in Christ radio



explains why some things in the Bible are the way they are

Transcript of in Christ radio

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[To The Glory Of God & Encouragement Of The Saints-]

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A Invitation to the Party of God 3 The Mindset 4 Faith Takes Sacrifice and Obedience 5 Still Keeping the Faith 6

Keeping Biblically Informed 7

What is Sin? 8

What will Happen When the lord

comes back for his Church? 9

Why did Cain Kill Abel? 10

How not be Institutionalized to this

World 13

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[To The Glory Of God & Encouragement Of The Saints-]

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An Invitation to the Party of God

Unless you Believe that the party of God, is greater than a party of the world, you will not come to God’s Par-ty.

You may say, what will be at this par-ty? Well, let's take a look at what makes a great party: They are 4 things that make a great party.

l. Food 2. Drink 3. Music 4. People

We, who have been invited to Party of God, and have accepted the invita-tion, have been given the right to in-vite others to this party.

Someone, say might ask, what kind of food is it? Is it better than the food we have right here?

The food you eat of this world, you will be hungry again in about 3 days. But to eat the food that God gives is able to feed the soul, and give us ev-erlasting life.

As it is written in Matthew chapter 4 verse 4: For a man does not live on bread alone, but every word that comes from the mouth of God.

And as it is also written in John chap-ter 6 verse 35: then Jesus said" I am the bread of life", he becomes to me will never go hungry, and he Who believes in me will never be thirsty.

But you may say ok, what about the drink? Whatever you drink of this world, can only satisfy the physical body, you’ll be thirsty again and you might have a hangover if you are talk-ing about alcoholic beverages or wine.

But the drink that God gives is able to give your soul eternal life, as it is written in Matthew chapter 26 vers-es 26-29.

As you see party of God, is better than a party of the world. You may ask yourself how so? Be-cause the party of God has better items in his party than that of the world, the party of God deals with a person’s soul and give them eternal life. The party the world only deals with the physical body and material things of this world.

The party of the world has no hope and no promises after one have died. And only guesses as to what's on the other side of death. But we, who have been invited to the party of God, have better prom-ises by God through His Son Jesus Christ.

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[To The Glory Of God & Encouragement Of The Saints-]

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Oh yeah, we didn't forget about the music. The music that God has is Christian and Gospel, that sings about the hope, the peace, the love, and the joy we have in God.

But the music of the world sings about getting money, having sex, and doing drugs. This is the music that is without hope in the world.

So you see, unless you believe that the party of God, is better than that of the world, you will not come, and then your sins shall remain on the books that’s written in Rev. Ch.20 verse 12. Because you’re refusing to accept God's invitation.

And believe that Jesus was raised from the dead by God. Unless you ac-cepts the sacrifice that God has for the sins of the world.

You can’t have fellowship with God without accepting his son. This is what is meant by; whoever has the son has the father also. And we know that, Christ has life in him, and has given that same life to be in us who also believe.

This is why we give out this invitation to you, that you will also believe, and have life in you, as we have in us. Those who don’t believe will not have eternal life, and this life the Father has, he put in his Son.

This life does not come by religion, our trying to be good on your own to win God’s favor. But the Forgiveness

of God, and Right Standing with God comes by accepting the truth about Jesus, that he was sent by God from heaven to die on the cross for the ours sins and on the third day God raised him from the grave.

Showing us that he has Victory over Death and the Grave. And now has died once on the cross for our sins.

Now since God has raised him from the grave, he has a never ending life, never to die again and enter heaven into the temple of God with his own blood, to purchase Salvation of Man-kind, the forgiveness of sin, because without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of Sin. Because Jesus used his own blood to obtain the sal-vation of man.

And seeing that man’s blood was tainted with sin, from the fall of Ad-am, there needed to be someone who’s blood that was not affected with sin, and yet have the title as son of God as Adam had. Makin Jesus the Last Adam, Both Son of Man and Son of God, making the connection complete.


When does a man or woman have a

chance to change their life on this

earth? When they’re living or when

their dead? When they are living of

course. Which make Living it so

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Because the chance to change your

life is Now, while you’re living, not

when you’re dead. Because when

you’re dead there NO CHANCE to

come back to this world and do it

over again once you’re gone.

In Luke 16:19 Jesus says “there was

a certain rich man, who was dresses

in purple and fine linen and lived in

luxury every day. At his gate was laid

a beggar named Lazarus, covered

with sores and longing to eat what

fell from the rich man's table. Even

the dogs had mercy on him and came

and licked his sores.

