IND-2012-274 MVD & JHC Trust Schools -A Moment of Joy

MVDhulashia & JHC Trust Schools Drite up 4th October – 11th October 2012 A MOMENT OF JOY Ah! It was time to celebrate, time to bring joy, time to feel fresh and alive and get out of our mechanical life style for some time. Weapon for laughter and happiness had arrived, the Joy of Giving week had arrived. The management, staff and students of MVD & JHC Trust Schools decided to break the routine, take out time and give something back to the society in the form of joy & happiness. We all were on toes, racing our minds in all nooks and corners, thinking the ways to bring joy to the people at large. Prior to the actual week, discussions were held, ideas emerged and


A Moment of Joy

Transcript of IND-2012-274 MVD & JHC Trust Schools -A Moment of Joy

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MVDhulashia & JHC Trust Schools

Drite up

4th October – 11th October 2012


Ah! It was time to celebrate, time to bring joy, time to feel fresh and alive and get out of our mechanical life style for some time. Weapon for laughter and happiness had arrived, the Joy of Giving week had arrived.

The management, staff and students of MVD & JHC Trust Schools decided to break the routine, take out time and give something back to the society in the form of joy & happiness. We all were on toes, racing our minds in all nooks and corners, thinking the ways to bring joy to the people at large. Prior to the actual week, discussions were held, ideas emerged and faded away but nothing could be materialized. Then somebody spoke about orphanages and children. We all jumped at this suggestion a We wanted to reach out to those children who were deprived of even the basic necessities. We zeroed down two orphanages1. The Special home for girls &2. The Special home for boys

Now, the question arose how to help? After pondering over, we decided to donate something which they were really in

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need of and which could stay with them for a longer duration. We did not want to donate in cash, neither we wanted to take the entire donation in the form of cash. We had involved the students and they had come up with various ideas. All the ideas were too good. Ultimately we finalized two things, one to hold a market in the school and donate profit and second to collect scrap, old newspapers and magazines and sell them to raise money.

The students were divided into two groups. One group concentrated on market and other group collected scrap and old newspapers and magazines, not only from their own homes but also from their localities and school. Students purchased various items like plastic items, stationery items, eco- friendly items from wholesale market & created “Chhota Bazaar” in the school campus. They advertised through skits, banners, technology (Glogster) & using attractive taglines l& jingles like `where fun never stops’, Believing is the first step in achieving’, `A Choice of new generation Accurate & Reliable’.Chhota Bazaar included vivid zones like games, food, plastic items, stationery items, eco- friendly items. Through this project students gained profit & the same was to be donated to both the orphanages. In this process, the students got support from everybody. Even the person who bought scrap, market items, etc also donated on knowing the reason. Nobody was left behind. Everybody wanted to contribute in some or the other way

The amount collected was substantial. We had visited the orphanages before taking the students, to know their requirements. Special home for girls wanted two White Boards and the Special home for boys required 75 Bedsheets as they had recently got new mattresses and pillows made. We were

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glad to know that it was possible to fulfill both the requirements. Our faces gleamed with joy on knowing this.

On 11th October 2012, the students finally visited the orphanages. Girls visited the Special home for girls and boys visited the Special home for boys. This had been done to make everybody feel comfortable. The students were already given the details about both the places.

The staff was a little concerned about the behavior of the students. It was difficult to make out whether the students would be able to give justice to the inmates of both the orphanages. But soon the fears of the staff were overshadowed by the behavior of students. They immediately accepted the children of the orphanages and treated them as one of them. They played, danced, shook hands, enjoyed with them & enthusiastically gave them all the things which were bought for them. The entire scene was picture perfect. The inmates were beaming with joy. Their happiness knew no bounds and their faces were glowing with a new light of satisfaction. Even the inmates had presented some items for the students of school. That was a pleasant surprise for all of us. We all wanted the time to freeze and wished this joy remained forever.

Now the unhappiest moment came. Time to say goodbye and return to our cocoon. The moment was so heartfelt and touching. Nobody wanted to part. They were all holding hands and looking at the teachers with pleading eyes, continuously requesting to be there for some more time. The eyes which were gleaming with happiness a few minutes ago were now sad. All were sad at the thought of parting. The teachers really felt as if they were heartless. But it was just not possible to stay for a longer duration. We all parted with a promise to visit again.

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Somebody has rightly said,' See Children, See God '. They are so full of love and affection. For them 'deprived & privileged' are just words. For them everybody is equal. They are never bothered about the status of people. They are innocent and consider the world also innocent. We wish it could be right!!

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