Glazier in Deshytroit was discussed a f w days age fcraquo a Glasier creditors meeting at waich the banks holding large amounts of Glazier paper were rep-raeexUed Some of the speakers it is said were very insistent In demands that some serious action be taken in Detroit action in proportion to the more than $500000 that Glazier got from leading Detroit banks

Were Fined $10000 Judge Knap pen in the United States

district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Co of Ludlngton $10000 for accepting rebates from the Pere Marshyquette on shipments from Ludington to Toledo Some time ago the Stearns company pleaded guilty on 20 counts and was fined $20000 Judge Knap-pen recently permitted the company to withdraw the plea of guilty on 20 counts on condition that it would plead guilty on six counts This the company did and was fined the $10000 on the six counts today

Saved Baby Lost Her Li fe Mrs Claude W Buckley ot Battle

Creek the young mother who five weeks ago saved her babes life by carrying it from a burning room while Ler own cloching was on fire died Wednesday from her burns

Mrs Buckley had thrown excelsor in the Are when tfer clothing became ignited and spread to curtains in the bullcom Heedless of her own peril and thinking only of her child she held the babe at arms length from her and carried it to a place of safety outside By this time she was wrapped In flames and was terribly burned before they could be extinguished She was well known in Battle Creek society

John J McCarthy for six years rep-rjwraquotative at Lansing from the Stau-dish district has accepted the position of examiner of Inheritance taxes in Michigan He will take up his new duties Jantian I

Knocked down ad robbed on the street early in the evening on her way home froin laquoho^irir

iiampiaciaaoomdashVai^s uu her bullbullraquobullamp home from m shopping trip Mrs David Haines one of the most prominent women of the city waa knocked Cown and robbed

bull i Trhrs ha3 seized her rgtltgtckfttooK A crowd followed and the fugitive was caught He gave his name as Joe Williams

j i7raquoci it inii SK H I l i iu UOWn iboirs reported having paampieJ-i 1 a ^uaiitity^ if wreckage In- Lake3u-bullp^riqr off Vermillion Ptitm near White Fish hay -Among the wreckage was a life raft No boat was reports here as missing It is the general opinion bore that -lthere has been a wreck it has been an upbound boat likely a lumber carrier

Traverse Ci ty -Loca l sportsmen are preparing to circulate a petition askshying that there-beho open season on deer in Grand Traverse county for the next ten years After being protected for five years the deer grew so accua-tomed to man that when the season flret opencvd _it was almost like shootshying cattle and a large number were slanghtered

KalamazoomdashLeaders of negro and white social circles of Kalamazoo met at the palatial home of Rev Caroline Bartletts Crahe for the purpose of talking over a day nursery for the colored children of the city and to give the representatives of the two races a chance to m e e t There were about 20 negro women at the luncheon

JacksonmdashThat the revolving fund the working capital of the prisshyon binder twine plant was revolved intothe general-fund and used for genshyeral expenses until after election is the uncomfortable discovery of Warshyden Armstrong ri^ht at the time uc cepted drafts for $30000 worth of sisal are pre-sentod for payment

MuskegonmdashAlleging that Erasmus De Jong threw 50 inmates of the Musshykegon county almshouse in to a state of terror by threatening to kill some of them County Superintendent of the Poor Buxxell made complaint against Belong charging him with inshysanity

Traverse CitymdashThe official returns frcm the Twenty-seventh senatorial disshytrict received here show that Fred C Wctmort was re-elected to the state senate by 13379 rotes In the district which comprisea t s v e n counties but three votes were cas t against Wet-more

LansingmdashMrs Nell ie AWerson of Grand Rapids In a crossbill to Em-mett Aiveraons sal t for divorce filed here denies that she was expelled from a Rebekah lodge c t Orand Rapshyids for misconduct Judge Wieet has granted her $10 weekly temporary alishymony

LansingmdashIjicking medical eld Gershytrude the five-year-old daughter of Mrs Lena Bendlx died cf diphtheria The mother a widow feared that she would be quarantined and as she was compelled to go out to work she kept her daughters i l lness to herself

HastingsmdashSchool children with the c id oi enterprising citizens will raise money enough to pay the freight and cost of mounting the civil war cannon recently offered to the city and reshyjected by the common council

Port HuronmdashAlthough Charles Sam-berg was declared legally dead in the circuit court the officials of the Modshyern Maccatrecs believe that he is still living They have decided to petition for a new trial

St ClairmdashFire destroyed Kohlers hotel and the residence of Charles A Gilen both old landmarks The hotel waa a three-story frame structure and the Gilen house was the second built in St Clair

SatrlnawmdashEdith Helen the two-year-oid daughter of Mr and Mrs Went worth Weaver accidentally tipped a pall of boiling water over herself Death relieved her sufferings

JacksonmdashFifty-four years as a railshyroad engineer without an accident is the record of John McCurdy the oldshyest engineer in the Michigan Censhytral f service at the age of 76

Monroe mdash John Krietz pleaded guilty to looting a Michigan Central freight oar and was sentenced to not less than three years or more than 15 years in Jackson prison

Port HuronmdashTrying to take a tea pot from a stove the two-months-old daughter of Thomas Jewett of the Wooden Track pulled it over and was scalded

PoiitiacmdashMrs Edna Wolfe of Or-tonville after eight months of married life has filed a petition for divorce from Ray Wolfe alleging extreme cruelty

HollandmdashThe funeral of G B Balshylard who died in Woburn Mass was held here Mr Ballard once declined the nomination for governor of Michishygan

PinckneymdashBurglars entered the store of Jackson ft CadwelL blew open the safe and secured $200 They then went to the poetofflce blew open that safe and took $3 and all the stamps and registered mail

The body of Henry White of Kalashymazoo was found bent around a post OS fwtit f r o m ihlaquo-gt M l c l i i i r s n dwgti$l rTVJV T^-iv n^r l-ilt- 7-yu Ti^Blt day rjigh No one w w nim me^t ilaquolaquo tleath but i is cowsMie ohvtous that he was struck by a fast train and j his body hurled to tiw place vrhere it I

as found

bull M-r ^ygt

gtv y -Ci

-iurgt2bull bull

A 0 ^ ltJ t --

tbaii bulllt



sayft lplt


bull bulllt

bullbullAlvy r i r bull

O h

IiCf h(

d a y s J

^Xii (

bulllaquo- H O

i i ba f id h o i

igtl(raquo the laquo for s i x w o


The Highftr Life Why dont you gc 10 work instead

of hpgglnisc and boozing 1 will bosB as soon as theraV an

openir in my trade An I aint g o IOUK to wait nuther

bullWhat is your trader Tra -a track walker for aeroplane

iiufcsmdashPhiladelphia Bulletin

l i o ^ n raquo l F o ^ iBlttlgestilaquoi l ^ - m - v ^ ^ ^ Relieves sour stomach

palpitaticn opound the heart Digests what you eat

Pleasant to take

Tfye ne^v laxative Does

not gripe or n a u s e a t e

Cures stdmach and liver

troubles and chronic con-

stipation by restoring the

natural action of the stomshy

ach l iver and b o w e l s Refuse eubetttutee Price COo


Commercial - Savings ACCOUNTS SOLICltED

P e r C laquo t f t

Paid on Time Deposits

Grand Trunk Railway System B A S T B O U N D FROM CORCNMA

N o J3 Detro i t Local e x c e p t S u n d a y cent 0 7 raquook K o $amp tgtetroit Eprltampexcept S u n d a y 1143 JVM N o 18 Detroji Loca l e x c e p t S u n d a y 510 p laquo N o M D u r a n d Local Dal lgt tamppm

W R S T B O U N D m O M C O B C N W A N o 17Grraquonit RpcJ Lors D u i i y ^ 7Jfearaquoraquo Ho 19 Cid R a p i d s l^gteal ex S u n d a y lurtrtaja No 13 O r a n H a v e n Lota e x SincJay 256 p a N o U ltraod Rapid Local e i S u n d a y iil p laquo

| S o l i d wide yestibvile iraiiiMof c o a c U b laquofad S leep ing t a r s are opt -a i^J to N e w YorW a s d P h i l a d e l p h i a v ia N i a g amp t a F a i l s by the G r a a d Tuok-Lebraquogh Val ley Route-

gtbull_bull G D Y O U N G A v t



CtwvKtaKTs ampc Anyone nending a sketch swu uCCiiptln my

quickly uncertain our orunlon free whettic-r v iR7laquomr^ raquolaquo pToh^WTPfttentable^Conittiiinic tiOTl StrictiyconfiOrjll HAJIUOvtm SBPraquonM sent fro Oi4est oeeocy for soccnujf pateuts

Pntants tampkea tnroulaquoh Moati amp Co receive wpceial notice wttnoiu caarge to i t e

Scientific JUnerkan A handsomely Htnstraxed raquoelaquolUy l^ircest clr culation of sn srientlflc i o u m a i j oar fonr rooiUw | i Sold b j all newsdes lem

HUNK S C o ^ mdash N e w M Bisoch OIBea ltSS P S t Wkafcinstoo D C

STEVENS D O N T B U Y A G U N until you have seen oar New Double Barrel Model fitted with Stereos Conprcssed Forged Steel Barrelsmdash


The mode of constructing these superb Trap ami Field Guns is fuily st forth in our New Shotshygun Pamphlet j Send two-cent stamp for it

ltbull A yeerDukr fw

DSM-BUC Claquoa

^ m t t m m m m l m m m t l jnfapyffff

mmmm wmmmmr vmm bullbull


bull amp

i I

u you can -think of anything any more bulldesirable than vpy xan find at pur store we would be pleased to have you get it if not cernein nnd look over 9 tloois each one packed full of the very choicest furniture possible to buy for the wife husband father or mother childrenor neighbor from the cheapest to the best

Chamber Suits from $1360 up lo 7500 Iron Beds from _ _ - 148 up to 4000 Rockers all prices all kinds Over 200 to

---- - select from mdash-bull-bull-- ------bull bullmdash--- Great Big Soft Easy Rockers as low as 1500

All Leather

Kitchen Cabinets for the kitchenmdashsaves the wife saves the shoes rriakes home pleasant from the famous McDougal at $3000 down to other good ones at $400 Dont fail to come and take a peek before separating yourself from your holiday allotment Use your credit with us as we trust everybody

f W W T V T yen bull

i Coanty Correspondence 1



SHAFTSBURG ShaftKbar Mich Dee 81906

P J Shaft w i In Latiftifig on 8atttrday

Loyal Burdlck was in Lansing on Saturday

Mrs i Van Riper WM in Puny on Friday

Mr and Mrs Wm Well were in Lansing on Saturday

Mr and Mrie Cady were in Lana-inj 6ii day lat wj ek

Dr Dumhams brother from Kalshykaska iraquo here una visit

Mf tt Veva Robinson returned froiV LatSMiitf ltraquoo Saturday

George Hamprlow of Lansing was here on business on Monday

Mr laquod Mrs Win Welia were in Owosso and Corunna or Monday

The ShMtsbursr Pedro Club met at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Webb on last Wednesday

gtrlaquo Jam1 Shaft returned from Jackson on Saturday where she had been on a visit of several days

De Hunkin of Battle Creek who h a s t e n thlaquo juest of his praquor= ents for several dayp retarned home on Friday

MEW LOTHROP N)f LoArOp Mich Deo 19W

Mrs W S Burge of Easton was in town Saturday

George Zentel has returned from a business trip at Detroit

Mr and Mrs A Dann are moving on the farm of Hon J Northwood

Miss Charlotte Keiley is clerking for Fred Kribs during the holidays

The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Beamish is on the sick list

Mr and Mrs Bert Ellithorpe have returned from a vjjsit with relatives at Reese

Miss Tvah Richardsf of Easfon was an over Sunday guest at the home of Mr and Mrs C Vernon

Miss Ola Boy re aftd Louise Mc- Graw have returned from Flushing where they have been learning the dreusnaking trade

Thft-box social given-by the 8tii grade at the high school room Frishyday evening was quite largely atshytended and an enjoyable time reportshyed

Our town is preparing for the holishydays The stores are assuming tlioii- nsnal Xrnas attire It has been decided ihere will be trees at both churches

Mr and Mrs S D Wilson have sold their home to Mr and Mrs B Colwell and are about moving to Oorunna where they have purchased a home

MORRICE Xorrice Mtco Dec 71M6

Mrs ft Smith is confined to tfa h a n i A w i t h lumtrftgO

Mrs Wm Reilley and little niece are visiting friends la Detroit

Mirs Lottie Forshye visited Llaquon~ sing friends from Friday until Monshyday

Mrs J Green of Ionia county is a guest of iier sister Mrs John Vaiiever

A F Buxton of Wilhamston spent the weeks end at the home of bis sister Mrs H V Pierce

Miss Tillie Gubry who has been spending the past three weeks in Fenton^returned home Monday

Communion services will be held in the M E church next Sunday morning at the regulat service hoar

Francis Wade of Swartz Creek was a guest of Miss Katie Defrecse from Saturday until Monday evenshying

James PendergaBt of Jackson wus laquo guest at the home of J ames

rEddington from Saturday until Monshyday

Forty hours of devotional services bagan in bt MaryschuivhTuesday Fr ORaiferty conducting the sershyvices

Fred Brundige of Haslett iv spending a few days in this vicinity looking up farming lands with a view of buying

The ladies of the M E church cleared over forty dollars from their fair neld Friday and Saturday in the Bailey building

George Smith and party from the north returned home here Thursday evening after a months stay on his iarni no iivwision

Mrs D Duane Martin and son Downey of Capac were guests at the home of T cJ Martin from Satshyurday until Monday evening

Christmas services will be held in the M E church Christmas eve A Christmas tree anda fireplace also a fine program is being prepared

Dan Quinu went to Dexter Saturshyday evening where he will spend a week at the home of Mr and Mrs Hawkins where his family preceded him two weeks ago

Mrs D G Harris returned Saturshyday from a three weeks stay in Lansing where she has been caring lor her mother Mrs Nathan Harris who is ill at the home of her daughshyter in the city

Ralph La Flamboy one of our town boys now with the Jackson Citizen Press has been promoted again He has a desk in the city and is general circulation manager there as well as in Albion

Miss Bessie Eddington of Harpshye r s hospital Detroit is home for a weeks visii with relatives and rriends Miss Eddington has passshyed her examination with honorn and now takes up her three years course

$100000 Gtvea for ampn7 wbrtwee inshyjurious to health found ia food resulting from the uc of

Caiumat T bullU arty -- ^ rV - -= i 1^frac34frac34 -

E C Marble who has been visitshying at the borne ot his daughter Mrs Harry Davis started-for Springport Monday moruingdriving through be having bought a team Gf Fred Maudlin and farming tools here to take with him

Jud- Clark iJl start for Byre Colo Thursday wtth a carload OJ stock and household ^oods for Floy Valentine who is golhg there next Tuesday to live oh a farm Mr Clark wiil visit his father Frank Claris during his absence

The- quarantine cu ehiekens is seriously inconveniencing the buyshyers hercopy causing them to ship in a round about way to reach Buffalo Canada-refusing to allow the poultry through their domain on account of the foot and month disease

Miss Carrie Furdy of this place made one of a party which started for Los Angeles Cal Tuesday Those in the parly besides Miss Purdy are Mrs I W Lamb of Perry Mr and Mrs Frank Gale and Mi Kincaid all of Corunna

The heating plant in the new part of the school building i giving very poor satisfaction There was no school last Thursday on account of low temperature A F Hoilis of Owosso was called here and decided more radiators were necessary also a larger steam pipe from tha furnace and registers in the floor to carry off the cold air He will make the necessary changes in Christmas vacation

Any skin itcbng is amp temper-tester Tbe more you svratch ttilaquo w o w it itches Doaafc Uintmsnt cures piles eczemamdashany skin itchiDjr - At all dru^ atOTes- ^ _ _ --^^ _ --^ t bullbull

BYRON njmraquo T Midi Dec 8 laquo0amp

L W Barnes is in Chicago John Roekman is on the sick list Mrs Jepbthsc Skinner Sr is in

Plt^rhejJtii Mr Arnold has eoue to take posshy

session of tbe mill A O Hathaway supplied for tbe

Oak Grove pastor Sunday Ed Welch is somewhat improved

in health at present writing Herman Meier has taken possesshy

sion of nislt new home in town Mr and Mrs Comstock have

moved into the Fisher building Mrs Gilbert is entertaining her

son this week He resides in Canashyda

Mrs Sanford has gone to Howell to remain an Indefinite time with friends -

The Seniors held a social last Frishyday night whicb netted them twenty dollars

Mr and Mrs John Nymphie of Dcfneld spent Suuday with Mr Meiers family

Frank Badgero has sold his home and wiil move in a house on tbe Wm Close farm

Auntie Bullis has gone to Geo Jecning fs home in Argentine to spend the winter

John Davison has purchased the old Paul Coffin farm of Wm Vaun and will soon move onto it

Mrs Roy Sayers will give an enshytertainment at the Baptist church Friday night of this week Mtss Lenora Connine of Howell will asshysist with music Fioceeds for the benefit of the L O T M M of this place

Postmaster Stowell baa moved the postofflce to the rear of his eiore thus leaving the entire front part of the store for use in displaying his fine large stock of china jewelry end Christmas novelties The change is a great improvement

Dress Coats in all styles and patterns

is upon us but we are here

first with the goods style and prices Just

stop a moment and jet us prove it to you

FUR COATS at any price you want

BUFFALO CLOTH COATS in the best grade only

ULSTERS and REEFERS for both men and boys

We are selling more UNDERWEAR

this season than ever before for our prices

are the lowest and our goods have the quality

fcvery W o m a n Wi l l Be I n t e r e s t e d

There has recently been diacovored an aroshymatic pleasant herb cure for womans tils s S-UcrJ Kclhpr Grsy9 Auraquoirraquolaquoiraquon-Tjlaquoraquoi l i ilaquo it oDlyltraquonraquoin reyuUtor Curlaquolaquo fematlaquo weak-nesses and Bcksvhe Kidney BUdder and Urinary troubles At raquo11 Igtrwagists or by mail 60 eta Sample FREE A4drtss The Motber Gray Co Le Roy N Y

ELSIE Elsie Dec 81906

J A Watson was in St Johns Monday

Mrs Chas Sanford is again under the doctors care

Mrs Orlie Austin is helping out at W W Temples

Sterling Blayney is moving onto his farm in Fairfield

Mr Tubbs Sr has been very ill during the past week

L O Bates has purchased the Moulton farm near Bannister

Frank Clark is moving onto the Garratt farm two miles west of town

Supervisor Gilbertof Chapin is very ill threatened with typhoid fever

Mr and Mrs Levi Morse have moved to Lansing where he has emshyployment

Ohio farm seekers are canvassing the vicinity of our village for buyshying small farms

Architect Cherry of Owosso spent Friday at the Michigan Milk Proshyduct Cos factory

The home of Ezer Largent has been disinfected Velma Hughson having recovered from diphtheria

Buyers of milch cows from Mt Pleasant are visiting our stock farms and shipping numbers of fine cows to that placo

Mr Bader of Detroit Mr Haare of Jackson and Mr Waldron of Mt Pleasant did business in our village the first of the woek

Tho Elsie band give their second masquerade ball at I O O F ball on the evening of Dec 10 Mr Wait will serve suppers until the ball closes

Fred Munger of St Johns phones his cousins that he iz none the worse for his rough handling here at the St Johns vs Elsie football game on Thanksgiving

Rumor BAYS another physician is

w i amp j i i i U i ^u tv O fJS i i i sits VY4J iJKsy have three excellent physicians in the very zenith of their lives he

font ptria oi tiivl aitI iijVve to bi of tiniisiiil obHIty to Vytiif5gt5iii

Miss Jessie Morrice a trained nurse from the childrens hospital in Detroit visited a portion of last week at the home of her uncle Wm Morrice and from Saturday until Monday with her cousin Mrs E L Bann

J Q A Cook sold four hogs Sat-urday whose combined weight was 2200 pounds also shipMd a Ram-

j siC-MVHVs id^wr gt Alaquobull Air^n 1

amounting to over one hundred dol-ra in sheep last week which were

i f ihipps bull stlaquoite

Lrours for Good Goods and Low Prices

A McMulleit S Co

MORTGAGE 3AIEmdashWhereas default has been made in the eoa lltfona of a certalo

bullraquoort^alaquoe made atod exeeo^d by Georglaquo W Middietou ami Bertiia- J Middletcn bis wire of the TowasLip of Hazeton Sbtavassee county Michigan of the first part to Joseph fl Collina of said county and state of the second part on the 85h day of January A D 100laquo aod recorded in the office of the Regshyister of Deeds for said county in Liber 1)3 Of Mortgages on pages SraquoR and 379 on the 25th day of January A D 1906 and that raquo^er-i srds the real property Bpen which said mortgage W M fflrta araquo aforesaid was b a certain warranty deed conveyed by tbe said Gecrjre W Middle-ton and Bertha 3 Middletou to Ull ie D Elod-(CU of Detroit Hgttrigan which doed was reshycorded in tbe office of the Register of Deeds of bullaid eoutHj- in Liber 128 of Deeds on page W4 and that afterwards on the 2Sth day of Januashyry A D 190S said a w r t n g c so given araquo afore-u M M assigned by Joseph H Coiiins to George W Middle ton and Berths J MiddWton which aoalgnneot is recorded in the office ot VHpound Kjjiistet of weed B of - said connty OQ the tth day of February A D IMS in Liber 100 of aasixnuenta on page ISA And whereas it nvorides in said mortgage that if defaolt be made in payment of tSte interest thereon asft the same ahaii eontlnn to be tu defaalt for the period of thirty days from the tint when said interest was due then at the Option of said mortgagee or his assignee the vhole amount of the principal upon said mortgage becomes due and payable Aii-i whereais the said Ull ie D Biodgett has defanlted in the payaient of the interest due upon said mortgage bull and the same has continued for thirty dayx now the said assignees -ieciare Ute ttaid principal of said mortgage due and payable and that there U claimed to be due at the date of this notice for principal and interest the sum of Two Hunshydred fifty-nine dollars and SUteem cents (SSiS 16) and nosnit or proceediDgu at law or in equity having been taken to recover the monty eiured by iafd mortgage Or any part tbereofrnotice is hereby given that b virtue of the power of aalo contained In said mortshygage and the Ktatutes in su^h ease- made and provided ttajd Mortgage will be forceloaed by sale of the preuiiBea gtJew-i ilaquogtI luerein or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said money now due thereon together with interest tnereou at the rate of six per cent per annum frons tSjc-Sstc-sf-tfcii-^actJce together withaii attorneys fee of twenty dollars jgtro-vtded in t aid mortgage together vil l i all ie^al elaquowilaquoof this foreclosure at public auction or-vendue to the nlghen bidder at tbe front door of tbe iOurt house In the city of CoraunaMich-igan said court hone being the building in which tbe circuit court for Shiawassee county Michigan is held on the 12th day o f D e c e m shyber A D 1U0amp at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day The premise are described in araquoid mortgage as follows to-wit Commencing twelve [13] rods ten [10] feet south of the north-eaat corner of section thirty-three [33] thence flye fS] rodssix and onethalf [6frac12] feet south toe ace weat tweiaty [30 rods thence north five [5] rod six and one-half |SMraquo] feet thence east twenty [30] rods to place of beginning town eight [8J north range four [4] east

Dated September ad IWSi GBORGB W MrDDLETON BERTHA J HIDDLETOH Assignees of said mortgage

Joseph H Collins Attorney for Assignee Corshyunna Michigan


Have you tried a sack of -7

We guarantee it to be equal to any winter wheat flour on the market reshygardless of price Your money back if it doesnt suit For sale by


Theres no place tike the Journal for Neat r u t i n s joajjraquojraquogt

BECKY Gold Medal Flour for me


Subscribe for the Journal

Keep Your Eyes on the or

We are showing Heatherbloom Skirts special this week at pound199 to 239

-Our line of Jackson Corsets th best out the new numshybers 50c $ 100 and J5150 New styles and best form corset on the market

Remember a box of Cadet Hosiery or Fancy Handkershychiefs makes a splendid Christmas gift

A few more patterns in the new Dress Goods--nothing better or more appreciated by the wife cr zscthsr


Geo M Beemer I Dry Goods and Notions Phone 61

spoundV Hi fiStr^ 25 ^ 2 R S ^

vurfit- ot w

I ij The cold and damp weather is at hand when every-f one should give special attention to having dry and com-tfortable feet We have done our duty to the public by [providing a large stock of Rubber Footwear of the most

popular brauds shapes and sizes W e feel confident tha t |we can supply every demand in rubber and warm footwear 1 A pair of rubbers properly fitted will wear longer than jif improperly fitted We give special attention to correct (fitting Call when in need of rubberwear of any description

amp ^g




i laquo p i

W S X C H A JOHNSON rto-st-gttara

THE CORUNNA JOURNAL bullraquolaquolaquo ltr- 7 pound j nlt own to make elaborate presents The pleasure of making a costly gift is reat at the time of the giving but the reflection afterward that one Was obliged to go beyond his mean to do so is discomforting indeed Many a young man has csedhisenj

iob|Jraquoljd vty Tani-aday morning at CO I-OAS the csuAtjr st of SaiawaaaOO county Tk-r-M-4A l a I w ( sLMmt of thraquo Republic Party 4 titexwOcoaiMi of feaeraJ and local neat bull

fttit ltraquo per year In advance uv 4o sot NTTW to top ihi pptr uniew ployers money at this season of the

ordered tt laquoLgt ao bag wlaquo poattUu to top i was -laquo raquotrtfclaquod Buowt-rberB who ttsli tolaquoWp UMraquo gtapef tstoflfa notify us direct and cot Wave i t to the poatmAster to do He MWKtimefa fscifeeU Always se Sbat yonr Mt b-scrlptAoa is pwd up w ic date you r-jUlaquo-st u ttgt itgtp tae pevper 1frac34 - draquovlt8 your eubraquolaquorpllon kit paS-3 ttgt U on vour^Kper elaquou week witUyour

bullRie quantify and qttaUty i f the advertising appearing in the tocawju if abundant ttl-asony to itraquo value as aa advertising -rediuu Itraquoveraquo tnaraquolt- known at the office

year thinking it eouM be made good a little later but with sad results Many others who wonld not go as far fas tnia make expenditures for gfs for metnbei-s of the family and friends when the money might far Nacter have been appropriated for some other purpose However


bull onnr sinnsm

w e gt bullgt

A t O w o M t f i t M l c h l s s n

aa reported to the Bank Coeamirsicncr of the tatAte of MicMnT Moraquo 2 7 raquo0-8 laquo

muotrscsH VtfSraquo _ Bank and ftatunSs Cms ir

MraquoJS4ltK laquoraquolaquolaquo06


would not wish nor expect to see j pound items of news are laquoJvjs acceptable ite-member tbat what mieresw you will generally interest othenauu that it win be Kadigt re j Christmas go by without each one cefvedby us Communications on sunjeita of M T f

- bull bullbull- leeired the doing a llttis of something Jt you jreaerarinteretit are especially deeired the UOUiK raquo laquo laquo laquo 8 01 B o m e L i u u j j 11 j -uu bull facr that wr-omnBunicationappea-i in this piraquo-t Q amp v e amp f a m i l y VOU U n d o u b t e d l y 2 per however does not mean tbat It neccssari- U T raquo raquo u i u j r v laquo J I bull fy voices the opinion of the editor Toere will i h a v e c h i l d r e n w h o w o u l d b o h e a r t - i bull t ^ o c h a r ^ f o r t n e p u b l l n a i i o n of laquo = ~ - 1 b r o k e n f g a n t a C I a u 8 d i d n T t ler

No fake ad vert I si ug or any raquo^iing bordering a t a l l on toe objection inamperUsl at any price

Cards of thanks 50c obitrary notices obitgt nary poetry resolutions butunees locals of all kind and notkea of ewtertaiuments where ad-mission Is charged 5e per line

Kntered at the Poet Office Cortina Michigan as second class mail matter

come Doublet them be disappointshy

ed to such a degree as this It neednt be much but by all means see that each gets some little tbing that will please If you have a good friend remember him in a small way even if it be no more than a Christmas note or postcard If he is the good friend you think ho is and has the good judgment he should have he will realise your circumshystances and appreciate what you do much more^ than he ^onld if yon were to go beyond your means If you take your children to the Christ-mas tree ba certain there is some

W H A T a fine Christmas present Uttilaquo thing there for them With the payment of a few of those old many it requires considerable stretch


Capita) Stock Surplus -bdquo Uepolaquoitlaquo

TcHU-I hereby certify the s b

staWinent ltI the ltogtxiui iiiuu of tbii bampnW to the y~t of wy ki0-vK--lgf aiuL Oflief

G L TAYLOK Cashier

f 60^0000 5560 9

fie4nefgt9s 100(9080

to bo a rue

1 bull





-bull-bull -I-1^raquo bull-gt nnraquo^w^^-w-|raquogt---|i-ii|i|i bull in -bull in m 1

i they will run hourly Coruu bullbull

gtSSfev lt s a u ^ M f^Pcvgt

A K D the Owosso deliverymen are on a strike I Wfto wouldn^t strike if they had to ride a delivery wagon in this cbftQg of weather

912 or [$14 subscriptibh aeconris vos td make a newspaper publisher mdash laquo e laquo a some of tblaquo smaller cent5 or f8 accoahts

^^KvtWiiHbiA^igtiSG t h e g r e a t popularity attained by the Teddy Bear he can never supplant the good old doll that has stood the test so many years For Christmas for the children dont forget the doll above all other things You may give them both but if you can give but one let it be the doll by all means

T H E committee on the Elksmemshyorial service made a g-gtod selection in Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Joseph Collins to deliver the special eulogies J oe can always be depend laquod npon for something good upon any occasion and his enorts upon this one brought forth something that was well appreciated and did Jtni great credit

T H K effort being made by the Evening ArgHs to raise |300 by sob-bullcription to defray the expense of an addition to the Boreas Home to be used as a girls7 dormitory is a very commendable one and should have the support of all good citisens of the county From a very small beginning this institution is growshying into one which is doing a great deal of good and with a little help promises to attain much larger proshyportions in the near future Subshyscriptions in any amount will be gratefully received and those who feel that they can spare 50c or 9100 should not pass up this opportunity to do a great deal of good with little money Subscriptions may be placed with the Evening Argus or at this office Surely there are many Co-run n a people who can afford to help a little

ON CHRISTMAS GIVING With the coming of Christmas

comes the natural desire of all to make gifts It comes to all alike be they rich or poor With those who can afford to make numerous and costly gifts this desire is easily satisfied but with those who cannot afford these things it is vastly differshyent and it is regrettable that the desire to do them is 90 intense with some that it often leads them to go far beyond their means many even

Throat Coughs Ask your doctor about these throat coughs He will tell you how deceptive they are A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead Better explain your case careshyfully to your doctor and as him about your taking Ayers Cherry Pectoral

A We pobllna a w tottb-al-

ijers We banish aleohol fro-o c-ar -nlaquoUetas

We arge yea to doctor

Who makes the best liver pills The J C Ayer Company of LowelL Mass They have been making Ayerj Pills for over sixty years If you have the slightshyest doubt about oilaquotig these piUa ask your doctor Do as he says always

gtby aa J C JLyar Co K-owU

of imagination to realize the feelings of the child who sees all the others get something and finds nothing there for herself and there is nothshying more pitif ol than seeing a child come from the Christmas tree with tears in her eyes because she is empty-handed Bern e m b e r that Christmas giving should be for the children more than anyone else and If you cannot do for all do a little for them at least


When Will Corona People Lssrn the Importance of it

Backache is only a simple thing at first bullbull

But when yon know tis from the kidneys

That serious kidney troubles follow That diabetes Bright disease may

be the fatal end You will gladly profit by the followshy

ing experience Claude Perry living on West Main

SL Durand Mich say From the benefit I derived from the use of Doang Kidney Pills I have not the least hesitancy in recommending them For two years I was troubled more or leas by backache and I think there was not amp time during the whole two years that I could say I waaabeolutely free from pain Not only did my back bother me but I had a distressed and miserable feeling through my chest I beard so much about DOSES Kidney Pills that I procured a pox and began using them By the time I had taken the contents of this box the pain in my hack had entirely disappeared and the miserable feeling in my chest bad left I would advise anyone troubled by backache to give Doana Kidney Pills a trial

For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburc Co Buffalo Xew York Sole Agents for the United States

Remember the namemdash Doansmdashand take no other


I bull^bull^^^bull^^r^mm^m - A A

mdash Mra Floyd Acitias is quite sick mdash rsos Cole was home over Sunday mdashNed Coste was in tbe city Saturday mdashSire William Hughes is quite sick mdash-Buy Xgtnlaquoa postaJ-t of us Reynolds mdashC F Keel in Las uaoved bis family

to Detroit mdashS I Fox of Arcadia Is u tbe city

on builrjeF mdashMislt Xettie Eyeietrv has returned

from Detroit mdashLloyd DOampD speut Sunday at Lis

home in Caledonia mdash Watcb our wicdows for ChiisttnaS

presents Reynolds mdashErvio Williams was home from

Burtoa over Sunday mdashMr and Mrs J C Qoajle bnye reshy

turned from Cbicago mdashalias Stella DeVol of Saginaw is

viMtlngMra J Ellber mdashMrs Fred Kay wbo has been on tbe

sick list iff much improved mdashif you dont see what you want ask

for it Well get it Reynolds mdashMiss Louise Peacock enteitalced

tbo WomanXClub Monday eveatog mdashSx-Trcasare R F Kay of Morrice

was in tbe city Wednesday on business mdashThe Baptist Union met with Mrs

Frurk Miliard Ier Tuesday afternoon

bullgtbulllaquobull bulllaquo bull laquo bull bull bull laquo euro tgta^laquogtlaquoiilaquoaaao

mdash Mrs Jobc Boutwell left Tuesday for a two weeks visit with her mother at Davisburg

mdashMrs E E Campbell is visiting relashytives in Chicago also ampttendiog the stock show

mdashMiss Alice Bagin is speodioga few days withher sister Mrs Joe Biley of Kew Raven

mdashWalter Saunders formerly proprieshytor otj resrauraot in this city was in town Monday

mdashFloyd AefctnV trlui on the charge of assault and battery was sxfyourced Friday for two weeks

mdashGeo Sabine of Morrice spent Monshyday with his daughter Mrs WUiinm Cornford of tbis city

mdashThe Hawkfe nhlt-ol hslaquo been cioscd for a few days because of the illness of tbe tescber Jesse Row

mdashGrant Morse has resigned his posishytion at tbe Grand Trunk and will soon re-enter^be Coranufi hlgb school

bullmdashTbe Are department was called out Monday afternoon to exttngtSsb a^-^ht blaze at the residence of pound Kinney

mdashMr and Mrs WIlHam Burger who have been visiting friends here left for their home in Lutoo Iowa Monday

mdashHomer McBride a former Coronua boy has been elected worshipful master of Geeesee Lodge No 174 F A A M

mdashWm Garner has sold bis confectionshyery store to Henry Hagfe of this city Mr Hagletook-possettsien Wednesday

mdashMany local sportsmen took advaat-age of the light snowfall by speadlsg a few hours la the woods hooUitg rabbits

mdashBig double progran at the Pavleas theatoriom this (Thursday) ereaiog The count in the voting cntsst will also be given

mdashMr and Mr Geo M Winnie nave returned from a fsjw days visit with their daughter Mrs Howard Botdilna ofWlxom

mdashMiss Irene Rome of Coi rgtna enter-taioed last Friday evening ID honor of her guest Miss M Stocking of Zsnct-vile Ohio

mdashCbCBdler Tompkins of the Evening Argus reportcHai force has been con-flued to the houae two or three days With the grip

mdashBernice Parsons has been obliged to abandon her studies at the Co unnablgb school for tbe rest of the yeai on acshycount of her Illness

--Howard Van Ommereo has acceptshyed a position at tbfraquo Grand Truck Be will not commence work however unshytil tbe last of tbe month

mdashTbe students of the different grades are looking forth witb great pleasure to the time wben they will take up tnelr work in tbe new building

mdashTbe Adelpuics will nave their first party of tbe year at tbe borne of Mr and Mrs Fred Doan Caledonia towo-sbip next Friday evening

mdashA DeTroi firm bag been awarded the contract for doing the carpenter work on tbe brick flat wbicb is eing erected by tbe Detroit Brick Company

mdashTbe Corunna Firemen will give another of tbeir annual parties on New Years eve Tbe flrecen will enshydeavor to make tbis tbe best party of tbe year

mdashMrs Tod Kincaid and daughter Miss McHardy left last Thursday evenshying lor Cleveland- they being called there by the serious illness of Mrs Kin-caids father

mdashOwing to tbe fact that new motors snd trucks are being put oo (be cars

1 -5 it yOJ tiJVVt Csi-rt us Uc VHigtK Urinary iiimi- i ir^A M t s t l (pa h bdquo r f gt r i irlfj gt

dcr or Kidney troube -nlti ai i t a Mrtaiu 5 ^ a ^ v e 3 e r e gt U[al J -p)ealaquoint herb ltraquoIIT for wgtmraquo-iF 111raquo tv -motK^ I _ raquo_ praquort- A ltirajrraquo Au-jiraJian-Lea t itlaquo laquofc and never- raquobullgtbullgt-bull gtbull fraquoiunlaquorelaquoTialaquogtr AH D--vBr(ri5sor by wail so d iy for Bath and Lansing for s coutgte centK Sample packajre Fit Eft Addrlaquoslaquo The t Ugte-OrayCoLeRoy X Y d a y s V l i i t

[re Fojd BontweHleft-Weds

Chaa K Rigley D Waipple President Cashier

Cbaa W Gale Geo B Sweet Vtee President Aaat Cashier


Owosso Savings Bank O w o f t o - Mlc t i l f f t tn

C a p T t e a l laquo 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pays -4 o o

Oft Sovftgs Deposits

Cars will leave on the boor and Owosso on

the half hour mdashCottoty Treasurer Sbipman reports

that be has received the first tax-aioney of rbe flet year It waa tiirnef to by Jobu I Sfc-Js Jr treasurer of Wood h-ull township

mdashThe State Association of Farmers Clubs betd its regular meeting in the senator t-bamber Lansieg iMt Tuesday and Welnesfay Alt L Chandler de-iive(Ki ampo addrecs

mdashTbe Sophomore ciass of tbe Corunshyna high pcuooi had charge of the Peer-ei tbtre Tuedey evening Extra music and a double program -werefecjoi-ed by tbe large crowds |

--About the oniy excuse Shiawpsoeei ouo iy balaquo now on tbe court houae proposition ic tbat the mau wbo loaned tbe money were looking wben the counshyty took U -Flint J gturnal

mdashMrs Edna Parsons Oddy and her I niece Marjorle Parsons of Detroit were called here on account of the illshyness of her sister Bern tea Parsons wbo has been sick for the past eix weeks

mdashEdwin Sbelp tbe Bancroft wrestler was a welcome risitor at the Journal orBee Saturday Mr Sbelp has made many friends n Corunna by bis gentleshymanly conduct on the mat as well as off

mdashThere will be an assembly after the dancing class every Wednesday even-foe from 900 oclock standard until 1130 Bill 36c per couple rgentlemen without ladies 26c ladle without escort 15c

mdashTbe Seelboff brothers two well known New Haves township hroiers were in the city Tuesday They came to call on friends and to vlstr the court houSvmdashOut of tbegesticsen asd Blaquogtcr seen the building

mdashWm Brands and Bobt Thompson bampve returned from their Montana ranch The first named has acquired a pair b plumes tbat Would be a credit to Ghauncey Depew and be was hardly recognised by bis friends

mdashTbe annual meeting of the Shiawasshysee Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held In Corunna Thursday Janshyuary 7 Officers will be elected red other business will be transacted Inshycluding a proposed change In the cba-t e V

mdashWork on the new school building is progressing rapidly laquond it Is expected that the building will be ready8copyt occushypancy py January 1 i t has been deshycided not to fiswuM school after Daeso-br 19 nt4t4) the new buUdlag Is ready for use

mdashA aeaaber of Coronmt Klks attended the sacooftal atrrioss of Owosso Ledge Sunday afternoon All have had opporshytunity to bear Biro J H Collins many time in the past and declare that his delivery and the address which be gave bays never been surpassed by bin

mdashMayor W A McMullen has had the electric tights furnished by the 8 L amp P Company removed from bis store and has installed ao acetylene gas outfit The mayor says tbe electric lights did not furnish sufficient Ulcmtaatioc to carry oo business by in theevftniog

mdashTbe examination of Ernest and Alshybert Sraheiui of Eaiton oa tbe charge of attempted murder was to have been neld December 3 but wc sdi denaitely Tbe time will depend upon the progress toward recovery made by tbe victims of the stabbing Reynold Brabeim and Victor Hoover who are a yet unable to leave their beds

mdashWe bave on band a fine Peninsular bot air furnace on which we can give someone an excellent bargain This furnace cost over 9200 when new but was Installed where proper pitch to the pipes could not be had so it was fc nd necessary to make a change Tbe furshynace is in fine condition and will be a soap tor someone Corunna Hamprdwarr Co

mdashMr and Mrs F C Gale left Tuesday for California to epeud the winter They were accompanied by Miss Carrie Pardy and another lady friend from Morrice who will also spend the winter here Mrs Gals was in very poor cftUh st the time of departure and it

is hoped the change of climte will have the same beneficial effect tbat it did last winter

a T tgtwdj W Gale

W A Woo-larU

Ueo T Mason Cha B RijrUy

mdashThe alleged Shaftsburg conductors of a sightless porker at Shaftsburg William Wells and Claude McClintock ware brought into tbe justice coo it Tuesdav They bave planued to waive examination and will be bound over to the circuit court Each will furnish bonds in the sum of 9600 for his appearshyance in tbe circuit court next Monday when tbelr esses will be considered

mdashMiss Edith Marshall and the memshybers of ber Sucday school class were delightfully entertained at (he borne of Mr nod Mrs Wm E Id ridge on Monday evening in honor of Master Merle Eid ridge it being bis eleventh birthday The home was beautifully decorated in honor eV-tbe occasion and tbe guests were treated to a sumptuous repast Merle was tbe recipient of many pres ents of wbicb he Is very ^roud

mdashThere will be another big noise at tbe armory in Owtlaquoo it tbe near future for tholaquotft who irtvf rh rgatHh raquoraquoraquoraquoraquobull

j WMBU i-Ci ShtIlraquo- Of BnlaquoAgt--ifi raquonltS Krwfft

I Watson of corunna will take on laquotrcrgtg j |pound- iOppoQ^nts Sbelp wii uclaquoL At Acknr-I man of Lima 0 who claims the wvltsr-

weight chmpioDsfaip of the south | Real Estate Transfers Watson will grapple with Floyd Couch-j o Parkhurst to F Rogers part sw er of Armsda Micb who is said to be 14gt sec 18 Burcs 91000 a wonder at bis weight of 155 pounds Tbe date set is December 10

mdashThe coroners jury in tbe case of William Ryan of Owosso engineer of the northbound train wbo was killed in the recent coHiston near Bamberg Oo

D Stafford to L Woodin and wife p$ nw 1 4 see 25 Owosso laquo2500

Tlaquo Garber t o N Horton pt nw 1-4 sec 28 OwosampXgt 9i500

L Woodin to D SUafqrd and wife e 1-2 It 7 blk 6 S K Barnes add

Catarrh Cannot Be Cured

theToiedoA Aun Arbor railroad re- Owosso 9625 turned a verdict late Monday night rinding tbe collision due to careless-1 oessoo tbe part of the train dispatcher with LOCAL APPLICATIONS they i - k n - M i h - ^ n - - ^ in laquolaquolaquoiitncraquondegt tradech tueseat of toe disease Ihomas Lshy of 0woraquoo In aooulling ^irrb Is a blood or constitutional d1raquo-an order against the Bbdquo T amp I extra ( cent ^ M a in order Mgt cure H you must whieb bad the right of way from Du-rsod t-gt Hamburg and laj not giving an order for the two trains to ereet at