In Luke 16:22 the time came when

the beggar died and the angels

carried him to Abraham's side. The

rich man also died and was buried.

In Luke 16:23 the rich man was in hell

where he was in torment, he looked

up and saw Abraham far away with

Lazarus by his side. In verse 24 He

called to father Abraham and asked

him to have pity on me and send

Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in

water and cool my tongue, because I

am in agony in this fire.

In verse 26, Abraham says "and

besides all this, between us and you a

Great CHASM Fixed, so that those

who want to go from here to you


OVER from there to us."

So if you are committing a crime, and

the police arrive on the scene and

you get into a shoot-out with the

police, and you are shooting back at

them, and you are shot and you die.

You have eliminated the chance to

change your life, and therefore are

you STUCK with the MINDSET you

have at the time you die. For All

Eternity with NO CHANCE TO


Which makes the Choices you make

in your Life is Very Important because

it effects your Eternity.

You Can Choose Everlasting Life with

Jesus Or Everlasting Death with


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[To The Glory Of God & Encouragement Of The Saints-]

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Faith Takes Sacrifice and Obedience

Abraham is the Father of faith when

it comes to how to trust God.

When looking at Abraham, I see in

order to walk by faith it takes

Sacrifice and Obedience. God who

promised Abraham a Son and

promised to make him a father of

many nations, asked Abraham to

sacrifice his son.

When they was going up to the

mountain, Isaac said" where is the

lamb for a burnt offering? And

Abraham said "My son, God will

provide himself a lamb for a Burnt

offering. Genesis 22:7, 8

We believers who are still looking for

Jobs must believe that the lord will

provide our needs. But it also

requires a sacrifice of trusting God in

maybe taking a lower wage job.

Having faith, that in due time God will

restore your income, and increase

your income all the more, as we walk

in obedience.

Because Obedience doesn't require

that you understand what's going on,

only that you Obey. And then you will

see the miracles of God. Believe me;

God knows where all the money is. As

Jesus who told peter to cast out a line

and the first fish you catch, open his

mouth and you will see a gold coin.

Give it to the tax collector for both of


So for those who think that God will

provide you an opportunity without

sacrifice and obedience are wrong.

We must believe that whatever we

give up, that god is able to increase

all the more. I.e. a few little fish, 7

pieces of bread Jesus was able to

feed 4,000 people. Mat 15:34-39,

Mark 8:4-9.

Still Keeping the Faith

This is for the people that believe

that there is a God, in order to

understand what I'm saying.

When you believe that there a God,

then you also believe that he sent his

son, Jesus Christ, that went about

doing good, healing the sick,

preaching the gospel without charge,

casting out demons and unclean

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spirits, bringing those who died back

to life. And this he did BEFORE he

went to the cross to die for OUR SINS.

So how much more now is he

thought worthy to be praised who

has obtained The Salvation of Man by

The Death on the Cross. And by

obtaining victory, by God raising Him

from the dead. Jesus conquered

Death by being obedient to God. This

plan was revealed to us in Genesis


When he said "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed. IT SHALL BRUISE THY HEAD and thou shall bruise his heel". That 'IT' was the promise of a SAVIOR to Come to Straighten out the Mess the Adam had made.

And this is Jesus Christ known as the Last Adam found in 1 Cor 15:45.

Giving us a new hope in God. Seeing

that God that raised Jesus from the

dead, he promises to raise Us Too.

Because of what Jesus Christ Has

Done. By dying on the cross for our

sins. So we see that all who believe in

Jesus has their sins forgiven and

Everlasting Life.

So now we that believe have the

Promise of a Comforter - THE HOLY

SPIRIT, sent down from heaven to all

those who believe. It’s the HOLY

SPIRIT that gives us the Power to Live,

Pray, and to Love One Another as we

should, Notwithstanding He also

came down with GIFTS to Help the

Whole Body of Believers. - AMEN

Keeping Biblically Informed

Insight into the 2nd Resurrection

One of the things that are currently

believed among many Christians is

that once an unbeliever dies, they go

to hell and wait for the Great White

Throne Judgment. But this is not the

case at all. Consider that everyone

from Adam until the last person that

will die on this earth has never seen

the Physical Kingdom of Jesus Christ,

Reign on this earth. So this is what it

means when you read that "And the

dead lived not again until the

thousand years was finished. This is

talking about the Second

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Resurrection of the Unjust or they

that did not accept Jesus Christ as

their Savior to take away their Sins.

