Injest or assist


Transcript of Injest or assist


What does it Mean?Here “INGEST” means taking (food, drink or any substance) into the body by swallowing it.

where as “ASSIST” means helping some one.

As the title itself suggests, our idea is about helping out the society in reducing the wastage of food.

FOOD WASTE: A global tragedyFood waste: a global tragedy

We are 7 billion people on this planet, of which 925 million are starving. Yet, we annually waste 1.3 billion tons of food which is enough to feed 3 billion people.

A Brief Description:

This Application focuses on food wastage, which is the misuse of

edible food mass that was originally intended for human consumption..

*Food wastage cripples a country’s economy to an extent that most of us are unaware.* About 20% of what we buy in urban Indiaends up being thrown away.

*So, in order to reduce this wastage and increase our economy we have come up with a idea of “Reducing the wastage of food”.

“Say no to food wastage”

Our Target User’s:

* As we want to make this idea available to every

mobile user, we want to make an individual target.

* Other target would be the party organizers , help line centers that help us in distributing the food among the poor and needy people.


▪Front end – HTML 5

▪Storage – Cloud

▪Visual studio

▪Window application

So finally I want to conclude that , let people know the importance of food and how can it change a person’s life and by this we can also increase the economy of our country . Not only NGO’S but let us make it a helpful idea for the people out there who use technology and make our nation a wealthy place.

“Eat what you taketake what you eat”

Thank you



Bvrit Hyderabad

(Department of CSE)