Revision Ryerson Station - Pennsylvania · Revision Ryerson Master ... Once DCNR and the mining...

Revision Ryerson Station State Park 3/24/2016 Revision Ryerson Station: Public Input Report Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources PREPARED BY DAWOOD ENGINEERING, 2016

Transcript of Revision Ryerson Station - Pennsylvania · Revision Ryerson Master ... Once DCNR and the mining...

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Revision Ryerson Station State Park


Revision Ryerson Station: Public Input Report

Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources PREPARED BY DAWOOD ENGINEERING, 2016

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Revision Ryerson Station State Park: Public Input Report

Contents Acknowledgements

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1

Revision Ryerson Station State Park – The Public Participation Process .............................................................................. 3

Revision Ryerson Station Task Force Kick-Off Meeting ................................................................................................... 5

Consultation with Ryerson Station State Park Management and Staff ............................................................................ 6

Consultation with Greene County Commissioners and Staff ........................................................................................... 7

Ryerson Station State Park Heritage Days ...................................................................................................................... 8

Revision Ryerson Station Open House ............................................................................................................................ 9

Revision Ryerson Station Task Force November Meeting ............................................................................................... 11

Public Survey................................................................................................................................................................. 12

Student Engagement .................................................................................................................................................... 18

Summary of Public Input Themes ..................................................................................................................................... 22

Revision Ryerson Master Plan Concepts ............................................................................................................................ 23

Guidelines for Design, Improvements, and Programming ................................................................................................. 24

Appendices ....................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Revision Ryerson Station State Park Task Force ............................................................................................................ 25

Project Ground Team List.............................................................................................................................................. 25

Revision Ryerson Station State Park Task Force ........................................................................................................ 26

Project Ground Team List .......................................................................................................................................... 27

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Revision Ryerson Station State Park: Public Input Report


Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources would like to thank the following

individuals and organizations for their participation in the preparation of the Revision Ryerson Station

State Park-Public Input Study:

Revision Ryerson Station State Park Task Force members

Project Ground Team

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (Dam Safety and DEP Mining)

Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (State Parks (BSP), Facility,

Design and Construction (FDC), and Recreation and Conservation (BRC) represented by personnel

from the following sites and/or Divisions:

o Ryerson Station State Park

o Raccoon Creek State Park

o Oil Creek State Park

o Jennings Environmental Education Center

o Bureau of State Parks - Region 2 Office

o Bureau of State Parks - Resources Management Division

o Bureau of State Parks - Directors Office

o Bureau of Facility, Design and Construction - Division of Dams, Bridges and Roadways

o Bureau of Facility, Design and Construction - Division of Environmental Engineering and


o Bureau of Recreation and Conservation - Southwest Region Office

Ryerson Station State Park Staff

Friends of Ryerson Station State Park

Jefferson Morgan School District

Carmichaels School District

West Greene School District

West Greene High School

Greene County Commissioners & Staff

Greene County Conservation District

Center for Coalfield Justice

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Revision Ryerson Station State Park

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Located in the southwestern corner of Pennsylvania, Ryerson Station State Park is loved for its natural

setting, which encompasses over 1,000 acres in Richhill Township, Greene County. For over 50 years,

Ryerson Station State Park was home to Duke Lake, which had been created by damming the North Fork

of the Dunkard Fork of Wheeling Creek to create a 63 acre lake. Duke Lake was a favorite of area families

who enjoyed fishing from the banks or on non-motorized or electric powered boats. Several generations

enjoyed Duke Lake until the unfortunate discovery in 2005 of instability issues in the dam.

For safety reasons, the lake was drained and investigations into the cause of the failure began. Considering

that the dam foundation movement appeared to be related to recent nearby longwall mining activities,

the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) pursued litigation with

CONSOL, the mining company. The end result was a monetary settlement that included a donation of 506

acres of land to expand the park to a total of 1,670 acres.

Once DCNR and the mining company had reached an agreeable settlement, the work to restore Duke Lake

began. The first step was to satisfy the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Dam

Safety permitting requirements to construct a new dam. As a part of this process, geotechnical

investigations revealed that the earth was continuing to move. This presented serious safety concerns that

were compounded by ongoing and future mining activities. As a result, in 2015, DCNR was forced to

withdraw the permit to build the dam and canceled

restoration plans for Duke Lake.