Notice of Annual Meethii Theannual mectiac of the Shiawassee

Mutual Fire losurauce Company will held at the court bouse In the city of J perfect eoabUntioa of the two isngredl-Corunoa on Thursday January 7th IwOQ at 11 a m for the purpose of electing officers and also to consider the proposition to ehanglt See 15 of the Be-vlsed Charter so as to read Said com paoy Is formed and shall be conducted for the mutual insurance or the property of Its members against loss by fire and no other property shall be insured exshycept tbe dwelling houses buUdlags mills where stationary boilers and enshygines are placed and the machinery t terelo and personal property of the intern situated upon or used on or about their farms or business of farmshying together with tbestacks of hay and grain on such farms and such other business as may properly comebefore lbs meeting

Dated at Owoaao Dec 1st 190S FRANK H BUSH


X hia ) a n SMSy Test

Sprinkle Aliens Foot-Sase in one shoe and not la the other and notjee the di(Terence Just the thing to use when rabbers and overshoes become accessary aud your shoes s e e n to pinch Sold Everywhere 25 cents Dont acshycept any sib-ititute

Hoarse coughs and Btuffy colds that may develop into pneumonia over fight are quickly cured by Foleys Hone and Tar as it soothes inflamed membranes heals tfce lungs aud expels tbe cold from tbe system Sold by Glen T Reynolds

tike internal remedies Haffs Catarrh Oar is taken loier nail j aud acts dlree-lv as tfcfc blood and ameout surfaeea HallsCaarra Cure Is nota^aeek suedl-cine It was prescrtbid by one of me beat physicians ia this oauotry for eara and Is s rfguiar preKviptioa Ittoeosn-posed of the best toatea kaowa Qoaibia-ed with tbe bet blood p-ariAert aetisar directly on the saucoM wetaees Th

eats Is what preuses snob weaeWffui results In eurlaf Catarrh S^ad for testisaoniais free

F JCHXJTBT A CO Trope Toledo O Sold bv Dracttata prios Sc Take Halls Family PUM lor coostipa-


If yon suffer from constipation and lfvtr trouble Foleys Orino Laxative will euro you nerniaoeotly by stimulsU tng lb dljsiiMYa oiwwm so ihey will act naturally Foleys Orino Laxative does oot grlne Is pleasaas to take and you do not bave to take laxatives continually after taking Oriuo Sold by Glen T Reynolds

WINTER TERM opens Monday Jan4th Handshysome Catalogue free on reqaast Write Detroit Business Unishyversity 15 Wilcox St W F Jewell President R J Benshynett C P A Principal


Witb thorough knowledge of the value of personal property and real estate Terms ieampsoaable and satisfaction guarshyanteed Offlc 109 West Exchange St Residence 728 N Hickory St O W - M M S O - M I c H l s a i

TelephonesmdashUnion laquo70 Bell 244


Its when you want the very best in

Groceries and Table Supplies that you should go to

Quayles Its because we are heavy buyers that we can

command the best in the market and thats why were

adding new patrons every week in the year

No matter what your want were never just out

and our delivery is the quicket in town

Fifteen--two bells pie

J C QUAYLE1 TM gtampmm r wt^s2)



COAL 1 have on hand a full stock oi the

following ltMgtal and am prepared to make prompt deliveries

H A R D C O A L - g Stove Nut and No 2 Chestnut

S O F T C O A L ^ S t Charles Specshyial Grade of Ohio Coal and Wefct Virginia Splint

bullbull bullbull Orders may be left at Quayles Grocery The Corunna Hardware Company or the A A Elevatar Phone No 80 or 40-4r

Suggestive Questions on the S S Lesson By Rev Dr Linampcott for the Interntioaal Newsshypaper Bible Smdy Club



Copyright 1908 By Rev bull- 8 Ltaseott amp p

M e m b e r 1 3 ^ ^ Solomon Oedixit^ the Tenipie- ^ ^ ^ 0 frac34 frac34 5 ^ t K -L I Kinkt v m bull Verses ^3rl-^Qlaquonted that there fraquoidtrade Ttbull WAS fi-liid wheU only one Almighty God are there

t h e raquo u ^ ^ house of the L o r d - P a a l B c x x n 1 g trade pound r over 4 a n d ^ X i ^ ^

Verses MlmdashThese verses des-1 what the ancients called the gods | cribeagrand gathering of_the King j Gods promises in general and (6 the priests and the people for a great H h e iQdividual are a f dependable laquolaquo religious festival Would it be araquo a r f t t h bdquo l f tWB f W v i t f t t ^ but gt h i t 5

of a man Is there in a

more of tut


P N GmdashBay Faryr N G -C GEaton V GmdashFSutfin SecymdashJ J Bowers Fin 8ecy-Jltt^bls TressmdashJ Mtinstein l

TrusteemdashF Ward Capt of Staffmdash Ward B Carl

CORUNNA R A M NO 33 - bull bull bull

High PrlearmdashA- Wgt Greeoc King-Hugh M Nichols Scribe-Geo C Clotterbuck Capt HostmdashF L Johnson Prln SojournermdashJos Laffrey Royal Arch OapisitamdashL N Sbeardy Master 1st Vel 1mdashG J Dole Master id Veil-3mmnlaquol EMrWlaquoe Matter 3d Yell -Jo Sbulta SecymdashJobo Y Martin TreaemdashW A Bosenkrana

r ^


The best ever at lowest


A new Souvenir Card of Coshy

runna High School 5c each-



Toilet Articles disshyplayed next week will be good and complete Let us show them to you

Reynolds CORNER

Drag Store CORUNNA



Hlffb PrilaquotmdashO L Sprague KinmdashCO Wright SertbemdashAtono Crane SecymdashE F Uoasiit TresmdashH D Lyon Capt of HoetmdashF C BanscojBv Prin Sojourner~J J McDonald Royal Arch CaptainmdashE E Smith Master Third VeilmdashBB Hart Master Second VeilmdashG A Ott Master First Veilmdash W F Letts


Past Cota mdash EHa J Oampmer CommdashMinnie E Mason Lieut Com mdashMatte E Sample Pecord KeepermdashFlorence E Barrett Finance KeepermdashFrances D Rood CaapmdashEllen M Nelson SsrgtmdashSola Eam Master at A rmsmdashGertrude Wooster SeatmdashJennie Birk Pickett-Ida M Fisb


Conk--0 Jacobs LSent Com~-atette Lemon R ILmdashSarah Ford F KmdashMinnie Ormsby CbapiaismdashMrs Barnes SergeantmdashAugusts Derr M at Av-Sophia Zambaaia Swtteei-Ella Stoddard PicketmdashG Hann Ant Past Com mdashSophronla Chase PtanlatmdashHattie Robinson

w -a ^ f e t i v a 1 T 1 V Kdeg a laquo f e th laws of gravitation good thing for every church to have Jg t h o evidence that ftutraquoh is the case such gatherings something say of XT bullbdquo-bulllaquolaquo ^ the nature of the old-time c a m p

V e i 8 ^ ^ ^ U laquoproper prayer

meetings to ask God to keep fa is promises I What is the chief institution of al ^WhLsh isthe batter way to keep |

nation and what is is the chief duty V d I f f t u d e d deg tllpf 0 l l s e 8 01

r5 v gt l I take ilaquo lor granteil that they wiii be

i answered and to ask God for grace L church today any to keep o u r p a r t o f t h e compact

m nilt ^ raquoh g l o r y deg f l h e ^ 0 ^ ^ Verse 27-What is the supreme miinifested than anywhere elee e v dence that God does dwell on the A laquo bull earth and in the heait of each indi-Verae 12mdashIs darkness as much vidual

iihFamp traden$ S S ai the V ^ r s e raquo - S p laquo M i raquo r rom actual iraquohLraquo y l t e 8 t raquo 0 r experience what are the o t n e r 7 benefits of prayer f j T e w S h d ^ W l f h ^ L S S V e r 8 e 29-52-Waa this great pray-m I laquo A ^ trade P B a r P I u s

rer of Solomon extempore in its lang-monraquoy7 uaget QT prepared iraquoefore hatid

Verse 14-Should every person con- eirtnM tradeiniatraquo n - cbdquo-w laquouf-_ bull ij~laquoraquowiigt aM-laquo raquokaraquor^mdashlaquoraquo A onoma mmiatora prepare their bulltrntlyHjtess every other person and p r 4 y e r a mitb ftg m a c h Care an they t raquo T y S f w h aVW lt M W J laquoh e T bull should their sermons bull suits (Thraquoraquo questHgtn must wared in writing by members club gt

Verses 15-21mdashAre tho promise3 in this day which God makes1 with his month ftiways fulfilled i with his hand

What was Gods chief purpose i n choosing Israel to bs the repository of his truth

Why did God cot permit David to build the Temple of God

What reason is there to believe that each individuaV is a link in the chain which draws out of events as they occur Gods purposes as in the case of David and Solomon

Verse 22mdashMinisters like Solomon often spread out their hands when about to pray in the pulpit is there any important significance in this

be aiUr i -of the Which is the more important part

| of church service the prayers or the sermon

Solomon assumes in this prayer that all calamities both national and personal^arlaquoLft rraquonif of sin is that assumption correct _ i s a ministers prayer for God to-icrgive the sfas of the people of any avail if the people do not repent

Verses 53-66mdashWhat is the chief or supreme purpose of the church and of worship

What are the chnrches doing for this country

Lesson for Sunday Dec 20th 1908 mdashSolomons DownfallmdashI Kings x i -4-13

farlf n the WoodCwatayotatmina fcrQw

joraquot wn^i rU lti

Gola Meolaquolaquo Flour Is nourtabhif


T I MmdashHoward Siocuin D MmdashJ H West P C Wmdash Rudolph Colby C of GmdashGilbert J Cole G of CmdashClarence E Wmlch G S amp 3 -Austin EL Richards RecordermdashF L Jobason


CommdashW E Jacobs Sr VicemdashCharle Twitchel Jr VicemdashSim Anthony Q MmdashDan Hunger AdjTG W Matloon Officer of DaymdashA For Irtr Officer of GuardmdashM Bishop

Vernon Masonic OfBcen (Following are the officers Of Vernon

lodge No 279 for the ensuing year ani iiisiailairion will occnr Saturday evening Dec 26

Worshipful MastermdashC J Ganseley Senior WardenmdashW J McCullough Junior WardenmdashC J McLaughlin TreasurermdashMDo Ho^ard SecretarymdashVictor Holmes Senior DeaconmdashEdward McCall (Junior Deacon^mdashCharles Paine TylermdashWilliam FleminE-

Henderson Odd Fellows At the regular meeting of Imnaan-

uel Lodge No 153 I O O F of Henshyderson the following officers -were elected

Past GrjandmdashOtis B Coo it Noble GrandmdashA L Pierce Vice GrandmdashP P Bishop Recording SecretarymdashWm Kohl-

nieyer Financial SecretarymdashW H Keily TreasurermdashH W Horn TrusteemdashW H Perkins

Royal Neighbors Officers The following were elected officers

at the regular meeting of Royal Neighbors Camp No 73

OrampolemdashJosie Lamr(man Vice OraclemdashMinnie Rifenber-ry Pasi OraclemdashMinnie Brown ChancellormdashEmma Shoulters RecordarmdashFrances Rood MarshalmdashMate Llaquoivilaquo ReceivermdashLena Grow Assistant MarshalmdashBarbara Men

shairdt SentinelmdashEdna Root Assistant SentinelmdashMary Reckling PianistmdashNellie Schlaak ManagermdashLoa Ferguson Ex Phyai2ianmdashDT T B Scoit

Vernon Rebekahs Vernon Rebekah lodge elected their

V5fraquo Grltnd-~Mrs I^otta Hart SecretarymdashMrs Reulah Higglns Financial Secretary-^E Hairt Treasurer -Mrs Sarah Hart

Boston Tent K O T I M Bsaton Tent No 572 of New Eaven

has elected the following officers tor the ensuing year

Ooromander-^W J WUlianw Lieut CommandermdashUobi H Mai-

lery Reoord KeepermdashJ A RAcbardson Finance KeepermdashWilliam L Goodshy

will Chaplaln^Davenport Terry SerlaquoeantmdashByron W Smith SfiMter at ArnumdashJohn A Brenner First Guard- J R Unaey Second GuardmdashIsaac SctHMtta SentrnelmdashVWrn A Morse PicketmdashM L Bittall

Officers Perrv hodae F ft A M At a regular meeting of F it A M

Lodce No 550 last Friday evening the following officera were elected

Worshipful MastermdashChus O Robshyinson

Senior WardenmdashDr 1 M Oudworth Junior WlaquordenmdashCland C Austin TreasurermdashWlaquoWr K Hall SecretarymdashStanley H Wallace Senior IgtsaaconmdashBmra G Smith Junior DeaconmdashCharles Harvey TylermdashDr H W Cobb Senior StewartmdashJames G Leggett Junior iSiGwartmdashJ Walter Hough

dancer Clyde CJidence character come dian Jessie Cardownie soprano the famous Eltncity qnsrtette and Amerishycas irreatest musical act the Shubert Musical Four and the rsnouned poey ballet and Broadway show girls

I- mdashmdash OWOSSO THEATRE

Little Doll ie Dimples Dec 10th


Dyspepsia Is our nattocai ailment Burdooar Blood Bitters is the nattoaal cur lor It It bulltrenttheaa stomach membrane promotes flow of digestive jtiices parlttftt the blood frauds yon up

Taxpayer Attention I The U s rotas of the city a n now in

my possession I will be aT gtlaquo office of the Corunaa Hardware Co on Tueaday and Wednesday of esoh week also from ft to 7M p m each day In too week on-ill Jnonary 10 HW for the purpose of weftiylojr nayment 4 per cent extra ch trfed after Janoary lOtb Hid


The title of C Herbert Kerrs musical operatic drama with dainty Grace Cameron as tbe star is Little Dollie Dimpiea The story of this merry comedy which by tbe way is now in its second year is told in two acts and the scenes are laid in and about New York City In tbe flrst act Miss Camerou i seen as a street walaquo Sue wanders away to Pari receives an edushycation through a good friend who disshycovers that ebe Is a great singer and presents her to one of tbe leading manashygers in Paris who stars ber in bis opera and while playing some of tbe smaller towns tbe company gets stranded She returns to P laquo and secures a position as French Mau in order to return to America ber oil borne which sbe left in despair six years he fore On her arshyrival sbe is introduced to many of her old ilaquof uda of former ypamprs but none of them seem to recognize iter as tbe formshyer wail Dollie Dimples Tn time sbe makes known to her old lii^nd Robert Loraine her visit to Paris etc This knowledge puts him on to a scheme wbereby he secures for her tbe money aoc property left to br many years beshyfore by tbe death of ber uucit- id in the second act of tbe play sue OD tbe wltcb forces a confession from Hay me Green and Alexander Comstock a lawshyyer with a shady reparation that they bad robbed ber of tbe estate by false representations and before sbe flolsbes with them thny are glad to turn tbe enshytire estate over to ber without any trouble All goes well and Dollie is made happy with tbe knowledge of love that Mr itobert Loralne has shown ber during her troubles

woii uuwtiartstii8^r laquolaquovllaquo-mSo picabs 0ampr3ownlcbftnftcteroM womsn tbe famous baritone Frank Rivers Phoebe Csrdownfe Americas famous

w sT bull yrmdash bull rJ^ bull r h

No 70

Our Very Best Chopper cuts cleaner anddoes not mash or ^ ^ ^ a ^ ^ squeeze Four (4) mdash ^ I ^ t c r K n i v e s with each chopper for cutting in uniform pieces all sorts of vegetables meats fruits bread nuts suet etCj etc fine or coarse as wanted It JS easy to operatemdasheasy to rioanmdashnothing to get out of order

A daily iahor Barer an^necessary tool i n -nmj kitchen



Probate Court Julius P Phillips of Bowling Green

Ohio baa been appointed administrashytor of the estate or Margaret E Carfle deceased or Middiebury township Silas P Southworth and Thcs Marshyvin were appointed appraisers of the estate

Dr A M Hume has bcea dls-cVarged as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Hiram S Andrus deceased

The will of Norman P Inland of Do rand was admitted to probate and Mrs Irene P Leland appointed exshyecutrix

The will of Frank O Bennett deshyceased of Fairfield township was adshymitted to probate and Mrs Eva L Bennett appointed executrix

Frederick Seelhoff was appointed administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of the estate of Augusta Seelhoff decased of Rusb township

The annual account of Wm H Van Sice as guardian of Mary E Getmao a mentally incompetent person was allowed

A petition for tbe appointment of an administrator of tbe estate of Jas A Buret deceased of Owosso has been tiled and the hearing set for Janshyuary 11th

The final account of Alma Stanley as guardian of tbe estate of ChUe Starks a mentally incompetent pershyson will be heard Jan 4th

The final account of John King as administrator of the estate of Peter King deceaaed will be heard Jen 1L

In the estate of Alice Jackson deshyceased of Corunna Jay W Morrison has been appointed administrator

In the estatelaquof Paul and Pautin Ciark minors of Laingsburg Edgar iiark as guardian was granted a lishycence to sell real estate

A petition has been tiled for the apshypointment of an administrator of the estate of George C Lemon deceased of Corunna and the hearing set for January 4th

The final account of Gilbert R Lyon as executor etc of the estate of John H Champion deceased of Owosso will be heard Jan 5tu

A petition for the determination of | the heirs rgtf Edward Holtnes deceased of Vernon township has been

will soon be here Dont wait too long Come in and make your selections and have them put aside We have lots of nice things for Christmas

Cajches Rockers of si kinds Buffets Sideboards Chins Closets Bookcases Kitchen Cabinets A bargain f 1 7 QQ in Good Oak Bedroom Suites $ 11130 Conie in and get our prices and bring in your pictures and have them framed

AW CURTIS amp CO Furniture and Undertaking Phone 29-2r

POULTRY WANTED For quotations call me up Also

notice my daily quotations Bell Phone 644 Y Union Phone 226 I

pound SDEMERY O L D S T A N D W E x c h a n g e S t OWOSSO

bull bull bull bull bull

bull bull bull


11laquo mm Like em We have |JB BsHMa^ that make

the good ones Pure Buckwheat as well as the prepared kind and the quality is the best in the land And the best Syrups you ever tasted-

Just received another barrel of those excellent Dill Pickles that are so good

And then dont forget that our Hne of Teas and Coffees is the best in the county We want your next order and guarantee to please you on everything in Groceries

bull bull

bull bull bull bull


The iinamp bullpoundbull

37 Nortfi Siiinwo Avbdquo iunron pnone laquo4 mer aa administrator of tbe estaUi of Stephen Cornell deceased will bei - A _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ - - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ x ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i heard January 5th i bull bull V ^ T T bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


J^^^^^frac34^^frac34frac34p^^J^7WWB^jl^|Pf^^5centJ0frac34^lw^7bull-j-n-T^3iji-7 F^--1ltbull^^7^^-bullr^- ^i^i bull^^^^ r^ [ iSfci ^ -^ 1 7 ^frac34 1 igt

bull ^

lt^gt T A T E Oi- MlOHi i VNViouuty of S O I H W S -

O - ^ - ^ - bull ^ i ^ - ^ M I N iii lt filt 1 -1^1--- traquoJii - o r ^L bull

ltUVSTV lt-d a t Mugt tivraquosi i- (Ml- m V V - U l j gt iiii gtli T y i f - i li- i i i l i ltitv ) j v gt gt(bull ivtfjf i bdquo i - i i i i i bull-bull kbull - i i i gti i u t r i - -uylf^Vl I

t1-bulllt l i i i t iew bullU j (|-gt-bull gt- ltbullgt I K l i ltbull V( LlaquoI of l u c i I t l i - u f M v t i u t A

rgt--ri--irf( i gtu r--aUiiikrivKl lili i- t ^ - v - i i j - -n bull K l w m A

bull) gt-iltt bull gtr vlt w l i i ltJ bull ( i l l w i i U bull bullbull s v i l l i l i -X- 1 M - m

in- i J O SKgt p l i li uigti t

U - ltswlt V^ thit-VtiU i lvii iiy M ( gtbull bulli-uixvr fiftvi tf U-JI oflici iii -tit- bullLti-ouvou bullbullbull -raquoolt ivigtlvlt OtSUi br itsii-4Ijti o v (Kftltue

J tj^til ) i i T l i n i bull bull bullbull bull ]

Atw i t - iJ f u r t h e r onlt-wi l t l i r i r a c o p y o f t b t i bullOrSK-- or p i tJraquoi jivlaquoJ i l ivf ^iilti-vssltyltgt w o i r k e f

iHVViOiiS t o ssiii i a v o lifyiniJ-SI ltgti Uie-iV^^iitiiiS j

ilv^Ukti Ui^ui V o l raquo3li-it yi-gtvr f -MAHflKW JUSK -

bull J bull(laquobull(bull bullgt r r u b i i t e IyfcViVfiSltK -Sraquo9ti^ilivivlJigisUV


lu i j l i mi gtbullbull bfilj i itiii bull ltgt l i m y

- a t o lue t


Coviity of SrtiwsMi-t5i $laquo- A scssiim e-f Uio i i ulnae Court for aid

coiirvj iio-i ltt tJso raquorlth(te f)ffgtch in iiraquo Cttv of-foHJun Si tUe ifilU rtuv of VJoveuibei A fo SsiS bull bull ^resent Mitdiew luh J udjreof Probate i n the DtKftcr of rbo estate Of SdiyJa A

Togtlti laquolraquoHr(isJ bull = Ou rJlfjirfthe pelitlou of Rdwiu A Todd Jr

praying for tiir= prolate of the vili of said ltleceislaquoi JsbiiliUti ta llirs Court 1

It is ordered that the Urli day of December aest - svt -IMV bull ocloeV in the Toreiiooc raquot said trobate Offle appoiuted for hearing

Aud it is further ordereil tbat a laquoopy of thtb ordlaquo-r be publ i sh^ three sutn-^HSive weeks previous to sjud day of nearitraquoKgt in iheOtgtrunnlaquo Journal a c e laquo bullpa]M-r iiririted and circuiatinv iti slaquoid County of Sh)awnf =bulllaquolaquoraquo

MAlTUEW BUSH (A true copy) Jud^ of Probaw

dy Florlaquonce uindnev- Probata Bsriater

PKOBATE ORtgtERmdashState of Michigan Cousity of SUUvwaswee slaquo

At u^saiou of tbe Probata Court for the COULIJ of Shiawassee held at thlaquo Probate Office in the City ofCorona a on the 34th day gt laquoi7c=ber in thlaquo year OIIlaquo thouraquond nine hundred aad el^ht

Present Matthew Btgtsh Jodfre of Probata l a the matter of the estate of fctary Wat-

ltir gta deceased Fred B aabin laquos alt5irinistrraquotor barittg

rendered to tbla Court his final account It i s ordered hat the lst A y of Declaquotziber

next at ten oclock in the forenoon a t bullaid P r e bte Office be appointed for exanlnlftjr acd Allowing sale account

Aoi it (laquofurther orderedtbat ftcop Of tal order be fttbUsbed three sumsesi(t^ weeklaquo previous to said day of hearing tn the Coroann Tournala newspaf or printed aod elrculatittf In said County of Shiawassee

MATTHKW BC8H Judge cf Probate-

By Tiarenee Undsey Probate Regiater

I Book Binding

We are in a position to take your order for any kind of book binding poundaye the magazimift s h e e t music etc bound in handdonw b^-fai at very small cost


S 0

Jraquo gt Jraquo Jraquo gt ^ T H E

j Coronna Journal j

MAKFAB00BlaquoC3lff bulblaquoM 1VVI4B ftlaquo 7^9 b ^ n i A B

It CUS WlaquoLL MUUigt J BUWItUa laquo M bull t iUMraquoaraquo ngtiallraquoMlaquodlKlaquo7Malaquo raquo v Tfcto l n ^ laquo U iraquo klt teMT 1M tbmln gt |r~t irrnmtA h i tt MUta laquof Wabt 0ltl laquo laquo bull bull bull lt raquo awl bull-bull-raquo Uoii t c l i r s t 11 raquoraquobullbull ltw i

1laquo lgtJraquoOJ rv l l farraquoclaquomiMitlaquoM4l DtdutfOT


Any One Can DRAW mdashperhaps not well bat eTerj person can draw a little Many people posaess w e talent for art work and never realise it If you will make a drawing1 Just the t e s t yon can and send it to oar Art Director he will giTe yon a letter of friendly criticism and

FREE ADVICE afi to whether or not it win pay yon io cultivate your talent Tbore is absoshylutely no charge for this service Illusshytrators earn large salaries and The work is fascinating We teac-h Book gt Magazine and Commercial Illustrating Cartoouiag Foster Drawing Book Cover Designicg and Fashion Drawing snecessfnlly by correspondence Write yovlr complete name and Address plainly on your drampwing euolose stamp to pay postage if you wiab your drawing reshyturned and address

THF ART DIRECTOR Correspondence institute of America Scranton Pa We also teach I l lus trat ing Adrer -

tiniug rroofrewdi i ig foornatiitin Stlaquou igraphy s h o w Cstrtl Wri t ing RgtraquokKeepiig gt)laquoffr(rraquol Knjrlceer-bull TIJT B u s i n e i s Correspoudwoce and Eojtligli B r a n c h e s

If interested in any of the above proshyfessions write for our lar^o illustrated bock Struggles With tat World It is FREE State which course interests you and receive onofour Employment Contracts best uropositjtgtfvfve^ oCeotd



laquo laquo laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull raquo bull bull bull laquo laquo 9 9 9 9 9 9

D E T R O I T BUSINESS UNIVERSITY has trained over 5OJ0OO young 9 men zad women tor miTKiitx It js t- htit fotm h0


Stlaquorr of tbe Triai o Dacici Thro Friend

LV T H i iiiilHWAV Aiigt frac34frac34 WAY PKEACKERT bullbullbullbullbullbullbull

lJltgt-ii u Iw Eiy tii^^ttoi Wi Edraquoiu bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull raquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

DiUniJs BOOK bull Aocifeciited^wft UJIOW from 3laquo5ifplii |||t(t tbiJeAVraquo- in Christs day recfjig^Jzed JUf^el--bs -ir the w n o n ZechayijKhEKra snfl XisJn^miah-refir to it Josiis catcra to l t In his charactfiris-

tic-de8i|frtationV Son of Man Matt 24 30 (pai i 713) also esijwessiy by ntifne-and as amp prophetbullbullbullJn Mart 241 (cf bullMatt-242l-wlth Dan 121 etc) and in themDme^it that decided-his life (Matt 2gti64gt or dfRfh -when the high priest adjured bull him by the living God Also In Luke 119-2(3 O^abriei i s riieniionecl whoso name occurs nowhere else ti Scripture save chapter 816 a-21 life-sides th-i referehceraquo to it in l ievelat ioh Paul confirms the prophetical part of it as to the blasphemous king (Dan 73 25 1130) in 1 Cor 62 Thess 23 4 the narrative part as to the miraculous deshyl iverances from the lions and the fire in Heb 113a 34 Matt 2144 would be an enigma if it were not for a reference to the stone that smote the Image (Dan 2S4 35 44 46) Thus the tie Tesshytament sanctions chapters 2 3 6 7

Scripture authoritymdashDaniel cbap ter 3


bull bull bull bull bull bull yen

J Trtie faith throw one unrraquo- J ai gervvdly upon the mlaquorcy and at

Sri5 vIio li^-y iurtuco Ai(i for ISO time hcisH Vh Hre-tt iii^aye and iL-j Sjitteiiiug vfiii i7ouais and feisui)^ v^tre fori n fmci tiie pooil^ -ivpoundi about lijl^ liiiCu- iere tlie larniu

care of God

- t v-u v - -= gtrygt bullWr^rr-

Ctslo5laquo explains Froe w- ftti Wlaquoraquo- raquo-r h Fsti tlaquorai | 5laquopu 1st W F Icwdlf Esq laquo PrttkStat R J Bcas-ci^ C P A J 2 PrincipaL V V V V Z

at Note that it waa not a qtiMtion at J with theea three hehrew aerv- ^ ante a to whether or not God agt $ would give them pbyttcaJ dlaquoUv- ^ erance frcrn the awful paHl J which threatened them rather did the v^rjole question of con- duet hinge upon the one sect raquo thought What U the right pound $ thing to d o r J Do right whatever be the con- ei aequencea is the uncompromiv $ ing taw of God J $ The man who would attempt $ to bargain with God making his agt obedience to the Divine law con- $ ^ tlngent upon Godt conferring at upon him certain imrnunlties -ft T and blessings is the man who at ) serving for the loaves and the J HehWeknd who never knows the J __ deep joy of doing right for rights sake J The true servant of the king bullbullbull J of kings is never abashed be- fore the presence of the king S of thlaquo earth Listen to the words $ of these men as they pisce at- J legiance to God before every J earthly elclm Our God whom $ we serve is able to deliver us J but even though H should hot be $ hie will to deliver us from thy $ hands know ttiou oh king that J at vf will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image K What a blessing these three $ J Hebrews would have mitted if J at they had feared to have stood J with God They did not know J at it at the time but that furnace J heated so hot that those who J at threw the three men into Its J leaping flames were struck dead J by the heat was to become the J vestibule of heaven and the J at trysting place where God in the pound person of his blessed Son was pound waiting to receive them J The fire of Nebuchadnezzar J could burn off the fet ters with $ which he had bound the serv- J ants of God but It could reach 5 no further So with the flree J ^ of persecution which assail the t it Christian They come as a re- 2 fining filaquome separating more it and more from the fetters which would circumscribe and bind J it the soul In its fellowship with pound i u Lord it The soul that dares to stand alone for the right very soon be- J it comes conscious that he I not J alone butthat there is another J presence with him in the fiery J furnace of affliction the very J presence of God J The man who fears to do J wrong is the man who knows J not the fear of man J

+ raquo raquo raquo raquo gt ] raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo


THE wonderful eolden image which the king had caused to be set up

had for the bullmoment been forgotten and the throngs of people which had been gathered to pay homage to the great glittering thing of gold were surging about the place where the fur-nace had been built and in which now a raging fire burned It was the same furnace in which the metal for the great image had betn smelted but a few days before and that day the tires had been kindled again not to smelt more metal for an Image but to burn the heretics who dared to defy the mandate of the king and refuse to bow dowL to the wonderful image and in whom dwelt the spirit of their gods

That day the great company of mushysicians had played in honor of the golden image and at the sound of the music the people had bowed be fore It in adoration and worship Ev^n the king had with much pomp and cereshymony paid his oblatlona before the image and had been followed by his brilliaiit court retinue Then from the high throne where it bad been set op overlooking the grea plain he watched the feasting and the dancing and the prostration of the people ao

Then haa come the break in the ccr- vfKiriK1 flaquogtlt thfl aewtt hart qiUk)i

spread through tLo vast throng thu iue liiiee soverivtjio over the p r o v i n g ot Babylon had refossd to bow before thft gTlteraquoat image M wlaquore to Iw cast

8tlt-ci With irarhideagcrneefj-thlty tvlaquotchfvl

the bringing of thefurnaee to the in-tense vgtiiitir glowbull Breathlessly ikcf siood arid gtw the three men bou anilasth(iy were lilted arl rav^HSi to IV mputi) of the furnace and thrown WttbinbullbulllaquoiGapin^ ftiiities a^nvof t arc ami itprror burst frcSft the hundreds (iivd thousand or threats- tor tbe i s writliiug hx deaih agony on the gfound lay the men vho had borne the vicshytims of the k i n g s wra^h to their doom bull

Por tiiV time befng Everything elsa was forgotcen but vhen the blacfe-ened misshapen bodies had beltn reshymoved from sight the king and people again turned their eyes toward the fiery furnace

With a cry of fear andbull astonishment the king suddenlyarose from his place and with tense face and shaking finshyger he poinied towards the furnace His court officials quickly gathered round him and to them cried the king in alarm

Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the furnace Lo I see foui men loose walking In the midst cf the nre and they have no hurt Is not the rourthtne God whom these Hebrews declared was able to deliver them from the fiery furnace

True it may be rejoined hlaquos ofiU ciais

Make baste shouted t i e king Call tfceu forth from the midst of the fiery furnace

Instantly the officials hastened to do the bidding of the i i n g and as the three mea Shadracu Meshach and Abedsego stepped forth from the ml^st of the raging 3ames the people gave a great shuvt wl-laquot2i fairly shook the heavens APd the counsellors of the king gatefcly surrounded tlie three men and led them towards the king whof in his eagerness to receive them threw aside his royal robes and deshyscended to the plaza below

But where is the fourth man thy companion in the furnace cried the king as he reached the approaching group Was it not thy God I wouJd bow before him

Thou mayest indeed bow before hiiii by( to meet him familiarly face to face Is not vouchsafed to any man spoke up one of the three men

Tell me of thy God Is he the same God as the God whom Daniel Worships the God who revealeth dreamsr urged the J^ss (almost breathiessiy 1 ihought to make ra image whose glory fihould fill all earth 1 sent heralds through all the lands over which 1 hold dominion commanding that there be rent thora who should worship be for the imtg s I sought thus to magnify my name ad my glory and behold now 1 Nebushychadnezzar king of Babylon have been brought low For surely what god is there like to thy God who can deliver from the devouring name

Then spoke up Shadrftcu saying Be It known unto thee oh king

that we worship the same God whom Daniel worships for the God of the Hebrews is but one God He it is who ruleth in the heavens who setteth kings upon thrones and taketh kingshydoms away He It is who giveth wisshydom and caret h for them who put their trust in him

But thou art far from thy land exshyclaimed the fcihg The land where thy God has hia dwelling place Com eth he thither into the midst of Baby ion where the great god Bel rules

The great gbd Bel Is no god at all before Jehovah-God the God ot heaven and earth was the bold response He is everywhere and his ear is alshyways open to the cry of his children

But why then hath such evil fallen upon a people who have such a great God a God who is everywhere and a God who is able to deliverT

thou hast spoken oh king of Isshyraels folly for It is the wickedness of the people and their going Liter strange gods which hath brought this evil upon us The God of Israel hath chosen thee as the instrument of his wrath and hath given into thy hands his disobedient people But be is able to deliver and hath saved thy servants from the fiery furnace

Blessed be thy God exclaimed the king fervidly that hath sent bis angel and delivered his servants that trusted in him Now therefore 1 deshycree that every people nation and lanshyguage which speaketh anything amiss against the God of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego shall be cut in pieces and their houses shall be made a dungshyhill for there is no other God that can deliver after this sort

And suiting the action to the word he dispatched heralds at once through all that vast throng to proclaim the dwree And the people took up the cry and there before the gold image as though by way of rebuke they shouted

Great is the God ot Shadrach Me sbach and Abednego




Almost Incredible Brutality Frances Society for the Prevention

of Cruelty to Animals has taken action agawlaquot a cinematograph company for an act of unprecedented brutality to a horse In a series of pictures called The Lovers Revenge a carriage drawn by a horse was seen to rush over tha edge ot a cliff and be dashed to pieces The pictures had not been faked An old blind horse harnessed to a carriage was really driven ov^r the edge of the cliffs near Boulogne to obtain thampm

NewYorks Oldest PHTU Ntf ioik claquoty lib^m OMU pubilc raquo--srk

thai is JSO year old and that its bowl-ing Green which was the playground tt te first Dutch settlers


Scetsee Along the Route to Safety -Werraquo Pierzemdash Legitime Iv Orce

_ More-President

Cursed hisfi4 and jeered by a rio^ ous niobolf thoufeands of men and woshymen over whom up to a few days ago he had held swayas president Nord Alexis the SO-year-old fallen ruler of Haiti said farewell to hisnative counshytry Wednesday night He is now on board a French warship in the harbor

The departure of Alexis was drashymatic Deposed by the very people he had thought were loyal to him as the revolutionist army approached from the south the president refused to See It took the united efforts of the foreign consuls and a citizens comshymittee to impress upon him the necesshysity of departure

I will fight to the teat4 qeciaied the aged president

From outside came a roar from the angry mob gathered about the palace

Kill him kill -him cams the cry It was 5 oclock when Nofd Alexis

yielded to the entreaties of those ani ions for his safety and made quick preparations forjjepaHur Ae ho left the palace a salute of 21 guns was fired

The situation was so serious the foreign representatives gathered about the carriage of the president and Sf bullClaquo-toron the French minister threw a tri-coor over his shoulders

The trip to the wharf was made throuaji a path of the mitltarjr guard The rople hooted and cursed- Infurishyated women broke through the cordon of troops and hurled the coarsest of in-suits at the president Alexis strove bravely to appear undismayed

As the president and his suite reached the wharf the mob lost all reshystraint A woman forced her way to Alexis fide and drawing a lohs knife made a lunge at him But the weapon fell short A man struck the president but it was a glancing blow and hurt little but his feelings

Alexis stepped into the skiff that was to take him to the French warshyship and three Haitlen gunboats and the French and American battleships fired a salute to the fallen president

ExScaator- D legitime who has been made president of Haiti by the enforced abdication of Gen Nord Alexis and the litters flight from the capital was once before president of the turbulent republic Elected under the laws of the country after a sensashytional campaign in 1888 his title was recognized by all European counshytries but the United States alone deshyclined to concede the legality of his election Principally on account of the position taken by the American reshypublic Legitime retained the execushytive chair only eight months and then gave way to the man who had been unable to defeat him in the election

Stormy Incidents as full of sensashytion and violence as the present crisis marked the way ot Legitimle to the position he has again won



(Jives Universal SatJfffactioc

Its Purity Btren^tlv a^d DelicibUs Flavor laquoavlaquoaa^iHBvlaquoBBMlaquoBtfw(laquoubpaviB^BBBBlaquoMawlaquovilaquoa

Commend it to AH l ^ v e r of dood CofietA

Sold laquorir in raquo-tb laquoirtlffbt jxwkagw Araquok your Qrocer lot- MO-KA Cotfe



Just the Old One Reiterated to Give the War Howlers a Jolt

That the new American-Japanese pact had the effect intended by its ratification and publication was the information given to the house comshymittee on appropriations by Secretary of State Root who appeared before the committee in relation to the apshypropriations for his department which are to tie carried in the legislative executive and judicial appropriation bill He was questioned closely ^y Chairman Tawney and other members of the committee about the new agr-raent with the Japanese

Root told the committee that both the United States and Japan had worked a confidence game on the world which was necessary however because the worlds memory needed a Jolt

This agreement said Secretary Root is simply a reiteration of the agreement entered Into between the United States and Japan The world had forgotten about the old agreeshyment Stories were constantly cropshyping up in European capitals of comshying war between the two countries rh^re were no reasons why thijre should be a war as the relations beshytween the two governments were of the most cordial nature It was thereshyfore necessary to remind the world of the agreement made years ago and so a new one embodying the same principles as the old was prepared and signed and promulgated It has had its effect War talk in European capitals is no longer heard and It wont be heard for years to come The danger in this talk from our neighshybors across the water was that it would get the people of the two counshytries into the belief that there was to be a war and this was the only way in which the spreading of thatbelief could be stopped

By sliding down 50 feet of water-pipe Howard Hill a Muskegon inshycorrigible aged 16 escaped from the Industrial school at Lansing and is still at large

Admiral Coghian D^ad Just on th eve of his removal to

his new home where he had hoped to speuU nis declining years in quiet after a lifetime of arduous service in the navy Rear Admiral Joseph B Coghshyian retired died suddenly of apoplexy la New Yoik Saturday Rear Admiral Coshlan was born at Frankfort Ky -bullgtraquo viy Ti^r risr lite zamprvlrf-i in ttvgt

Work of the Session Will Be on Regshyular Supply Bills

From present indications the conshycluding session of the sixtieth con- j gress which convened Monday will be davoted In large part to the considshyeration of routine supply bills Lead-era in the senate and house say there will-helittle legislation of a general character

There is at least a probability that consideration will be given tc-ateas-ures providing statehood for New Mexico and Arizona but this is a question upon which no conclusion has been reached The house will pas3 a bill authorizing the taking Of the thirteenth census in 1sect10 Jt will also put through a measure authorizing a revision of the law of the United States

President Roosevelt very much de-tires before his term expires that there shall be a general reorganizashytion of the navy department estabshylishing in that branch of the service a general staff patterned along tha lines of that now provided in the war department

Among the other subjects to be conshysidered in one house or the other ai e billB providing for the revision of thamp copyright laws Panama canal legislashytion the measure suspending the comshymodity clause of the interstate comshymerce law the appointment of the inshyland waterways commission and other measures of a miscellaneous characshyter


Warships Make a Demonstration Against Venezuela

Three Dutch warships the battle ship Jacob Van Heemskerk and cruisshyers Frlesland and Gelderland have made a demonstration against Venshyezuela Together they steamed along the coast from Puerto Campbelto to La Guaiia at a distance of 3000 yards from the shore

The Jacob Van Heeskerk returned later The two cruisers are going to Maracaibo where they wlil make a similar demonstration The demonstration is regarded as indicating that the preparations for an elfectlve blockade of the Ven-esuelan coast are completed

The Netherlands battleship De BulJ-ter left Holland ^harsday for Venshyezuela

When President Castro summarily ejected the Dutch minister from Venshyezuela declaring he had been per nlclbusly active in the politics of the country ue insulted Holland very much Redress was demanded but fiery Castro has deiied Queen Wilhel-mina and heraquo subjects

Th1laquo s one of the things Holland has against Venezuela and there fre others Castro placed an embargo on the transshipment of cargoes in Wll-lemstadt a Dutch city Ocean vessels cannot enter Caracas harbor Venshyezuela possession and tUe custom was to transfer cargoes in Willemstadt to smaller boats This was the chief in iixiaiTj at the Dutch city and its loss left many of its residents in straitened circumstances Again Casshytro defied Holland

The fiery president is now on his way to Europe to undergo an operashytion Vice President Gomez 1raquo in charge of the country

0---^U Tgtr(5 - ^-V-- r -^Vpound

Vi i i

academy at the age of 17 From that lime untli bis retirement in December i90G he was almost constantly In the service

Timothy L Woodruff of New York is satisfied he did the right thing in giving up his senatorial ambitions In favor of Secretary Root He says he seeks no office now TT s Senator Simon Guggenheim

araquod hii family are to bs asked to buy Palestine from the Turks lor the Heshybrews The price is only cent53000000 or something around that fisrure It is planned to settle the Jewish problem in Russia by this piau the Holy Land being turned over to them

The design for medals for employes who serve two years on the Panama canal bass been completed and dies are now being cut The medal will be of bronze an inch and a half in diameter On one side there will be a portrait of President Roosevelt on the reverse side a birds-ye view of the Culebra cut in the finished canal with steamshyers passing through it

Opposition papers in Japan make considerable criticism of the UniteU Statts-Japan peace pact They say the question of emigration and naturalizshyation should have be-en settled The most responsible papers applaud the agreement

THE MARKETS DetroitmdashCattle mdash Gtoort to choice

butcher laquotlaquoerraquo 1000 to 1200 lbs $425 (bgt light to good butcher steers and heifers 700 to 900 lbs $35004 m i x ^ butchera fat cows $3256350 canners ltamp40 cormmdashn bulls fiampX25 ood shippers bulla $350

Veal calvesmdashReceipts 2pound5 market steady bet fOades |6507 common to coolt2 cent40575 Milch cowa and springers $25reg65

Sheep and lambsmdashReceipts 815 market steady beet lamba $3250550 fair to rroort lambs 142513frac34f Ujrht to

i) u c a v v j f i i r t gt7 v J U V C i i U i d ^bullbull^bullr-J i u ( i ltn i i 7 5

