Irll Intro

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  • 8/12/2019 Irll Intro


    Introduction to Industrial


  • 8/12/2019 Irll Intro


    What is Industrial Relations?

    Relation between employers and

    employees in industry Labour


    Relationships between management

    and employees or employees and their

    organizations, that characterize or grow

    out of employment Dale Yoder

    Social relations in production

    International Institute of Labour Studies

  • 8/12/2019 Irll Intro


    What is Industrial Relations?

    Industrial societies necessarily create

    industrial relations defined as the

    complex of interrelations among

    managers, workers and agencies of

    government John T Dunlup

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    Actors in Industrial Relations

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    Factors influencing labour

    management relations

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    Factors influencing labour

    management relations

    Labour Mobility, both domestic and


    Work cultureProductivity


    .thus requiring close cooperation and

    collaboration between the two for making

    the economy globally competitive

  • 8/12/2019 Irll Intro


    Industrial RelationsEvolution

    Changes in Organizat ion due to Indus tr ial izat ion

    Segmentat ioninto different roles

    Special ization in a small but distinct task


    Hierarchic al levels more horizontal differentiation(specialization) necessitated more supervision and

    thus vertical differentiation

    Increased complexi ty in relat ionships at work

    place due to specialization and vertical hierarchies

    Many new interfaces to manage between

    employers and employees, between different groups

    of employees

    Changes in relat ionsh ip informal to formal and

    regulated, private and individualized to standardized

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    Actors in Industrial Relations

  • 8/12/2019 Irll Intro


    Industrial RelationsPictorial


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    The Scope of IR

    Managementunion relationship

    Employeremployee relationship

    Relationships amongst various groups

    of employees

    Effects of extraneous factors (State,

    socio-political-economic factors) on

    workplace relationships.

  • 8/12/2019 Irll Intro


    The Objectives of IR At the Industry or Enterprise Level

    A healthy relationship between employees and employers

    Due regard to interests of labour and management by

    securing mutual understanding and trust

    An environment free from dysfunctional conflict betweenthe parties

    Gains in productivity for mutual benefit

    Full utilization of available manpowerthrough minimizing

    loss of man-hours due to accidents, strife or absenteeism

    Creation of a work environment that reduces attrition

    Participative working

    Enhancement in the quality of life of employees

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    The Objectives of IR

    At the State Level

    Safeguard rights of both labour and management

    Enlist cooperation and collaboration from both parties

    to contribute to industrial growth

    Improve the economic conditions of workers

    through legislations prescribing minimum guaranteedwages, welfare benefits and social security

    Control industrial establishments through regulations in

    terms of engaging and disengaging employees

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    Essential Features of IR Industrial relations arise out of an employment

    relationship. The IR system sets complex rules and regulations for

    the participants, viz. employers, workers and their


    The relationship hinges on a cooperative spirit betweenall partners

    State intervention to prevent and control industrial

    conflicts by stipulating rules with regard to terms and

    conditions of employment through enactment of labourlaws and also creation of structures and institutions to

    resolve them, in case they arise.

    Participants in industrial relations include employees

    and their organizations, employers and their

    associations, and the government.

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    Conditions for Sound IR The maintenance of smooth industrial relations

    depend on: Strong, well-organized and democratic unions

    Strong employers organization

    Belief in cooperative collective bargaining

    Sound HR policies Sound preventive systems

    Management support to IR function

    Well-trained IR staff/supervisors

    Systematic effort at building a collaborative culture

    Well-trained supervisors who understand the implications of

    building harmonious relations at the workplace, and avoidance of

    any managerial practice that could stimulate conflicts

    A systematic effort to institutionalize a culture of mutual trust,

    respect and understanding

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  • 8/12/2019 Irll Intro


    IRSystems Approach

    Dunlops Model

    John T. Dunlop was the main proponent of systems


    Looks at IR as a systemcom pris ing d i fferent

    actors , certain co ntexts and ideology

    Concerns i tsel f mainly w ith the outcomesor

    rulesgoverning the actions of the actors.

    One of the most influential approaches.

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    IRSystems Approach

    An open system

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    IRSystems Approach

    Dunlops Model Output1. Creation of rules, according to Dunlop, is the

    output that an IR system seeks to create.

    2. Rules, in this context, comprise:

    Rules governing all forms of compensation

    The duties and performances expected of workers

    including rules for maintaining discipline

    Rules defining rights and duties of employers and

    employees (including legislations, terms of collective


    Procedures for establishing rules

    Procedures for application of rules, etc.

    D l f k f

  • 8/12/2019 Irll Intro


    Dunlops framework of

    Indus tr ial Relat ions Sys tem









    Lawmaking, etc.

    Inputs Processes Outputs