1960 FOR A COST OF $520,000.








LEASES FUND. Duke Lake, DCNR Bureau of State Parks, 2000

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The decision to cancel the restoration plans for Duke Lake was made only after consultation with the

departments of DEP Dam Safety and DEP Mining as well as a detailed independent third-party analysis of

the engineering and geotechnical studies. Knowing they had a responsibility to the local community and to

the citizens of Pennsylvania, DCNR embarked upon an ambitious public participation process to plan for

the future of the state park with the goal to make it an exceptional park.

Sediment Removal Duke Lake, 2015

Duke Lake Dam breach, 2015

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Revision Ryerson Station State Park – The Public Participation Process

The public participation process to Revision Ryerson Station State Park required strong leadership from

DCNR coupled with a community-driven engagement process. The high-profile nature of the project

necessitated the involvement of executive level staff at DCNR while allowing the community itself to

establish public involvement goals. To accomplish this, DCNR Secretary Cindy Dunn, organized a robust

and accountable process that would expedite results and emphasize the commitment of DCNR to provide

an exceptional recreational resource to the citizens of Pennsylvania.

DCNR had a longstanding relationship with the

Duke Lake Task Force, which was a local group

formed to keep attention on the rebuilding of Duke

Lake. The Task Force was identified as the

appropriate community group for DCNR to partner

with to identify a new future for Ryerson Station

State Park. Led by Harry Gillispie, a long-time park

advocate and local resident, and Jeff Anna, Park

Operations Manager for DCNR State Parks Region

2, membership of the Task Force included local

residents, township officials, legislators from

Pennsylvania’s House and Senate, along with

conservation partners and park staff.

Duke Lake Sign, 2015

Revision Ryerson Station State Park Task Force & Project Ground Team, 2015

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Navigating the announcement to cancel restoration plans for Duke Lake and then initiating a public

involvement process to identify community goals for Ryerson Station State Park required a project

manager who could work with the community while ensuring that DCNR goals would be met. To serve as a

project management entity, the Ryerson Station Project Ground Team was formed. The Ground Team

consisted of DCNR staff and the project consultant, who were responsible for overseeing the process from

beginning to end. In order to be responsive to local concerns, the Ground Team was purposefully kept

small and consisted of Alan Johnson, Ryerson Station Park Manager; Jeremy Rekich, Region 2 Assistant

Regional Manager; Ray Zomok, Division Chief of Design for the DCNR Bureau of Facility Design and

Construction; Frances Stein, Natural Resource Program Specialist, and Joy M Ruff, Director of Planning,

Dawood Engineering.

On July 24, 2015, DCNR held a meeting with the Duke Lake Task Force to inform them of the decision to

cancel restoration plans for Duke Lake. There were many who questioned the settlement with CONSOL,

the engineering studies, and the removal of the sediment that had occurred in anticipation of rebuilding

the dam and restoring Duke Lake. Additional questions were raised regarding future mining activities and

the potential loss of the stream or impairment to water quality. Secretary Dunn along with John Hallas,

Director of State Parks, and other DCNR leadership assured the community that they remained committed

to Ryerson Station State Park and would work with them to identify improvements and new facilities for

the park. The Task Force agreed to continue working alongside DCNR to reimagine Ryerson Station State

Park and think of new recreational offerings.

Following the meeting with the Task Force,

DCNR held a press conference to inform the

community of the geotechnical findings and

its decision not to rebuild the dam. As

anticipated, the meeting generated a

considerable response from local residents

who feared that the park would be

abandoned. It was announced that the Task

Force would continue its work and that a

public involvement process would begin

immediately to focus on the future of

Ryerson Station State Park.

Sediment Removal, 2015

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Revision Ryerson Station Task Force Kick-Off Meeting The Task Force and Ground Team met again on August 19, 2015 to discuss next steps for Ryerson Station

State Park. Almost immediately, the Task Force reorganized under the Revision Ryerson Station moniker

to visibly demonstrate their desire to think about a future for the state park without a lake. Questions were

asked regarding the binding nature of the settlement and if the settlement money was required to be used

exclusively for Ryerson Station State Park. John Hallas emphasized the commitment of DCNR to Ryerson

Station State Park and assured the Task Force members of the allocation of funding through the


The Task Force discussed the geotechnical findings of the third party review of the dam and asked if DCNR

had considered other types of dams, and if it was feasible to have ongoing monitoring of the earth in

hopes of restoring the lake at some point in the future. Ray Zomok provided an overview of the dam

monitoring and results of the independent third party review. He discussed the findings of the research

including geologic aspects of the soils in Greene County, safety features of dams, and how monitoring

occurs. The Task Force agreed that due diligence had been made to investigate the feasibility of

constructing a new dam and that the best course of action was to plan for a future without a lake.

