ITIL Introduction Presentation

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  • 7/25/2019 ITIL Introduction Presentation


    01/19/16 Page 1MTR Corporation

    Introduction toITIL Concept

    Change Management andConfguration Management

  • 7/25/2019 ITIL Introduction Presentation


    01/19/16 Page 2MTR Corporation


    1. Introduction to Basic Concept in ITIL

    2 Change Management Process and Sharing3. Confguration Management Process and Sharing

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    01/19/16 Page 3MTR Corporation

    Introduction to ITIL


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    01/19/16 Page !MTR Corporation

    Whats ITIL !

    " ITIL (In#or$ation Tec%no&og' In#ratructure Li)rar' i a pu)&ic #ra$ewor*t%at decri)e +et Practice in IT ervice $anage$ent, It provide a#ra$ewor* #or t%e governance o# IT and #ocue on t%e continua&$eaure$ent and i$prove$ent o# t%e -ua&it' o# IT ervice de&ivered #ro$)ot% a )uine and a cuto$er perpective,

    " ITIL %a provided not on&' a )et practice )aed #ra$ewor* #or IT$anage$ent. )ut a&o an approac% and p%i&oop%' %ared )' t%e peop&ew%o wor* wit% it in practice,

    " ITIL wa origina&&' deve&oped in 190 and %a )een updated twice. t%e rtti$e in 20002002 (2. and t%e econd ti$e in 200 (3, ITIL i upported)' t%e IT 4ervice Manage$ent 5oru$ (it4M5. an internationa&&' recogniednot#orprot organiation dedicated to upport t%e deve&op$ent o# IT ervice$anage$ent

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    Benefts "rom ITIL Ser#iceManagement

    " Increaed uer and cuto$er ati#action wit% IT ervice

    " I$proved ervice avai&a)i&it'. direct&' &eading to increaed )uine protand revenue

    " 5inancia& aving #ro$ reduced rewor*. &ot ti$e. i$proved reource$anage$ent and uage

    " I$proved ti$e to $ar*et #or new product and ervice

    " I$proved deciion $a*ing and opti$ied ri*,

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    ITIL Ser#ice Li"ec$c%e

    ITIL 3 approac%e ervice $anage$ent #ro$ t%e &i#ec'c&e apect o# aervice,

  • 7/25/2019 ITIL Introduction Presentation


    01/19/16 Page MTR Corporation

    ITIL 4ervice Manage$ent





    Service Design

    and Transition



    Business IT






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    The & Phases in ITIL Ser#ice Li"eC$c%e

    4ervice 4trateg' T%e p%ae o# trategic p&anning o# ervice$anage$ent capa)i&itie. and t%e a&ign$ent o# ervice and )uine


    4ervice 8eign T%e p%ae o# deigning and deve&oping appropriate ITervice. inc&uding arc%itecture. procee. po&ic' and docu$ent t%edeign goa& i to $eet t%e current and #uture )uine e-uire$ent,

    4ervice Tranition T%e p%ae o# rea&iing t%e re-uire$ent #ro$previou tage.and i$proving t%e capa)i&itie #or t%e tranition o#new and $odied ervice to production,

    4ervice Operation T%e p%ae o# ac%ieving e:ectivene ande;cienc' in providing and upporting ervice in order to enureva&ue #or t%e cuto$er and t%e ervice provider,

    Continua& 4ervice I$prove$ent T%e p%ae o# creating and$aintaining t%e va&ue #or t%e cuto$er )' deign i$prove$ent. andervice introduction and operation,

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    What 's inside in each Li"eC$c%e Phase!

    Proce < tructured et o# activitie deigned toacco$p&i% a dened o)=ective, Procee %ave input andoutput. reu&t in a goa&oriented c%ange. and uti&ie #eed)ac*#or een%ancing and ecorrective action, Procee are$eaura)&e. provide reu&t to cuto$er or ta*e%o&der. arecontinua& and iterative and are a&wa' originating #ro$ a

    certain event, Procee can run t%roug% evera& organiationa&unit, a$p&e o# a proce i c%ange $anage$ent,

    5unction < tea$ or group o# peop&e and t%e too& t%e' ueto carr' out one or $ore procee or activitie. pecia&ied in

    #u&&&ing a pecied t'pe o# wor*. and reponi)&e #or pecicend reu&t, 5unction %ave t%eir own practice and t%eir own*now&edge )od', 5unction can $a*e ue o# variou procee,a$p&e o# a #unction i a ervice de*,

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    ITIL Proce 8enition

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    Proce C%aracteritic


    C%aracteritic 8ecription


    If we can' t measure a process, then it will not fit thedefinition of 'closed loop', as no feedback will be available.Measuring a process allows it to be performance driven.Different measurements will be equired for differentaudiences- for example managers ma be interested in the

    cost of the process, while customers ma be interested in theoutcome.

