IST Career Solutions Services

PREPARE. NAVIGATE. SUCCEED. College of Information Sciences and Technology | Office of Career Solutions Examples of services we offer: Establish a corporate presence within IST community Provide access to Compass, IST’s job posting system Facilitate participation in IST’s Career Fairs (IST Pro Expo and IST Future Forum) Coordinate interview schedules and interview space in the IST Building Schedule and assist in promoting workshops and information sessions Accelerate interaction with IST student organizations COMPASS Recruiters can request access to Compass, IST’s job posting system. This system allows employers to post internships, co-ops, and full-time job opportunities as well as schedule on-campus interviews specifically for Information Sciences and Technology (IST) and Security and Risk Analysis (SRA) undergraduate students. Interview Space Employers can reserve interview rooms within the IST Building to conduct their interviews. IST Career Fairs Employers can participate in two IST-specific career fairs in the fall and spring, IST Pro Expo and Future Forum, respectively. Both fairs are open exclusively to IST and SRA students and are held in the IST Building to maximize IST student attendance. e Office of Career Solutions at the College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST) partners with employers to create opportunities for the employment of students in internship and full-time positions. IST’s academic programs produce a wide array of talented students that can become a valuable asset to your organization. Our main goal is to make the recruiting process as intuitive and easy as possible. College of Information Sciences and Technology Managing Information, Powering Intelligence OUR MISSION: PREPARE. Enhancing professional development through career coaching, resume reviews, and career-related workshops. NAVIGATE. Connecting students with employers through career fairs, networking opportunities, and COMPASS, IST’s job posting system. SUCCEED. Emphasizing the unlimited possibilities of the future.


The Office of Career Solutions at the College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST) partners with employers to create opportunities for the employment of students in internship and full-time positions. IST’s academic programs produce a wide array of talented students that can become a valuable asset to your organization.

Transcript of IST Career Solutions Services

PREPARE. NAVIGATE. SUCCEED. College of Information Sciences and Technology | Office of Career Solutions

Examples of services we offer:• EstablishacorporatepresencewithinISTcommunity

• ProvideaccesstoCompass,IST’sjobpostingsystem

• FacilitateparticipationinIST’sCareerFairs(ISTProExpoandISTFutureForum)

• CoordinateinterviewschedulesandinterviewspaceintheISTBuilding

• Scheduleandassistinpromotingworkshopsandinformationsessions

• AccelerateinteractionwithISTstudentorganizations


Interview SpaceEmployerscanreserveinterviewroomswithintheISTBuildingtoconducttheirinterviews.

IST Career FairsEmployerscanparticipateintwoIST-specificcareerfairsinthefallandspring,ISTProExpoandFutureForum,respectively.BothfairsareopenexclusivelytoISTandSRAstudentsandareheldintheISTBuildingtomaximizeISTstudentattendance.

The Office of Career Solutions at the College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST) partners with employers to create opportunities for the employment of students in internship and full-time positions. IST’s academic programs produce a wide array of talented students that can become a valuable asset to your organization. Our main goal is to make the recruiting process as intuitive and easy as possible.

CollegeofInformationSciencesandTechnology ManagingInformation,PoweringIntelligence


PREPARE. Enhancingprofessionaldevelopmentthroughcareercoaching,resumereviews,andcareer-relatedworkshops.

NAVIGATE. Connectingstudentswithemployersthroughcareerfairs,networkingopportunities,andCOMPASS,IST’sjobpostingsystem.

SUCCEED. Emphasizingtheunlimitedpossibilitiesofthefuture.

Employment RatesISTpridesitselfonhighemploymentratessinceitsfirstgraduatingclassin2003.Theaverageemploymentrateoverthelastnineyearshasbeen85 percent,andtheaveragestartingsalaryhassteadilyincreasedtoabove$60,000.

Student OrganizationsTheOfficeofCareerSolutionsoverseesthecoordinationandcollaborationbetweenISTstudentorganizationsandemployers.

Corporate Associates ProgramTheOfficeofCareerSolutionsmanagestheCorporateAssociatesProgramwhichprovidesitsmemberswithpremieraccesstostudentsthroughservicesprovidedbyouroffice.CorporateAssociatesgetfirstrightofrefusalonsponsoringstudentevents,networkingwithstudentorganizations,andreservingclassroomspacefortheirpresentationsinIST.Pleaseaskusifyouareinterestedinlearningmoreaboutthisvaluablebenefitprogram.

After GraduationOurstudentscanbefoundinjustaboutanyindustrysectorincluding,butnotlimitedto,ITconsulting,defense,governmentagencies,finance,insurance,healthcare,andtechnology.TheyareconcentratedontheeastcoastbutmanyareworkingacrosstheU.S.andabroad.

“The two internships I completed helped set my resume apart when applying for full-time positions. Because of all the great companies that attend IST’s fall career fair, I was very fortunate to receive several job offers. I owe my success in obtaining internships and my full-time job to the IST’s Career Solutions Team. The two career fairs provide all of the students in the College a unique opportunity to advance their careers. The staff is always available and eager to give students advice and support to find them the perfect job.” —CaitlinDoyle,‘12IST/SRA

“With the increasingly competitive job market, internships are quickly becoming essential to secure a coveted and respected job offer. IST Career Solutions provides you with the knowledge, resources, people, and experiences to help you land interviews and receive that desired internship or full-time job offer.” —TheoSchnieders‘13IST/SRA



Office of Career SolutionsMadhavi Kari, DirectorPenn State UniversityCollege of Information Sciences and Technology104P Information Sciences and Technology Building University Park, PA [email protected] | Phone: 814-865-4509

Managing Information, Powering Intelligence