Introduction to Computer Science - Ryerson Universitycps118/slides/01_Intro... · 2017. 9. 12. ·...

CPS118 – Lesson #1 – Introduction and History Slide #1 Introduction to Computer Science Lesson #1

Transcript of Introduction to Computer Science - Ryerson Universitycps118/slides/01_Intro... · 2017. 9. 12. ·...

  • CPS118 – Lesson #1 – Introduction and HistorySlide #1

    Introduction to Computer Science

    Lesson #1

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    Computer Science

    Computer science or computing science (abbreviated CS or CompSci) is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications.

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    CS Subfields

    Some fields, such as computational complexity theory are highly abstract, other fields such as computer graphics emphasize real-world visual applications.

    Other fields focus on the challenges in implementing computation and human-computer interfaces.

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    A important discipline

    Computer science has made a number of fundamental contributions to science and society.

    Along with electronics, it is a founding science of the current epoch of human history called the Information Age and a driver of the Information Revolution.

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    What about Computer Science?

    The term "Computer Science" appears in a 1959 article in Communications of the ACM, in which Louis Fein (then at Purdue University) argues for the creation of a Graduate School in Computer Sciences.

    Despite its name, a significant amount of computer science does not involve the study of computers themselves but mostly how to use them. Because of this, certain departments of major universities prefer the term computing science, to emphasize precisely that difference.

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    Synonyms of Computer ScienceIn Europe, terms derived from contracted translations of the expression "automatic information" (e.g. "informazione automatica" in Italian) or "information and mathematics" are often used, e.g. informatique (French), Informatik (German), informatica (Italy), informática (Spain, Portugal) or informatika (Slavic languages) are also used and have also been adopted in the UK (informatics).

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    What about Computer Science?

    “Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.” Edsger Dijkstra

    It is really about the use of computers.

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    Computer Science ContributionsCryptography – Scientific Computing

    In cryptography, breaking the Enigma code was an important factor contributing to the Allied victory in World War II. It is also the engine behind online banking and secure data transfers.

    Scientific computing enables advanced study of the mind, and mapping of the human genome has become possible with the Human Genome Project.

    To this day, some of the most powerful computer systems on Earth are used for weather forecasts.

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    Computer Science ContributionsComputer Graphics

    Computer graphics and computer-generated imagery have become almost ubiquitous in modern entertainment, particularly in television, cinema, advertising, animation and video games. Even films that feature no explicit CGI are usually "filmed" now on digital cameras, or edited or post-processed using a digital video editor.

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    Computer Science ContributionsArtificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important as it is getting smarter and more complex. There are many applications of AI, some of which can be seen at home: like robotic vacuum cleaners, interior climate control systems, and in video games; or on the modern battlefield: like drones, anti-missile systems, and squad support robots.

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    Artificial Intelligence

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    Information science (or information studies) is an interdisciplinary field primarily concerned with the analysis, collection, classification, manipulation, storage, retrieval, movement, and dissemination of information.

    Information Science

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    The inter-networking of physical devices, called smart devices through a common network like the Internet: appliances, vehicles, electronics, transponders and many more.

    Internet of Things (IoT)

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    A few programming languagesFortran 1954 Scientific applications Lisp 1958 Artificial intelligence applicationsCobol 1959 Business applicationsAlgol 1960 The first structured languageBasic 1964 Microcomputer applicationsC 1972 Based on UNIXSmallTalk 1972 The first object-oriented languageAda 1979 The language of the US DNDC++ 1983 Another object-oriented languagePython 1989 General-purpose languageJava 1994 Another object-oriented languageC Sharp (C#) 2000 General language from MicrosoftSwift 2014 General language from Apple

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    Cloud ComputingSoftware applications like MATLAB can be installed locally unto a client’s computer but can also be accessed through a virtual application in something we call a cloud.

    Cloud Computing is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a personal computer.

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    The History of Computing

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    50000 to 20000 B.C.E.

    Computing with digits,pebbles and bones.

    pebble = calculus

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    6000 B.C.E.In the Indian Vedah, a verse (Richa) mentions the numerals of 12 (dwawash), 2 (treemi), and 300 (trishat). That was one of the earliest recordings of a decimal numeral system

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    2000 B.C.E.

    First use of the abacus

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    About a thousand years later Ada Lovelace honoured him when she coined the word Algorithm.

    Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi

    Persian mathematician, astronomer and geographer working in Baghdad introduced the positional decimal system and the use of zero into Arabic mathematics.

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    At age 19, Blaise Pascal invents the first calculator: the pascaline.

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    Gotfried von Leibniz invents a more advanced calculator that can perform square roots.

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    Benjamin Franklin discovers electricity.

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    1804Joseph-Marie Jacquard builds the first automatic weaving loom programmed with punched cards.

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    1832Charles Babbage invents the analytical machine.

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    1832Babbage’s machine

    1832(was built but was never functional)

    1991(rebuilt from specifications by MIT students)

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    1815-1852Ada Augusta Byron, Countess of Lovelace, is the first to design programs using punched cards for Babbage’s machine.

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    1854George Boole creates the algebra that bears his name today (boolean).



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    The QWERTY keyboard, was present on the very first typewriter... the Sholes & Glidden, made by E. Remington & Sons in 1874.

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    1890Herman Hollerith invents a system to tabulate the data of the great American census of 1890 (at that time the tabulations for 1880 census were not even finished yet). In FORTRAN, the character H was named in his honour.

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    The information is first recorded on punched cards and then treated with electric sensors.

    Hollerith’s tabulating machine

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    August 1890

    Hollerith’s machine makes front page of Scientific American.

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    Hollerith establishes his own corporation, the Tabulating Machine Company.


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    TMC merges with two other corporations and becomes the Computing Tabulating Recording Co. also known as CTR.


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    CTR is renamed International Business Machines Corporation after appointing Thomas J. Watson as general manager. It is better known today as IBM.


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    1937Claude Shannon publishes A Symbolic Analysis of Relays and Switching Circuits, where he shows that Boole’s algebra may be used in electrical systems.

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    1937Alan Mathison Turing defines the notion of algorithm and introduces the concept of the universal machine now known as « Turing machines ».

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    1939John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry conceive a digital computer using electromagnetic relays.

    Atanasoff 1938 Atanasoff 1990 Berry 1962

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    1941The Z3, a German electromechanical computer designed by Konrad Zuse becomes the world's first working programmable, fully automatic digital computer. Konrad Zuse is often considered the inventor of the modern computer.

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    1939-1945During WWII, Germany used the Enigma machine to encode its transmissions.

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    1943A team of the British Code and Cipher School builds a machine to decode the messages. It was called Colossus.

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    1943Howard Aiken and a team from IBM build the first complete universal computer that is fully reliable and operational. The Mark I.Babbage’s dream is now a reality!

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    1945John P. Ecker and John W. Mauchly build the first electronic computer: the ENIAC.

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    The ENIAC weighed 30 tons!

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    It was placed in a sort of U of 6 meters wide by 12 meters long.

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    Energy consumption: 200 KW!

    The lights of the whole city of Philadelphia dimmed when it was turned on!

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    1945The first bug! – found on Sep 9th at 15:45 by Grace Hopper,

    then working on the Mark II computer at Harvard University.

    She became the highest ranking female Navy person of her time (Rear Admiral) and a role model to thousands of young women. The bug now resides at the National Museum of American History in Washington DC.

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    1946John von Neumann (along with Mauchly and Eckert) proposes the architecture that uses a central processing unit (CPU) and a separate memory structure to hold both instructions and data. This architecture is still the basis of today’s computers.

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    1951Under the direction of Howard Aiken, an IBM team builds one of the first Von Neumann machines: the IBM SSEC.

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    1951The EDVAC in the Moore School of Computer Science.

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    1951UNIVAC built by Eckert and Mauchly: the first commercial computer, it used magnetic tapes instead of punched cards.

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    1952Article on use of UNIVAC to forecast 1952 presidential election results for CBS, from the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 15 October 1952.

    Eckert at center, Walter Cronkite at right.

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    1954John W. Backus with a team from IBM, creates the first high-level programming language: FORTRAN. The first working compiler appears in 1957.

    John Backus made another, critical contribution to early computer science: During the latter part of the 1950s Backus served on the international committees which developed ALGOL 58 and the very influential ALGOL 60, which quickly became the de facto worldwide standard for publishing algorithms.

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    1958John McCarthy invents the Lisp programming language at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is also responsible for the coining of the term Artificial Intelligence.

    Lisp (LISt Processing) rapidly became the programming language of choice for artificial intelligence applications.

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    1958IBM 7090: First computer using transistors.