With this decision, the group talked at length about water quality and stream flow given ongoing mining

activities. Several Task Force members asked about the sediment removal project and discussed stream

restoration and habitat improvements. Finally, the Task Force identified the goals and approved the public

involvement activities proposed by DCNR.

North Fork of the Dunkard Fork of Wheeling Creek, 2015

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Consultation with Ryerson Station State Park Management and Staff On August 6, 2015 the Ground Team met with the Ryerson Station State Park Manager and park staff. The

goal of this meeting was to understand day-to-day issues and hear perspectives from those who work at

the park and interact with the local community on a regular basis. The Ryerson Station State Park staff

shared their concerns and thoughts for the future of the park. They confirmed the importance of the park

to the area as demonstrated by the longstanding and positive relationships with local residents. Ryerson

Station State Park has served as a destination for several generations of families who visit the park

annually for family reunions, opening day of trout, as well as for general recreational purposes.

Additionally, park staff felt that the park’s historic and cultural value should be capitalized upon as it has a

variety of interesting aspects including the presence of native populations, the colonization of America,

and the industrial legacy of mining.

The meeting also identified concerns with maintenance

and staffing that would influence future operational

improvements and programming including:

Future improvements should be designed to

reduce energy consumption and be more

environmentally friendly

The lack of internet and cell reception could pose

challenges for programming and users

The park has aging facilities and limited


o Pool is built in 1971 and a retrofit

completed in 1998

o Pool House needs to have floor redone,

gutters, and other upgrades

o Pavilions need to be updated to meet

demand and offer better amenities

o Day camp needs to have storage and

place to keep food/drinks cold












Original Lazear Homestead, photo 2015

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Consultation with Greene County Commissioners and Staff On August 27, 2015, the Ground Team held a meeting with Greene County officials to explain the role of

the DCNR Ground Team, Task Force, and oversight of DCNR regional and Harrisburg personnel. The public

participation process was explained and the various methods that would be used to gather public input

were presented in detail to the County Commissioners (Archie Trader, Blair Zimmerman, and Chuck

Morris), Jeff Marshall, Chief Clerk; Jake Blaker, Greene County Recreation Department; and Lisa Snider,

Greene County Conservation District.

A general discussion was held following the project overview and concerns were heard regarding the

viability of the park without a lake and the lack of infrastructure in and around the park. Specific concerns

were mentioned regarding the lack of cell service, public water/sewerage, and poor condition of local

roads. It was noted that the popularity of Geo-Cache activities require access to internet and cell phones,

which is lacking at Ryerson Station State Park.

The Commissioners emphasized that Greene County has invested in recreational facilities and that future

improvements at Ryerson Station State Park need to avoid duplication. Greene County prepared a

Comprehensive Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan (2008) that designates the West Greene region as

appropriate for “Rural and Wilderness” recreational offerings. The plan identified travel preferences of

residents as being around 16 miles and documented the general challenge to find personnel who are

willing to work in such a rural area.

The need to focus on the children was stressed as an important issue for the county. Jake Blaker had high

praise for the County-State partnership for the Children’s Day Camp and thanked DCNR for their

partnership. He stated that kids respond well to activities allowing them to interact with the natural

environment and suggested installing an obstacle course, climbing, or rope course similar to what the

county is doing through the “UpSteam” – STEM + Arts initiative.

The popularity of fishing and hunting was mentioned as an

opportunity that DCNR should take into consideration. The

residents of Greene County are passionate about both and these

outdoor pastimes are often family traditions that are passed

down over generations. Additionally, both hunting and fishing

can support economic growth, which is needed in Greene








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Ryerson Station State Park Heritage Days Members of the Ground Team also participated in the Ryerson Station State Park Heritage Days on

September 12, 2015 in order to interact with local residents and gather input. At this community event,

DCNR staff Jeremy Rekich and Frances Stein distributed information about the project and the public


These activities helped establish a baseline of information for the Ground Team to build upon or

investigate further. Through this initial outreach, the concerns of the local community were identified but

more importantly so were ideas for future park improvements.