    Delivers specific results!he results of a process need to be identifiable, measureableand countable. "gain, without a clear result the processcannot be managed, measured and controlled.

    Delivers to a customer orstakeholder

    !he customer or stakeholder can be internal or external, but itis their expectations that shape the overall process.

    #esponds to specificevents

    !his is classed as a trigger or input to the process, and isagain important for measurement and control.

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    4ervice 4upport Mode&




    Change & Release

    Management Process







    Business! Customers or "sers


    Management Tools

    Incients Incients Service Des#


    $no%n rrorsCI's

    RelationshipsChanges & ReleasesIncients







    Configuration Management SystemCMDB

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    C%ange Manage$ent Proce

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    Proce O)=ective

    $ !o ensure that standardised methodsand procedures are used for efficient and prompt handling of all %hanges, in order tominimise the adverse impact of an %hange-related incidents upon service qualit

    $ "ssessing the impact, cost, benefit, resource requirements and risk of proposed %hanges

    $ Developing business &ustification and obtaining approval

    $ Managing and coordinating %hange implementations

    $ Monitoring and reporting on the implementation

    $ #eviewing and closing the %hanges

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    C%ange Manage$ent 4cope

    " In4cope

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    Change C%assifcation

    it' and Reource Re-uire$ent

    Current&'. t%e' can )e aigned into 6 di:erentcategorie according to t%e a)ove $etric. and t%e'wi&& #o&&ow t%e deignated c%ange proce Bow and got%roug% t%e #or$a& review and approva& proce #ro$repective C

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    Change Categor$

    Category Characteristics Approval Required

    tandard (ow risk implified, )re-defined and )re-authori*ed

    Minor #equires relativel fewresource+ not complex

    implified with D%" approval onl

    ignificant Medium risk+ mediumresources requirement

    ull approval from !%" D%"

    Ma&or /igh complexit+ /ighimpact and0or requires alarge amount of resources

    ull approval from !%" D%"

    1mergenc #esults from Incidents2such as outage or preventoutage3

    treamlined, "pproval from 1%" onl

    /ardware 04

    pecial kind of changerequest to capture thechanges on phsical 0 5Mmachines for updating host%MD

    6eed to associate with approved Minor 0ignificant 0 Ma&or 0 1mergenc change forexecution

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    Change Categor$ (eterminationCriteria

    Category Determination Criteria

    tandard or changes that can be mapped with pre-registeredtandard %hange !emplate which is pre-approved b!%" members

    Minor or changes with 7 8 #isk 5alue 9 7.:

    ignificant or )I 0 1# 0 Infrastructure initiated %hanges with

    investment si*e below /;< =M or 7.: 8 #isk 5alue 97.>:

    Ma&or or )I 0 1# 0 Infrastructure initiated %hanges withinvestment si*e over /;< =M

    1mergenc or changes raised to address )riorit = Incidents andneed higher-level management attention and

    streamlined approval

    /ardware 0 4 or those changes to phsical hardware 0 5Mmachines or its 4perating stem

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    Change Categor$ (eterminationCriteria )Cont*

    T%e Ri* a&ue aociated wit% a c%ange i deter$ined

    )' t%e #o&&owing #actor toget%er wit% t%e review )'C%ange CoordinatorA

    +is, Criteria +emar,s

    C%ange 8uration T%e eti$ated entire duration to e>ecute t%i C%ange, T%i e-ua& to P&anned@nd 8ate+P&anned 4tart 8ate

    Outage 8uration T%e eti$ated duration #or an' outage necear'

    Lead Ti$e T%e &ead ti$e #or p&anned c%ange to %appen, T%i e-ua& to P&anned 4tart 8ate+Current 8ate

    +ac* out i Poi)&e +ac* out poi)i&it'

    +ac* out Recover' Ti$e Ti$e needed to revert )ac* t%e c%ange to previou )ae&ine

    it%in 4L< C%ange indow %et%er t%e C%ange i #a&& wit%in t%e non4ervice %our pecied in 4L