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    1958Seymour Cray builds the first all transistor computer: the CDC 1604.

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    1962H. Ross Perot founds Electronic Data Systems (EDS), which will be the world's largest data processing company. It begins the automation of business application like payrolls.

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    MIT introduces the first time-sharing operating system: CTSS (Compatible Time-Sharing System).

    This advance permitted many users to share the same computer simultaneously.

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    1964IBM presents the first computer to use integrated circuits: the IBM 360.

    IBM 360 supported multiprogramming.

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    1971Ken Thompson and his team at Bell Labs invent a new time-sharing operating system.

    Brian Kernighan names it UNICS, but will become later known as UNIX.

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    1972Dennis Ritchie invents the C programming language as a tool to interface with the Unix OS.

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    1972Hewlett Packard released the first scientific calculator: the HP 35. This machine would wipe out the use of what is left of slide rules.

    Cost: more than $600!

    It used the Reverse Polish Notation (postfix), the basis of all stack machine calculations like in modern computers.

    3 4 +


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    Seymour Cray launches the first high performance computer (supercomputer): the CRAY-1.

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    1976DEC launches the very popular mini-computer, the VAX 11/780 following other very successful PDP models like the PDP-11.

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    1977Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs found the Apple Computer Company.

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    Late 1970sCleve Moler, the chairman of the computer science department at the University of New Mexico, started developing MATLAB in the late 1970s.

    MATLAB is a numerical computing environment and fourth generation programming language. Developed by The MathWorks, MATLAB allows matrix manipulation, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs in other languages.

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    1981IBM launches the PC.

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    The 1980sThe early 1980s were the first years of the golden age of micro computing

    Atari 800TRS-80

    Commodore 64Commodore PET

    Sinclair ZX-81

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    1982Time Magazine selected its Person of the Year Award in favour of Machine of the Year: The Computer!

    It was the first time that a non-human was selected (Earth was chosen ‘planet of the year’ in 1988).

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    1982Sun Microsystems introduces its first workstation: the Sun 100.

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    1984Apple introduces the Macintosh, the first commercially successful computer using a graphical interface.

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    1989ANSI (American National Standards Institute) publishes the first standard for the C programming language.

    Tim Berners-Lee invents hypertext, paving the way to establish the World-Wide-Web.

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    1989Microsoft Corporation introduces the Windows graphical interface.

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    1991• Linus Torvalds was a

    computer science student at the University of Helsinki when he wrote the operating system Linux in 1991.

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    Marc Andreesen, creates the Web browser known as Mosaic at the University of Illinois. Later co-founder of Netscape Corporation.

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    The Internet explodes with a ton of new services and applications.

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    1996-1998New services still!

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    1999The concept of blogging is introduced

    A blog (Web log) is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Blogs have since gained increasing notice and coverage for their role in breaking, shaping, and spinning news stories.

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    1999Wi-Fi is introduced

    We can now use wireless networking, also called WiFi or 802.11 networking, to connect our computer to the internet.

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    2000 Microsoft releases Windows XP

    Apple launches its iPod. A modern version of a walkman storing music in Mp3 format on a small 5Gb internal hard disk.

    No problems are created by the feared millennium bug!

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    2002Dr. Isaac Chuang, research staff member at IBM's Almaden Research Center , holds a quantum computer -- the glass tube contains specially designed molecules.

    Quantum computers promised to solve some of the most difficult mathematical problems exponentially faster than a conventional computer.

    As of 2021, despite rapid progress, it is still in its infancy.

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    2003-2006The Internet becomes social!

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    2006Cloud storage is introduced. It will slowly replace the need for external hard drives.

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    2007Smart phones revolutionize the way we access the internet and how we perceive computers.

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    The Baltic state of Estonia is the world's first country to vote in a national parliamentary election via the Internet.

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    2010Tablets like the iPad are introduced, another way to access the internet and do computing.

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    Mobile devices use for web traffic overtake desktop computers use for the first time

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    2010s and 2020sAn AI robot named Sophia was created in 2016 and even gained citizenship in Saudi Arabia in 2017.

    The world’s first re-programmable quantum computer was created in 2016, bringing us closer to quantum supremacy.

    In July 2020 a Tesla autopilot update is coming later this year that will give their vehicles complete autonomy. This will finally allow passengers to reach their destination without any human intervention.

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    End of lesson

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