Jesus will raise the unbelievers from

the dead also, as it is written" John

5:29 & Dan 12:2 and shall come forth;

they that have done good unto the

resurrection of life; and they that

have done evil; unto the resurrection

of damnation

So without Jesus taking away your

sin, your sins remain with you. And if

yours sins remain, you cannot go to

heaven, because of your refusal to

have yours sins remove.

In Rev.20:6 Says Blessed and holy is

he that has part in the First

Resurrection: on such the second

death has no power, but they shall be

priest of GOD and of Christ, and shall

reign with him a thousand years.

And when the thousand years

expired, the evil people will be raised

from the dead, and Satan shall be

loosed out of his prison, Verse 8 says

and shall go out to deceive the

nations that in the four quarters of

the earth, Gog an Magog, to gather

them together to battle; the number

of whom is as the sand of the sea.

This is to show all the evil unbelieving

people, that refused to accepted

Jesus Christ as Lord, that his kingdom

really exist PHYSICALY and has been

in operation for 1000 years before

they was raised from the dead.

But because their stuck in there

Unbelieving Mindset, when Satan

goes to deceive them about trying to

overthrow JESUS CHRIST kingdom on

earth, they go for it. And they

surround the camp of the saints, and

the beloved city. And are destroyed

by Fire coming down from GOD out

of heaven.

What is Sin?

What is sin? Sin is a spiritual disease

that affects the soul of a person. In

Romans Ch. 6 verse 23 Says” For the

wages of sin is death” As we see

here, this is not talking about physical

death. In Revelations Ch. 2 verse 11

Says “He that overcomes will not be

hurt at all by the second death.

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[To The Glory Of God & Encouragement Of The Saints-]

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So we see that in the bible, we have

knowledge of a second death. But

you may ask, what is this second


By going to Revelations Ch.21 Verse 8

says that” the fearful and unbeliev-

ing, and abominable, and murderers,

and whoremongers, and sorcerers,

and idolaters, and all liars, shall have

their part in the lake which burns

with fire and brimstone’: Which is the

SECOND DEATH. Revelations Ch 20.

Verse 14 Says “Death and Hell was

cast into the lake of fire. This is the

Second Death”. So this is that death

that is talked about in Romans Ch. 6

verse 23. Now Check out Rev.Ch 20

verse which says who so ever was not

found written in the book of life was

cast into the Lake Of Fire. So the

question is how does a person avoid

this? Seeing that it is sin that sepa-

rates us from God, we can have are

sins taken away from us by Jesus

Christ “THE SON OF GOD” this what

the Good News or better Know as the

Gospel is all about.

By believing in the name of Jesus

which means “SAVIOR. And by taking

our Place and Punishment on the

Cross, he provides the way where we

now have fellowship with God, by

what Jesus Christ has done. Because

the fall of man came by Adam and

eve’s disobedience. Let’s Look at Ro-

mans Ch. 5 verse 12 which reads

“wherefore, as by one man sin en-

tered into the world, and death by

sin; and so death passed upon all

men, for that all have sinned. Just like

HIV is a physical disease that kills the

physical body. So sin is a spiritual dis-

ease the separates the soul of a man

from God.

What will Happen When the lord

comes back for his Church

One of the things you have to think

about is, back in 1978, whenever the

electricity went out, our phones were

not affected, and they continued to

work. But this is not the case now.

Everything depends on electricity

now. Television, cell phones, and all

communication devices depend on

electricity. So you can see that when

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[To The Glory Of God & Encouragement Of The Saints-]

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the sky is rolled back like a scroll and

the Lord comes back, and the Power

of his Glory and the Brightness of his

Coming will cause even the stars in

the sky to fall to the ground. And

were created to be there. This is

found in Isaiah 34.4 & Mat25.29 &

Rev 6.14. So you can see that any-

thing that is not naturally made to be

in outer space will fall to the ground

also – Ex. Satellites, Space stations.

So the brightness of Jesus Glory and

Power will create the most powerful

electro-magnetic pulse that will

knock out all electricity based devices

in the World. There will be no elec-

tronic communication in the world at

all. The world as we know it will be in

total darkness, the only thing that will

be shining, will be the Brightness of

the Lords Glory. Any planes that will

be in the air at that time will not have

any power to land the plane properly,

so they will crash to the ground or in

the sea. All this is according to Isaiah

34.4 & Mat 24.29-31 & Rev 6.12-17.