Ryerson Station State Park Heritage Days, 2015

Ryerson Station State Park Heritage Days, 2015

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Revision Ryerson Station Open House A dynamic public meeting was held on

September 22, 2015 at West Greene High

School. The format included a formal

presentation by DCNR explaining the findings

of the geologic study and why DCNR could not

restore Duke Lake.

The presentation was followed by an open

house staffed by DCNR professionals at five

tables focused on the following priority

improvements ideas: Pool & Spray Park

Improvements; Stream & Fishing

Opportunities; Trails & Picnic Areas; Camping

& Overnight Accommodations; and,

Programming & Environmental Education. The

importance of this project to DCNR was

demonstrated by the depth of personnel

assigned to participate in the open house with

three Bureaus from DCNR: State Parks (BSP),

Facility, Design and Construction (FDC), and

Recreation and Conservation (BRC)

represented by personnel from the following

sites and/or Divisions:

Ryerson Station State Park Raccoon Creek State Park Oil Creek State Park Jennings Environmental Education

Center Bureau of State Parks - Region 2 Office Bureau of State Parks - Resources Management Division Bureau of State Parks - Directors Office Bureau of Facility, Design and Construction - Division of Dams, Bridges and Roadways Bureau of Facility, Design and Construction - Division of Environmental Engineering and

Architecture Bureau of Recreation and Conservation - Southwest Region Office

Over 80 people participated in the public meeting providing numerous ideas for the future of the park.

Common themes at each of the visioning areas emerged and central to all improvements were suggestions

to improve accessibility, make connections between park amenities, restore the stream and provide new

Revision Ryerson Station State Park Public Meeting,


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fishing opportunities, and to improve the existing facilities. The public input revealed a strong desire to

replace the lake with other types of water features that would support fishing and wetland restoration to

support habitat improvements. New and improved trails were identified as a way to increase the use of the

park. Trails to connect to a new water feature, camping areas, and an improved swimming pool area

appeared as priority concepts supported by the public.

Summary of public meeting themes:


Restore fishing opportunities

Improve swimming area

Link areas to each other (campground to stream, picnic to play areas)

Provide more opportunities to enjoy natural setting

Offer more programming

Provide more “group gathering” areas and activities

Upgrade existing trails and provide new trails – including paved

Upgrade camping, provide other lodging opportunities

DCNR Public Meeting Facilitators, 2015

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Revision Ryerson Station Task Force November Meeting The Task Force and Ground Team met again on November 5, 2015 to review the results of the initial round

of the online survey and discuss the findings of the public meeting. Joy Ruff and Frances Stein summarized

the public participation process to date and facilitated a discussion of public input trends.

After the discussion of the public input and results to date, the Task Force requested that the Ground

Team strive for a higher level of engagement with the youth in Greene County and achieve a wider

distribution of the survey. The Ground Team agreed to contact the superintendents of the schools to

provide more information on the public survey and determine the interest to have formal presentations

made to the student body.

Task Force members overwhelming expressed concerns regarding the ongoing longwall mining activities

and its effect on water supplies. They stressed the importance of stream and floodplain restoration as a

means to improve water quality and provide fishing opportunities. DCNR staff assured the Task Force that

they would continue to investigate the issue and identify technical experts to assist in this effort.

Intergovernmental cooperation with the DEP and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission was

identified as a way to expedite restoration activities and implement best management practices.

The Task Force also raised questions about the settlement and the cost of improvements. The group

discussed aspects of the settlement, costs of projects that have occurred (i.e. sediment removal), and the

desire to have a sustainable park for the enjoyment of future generations. DCNR also provided an update

on the land donation from CONSOL and emphasized that environmental and legal due diligence was

ongoing. No property would be accepted until it is deemed safe.

Ryerson Station State Park Swimming Pool, 2006 (Source: Charlene Reinhart)

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Public Survey An online survey was developed to extend the

reach of the public participation effort. The survey

was hosted at the DCNR Ryerson Station State

Park website and promoted in a variety of ways.

The local media, the Greene County Conservation

District, Waynesburg University, Greene County

Commissioners, Friends of Ryerson Station State

Park, and other stakeholders were instrumental in

promoting the public survey and encourage people to have input into the visioning process.