HOKraquomdashReceipts R27S rrt(rkrr 10cQ ic tiigiti iianKe ot price Lijcht to jjood butchers laquo1gt3S540 pign $4 l ight Vorkera $5reg525

(gtraiatraquo Hte ~ Detroltmdash^hentmdashThe feeling imong

dealers gts hulliKh a-ad nothing is said on tblt other Ride of the question The bears have hart no arguments to offer recently excepting the heavy receipts and increasisier stocks and they grave that up a few days asro when they fouad it of no use The crop moveshyment became raorii buulsn in thst reshyceipts decreased Both northwestern and primary receipts wlaquosre small and it laquolaquo tbft opinion o tnofte making a close study of the s l tus l ion that the northwestern farmees will not be ablaquo to nil the demand for spring wheat Tor the remainder of the crop year not baving enough grain 1raquo reserve

Wheat T-ecelpts on Thursday were 3 bullsars-----ff^ini5 deg - red akampInst 2 a year ayo No withdrawals 3tocks are cent65151 bu alaquoa4ast 372S2 bu a year ago - - bullbullbull

Prices a y t t r ago in the Detroit marshyket were 0gtc iraquor No t red wheat t54c for No-3 corn and 63Wc for No a whits n

There Vs jiothing doing- in the bean deal and prieea are nominally U D -ohaaged

Oats are strong Tks price sa ined ac on Thursday and C M close was a t e h i g h e s t ^ bull bull bull

- The cloverseed market is active and ftirn) GaL seed gained Sc

Receipts of flour were 1200 and ship-tnents 400 bbls

The corn market w a s l i feless and unchanged

Rye was in demand a s A gained He


Ration That Will Give the Quickest Returns

The rational us of protein feeds

for growing chicks makes all the difshyference between profit and loss quick or slow growth Stunted or vigorous chicks Rhode Island experiments show that animal meal is the best source ot protein as regards gain growth and profit

After a chick is a month or six weeks old the source of protein food is not so important Gluten meal or granulated mils may be used with good results if some bone meal Is fed alscC

Beef scrap will continue to be largeshyly used by pouitry keepers because it is so easy to handle Unfortunately the test_ rlaquo^rrfeltLti3 made so trial with beef scrap but It is similar to animal meal and may be substituted for it

The greatest advantage in using beef scrap Is tha it can be fed by itshyself We makea practice of keeping it before the chicks at all times Put it in a self feeder box or pan set it in a dry place and let the chicks eat all they want after getting them accusshytomed to i t Chuck the wheat and cracked corn into thlaquoua and with beef scrap skim milk and arit they will grow rapidly


Drinking Fountain for Chiclens Thst Keeps Water Clear

Do not throw away the old oil cans but cut a slit half way through along the bottom ptsb the side in as shown

bull i H I i bull i -

Drinking Fountain

at ay then soldor the piece of tin one-half Inch wide on the bottom of can as in b Put a tight cork in top of can and it make3 a fine drinking founshytain To fill It says Farm and Home lay it on s ide and pour in the water


Things to Remember When Preparing Them for Market

When the chickens are sine to ten weeks old at the Maine experiment station and the cockerels weigh 1frac12 to 1frac14 pound the sexes are separated and the cockerels put by themselves into vacant brooder houses 100 to a house Each house has a yard In front about 12 feet square The cockshyerels are fed on porridge three times a day in a V~shaplaquod trough svjtb four-inch sides This ts made of six parts corn meeJ-two psxti middlings oae-half part raaeed mead and two rarts beef scrap by waignx and mixed with tepid water milk would be better

They are fed all they will eat in one-half hour when Uia troughs are it-moved and cleaaad The yards are kept clean by covering them with sand straw or hay when they get dirty The birds win stand this-feed ilaquog f-i l-ivii yr hsre- w^^kn vnti- ^no^ bullV-ij-fSAw tVKfi - l bull--bull- ^ bdquo bdquo -bullbull-- bull-bull-- v i v - i - A i n u i i - i j C T iV-

Mr I HR thsy are dressed for market and usually weigh 2frac34 pounds dressed

m^mmm^ mm mm m


Phone Hoithinpound -^11 Answer your purpose iBbullbullwiilibull uti t h e bullUNION PBGNE VM



Muskegons chief of police hai or-deVtid a l l the bowling piioys closed on Sundays

John Green a^ed 35-fit Kamplamaaoo after sioepfc ^lt night in the woeds died at the Burgess hospital from exshyposure bull yy-v A filtlaquo quality of ahaie and bull ccai

havebetfc disc^vored aions theljwvka

ICHIOAN St JosephmdashThn |trKt -round oiwtiai

Riv^sj^imiso of dyyelopiug into1abit- ter l(qal c-oritejit agt (mgt result of the

j recent olcjeviiyivopened wlt-oii the can- of Hlfle river nndfch$sts - w i v w tfiwu-valaquosjag-blaquoiti(i for theV Seventh- sena^ ro tlt-si u

F i m k Schauh aijeltl 2 of aavmle dead frotrra KWnWhot wouwd lticoi-

auktally SmUced-yftiie fce wi-r^-ltun-I in r bb iu i bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull i

11s i tU

r lit-1

NAFEW BASTERS pampvt tilaquo e laquo l Intee cf tfi m c a t o w r ttif e n t l r t roaoi-ahi l f tUit i ia t h laquo o v e h laquo Ho buropounddtapounderraquo| laquo 0 bulltooxi ioa or ltipiUkgt2 gravy Just poll the Jersf

cent 4 frac34 bull _ J f o p a r t e f Una m a y

_copy J ^ epM -

Perfect Basting

Preserves fell t h s f c d a l l e i o B t a e t l B S M

secaBar to taraquo real trices AdjusUd LosUaoy to T J B a d s lt r f b h ^ raquo ^ seamless iabeofertsly

Lest lifetime Prepaid W cttagt J B v e r y d s t s t t l B

[ iMJlkiittsjs i rid ay nvglii the Mass

At-$ horary CcO and the poolroom

City bnnic th stores Uibullbullhaipry

I fii-i district met and after canvass-j Ui^Jhe voids cast for-slampTo senator-- lismed a ltUi-firugtftto bull f-f yekeUltn to I ChHrU- fo ywiilyr oic Kik^ lires-sent | )roSHcutj)iiV itunney J ltjjuid KAyhlK- oiVViig forth thai j his WJIO u^vojed iio much time to the j bi tiiiicaUon known as the WoTneiis I ChrlKtiaj TftiDpejanix- union that she

Wh^Br j il ^ 1 ^ frac34 8 frac34 I could nott ins -meals no ^ k e his the office of audit-or general next -- ^ _ mo me

aSftS frac34 S i f f i S S t e T S ea ltud thlaquo s^many e t him ai-

di me in-Lansing together because she felt s h e was

trtabwaat 0 K J J X W S3 ve

r Nothing has ever equalled i t Nothing can ever surpass i t

Dr Kings

eve i SfcltUl

A Perfect Cure

For AH Throat and Long Troubles

SSWS BB BIW VVH^V^^V H W W^^^^^PV V m ^^iff ^^^VgtvV^PV

DR HUMPHREYS SPTOFICS EaglltliCanTMnSpatrfshPoftaquMBMMl r w a i l u

i t W H I M W laquo r m F e m - o r W o n a I f e e i u t S 9 C M l c Cvytar laquo x l WaiBBCnliMM of I n f i u u M 4 P i M i h i at C M a i w d Adtati S D n i mdash u r r GHitojB Sutdoaocrtte Traquo CmckraquoOoMii Piuwkiili laquow Twrtkiieh n r a c t a Kranicte bull bull bull bull bull bull gt bull Stale BMdMte Vorttfo

1raquo t w m i laammiiMtWmkWiiimm I S O w M M h i Oolaquo(KUttlaquolaquotts M4M W^^S ^ H H M I r ^^^^^bull(bull^bullt^^^l^PfllBB bull I S STfctMrttfwi or SSaawHiMa fttns bull bull bull c f w 114 4 S B laquo MaianB- bull bull PSMSS^BAltwHMAfe|bKI(MnM^lRI M S l M l t l ^ W i t t v n n C ^ K 1 laquo C M n k bMHMOafetlraquo Hraquo^ Mfc WKtMMSaV VMfegtltNfelaquoIA Oofl M raquo AaM^^Of^vMai t f imnl t S M M M yraquoraquo luvBwy W W B B ^ I H V V ) o w n

laquoa gt s 96

--mw lt - bdquo B4V

laquobulllaquo99 frac34frac34 W

i-ti-i-SS rnltf bullbullbullbullbullbullbullSB -laquolaquo

i bullraquo

bull laquot raquo bull

poundpound52132 SSSMSTSSS bull


KIDNEY -Backache

raquoraquo ltMlaquo

A I M VrlsazT Orffens

(M^pnatampiB aacfc

S o a t IMCOBM diraquoeoitracd TMTlaquo U S Iter yum t nece f t iary w r i t e B r Feampner

K e h a s t e n t A l i f e t l a i o c u r i n g J u s t C a t f t B i T i m n A l i c o n a u l t a - t i o u s 7 r laquo laquo

laquo F o r 7 laquo w s I h a d b a c k a c h e s e v e r e p a i n bull c r o s s k i d n e y s a n d s c a l d i n g u r i n e f c o u i d s o t g e t o a t o f b e d w i t b o u t b e l p T h e u s e of Dr F e n n e r s K i d n e y a n d B a c k a c h e C u r e reshys t o r e d m e G W A G O N E R K n o t e v i l l e Pa Druggist SOr SI Ask for Cook B o o k - F r e

STVITBSDAKCE f i u r C u r C A trade i M P e n n f r FVedoniivNY

Clmrch Directory C o r a n n a F r e e Methodis t CburcbmdashSerrutea

eTlaquory S u n d a y a f ternoon a t itU l^nsyer n c c V Ing e v e r y TUarsday e v e n i n g

C o r u a a a B a p t i s t C n o r c b I f o r a i n Berrjee a t 10 a m E v e n i n g serv i ce 630 p m B Y P U a t 610 p m S n i d a y Schoo l IS II W e e k l y prayer meet ing T h u r s d a y evenlnjr at 700 FVlendlr h e a r t s a r e b e a t i n g or y o u r felshyl o w s h i p Les l ie Bower pas tor

C o r u n a a X K Church Morning serv lre a t 10 E v e n i n g s e r v i c e a t 630 S p w o r i LCMlaquoUC a t 545 p m c l a s raquo m e e t i n g a t 9 a ai S u n d a y s c h o o l AC li3u nj P x S i e r nsatilaquog Thursday e v e n t e d W gt- ^ ^ ^ sea t a n d a cordia l welshyc o m e t o a l i R- W o o d h a m P a s t o r

P T T f Q I t c h i n g BleediBf Pngttradtasgt X T J L L l i i O Old Sores SKiu E r u p t i o n s Tlaquotlaquo t e n B a r n s immediately u t D l l I T VC relieved a s d cured by N C n M i l t laquo

T b i s r e s M d j h a s been used for iwenty-t i rlaquo and i s the only guaranteed and true m m fcidxns endoras it

I tchini Piiesmdashyour Herout is a s u c c e s s -Born Ohio bull

Your reuiedy is tle best en ear th foe Bleedia^ Piles mdashFrank K l a u Minnewrta row raquo t c n A L L o p t w c a i s T S s A N D S O

bull ^ raquo = r gt

Thft bullpostofflce at Worth has been discontinued by the postofflce departshyment Rural routes cover all the tershyritory formerly supplied by it

Demanditxg $10001) for the loss of an eye while he waa working for the firm Mart in L Boyce ol MarshaU is suing the Gale Manufacturing Co

A herd of 24 cows A(Blctlaquod with tushyberculosis and sold from the Michisaa asylum to a farmer probably will be killed by the Michigan Live Stock association

The long drought in northern Michshyigan whicn has been a hardship to thousands of farmers since the middle of last summer has befcu broksa by copious rains ^

After bull Sght ltgti six eekS thlaquo curshyfew ordinance was kil llaquo in the Cc4d-waier common cormcO The final vote resulted n a vote of 5 to 3 against the ordinance

Charles Hawser of Newbcrg townshyship was convicted in the circuit court Friday or attempted felonious assantt on his 70 year-old mother Hawse Is 45 married and has one child

The U of M campus Is to be enshylarged 30 acres making 70 acres in all The enlargement includes four city squares taking In two blocks north of Huron street and east and west between Twelfth and Thayer streets

While leading an intoxicated man from a dance halt John Bnrnette aged 51 a Mantstiqite pollcetaan fell to the floor and died from heart disshyease He leaves a widow and fbisr children

Over 1600 names have been signed to the local option petitions now being circulated throughout Newaygo counshyty This Is 900 more than necessary tn rMnlre the supervisor to hold an efectioa to vote on the liquor quaa-tirm next spring

Believing she had committed the an pardonable sin spoken of In the Bible Mrs Henry Van Andei aged 45 of Mnskegon attempted suicide by slashshying ner throat She was taken to the county Jail where she will be examshyined as to her santty

R A Garbor of Charlotte who seshycured the names naeaasary to vote on the good roads propoaitfon In the county next spring Is nearly through with a slmHar task In Barry county after which he is assigned to the same work in Clinton county

Great admiration of Saginaws new auditorium was expressed by Bishop Charlea D WiiUama of Detroit head of the Episcopal chareh In Michigan I wish we had a Wellington R Burt and a Temple E Dorr In Detroit waa the way the bishop expressed It bullPines and costs amounting to 930 or 30 days in jail were imposed on Con Kilbourne of SatiU Ste Marie KU-bburne was accused of starting forest fires This is the first convioUon ever secured in that paltt of the state for that offense Other trials will follow

Senator William Alden Smith has promised to help the Grand-Saginaw Valleys Waterways association which plans a ship canal connecting Lake Michigan and Saginaw via Grand Rap-Ids Saginaw and Bay City A board of directors was elected and legislashytive and publicity committees were apshypointed

The Michigan Sugar Beet Co which owns six of the states sugar beet factories at a meeting Friday took official cognizance of the fact that the company is controlled by the sugar trust The statement was mad thatof the companys raquo3800000 stock all but J300000 is held by Michigan capitalists

One of the Jackson banks has paid the employes of the state prison in full for the time coming to them and has promised to take care of them during the holidays if the state does not The situation caused by the lack of funds in the state treasurery was creating serious embarrassment among the men

Mandamus proceedings have bfgtn begun to compel the board of district canvassers to reconvene and declare void the votes cast for Charles E White for state senator at the recent election White is prosecuting attorshyney of Berrien county and a question as to his eligibility has arisen because of his dual office

Wisconsin game wardens confiscatshyed a car containing 35 deer Tuesday morning Deputy Game Warden De Bell of Menominee tried to stop the car at that pine but failed He then noticed the Wisconsin wardens who secured the car The Jeer were killed in the Michigan woods and were beshying shipped to Chicago

Christopher Seymour of Sandrock la the victim of a remarkable hunting accident While crowing a stream on a log he slipped and lost his balshyance Realising that he must fall into the water he attempted to throw his rine to the shore It struck a limb and was discharged the bullet strikshying Seymour in the foot and badly shpoundUerrtpound it

i vuh -coifVbncd roampourcfts of-|4tS- [

tlona have deposits aKJSrosatln $3-524383 On an estimated population of 11000 this is |320 ner earUa which Is believe to be unexcelled in tha state

JURY G 0 N 1 i t i iUo j bull -hrnf i i i f


called to a higher raission Benjamin D Livingston of Ada began suit for divorce

OwossomdashAfter finding Clyde Howd 23 years old guilty of assault and batshytery some of the jurbrs and citizens Interested In the case contributed enough to pay the- five dollar fine and costs Howd admitted slapping E M Hopsiaa Jr complainant in the case and other boys who were annoying him

Battle CreekmdashWhen Justice Bat-dorff fined Charles Wyman |30 for running a blind pig Wyman who manages the Diamond clnb rooms a negro social organisation felt that It was pretty stiff considering that he faced a second Indictment But the court added and aiao five days hi Jail-

S t JosephmdashPresident Herman Ba-low called the fourth annual meeting of the Lake Michigan Fishermens asshysociation tc order at Hotel Whitcomb delegates from Ludlngton Manistee Frankfort Charlevoix Grand Haven South Haven Waukegan Milwaukee and other porta being present

LapeermdashRev K t l SidebothamV aged 34 years a missionary recently returned from Kor^a died here from burns received in a gasoline explosion He poured gasoline by mistake on a Bre which he was kindling Rev Side-botham had spent seven years in the Presbyterian mission field

Lapeermdash-Cash and negotiable seshycurities amounting to upwards of $75-000 have been found In the pockets of the clothing of James H Gray pishyoneer of this county who died at the age of 80 and tacked away In old shoes and various other queer places i n his home __ ^

MjhaJLmdashRkAard Grace e ight years old waa wounded by a bullet from a gun In the bauds of Garrett Tracy ten years old The bullet struck tut itrade post and glanced Oft hitting the lad In the forehead Au artery was cut out the boy win reshycover bull-

AlpenamdashJ D Hawka BA Oilman Buck4 Beaufor and several other members of the Turtle Lake club came in from the lake and left for Detroit Members of the club and their visitors killed pound4 deer during the season each member getting hie full quota

Grand RapidsmdashJudge Xnappen in the Uniied States district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Company of Ludingtcn $10000 for accepting reshybates from the Pere Marquette en Shipments from Ludlngton to Toledo The Stearns Company pleaded guilty

Sault Ste MariemdashDeputy Sheriff Andrew Taylor Jeff for Oolumbua to take Albert Sowers alias Gueriuge or Gearing to Ce Ohio state prison Sewers is a paroled convict who has served several months in the regular army as a cook at Fort Brady

LansingmdashIn a tax title case the sushypreme couit decided that notice to the original owner of the property must be given by t h e purchaser of the title unoVvthe law now in force at the time the purchase of the states title was mad i

KilisdalemdashMiss Mary Farr left Hillsdale and will later go to Maryshyland to act as field secretary and orshyganizer of libraries in that state Miss Farr has organized 20 libraries and says that the one in this city is the ideal

Laingsburgmdashin order to determine whether Mrs Charles Kimball was poisoned by a cedar preservative given to her by her husband by misshytake for s i l t s or that her death was due to natural causes aninquest was held

PontiaemdashCounty Treasurer Power has received $1922222 Oaklands share of the primary school money and has already disbursed it among the various treasurers of the county The appointment was two weeks late

Grand RapidsmdashThe will of Cornetti G Comstock wife of former Congressshyman Comraquotock and mother-in-law of Land Commissioner Russell was filed The property is estimated at $33000 real estate and $17000 personal

FlintmdashWilliam D Butler 21 years old Moses Purcell 18 William Ryan 8 and Joseph Costa 17 pk-tded guilty to the charge of burglary and each was sentenced to the state reshyformatory at Ionia

HastingsmdashJohn Llefcta proprietor cf a soft drink place kn Freeport was found guilty of violating the prohibishytion law by selling Malt Foam manshyufactured iu Grand Rapids

Bay CitymdashThe body of John T War-dell watchman on the berg Pome-roy of Bay Port and whose home was

^ 2 fOHK QW-~ V


bullbullbull bullbull - M A N -


Prisoner Said He Got What Hltv-Hiir

ExpectedmdashAVife and Erring Sister Weep Cver the Verdict

Rev William Cuminirigs former VAk Rapids pastor was convicted by a Jury at Ionia of failure to support his wife

As the foreman of the jury in the triai of Cumuiings oit the charge ct having deserted his wife and elnped with nls sot mate her sister Velva Taylor pronounced the verdict a firaquoertng smile crept over the faao af the Rev Williain

It came oat na I expected said he when his wife Mabel who brought the charge called on him in his ceil a little later- - 1mdash bullbullbull lt-)

Mrs Cummmgs on the stand had defended her husband somewhat to the surprise of the eourt hangers-on She and her father declared that Velshyva had been the pursuer in the strange love affair and Velva herself had admitted her gthfatnatlon for the clergyman saying that when she folshylowed him to the Soo he had told her to eo home

Judge Davis wfll Impose sentence next week In the meantime counsel for the defendant will test the con-stitationaiity of the law which makes the jttdge the pardoning power and provides that the state shall pay a pension while tho husband is in prisshyon in case qf failure to file a-bond ior the wifes maintenance

Mr and Mrs Taylor and Velva wbc wept bitterly over the verdict eturfied to Clarksville while Mrs

CummingB remained at the jaU with her husband

here 111 ( (j-iuux -Ha-pJcs



lilty vinry bullbullbulland zhn his Johzisouj lt rn-rri gth^ Nva^i J iy bull

f - o rs hfr v-otiigtis bull



^- gtluV n -n ca

Mir- KE-y-in M

iVOW-rt (gti




M r s

AVKiimdashjtiiiH H

Jilottirs o r A i Hha s


l (ihtiS

iHlAiiSt d o

nttirl stcrc 5-ituijihVo

Mm uTrrrvy

dird iu -Cilt vea id

i A s i i O r e s u l t of a s i a i

du iKraquo

ric bulliVAiii





T h e pound ^ - v - A

nartol Ci

f t p d ilgaiHt h i s W i r d ^ i H i )(gt

lich bullevLviiiif Ins own -lije Dotroirmdash v special iroin

Mario Mich says Thait


bullovi gtul

u l l t R i o


Cannot Ship Hay Secretary Wilson after deciding

that he would Issue an order permitshyting the shipment of hay etc from the state of Michigan amder certain restrictions at S oclock Wednesday afternoon changed his mind He would not is^ue the order and the delegation of hay dealers from Michigan undershystood to be about to start for Washshyington may aa well go on if they fv-i like i t

1frac34frac34 secretary said he had stopped the order because be Is not yet enshytirely satisfied that It Is safe That U all He would not agree to the Inshyference from this that he might issue the order a little later ms It was ap-Bareot that he would like to do so He sfeld it was always bis polcy to Intershyfere M little as possible with business but that this was a most serious afshyfair and thai he would not take any chance

The Qlazlsr Trial It Is generally believed that one of

the certainties of the near future Is that Frank P Glazier will have to far rgtrimtna3 charges in Detroit In adshydition to the eharges of this character pending in Ingham county

It Is likely that the charges will be in the wayne circuit court but there is a possibility also of the United States courts being called on and inshyformations may be filed in both fedshyeral and state courts

It Is said that the question of crimshyinal charges against Glazier in Deshytroit was discussed a f w days age fcraquo a Glasier creditors meeting at waich the banks holding large amounts of Glazier paper were rep-raeexUed Some of the speakers it is said were very insistent In demands that some serious action be taken in Detroit action in proportion to the more than $500000 that Glazier got from leading Detroit banks

Were Fined $10000 Judge Knap pen in the United States

district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Co of Ludlngton $10000 for accepting rebates from the Pere Marshyquette on shipments from Ludington to Toledo Some time ago the Stearns company pleaded guilty on 20 counts and was fined $20000 Judge Knap-pen recently permitted the company to withdraw the plea of guilty on 20 counts on condition that it would plead guilty on six counts This the company did and was fined the $10000 on the six counts today

Saved Baby Lost Her Li fe Mrs Claude W Buckley ot Battle

Creek the young mother who five weeks ago saved her babes life by carrying it from a burning room while Ler own cloching was on fire died Wednesday from her burns

Mrs Buckley had thrown excelsor in the Are when tfer clothing became ignited and spread to curtains in the bullcom Heedless of her own peril and thinking only of her child she held the babe at arms length from her and carried it to a place of safety outside By this time she was wrapped In flames and was terribly burned before they could be extinguished She was well known in Battle Creek society

John J McCarthy for six years rep-rjwraquotative at Lansing from the Stau-dish district has accepted the position of examiner of Inheritance taxes in Michigan He will take up his new duties Jantian I

Knocked down ad robbed on the street early in the evening on her way home froin laquoho^irir

iiampiaciaaoomdashVai^s uu her bullbullraquobullamp home from m shopping trip Mrs David Haines one of the most prominent women of the city waa knocked Cown and robbed

bull i Trhrs ha3 seized her rgtltgtckfttooK A crowd followed and the fugitive was caught He gave his name as Joe Williams

j i7raquoci it inii SK H I l i iu UOWn iboirs reported having paampieJ-i 1 a ^uaiitity^ if wreckage In- Lake3u-bullp^riqr off Vermillion Ptitm near White Fish hay -Among the wreckage was a life raft No boat was reports here as missing It is the general opinion bore that -lthere has been a wreck it has been an upbound boat likely a lumber carrier

Traverse Ci ty -Loca l sportsmen are preparing to circulate a petition askshying that there-beho open season on deer in Grand Traverse county for the next ten years After being protected for five years the deer grew so accua-tomed to man that when the season flret opencvd _it was almost like shootshying cattle and a large number were slanghtered

KalamazoomdashLeaders of negro and white social circles of Kalamazoo met at the palatial home of Rev Caroline Bartletts Crahe for the purpose of talking over a day nursery for the colored children of the city and to give the representatives of the two races a chance to m e e t There were about 20 negro women at the luncheon

JacksonmdashThat the revolving fund the working capital of the prisshyon binder twine plant was revolved intothe general-fund and used for genshyeral expenses until after election is the uncomfortable discovery of Warshyden Armstrong ri^ht at the time uc cepted drafts for $30000 worth of sisal are pre-sentod for payment

MuskegonmdashAlleging that Erasmus De Jong threw 50 inmates of the Musshykegon county almshouse in to a state of terror by threatening to kill some of them County Superintendent of the Poor Buxxell made complaint against Belong charging him with inshysanity

Traverse CitymdashThe official returns frcm the Twenty-seventh senatorial disshytrict received here show that Fred C Wctmort was re-elected to the state senate by 13379 rotes In the district which comprisea t s v e n counties but three votes were cas t against Wet-more

LansingmdashMrs Nell ie AWerson of Grand Rapids In a crossbill to Em-mett Aiveraons sal t for divorce filed here denies that she was expelled from a Rebekah lodge c t Orand Rapshyids for misconduct Judge Wieet has granted her $10 weekly temporary alishymony

LansingmdashIjicking medical eld Gershytrude the five-year-old daughter of Mrs Lena Bendlx died cf diphtheria The mother a widow feared that she would be quarantined and as she was compelled to go out to work she kept her daughters i l lness to herself

HastingsmdashSchool children with the c id oi enterprising citizens will raise money enough to pay the freight and cost of mounting the civil war cannon recently offered to the city and reshyjected by the common council

Port HuronmdashAlthough Charles Sam-berg was declared legally dead in the circuit court the officials of the Modshyern Maccatrecs believe that he is still living They have decided to petition for a new trial

St ClairmdashFire destroyed Kohlers hotel and the residence of Charles A Gilen both old landmarks The hotel waa a three-story frame structure and the Gilen house was the second built in St Clair

SatrlnawmdashEdith Helen the two-year-oid daughter of Mr and Mrs Went worth Weaver accidentally tipped a pall of boiling water over herself Death relieved her sufferings

JacksonmdashFifty-four years as a railshyroad engineer without an accident is the record of John McCurdy the oldshyest engineer in the Michigan Censhytral f service at the age of 76

Monroe mdash John Krietz pleaded guilty to looting a Michigan Central freight oar and was sentenced to not less than three years or more than 15 years in Jackson prison

Port HuronmdashTrying to take a tea pot from a stove the two-months-old daughter of Thomas Jewett of the Wooden Track pulled it over and was scalded

PoiitiacmdashMrs Edna Wolfe of Or-tonville after eight months of married life has filed a petition for divorce from Ray Wolfe alleging extreme cruelty

HollandmdashThe funeral of G B Balshylard who died in Woburn Mass was held here Mr Ballard once declined the nomination for governor of Michishygan

PinckneymdashBurglars entered the store of Jackson ft CadwelL blew open the safe and secured $200 They then went to the poetofflce blew open that safe and took $3 and all the stamps and registered mail

The body of Henry White of Kalashymazoo was found bent around a post OS fwtit f r o m ihlaquo-gt M l c l i i i r s n dwgti$l rTVJV T^-iv n^r l-ilt- 7-yu Ti^Blt day rjigh No one w w nim me^t ilaquolaquo tleath but i is cowsMie ohvtous that he was struck by a fast train and j his body hurled to tiw place vrhere it I

as found

bull M-r ^ygt

gtv y -Ci

-iurgt2bull bull

A 0 ^ ltJ t --

tbaii bulllt



sayft lplt


bull bulllt

bullbullAlvy r i r bull

O h

IiCf h(

d a y s J

^Xii (

bulllaquo- H O

i i ba f id h o i

igtl(raquo the laquo for s i x w o


The Highftr Life Why dont you gc 10 work instead

of hpgglnisc and boozing 1 will bosB as soon as theraV an

openir in my trade An I aint g o IOUK to wait nuther

bullWhat is your trader Tra -a track walker for aeroplane

iiufcsmdashPhiladelphia Bulletin

l i o ^ n raquo l F o ^ iBlttlgestilaquoi l ^ - m - v ^ ^ ^ Relieves sour stomach

palpitaticn opound the heart Digests what you eat

Pleasant to take

Tfye ne^v laxative Does

not gripe or n a u s e a t e

Cures stdmach and liver

troubles and chronic con-

stipation by restoring the

natural action of the stomshy

ach l iver and b o w e l s Refuse eubetttutee Price COo


Commercial - Savings ACCOUNTS SOLICltED

P e r C laquo t f t

Paid on Time Deposits

Grand Trunk Railway System B A S T B O U N D FROM CORCNMA

N o J3 Detro i t Local e x c e p t S u n d a y cent 0 7 raquook K o $amp tgtetroit Eprltampexcept S u n d a y 1143 JVM N o 18 Detroji Loca l e x c e p t S u n d a y 510 p laquo N o M D u r a n d Local Dal lgt tamppm

W R S T B O U N D m O M C O B C N W A N o 17Grraquonit RpcJ Lors D u i i y ^ 7Jfearaquoraquo Ho 19 Cid R a p i d s l^gteal ex S u n d a y lurtrtaja No 13 O r a n H a v e n Lota e x SincJay 256 p a N o U ltraod Rapid Local e i S u n d a y iil p laquo

| S o l i d wide yestibvile iraiiiMof c o a c U b laquofad S leep ing t a r s are opt -a i^J to N e w YorW a s d P h i l a d e l p h i a v ia N i a g amp t a F a i l s by the G r a a d Tuok-Lebraquogh Val ley Route-

gtbull_bull G D Y O U N G A v t



CtwvKtaKTs ampc Anyone nending a sketch swu uCCiiptln my

quickly uncertain our orunlon free whettic-r v iR7laquomr^ raquolaquo pToh^WTPfttentable^Conittiiinic tiOTl StrictiyconfiOrjll HAJIUOvtm SBPraquonM sent fro Oi4est oeeocy for soccnujf pateuts

Pntants tampkea tnroulaquoh Moati amp Co receive wpceial notice wttnoiu caarge to i t e

Scientific JUnerkan A handsomely Htnstraxed raquoelaquolUy l^ircest clr culation of sn srientlflc i o u m a i j oar fonr rooiUw | i Sold b j all newsdes lem

HUNK S C o ^ mdash N e w M Bisoch OIBea ltSS P S t Wkafcinstoo D C

STEVENS D O N T B U Y A G U N until you have seen oar New Double Barrel Model fitted with Stereos Conprcssed Forged Steel Barrelsmdash


The mode of constructing these superb Trap ami Field Guns is fuily st forth in our New Shotshygun Pamphlet j Send two-cent stamp for it

ltbull A yeerDukr fw

DSM-BUC Claquoa

^ m t t m m m m l m m m t l jnfapyffff

mmmm wmmmmr vmm bullbull


bull amp

i I

u you can -think of anything any more bulldesirable than vpy xan find at pur store we would be pleased to have you get it if not cernein nnd look over 9 tloois each one packed full of the very choicest furniture possible to buy for the wife husband father or mother childrenor neighbor from the cheapest to the best

Chamber Suits from $1360 up lo 7500 Iron Beds from _ _ - 148 up to 4000 Rockers all prices all kinds Over 200 to

---- - select from mdash-bull-bull-- ------bull bullmdash--- Great Big Soft Easy Rockers as low as 1500

All Leather

Kitchen Cabinets for the kitchenmdashsaves the wife saves the shoes rriakes home pleasant from the famous McDougal at $3000 down to other good ones at $400 Dont fail to come and take a peek before separating yourself from your holiday allotment Use your credit with us as we trust everybody

f W W T V T yen bull

i Coanty Correspondence 1



SHAFTSBURG ShaftKbar Mich Dee 81906

P J Shaft w i In Latiftifig on 8atttrday

Loyal Burdlck was in Lansing on Saturday

Mrs i Van Riper WM in Puny on Friday

Mr and Mrs Wm Well were in Lansing on Saturday

Mr and Mrie Cady were in Lana-inj 6ii day lat wj ek

Dr Dumhams brother from Kalshykaska iraquo here una visit

Mf tt Veva Robinson returned froiV LatSMiitf ltraquoo Saturday

George Hamprlow of Lansing was here on business on Monday

Mr laquod Mrs Win Welia were in Owosso and Corunna or Monday

The ShMtsbursr Pedro Club met at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Webb on last Wednesday

gtrlaquo Jam1 Shaft returned from Jackson on Saturday where she had been on a visit of several days

De Hunkin of Battle Creek who h a s t e n thlaquo juest of his praquor= ents for several dayp retarned home on Friday

MEW LOTHROP N)f LoArOp Mich Deo 19W

Mrs W S Burge of Easton was in town Saturday

George Zentel has returned from a business trip at Detroit

Mr and Mrs A Dann are moving on the farm of Hon J Northwood

Miss Charlotte Keiley is clerking for Fred Kribs during the holidays

The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Beamish is on the sick list

Mr and Mrs Bert Ellithorpe have returned from a vjjsit with relatives at Reese

Miss Tvah Richardsf of Easfon was an over Sunday guest at the home of Mr and Mrs C Vernon

Miss Ola Boy re aftd Louise Mc- Graw have returned from Flushing where they have been learning the dreusnaking trade

Thft-box social given-by the 8tii grade at the high school room Frishyday evening was quite largely atshytended and an enjoyable time reportshyed

Our town is preparing for the holishydays The stores are assuming tlioii- nsnal Xrnas attire It has been decided ihere will be trees at both churches

Mr and Mrs S D Wilson have sold their home to Mr and Mrs B Colwell and are about moving to Oorunna where they have purchased a home

MORRICE Xorrice Mtco Dec 71M6

Mrs ft Smith is confined to tfa h a n i A w i t h lumtrftgO

Mrs Wm Reilley and little niece are visiting friends la Detroit

Mirs Lottie Forshye visited Llaquon~ sing friends from Friday until Monshyday

Mrs J Green of Ionia county is a guest of iier sister Mrs John Vaiiever

A F Buxton of Wilhamston spent the weeks end at the home of bis sister Mrs H V Pierce

Miss Tillie Gubry who has been spending the past three weeks in Fenton^returned home Monday

Communion services will be held in the M E church next Sunday morning at the regulat service hoar

Francis Wade of Swartz Creek was a guest of Miss Katie Defrecse from Saturday until Monday evenshying

James PendergaBt of Jackson wus laquo guest at the home of J ames

rEddington from Saturday until Monshyday

Forty hours of devotional services bagan in bt MaryschuivhTuesday Fr ORaiferty conducting the sershyvices

Fred Brundige of Haslett iv spending a few days in this vicinity looking up farming lands with a view of buying

The ladies of the M E church cleared over forty dollars from their fair neld Friday and Saturday in the Bailey building

George Smith and party from the north returned home here Thursday evening after a months stay on his iarni no iivwision

Mrs D Duane Martin and son Downey of Capac were guests at the home of T cJ Martin from Satshyurday until Monday evening

Christmas services will be held in the M E church Christmas eve A Christmas tree anda fireplace also a fine program is being prepared

Dan Quinu went to Dexter Saturshyday evening where he will spend a week at the home of Mr and Mrs Hawkins where his family preceded him two weeks ago

Mrs D G Harris returned Saturshyday from a three weeks stay in Lansing where she has been caring lor her mother Mrs Nathan Harris who is ill at the home of her daughshyter in the city

Ralph La Flamboy one of our town boys now with the Jackson Citizen Press has been promoted again He has a desk in the city and is general circulation manager there as well as in Albion

Miss Bessie Eddington of Harpshye r s hospital Detroit is home for a weeks visii with relatives and rriends Miss Eddington has passshyed her examination with honorn and now takes up her three years course

$100000 Gtvea for ampn7 wbrtwee inshyjurious to health found ia food resulting from the uc of

Caiumat T bullU arty -- ^ rV - -= i 1^frac34frac34 -

E C Marble who has been visitshying at the borne ot his daughter Mrs Harry Davis started-for Springport Monday moruingdriving through be having bought a team Gf Fred Maudlin and farming tools here to take with him

Jud- Clark iJl start for Byre Colo Thursday wtth a carload OJ stock and household ^oods for Floy Valentine who is golhg there next Tuesday to live oh a farm Mr Clark wiil visit his father Frank Claris during his absence

The- quarantine cu ehiekens is seriously inconveniencing the buyshyers hercopy causing them to ship in a round about way to reach Buffalo Canada-refusing to allow the poultry through their domain on account of the foot and month disease

Miss Carrie Furdy of this place made one of a party which started for Los Angeles Cal Tuesday Those in the parly besides Miss Purdy are Mrs I W Lamb of Perry Mr and Mrs Frank Gale and Mi Kincaid all of Corunna

The heating plant in the new part of the school building i giving very poor satisfaction There was no school last Thursday on account of low temperature A F Hoilis of Owosso was called here and decided more radiators were necessary also a larger steam pipe from tha furnace and registers in the floor to carry off the cold air He will make the necessary changes in Christmas vacation

Any skin itcbng is amp temper-tester Tbe more you svratch ttilaquo w o w it itches Doaafc Uintmsnt cures piles eczemamdashany skin itchiDjr - At all dru^ atOTes- ^ _ _ --^^ _ --^ t bullbull

BYRON njmraquo T Midi Dec 8 laquo0amp

L W Barnes is in Chicago John Roekman is on the sick list Mrs Jepbthsc Skinner Sr is in

Plt^rhejJtii Mr Arnold has eoue to take posshy

session of tbe mill A O Hathaway supplied for tbe

Oak Grove pastor Sunday Ed Welch is somewhat improved

in health at present writing Herman Meier has taken possesshy

sion of nislt new home in town Mr and Mrs Comstock have

moved into the Fisher building Mrs Gilbert is entertaining her

son this week He resides in Canashyda

Mrs Sanford has gone to Howell to remain an Indefinite time with friends -

The Seniors held a social last Frishyday night whicb netted them twenty dollars

Mr and Mrs John Nymphie of Dcfneld spent Suuday with Mr Meiers family

Frank Badgero has sold his home and wiil move in a house on tbe Wm Close farm

Auntie Bullis has gone to Geo Jecning fs home in Argentine to spend the winter

John Davison has purchased the old Paul Coffin farm of Wm Vaun and will soon move onto it

Mrs Roy Sayers will give an enshytertainment at the Baptist church Friday night of this week Mtss Lenora Connine of Howell will asshysist with music Fioceeds for the benefit of the L O T M M of this place

Postmaster Stowell baa moved the postofflce to the rear of his eiore thus leaving the entire front part of the store for use in displaying his fine large stock of china jewelry end Christmas novelties The change is a great improvement

Dress Coats in all styles and patterns

is upon us but we are here

first with the goods style and prices Just

stop a moment and jet us prove it to you

FUR COATS at any price you want

BUFFALO CLOTH COATS in the best grade only

ULSTERS and REEFERS for both men and boys

We are selling more UNDERWEAR

this season than ever before for our prices

are the lowest and our goods have the quality

fcvery W o m a n Wi l l Be I n t e r e s t e d

There has recently been diacovored an aroshymatic pleasant herb cure for womans tils s S-UcrJ Kclhpr Grsy9 Auraquoirraquolaquoiraquon-Tjlaquoraquoi l i ilaquo it oDlyltraquonraquoin reyuUtor Curlaquolaquo fematlaquo weak-nesses and Bcksvhe Kidney BUdder and Urinary troubles At raquo11 Igtrwagists or by mail 60 eta Sample FREE A4drtss The Motber Gray Co Le Roy N Y

ELSIE Elsie Dec 81906

J A Watson was in St Johns Monday

Mrs Chas Sanford is again under the doctors care

Mrs Orlie Austin is helping out at W W Temples

Sterling Blayney is moving onto his farm in Fairfield

Mr Tubbs Sr has been very ill during the past week

L O Bates has purchased the Moulton farm near Bannister

Frank Clark is moving onto the Garratt farm two miles west of town

Supervisor Gilbertof Chapin is very ill threatened with typhoid fever

Mr and Mrs Levi Morse have moved to Lansing where he has emshyployment

Ohio farm seekers are canvassing the vicinity of our village for buyshying small farms

Architect Cherry of Owosso spent Friday at the Michigan Milk Proshyduct Cos factory

The home of Ezer Largent has been disinfected Velma Hughson having recovered from diphtheria

Buyers of milch cows from Mt Pleasant are visiting our stock farms and shipping numbers of fine cows to that placo

Mr Bader of Detroit Mr Haare of Jackson and Mr Waldron of Mt Pleasant did business in our village the first of the woek

Tho Elsie band give their second masquerade ball at I O O F ball on the evening of Dec 10 Mr Wait will serve suppers until the ball closes

Fred Munger of St Johns phones his cousins that he iz none the worse for his rough handling here at the St Johns vs Elsie football game on Thanksgiving

Rumor BAYS another physician is

w i amp j i i i U i ^u tv O fJS i i i sits VY4J iJKsy have three excellent physicians in the very zenith of their lives he

font ptria oi tiivl aitI iijVve to bi of tiniisiiil obHIty to Vytiif5gt5iii

Miss Jessie Morrice a trained nurse from the childrens hospital in Detroit visited a portion of last week at the home of her uncle Wm Morrice and from Saturday until Monday with her cousin Mrs E L Bann

J Q A Cook sold four hogs Sat-urday whose combined weight was 2200 pounds also shipMd a Ram-

j siC-MVHVs id^wr gt Alaquobull Air^n 1

amounting to over one hundred dol-ra in sheep last week which were

i f ihipps bull stlaquoite

Lrours for Good Goods and Low Prices

A McMulleit S Co

MORTGAGE 3AIEmdashWhereas default has been made in the eoa lltfona of a certalo

bullraquoort^alaquoe made atod exeeo^d by Georglaquo W Middietou ami Bertiia- J Middletcn bis wire of the TowasLip of Hazeton Sbtavassee county Michigan of the first part to Joseph fl Collina of said county and state of the second part on the 85h day of January A D 100laquo aod recorded in the office of the Regshyister of Deeds for said county in Liber 1)3 Of Mortgages on pages SraquoR and 379 on the 25th day of January A D 1906 and that raquo^er-i srds the real property Bpen which said mortgage W M fflrta araquo aforesaid was b a certain warranty deed conveyed by tbe said Gecrjre W Middle-ton and Bertha 3 Middletou to Ull ie D Elod-(CU of Detroit Hgttrigan which doed was reshycorded in tbe office of the Register of Deeds of bullaid eoutHj- in Liber 128 of Deeds on page W4 and that afterwards on the 2Sth day of Januashyry A D 190S said a w r t n g c so given araquo afore-u M M assigned by Joseph H Coiiins to George W Middle ton and Berths J MiddWton which aoalgnneot is recorded in the office ot VHpound Kjjiistet of weed B of - said connty OQ the tth day of February A D IMS in Liber 100 of aasixnuenta on page ISA And whereas it nvorides in said mortgage that if defaolt be made in payment of tSte interest thereon asft the same ahaii eontlnn to be tu defaalt for the period of thirty days from the tint when said interest was due then at the Option of said mortgagee or his assignee the vhole amount of the principal upon said mortgage becomes due and payable Aii-i whereais the said Ull ie D Biodgett has defanlted in the payaient of the interest due upon said mortgage bull and the same has continued for thirty dayx now the said assignees -ieciare Ute ttaid principal of said mortgage due and payable and that there U claimed to be due at the date of this notice for principal and interest the sum of Two Hunshydred fifty-nine dollars and SUteem cents (SSiS 16) and nosnit or proceediDgu at law or in equity having been taken to recover the monty eiured by iafd mortgage Or any part tbereofrnotice is hereby given that b virtue of the power of aalo contained In said mortshygage and the Ktatutes in su^h ease- made and provided ttajd Mortgage will be forceloaed by sale of the preuiiBea gtJew-i ilaquogtI luerein or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said money now due thereon together with interest tnereou at the rate of six per cent per annum frons tSjc-Sstc-sf-tfcii-^actJce together withaii attorneys fee of twenty dollars jgtro-vtded in t aid mortgage together vil l i all ie^al elaquowilaquoof this foreclosure at public auction or-vendue to the nlghen bidder at tbe front door of tbe iOurt house In the city of CoraunaMich-igan said court hone being the building in which tbe circuit court for Shiawassee county Michigan is held on the 12th day o f D e c e m shyber A D 1U0amp at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day The premise are described in araquoid mortgage as follows to-wit Commencing twelve [13] rods ten [10] feet south of the north-eaat corner of section thirty-three [33] thence flye fS] rodssix and onethalf [6frac12] feet south toe ace weat tweiaty [30 rods thence north five [5] rod six and one-half |SMraquo] feet thence east twenty [30] rods to place of beginning town eight [8J north range four [4] east

