Incoterms® explained for translators

Incoterms® (This lesson is mostly in English) Clase de Begoña Martínez, 28 de octubre de 2016 Creado para la asignatura de la Universidad de Murcia «(3059) TRADUCCIÓN PARA EL COMERCIO INTERNACIONAL B-A, A-B (INGLÉS) [16/17]» Con información de SOCORRO TRUJILLO, K. (2008) Aspectos textuales y terminológicos de documentos mercantiles del comercio internacional: herramientas aplicables a la formación de traductores

Transcript of Incoterms® explained for translators

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Incoterms®(This lesson is mostly in English)Clase de Begoña Martínez, 28 de octubre de 2016Creado para la asignatura de la Universidad de Murcia«(3059) TRADUCCIÓN PARA EL COMERCIO INTERNACIONAL B-A, A-B (INGLÉS) [16/17]»

Con información de SOCORRO TRUJILLO, K. (2008) Aspectos textuales y terminológicos de documentos mercantiles del comercio internacional: herramientas aplicables a la formación de traductores

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● Based in Paris● Largest business organization in the world● 130 countries ● Hundreds of thousands of companies ● 3 main activities: rule setting, dispute

resolution, and policy advocacy (lobbying).

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Incoterms®International Commercial Terms (‘Incoterms’) are

internationally recognized standard trade terms

used in sales contracts.

Official ICC site:

Definition source:

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● Tasks● Costs● Risks

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● Tasks○ Delivery

○ Paperwork

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● Costs○ Tax

○ Insurance

○ Transport

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● Risks○ What○ When○ Where

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Incoterms®● Who is responsible for the cost of transporting the

goods, including insurance, taxes and duties ● Where the goods should be picked up from and

transported to ● Who is responsible for the goods at each step during



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● Since 1923

● 8 versions

● Latest: 2010

● Others in use


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I repeat:


The CISG is.

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Convención de las

Naciones Unidas

sobre los Contratos de


Internacional de

Mercaderías (Viena,



United Nations

Convention on

Contracts for the

International Sale of

Goods (Vienna, 1980)

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Some definitions

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Incoterms® 2010: delivery

The point in the transaction where the risk of loss or damage

to the goods is transferred

from the seller to the buyer.

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Incoterms® 2010: destination

Not the same as delivery!

The place or port

to which the carriage

has been paid for by the seller.

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Incoterms® 2010: arrival

The point

named in the Incoterm®

to which carriage has been paid

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Incoterms® 2010: free

Seller has an obligation to deliver the goods to a named place for transfer to a


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Incoterms® 2010: carrier

Any person who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or to procure

the performance of transport

by rail, road, air, sea, inland waterway

or by a combination of such modes

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Incoterms® 2010: freight forwarder

A firm that makes or assists

in the making of shipping arrangements.

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Incoterms® 2010: terminal

Any place,

whether covered or not,

such as a dock, warehouse, container yard or road, rail or air cargo terminal.

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Incoterms® 2010: to clear for export

To file

Shipper’s Export Declaration

and get export permit.

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Incoterms® 2010: to clear for export

To file

Shipper’s Export Declaration

and get export permit.

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Types of Incoterms®

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XXX + place

● CIF Barcelona● FAS Cartagena● FOB Vigo

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11 types, 4 groups

of Incoterms®

● E

● F

● C

● D

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4 groups of Incoterms®

● E (1)

● F (3)

● C (4)

● D (3)

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E«Recógelo en

mi casa»


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EXWEx Works

En fábrica

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F«Se lo doy a

quien me digas»

● Free // Franco (!!)




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FCAFree Carrier

Paid up to the first carrier

Franco transportista

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Alongside Ship

Transport: paid up to port of shipment

Risk: until goods are delivered alongside

the ship

Franco al costado del buque

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FOBFree On Board

Transport: paid up to port of shipment

Risk: until goods have been loaded on board

the vessel

Franco a bordo

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C«Yo te lo mando, y luego…»

● Transporte sí

● Riesgos no





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CFRCost and Freight

Transport: paid up to port of destination

Risk: until goods are delivered alongside

the ship

Coste y flete

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Insurance and Freight

Transport: paid up up to port of destination

+INSURANCERisk: until goods have been loaded on board

the vessel



y flete

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Transport: until point named.

Ris: Until delivered to custody of the first





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CIPCarriage and

InsurancePaid To

Transport: until point named.

Ris: Until delivered to custody of the first

carrier.+ INSURANCE

Transporte y seguro

pagados hasta

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D«Yo te lo llevo

a casa»

● Costes sí

● Riesgos sí




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Goods available at a named terminal.

Entregado en terminal«Te lo dejo en la estación»

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Goods available at a named placed.

Risk: up to there, before unloading.

Entregado en un punto«Te lo acerco donde me digas, si tú lo descargas»

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All costs and risks

Entregado derechos pagados

«Te lo subo a tu casa»

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(transporte principal)

(Puerto de) destino Aduanas Descarga Comprador

Vendedor Carga Contrato de transporte

Permiso de exportación

(Puerto de) salida

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Recorrido ABEGG, B. y BENFORD, M . Communication for Business. Max Hueber Verlag, 2012, ISBN 978-3-19-002695-1

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Reparto de riesgos y gastosSEVILLA, M, MACÍAS, E. y ORTS, M.A. Traducción para el comercio internacional. Open Courseware, Universidad de Murcia,

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BibliografíaSOCORRO TRUJILLO, Karina.

Aspectos textuales y terminológicos de documentos

mercantiles del comercio internacional: herramientas aplicables a la formación de

traductores. Las Palmas: Universidad de Las Palmas de

Gran Canaria, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2008. ISBN:


Disponible en la biblioteca Antonio de Nebrija de la Universidad de Murcia (CDU:81'25: 339.5).

Puede adquirirse en:

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SEVILLA, M, MACÍAS, E. y ORTS, M.A. Traducción para el comercio internacional. Open Courseware, Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 2012.

Todo el curso es muy interesante y de acceso gratuito:

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ABEGG, Birgit y BENFORD, Michael. Communication for Business. Max Hueber Verlag, 2012. ISBN: 978-3-19-002695-1

El pack de dos libros (Communication for Business. Kurspaket: Zeitgemäße englische Handelskorrespondenz und Bürokommunikation, ISBN: 978-3191326173) con uno completo de fraseología (Satzbausteine) es muy interesante.

Por desgracia, no está (aún) en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Murcia.

Se puede comprar aquí:

➔ Fijaos bien en que sea la edición de 2012 con los INCOTERMS® nuevos.