The public survey was made available September 12 through October 30, 2015 with a summary of the

findings presented to the Task Force in November. The initial response of 400 surveys was determined to

be lower than desired and a decision was made to provide a second opportunity to respond to the online


The second round for the public survey began December 1 and ended December 18, 2015 during which

time a DCNR Environmental Education Regional Program Coordinator contacted all five school districts in

Greene County to promote the survey and identify interest to involve the youth in the Revision Ryerson

Station process. The effort generated just over 100 responses contributing to the final tally of 516 surveys


The first question sought to understand the use and visitation of the park by asking “How often have you

visited Ryerson Station State Park?” Reponses allowed were Never, Once, 1-5 times per year, more than 5

time per year, and many times for more than ten years. The results of the data indicate that most people

who completed the survey were frequent visitors of Ryerson Station State Park. Over 42% of people

responding indicated that

they visited the park many

times for more than ten

years. A significant number

of people have visited the

park at least once a year

(34%) with 10% of

respondents indicating that

they visit more than five

times per year.

While the survey did not

address detailed

demographic data, the














Q1: How often have you visited Ryerson Station State Park?

Never Once

One to five times per year More than five times per year

Many times for more than ten years

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survey allowed respondents to identify their place of residence. Out of the 516 surveys received, 420 (81%)

people self-identified where they live with 68% stating that they live in Greene County.

In response to the question “What is important to you during your visit to Ryerson Station State Park?” the

majority indicated that a Nature Experience, Scenery, Relaxation, and Pleasant Memories were the most

important aspects of the park. Fishing, Swimming and Meeting with Family ranked just below in the

number of people who identified these activities as most important.

There are a number of “somewhat important” responses that range from activities such as fishing or

swimming to interacting with the natural setting of the park. This suggests that planned group activities

and environmental programming would be valued by park visitors.

Dog walking


Learning about cultural heritage/history of the park


Learning about natural resources of the park



Recreational programs

Exploring new areas


Meeting family and/or friends




Pleasant memories

Nature experience



Q2: What is important to you during your visit?

very important somewhat important neither little importance not important

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Having a clean, well maintained park was by far the highest rated factor when asked “How important are

the following factors in your decision to visit Ryerson Station State Park” with over 80% of people selecting

this as a very important factor. The attraction of a state park was emphasized with 58% of the people

ranking “it is a Pennsylvania State Park” as very important closely followed by having a wilderness setting

(55%). Things to do for kids (58%), fishing (55%), and swimming (53%) were identified as very important

activities with camping (47%) and Hiking (42%) slightly lower but also ranked very important.

The number of responses that identify programs, a natural setting, and accessibility as “Somewhat

Important,” further demonstrates that planned group activities and environmental programming would be

valued by park visitors.

Q3: How important are the following factors in your decision to visit Ryerson Station State Park?

very important


little importance

not important

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The Public Survey sought to identify priority improvements by asking people what facilities were the most important to improve. Respondents were asked to rank, on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being most important and 5 being least), “What new or improved park facilities or services at Ryerson Station State Park are most important to you” for each of the following:


Swimming pool

Hiking trails


Paved walking trails everyone can use


Overnight lodging

Scenic views

New, kid-friendly, spray park

Picnic area and shelters

Sled riding and tubing

Cross-country skiing


Recreational programs

Educational programs

Guided interpretive programming (demonstrations, hikes, re-enactments)

Fishing (44%) was overwhelmingly ranked as the most important thing to improve.

Q4: What new or improved park facilities are most important (ranked 1=most, 5=least)

Most Important More Important Important Somewhat Important Slightly Important Least Important

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Upon further examination of the survey question “What new or improved park facilities or services at

Ryerson Station State Park are most important to you,” the combination of the facilities ranked as 1/Most

Important and 2/More Important reveal that, after fishing, swimming was ranked as most important to

improve. Hunting closely followed in importance along with hiking and walking trails. The close ranking of

the facilities indicate that people want opportunities to interact with each other and have activities for


Top Ten Facilities to Improve


Swimming pool


Hiking trails

Paved walking trails everyone canuseCamping

New, kid-friendly, spray park

Scenic views

Picnic area and shelters

Overnight lodging

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The question “What new or improved park facilities or services at Ryerson Station State Park are most

important to you” allowed people to select from a list of possible improvements and provide suggestions

for what they would like to have at the park. Out of the 516 surveys received, 109 responses were received

with ideas that ranged from building a water park to offering a year-around indoor recreational facility.