And this why you will not find any nu-

clear or atomic weapons used at this

time because you need electricity for

them to work, which will not be


This thing will be such a frightening

event that the rulers of this world will

ask the rocks to fall on them and hide

us from the face of him that sits on

the throne and the Wrath of the

Lamb. Notice how Mat25.29, 30 &

Rev 6.12-17 are saying the same


You have to understand that if you

see this, you will think that the wrath

of God has come, if your sins haven’t

been forgiven by Jesus. But notice in

chapter 7 of Revelations that it does

not say the lord did any type of pun-

ishment or judgment. But only came

to seal the 144,000 people on their

foreheads. Asking the angels that

were there, to hold the four winds of

the earth. And not to hurt the earth,

sea or trees until they sealed the

144,000 Jews. 12,000 in each tribe

times 12 tribes.

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[To The Glory Of God & Encouragement Of The Saints-]

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Why Did Cain Kill Abel?

Because it’s written in Gen.4:2 Abel

was a keeper of sheep and Cain was a

tiller of ground. Verse 3 says” And in

the process of time: it came to pass

that Cain brought of the fruit of the

ground to the Lord. Verse 4 says Abel

brought of the first born of his flock

and of the fat of his flock. And the

Lord had respected Abel and his of-

fering. But to Cain and his Offering he

had not respect and Cain was very

angry. And his countenance fell.

Why did God not have respect for

Cain’s offering? Because it is in verse


So you have to ask yourself, how long

does it takes to plant? And reap

about 6 to 7 months. And how long

does it take to raise the first born to

full age, a lot of years. So what was

Cain doing with his entire crop all

those years?

As we see Cain did not give God his

first fruit as Abel did. In Heb.11.4 it

says “Buy faith Abel offered unto God

a more excellent sacrifice than Cain,

by which he obtained witness that he

was righteous, God testifying that of

his gifts.

Now because in Genesis 3.15 when

God said “I will put enmity between

your seed and the woman and be-

tween thy seed and her seed IT


shall bruise thy heel. Now that “IT”

was the prophecy of a man coming to

defeat Satan. And Satan did not know

who it was or when he was to come.

So he waited until anyone God

showed favor too. And thought he

might be the one that might bring his

defeat, so he told Cain to kill Abel.

Thinking if he’s dead he can’t bring

about his defeat. And so it’s been like

that ever since, anyone God shows

favor too Satan tries to kill thinking

he might be the one. He tried to do it

with Moses, and with Jesus. 1john

3:12 says not as Cain, who was of the

evil one, and murdered his brother.

And why did he murder him? Because

his own actions were evil, and his

brother’s were righteous.

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[To The Glory Of God & Encouragement Of The Saints-]

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Why Having Sex Without Being Mar-ried Is Dangerous - i.e. (fornication)

When you start to look into the

words of the bible, that pertain to

this subject, we start to see that

marriage was ordained of God,

Scriptures like Mat. 19:5, 6 where it








other scriptures like Mark. 10:8, 9 says

the same thing.

Now take in consideration Mary

called Magdalene in Luke 8.2 from

whom Jesus cast out 7 demons, what

a lot of people don't know, is this:

If a person has unprotected sex, they

can contract a sexual transmitted

disease. Even if you are wearing a

condom, there is No Protection

against Spiritual Transmitted

Disease. This is why it is so

dangerous, because this is meant in

the bible as two shall become one.

If sexual disease can be transmitted

physically, then how much more


So if a person has an unclean Spirit in

them or a demon, and they have

protected sex, it does not stop the

unclean spirit from entering in them.

This is the warning that goes out in 1

Cor 6:16, 17, and 18.

This is what you are starting to see

much more of, these days, with

domestic violence. And people are

just having sex, without getting

married, thinking they can have the

same blessing that come from God

with marriage.

So now you see a lot of Woman our

not getting married but having sex

with men that come out from prison.

Not knowing that, the men may have

been having sex with other men

while in prison, Even though you get

him medically checked out, and he

doesn't have any physical diseases,

that doesn't mean he may not have

an unclean spirit in him. A lot of Men

& Women are finding out the hard

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way and some have even lost their

lives and found out too late.

This is why just having protected sex

is Very DANGEREOUS; this is why you

see a lot of people wanting to

commit suicide, because after having

sex with many partners they

exchange a lot of unclean sprits or

even Demons in them. This is why

they hear voices in their heads

because the Demons or Unclean

Spirits or talking telling them to kill

themselves or hurt other people and

if they don’t do as they command,

they will kill them.

So the people that have these spirits

in them, may have heard about the

Good News about Jesus dying for

theirs sin on the Cross, and being

raised from the dead, so that who so

ever believes that God Raised him

from the dead, Doesn’t have to fear

death. But God will Raised them also.

So the unclean spirits and or

demons knows this, and try to get

them to kill their selves before they

understand about GOD's




NEW BODIES. 1 COR 15: 12 - 58.