Dated September ad IWSi GBORGB W MrDDLETON BERTHA J HIDDLETOH Assignees of said mortgage

Joseph H Collins Attorney for Assignee Corshyunna Michigan


Have you tried a sack of -7

We guarantee it to be equal to any winter wheat flour on the market reshygardless of price Your money back if it doesnt suit For sale by


Theres no place tike the Journal for Neat r u t i n s joajjraquojraquogt

BECKY Gold Medal Flour for me


Subscribe for the Journal

Keep Your Eyes on the or

We are showing Heatherbloom Skirts special this week at pound199 to 239

-Our line of Jackson Corsets th best out the new numshybers 50c $ 100 and J5150 New styles and best form corset on the market

Remember a box of Cadet Hosiery or Fancy Handkershychiefs makes a splendid Christmas gift

A few more patterns in the new Dress Goods--nothing better or more appreciated by the wife cr zscthsr


Geo M Beemer I Dry Goods and Notions Phone 61

spoundV Hi fiStr^ 25 ^ 2 R S ^

vurfit- ot w

I ij The cold and damp weather is at hand when every-f one should give special attention to having dry and com-tfortable feet We have done our duty to the public by [providing a large stock of Rubber Footwear of the most

popular brauds shapes and sizes W e feel confident tha t |we can supply every demand in rubber and warm footwear 1 A pair of rubbers properly fitted will wear longer than jif improperly fitted We give special attention to correct (fitting Call when in need of rubberwear of any description

amp ^g





COAL 1 have on hand a full stock oi the

following ltMgtal and am prepared to make prompt deliveries

H A R D C O A L - g Stove Nut and No 2 Chestnut

S O F T C O A L ^ S t Charles Specshyial Grade of Ohio Coal and Wefct Virginia Splint

bullbull bullbull Orders may be left at Quayles Grocery The Corunna Hardware Company or the A A Elevatar Phone No 80 or 40-4r

Suggestive Questions on the S S Lesson By Rev Dr Linampcott for the Interntioaal Newsshypaper Bible Smdy Club



Copyright 1908 By Rev bull- 8 Ltaseott amp p

M e m b e r 1 3 ^ ^ Solomon Oedixit^ the Tenipie- ^ ^ ^ 0 frac34 frac34 5 ^ t K -L I Kinkt v m bull Verses ^3rl-^Qlaquonted that there fraquoidtrade Ttbull WAS fi-liid wheU only one Almighty God are there

t h e raquo u ^ ^ house of the L o r d - P a a l B c x x n 1 g trade pound r over 4 a n d ^ X i ^ ^

Verses MlmdashThese verses des-1 what the ancients called the gods | cribeagrand gathering of_the King j Gods promises in general and (6 the priests and the people for a great H h e iQdividual are a f dependable laquolaquo religious festival Would it be araquo a r f t t h bdquo l f tWB f W v i t f t t ^ but gt h i t 5

of a man Is there in a

more of tut


P N GmdashBay Faryr N G -C GEaton V GmdashFSutfin SecymdashJ J Bowers Fin 8ecy-Jltt^bls TressmdashJ Mtinstein l

TrusteemdashF Ward Capt of Staffmdash Ward B Carl

CORUNNA R A M NO 33 - bull bull bull

High PrlearmdashA- Wgt Greeoc King-Hugh M Nichols Scribe-Geo C Clotterbuck Capt HostmdashF L Johnson Prln SojournermdashJos Laffrey Royal Arch OapisitamdashL N Sbeardy Master 1st Vel 1mdashG J Dole Master id Veil-3mmnlaquol EMrWlaquoe Matter 3d Yell -Jo Sbulta SecymdashJobo Y Martin TreaemdashW A Bosenkrana

r ^


The best ever at lowest


A new Souvenir Card of Coshy

runna High School 5c each-



Toilet Articles disshyplayed next week will be good and complete Let us show them to you

Reynolds CORNER

Drag Store CORUNNA



Hlffb PrilaquotmdashO L Sprague KinmdashCO Wright SertbemdashAtono Crane SecymdashE F Uoasiit TresmdashH D Lyon Capt of HoetmdashF C BanscojBv Prin Sojourner~J J McDonald Royal Arch CaptainmdashE E Smith Master Third VeilmdashBB Hart Master Second VeilmdashG A Ott Master First Veilmdash W F Letts


Past Cota mdash EHa J Oampmer CommdashMinnie E Mason Lieut Com mdashMatte E Sample Pecord KeepermdashFlorence E Barrett Finance KeepermdashFrances D Rood CaapmdashEllen M Nelson SsrgtmdashSola Eam Master at A rmsmdashGertrude Wooster SeatmdashJennie Birk Pickett-Ida M Fisb


Conk--0 Jacobs LSent Com~-atette Lemon R ILmdashSarah Ford F KmdashMinnie Ormsby CbapiaismdashMrs Barnes SergeantmdashAugusts Derr M at Av-Sophia Zambaaia Swtteei-Ella Stoddard PicketmdashG Hann Ant Past Com mdashSophronla Chase PtanlatmdashHattie Robinson

w -a ^ f e t i v a 1 T 1 V Kdeg a laquo f e th laws of gravitation good thing for every church to have Jg t h o evidence that ftutraquoh is the case such gatherings something say of XT bullbdquo-bulllaquolaquo ^ the nature of the old-time c a m p

V e i 8 ^ ^ ^ U laquoproper prayer

meetings to ask God to keep fa is promises I What is the chief institution of al ^WhLsh isthe batter way to keep |

nation and what is is the chief duty V d I f f t u d e d deg tllpf 0 l l s e 8 01

r5 v gt l I take ilaquo lor granteil that they wiii be

i answered and to ask God for grace L church today any to keep o u r p a r t o f t h e compact

m nilt ^ raquoh g l o r y deg f l h e ^ 0 ^ ^ Verse 27-What is the supreme miinifested than anywhere elee e v dence that God does dwell on the A laquo bull earth and in the heait of each indi-Verae 12mdashIs darkness as much vidual

iihFamp traden$ S S ai the V ^ r s e raquo - S p laquo M i raquo r rom actual iraquohLraquo y l t e 8 t raquo 0 r experience what are the o t n e r 7 benefits of prayer f j T e w S h d ^ W l f h ^ L S S V e r 8 e 29-52-Waa this great pray-m I laquo A ^ trade P B a r P I u s

rer of Solomon extempore in its lang-monraquoy7 uaget QT prepared iraquoefore hatid

Verse 14-Should every person con- eirtnM tradeiniatraquo n - cbdquo-w laquouf-_ bull ij~laquoraquowiigt aM-laquo raquokaraquor^mdashlaquoraquo A onoma mmiatora prepare their bulltrntlyHjtess every other person and p r 4 y e r a mitb ftg m a c h Care an they t raquo T y S f w h aVW lt M W J laquoh e T bull should their sermons bull suits (Thraquoraquo questHgtn must wared in writing by members club gt

Verses 15-21mdashAre tho promise3 in this day which God makes1 with his month ftiways fulfilled i with his hand

What was Gods chief purpose i n choosing Israel to bs the repository of his truth

Why did God cot permit David to build the Temple of God

What reason is there to believe that each individuaV is a link in the chain which draws out of events as they occur Gods purposes as in the case of David and Solomon

Verse 22mdashMinisters like Solomon often spread out their hands when about to pray in the pulpit is there any important significance in this

be aiUr i -of the Which is the more important part

| of church service the prayers or the sermon

Solomon assumes in this prayer that all calamities both national and personal^arlaquoLft rraquonif of sin is that assumption correct _ i s a ministers prayer for God to-icrgive the sfas of the people of any avail if the people do not repent

Verses 53-66mdashWhat is the chief or supreme purpose of the church and of worship

What are the chnrches doing for this country

Lesson for Sunday Dec 20th 1908 mdashSolomons DownfallmdashI Kings x i -4-13

farlf n the WoodCwatayotatmina fcrQw

joraquot wn^i rU lti

Gola Meolaquolaquo Flour Is nourtabhif


T I MmdashHoward Siocuin D MmdashJ H West P C Wmdash Rudolph Colby C of GmdashGilbert J Cole G of CmdashClarence E Wmlch G S amp 3 -Austin EL Richards RecordermdashF L Jobason


CommdashW E Jacobs Sr VicemdashCharle Twitchel Jr VicemdashSim Anthony Q MmdashDan Hunger AdjTG W Matloon Officer of DaymdashA For Irtr Officer of GuardmdashM Bishop

Vernon Masonic OfBcen (Following are the officers Of Vernon

lodge No 279 for the ensuing year ani iiisiailairion will occnr Saturday evening Dec 26

Worshipful MastermdashC J Ganseley Senior WardenmdashW J McCullough Junior WardenmdashC J McLaughlin TreasurermdashMDo Ho^ard SecretarymdashVictor Holmes Senior DeaconmdashEdward McCall (Junior Deacon^mdashCharles Paine TylermdashWilliam FleminE-

Henderson Odd Fellows At the regular meeting of Imnaan-

uel Lodge No 153 I O O F of Henshyderson the following officers -were elected

Past GrjandmdashOtis B Coo it Noble GrandmdashA L Pierce Vice GrandmdashP P Bishop Recording SecretarymdashWm Kohl-

nieyer Financial SecretarymdashW H Keily TreasurermdashH W Horn TrusteemdashW H Perkins

Royal Neighbors Officers The following were elected officers

at the regular meeting of Royal Neighbors Camp No 73

OrampolemdashJosie Lamr(man Vice OraclemdashMinnie Rifenber-ry Pasi OraclemdashMinnie Brown ChancellormdashEmma Shoulters RecordarmdashFrances Rood MarshalmdashMate Llaquoivilaquo ReceivermdashLena Grow Assistant MarshalmdashBarbara Men

shairdt SentinelmdashEdna Root Assistant SentinelmdashMary Reckling PianistmdashNellie Schlaak ManagermdashLoa Ferguson Ex Phyai2ianmdashDT T B Scoit

Vernon Rebekahs Vernon Rebekah lodge elected their

V5fraquo Grltnd-~Mrs I^otta Hart SecretarymdashMrs Reulah Higglns Financial Secretary-^E Hairt Treasurer -Mrs Sarah Hart

Boston Tent K O T I M Bsaton Tent No 572 of New Eaven

has elected the following officers tor the ensuing year

Ooromander-^W J WUlianw Lieut CommandermdashUobi H Mai-

lery Reoord KeepermdashJ A RAcbardson Finance KeepermdashWilliam L Goodshy

will Chaplaln^Davenport Terry SerlaquoeantmdashByron W Smith SfiMter at ArnumdashJohn A Brenner First Guard- J R Unaey Second GuardmdashIsaac SctHMtta SentrnelmdashVWrn A Morse PicketmdashM L Bittall

Officers Perrv hodae F ft A M At a regular meeting of F it A M

Lodce No 550 last Friday evening the following officera were elected

Worshipful MastermdashChus O Robshyinson

Senior WardenmdashDr 1 M Oudworth Junior WlaquordenmdashCland C Austin TreasurermdashWlaquoWr K Hall SecretarymdashStanley H Wallace Senior IgtsaaconmdashBmra G Smith Junior DeaconmdashCharles Harvey TylermdashDr H W Cobb Senior StewartmdashJames G Leggett Junior iSiGwartmdashJ Walter Hough

dancer Clyde CJidence character come dian Jessie Cardownie soprano the famous Eltncity qnsrtette and Amerishycas irreatest musical act the Shubert Musical Four and the rsnouned poey ballet and Broadway show girls

I- mdashmdash OWOSSO THEATRE

Little Doll ie Dimples Dec 10th


Dyspepsia Is our nattocai ailment Burdooar Blood Bitters is the nattoaal cur lor It It bulltrenttheaa stomach membrane promotes flow of digestive jtiices parlttftt the blood frauds yon up

Taxpayer Attention I The U s rotas of the city a n now in

my possession I will be aT gtlaquo office of the Corunaa Hardware Co on Tueaday and Wednesday of esoh week also from ft to 7M p m each day In too week on-ill Jnonary 10 HW for the purpose of weftiylojr nayment 4 per cent extra ch trfed after Janoary lOtb Hid


The title of C Herbert Kerrs musical operatic drama with dainty Grace Cameron as tbe star is Little Dollie Dimpiea The story of this merry comedy which by tbe way is now in its second year is told in two acts and the scenes are laid in and about New York City In tbe flrst act Miss Camerou i seen as a street walaquo Sue wanders away to Pari receives an edushycation through a good friend who disshycovers that ebe Is a great singer and presents her to one of tbe leading manashygers in Paris who stars ber in bis opera and while playing some of tbe smaller towns tbe company gets stranded She returns to P laquo and secures a position as French Mau in order to return to America ber oil borne which sbe left in despair six years he fore On her arshyrival sbe is introduced to many of her old ilaquof uda of former ypamprs but none of them seem to recognize iter as tbe formshyer wail Dollie Dimples Tn time sbe makes known to her old lii^nd Robert Loraine her visit to Paris etc This knowledge puts him on to a scheme wbereby he secures for her tbe money aoc property left to br many years beshyfore by tbe death of ber uucit- id in the second act of tbe play sue OD tbe wltcb forces a confession from Hay me Green and Alexander Comstock a lawshyyer with a shady reparation that they bad robbed ber of tbe estate by false representations and before sbe flolsbes with them thny are glad to turn tbe enshytire estate over to ber without any trouble All goes well and Dollie is made happy with tbe knowledge of love that Mr itobert Loralne has shown ber during her troubles

woii uuwtiartstii8^r laquolaquovllaquo-mSo picabs 0ampr3ownlcbftnftcteroM womsn tbe famous baritone Frank Rivers Phoebe Csrdownfe Americas famous

w sT bull yrmdash bull rJ^ bull r h

No 70

Our Very Best Chopper cuts cleaner anddoes not mash or ^ ^ ^ a ^ ^ squeeze Four (4) mdash ^ I ^ t c r K n i v e s with each chopper for cutting in uniform pieces all sorts of vegetables meats fruits bread nuts suet etCj etc fine or coarse as wanted It JS easy to operatemdasheasy to rioanmdashnothing to get out of order

A daily iahor Barer an^necessary tool i n -nmj kitchen



Probate Court Julius P Phillips of Bowling Green

Ohio baa been appointed administrashytor of the estate or Margaret E Carfle deceased or Middiebury township Silas P Southworth and Thcs Marshyvin were appointed appraisers of the estate

Dr A M Hume has bcea dls-cVarged as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Hiram S Andrus deceased

The will of Norman P Inland of Do rand was admitted to probate and Mrs Irene P Leland appointed exshyecutrix

The will of Frank O Bennett deshyceased of Fairfield township was adshymitted to probate and Mrs Eva L Bennett appointed executrix

Frederick Seelhoff was appointed administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of the estate of Augusta Seelhoff decased of Rusb township

The annual account of Wm H Van Sice as guardian of Mary E Getmao a mentally incompetent person was allowed

A petition for tbe appointment of an administrator of tbe estate of Jas A Buret deceased of Owosso has been tiled and the hearing set for Janshyuary 11th

The final account of Alma Stanley as guardian of tbe estate of ChUe Starks a mentally incompetent pershyson will be heard Jan 4th

The final account of John King as administrator of the estate of Peter King deceaaed will be heard Jen 1L

In the estate of Alice Jackson deshyceased of Corunna Jay W Morrison has been appointed administrator

In the estatelaquof Paul and Pautin Ciark minors of Laingsburg Edgar iiark as guardian was granted a lishycence to sell real estate

A petition has been tiled for the apshypointment of an administrator of the estate of George C Lemon deceased of Corunna and the hearing set for January 4th

The final account of Gilbert R Lyon as executor etc of the estate of John H Champion deceased of Owosso will be heard Jan 5tu

A petition for the determination of | the heirs rgtf Edward Holtnes deceased of Vernon township has been

will soon be here Dont wait too long Come in and make your selections and have them put aside We have lots of nice things for Christmas

Cajches Rockers of si kinds Buffets Sideboards Chins Closets Bookcases Kitchen Cabinets A bargain f 1 7 QQ in Good Oak Bedroom Suites $ 11130 Conie in and get our prices and bring in your pictures and have them framed

AW CURTIS amp CO Furniture and Undertaking Phone 29-2r

POULTRY WANTED For quotations call me up Also

notice my daily quotations Bell Phone 644 Y Union Phone 226 I

pound SDEMERY O L D S T A N D W E x c h a n g e S t OWOSSO

bull bull bull bull bull

bull bull bull


11laquo mm Like em We have |JB BsHMa^ that make

the good ones Pure Buckwheat as well as the prepared kind and the quality is the best in the land And the best Syrups you ever tasted-

Just received another barrel of those excellent Dill Pickles that are so good

And then dont forget that our Hne of Teas and Coffees is the best in the county We want your next order and guarantee to please you on everything in Groceries

bull bull

bull bull bull bull


The iinamp bullpoundbull

37 Nortfi Siiinwo Avbdquo iunron pnone laquo4 mer aa administrator of tbe estaUi of Stephen Cornell deceased will bei - A _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ - - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ x ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i heard January 5th i bull bull V ^ T T bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


J^^^^^frac34^^frac34frac34p^^J^7WWB^jl^|Pf^^5centJ0frac34^lw^7bull-j-n-T^3iji-7 F^--1ltbull^^7^^-bullr^- ^i^i bull^^^^ r^ [ iSfci ^ -^ 1 7 ^frac34 1 igt

bull ^

lt^gt T A T E Oi- MlOHi i VNViouuty of S O I H W S -

O - ^ - ^ - bull ^ i ^ - ^ M I N iii lt filt 1 -1^1--- traquoJii - o r ^L bull

ltUVSTV lt-d a t Mugt tivraquosi i- (Ml- m V V - U l j gt iiii gtli T y i f - i li- i i i l i ltitv ) j v gt gt(bull ivtfjf i bdquo i - i i i i i bull-bull kbull - i i i gti i u t r i - -uylf^Vl I

t1-bulllt l i i i t iew bullU j (|-gt-bull gt- ltbullgt I K l i ltbull V( LlaquoI of l u c i I t l i - u f M v t i u t A

rgt--ri--irf( i gtu r--aUiiikrivKl lili i- t ^ - v - i i j - -n bull K l w m A

bull) gt-iltt bull gtr vlt w l i i ltJ bull ( i l l w i i U bull bullbull s v i l l i l i -X- 1 M - m

in- i J O SKgt p l i li uigti t

U - ltswlt V^ thit-VtiU i lvii iiy M ( gtbull bulli-uixvr fiftvi tf U-JI oflici iii -tit- bullLti-ouvou bullbullbull -raquoolt ivigtlvlt OtSUi br itsii-4Ijti o v (Kftltue

J tj^til ) i i T l i n i bull bull bullbull bull ]

Atw i t - iJ f u r t h e r onlt-wi l t l i r i r a c o p y o f t b t i bullOrSK-- or p i tJraquoi jivlaquoJ i l ivf ^iilti-vssltyltgt w o i r k e f

iHVViOiiS t o ssiii i a v o lifyiniJ-SI ltgti Uie-iV^^iitiiiS j

ilv^Ukti Ui^ui V o l raquo3li-it yi-gtvr f -MAHflKW JUSK -

bull J bull(laquobull(bull bullgt r r u b i i t e IyfcViVfiSltK -Sraquo9ti^ilivivlJigisUV


lu i j l i mi gtbullbull bfilj i itiii bull ltgt l i m y

- a t o lue t


Coviity of SrtiwsMi-t5i $laquo- A scssiim e-f Uio i i ulnae Court for aid

coiirvj iio-i ltt tJso raquorlth(te f)ffgtch in iiraquo Cttv of-foHJun Si tUe ifilU rtuv of VJoveuibei A fo SsiS bull bull ^resent Mitdiew luh J udjreof Probate i n the DtKftcr of rbo estate Of SdiyJa A

Togtlti laquolraquoHr(isJ bull = Ou rJlfjirfthe pelitlou of Rdwiu A Todd Jr

praying for tiir= prolate of the vili of said ltleceislaquoi JsbiiliUti ta llirs Court 1

It is ordered that the Urli day of December aest - svt -IMV bull ocloeV in the Toreiiooc raquot said trobate Offle appoiuted for hearing

Aud it is further ordereil tbat a laquoopy of thtb ordlaquo-r be publ i sh^ three sutn-^HSive weeks previous to sjud day of nearitraquoKgt in iheOtgtrunnlaquo Journal a c e laquo bullpa]M-r iiririted and circuiatinv iti slaquoid County of Sh)awnf =bulllaquolaquoraquo

MAlTUEW BUSH (A true copy) Jud^ of Probaw

dy Florlaquonce uindnev- Probata Bsriater

PKOBATE ORtgtERmdashState of Michigan Cousity of SUUvwaswee slaquo

At u^saiou of tbe Probata Court for the COULIJ of Shiawassee held at thlaquo Probate Office in the City ofCorona a on the 34th day gt laquoi7c=ber in thlaquo year OIIlaquo thouraquond nine hundred aad el^ht

Present Matthew Btgtsh Jodfre of Probata l a the matter of the estate of fctary Wat-

ltir gta deceased Fred B aabin laquos alt5irinistrraquotor barittg

rendered to tbla Court his final account It i s ordered hat the lst A y of Declaquotziber

next at ten oclock in the forenoon a t bullaid P r e bte Office be appointed for exanlnlftjr acd Allowing sale account

Aoi it (laquofurther orderedtbat ftcop Of tal order be fttbUsbed three sumsesi(t^ weeklaquo previous to said day of hearing tn the Coroann Tournala newspaf or printed aod elrculatittf In said County of Shiawassee

MATTHKW BC8H Judge cf Probate-

By Tiarenee Undsey Probate Regiater

I Book Binding

We are in a position to take your order for any kind of book binding poundaye the magazimift s h e e t music etc bound in handdonw b^-fai at very small cost


S 0

Jraquo gt Jraquo Jraquo gt ^ T H E

j Coronna Journal j

MAKFAB00BlaquoC3lff bulblaquoM 1VVI4B ftlaquo 7^9 b ^ n i A B

It CUS WlaquoLL MUUigt J BUWItUa laquo M bull t iUMraquoaraquo ngtiallraquoMlaquodlKlaquo7Malaquo raquo v Tfcto l n ^ laquo U iraquo klt teMT 1M tbmln gt |r~t irrnmtA h i tt MUta laquof Wabt 0ltl laquo laquo bull bull bull lt raquo awl bull-bull-raquo Uoii t c l i r s t 11 raquoraquobullbull ltw i

1laquo lgtJraquoOJ rv l l farraquoclaquomiMitlaquoM4l DtdutfOT


Any One Can DRAW mdashperhaps not well bat eTerj person can draw a little Many people posaess w e talent for art work and never realise it If you will make a drawing1 Just the t e s t yon can and send it to oar Art Director he will giTe yon a letter of friendly criticism and

FREE ADVICE afi to whether or not it win pay yon io cultivate your talent Tbore is absoshylutely no charge for this service Illusshytrators earn large salaries and The work is fascinating We teac-h Book gt Magazine and Commercial Illustrating Cartoouiag Foster Drawing Book Cover Designicg and Fashion Drawing snecessfnlly by correspondence Write yovlr complete name and Address plainly on your drampwing euolose stamp to pay postage if you wiab your drawing reshyturned and address

THF ART DIRECTOR Correspondence institute of America Scranton Pa We also teach I l lus trat ing Adrer -

tiniug rroofrewdi i ig foornatiitin Stlaquou igraphy s h o w Cstrtl Wri t ing RgtraquokKeepiig gt)laquoffr(rraquol Knjrlceer-bull TIJT B u s i n e i s Correspoudwoce and Eojtligli B r a n c h e s

If interested in any of the above proshyfessions write for our lar^o illustrated bock Struggles With tat World It is FREE State which course interests you and receive onofour Employment Contracts best uropositjtgtfvfve^ oCeotd



laquo laquo laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull raquo bull bull bull laquo laquo 9 9 9 9 9 9

D E T R O I T BUSINESS UNIVERSITY has trained over 5OJ0OO young 9 men zad women tor miTKiitx It js t- htit fotm h0


Stlaquorr of tbe Triai o Dacici Thro Friend

LV T H i iiiilHWAV Aiigt frac34frac34 WAY PKEACKERT bullbullbullbullbullbullbull

lJltgt-ii u Iw Eiy tii^^ttoi Wi Edraquoiu bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull raquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

DiUniJs BOOK bull Aocifeciited^wft UJIOW from 3laquo5ifplii |||t(t tbiJeAVraquo- in Christs day recfjig^Jzed JUf^el--bs -ir the w n o n ZechayijKhEKra snfl XisJn^miah-refir to it Josiis catcra to l t In his charactfiris-

tic-de8i|frtationV Son of Man Matt 24 30 (pai i 713) also esijwessiy by ntifne-and as amp prophetbullbullbullJn Mart 241 (cf bullMatt-242l-wlth Dan 121 etc) and in themDme^it that decided-his life (Matt 2gti64gt or dfRfh -when the high priest adjured bull him by the living God Also In Luke 119-2(3 O^abriei i s riieniionecl whoso name occurs nowhere else ti Scripture save chapter 816 a-21 life-sides th-i referehceraquo to it in l ievelat ioh Paul confirms the prophetical part of it as to the blasphemous king (Dan 73 25 1130) in 1 Cor 62 Thess 23 4 the narrative part as to the miraculous deshyl iverances from the lions and the fire in Heb 113a 34 Matt 2144 would be an enigma if it were not for a reference to the stone that smote the Image (Dan 2S4 35 44 46) Thus the tie Tesshytament sanctions chapters 2 3 6 7

Scripture authoritymdashDaniel cbap ter 3


bull bull bull bull bull bull yen

J Trtie faith throw one unrraquo- J ai gervvdly upon the mlaquorcy and at

Sri5 vIio li^-y iurtuco Ai(i for ISO time hcisH Vh Hre-tt iii^aye and iL-j Sjitteiiiug vfiii i7ouais and feisui)^ v^tre fori n fmci tiie pooil^ -ivpoundi about lijl^ liiiCu- iere tlie larniu

care of God

- t v-u v - -= gtrygt bullWr^rr-

Ctslo5laquo explains Froe w- ftti Wlaquoraquo- raquo-r h Fsti tlaquorai | 5laquopu 1st W F Icwdlf Esq laquo PrttkStat R J Bcas-ci^ C P A J 2 PrincipaL V V V V Z

at Note that it waa not a qtiMtion at J with theea three hehrew aerv- ^ ante a to whether or not God agt $ would give them pbyttcaJ dlaquoUv- ^ erance frcrn the awful paHl J which threatened them rather did the v^rjole question of con- duet hinge upon the one sect raquo thought What U the right pound $ thing to d o r J Do right whatever be the con- ei aequencea is the uncompromiv $ ing taw of God J $ The man who would attempt $ to bargain with God making his agt obedience to the Divine law con- $ ^ tlngent upon Godt conferring at upon him certain imrnunlties -ft T and blessings is the man who at ) serving for the loaves and the J HehWeknd who never knows the J __ deep joy of doing right for rights sake J The true servant of the king bullbullbull J of kings is never abashed be- fore the presence of the king S of thlaquo earth Listen to the words $ of these men as they pisce at- J legiance to God before every J earthly elclm Our God whom $ we serve is able to deliver us J but even though H should hot be $ hie will to deliver us from thy $ hands know ttiou oh king that J at vf will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image K What a blessing these three $ J Hebrews would have mitted if J at they had feared to have stood J with God They did not know J at it at the time but that furnace J heated so hot that those who J at threw the three men into Its J leaping flames were struck dead J by the heat was to become the J vestibule of heaven and the J at trysting place where God in the pound person of his blessed Son was pound waiting to receive them J The fire of Nebuchadnezzar J could burn off the fet ters with $ which he had bound the serv- J ants of God but It could reach 5 no further So with the flree J ^ of persecution which assail the t it Christian They come as a re- 2 fining filaquome separating more it and more from the fetters which would circumscribe and bind J it the soul In its fellowship with pound i u Lord it The soul that dares to stand alone for the right very soon be- J it comes conscious that he I not J alone butthat there is another J presence with him in the fiery J furnace of affliction the very J presence of God J The man who fears to do J wrong is the man who knows J not the fear of man J

+ raquo raquo raquo raquo gt ] raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo


THE wonderful eolden image which the king had caused to be set up

had for the bullmoment been forgotten and the throngs of people which had been gathered to pay homage to the great glittering thing of gold were surging about the place where the fur-nace had been built and in which now a raging fire burned It was the same furnace in which the metal for the great image had betn smelted but a few days before and that day the tires had been kindled again not to smelt more metal for an Image but to burn the heretics who dared to defy the mandate of the king and refuse to bow dowL to the wonderful image and in whom dwelt the spirit of their gods

That day the great company of mushysicians had played in honor of the golden image and at the sound of the music the people had bowed be fore It in adoration and worship Ev^n the king had with much pomp and cereshymony paid his oblatlona before the image and had been followed by his brilliaiit court retinue Then from the high throne where it bad been set op overlooking the grea plain he watched the feasting and the dancing and the prostration of the people ao

Then haa come the break in the ccr- vfKiriK1 flaquogtlt thfl aewtt hart qiUk)i

spread through tLo vast throng thu iue liiiee soverivtjio over the p r o v i n g ot Babylon had refossd to bow before thft gTlteraquoat image M wlaquore to Iw cast

8tlt-ci With irarhideagcrneefj-thlty tvlaquotchfvl

the bringing of thefurnaee to the in-tense vgtiiitir glowbull Breathlessly ikcf siood arid gtw the three men bou anilasth(iy were lilted arl rav^HSi to IV mputi) of the furnace and thrown WttbinbullbulllaquoiGapin^ ftiiities a^nvof t arc ami itprror burst frcSft the hundreds (iivd thousand or threats- tor tbe i s writliiug hx deaih agony on the gfound lay the men vho had borne the vicshytims of the k i n g s wra^h to their doom bull

Por tiiV time befng Everything elsa was forgotcen but vhen the blacfe-ened misshapen bodies had beltn reshymoved from sight the king and people again turned their eyes toward the fiery furnace

With a cry of fear andbull astonishment the king suddenlyarose from his place and with tense face and shaking finshyger he poinied towards the furnace His court officials quickly gathered round him and to them cried the king in alarm

Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the furnace Lo I see foui men loose walking In the midst cf the nre and they have no hurt Is not the rourthtne God whom these Hebrews declared was able to deliver them from the fiery furnace

True it may be rejoined hlaquos ofiU ciais

Make baste shouted t i e king Call tfceu forth from the midst of the fiery furnace

Instantly the officials hastened to do the bidding of the i i n g and as the three mea Shadracu Meshach and Abedsego stepped forth from the ml^st of the raging 3ames the people gave a great shuvt wl-laquot2i fairly shook the heavens APd the counsellors of the king gatefcly surrounded tlie three men and led them towards the king whof in his eagerness to receive them threw aside his royal robes and deshyscended to the plaza below

But where is the fourth man thy companion in the furnace cried the king as he reached the approaching group Was it not thy God I wouJd bow before him

Thou mayest indeed bow before hiiii by( to meet him familiarly face to face Is not vouchsafed to any man spoke up one of the three men

Tell me of thy God Is he the same God as the God whom Daniel Worships the God who revealeth dreamsr urged the J^ss (almost breathiessiy 1 ihought to make ra image whose glory fihould fill all earth 1 sent heralds through all the lands over which 1 hold dominion commanding that there be rent thora who should worship be for the imtg s I sought thus to magnify my name ad my glory and behold now 1 Nebushychadnezzar king of Babylon have been brought low For surely what god is there like to thy God who can deliver from the devouring name

Then spoke up Shadrftcu saying Be It known unto thee oh king

that we worship the same God whom Daniel worships for the God of the Hebrews is but one God He it is who ruleth in the heavens who setteth kings upon thrones and taketh kingshydoms away He It is who giveth wisshydom and caret h for them who put their trust in him

But thou art far from thy land exshyclaimed the fcihg The land where thy God has hia dwelling place Com eth he thither into the midst of Baby ion where the great god Bel rules

The great gbd Bel Is no god at all before Jehovah-God the God ot heaven and earth was the bold response He is everywhere and his ear is alshyways open to the cry of his children

But why then hath such evil fallen upon a people who have such a great God a God who is everywhere and a God who is able to deliverT

thou hast spoken oh king of Isshyraels folly for It is the wickedness of the people and their going Liter strange gods which hath brought this evil upon us The God of Israel hath chosen thee as the instrument of his wrath and hath given into thy hands his disobedient people But be is able to deliver and hath saved thy servants from the fiery furnace

Blessed be thy God exclaimed the king fervidly that hath sent bis angel and delivered his servants that trusted in him Now therefore 1 deshycree that every people nation and lanshyguage which speaketh anything amiss against the God of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego shall be cut in pieces and their houses shall be made a dungshyhill for there is no other God that can deliver after this sort

And suiting the action to the word he dispatched heralds at once through all that vast throng to proclaim the dwree And the people took up the cry and there before the gold image as though by way of rebuke they shouted

Great is the God ot Shadrach Me sbach and Abednego




Almost Incredible Brutality Frances Society for the Prevention

of Cruelty to Animals has taken action agawlaquot a cinematograph company for an act of unprecedented brutality to a horse In a series of pictures called The Lovers Revenge a carriage drawn by a horse was seen to rush over tha edge ot a cliff and be dashed to pieces The pictures had not been faked An old blind horse harnessed to a carriage was really driven ov^r the edge of the cliffs near Boulogne to obtain thampm

NewYorks Oldest PHTU Ntf ioik claquoty lib^m OMU pubilc raquo--srk

thai is JSO year old and that its bowl-ing Green which was the playground tt te first Dutch settlers


Scetsee Along the Route to Safety -Werraquo Pierzemdash Legitime Iv Orce

_ More-President

Cursed hisfi4 and jeered by a rio^ ous niobolf thoufeands of men and woshymen over whom up to a few days ago he had held swayas president Nord Alexis the SO-year-old fallen ruler of Haiti said farewell to hisnative counshytry Wednesday night He is now on board a French warship in the harbor

The departure of Alexis was drashymatic Deposed by the very people he had thought were loyal to him as the revolutionist army approached from the south the president refused to See It took the united efforts of the foreign consuls and a citizens comshymittee to impress upon him the necesshysity of departure

I will fight to the teat4 qeciaied the aged president

From outside came a roar from the angry mob gathered about the palace

Kill him kill -him cams the cry It was 5 oclock when Nofd Alexis

yielded to the entreaties of those ani ions for his safety and made quick preparations forjjepaHur Ae ho left the palace a salute of 21 guns was fired

The situation was so serious the foreign representatives gathered about the carriage of the president and Sf bullClaquo-toron the French minister threw a tri-coor over his shoulders

The trip to the wharf was made throuaji a path of the mitltarjr guard The rople hooted and cursed- Infurishyated women broke through the cordon of troops and hurled the coarsest of in-suits at the president Alexis strove bravely to appear undismayed

As the president and his suite reached the wharf the mob lost all reshystraint A woman forced her way to Alexis fide and drawing a lohs knife made a lunge at him But the weapon fell short A man struck the president but it was a glancing blow and hurt little but his feelings

Alexis stepped into the skiff that was to take him to the French warshyship and three Haitlen gunboats and the French and American battleships fired a salute to the fallen president

ExScaator- D legitime who has been made president of Haiti by the enforced abdication of Gen Nord Alexis and the litters flight from the capital was once before president of the turbulent republic Elected under the laws of the country after a sensashytional campaign in 1888 his title was recognized by all European counshytries but the United States alone deshyclined to concede the legality of his election Principally on account of the position taken by the American reshypublic Legitime retained the execushytive chair only eight months and then gave way to the man who had been unable to defeat him in the election

Stormy Incidents as full of sensashytion and violence as the present crisis marked the way ot Legitimle to the position he has again won



(Jives Universal SatJfffactioc

Its Purity Btren^tlv a^d DelicibUs Flavor laquoavlaquoaa^iHBvlaquoBBMlaquoBtfw(laquoubpaviB^BBBBlaquoMawlaquovilaquoa

Commend it to AH l ^ v e r of dood CofietA

Sold laquorir in raquo-tb laquoirtlffbt jxwkagw Araquok your Qrocer lot- MO-KA Cotfe



Just the Old One Reiterated to Give the War Howlers a Jolt

That the new American-Japanese pact had the effect intended by its ratification and publication was the information given to the house comshymittee on appropriations by Secretary of State Root who appeared before the committee in relation to the apshypropriations for his department which are to tie carried in the legislative executive and judicial appropriation bill He was questioned closely ^y Chairman Tawney and other members of the committee about the new agr-raent with the Japanese

Root told the committee that both the United States and Japan had worked a confidence game on the world which was necessary however because the worlds memory needed a Jolt

This agreement said Secretary Root is simply a reiteration of the agreement entered Into between the United States and Japan The world had forgotten about the old agreeshyment Stories were constantly cropshyping up in European capitals of comshying war between the two countries rh^re were no reasons why thijre should be a war as the relations beshytween the two governments were of the most cordial nature It was thereshyfore necessary to remind the world of the agreement made years ago and so a new one embodying the same principles as the old was prepared and signed and promulgated It has had its effect War talk in European capitals is no longer heard and It wont be heard for years to come The danger in this talk from our neighshybors across the water was that it would get the people of the two counshytries into the belief that there was to be a war and this was the only way in which the spreading of thatbelief could be stopped

By sliding down 50 feet of water-pipe Howard Hill a Muskegon inshycorrigible aged 16 escaped from the Industrial school at Lansing and is still at large

Admiral Coghian D^ad Just on th eve of his removal to

his new home where he had hoped to speuU nis declining years in quiet after a lifetime of arduous service in the navy Rear Admiral Joseph B Coghshyian retired died suddenly of apoplexy la New Yoik Saturday Rear Admiral Coshlan was born at Frankfort Ky -bullgtraquo viy Ti^r risr lite zamprvlrf-i in ttvgt

Work of the Session Will Be on Regshyular Supply Bills

From present indications the conshycluding session of the sixtieth con- j gress which convened Monday will be davoted In large part to the considshyeration of routine supply bills Lead-era in the senate and house say there will-helittle legislation of a general character

There is at least a probability that consideration will be given tc-ateas-ures providing statehood for New Mexico and Arizona but this is a question upon which no conclusion has been reached The house will pas3 a bill authorizing the taking Of the thirteenth census in 1sect10 Jt will also put through a measure authorizing a revision of the law of the United States

President Roosevelt very much de-tires before his term expires that there shall be a general reorganizashytion of the navy department estabshylishing in that branch of the service a general staff patterned along tha lines of that now provided in the war department

Among the other subjects to be conshysidered in one house or the other ai e billB providing for the revision of thamp copyright laws Panama canal legislashytion the measure suspending the comshymodity clause of the interstate comshymerce law the appointment of the inshyland waterways commission and other measures of a miscellaneous characshyter


Warships Make a Demonstration Against Venezuela

Three Dutch warships the battle ship Jacob Van Heemskerk and cruisshyers Frlesland and Gelderland have made a demonstration against Venshyezuela Together they steamed along the coast from Puerto Campbelto to La Guaiia at a distance of 3000 yards from the shore

The Jacob Van Heeskerk returned later The two cruisers are going to Maracaibo where they wlil make a similar demonstration The demonstration is regarded as indicating that the preparations for an elfectlve blockade of the Ven-esuelan coast are completed

The Netherlands battleship De BulJ-ter left Holland ^harsday for Venshyezuela

When President Castro summarily ejected the Dutch minister from Venshyezuela declaring he had been per nlclbusly active in the politics of the country ue insulted Holland very much Redress was demanded but fiery Castro has deiied Queen Wilhel-mina and heraquo subjects

Th1laquo s one of the things Holland has against Venezuela and there fre others Castro placed an embargo on the transshipment of cargoes in Wll-lemstadt a Dutch city Ocean vessels cannot enter Caracas harbor Venshyezuela possession and tUe custom was to transfer cargoes in Willemstadt to smaller boats This was the chief in iixiaiTj at the Dutch city and its loss left many of its residents in straitened circumstances Again Casshytro defied Holland

The fiery president is now on his way to Europe to undergo an operashytion Vice President Gomez 1raquo in charge of the country

0---^U Tgtr(5 - ^-V-- r -^Vpound

Vi i i

academy at the age of 17 From that lime untli bis retirement in December i90G he was almost constantly In the service

Timothy L Woodruff of New York is satisfied he did the right thing in giving up his senatorial ambitions In favor of Secretary Root He says he seeks no office now TT s Senator Simon Guggenheim

araquod hii family are to bs asked to buy Palestine from the Turks lor the Heshybrews The price is only cent53000000 or something around that fisrure It is planned to settle the Jewish problem in Russia by this piau the Holy Land being turned over to them

The design for medals for employes who serve two years on the Panama canal bass been completed and dies are now being cut The medal will be of bronze an inch and a half in diameter On one side there will be a portrait of President Roosevelt on the reverse side a birds-ye view of the Culebra cut in the finished canal with steamshyers passing through it

Opposition papers in Japan make considerable criticism of the UniteU Statts-Japan peace pact They say the question of emigration and naturalizshyation should have be-en settled The most responsible papers applaud the agreement

THE MARKETS DetroitmdashCattle mdash Gtoort to choice

butcher laquotlaquoerraquo 1000 to 1200 lbs $425 (bgt light to good butcher steers and heifers 700 to 900 lbs $35004 m i x ^ butchera fat cows $3256350 canners ltamp40 cormmdashn bulls fiampX25 ood shippers bulla $350

Veal calvesmdashReceipts 2pound5 market steady bet fOades |6507 common to coolt2 cent40575 Milch cowa and springers $25reg65

Sheep and lambsmdashReceipts 815 market steady beet lamba $3250550 fair to rroort lambs 142513frac34f Ujrht to

i) u c a v v j f i i r t gt7 v J U V C i i U i d ^bullbull^bullr-J i u ( i ltn i i 7 5

HOKraquomdashReceipts R27S rrt(rkrr 10cQ ic tiigiti iianKe ot price Lijcht to jjood butchers laquo1gt3S540 pign $4 l ight Vorkera $5reg525