Not all comments identified improvements but rather reiterated the loss felt by the community as a result

of not restoring Duke Lake. Many people did however emphasize the need to replace the lake with other

fishing opportunities. The concepts of stream restoration and wetland habitat improvement were

suggested by many with a focus on bird watching and educational programs.

Group gathering and opportunities to interact with the landscape (trails, canoe, and kayak) were among

the ideas suggested most often.


Group gathering



Horse TrailsTrail


Indoor / Year Around Facility

Campground Improvements




Water Park

Bike/Canoe/Kayak Rentals

Outdoor theater

Summary of Suggested Improvements

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Student Engagement Gathering information and ideas from the next generation was an important goal for the Revision Ryerson

Station State Park public input process. At the request of the Revision Ryerson Station Task Force, DCNR

agreed to increase the effort to engage with area youth and tasked Heidi Solley, Environmental Education

Coordinator, to work with the Ground Team to achieve that goal. Heidi contacted each of the five school

districts in Greene County to ascertain their interest and availability to engage with the public involvement

process for the state park. Three school districts (Jefferson Morgan, West Greene, and Carmichaels)

accepted the invitation and agreed to have DCNR work with the students enrolled in the Envirothon


In December 2015, DCNR State Park staff presented programs to approximately 70 high school students in

the Carmichaels, Jefferson Morgan, and West Greene School Districts. State Park educators presented an

introduction to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the Bureau of State Parks and an

overview of the current status of Ryerson Station State Park as well as the process currently underway to

gather public input on the future design of the park. Additionally, the educators presented an activity from

the nationally recognized Project Learning Tree curriculum.

Students were presented with a fictional scenario focusing on the future use and development of recently

acquired land in a community. Through the activity, students worked together using decision making skills

to assess each of the proposals submitted by community stakeholders. Students discussed the positive

and negative impacts of each proposal to humans and the environment and ultimately selected a proposal

for the development of the land. Upon conclusion of the activity, students were asked to work in small

groups to create a proposal for the future design of Ryerson Station State Park. Each proposal needed to

align with the mission of the Bureau of State Parks to protect the natural, cultural, and historic resources,

provide year-round recreational activities and amenities, and consider long-term maintenance and


Each school was given the

opportunity to identify additional

activities or interaction with DCNR

and Ryerson Station State Park.

Students from Jefferson Morgan

High School toured the park with

park manager, Alan Johnson, to gain

a better understanding of the park


State Park staff returned to the

schools to hear student

presentations in February 2016. In


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all, seven presentations were given by student teams. The level of professionalism and imagination were

apparent in the level of detail with some presenting cost estimates for suggested improvements. In

combination, the students felt that the following aspects should be a focus for Ryerson Station State Park

Stream Restoration & Fishing Opportunities



Swimming, Play & Picnic Improvements

Hunting & Habitat Improvements

Education/Interpretation (plants, animals, arts)


A plan to gather input from younger students in the

West Greene School District is currently in

development and is planned for the spring of 2016.

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Revision Ryerson Station State Park: Public Input Report

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Summary of Public Input Themes

The public input process to revision Ryerson Station State Park was an ambitious public participation

process to reimagine a future for the park without Duke Lake. DCNR was deeply committed to the effort

and sought to engage with diverse audiences to identify desired uses and improvements. The ultimate

goal was to ensure that public input sets the direction and tone for park improvements. The result can be

summarized as follows:

Ryerson Station State Park is well-loved and deeply valued by residents of Greene County.

People who visit Ryerson value a rustic, rugged, wilderness experience.

People want to fish and have opportunities to hunt.

Upgrades for swimming, picnic, playgrounds, and camping are needed.

Increase access to and within the park (ADA; interact with people, wildlife, nature; connect park


New trails are desired for varied interests (Hike, Bike, Paved, Horse, ATV).

Provide more “Group Gathering” opportunities.

Continue to offer (and expand) programming - Interpretive, wildlife, cultural, history.

Provide more opportunities to actively engage with the youth.

Using the public participation process and resulting information, DCNR staff prepared a Master Concept

Plan to visually represent the public input themes, which is presented on the following page.

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Revision Ryerson Station State Park

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Revision Ryerson Master Plan Concepts

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Revision Ryerson Station State Park: Public Input Report

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Guidelines for Design, Improvements, and Programming

Future improvements to Ryerson Station State Park including facility upgrades, new facilities,

and/or programming should adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Have design and architectural elements that feature natural materials and themes.

