ISO/TC 211 Advisory Group on Outreach

ISO/TC 211 Advisory Group on Outreach November 13, 2002 Gyeongju, Korea urvey of Software & Data Produc


ISO/TC 211 Advisory Group on Outreach. Survey of Software & Data Products. November 13, 2002 Gyeongju, Korea. Survey of Software & Data Products. Advisory Group on Outreach Survey Questions Dissemination of Survey. Advisory Group on Outreach. Mission : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of ISO/TC 211 Advisory Group on Outreach

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ISO/TC 211 Advisory Group on Outreach

November 13, 2002Gyeongju, Korea

Survey of Software & Data Products

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Survey of Software & Data Products

Advisory Group on Outreach

Survey Questions

Dissemination of Survey

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Advisory Group on Outreach

Mission :

Promote the awareness, adoption, and advocacy of ISO/TC 211 standards in user communities

Co-Chairs – Hans Knoop & Henry Tom ISO/TC 211 N 1296

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Advisory Group on Outreach

Terms of Reference : Create awarenessEnable education & trainingFacilitate adoption & implementationCapture user requirements & feedbackGenerate outreach resourcesMaintain the ISO/TC 211 Business Plan

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Terms of Reference

Capture user requirements & feedback :

Implementing ISO/TC 211 standards

National body survey - ISO/TC 211 N 1314

Industry survey(including industry specifications)

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Outreach Group MembersAustralia South AfricaGermany ThailandIreland United KingdomJapan United States ofKorea AmericaNew Zealand ISO/TC 211 ChairNorway & Secretariat


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Survey Questions

A Company or Organization Identity  Please complete the following:

1 Company or Organization Name


2 Address  

3 Contact Name  

4 Contact address if different from 2


5 Contact telephone number


6 Contact FAX number  

7 Contact e-mail address


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B ISO/TC 211 Standards Please review the following list of ISO/TC 211 standards and indicate, in the column to the right of Status, which standards are: Implemented (I), Planning to implement (P), Relevant (R), Conflict (C), Do not know (?) with regard to your company’s / organization’s software. 

Project Status   Project Status  

19101 – Reference model IS   19121 – Imagery and gridded data


19103 – Conceptual schema language

TS 09 / 02

  19122 – Qualifications and certification of personnel (Report)

TR 02 / 03


19104 –Terminology Introduction

IS 05 / 03

  19123 – Schema for coverage geometry and functions

IS 08 / 03


19105 – Conformance and testing

IS   19124 – Imagery and gridded data components


Survey Questions

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19106 – Profiles IS 05 / 03

  19125.1 – Simple feature access: Common Architecture

IS 10 / 02


19107 – Spatial schema IS 11 / 02

  19125.2 – Simple feature access: SQL Option

IS 10 / 02


19108 – Temporal schema IS0 09 / 02

  19125.3 – Simple feature access: COM/OLE Option

IS 10 / 02


19109 – Rules for applications schema

IS 12 / 02

  19126 – Profile – FACC Data Dictionary

IS 02 / 04


19110 – Feature cataloguing methodology

IS 11 / 02

  19127 – Geodetic codes and parameters

TS 04 / 30


19111 – Spatial referencing by coordinates

IS 11 / 02

  19128 – Web Map server interface

IS 10 / 03


19112 – Spatial referencing by geographical identifiers

IS 11 / 02

  19129 – Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework

TS 03 / 03


19113 – Quality principles IS 10 / 02

  19130 – Sensor and data models for imagery and gridded data

IS 07 / 04


Survey Questions

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19114 – Quality evaluation procedures

IS 11 / 02

  19131 – Data product specifications

IS 10 / 04


19115 – Metadata IS 12 / 02

  19132 – Location based services possible standards

RS 11 / 02


19116 – Positioning services

IS 05 / 03

  19133 – Location based services tracking and navigation

IS 10 / 03


19117 – Portrayal IS 01 / 03

  19134 – Multimodal location based services for routing and navigation

IS 04 / 04


19118 – Encoding IS 05 / 03

  19135 – Procedures for registration of geographical information items

IS 04 / 04


19119 – Services IS 12 / 02

  19136 – Geography Markup Language

IS 08 / 04


19120 – Functional standards

TR   19137 – Generally used profiles of the spatial schema and of similar important other schemas

IS 11 / 04


Survey Questions

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1. Full title of projects are prefixed with “Geographic information –“.

2. See ISO/TC 211 website for the status of each project.

3. The Status column gives document type and planned publication date (month/year – 05 / 03 = May 2003).

No date = already published.

IS – International Standard, TR – Technical Report, TS – Technical specification, RS Review Summary


Survey Questions

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C Software and Data ProductsPlease complete this information for software and/or data products implementing ISO/TC 211 standards and/or industry specifications. For multiple implementations, please provide a response for each software implementation or data product.  1 Name of software or data product - version  

2 Please answer a, b, or c. a) Name of the ISO/TC 211 standardImplemented or planned for implementation – version b) Name of industry specifications implemented or planned for implementation – version. c) No standards implemented.


Survey Questions

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3 If not complying with ISO/TC 211 standards or industry specifications for geographic information – why not ?


4 Is this commercial (price) or public domain software (e.g., Open Source, freeware) or data product ?


5 Summary of software or data product capabilities


6 Stand-alone or integrated software or data product.


7 Product URL.  

8 Reviews of software or data product URLs.


Survey Questions

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9 Forthcoming software or data product implementing ISO/TC 211 standards or industry specification.


10 Existing users of software or data product.


11 Availability of evaluation copies.  

Survey Questions

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D Organizational Requirements for Standards and Participation 

1 Please identify your company / organization’s requirements for geographic information standards

2 Would your company / organization be interested in sponsoring and / or participating in ISO/TC 211 outreach efforts for standards education and training ?

Survey Questions

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Dissemination of Survey

• Online survey• Results posted quarterly• Global public resource

• ISO/TC 211 does not verify or validate the conformance of the software or data products, to ISO/TC 211 standards or industry specifications.

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Advisory Group on Outreach


Advisory Group on Outreach MeetingGyeongju, Korea

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 1700 - 1900 Draft Agenda - ISO/TC 211 N 1343

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Thank you for your Attention

Questions & Discussion

Henry TomAdvisory Group onOutreach

[email protected]

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