(gtraiatraquo Hte ~ Detroltmdash^hentmdashThe feeling imong

dealers gts hulliKh a-ad nothing is said on tblt other Ride of the question The bears have hart no arguments to offer recently excepting the heavy receipts and increasisier stocks and they grave that up a few days asro when they fouad it of no use The crop moveshyment became raorii buulsn in thst reshyceipts decreased Both northwestern and primary receipts wlaquosre small and it laquolaquo tbft opinion o tnofte making a close study of the s l tus l ion that the northwestern farmees will not be ablaquo to nil the demand for spring wheat Tor the remainder of the crop year not baving enough grain 1raquo reserve

Wheat T-ecelpts on Thursday were 3 bullsars-----ff^ini5 deg - red akampInst 2 a year ayo No withdrawals 3tocks are cent65151 bu alaquoa4ast 372S2 bu a year ago - - bullbullbull

Prices a y t t r ago in the Detroit marshyket were 0gtc iraquor No t red wheat t54c for No-3 corn and 63Wc for No a whits n

There Vs jiothing doing- in the bean deal and prieea are nominally U D -ohaaged

Oats are strong Tks price sa ined ac on Thursday and C M close was a t e h i g h e s t ^ bull bull bull

- The cloverseed market is active and ftirn) GaL seed gained Sc

Receipts of flour were 1200 and ship-tnents 400 bbls

The corn market w a s l i feless and unchanged

Rye was in demand a s A gained He


Ration That Will Give the Quickest Returns

The rational us of protein feeds

for growing chicks makes all the difshyference between profit and loss quick or slow growth Stunted or vigorous chicks Rhode Island experiments show that animal meal is the best source ot protein as regards gain growth and profit

After a chick is a month or six weeks old the source of protein food is not so important Gluten meal or granulated mils may be used with good results if some bone meal Is fed alscC

Beef scrap will continue to be largeshyly used by pouitry keepers because it is so easy to handle Unfortunately the test_ rlaquo^rrfeltLti3 made so trial with beef scrap but It is similar to animal meal and may be substituted for it

The greatest advantage in using beef scrap Is tha it can be fed by itshyself We makea practice of keeping it before the chicks at all times Put it in a self feeder box or pan set it in a dry place and let the chicks eat all they want after getting them accusshytomed to i t Chuck the wheat and cracked corn into thlaquoua and with beef scrap skim milk and arit they will grow rapidly


Drinking Fountain for Chiclens Thst Keeps Water Clear

Do not throw away the old oil cans but cut a slit half way through along the bottom ptsb the side in as shown

bull i H I i bull i -

Drinking Fountain

at ay then soldor the piece of tin one-half Inch wide on the bottom of can as in b Put a tight cork in top of can and it make3 a fine drinking founshytain To fill It says Farm and Home lay it on s ide and pour in the water


Things to Remember When Preparing Them for Market

When the chickens are sine to ten weeks old at the Maine experiment station and the cockerels weigh 1frac12 to 1frac14 pound the sexes are separated and the cockerels put by themselves into vacant brooder houses 100 to a house Each house has a yard In front about 12 feet square The cockshyerels are fed on porridge three times a day in a V~shaplaquod trough svjtb four-inch sides This ts made of six parts corn meeJ-two psxti middlings oae-half part raaeed mead and two rarts beef scrap by waignx and mixed with tepid water milk would be better

They are fed all they will eat in one-half hour when Uia troughs are it-moved and cleaaad The yards are kept clean by covering them with sand straw or hay when they get dirty The birds win stand this-feed ilaquog f-i l-ivii yr hsre- w^^kn vnti- ^no^ bullV-ij-fSAw tVKfi - l bull--bull- ^ bdquo bdquo -bullbull-- bull-bull-- v i v - i - A i n u i i - i j C T iV-

Mr I HR thsy are dressed for market and usually weigh 2frac34 pounds dressed

m^mmm^ mm mm m


Phone Hoithinpound -^11 Answer your purpose iBbullbullwiilibull uti t h e bullUNION PBGNE VM



Muskegons chief of police hai or-deVtid a l l the bowling piioys closed on Sundays

John Green a^ed 35-fit Kamplamaaoo after sioepfc ^lt night in the woeds died at the Burgess hospital from exshyposure bull yy-v A filtlaquo quality of ahaie and bull ccai

havebetfc disc^vored aions theljwvka

ICHIOAN St JosephmdashThn |trKt -round oiwtiai

Riv^sj^imiso of dyyelopiug into1abit- ter l(qal c-oritejit agt (mgt result of the

j recent olcjeviiyivopened wlt-oii the can- of Hlfle river nndfch$sts - w i v w tfiwu-valaquosjag-blaquoiti(i for theV Seventh- sena^ ro tlt-si u

F i m k Schauh aijeltl 2 of aavmle dead frotrra KWnWhot wouwd lticoi-

auktally SmUced-yftiie fce wi-r^-ltun-I in r bb iu i bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull i

11s i tU

r lit-1

NAFEW BASTERS pampvt tilaquo e laquo l Intee cf tfi m c a t o w r ttif e n t l r t roaoi-ahi l f tUit i ia t h laquo o v e h laquo Ho buropounddtapounderraquo| laquo 0 bulltooxi ioa or ltipiUkgt2 gravy Just poll the Jersf

cent 4 frac34 bull _ J f o p a r t e f Una m a y

_copy J ^ epM -

Perfect Basting

Preserves fell t h s f c d a l l e i o B t a e t l B S M

secaBar to taraquo real trices AdjusUd LosUaoy to T J B a d s lt r f b h ^ raquo ^ seamless iabeofertsly

Lest lifetime Prepaid W cttagt J B v e r y d s t s t t l B

[ iMJlkiittsjs i rid ay nvglii the Mass

At-$ horary CcO and the poolroom

City bnnic th stores Uibullbullhaipry

I fii-i district met and after canvass-j Ui^Jhe voids cast for-slampTo senator-- lismed a ltUi-firugtftto bull f-f yekeUltn to I ChHrU- fo ywiilyr oic Kik^ lires-sent | )roSHcutj)iiV itunney J ltjjuid KAyhlK- oiVViig forth thai j his WJIO u^vojed iio much time to the j bi tiiiicaUon known as the WoTneiis I ChrlKtiaj TftiDpejanix- union that she

Wh^Br j il ^ 1 ^ frac34 8 frac34 I could nott ins -meals no ^ k e his the office of audit-or general next -- ^ _ mo me

aSftS frac34 S i f f i S S t e T S ea ltud thlaquo s^many e t him ai-

di me in-Lansing together because she felt s h e was

trtabwaat 0 K J J X W S3 ve

r Nothing has ever equalled i t Nothing can ever surpass i t

Dr Kings

eve i SfcltUl

A Perfect Cure

For AH Throat and Long Troubles

SSWS BB BIW VVH^V^^V H W W^^^^^PV V m ^^iff ^^^VgtvV^PV

DR HUMPHREYS SPTOFICS EaglltliCanTMnSpatrfshPoftaquMBMMl r w a i l u

i t W H I M W laquo r m F e m - o r W o n a I f e e i u t S 9 C M l c Cvytar laquo x l WaiBBCnliMM of I n f i u u M 4 P i M i h i at C M a i w d Adtati S D n i mdash u r r GHitojB Sutdoaocrtte Traquo CmckraquoOoMii Piuwkiili laquow Twrtkiieh n r a c t a Kranicte bull bull bull bull bull bull gt bull Stale BMdMte Vorttfo

1raquo t w m i laammiiMtWmkWiiimm I S O w M M h i Oolaquo(KUttlaquolaquotts M4M W^^S ^ H H M I r ^^^^^bull(bull^bullt^^^l^PfllBB bull I S STfctMrttfwi or SSaawHiMa fttns bull bull bull c f w 114 4 S B laquo MaianB- bull bull PSMSS^BAltwHMAfe|bKI(MnM^lRI M S l M l t l ^ W i t t v n n C ^ K 1 laquo C M n k bMHMOafetlraquo Hraquo^ Mfc WKtMMSaV VMfegtltNfelaquoIA Oofl M raquo AaM^^Of^vMai t f imnl t S M M M yraquoraquo luvBwy W W B B ^ I H V V ) o w n

laquoa gt s 96

--mw lt - bdquo B4V

laquobulllaquo99 frac34frac34 W

i-ti-i-SS rnltf bullbullbullbullbullbullbullSB -laquolaquo

i bullraquo

bull laquot raquo bull

poundpound52132 SSSMSTSSS bull


KIDNEY -Backache

raquoraquo ltMlaquo

A I M VrlsazT Orffens

(M^pnatampiB aacfc

S o a t IMCOBM diraquoeoitracd TMTlaquo U S Iter yum t nece f t iary w r i t e B r Feampner

K e h a s t e n t A l i f e t l a i o c u r i n g J u s t C a t f t B i T i m n A l i c o n a u l t a - t i o u s 7 r laquo laquo

laquo F o r 7 laquo w s I h a d b a c k a c h e s e v e r e p a i n bull c r o s s k i d n e y s a n d s c a l d i n g u r i n e f c o u i d s o t g e t o a t o f b e d w i t b o u t b e l p T h e u s e of Dr F e n n e r s K i d n e y a n d B a c k a c h e C u r e reshys t o r e d m e G W A G O N E R K n o t e v i l l e Pa Druggist SOr SI Ask for Cook B o o k - F r e

STVITBSDAKCE f i u r C u r C A trade i M P e n n f r FVedoniivNY

Clmrch Directory C o r a n n a F r e e Methodis t CburcbmdashSerrutea

eTlaquory S u n d a y a f ternoon a t itU l^nsyer n c c V Ing e v e r y TUarsday e v e n i n g

C o r u a a a B a p t i s t C n o r c b I f o r a i n Berrjee a t 10 a m E v e n i n g serv i ce 630 p m B Y P U a t 610 p m S n i d a y Schoo l IS II W e e k l y prayer meet ing T h u r s d a y evenlnjr at 700 FVlendlr h e a r t s a r e b e a t i n g or y o u r felshyl o w s h i p Les l ie Bower pas tor

C o r u n a a X K Church Morning serv lre a t 10 E v e n i n g s e r v i c e a t 630 S p w o r i LCMlaquoUC a t 545 p m c l a s raquo m e e t i n g a t 9 a ai S u n d a y s c h o o l AC li3u nj P x S i e r nsatilaquog Thursday e v e n t e d W gt- ^ ^ ^ sea t a n d a cordia l welshyc o m e t o a l i R- W o o d h a m P a s t o r

P T T f Q I t c h i n g BleediBf Pngttradtasgt X T J L L l i i O Old Sores SKiu E r u p t i o n s Tlaquotlaquo t e n B a r n s immediately u t D l l I T VC relieved a s d cured by N C n M i l t laquo

T b i s r e s M d j h a s been used for iwenty-t i rlaquo and i s the only guaranteed and true m m fcidxns endoras it

I tchini Piiesmdashyour Herout is a s u c c e s s -Born Ohio bull

Your reuiedy is tle best en ear th foe Bleedia^ Piles mdashFrank K l a u Minnewrta row raquo t c n A L L o p t w c a i s T S s A N D S O

bull ^ raquo = r gt

Thft bullpostofflce at Worth has been discontinued by the postofflce departshyment Rural routes cover all the tershyritory formerly supplied by it

Demanditxg $10001) for the loss of an eye while he waa working for the firm Mart in L Boyce ol MarshaU is suing the Gale Manufacturing Co

A herd of 24 cows A(Blctlaquod with tushyberculosis and sold from the Michisaa asylum to a farmer probably will be killed by the Michigan Live Stock association

The long drought in northern Michshyigan whicn has been a hardship to thousands of farmers since the middle of last summer has befcu broksa by copious rains ^

After bull Sght ltgti six eekS thlaquo curshyfew ordinance was kil llaquo in the Cc4d-waier common cormcO The final vote resulted n a vote of 5 to 3 against the ordinance

Charles Hawser of Newbcrg townshyship was convicted in the circuit court Friday or attempted felonious assantt on his 70 year-old mother Hawse Is 45 married and has one child

The U of M campus Is to be enshylarged 30 acres making 70 acres in all The enlargement includes four city squares taking In two blocks north of Huron street and east and west between Twelfth and Thayer streets

While leading an intoxicated man from a dance halt John Bnrnette aged 51 a Mantstiqite pollcetaan fell to the floor and died from heart disshyease He leaves a widow and fbisr children

Over 1600 names have been signed to the local option petitions now being circulated throughout Newaygo counshyty This Is 900 more than necessary tn rMnlre the supervisor to hold an efectioa to vote on the liquor quaa-tirm next spring

Believing she had committed the an pardonable sin spoken of In the Bible Mrs Henry Van Andei aged 45 of Mnskegon attempted suicide by slashshying ner throat She was taken to the county Jail where she will be examshyined as to her santty

R A Garbor of Charlotte who seshycured the names naeaasary to vote on the good roads propoaitfon In the county next spring Is nearly through with a slmHar task In Barry county after which he is assigned to the same work in Clinton county

Great admiration of Saginaws new auditorium was expressed by Bishop Charlea D WiiUama of Detroit head of the Episcopal chareh In Michigan I wish we had a Wellington R Burt and a Temple E Dorr In Detroit waa the way the bishop expressed It bullPines and costs amounting to 930 or 30 days in jail were imposed on Con Kilbourne of SatiU Ste Marie KU-bburne was accused of starting forest fires This is the first convioUon ever secured in that paltt of the state for that offense Other trials will follow

Senator William Alden Smith has promised to help the Grand-Saginaw Valleys Waterways association which plans a ship canal connecting Lake Michigan and Saginaw via Grand Rap-Ids Saginaw and Bay City A board of directors was elected and legislashytive and publicity committees were apshypointed

The Michigan Sugar Beet Co which owns six of the states sugar beet factories at a meeting Friday took official cognizance of the fact that the company is controlled by the sugar trust The statement was mad thatof the companys raquo3800000 stock all but J300000 is held by Michigan capitalists

One of the Jackson banks has paid the employes of the state prison in full for the time coming to them and has promised to take care of them during the holidays if the state does not The situation caused by the lack of funds in the state treasurery was creating serious embarrassment among the men

Mandamus proceedings have bfgtn begun to compel the board of district canvassers to reconvene and declare void the votes cast for Charles E White for state senator at the recent election White is prosecuting attorshyney of Berrien county and a question as to his eligibility has arisen because of his dual office

Wisconsin game wardens confiscatshyed a car containing 35 deer Tuesday morning Deputy Game Warden De Bell of Menominee tried to stop the car at that pine but failed He then noticed the Wisconsin wardens who secured the car The Jeer were killed in the Michigan woods and were beshying shipped to Chicago

Christopher Seymour of Sandrock la the victim of a remarkable hunting accident While crowing a stream on a log he slipped and lost his balshyance Realising that he must fall into the water he attempted to throw his rine to the shore It struck a limb and was discharged the bullet strikshying Seymour in the foot and badly shpoundUerrtpound it

i vuh -coifVbncd roampourcfts of-|4tS- [

tlona have deposits aKJSrosatln $3-524383 On an estimated population of 11000 this is |320 ner earUa which Is believe to be unexcelled in tha state

JURY G 0 N 1 i t i iUo j bull -hrnf i i i f


called to a higher raission Benjamin D Livingston of Ada began suit for divorce

OwossomdashAfter finding Clyde Howd 23 years old guilty of assault and batshytery some of the jurbrs and citizens Interested In the case contributed enough to pay the- five dollar fine and costs Howd admitted slapping E M Hopsiaa Jr complainant in the case and other boys who were annoying him

Battle CreekmdashWhen Justice Bat-dorff fined Charles Wyman |30 for running a blind pig Wyman who manages the Diamond clnb rooms a negro social organisation felt that It was pretty stiff considering that he faced a second Indictment But the court added and aiao five days hi Jail-

S t JosephmdashPresident Herman Ba-low called the fourth annual meeting of the Lake Michigan Fishermens asshysociation tc order at Hotel Whitcomb delegates from Ludlngton Manistee Frankfort Charlevoix Grand Haven South Haven Waukegan Milwaukee and other porta being present

LapeermdashRev K t l SidebothamV aged 34 years a missionary recently returned from Kor^a died here from burns received in a gasoline explosion He poured gasoline by mistake on a Bre which he was kindling Rev Side-botham had spent seven years in the Presbyterian mission field

Lapeermdash-Cash and negotiable seshycurities amounting to upwards of $75-000 have been found In the pockets of the clothing of James H Gray pishyoneer of this county who died at the age of 80 and tacked away In old shoes and various other queer places i n his home __ ^

MjhaJLmdashRkAard Grace e ight years old waa wounded by a bullet from a gun In the bauds of Garrett Tracy ten years old The bullet struck tut itrade post and glanced Oft hitting the lad In the forehead Au artery was cut out the boy win reshycover bull-

AlpenamdashJ D Hawka BA Oilman Buck4 Beaufor and several other members of the Turtle Lake club came in from the lake and left for Detroit Members of the club and their visitors killed pound4 deer during the season each member getting hie full quota

Grand RapidsmdashJudge Xnappen in the Uniied States district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Company of Ludingtcn $10000 for accepting reshybates from the Pere Marquette en Shipments from Ludlngton to Toledo The Stearns Company pleaded guilty

Sault Ste MariemdashDeputy Sheriff Andrew Taylor Jeff for Oolumbua to take Albert Sowers alias Gueriuge or Gearing to Ce Ohio state prison Sewers is a paroled convict who has served several months in the regular army as a cook at Fort Brady

LansingmdashIn a tax title case the sushypreme couit decided that notice to the original owner of the property must be given by t h e purchaser of the title unoVvthe law now in force at the time the purchase of the states title was mad i

KilisdalemdashMiss Mary Farr left Hillsdale and will later go to Maryshyland to act as field secretary and orshyganizer of libraries in that state Miss Farr has organized 20 libraries and says that the one in this city is the ideal

Laingsburgmdashin order to determine whether Mrs Charles Kimball was poisoned by a cedar preservative given to her by her husband by misshytake for s i l t s or that her death was due to natural causes aninquest was held

PontiaemdashCounty Treasurer Power has received $1922222 Oaklands share of the primary school money and has already disbursed it among the various treasurers of the county The appointment was two weeks late

Grand RapidsmdashThe will of Cornetti G Comstock wife of former Congressshyman Comraquotock and mother-in-law of Land Commissioner Russell was filed The property is estimated at $33000 real estate and $17000 personal

FlintmdashWilliam D Butler 21 years old Moses Purcell 18 William Ryan 8 and Joseph Costa 17 pk-tded guilty to the charge of burglary and each was sentenced to the state reshyformatory at Ionia

HastingsmdashJohn Llefcta proprietor cf a soft drink place kn Freeport was found guilty of violating the prohibishytion law by selling Malt Foam manshyufactured iu Grand Rapids

Bay CitymdashThe body of John T War-dell watchman on the berg Pome-roy of Bay Port and whose home was

^ 2 fOHK QW-~ V


bullbullbull bullbull - M A N -


Prisoner Said He Got What Hltv-Hiir

ExpectedmdashAVife and Erring Sister Weep Cver the Verdict

Rev William Cuminirigs former VAk Rapids pastor was convicted by a Jury at Ionia of failure to support his wife

As the foreman of the jury in the triai of Cumuiings oit the charge ct having deserted his wife and elnped with nls sot mate her sister Velva Taylor pronounced the verdict a firaquoertng smile crept over the faao af the Rev Williain

It came oat na I expected said he when his wife Mabel who brought the charge called on him in his ceil a little later- - 1mdash bullbullbull lt-)

Mrs Cummmgs on the stand had defended her husband somewhat to the surprise of the eourt hangers-on She and her father declared that Velshyva had been the pursuer in the strange love affair and Velva herself had admitted her gthfatnatlon for the clergyman saying that when she folshylowed him to the Soo he had told her to eo home

Judge Davis wfll Impose sentence next week In the meantime counsel for the defendant will test the con-stitationaiity of the law which makes the jttdge the pardoning power and provides that the state shall pay a pension while tho husband is in prisshyon in case qf failure to file a-bond ior the wifes maintenance

Mr and Mrs Taylor and Velva wbc wept bitterly over the verdict eturfied to Clarksville while Mrs

CummingB remained at the jaU with her husband

here 111 ( (j-iuux -Ha-pJcs



lilty vinry bullbullbulland zhn his Johzisouj lt rn-rri gth^ Nva^i J iy bull

f - o rs hfr v-otiigtis bull



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Cannot Ship Hay Secretary Wilson after deciding

that he would Issue an order permitshyting the shipment of hay etc from the state of Michigan amder certain restrictions at S oclock Wednesday afternoon changed his mind He would not is^ue the order and the delegation of hay dealers from Michigan undershystood to be about to start for Washshyington may aa well go on if they fv-i like i t

1frac34frac34 secretary said he had stopped the order because be Is not yet enshytirely satisfied that It Is safe That U all He would not agree to the Inshyference from this that he might issue the order a little later ms It was ap-Bareot that he would like to do so He sfeld it was always bis polcy to Intershyfere M little as possible with business but that this was a most serious afshyfair and thai he would not take any chance

The Qlazlsr Trial It Is generally believed that one of

the certainties of the near future Is that Frank P Glazier will have to far rgtrimtna3 charges in Detroit In adshydition to the eharges of this character pending in Ingham county

It Is likely that the charges will be in the wayne circuit court but there is a possibility also of the United States courts being called on and inshyformations may be filed in both fedshyeral and state courts

It Is said that the question of crimshyinal charges against Glazier in Deshytroit was discussed a f w days age fcraquo a Glasier creditors meeting at waich the banks holding large amounts of Glazier paper were rep-raeexUed Some of the speakers it is said were very insistent In demands that some serious action be taken in Detroit action in proportion to the more than $500000 that Glazier got from leading Detroit banks

Were Fined $10000 Judge Knap pen in the United States

district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Co of Ludlngton $10000 for accepting rebates from the Pere Marshyquette on shipments from Ludington to Toledo Some time ago the Stearns company pleaded guilty on 20 counts and was fined $20000 Judge Knap-pen recently permitted the company to withdraw the plea of guilty on 20 counts on condition that it would plead guilty on six counts This the company did and was fined the $10000 on the six counts today

Saved Baby Lost Her Li fe Mrs Claude W Buckley ot Battle

Creek the young mother who five weeks ago saved her babes life by carrying it from a burning room while Ler own cloching was on fire died Wednesday from her burns

Mrs Buckley had thrown excelsor in the Are when tfer clothing became ignited and spread to curtains in the bullcom Heedless of her own peril and thinking only of her child she held the babe at arms length from her and carried it to a place of safety outside By this time she was wrapped In flames and was terribly burned before they could be extinguished She was well known in Battle Creek society

John J McCarthy for six years rep-rjwraquotative at Lansing from the Stau-dish district has accepted the position of examiner of Inheritance taxes in Michigan He will take up his new duties Jantian I

Knocked down ad robbed on the street early in the evening on her way home froin laquoho^irir

iiampiaciaaoomdashVai^s uu her bullbullraquobullamp home from m shopping trip Mrs David Haines one of the most prominent women of the city waa knocked Cown and robbed

bull i Trhrs ha3 seized her rgtltgtckfttooK A crowd followed and the fugitive was caught He gave his name as Joe Williams

j i7raquoci it inii SK H I l i iu UOWn iboirs reported having paampieJ-i 1 a ^uaiitity^ if wreckage In- Lake3u-bullp^riqr off Vermillion Ptitm near White Fish hay -Among the wreckage was a life raft No boat was reports here as missing It is the general opinion bore that -lthere has been a wreck it has been an upbound boat likely a lumber carrier

Traverse Ci ty -Loca l sportsmen are preparing to circulate a petition askshying that there-beho open season on deer in Grand Traverse county for the next ten years After being protected for five years the deer grew so accua-tomed to man that when the season flret opencvd _it was almost like shootshying cattle and a large number were slanghtered

KalamazoomdashLeaders of negro and white social circles of Kalamazoo met at the palatial home of Rev Caroline Bartletts Crahe for the purpose of talking over a day nursery for the colored children of the city and to give the representatives of the two races a chance to m e e t There were about 20 negro women at the luncheon

JacksonmdashThat the revolving fund the working capital of the prisshyon binder twine plant was revolved intothe general-fund and used for genshyeral expenses until after election is the uncomfortable discovery of Warshyden Armstrong ri^ht at the time uc cepted drafts for $30000 worth of sisal are pre-sentod for payment

MuskegonmdashAlleging that Erasmus De Jong threw 50 inmates of the Musshykegon county almshouse in to a state of terror by threatening to kill some of them County Superintendent of the Poor Buxxell made complaint against Belong charging him with inshysanity

Traverse CitymdashThe official returns frcm the Twenty-seventh senatorial disshytrict received here show that Fred C Wctmort was re-elected to the state senate by 13379 rotes In the district which comprisea t s v e n counties but three votes were cas t against Wet-more

LansingmdashMrs Nell ie AWerson of Grand Rapids In a crossbill to Em-mett Aiveraons sal t for divorce filed here denies that she was expelled from a Rebekah lodge c t Orand Rapshyids for misconduct Judge Wieet has granted her $10 weekly temporary alishymony

LansingmdashIjicking medical eld Gershytrude the five-year-old daughter of Mrs Lena Bendlx died cf diphtheria The mother a widow feared that she would be quarantined and as she was compelled to go out to work she kept her daughters i l lness to herself

HastingsmdashSchool children with the c id oi enterprising citizens will raise money enough to pay the freight and cost of mounting the civil war cannon recently offered to the city and reshyjected by the common council

Port HuronmdashAlthough Charles Sam-berg was declared legally dead in the circuit court the officials of the Modshyern Maccatrecs believe that he is still living They have decided to petition for a new trial

St ClairmdashFire destroyed Kohlers hotel and the residence of Charles A Gilen both old landmarks The hotel waa a three-story frame structure and the Gilen house was the second built in St Clair

SatrlnawmdashEdith Helen the two-year-oid daughter of Mr and Mrs Went worth Weaver accidentally tipped a pall of boiling water over herself Death relieved her sufferings

JacksonmdashFifty-four years as a railshyroad engineer without an accident is the record of John McCurdy the oldshyest engineer in the Michigan Censhytral f service at the age of 76

Monroe mdash John Krietz pleaded guilty to looting a Michigan Central freight oar and was sentenced to not less than three years or more than 15 years in Jackson prison

Port HuronmdashTrying to take a tea pot from a stove the two-months-old daughter of Thomas Jewett of the Wooden Track pulled it over and was scalded

PoiitiacmdashMrs Edna Wolfe of Or-tonville after eight months of married life has filed a petition for divorce from Ray Wolfe alleging extreme cruelty

HollandmdashThe funeral of G B Balshylard who died in Woburn Mass was held here Mr Ballard once declined the nomination for governor of Michishygan

PinckneymdashBurglars entered the store of Jackson ft CadwelL blew open the safe and secured $200 They then went to the poetofflce blew open that safe and took $3 and all the stamps and registered mail

The body of Henry White of Kalashymazoo was found bent around a post OS fwtit f r o m ihlaquo-gt M l c l i i i r s n dwgti$l rTVJV T^-iv n^r l-ilt- 7-yu Ti^Blt day rjigh No one w w nim me^t ilaquolaquo tleath but i is cowsMie ohvtous that he was struck by a fast train and j his body hurled to tiw place vrhere it I

as found

bull M-r ^ygt

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bull bulllt

bullbullAlvy r i r bull

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igtl(raquo the laquo for s i x w o


The Highftr Life Why dont you gc 10 work instead

of hpgglnisc and boozing 1 will bosB as soon as theraV an

openir in my trade An I aint g o IOUK to wait nuther

bullWhat is your trader Tra -a track walker for aeroplane

iiufcsmdashPhiladelphia Bulletin

l i o ^ n raquo l F o ^ iBlttlgestilaquoi l ^ - m - v ^ ^ ^ Relieves sour stomach

palpitaticn opound the heart Digests what you eat

Pleasant to take

Tfye ne^v laxative Does

not gripe or n a u s e a t e

Cures stdmach and liver

troubles and chronic con-

stipation by restoring the

natural action of the stomshy

ach l iver and b o w e l s Refuse eubetttutee Price COo


Commercial - Savings ACCOUNTS SOLICltED

P e r C laquo t f t

Paid on Time Deposits

Grand Trunk Railway System B A S T B O U N D FROM CORCNMA

N o J3 Detro i t Local e x c e p t S u n d a y cent 0 7 raquook K o $amp tgtetroit Eprltampexcept S u n d a y 1143 JVM N o 18 Detroji Loca l e x c e p t S u n d a y 510 p laquo N o M D u r a n d Local Dal lgt tamppm

W R S T B O U N D m O M C O B C N W A N o 17Grraquonit RpcJ Lors D u i i y ^ 7Jfearaquoraquo Ho 19 Cid R a p i d s l^gteal ex S u n d a y lurtrtaja No 13 O r a n H a v e n Lota e x SincJay 256 p a N o U ltraod Rapid Local e i S u n d a y iil p laquo

| S o l i d wide yestibvile iraiiiMof c o a c U b laquofad S leep ing t a r s are opt -a i^J to N e w YorW a s d P h i l a d e l p h i a v ia N i a g amp t a F a i l s by the G r a a d Tuok-Lebraquogh Val ley Route-

gtbull_bull G D Y O U N G A v t



CtwvKtaKTs ampc Anyone nending a sketch swu uCCiiptln my

quickly uncertain our orunlon free whettic-r v iR7laquomr^ raquolaquo pToh^WTPfttentable^Conittiiinic tiOTl StrictiyconfiOrjll HAJIUOvtm SBPraquonM sent fro Oi4est oeeocy for soccnujf pateuts

Pntants tampkea tnroulaquoh Moati amp Co receive wpceial notice wttnoiu caarge to i t e

Scientific JUnerkan A handsomely Htnstraxed raquoelaquolUy l^ircest clr culation of sn srientlflc i o u m a i j oar fonr rooiUw | i Sold b j all newsdes lem

HUNK S C o ^ mdash N e w M Bisoch OIBea ltSS P S t Wkafcinstoo D C

STEVENS D O N T B U Y A G U N until you have seen oar New Double Barrel Model fitted with Stereos Conprcssed Forged Steel Barrelsmdash


The mode of constructing these superb Trap ami Field Guns is fuily st forth in our New Shotshygun Pamphlet j Send two-cent stamp for it

ltbull A yeerDukr fw

DSM-BUC Claquoa

^ m t t m m m m l m m m t l jnfapyffff

mmmm wmmmmr vmm bullbull


bull amp

i I

u you can -think of anything any more bulldesirable than vpy xan find at pur store we would be pleased to have you get it if not cernein nnd look over 9 tloois each one packed full of the very choicest furniture possible to buy for the wife husband father or mother childrenor neighbor from the cheapest to the best

Chamber Suits from $1360 up lo 7500 Iron Beds from _ _ - 148 up to 4000 Rockers all prices all kinds Over 200 to

---- - select from mdash-bull-bull-- ------bull bullmdash--- Great Big Soft Easy Rockers as low as 1500

All Leather

Kitchen Cabinets for the kitchenmdashsaves the wife saves the shoes rriakes home pleasant from the famous McDougal at $3000 down to other good ones at $400 Dont fail to come and take a peek before separating yourself from your holiday allotment Use your credit with us as we trust everybody

f W W T V T yen bull

i Coanty Correspondence 1



SHAFTSBURG ShaftKbar Mich Dee 81906

P J Shaft w i In Latiftifig on 8atttrday

Loyal Burdlck was in Lansing on Saturday

Mrs i Van Riper WM in Puny on Friday

Mr and Mrs Wm Well were in Lansing on Saturday

Mr and Mrie Cady were in Lana-inj 6ii day lat wj ek

Dr Dumhams brother from Kalshykaska iraquo here una visit

Mf tt Veva Robinson returned froiV LatSMiitf ltraquoo Saturday

George Hamprlow of Lansing was here on business on Monday

Mr laquod Mrs Win Welia were in Owosso and Corunna or Monday

The ShMtsbursr Pedro Club met at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Webb on last Wednesday

gtrlaquo Jam1 Shaft returned from Jackson on Saturday where she had been on a visit of several days

De Hunkin of Battle Creek who h a s t e n thlaquo juest of his praquor= ents for several dayp retarned home on Friday

MEW LOTHROP N)f LoArOp Mich Deo 19W

Mrs W S Burge of Easton was in town Saturday

George Zentel has returned from a business trip at Detroit

Mr and Mrs A Dann are moving on the farm of Hon J Northwood

Miss Charlotte Keiley is clerking for Fred Kribs during the holidays

The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Beamish is on the sick list

Mr and Mrs Bert Ellithorpe have returned from a vjjsit with relatives at Reese

Miss Tvah Richardsf of Easfon was an over Sunday guest at the home of Mr and Mrs C Vernon

Miss Ola Boy re aftd Louise Mc- Graw have returned from Flushing where they have been learning the dreusnaking trade

Thft-box social given-by the 8tii grade at the high school room Frishyday evening was quite largely atshytended and an enjoyable time reportshyed

Our town is preparing for the holishydays The stores are assuming tlioii- nsnal Xrnas attire It has been decided ihere will be trees at both churches

Mr and Mrs S D Wilson have sold their home to Mr and Mrs B Colwell and are about moving to Oorunna where they have purchased a home

MORRICE Xorrice Mtco Dec 71M6

Mrs ft Smith is confined to tfa h a n i A w i t h lumtrftgO

Mrs Wm Reilley and little niece are visiting friends la Detroit

Mirs Lottie Forshye visited Llaquon~ sing friends from Friday until Monshyday

Mrs J Green of Ionia county is a guest of iier sister Mrs John Vaiiever

A F Buxton of Wilhamston spent the weeks end at the home of bis sister Mrs H V Pierce

Miss Tillie Gubry who has been spending the past three weeks in Fenton^returned home Monday

Communion services will be held in the M E church next Sunday morning at the regulat service hoar

Francis Wade of Swartz Creek was a guest of Miss Katie Defrecse from Saturday until Monday evenshying

James PendergaBt of Jackson wus laquo guest at the home of J ames

rEddington from Saturday until Monshyday

Forty hours of devotional services bagan in bt MaryschuivhTuesday Fr ORaiferty conducting the sershyvices

Fred Brundige of Haslett iv spending a few days in this vicinity looking up farming lands with a view of buying

The ladies of the M E church cleared over forty dollars from their fair neld Friday and Saturday in the Bailey building

George Smith and party from the north returned home here Thursday evening after a months stay on his iarni no iivwision

Mrs D Duane Martin and son Downey of Capac were guests at the home of T cJ Martin from Satshyurday until Monday evening

Christmas services will be held in the M E church Christmas eve A Christmas tree anda fireplace also a fine program is being prepared

Dan Quinu went to Dexter Saturshyday evening where he will spend a week at the home of Mr and Mrs Hawkins where his family preceded him two weeks ago

Mrs D G Harris returned Saturshyday from a three weeks stay in Lansing where she has been caring lor her mother Mrs Nathan Harris who is ill at the home of her daughshyter in the city

Ralph La Flamboy one of our town boys now with the Jackson Citizen Press has been promoted again He has a desk in the city and is general circulation manager there as well as in Albion

Miss Bessie Eddington of Harpshye r s hospital Detroit is home for a weeks visii with relatives and rriends Miss Eddington has passshyed her examination with honorn and now takes up her three years course

$100000 Gtvea for ampn7 wbrtwee inshyjurious to health found ia food resulting from the uc of

Caiumat T bullU arty -- ^ rV - -= i 1^frac34frac34 -

E C Marble who has been visitshying at the borne ot his daughter Mrs Harry Davis started-for Springport Monday moruingdriving through be having bought a team Gf Fred Maudlin and farming tools here to take with him

Jud- Clark iJl start for Byre Colo Thursday wtth a carload OJ stock and household ^oods for Floy Valentine who is golhg there next Tuesday to live oh a farm Mr Clark wiil visit his father Frank Claris during his absence

The- quarantine cu ehiekens is seriously inconveniencing the buyshyers hercopy causing them to ship in a round about way to reach Buffalo Canada-refusing to allow the poultry through their domain on account of the foot and month disease

Miss Carrie Furdy of this place made one of a party which started for Los Angeles Cal Tuesday Those in the parly besides Miss Purdy are Mrs I W Lamb of Perry Mr and Mrs Frank Gale and Mi Kincaid all of Corunna

The heating plant in the new part of the school building i giving very poor satisfaction There was no school last Thursday on account of low temperature A F Hoilis of Owosso was called here and decided more radiators were necessary also a larger steam pipe from tha furnace and registers in the floor to carry off the cold air He will make the necessary changes in Christmas vacation

Any skin itcbng is amp temper-tester Tbe more you svratch ttilaquo w o w it itches Doaafc Uintmsnt cures piles eczemamdashany skin itchiDjr - At all dru^ atOTes- ^ _ _ --^^ _ --^ t bullbull

BYRON njmraquo T Midi Dec 8 laquo0amp

L W Barnes is in Chicago John Roekman is on the sick list Mrs Jepbthsc Skinner Sr is in

Plt^rhejJtii Mr Arnold has eoue to take posshy

session of tbe mill A O Hathaway supplied for tbe

Oak Grove pastor Sunday Ed Welch is somewhat improved

in health at present writing Herman Meier has taken possesshy

sion of nislt new home in town Mr and Mrs Comstock have

moved into the Fisher building Mrs Gilbert is entertaining her

son this week He resides in Canashyda

Mrs Sanford has gone to Howell to remain an Indefinite time with friends -

The Seniors held a social last Frishyday night whicb netted them twenty dollars

Mr and Mrs John Nymphie of Dcfneld spent Suuday with Mr Meiers family

Frank Badgero has sold his home and wiil move in a house on tbe Wm Close farm

Auntie Bullis has gone to Geo Jecning fs home in Argentine to spend the winter

John Davison has purchased the old Paul Coffin farm of Wm Vaun and will soon move onto it

Mrs Roy Sayers will give an enshytertainment at the Baptist church Friday night of this week Mtss Lenora Connine of Howell will asshysist with music Fioceeds for the benefit of the L O T M M of this place

Postmaster Stowell baa moved the postofflce to the rear of his eiore thus leaving the entire front part of the store for use in displaying his fine large stock of china jewelry end Christmas novelties The change is a great improvement

Dress Coats in all styles and patterns

is upon us but we are here

first with the goods style and prices Just

stop a moment and jet us prove it to you

FUR COATS at any price you want

BUFFALO CLOTH COATS in the best grade only

ULSTERS and REEFERS for both men and boys

We are selling more UNDERWEAR

this season than ever before for our prices

are the lowest and our goods have the quality

fcvery W o m a n Wi l l Be I n t e r e s t e d

There has recently been diacovored an aroshymatic pleasant herb cure for womans tils s S-UcrJ Kclhpr Grsy9 Auraquoirraquolaquoiraquon-Tjlaquoraquoi l i ilaquo it oDlyltraquonraquoin reyuUtor Curlaquolaquo fematlaquo weak-nesses and Bcksvhe Kidney BUdder and Urinary troubles At raquo11 Igtrwagists or by mail 60 eta Sample FREE A4drtss The Motber Gray Co Le Roy N Y

ELSIE Elsie Dec 81906

J A Watson was in St Johns Monday

Mrs Chas Sanford is again under the doctors care

Mrs Orlie Austin is helping out at W W Temples

Sterling Blayney is moving onto his farm in Fairfield

Mr Tubbs Sr has been very ill during the past week

L O Bates has purchased the Moulton farm near Bannister

Frank Clark is moving onto the Garratt farm two miles west of town

Supervisor Gilbertof Chapin is very ill threatened with typhoid fever

Mr and Mrs Levi Morse have moved to Lansing where he has emshyployment

Ohio farm seekers are canvassing the vicinity of our village for buyshying small farms

Architect Cherry of Owosso spent Friday at the Michigan Milk Proshyduct Cos factory

The home of Ezer Largent has been disinfected Velma Hughson having recovered from diphtheria

Buyers of milch cows from Mt Pleasant are visiting our stock farms and shipping numbers of fine cows to that placo

Mr Bader of Detroit Mr Haare of Jackson and Mr Waldron of Mt Pleasant did business in our village the first of the woek

Tho Elsie band give their second masquerade ball at I O O F ball on the evening of Dec 10 Mr Wait will serve suppers until the ball closes

Fred Munger of St Johns phones his cousins that he iz none the worse for his rough handling here at the St Johns vs Elsie football game on Thanksgiving

Rumor BAYS another physician is

w i amp j i i i U i ^u tv O fJS i i i sits VY4J iJKsy have three excellent physicians in the very zenith of their lives he

font ptria oi tiivl aitI iijVve to bi of tiniisiiil obHIty to Vytiif5gt5iii

Miss Jessie Morrice a trained nurse from the childrens hospital in Detroit visited a portion of last week at the home of her uncle Wm Morrice and from Saturday until Monday with her cousin Mrs E L Bann

J Q A Cook sold four hogs Sat-urday whose combined weight was 2200 pounds also shipMd a Ram-

j siC-MVHVs id^wr gt Alaquobull Air^n 1

amounting to over one hundred dol-ra in sheep last week which were

i f ihipps bull stlaquoite

Lrours for Good Goods and Low Prices

A McMulleit S Co

MORTGAGE 3AIEmdashWhereas default has been made in the eoa lltfona of a certalo

bullraquoort^alaquoe made atod exeeo^d by Georglaquo W Middietou ami Bertiia- J Middletcn bis wire of the TowasLip of Hazeton Sbtavassee county Michigan of the first part to Joseph fl Collina of said county and state of the second part on the 85h day of January A D 100laquo aod recorded in the office of the Regshyister of Deeds for said county in Liber 1)3 Of Mortgages on pages SraquoR and 379 on the 25th day of January A D 1906 and that raquo^er-i srds the real property Bpen which said mortgage W M fflrta araquo aforesaid was b a certain warranty deed conveyed by tbe said Gecrjre W Middle-ton and Bertha 3 Middletou to Ull ie D Elod-(CU of Detroit Hgttrigan which doed was reshycorded in tbe office of the Register of Deeds of bullaid eoutHj- in Liber 128 of Deeds on page W4 and that afterwards on the 2Sth day of Januashyry A D 190S said a w r t n g c so given araquo afore-u M M assigned by Joseph H Coiiins to George W Middle ton and Berths J MiddWton which aoalgnneot is recorded in the office ot VHpound Kjjiistet of weed B of - said connty OQ the tth day of February A D IMS in Liber 100 of aasixnuenta on page ISA And whereas it nvorides in said mortgage that if defaolt be made in payment of tSte interest thereon asft the same ahaii eontlnn to be tu defaalt for the period of thirty days from the tint when said interest was due then at the Option of said mortgagee or his assignee the vhole amount of the principal upon said mortgage becomes due and payable Aii-i whereais the said Ull ie D Biodgett has defanlted in the payaient of the interest due upon said mortgage bull and the same has continued for thirty dayx now the said assignees -ieciare Ute ttaid principal of said mortgage due and payable and that there U claimed to be due at the date of this notice for principal and interest the sum of Two Hunshydred fifty-nine dollars and SUteem cents (SSiS 16) and nosnit or proceediDgu at law or in equity having been taken to recover the monty eiured by iafd mortgage Or any part tbereofrnotice is hereby given that b virtue of the power of aalo contained In said mortshygage and the Ktatutes in su^h ease- made and provided ttajd Mortgage will be forceloaed by sale of the preuiiBea gtJew-i ilaquogtI luerein or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said money now due thereon together with interest tnereou at the rate of six per cent per annum frons tSjc-Sstc-sf-tfcii-^actJce together withaii attorneys fee of twenty dollars jgtro-vtded in t aid mortgage together vil l i all ie^al elaquowilaquoof this foreclosure at public auction or-vendue to the nlghen bidder at tbe front door of tbe iOurt house In the city of CoraunaMich-igan said court hone being the building in which tbe circuit court for Shiawassee county Michigan is held on the 12th day o f D e c e m shyber A D 1U0amp at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day The premise are described in araquoid mortgage as follows to-wit Commencing twelve [13] rods ten [10] feet south of the north-eaat corner of section thirty-three [33] thence flye fS] rodssix and onethalf [6frac12] feet south toe ace weat tweiaty [30 rods thence north five [5] rod six and one-half |SMraquo] feet thence east twenty [30] rods to place of beginning town eight [8J north range four [4] east