2. Present plentiful opportunities to fish in a variety of settings and for people of differing


3. Be accessible for people of all ages and abilities.

4. Have facilities that offer unique experiences, encourage active play, connect visitors to

the natural resources, and which are sustainably designed.

5. Be traversed by trails that attract a variety of users, connect all areas of the park, and

intertwine thoughtfully with natural habitats.

6. Continue to be an affordable and attractive destination for families and for persons who

enjoy interacting with one another in group settings.

7. Enhance the park’s natural beauty through habitat improvements that attract a

diversity of wildlife and showcase native species while implementing appropriate

interpretation and educational programming.

8. Actively celebrate its rich natural, historic, and cultural legacy through design,

activities, programming, and interpretation.

9. Offer facilities that give visitors a high-quality and pleasing nature-based experience be

it – swimming or camping – with many options for play and picnic areas.

10. Provide learning opportunities and outlets for hunting and related outdoor experiences.

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Revision Ryerson Station State Park Task Force

Project Ground Team List

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Revision Ryerson Station State Park: Public Input Report

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Revision Ryerson Station State Park Task Force Jeff Anna, DCNR, Bureau of State Parks, Matt Azeles, DCNR, Bureau of State Parks Kenneth Baldwin, Gray Township, Chairman Senator Bartolotta, Camera, 46th District Tonya Black, Friends of Ryerson Station Jake Blaker, Greene County Parks & Recreation Dave Bowers, Gray Township Tim Brady, Aleppo Township Thomas A. Chess III, Richhill Township Paul Cook, Center Township Veronica Coptis, Center for Coalfield Justice Eric Davis, PA Fish & Boat Commission Edward Deter, Center Township Kenneth Dufalla, Isaac Walton League, Harry Enstrom Chapter Michael H. Dufalla, Jeremy Febinger, PA Game Commission Harry Gillispie, Friends of Ryerson Douglass E. Grim, Richhill Township John Hallas, DCNR, Bureau of State Parks Charles Hunnell John Jaskolka, DCNR, Bureau of State Parks Jeffrey Johns, DCNR, Bureau of State Parks Alan Johnson, DCNR, Bureau of State Parks, Ryerson Station Park Manager Jeremy Kelly, Greene County Planning Commission Richard King, Richhill Township Janice Koss, Gray Township

Norman and Jo Lewis, Wind Ridge Sportsman's Club David Logan, Aleppo Township Rick Lorson, PA Fish & Boat Commission Tom Mannion, Richhill Township Vol. Fire Dept. Charles Martin, Aleppo Township Robbie Matesic, Greene County Economic Development Seann P. McCollum, Center Township Elizabeth Menhart, Greene County Tourist Promotion Agency Chuck Morris, Greene County Commissioner Colleen Nelson, Freelance Writer, Community Member Jeremy Rekich, DCNR, Bureau of State Parks Lisa Snider, Greene County Conservation District Representative Pam Snyder, 50th District Nate Regotti, 50th District Albert Thomas, DCNR, Field Engineering Archie Trader, Greene County Commissioner Rebecca Trigger, Isaac Walton League, Harry Enstrom Chapter Dan Wood, Friends of Ryerson Station Pete Zapadka, Indigenous Impressions, Freelance Reporter/Photographer Blair Zimmerman, Greene County Commissioner

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Project Ground Team List

PROJECT GROUND TEAM The Project Ground Team performs the Re-Visioning Project work providing management, direction and communication coordination. This team performs in service to the Task Force and regularly reports to the Task Force updates for vetting, consensus and direction. Jeremy Rekich – DCNR Lead Frances Stein, DCNR, Internal BSP public facilitator and planning lead Alan Johnson, DCNR, Ryerson Station State Park Manager Ray Zomok, DCNR, Technical project lead Joy M. Ruff, Dawood Engineering – contracted lead public facilitator WORK GROUPS In service to the Project Ground Team, work group members will be assigned tasks/duties at specific times related to meeting type, and audience. Individual and organizational participation throughout the project is fluid. All Project Ground Team Members DCNR Technical Staff External Stakeholders Contractors and Consultants as needed Other governmental entities COMMUNICATIONS Responsible for all public messaging and communications, serve as media contact and liaison to DCNR Executive staff, receives updates from Project Ground Team. Chris Novak – DCNR Lead Tamara Peffer, DCNR, State Parks Communications Liaison