How not to be Institutionalized to

this World

Just like an inmate in prison after

being in prison so long, is institution-

alized and has adjusted his life, to the

prison life which he or she is in. And

has great fear about coming out of

prison, fearing they would not be

able to adjust to the outside world.

Using that example, we who believe

in God must not become institution-

alized to this world, seeing that the

god of this world is Satan. We must

believe that we have a better life out-

side of this world waiting on us. For

we walk by faith not by sight. And we

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do wait for the defeat of Satan, when

Michael and his angels shall defeat

him with the war that takes place in

heaven. And he shall be cast down to

the earth, never again to have access

to heaven any longer.

Found in Revelation chapter 12 verse

7 & 8. So I am writing, to friends and

family. I myself, that have been a cor-

rectional officer for 11 years have

watched inmates as they get ready to

leave the prison, how happy and ex-

cited they are because they know

without a shadow of a doubt they're

going to a better place than where

they are at now.


So I say, we who believe should have

the same attitude, knowing that we

are prisoners here on earth, and that

this is not are home. This is found in

Hebrews chapter 11 verses 13 to 16. I

am looking forward to going home

where I belong. That we should not

be institutionalized to this world, but

we are free to leave this world after

are work is finished, and go home to

be with Christ in heaven.

Knowing that heaven is not the final

stop. But we look forward to a New

Heaven and Earth where we shall

dwell forever. As I walk this life, this is

what I found out and pass it on to

you that there is a God, and he has a

son, Jesus Christ that was sent forth

from heaven to fix the fall of man,

that Adam created.

And by believing in Jesus Christ, we

have right standing with God. And

the forgiveness of sins by what Jesus

Christ did on the cross. It was Jesus

who took his own blood to heaven

and satisfied God with his sacrifice.

Because as it is written, without the

shedding of blood there is no for-

giveness of sin. Found in Hebrews

chapter 9 verses 22. And mankind

cannot use his own blood, because it

is contaminated with Sin. And is un-

acceptable to God. And now to give

you a little insight, the angels were

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created before man was created. And

they got see the glory of God every

day. So Satan who was created as

Angel, found in Ezekiel 28 verse 13.

Got the third of the angels to go

against God. They are without excuse

because they seen God's glory every-

day they was there. This is why; you

will never see or read in the bible the

trial of Satan.

Because he has already been judged.

So God kicked him out of heaven.

And God decided to create man in his

own image, it in his likeness. So he

decided to give man dominion over

the earth he created. This is found in

Genesis chapter 1 verse 26. So Satan

who tried to overthrow God in heav-

en, and was kicked out of heaven by

God. Satan got jealous of what God

was doing with man and seen that

God gave man dominion of every-

thing he created.

So Satan decided he wanted that

Dominion for his self. And he told the

first lie and trick Adam and Eve into

disobeying what God said not to do.

Eating the fruit of the tree of

knowledge of good and evil, there-

fore getting Adams Dominion by for-

feit. By reason of disobedience,

therefore causing the fall of man and

the physical and spiritual death of

man. Because when God created an-

gels he gave them the ability to live

forever and never die. So when Satan

said "its nothing you can do to me,

you can't kill me", because I live just

like you live. But he was wrong. God

created the lake of fire, for the devil

and his angels. And for all those who

are deceived and follow him. This is

found in Matthew chapter 25 verse


Even when Satan took Jesus Christ to

show him the kingdoms of the world,

he told him in Luke chapter 4 verse 6,

all power well I give you and the glory

of them, for it was delivered to me

and to who I choose to give it to.

If you will worship me, all shall be

yours. But Jesus said no to him, that

the God in heaven is the only One we

should serve. And Satan who is the

god of this world found in second Co-

rinthians chapter 4 verse 4. Has

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[To The Glory Of God & Encouragement Of The Saints-]

16 | P a g e – I n C h r i s t R a d i o M a g a z i n e – i c 3 6 0 . l i s t e n 2 m y r a d i o . c o m

blinded the minds of them which be-

lieve not, in case the light of the Glo-

rious Gospel of Christ, who is the im-

age of God, should shine on them.

So you see, this world here is a prison

and Satan is the warden. He doesn't

own the prison; he's just the warden

of those who do not believe. To those

who believe in God and His Son Jesus

Christ, should belonging to be re-

leased, waiting to come home after

our work is finished and we have

completed even as other believers

have. And even as the Holy Spirit says

blessed is he that die in the Lord from

now on and his works to follow him.

– Amen Blessing and Glory be to Our

God Forever.