Dated September ad IWSi GBORGB W MrDDLETON BERTHA J HIDDLETOH Assignees of said mortgage

Joseph H Collins Attorney for Assignee Corshyunna Michigan


Have you tried a sack of -7

We guarantee it to be equal to any winter wheat flour on the market reshygardless of price Your money back if it doesnt suit For sale by


Theres no place tike the Journal for Neat r u t i n s joajjraquojraquogt

BECKY Gold Medal Flour for me


Subscribe for the Journal

Keep Your Eyes on the or

We are showing Heatherbloom Skirts special this week at pound199 to 239

-Our line of Jackson Corsets th best out the new numshybers 50c $ 100 and J5150 New styles and best form corset on the market

Remember a box of Cadet Hosiery or Fancy Handkershychiefs makes a splendid Christmas gift

A few more patterns in the new Dress Goods--nothing better or more appreciated by the wife cr zscthsr


Geo M Beemer I Dry Goods and Notions Phone 61

spoundV Hi fiStr^ 25 ^ 2 R S ^

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I ij The cold and damp weather is at hand when every-f one should give special attention to having dry and com-tfortable feet We have done our duty to the public by [providing a large stock of Rubber Footwear of the most

popular brauds shapes and sizes W e feel confident tha t |we can supply every demand in rubber and warm footwear 1 A pair of rubbers properly fitted will wear longer than jif improperly fitted We give special attention to correct (fitting Call when in need of rubberwear of any description

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J^^^^^frac34^^frac34frac34p^^J^7WWB^jl^|Pf^^5centJ0frac34^lw^7bull-j-n-T^3iji-7 F^--1ltbull^^7^^-bullr^- ^i^i bull^^^^ r^ [ iSfci ^ -^ 1 7 ^frac34 1 igt

bull ^

lt^gt T A T E Oi- MlOHi i VNViouuty of S O I H W S -

O - ^ - ^ - bull ^ i ^ - ^ M I N iii lt filt 1 -1^1--- traquoJii - o r ^L bull

ltUVSTV lt-d a t Mugt tivraquosi i- (Ml- m V V - U l j gt iiii gtli T y i f - i li- i i i l i ltitv ) j v gt gt(bull ivtfjf i bdquo i - i i i i i bull-bull kbull - i i i gti i u t r i - -uylf^Vl I

t1-bulllt l i i i t iew bullU j (|-gt-bull gt- ltbullgt I K l i ltbull V( LlaquoI of l u c i I t l i - u f M v t i u t A

rgt--ri--irf( i gtu r--aUiiikrivKl lili i- t ^ - v - i i j - -n bull K l w m A

bull) gt-iltt bull gtr vlt w l i i ltJ bull ( i l l w i i U bull bullbull s v i l l i l i -X- 1 M - m

in- i J O SKgt p l i li uigti t

U - ltswlt V^ thit-VtiU i lvii iiy M ( gtbull bulli-uixvr fiftvi tf U-JI oflici iii -tit- bullLti-ouvou bullbullbull -raquoolt ivigtlvlt OtSUi br itsii-4Ijti o v (Kftltue

J tj^til ) i i T l i n i bull bull bullbull bull ]

Atw i t - iJ f u r t h e r onlt-wi l t l i r i r a c o p y o f t b t i bullOrSK-- or p i tJraquoi jivlaquoJ i l ivf ^iilti-vssltyltgt w o i r k e f

iHVViOiiS t o ssiii i a v o lifyiniJ-SI ltgti Uie-iV^^iitiiiS j

ilv^Ukti Ui^ui V o l raquo3li-it yi-gtvr f -MAHflKW JUSK -

bull J bull(laquobull(bull bullgt r r u b i i t e IyfcViVfiSltK -Sraquo9ti^ilivivlJigisUV


lu i j l i mi gtbullbull bfilj i itiii bull ltgt l i m y

- a t o lue t


Coviity of SrtiwsMi-t5i $laquo- A scssiim e-f Uio i i ulnae Court for aid

coiirvj iio-i ltt tJso raquorlth(te f)ffgtch in iiraquo Cttv of-foHJun Si tUe ifilU rtuv of VJoveuibei A fo SsiS bull bull ^resent Mitdiew luh J udjreof Probate i n the DtKftcr of rbo estate Of SdiyJa A

Togtlti laquolraquoHr(isJ bull = Ou rJlfjirfthe pelitlou of Rdwiu A Todd Jr

praying for tiir= prolate of the vili of said ltleceislaquoi JsbiiliUti ta llirs Court 1

It is ordered that the Urli day of December aest - svt -IMV bull ocloeV in the Toreiiooc raquot said trobate Offle appoiuted for hearing

Aud it is further ordereil tbat a laquoopy of thtb ordlaquo-r be publ i sh^ three sutn-^HSive weeks previous to sjud day of nearitraquoKgt in iheOtgtrunnlaquo Journal a c e laquo bullpa]M-r iiririted and circuiatinv iti slaquoid County of Sh)awnf =bulllaquolaquoraquo

MAlTUEW BUSH (A true copy) Jud^ of Probaw

dy Florlaquonce uindnev- Probata Bsriater

PKOBATE ORtgtERmdashState of Michigan Cousity of SUUvwaswee slaquo

At u^saiou of tbe Probata Court for the COULIJ of Shiawassee held at thlaquo Probate Office in the City ofCorona a on the 34th day gt laquoi7c=ber in thlaquo year OIIlaquo thouraquond nine hundred aad el^ht

Present Matthew Btgtsh Jodfre of Probata l a the matter of the estate of fctary Wat-

ltir gta deceased Fred B aabin laquos alt5irinistrraquotor barittg

rendered to tbla Court his final account It i s ordered hat the lst A y of Declaquotziber

next at ten oclock in the forenoon a t bullaid P r e bte Office be appointed for exanlnlftjr acd Allowing sale account

Aoi it (laquofurther orderedtbat ftcop Of tal order be fttbUsbed three sumsesi(t^ weeklaquo previous to said day of hearing tn the Coroann Tournala newspaf or printed aod elrculatittf In said County of Shiawassee

MATTHKW BC8H Judge cf Probate-

By Tiarenee Undsey Probate Regiater

I Book Binding

We are in a position to take your order for any kind of book binding poundaye the magazimift s h e e t music etc bound in handdonw b^-fai at very small cost


S 0

Jraquo gt Jraquo Jraquo gt ^ T H E

j Coronna Journal j

MAKFAB00BlaquoC3lff bulblaquoM 1VVI4B ftlaquo 7^9 b ^ n i A B

It CUS WlaquoLL MUUigt J BUWItUa laquo M bull t iUMraquoaraquo ngtiallraquoMlaquodlKlaquo7Malaquo raquo v Tfcto l n ^ laquo U iraquo klt teMT 1M tbmln gt |r~t irrnmtA h i tt MUta laquof Wabt 0ltl laquo laquo bull bull bull lt raquo awl bull-bull-raquo Uoii t c l i r s t 11 raquoraquobullbull ltw i

1laquo lgtJraquoOJ rv l l farraquoclaquomiMitlaquoM4l DtdutfOT


Any One Can DRAW mdashperhaps not well bat eTerj person can draw a little Many people posaess w e talent for art work and never realise it If you will make a drawing1 Just the t e s t yon can and send it to oar Art Director he will giTe yon a letter of friendly criticism and

FREE ADVICE afi to whether or not it win pay yon io cultivate your talent Tbore is absoshylutely no charge for this service Illusshytrators earn large salaries and The work is fascinating We teac-h Book gt Magazine and Commercial Illustrating Cartoouiag Foster Drawing Book Cover Designicg and Fashion Drawing snecessfnlly by correspondence Write yovlr complete name and Address plainly on your drampwing euolose stamp to pay postage if you wiab your drawing reshyturned and address

THF ART DIRECTOR Correspondence institute of America Scranton Pa We also teach I l lus trat ing Adrer -

tiniug rroofrewdi i ig foornatiitin Stlaquou igraphy s h o w Cstrtl Wri t ing RgtraquokKeepiig gt)laquoffr(rraquol Knjrlceer-bull TIJT B u s i n e i s Correspoudwoce and Eojtligli B r a n c h e s

If interested in any of the above proshyfessions write for our lar^o illustrated bock Struggles With tat World It is FREE State which course interests you and receive onofour Employment Contracts best uropositjtgtfvfve^ oCeotd



laquo laquo laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull raquo bull bull bull laquo laquo 9 9 9 9 9 9

D E T R O I T BUSINESS UNIVERSITY has trained over 5OJ0OO young 9 men zad women tor miTKiitx It js t- htit fotm h0


Stlaquorr of tbe Triai o Dacici Thro Friend

LV T H i iiiilHWAV Aiigt frac34frac34 WAY PKEACKERT bullbullbullbullbullbullbull

lJltgt-ii u Iw Eiy tii^^ttoi Wi Edraquoiu bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull raquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

DiUniJs BOOK bull Aocifeciited^wft UJIOW from 3laquo5ifplii |||t(t tbiJeAVraquo- in Christs day recfjig^Jzed JUf^el--bs -ir the w n o n ZechayijKhEKra snfl XisJn^miah-refir to it Josiis catcra to l t In his charactfiris-

tic-de8i|frtationV Son of Man Matt 24 30 (pai i 713) also esijwessiy by ntifne-and as amp prophetbullbullbullJn Mart 241 (cf bullMatt-242l-wlth Dan 121 etc) and in themDme^it that decided-his life (Matt 2gti64gt or dfRfh -when the high priest adjured bull him by the living God Also In Luke 119-2(3 O^abriei i s riieniionecl whoso name occurs nowhere else ti Scripture save chapter 816 a-21 life-sides th-i referehceraquo to it in l ievelat ioh Paul confirms the prophetical part of it as to the blasphemous king (Dan 73 25 1130) in 1 Cor 62 Thess 23 4 the narrative part as to the miraculous deshyl iverances from the lions and the fire in Heb 113a 34 Matt 2144 would be an enigma if it were not for a reference to the stone that smote the Image (Dan 2S4 35 44 46) Thus the tie Tesshytament sanctions chapters 2 3 6 7

Scripture authoritymdashDaniel cbap ter 3


bull bull bull bull bull bull yen

J Trtie faith throw one unrraquo- J ai gervvdly upon the mlaquorcy and at

Sri5 vIio li^-y iurtuco Ai(i for ISO time hcisH Vh Hre-tt iii^aye and iL-j Sjitteiiiug vfiii i7ouais and feisui)^ v^tre fori n fmci tiie pooil^ -ivpoundi about lijl^ liiiCu- iere tlie larniu

care of God

- t v-u v - -= gtrygt bullWr^rr-

Ctslo5laquo explains Froe w- ftti Wlaquoraquo- raquo-r h Fsti tlaquorai | 5laquopu 1st W F Icwdlf Esq laquo PrttkStat R J Bcas-ci^ C P A J 2 PrincipaL V V V V Z

at Note that it waa not a qtiMtion at J with theea three hehrew aerv- ^ ante a to whether or not God agt $ would give them pbyttcaJ dlaquoUv- ^ erance frcrn the awful paHl J which threatened them rather did the v^rjole question of con- duet hinge upon the one sect raquo thought What U the right pound $ thing to d o r J Do right whatever be the con- ei aequencea is the uncompromiv $ ing taw of God J $ The man who would attempt $ to bargain with God making his agt obedience to the Divine law con- $ ^ tlngent upon Godt conferring at upon him certain imrnunlties -ft T and blessings is the man who at ) serving for the loaves and the J HehWeknd who never knows the J __ deep joy of doing right for rights sake J The true servant of the king bullbullbull J of kings is never abashed be- fore the presence of the king S of thlaquo earth Listen to the words $ of these men as they pisce at- J legiance to God before every J earthly elclm Our God whom $ we serve is able to deliver us J but even though H should hot be $ hie will to deliver us from thy $ hands know ttiou oh king that J at vf will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image K What a blessing these three $ J Hebrews would have mitted if J at they had feared to have stood J with God They did not know J at it at the time but that furnace J heated so hot that those who J at threw the three men into Its J leaping flames were struck dead J by the heat was to become the J vestibule of heaven and the J at trysting place where God in the pound person of his blessed Son was pound waiting to receive them J The fire of Nebuchadnezzar J could burn off the fet ters with $ which he had bound the serv- J ants of God but It could reach 5 no further So with the flree J ^ of persecution which assail the t it Christian They come as a re- 2 fining filaquome separating more it and more from the fetters which would circumscribe and bind J it the soul In its fellowship with pound i u Lord it The soul that dares to stand alone for the right very soon be- J it comes conscious that he I not J alone butthat there is another J presence with him in the fiery J furnace of affliction the very J presence of God J The man who fears to do J wrong is the man who knows J not the fear of man J

+ raquo raquo raquo raquo gt ] raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo raquo


THE wonderful eolden image which the king had caused to be set up

had for the bullmoment been forgotten and the throngs of people which had been gathered to pay homage to the great glittering thing of gold were surging about the place where the fur-nace had been built and in which now a raging fire burned It was the same furnace in which the metal for the great image had betn smelted but a few days before and that day the tires had been kindled again not to smelt more metal for an Image but to burn the heretics who dared to defy the mandate of the king and refuse to bow dowL to the wonderful image and in whom dwelt the spirit of their gods

That day the great company of mushysicians had played in honor of the golden image and at the sound of the music the people had bowed be fore It in adoration and worship Ev^n the king had with much pomp and cereshymony paid his oblatlona before the image and had been followed by his brilliaiit court retinue Then from the high throne where it bad been set op overlooking the grea plain he watched the feasting and the dancing and the prostration of the people ao

Then haa come the break in the ccr- vfKiriK1 flaquogtlt thfl aewtt hart qiUk)i

spread through tLo vast throng thu iue liiiee soverivtjio over the p r o v i n g ot Babylon had refossd to bow before thft gTlteraquoat image M wlaquore to Iw cast

8tlt-ci With irarhideagcrneefj-thlty tvlaquotchfvl

the bringing of thefurnaee to the in-tense vgtiiitir glowbull Breathlessly ikcf siood arid gtw the three men bou anilasth(iy were lilted arl rav^HSi to IV mputi) of the furnace and thrown WttbinbullbulllaquoiGapin^ ftiiities a^nvof t arc ami itprror burst frcSft the hundreds (iivd thousand or threats- tor tbe i s writliiug hx deaih agony on the gfound lay the men vho had borne the vicshytims of the k i n g s wra^h to their doom bull

Por tiiV time befng Everything elsa was forgotcen but vhen the blacfe-ened misshapen bodies had beltn reshymoved from sight the king and people again turned their eyes toward the fiery furnace

With a cry of fear andbull astonishment the king suddenlyarose from his place and with tense face and shaking finshyger he poinied towards the furnace His court officials quickly gathered round him and to them cried the king in alarm

Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the furnace Lo I see foui men loose walking In the midst cf the nre and they have no hurt Is not the rourthtne God whom these Hebrews declared was able to deliver them from the fiery furnace

True it may be rejoined hlaquos ofiU ciais

Make baste shouted t i e king Call tfceu forth from the midst of the fiery furnace

Instantly the officials hastened to do the bidding of the i i n g and as the three mea Shadracu Meshach and Abedsego stepped forth from the ml^st of the raging 3ames the people gave a great shuvt wl-laquot2i fairly shook the heavens APd the counsellors of the king gatefcly surrounded tlie three men and led them towards the king whof in his eagerness to receive them threw aside his royal robes and deshyscended to the plaza below

But where is the fourth man thy companion in the furnace cried the king as he reached the approaching group Was it not thy God I wouJd bow before him

Thou mayest indeed bow before hiiii by( to meet him familiarly face to face Is not vouchsafed to any man spoke up one of the three men

Tell me of thy God Is he the same God as the God whom Daniel Worships the God who revealeth dreamsr urged the J^ss (almost breathiessiy 1 ihought to make ra image whose glory fihould fill all earth 1 sent heralds through all the lands over which 1 hold dominion commanding that there be rent thora who should worship be for the imtg s I sought thus to magnify my name ad my glory and behold now 1 Nebushychadnezzar king of Babylon have been brought low For surely what god is there like to thy God who can deliver from the devouring name

Then spoke up Shadrftcu saying Be It known unto thee oh king

that we worship the same God whom Daniel worships for the God of the Hebrews is but one God He it is who ruleth in the heavens who setteth kings upon thrones and taketh kingshydoms away He It is who giveth wisshydom and caret h for them who put their trust in him

But thou art far from thy land exshyclaimed the fcihg The land where thy God has hia dwelling place Com eth he thither into the midst of Baby ion where the great god Bel rules

The great gbd Bel Is no god at all before Jehovah-God the God ot heaven and earth was the bold response He is everywhere and his ear is alshyways open to the cry of his children

But why then hath such evil fallen upon a people who have such a great God a God who is everywhere and a God who is able to deliverT

thou hast spoken oh king of Isshyraels folly for It is the wickedness of the people and their going Liter strange gods which hath brought this evil upon us The God of Israel hath chosen thee as the instrument of his wrath and hath given into thy hands his disobedient people But be is able to deliver and hath saved thy servants from the fiery furnace

Blessed be thy God exclaimed the king fervidly that hath sent bis angel and delivered his servants that trusted in him Now therefore 1 deshycree that every people nation and lanshyguage which speaketh anything amiss against the God of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego shall be cut in pieces and their houses shall be made a dungshyhill for there is no other God that can deliver after this sort

And suiting the action to the word he dispatched heralds at once through all that vast throng to proclaim the dwree And the people took up the cry and there before the gold image as though by way of rebuke they shouted

Great is the God ot Shadrach Me sbach and Abednego




Almost Incredible Brutality Frances Society for the Prevention

of Cruelty to Animals has taken action agawlaquot a cinematograph company for an act of unprecedented brutality to a horse In a series of pictures called The Lovers Revenge a carriage drawn by a horse was seen to rush over tha edge ot a cliff and be dashed to pieces The pictures had not been faked An old blind horse harnessed to a carriage was really driven ov^r the edge of the cliffs near Boulogne to obtain thampm

NewYorks Oldest PHTU Ntf ioik claquoty lib^m OMU pubilc raquo--srk

thai is JSO year old and that its bowl-ing Green which was the playground tt te first Dutch settlers


Scetsee Along the Route to Safety -Werraquo Pierzemdash Legitime Iv Orce

_ More-President

Cursed hisfi4 and jeered by a rio^ ous niobolf thoufeands of men and woshymen over whom up to a few days ago he had held swayas president Nord Alexis the SO-year-old fallen ruler of Haiti said farewell to hisnative counshytry Wednesday night He is now on board a French warship in the harbor

The departure of Alexis was drashymatic Deposed by the very people he had thought were loyal to him as the revolutionist army approached from the south the president refused to See It took the united efforts of the foreign consuls and a citizens comshymittee to impress upon him the necesshysity of departure

I will fight to the teat4 qeciaied the aged president

From outside came a roar from the angry mob gathered about the palace

Kill him kill -him cams the cry It was 5 oclock when Nofd Alexis

yielded to the entreaties of those ani ions for his safety and made quick preparations forjjepaHur Ae ho left the palace a salute of 21 guns was fired

The situation was so serious the foreign representatives gathered about the carriage of the president and Sf bullClaquo-toron the French minister threw a tri-coor over his shoulders

The trip to the wharf was made throuaji a path of the mitltarjr guard The rople hooted and cursed- Infurishyated women broke through the cordon of troops and hurled the coarsest of in-suits at the president Alexis strove bravely to appear undismayed

As the president and his suite reached the wharf the mob lost all reshystraint A woman forced her way to Alexis fide and drawing a lohs knife made a lunge at him But the weapon fell short A man struck the president but it was a glancing blow and hurt little but his feelings

Alexis stepped into the skiff that was to take him to the French warshyship and three Haitlen gunboats and the French and American battleships fired a salute to the fallen president

ExScaator- D legitime who has been made president of Haiti by the enforced abdication of Gen Nord Alexis and the litters flight from the capital was once before president of the turbulent republic Elected under the laws of the country after a sensashytional campaign in 1888 his title was recognized by all European counshytries but the United States alone deshyclined to concede the legality of his election Principally on account of the position taken by the American reshypublic Legitime retained the execushytive chair only eight months and then gave way to the man who had been unable to defeat him in the election

Stormy Incidents as full of sensashytion and violence as the present crisis marked the way ot Legitimle to the position he has again won



(Jives Universal SatJfffactioc

Its Purity Btren^tlv a^d DelicibUs Flavor laquoavlaquoaa^iHBvlaquoBBMlaquoBtfw(laquoubpaviB^BBBBlaquoMawlaquovilaquoa

Commend it to AH l ^ v e r of dood CofietA

Sold laquorir in raquo-tb laquoirtlffbt jxwkagw Araquok your Qrocer lot- MO-KA Cotfe



Just the Old One Reiterated to Give the War Howlers a Jolt

That the new American-Japanese pact had the effect intended by its ratification and publication was the information given to the house comshymittee on appropriations by Secretary of State Root who appeared before the committee in relation to the apshypropriations for his department which are to tie carried in the legislative executive and judicial appropriation bill He was questioned closely ^y Chairman Tawney and other members of the committee about the new agr-raent with the Japanese

Root told the committee that both the United States and Japan had worked a confidence game on the world which was necessary however because the worlds memory needed a Jolt

This agreement said Secretary Root is simply a reiteration of the agreement entered Into between the United States and Japan The world had forgotten about the old agreeshyment Stories were constantly cropshyping up in European capitals of comshying war between the two countries rh^re were no reasons why thijre should be a war as the relations beshytween the two governments were of the most cordial nature It was thereshyfore necessary to remind the world of the agreement made years ago and so a new one embodying the same principles as the old was prepared and signed and promulgated It has had its effect War talk in European capitals is no longer heard and It wont be heard for years to come The danger in this talk from our neighshybors across the water was that it would get the people of the two counshytries into the belief that there was to be a war and this was the only way in which the spreading of thatbelief could be stopped

By sliding down 50 feet of water-pipe Howard Hill a Muskegon inshycorrigible aged 16 escaped from the Industrial school at Lansing and is still at large

Admiral Coghian D^ad Just on th eve of his removal to

his new home where he had hoped to speuU nis declining years in quiet after a lifetime of arduous service in the navy Rear Admiral Joseph B Coghshyian retired died suddenly of apoplexy la New Yoik Saturday Rear Admiral Coshlan was born at Frankfort Ky -bullgtraquo viy Ti^r risr lite zamprvlrf-i in ttvgt

Work of the Session Will Be on Regshyular Supply Bills

From present indications the conshycluding session of the sixtieth con- j gress which convened Monday will be davoted In large part to the considshyeration of routine supply bills Lead-era in the senate and house say there will-helittle legislation of a general character

There is at least a probability that consideration will be given tc-ateas-ures providing statehood for New Mexico and Arizona but this is a question upon which no conclusion has been reached The house will pas3 a bill authorizing the taking Of the thirteenth census in 1sect10 Jt will also put through a measure authorizing a revision of the law of the United States

President Roosevelt very much de-tires before his term expires that there shall be a general reorganizashytion of the navy department estabshylishing in that branch of the service a general staff patterned along tha lines of that now provided in the war department

Among the other subjects to be conshysidered in one house or the other ai e billB providing for the revision of thamp copyright laws Panama canal legislashytion the measure suspending the comshymodity clause of the interstate comshymerce law the appointment of the inshyland waterways commission and other measures of a miscellaneous characshyter


Warships Make a Demonstration Against Venezuela

Three Dutch warships the battle ship Jacob Van Heemskerk and cruisshyers Frlesland and Gelderland have made a demonstration against Venshyezuela Together they steamed along the coast from Puerto Campbelto to La Guaiia at a distance of 3000 yards from the shore

The Jacob Van Heeskerk returned later The two cruisers are going to Maracaibo where they wlil make a similar demonstration The demonstration is regarded as indicating that the preparations for an elfectlve blockade of the Ven-esuelan coast are completed

The Netherlands battleship De BulJ-ter left Holland ^harsday for Venshyezuela

When President Castro summarily ejected the Dutch minister from Venshyezuela declaring he had been per nlclbusly active in the politics of the country ue insulted Holland very much Redress was demanded but fiery Castro has deiied Queen Wilhel-mina and heraquo subjects

Th1laquo s one of the things Holland has against Venezuela and there fre others Castro placed an embargo on the transshipment of cargoes in Wll-lemstadt a Dutch city Ocean vessels cannot enter Caracas harbor Venshyezuela possession and tUe custom was to transfer cargoes in Willemstadt to smaller boats This was the chief in iixiaiTj at the Dutch city and its loss left many of its residents in straitened circumstances Again Casshytro defied Holland

The fiery president is now on his way to Europe to undergo an operashytion Vice President Gomez 1raquo in charge of the country

0---^U Tgtr(5 - ^-V-- r -^Vpound

Vi i i

academy at the age of 17 From that lime untli bis retirement in December i90G he was almost constantly In the service

Timothy L Woodruff of New York is satisfied he did the right thing in giving up his senatorial ambitions In favor of Secretary Root He says he seeks no office now TT s Senator Simon Guggenheim

araquod hii family are to bs asked to buy Palestine from the Turks lor the Heshybrews The price is only cent53000000 or something around that fisrure It is planned to settle the Jewish problem in Russia by this piau the Holy Land being turned over to them

The design for medals for employes who serve two years on the Panama canal bass been completed and dies are now being cut The medal will be of bronze an inch and a half in diameter On one side there will be a portrait of President Roosevelt on the reverse side a birds-ye view of the Culebra cut in the finished canal with steamshyers passing through it

Opposition papers in Japan make considerable criticism of the UniteU Statts-Japan peace pact They say the question of emigration and naturalizshyation should have be-en settled The most responsible papers applaud the agreement

THE MARKETS DetroitmdashCattle mdash Gtoort to choice

butcher laquotlaquoerraquo 1000 to 1200 lbs $425 (bgt light to good butcher steers and heifers 700 to 900 lbs $35004 m i x ^ butchera fat cows $3256350 canners ltamp40 cormmdashn bulls fiampX25 ood shippers bulla $350

Veal calvesmdashReceipts 2pound5 market steady bet fOades |6507 common to coolt2 cent40575 Milch cowa and springers $25reg65

Sheep and lambsmdashReceipts 815 market steady beet lamba $3250550 fair to rroort lambs 142513frac34f Ujrht to

i) u c a v v j f i i r t gt7 v J U V C i i U i d ^bullbull^bullr-J i u ( i ltn i i 7 5

HOKraquomdashReceipts R27S rrt(rkrr 10cQ ic tiigiti iianKe ot price Lijcht to jjood butchers laquo1gt3S540 pign $4 l ight Vorkera $5reg525

(gtraiatraquo Hte ~ Detroltmdash^hentmdashThe feeling imong

dealers gts hulliKh a-ad nothing is said on tblt other Ride of the question The bears have hart no arguments to offer recently excepting the heavy receipts and increasisier stocks and they grave that up a few days asro when they fouad it of no use The crop moveshyment became raorii buulsn in thst reshyceipts decreased Both northwestern and primary receipts wlaquosre small and it laquolaquo tbft opinion o tnofte making a close study of the s l tus l ion that the northwestern farmees will not be ablaquo to nil the demand for spring wheat Tor the remainder of the crop year not baving enough grain 1raquo reserve

Wheat T-ecelpts on Thursday were 3 bullsars-----ff^ini5 deg - red akampInst 2 a year ayo No withdrawals 3tocks are cent65151 bu alaquoa4ast 372S2 bu a year ago - - bullbullbull

Prices a y t t r ago in the Detroit marshyket were 0gtc iraquor No t red wheat t54c for No-3 corn and 63Wc for No a whits n

There Vs jiothing doing- in the bean deal and prieea are nominally U D -ohaaged

Oats are strong Tks price sa ined ac on Thursday and C M close was a t e h i g h e s t ^ bull bull bull

- The cloverseed market is active and ftirn) GaL seed gained Sc

Receipts of flour were 1200 and ship-tnents 400 bbls

The corn market w a s l i feless and unchanged

Rye was in demand a s A gained He


Ration That Will Give the Quickest Returns

The rational us of protein feeds

for growing chicks makes all the difshyference between profit and loss quick or slow growth Stunted or vigorous chicks Rhode Island experiments show that animal meal is the best source ot protein as regards gain growth and profit

After a chick is a month or six weeks old the source of protein food is not so important Gluten meal or granulated mils may be used with good results if some bone meal Is fed alscC

Beef scrap will continue to be largeshyly used by pouitry keepers because it is so easy to handle Unfortunately the test_ rlaquo^rrfeltLti3 made so trial with beef scrap but It is similar to animal meal and may be substituted for it

The greatest advantage in using beef scrap Is tha it can be fed by itshyself We makea practice of keeping it before the chicks at all times Put it in a self feeder box or pan set it in a dry place and let the chicks eat all they want after getting them accusshytomed to i t Chuck the wheat and cracked corn into thlaquoua and with beef scrap skim milk and arit they will grow rapidly


Drinking Fountain for Chiclens Thst Keeps Water Clear

Do not throw away the old oil cans but cut a slit half way through along the bottom ptsb the side in as shown

bull i H I i bull i -

Drinking Fountain

at ay then soldor the piece of tin one-half Inch wide on the bottom of can as in b Put a tight cork in top of can and it make3 a fine drinking founshytain To fill It says Farm and Home lay it on s ide and pour in the water


Things to Remember When Preparing Them for Market

When the chickens are sine to ten weeks old at the Maine experiment station and the cockerels weigh 1frac12 to 1frac14 pound the sexes are separated and the cockerels put by themselves into vacant brooder houses 100 to a house Each house has a yard In front about 12 feet square The cockshyerels are fed on porridge three times a day in a V~shaplaquod trough svjtb four-inch sides This ts made of six parts corn meeJ-two psxti middlings oae-half part raaeed mead and two rarts beef scrap by waignx and mixed with tepid water milk would be better

They are fed all they will eat in one-half hour when Uia troughs are it-moved and cleaaad The yards are kept clean by covering them with sand straw or hay when they get dirty The birds win stand this-feed ilaquog f-i l-ivii yr hsre- w^^kn vnti- ^no^ bullV-ij-fSAw tVKfi - l bull--bull- ^ bdquo bdquo -bullbull-- bull-bull-- v i v - i - A i n u i i - i j C T iV-

Mr I HR thsy are dressed for market and usually weigh 2frac34 pounds dressed

m^mmm^ mm mm m


Phone Hoithinpound -^11 Answer your purpose iBbullbullwiilibull uti t h e bullUNION PBGNE VM



Muskegons chief of police hai or-deVtid a l l the bowling piioys closed on Sundays

John Green a^ed 35-fit Kamplamaaoo after sioepfc ^lt night in the woeds died at the Burgess hospital from exshyposure bull yy-v A filtlaquo quality of ahaie and bull ccai

havebetfc disc^vored aions theljwvka

ICHIOAN St JosephmdashThn |trKt -round oiwtiai

Riv^sj^imiso of dyyelopiug into1abit- ter l(qal c-oritejit agt (mgt result of the

j recent olcjeviiyivopened wlt-oii the can- of Hlfle river nndfch$sts - w i v w tfiwu-valaquosjag-blaquoiti(i for theV Seventh- sena^ ro tlt-si u

F i m k Schauh aijeltl 2 of aavmle dead frotrra KWnWhot wouwd lticoi-

auktally SmUced-yftiie fce wi-r^-ltun-I in r bb iu i bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull i

11s i tU

r lit-1

NAFEW BASTERS pampvt tilaquo e laquo l Intee cf tfi m c a t o w r ttif e n t l r t roaoi-ahi l f tUit i ia t h laquo o v e h laquo Ho buropounddtapounderraquo| laquo 0 bulltooxi ioa or ltipiUkgt2 gravy Just poll the Jersf

cent 4 frac34 bull _ J f o p a r t e f Una m a y

_copy J ^ epM -

Perfect Basting

Preserves fell t h s f c d a l l e i o B t a e t l B S M

secaBar to taraquo real trices AdjusUd LosUaoy to T J B a d s lt r f b h ^ raquo ^ seamless iabeofertsly

Lest lifetime Prepaid W cttagt J B v e r y d s t s t t l B

[ iMJlkiittsjs i rid ay nvglii the Mass

At-$ horary CcO and the poolroom

City bnnic th stores Uibullbullhaipry

I fii-i district met and after canvass-j Ui^Jhe voids cast for-slampTo senator-- lismed a ltUi-firugtftto bull f-f yekeUltn to I ChHrU- fo ywiilyr oic Kik^ lires-sent | )roSHcutj)iiV itunney J ltjjuid KAyhlK- oiVViig forth thai j his WJIO u^vojed iio much time to the j bi tiiiicaUon known as the WoTneiis I ChrlKtiaj TftiDpejanix- union that she

Wh^Br j il ^ 1 ^ frac34 8 frac34 I could nott ins -meals no ^ k e his the office of audit-or general next -- ^ _ mo me

aSftS frac34 S i f f i S S t e T S ea ltud thlaquo s^many e t him ai-

di me in-Lansing together because she felt s h e was

trtabwaat 0 K J J X W S3 ve

r Nothing has ever equalled i t Nothing can ever surpass i t

Dr Kings

eve i SfcltUl

A Perfect Cure

For AH Throat and Long Troubles

SSWS BB BIW VVH^V^^V H W W^^^^^PV V m ^^iff ^^^VgtvV^PV

DR HUMPHREYS SPTOFICS EaglltliCanTMnSpatrfshPoftaquMBMMl r w a i l u

i t W H I M W laquo r m F e m - o r W o n a I f e e i u t S 9 C M l c Cvytar laquo x l WaiBBCnliMM of I n f i u u M 4 P i M i h i at C M a i w d Adtati S D n i mdash u r r GHitojB Sutdoaocrtte Traquo CmckraquoOoMii Piuwkiili laquow Twrtkiieh n r a c t a Kranicte bull bull bull bull bull bull gt bull Stale BMdMte Vorttfo

1raquo t w m i laammiiMtWmkWiiimm I S O w M M h i Oolaquo(KUttlaquolaquotts M4M W^^S ^ H H M I r ^^^^^bull(bull^bullt^^^l^PfllBB bull I S STfctMrttfwi or SSaawHiMa fttns bull bull bull c f w 114 4 S B laquo MaianB- bull bull PSMSS^BAltwHMAfe|bKI(MnM^lRI M S l M l t l ^ W i t t v n n C ^ K 1 laquo C M n k bMHMOafetlraquo Hraquo^ Mfc WKtMMSaV VMfegtltNfelaquoIA Oofl M raquo AaM^^Of^vMai t f imnl t S M M M yraquoraquo luvBwy W W B B ^ I H V V ) o w n

laquoa gt s 96

--mw lt - bdquo B4V

laquobulllaquo99 frac34frac34 W

i-ti-i-SS rnltf bullbullbullbullbullbullbullSB -laquolaquo

i bullraquo

bull laquot raquo bull

poundpound52132 SSSMSTSSS bull


KIDNEY -Backache

raquoraquo ltMlaquo

A I M VrlsazT Orffens

(M^pnatampiB aacfc

S o a t IMCOBM diraquoeoitracd TMTlaquo U S Iter yum t nece f t iary w r i t e B r Feampner

K e h a s t e n t A l i f e t l a i o c u r i n g J u s t C a t f t B i T i m n A l i c o n a u l t a - t i o u s 7 r laquo laquo

laquo F o r 7 laquo w s I h a d b a c k a c h e s e v e r e p a i n bull c r o s s k i d n e y s a n d s c a l d i n g u r i n e f c o u i d s o t g e t o a t o f b e d w i t b o u t b e l p T h e u s e of Dr F e n n e r s K i d n e y a n d B a c k a c h e C u r e reshys t o r e d m e G W A G O N E R K n o t e v i l l e Pa Druggist SOr SI Ask for Cook B o o k - F r e

STVITBSDAKCE f i u r C u r C A trade i M P e n n f r FVedoniivNY

Clmrch Directory C o r a n n a F r e e Methodis t CburcbmdashSerrutea

eTlaquory S u n d a y a f ternoon a t itU l^nsyer n c c V Ing e v e r y TUarsday e v e n i n g

C o r u a a a B a p t i s t C n o r c b I f o r a i n Berrjee a t 10 a m E v e n i n g serv i ce 630 p m B Y P U a t 610 p m S n i d a y Schoo l IS II W e e k l y prayer meet ing T h u r s d a y evenlnjr at 700 FVlendlr h e a r t s a r e b e a t i n g or y o u r felshyl o w s h i p Les l ie Bower pas tor

C o r u n a a X K Church Morning serv lre a t 10 E v e n i n g s e r v i c e a t 630 S p w o r i LCMlaquoUC a t 545 p m c l a s raquo m e e t i n g a t 9 a ai S u n d a y s c h o o l AC li3u nj P x S i e r nsatilaquog Thursday e v e n t e d W gt- ^ ^ ^ sea t a n d a cordia l welshyc o m e t o a l i R- W o o d h a m P a s t o r

P T T f Q I t c h i n g BleediBf Pngttradtasgt X T J L L l i i O Old Sores SKiu E r u p t i o n s Tlaquotlaquo t e n B a r n s immediately u t D l l I T VC relieved a s d cured by N C n M i l t laquo

T b i s r e s M d j h a s been used for iwenty-t i rlaquo and i s the only guaranteed and true m m fcidxns endoras it

I tchini Piiesmdashyour Herout is a s u c c e s s -Born Ohio bull

Your reuiedy is tle best en ear th foe Bleedia^ Piles mdashFrank K l a u Minnewrta row raquo t c n A L L o p t w c a i s T S s A N D S O

bull ^ raquo = r gt

Thft bullpostofflce at Worth has been discontinued by the postofflce departshyment Rural routes cover all the tershyritory formerly supplied by it

Demanditxg $10001) for the loss of an eye while he waa working for the firm Mart in L Boyce ol MarshaU is suing the Gale Manufacturing Co

A herd of 24 cows A(Blctlaquod with tushyberculosis and sold from the Michisaa asylum to a farmer probably will be killed by the Michigan Live Stock association

The long drought in northern Michshyigan whicn has been a hardship to thousands of farmers since the middle of last summer has befcu broksa by copious rains ^

After bull Sght ltgti six eekS thlaquo curshyfew ordinance was kil llaquo in the Cc4d-waier common cormcO The final vote resulted n a vote of 5 to 3 against the ordinance

Charles Hawser of Newbcrg townshyship was convicted in the circuit court Friday or attempted felonious assantt on his 70 year-old mother Hawse Is 45 married and has one child

The U of M campus Is to be enshylarged 30 acres making 70 acres in all The enlargement includes four city squares taking In two blocks north of Huron street and east and west between Twelfth and Thayer streets

While leading an intoxicated man from a dance halt John Bnrnette aged 51 a Mantstiqite pollcetaan fell to the floor and died from heart disshyease He leaves a widow and fbisr children

Over 1600 names have been signed to the local option petitions now being circulated throughout Newaygo counshyty This Is 900 more than necessary tn rMnlre the supervisor to hold an efectioa to vote on the liquor quaa-tirm next spring

Believing she had committed the an pardonable sin spoken of In the Bible Mrs Henry Van Andei aged 45 of Mnskegon attempted suicide by slashshying ner throat She was taken to the county Jail where she will be examshyined as to her santty

R A Garbor of Charlotte who seshycured the names naeaasary to vote on the good roads propoaitfon In the county next spring Is nearly through with a slmHar task In Barry county after which he is assigned to the same work in Clinton county

Great admiration of Saginaws new auditorium was expressed by Bishop Charlea D WiiUama of Detroit head of the Episcopal chareh In Michigan I wish we had a Wellington R Burt and a Temple E Dorr In Detroit waa the way the bishop expressed It bullPines and costs amounting to 930 or 30 days in jail were imposed on Con Kilbourne of SatiU Ste Marie KU-bburne was accused of starting forest fires This is the first convioUon ever secured in that paltt of the state for that offense Other trials will follow

Senator William Alden Smith has promised to help the Grand-Saginaw Valleys Waterways association which plans a ship canal connecting Lake Michigan and Saginaw via Grand Rap-Ids Saginaw and Bay City A board of directors was elected and legislashytive and publicity committees were apshypointed

The Michigan Sugar Beet Co which owns six of the states sugar beet factories at a meeting Friday took official cognizance of the fact that the company is controlled by the sugar trust The statement was mad thatof the companys raquo3800000 stock all but J300000 is held by Michigan capitalists

One of the Jackson banks has paid the employes of the state prison in full for the time coming to them and has promised to take care of them during the holidays if the state does not The situation caused by the lack of funds in the state treasurery was creating serious embarrassment among the men

Mandamus proceedings have bfgtn begun to compel the board of district canvassers to reconvene and declare void the votes cast for Charles E White for state senator at the recent election White is prosecuting attorshyney of Berrien county and a question as to his eligibility has arisen because of his dual office

Wisconsin game wardens confiscatshyed a car containing 35 deer Tuesday morning Deputy Game Warden De Bell of Menominee tried to stop the car at that pine but failed He then noticed the Wisconsin wardens who secured the car The Jeer were killed in the Michigan woods and were beshying shipped to Chicago

Christopher Seymour of Sandrock la the victim of a remarkable hunting accident While crowing a stream on a log he slipped and lost his balshyance Realising that he must fall into the water he attempted to throw his rine to the shore It struck a limb and was discharged the bullet strikshying Seymour in the foot and badly shpoundUerrtpound it

i vuh -coifVbncd roampourcfts of-|4tS- [

tlona have deposits aKJSrosatln $3-524383 On an estimated population of 11000 this is |320 ner earUa which Is believe to be unexcelled in tha state

JURY G 0 N 1 i t i iUo j bull -hrnf i i i f


called to a higher raission Benjamin D Livingston of Ada began suit for divorce

OwossomdashAfter finding Clyde Howd 23 years old guilty of assault and batshytery some of the jurbrs and citizens Interested In the case contributed enough to pay the- five dollar fine and costs Howd admitted slapping E M Hopsiaa Jr complainant in the case and other boys who were annoying him

Battle CreekmdashWhen Justice Bat-dorff fined Charles Wyman |30 for running a blind pig Wyman who manages the Diamond clnb rooms a negro social organisation felt that It was pretty stiff considering that he faced a second Indictment But the court added and aiao five days hi Jail-

S t JosephmdashPresident Herman Ba-low called the fourth annual meeting of the Lake Michigan Fishermens asshysociation tc order at Hotel Whitcomb delegates from Ludlngton Manistee Frankfort Charlevoix Grand Haven South Haven Waukegan Milwaukee and other porta being present

LapeermdashRev K t l SidebothamV aged 34 years a missionary recently returned from Kor^a died here from burns received in a gasoline explosion He poured gasoline by mistake on a Bre which he was kindling Rev Side-botham had spent seven years in the Presbyterian mission field

Lapeermdash-Cash and negotiable seshycurities amounting to upwards of $75-000 have been found In the pockets of the clothing of James H Gray pishyoneer of this county who died at the age of 80 and tacked away In old shoes and various other queer places i n his home __ ^

MjhaJLmdashRkAard Grace e ight years old waa wounded by a bullet from a gun In the bauds of Garrett Tracy ten years old The bullet struck tut itrade post and glanced Oft hitting the lad In the forehead Au artery was cut out the boy win reshycover bull-

AlpenamdashJ D Hawka BA Oilman Buck4 Beaufor and several other members of the Turtle Lake club came in from the lake and left for Detroit Members of the club and their visitors killed pound4 deer during the season each member getting hie full quota

Grand RapidsmdashJudge Xnappen in the Uniied States district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Company of Ludingtcn $10000 for accepting reshybates from the Pere Marquette en Shipments from Ludlngton to Toledo The Stearns Company pleaded guilty

Sault Ste MariemdashDeputy Sheriff Andrew Taylor Jeff for Oolumbua to take Albert Sowers alias Gueriuge or Gearing to Ce Ohio state prison Sewers is a paroled convict who has served several months in the regular army as a cook at Fort Brady

LansingmdashIn a tax title case the sushypreme couit decided that notice to the original owner of the property must be given by t h e purchaser of the title unoVvthe law now in force at the time the purchase of the states title was mad i

KilisdalemdashMiss Mary Farr left Hillsdale and will later go to Maryshyland to act as field secretary and orshyganizer of libraries in that state Miss Farr has organized 20 libraries and says that the one in this city is the ideal

Laingsburgmdashin order to determine whether Mrs Charles Kimball was poisoned by a cedar preservative given to her by her husband by misshytake for s i l t s or that her death was due to natural causes aninquest was held

PontiaemdashCounty Treasurer Power has received $1922222 Oaklands share of the primary school money and has already disbursed it among the various treasurers of the county The appointment was two weeks late

Grand RapidsmdashThe will of Cornetti G Comstock wife of former Congressshyman Comraquotock and mother-in-law of Land Commissioner Russell was filed The property is estimated at $33000 real estate and $17000 personal

FlintmdashWilliam D Butler 21 years old Moses Purcell 18 William Ryan 8 and Joseph Costa 17 pk-tded guilty to the charge of burglary and each was sentenced to the state reshyformatory at Ionia

HastingsmdashJohn Llefcta proprietor cf a soft drink place kn Freeport was found guilty of violating the prohibishytion law by selling Malt Foam manshyufactured iu Grand Rapids

Bay CitymdashThe body of John T War-dell watchman on the berg Pome-roy of Bay Port and whose home was

^ 2 fOHK QW-~ V


bullbullbull bullbull - M A N -


Prisoner Said He Got What Hltv-Hiir

ExpectedmdashAVife and Erring Sister Weep Cver the Verdict

Rev William Cuminirigs former VAk Rapids pastor was convicted by a Jury at Ionia of failure to support his wife

As the foreman of the jury in the triai of Cumuiings oit the charge ct having deserted his wife and elnped with nls sot mate her sister Velva Taylor pronounced the verdict a firaquoertng smile crept over the faao af the Rev Williain

It came oat na I expected said he when his wife Mabel who brought the charge called on him in his ceil a little later- - 1mdash bullbullbull lt-)

Mrs Cummmgs on the stand had defended her husband somewhat to the surprise of the eourt hangers-on She and her father declared that Velshyva had been the pursuer in the strange love affair and Velva herself had admitted her gthfatnatlon for the clergyman saying that when she folshylowed him to the Soo he had told her to eo home

Judge Davis wfll Impose sentence next week In the meantime counsel for the defendant will test the con-stitationaiity of the law which makes the jttdge the pardoning power and provides that the state shall pay a pension while tho husband is in prisshyon in case qf failure to file a-bond ior the wifes maintenance

Mr and Mrs Taylor and Velva wbc wept bitterly over the verdict eturfied to Clarksville while Mrs

CummingB remained at the jaU with her husband

here 111 ( (j-iuux -Ha-pJcs



lilty vinry bullbullbulland zhn his Johzisouj lt rn-rri gth^ Nva^i J iy bull

f - o rs hfr v-otiigtis bull



^- gtluV n -n ca

Mir- KE-y-in M

iVOW-rt (gti




M r s

AVKiimdashjtiiiH H

Jilottirs o r A i Hha s


l (ihtiS

iHlAiiSt d o

nttirl stcrc 5-ituijihVo

Mm uTrrrvy

dird iu -Cilt vea id

i A s i i O r e s u l t of a s i a i

du iKraquo

ric bulliVAiii





T h e pound ^ - v - A

nartol Ci

f t p d ilgaiHt h i s W i r d ^ i H i )(gt

lich bullevLviiiif Ins own -lije Dotroirmdash v special iroin

Mario Mich says Thait


bullovi gtul

u l l t R i o


Cannot Ship Hay Secretary Wilson after deciding

that he would Issue an order permitshyting the shipment of hay etc from the state of Michigan amder certain restrictions at S oclock Wednesday afternoon changed his mind He would not is^ue the order and the delegation of hay dealers from Michigan undershystood to be about to start for Washshyington may aa well go on if they fv-i like i t

1frac34frac34 secretary said he had stopped the order because be Is not yet enshytirely satisfied that It Is safe That U all He would not agree to the Inshyference from this that he might issue the order a little later ms It was ap-Bareot that he would like to do so He sfeld it was always bis polcy to Intershyfere M little as possible with business but that this was a most serious afshyfair and thai he would not take any chance

The Qlazlsr Trial It Is generally believed that one of

the certainties of the near future Is that Frank P Glazier will have to far rgtrimtna3 charges in Detroit In adshydition to the eharges of this character pending in Ingham county

It Is likely that the charges will be in the wayne circuit court but there is a possibility also of the United States courts being called on and inshyformations may be filed in both fedshyeral and state courts

It Is said that the question of crimshyinal charges against Glazier in Deshytroit was discussed a f w days age fcraquo a Glasier creditors meeting at waich the banks holding large amounts of Glazier paper were rep-raeexUed Some of the speakers it is said were very insistent In demands that some serious action be taken in Detroit action in proportion to the more than $500000 that Glazier got from leading Detroit banks

Were Fined $10000 Judge Knap pen in the United States

district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Co of Ludlngton $10000 for accepting rebates from the Pere Marshyquette on shipments from Ludington to Toledo Some time ago the Stearns company pleaded guilty on 20 counts and was fined $20000 Judge Knap-pen recently permitted the company to withdraw the plea of guilty on 20 counts on condition that it would plead guilty on six counts This the company did and was fined the $10000 on the six counts today

Saved Baby Lost Her Li fe Mrs Claude W Buckley ot Battle

Creek the young mother who five weeks ago saved her babes life by carrying it from a burning room while Ler own cloching was on fire died Wednesday from her burns

Mrs Buckley had thrown excelsor in the Are when tfer clothing became ignited and spread to curtains in the bullcom Heedless of her own peril and thinking only of her child she held the babe at arms length from her and carried it to a place of safety outside By this time she was wrapped In flames and was terribly burned before they could be extinguished She was well known in Battle Creek society

John J McCarthy for six years rep-rjwraquotative at Lansing from the Stau-dish district has accepted the position of examiner of Inheritance taxes in Michigan He will take up his new duties Jantian I

Knocked down ad robbed on the street early in the evening on her way home froin laquoho^irir

iiampiaciaaoomdashVai^s uu her bullbullraquobullamp home from m shopping trip Mrs David Haines one of the most prominent women of the city waa knocked Cown and robbed

bull i Trhrs ha3 seized her rgtltgtckfttooK A crowd followed and the fugitive was caught He gave his name as Joe Williams

j i7raquoci it inii SK H I l i iu UOWn iboirs reported having paampieJ-i 1 a ^uaiitity^ if wreckage In- Lake3u-bullp^riqr off Vermillion Ptitm near White Fish hay -Among the wreckage was a life raft No boat was reports here as missing It is the general opinion bore that -lthere has been a wreck it has been an upbound boat likely a lumber carrier

Traverse Ci ty -Loca l sportsmen are preparing to circulate a petition askshying that there-beho open season on deer in Grand Traverse county for the next ten years After being protected for five years the deer grew so accua-tomed to man that when the season flret opencvd _it was almost like shootshying cattle and a large number were slanghtered

KalamazoomdashLeaders of negro and white social circles of Kalamazoo met at the palatial home of Rev Caroline Bartletts Crahe for the purpose of talking over a day nursery for the colored children of the city and to give the representatives of the two races a chance to m e e t There were about 20 negro women at the luncheon

JacksonmdashThat the revolving fund the working capital of the prisshyon binder twine plant was revolved intothe general-fund and used for genshyeral expenses until after election is the uncomfortable discovery of Warshyden Armstrong ri^ht at the time uc cepted drafts for $30000 worth of sisal are pre-sentod for payment

MuskegonmdashAlleging that Erasmus De Jong threw 50 inmates of the Musshykegon county almshouse in to a state of terror by threatening to kill some of them County Superintendent of the Poor Buxxell made complaint against Belong charging him with inshysanity

Traverse CitymdashThe official returns frcm the Twenty-seventh senatorial disshytrict received here show that Fred C Wctmort was re-elected to the state senate by 13379 rotes In the district which comprisea t s v e n counties but three votes were cas t against Wet-more

LansingmdashMrs Nell ie AWerson of Grand Rapids In a crossbill to Em-mett Aiveraons sal t for divorce filed here denies that she was expelled from a Rebekah lodge c t Orand Rapshyids for misconduct Judge Wieet has granted her $10 weekly temporary alishymony

LansingmdashIjicking medical eld Gershytrude the five-year-old daughter of Mrs Lena Bendlx died cf diphtheria The mother a widow feared that she would be quarantined and as she was compelled to go out to work she kept her daughters i l lness to herself

HastingsmdashSchool children with the c id oi enterprising citizens will raise money enough to pay the freight and cost of mounting the civil war cannon recently offered to the city and reshyjected by the common council

Port HuronmdashAlthough Charles Sam-berg was declared legally dead in the circuit court the officials of the Modshyern Maccatrecs believe that he is still living They have decided to petition for a new trial

St ClairmdashFire destroyed Kohlers hotel and the residence of Charles A Gilen both old landmarks The hotel waa a three-story frame structure and the Gilen house was the second built in St Clair

SatrlnawmdashEdith Helen the two-year-oid daughter of Mr and Mrs Went worth Weaver accidentally tipped a pall of boiling water over herself Death relieved her sufferings

JacksonmdashFifty-four years as a railshyroad engineer without an accident is the record of John McCurdy the oldshyest engineer in the Michigan Censhytral f service at the age of 76

Monroe mdash John Krietz pleaded guilty to looting a Michigan Central freight oar and was sentenced to not less than three years or more than 15 years in Jackson prison

Port HuronmdashTrying to take a tea pot from a stove the two-months-old daughter of Thomas Jewett of the Wooden Track pulled it over and was scalded

PoiitiacmdashMrs Edna Wolfe of Or-tonville after eight months of married life has filed a petition for divorce from Ray Wolfe alleging extreme cruelty

HollandmdashThe funeral of G B Balshylard who died in Woburn Mass was held here Mr Ballard once declined the nomination for governor of Michishygan

PinckneymdashBurglars entered the store of Jackson ft CadwelL blew open the safe and secured $200 They then went to the poetofflce blew open that safe and took $3 and all the stamps and registered mail

The body of Henry White of Kalashymazoo was found bent around a post OS fwtit f r o m ihlaquo-gt M l c l i i i r s n dwgti$l rTVJV T^-iv n^r l-ilt- 7-yu Ti^Blt day rjigh No one w w nim me^t ilaquolaquo tleath but i is cowsMie ohvtous that he was struck by a fast train and j his body hurled to tiw place vrhere it I

as found

bull M-r ^ygt

gtv y -Ci

-iurgt2bull bull

A 0 ^ ltJ t --

tbaii bulllt



sayft lplt


bull bulllt

bullbullAlvy r i r bull

O h

IiCf h(

d a y s J

^Xii (

bulllaquo- H O

i i ba f id h o i

igtl(raquo the laquo for s i x w o


The Highftr Life Why dont you gc 10 work instead

of hpgglnisc and boozing 1 will bosB as soon as theraV an

openir in my trade An I aint g o IOUK to wait nuther

bullWhat is your trader Tra -a track walker for aeroplane

iiufcsmdashPhiladelphia Bulletin

l i o ^ n raquo l F o ^ iBlttlgestilaquoi l ^ - m - v ^ ^ ^ Relieves sour stomach

palpitaticn opound the heart Digests what you eat

Pleasant to take

Tfye ne^v laxative Does

not gripe or n a u s e a t e

Cures stdmach and liver

troubles and chronic con-

stipation by restoring the

natural action of the stomshy

ach l iver and b o w e l s Refuse eubetttutee Price COo


Commercial - Savings ACCOUNTS SOLICltED

P e r C laquo t f t

Paid on Time Deposits

Grand Trunk Railway System B A S T B O U N D FROM CORCNMA

N o J3 Detro i t Local e x c e p t S u n d a y cent 0 7 raquook K o $amp tgtetroit Eprltampexcept S u n d a y 1143 JVM N o 18 Detroji Loca l e x c e p t S u n d a y 510 p laquo N o M D u r a n d Local Dal lgt tamppm

W R S T B O U N D m O M C O B C N W A N o 17Grraquonit RpcJ Lors D u i i y ^ 7Jfearaquoraquo Ho 19 Cid R a p i d s l^gteal ex S u n d a y lurtrtaja No 13 O r a n H a v e n Lota e x SincJay 256 p a N o U ltraod Rapid Local e i S u n d a y iil p laquo

| S o l i d wide yestibvile iraiiiMof c o a c U b laquofad S leep ing t a r s are opt -a i^J to N e w YorW a s d P h i l a d e l p h i a v ia N i a g amp t a F a i l s by the G r a a d Tuok-Lebraquogh Val ley Route-

gtbull_bull G D Y O U N G A v t



CtwvKtaKTs ampc Anyone nending a sketch swu uCCiiptln my

quickly uncertain our orunlon free whettic-r v iR7laquomr^ raquolaquo pToh^WTPfttentable^Conittiiinic tiOTl StrictiyconfiOrjll HAJIUOvtm SBPraquonM sent fro Oi4est oeeocy for soccnujf pateuts

Pntants tampkea tnroulaquoh Moati amp Co receive wpceial notice wttnoiu caarge to i t e

Scientific JUnerkan A handsomely Htnstraxed raquoelaquolUy l^ircest clr culation of sn srientlflc i o u m a i j oar fonr rooiUw | i Sold b j all newsdes lem

HUNK S C o ^ mdash N e w M Bisoch OIBea ltSS P S t Wkafcinstoo D C

STEVENS D O N T B U Y A G U N until you have seen oar New Double Barrel Model fitted with Stereos Conprcssed Forged Steel Barrelsmdash


The mode of constructing these superb Trap ami Field Guns is fuily st forth in our New Shotshygun Pamphlet j Send two-cent stamp for it

ltbull A yeerDukr fw

DSM-BUC Claquoa

^ m t t m m m m l m m m t l jnfapyffff

mmmm wmmmmr vmm bullbull


bull amp

i I

u you can -think of anything any more bulldesirable than vpy xan find at pur store we would be pleased to have you get it if not cernein nnd look over 9 tloois each one packed full of the very choicest furniture possible to buy for the wife husband father or mother childrenor neighbor from the cheapest to the best

Chamber Suits from $1360 up lo 7500 Iron Beds from _ _ - 148 up to 4000 Rockers all prices all kinds Over 200 to

---- - select from mdash-bull-bull-- ------bull bullmdash--- Great Big Soft Easy Rockers as low as 1500

All Leather

Kitchen Cabinets for the kitchenmdashsaves the wife saves the shoes rriakes home pleasant from the famous McDougal at $3000 down to other good ones at $400 Dont fail to come and take a peek before separating yourself from your holiday allotment Use your credit with us as we trust everybody

f W W T V T yen bull

i Coanty Correspondence 1



SHAFTSBURG ShaftKbar Mich Dee 81906

P J Shaft w i In Latiftifig on 8atttrday

Loyal Burdlck was in Lansing on Saturday

Mrs i Van Riper WM in Puny on Friday

Mr and Mrs Wm Well were in Lansing on Saturday

Mr and Mrie Cady were in Lana-inj 6ii day lat wj ek

Dr Dumhams brother from Kalshykaska iraquo here una visit

Mf tt Veva Robinson returned froiV LatSMiitf ltraquoo Saturday

George Hamprlow of Lansing was here on business on Monday

Mr laquod Mrs Win Welia were in Owosso and Corunna or Monday

The ShMtsbursr Pedro Club met at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Webb on last Wednesday

gtrlaquo Jam1 Shaft returned from Jackson on Saturday where she had been on a visit of several days

De Hunkin of Battle Creek who h a s t e n thlaquo juest of his praquor= ents for several dayp retarned home on Friday

MEW LOTHROP N)f LoArOp Mich Deo 19W

Mrs W S Burge of Easton was in town Saturday

George Zentel has returned from a business trip at Detroit

Mr and Mrs A Dann are moving on the farm of Hon J Northwood

Miss Charlotte Keiley is clerking for Fred Kribs during the holidays

The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Beamish is on the sick list

Mr and Mrs Bert Ellithorpe have returned from a vjjsit with relatives at Reese

Miss Tvah Richardsf of Easfon was an over Sunday guest at the home of Mr and Mrs C Vernon

Miss Ola Boy re aftd Louise Mc- Graw have returned from Flushing where they have been learning the dreusnaking trade

Thft-box social given-by the 8tii grade at the high school room Frishyday evening was quite largely atshytended and an enjoyable time reportshyed

Our town is preparing for the holishydays The stores are assuming tlioii- nsnal Xrnas attire It has been decided ihere will be trees at both churches

Mr and Mrs S D Wilson have sold their home to Mr and Mrs B Colwell and are about moving to Oorunna where they have purchased a home

MORRICE Xorrice Mtco Dec 71M6

Mrs ft Smith is confined to tfa h a n i A w i t h lumtrftgO

Mrs Wm Reilley and little niece are visiting friends la Detroit

Mirs Lottie Forshye visited Llaquon~ sing friends from Friday until Monshyday

Mrs J Green of Ionia county is a guest of iier sister Mrs John Vaiiever

A F Buxton of Wilhamston spent the weeks end at the home of bis sister Mrs H V Pierce

Miss Tillie Gubry who has been spending the past three weeks in Fenton^returned home Monday

Communion services will be held in the M E church next Sunday morning at the regulat service hoar

Francis Wade of Swartz Creek was a guest of Miss Katie Defrecse from Saturday until Monday evenshying

James PendergaBt of Jackson wus laquo guest at the home of J ames

rEddington from Saturday until Monshyday

Forty hours of devotional services bagan in bt MaryschuivhTuesday Fr ORaiferty conducting the sershyvices

Fred Brundige of Haslett iv spending a few days in this vicinity looking up farming lands with a view of buying

The ladies of the M E church cleared over forty dollars from their fair neld Friday and Saturday in the Bailey building

George Smith and party from the north returned home here Thursday evening after a months stay on his iarni no iivwision

Mrs D Duane Martin and son Downey of Capac were guests at the home of T cJ Martin from Satshyurday until Monday evening

Christmas services will be held in the M E church Christmas eve A Christmas tree anda fireplace also a fine program is being prepared

Dan Quinu went to Dexter Saturshyday evening where he will spend a week at the home of Mr and Mrs Hawkins where his family preceded him two weeks ago

Mrs D G Harris returned Saturshyday from a three weeks stay in Lansing where she has been caring lor her mother Mrs Nathan Harris who is ill at the home of her daughshyter in the city

Ralph La Flamboy one of our town boys now with the Jackson Citizen Press has been promoted again He has a desk in the city and is general circulation manager there as well as in Albion

Miss Bessie Eddington of Harpshye r s hospital Detroit is home for a weeks visii with relatives and rriends Miss Eddington has passshyed her examination with honorn and now takes up her three years course

$100000 Gtvea for ampn7 wbrtwee inshyjurious to health found ia food resulting from the uc of

Caiumat T bullU arty -- ^ rV - -= i 1^frac34frac34 -

E C Marble who has been visitshying at the borne ot his daughter Mrs Harry Davis started-for Springport Monday moruingdriving through be having bought a team Gf Fred Maudlin and farming tools here to take with him

Jud- Clark iJl start for Byre Colo Thursday wtth a carload OJ stock and household ^oods for Floy Valentine who is golhg there next Tuesday to live oh a farm Mr Clark wiil visit his father Frank Claris during his absence

The- quarantine cu ehiekens is seriously inconveniencing the buyshyers hercopy causing them to ship in a round about way to reach Buffalo Canada-refusing to allow the poultry through their domain on account of the foot and month disease

Miss Carrie Furdy of this place made one of a party which started for Los Angeles Cal Tuesday Those in the parly besides Miss Purdy are Mrs I W Lamb of Perry Mr and Mrs Frank Gale and Mi Kincaid all of Corunna

The heating plant in the new part of the school building i giving very poor satisfaction There was no school last Thursday on account of low temperature A F Hoilis of Owosso was called here and decided more radiators were necessary also a larger steam pipe from tha furnace and registers in the floor to carry off the cold air He will make the necessary changes in Christmas vacation

Any skin itcbng is amp temper-tester Tbe more you svratch ttilaquo w o w it itches Doaafc Uintmsnt cures piles eczemamdashany skin itchiDjr - At all dru^ atOTes- ^ _ _ --^^ _ --^ t bullbull

BYRON njmraquo T Midi Dec 8 laquo0amp

L W Barnes is in Chicago John Roekman is on the sick list Mrs Jepbthsc Skinner Sr is in

Plt^rhejJtii Mr Arnold has eoue to take posshy

session of tbe mill A O Hathaway supplied for tbe

Oak Grove pastor Sunday Ed Welch is somewhat improved

in health at present writing Herman Meier has taken possesshy

sion of nislt new home in town Mr and Mrs Comstock have

moved into the Fisher building Mrs Gilbert is entertaining her

son this week He resides in Canashyda

Mrs Sanford has gone to Howell to remain an Indefinite time with friends -

The Seniors held a social last Frishyday night whicb netted them twenty dollars

Mr and Mrs John Nymphie of Dcfneld spent Suuday with Mr Meiers family

Frank Badgero has sold his home and wiil move in a house on tbe Wm Close farm

Auntie Bullis has gone to Geo Jecning fs home in Argentine to spend the winter

John Davison has purchased the old Paul Coffin farm of Wm Vaun and will soon move onto it

Mrs Roy Sayers will give an enshytertainment at the Baptist church Friday night of this week Mtss Lenora Connine of Howell will asshysist with music Fioceeds for the benefit of the L O T M M of this place

Postmaster Stowell baa moved the postofflce to the rear of his eiore thus leaving the entire front part of the store for use in displaying his fine large stock of china jewelry end Christmas novelties The change is a great improvement

Dress Coats in all styles and patterns

is upon us but we are here

first with the goods style and prices Just

stop a moment and jet us prove it to you

FUR COATS at any price you want

BUFFALO CLOTH COATS in the best grade only

ULSTERS and REEFERS for both men and boys

We are selling more UNDERWEAR

this season than ever before for our prices

are the lowest and our goods have the quality

fcvery W o m a n Wi l l Be I n t e r e s t e d

There has recently been diacovored an aroshymatic pleasant herb cure for womans tils s S-UcrJ Kclhpr Grsy9 Auraquoirraquolaquoiraquon-Tjlaquoraquoi l i ilaquo it oDlyltraquonraquoin reyuUtor Curlaquolaquo fematlaquo weak-nesses and Bcksvhe Kidney BUdder and Urinary troubles At raquo11 Igtrwagists or by mail 60 eta Sample FREE A4drtss The Motber Gray Co Le Roy N Y

ELSIE Elsie Dec 81906

J A Watson was in St Johns Monday

Mrs Chas Sanford is again under the doctors care

Mrs Orlie Austin is helping out at W W Temples

Sterling Blayney is moving onto his farm in Fairfield

Mr Tubbs Sr has been very ill during the past week

L O Bates has purchased the Moulton farm near Bannister

Frank Clark is moving onto the Garratt farm two miles west of town

Supervisor Gilbertof Chapin is very ill threatened with typhoid fever

Mr and Mrs Levi Morse have moved to Lansing where he has emshyployment

Ohio farm seekers are canvassing the vicinity of our village for buyshying small farms

Architect Cherry of Owosso spent Friday at the Michigan Milk Proshyduct Cos factory

The home of Ezer Largent has been disinfected Velma Hughson having recovered from diphtheria

Buyers of milch cows from Mt Pleasant are visiting our stock farms and shipping numbers of fine cows to that placo

Mr Bader of Detroit Mr Haare of Jackson and Mr Waldron of Mt Pleasant did business in our village the first of the woek

Tho Elsie band give their second masquerade ball at I O O F ball on the evening of Dec 10 Mr Wait will serve suppers until the ball closes

Fred Munger of St Johns phones his cousins that he iz none the worse for his rough handling here at the St Johns vs Elsie football game on Thanksgiving

Rumor BAYS another physician is

w i amp j i i i U i ^u tv O fJS i i i sits VY4J iJKsy have three excellent physicians in the very zenith of their lives he

font ptria oi tiivl aitI iijVve to bi of tiniisiiil obHIty to Vytiif5gt5iii

Miss Jessie Morrice a trained nurse from the childrens hospital in Detroit visited a portion of last week at the home of her uncle Wm Morrice and from Saturday until Monday with her cousin Mrs E L Bann

J Q A Cook sold four hogs Sat-urday whose combined weight was 2200 pounds also shipMd a Ram-

j siC-MVHVs id^wr gt Alaquobull Air^n 1

amounting to over one hundred dol-ra in sheep last week which were

i f ihipps bull stlaquoite

Lrours for Good Goods and Low Prices

A McMulleit S Co

MORTGAGE 3AIEmdashWhereas default has been made in the eoa lltfona of a certalo

bullraquoort^alaquoe made atod exeeo^d by Georglaquo W Middietou ami Bertiia- J Middletcn bis wire of the TowasLip of Hazeton Sbtavassee county Michigan of the first part to Joseph fl Collina of said county and state of the second part on the 85h day of January A D 100laquo aod recorded in the office of the Regshyister of Deeds for said county in Liber 1)3 Of Mortgages on pages SraquoR and 379 on the 25th day of January A D 1906 and that raquo^er-i srds the real property Bpen which said mortgage W M fflrta araquo aforesaid was b a certain warranty deed conveyed by tbe said Gecrjre W Middle-ton and Bertha 3 Middletou to Ull ie D Elod-(CU of Detroit Hgttrigan which doed was reshycorded in tbe office of the Register of Deeds of bullaid eoutHj- in Liber 128 of Deeds on page W4 and that afterwards on the 2Sth day of Januashyry A D 190S said a w r t n g c so given araquo afore-u M M assigned by Joseph H Coiiins to George W Middle ton and Berths J MiddWton which aoalgnneot is recorded in the office ot VHpound Kjjiistet of weed B of - said connty OQ the tth day of February A D IMS in Liber 100 of aasixnuenta on page ISA And whereas it nvorides in said mortgage that if defaolt be made in payment of tSte interest thereon asft the same ahaii eontlnn to be tu defaalt for the period of thirty days from the tint when said interest was due then at the Option of said mortgagee or his assignee the vhole amount of the principal upon said mortgage becomes due and payable Aii-i whereais the said Ull ie D Biodgett has defanlted in the payaient of the interest due upon said mortgage bull and the same has continued for thirty dayx now the said assignees -ieciare Ute ttaid principal of said mortgage due and payable and that there U claimed to be due at the date of this notice for principal and interest the sum of Two Hunshydred fifty-nine dollars and SUteem cents (SSiS 16) and nosnit or proceediDgu at law or in equity having been taken to recover the monty eiured by iafd mortgage Or any part tbereofrnotice is hereby given that b virtue of the power of aalo contained In said mortshygage and the Ktatutes in su^h ease- made and provided ttajd Mortgage will be forceloaed by sale of the preuiiBea gtJew-i ilaquogtI luerein or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said money now due thereon together with interest tnereou at the rate of six per cent per annum frons tSjc-Sstc-sf-tfcii-^actJce together withaii attorneys fee of twenty dollars jgtro-vtded in t aid mortgage together vil l i all ie^al elaquowilaquoof this foreclosure at public auction or-vendue to the nlghen bidder at tbe front door of tbe iOurt house In the city of CoraunaMich-igan said court hone being the building in which tbe circuit court for Shiawassee county Michigan is held on the 12th day o f D e c e m shyber A D 1U0amp at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day The premise are described in araquoid mortgage as follows to-wit Commencing twelve [13] rods ten [10] feet south of the north-eaat corner of section thirty-three [33] thence flye fS] rodssix and onethalf [6frac12] feet south toe ace weat tweiaty [30 rods thence north five [5] rod six and one-half |SMraquo] feet thence east twenty [30] rods to place of beginning town eight [8J north range four [4] east

Dated September ad IWSi GBORGB W MrDDLETON BERTHA J HIDDLETOH Assignees of said mortgage

Joseph H Collins Attorney for Assignee Corshyunna Michigan


Have you tried a sack of -7

We guarantee it to be equal to any winter wheat flour on the market reshygardless of price Your money back if it doesnt suit For sale by


Theres no place tike the Journal for Neat r u t i n s joajjraquojraquogt

BECKY Gold Medal Flour for me


Subscribe for the Journal

Keep Your Eyes on the or

We are showing Heatherbloom Skirts special this week at pound199 to 239

-Our line of Jackson Corsets th best out the new numshybers 50c $ 100 and J5150 New styles and best form corset on the market

Remember a box of Cadet Hosiery or Fancy Handkershychiefs makes a splendid Christmas gift

A few more patterns in the new Dress Goods--nothing better or more appreciated by the wife cr zscthsr


Geo M Beemer I Dry Goods and Notions Phone 61

spoundV Hi fiStr^ 25 ^ 2 R S ^

vurfit- ot w

I ij The cold and damp weather is at hand when every-f one should give special attention to having dry and com-tfortable feet We have done our duty to the public by [providing a large stock of Rubber Footwear of the most

popular brauds shapes and sizes W e feel confident tha t |we can supply every demand in rubber and warm footwear 1 A pair of rubbers properly fitted will wear longer than jif improperly fitted We give special attention to correct (fitting Call when in need of rubberwear of any description

amp ^g




m^mmm^ mm mm m


Phone Hoithinpound -^11 Answer your purpose iBbullbullwiilibull uti t h e bullUNION PBGNE VM



Muskegons chief of police hai or-deVtid a l l the bowling piioys closed on Sundays

John Green a^ed 35-fit Kamplamaaoo after sioepfc ^lt night in the woeds died at the Burgess hospital from exshyposure bull yy-v A filtlaquo quality of ahaie and bull ccai

havebetfc disc^vored aions theljwvka

ICHIOAN St JosephmdashThn |trKt -round oiwtiai

Riv^sj^imiso of dyyelopiug into1abit- ter l(qal c-oritejit agt (mgt result of the

j recent olcjeviiyivopened wlt-oii the can- of Hlfle river nndfch$sts - w i v w tfiwu-valaquosjag-blaquoiti(i for theV Seventh- sena^ ro tlt-si u

F i m k Schauh aijeltl 2 of aavmle dead frotrra KWnWhot wouwd lticoi-

auktally SmUced-yftiie fce wi-r^-ltun-I in r bb iu i bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull i

11s i tU

r lit-1

NAFEW BASTERS pampvt tilaquo e laquo l Intee cf tfi m c a t o w r ttif e n t l r t roaoi-ahi l f tUit i ia t h laquo o v e h laquo Ho buropounddtapounderraquo| laquo 0 bulltooxi ioa or ltipiUkgt2 gravy Just poll the Jersf

cent 4 frac34 bull _ J f o p a r t e f Una m a y

_copy J ^ epM -

Perfect Basting

Preserves fell t h s f c d a l l e i o B t a e t l B S M

secaBar to taraquo real trices AdjusUd LosUaoy to T J B a d s lt r f b h ^ raquo ^ seamless iabeofertsly

Lest lifetime Prepaid W cttagt J B v e r y d s t s t t l B

[ iMJlkiittsjs i rid ay nvglii the Mass

At-$ horary CcO and the poolroom

City bnnic th stores Uibullbullhaipry

I fii-i district met and after canvass-j Ui^Jhe voids cast for-slampTo senator-- lismed a ltUi-firugtftto bull f-f yekeUltn to I ChHrU- fo ywiilyr oic Kik^ lires-sent | )roSHcutj)iiV itunney J ltjjuid KAyhlK- oiVViig forth thai j his WJIO u^vojed iio much time to the j bi tiiiicaUon known as the WoTneiis I ChrlKtiaj TftiDpejanix- union that she

Wh^Br j il ^ 1 ^ frac34 8 frac34 I could nott ins -meals no ^ k e his the office of audit-or general next -- ^ _ mo me

aSftS frac34 S i f f i S S t e T S ea ltud thlaquo s^many e t him ai-

di me in-Lansing together because she felt s h e was

trtabwaat 0 K J J X W S3 ve

r Nothing has ever equalled i t Nothing can ever surpass i t

Dr Kings

eve i SfcltUl

A Perfect Cure

For AH Throat and Long Troubles

SSWS BB BIW VVH^V^^V H W W^^^^^PV V m ^^iff ^^^VgtvV^PV

DR HUMPHREYS SPTOFICS EaglltliCanTMnSpatrfshPoftaquMBMMl r w a i l u

i t W H I M W laquo r m F e m - o r W o n a I f e e i u t S 9 C M l c Cvytar laquo x l WaiBBCnliMM of I n f i u u M 4 P i M i h i at C M a i w d Adtati S D n i mdash u r r GHitojB Sutdoaocrtte Traquo CmckraquoOoMii Piuwkiili laquow Twrtkiieh n r a c t a Kranicte bull bull bull bull bull bull gt bull Stale BMdMte Vorttfo

1raquo t w m i laammiiMtWmkWiiimm I S O w M M h i Oolaquo(KUttlaquolaquotts M4M W^^S ^ H H M I r ^^^^^bull(bull^bullt^^^l^PfllBB bull I S STfctMrttfwi or SSaawHiMa fttns bull bull bull c f w 114 4 S B laquo MaianB- bull bull PSMSS^BAltwHMAfe|bKI(MnM^lRI M S l M l t l ^ W i t t v n n C ^ K 1 laquo C M n k bMHMOafetlraquo Hraquo^ Mfc WKtMMSaV VMfegtltNfelaquoIA Oofl M raquo AaM^^Of^vMai t f imnl t S M M M yraquoraquo luvBwy W W B B ^ I H V V ) o w n

laquoa gt s 96

--mw lt - bdquo B4V

laquobulllaquo99 frac34frac34 W

i-ti-i-SS rnltf bullbullbullbullbullbullbullSB -laquolaquo

i bullraquo

bull laquot raquo bull

poundpound52132 SSSMSTSSS bull


KIDNEY -Backache

raquoraquo ltMlaquo

A I M VrlsazT Orffens

(M^pnatampiB aacfc

S o a t IMCOBM diraquoeoitracd TMTlaquo U S Iter yum t nece f t iary w r i t e B r Feampner

K e h a s t e n t A l i f e t l a i o c u r i n g J u s t C a t f t B i T i m n A l i c o n a u l t a - t i o u s 7 r laquo laquo

laquo F o r 7 laquo w s I h a d b a c k a c h e s e v e r e p a i n bull c r o s s k i d n e y s a n d s c a l d i n g u r i n e f c o u i d s o t g e t o a t o f b e d w i t b o u t b e l p T h e u s e of Dr F e n n e r s K i d n e y a n d B a c k a c h e C u r e reshys t o r e d m e G W A G O N E R K n o t e v i l l e Pa Druggist SOr SI Ask for Cook B o o k - F r e

STVITBSDAKCE f i u r C u r C A trade i M P e n n f r FVedoniivNY

Clmrch Directory C o r a n n a F r e e Methodis t CburcbmdashSerrutea

eTlaquory S u n d a y a f ternoon a t itU l^nsyer n c c V Ing e v e r y TUarsday e v e n i n g

C o r u a a a B a p t i s t C n o r c b I f o r a i n Berrjee a t 10 a m E v e n i n g serv i ce 630 p m B Y P U a t 610 p m S n i d a y Schoo l IS II W e e k l y prayer meet ing T h u r s d a y evenlnjr at 700 FVlendlr h e a r t s a r e b e a t i n g or y o u r felshyl o w s h i p Les l ie Bower pas tor

C o r u n a a X K Church Morning serv lre a t 10 E v e n i n g s e r v i c e a t 630 S p w o r i LCMlaquoUC a t 545 p m c l a s raquo m e e t i n g a t 9 a ai S u n d a y s c h o o l AC li3u nj P x S i e r nsatilaquog Thursday e v e n t e d W gt- ^ ^ ^ sea t a n d a cordia l welshyc o m e t o a l i R- W o o d h a m P a s t o r

P T T f Q I t c h i n g BleediBf Pngttradtasgt X T J L L l i i O Old Sores SKiu E r u p t i o n s Tlaquotlaquo t e n B a r n s immediately u t D l l I T VC relieved a s d cured by N C n M i l t laquo

T b i s r e s M d j h a s been used for iwenty-t i rlaquo and i s the only guaranteed and true m m fcidxns endoras it

I tchini Piiesmdashyour Herout is a s u c c e s s -Born Ohio bull

Your reuiedy is tle best en ear th foe Bleedia^ Piles mdashFrank K l a u Minnewrta row raquo t c n A L L o p t w c a i s T S s A N D S O

bull ^ raquo = r gt

Thft bullpostofflce at Worth has been discontinued by the postofflce departshyment Rural routes cover all the tershyritory formerly supplied by it

Demanditxg $10001) for the loss of an eye while he waa working for the firm Mart in L Boyce ol MarshaU is suing the Gale Manufacturing Co

A herd of 24 cows A(Blctlaquod with tushyberculosis and sold from the Michisaa asylum to a farmer probably will be killed by the Michigan Live Stock association

The long drought in northern Michshyigan whicn has been a hardship to thousands of farmers since the middle of last summer has befcu broksa by copious rains ^

After bull Sght ltgti six eekS thlaquo curshyfew ordinance was kil llaquo in the Cc4d-waier common cormcO The final vote resulted n a vote of 5 to 3 against the ordinance

Charles Hawser of Newbcrg townshyship was convicted in the circuit court Friday or attempted felonious assantt on his 70 year-old mother Hawse Is 45 married and has one child

The U of M campus Is to be enshylarged 30 acres making 70 acres in all The enlargement includes four city squares taking In two blocks north of Huron street and east and west between Twelfth and Thayer streets

While leading an intoxicated man from a dance halt John Bnrnette aged 51 a Mantstiqite pollcetaan fell to the floor and died from heart disshyease He leaves a widow and fbisr children

Over 1600 names have been signed to the local option petitions now being circulated throughout Newaygo counshyty This Is 900 more than necessary tn rMnlre the supervisor to hold an efectioa to vote on the liquor quaa-tirm next spring

Believing she had committed the an pardonable sin spoken of In the Bible Mrs Henry Van Andei aged 45 of Mnskegon attempted suicide by slashshying ner throat She was taken to the county Jail where she will be examshyined as to her santty

R A Garbor of Charlotte who seshycured the names naeaasary to vote on the good roads propoaitfon In the county next spring Is nearly through with a slmHar task In Barry county after which he is assigned to the same work in Clinton county

Great admiration of Saginaws new auditorium was expressed by Bishop Charlea D WiiUama of Detroit head of the Episcopal chareh In Michigan I wish we had a Wellington R Burt and a Temple E Dorr In Detroit waa the way the bishop expressed It bullPines and costs amounting to 930 or 30 days in jail were imposed on Con Kilbourne of SatiU Ste Marie KU-bburne was accused of starting forest fires This is the first convioUon ever secured in that paltt of the state for that offense Other trials will follow

Senator William Alden Smith has promised to help the Grand-Saginaw Valleys Waterways association which plans a ship canal connecting Lake Michigan and Saginaw via Grand Rap-Ids Saginaw and Bay City A board of directors was elected and legislashytive and publicity committees were apshypointed

The Michigan Sugar Beet Co which owns six of the states sugar beet factories at a meeting Friday took official cognizance of the fact that the company is controlled by the sugar trust The statement was mad thatof the companys raquo3800000 stock all but J300000 is held by Michigan capitalists

One of the Jackson banks has paid the employes of the state prison in full for the time coming to them and has promised to take care of them during the holidays if the state does not The situation caused by the lack of funds in the state treasurery was creating serious embarrassment among the men

Mandamus proceedings have bfgtn begun to compel the board of district canvassers to reconvene and declare void the votes cast for Charles E White for state senator at the recent election White is prosecuting attorshyney of Berrien county and a question as to his eligibility has arisen because of his dual office

Wisconsin game wardens confiscatshyed a car containing 35 deer Tuesday morning Deputy Game Warden De Bell of Menominee tried to stop the car at that pine but failed He then noticed the Wisconsin wardens who secured the car The Jeer were killed in the Michigan woods and were beshying shipped to Chicago

Christopher Seymour of Sandrock la the victim of a remarkable hunting accident While crowing a stream on a log he slipped and lost his balshyance Realising that he must fall into the water he attempted to throw his rine to the shore It struck a limb and was discharged the bullet strikshying Seymour in the foot and badly shpoundUerrtpound it

i vuh -coifVbncd roampourcfts of-|4tS- [

tlona have deposits aKJSrosatln $3-524383 On an estimated population of 11000 this is |320 ner earUa which Is believe to be unexcelled in tha state

JURY G 0 N 1 i t i iUo j bull -hrnf i i i f


called to a higher raission Benjamin D Livingston of Ada began suit for divorce

OwossomdashAfter finding Clyde Howd 23 years old guilty of assault and batshytery some of the jurbrs and citizens Interested In the case contributed enough to pay the- five dollar fine and costs Howd admitted slapping E M Hopsiaa Jr complainant in the case and other boys who were annoying him

Battle CreekmdashWhen Justice Bat-dorff fined Charles Wyman |30 for running a blind pig Wyman who manages the Diamond clnb rooms a negro social organisation felt that It was pretty stiff considering that he faced a second Indictment But the court added and aiao five days hi Jail-

S t JosephmdashPresident Herman Ba-low called the fourth annual meeting of the Lake Michigan Fishermens asshysociation tc order at Hotel Whitcomb delegates from Ludlngton Manistee Frankfort Charlevoix Grand Haven South Haven Waukegan Milwaukee and other porta being present

LapeermdashRev K t l SidebothamV aged 34 years a missionary recently returned from Kor^a died here from burns received in a gasoline explosion He poured gasoline by mistake on a Bre which he was kindling Rev Side-botham had spent seven years in the Presbyterian mission field

Lapeermdash-Cash and negotiable seshycurities amounting to upwards of $75-000 have been found In the pockets of the clothing of James H Gray pishyoneer of this county who died at the age of 80 and tacked away In old shoes and various other queer places i n his home __ ^

MjhaJLmdashRkAard Grace e ight years old waa wounded by a bullet from a gun In the bauds of Garrett Tracy ten years old The bullet struck tut itrade post and glanced Oft hitting the lad In the forehead Au artery was cut out the boy win reshycover bull-

AlpenamdashJ D Hawka BA Oilman Buck4 Beaufor and several other members of the Turtle Lake club came in from the lake and left for Detroit Members of the club and their visitors killed pound4 deer during the season each member getting hie full quota

Grand RapidsmdashJudge Xnappen in the Uniied States district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Company of Ludingtcn $10000 for accepting reshybates from the Pere Marquette en Shipments from Ludlngton to Toledo The Stearns Company pleaded guilty

Sault Ste MariemdashDeputy Sheriff Andrew Taylor Jeff for Oolumbua to take Albert Sowers alias Gueriuge or Gearing to Ce Ohio state prison Sewers is a paroled convict who has served several months in the regular army as a cook at Fort Brady

LansingmdashIn a tax title case the sushypreme couit decided that notice to the original owner of the property must be given by t h e purchaser of the title unoVvthe law now in force at the time the purchase of the states title was mad i

KilisdalemdashMiss Mary Farr left Hillsdale and will later go to Maryshyland to act as field secretary and orshyganizer of libraries in that state Miss Farr has organized 20 libraries and says that the one in this city is the ideal

Laingsburgmdashin order to determine whether Mrs Charles Kimball was poisoned by a cedar preservative given to her by her husband by misshytake for s i l t s or that her death was due to natural causes aninquest was held

PontiaemdashCounty Treasurer Power has received $1922222 Oaklands share of the primary school money and has already disbursed it among the various treasurers of the county The appointment was two weeks late

Grand RapidsmdashThe will of Cornetti G Comstock wife of former Congressshyman Comraquotock and mother-in-law of Land Commissioner Russell was filed The property is estimated at $33000 real estate and $17000 personal

FlintmdashWilliam D Butler 21 years old Moses Purcell 18 William Ryan 8 and Joseph Costa 17 pk-tded guilty to the charge of burglary and each was sentenced to the state reshyformatory at Ionia

HastingsmdashJohn Llefcta proprietor cf a soft drink place kn Freeport was found guilty of violating the prohibishytion law by selling Malt Foam manshyufactured iu Grand Rapids

Bay CitymdashThe body of John T War-dell watchman on the berg Pome-roy of Bay Port and whose home was

^ 2 fOHK QW-~ V


bullbullbull bullbull - M A N -


Prisoner Said He Got What Hltv-Hiir

ExpectedmdashAVife and Erring Sister Weep Cver the Verdict

Rev William Cuminirigs former VAk Rapids pastor was convicted by a Jury at Ionia of failure to support his wife

As the foreman of the jury in the triai of Cumuiings oit the charge ct having deserted his wife and elnped with nls sot mate her sister Velva Taylor pronounced the verdict a firaquoertng smile crept over the faao af the Rev Williain

It came oat na I expected said he when his wife Mabel who brought the charge called on him in his ceil a little later- - 1mdash bullbullbull lt-)

Mrs Cummmgs on the stand had defended her husband somewhat to the surprise of the eourt hangers-on She and her father declared that Velshyva had been the pursuer in the strange love affair and Velva herself had admitted her gthfatnatlon for the clergyman saying that when she folshylowed him to the Soo he had told her to eo home

Judge Davis wfll Impose sentence next week In the meantime counsel for the defendant will test the con-stitationaiity of the law which makes the jttdge the pardoning power and provides that the state shall pay a pension while tho husband is in prisshyon in case qf failure to file a-bond ior the wifes maintenance

Mr and Mrs Taylor and Velva wbc wept bitterly over the verdict eturfied to Clarksville while Mrs

CummingB remained at the jaU with her husband

here 111 ( (j-iuux -Ha-pJcs



lilty vinry bullbullbulland zhn his Johzisouj lt rn-rri gth^ Nva^i J iy bull

f - o rs hfr v-otiigtis bull



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Cannot Ship Hay Secretary Wilson after deciding

that he would Issue an order permitshyting the shipment of hay etc from the state of Michigan amder certain restrictions at S oclock Wednesday afternoon changed his mind He would not is^ue the order and the delegation of hay dealers from Michigan undershystood to be about to start for Washshyington may aa well go on if they fv-i like i t

1frac34frac34 secretary said he had stopped the order because be Is not yet enshytirely satisfied that It Is safe That U all He would not agree to the Inshyference from this that he might issue the order a little later ms It was ap-Bareot that he would like to do so He sfeld it was always bis polcy to Intershyfere M little as possible with business but that this was a most serious afshyfair and thai he would not take any chance

The Qlazlsr Trial It Is generally believed that one of

the certainties of the near future Is that Frank P Glazier will have to far rgtrimtna3 charges in Detroit In adshydition to the eharges of this character pending in Ingham county

It Is likely that the charges will be in the wayne circuit court but there is a possibility also of the United States courts being called on and inshyformations may be filed in both fedshyeral and state courts

It Is said that the question of crimshyinal charges against Glazier in Deshytroit was discussed a f w days age fcraquo a Glasier creditors meeting at waich the banks holding large amounts of Glazier paper were rep-raeexUed Some of the speakers it is said were very insistent In demands that some serious action be taken in Detroit action in proportion to the more than $500000 that Glazier got from leading Detroit banks

Were Fined $10000 Judge Knap pen in the United States

district court fined the Stearns Salt amp Lumber Co of Ludlngton $10000 for accepting rebates from the Pere Marshyquette on shipments from Ludington to Toledo Some time ago the Stearns company pleaded guilty on 20 counts and was fined $20000 Judge Knap-pen recently permitted the company to withdraw the plea of guilty on 20 counts on condition that it would plead guilty on six counts This the company did and was fined the $10000 on the six counts today

Saved Baby Lost Her Li fe Mrs Claude W Buckley ot Battle

Creek the young mother who five weeks ago saved her babes life by carrying it from a burning room while Ler own cloching was on fire died Wednesday from her burns

Mrs Buckley had thrown excelsor in the Are when tfer clothing became ignited and spread to curtains in the bullcom Heedless of her own peril and thinking only of her child she held the babe at arms length from her and carried it to a place of safety outside By this time she was wrapped In flames and was terribly burned before they could be extinguished She was well known in Battle Creek society

John J McCarthy for six years rep-rjwraquotative at Lansing from the Stau-dish district has accepted the position of examiner of Inheritance taxes in Michigan He will take up his new duties Jantian I

Knocked down ad robbed on the street early in the evening on her way home froin laquoho^irir

iiampiaciaaoomdashVai^s uu her bullbullraquobullamp home from m shopping trip Mrs David Haines one of the most prominent women of the city waa knocked Cown and robbed

bull i Trhrs ha3 seized her rgtltgtckfttooK A crowd followed and the fugitive was caught He gave his name as Joe Williams

j i7raquoci it inii SK H I l i iu UOWn iboirs reported having paampieJ-i 1 a ^uaiitity^ if wreckage In- Lake3u-bullp^riqr off Vermillion Ptitm near White Fish hay -Among the wreckage was a life raft No boat was reports here as missing It is the general opinion bore that -lthere has been a wreck it has been an upbound boat likely a lumber carrier

Traverse Ci ty -Loca l sportsmen are preparing to circulate a petition askshying that there-beho open season on deer in Grand Traverse county for the next ten years After being protected for five years the deer grew so accua-tomed to man that when the season flret opencvd _it was almost like shootshying cattle and a large number were slanghtered

KalamazoomdashLeaders of negro and white social circles of Kalamazoo met at the palatial home of Rev Caroline Bartletts Crahe for the purpose of talking over a day nursery for the colored children of the city and to give the representatives of the two races a chance to m e e t There were about 20 negro women at the luncheon

JacksonmdashThat the revolving fund the working capital of the prisshyon binder twine plant was revolved intothe general-fund and used for genshyeral expenses until after election is the uncomfortable discovery of Warshyden Armstrong ri^ht at the time uc cepted drafts for $30000 worth of sisal are pre-sentod for payment

MuskegonmdashAlleging that Erasmus De Jong threw 50 inmates of the Musshykegon county almshouse in to a state of terror by threatening to kill some of them County Superintendent of the Poor Buxxell made complaint against Belong charging him with inshysanity

Traverse CitymdashThe official returns frcm the Twenty-seventh senatorial disshytrict received here show that Fred C Wctmort was re-elected to the state senate by 13379 rotes In the district which comprisea t s v e n counties but three votes were cas t against Wet-more

LansingmdashMrs Nell ie AWerson of Grand Rapids In a crossbill to Em-mett Aiveraons sal t for divorce filed here denies that she was expelled from a Rebekah lodge c t Orand Rapshyids for misconduct Judge Wieet has granted her $10 weekly temporary alishymony

LansingmdashIjicking medical eld Gershytrude the five-year-old daughter of Mrs Lena Bendlx died cf diphtheria The mother a widow feared that she would be quarantined and as she was compelled to go out to work she kept her daughters i l lness to herself

HastingsmdashSchool children with the c id oi enterprising citizens will raise money enough to pay the freight and cost of mounting the civil war cannon recently offered to the city and reshyjected by the common council

Port HuronmdashAlthough Charles Sam-berg was declared legally dead in the circuit court the officials of the Modshyern Maccatrecs believe that he is still living They have decided to petition for a new trial

St ClairmdashFire destroyed Kohlers hotel and the residence of Charles A Gilen both old landmarks The hotel waa a three-story frame structure and the Gilen house was the second built in St Clair

SatrlnawmdashEdith Helen the two-year-oid daughter of Mr and Mrs Went worth Weaver accidentally tipped a pall of boiling water over herself Death relieved her sufferings

JacksonmdashFifty-four years as a railshyroad engineer without an accident is the record of John McCurdy the oldshyest engineer in the Michigan Censhytral f service at the age of 76

Monroe mdash John Krietz pleaded guilty to looting a Michigan Central freight oar and was sentenced to not less than three years or more than 15 years in Jackson prison

Port HuronmdashTrying to take a tea pot from a stove the two-months-old daughter of Thomas Jewett of the Wooden Track pulled it over and was scalded

PoiitiacmdashMrs Edna Wolfe of Or-tonville after eight months of married life has filed a petition for divorce from Ray Wolfe alleging extreme cruelty

HollandmdashThe funeral of G B Balshylard who died in Woburn Mass was held here Mr Ballard once declined the nomination for governor of Michishygan

PinckneymdashBurglars entered the store of Jackson ft CadwelL blew open the safe and secured $200 They then went to the poetofflce blew open that safe and took $3 and all the stamps and registered mail

The body of Henry White of Kalashymazoo was found bent around a post OS fwtit f r o m ihlaquo-gt M l c l i i i r s n dwgti$l rTVJV T^-iv n^r l-ilt- 7-yu Ti^Blt day rjigh No one w w nim me^t ilaquolaquo tleath but i is cowsMie ohvtous that he was struck by a fast train and j his body hurled to tiw place vrhere it I

as found

bull M-r ^ygt

gtv y -Ci

-iurgt2bull bull

A 0 ^ ltJ t --

tbaii bulllt



sayft lplt


bull bulllt

bullbullAlvy r i r bull

O h

IiCf h(

d a y s J

^Xii (

bulllaquo- H O

i i ba f id h o i

igtl(raquo the laquo for s i x w o


The Highftr Life Why dont you gc 10 work instead

of hpgglnisc and boozing 1 will bosB as soon as theraV an

openir in my trade An I aint g o IOUK to wait nuther

bullWhat is your trader Tra -a track walker for aeroplane

iiufcsmdashPhiladelphia Bulletin

l i o ^ n raquo l F o ^ iBlttlgestilaquoi l ^ - m - v ^ ^ ^ Relieves sour stomach

palpitaticn opound the heart Digests what you eat

Pleasant to take

Tfye ne^v laxative Does

not gripe or n a u s e a t e

Cures stdmach and liver

troubles and chronic con-

stipation by restoring the

natural action of the stomshy

ach l iver and b o w e l s Refuse eubetttutee Price COo


Commercial - Savings ACCOUNTS SOLICltED

P e r C laquo t f t

Paid on Time Deposits

Grand Trunk Railway System B A S T B O U N D FROM CORCNMA

N o J3 Detro i t Local e x c e p t S u n d a y cent 0 7 raquook K o $amp tgtetroit Eprltampexcept S u n d a y 1143 JVM N o 18 Detroji Loca l e x c e p t S u n d a y 510 p laquo N o M D u r a n d Local Dal lgt tamppm

W R S T B O U N D m O M C O B C N W A N o 17Grraquonit RpcJ Lors D u i i y ^ 7Jfearaquoraquo Ho 19 Cid R a p i d s l^gteal ex S u n d a y lurtrtaja No 13 O r a n H a v e n Lota e x SincJay 256 p a N o U ltraod Rapid Local e i S u n d a y iil p laquo

| S o l i d wide yestibvile iraiiiMof c o a c U b laquofad S leep ing t a r s are opt -a i^J to N e w YorW a s d P h i l a d e l p h i a v ia N i a g amp t a F a i l s by the G r a a d Tuok-Lebraquogh Val ley Route-

gtbull_bull G D Y O U N G A v t



CtwvKtaKTs ampc Anyone nending a sketch swu uCCiiptln my

quickly uncertain our orunlon free whettic-r v iR7laquomr^ raquolaquo pToh^WTPfttentable^Conittiiinic tiOTl StrictiyconfiOrjll HAJIUOvtm SBPraquonM sent fro Oi4est oeeocy for soccnujf pateuts

Pntants tampkea tnroulaquoh Moati amp Co receive wpceial notice wttnoiu caarge to i t e

Scientific JUnerkan A handsomely Htnstraxed raquoelaquolUy l^ircest clr culation of sn srientlflc i o u m a i j oar fonr rooiUw | i Sold b j all newsdes lem

HUNK S C o ^ mdash N e w M Bisoch OIBea ltSS P S t Wkafcinstoo D C

STEVENS D O N T B U Y A G U N until you have seen oar New Double Barrel Model fitted with Stereos Conprcssed Forged Steel Barrelsmdash


The mode of constructing these superb Trap ami Field Guns is fuily st forth in our New Shotshygun Pamphlet j Send two-cent stamp for it

ltbull A yeerDukr fw

DSM-BUC Claquoa

^ m t t m m m m l m m m t l jnfapyffff

mmmm wmmmmr vmm bullbull


bull amp

i I

u you can -think of anything any more bulldesirable than vpy xan find at pur store we would be pleased to have you get it if not cernein nnd look over 9 tloois each one packed full of the very choicest furniture possible to buy for the wife husband father or mother childrenor neighbor from the cheapest to the best

Chamber Suits from $1360 up lo 7500 Iron Beds from _ _ - 148 up to 4000 Rockers all prices all kinds Over 200 to

---- - select from mdash-bull-bull-- ------bull bullmdash--- Great Big Soft Easy Rockers as low as 1500

All Leather

Kitchen Cabinets for the kitchenmdashsaves the wife saves the shoes rriakes home pleasant from the famous McDougal at $3000 down to other good ones at $400 Dont fail to come and take a peek before separating yourself from your holiday allotment Use your credit with us as we trust everybody

f W W T V T yen bull

i Coanty Correspondence 1



SHAFTSBURG ShaftKbar Mich Dee 81906

P J Shaft w i In Latiftifig on 8atttrday

Loyal Burdlck was in Lansing on Saturday

Mrs i Van Riper WM in Puny on Friday

Mr and Mrs Wm Well were in Lansing on Saturday

Mr and Mrie Cady were in Lana-inj 6ii day lat wj ek

Dr Dumhams brother from Kalshykaska iraquo here una visit

Mf tt Veva Robinson returned froiV LatSMiitf ltraquoo Saturday

George Hamprlow of Lansing was here on business on Monday

Mr laquod Mrs Win Welia were in Owosso and Corunna or Monday

The ShMtsbursr Pedro Club met at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Webb on last Wednesday

gtrlaquo Jam1 Shaft returned from Jackson on Saturday where she had been on a visit of several days

De Hunkin of Battle Creek who h a s t e n thlaquo juest of his praquor= ents for several dayp retarned home on Friday

MEW LOTHROP N)f LoArOp Mich Deo 19W

Mrs W S Burge of Easton was in town Saturday

George Zentel has returned from a business trip at Detroit

Mr and Mrs A Dann are moving on the farm of Hon J Northwood

Miss Charlotte Keiley is clerking for Fred Kribs during the holidays

The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Beamish is on the sick list

Mr and Mrs Bert Ellithorpe have returned from a vjjsit with relatives at Reese

Miss Tvah Richardsf of Easfon was an over Sunday guest at the home of Mr and Mrs C Vernon

Miss Ola Boy re aftd Louise Mc- Graw have returned from Flushing where they have been learning the dreusnaking trade

Thft-box social given-by the 8tii grade at the high school room Frishyday evening was quite largely atshytended and an enjoyable time reportshyed

Our town is preparing for the holishydays The stores are assuming tlioii- nsnal Xrnas attire It has been decided ihere will be trees at both churches

Mr and Mrs S D Wilson have sold their home to Mr and Mrs B Colwell and are about moving to Oorunna where they have purchased a home

MORRICE Xorrice Mtco Dec 71M6

Mrs ft Smith is confined to tfa h a n i A w i t h lumtrftgO

Mrs Wm Reilley and little niece are visiting friends la Detroit

Mirs Lottie Forshye visited Llaquon~ sing friends from Friday until Monshyday

Mrs J Green of Ionia county is a guest of iier sister Mrs John Vaiiever

A F Buxton of Wilhamston spent the weeks end at the home of bis sister Mrs H V Pierce

Miss Tillie Gubry who has been spending the past three weeks in Fenton^returned home Monday

Communion services will be held in the M E church next Sunday morning at the regulat service hoar

Francis Wade of Swartz Creek was a guest of Miss Katie Defrecse from Saturday until Monday evenshying

James PendergaBt of Jackson wus laquo guest at the home of J ames

rEddington from Saturday until Monshyday

Forty hours of devotional services bagan in bt MaryschuivhTuesday Fr ORaiferty conducting the sershyvices

Fred Brundige of Haslett iv spending a few days in this vicinity looking up farming lands with a view of buying

The ladies of the M E church cleared over forty dollars from their fair neld Friday and Saturday in the Bailey building

George Smith and party from the north returned home here Thursday evening after a months stay on his iarni no iivwision

Mrs D Duane Martin and son Downey of Capac were guests at the home of T cJ Martin from Satshyurday until Monday evening

Christmas services will be held in the M E church Christmas eve A Christmas tree anda fireplace also a fine program is being prepared

Dan Quinu went to Dexter Saturshyday evening where he will spend a week at the home of Mr and Mrs Hawkins where his family preceded him two weeks ago

Mrs D G Harris returned Saturshyday from a three weeks stay in Lansing where she has been caring lor her mother Mrs Nathan Harris who is ill at the home of her daughshyter in the city

Ralph La Flamboy one of our town boys now with the Jackson Citizen Press has been promoted again He has a desk in the city and is general circulation manager there as well as in Albion

Miss Bessie Eddington of Harpshye r s hospital Detroit is home for a weeks visii with relatives and rriends Miss Eddington has passshyed her examination with honorn and now takes up her three years course

$100000 Gtvea for ampn7 wbrtwee inshyjurious to health found ia food resulting from the uc of

Caiumat T bullU arty -- ^ rV - -= i 1^frac34frac34 -

E C Marble who has been visitshying at the borne ot his daughter Mrs Harry Davis started-for Springport Monday moruingdriving through be having bought a team Gf Fred Maudlin and farming tools here to take with him

Jud- Clark iJl start for Byre Colo Thursday wtth a carload OJ stock and household ^oods for Floy Valentine who is golhg there next Tuesday to live oh a farm Mr Clark wiil visit his father Frank Claris during his absence

The- quarantine cu ehiekens is seriously inconveniencing the buyshyers hercopy causing them to ship in a round about way to reach Buffalo Canada-refusing to allow the poultry through their domain on account of the foot and month disease

Miss Carrie Furdy of this place made one of a party which started for Los Angeles Cal Tuesday Those in the parly besides Miss Purdy are Mrs I W Lamb of Perry Mr and Mrs Frank Gale and Mi Kincaid all of Corunna

The heating plant in the new part of the school building i giving very poor satisfaction There was no school last Thursday on account of low temperature A F Hoilis of Owosso was called here and decided more radiators were necessary also a larger steam pipe from tha furnace and registers in the floor to carry off the cold air He will make the necessary changes in Christmas vacation

Any skin itcbng is amp temper-tester Tbe more you svratch ttilaquo w o w it itches Doaafc Uintmsnt cures piles eczemamdashany skin itchiDjr - At all dru^ atOTes- ^ _ _ --^^ _ --^ t bullbull

BYRON njmraquo T Midi Dec 8 laquo0amp

L W Barnes is in Chicago John Roekman is on the sick list Mrs Jepbthsc Skinner Sr is in

Plt^rhejJtii Mr Arnold has eoue to take posshy

session of tbe mill A O Hathaway supplied for tbe

Oak Grove pastor Sunday Ed Welch is somewhat improved

in health at present writing Herman Meier has taken possesshy

sion of nislt new home in town Mr and Mrs Comstock have

moved into the Fisher building Mrs Gilbert is entertaining her

son this week He resides in Canashyda

Mrs Sanford has gone to Howell to remain an Indefinite time with friends -

The Seniors held a social last Frishyday night whicb netted them twenty dollars

Mr and Mrs John Nymphie of Dcfneld spent Suuday with Mr Meiers family

Frank Badgero has sold his home and wiil move in a house on tbe Wm Close farm

Auntie Bullis has gone to Geo Jecning fs home in Argentine to spend the winter

John Davison has purchased the old Paul Coffin farm of Wm Vaun and will soon move onto it

Mrs Roy Sayers will give an enshytertainment at the Baptist church Friday night of this week Mtss Lenora Connine of Howell will asshysist with music Fioceeds for the benefit of the L O T M M of this place

Postmaster Stowell baa moved the postofflce to the rear of his eiore thus leaving the entire front part of the store for use in displaying his fine large stock of china jewelry end Christmas novelties The change is a great improvement

Dress Coats in all styles and patterns

is upon us but we are here

first with the goods style and prices Just

stop a moment and jet us prove it to you

FUR COATS at any price you want

BUFFALO CLOTH COATS in the best grade only

ULSTERS and REEFERS for both men and boys

We are selling more UNDERWEAR

this season than ever before for our prices

are the lowest and our goods have the quality

fcvery W o m a n Wi l l Be I n t e r e s t e d

There has recently been diacovored an aroshymatic pleasant herb cure for womans tils s S-UcrJ Kclhpr Grsy9 Auraquoirraquolaquoiraquon-Tjlaquoraquoi l i ilaquo it oDlyltraquonraquoin reyuUtor Curlaquolaquo fematlaquo weak-nesses and Bcksvhe Kidney BUdder and Urinary troubles At raquo11 Igtrwagists or by mail 60 eta Sample FREE A4drtss The Motber Gray Co Le Roy N Y

ELSIE Elsie Dec 81906

J A Watson was in St Johns Monday

Mrs Chas Sanford is again under the doctors care

Mrs Orlie Austin is helping out at W W Temples

Sterling Blayney is moving onto his farm in Fairfield

Mr Tubbs Sr has been very ill during the past week

L O Bates has purchased the Moulton farm near Bannister

Frank Clark is moving onto the Garratt farm two miles west of town

Supervisor Gilbertof Chapin is very ill threatened with typhoid fever

Mr and Mrs Levi Morse have moved to Lansing where he has emshyployment

Ohio farm seekers are canvassing the vicinity of our village for buyshying small farms

Architect Cherry of Owosso spent Friday at the Michigan Milk Proshyduct Cos factory

The home of Ezer Largent has been disinfected Velma Hughson having recovered from diphtheria

Buyers of milch cows from Mt Pleasant are visiting our stock farms and shipping numbers of fine cows to that placo

Mr Bader of Detroit Mr Haare of Jackson and Mr Waldron of Mt Pleasant did business in our village the first of the woek

Tho Elsie band give their second masquerade ball at I O O F ball on the evening of Dec 10 Mr Wait will serve suppers until the ball closes

Fred Munger of St Johns phones his cousins that he iz none the worse for his rough handling here at the St Johns vs Elsie football game on Thanksgiving

Rumor BAYS another physician is

w i amp j i i i U i ^u tv O fJS i i i sits VY4J iJKsy have three excellent physicians in the very zenith of their lives he

font ptria oi tiivl aitI iijVve to bi of tiniisiiil obHIty to Vytiif5gt5iii

Miss Jessie Morrice a trained nurse from the childrens hospital in Detroit visited a portion of last week at the home of her uncle Wm Morrice and from Saturday until Monday with her cousin Mrs E L Bann

J Q A Cook sold four hogs Sat-urday whose combined weight was 2200 pounds also shipMd a Ram-

j siC-MVHVs id^wr gt Alaquobull Air^n 1

amounting to over one hundred dol-ra in sheep last week which were

i f ihipps bull stlaquoite

Lrours for Good Goods and Low Prices

A McMulleit S Co

MORTGAGE 3AIEmdashWhereas default has been made in the eoa lltfona of a certalo

bullraquoort^alaquoe made atod exeeo^d by Georglaquo W Middietou ami Bertiia- J Middletcn bis wire of the TowasLip of Hazeton Sbtavassee county Michigan of the first part to Joseph fl Collina of said county and state of the second part on the 85h day of January A D 100laquo aod recorded in the office of the Regshyister of Deeds for said county in Liber 1)3 Of Mortgages on pages SraquoR and 379 on the 25th day of January A D 1906 and that raquo^er-i srds the real property Bpen which said mortgage W M fflrta araquo aforesaid was b a certain warranty deed conveyed by tbe said Gecrjre W Middle-ton and Bertha 3 Middletou to Ull ie D Elod-(CU of Detroit Hgttrigan which doed was reshycorded in tbe office of the Register of Deeds of bullaid eoutHj- in Liber 128 of Deeds on page W4 and that afterwards on the 2Sth day of Januashyry A D 190S said a w r t n g c so given araquo afore-u M M assigned by Joseph H Coiiins to George W Middle ton and Berths J MiddWton which aoalgnneot is recorded in the office ot VHpound Kjjiistet of weed B of - said connty OQ the tth day of February A D IMS in Liber 100 of aasixnuenta on page ISA And whereas it nvorides in said mortgage that if defaolt be made in payment of tSte interest thereon asft the same ahaii eontlnn to be tu defaalt for the period of thirty days from the tint when said interest was due then at the Option of said mortgagee or his assignee the vhole amount of the principal upon said mortgage becomes due and payable Aii-i whereais the said Ull ie D Biodgett has defanlted in the payaient of the interest due upon said mortgage bull and the same has continued for thirty dayx now the said assignees -ieciare Ute ttaid principal of said mortgage due and payable and that there U claimed to be due at the date of this notice for principal and interest the sum of Two Hunshydred fifty-nine dollars and SUteem cents (SSiS 16) and nosnit or proceediDgu at law or in equity having been taken to recover the monty eiured by iafd mortgage Or any part tbereofrnotice is hereby given that b virtue of the power of aalo contained In said mortshygage and the Ktatutes in su^h ease- made and provided ttajd Mortgage will be forceloaed by sale of the preuiiBea gtJew-i ilaquogtI luerein or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said money now due thereon together with interest tnereou at the rate of six per cent per annum frons tSjc-Sstc-sf-tfcii-^actJce together withaii attorneys fee of twenty dollars jgtro-vtded in t aid mortgage together vil l i all ie^al elaquowilaquoof this foreclosure at public auction or-vendue to the nlghen bidder at tbe front door of tbe iOurt house In the city of CoraunaMich-igan said court hone being the building in which tbe circuit court for Shiawassee county Michigan is held on the 12th day o f D e c e m shyber A D 1U0amp at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day The premise are described in araquoid mortgage as follows to-wit Commencing twelve [13] rods ten [10] feet south of the north-eaat corner of section thirty-three [33] thence flye fS] rodssix and onethalf [6frac12] feet south toe ace weat tweiaty [30 rods thence north five [5] rod six and one-half |SMraquo] feet thence east twenty [30] rods to place of beginning town eight [8J north range four [4] east

Dated September ad IWSi GBORGB W MrDDLETON BERTHA J HIDDLETOH Assignees of said mortgage

Joseph H Collins Attorney for Assignee Corshyunna Michigan


Have you tried a sack of -7

We guarantee it to be equal to any winter wheat flour on the market reshygardless of price Your money back if it doesnt suit For sale by


Theres no place tike the Journal for Neat r u t i n s joajjraquojraquogt

BECKY Gold Medal Flour for me


Subscribe for the Journal

Keep Your Eyes on the or

We are showing Heatherbloom Skirts special this week at pound199 to 239

-Our line of Jackson Corsets th best out the new numshybers 50c $ 100 and J5150 New styles and best form corset on the market

Remember a box of Cadet Hosiery or Fancy Handkershychiefs makes a splendid Christmas gift

A few more patterns in the new Dress Goods--nothing better or more appreciated by the wife cr zscthsr


Geo M Beemer I Dry Goods and Notions Phone 61

spoundV Hi fiStr^ 25 ^ 2 R S ^

vurfit- ot w

I ij The cold and damp weather is at hand when every-f one should give special attention to having dry and com-tfortable feet We have done our duty to the public by [providing a large stock of Rubber Footwear of the most

popular brauds shapes and sizes W e feel confident tha t |we can supply every demand in rubber and warm footwear 1 A pair of rubbers properly fitted will wear longer than jif improperly fitted We give special attention to correct (fitting Call when in need of rubberwear of any description

amp ^g




mmmm wmmmmr vmm bullbull


bull amp

i I

u you can -think of anything any more bulldesirable than vpy xan find at pur store we would be pleased to have you get it if not cernein nnd look over 9 tloois each one packed full of the very choicest furniture possible to buy for the wife husband father or mother childrenor neighbor from the cheapest to the best

Chamber Suits from $1360 up lo 7500 Iron Beds from _ _ - 148 up to 4000 Rockers all prices all kinds Over 200 to

---- - select from mdash-bull-bull-- ------bull bullmdash--- Great Big Soft Easy Rockers as low as 1500

All Leather

Kitchen Cabinets for the kitchenmdashsaves the wife saves the shoes rriakes home pleasant from the famous McDougal at $3000 down to other good ones at $400 Dont fail to come and take a peek before separating yourself from your holiday allotment Use your credit with us as we trust everybody

f W W T V T yen bull

i Coanty Correspondence 1



SHAFTSBURG ShaftKbar Mich Dee 81906

P J Shaft w i In Latiftifig on 8atttrday

Loyal Burdlck was in Lansing on Saturday

Mrs i Van Riper WM in Puny on Friday

Mr and Mrs Wm Well were in Lansing on Saturday

Mr and Mrie Cady were in Lana-inj 6ii day lat wj ek

Dr Dumhams brother from Kalshykaska iraquo here una visit

Mf tt Veva Robinson returned froiV LatSMiitf ltraquoo Saturday

George Hamprlow of Lansing was here on business on Monday

Mr laquod Mrs Win Welia were in Owosso and Corunna or Monday

The ShMtsbursr Pedro Club met at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Webb on last Wednesday

gtrlaquo Jam1 Shaft returned from Jackson on Saturday where she had been on a visit of several days

De Hunkin of Battle Creek who h a s t e n thlaquo juest of his praquor= ents for several dayp retarned home on Friday

MEW LOTHROP N)f LoArOp Mich Deo 19W

Mrs W S Burge of Easton was in town Saturday

George Zentel has returned from a business trip at Detroit

Mr and Mrs A Dann are moving on the farm of Hon J Northwood

Miss Charlotte Keiley is clerking for Fred Kribs during the holidays

The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Beamish is on the sick list

Mr and Mrs Bert Ellithorpe have returned from a vjjsit with relatives at Reese

Miss Tvah Richardsf of Easfon was an over Sunday guest at the home of Mr and Mrs C Vernon

Miss Ola Boy re aftd Louise Mc- Graw have returned from Flushing where they have been learning the dreusnaking trade

Thft-box social given-by the 8tii grade at the high school room Frishyday evening was quite largely atshytended and an enjoyable time reportshyed

Our town is preparing for the holishydays The stores are assuming tlioii- nsnal Xrnas attire It has been decided ihere will be trees at both churches

Mr and Mrs S D Wilson have sold their home to Mr and Mrs B Colwell and are about moving to Oorunna where they have purchased a home

MORRICE Xorrice Mtco Dec 71M6

Mrs ft Smith is confined to tfa h a n i A w i t h lumtrftgO

Mrs Wm Reilley and little niece are visiting friends la Detroit

Mirs Lottie Forshye visited Llaquon~ sing friends from Friday until Monshyday

Mrs J Green of Ionia county is a guest of iier sister Mrs John Vaiiever

A F Buxton of Wilhamston spent the weeks end at the home of bis sister Mrs H V Pierce

Miss Tillie Gubry who has been spending the past three weeks in Fenton^returned home Monday

Communion services will be held in the M E church next Sunday morning at the regulat service hoar

Francis Wade of Swartz Creek was a guest of Miss Katie Defrecse from Saturday until Monday evenshying

James PendergaBt of Jackson wus laquo guest at the home of J ames

rEddington from Saturday until Monshyday

Forty hours of devotional services bagan in bt MaryschuivhTuesday Fr ORaiferty conducting the sershyvices

Fred Brundige of Haslett iv spending a few days in this vicinity looking up farming lands with a view of buying

The ladies of the M E church cleared over forty dollars from their fair neld Friday and Saturday in the Bailey building

George Smith and party from the north returned home here Thursday evening after a months stay on his iarni no iivwision

Mrs D Duane Martin and son Downey of Capac were guests at the home of T cJ Martin from Satshyurday until Monday evening

Christmas services will be held in the M E church Christmas eve A Christmas tree anda fireplace also a fine program is being prepared

Dan Quinu went to Dexter Saturshyday evening where he will spend a week at the home of Mr and Mrs Hawkins where his family preceded him two weeks ago

Mrs D G Harris returned Saturshyday from a three weeks stay in Lansing where she has been caring lor her mother Mrs Nathan Harris who is ill at the home of her daughshyter in the city

Ralph La Flamboy one of our town boys now with the Jackson Citizen Press has been promoted again He has a desk in the city and is general circulation manager there as well as in Albion

Miss Bessie Eddington of Harpshye r s hospital Detroit is home for a weeks visii with relatives and rriends Miss Eddington has passshyed her examination with honorn and now takes up her three years course

$100000 Gtvea for ampn7 wbrtwee inshyjurious to health found ia food resulting from the uc of

Caiumat T bullU arty -- ^ rV - -= i 1^frac34frac34 -

E C Marble who has been visitshying at the borne ot his daughter Mrs Harry Davis started-for Springport Monday moruingdriving through be having bought a team Gf Fred Maudlin and farming tools here to take with him

Jud- Clark iJl start for Byre Colo Thursday wtth a carload OJ stock and household ^oods for Floy Valentine who is golhg there next Tuesday to live oh a farm Mr Clark wiil visit his father Frank Claris during his absence

The- quarantine cu ehiekens is seriously inconveniencing the buyshyers hercopy causing them to ship in a round about way to reach Buffalo Canada-refusing to allow the poultry through their domain on account of the foot and month disease

Miss Carrie Furdy of this place made one of a party which started for Los Angeles Cal Tuesday Those in the parly besides Miss Purdy are Mrs I W Lamb of Perry Mr and Mrs Frank Gale and Mi Kincaid all of Corunna

The heating plant in the new part of the school building i giving very poor satisfaction There was no school last Thursday on account of low temperature A F Hoilis of Owosso was called here and decided more radiators were necessary also a larger steam pipe from tha furnace and registers in the floor to carry off the cold air He will make the necessary changes in Christmas vacation

Any skin itcbng is amp temper-tester Tbe more you svratch ttilaquo w o w it itches Doaafc Uintmsnt cures piles eczemamdashany skin itchiDjr - At all dru^ atOTes- ^ _ _ --^^ _ --^ t bullbull

BYRON njmraquo T Midi Dec 8 laquo0amp

L W Barnes is in Chicago John Roekman is on the sick list Mrs Jepbthsc Skinner Sr is in

Plt^rhejJtii Mr Arnold has eoue to take posshy

session of tbe mill A O Hathaway supplied for tbe

Oak Grove pastor Sunday Ed Welch is somewhat improved

in health at present writing Herman Meier has taken possesshy

sion of nislt new home in town Mr and Mrs Comstock have

moved into the Fisher building Mrs Gilbert is entertaining her

son this week He resides in Canashyda

Mrs Sanford has gone to Howell to remain an Indefinite time with friends -

The Seniors held a social last Frishyday night whicb netted them twenty dollars

Mr and Mrs John Nymphie of Dcfneld spent Suuday with Mr Meiers family

Frank Badgero has sold his home and wiil move in a house on tbe Wm Close farm

Auntie Bullis has gone to Geo Jecning fs home in Argentine to spend the winter

John Davison has purchased the old Paul Coffin farm of Wm Vaun and will soon move onto it

Mrs Roy Sayers will give an enshytertainment at the Baptist church Friday night of this week Mtss Lenora Connine of Howell will asshysist with music Fioceeds for the benefit of the L O T M M of this place

Postmaster Stowell baa moved the postofflce to the rear of his eiore thus leaving the entire front part of the store for use in displaying his fine large stock of china jewelry end Christmas novelties The change is a great improvement

Dress Coats in all styles and patterns

is upon us but we are here

first with the goods style and prices Just

stop a moment and jet us prove it to you

FUR COATS at any price you want

BUFFALO CLOTH COATS in the best grade only

ULSTERS and REEFERS for both men and boys

We are selling more UNDERWEAR

this season than ever before for our prices

are the lowest and our goods have the quality

fcvery W o m a n Wi l l Be I n t e r e s t e d

There has recently been diacovored an aroshymatic pleasant herb cure for womans tils s S-UcrJ Kclhpr Grsy9 Auraquoirraquolaquoiraquon-Tjlaquoraquoi l i ilaquo it oDlyltraquonraquoin reyuUtor Curlaquolaquo fematlaquo weak-nesses and Bcksvhe Kidney BUdder and Urinary troubles At raquo11 Igtrwagists or by mail 60 eta Sample FREE A4drtss The Motber Gray Co Le Roy N Y

ELSIE Elsie Dec 81906

J A Watson was in St Johns Monday

Mrs Chas Sanford is again under the doctors care

Mrs Orlie Austin is helping out at W W Temples

Sterling Blayney is moving onto his farm in Fairfield

Mr Tubbs Sr has been very ill during the past week

L O Bates has purchased the Moulton farm near Bannister

Frank Clark is moving onto the Garratt farm two miles west of town

Supervisor Gilbertof Chapin is very ill threatened with typhoid fever

Mr and Mrs Levi Morse have moved to Lansing where he has emshyployment

Ohio farm seekers are canvassing the vicinity of our village for buyshying small farms

Architect Cherry of Owosso spent Friday at the Michigan Milk Proshyduct Cos factory

The home of Ezer Largent has been disinfected Velma Hughson having recovered from diphtheria

Buyers of milch cows from Mt Pleasant are visiting our stock farms and shipping numbers of fine cows to that placo

Mr Bader of Detroit Mr Haare of Jackson and Mr Waldron of Mt Pleasant did business in our village the first of the woek

Tho Elsie band give their second masquerade ball at I O O F ball on the evening of Dec 10 Mr Wait will serve suppers until the ball closes

Fred Munger of St Johns phones his cousins that he iz none the worse for his rough handling here at the St Johns vs Elsie football game on Thanksgiving

Rumor BAYS another physician is

w i amp j i i i U i ^u tv O fJS i i i sits VY4J iJKsy have three excellent physicians in the very zenith of their lives he

font ptria oi tiivl aitI iijVve to bi of tiniisiiil obHIty to Vytiif5gt5iii

Miss Jessie Morrice a trained nurse from the childrens hospital in Detroit visited a portion of last week at the home of her uncle Wm Morrice and from Saturday until Monday with her cousin Mrs E L Bann

J Q A Cook sold four hogs Sat-urday whose combined weight was 2200 pounds also shipMd a Ram-

j siC-MVHVs id^wr gt Alaquobull Air^n 1

amounting to over one hundred dol-ra in sheep last week which were

i f ihipps bull stlaquoite

Lrours for Good Goods and Low Prices

A McMulleit S Co

MORTGAGE 3AIEmdashWhereas default has been made in the eoa lltfona of a certalo

bullraquoort^alaquoe made atod exeeo^d by Georglaquo W Middietou ami Bertiia- J Middletcn bis wire of the TowasLip of Hazeton Sbtavassee county Michigan of the first part to Joseph fl Collina of said county and state of the second part on the 85h day of January A D 100laquo aod recorded in the office of the Regshyister of Deeds for said county in Liber 1)3 Of Mortgages on pages SraquoR and 379 on the 25th day of January A D 1906 and that raquo^er-i srds the real property Bpen which said mortgage W M fflrta araquo aforesaid was b a certain warranty deed conveyed by tbe said Gecrjre W Middle-ton and Bertha 3 Middletou to Ull ie D Elod-(CU of Detroit Hgttrigan which doed was reshycorded in tbe office of the Register of Deeds of bullaid eoutHj- in Liber 128 of Deeds on page W4 and that afterwards on the 2Sth day of Januashyry A D 190S said a w r t n g c so given araquo afore-u M M assigned by Joseph H Coiiins to George W Middle ton and Berths J MiddWton which aoalgnneot is recorded in the office ot VHpound Kjjiistet of weed B of - said connty OQ the tth day of February A D IMS in Liber 100 of aasixnuenta on page ISA And whereas it nvorides in said mortgage that if defaolt be made in payment of tSte interest thereon asft the same ahaii eontlnn to be tu defaalt for the period of thirty days from the tint when said interest was due then at the Option of said mortgagee or his assignee the vhole amount of the principal upon said mortgage becomes due and payable Aii-i whereais the said Ull ie D Biodgett has defanlted in the payaient of the interest due upon said mortgage bull and the same has continued for thirty dayx now the said assignees -ieciare Ute ttaid principal of said mortgage due and payable and that there U claimed to be due at the date of this notice for principal and interest the sum of Two Hunshydred fifty-nine dollars and SUteem cents (SSiS 16) and nosnit or proceediDgu at law or in equity having been taken to recover the monty eiured by iafd mortgage Or any part tbereofrnotice is hereby given that b virtue of the power of aalo contained In said mortshygage and the Ktatutes in su^h ease- made and provided ttajd Mortgage will be forceloaed by sale of the preuiiBea gtJew-i ilaquogtI luerein or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said money now due thereon together with interest tnereou at the rate of six per cent per annum frons tSjc-Sstc-sf-tfcii-^actJce together withaii attorneys fee of twenty dollars jgtro-vtded in t aid mortgage together vil l i all ie^al elaquowilaquoof this foreclosure at public auction or-vendue to the nlghen bidder at tbe front door of tbe iOurt house In the city of CoraunaMich-igan said court hone being the building in which tbe circuit court for Shiawassee county Michigan is held on the 12th day o f D e c e m shyber A D 1U0amp at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day The premise are described in araquoid mortgage as follows to-wit Commencing twelve [13] rods ten [10] feet south of the north-eaat corner of section thirty-three [33] thence flye fS] rodssix and onethalf [6frac12] feet south toe ace weat tweiaty [30 rods thence north five [5] rod six and one-half |SMraquo] feet thence east twenty [30] rods to place of beginning town eight [8J north range four [4] east

Dated September ad IWSi GBORGB W MrDDLETON BERTHA J HIDDLETOH Assignees of said mortgage

Joseph H Collins Attorney for Assignee Corshyunna Michigan


Have you tried a sack of -7

We guarantee it to be equal to any winter wheat flour on the market reshygardless of price Your money back if it doesnt suit For sale by


Theres no place tike the Journal for Neat r u t i n s joajjraquojraquogt

BECKY Gold Medal Flour for me


Subscribe for the Journal

Keep Your Eyes on the or

We are showing Heatherbloom Skirts special this week at pound199 to 239

-Our line of Jackson Corsets th best out the new numshybers 50c $ 100 and J5150 New styles and best form corset on the market

Remember a box of Cadet Hosiery or Fancy Handkershychiefs makes a splendid Christmas gift

A few more patterns in the new Dress Goods--nothing better or more appreciated by the wife cr zscthsr


Geo M Beemer I Dry Goods and Notions Phone 61

spoundV Hi fiStr^ 25 ^ 2 R S ^

vurfit- ot w

I ij The cold and damp weather is at hand when every-f one should give special attention to having dry and com-tfortable feet We have done our duty to the public by [providing a large stock of Rubber Footwear of the most

popular brauds shapes and sizes W e feel confident tha t |we can supply every demand in rubber and warm footwear 1 A pair of rubbers properly fitted will wear longer than jif improperly fitted We give special attention to correct (fitting Call when in need of rubberwear of any description

amp ^g

